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The Meaning of Masculine Subjectivity in Responding To The Impact of Climate Change

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 606

2nd International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS 2021)

The Meaning of Masculine Subjectivity in Responding

to the Impact of Climate Change
Dwi Wahyu Handayani1,*
Government Science, Lampung University
Corresponding author .Email: dwi.wahyu@fisip.unila.ac.id

This paper is a theoretical study of the interpretation of masculinity as a subject that refers to the position of men and
power in the context of responding to the impact of climate change. Climate change refers to the phenomenon of
global warming that results in disasters for humans, including increasing vulnerability to gender inequality in women
compared to men. Masculine subjectivity in this study refers to the mindset of men which is influenced by elements of
social structure, and their relationship with women. The previous approach, firstly, masculine subjectivity represents
aspects of male behavior that fluctuate over time, which opens up opportunities for the diversity of masculinity
subjects. Second, masculinism shows the existence of a patriarchal ideology that justifies the naturalization of
hegemony over male domination. These two approaches leave questions, the diversity of meanings of masculinity and
the awareness of patriarchy as an ideology that has not fully answered the challenge of gender equality in the impact
of climate change. Thus, how is masculine subjectivity, which opens up opportunities for reinterpreting masculine
hegemony in responding to the impacts of climate change? This study uses a literature review method with the
psychoanalytic approach of Jacques Lacan, that masculine subjectivity is not fixed and competes with each other
(agonistic), thus disturbing hegemony and opening up opportunities for gender equality. which opens up opportunities
for reinterpreting masculine hegemony in response to the impacts of climate change? This study uses a literature
review method with the psychoanalytic approach of Jacques Lacan, that masculine subjectivity is not fixed and
competes with each other (agonistic), thus disturbing hegemony and opening up opportunities for gender equality.
which opens up opportunities for reinterpreting masculine hegemony in response to the impacts of climate change?
This study uses a literature review method with the psychoanalytic approach of Jacques Lacan, that masculine
subjectivity is not fixed and competes with each other (agonistic), thus disturbing hegemony and opening up
opportunities for gender equality.

Keywords: Masculinity, Subjectivity, Hegemony, Gender Equality, Climate Change

1. PRELIMINARY [2].Women's workload tends to increase in relation to

domestic roles [3,4].
In gender studies related to climate change, a small Gender inequality and the impacts of climate change
proportion of research discusses the male side, and there further increase the vulnerability of women. The
is research that reveals that the hegemonic form of inability to limit human activity to greenhouse gas
masculinity is contrary to ecological sustainability emissions is responsible for about 1.1°C of warming
(Franz-Balsen 2014) [1]. The report of the since 1850-1900, and found that on average over the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) next 20 years, global temperatures are expected to reach
revealed that womenRural areas are particularly or exceed 1.5°C. The threat of future climate change
vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to impacts is expected to increase in all regions, with
limited access to and control over the resources increased heat waves, longer warm seasons and shorter
fundamental for adaptation, as well as limited winters, reaching critical tolerance thresholds for
participation in decision-making processes. Women agriculture and health [5].
produce 60-80% of food in developing countries, The study of hegemonic masculinity arises because
worldwide they only own 10–20% of agricultural land of the construction of men and women in gender roles
that position their relationship in a hierarchical,

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 87
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 606

subordination and domination manner. However, in of dialectical materialism. Hegel reveals the reality of
Connel's concept of hegemonic masculinity, the position identity not based on contradictions: male versus
of men is not only in that direction, but there is a female. But in the Hegelian dialectical model the
marginalized and subordinated masculinity. However, synthesis will result in the negation of women as men
when they relate to women, they still view women as and the production of men as absolutes. The movement
inferior. The question on masculinity and climate maintains a dualistic structure of contradiction as the
change is the position of men who are still minimal in basis for gender identity and therefore, as the discussion
responsive leadership to the impacts of climate change of commodity forms above shows, the basis of
[6]. identification is mediation. But that mediation does not
Based on previous research, which mostly focused result in a dialectical synthesis, only a continuous
on women, I was interested in researching gender and blurring of antagonisms and dislocations [16].
climate change on the male side, namely the study of In Garlick's research (2019) tried the theory of
masculinity. There are 3 things in previous studies about hegemonic masculinity needs to be extended beyond the
masculinity. First,studies that show consent as a result framework of patriarchy and rearranged in relation to
of masculinity. Masculinity in forming hegemony nature's place in the complex ecology of human social
between superior or ideal masculine men, with relations as new materialist. This move opens the
subordinates gains approval from the oppressed group possibility of strengthening the relationship between the
[7].Second, ka group of critics of the study of materialist tradition in the Center for the Study of Men
hegemonic masculinity, including the discriminatory and Masculinities (CSMM) and contemporary
essentialist masculinity in the workplace for different developments in feminist theory [17].
incomes, careers, and rights [8], reconstruction of the The core of previous research on masculinity, when
gender hierarchy becomes more multi-dimensional and it comes to the impact of climate change, shows two
complex, for example by linking masculinity intersects things. First, men in masculine subjects face challenges
with 'disability' as an almost general category, rather in the impact of climate change,for his existence on the
than how masculinity intersects differently with ideal value as a man. The impact of climate change
different types of disorders [9]. Ka study that tries to causes the vulnerability of men to lose their livelihoods,
understand the issue of gender relations but is outside heavily damaged infrastructure, changes in the family's
the discussion of patriarchy, namely the production of economic structure, and so on. Second, the position of
the meaning of masculinity which is influenced by the masculine subject is understood as hegemony.
context. It's like hyper masculinity, disastrous DIn recent decades, there has been an increasing
masculinity [10],seasonal masculinity [11], toxic interest in the involvement of men in promoting gender
masculinity [12]. Furthermore,shift from masculinity to equality, because achieving gender equality is a societal
men, with a focus on 'male hegemony'. The focus on responsibility [18]. More gender-equal male attitudes:
masculinity is too narrow. If we are interested in what is male and female educational attainment, shared
hegemonic about gender relations with men and decisions, not witnessing violence against women, more
masculinity, then 'men' are or are far more hegemonic participation in household and childcare, less
than masculinity. So, on the contrary, it is time to return interpersonal violence, and more satisfaction with
from masculinity to men, to examine male hegemony primary relationships [ 19]. The important theme here is
and about men. This involves overcoming male the relationship of men gradually turning to caring, with
hegemony - in both senses. Male hegemony seeks to the need to shift to a more caring masculinity.
overcome the double complexity that men are social
categories formed by the gender system and the 2. MASCULINITY AS HEGEMONY
dominant collective and individual agents of social
practice (a system of distinction and categorization Hegemonic masculinity refers to patriarchal
between various forms of male and male practices legitimacy in the configuration of gender practices over
towards women, male domination and female subordination [20]. This
Third, the group that seeks to examine the study is influenced by Gramsci's view that hegemony is
hegemonic masculinity by relevating the essentialists to complete and a zero sum game, privileges given to men
a new form associated with the global context. as a are accompanied by indifference to women. Patriarchal
contemporary understanding of western masculinity legitimacy shows kan ongoing system that ensures a
[14]. The relevance of materialism to the current focus on the masculine world of gender. The nature of
transnational crisis of global capitalism has three key power in gender relations is dominating rather than
dimensions (ecological, financial and social) and that revolutionary and aspirational. For example, the view of
“critical theory must include these three dimensions”. men as workers and paid by the public, men as family
The hegemony of masculinity in the present period breadwinners, cultural acceptance of men's positions,
rests on the idea of kthe crisis of contemporary aggressive in catechism relationships, and so on. These
capitalism, the massive restructuring of the global are constantly upheld as the defining principles
economy and its general impact on the social and sexual characteristic of masculine hegemony.
division of labor [15]. Understanding masculine and Masculinity historically understood as a hierarchical
especially hegemonic masculinity requires the presence framework, so that it becomes a collective norm that is

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 606

favored and gains acceptance from male and female namely the real, the imaginary, and the symbol. This
gender. Masculinity as a construction norm becomes an thinking is also inspired by the theory of human
ideal male and is maintained as a norm, so that other development from Sigmund Freud, which contains the
norms are subordinated, marginalized, and justifies male id (conscious), ego (preconscious), and superego
domination. (unconscious). Lacan's first theory of the subject is that
Sex role theory explains that action is connected to a person exists at the mirror stage, and therefore fails to
the structure of biological difference, the male and recognize the other as the other. Lacan incorporated
female dichotomy, not to a defined structure of social madness into the basic structure of human subjectivity:
relations. The psychoanalytic approach seeks to unmask psychosis was no longer understood as an organic
the theory of sex roles, that adult masculinity is built on deficiency but as a possibility open to all human beings.
overreaction to femininity, and the relationship between Lacan discusses three successive basic complexes,
the creation of masculinity and the subordination of starting with the subject's early social interactions in the
women [21]. The polarity between masculinity and family context: namely the weaning complex, the
femininity, emerges between sides that are demeaned in intrusion complex, and the Oedipus complex. The
culture and associated with weakness. Boys and girls weaning complex involves the primordial relationship
become weak in the face of adults, thereby occupying a that is built between the newborn and its mother.This
feminine position. They develop a sense of femininity real stage lasts from the baby's birth to the age of 6-18
and doubts about their ability to achieve masculinity. months. Babies are driven by the need for food, drink,
The struggle for these achievements in children's lives comfort, and so on.This structural interpersonal
creates an internal contradiction between masculinity relationship is based on the mother's attention which
and femininity. Thus, the adult personality is shaped by aims to compensate for the baby's helplessness. Since
compromise and is under tension [22]. the baby's process of identifying the breast, the baby
The existence of femininity in men, gradually taking tries to continue life in parallel, he starts a
on a different color, focuses not on the process of "metaphysical mirage" that will always accompany him.
oppression but on the resulting balance between the This second identification process, is to establish an
masculine and feminine personas. The feminine image eating relationship that allows him not to starve and find
of a masculine man is not only shaped by his life himself isolated from others. The baby always gets his
history, but the image inherited by women as part of the needs, in the sense that he gets satisfaction from
'archetype' [23]. consuming the object. Babies are in a situation of
From the previous exposure, showing the view 'fullness', which is expected according to their needs, so
gender masculinity trapped in the hierarchy and no concept of 'personal' has emerged at this stage. The
subjugation of the weak. The view above shows the real is the idea of reality that is formed from social
workings of the historical materialism mindset. construction in society. Babies do not recognize the
Therefore, there is a need for the relational concept of separation from their mother (Other). Babies
deconstruction of men and women in the discourse of are individuals who do not have an understanding of
hegemonic masculinity. In Collier's (1998) study of the their 'self', or do not have subjectivity about their self-
social construction of masculinity, the binary division concept as individuals. The real stage will stop when the
between sex and gender, as well as other binaries (such baby realizes he is different from his mother (Other).
as male/female, hetero/homosexual), needs to be When he is something that stands alone other than
disrupted [24]. Critical research on men and masculinity something outside of himself, that's when the baby's
contributes to an understanding of how men gain, need becomes a demand. His awareness of separation
maintain and use power to subjugate women and how from his mother, knowing the other,
they can change that power (Hanmer 1990) [25]. On the intrusion complex, Lacan explains the
importance of the mirror stage theory while relocating it
3. MASCULINE SUBJECTIVES TO to a wider context. This complex finds expression in the
CLIMATE CHANGE relationship that is built between the child and his
sibling, who is considered a rival. As a result, the
Feminist activist Juliet Mitchell talks about Jacques structure of interpersonal relationships on which the
psychoanalysis. Lacan is descriptive which shows how complex is based is jealousy. A child aged 6-18 months
desire is channeled to reproduce patriarchal power recognizes himself in the image of his own body as
relations so that women are subject to it. The aim is to reflected in a mirror. The subject recognizes himself in
analyze the ideology that provides the basis for the differentness of the specular image, he experiences a
collective political action against women's oppression multiplication through which he can objectify himself in
[26]. Psychoanalysis is a discourse that offers a theory the mirror, to identify himself with an imaginary other
of the unconscious, as an alternative to studies that person.
define rigidly sexual differences [27]. Lacan describes In his first theory of the subject, Lacan was more
well-known concepts such as female 'castration' or concerned with the function of the ego than describing
'penis envy' in socio-historical and linguistic terms [28]. the unconscious structure of the subject. The subject
I describe the masculine subjectivity of climate identifies alienation in another imaginary (other that
change by using three important points in Lacan, originally corresponds to the subject's specular image).

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 606

Ultimately psychoanalysis aims not at strengthening the is repeated indefinitely throughout one's existence
ego but at realizing the unconscious subject through because of the imaginary imagination, and the
overcoming the imaginary alienation. In the imaginary relationships one builds with other human beings.
function there is the ego. Two important elements are The relationship between the subject and the ideal
firstly the subject cannot be limited to the imaginary, image itself fosters self-love narcissism related to
secondly the ego as the imaginary works to avoid aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is a prerequisite of the
confusion with the subject (from the subconscious). imaginary dimension of the subject, and determines the
Lacan's main aim is to show that the imaginary formal structure of the human ego and the list of entities
function of the subject requires the ego, while arguing that characterizes its world. The increase in
that the subject cannot be reduced to its imaginary aggressiveness is proportional to the narcissistic
dimension. The difference between the ego and the intensity of the subject's relationship with his own ideal
subject is that first, Lacan admits that the imaginary image. The subject as ego continues to compete with
identity of the subject is literally outside of himself. others by projecting the ego ideal on him. The ego ideal
This corresponds to a paradoxically alienated identity. always accompanies the ego. In everyday life, what is
In other words, the ego lies outside (what is generally seen in others is nothing but the ideal image of yourself
considered) the ego (self-identity). This is why, Lacan (ego ideal), the eyes of others reflect the specular image
refers to the motto “jouissance/enjoyment”. of yourself. "Wish is another's wish" should also be
Consequently, the ego is understood as the imaginary referred to the aprimitive of desire which would be a
identity of the subject, not to be confused with the ego wish for another on an imaginary level.
of the individual, as the imaginary identity Finally, the Oedipus complex occurs between a
individualizing the subject only by detouring through child aged 3 - 5 years and the people around him who
the others. Two fundamental issues must be raised to embody the functions of mother and father. Its basic
clarify this point: how can the (other) image be regarded structure involves love for parents of the opposite sex
as a source of psychic identification that alienates the and competition with parents of the same sex. Lacan
subject? how the baby's psychic development depends asserts the universality of the resolution of the Oedipus
on him being captured by the image (both his mother's complex to be understood as the prohibition of incest
body and his own body). and the consequences of the emergence of the law
On the other hand, man identifies himself with (along with the possibility of violating it). The subject
specular images to make up for his original completes this last complex by an alienating
powerlessness. This is why Lacan states that "the mirror identification with the imago of the father from which
stage is a drama whose internal impulses are he derives his ideal ego; the ego-ideal is only one
precipitated from inadequacy to anticipation". consequence of the subject's entry into law, the other
Inadequacy (powerlessness) is complemented by an being the superego as a repressive agent, which the
imaginary ideal. Such an anticipated form of mastery imago also carries from the father.
that makes babies rejoice—is a “drama” if not a tragedy, The Oedipus stage ensures that the male is the
for that in itself superimposesalienation from subject, who ensures that he thinks and acts according to
identification, thus making it forever impossible for the the imagination that comes from outside himself. The
self-identifying subject to achieve a perfect identity imagination can come from the culture, laws, beliefs,
from the external image. The identification of imaginary values that are around him in determining his response
isolation fixes powerlessness, makes humans equal to and role on the issue of the impact of climate change.
carry out their sexual functions. It then needs to undergo The process of alienating this unacceptable ginari
re-adaptation, which, as we shall see later, can only be depends on the ego ideal. Certain ego ideals have a
mediated culturally by what psychoanalysis calls symbolic order that governs the subject. The symbolic
"complex." The alienating identification with the order of concern emerges from the discourse of equality
specular image is rapidly "precipitated," as Lacan puts on gender issues. This will be created by the subject's
it, because, concurrently with the mirror image-operated self-awareness of the anatomy of the body. Thus, they
capture or attraction, the infant also experiences are more open to the imaginary discourse of equality.
simultaneous images of fragmentation of his own body;
this can be understood either as a transposition of the 4. DESIRE AND EQUALITY
baby's organic deficiencies into the imaginary or as an
intraimaginary comparison of specular image Lacan's reading of The subject is unstable,
completeness as perceived by the infant. Part of the scattered, moving from structuralism with its emphasis
vision one must have of one's own body—in fact, one on structure, to poststructuralism with its emphasis on
can never directly see one's own body as a whole. textuality (the effect of one text on another), to
The mirror stage establishes a structural psychic postmodernism with its emphasis on deconstruction.
dialectic between the subject and the other that serves as Likewise when used for the subject of masculinity.
the model of many imaginary identifications. The ego is Masculinity is trapped at the poles of biology and
the continuous acquisition of imaginary identifications culture. Sexual differences, including in understanding
corresponding to the different key moments in the masculinity and femininity, cannot be reduced to
subject's psychic life. The experience of the mirror stage something that is given biologically or entirely from

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