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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

Perspectives of dielectric and A.C. conductivity

behavior of MWCNT and graphene‑doped
amorphous Selenium thin films
Sachin Kumar Yadav1, S. S. Fouad2, H. E. Atyia2, and N. Mehta1,*

Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt

Received: 28 August 2023 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 19 December 2023 In the current study, we have focused on the dielectric and A.C. conductivity
behavior in thin films of Se:Graphene and Se:MWCNTs nanocomposite samples
© The Author(s), under by doping graphene and MWCNT in g-Se. The thin films of aforesaid nano-
exclusive licence to Springer composites have been prepared by physical vapor deposition. The well-known
Science+Business Media, LLC, Meyer–Neldel rule and Jonscher’s Universal power law have been employed to
part of Springer Nature, 2024 investigate the variation of A.C. conductivity with frequency and temperature.
The strong dependence of conductivity over temperature is described using a
model that is applied for correlated barrier hopping (CBH) in Se:MWCNTs thin
films. However, the non-overlapping small polaron tunneling (NSPT) model is
found to be applicable for Se:Graphene thin film. The activation energy for the
nanocomposite thin films was evaluated from the Arrhenius plot. The random
free energy barrier hopping model explains the system’s ac conductivity (σac). In
our study, we observed the Meyer–Neldel rule (MNR) as well as reverse MNR
for Se:Graphene and Se:MWCNTs nanocomposite thin films, respectively. The
investigation of dielectric loss confirms that the theory of Guintini regarding
dielectric dispersion applies to our samples.

1 Introduction low loss tangent values simultaneously because of the

interfacial polarization. Due to the buildup of charge
Since their discovery, synthetic allotropic forms of carriers at the interface between filler and polymer,
carbon nanofillers, carbon nanotubes [CNTs], and gra- the MWS process takes place at the interface between
phene-doped dielectric thin films have attracted and substances with varying values of permittivity and
inspired physicists due to their conductive properties, conductivity [4]. Therefore, the interface relationship
capability of energy storage, and applications in wear- between the fillers and the matrix of polymers can
able electronic devices [1–3]. However, carbon nanofill- be adjusted with the aid of chemical alteration of the
ers are flexible and lightweight, but it is challenging to filler content for producing composites that have mini-
obtain high dielectric permittivity while maintaining mal dielectric losses and high permittivity. This will

Address correspondence to E-mail: dr_neeraj_mehta@yahoo.co.in


173 Page 2 of 16 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

prevent MWS polarization and regulate the dielec- in ­AgAsS2 (CNT-AgAsS2) glass composite prepared
tric constant. Recent years have witnessed extensive by the melt-quench technique and reported a signifi-
research of amorphous chalcogenides (Se, Te) to inves- cant increase in ionic conductivity. The augment in
tigate their structure, thermodynamics, and dielectric ionic conductivity is attributable to a reduction in
relaxation behavior due to their unique optoelectron- the potential barrier of the glass network for ­Ag+ ion
ics and photoconductive properties as the candidates transport. Poh et al. [17] studied the dielectric prop-
to build other functional materials such as CdSe [5] erties of MWCNT-added epoxy thin-film composites
and ­CuInSexS2-x [6] for solar cells, xerography, and and observed that both dielectric constant and spe-
phase change memory (PCM) applications [7]. Se- cific capacitance are increased drastically after the
rich chalcogenides which consist of polymeric chains addition of MWCNTs. Some researchers reported the
of Se doped with allotropes of carbon (CNT, graphene, enhancement in conductivity in CuSeGeIn glasses
and fullerenes) possess (i) a huge and precise surface after CNT doping [18]. Abazine et al. noticed the dis-
area with a high value of the aspect ratio for chemical persion in electrical conductivity while studying the
treatment and (ii) delocalized electron system leads to frequency-dependent electrical conductivity of CNT-
outstanding electronic and thermal properties [8, 9]. added polyester composites as a function of the filler
The main effort of the incorporation of the additive in concentration of CNTs [19]. The dielectric behavior of
amorphous chalcogenides (a-Chs) such as g-Se is to MWCNTs-PVDF composite with doping of CNT was
augment the electrical conductivity due to its metallic reported by Zhen et al. [20]. They observed that com-
character and the chirality (orientation of individual posites having more than 5 wt % of MWCNTs exhibit
graphene sheets), followed by creating a significant a significant dielectric absorption that may be used
reduction in activation energy responsible for the in acoustic applications [20]. Mergen et al. conducted
electronic conduction of CNTs-doped nanocomposite the broadband dielectric spectroscopic experiments
[10]. To deliver the appropriate details for applica- of Polystyrene@graphene nanoplatelets/MWCNTs
tions in the field of solid-state devices, glass scientific nanocomposites and demonstrated that the existence
and technological researchers must first achieve an of carbon fillers boosted the capacitance/charge stor-
in-depth understanding of the electronic conduction age capabilities of the sample [21]. Precise incorpora-
in a-Chs. Zulfequar et al. and other research groups tion of conductive carbon filler at nanoscale resolution
have studied the additive effect of CNTs in the mul- in a glassy selenium network is vital for numerous
ticomponent glassy system and polymer matrix for uses in sustainable energy and nanoelectronics. It is
the dielectric phenomenon and thermal properties well established that certain functional groups having
by changing their local structure, conduction mecha- chemically bonded or substitutional doped individual
nism over the incorporation of CNTs in the host glassy graphene layers can be used to alter the electrical char-
network [11]. A nanocapacitor model (adjacent con- acteristics of selenium.
ductive filler as conductors surrounded by insulating The aforementioned literature indicates that the
layers of the amorphous matrix as a nanodielectric) is doping of CNT may improve the dielectric behavior
employed to elucidate the high permittivity of conduc- and help in raising the electrical conductivity as a
tive filler/polymer nanocomposite [12]. The thermo- result of the delocalized unsaturated bonds of elec-
mechanical and electro-optical characteristics of the trons in MWCNTs. Such delocalization liberates the
ternary CNT-doped glassy composite of ­Se85Te10Ag5 electrons to move when an electric field is applied
were explored by some researchers in [13, 14]. They [22]. Well-dispersed and properly selected nanoma-
reported the augmented electrical conductivity and terials can improve the insulation properties of the
microhardness after the incorporation of CNT because composite. They act as efficient doping candidates
of the increased cross-linked CNT-CNT inner nano- that may help to tailor the insulating characteristics
tube percolation network. Xia et al. [15] proposed a of the amorphous semiconductor matrix. Nanoma-
theory to explain the frequency-dependent dielectric terials can be engineered to have specific dielectric
dispersion and electrical conduction of CNT-polymer- properties, allowing for the precise tailoring of the
nanoparticle composite and showed that the addition composite’s electrical behavior. This tunability is
of nanoparticles results in an upsurge in the values of valuable for customizing the material to meet the
both conductivity and permittivity. Stehlik et al. [16] specific requirements of a given application.
examined the influence of the addition of MWCNTs
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 3 of 16 173

Fig. 1  SEM images of the samples of a parent Se, b Se:MWCNTs, and c Se:Graphene

This motivated us to investigate the dielectric the thickness of the as-deposited thin films. To
behavior of nanocomposite thin films of elemental explore the dielectric behavior of the nanocom-
selenium glass with MWCNTs and graphene as a posite films, we used a two-phase nanocomposite
modifier to observe how doping affects the parent film with conducting fillers made of graphene and
g-Se. In this paper, the electron transport mechanism MWCNTs in the amorphous matrix of selenium. The
is studied by performing dielectric and A.C. conduc- SEM images and XRD patterns of the samples are
tivity measurements and the related parameters are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The prominent diffraction
calculated following each mechanism. peaks observed at 2θ° values of 23.5° and 29.7° in
Fig. 2 correspond to the (100) and (101) reflections
of the crystalline trigonal selenium (t-Se) phase
2 Experimental [JCPDS 06-0362]. These peaks indicate the exist-
ence of crystalline structures at the nano-scale in
In this work, we synthesized amorphous thin films of the glass network of selenium embedded in the
selenium doped with MWCNTs and graphene. Proper composite material. After loading MWCNT and gra-
quantities of raw materials, i.e., 4N pure nanomateri- phene in the glass matrix, new peaks at 2θ° values
als [MWCNTs, and graphene] and 5N pure Se (Alfa of 26.9° and 43.54° indicate the presence of (002) and
Aesar; USA) were bought for the synthesis of the sam- (100) reflections of the hexagonal graphitic planes
ples. Three composite samples were produced: (i) pure and also observed very less intense peaks at 26.52°
selenium, (ii) 1% graphene-doped selenium, and (iii)
and 1% MWCNTs-doped selenium. For this purpose,
the dopant materials, graphene, and MWCNTs were
doped in selenium at 1 weight percentage.
Thin films of Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene (with
a fixed thickness of 200 nm) were prepared (from
the bulk sample). For the preparations of the thin
films, we used the thermal evaporation method
(E306 A, Ed wards co. England) under a high vac-
uum ~ ­1 0 –5 torr. Glass substrates were used and
hung on the substrate holder. The temperature of
the substrate holder was kept at room temperature
(303 K). For alternative current measurements, the
thin films under study were sandwiched between
two Al electrodes of sufficient thickness (500 nm,
upper and lower ). The thin films thickness was
measured using a digital thickness meter (DTM)
consisting of a quartz crystal as a sensor to monitor Fig. 2  XRD patterns of the samples of a parent Se, b
Se:MWCNTs, and c Se:Graphene
173 Page 4 of 16 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

for graphene-embedded g-Se matrix. The diffrac- 3.1 Study of dielectric relaxation
tion peaks observed at 2θ° of 41.35°, 43.70°, 45.46°,
51.81°, 55.58°, and 61.37° can be accurately identi- The dielectric analysis of materials can examine two
fied as the (110), (102), (111), (201), (112), and (202) fundamental aspects of electrical attributes (i) capaci-
crystal planes of t-Se, respectively. This identifica- tive insulating nature, i.e., the capacity to store elec-
tion aligns well with the JCPDS card No. 06-0362. trical charge, and (ii) the conduction nature, i.e., the
A programmable automatic (Fluke PM 6306) RLC ability to transfer electrical charge [23]. The dielec-
bridge was performed to directly measure the sam- tric study insights into the structure of compounds,
ple’s impedance (Z), capacitance (C), and dissipa- grain boundary, and transport properties of dielectric
tion factor (loss tangent or tan δ) in (1 kHz–1 MHz) material [24]. The real and imaginary dielectric permit-
as a frequency range and at temperatures ranging tivity were plotted as a function of temperature and
from (290 to 350 K) for the calculation of the real frequency to study the dielectric relaxation and ther-
part of permittivity (ε′) and electrical conductivity mally activated A.C. conduction of as-prepared nano-
(σac). The temperature dependence of the dielectric composite thin films. The frequency responses of the
constant (ε′) and dielectric loss (ε″) was measured dielectric constant (ε′) and dielectric loss (ε″) for the
with a uniform heating rate in the temperature thin film of the parent sample (i.e., g-Se) are shown in
span of 290–350 K. Figure 3 shows the illustration Fig. 4. From the figure, we can conclude that the die-
of image main components of the test set-up. The lectric dispersion is negligible for parent thin film and
results of the variation in A.C. conductivity versus similar results have been observed for dielectric loss.
applied field frequency for nanocomposite thin Figure 5 depicts the temperature-dependent ε′
films was also studied. and ε″ for nanocomposite thin films at different fre-
quencies (1 kHz–1 MHz) and we observed similar
behavior for all investigated films. It is observed that
ε′ has weak temperature dependence at low tempera-
3 Results and discussion tures. The dielectric constant increases compared to
parent selenium thin film in the frequency range of
Amorphous semiconductors are non-crystalline (1 kHz–1 MHz) while preserving low dielectric losses
semiconductor materials, and they exhibit unique for MWCNTs and graphene-doped nanocomposite
electrical properties compared to their crystalline thin films respectively. Orientational polarization
counterparts. When a small amount of conductive is the cause of the rising trend in dielectric constant
filler is used as a dopant in an amorphous semicon- with rising temperature. This is associated with the
ductor, it can significantly affect the dielectric prop- thermal motion of polar molecules having mobility
erties of the material depending on various factors, increase with increasing temperature. This leads to
including the type and concentration of the conduc- an increase in thermal energy that causes the rise in
tive filler, the semiconductor matrix material, and the magnitude of the orientation of the electric dipoles
the processing conditions [23–26]. followed by an increment in ε′ [25–27]. To overcome

Fig. 3  Illustration of the test PC Setup for Data

set-up used for temperature Temperatures Controller & Cryostat Analysis
variation of the samples dur-
ing dielectric constant and
dielectric loss measurements

RLC bridge
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 5 of 16 173

Se Se
0.90 293.7 K 303.1 K
293.7 K 303.1 K 313.2 K 0.09 313.2 K 323.5 K
333.5 K 343.5 K
0.80 323.5 K 333.5 K 343.5 K


0.60 0.03

8 10 12 14 16 18
8 10 12 14 16 18
(a) lnω (b) ln ω

Fig. 4  Frequency dependence of a dielectric constant (ε′) and b dielectric loss for Se sample

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz 4.00 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz
7.20 50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz 50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz
1 MHz 1 MHz


6.00 3.40
300 310 320 330 340 350 290 300 310 320 330 340 350
T (K) T (K)
(a) (b)
Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
1.50 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz 0.60 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz
50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz 50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz
1 MHz 1 MHz
1.20 0.45

0.30 0.15

0.00 0.00
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 290 300 310 320 330 340 350
(c) T (K) T (K)

Fig. 5  Temperature dependence of dielectric constant (ε′) for a Se:MWCNTs, b Se:Graphene samples and dielectric loss, c
Se:MWCNTs, and d Se:Graphene samples

the resistance provided by the surrounding matrix, and the positive temperature coefficient effect [29]. The
the internal temperature of the system must be dielectric loss tangent (tan δ = ε″/ε′) is the ratio of the
raised. Due to the thermal energy, the dipole orienta- dielectric loss (ε″) to the dielectric constant (ε′), for a
tion starts, thereby, increasing the dielectric constant dielectric material. The quantity of energy dissipated
as a result. This is an indication of the dipolar-type in the substance is determined by the dielectric loss,
dielectric dispersion that is occurring in the present which is connected with the leakage current (ohmic
system [11, 28]. The branched structure of MWCNTs conductivity). It occurs when the polarization lags
is also responsible for interfacial polarization, leading the applied electric field caused by the grain bound-
to the increased dielectric constant against tempera- ary under an applied A.C. electric field [30]. Stevels
ture due to the highly conducting nature of MWCNTs divides the dielectric relaxation phenomenon into
173 Page 6 of 16 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

three categories: vibrational losses, conduction losses, decreases [34]. There is a reduction in ε′ with an
and dipole losses. At high temperatures, each of these increase in frequency because of the grain boundaries
losses contributes to dielectric loss. Consequently, and decrement in the space charge polarization effect
causes dielectric loss to grow as temperature rises [25, which depends on the availability of free charge car-
31]. rier and conductivity of the sample [35]. In the lower-
The variation of ε′ and ε″ against frequency at dif- frequency regime, the major contribution of the dielec-
ferent temperatures is shown in Fig. 6 for thin films tric dispersion is observed as a result of the dominant
of Se:MWCNT and Se:Graphene. At low frequencies, role of the grain boundaries effect that is attributed
both carbon filler composites have a high dielectric to Maxwell–Wagner kind of interfacial polarization
permittivity. It is also asserted that when the frequency due to significant differences in the conductivity of
rises, both ε′ and ε″ are reduced rapidly because of the amorphous matrix and the filler [36, 37]. For a
the electrode effect and Maxwell–Wagner interfacial multiphase system, the formation of nanocapacitors
polarization following Kopp’s theory [32]. The main (adjacent conducting MWCNTs surrounded by insu-
cause of the material’s dielectric loss is ion migra- lating layers of the amorphous matrix) controls the
tion, which attains its peak values at low frequencies interfacial as well as electronic polarization [38]. For
because of contributions from ion jump and ion migra- the high-frequency range, both ε′ and ε″ further start
tion’s conduction loss [25]. When we impose an elec- increasing with increasing frequency. When graphene
tric field on the nanocomposite film, the dipole and or CNTs are used as nanofillers in parent selenium to
charge carriers accumulate at the interface between form the composite materials, they provide a high sur-
the conducting nanofillers and the amorphous matrix face area for effective bonding with the surrounding
[33]. As frequency increases, oscillations of the applied matrix material. This reduces the number of interface
field increase and corresponding dipolar polarization states or defects at the filler–matrix interface. Conse-
characteristics time exceeds the time constant of the quently, the number density of the localized charge
external field and the degree of dielectric polarization traps is also reduced followed by less hindrance to the

(a) Se:Graphene
301.3 K 302.5 K 313 K
323.2 K 333.4 K 343.4 K 4.00 (b) 298.1 K 302.6 K
313.1 K 323.4 K
6.8 333.5 K 343.5 K



8 10 12 14 16
8 10 12 14 16
lnω lnω
Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
(c) 301.3 K 302.5 K 313 K 0.60 298.1 K 302.6 K
323.2 K 333.4 K 343.4 K (d)
1.2 313.1 K 323.4 K
0.45 333.5 K 343.5 K



0.3 0.15

0 0.00
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
lnω lnω

Fig. 6  Frequency dependence of dielectric constant (ε′) for a Se:MWCNTs, b Se:Graphene samples and dielectric loss, c Se:MWCNTs,
and d Se:Graphene samples
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 7 of 16 173

orientation of dipoles, particularly at higher frequen- response (UDR) model,” which is indicated by a linear
cies. This is probably the reason behind the observed dependence with frequency in the ln σac versus ln ω
dielectric behavior of the present samples shown in plot. According to the UDR model, the σac is the sum
Figs. 5 and 6. of a constant (resistive), and a frequency-dependent
According to Rabeya et al., charge carriers move (capacitive) factor in which material can be treated
and assemble at the interface in the presence of an with an analogous R–C electric circuit. The electrical
externally applied field to the composite film because conductivity of a sample is represented by [44] with
MWCNTs and gelatin-based polymers have differ- frequency-dependent alternating current caused by
ent relaxation durations [39]. The large specific area the out-of-phase movement of charges
of MWCNTs provides the enlarged surface area that
is available for interfacial polarization. Leakage cur- 𝜎ac (w) = 𝜎(0) + AwS (1)
rent increases the dielectric loss due to variations in
where s is the power-law exponent which measures
the positive and negative space charge distributions
electrical conduction and relaxation behavior and
caused by surface lattice defects and interfaces [40,
indicates how strongly charge carriers and polarons
41]. Dwivedi et al. examined the dielectric behavior
interact with their surroundings; s is also found to be
of CNTs-incorporated ­Cu5Se75Te10In10 glasses and
temperature dependent [45].
observed the rise in dielectric parameters with the
The distributions of the electric field in the system
increasing concentration of CNT [42]. The enhanced
and the disturbances caused by the electric field are
dielectric constant (142.1) and dielectric loss (3665.5)
well understood by the electrical A.C. conductivity
were reported by Khan et al. over the incorporation
measurements. The variation of A.C. conductivity as
of 5-wt % MWCNTs in the host ­Ga10Se10 system with
a function of frequency and temperature is shown in
the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of 36.31 and
Figs. 7 and 8. The hopping process, which is brought
34.08, respectively [43]. The relaxation process associ-
about by the application of the electric field, is thought
ated with the friction against dipole motion dropping
to be the cause of the conductivity increases with fre-
with frequency may be indicated by the increase in
quency. From Fig. 7, we can conclude that the A.C.
dielectric constant with frequency.
conductivity increases with increasing frequency in
a temperature span of 290–350 K. In a high-frequency
3.2 S
 tudy of thermally activated A.C. regime, A. C. conductivity shows a weak temperature
conduction dependence. The development of conductive channels,
which aid in current transfer, can be used to explain
The material’s electrical conductivity shows the the increase in conductivity. Since the 1D geometry of
extent of response or transfer of free charge carri- CNTs is better suited for the development of conduc-
ers present in a material when we apply an external tive frameworks than the 2D shape of graphene sheets,
electric field. The electrical A.C. conductivity (σac) doping of MWCNTs permits more favorable condi-
obeys a power law known as the “Universal dielectric tions than the addition of graphene sheets [46, 47]. As

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
-12 -10
(a) 301.3 K 302.5 K 298.1 K 302.6 K
313 K 323.2 K (b) 313.1 K 323.4 K
333.4 K 343.4 K -13 333.5 K 343.5 K



-24 -25
8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
lnω lnω

Fig. 7  Measured A.C. conductivity (lnσac) for a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples as a function of frequency (lnω) at different
173 Page 8 of 16 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

-12 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz
1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz
-12 50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz
(b) 50 kHz 100 kHz 500 kHz
(a) 1 MHz 1 MHz



-24 -24
2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40

1000/T (K-1) 1000/T (K-1)

Fig. 8  Variation of A.C. conductivity (lnσac) for a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples as a function of inverse of temperature at
specific frequencies

a result, Se:MWCNTs thin film has a greater conduc- temperature predicts a thermally activated electron
tivity than Se:Graphene thin film for the same filler hopping conduction behavior [50]. Various models
concentration because each CNT exhibits extremely such as the quantum–mechanical tunneling model
small contact resistance [46, 47]. Bao et al. proposed a (QMT), [51] non-overlapping small polaron tunneling
contact resistance model to explain the electrical con- model (NSPT), [52, 53] overlapping large polaron tun-
ductivity of carbon nanotube nanocomposites based neling model (OLPT), [54] and correlated barrier hop-
on the electron transport theory [48]. The chirality and ping (CBH) model [25, 32, 45] were proposed by many
diameter of the CNTs’ walls determine the energy scientists to understand relaxation dynamics caused
bands that contribute to conduction, and the contact by the hopping or tunneling of electrons to explain the
resistance between two CNTs is generated by the bal- A. C. conduction mechanism.
listic movement of electrons along tunneling channels The measured A.C. conductivity data are fitted
[49]. The relationship between logarithmic A.C. con- with the least square straight line using Eq. (1) which
ductivity (i.e., log σac) and the inverse of absolute tem- yields the frequency exponent (s) values. The varia-
perature (i.e., 1/T) is depicted in Fig. 8. In the present tions of power-law exponent (s) with temperature are
coated thin-film samples, the particular thermally gen- shown in Fig. 9a and b, respectively, for Se:MWCNTs
erated conduction was abandoned. The exponential and Se:Graphene nanocomposites. The temperature
variation of A.C. conductivity with the temperature in dependence of power-law exponent “s” with tempera-
the low-frequency region is responsible for such tem- ture shown in Fig. 9a reveals that the correlated barrier
perature dependence, while it exhibits temperature- hopping (CBH) model is the conduction mechanism
independent behavior in the high-frequency zone. that causes the frequency exponent s for Se:MWCNTs
The relationship between electrical conductivity and nanocomposite thin film to drop as temperature

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
0.90 (a) 0.70 (b)

0.85 0.65

0.80 0.60

0.75 0.55

0.70 0.50
300 310 320 330 340 350 290 300 310 320 330 340 350
T(K) T(K)

Fig. 9  Variation of power-law exponent (s) with temperature for a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples as a function of temperature
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 9 of 16 173

increases [see, 25, 32, 45]. However, the increasing hopping is anticipated to be the major conduction
nature of s with rising temperature shows that the mechanism for Se:MWCNTs.
Non-overlapping Small Polaron Tunneling (NSPT) On the other hand, the nature of variation of s
model is the most appropriate conduction mechanism with temperature for Se:Graphene indicates NSPT
for thin film of Se:Graphene nanocomposite [see 45, conduction mechanism. Due to trapped charge car-
53, 54]. riers or polarons tunneling across grain boundaries
Elliott explains the conduction mechanism in amor- or structural flaws in the current Se:Graphene nano-
phous solids and the proposed model explains the role composite, this kind of A.C. conduction is possibly
of the temperature dependence of A.C. conductivity expected. If the inclusion of a charge carrier to a loca-
[55]. According to the CBH model, the power-law tion results in such severe localized lattice distor-
exponent (s) is expressed as follows [56]: tion that the system’s overall energy is reduced by
a portion of the polaron energy WH, a tiny polaron
may arise in a covalent solid [58] according to the
S=1− ( ) (2)
WM + KB Tln 𝜔𝜏0 NSPT model. For this model the A.C. conductivity
is expressed as follows:
In Eq. (2), τ0 denotes the characteristic relaxation
time, while the height of the energy barrier of dif- [ ( )]2
e2 𝜋 4 KB T N EF 𝜔R𝜔 4
fusion or hopping path is represented by WM. The 𝜎ac = (5)
evaluated values of WM are presented in Table 1. The
potential barrier between the two charged defect In Eq. (5), the inverse of α denotes the localization
states, ­D+ and ­D-, will be concurrently crossed by length of small polarons corresponding to their wave
two polarons in the CBH model, and the height of the function. The power-law exponent (s) for the NSPT
barrier is connected with the interstice distance via a model is given by
Coulombic interaction [57]. The A.C. conductivity can
be represented as the following using the CBH model:
( ) ( )
1 W
[ ( )]2 ln 𝜔𝜏 − K HT
n𝜋 3 e2 N EF 𝜀𝜀0 𝜔R𝜔 6
𝜎ac = (3)
24 Here, τH is Debye relaxation time and WH is the
polaron hopping energy. For the NSPT model, the
where N(EF) is the density of defect states, n is the hopping distance Rω, can be written as follows:
number of polarons involved in the hopping process,
and ε is the dielectric constant. The polaron hopping
[ ( ) ]
1 1
R𝜔 = −
distance Rω at a specific value of ω can be expressed
2𝛼 𝜔𝜏H KB T
as follows:
The values of different parameters of the NSPT
ne2 model for Se:Graphene nanocomposite are tabulated
R𝜔 = (4)
in Table 2.
[ ( )]
𝜋𝜀𝜀0 WM + KB Tln 𝜔𝜏0

The calculated values of R ω and N(E F) are tab-

ulated in Table 1 for Se:MWCNTs. The bipolar

Table 1  A.C. conductivity (σac) data and power-law exponent (s) Table 2  A.C. conductivity (σac) data and power-law exponent (s)
fitted parameters from CBH model of Se:MWCNTs nanocom- fitted parameters from NSPT model of Se:Graphene nanocom-
posite at 302.5 K posite at 302.6 K
f (kHz) ε′ ε″ WM (eV) Rω (Å) N(EF) f (kHz) ε′ ε″ WH (eV) Rω (Å) N(EF)
(× ­1021 ­eV−1 ­cm−3) (× ­1028 ­eV−1 ­cm−3)

1 6.37 0.15 1.83 6.79 4.17 1 3.74 0.34 0.26 44.04 5.63
10 6.28 0.06 1.76 6.88 2.64 10 3.52 0.11 0.20 43.87 3.24
100 6.24 0.11 1.70 6.92 3.38 100 3.46 0.06 0.14 43.70 2.27
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3.3 Observation of Meyer–Neldel rule the Meyer–Neldel empirical rule and the term EMN
is known as Meyer–Neldel energy [62]. The MNR is
The thermally activated A.C. conduction in amorphous applicable for several types of substances, especially
semiconductors can be studied in terms of the following chalcogenide glasses [63], and organic semiconduc-
relation [59]: tors [64] The shifting of the fermi level shift with tem-
( ) perature and an exponential distribution of density
𝜎ac = 𝜎0 exp − (8) of states (DOS) have been suggested as the cause of
kB T the MN rule in inorganic amorphous semiconductors
[65, 66]. The Meyer–Neldel energy is said to be closely
As it is clear from the equation above, the slope of
correlated with the width of the density of states in
semi-logarithmic graphs of the σac against the inverse
the disordered energy band, according to theoretical
of absolute temperature can be used to calculate the
research by Fishchuk et al. [64].
A.C. conduction energy (Ec). From Fig. 10a one can
Following the reverse MNR of the electronic trans-
see that ∆Ec decreases with increasing frequency for
port mechanism of the thin film of Se:MWCNTs, we
Se:MWCNTs nanocomposite thin film, while the reverse
have seen a negative connection between the expo-
trend is observed for Se:Graphene nanocomposite film
nential pre-factor (σ00) and activation energy (ΔE)
in Fig. 10b. The increase in applied frequency, which
(see Fig. 11a), which is noticeably different from the
boosts the electrical jump between localized states and
normal trend. The thin film of Se:Graphene follows
confirms that hopping conduction is the predominant
the MNR in the hole transport phenomena as shown
mechanism, may be responsible for this drop [60].
in Fig. 11b. The values of characteristic energy EMN
The estimated values of activation energies for the
and pre-exponential factor σ00 are 16.7 meV, 1.25 × ­10–5
Se:MWCNTs nanocomposite thin film are in the range
(Ω cm)−1, and 14.9 meV, 4.49 × 1­ 0–12 (Ω cm)−1 for thin
of 35–98 meV, while for the studied Se:Graphene sample
films of Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene, respectively.
the activation energy lies between 135.8 and 164.3 meV.
To explain the cause of reverse MNR occurrences,
When a phenomenon [61] is governed by thermally acti-
Lucovsky et al. suggested a statistical shift model [67]
vated physical, chemical, and physicochemical quanti-
that depends on the band orientation of the various
ties, then it follows the Arrhenius relation given by
phases of nanocrystalline grains distributed across
Eq. (8). The experimental results suggest the following
an amorphous matrix. A reverse MNR with negative
correlation of activation energy of a thermally triggered
MN characteristic energy (EMN) reflects the shifting
A.C. conduction with the corresponding pre-factors:
of fermi energy into the band tail states of the sur-
rounding disordered amorphous regions [68]. The fre-
( )
𝜎0 = 𝜎00 exp (9) quency dependence of dielectric loss is explained by
Giuntini [69] by considering the hopping model over a
Equation (9) gives the dependence of pre-factor potential barrier between localized sites in which each
𝜎0 on the activation energy (∆E) and is known as pair of disordered sites forms a dipole to explain the

0.120 0.170
Se:MWCNTs (b) Se:Graphene
∆E (eV)
∆E (eV)



0.030 0.130
0 500 1000 1500 0 5 10 15
f (kHz) f (kHz)

Fig. 10  Variation of A.C. conduction energy (∆E) with frequency for a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 11 of 16 173

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
-13 -14.5
(a) (b)
-13.5 -15
EMN = 14.86 meV
-14 R² = 0.9776 -15.5 σ00 = 4.49 × 10-12 (Ω-cm)-1

-14.5 EMN = 16.67 meV -16
σ00 = 1.25 × 10-5 (Ω-cm)-1 R² = 0.9967
-15 -16.5
-15.5 -17
0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.135 0.145 0.155 0.165
∆E (eV) ∆E (eV)

Fig. 11  Meyer–Neldel plot for A.C. conduction in as-prepared a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples

dielectric dispersion in a particular temperature and/ for lower-frequency range. To prevent their distortion
or frequency region. Then, we can combine the dielec- clouds from overlapping, it is assumed that the small
tric loss with the circular frequency ω of the applied polarons are localized. At low temperatures, they
field, as follows: behave as free particles with enhanced mass, while at
high temperatures, they move by thermally activated
hopping [58]. The activation energy for polaron trans-
𝜀�� (w) = 𝜀o − 𝜀∞ 2𝜋 2 N( ) KB T𝜏o m WM −4 wm (10)
( )
𝜀0 fer (WM/WH), hopping /tunneling distance (Rω), and
the density of defect states at Fermi level [N(EF)] is
Here, n and N are the numbers of hopping elec-
deduced from the fitted curves using the expressions
trons and the number density of localized sites,
given in (CBH and NSPT) conduction mechanisms for
respectively. The value of Wm also referred to as the
both the samples. Figure 13a and b show the varia-
binding energy of charge carriers in localized states,
tion of temperature-dependent activation energy for
is the energy needed to transfer an electron from one
polaron transfer for Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene
site to infinity [55, 70]. In Fig. 12, we have plotted the
samples, respectively. The lowering character of WM
variation of ln ε″ against ln ω at various temperatures
with rising temperature may be related to an increase
and from the figure, we can conclude that the disper-
in the degree of overlapping potential wells in the
sion loss increases for the high-frequency regime in
closest surrounding sites. Since the thermal activa-
MWCNTs-doped nanocomposite, while a reverse
tion energy overlaps the potential well linked with the
trend is observed for graphene-doped nanocomposite
nearby sites in the Pike theory of electron transmission

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
0.5 301.3 K 302.5 K 313 K
(a) -0.5 298.1 K 302.6 K 313.1 K
323.2 K 333.4 K 343.4 K (b)
323.4 K 333.5 K 343.5 K


-1.5 -2

-2.0 -2.5

-2.5 -3
13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 -3.5
8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 12  Variation of lnε″ against lnω for as-prepared a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples
173 Page 12 of 16 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173

[55, 71, 72]. Figure 14a and b shows the variation of the for the bulk samples as compared to that of the thin-
hopping/tunneling distance Rω as a function of tem- film samples. The effect of the interfacial layer is more
perature at different frequencies of (a) Se:MWCNTs pronounced for the thin-film samples due to the small
and (b) Se:Graphene samples. The figure shows that, grain size. This low dielectric constant interfacial layer
as the temperature rises, the thermal energy of the acts as a series capacitor with the present thin-film
polarons increases. Due to the increased inter-chain samples and therefore decreases the overall values
interaction (electric charge jump), the hopping dis- of ε′ and ε″. Similar results have been reported by
tance increases with temperature [58]. The calcu- other research groups [75, 76]. As a disordered semi-
lated values of density of defect states near the Fermi conductor, amorphous selenium primarily transports
level [N(EF)] are summarized in Table 1 and 2 for charges through the hopping of electrons. The crea-
Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene samples, respectively. tion of small conductive islands and hopping in the
According to Jana et al., the assessed values of [N(EF)] amorphous matrix together with conducting fillers
indicate that the primary charge transfer mechanism like MWCNTs and graphene contribute to the overall
is charge carrier hopping, which takes place between conductivity. Further, the dielectric nature of selenium
the closest nearby sites [71]. and the conductive nature of MWCNTs and graphene
Analysis of the dielectric constant and loss for the fillers helped in composing micro-capacitors inside
current Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene samples in the amorphous polymeric matrix of the host element
comparison to their bulk equivalents [73, 74] is tabu- Selenium as shown in Fig. 15.
lated in Table 3. A thorough inspection of this table
reveals that the values of both ε′ and ε″ are higher

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
0.30 (b) 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
2.00 (a) 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz

WH (eV)
WM (eV)

1.40 0.15

1.10 0.08

0.80 0.00
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 300 310 320 330 340 350
T(K) T (K)

Fig. 13  Variation of temperature-dependent activation energy for polaron transfer of a Se:MWCNT and b Se:Graphene samples

Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
14 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 52
(a) (b) 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
R ω (Å)

R ω (Å)

6 42
300 310 320 330 340 350 300 310 320 330 340 350
T(K) T (K)

Fig. 14  The variation of the tunneling distance Rω as a function of temperature at different frequencies of a Se:MWCNT and b Se: Gra-
phene samples
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:173 Page 13 of 16 173

Table 3  Comparison of
f (kHz) Se:MWCNTs Se:Graphene
dielectric constant and
dielectric loss for bulk and Bulk Thin film Bulk Thin film
thin-film samples at room ε′ ε″ ε′ ε″ ε′ ε″ ε′ ε″
temperature [73, 74]
1 60.29 1.34 × ­105 6.37 0.15 122.84 1.15 × ­106 3.74 0.34
10 48.01 1.29 × ­104 6.28 0.07 132.04 1.03 × ­105 3.52 0.11
100 45.42 1.16 × ­103 6.24 0.11 121.46 1.02 × ­104 3.46 0.06

Fig. 15  Formation of micro-capacitors inside the amorphous polymeric matrix of the host element Selenium due to conducting a gra-
phene fillers and b MWCNTs fillers

4 Conclusion Author contributions

The dispersion behavior of A.C. conductivity in thin- SKY contributed to Writing and Original draft prepa-
film samples is found to be consistent with Jonscher’s ration, Methodology, and Software. SSF and HEA
universal power law. The Meyer–Neldel correlation contributed to Thin-film preparation and Electrical
is observed between the pre-factors and activation characterization. NM contributed to Conceptualiza-
energies for the A.C. conductivity data of present tion, Writing a final draft, and Reviewing and Editing
Se:MWCNTs and Se:Graphene samples. The research of the manuscript.
outcome of dielectric constant and loss indicates that
CNTs and functionalized graphene sheets make excel-
lent nanofillers for creating novel polymer composites Funding
with high dielectric constant values. In addition, the
conductive nature of MWCNTs and graphene fillers This work is supported by the IoE scheme (Dev.
contributes to the construction of micro-capacitors Scheme No. 6031) and CSIR, New Delhi, (Scheme No.
inside the amorphous polymeric matrix of the host 03(1453)/19/EMR-II) to Neeraj Mehta.
element Selenium.

Data availability
The data underlying this article are available in the
Neeraj Mehta acknowledges his university for pro- article. The datasets generated during and/or analyzed
viding an incentive grant under the IoE scheme (Dev. during the current study are available from the cor-
Scheme No. 6031). He is thankful to CSIR, New Delhi, responding author upon reasonable request.
India for providing financial support under a Project
(Scheme no. 03(1453)/19/EMR-II). Sachin Kumar Yadav
is grateful to CSIR, New Delhi, India for providing a
junior research fellowship under the same Project.
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