2022-11-11 Exam Timetable For 1 Candidates
2022-11-11 Exam Timetable For 1 Candidates
2022-11-11 Exam Timetable For 1 Candidates
Candidate Information
Date of Birth Candidate Number
16 Apr 2007 1616 (Internal)
Date Time Subject Examination Duration Location Seat
Mon, 14 Nov 2022 10:30 11:20 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE History 00:50 301 L10
Tue, 15 Nov 2022 10:45 11:25 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE Spanish 00:40 301 F6
Spanish Listening Higher Listening Higher
Wed, 16 Nov 2022 14:35 15:25 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE English 00:50 301 O3
English Literature Literature
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 08:30 09:30 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE Spanish 01:00 301 I2
Spanish Reading Higher Reading Higher
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 10:45 12:15 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:30 301 G10
Economics Economics
Fri, 18 Nov 2022 10:45 11:25 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 00:40 301 H3
Geography Geography
Fri, 18 Nov 2022 14:35 15:30 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 00:55 301 M7
Religious Studies Religious Studies
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 08:20 09:20 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE English 01:00 301 L2
English language language
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 10:30 11:45 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:15 301 O4
Combined Biology Higher Combined Biology
Tue, 22 Nov 2022 08:30 09:45 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:15 301 N2
Combined Physics Higher Combined Physics
Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:30 09:45 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE Spanish 01:15 301 N6
Spanish Writing Higher Writing Higher
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 08:30 09:30 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:00 301 K6
Mathematics P1 Higher Mathematics P1
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 10:45 12:00 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:15 301 E10
Combined Chemistry Higher Combined
Chemistry Higher
Fri, 25 Nov 2022 08:30 09:30 In House Exam: PIP 2: GCSE PIP 2: GCSE 01:00 301 K6
Mathematics P2 Higher Mathematics P2
Please note: The times/days may change if two or more exams are scheduled at the same time.
Please check and confirm the basic details including name, date of birth and subject entries. If any changes are required
please let me know in writing. You can email me on Dharmic.meggi@avanti.org.uk. Senior staff will also continue to review
student performance. Any changes to timetables will be confirmed with parents. Yours Faithfully Mr D Meggi