JAYSON Feasibility 3 PDF
JAYSON Feasibility 3 PDF
JAYSON Feasibility 3 PDF
This paper is to present a proposal for the thesis which seeks to conduct a
feasibility study for a Selling Rice Cake Variety at Barangay 91 Abucay, Tacloban City.
The number of Population of Barangay 91 Abucay Tacloban City (9,364) Filipinos can
be proud of what we can offer to the other nationalities. We are proud of the beautiful
places in our country, our delicious dishes and our very own native delicious or much
better known as “kakanin”. Filipinos love rice and because of that they enhance the way
it is prepared and transform this into a delicious and colorful “kakanin” which serve as
our snacks. Filipinos love for kakanin traced way back pre-colonial time where our
ancestors used suman as offer to visitors. Kakanin has its own unique quirky names such
as biko, puto, sapin-sapin, suman, kutsinta, maja. The present generation may continue to
there is less producer of the kakanin. We the researcher decided to pursue the feasibility
study of setting up new variety production business to promote our very own kakanin and
Kakanin is one of the favorite snacks of the filipino and now we are offering
a new, varieties here are few to introduce of variety (Cheese Puto, Ube biko-de leche,
Special Bibingka)
We decided to stand the business of Selling Rice Cake Variety at Barangay 91 Abucay,
Tacloban City. According to our survey, this location Kakanin is common delicacy among
Filipinos. The word kakanin is derived from two tagalog words “Kain” means to eat and
“Kanin” which means rice that was the main ingredient of the product. One such delicacy
is the Ube biko leche plan, and Special Bibingka and, also Cheese Puto this kakanin is a
Filipino rice cake made from glutinous rice flour, and brown sugar. Traditionally, this
delicious rice cake is placed over banana leaves in a bilao and garnished with latik on top.
Other variations of kakanin will have custard like topping or “matamis na bao” (caramel
like topping) instead of latik. Kakanin is a special delicacy. It is best eaten as a merienda,
each slice on a piece of banana leaf, and served with a strong cup of kapeng barako. Or it
can also be taken as a desert to top a rich meal during any occasions and other festivities.
sticky for unity and a strong, binding relationship. It is sweet for sweetness in a by having
a unique distinction which is any flavored kakanin that was first made here in Leyte and
The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of starting the business
Selling Rice Cake Variety look simple and easy to make it is made of rice sweet rice
and usually made with coconut and coconut milk. The simple kakanin can be
enhance and transform into more appealing snacks that can get the attention of
perspective costumers.
kakanin business to promote the variety of kakanin, on the other side turned out to
The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of starting the business
Market Aspects
❖ The profile and size of the possible potential target market for the kakanin
❖ The price strategy for the business which can help the researcher to
(Analysis of Competition)
❖ Government Regulation
❖ Market Potencial and Demand
Study of
Technical and Operations Technical Operational
Selling Rice Cake Feasibility
Description Variety
❖ Location
❖ Production Process and
❖ Supplies and raw materials Business in Organizational and
Barangay 91 Manpower Feasibility
Abucay, Tacloban
Manpower and Skills Requirements
Contribution to
Significant to Community and
Economic Progress Corporate and Social
This study will focus on selling Rice Cake Variety business such as Cheese
The nature of the business is about producing, selling and accepting orders within
Tacloban City.
This study gives the customer a product which is affordable but with the same
This section will provide a brief description on the various significances of the study
Customers- we believed that the customers will benefit because the study was made
for them and the researcher had priced the product at a reasonable price.
BSBA Student- the study will give awareness with regards to the reality towards
the path of the business world. It can help them to enhance their knowledge about
Researchers- in doing this study, the researchers have acquired new skills and
The following terms are listed and emphasized to give clarity to the reader in
reading the research accessibility road capability and adequate ingress of the
proposed kakanin.
their ages, incomes occupation, the reason for visiting the location business and their
City, so that entrance to the mall is controlled by a limited number of entrances and
Direct Competition- The product facilities that are competing directly with a specific
Indirect Competition-The product facilities that are not competing directly with a
BIBINGKA belongs under the umbrella of kakanin, a category of
PUTO is a Filipino steamed rice cake, traditionally made from slightly fermented
It is a sub-type of kakanin.
The nature of the research determines that both primary and secondary
research should be conducted to collect information needed for the feasibility study
competition and site selection and, survey will be conducted to collect information
this chapter will be include information about how research subjects will be selected,
what data collection instrument will be used to conduct the survey and the
observational research what procedure will be followed to collect the data, and what
sample selection criteria will be applied, and how the collected data will be analyzed.
Limitation of method, sample and procedures will also be addressed at end of the
site selection research. Features of the proposed sites will be evaluated by applying
all the twenty-four items on the location information checklist and the one with most
information such as location, turnover rate, operation hours, and average check price
The subjects of the survey will be passers-by at the intersection near the proposed
Research Design
We the researcher used the descriptive design and applied using survey
questionnaire and key informant interview. The survey was conducted by providing
91 Abucay, Tacloban City inside of terminal. The participants who were, ask to
evaluate the types of kakanin during the survey were randomly selected from
identified respondents. The survey was aided using an interview guide questionnaire
interviews were conducted with existing business operators who sell kakanin which
will server us key information on how will we the researchers improve more our
Research Locale
This chapter presents the analysis presentation of all data and information
gathered by the researcher for the Feasibility Study of Setting up a Filipino Native
100 100%
46-50 Y/O 15-20 Y/O
15-20 Y/O
15% 9%
21-25 Y/O
21-25 Y/O
26-30 Y/O
31-35 Y/O
26-30 Y/O
41-45 Y/O 13%
27% 36-40 Y/O
41-45 Y/O
31-35 Y/O
36-40 Y/O 15% 46-50 Y/O
The table A.1.1 and figure A.11 show the distribution age of the respondents. The
27% of them are from the age group of 41-45 years old, while 15% are from the age 46-50
years old and also 15% of age are from 31-35, while 13% from the respondents are from the
age 26-30 years old while also 10% from the respondents are from the age of 36-40 years
old, while 9% from the respondents are from the age of 16-20 years old
A.1.2 Sex of the Respondents
Male 47 47%
Female 53 53%
47% Female
Based on the table A.1.2 and Figure A.1.2 53% of the respondents are Female and the
remaining 47% are from the Male group of respondents. It also, represent that the majority
A.1.3 Civil Status of the Respondents
Single 43 43%
Married 51 51%
Widow 6 6%
The table A.1.3 and figure A.1.3 show that married respondents are 51% which are
the highest civil status among the others. The next one is the single Status which 43% of the
A.1.4 Occupation of the Respondents
Students 29 29%
Vendors 26 26%
Drivers 18 18%
Unemployed 5 5%
Government Worekers
16% 29%
Based on table A.1.4 and Figure A.1.4 most of the respondents are Students, Vendors,
Government Employed and Drivers, and Unemployed with the percentage of 29% of the
respondents are Students while 26% of the respondents are Vendors and the 22% from the
respondents of Government Employed While 16% are Driver’s and also 5% form the
Yes 92 92%
No 8 8%
The result that overs 92% of respondents said that they eat kakanin while 8% of the
respondents that they don’t eat kakanin this result implies we there is a big fraction that our product
will be viable to the target consumers who have crave for kakanin
Based on the data gathered YES is the highest chosen by the Respondents in their
Bibingka 46 46%
Puto 39 39%
Based on the result there are 46% the respondents said that they prefer kakanin of
Bibingka while 15% of the respondents that they prefer ube de leche while 39% repondents that
they prefer kakanin Puto. The result implies that our product has a big chance that to e patronized
by the consumers based on the resulting findings
3. How do you often eat kakanin?
Everyday 25 25%
Occasionally 55 55%
Often 20 20%
Based on the result there 25% of the respondents said that they eat kakanin. Everyday and
55% said they eat kakanin Occasionally and 20% said that they often eat kakanin
The results show that there are 18 the respondents said that they Order through online while
40 of the respondents That they like to Through Delivery. While 12 respondents that they said order
basis and also 30 respondents that they said Over the Counter
5. How much do you spend on kakanin?
200 55 55%
100 20 20%
150 10 10%
50 15 15%
100 100%
The results show that there are 55% the respondents said that they 200 pesos to spend on
kakanin while 20% of the respondents That 100 pesos to spend on kakanin. While 10% of
respondents that they said 150 pesos spend on kakanin while 15% of the respondents that they said
50pesos spend on kakanin
The result implies that our product has a big chance that to e patronized by the consumers based
on the resulting findings
Yes 90 90%
No 10 10%
The result that overs 90 of respondents said that they’re willing to try it Ube Biko de
leche while 10 of the respondents that they don’t willing to try it of Ube Biko de leche this
result implies we there is a big fraction that our product will be viable to the target consumers
Yes 65 65%
No 35 35%
The result that 65% of respondents said that they buy a kakanin in Market while 35% of the
respondents said that they No Specific Reference
Yes 65 65%
No 35 35%
Based on the result that overs 65 of respondents said that they familiar regional filipino
delicacies while 10 of the respondents that they don’t familiar with the regional filipino
9. Do you prefer homemade prepared filipino, delicacies?
Yes 80 80%
No 20 20%
Based on the result that overs 80% of respondents that they said prefer homemade prepared
filipino delicacies while 20% of the respondents that they prefer commercial prepared
filipino delicacies
Yes 60 60%
No 40 40%
Based on the result that overs 60% of respondents that they don’t tried Ube biko de leche
flavored while 40% of the respondents that they tried flavored Ube biko de leche
We the Researcher use this formula, and getting a percentage was all the researcher
had to do. Since there were one hundred (100) respondents, it was easy for the
researcher to get the percentage because each amount of the number is automatically
equal to that percentage.
P = f/n x 100
P – Percent (%)
F – Frequency
Technical Study
This study discusses about the process of production and the activities of the
business its states also the machineries, and equipment used in production and other
aspect regarding on bringing the raw materials into finished products ready for trade
plant layout, size and structure are all presented for the. purpose of identifying, the
business operation the list of machinery tools, equipment and raw materials are
corresponding cost.
Special Bibingka
Ingredients: 1kl of Rice Flour, 1kl of Glutinous Rice Flour, 168g of Baking
Powder, 17g of Salt, 600g of Sugar, 170.1g Butter, 4 cans of Coconut Milk, 8 Eggs,
40 pcs Banana Leaf, 10 Salted duck egg, 2, bar of, Cheese.
Ube biko de leche
Ingredients: 750g of Glutinous Rice, 3 cups of water, 1 can of coconut cream, 104g
brown sugar, 20 ml ube extract/flavor, 5 eggs, 1 can of evaporated milk, 1 can of condensed
Cheese Puto
Ingredients: 765g of rice flour, 600g of white sugar, 98g of baking powder, 1 can
of evaporated milk, 3 cups of water, 4 eggs, 115g of butter, and 2 boxes of cheese.
1. Sift together flour, sugar, and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside.
2. Mix together water, evaporated milk, egg, and butter in another bowl.
3. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Mix just until combined.
4. Spoon batter into 1-ounce muffin tins until ¾ full. Steam for 10 minutes.
5. Place a piece of cubed cheese onto the top of each puto and steam an
additional 1 minute until the cheese is slightly melted. Remove from steamer
and cool.
Floor Plan
Plan Layout
Marketing Study
Marketing Study
This Chapter will help to know the marketing aspect of the business. the marketing
aspects will cover the following: Product Description, Target Market, Target Market Share,
Demand, Marketing Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Promotion and Packaging.
For the business to prosper, it should be given time and effort. The proponent of this
business must have the designed creativity so as to be able to provide quality service to its
customers or target market must be the key objective of the recommended
In every project, feasibility marketing aspect is well-though-out the most important since it
requires inconspicuous analysis of the business total demand and supply.
Target Market
We the researchers want to distress the purchasing influence of the most Filipinos
as it is offering an affordable price and addressing health and wellness trends in our product
offerings at all ages is the target market of Ube Biko De Leche, Chees Puto, Special
Bibingka, professional or not, male or female, and people of different walk of life. One of
our targets at Barangay 91. Abucay, Tacloban City is the pasalubong. This confirm a big
scope of market Ube Biko De Leche, Puto, Special BIbingka.
Market Segmentation
We the Researcher consider all the types of people (in all ages, female, or male
wherever they live, whatever their religion is, either who have high or low income) to be
our target market that can be our potential buyers. For the benefits of our potential buyers,
we extend our time and effort to differentiate and understand their needs, wants, and their
preferences in order to meet the satisfaction of our innovated product.
Facebook Page
Yes No
The result that overs 92 of respondents said that they eat kakanin while 8 of the respondents
that they don’t eat kakanin this result implies we there is a big fraction that our product will be
viable to the target consumers who have crave for kakanin
Respondent Answer
Special Bibingka 46
80 Ube Biko de leche 15
70 Cheese Puto 39
The results show that there are 46 the respondents said that they prefer kakanin of
Bibingka while 15 of the respondents that they prefer ube de leche while 39 repondents that
they prefer kakanin Puto. The result implies that our product has a big chance that to e
patronized by the consumers based on the resulting findings
Respondent Answer
Everyday 25
60 Occasionally 55
20 Often 20
The result show that 25 of the respondents said that they eat kakanin. everyday and 55 said
they eat kakanin Occasionally and 20 said that they often eat kakanin
4. What type of services do you prefer?
Respondent Answer
Order through online 18
80 Through Delivery 40
Order Basis 12
Over the Counter 30
The results show that there are 18 the respondents said that they like Order through online
while 40 of the respondents That they like to Through Delivery. While 12 respondents that
they said order basis and also 30 respondents that they said Over the Counter
The result implies that our product has a big chance that to e patronized by the consumers
based on the resulting findings
PHP 150 10
PHP 50 15
The results show that there are 55 the respondents said that they 200 pesos to spend
on kakanin while 20 of the respondents That 100 pesos to spend on kakanin. While 10 of
respondents that they said 150 pesos spend on kakanin while 15of the respondents that they
said 50pesos spend on kakanin
The result implies that our product has a big chance that to e patronized by the consumers
based on the resulting findings
The result that overs 90 of respondents said that they’re willing to try it Ube biko de leche while
10 of the respondents that they don’t willing to try it of Ube biko de leche this result implies we
there is a big fraction that our product will be viable to the target consumers
The result that 65 of respondents said that they buy a kakanin in Market while 35 of the
respondents said that they No Specific Reference
Respondent Answer
Yes 65
60 No 35
20 TOTAL 100
Yes No
Based on the result that overs 65 of respondents said that they familiar regional filipino
delicacies while 10 of the respondents that they don’t familiar with the regional filipino delicacies
Based on the result that overs 80 of respondents that they said prefer homemade prepared
filipino delicacies while 20 of the respondents that they prefer commercial prepared filipino
10. Have you tried flavored Ube Biko de leche?
Respondent Answer
Yes 40
60 No 60
Yes No
Based on the result that overs 60 of respondents that they don’t tried Ube biko de leche
flavored while 40 of the respondents that they tried flavored Ube biko de leche
Kakanin is a native delicacies product that is rich of minerals and nutrients that will
give the consumer a healthy way of eating the conventional kakanin that we often buy. We
Filipinos are known as a fan of eating kakanin especially during Occasion or events where
we have our orphan ‘’breakfast’’ Our version of our kakanin has a twist and with the grace
of Glutinous Rice and Coconut Milk to make it healthier and decent for our body, Selling
Rice Cake has a variety of flavors that consumers can choose from, we have Special
Bibingka, Ube Biko deleche, and Cheese Puto
There are many products that are also best for pasalubong, what we offer doesn’t only
promote high quality taste but also promote our very own delicacy.
Financial Study
This chapter discuss the financial aspects of the study in, order for a business
plan to understand it needs money to start. To determine whether the future industry will
remain profitable through the existence of competitors and unfavorable economic
conditions, the researchers have, to project a Three years financial statement
This chapter includes the source of funds, balance sheet, income statement,
cost of goods sold and cost of sales
Financial Assumption
Initial Capital Requirements
Schedule 2 Rent Expenses
Monthly Annual Cost
₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 60,000.00
Schedule 5 Packaging
Special Bibingka
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Annual Cost
Schedule 5 Packaging
Ube Biko De Leche
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Annual Cost
Schedule 5 Packaging
Cheese Puto
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Annual Cost
3,500 42,000.00
Total ₱42,000.00
Schedule 7
Office Furniture and Fixture
ITEM Qty Unit Price Amount Estimated Depreciation
Life Expenses
Office Desk 1 Pc 1,799 1,799 5 359.8
Total ₱ 4,611
Schedule 8
Purchases Equipment
Item Qty. Price Amount
Steamer 1pc 1,104 1,104
Individual molds 60pcs 143 8,580
Aluminum molds or 48pcs 580 27,840
muffin pan
Pastry brush 3pcs 102 306
Large mixing bowl 1pc 100 100
Whisk 3pcs 88 264
Baking tray 2pcs 80 40
Oven 1pc 4,400 4,400
Mixing bowl 1pc 160 160
Silicon spatula 3pcs 209 627
Stainless 3pcs 255 765
Llanera 10pcs 347 3,470
Cake pans 4pcs 239 956
Strainer 1pcs 57 57
Cheese cloth 4pcs 156 624
Total: ₱49,293.00
Item Cost Estimated life 2024 2025
Office furniture 4,611.00 5 922.2 1,014.42
and fixture
Equipment 49,293.00 5 9,858.6 10,844.46
Total: 53,904 10,780.8 11,858.88
Purchasing Ingredients
(Special Bibingka)
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Cost Annual Cost
Rice flour 110 1 kl 2,860 34,320
Glutinous rice flour 127 1 kl 3,302 39,624
White Sugar 63 600g 1,638 19,656
Salt 1 17g 26 312
Coconut Milk 360 4 cans 9,360 112,320
Egg 80 8 eggs 2,080 24,960
Butter 42.53 170.1g 1,105.78 13,269.36
Baking Powder 34.86 168g 906.36 10,876.32
Cheese 78 2 bars 2,028 24,336
Salted egg 147 10 eggs 3,822 45,864
Banana Leaf 20 40 pcs 520 6,240
Total Cost ₱ 1,063.39 ₱ 27,648.14 ₱ 331,777.68
Purchasing Ingredients
(Ube Biko De Leche)
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Cost Annual Cost
Glutinous Rice flour 95.25 750g 2,476.5 29,718
Coconut Cream 33 1 can 858 10,296
Brown Sugar 9.36 104g 243.36 2,920.32
Ube extract 65 20ml 1,690 20,280
Egg 50 5 eggs 1,300 15,600
Evap. Milk 70 1 can 1,820 21,840
Condensed Milk 54 1 can 1,404 16,848
Total Cost ₱ 376.61 ₱ 9,791.86 ₱ 117,502.32
Purchasing Ingredients
(Cheese Puto for 60pcs)
Item Price Qty. Used Monthly Cost Annual Cost
Rice flour 84.15 765g 2,187.9 26,254.8
White Sugar 63 600g 1,638 19,656
Baking powder 20.34 98g 528.84 6,346.08
Evap. Milk 70 1 can 1,820 21,840
Egg 40 4 eggs 1,040 12,480
Butter 28.75 115g 747.5 8,970
Cheese 78 2 boxes 2,028 24,336
Total Cost ₱ 384.24 ₱ 9,990.24 ₱ 119,882.88
Project cost per year
2024 2025
569,162.88 586,237.8
Projected Income Statement for the year end December 31, 2024
2024 2025 2026
Sales 3,219,840.00 3,541,824.00 3,896,006.4
Less: Cost of goods 736,793.88 810,473.268 891,520.6
Gross income 2,483,046.12 2,731,350 3,004,485.9
Less: Operating
Rent Expense 60,000.00 66,000.00 72,600
Office supplies 1,013.00 1,114.3 1,225.73
Salaries and Wages 507,000.00 557,700.00 613,470.00
Transportation 42,000.00 46,200 50,820.00
Depreciation 10,780.8 11,858.88 13,044.768
Utilities Expense 28,560.00 31,416.00 34,557.6
License expense 1,030.00 1,133.00 1,246.3
Total Operation 650,383.8 715,422.18 786,964.398
Gross Income 2,483,010.12 2,731,311.132 3,004,442.2452
Before Tax
Less: Train Law 1, 869,053.542 955,958.9 1,051,554.8
35% for exceeding
over 800k
Net income: 1,141,856.898 1,775,391.1 1,992,931.1
Projected Statement of Cash Flow
2024 2025 2026
Cash Inflow:
Cash Beg 1,298,733.698 1,065,526.768
Partners Contribution 200,000.00
Sales 3,219,840
Total Cash Inflow: 3,419,840
Office 4,611.00 4,611.00 4,611.00
Furniture &
Equipment 49,293.00 49,293.00 49,293.00
Total: 53,904 53,904 53,904
Less: 10,780.8 21,561.6 43,123.2
Total Non- 43,123.2 32,342.4 10,780.8
Current Assets
Total Assets 1,341,856.898 1,590,822.144 1,910,956.492
Liabilities &
Partners Partners 200,000.00 1,341,856.898 1,590,822.144
Equity Contribution
Add: Net Income 1,141,856.898 248,965.246 1,992,931.1
Total Liability 1,341,856.898 1,590,822.144 1,910,956.492
& Equity
Return Of Investement
2024 2025
ROI 141,856.898 22%
Total ROI 31,208.52
Management Study
This chapter tackles about the entire organizational arrangement of the business.
The management aspect recommends precisely defining roles and responsibilities. It
includes the name of the firm, the type of organization, the vision and mission,
organizational goals, organizational chart, manpower resources, job description and
qualifications, the rules and regulations, this study aims to know how to successfully
manage the business.
Rice Cake Variety is also called Kakanin is derived from two tagalog words “Kain” (to eat)
and “Kanin” (rice). Located at Brgy. 91, Abucay Tacloban City.
Type of Organization
The Rice Cake Variety is a partnership type of organization which is owned by ten
people by Mr. Jayson Cocollo Reyes, Ms. Michelle Bardaje, Ms. Denisse Labutap, Ms.
Jenalyn Suyom, Ms. Renerose Sonet, Ms. Roann Pearl Abrea, Ms. Rose Abrea, Ms. Ruth
Abrea, Ms. Elaisa Jane Panis, and Theresa May Quiero. It is specially a general partnership
because the partner will responsible in management and the financial responsibilities of the
“To be the leading provider of delicious quality affordable products and great
customer service. We are dedicated to the uncompromising quality of our foods, service,
and people.”
“To provide consumer with a delicious treat and top-notch service while upholding
the highest standards of quality to win their contentment.”
Organizational Goals
Renerose Sonet
➢ Responsible for turn in
Jenalyn Suyom
inputs into finish outputs
through a series of
production processes.
Responsible also for
making sure that raw
material is provided and
made into finished goods
This part shows the different position in the organization. It also entails that if something is
wrong in the, business they would know whom are, they going to approach.
Manpower Resources
The following are the responsibilities and requirement of each member of the
General Manager
Job Description: The general manager often oversees local managers and their
employees, as well as a local office of employees. General manager set policies, operations,
create and maintain budget, and coordinate with local management in the organization to
evaluate employees, organization performance and efficiencies.
Job Qualifications:
Job Description: They are responsible for the overall operations for the back of
house and kitchen area of the business. They also hire staff, purchase food and stock, and
make sure everyone is trained on proper food of preparation and kitchen safety techniques.
Job Qualification:
Job Qualifications:
Job Qualification:
Job Description: A packager help ensure that manufactured items are ready for
shipment by placing them into containers, sealing and labeling the items, and preparing the
item for transport. Another common name for this position is product packager.
Job Qualifications:
Job Description: Keeps track of the goods and supplies in a store or warehouse and
manages orders to facilitate sales or productions.
Job Qualifications:
Hair should be relatively secured all the time. This can mean that kitchen staff should wear
hairnets or hats, and servers should have ponytails and trimmed hair styles. No matter what,
hair must be clean and out of the way- and away from food. Facial hair should also look
freshly groomed, note only for the sake of appearance but also for hygiene.
The staff should greet the clients when they purchase and never interrupt when the
customer is speaking and always look at people directly so they will feel that their words
are important. All staff members should use this same kindly demeanor with all customers
and with each other as well.
The employees should arrive for their shifts a few minutes early so that they have
time to clock in, put on their name tags and rewind, and to hear any specials or any
information they need to know. Asking for time off should be done as far in advance as
possible, so the appropriate coverage can be assured.
The proposed project aims to help our localities and the Community and to give healthy
lifestyle to the people. Nowadays it is important that small entrepreneurs should realize the
worth innovating
And starting a business that would largely contribute to the socio-economic development
of the country
In this certain project the researchers consider the whole part of the business
especially the social impact in the community
Contribution to Income Employment
The main goal of a certain business is to have high income especially in the
part of the partnership. The business should generate pleasantly relationship between the
manager and the employees to attain the main goal of the business which is to have an
income. At workers and employees in the business need income to support their own needs
and also for their services rendered in the business, Building up business is a great
opportunity for n employed people to have jobs, it will also be their opportunity of having
another source of income
Tax Contribution
We the researcher decided to pursue the feasibility study in selling rice cake variety
in barangay 91 Abucay Tacloban City to promote the variety of kakanin, on the other side
turned out to be a profitable venture. In this study the researcher used quantitative research.
Since Abucay is a municipality with 91 Barangays the researcher chose the Barangays
which we get the 100 respondents for their research. To study the proposed kakanin
business, the researcher used descriptive method to gather data and information needed to
this study.
All collected data and information that their searcher had been gathered will be a
great help to the reader, to have a better understanding about the study. For the development
of research, the researcher used methods to collect secondary data. These methods are
library to find basis and e-library research to get more information.
They also get primary data through interview, process observation, customer’s
behavior observation and foot traffic.
After bearing in mind the significant factors in the study that we conducted such
factors like the marketing, Financial, Technical. And Management and Socio-economic
study. It is therefore recommended that our Selling Rice Cake will be, pursued and the
business establishes at Barangay 91 Abucay, Tacloban City inside at Terminal
Pinoy style recipe this recipe combines glutinous rice, coconut cream, brown sugar,
and ube flavor to create a delicious ube biko deleche.
This soft and fluffy rice cake is made with glutinous rice flour and coconut milk,
giving it a rich and creamy taste. It is often topped with salted duck eggs, grated coconut,
and melted butter, adding additional layers of flavor.
Cheese Puto
Filipino steamed, rice cake, traditionally made from slightly fermented rice
dough. It is eaten as is or as an accompaniment to several, dishes. Puto is also an
umbrella term for various kinds of indigenous steamed cakes, including those made
without rice. It is a sub-type of kakanin.
You can find Selling Rice Cake in Barangay 91 Abucay, Tacloban City, and
specialized kakanin store in the Philippines. Be sure to try these delightful rice cakes. They
are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a delicious way to experience Filipino culture.
Future researchers and student, this study would be a guide for their future researches and
some information that would help them be knowledgeable about the perception towards
Filipino Delicacies.
Elementary Graduate: San Jose Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Northern Tacloban City National High school
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate: Datemex Computer College
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Suyom, Jenalyn B
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: Feb. 15 2002
Address: Brgy. Veloso Marabut Samar
Religion: Catholic
Cell Num: 09207113078
Elementary Graduate: Legaspi Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Sagkahan National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate:
Year 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Elaisa Jane L. Panis
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: July 8, 2002
Address: Brgy. 93, Bagacay Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09090051752
Elementary Graduate: Bagacay Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Tacloban City National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate: Asian development foundation college
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Rose A. Abrea
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: February 03, 2001
Address: Brgy. 93, Bagacay Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09061691420
Elementary Graduate: Bagacay Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Tacloban City National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate: Je Mondejar Computer College
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Ruth A. Abrea
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: February 03, 2001
Address: Brgy. 93, Bagacay Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09651730537
Elementary Graduate: Bagacay Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Tacloban City National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate: Je Mondejar Computer College
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Theresa May A. Quiero
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: April 23, 2001
Address: Brgy.84 Manlurip San Jose Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09637299402
Elementary Graduate: Sta. Fe Central School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Sta. Fe National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High Graduate: Sta. Fe Stand Alone Senior High School
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College
Name: Renerose A. Sonet
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: May 13, 2001
Address: Brgy. 95 Caibaan Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09851719345
Elementary Graduate: A. Tumamak Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High School Graduate: Sagkahan National High School
Year: 2017-2018
Senior High Graduate: Sagkahan Senior High School
Year; 2019-2020
College: JE Mondejar Computer College
Name: Michelle A. Bardaje
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: September 27, 2002
Address: Brgy. 103 Palanog Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09513972022
Elementary graduate: Nulatula Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High school graduate: Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School Graduate: Sto. Ñino Senior High School
Year: 2019-2020
College: JE Mondejar Compiter College
Name: Denisse Labutap
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Birthday: August 10, 2000
Address: Brgy 106 Sto.Nino North Hill Arbours
Religion: Christian
Cell Num: None
Elementary graduate: Kapangian Central School
Year: 2013-2014
High school graduate: North Hill Arbours Integrated School
Year: 2017-2018
SHS: Northern Tacloban City National High School
Year: 2019-2020
College: JE Mondejar Compiter College
Name: Roann Pearl A. Abrea
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Birthday: July 10, 1999
Address: Brgy. 93, Bagacay Tac. City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Cell Num: 09364925864
Elementary graduate: Bagacay Elementary School
Year: 2013-2014
High school graduate: Tacloban City National High School
Year; 2017-2018
Senior High School: Je Mondejar Computer College
Year: 2019-2020
College: Je Mondejar Computer College