Hospitalization 1
Hospitalization 1
Hospitalization 1
Fundamentals of Nursing
CON GTH Shahdara
By Miss Nazia
5/10/2023 1
At the end of this presentation the students will be able to
▣ Define Hospitalization
▣ Composition of hospital
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▣ Hospitalization is the placing of a patient in a
hospital and it is a form of individual stressors.
▣ Types of Hospitalization
▣ General Hospital
▣ Special Hospital
▣ Government Hospital
▣ Non-Government Hospital
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Composition of hospital
▣ Patient
▣ Medical Staff
▪ Various type of doctor
▣ Nursing Staff
▪ Nursing superintendents
▪ Head Nurses
▪ Ward sister
▣ Para Medical staff
▪ Pharmacist
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▪ Technicians
▪ Physiotherapists
▪ Dietitian
▣ Administrative staff
▪ Leady secretary
▪ Record keepers
▪ Accountants
▪ Clerks
▪ Peons
▪ Other staff
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▪ Cook
▪ Driver
▪ Ayahs
▪ Pantry Man
▪ Laundry Man
▪ Gardeners
▪ Part-time cleaner
▪ Ward Boys
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Department of hospital
▣ Administrative Department
▣ Medical Depart.
▣ Surgical Depart.
▣ Pediatric Dept.
▣ Gynecology & obstetrical Depart.
▣ Neonatal & premature Birth Depart.
▣ Neurosurgical Department
▣ Operation Theater
▣ Casualty Depart.
▣ Eye & ENT Depart.
▣ Skin & VD Depart.
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▣ Orthopedic Depart.
▣ Radiotherapy Department
▣ Nursing Department
▣ Laboratory Section
▣ Pharmacy Section
▣ House keeping & maintained Dept.
▣ Laundry
▣ Mortuary Section
▣ Nursing school, Colleges & Pharmacy Lab
▣ Security Section, Spiritual care service
▣ Emergency Service section
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Function Of Hospital
1. Investigation, Diagnosis & Treatment of the sick or
2. Health supervision, Immunization & prevention of
3. Medical and Nursing Education
4. Training of paramedical staff
5. Research
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Admission of patient
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Types of Admission
They are two types of admission.
▣ Elective admission
▣ Emergency admission
Elective Admission
With this type of admission the medical officer or the health
care provider arranges with the patient on a convenient date
for admission. Patient is informed well a head of time to
enable him prepare for the admission.
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Emergency Admission
❑ With this type of admission patient reports to the
hospital in a critical condition; he/her is usually
brought in by people( Relatives, friends or a good
Samaritan ).
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Reasons For Admission
▣ For observation
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Purpose of admission
▣ Identify interdisciplinary assessment parameters &
responsibilities to plan & deliver the appropriate
level of care to meet the patient’s needs, evaluate
the response of care, and support community care.
▣ To establish unified process of assessment and
reassessment of patients admitted to the units.
▣ Admission physical assessment shall be done with
in four hour in general unit.
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▣ Admission physical assessment shall be done
within one hour in special care unit.
▣ All data collected are entered on the nursing
admission assessment sheet and available to all
those involved in the care of the patient.
▣ Data that is not obtainable with in four hours of
admission should be documented at the end of shift
by the assigned nurse.
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▣ The RN assigned to the patient is responsible to
ensure that the form is completed within the time
frame specified.
▣ Documentation should be in permanent ink (blue or
▣ The nurse should write her/his name, RN and
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Procedure of Admission
▣ At the time of admission, the registered nurse
performs complete assessment of the patient.
▣ Enter patient’s name, medical record number and
age at the upper left corner of the form.
▣ Enter date & time of admission, medical diagnoses
& chief complaint in the appropriate space in the
▣ Document the source of information(patient, family,
caregiver or health care person or significant
▣ Check the document if patient has previous
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▣ Indicate if patient was admitted from ER
(Emergency Registration), home, clinic, other and
accompanied by whom.
▣ Take patients vital signs (temperature, pulse,
respiration) height, weight.
▣ Assess & document the location and the severity of
the pain using the pain scale.
▣ Document if patient has history of allergy, if yes,
check whether it’s due to medication, food or others.
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▣ Document patient brought medicine to the hospital. If
yes, check whether it was send to pharmacy.
▣ Document if patient & family has valuables brought
to hospital. If yes, check it was sent to admission
▣ At the time of arrival to the room, patient and family
will be given orientation to the unit, an explanation to
the patients’ rights and responsibilities.
▣ Check the activities of daily living and need of
mobility aid.
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Admission of patient
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Role Of Nurse In Admission Of
▣ Arrange patient’s unit.
▣ Greet the patient and orient to ward, other patients
patient’s room, and equipment.
▣ Tell rules and regulation to patient.
▣ Complete patient’s admission charts.
▣ Take temperature, blood pressure, respiration, pulse of
▣ Carry on required investigation.
▣ Follow the physician order, administer prescribed
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Role of nurse cont.…
▣ Enquire from patient, if he is allergic to any
medicines, apply allergy band & inform the
▣ Give instructions to patient to take care of belongings
& valuables.
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Discharge of patient
▣ “Discharge of patient from the hospital means,
reliving a person from hospital setting, who
admitted as an inpatient in that hospital”
Planned Discharge
DAMA Discharge
LAMA Discharge
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Types of discharge
▣ Planned Discharge
Patient completes the initial, actual
management in the hospital under direct
supervision of that hospital.’
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▣ DAMA Discharge
“I am leaving the hospital ward against medical
advice. Doctor explained me about my disease
condition and ill effects of discharge against
medical advice. Doctors, hospital and staffs will
not be responsible for any ill effects happening
after my departure”.
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Purpose of discharge
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Procedure of discharge
▣ See doctor’s written order.
▣ Explanations.
▣ Hand over personal belongings.
▣ Check and receive any hospital property.
▣ Confirm bill paid.
▣ Inform other departments regarding discharge.
▣ Arrange transport.
▣ Dama :-check consent
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Responsibility of nurse on discharge
▣ Check for medico legal history.
▣ Notify medical officer incharge.
▣ Abscond cases immediately contct medical officer
▣ Maintain all documents in a proper Manner.
▣ Take in written handing over
▣ Taking of articles.
▣ Never dischrge patient without
▣ Written order by physician.
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Transfer of patient
• Transfer of patient within a healthcare
▪ It is the movement of a patient with in the
same health facility.
Types of Transfer of Patient
They are two types of transfer of patient.
1. Transfer in/Trans-In
2. Transfer out/Trans-out
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Transfer In/Trans-in
▣ Patient is moved from one unit or ward of first admission
to a new unit or ward.
E.g.: Medical to surgical ward.
❖ Prepare a suitable bed to receive patient
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Transfer of patient
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Transfer Out/Trans-out
▣ It could be from unit to unit or facility to facility.
❖ Confirm with receiving unit.
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Role cont…
❖ Collect patient medication, investigation result and
transfer notes
❖ Assist patient to dress up
❖ Assist patient into wheel chair, stretcher, ambulance
where applicable
❖ Enter patient name in the A and D book, ward state and
nurse note
❖ Hand over patient’s notes and belonging to the
accompanying nusre.
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Role of nurse in preparing patient &
family for discharge
▣ Educate the patient & family throughout the hospital stay
▣ Listen to the honor the patient & family goals,
preferences, observations, & concerns
▣ Provide resources to take home to back up information
given in hospital and advise follow up:
✔ Advise who contact & when if their condition deteriorates
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Normal Reaction Of Patient Being Hospitalized
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▣ Fundamental of Nursing Kozier & Erbs.
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