Chemicals December 2023
Chemicals December 2023
Chemicals December 2023
December 2023
For updated information, please visit
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Advantage India 4
Market Overview 6
Growth Drivers 19
Opportunities 26
Appendix 32
Executive summary
Notes: GDP: Gross Domestic Product, FDI: Foreign Direct Investment, CAGR: Compounded Annual Growth Rate
Source: Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Nirmal Bang Group
Advantage India
Advantage India
1. Growing demand 4. Opportunities
► Rise in demand from end-user industries such ► India’s specialty chemicals companies are
as food processing, personal care and home expanding their capacities to cater to rising
demand from domestic and overseas.
care is driving the development of different
► In July 2021, the government announced
segments in India’s specialty chemicals market. discovery of indigenous deposits of phosphatic
► The domestic chemicals sector's small and rocks. This will help expand fertiliser production
domestically and boost self-reliance in fertiliser
medium enterprises are expected to showcase
18-23% revenue growth in FY22, owing to an ► The Odisha government accepted investment
improvement in domestic demand. applications worth ~US$ 345.3 million in the
metal, cement, chemical, plastic, food
► India is the 6th largest producer of chemicals in
processing and manufacturing sectors in April
the world and 3rd in Asia, contributing 7% to
India’s GDP.
1 4 2021. This is likely to generate 2,755 jobs.
► In July 2023, Global Chemicals and
Petrochemicals Manufacturing Hubs in India
► Chemicals and petrochemicals demand in India
(GCPMH 2023) was organized in Delhi, India.
is expected to nearly triple and reach US$ 1 ADVANTAGE
trillion by 2040. INDIA
2 3 3. Policy support
2. Increasing investments and ► Government to open 25,000 Jan Aushadhi
spending Kendras to make medicines available at
affordable prices.
► FDI inflows in the chemicals sector (other than ► Under the Union Budget 2023-24 the
fertilisers) reached US$ 21.71 billion between April government allocated Rs. 173.45 crore (US$
2000-September 2023. 20.93 million) to the Department of Chemicals
► The Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals intend and Petrochemicals.
to bring PLI in chemical & petrochemical sector and will ► The PLI plan for the National Programme on
redraft the Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Advanced Chemistry Cell Battery Storage has
Investment Region (PCPIR) guidelines. been approved by the Union Cabinet as of
May 2021.
► An investment of Rs. 8 lakh crore (US$ 107.38 billion)
► PLI schemes were introduced to promote Bulk
is estimated in the Indian chemicals and petrochemicals
Drug Parks, with a budget of Rs. 1,629 crore
sector by 2025.
(US$ 213.81 million).
Source: Budget 2021-22, News Articles, DPIIT, *Ultratech investors presentation May 2018
Market Overview
Chemicals market in India
▪ Chemicals industry in India covers >80,000 commercial products.
▪ India accounts for 2.5% of the world’s global chemical sales, exporting to more
than 175 countries. Chemical industry market size (US$ billion)
▪ India is the 6th largest producer of chemicals in the world and 3rd in Asia,
contributing 7% to India’s GDP. CAGR 9.3%
▪ The industry is expected to reach US$ 304 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 9.3%,
driven by rising demand in the end-user segments for speciality chemicals and 278.1
petrochemicals segment. 254.3
▪ Chemicals and petrochemicals demand in India is expected to nearly triple and 194.6
reach US$ 1 trillion by 2040.
▪ During April-September 2023 (provisional), India's dye exports (Dyes and Dye
Intermediates) totalled US$ 929 million.
▪ Specialty chemical companies are seeking import substitutions while exploring
export opportunities to accelerate their business. FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25
Chemical's market is split into five key segments
Chemical's Market
Petrochemicals Specialty
Bulk chemicals Fertilisers Agrochemicals
& polymers chemicals
▪ These are groups of ▪ These chemicals are ▪ These provide nutrients for ▪ These are derivatives of ▪ These chemicals are
chemicals, which are derivative of several plant growth; are divided basic chemicals that are used to protect crops
manufactured on a large chemical compounds into organic/inorganic and manufactured for specific against insects and
scale and further divided such as hydrocarbons, natural/synthetic. Further, end-use solutions. The pests and include
into organic, inorganic which are derived from these can be broadly characteristics of these fungicides, herbicides,
and alkali chemicals crude oil or natural gas classified into phosphate, chemicals include high- and insecticides, among
potassium and nitrogenous value, high R&D and low others. These chemicals
volume can be applied in water
irrigation, seeds, soils
and crops
Evolution of the Indian chemical sector
▪ Foreign drug supplies ▪ Indian government ▪ Expansion of the ▪ Indian players and MNCs ▪ The chemical industry is
were decreased, and established five public- petrochemical industry. collaborated for key expected to contribute
several Indian sector companies. ▪ Development of investments. US$ 383 billion to India’s
pharmaceutical ▪ Established Hindustan integrated naphtha and ▪ Lower tariff barriers GDP by 2030.
companies were Antibiotics Ltd. (HAL) in gas crackers, along with exposed the domestic ▪ Indian chemical
established. 1954 and Indian Drugs related downstream industry to competitors companies spend ~1% of
their revenue on R&D.
▪ Companies included and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. plants for polymers, (from imports).
▪ Chemicals contribute 3%
Unichem, Chemo (IDPL) in 1961. synthetic fibers,
to the total FDI equity
Pharmaceuticals, Zandu aromatics and other
inflow and ~8% to the
Pharmaceutical Works, chemicals.
country’s exports.
Chemical Industrial and
Pharmaceutical ▪ Investments in
Laboratories (CIPLA) petrochemicals are driven
and East India by growth in end-user
Pharmaceutical Works. segments.
Key players in the chemical sector…(1/2)
Indian Companies
Key players in the chemical sector…(2/2)
International Companies
Recent Trends and Strategies
Chemical sector production capacity
874.69 1,773.74
874.30 1,685.35
▪ Major chemical production reached 874.69 million metric tonnes (MMT) in September 2023, while petrochemical production reached 1,685.35 MMT.
▪ In September 2023, production levels of various chemicals were as follows:
▪ Soda Ash: 230.82 MMT
▪ Caustic Soda: 277.15 MMT
▪ Liquid Chlorine: 198.83 MMT
▪ Formaldehyde: 22.58 MMT
▪ Pesticides and Insecticides: 22.49 MMT
• At the CPMA - Argus Petrochemical Online Forum held on August 25, 2021, the President of India's Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturers
Association (CPMA), Mr. Kamal Nanavaty, said that the Indian petrochemicals industry will have to increase its production capacity tenfold to meet
higher demand by 2050. He also highlighted that India's consumption is estimated to double every nine years at an annual rate of 8%.
Chemical sector import and export statistics
▪ From April 2023 to September 2023 (Provisional), exports of organic (US$
2.39 billion) & inorganic (US$ 823 million) chemicals were estimated at US$
3.21 billion. Imports and Exports of Chemicals (US$ million) – FY24
▪ Imports of organic (US$ 5.64 billion) and inorganic (US$ 2.96 billion)
chemicals totalled US$ 8.6 billion from April 2023 to September 2023 7,440.2
▪ Imports of castor oil, essential oil, and cosmetics and toiletries are US$ 1.33
billion during (April-September) 2023-24 (Provisional).
▪ India exported to more than 175 countries in 2022. The major export
destinations were the USA, China and new destinations viz. Turkey, Russia
and North East Asian Countries (China, Hongkong, Japan, Korea RP,
Taiwan, Macao, Mongolia).
▪ Around 50% of the agro-chemicals are exported from India to the world. India
is the top producer and exporter of castor oil, with 85-90 % of total global
exports in the world.
Source: Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
Agrochemical trends in India
on account of low-cost manufacturing, availability of technically trained
manpower, seasonal domestic demand, overcapacity, competitive pricing and
strong presence in generic pesticide manufacturing.
▪ The rise in demand in the agricultural segment is driving the growth of
agrochemicals in India
▪ In October 2020, the government urged players in the agrochemicals industry
to come out with new molecules of global standards for the farmers' benefit,
while CropLife India, the industry body, pitched for stable policies and Jan-22 Mar-22 May-22 Jul-22 Sep-22 Nov-22 May-23 Sep-23
regulatory regimes to boost growth in the sector
▪ The current GST on agrochemicals is 18%. In January 2021, CropLife India, Consumption of Agrochemicals by Segments in India – 2021
an industry body, demanded the government reduce GST as this would help (MT, Technical Grade)
lower the prices of agrochemicals and benefit farmers.
▪ According to Expert Market Research (EMR), the market is expected to 1.0% Insecticides
increase at a CAGR of 8.6% between 2021 and 2026 to reach ~US$ 7.4 16.0%
Fungicides and
▪ Agrochemicals in India is currently a US$ 5.5 billion market, growing at a Bactericides
CAGR of 8.3%. By 2040, it is expected to account for almost 40% of India’s 51.0% Herbicides
overall chemicals exports.
▪ India’s agrochemicals export stood at US$ 1.70 billion from April 2023- Others
September 2023.
Chemical trends in India
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
▪ In 2022-23 (April-March), Alkali chemicals stood at 73.3% of the total chemical production.
▪ Government initiatives such as the promotion of small and midsized ‘Sodium Bicarbonate’ and ‘Ammonia’ processing industries in proximity to soda ash
manufacturing units are likely to boost demand for soda ash in the country.
▪ The speciality chemicals market in India would grow faster than China, increasing its market share to 6% by 2026 from 3-4% in fiscal 2021.A shift in
the global supply chain brought on by the China+1 strategy and a resurgence in domestic end-user demand will fuel significant revenue growth of
18–20% in 2022 and 14–15% in 2023.
Note: *for FY20 and FY21 Pesticide includes production of Pesticides and Insecticides, *Until February 2022, ** Until September 2022
Source: Ministry of Chemical & Petrochemical Statistics
Petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region
To promote investments and development in this sector, Indian government approved four PCPIRs
Location/Region Dahej Location/Region Paradeep
Actual Investment Rs. 1,12,873 crore Actual Investment Rs. 45,000 crore (US$
(US$ 14.78 billion) 5.89 billion)
Total Area 453 Sq. Kms Total Area 284.15 Sq. Kms
Actual employment 1.84 lakh Actual employment 38,000
generated generated
Anchor Tenant ONGC Petro-additional Anchor Tenant Indian Oil Corporation
Ltd. Ltd.
Location/Region Cuddalore -
Location/Region Vishakhapatnam
Actual Investment Rs. 43,744 crore (US$
Actual Investment Rs. 8,100 crore (US$
5.73 billion)
1.06 billion)
Total Area 604 Sq. Kms
Total Area 257 Sq. Kms
Actual employment 1.1 lakh
Actual employment 13,950
Anchor Tenant Hindustan Petroleum
Anchor Tenant Nagarjuna Oil
Corporation Ltd.
Corporation Ltd.
▪ PCPIR in Dahej, Gujarat attracted more investments compared with the other three cities-wherein various Indian and multinational companies
such as ONGC, GACL, OPAL, BASF and LANXESS have opened facilities. The Gujarat Infrastructure Development Corporation (GIDC) has
made an investment of around Rs. 17,317 crore (US$ 2.09 billion) for infrastructure development in the PCPIR.
▪ In December 2020, the PCPIR policy is being completely redesigned. Under the new PCPIR Policy 2020-35, it has been targeted to attract a
combined investment of US$ 142 billion (Rs. 10 lakh crore) by the year 2025, Rs. 15 lakh crore (US$ 213 billion) by 2030 and Rs. 20 lakh crore
(US$ 284 billion) by 2035 in all the PCPIRs across the country.
▪ The four PCPIRs are expected to generate employment for ~33.83 lakh people. ~3.50 lakh persons were employed in direct and indirect
activities related to PCPIRs by the end of 2020.
Source: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, News Articles
Chemical players focusing on sustainable development
Indian chemical companies are investing in innovative solutions, focusing on issues such as water,
environmental impact, raw materials, safety over lifecycle and energy use
3. Reliance Industries
1. Tata Chemicals
▪ As of June 2021, Reliance Industries (RIL),
▪ Tata Chemicals commissioned a which operates the world's largest refining
solar photo-voltaic plant to save facility in Jamnagar, Gujarat, was planning
energy. to invest US$ 10.1 billion in clean energy
over the next three years to become a net
▪ With an aim to control greenhouse
carbon zero corporation by 2035.
gas emissions, it proposed to
establish a 150 kWp grid- ▪ In May 2023, Reliance Industries plans to
connected solar photovoltaic set up a 10 GW solar project in Andhra
power plant on the rooftop terrace
of the electrical substation.
▪ In January 2023, Tata Chemicals
1 2 Pradesh.
Growth Drivers
Strong demand and policy support driving investments
Resulting in
MSIHC Rules to be
Shift in production and Domestic and
merged with CAEPPR
consumption towards overseas companies
to safely handle
Asian and Southeast investing in greenfield
hazardous chemicals
Asian countries or brownfield projects
Shift in consumer
preference towards Increase in FDI
environment-friendly investments
Notes: MSIHC: Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals, CAEPPR: Chemical Accidents Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response
Source: News Articles
Key growth drivers…(1/2)
Rise in 100
• The growing middle-class and increasing 97
80 90
domestic urbanisation is driving the demand for 78 84
60 68 73
demand personal care, agrochemicals, food, paints
& coatings resulting into higher
consumption of chemicals per capita.
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY30
Manufacturing as % of GDP
• Government considers the manufacturing
sector to be a key focus area and has
contacted ~1,450 companies worldwide to
Government 20
manufacture in India.
aims to boost
• The government plan includes 2-3 15
autonomous zones which does not have 10 20
share in GDP to labor and land laws. 14
20% by 2025 5
• ~300 companies are actively pursuing
production plans in mobiles, electronics,
2019 2025E
medical devices and textiles.
Key growth drivers…(2/2)
3 Presence of prominent global players, such as BASF, Dow Chemicals, Bayer and others, 100% FDI in the
chemicals sector and stringent laws on anti-dumping to drive the Indian chemical market.
Key industries driving growth
• Disruption in automotive sector
with the emergence of ▪ ‘Smart City’ projects by the Indian
autonomous driving, connected
cars, electric vehicles and 2 3
government are driving growth of
chemical companies in India.
shared mobility will affect the Availability of essential raw materials
value chain of Indian chemical at low cost is anticipated to increase
companies supplying chemicals demand for construction chemicals.
to automotive applications.
1 4
Recent developments and investments by key players (1/2)
Rise in production
▪ At the CPMA - Argus Petrochemical Online Forum held on August 25, 2021, President of India's Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturers
Association (CPMA), Mr. Kamal Nanavaty, said that the Indian petrochemicals industry will have to increase its production capacity tenfold to meet
higher demand by 2050. He also highlighted that India's consumption is estimated to double every nine years at an annual rate of 8%.
▪ In July 2022, NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) and Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited (GACL) signed an MoU to participate in the
establishment of India's first commercial-scale Green Ammonia and Green Methanol plants.
▪ From August 2021-August 2022, India sold 3.27 crore bottles of nano urea and planned to produce 6.0 crore bottles of nano urea by the end of FY22-23.
▪ In June 2023, Himadri Speciality Chemical invested Rs. 58 crore (US$ 7.01 million) in Sicona Battery Technologies Pty Ltd, (Sydney) for a 12.79% stake.
▪ In June 2023, Mumbai-based UPL Ltd, will hive off its specialty chemicals business on a slump sale basis to wholly-owned arm UPL Speciality Chemicals
Ltd for Rs. 3,572 crore (US$ 431.96 million).
▪ In December 2022, GMM Pfaudler Ltd has entered into an agreement on December 8, 2022, to acquire Mixel France SAS and its wholly owned subsidiary
Mixel Agitator Co. Ltd. for US$ 7.63 million.
Self-reliant in fertilisers
▪ By 2023, India will be self-reliant in fertiliser production and reduce import dependency, by establishing new units covering an investment of Rs.400
billion. At present, Indian fertiliser production stands at 42-45 million tonnes and imports at 18 million tonnes
Public-private partnership (PPP) model
▪ In March 2023, Chennai awaits more bio-CNG plants to enable switch to clean energy.
▪ The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is constructing India’s first research reactor on a public-private partnership (PPP) model.
Recent developments and investments by key players (2/2)
Skills and technical support
▪ In August 2023, the Prime Minister announced a subsidy of US$ 120.93 billion (Rs. 10 lakh crore) for providing cheaper Urea to farmers.
▪ Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology (CIPET), under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers, will establish two new ‘Centres
for Skilling and Technical Support’ (CSTS) at Bhagalpur, Bihar and Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. This will act as a catalyst for development and growth of
new and existing industries in the region.
▪ In September 2021, CareerLabs, India’s first profile building EdTech start-up, announced an industry certification programme for chemical engineers in
partnership with Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. The partnership aims at opening avenues for students to pursue highly rewarding careers in the
pharmaceutical industry and concurrently meet the ever-increasing demand for chemical engineers to cater to the need of the hour with relevant skill
▪ In June 2021, the Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC) announced that it is expanding its vertical to cover the chemicals and petrochemicals
sectors and will be now known by the name Rubber, Chemical, Petrochemical Skill Development Council (RCPSDC). The council will implement skill
training programmes in chemicals and petrochemicals verticals for the youth across country.
International collaboration and investments
▪ In December 2022, GMM Pfaudler Ltd has entered into an agreement on December 8, 2022 to acquire Mixel France SAS and its wholly owned
subsidiary Mixel Agitator Co. Ltd. for US$ 7.63 million.
▪ In September 2022, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and CSIR work together to support chemistry in schools across India.
▪ In September 2022, Spanish perfume maker Puig acquired a controlling stake in Kama Ayurveda Pvt. owning 85% in the company.
▪ In May 2022, a global investment firm, PAG acquired Optimus group along with consortium partners CX Partners and Samara Capital.
▪ Advent International acquired a majority position in Avra Labs in January 2022, uniting it with two other businesses it had previously acquired, RA
Chem Pharma and ZCL Chemicals.
▪ In 2021, the chemicals industry bagged PE/VC investments of a total of US$ 74 million as compared to US$ 53 million in 2020.
▪ The government is planning to hold roadshows in eight overseas markets for the proposed investors’ summit planned in January 2022, with focus on
the petrochemicals sector, and is eager to attract investors to its newly launched Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region
(PCPIR) near the upcoming crude oil refinery in Pachpadra village (in Barmer district, Rajasthan).
▪ In October 2021, Rosneft, Russia, launched a large-scale petrochemical production development programme in India with investments worth ~US$
750 million at the current implemented stage.
Specialty chemicals - aggressive capex to drive growth
Favourable initiatives by government
▪ A 2034 vision for the chemicals and petrochemicals sector has been set up by the government to explore
1 opportunities to improve domestic production, reduce imports and attract investments in the sector. The
government plans to implement production-link incentive system with 10-20% output incentives for the
agrochemical sector; to create an end-to-end manufacturing ecosystem through the growth of clusters.
2 ▪ 100% FDI is allowed in the chemical sector under automatic route with exception to few hazardous
3 ▪ In April 2023, Cabinet approved the National Medical Devices Policy, 2023.
▪ Industrial licensing is approved in most sectors, except for few hazardous chemicals. The Indian
4 Government supports the industry in research & development, reduced the basic customs duty on
several products and offers support through the ‘Make in India’ campaign
▪ Four Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemical Investment Regions (PCPIRs) were set up as the
5 investment regions for petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals along with associated services
6 ▪ The Government of India is considering launching a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme in the
chemical sector to boost domestic manufacturing and exports.
Chemical industry: Exploring new opportunities
• Camlin Fine Sciences 2 3 TECHNOLOGIES
acquired Borregaard Italia • Atul Chemicals, partnered
Spa54, a raw-material catechol with Akzo Nobel to access
manufacture, and Ningbo state-of-the-art eco-friendly
Wanglong, an end-product hydrogenation technology for
vanillin flavour manufacturer monochloroacetic acid (MCA)
• The vertical integration made
CFS the third-largest vanillin 1 4 production in India.
producer worldwide
Many Indian chemical companies are focussing on attaining scale to build their margins and enhance environmental sustainability
Source: Company Website, News Articles
Key Industry Contacts
Key Industry Contacts
▪ FY: Indian Financial Year (April to March); So, FY10 implies April 2009 to March 2010
▪ US$ : US Dollar
▪ Wherever applicable, numbers have been rounded off to the nearest whole number
Exchange rates
Year Rs. Equivalent of one US$ Year Rs. Equivalent of one US$
2004-05 44.95 2005 44.11
2005-06 44.28 2006 45.33
2006-07 45.29 2007 41.29
2007-08 40.24 2008 43.42
2008-09 45.91 2009 48.35
2009-10 47.42 2010 45.74
2010-11 45.58 2011 46.67
2011-12 47.95 2012 53.49
2012-13 54.45 2013 58.63
2013-14 60.50 2014 61.03
2014-15 61.15 2015 64.15
2015-16 65.46 2016 67.21
2016-17 67.09 2017 65.12
2017-18 64.45 2018 68.36
2018-19 69.89 2019 69.89
2019-20 70.49 2020 74.18
2020-21 73.20 2021 73.93
2021-22 74.42 2022 79.82
2022-23 78.60 2023* 83.15
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