Croatian Dog Breeds - Go To Croatia
Croatian Dog Breeds - Go To Croatia
Croatian Dog Breeds - Go To Croatia
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Unique mountain
bike race over 4
Croatian islands
Posavac Hound
This big hound might look like a bear at
Another breed in the hun!ng world, first sight regarding his size and big, rich
this dog contains similar characteris!cs coat, but underneath lies a puppy full of
as the Istrian hun!ng hounds and is a love for its owners. Origina!ng from
familiar and loved dog among many the Dinarides mountain area, these
dogs’ primal usage is for herding EASTER IN ZAGREB
Croa!an families.
livestock and protec!on, but their calm
temperament and extremely good
health make them a great family
member and companion, as long as you
have enough open space where they
can freely run and exercise.
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