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Curran, 2012 - Effectiveness-Implementation Hybrid Designs

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Effectiveness-implementation Hybrid Designs

Combining Elements of Clinical Effectiveness and Implementation
Research to Enhance Public Health Impact
Geoffrey M. Curran, PhD,* Mark Bauer, MD,w Brian Mittman, PhD,z
Jeffrey M. Pyne, MD,* and Cheryl Stetler, PhDz

Objectives: This study proposes methods for blending design

components of clinical effectiveness and implementation research.
M uch has been written about the nature of health care
science-to-service gaps both in general1–3 and relative
specifically to health promotion4 and numerous medical
Such blending can provide benefits over pursuing these lines of specialties.5–9 Thus far, the literature indicates that gaps
research independently; for example, more rapid translational gains, between research and practice can result from multiple fac-
more effective implementation strategies, and more useful in- tors, including educational/knowledge deficiencies and/or
formation for decision makers. This study proposes a “hybrid ef- disagreements,10,11 time constraints for practitioners,12,13
fectiveness-implementation” typology, describes a rationale for lack of decision support tools and feedback mechanisms,13
their use, outlines the design decisions that must be faced, and poorly aligned incentives,14 and a host of other organiza-
provides several real-world examples. tional climate and cultural factors.2,15,16
Results: An effectiveness-implementation hybrid design is one that In addition to these provider-level and systems-level
takes a dual focus a priori in assessing clinical effectiveness and barriers to rapid translation, Glasgow et al4 and others17–20
implementation. We propose 3 hybrid types: (1) testing effects of a argue that the time lag between research discovery and routine
clinical intervention on relevant outcomes while observing and uptake is also inflated by the dominant developmental ap-
gathering information on implementation; (2) dual testing of clinical proach; that is, one that encourages delimited, step-wise pro-
and implementation interventions/strategies; and (3) testing of an gressions of research through clinical efficacy research, then
implementation strategy while observing and gathering information clinical effectiveness research, and finally implementation re-
on the clinical intervention’s impact on relevant outcomes. search. In addition, it has been suggested that current con-
ceptions of research designs fail to “maximize clinical utility
Conclusions: The hybrid typology proposed herein must be con- for practicing clinicians and other decision makers”18; for
sidered a construct still in evolution. Although traditional clinical example, through a failure to focus on external validity or
effectiveness and implementation trials are likely to remain the implementation-related barriers and facilitators to routine use
most common approach to moving a clinical intervention through and sustainability of “effective” practices.4,21,22
from efficacy research to public health impact, judicious use of the Wells19 and Glasgow et al4 suggested that a blending
proposed hybrid designs could speed the translation of research of the efficacy and effectiveness stages of intervention devel-
findings into routine practice. opment could improve the speed of knowledge creation and
Key Words: diffusion of innovation, implementation science, increase the usefulness and policy relevance of clinical re-
clinical trials, pragmatic designs search. We propose that a blending of the design components
of clinical effectiveness trials and implementation trials also is
(Med Care 2012;50: 217–226) feasible and desirable. Such blending can provide benefits over
pursuing these lines of research independently; for example,
more rapid translational gains in clinical intervention uptake,
From the *Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, and Department more effective implementation strategies, and more useful in-
of Psychiatry, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock,
AR; wVA Boston Healthcare System, Harvard Medical School, Boston, formation for researchers and decision makers. This study
MA; and zCenter for Implementation Practice and Research Support describes the elements of such “effectiveness-implementation
(CIPRS), VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA. hybrid designs,” discusses the indications for such approaches,
Supported by a research grant for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Health outlines the design decisions that must be faced in developing
Services Research and Development Service: MNT-05-152 (Pyne, PI)
and also funded by a research grant from the National Institute on Drug
such protocols, and provides several examples of funded
Abuse: K01 DA15102 (Curran, PI). hybrid studies to illustrate the concepts.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Reprints: Geoffrey M. Curran, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Division
of Health Services Research, University of Arkansas for Medical DEFINING TERMINOLOGY
Sciences, 4301 W. Markham St. #755, Little Rock, AR 72205. E-mail:
currangeoffreym@uams.edu. Terminology in this study has been informed by a
Copyright r 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins glossary provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs
ISSN: 0025-7079/12/5003-0217 Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (VA QUERI)22;

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with which the authors are affiliated. VA QUERI is funded

TABLE 1. Key Terms and Definitions*
by the VA’s Health Services Research and Development
Service and, through multiple centers across the nation, Effectiveness- A study design that takes a dual focus in
implementation hybrid assessing clinical effectiveness and
promotes and supports quality improvement and im- design implementation. Hybrid designs can
plementation research.23 Key terms based on this nomen- typically take 1 of 3 approaches: (a) testing
clature are defined in Table 1. In addition, we propose the effects of a clinical intervention on relevant
following definition: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid outcomes while observing and gathering
information on implementation; (b) dual
design is one that takes a dual focus a priori in assessing testing of clinical and implementation
clinical effectiveness and implementation. Hybrid designs interventions/strategies; (c) testing of an
will typically take one of 3 approaches: (a) testing effects of implementation strategy while observing and
a clinical intervention on relevant outcomes while observing gathering information on the clinical
and gathering information on implementation; (b) dual test- intervention’s impact on relevant outcomes.
Such dual foci are always stated a priori.
ing of clinical and implementation interventions/strategies; Dissemination An effort to communicate tailored information
or (c) testing of an implementation strategy while observing to target audiences with the goal of
and gathering information on the clinical intervention’s im- engagement and information use;
pact on relevant outcomes. dissemination is an inherent part of
Implementation An effort specifically designed to get best
practice findings and related products into
CHALLENGES IN LINKING CLINICAL AND routine and sustained use through
IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH DESIGNS appropriate change/uptake/adoption
Clinical and implementation research, in their “ideal interventions. In this study, we are not
talking about implementation in the sense of
types,” typically do not share many design features. As de- insuring fidelity during a clinical trial, that is,
picted in Table 2, key differences exist in terms of unit of how a medication or behavioral theory is
analysis (perhaps the most obvious distinction), typical unit administered by research personnel.
of randomization, outcome measures, and the targets of the Clinical intervention A specific clinical/therapeutic practice (eg, use
of aspirin after a myocardial infarction), or
interventions being tested. More specifically, highly con- delivery system/organizational arrangement
trolled clinical efficacy research is most concerned with in- (eg, chronic care model or new
ternal validity, that is, reducing threats to causal inference of administrative/practice process), or health
the treatment under study, and evaluating symptom/func- promotion activity (eg, self-management)
tional-focused outcomes.19 With more heterogeneous sam- being tested or implemented to improve
health care outcomes.
ples and study locations, and more attention given to a range Implementation A method or technique designed to enhance
of clinical and other outcomes (eg, quality of life, costs), intervention adoption of a “clinical” intervention, as
clinical effectiveness research is more concerned with ex- defined above. Examples include an
ternal validity or generalizability.24,19 The most recent electronic clinical reminder, audit/feedback,
and interactive education.
adaptation of these principles, to enhance the relevance of Implementation strategy A “bundle” of implementation interventions.
effectiveness designs for translation, are “practical clinical Many implementation research trials test
trials,”17,18 which have found their newest application in the such bundles of implementation
area of policy-relevant “comparative effectiveness re- interventions.
search.”25 In each of these clinical trial approaches, designs Clinical efficacy research Highly controlled clinical research that is most
concerned with internal validity, that is,
rely on controlling/ensuring delivery of the clinical inter- reducing threats to causal inference of the
vention, albeit in a less restrictive setting, with little attention treatment/clinical intervention under study.
to implementation processes likely to be of relevance to Such threats are reduced mainly by using
transitioning the intervention to general practice settings. homogeneous samples and controlling
intervention parameters. The main outcome
In contrast, implementation research is focused on the measures are usually specific symptoms.
adoption or uptake of clinical interventions by providers and/ Clinical effectiveness Clinical research that is most concerned with
or systems of care2,22,26; and research outcomes are usually research external validity, that is, generalizability.
provider and/or system behaviors, for example, levels and Clinical Effectiveness Research is conducted
rates of adoption and fidelity to the clinical intervention. with heterogeneous samples in “real-world”
study locations, and attention is given to a
Because implementation research often assumes a linear, range of clinical and other outcomes (eg,
step-wise approach to knowledge translation, clinical inter- quality of life, costs).
vention effectiveness is often assumed, and he assessment of Implementation research Implementation research is focused on the
patient-level symptom/functional outcomes, therefore, is adoption or uptake of clinical interventions
by providers and/or systems of care.
often not included in the designs. Research outcomes are usually provider and/
Given the differing priorities, methods, and even lan- or system behaviors, for example, levels and
guage of effectiveness and implementation research rates of adoption and fidelity to the clinical
(Table 2), it is not surprising that few studies in the peer- intervention.
reviewed literature are structured to address a priori both Process evaluation A rigorous assessment approach designed to
identify potential and actual influences on the
clinical intervention and implementation aims. Moreover,
those published studies actually doing so have seldom (Continued )

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Medical Care  Volume 50, Number 3, March 2012 Effectiveness implementation Hybrid Designs

TABLE 1. Key Terms and Definitions* (continued) TABLE 2. Design Characteristics of Clinical Effectiveness and
conduct and quality of implementation but in
Implementation Trials (Ideal Types)
which data are not used during conduct of the Design Clinical Effectiveness
study to influence the process; such data can Characteristic Trial Implementation Trial
be collected previous to the study,
concurrently, or retrospectively. Test “Clinical” intervention Implementation intervention
Formative evaluation A rigorous assessment approach, integral to the or strategy
conduct of an action-oriented Typical unit Patient, clinical unit Provider, clinical unit, or
implementation study, designed to identify of randomization system
and make parallel use of potential and actual Typical unit of Patient Provider, clinical unit, or
influences on the progress, quality and analysis system
potential sustainability of implementation; Summative Health outcomes; Adoption/uptake of the
that is, formative evaluation data are used outcomes process/quality “clinical” intervention;
during the study to refine, improve and measures typically process measures/quality
evolve the implementation process and, in considered measures typically
some cases, adapt an implementation and/or intermediate; costs considered outcomes
clinical intervention itself. Formative
evaluation involves assessment previous to,
concurrent with, and/or after actual reviewing, and conducting research projects across the efficacy–
implementation activities, and thus provides
data for both immediate use to optimize a effectiveness-implementation spectrum. Under the umbrella of
related study effort and for post hoc the VA QUERI and its implementation frameworks,22 we
interpretation of findings.21 formed a work group to explore the hybrid concept. The work
Summative Evaluation A rigorous assessment of the worth or impact group, consisting of the authors of the manuscript, brought ex-
of a “clinical” and/or implementation
intervention/strategy, including, for example:
pertise in implementation research, clinical effectiveness trials,
 patient-level health outcomes for a clinical cost effectiveness research, qualitative research, formative eval-
intervention, such as symptoms or mortality uation, evidence-based practice, and clinical expertise in psy-
 process or quality measures for an chiatry. The work group discussed the following issues: design
implementation strategy, such as adherence elements, challenges, and potential areas or opportunities for
to a new practice
 population-level health status or indices of blending effectiveness with implementation research designs to
system function for a system/organizational- hasten the movement of interventions from effectiveness testing
level intervention. through implementation to public health impact. We initially
Note than an outcome in a summative evaluation articulated a definition of hybrid designs and tested it both log-
may also be part of a process or formative
evaluation, for example, rates of performing a
ically and against existing studies. We then revised our definition
clinical or health promotion behavior, used to and typology in light of this testing. We subsequently had the
track implementation progress during a trial. opportunity to make formal presentations to audiences of health
In fact, process-related outcomes in services and implementation researchers and trainees, and
implementation studies are often considered incorporated their feedback.
intermediate process variables in “clinical”
intervention studies that investigate health The remainder of this study builds on our refined defi-
outcomes. nition of hybrid design and its 3 types as articulated below, with
Indirect evidence Clinical efficacy or effectiveness data from the text amplifying and unpacking the information presented in
different but associated populations to the 2 supporting tables. Table 3 provides a summary of hybrid
one(s) that are the subject of a possible
hybrid study. If there is no indirect evidence
research aims, design considerations, and trade-offs to be
supporting a clinical intervention from an considered within each hybrid type. Table 4 provides funded
associated population, we do not recommend and published or presented examples of type 1, 2, and 3 hybrid
pursuing a hybrid design based on consensus designs, along with a comparison with a published clinical
guidelines or expert opinion. effectiveness randomized-controlled trial and a nonhybrid im-
*Many definitions based on the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative plementation trial. Most of the examples of the proposed hy-
Glossary.22 brids discussed in the text (except for 2) and all presented
in Table 4 are from the VA. As noted above, we have ap-
proached this work based on our experience in a VA im-
explicitly recognized the hybrid nature of their designs or plementation research program, and most of the examples we
acknowledged/described the trade-offs entailed in such de- know best come from the VA setting. In theory, the hybrid
signs. This is understandable as there has been a dearth of designs should not be more or less effective in the VA or any
explicit guidance on how such hybridization can be sys- other setting (as was true for our 2 non-VA examples), and the
tematically attempted (Fig. 1). recommended conditions we propose for their use are not
exclusive to, or even more ideal in, a VA or other large/
single-payer system.
HYBRID DESIGNS: CONCEPTUAL Hybrid Type 1: Testing a clinical intervention while
DEVELOPMENT gathering information on its delivery during the effectiveness
The origins of the hybrid designs proposed herein result trial and/or on its potential for implementation in a real-
from our collective experience over many years in writing, world situation.

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loss in the ability to achieve their primary goal, whereas

simultaneously improving their ability to achieve a key
Efficacy Effectiveness Implementation Improved
Studies Studies Research processes, secondary goal; that is, serve as a transition to im-
plementation research. In most cases for Hybrid Type 1, we
Hybrid Designs are advocating process evaluations (Table 1) of delivery/
implementation during clinical effectiveness trials to collect
FIGURE 1. Research pipeline. valuable information for use in subsequent implementation
research trials (hybrid or not). Many potential implementation
Rationale: Modest refinements to effectiveness studies research questions thus can be addressed, perhaps more com-
are possible that would retain their strength and involve no prehensively, accurately and certainly earlier than could be

TABLE 3. Hybrid Design Characteristics and Key Challenges

Characteristic Hybrid Trial Type 1 Hybrid Trial Type 2 Hybrid Trial Type 3
Research aims Primary aim: determine effectiveness of a Coprimary aim*: determine effectiveness Primary aim: determine utility of an
clinical intervention of a clinical intervention implementation intervention/strategy
Secondary aim: better understand context Coprimary aim: determine feasibility and Secondary aim: assess clinical outcomes
for implementation potential utility of an implementation associated with implementation trial
Research Primary question: will a clinical treatment Coprimary question*: will a clinical treat- Primary question: which method works
questions work in this setting/these patients? ment work in this setting/these patients? better in facilitating implementation of
(examples) Secondary question: what are potential Coprimary question: does the implementa- a clinical treatment?
barriers/ facilitators to a treatment’s tion method show promise (either alone Secondary question: are clinical
widespread implementation? or in comparison with another method) outcomes acceptable?
in facilitating implementation of a clinical
Units of Patient, clinical unit Clinical effectiveness: see type I Provider, clinical unit, facility, system
random- Implementation: see type III, although may
ization be nonrandomized, for example, case study
Comparison Placebo, treatment as usual, competing Clinical effectiveness: see type I Provider, clinical unit, facility, system:
conditions treatment Implementation: see type III, although may be implementation as usual, competing
nonrandomized, for example, case study implementation strategy
Sampling Patient: limited restrictions, but some Patient: limited restrictions, but some Provider/clinic/facility/system: either
frames inclusion/ exclusion criteria inclusion/ exclusion criteria “optimal” cases or a more
Provider, clinical unit, facility, system: Providers/clinics/facility/systems; consider heterogeneous group
choose subsample from relevant “optimal” cases Secondary: all or selected patients
participants included in study locations
Evaluation Primary aim: quantitative, summative Clinical effectiveness aim: quantitative, Primary aim: mixed-method,
methods Secondary aim: mixed methods, qualitative, summative quantitative, qualitative, formative,
process-oriented, could also inform Implementation aim: mixed method; and summative
interpretation of primary aim findings quantitative, qualitative; formative and Secondary aim: quantitative, summative
Measures Primary aim: patient symptoms and Clinical effectiveness aim: patient symptoms Primary aim: adoption of clinical
functioning, possibly cost and functioning, possibly cost effectiveness treatment and fidelity to it, as well as
Secondary aim: feasibility and acceptability Implementation aim: adoption of clinical related factors
of implementing clinical treatment, treatment and fidelity to it, as well as Secondary aim: patient symptoms,
sustainability potential, barriers and related factors functioning, services use
facilitators to implementation
Potential Generating “buy in” among clinical Generating “buy in” among implementation Primary data collection with patients in
design researchers for implementation aims researchers for clinical intervention aims large, multisite implementation trials
challenges Insuring appropriate expertise on study team These studies will require more research can be unfeasible, and studies might
to conduct rigorous Secondary aim expertise and personnel, as well as larger need to rely on subsamples of patients,
These studies will likely require more budgets, than nonhybrids medical record review, and/or
research expertise and personnel, and Insuring appropriate expertise on study team administrative data.
larger budgets, than nonhybrids to rigorously conduct both aims Patient outcomes data will not be as
“Creep” of clinical treatment away from extensive as in traditional effective-
fidelity ness trials or even other Hybrid types,
needed for optimal effectiveness and might be insufficient to answer
IRB complexities with multiple types of some questions
participants “Creep” of clinical treatment away from
fidelity needed for optimal effectiveness
IRB complexities with multiple types of
*In a grant application, one of these aims/research questions might take precedence, for example in a case where the test of an implementation intervention/strategy is
exploratory. Yet, for the purposes of this table, we listed these dual aims/research questions as “coprimary.”
IRB indicates Institutional Review Board.

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TABLE 4. Hybrid Examples
Nonhybrid Effectiveness Hybrid Type 1: Hybrid Type 2: Hybrid Type 3: Nonhybrid Implementation Trial:
Trial: Bauer et al27–29 Hagedorn et al30 Brown et al31 Kirchner et al32 Lukas et al
Medical Care

Study aims

Clinical Randomized clinical Randomized clinical effectiveness Controlled trial to evaluate the Evaluation of selected clinical —
effectiveness effectiveness trial to trial to test effectiveness of effectiveness (relative to outcomes after implementation of
aim/focus determine effect of providing incentives for negative usual care) of a chronic illness a model of integrated primary care
collaborative CCM on urine screens on frequency of care model on clinical and mental health
clinical, functional, quality substance use, treatment outcomes among persons with
of life, and economic attendance, and service utilization schizophrenia
outcomes in bipolar costs for patients attending
disorder treatment for alcohol and/or
stimulant use disorders

2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Implementation — Process evaluation to inform future Controlled trial of Randomized test of an Impact of the OTM implementation
aim/focus implementation efforts implementation strategy (eg, implementation strategy (ie, strategy on hand hygiene
marketing, education, facilitation from internal and adherence rates: (a) can the
facilitation, product champion external experts using multiple organizational transformation
interventions) to facilitate implementation interventions) to model beimplemented?; (b) is
adoption and sustain chronic support adoption of 3 models of fidelity to the organizational
illness care model integrated primary care and transformation model associated
mental health in comparison with with improved hand hygiene?; (c)
Volume 50, Number 3, March 2012

a nationally supported what are the sources of variability

dissemination/ implementation in organizational transformation
strategy model implementation?
Study design
Clinical Patient-level randomized- Patient-level randomized-controlled Controlled trial in 4 Veterans Facility-level randomized trial for —
effectiveness controlled trial trial Integrated Service Networks implementation strategy with 18
 306 veterans with  330 veterans with alcohol and/ (a regional structure in VA; matched intervention and
bipolar disorder or stimulant use disorders VISNs). comparison sites.
 11 VA medical centers  2 VA medical centers In each VISN, 1 medical center Comparison of clinical outcomes
assigned to clinical (eg, depression symptoms,
intervention and supporting psychiatric hospitalization)
implementation strategy, and among primary care patients
1 to usual care. across intervention and
 820 veterans with comparison sites
Implementation — Process evaluation with mixed Controlled trial in 4 VISNs. In Facility-level randomized trial for  Network-level randomization to
methods of patients, providers each VISN, 1 medical center implementation strategy with 18 OTM (n = 1) or no intervention
and managers assigned to clinical matched intervention and (n = 2)
 25 patients intervention and supporting comparison sites.  Correlational design with OTM
 26 providers implementation strategy, and FE used to understand and medical centers-level as primary
 3 managers 1 to usual care. continually adapt implementation unit of analysis
Postintervention interviews with FE used to understand and of the clinical interventions and  Formative evaluation with
patients. End of study surveys and continually adapt implementation strategy (FE is mixed methods
interviews with staff and implementation of the clinical also one of the implementation  3 VA networks
managers. interventions and interventions used by the  7 medical centers in OTM
implementation strategy. facilitators). network
 196 clinicians and managers

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(Continued )
Effectiveness implementation Hybrid Designs

TABLE 4. Key Terms and Definitions* (continued)
Nonhybrid Effectiveness Hybrid Type 1: Hybrid Type 2: Hybrid Type 3: Nonhybrid Implementation Trial:
Trial: Bauer et al27–29 Hagedorn et al30 Brown et al31 Kirchner et al32 Lukas et al
Curran et al

Summative evaluation unit of analysis and measures

Health Weeks in manic or depressive Rates of negative alcohol/drug Symptoms, side-effects, Depression symptoms and alcohol —
outcomes episode, social role screens (patient level) adherence, knowledge and use variables from routine clinic
function, quality of life attitudes, functioning, quality screening instruments, pertinent
(patient level) of life, recovery, satisfaction service use information such as
(patient level) psychiatric hospitalization
Health care Rates of guideline-concordant Program attendance rates (patient Structure and process of care Referral rates to integrated primary Hand hygiene adherence rates
process/ antimanic treatment (patient level) for use of clozapine, weight care and mental health models (medical center level)
quality level) management, family Fidelity to the specific models

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outcomes* involvement, and supported Sustainability of uptake
 Organizational quality
improvement and clinical
 Treatment appropriateness
Organizational Total direct treatment costs Total direct treatment costs from Treatment costs, clinician — —
Outcomes* from VHA economic VHA economic perspective burnout
Key process (PE) or FE Measures
Not a focus of research; Process evaluation of: Formative evaluation Formative evaluation used by the Preimplementation assessment
limited to CCM fidelity  Level of organizational preimplementation and study staff to tailor the facilitation including site visits at 4- to 6-
monitoring and rectification readiness postimplementation strategy month intervals to monitor and
throughout trial  Barriers assessment of:  Preimplementation and during facilitate
 Patient receptivity  Organizational readiness for implementation organizational Interview data regarding
 Sustainability (patient, clinic, change (pre) assessments, stakeholder characteristics of implementation
and medical center level)  Stakeholder knowledge, perspectives of OTM, network level support
attitudes and beliefs  During implementation activities
 Continuous documentation assessment of key uptake Implementation ratings completed
of organizational change, measures with feedback to by research site visit teams
functioning, and facilitators (facility level)
Medical Care

sustainability FE also used by the internal and

external facilitators as an

implementation intervention to
tailor implementation (data fed
back to providers and managers)
*Could be either a clinical intervention-related outcome or an implementation outcome depending on the a priori focus of the study.
CCM indicates chronic care model; FE, formative evaluation; OTM, Organizational Transformation Model; VA, Veterans Affairs; VISN, Veterans Integrated Services Network; VHA, Veterans Health Administration.

2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Volume 50, Number 3, March 2012
Medical Care  Volume 50, Number 3, March 2012 Effectiveness implementation Hybrid Designs

achieved in a sequential “intervention-then-preliminary-im- Rationale: This hybrid type is a more direct blending
plementation” study strategy: What are potential barriers and of clinical effectiveness and implementation research aims in
facilitators to “real-world” implementation of the intervention? support of more rapid translation. In this case, interventions
What problems were associated with delivering the inter- in both the clinical and implementation spheres are tested
vention during the clinical effectiveness trial and how might simultaneously. It is important to note that we are using the
they translate or not to real-world implementation? What po- term “test” in a liberal manner, meaning that the inter-
tential modifications to the clinical intervention could be made ventions in question need not all be tested with randomized,
to maximize implementation? What potential implementation strongly powered designs. What makes for a “test” of an
strategies appear promising? intervention here is that at least 1 outcome measure is being
We recommend that the above type of questions should used and that at least 1 related hypothesis, however prelim-
be posed to representatives of relevant stakeholder groups— inary, is being studied. The nature of randomizations/com-
for example, patients, providers, and administrators. Process parisons and power can vary depending on research needs
evaluation data can also help explain/provide context for and conditions. Given the reality of research funding limits,
summative findings from the clinical effectiveness trial. it is likely that some design/power compromises will be
Recommended conditions for use: Hybrid 1 designs necessary in one or both of the intervention tests; however, in
should be considered under the following conditions: (1) the cases of conditions favorable to this hybrid type (see
there should be strong face validity for the clinical inter- below), such design compromises need not derail progress
vention that would support applicability to the new setting, toward addressing translation gaps/needs in the literature.
population, or delivery method in question; (2) there should This hybrid type is also motivated by the recognition
be a strong base of at least indirect evidence (eg, data from that conventional effectiveness studies often yield estimates
different but associated populations) for the intervention that of effectiveness that are significantly different (worse) from
would support applicability to the new setting, population, or the estimates of efficacy studies because the effectiveness
delivery method in question; (3) there should be minimal risk study is often conducted in “worst case” conditions; that is,
associated with the intervention, including both its direct risk with little or no research team support of delivery/im-
and any indirect risk through replacement of a known ad- plementation, without clear understanding of barriers to fi-
equate intervention. These conditions, to varying degrees, delity, and without efforts to overcome those barriers. In a
are often found in “research-practice networks” such as the Hybrid Type 2 study, where an implementation intervention/
National Institute on Drug Abuse clinical trials network, and strategy of some kind is being tested alongside and in support
Hybrid 1 designs should be particularly attractive for these of a clinical intervention under study, it is possible to create
partnerships. and study a “medium case”/pragmatic set of delivery/im-
In addition, there are conditions under which a Hybrid plementation conditions versus “best” or “worst” case con-
1 study would seem premature or less feasible—for example, ditions. Therefore, while speeding translation, it is possible
in clinical effectiveness trials with major safety issues, with Hybrid Type 2 designs to provide more valid estimates
complex comparative effectiveness trials, and “pilot” or very of potential clinical effectiveness.
early clinical effectiveness trials. In general, however, we Recommended conditions for use: The following
argue that a Hybrid 1 is particularly “low risk” with the conditions are recommended to consider a Hybrid Type 2:
potential for high reward given that the implementation re- (1) there should be strong face validity for the clinical and
search portion is essentially an “add-on” to a routinely de- implementation interventions/strategies that would support
signed and powered clinical trial. When moving into the next applicability to the new setting, population, or delivery/im-
Hybrid type, there are more complexities to consider and plementation methods in question; (2) there should be at
trade-offs to be weighed. least a strong base of indirect evidence (defined above) for
Examples: As summarized in Table 4, a recent Hybrid the clinical and implementation interventions/strategies that
Type 1 study by Hagedorn et al30 included a randomized would support applicability to the new setting, population, or
clinical effectiveness trial of contingency management with delivery/implementation method in question; (3) there
a mixed-method, multistakeholder process evaluation of the should be minimal risk associated with the clinical and im-
delivery of the intervention. In another example (not found in plementation interventions/strategies, including both the di-
the Table 4), the National Institute on Mental Health-funded rect risk of the interventions and any indirect risk through
“Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM)- replacement of known adequate interventions; (4) there
study”34 tested the clinical effectiveness of a collaborative should be “implementation momentum” within the clinical
care intervention for anxiety disorders while also conducting system and/or the literature toward routine adoption of the
a multistakeholder qualitative process evaluation. Key re- clinical intervention in question. The momentum could come
search questions in the CALM process evaluation were: (1) from a number of possible scenarios or factors—for example,
what were the facilitators/barriers to delivering the CALM strong “indirect” efficacy or effectiveness data; advocacy
intervention?; (2) what were the facilitators/barriers to sus- from patient groups, providers or lawmakers (often in the
taining the CALM intervention after the study was com- case of severe clinical consequences/risks from nonaction);
pleted?; (3) how could the CALM intervention be changed to and/or health system administrators seeking rapid uptake
improve adoption and sustainability? of an intervention based on the above or other factors, for ex-
Hybrid Type 2: Simultaneous testing of a clinical in- ample, costs. Evidence of such momentum could come from
tervention and an implementation intervention/strategy. published reports, official policies, or even from discussions

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with key stakeholders; (5) there should be reasonable expect- (patient education) and “implementation” (academic detail-
ations that the implementation intervention/strategy being ing) interventions tested were certainly not as complex some
tested is supportable in the clinical and organizational context of the other examples, perhaps it was this simplicity that
under study; (6) there is reason to gather more data on the allowed for the large factorial design.
effectiveness of the clinical intervention (eg, it is being pro- Hybrid Type 3: Testing an implementation inter-
vided in a different format or novel setting). vention/strategy while observing/gathering information on
In addition, we have identified other conditions that the clinical intervention and related outcomes.
might be considered to be “ideal” for this hybrid type. These Rationale: A “pure,” nonhybrid implementation study
are: (i) strong indirect clinical evidence (see #2 above) is conducted after an adequate body of evidence has accu-
comes from either a population or clinical setting reasonably mulated that clearly establishes the effectiveness of a clinical
close to the population or setting in question, thereby not intervention, and thus clearly supports the appropriateness of
necessitating a large clinical effectiveness trial. If the clinical costly efforts to try to facilitate better implementation.
effectiveness study can be of moderate size, additional Sometimes, however, we can and do proceed with im-
budget and efforts can be used toward the implementation plementation studies without completion of the full or at
intervention/strategy and its evaluation; (ii) the clinical in- times even a modest portfolio of effectiveness studies be-
tervention and/or implementation intervention/strategy to be forehand. In such cases, it is common that a prevailing health
tested are not overly complex in terms of changes necessary policy dictates/encourages implementation of a clinical in-
within the clinic/organization to support it; that is, the testing tervention that is, to varying degrees, still in question from
of clinical and implementation interventions/strategies an effectiveness perspective. Similar to the cases discussed
within the same providers/clinics/systems is not perceived to above with reference to “momentum for implementation,”
be, nor actually is overly taxing to participating stakeholders. the situations where health systems actually encourage or
Examples: As summarized in Table 4, the Hybrid Type attempt implementation of a clinical intervention without the
2 “Enhancing Quality and Utilization in Psychosis study”31 desired clinical effectiveness data base could include the
was an 8-site VA study where 4 sites were randomized to a presence of respected consensus guidelines; strong “indirect”
chronic illness care model for schizophrenia (clinical/deliv- efficacy or effectiveness data; advocacy from patient groups,
ery system intervention) supported by an implementation providers or lawmakers (often in the case of the current state
strategy (facilitation, quality improvement teams, quality of practice and severe clinical consequences/risks from
reports, etc.). The study gathered clinical and im- nonaction); and administrators seeking to reduce costs by
plementation outcome data at all sites. The investigators implementing a cheaper clinical alternative. In these cases, it
recognized a need to test implementation strategies to sup- is, therefore, important to proactively include resources to
port recovery-oriented interventions for persons with schiz- collect evidence of clinical effectiveness.
ophrenia, as many guidelines and VA directives were In addition, Hybrid Type 3 designs are indicated if it is
encouraging the use of recovery-oriented programs even in suspected that the clinical intervention effects might be
the case of less than ideal effectiveness research support. In susceptible to change during implementation in a new setting
another example (not in Table 4), the “HIV Translating In- or under conditions less controlled that in effectiveness trials.
itiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions study,”35 Such changes in clinical intervention effectiveness could
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients were represent either a vulnerability or an enhancement under
randomized to a clinical/delivery system intervention (col- implementation conditions compared with effects seen dur-
laborative care for depression) at 3 VA clinics, whereas the ing clinical trials.
same clinics participated in a nonrandomized, exploratory Recommended conditions for use: The following con-
implementation strategy as well. Although it was clear to the ditions are recommended to consider a Hybrid Type 3: (1)
investigators that a patient-level randomized trial of the ef- there should be strong face validity for the clinical and im-
fectiveness of depression collaborative care in HIV patients plementation interventions/strategies that would support gen-
was needed (no trials yet in HIV setting), they also recog- eralizability to the new setting, population, or delivery/
nized that, given the strong evidence of depression collabo- implementation methods in question; (2) there should be a
rative care in primary care settings (similar in scope to many strong base of indirect evidence (defined above) for the clinical
HIV clinics) and momentum in the system for its uptake, it and implementation interventions/strategies that would support
was also timely to use the study to explore an im- generalizability to the new setting, population, or delivery/
plementation strategy in this setting as well. An additional implementation method in question; (3) there should be min-
Hybrid Type 2 design variant (also not in Table 4) comes imal risk associated with the clinical and implementation in-
from the “Healthy Bones” study,36 where both patient-di- terventions/strategies, including both the direct risk of the
rected and physician-directed interventions for fracture pre- interventions and any indirect risk through replacement of
vention were simultaneously tested in a 2 2 factorial known adequate interventions; (4) there should be strong
randomized controlled trial. On the basis of the observation “implementation momentum” in the form of actual mandates
that management of osteoporosis and fall prevention was or strong encouragement within the clinical system and/or the
suboptimal and that both patient and provider behaviors literature toward routine adoption of the clinical intervention in
needed improvement, the study investors used this design to question; (5) there should be evidence that the implementation
simultaneously test patient and provider education inter- intervention/strategy being tested is feasible and supportable in
ventions on a range of outcomes. Although the “clinical” the clinical and organization context under study.

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Medical Care  Volume 50, Number 3, March 2012 Effectiveness implementation Hybrid Designs

Examples: As summarized in Table 4, the Hybrid Type jective (eg, current definitions of “strong face validity” and
3 “Blended-Facilitation” study (Kirchner et al32) is a 16-site “indirect evidence”) and that they will need to be reasoned
implementation trial in VA with 8 sites receiving an im- and argued by investigators on a case-by-case basis at least
plementation facilitation strategy consisting of internal and until additional work refines the definitions and conditions.
facilitation (plus numerous implementation tools and aids) to Although traditional clinical effectiveness and im-
support implementation of integrated primary care and plementation trials are likely to remain the most common
mental health. Internal (to the program sites) and external approach to moving a clinical intervention through from
facilitators use a variety of strategies to facilitate im- efficacy research to public health impact, judicious use of the
plementation including academic detailing, provider educa- proposed hybrid designs could speed the translation of re-
tion, local change agent participation, stakeholder search findings into routine practice. However, despite their
engagement at all levels of the organization, performance potential benefits, we recommend that certain conditions
monitoring and feedback, formative evaluation, and mar- should first be met; and, even when desirable, we recognize
keting. The comparison sites receive a dissemination/im- that hybrids might not always be feasible or affordable
plementation strategy being provided by the VA nationally, within traditional research budget limits. We recommend
as integrated primary care mental health is an officially that future hybrid research seeks to document in both
mandated “best practice.” Some components of what is being quantitative and qualitative ways the extent and manner in
“rolled-out” nationally do not have a strong clinical effec- which translation has been sped. As of now, we can only say
tiveness research base—for example, use of “generic” that these hybrids have the potential to speed and improve
mental health care managers (the data support only care translation. Further, the relative speed of translation is not
managers providing service for individual disorders like usually included in traditional cost effectiveness analyses,
depression or specific clusters of disorders like anxiety dis- and it would be interesting to explore the potential benefits of
orders). Therefore, while the main outcomes for the study are hybrid designs from this perspective.
implementation focused, the study is also collecting clinical In considering use of a hybrid, it is important to ac-
data from the VA’s automated medical record where possible knowledge the potential “ecological” challenges associated
(eg, scores on routine depression screeners). In another ex- with pursuing such designs. First, researchers from clinical and
ample, the “Implementation of the Hospital to Home (H2H) implementation research backgrounds often do not share
Health Failure Initiative” (Heidenreich et al37) study is concepts, constructs, and vocabulary; more difficult, some-
testing an implementation strategy to support uptake of the times the vocabulary is the same but the meanings are differ-
H2H Initiative (a package of clinical interventions) in mul- ent. This makes it somewhat difficult for researchers from
tiple facilities while also collecting clinical outcome data. different traditions to communicate efficiently and effectively,
The study randomized 122 VA facilities to intervention and which could serve as a barrier to collaboration, and perhaps
comparison conditions, with intervention facilities receiving also impede comprehension during research proposal and
a range of implementation interventions, including web- manuscript reviews. More specifically, lack of reviewer ex-
based “kick-off” meetings (education and marketing), toolkit pertise on grant review panels and among journal reviewers
dissemination, and roles for local opinion leaders. Compar- and editorial boards relative to emerging concepts and in-
ison programs are converting to intervention programs after novations in the field of implementation science can have an
6 months. Although key outcomes variables related to uptake inhibitory effect on the development, implementation, and
of H2H are defined for the implementation component (eg, reporting of hybrid studies. Review of hybrid designs requires
enrollment rates other performance measures), the study is at least an appreciation of the complexities balancing internal
also collecting and comparing key patient outcomes data and external validity considerations in such trials, as well as the
(mortality and rehospitalization) across intervention and design trade-offs inherent in structuring such complex proto-
comparison sites. cols and related budgetary needs. Reviews must also, of
course, have sufficient technical expertise across members so
that, in aggregate, both the clinical intervention and the im-
DISCUSSION plementation aspects of the study can be effectively evaluated.
As we have explored relevant work in the VA and the Finally, the same appreciation and expertise required of
implementation field in general, we have seen nonsystematic journal and grant review bodies is required on promotion and
efforts at blending effectiveness and implementation trial tenure committees, although as implementation research and
elements. Through this hybrid framework we offer guidance hybrid designs become more widely appreciated, this lack of
to the field and hopefully provide assistance to investigators expertise will diminish—as it has for effectiveness-oriented
searching for identifiable design solutions. In addition, we clinical trials.4,38–40 Hybrid studies are typically more complex
hope to stimulate further thinking and to encourage new to execute and thus may be relatively “high risk”; however, the
design combinations. The hybrid definition and typology successfully implemented hybrid study will likely pay divi-
offered here must be considered constructs still in evolution. dends across both the (a priori) clinical and implementation
It is important to note that the “boundaries” we have drawn foci, thus yielding rich data that will be of use both scientifi-
around these hybrid types are not intended to be rigid, and cally and in terms of public health impact.
that future work should refine and extend what has been The impetus to blend or explicitly link research tradi-
presented here. In addition, we recognize that some of the tions in the service of accelerating scientific progress
“recommended conditions for use” of the hybrids are sub- and enhancing public health impact is not at all new,4,38–40

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