Surgery 1
Surgery 1
Surgery 1
E3 2SE, London
Telephone: +44(0)2089800039
I. Pre-operative Considerations
11. Post-operative Complications
Ill. Neck Lumps
IV. Breast
V. Mesenteric lschaemia
VI. Limb lschaemia
VI I. Per Rectal Bleed
VIII.Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IX. Varicose Veins
X. Lumps in the Groin
XI. Hernias
XI I. Leg Uleers
XI II.Deep Venous Thrombosis
XIV. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
XV.Acute Abdomen
XVI. Procedures And Relevant Anatomy In Surgery
These are investigations that are done before patient goes to theatre.
All patients who are fit and well must have at least full blood count
done before they go to theatre. This is standard procedure.
1. Full blood count: even fit and well patients m_t1st have at least
FBC done
This is to check for Haemoglobin levels
1. Aspirin can continue until operation
(,. s)
Z. Target pre-operative INR for patients on Warfarin is INR <'z.5.
Warfarin must be stopped 5 days before the operation and be -..J{"l.'i"\.
cro~ ·IC> '2. Jo1 01 C1 , ';i
given heparin pre-operatively _L ""' H ~~ ;;- ~~(')' ·
3. In diabetic patients start insulin on the morning of surgery (sliding
f\l\e:\ . r -r,'\ ·, I'\ ~A op ;)-1 'r-l < tefO' c
sea le ) · \ '1"
pu+ i l":5<.) ""
4. Prophylactic Antibiotics against infective Endocarditis should not
be given routinely to people undergoing a dental or surgical
procedure. Instead they should be advised to maintain good oral
hygiene, and told how to recognise signs of infective endocarditis
and advised when to s,eek expe.r t help advice.
7) 19 !'\~ o+ {;:' f \ (" l'C rd, ·\ iJ ., b re{e t
. gram -ve bac1"ll1," gra11,
Common Pa th ogens: Ent enc +ve cocCl.
Antibiotic of choice: Single dose ~l}!amicin IV .OR c_
~furoxime C)
IV OR co-amoxiclav IV
,./cefuroxime IV +metronidazole 400-500 mg tds~
A. Day case surgery (patient is not admitted)
B. Inpatient operation
A. General complications
B. Specific complications
C. Wound problems
- Investigation: CXR to rule out pneumonia,
Rx: ph'ysiotherapy
(j) $ - -~
a:·would infection: Usually after 5 days post op. Presents with
discharge from the wound, redness and tenderness around the
wound, Investigation: WOL!f'l~L~wab, Investigation: Microscopy,
culture and sensitivity. Rx: Antibiotics
3. Confusion
1(ln}ection - .UTI .& P.~g!.Jm9ni~ (especially in elderly) Usually after 5
days post op.
4. Hypoxia
1 ('I\ .\\,,{'
{hallucinatioris1 usually insects crawling in blanket. . \
~ ' . ., ~ ~ ·"" J) ( ,(-~:-,,)
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1. Shortness of breath or dyspnea
a. Pneumonia
~/)( ~1e<Y
a. Myocardial infarction = chest pain radiating to the left arm.
1 . Hypotension
a. Post operative hypotension almost always is due to bleeding so
give ·r.,r;r venous fJui'ct .
8. Oliguria
Post operative oliguria is almost always due to inadequate fluid
replacement so give fluids.
9. Anuria
Post operative anuria almost always is aue to blocked catheter ,
so heck Gatheter
1. Mastectomy
Common complication is lymphoedema (arm becomes swollen)
Management; physiotherapy and arm exercise.
1. Th roidectomy
Management: Jteassurance
Common complication is abdominal C?tJ?elyic ab_
s~~~s_especially if it's
perforated or gangrene appendicitis. There is usually ~wingjngJ
\ feve~~ Investigation: CT scan abdomen, or abdominal
ultrasound scan. Management: I cision nd dramage.
Spleen takes part in immune system so splenectomy causes low
immune function and patients have recurrent infections.
Prophylaxis vaccination is required against the following infections:
i. Pneumaccocal
ii. Meningococcal
iii. Haemophilus influenza
Patients also require long term antibiotics prophylaxis.
a) Paralytic ileus usually presents with abdominal distention,
constipatio , vomitin nd reduced 6owel soung~ Occurs ~
..I. ~ pfOt-1'\ C\Q C'\ ~- --- - -- - - ------------- -
a. Acute pancreatitis - abdominal pain
b. Cholangitis
Wound swelling, bleeding or discharge needs inspection/exploration of
the wound.
1. Wound bleeding
Usually bleeding is minor and settles spontaneously.
Clinical features:
1. Wound~oozing
2. Wound_h~m_ijtQHlc~ omRa! pation
Treatment: If rn.ino_r b_leeding, try gentle pressure for 5 minutes.
If ongoing large amount of bleeding, patient may need to go to
1. Superficial wound Infection and Abscess1r
Clinical features:
1. Wound pain
2. Pyrexia
3. Pus like discharge
Treatment: Inspection/exploration of ~ ';.~nd~
If temperature >37.5, take blood cultures, CRP, FBC, UB:E.
If abscess¢ wound di{l_i_oage, take ~Jor microscopy, culture
and sensitivity
Midline lumps
1. Thyroglossal cyst
2. Thyroid lump
3. Dermoid cyst
Lump containing cholesterol cyrystals located in the anterior triangle.
Usually\f>efore age of 30 years. It emerges under the anterior border
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle where the upper 1/3 meets the
lower 2/3. J J _\ '
Investigation: USS, FNAC
Treatment: Surgical removal
3. Parotid tumour
Located in the anterior triangle at the upper posterior region at the
angle of the jaw.
Usually patient age >40 years
Investigation: USS, mumps test will be negativ
Treatment: Surgical
1J\·,"'Q \u N\f
\ I \
4. Thyroglossal cyst (f'/\1 d ·.v\1 '. ,j ,v1. d rv;, p
- Transillimunating midline lump which ~v~s 9_r:}_ tongue prot._us10n,
but pof
•· · ·· ···
on s wallowing)
. __,,.,. SC> op
Investigation: USS
Treatment: surgical removal
5. Thyroid lump
- Midline lump which[movefon_swalloY-?!ng) but not on tongue
1. All patients with thyroid nodules must have TSH measurement.
If low, then measure T4 and T3.
2. USS recommended in patients with atypical solitary nodules
and multiple goiter
a. If it is a CYST then treatment is surgical'removal
b. If it's SOLID then FNAC (Fine needle aspiration cytology).
FNAC is recommended in all patie·nts with solitary
Risk factors:
• Pre-existing goiter (boc(o)
• Radiation of neck in childhood
• Papillary
Surgery: total thyroidectomy B: removal of involved lymph
Adjunctive tx: L-thyroxine to suppress TSH (it stimulates
papillary tumour growth)
Prognosis: Excellent
• Eollicu lar
Surgery: thyroid lobectomy or total thyroidectomy if
metastasis are present
Adjunctive tx: radioactive iodine for distant metastases and
L-thyroxine for replacement therapy to suppress TSH
• Anaplastic
Surgery: \C?rlJi ·paJliaf1Ve to relieve pressure symptoms
No radiotherapy/chemotherapy
Prognosis: Very poor
• Medullary
~)cc:ly_d eJ)haepchrom_o tyoma before treating
Surgery: total thyroidectomy B: excision of regional lymph
6. Dermoid cyst
Midline lump that does
... not move on swallowing or tongue protrusion .
If patient is ~ssthan_JO ~ea_rs:1 the dermoid cyst is likely.
Investigation: USS
Treatment: Surgical removal
'10:) ., £-,e-,o~ ~EC.-~ LO fY\P:>
7. Cervical rib =Thoracic outlet syndrome
Located in the posterior triangle.
It is an extension of C-7
It can cause compression of upper arm vein or nerves therefore it can
,'.)it ,<:>r 'r <1
cause tingling and numbness or swelling of the arm. Symptoms depend
on the compressed structure.
Investigation: Cervical spine X-ray
Treatment: Surgkal removal
1. Cystic hygroma
Located on the posterior triangle. These are massively distended
lymphatic vessels. that can cause compression of airway. They present
at birth and transilluminate brightly.
Investigation: USS
Management: Surgical removal
Treatment: surgical
1. Pain
2. Lump
3. Breast cancer
4. Nipple or skin changes
5. Discharge
'le not attached to underlying structure, (firm in
~c:onsistenc~, smooth surface = it's likely to be fibroadenoma,
especially in a young patient.
Risk factors
• Strong family history of breast cancer (genetic factors - BRCA 2
• Early menarche and late menopause
• Nulliparity
Clinkal Features
• Palpable, hard, irregular, fixed breast lump, usually painless
h t'- c't ::,
• Nipple retraction and skin dimpling
• Nipple eczema in Paget's disease
• Peau d'orange (cutaneous oedema secondary to lymphatic
• Palpable axillary nodes
ca c e 'ctop:,'(
C')":'n".\orc~ \ . -[) Qx "'t'd . .,')( - s.,JCC:lC I'\
b lO~!; 1
1. If nipple retraction or peu de orange or ulcer then breast
cancer is the diagnosis.
Cause: Emboli
Investigation: Arteriography.
Management: Intravenous fluids, heparin, gentamicin and
I ~V ,f)\\
Symptoms: Post prandial pain i.e p.ain after eating. Patients lose
weight due to fear of pain after eating. b\Y"~ d· ,\/ 1
, J \ r~~ t -
Risk factors: HTN, DM, high cholesterol ·
Cause: Artherosclerosis
Investigation: Arteriograp·hy
Treatment: reduce the risk of artherosclerosis.
1. Haemorrhoids (aka Piles)
2. Anal fissure
3. Acute mesenteric ischaemia
4. Colonic cancer
5. Rectal cancer
6. Diverticulitis
7. Angiodysplasia
8. Inflammatory bowel disease
9. Trauma
10. Bleeding diathesis
• 1st degree - Remains in the rectum
• 2nd degree - Prolapses during defaecation but reduces
• 3rd degree - Prolapses during defecation but requires digital
• 4th degree - Remains persistently prolapsed, cannot be reduced
1. Conservative management:
o First line treatment of choice
o Lifestyle modifications: high fibre diet, topical
anaesthetics, behaviour modifications incl. weight loss,
no reading while in the toilet
2. Non-surgical management:
o Rubber band ligation - good choice for first and second
degree haemorrhoids
o Injection sclerotherapy - an alternative treatment for
first and second degree haemorrhoids
3. Surgical Haemmorrhoidectomy
o Used if minor procedures not effective and in external
haemorroids (3 rd degree haemorroids)
NB. Painful peri-anal haematoma must be treated with incision and
• Tear on the anus
• History of constipation
• Intense pain in the anus
• Fresh blood per rectal
• Per rectal examination may be impossible due to severe pain
1. First try conservative treatment i.e. laxatives, tfluid intake,
topical lubricants.
2. Topical glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) ointment is the first line
treatment of chronic anal fissure.
3. Topical diltiazem
4. Botulin toxin used if failed response to GTN
• Inflammation of diverticulum ~utpocketing of weak area of
intestinal wall)
• Presents with fever and left iliac fossa pain relieved by defecation
• Usually patients are 60 years and above
• Profuse bleeding per rectal but there is no rectal pain
• In the acute phase, CT scan is investigation of choice.
Do not do colonoscopy during acute phase as it can cause
• Colonoscopy is best for diverticular disease, can be used in
diverticular bleeding both for diagnosis and treatment.
• Usually elderly patient
• Symptoms of malignancy i.e weight loss, anorexia, fatique,
• Left colonic cancer usually presents with per rectal blood mixed}
\ with stool J
• Right colonic cancer usually presents with anaemia
• Change in bowel habits i .e alternating diarrhea and constipation
Investigation·: Colonoscopy and biopsy
• Elderly patient
• Symptoms of malignancy i.e. weight loss, anaemia, anorexia,
fatigue, tiredness.
• Fresh per rectal bleed
• (Tenesmus«iwhich is a feeling of incomplete evacuation. ..,
l',..,0c c)..J
• [U ce , in the rectUlll\means(t-9.IJ_<;:et'J roe-_,~.;,
Investigation: Sigmoidoscopy (for lesions in rectum up to sigmoid
colon) and biopsy
• Congenital arterio-venous malformation
• Presents in elderly patient with unexplained spontanenous
bleeding per rectum with no other possible cause of bleeding
• This is a thrombosed haemorrhoids .
• There is severe pain
• It is locate at the c111a
• It is purple blue lump.
• This condition is common in children.
• The typical age is 5-12 months
• Intermittent abdominal pain
• Child crying while pulling the legs towards the abdominal
• Per rectal fresh bleed, currant jelly like stools
• There is sausage shaped mass in the abdomen
• Shock
1. Ulcerative colitis
2. Chrohn's disease
• Usually young patient (20-30 years) with chron'fc history o(_?_
• Fever
• Usually does not go beyond ileo.,cecal valve
• Granular inflammation of mucosa
• Extra intestinal manifestation e,g arthrit~s, conjuctivivtis,
{pyoderina·gang·renosum~~ulc:-er1j On the leg
--~~---·- · --~ -- . - -- ~
• Young patient between 20-30 years
• Chronic diarrhoea ( f\6..1., b \ ~c:..··:td,1·)
• -/ + blood per rectal
• Can affect any part of the GI tract from the mouth to the anus
• Transmural granulomatous inflammation of the intestinal mucosa
• Extra intestinal manifestations can be conjunctivitis, pyodema
gangrenosum, arthritis mouth ulcers
• There are l.Jyp~s of yeins in the lower limb: -~Y.P~rficial veins and
• The superficial vein drains into deep veins.
• The superficial veins and deep veins are connected by _Qe_
• The perforating veins !:lave valves which allow blood flow only in
one direction i .e from superficial to deep veins.
Superficial veins
1. Long saphenous vein runs on the medial aspect of the leg all the
away up to the sapheno-femoral junction.
~i'.f j
2. Short saphenous vein runs on the lateral aspect of the leg into
the sapheno-popliteal vein at the posterior aspect of the leg.
'.'~p _)
Deep veins
1. Popliteal vein
2. Femoral vein
1. ~ifestyle ~odifications (avoid prolonged standing and elevate
2. Minimally invasive therapie_s:
a. Radiofrequency abl~tion - uses radio frequency energy to
seal the lumen of the long saphenous vein
b. Endovenous laser therapy - uses high-intensity laser
c. Foam sclerotherapy - seals the vein using foam
3. Surgery:
a. Phlebectomy - removal of vein in parts
b. Stripping - removal of the entire vein
c. Sclerotherapy - seals the vein using sclerosing agent
4. Compression stockings if interventional therapy not
c appropriate. Always exclude peripheral arterial disease before
Investigation: USS
• Long standing history of a mass in the testes.
• Mass is f![r!l in consistency , ?_tta_
ch~9 to tlnle te-g_~~-
• If age between 19...::10. its(teratoma
• If age between 30-49 its~e~""'!noma CJe)(\ rrtl
• Sudden onset of severe testicular pain is always testicular
. _ _ _ . . . - · -• • - _- I > , _,_
5. HERNIA ,.. , 1
• Bluish in cololllr
• Disappears when patient lies flat
• Can be itchy and have an aching pain.
Investigation: ~~S
Management: If asymptomatic then reassure
If symptomatic then perform surgery.
• Fever, dysuria, frequency of micturition.
• Swelling and redness on the testes
Investigation: ....---
Management: antibiotics
CLASSIFICATION . /,. .. ./ ' '
1. Reducible hernia
o Contents can be replaced completely into the peritoneal
o Presentation: Painless lump that disappears on lying flat and
with cough impulse
2. Irreducible hernia
o Due to adhesions if itcS contents to the inner wall of the sac
o Presentation: Painless lump, no cough impulse and the lump
is not reducible on examination
3. Strangulated hernia
o Contents of the hernia are constricted by the neck of the
sac to such an extent that their circulation is cut off.
o Unless relieved, gangrene is inevitable and perforation will
eventually occur
o Presentation: Often with ajgns of intestinal obstruction i.e
vomiting, constipation and distended abdomen plus the
lump is tender, not reducible hernia and _ bowel sounds are
' .
Enters the internal inguinal ring, transverses the inguinal canal. If
large enough it emerges through the external ring and descends into
the scrotum. The hernia can be controlled by pressure with one
finger over the internal inguinal ring.
.- ---
through the posterior
- ' -
wall of the inguinal canal media to the
internal ring. It is i:1ot controlled by digital pressure over the internal
1. In children ~!~~w 1 Z~~-~.~s__<>.L~ you do herniotomy
2. If presentation is below 1 year, wait until 1 year to do
3. In adults you do herniorrhaphy or also called hernia repair.
4. If it is REDUCIBl.!E 0R IRREDUCIBLE ·liERNIA then you do elective
(planned) hernia repair
5. If it is STRANGULATED HERNIA then you do immediate hernia
Mor~ common in wo111en and it com~qD~Y ~trangµJ~tes.
Treatment: Because of high risk of strangulation, all must be
treated ~urgically as soon as possible.
• The inguinal canal i~_~-cm long.
• It passes downward and rr!~.o.iallrJrpm de~p to superficial from
the internal to the external ring.
• It lies parallel to and immediately abov~ the inguinal ligament.
• The int~rnal_ri_ng feprese~fth~\~~int at which the(_sl~~~matic cor
, --~
through the transversalis fascia. The internal ring lies
. '
' '" ' r
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LEG ULCERS -·- Q :,<. i ('( < ,r~,I '
,·1 L,i I· Ir,. ( ( '
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1\ ,, ,"·1.r ,1( ',
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• Ulcer on the medial malleoli
• On examination there are varicose veins
• History of standing for long time due to venous stasis, e.g. people
who work as waiters or guards.
( I( \i \ ,
1. PYODERMA GAl'-.I_GRENOSUM t '\c ·1< .,, ,· ,t
("(" \ \ \ i::..
• History of inflammatory bowel disease
Investigation: Biopsy for pyoderma gangrenosum
• History of ir:,_termittent claudication
• Painful ulcer
Signs ":ff~'"o
• Ca f tenderness
• Calf warm to touch
• Swelling of the calf
• Mild fever
• Pitting oedema
• ~c_tive cancer (treatment within last 6 months or palliative): +1
• C,~lf_~Yfelli~~ ? 3 flTI compared to asymptomatic calf (measured 10
cm below tibial tuberosity): +1 point
• Swollen !J~i~a~~T~_l__~uperficial veins (non-varicose, in symptomatic
leg): +1 point
• Unilateral p_itting _~Q_filD 9 (in symptomatic leg): +1 point
• P,r~yious ~ocumented DVT: +1 point
• Swe~ling of entire leg: +1 point
• Localized tenderness along the deep venous system: +1 point
• Paralysis, paresis, or recent cast immobilization of lower
extremities: +1 point
• Recently bedridden ~ 3 days, or major surgery requiring regional
or general anesthetic in the past 12 weeks: +1 point
• Alternative diagnosis at least as likely: -2 points[4]
-There are 2 peptic ulcers we need to know: gastric and duodenal
Gastric Uleers
-stomach ulcers
-epigastric pain ~orse with meal_s
-relieved with aRti-acids
-history of indigestion
-patient may lo_os_e weight du~J g_f~s.LQf eatin,g.
-~· -~ -
- ..
• Elderly patient
• Symptoms of malignancy i.e weight loss, anorexia, tiredness,
• Early satiety
• Epigastric pain or discomfort which may radiate to the back.
• Metastasis to the spraclavicular lymp nodes called virchow's
• Common in Japanese.
• Old
age of the patient -,o
• Dysphagi_a fo qsolid iriitiallY\ then liquids.
• Weight loss, anaemia, anorexia, fatique
• 0 dynophagia
• If there is !1.Q_rll_~~~~tas~s then treatment is resection of the
• If there is metastasis treat with rradiotherapy.
• Usually in ~lcohol_
i~-~~or patients with lqrig ~ta.nding liver dis~ase
e.g primary bilary cirrhosis or chronic
- ·- - - viral
·- --· .
,~ '
• Massive bleeding
• Patient is Jn ~hqc~
• Repeated haematemesis 'c CJ -\c;.) 1a 'J
• On examination there can be stigmata of liver disease( spider
r . \)·\-c\ r, 0' c\CA'->'{'l
• Patient may smell of alcohol
• Common in patient who are long term use of non ~teroidal ani-
nflammaor drugs e.g ibuprofen, naproxen,aspirin, a
• Also steroid especially if patient is allergy to NSAIDs then is more
likey to have been using steroid since he/she can not use NSAIDs.
• Also biphosphanate. E.g alendionic acid.
• There can be history of back or joint pain or rheumatoid arthritis
or osteoarthritis which indicate that patient has been taking
\ \ \ '\
These is usually after burns. 1,;
Inflammation of the gall bladder usually with pre-existing g~llstones.
Signs 8: Symptoms:
• Fever
• Pain in t~e right quadrant radiating to the right s~apuJ?.l worse
. hf f d ·- \ ,_ ., .; '
w1 t atty oo s. : ·, ·\ , ,1· \ -' ·
. . . ' ,- ·ii ;' _:,
• Nausea and vomiting
• MurJ:}hy's sign is positive
1.Jl~.S.. is the investigation of clJ.,oice (look for gallstones)
2. f.ARCP (Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography) is
indicated if no evidel)_C~ _of gallstones found despite classical
biliarY p~tr:i~
3. ERCP should not be used as a routine investigation but in those
(0°1: patief.ltS who are likely to require intervention.
\ '
? )
1. Symptomatic gallstones are most effectively treated with
laparoscopi c cho lecystectomy.
J 3cM )
2. Asymptomatic gallstones should be managed conservatively
unless in the following situations when laparascopic
cholecystectomy is recommended
a. Big stones in the gall bladder >-. vv-...
b. Small stones in the gall bladder but in very young patients
c. High risk of complications like in a diabetic patient
Investigation: USS
Management: ceft1roxime and metronidazole.
1) USS
2) ERCP-if obstructive jaundice and worsening LFT or if there is
a stone in the common bile duct.
Signs & Symptoms
• Loin pajr, -I hC'i'v vi I, J'i I c· .
• Fever ('
• Chest pain
Investigation: CXR
Management: Antibiotics
-\.~(\ \
1. RENAL COLIC \i\\(:VN'\ .
• Epigastric or upper abdominal pain which radiates to the back
• Profuse vomiting
• Abdominal pain may quickly become generalized
e \Reduced bowel sounds c::,h, CI,'. ) ,_,\i-, '~' ,\ .· ' ''., \ \, \
1. Investigation of choice is serum amylase to confirm diagnosis.
1. .IV fluids and NGT if vomiting
2, Prophylactic antibiotics
··7- • Epigastric pain ) ~)('hr · ·• ,
• Elderly patient
• Nausea
• Sweating in the palms
• History of ischaemic heart disease.
Investigation: ECG &Cardiac enzymes. · \1
The four cardinal signs of intestinal obstruction
o Vomiting
o Abdominal pain
o Distended abdomen
o Absolute constipation
Investigation: Plain abdominal X-ray=dilated bowel loops
Management: Surgery
• Pain on urination
• Haematuria
• Usually suprapubic pain
Investigation: A.:. and Mo::-:i\ or~ofr ,c-i C
C KUB x-ray is the ~Jtigl investigation
~ _ IY,U is the most appropriat~ investigation
Management: Rehydration or storne removal.
1. ~_
umbar pu,ncture - Inserted between-~~ & L4, landmarks is the
plane between the iliac crests. Pierces the dura mater before
reaching CSF
Tel: 07940433068
Address: Bow house Business Centre
153--159 Bow Road
E3 2SE
C. CT scan of testes
D. Urethral swab
/® Exploratory surge
2. A frail ~ ye . old man returns to the clinic a day after having
had a rigt']t_- 1de hydrocele aspirated. He complains of pain in the
scroturm, , jc he has noted to be ~woUen. On examination, there
is ,...~e. a~r swelling in the right side of the scrotum. What is the
. o ?\gpropriate initial investigation? ~:h:· (nrf\rii-·, ·.c'"'.ll sc {O~un"
j '\
""'")' ,. (,... . ·\ :n1 ,
'- \" I
B. CT scan testes
(J:'5 Ultrasound scan
D. Mid-stream urine
E. Cystoscopy
3. An BO-year old man complains of testicular pain tbree days post-
Qp~ratively. On examination his temperature is .38C. He has an -in-
dwelling urinary catheter and both testes are tender. What is the
most appropriate initial investigation?
A. Mid-stream urine C /\ U 7 \ -b
B. Urethral swab co-\ \c\ - J":1.·
_.C. Exploratory surgery ) i n:,, f
1 1
-/( D':1 Urine culture from catheter specimen'P-r-cc-
E. No investigation required
changed becnmimi
X '1,
m- q d with sca
y skin
i The left nipple is
normal bu e r',ght a Ola and nipple shows an area of redness
with seal~ s· ~in e uption. There is no nipple discharge and there are
no lum~s h t is the most appropriate next investigation?
~ r"i f \ \
B':' Mammography
~ - Open biopsy o{
D. Fine needle biopsy
E. Core biopsy !.. \0
6. A 30-year old woma_n comes to the clinic because she is
concerned about breast cancer. She has (ho s_ymptom""s) of breast
disease and clinical examination is normal. She has a positive
family history for breast cancer, her sister developed breast cancer
at 32 and her mother at 45 years of age. What is the most
appropriate next investigation?
A. Ultrasound scan
B. Mammography
../ ( C. Genetic testing and counselling
D. Fine needle biopsy
E. Open biopsy
D. Core biopsy ~
E. Lymph nodes V
E. Open biopsy
A. Oral ibuprofen
B. Paracetamol oral
C. Int ramuscular diamorphine
D. Morphine bolus
-/ E Oral paracetamol
16. A 45-year old man with( ~ ngstanding ~C?_wer ba':_~' pain present;
to the A&E department afte fiavmg vomifed a S!Jlall quantit , f
altered blood. He is nqt shocked. He gives a six month his, , rY
indigestion. What is the most appropriate next management t:e. ? '
A. Gastro-oesophagoduodenoscopy
:s:1 Drug history
C. Urgent endoscopy
D. Coagulation screen
E. Faecal occult blood
17. A 70-year old man presents , 1tl-l ~kg wetght loss over the
19. A 40-year old woman has noticed a l_ump in her left breast fo
the last four months. There is a hard, ill-defined lump measu n ·
3cm present in the lower outer aspect of her left breast, with s, , e
redness of the overlaying skin. There are palpable lymph no6e i
the axilla and the left supraclavicular fossa. What is the most lll<ely
~- Fibroadenoma A,
,,--(.~) Breast cancer
C. Duct papi lloma
D. Paget's disease
E. Fibroadenoma
B. Breast cancer
C. Duct papilloma
D. Cyclical mastalgia
~ ( E. Galactorrhoea
23. A 5O-year old woman has l:lAd rg0ne an anterior resection for
carcinoma of the rectum. _Q n the eventh post--operative day she
has\Jow rade pyrexi.a. (37.5£ aAcl is complaining of in in the left
(£_a[ • She has P.itting oedem,_-a 0f the eft ankle. What is the most
appropriate immediat e l westigation? . . t ··\
A. Arterial blood g .s
B. Ventilation perf io scan
v'\_ C) Doppler ul. ~asound scan of the legs
D. CT sca:i o the chest
B. irscan abdomen ~:_
C. Wound swab
D. Per rectal examination
E. Mid-stream urine
B. Blood transfusion
C Check urine catheter
D. CT scan abdomen
E. Ultrasound scan abdomen
A. Ultrasound scan
B -Fine needle biopsy
C. Core biopsy
-/i D Stereotactic fine needle biopsy
E. Triple assessment (clinical examination, imaging and cytology)
D. Cyclical mastalgia
E. Cyst
34. A 25-year old woman, six weeks following the b_i_rt_b_of her_first
child, complains of increasing p?,in and swelling in the rfght -breast.
On examination, the right breast is noted to be ~ed and warm t©.
touch. In the inner aspect there is a localized, tender swelU
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Breast carcinoma
,/ B. Breast abscess
C. Periductal mastitis
D. Nipple eczema
E. Non-cyclical mastalgia
B. Arteriography
, . C. CT scan abdomen
. Urgent laparotomy
E. Erect chest X--ray
A. Erect chest X--ray
B. CT scan abdomen
C. Ultrasound scan abdomen
D. Serum amylase
E. Plain abdominal X-ray v
40. A 15-month old baby has been locked in a car in direct sun ,ig , t
for three hours. ·· When brought into the A&E department 1 h is
distressed and on arrival, his vital signs are normal. W at · he
most appropriate management?
__,, Water by mouth
B. Gastrostomy
C. Intravenous normal saline 0. 9%
D. Intravenous dextrose 5%
E. No immediate action required
D. refer to burns unit
E. Anaesthetise and intubate
43. A 90-yeqr old man had a dense, l.eft-sided stroke last wee~ and
is still unable to swallow properly. He has been on intravenous (IV)
fluids since admission. What is the most appropriate management?
A. Gastroscopy
B. Nasal gastric tube
./ ( CJ Gastrostomy
D. Intravenous fluids saline 0. 9 %
E. Water by mouth
46. A 70 year old man with known P-rostate ___c~ncer presents with
recent onset of low_~r_ -~~~k and right hip pain. What is the most
appropriate investigation? ·
A. MRI scan of the spine
J 'B. Nuclear medicine bone scan
C. Transrectal ultrasound scan of the prostate
D. CT scan of the pelvis
E. Skeletal survey
47. An ~0-y~ar old
man with a 10 year history of rostate cancer
presents with a recent onset of _d . syrj a, bilatl< rat loin .pain and
pyrexia. What is the most appropriate investig U · ?,,
A. Ultrasound scan of the kidneys .. <__ ~
B. Cystoscopy
C. MRI scan
/, D Mid-stream urine
E. Intravenous urogram
48. A 65-year old I<), resents with a fracture of the left humeral
shaft. X-ray .,: ow~ areas of ~ f~..9sclerosis in the humerus. What is
the most a p op, ·tte investigation?
A Ra .io~ jcat skeletal survey
B. NuG e . r 5one scan of the bone
~ I sean of the hip
D. ~ RI scan of the pelvis
L . Serum calcium levels
A. Campylobacter infection
B. E.coli
v( C. Pseudomembranous colitis
D. Rectal carcinoma
E. Viral gastroenteritis
51. A 78-year old man " sents with a four __ month history of
increasing freq uency ,'f efe ation. The stools are becoming looser
and now contain bloot!I ., d mucus. He also complains of Qrgency
when passing stoo d a sensation of Jncomplete ~yg_<:uatio_n. What
is the most likely d1 nosis?
A. Coloni a cin/m a
v',C]) Ree2 t ar. inoma
IDJ iverticulitis
. Crohn's disease
./ B Ulcerative colitis
C. Irritable bowel syndrome
D. Gastroenteritis
E. haemorrhoids
.!(~) Abdominal support
D. Observation
E. Give analgesia and review in 2 weeks.
5,ij. A 7-year old man with rnci ooro.a of the .Qronchus develops
s:t1p!3rior vena cava obstruction following radiotherapy. What is the
m@t appropriate immediate( management?
Ho(f'l€f ::i :,~!\dfon1e
B. Stenting
C. Bypass
D. Radiotherapy
E. No immediate treatment indicated
59. A 49-year old man with .rn~ta~t~!j~ carcinoma has intractable
t-f-niccoughs. What is the most appropriate management?
. t -~')
A. Dexamethasone tablets /
" B. Haloperidol injection
C. Hyoscine injection
D. Cyclizine injection
E. Quinine sulphate
~t 14
Adying 57-ye ri olcJ man with bronchial carcinoma is una~l~ to
cough up bronchial eeretions. The noise is distressing to his carers.
What is the mm t ap ropriate management?
A. Dexamethasone orally
B. Rectal diazepam
C. Diclofenac rectal
v'(D. Prednisolone suppositories
E. Loperamide capsules
A. Dexamethasone
B. Nystatin suspension
./( ·c) Bisphosphonates intravenously
D. Haloperidol injection
E. Allopurinol
64. A lO-year old man presen ,t"wit ~· painful swelling of the right-
sided scrotal contents two we s fter an episode of unprotected
sexual intercourse. What is· e most appropriate investigation?
A. Culture for mid-stea 1 , rine
B. Syphilis serologM
C. Ultrasound scan of t he testes
D. Intravenous urogram
E. Immediate surgical exploration
66. A 10-year old man presents with a painless _swelling in the in
the left side of the scrotum which has been present for [bree)
[years, What is the most appropriate investigation?
A. Mid-stream urine
B. Gram stain urethral smear
/. C. ultrasound scan of the scrotum
D. CT scan of the scrotum
E. Syphilis serology
69. A 43-year old woman with bone pqin, t\A/o previous episodes of
_!p.9-cicreatitisl and fhype_rcalcaemi presents with a right sided
~yreteric __~torie) What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Bladder diverticulum
B. Dehydration
C. Renal tubular acidosis
D. Recurrent urinary tract infection
,, · ( E Primary hyperparathyroidism
72. A 50-year old man has had recurrent episodes of acute and
very painful arthritis, he presents with renal colic shown to be due
to ureteric calculi. What is the most appropriate investigation?
( A 24 hour urinary urate
B. Urinary urate
C. 24 serum urate
D. Intravenous urogram /
E. Plain x--ray
73. A 40-year old woman presents with renal colic, ·ma ing eveals
multiple small stones. Serum biochemical investigat10ns looking for
a primary cause are all normal. What is th .( mostv- appropriate
A. Intravenous urogram
B. Serum urate
C. 24 hour urinary urate
D. Serum calcium
E. Dietary history
,, 75. A 40-year old woman who was previously treated for breas
c_an r, was unwell until six months ago. She has been complaining
of abdn._ ioal Rai n and in reased thirst and passing large amounts
9 _ urine. More recently ~~-~___ ha~ become confused. There are !J_.O
neurological signs. But she appears to be clinically dehydrated.
·rundoscopy is normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Cerebral metastasis C'~'\CVro\r J i( cJ "':; 'y rv,e \cnv~.~\
B Hypercalcaemia
C. Liver metastasis
D. Dehydration
E. Lymphedema
7~. A 30-year old woman, who has previously been trea ~ for
\breast cance·n presents with a two month history of ·ncn s'flg back
eain, W~gJ<ne~s in h~L l~gs and giffi_~_ulty in pas_sin ine. She has a
~pa.~tic J2t9-dq~r and we~~ness of all leg muscle Wlic;t is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Faecal impaction .boc~ pc-1, n
,/ B Spinal cord compression ·(.t,('(' '( r E'.:i:'.> 11, \ :5
·rl1.q ,q 1 -, ~ ~;:,,n_9 )r , (
C. Bone metastasis .:Jrci:_;\ i C \c '4dp 1
D. Metastasis to the bladder
E. Pathological fracture
E. Local metastasis
78. A 50-year old woman, who was treated five years ago for
breast cancer, attends the -Accident and Emergency department
having had/a a , she complains of Rfil[l_i o e rightJ1ip. She cannot
bear the weight and has significant limitation of right hip
movements. What is the most likely diagnosis?
v(A) Pathological fracture
B. Hypocalcaemia
C. Non accidental injury
D. Spinal cord compression
E. Lymphoedema
79. A 50: year old woman has had a ri ht mastec om t ree iears
ago for breast cancer. For the past six weeks srne as" had
(headaches) and more recently, has been noted t0' hav - ecome
incontinent. There are no ocal neurological .sig.ds. Fundoscopy
reveals ap1 edema What is the most likely dia osis?.,,
- - - e
A. Hypocalcaemia q
../ B Cerebral metastasis
C. Local recurrence of the disease
D. Spinal cord compression
E. Optic nerve compression
th~ a2ex ~~at is pispl<l,c;:gd to the left. What is the most appropriate
initial management?
1 (!,. Insertion of the chest drain
B. Surgery
C. Chest X-ray
D. Laryngoscope
E. CT scan chest
/r C.)Administer calcium ( V
D. Dexamethasone
E. Oral prednisolone ~G
83. A 40-year oman has a c;tif(if_ult thyroidectQ.JTIY for
recurrent thy otoxi ~psis. In the recovery room she develops _strJdor.
What is the , o. a~propriate initial management? -
A. Call t ~ a ·pesthetist to intubate
systolic mmHg. His abdomen is distended, tender and has a
pulsatile mass present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Faecal impaction
w ( _B~. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
C. Intestinal obstruction
D. Mesenteric ischemia
E. Strangulated hernia
85. A 1Q_-year old woman comes to the Accident and Erner ~ncy
department w(t ~ an
inflam~c:I j[l:dex finge_r ~fte_r a PUA tur_ . ound
from a rosg _e'f_
~oq1 . She rece1ves an m3ect10n .~f a _1 tetanus
immunoglobulin and is commenced on oral hilst the
wound is being dressed, she complains of thi t , per -oral itching
and she has a skin rash. She then collapses. ,,~ ~- )S" the most likely
diagnosis? :Y
A. Spinal shock
B. Pulmonary embolism
/ @ Anaphylaxis lip ~s,\r- 1\\i \
D. Adrenal insufficiency
E. Staphylococcal sepsis
87. A qfvertif~l_
ul'll protruding between the lower most horizontal
fibres and the higher oblique fibres of the inferior constrictor
muscle. What is the most likely anatomical feature?
A. Branchial cyst
B. Carotid body tumour
/@ Pharyngeal pouch
D. Subclavian aneurysm
E. Cystic hygroma
A. Cervical rib
B. Branchial cyst
C. Cystic hygroma
· ( D. Subclavian aneurysm
E. Thyroglossal cyst
C Crohn's disease
D. Gastroenteritis
E. Diverticulitis
D. rectal prolapse
E. Proctal fugax
E. Operative stone removal
100. A 35-year old man with renal colic attends the accident and
emergency department. An IVU shows a mid-uretic stone. A week
later he returns in severe pain having still not passed the stone.
What is the most likely prognosis?
/ A. Recurrent renal colic
. Recurrent infection
C. No further problems
D. Urinary obstruction
E. Operative stone removal
D. Venogram ~ )., ,
E. Thrombophilia V
102. A 60-fea o~fl man has just been rescued from a hq_use fire.
H f s fa:c1 ,t an chest burns and i askin . about his family. There
is soc{' ira Ile pharynx and he has sutg{c[_ gasal hairs. What is the
mo · . RP~opriate immediate management?
~ Rit-ir.avenous fluids
B. efer to burns unit
,-----~,_. Anaesthetize and intubate
D. Oral fluid resuscitation
E. Reassure and discharge home with advice
103. A 1?-year old man f~ll asleep while S_l:JQ~~tb.tog two days ago.
He has diffuse skin redness with sparing of areas protected by
clothing. He is otherwise well. What is the most appropriate
immediate management?
104. A two ~~r (?ld___ boy spills a recently prepared cup of /. over
his shoulder and the front his chest covering an are of less than 3%
of the total surface area. He is crying and unc 6p'e.rsative. What is
the most appropriate immediate management?
'- C ') '
> ,_) (. ,1\
A. Oral fluids
...l{"'B Analgesia with opiates
C. Ice packs
D. Wound irrigation
E. Burns dressing
A. intravenous fluids
.. 1 Referral to burns unit
C. Pain relief with opiates
D. wound dressing
E. intubate
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Diverticulitis
C. Ureteric stones
'-"'@ Appendicitis
113. A ?8-year old woman with (atrial fibrHlatiori) presents with a
cold, painful left_ arm. What is the ·most likely cause?
( A~ Embolism secondary to mural thrombus
( B. Embolism secondary to valvular heart disease
C. Polycythaemia rubra vera
D. Raynaud's disease
E. Burger's disease
114. A 30-year old man is admitted with a spiral fract r<t of the
right tibia. A long leg plaster is applied. Fou , ours later he
complains of severe pain in the calf and is unab IZ to ove his toes.
What is the most likely cause?
A. Acute thrombosis
._. B Compartment syndrome
C. Trauma
D. Deep venous thrombosis
E. Cellulitis
116. A_50-year-- old man develops an infection around the nail of his
. - - -,
becomes gangrenous. He has no history of claudication and his
pulses are nor£11al. What is the most likely cause?
. /(A.
B. Peripheral vascular disease
C. Raynaud's disease t·).- \('('''·
\~: •.,- C )...;
\ . .,
D. Polyarteritis I~-
E. Blood dyscrasias
. . \ ~,. Ac~ , ····.-,'1 / I
,t 1\, 1~-'. j\~ C, ~ • . . ~ u"'l
.,,. ""' ~. ''·· /. -
120. A 65-year old man with p,_rostate canc~r has extensive p ~Yi
B. Palliative chemotherapy
JlC Palliative radiotherapy
D. Set a syringe drive
E. Increase opiate analgesia
,, ,'""
123. An 85-year old man presents with a large, tender (irrequ · le) ~
right extending into his scrotum. He has n hts
hernia repaired on previous occasions and had a l m , c . ciiaU
\ir.!f.arctio.rn two years ago but at present is fit and well. h t is the
most appropriate management?
( \ '
u 'f 001 ,:, )
E. Abdominal support
127. An eight _y_ear old _girl with (extii!asi~ ellE is admitted for
_abdC>minc!J surgery.. She has had s·, nifti;9 t f~eezi.n~ _ _for !h.~ past
year and she has sllght [centra~ a 0sli,7 on \fnoderate exerf10n} Her
chest x-ray is normal. W at i the most appropriate next
investigation? ~
129. A 70-year old woman with a gangrenou~_ fifth toe on her left ~
foot has a history of polyJJfi? and l9:c~~ pf w.~_
iabJ. What is the most .r-
appropriate next investigation?
A. Blood pressure monitoring
J ® Serum blood glucose
C. Angiography
D. Doppler ultrasound scan of the leg
E. Urea and electrolytes
Acute pancreatitis
Stone in the common bile duct
E. Acute renal failure
135. Ultra,,~ound scan shows dilated common bile duct with no free
intra-abdominal fluid or bowel distension. What is the most likely
complication of cholecystectomy?
. ./' A Stone in common bile duct
B. Myocardial infraction
C. Biliary peritonitis
D. Acute renal failure
E. Acute pancreatitis
136. Chest X-ray shows signs of left ventricular dilatation and a ;
electrocardiograph (ECG) shows Q waves with ST elevation. h tis
the most likely complication of cholecystectomy? "
A. Stone in common bile duct
B. Sub-phrenic abscess
C. Acute renal failure
D. Small bowel obstruction
/ (E) Myocardial infraction
137. A 23-year-old man who has beeJil r.e eiving c clospori lJ for the
treatment of his rheumatoid rthrlis presents with o.dynoph!3-gia
and mild qy~ hagia. Oesopha eal ndoscopy reveals multiple small
white plaques on the bas~ground of an abnormally reddened
mucosa. What is the most a ~ ropriate management?
A. Endoscopic dit talt:ion
. ,/1 B.
D. Heller's myotomy
E. Triple therapy
139. A i_9-year obese man presents with dysphagia. Barium swallow
demonstrates a smooth rat-tail appearance. He has complained of
heartburn for the last 6 months. What is the most appropriate
management? 1 •
(1i(' \ n.JI
A. Surgical repair
B. Sclerotherapy
"'~ ( 0 Oesophageal dilatation
D. Surgical resection
E. IV ganciclovir
140. A 62-year-old man presents w.ith Y.S· hagia. He says ~t'~ been
P!~gressive, having started wi h · ~a difficulty for swallowing
~.9_ljds, but now also involved qui ~ He looks wasted. What is the
most appropriate management.
./ Ii.. Radiotherapy ~
B. Triple therapy
E. ~~ii:'.o ,, · nazole systemically administered
14 . P. ~0,.year-old man presents with maJaise and back pain, which
r-,'as , _e present for three months. He is found to have sjgJJ!{i~ant
· ~ einuria. What is most likely underlying risk factor?
A. Dehydration
v@ Multiple myeloma
C. Pregnancy
D. Varicose veins
E. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
142. A 30year woman presents with a three mo11th history of
a~enorrhoea. What is the most likely underlying risk factor?
•I A. Pregnancy
B. Inherited clotting abnormality
C. Multiple myeloma
D. Polycythaemia rubra vera
E. Dehydration
143. A 60-year-old man with a lethork a ppearance prese
p!eurjtic chest pain. He has palpable sple_
nomegaly. ~W.ha
most likely underlying risk factor?
A. Multiple myeloma
-/ B Polycythaemia rubra vera
C. Malignancy
D. Clotting disorder
E. Dehydration
144. A 70-year-old man ~r sents with t>a.f~ _pgin and jaundice. What
is the most likely : ~ e,rlying risk factor? __
c _ _ _, . .
Varicose veins
145. A 25-year-old woman with a family history of deep vein
thrombosis presents with sudden onset of chest ain and shortness
of breath .she was prescribed the combined oral contraceptive pill
six months ago and has not missed any tablets. She has developed
calf swelling and tenderness. What is the most likely diagnosis?
@ Pulmonary embolism
B. Clotting disorder
C. Pregnancy
D. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
B. Venography
.,(c) Arteriography
D. Electrocardiography (ECG)
E. Coagulation profile
147. A 34-year-old man complains of pain i , calves on walking.
The pa-fr1 is absent at rest. Wbr. t ts he most derin11ive
D. . ion (V / Q) scan
E. Femoral arteriography
149. A 46-year old woman is brought to the accident and
emergenci department· breathless and complaining of chest pain.
She has a two-month hlSfory -of leg pain. What is the most
definitive investigation? ·
J A Ventilation perfusion (V /Q) scan
B. Femoral duplex scan
C. Electrocardiography (ECG)
D. Femoral arteriography
E. Venography
150. A ~Q-year old married woman presents t
Emergency department with a sudden
abdominal pain. Her last menstrual perio
has pain radiating to the left shoulder.
A. Acute gastroenteritis
B. Acute pancreatitis G
C. Appendicitis
D. Biliary colic
Ectopic pr goar1cy
151. A 15-ye r.~ ol~ irl presents with a 21~~ou,r history of central
abdomin l ~n, followed by pain in the right iliac fossa which is
worse on co~g-hing. She has (~v~r and rebound tenderness in the
right i ·1 -c ossa. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Perforated peptic ulcer
D. Renal colic
E. Salpingitis
152. A 30-year old woman has severe f.colic and upper abdominal
pain radiating to her right scapula and is vomiting. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
~ J\J Cholecystitis
B. Strangulated hernia
C. Pancreatitis
D. Ulcerative colitis
E. Urinary tract infection (UTI)
153. A 12-year old girl has central abdominal pain and i, vo iting.
On ~xamination t her abdomen is found to be 0ist~ nae with no
. ~bound tenderness) and a tender lump in h~er r:igAt roin. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
-- Strangulated hernia A(>-:
B. Perforated peptic ulcer ,V
C. Biliary colic
Acute gastritis
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
155. A 31-year-old woman presents with acute, severe abdominal
pain. Her blood pressure is 1,,00/60 mmHg and no abdominal signs
a~e found. Haemoglobin level is ~17 g/d nd the plasma amylase is
only mildly raised. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute mesenteric ischemia
·' r '
B. Appendicitis
C. Biliary colic
D. Acute pancreatitis
E. Perforated peptic ulcer
156. A 49-year-old man with a 10-year history of h_ypert~nsio1,1
presents-at casualty with severe ret rosternal pain radiating to .-Ai\ >"'
left arm for 30 minutes. What is the most appropriate pain reli fl
A. Paracetamol
~ Diamorphine
C. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulatje.
E. Carbamazepine
157. A _ 5.2-year-old man with seve e l , t d in pajJ presents at
casualty. A ~.rine dipstick reveals a 120s1 iw.e result. What is the most
appropriate pain relief?
A. Dexamethasone
B. Diamorphine
carcinoma and known
headache. What is the most
C. Paracetamol
D. Diamorphine
E. Nifedipine
159. A _53-year old man develops a J1,1dden pain_ful firsJ right
m_etatarso-phalangeal joint. What is the most ~ppropriate pain
·relief? . ( -c,o l -
A. Carbamazepine
~ B Non steroid anti-inflammatory drug
C. Nifedipine
D. Diamorphine
E. Paracetamol ~,
160. A 35-year old woman comes to the clinic for scre~ni n~ f her
breas~s. What is the most appropriate investigatio~?--'\
A. Open biopsy _ 0
B. Fine needle aspiration cytology A['~ T
C. Ultrasound ,V
D. Reassurance
./·'@ Mammography
161. A 35-year old woman . resemd with a mass in the right upper
q~agrant of her right breast
ound, SJl]qoth mass is found in the
axilla. What is the mo app~priate investigation?
A. Wide excision
B. Ultrasound
D. Mammography
./i E) Reassurance
165. A ~0-year ol , ma presents with a painful _filVel~ing of the
right-sided s rot<\l contents two weeks after an episode of
!::!nprotected se ual Jntercourse. What is the most appropriate
investigat ·o ,~
~ lture of mid-stream specimen of urine
Gram-stained urethral smear
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody test
D. Immediate surgical exploration of the scrotum
E. Intravenous (IV) urogram
166. A @.!]!}er complains of burns to his (rightarm
from pet rol fire
four hours ago. There is a circumferential mixed partial and ful
l t hickness)burn covering his right arm from his elbow to his
fingers .. What is the mpst appropric1te management?
A. Aspirate blisters
B. Blood carboxyhaemoglobin concentration
C. Neutralizing agent
.J@ Escharotomy
E. Oral fluids
167. A patient has an ex.pansile pulsating mass in he a , of
sternocleidomastoid muscle in the posterior triangle ,
What is the most likely diagnosis? ~ 1,
A. Pharyngeal pouch ~
/(~: ~~~::~a:y:;eurysm ,(""\ ~
D. Lymphadenopathy ~v
E. Cystic hygroma \., '
E.) Cervical rib
planned surgery
172. A 60-year old woman is admitted for elective cholecystectomy.
Her preoperative electrocardiogram (ECG) shows rapid, irregular
_rhythrn with absent P waves. What is the most appropriate initial
, A: Defer operation and investigate
B. Proceed with planned surgery
C. Vitamin K injection
D. Fresh frozen plasma
E. Immediate blood transfusion and defer operation
173. A -~-~-year old woman is admitted with a two , eek , 1story of
~-~vere upper abdominal pain, pale stoo_ls and dar- rine. An ultra
sound scan showstoilated bile ducts\ What is tH o t appropriate
initial management?
i-- A. CT scan abdomen
B. Pre-operative ERCP
C. Ultrasound Scan
D. Abdominal x-ray
E. MRI scan of abdo
174. A 45-year old wol\lila has right-sided abdominal pain radiating
to .the._ __groin and r -a,r.0scopic· haematuriai, she has taken _regulcir
faiclc:>fe1Jgci fo r: over 5 year~ for her period pain. What is the most
likely comgl · a ior.i to develop?
A. No ·r.l f lying cause (idiopathic)
-.A B. Hypercalcaemia
C. Hyperoxaluria
D. Papillary necrosis
E. Renal tubular acidosis
176. A 45-year old man who was previously fit has left renal colic
An IVU shows a 4mm calculus obstructing the left ureter. What: is
the most likely ccimplication? ,
A. Dehydration
B. Hypercalcaemia
./ © Obstruction
D. Hyperuricaemia
E. No underlying cause (idiopathic)
177. A 25-year old white man present s wf h three months history
of ri__ght groi.!1 swelliog. He is otherwise fi and well, takes regular
exercise and has no__pa_st medical H~t:apy. Examination confirms the
presence of a ri.ght ingtJip~l ~ la ¥ What is the most appropriate
pre-operative investigatio ?
e. Papillary necrosis
179. A 45-year old man has just passed a stone in his urine. He
ru_oi Jgng distaoces. regularly. What is the most likely risk factor for
renal stones?
a. Cystinuria
-/'( b. Dehydration
c. Hypercalcaemia
d. Hyperoxaluria
e. Hyperuricaemia
180. A 3-year old African-Caribbean man has ____. . . _
hernias. His haemoglobin is 11 g/ dl. What is th
pre-operative investigation?
,.,/ A, Sickle cell test
B. Echocardiogram
C. Electrocardiogram
D. Full blood count
E. Hepatitis screen
181. A man has reducible ~ -~~ow the pubic tubercle and on
occlusion of the eep guinal ring, cough impulse is present.
What is the mo ly diagnosis?
0. pigelian hernia
0 . Lumbar
,JB2. A 35 year old male builder presented with sudden onset of
severe ~bdominal pain. He was _previously fit and well other
than taking 1ouprofen~ for a \Lon _ ter knee injury. On
exam i nation he is i n seve·re pa i n , p u ls e = 1_ LO b pm ,
BP=110/70mmHg and has a rig~~ abdomen. What is the most
fikely diagnosis?
A. Biliary peritonitis
B. lschemic colon
C. Pancreatic necrosis
D. Perforated diverticulum
·-1 (E) Perforated peptic ulcer
183. A woman 5 days post-op f or hH~t eral salphingo-oopherectom~
and abdominal hysterectomy has developed abdominal p,f n
and om1 tin- 1 associated with _abdominal distension and c~Gl '
pass gas. No bowel sounds heard, although well hy~.,.tea='
What is the most appropriate next step? ~ y
./ ( A. X- Ray abdomen d~\ ,·· ,
" f°'' ·,-,. ()
B. Exploratory laparoscopy
C. CT Abdomen
E. Barium enema
-.- ..,
184(tA but~ er ·stabbed accident . is groiD. He bled so much
that the towel was so ked i lood and BP=80/50mmHg,
1Rulse=130bpm~ What% of cir u(atory blood did helose?
-- A. < 15% l . ~ · I\ r rn r w,n I <-YS i·:
A. Thromboangitis Obliterans
, .,,, B. Sciatica
/ .
D Atheroscleros1s
E. Embolus I
186. A man presents with ~crotal swelling, the swelling is cystic
and is non-tender. It rs Tocated 1n the l UPP?f-PQJij of the
posterior part of the testis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
D. Stop warfarin and add heparin
E. Stop warfarin
la'dy, p_ost-.colostomy closure after 4days comes with
f~_uctuating S_._11J.9-JL.s.welling in the ~_toma. What is the most
appropriate management?
A Local exploration
B. Exploratory laparotomy
C. Open laparotomy
D. Reassure
190. A 63-year old lady with a ~M1_=32 comes to the ED with
complaints of Rigmentation on her legs. Exam: dilated veins
could be seen on the lateral side of her ankle. Which of t he
following is involved?
,,1 (A. Short saphenous vein
B. Long saphenous vein
C. Deep venous system
D. Popliteal veins
E. Sapheno-femoral junction
191. Which of the following formulas is used for c
for qurn patients? (Joc-¥-\cM,o
A. 4 x weight(lbs) x area of burn= mi off , ids
B. 4 x weight(kgs) x area of bur - B of f (uids
C. 4 X Weight(kgs) X area of .U ~ ml Of fluids
D. 4 x weight(lbs) x area of
E. 4. 5 x weight (kg )~ a ~ a of burn = dl of fluids
192. A 72 year old man. resent~ with .i ntermittent difficulty in
swallowing with rre . u,r:g,i:t,ationJ of - ~ food materials.
Sometimes he w . , s u~-at night with a feeling of suffocation.
What is the sing,t m , st likely cause of dysphagia?
A. Ben1i-A sf cture
B. Esoplna eal carcinoma
C. sag ageal spasm
Q P ryngeal pouch
194. A m a n p res e n ts w i t h a b d o m i n a l pa i n , v om i ti n g ,
pulse=120bp111, BP=90/ 6QmmHg and a rigitj qbdomen. His
che~t is:clear: What is the immediate maneigement? - .
A. Call radiology
B. Admit to medical ward
/ (C. Urgent admission to ITU
D. Recheck the BP
E. Administer parenteral antibiotics
195. A 78 year old gentleman suddenly collapsed. His · R=1 pm, '9
BP=70/40mmHg. Exam: pulsatile mass in abdome . What is
the most likely diagnosis?
- ( A Aortic aneurysm
B. Mesenteric cyst
C. Umbilical hernia
D. Mesenteric thrombosis
196. A patient on ipsulin is bo ~ed j• - or a hernia operation. What
is the most appropriate anajement of insulin?
Xi A Give insulin and alrn 1>re-op
B. Stop insuli tor t~e duration of the op
"' B. US breast
D. Mammography and US
200.A 42-year old female who ·s a e e comes with severe upper
abdominal pain and right hou er tip _µ,ain with a temp=37.8C.
204.A 35-year old ~rrian ~ · s,.ents with mass in the_ grojn. Exam:
mass found just j)elow and ~ateral to the p!,Jl::>,ic tubercle. There is
.... cough
. impulse ei 1 is irr~ducible. What is the most likely
,, . {'
A. Dir ct i gumal hernia
B,. St an~dtated hernia
~ Saphena varix
E. Femoral aneurysm
A 70-year old man presents with a fluctuant swelling of the
scrotum which 1feels like worm~ when he is standing but
regresses when he lies down. What is the most likely
./t . Varicocele
B. Hematocele
C. Testicular cancer
D. Epididymal cyst
E. Saphena varix