Cool Persuasive Essay Topics
Cool Persuasive Essay Topics
Cool Persuasive Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Cool Persuasive Essay Topics" can be both challenging and
rewarding. On one hand, the abundance of potential topics may seem enticing, offering a wide range
of choices. However, the difficulty lies in selecting a topic that not only captures the interest of the
audience but also allows for a compelling and persuasive argument.
Firstly, the challenge arises in finding a unique and engaging angle within the broad category of
"cool persuasive essay topics." With numerous possibilities, it requires careful consideration to choose
a subject that hasn't been overdone or lacks novelty. The goal is to present a fresh perspective that
intrigues readers and motivates them to delve into the content.
Moreover, crafting a persuasive essay involves thorough research to build a strong argument. This
process requires sourcing credible and relevant information to support the chosen topic. Juggling
between finding the right balance of facts and incorporating personal opinions can be intricate, as it
demands a nuanced approach to maintain objectivity while persuading the audience.
The writing process itself can be demanding, necessitating effective organization and structure.
Ensuring a logical flow of ideas, constructing a clear thesis statement, and seamlessly transitioning
between paragraphs are crucial aspects of producing a coherent and persuasive essay. Striking the
right balance between providing evidence and making a compelling case can be a delicate task.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Cool Persuasive Essay Topics" presents exciting
possibilities, it also entails navigating challenges such as topic selection, research, and effective
composition. It demands a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and persuasive skills to create an
essay that stands out. For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring a variety of topics,
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Cool Persuasive Essay TopicsCool Persuasive Essay Topics
Friday Night Lights Book Report
H.G. Bissinger tells the story of the obsessive town of Odessa, Texas in his book,
Friday Night Lights. This town has a toxic obsession with high school football and
wastes away life until Friday nights. The expectations held for the athletes of Odessa are
suicidal and the preparation for life outside of high schoolis almost non existent. The
town of Mount Vernon, Iowa also lives for Friday nights, however they have a healthy
balance between these exciting events and ordinary life. Mount Vernon athletes are held
to reasonable standards and are thoroughly being prepared for a successful future. The
town of Odessa is an insane town with twisted ideas that only focus on winning football
games, rather than preparing its young for a successful... Show more content on ...
The football field is always filled on Friday nights however, unlike Odessa any other
day could be just as exciting. Almost every month, one can visit small festivals or
events. These events bring the community together and keeps the town lively unlike
the dead town of Odessa on any other day. The people of Mount Vernon express
themselves in various things such as, art and antique festivals, weekly band concerts in
the summer, and an annual town festival. Mount Vernon also has a lot to be proud
about such as, all of the state championships from every sport, the historic buildings,
and a strong sense of community spirit. Everybody know everybody and tends to lend a
helping hand when needed. If football was taken away from them, they would be
perfectly fine because they have a balance between football and other aspects of
A Post-Apocalyptic Era in The Maze Runner
SETTING The Maze Runner is taken place in the post apocalyptic era. The characters
are in the middle of a massive maze. The shelter in the middle is called the Glade.
The Maze Runner is about a boy named Thomas who is brought to a place called the
Glade. He arrives there in a big elevator that they call the Box. Thomas has no memory
about how he got in the Box or who he is. The only thing he knows is his name. When
he gets out of the Box he is greeted by a group of about 50 teenage boys called the
Gladers. He is overwhelmed with all the new information about the society. The Glade is
a settlement in the middle of a huge maze. No one knows how they got there and why
they are there. Every week the creators send a supply of food, and every month they
send a new boy to the Glade. In the maze, there are gross creatures with spikes called
Grievers. If stung by a Griever, you can remember things about the past. But before you
can remember the past, you will go through an extremely painful experience called the
Changing. Every night, the gates close, keeping the Gladers safe from the Grievers at
night. Randall 2 They day after Thomas arrives, a girl is sent saying that she is the last
one, and then she goes unconscious. He feels a connection between him and the girl,
but doesn t know how. Shortly after his arrival he grows close to a younger boy called
Chuck and an older boy called Newt. They both tell Thomas how the Glade is run and
about all the
My Decision For Graduate School
Personal Position I feel that my decision do graduate school was one of the first
decisions that was guided by prayer. The majority of my decisions since graduating
from Longwood University have been based on circumstances. When I graduated I
decided not to move back home but to stay in the small town. My parents informed me
that they would no long pay for anything and I needed to find a job to pay my bills. I
graduated with a degree in therapeutic recreation. I began by applying to anywhere that
had a position open regardless of if I wanted to work there or not. All of my experience
was in parks and recreation. I knew that I did not want to work in psych, and with the
elderly. However I applied to many behavioral health hospitals and retirement homes.
The first place to off me a job was Poplar Springs Behavioral Health Hospital, which
was a locked psych hospital. It was not something I wanted, however it was what I
needed. I took the job figuring I would hate it, turned out I absolutely love mental
health and behavioral health. After almost two years of work at Poplar Springs and
driving an hour and a half to work each day my fiancé and I through it would be best to
move closer to my family in Northern Virginia where there are better opportunities for
jobs and jobs closer to our home. We moved before I turned 26, which is when I would
be kicked off of my parent s health insurance. I wanted a job at a hospital with teens.
Again I needed a job so that I would have health
Essay On Mansfield Park
The novel Mansfield Park is a record of the growth of Fanny Price and her personality
that is shaped by a house Mansfield Park. The structure of Mansfield Park is severely
built round the contrast between the girl s education and its consequences. The career of
the heroine Fanny defines a growth in awareness that is capable of ensuring her self
actualisation. Fanny Price not only takes in the impressions of Mansfield Park but also
assimilates them into her consciousness. The novel shows her development from
immaturity to maturity. This paper focuses on the ordination of Fanny, expansion of her
consciousness and the subtle interplay of three aspects of Fanny s development.
Key Words: self actualisation, consciousness, ordination, personality. ... Show more
content on ...
This is what forms the central dilemma. Fanny is the heroine, but her fate depends on
Mary Crawford, hating the office and status of Clergyman. The novel was published
in 1814 and its impulse is not to forgive but to condemn. Its praise is not for social
freedom but for social status. Fanny Price is overtly virtuous and consciously
virtuous. Mary Crawford is the antithesis of any Fanny Price and she is conceived to
win the admiration of almost any reader. The strange and perverse rejection of Mary
Crawford s vitality in favour of Fanny s debility lies at the very heart of the novel s
intention. Fanny is a Christian heroine: it is therefore not inappropriate that the issue
between her and Mary Crawford should be concentrated in the debate over whether or
not Edmund Bertram shall become a clergyman. Fanny sees the church as a career that
claims a man s best manly energies but for Mary, ordination is a surrender of manhood.
In the 19th century England the ideal of professional commitment inherits a large part of
the moral prestige of the ideal of the gentleman. Humility is obviously an appropriate
virtue for the Christian heroine, but equally important in Jane Austen s canon is, as
always, the impulse towards
Bolshevik American Revolution
(pg. 457) The Bolsheviks had complete control of the revolution. They left the army in
control of the alcohol, and they got drunk. Later, the army men sold liquor to civilians,
and the civilians destroyed the community. Gorkii noted that the violence was not about a
revolt, instead it was more like wild animals taking over.
(pg. 458) Gorkii realized that violence was taking over and the children were making
fun of people getting killed. What are we teaching the children who will be in control of
our future? The Bolsheviks used violence to get rid of the troubled minority.
(pg. 459) The Bolsheviks used violence as a main priority to solve problems. The never
thought about the financial damage that it caused. In the 20th century, the nonviolent ...
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466) The Basques was saluted by Adams because they were becoming peaceful and
nonviolent. Basques became independent and they were no longer united. The military
did not want to cooperate with the Spanish state. They stopped being leaders of a
wonderful cause and became enemies of people who wanted a stabilized society. People
who lived by the sword, died by the sword.
(pg. 467) The Bolsheviks used violence as a cleansing ritual. Death should not be feared
and murdering is considered a sport and a source of power.
(pg. 468) In 1949, Chelvanayakam decided to use Gandhi s nonviolent approach as a
promise to the Tamils, and he expected nothing else. After twenty years, violence was in
complete control in Sri Lanka and the promise never took place. Violence became a
culture and it was impossible to have political order. Violence can discourage or weaken
the antagonist, but is inefficient in grasping on to its agenda. Shooting your way to
power may destroy the old order, but you cannot free your people until they give you
their consent (Ackerman Duvall, 2000:
An Exploration of the Malay Kompang
Name: Chan Tsui Sze Dora
Matriculation Number: U1210644K
Seminar Group Time: 1330 1530
Seminar Group Instructor: Cikgu Zubir
Assignment: Research Paper in Malay Music
Date: 10 April 2013
Word Count: 2245
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Kompang3 1.1 Features of the Kompang4 1.2 Features
of Kompang Music4 1.3 Performance Context6
Chapter 2: Influences on the Malay Kompang 7 2.1 Arabic Influences7 2.2 Portuguese
Influences9 2.3 Thai Influences11 2.4 African Influences12
Chapter 3: Future Changes in the Malay Kompang14
3.1 Pop and Media Influences14
3.2 Western Influences15
Chapter 4: Conclusion ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, there are even more types of Pukulan found in various forms of dance
music (Abdullah, 2005). A summary of the different Pukulan specific to the Kompang
Ezhar community is shown in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1: A summary of the various types of Pukulan found in the Kompang Ezhar
(Abdullah, 2005)
In the Singaporean context, the Malay Kompang is usually seen performed at weddings
and celebratory ceremonies, or at traditional showcases. As the Kompang is usually
performed in large, open spaces, it
The European Convention On Human Rights
With a number of recent high profile court rulings and a major new Regulation in the
works, data privacy has become a cause célèbre within the European Union (EU). The
size and connectivity of the European market means that shifts in its regulatory
framework ripple with major consequences for global business. The EU s latest attempts
to legislate in this area are a consequence of shortcomings in the design and
implementation of the existing system of data collection, retention and safeguarding.
While the existing system was designed to protect the private sphere from state intrusion,
it ultimately created a system that punishes business.
After World War Two, the protection of individual rights became a central pillar of the...
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Measures intended for the protection of privacy morphed into a lever against the private
sector in tax compliance and foreign investment.
Impact of Enforcement and Harmonization
The 1995 Directive gave the EU institutions considerable power over the Member States.
Every Member State was required to create a Data Protection Authority (DPA) to monitor
compliance with data protection legislation. The DPAs enjoy extended access to a large
part of business information, handle claims from customers or agencies, and initiate legal
action against non compliance.
While this may increase consumer feelings of security relative to businesses, it comes at
the cost of privacy relative to the government. Financial institutions face a heavy set of
regulations to fully comply with the Directive. International monetary transfers from the
EU are covered under the Directive in Article 25 since such transfers concern EU
citizens data. These transfers are specially scrutinized because of privacy concerns in
other countries. However, many Member States, worried about the economic effects of
creating obstacles for foreign companies, allow the transfers to occur even when they
suspect a violation. While some transfers require only the consent of the individual
whose data is being transferred, others must be part of approved Standard Contractual
Clauses or require