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Exam - Custrela

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Project Management – CUSTRELA


MULTIPLE CHOICE: a. Intangible Dominant

b. Inseparable
1. A Fundamental customer-centric c. Heterogeneous
company approach designed to attract d. Perishable
and retain profitable clients.
5. It is a service that cannot be stored in
a. Strategic CRM inventory for later sale.
b. Analytic CRM
a. Intangible Dominant
c. Operational CRM
b. Inseparable
d. Collaborative CRM
c. Heterogeneous
2. This might occur for a variety of d. Perishable
reasons, including a poor client
6 Who introduced the relational model?
experience, changing demands, or better
alternatives being available. a. Edgar F. Codd
b. Peter Turnbull
a. Communication
c. Judy Zolkiewski
b. Expansion
d. Benson Shapiro
c. Dissolution
d. Awareness 7. Offer a temporary and immediate
inducement to buy a product.
3. The discipline of relationship
marketing, which represents a threat to a. Buzz or word-of-mouth
the long-dominant transactional b. Sales promotion
paradigm of marketing, grew c. Advertising
significantly as a result of their work. d. Business-to-consumer
a. The Nordic School
b. The Angelo-Australian School 8. It entails a variety of sales and
c. The Asian (Guanxi) School marketing techniques meant to turn
d. The North American School potential clients into paying clients.

4. It is a service that cannot be a. Number of customers acquired

perceived, tasted, or sensed prior to b. Customer Acquisition
consumption. c. Customer Acquisition Cost
d. Customer Lifetime Value
9. Which of the following is CPM 13. Which of the following is not
stands for? belong why customers do NOT want
relationships with suppliers?
a. Customer Portfolio Manager
b. Customers Portfolio Model a. Fear of dependency
c. Customer Portfolio b. Lack of perceived value in the
Management relationship
d. Customers Portfolio Member c. Lack of confidence in the
10. It is a data that is generated by d. Customer lacks relational
third parties from data that they orientation
assemble from a variety of source. 14. What Is Front-Office?
a. Modelled Data a. Processes are invisible to
b. Census Data customers.
c. Compiled list Data b. Processes are cross-functional
d. External Data c. Processes are those that
customers encounter.
11. What is RDBMS?
d. Processes have major cost
a. Relation of Database implications for companies or,
Management Structure given their impact on customer
b. Relation of Database experience, major revenue
Management System implications.
c. Relational Databased
15. It determines how many
Management Source
alternatives are available to the user at
d. Relational Database
any given time.
Management System
a. Usability
12. Focus on the automation of
b. Flexibility
customer-facing processes such as
c. High Performance
selling, marketing, and customer
d. Scalability
16.It is a measure of how strongly a
a. Operational CRM
customer is attached to a business and
b. Strategic CRM
its offerings.
c. Collaborative CRM
d. Analytical CRM

a. Trust
Project Management – CUSTRELA


b. Commitment c. Judy Zolkiewski

c. Relationship Quality d. Peter Turnbull
d. Lifetime Value
17. The following are steps in ensuring
populated database EXCEPT:
a. De-Duplicate Data
b. Source The Data
c. Merge And Purge Data from
Two Or More Sources.
d. Relational Databases
18. Who is the author of the five forces
a. Michael Porter
b. Benson Shapiro

New-to-1. _________ customers are won from 2. ____________. They might switch to
your company because they feel you offer a better solution or because they value

3. ____________ marketing refers to the practice of triggering marketing activities based

on specific events or actions taken by customers.

SWOT analysis explores the 4. ____________________ and the 5. ________________ of

a strategic business unit.
A 6. ____________ is made up of 7. ________companies, organizations and individuals,
and the relationships between them.

8. _____________ includes a number of activities such as event marketing. sponsorship,

9. ___________ partnerships, licensing, product placement, and cooperative 10.
__________ of all kinds.


__________1. It's a tool that allows you to manage every connection and relationship
your business has with clients and potential clients.
__________2. Technique of creating smaller consumer groups based on shared traits
from a large consumer or corporate market that often consists of both current and
potential clients.
__________3. Estimating future income involves anticipating how much of a product or
service will be sold in the coming week, month, quarter, or year. At its most basic, a sales
Project Management – CUSTRELA


forecast is a forecasted estimate of how a market will react to a company's go-to-market

__________4. A computer language created primarily to manage and manipulate
relational databases. Users can access and change data stored in a database.
__________5. Interwoven systems of suppliers and enterprises working together to
produce and distribute goods or services.
__________6. Strives to maintain a high proportion of valuable customers by reducing
customer defections, whereas a customer development plan seeks to maximize the
value of those remaining customers to the company.
__________7. Positive interpersonal ties between people on both sides of the customer-
supplier dyad are common. Positive interpersonal connections are distinguished by high
levels of trust and dedication.
__________8. Customers may form strong bonds with a company's employees. An
emotional connection can be created with a specific individual, a work group, or the
entire firm.
__________9. the primary performance metric that measures the percentage of clients
retained during a particular period without taking into account any other aspects.
__________10. Identifies and engages potential customers or clients who are interested
in a product or service.

Characteristics of B2B relationship. Strategies for Customer Development.
1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.
13. 17.
Operational Tools. 20.
Two types of error in de-duplication.
The seven core customer management
strategies. 24.

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