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Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Release 12.4

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Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide Copyright 2004, 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Documentation Objectives Audience
xxi xxi xxi

Documentation Organization xxi Supporting Documents and Resources Document Conventions



Obtaining Documentation xxv Cisco.com xxv Ordering Documentation xxvi Documentation Feedback

Obtaining Technical Assistance xxvi Cisco Technical Support Website xxvii Submitting a Service Request xxvii Definitions of Service Request Severity xxvii Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
xxviii xxix

Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T
xxx xxx xxxi xxxi


Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Overview Voice Call Flow Overview


Call Setup 3 Call Setup Elements 4 Source and Destination POTS Dial Peers Voice Network Dial Peers 4 Inbound and Outbound Call Legs 5 Call Setup Process 6 Dial Peer Matching 7 Inbound Dial Peer Matching 8 Outbound Dial Peer Matching 11

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Voice Network Dial Peer Matching POTS Dial Peer Matching 13 Call Flow Through Router Components 14 Telephony Interface Architecture 15 Voice Application Interface 16


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways


Voice Debug Concepts 17 Debug Header Format 18 IVR Module-Dependent List 19 CallEntry ID and GUID Call Legs 20 Enabling Command Profile Debugging 20 Fax Debug Profile 21 Modem Debug Profile 23 Voice Debug Profile 24 Enabling Individual Debug Commands for CCAPI, TSP, and VTSP Debugging Managing the Voice Call Debug Output Supported Commands 35


Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands Full GUID Header: Example 38 Short Header: Example 39 Setup and Teardown: Example 39 Filtering Troubleshooting Output
49 49


Filtering Output from show and more Commands

Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways 50 Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering 50 Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering 50 Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering 51 Generic Call Filter Module 52 Calling and Called Number Strings 53 Exact and Partial Matching 55 Media and Signaling Streams 55 Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter 55 Configuring Call-Specific Conditions 55 Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions 59 Output Examples for Voice Call Debug Filtering 62 Exact Match Filtering: Example 62 Partial Match Filtering: Example 65 Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide




Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering on Voice Gatekeepers 69 Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering 69 Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering on Cisco Voice Gatekeepers Gatekeeper Filter Module 70 Calling and Called Number Strings 71 Exact and Partial Matching Conditions Rules and Information 71 Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter for Cisco Gatekeepers 79 Configuring Call-Specific Conditions for Gatekeepers 79 Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions 80 Prerequisites 80 Troubleshooting Tips 81 Examples 82 SIP Debug Output Filtering Support 83 Restrictions for SIP Debug Output Filtering Support 83 Information About SIP Debug Output Filtering Support 83 Feature Design of SIP Debug Output Filtering Support 83 Generic Call Filtering Module 84 SIP Debug Commands that Support Output Filtering 84 Matching Conditions 84 Configuring SIP Debug Filtering 85 Configuring Call Filters 85 Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering 87 Verifying SIP Debug Output Filtering Support 89 Configuration Examples for SIP Debug Filtering 90 Configuring Call Filters: Example 90 Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering: Example 94 MGCP Call Centric Debug 96 Restrictions for MGCP Call Centric Debug 96 Information About MGCP Call Centric Debug 96 MGCP Debug Commands that Support Debug Filtering 97 Match Conditions for MGCP Debug Filtering 97 Trace Levels for MGCP Debug Output 98 Tips on Collecting Debug Output 98 How to Enable MGCP Call Centric Debug 99 Modifying the Debug Header Format for MGCP Debug Output Creating Match Lists for MGCP Filtering Conditions 100 Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering Using Match Lists 102 Prerequisites 102 Restrictions 102 Verifying the MGCP Debug Filtering Configuration 103



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Enabling MGCP Debug Trace Levels 104 Restrictions 104 Configuration Examples for MGCP Call Centric Debug 105 Match-List Configuration for MGCP Debug Filtering: Example Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering: Example 108 Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes
109 109 109


Prerequisites for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Restrictions for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes 109 Benefits of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes 110 Feature Design of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes 110 IEC Reporting 110 Gatekeeper Behavior and Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Obtaining IECs 113 Internal Error Code Notation 115 Entity 115 Category Codes 116 Subsystem Codes 117 Error Codes 118


How to Configure IEC Options 146 Configuring IEC Options 146 Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting 146 Configuring Cause Code Mapping 147 Troubleshooting Tips 148 What to Do Next 148 New and Modified Configuration Commands for Gatekeeper IECs in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T Verifying IEC Options 149 Prerequisites 149 Displaying IEC Options 150 Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes 151 Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting and Configuring Cause Code Mapping: Example 152 Verifying IEC Configuration: Example 152 Sample Output from the show running-config Command: Example 152 Sample Output from the show voice iec description Command: Example 154 Sample Output from the show voice statistics iec Command: Example 154 Sample Output from the clear voice statistics Command: Example 156 Sample Output from the show voice cause-code category-q850 Command: Example Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Two-Stage Dialing Failures Symptom 157 Problem Description 157 Troubleshooting Tasks 157 Troubleshooting Socket Failures 161 Symptom 161 Problem Description 161 Troubleshooting Tasks 161 Troubleshooting Resources


Troubleshooting Tools 171 Using Router Diagnostic Commands 171 Using show Commands 171 Using debug Commands 172 Using the ping Commands 173 Using the trace Commands 174 Using Cisco Network Management Tools 174 CiscoView 175 Internetwork Performance Monitor 175 TrafficDirector RMON Application 175 VlanDirector Switch Management Application 176 Third-Party Troubleshooting Tools 176 Volt-Ohm Meters, Digital Multimeters, and Cable Testers TDRs and OTDRs 177 Breakout Boxes, Fox Boxes, BERTs and BLERTs 177 Network Monitors 178 Network Analyzers 178 Other Troubleshooting Resources 178 Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook 178 TAC Troubleshooting Tools on Cisco.com 179



Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Telephony Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces 183 FXS Hardware Troubleshooting 184 Software Compatibility 184 Cabling 184 Shutdown Port 185 Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Ring Voltage Problems 186 Ringing Voltages 186 Idle Battery Voltage 186 Idle Line Voltages 187 Ring Voltage Problems 187 Unbreakable Dial Tone 188 No LED When Phone Off the Hook


FXO Interfaces 189 FXO Hardware Troubleshooting 190 Software Compatibility 190 Cabling 190 Shutdown Port 191 Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card 192 FXO Disconnect Failure 192 Troubleshooting FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision 192 Monitoring and Maintaining FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision Unbreakable Dial Tone 194 Troubleshooting Caller ID Problems 194 Calling Number Lost, Name Delivered 195 Calling Number Delivered, Name Lost 195 E&M Interfaces 196 E&M Hardware Troubleshooting 197 Software Compatibility 197 Cabling 197 Shutdown Port 198 E&M Interface Types 199 E&M Signaling Unit Side and Trunk Circuit Side Compatibility Issues E&M Type I Interface Model 200 E&M Type II Interface Model 202 E&M Type III Interface Model 204 E&M Type V Interface Model 206 Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level 208 Preparing to Troubleshoot E&M Physical Problems 209 Troubleshooting Type I Interfaces 212 Troubleshooting Type II Interfaces 213 Troubleshooting Type III Interfaces 214 Troubleshooting Type V Interfaces 215 Confirming E&M Configuration 216 Confirming the PBX E&M Configuration Parameters 216 Confirming the Cisco IOS Gateway Configuration 216
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide





Verifying the Wiring Arrangement Between the PBX and the Cisco Gateway 217 Verifying Supervision Signaling 218 Verifying That the Cisco Equipment and PBX Are Sending and Receiving Digits 219 Verifyinng That the Gateway Sends the Expected Digits to the PBX 222 Verify That the Gateway Receives the Expected Digits from the PBX 223 Unbreakable Dial Tone 223 Analog DID Interfaces 224 DID Hardware Troubleshooting 225 Software Compatibility 225 Cabling 225 Shutdown Port 225 Verifying Direct Inward Dialing Voice-Port Configuration Voice Port Testing Commands 227 Detector-Related Function Tests 227 Loopback Function Tests 228 Tone Injection Tests 228 Relay-Related Function Tests 229 Fax/Voice Mode Tests 229 Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Hardware 231 Software Compatibility 232 Cabling 232 T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-48) T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-45) Shutdown Port 233


232 233

Checking the Digital Signal Processors 233 Voice DSP Control Message Logger 234 Message Logger Overview 234 Configuration Tasks 235 Configuration Examples 238 Voice Call Tuning 239 Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis 239 How to Configure Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis 240 Troubleshooting Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis 241 Verifying DSP Crash Dump File Analysis 242 Configuration Examples for Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis Troubleshooting Universal Port SPEs 243 Configure SPE Diagnostic Tests 243 SPE Disconnect Reason Codes 245


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



DSP Troubleshooting Links


Verifying Codec Complexity 260 Codec Complexity Mismatch 260 Checking the Interface 261 Troubleshooting T1 and E1 Layer 1 Problems 262 Controller Is Administratively Down 262 Controller Has Loss of Frame 263 Controller Has Loss of Signal 264 Checking T1/E1 Controller Configuration 265 Framing Formats on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports 266 Clock Sources on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports 266 Line Coding on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports 268 T1/E1 Channel-Associated Signaling 269 Troubleshooting Commands 270 E1 R2 Interfaces 270 Troubleshooting E1 R2 Failures 270 debug and show Commands 271 ISDN Interfaces 272 ISDN PRI Troubleshooting Tips 273 Verifying the ISDN Switch Type and PRI Group Timeslot Configuration Ringback 275 QSIG Protocol Support 276 Troubleshooting Drop-and-Insert 277 Troubleshooting Transparent Common Channel Signaling 278 Dial Tone Issues 278 Router Does Not Recognize Voice Port 278 Voice Ports Are in the Shutdown State 279 Voice Ports Configured as Connection Trunk 279 No Dial Tone on Digital Voice Port 279 Debug Command Output Shows VTSP Timeout 279 Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations 280 show voice port Samples 281 show controller Samples 283 show voice dsp Samples 283 show voice call summary Samples 284 show call active voice Samples 285 show call history voice Sample 286 Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg Voice Port Testing Commands



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Detector-Related Function Tests 290 Loopback Function Tests 290 Tone Injection Tests 290 Relay-Related Function Tests 291 Fax/Voice Mode Tests 291 Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Understanding VoIP QoS Issues Measuring QoS 294
293 293

Common QoS Problems 295 Delay in Voice Networks 296 Packet Loss 298 Jitter Adjustment 298 Echo Adjustment 301 Determine Where Echo Is Occurring 301 Troubleshooting Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways 302 Measuring Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways 303 Voice Level Adjustment 306 Input and Output Levels 306 Voice Activity Detection Level 308 Voice Call Tuning 309 Restrictions for Voice Call Tuning 309 Information About Voice Call Tuning 309 Packet-Flow Detection 309 DSP State 310 Echo-Cancellation State 310 Jitter-Buffer Parameters 310 How to Verify Voice Call Tuning Functionality 310 Voice Call Tuning Configuration Examples 311


Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Technologies Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network H.323-Related Standards H.225 Signaling H.245 Signaling
316 317 318 315

Troubleshooting Gateways 319 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Call Routing and Dial Peers 319 Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg 319 Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg 322
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Dial Tone 332 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Busy Tone 332 No DTMF Digits or Audio Passed on VoIP Calls to PSTN or PBX 333 No Busy Tone or Announcement Message Received When Placing VoIP Outbound Calls 333 No Busy Tone on Inbound Call from Telephony (ISDN) to Cisco CallManager IP Phone, Cisco IOS Gateway, or Third-Party H.323 Device 333 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Ringback 334 No Ringback Tone on VoIP Toll-Bypass Calls 334 No Ringback Tone on VoIP Inbound Calls to Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party VoIP Devices) Through Cisco IOS Gateway 335 No Ringback Tone on VoIP Outbound Calls from Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party Device) Through Cisco IOS Gateway 336 No Ringback to PSTN When IP Phones Initiate a Call Transfer (Cisco CallManager or Cisco Unity Voice Mail) 337 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway One-Way or No Audio 338 Ensuring IP Routing Is Enabled on Cisco IOS Gateways 338 Checking Basic IP Routing 339 Binding the H.323 Signaling to a Specific IP Address 339 Checking That Answer Supervision Is Being Sent and Received Correctly From the Telco or Switch 340 Using the voice rtp send-recv Command to Establish Early Two-Way Audio 340 Checking cRTP Settings on a Link-by-Link Basis 340 Verifying Minimum Software Level for NAT on Cisco IOS Gateways 341 Disabling voice-fastpath on Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways 341 Configurinng the VPN IP Address with SoftPhone 341 Verifying One-Way Audio 342 Using the Test Call Feature to Verify Voice Path 342 Information About the Test Call Feature 343 Limitations 343 Test Call Command-Line Interface 344 Sample Tasks 346 Troubleshooting Gatekeepers 347 Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Registration 348 Related Commands 348 Reject Reasons 350 Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Call Routing and Dial Peers 352 Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Bandwidth 353 Bandwidth Management Operation Overview 353 Configuring the Bandwidth Management Feature on the Cisco Gatekeeper 354 Using Gatekeeper show Commands to Display Bandwidth Information 354 Bandwidth-Related RAS Messages (BRQ, BCF, and BRJ) 355
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Checking Cisco Gateway Failover to Alternate Gatekeeper 356 Gatekeeper Update Protocol 357 Troubleshooting Issues with Alternate Endpoints 358 Troubleshooting Gatekeeper Endpoint Call Admission Issues 359 Troubleshoot Load Balancing 365 Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network
367 365

Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960 367 Troubleshooting Features 367 Troubleshooting Tips 368 Cisco SIP IP Phone Is Unprovisioned or Is Unable to Obtain an IP Address 369 Cisco SIP IP Phone Does Not Register With the SIP Proxy or SIP Registrar Server 369 Outbound Calls Cannot Be Placed from a Cisco SIP IP Phone 370 Inbound Calls Cannot Be Received on a Cisco SIP IP Phone 370 Poor Voice Quality on the Cisco SIP IP Phone 370 DTMF Digits Do Not Function Properly 371 Cisco SIP IP Phones Do Not Work When Plugged into a Line-Powered Switch 371 Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly 371 Some SIP Messages are Retransmitted Too Often 371 Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway 371 Unable to Make Outbound Calls from the Cisco SIP Gateway to a SIP Endpoint 372 Unable to Make Inbound Calls to a PSTN Through a Cisco SIP Gateway 372 Calls to a PSTN via the Cisco SIP Gateway Fail with a 400 Bad Request Response 373 Voice Quality Is Compromised on Calls Through or From the Cisco SIP Gateway 376 Some SIP Messages Are Retransmitted Too Often 376 Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly 376 Troubleshooting Commands 377 Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Proxy Server 386 Troubleshooting Tips 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Start 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Allow Devices to Register 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Route Calls Properly 388 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Reports That SIP Messages Are Bad 388 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Farming Does Not Work Correctly 388 Voice Quality Problems 388 SIP Messages and Methods 388 Requests 389 Responses 389 Registration Process 389
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Invitation Process

389 391

Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview 391 MGCP Gateway Call Flow 393 User Access Verification 393 Troubleshooting Guidelines 397 Call Routing and Dial Peers 398 Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg show dialplan number 399 debug vtsp dsp 400 Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg Call Admission Control 401 Troubleshooting MGCP 402 Troubleshooting MGCP SRC CAC 402 Troubleshooting MGCP RSVP CAC 403 Troubleshooting MGCP SA Agent CAC 403 Verifying Connections and Endpoints
404 399


MGCP Testing Commands 405 show ccm-manager 405 show mgcp 406 show mgcp endpoint 407 show mgcp connection 407 show voice port mod_num/slot_num/port_num show mgcp statistics 412 Other debug mgcp Commands 413


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the Voice Connections Troubleshooting Tasks
416 417 415 416


Verifying the Frame Relay Configuration

Monitoring and Maintaining the VoFR Configuration Troubleshooting VoFR with QoS 417 LLQ and IP RTP Priority Commands 417 Fragmentation Commands 418 Frame Relay Interface Commands 418

Troubleshooting VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization VoFR Testing Commands


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the ATM Configuration Verifying the Voice Connection Verifying the VoATM Connection Troubleshooting Tips 425
422 422 423


Verifying the ATM Interface Configuration



Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Telephony Applications Troubleshooting Voice Applications


Troubleshooting Tcl IVR 429 Testing and Debugging Your Script 430 Loading Your Script 431 Associating Your Script with an Inbound Dial Peer Displaying Information About IVR Scripts 432 Using URLs in IVR Scripts 435 URLs for Loading the IVR Script 435 URLs for Loading Audio Files 436 Tips for Using Your Tcl IVR Script 436


Media Inactive Call Detection 436 Prerequisites for Media Inactive Call Detection 437 Restrictions for Media Inactive Call Detection 437 Information about Media Inactive Call Detection 437 Improved Functionality of Media Inactive Call Detection 437 Modifications to Information Tags and Internal Error Codes 438 Configuring Media Inactive Call Detection 442 Output Examples for Media Inactive Call Detection 443 show call active voice brief Command: Example 443 show running config Command: Example 445 Sample Tcl IVR script 449 Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML 452 Debugging Cisco VoiceXML Applications 453 Error Events 454 JavaScript or ECMA Script 455 Troubleshooting Speech Recognition and Synthesis 455 Troubleshooting ASR and TTS Server Functionality 456 MGCP Scripting Overview Events and Status Codes Events 459
458 458

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Status Codes 461 Authentication Status 462 Authorization Status 462 Digit Collection Status 462 Consult Response 463 Consult Status 463 Disconnect Cause 463 Facility 465 Feature Type 466 Leg Setup Status 466 Media Status 467 Transfer Status 467 VoiceXML Dialog Completion Status Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications

468 469

Troubleshooting AAA for Voice 469 Using Debug Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting 469 debug radius 469 debug radius accounting 477 Using show Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting 480 show call accounting voice summary 480 show call accounting-template voice 480 show call aaa attributes 481 Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 483 Prerequisites for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 483 Restrictions for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 483 Information About Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 484 Global Accounting Script 484 How to Configure Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 484 Configuring the GAS 485 Loading the GAS 486 Starting the GAS 487 Verifying the GAS 488 Troubleshooting Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection 489 Configuration Examples for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection Configuring the GAS: Example 491 Loading the GAS: Example 493 Starting the GAS: Example 493 Verifying the GAS: Example 493 Troubleshooting Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide





Troubleshooting Settlement 497 Settlement Database Not Set Up Properly 497 Tcl IVR Script Not Called 497 No Destination Pattern Set 498 No Session Target Settlement Set on Originating Gateway 498 No VoIP Inbound Dial Peer on Terminating Gateway 498 No Application Attribute on Terminating Gateway 499 Terminating Gateway Not Synchronized with Settlement Server 499 Settlement Provider Not Running 499 Router and Server Not Using SSL to Communicate 499 Multiple Dial Peers Have Random Order 500 H.323 Setup Connection Timeout 500 Problem Isolation 500 Troubleshooting Fax Applications

Fax Call Flow 503 Fax Pass-Through and Fax Pass-Through with Upspeed Cisco Fax Relay 505 Cisco Fax Relay Fax Setup Phase 505 Cisco Fax Relay Data Transfer Phase 506 T.38 Fax Relay 507 H.323 T.38 Fax Relay 507 SIP T.38 Fax Relay 508 MGCP T.38 Fax Relay 509 T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax 509


Fax Relay 510 Identifying and Isolating the Problem 511 Checking Basic Connectivity 512 Normal Voice Connectivity Problems 512 Configuration Problems Related to Dial Peers 512 Other Basic Connectivity Problems Not Relating to Dial Peers Fax Connectivity Problems Across the PSTN 515 Checking for Slips and Other Errors on Digital Interfaces 515 Checking Fax Interface Type 516 Ensuring That the Fax Codec is Loaded During the Fax Call 516 Disabling Fax Relay and Change Codec for Pass-Through 517 Checking for Packet Loss on the Voice Network 518 Disabling Fax Relay ECM (Cisco Proprietary VoIP Only) 518 Enabling T.38 Packet Redundancy (T.38 VoIP Only) 519 Setting the Fax NSF Command to All Zeroes 519


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Achieving the Final Stages of Resolution Debugging Fax Relay 520 T.30 Messages 520 Fax Relay Debug Commands 522 Fax Analyzers 524 Fax Detection



Monitoring the Cisco IOS Voice Network Monitoring the Voice Network Periodic Monitoring Tasks
529 529

Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network 530 Cisco Voice Manager 530 Quality of Service Device Manager 530 Cisco Service Assurance Agent 531 CiscoWorks Voice Health Monitor 531 Cisco Gateway Management Agent 532 Cisco QoS Policy Manager 532 Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways
533 533 533

Prerequisites for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Restrictions for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways 534 Basic Terminology and Feature Design 534 What Are the Types of Accounting Statistics? 535 What Are the Types of Signaling Statistics and Aggregation Levels? What Are IECs? 536 Management of the Statistical Collection 537 What Are the Allowable Time Ranges? 537 What Are Thresholds? 537 What Are the Allowable Storage Capacities? 538 How Is Memory Used? 538 Management of the Archive Process 538 Display of Records and Time Ranges 539 What Records Are Displayed Since System Reset or Reboot? 539 What Time Ranges Are Displayed? 539 Voice Interface Changes During Call-Statistics Collection Periods 540 Addition or Removal of a Voice Port 540 Configuration Change of Any Trunk Group 540 Benefits of Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways 541
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide




Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways 541 Summary of Configuration Tasks 542 Configuring the Duration and Time Periods of Call Statistics on the Gateway 543 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics on a Periodic Basis 543 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics Since the Last Reset 544 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics for a Specific Time Interval 545 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics 546 Enabling the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics 546 Configuring the Minimum Call Duration and Signaling Thresholds 548 Disabling the Collection of Signaling Statistics 549 Displaying the Signaling Statistics for Each Aggregation Level 550 Clearing Signaling Statistics 556 Configuring the Gateway to Collect VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics 557 Prerequisites 557 Restrictions 557 Enabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics on the Gateway 557 Configuring a Designated Server Group for a Broadcast Method List 559 Disabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics 560 Displaying the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics 561 Clearing the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics 562 Troubleshooting Tips for VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics 563 Managing the Collection of Voice Statistics 566 Configuring the FTP Server to Enable Archiving of Statistics from the Gateway 566 Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to an FTP Server 569 Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to a Syslog Server 570 Displaying Memory Usage 571 Displaying All Statistics and Pushing Them to an FTP or Syslog Server 572 Clearing the Collected Call Statistics 572 Monitoring the Statistical Reporting 573 Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways User-Specific Configurations for Call Statistic Collection: Example 582 Manually Clearing Statistics: Example 582 Collection of Aggregation-Level Statistics: Example 583 Memory Usage: Example 584 Collection of Statistics Since System Reset: Examples 584 Designated Server Group: Example 587 Location of the FTP Server: Example 587 Maximum File Size for the Syslog Server: Example 587 Maximum Duration for Storage: Example 587

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Cause Codes and Debug Values

589 589

Details of Cause Codes and Debug Values for VoIP Q.931 Call Disconnection Causes 589 Codec Negotiation Values 590 Tone Types 591 FAX-Rate and VAD Capabilities Values 591 Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


About Cisco IOS Software Documentation

This chapter discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide documentation. It also provides sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.

Documentation Objectives
This document provides information about troubleshooting and maintain Cisco voice networking devices. Links are provided for additional troubleshooting information.

The Cisco IOS software documentation set is intended primarily for users who configure and maintain Cisco networking devices (such as routers and switches) but who may not be familiar with the tasks, the relationship between tasks, or the Cisco IOS software commands necessary to perform particular tasks.

Documentation Organization
This document includes the following sections:

Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Overview
Voice Call Flow Overview Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Filtering Troubleshooting Output Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting Resources

Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Telephony

Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Documentation Organization

Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Technologies

Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network

Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Telephony Applications

Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications

Troubleshooting Fax Applications Monitoring the Cisco IOS Voice Network

Monitoring the Voice Network Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Cause Codes and Debug Values

Supporting Documents and Resources

Document or Resource Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference Description Explains the configuration of voice features on Cisco IOS platforms. Explains the function and syntax of the Cisco IOS voice software commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, refer to the Cisco IOS command reference publications. Contains an alphabetical listing of the debug commands and their descriptions. Documentation for each command includes a brief description of its use, command syntax, usage guidelines, and sample output. Contains an alphabetical listing of commonly used Cisco IOS commands and their descriptions. Documentation for each command includes a brief description of its use, command syntax, usage guidelines, and sample output. Contains general troubleshooting information for Cisco platforms. Lists and describes Cisco IOS system messages. Not all system messages indicate problems with your system. Some are informational, and others may help diagnose problems with communications lines, internal hardware, or the system software. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco 2600 series routers, network modules, and interface cards. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco 3600 series routers, network modules, and interface cards. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco 3700 series routers, network modules, and interface cards.

Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference

Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Command Reference

Internetwork Troubleshooting Handbook Cisco IOS Software System Messages

Cisco 2600 series router product documentation Cisco 3600 series router product documentation Cisco 3700 series router product documentation

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Documentation Organization

Document or Resource Cisco AS5350 product documentation Cisco AS5400 product documentation Cisco AS5800 product documentation Cisco AS5850 product documentation MIX-Multichannel T1/E1 Port Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide Dictionary of Internetworking Terms and Acronyms New Cisco IOS feature documentation

Description Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco AS5350 universal gateways and cards. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco AS5400 universal gateways and cards. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco AS5800 access servers and cards. Contains installation and configuration information for Cisco AS5850 universal gateways and cards. Describes the installation and technical aspects of Cisco MIX-Multichannel T1/E1 port adapter hardware. Compiles and defines the terms and acronyms used in the internetworking industry. Documents the mainline release of Cisco IOS software (for example, Cisco IOS Release 12.3). New software features are introduced in early deployment releases (for example, the Cisco IOS T release train for 12.3, 12.3(x)T). Documentation for these new features can be found in standalone documents called feature modules. Feature module documentation describes new Cisco IOS software and hardware networking functionality and is available on Cisco.com. Describes system requirements, provides information about new and changed features, and includes other useful information about specific software releases. RFCs are standards documents maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Cisco IOS software documentation references supported RFCs when applicable. The full text of referenced RFCs may be obtained at http://www.rfc-editor.org/. MIBs are used for network monitoring. For lists of supported MIBs arranged by platform and release, and to download MIB files, see the Cisco MIB website on Cisco.com at http://www.cisco.com/public/sw-center/netmgmt/cmtk/mibs.shtml.

Release notes



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Document Conventions

Document Conventions
Within Cisco IOS software documentation, the term router is generally used to refer to a variety of Cisco products (for example, routers, access servers, and switches). Routers, access servers, and other networking devices that support Cisco IOS software are shown interchangeably within examples. These products are used only for illustrative purposes; that is, an example that shows one product does not necessarily indicate that other products are not supported. The Cisco IOS documentation set uses the following conventions: Convention ^ or Ctrl Description The ^ and Ctrl symbols represent the Control key. For example, the key combination ^D or Ctrl-D means hold down the Control key while you press the D key. Keys are indicated in capital letters but are not case sensitive. A string is a nonquoted set of characters shown in italics. For example, when setting an SNMP community string to public, do not use quotation marks around the string or the string will include the quotation marks. Command syntax descriptions use the following conventions: Convention boldface italics [x] | [x | y] {x | y} Description Boldface text indicates commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown. Italic text indicates arguments for which you supply values. Square brackets enclose an optional element (keyword or argument). A vertical line indicates a choice within an optional or required set of keywords or arguments. Square brackets enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical line indicate an optional choice. Braces enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical line indicate a required choice. Nested sets of square brackets or braces indicate optional or required choices within optional or required elements. For example: Convention [x {y | z}] Description Braces and a vertical line within square brackets indicate a required choice within an optional element. Examples use the following conventions: Convention
screen boldface screen


Description Examples of information displayed on the screen are set in Courier font. Examples of text that you must enter are set in Courier bold font. Angle brackets enclose text that is not printed to the screen, such as passwords.



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Obtaining Documentation

Convention ! [ ]

Description An exclamation point at the beginning of a line indicates a comment line. (Exclamation points are also displayed by the Cisco IOS software for certain processes.) Square brackets enclose default responses to system prompts. The following conventions are used to attract the attention of the reader:


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the manual.


Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the paragraph.


Means the following information will help you solve a problem. The tips information might not be troubleshooting or even an action, but could be useful information, similar to a Timesaver.


Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.


IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device.

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You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/home/home.htm You can access the Cisco website at this URL: http://www.cisco.com

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About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Documentation Feedback

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About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco Technical Support Website

The Cisco Technical Support Website provides online documents and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The website is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support Website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID or password, you can register at this URL: http://tools.cisco.com/RPF/register/register.do

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Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool automatically provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service request will be assigned to a Cisco TAC engineer. The TAC Service Request Tool is located at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport/servicerequest For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco TAC engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly. To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers: Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227) EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55 USA: 1 800 553 2447 For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport/contacts

Definitions of Service Request Severity

To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity definitions. Severity 1 (S1)Your network is down, or there is a critical impact to your business operations. You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation. Severity 2 (S2)Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your business operation are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation. Severity 3 (S3)Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to satisfactory levels. Severity 4 (S4)You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.

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About Cisco IOS Software Documentation Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.

Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise. Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/go/marketplace/

The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as ordering and customer support services. Access the Cisco Product Catalog at this URL: http://cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/pcat/

Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles. Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press at this URL: http://www.ciscopress.com

Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends, technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet magazine at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/packet

iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing companies learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business, and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to help readers make sound technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/go/iqmagazine

Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/ipj

World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/learning/index.html

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features

This chapter contains information about Cisco IOS voice troubleshooting and monitoring features and includes the location of the information in this document or other documents. Use Cisco Feature Navigator to see the features a Cisco IOS software release supports by platform, and to find the image that is best for you. Access Cisco Feature Navigator at http://www.cisco.com/go/fn.


To use Cisco Feature Navigator, you must have an account on Cisco.com. If you do not have an account or have forgotten your username or password, click Cancel at the login dialog box and follow the instructions that appear. New Cisco IOS voice troubleshooting and monitoring features are introduced in the following Cisco IOS software releases:

Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T, page xxx Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T, page xxx Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, page xxxi Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T, page xxxi

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T

Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T

Feature MGCP Call Centric Debug Description Enables the filtering of MGCP debug output based on selected criteria and standardizes the format of the MGCP debug header. All MGCP debug output for a single call can be identified and correlated across the various layers in IOS software. Filtering debug output reduces extraneous information, making it easier to locate the correct information and reducing the impact to platform performance. Location MGCP Call Centric Debug section on page 96

Test Call

Using the Test Call Feature to Verify Provides the ability for a remote station or Voice Path section on page 342 gateway to establish a call to any destination address from a Test Call station located at a network operations center and to audibly verify the voice path. Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Enables selected debugging traces for voice calls. This feature allows you to filter and trace Gatekeepers section on page 69 voice call debug messages based on selected filtering criteria, reducing the volume of output for more efficient troubleshooting.

Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T

Feature Voice Troubleshooting Enhancements Description Location Adds standardized voice debug header and voice Debug Command Output on call debug filtering capabilities to additional and Cisco IOS Voice Gateways section on page 17 replacement debug commands, enables command profile debugging, and provides data dump for internal data structures.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T

Feature Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection Description Provides the option to reject new calls entering the VoIP network and tear down all existing calls upon detecting connectivity failure to the method list that is associated with RADIUS-based accounting servers. Location Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection section on page 483

Inactive Call Detection

Enhances Cisco IOS behavior for disconnecting Media Inactive Call Detection a call when an inactive condition is detected. section on page 436 This feature provides more control for managing these calls. Provides the capability for SIP-related debug output to be filtered based on a set of user-defined matching conditions. SIP Debug Output Filtering Support section on page 83 Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis section on page 239

SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Voice DSP Crash Dump Analysis Allows Cisco IOS voice platforms using TI DSPs the ability to capture the contents of the DSP memory into a dump file if there is a DSP crash. Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Enables the collection of voice call statistics based on user-configured time ranges. The statistics that can be collected are from the following functional areas:

Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways section on page 533

RADIUS accounting Cisco IOS generated internal error codes (IECs) Gateway port (interface) statistics

VoIP Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Allows you to filter and trace voice call debug Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways section on page 50 messages based on selected filtering criteria, reducing the volume of output for more efficient troubleshooting. Generates IECs for gateway-detected errors that Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes section on page 109 cause the gateway to release or refuse a call. IECs enhance troubleshooting for VoIP networks by helping to determine the source and reason for call termination.

VoIP Internal Error Codes

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T

Feature Description Location Enhanced Debug Capabilities for Enables you to identify and track a specific call Debug Command Output on Cisco Voice Gateways in a multiple-call environment. Cisco IOS Voice Gateways section on page 17

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Guide to Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Features Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Overview

Voice Call Flow Overview

To troubleshoot problems with voice networks, you must follow the call both inside the router and outside on the network in order to isolate the problem. You must understand the relationship of dial peers and call legs to follow the calls. For detailed information on dial peers and call legs, refer to Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers. The following sections contain information about call flow:

Call Setup, page 3 Call Flow Through Router Components, page 14

For information about voice network design, refer to Troubleshooting and Debugging VoIP Call Basics, document ID 14081.

Call Setup
A voice call over a packet network is segmented into discrete call legs. Each call leg is associated with a dial peer. A call leg is a logical connection between two voice gateways or between a gateway and an IP telephony device (for example, Cisco CallManager or a session initiation protocol (SIP) server). An example of POTS and VoIP call legs is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1

Dial Peer Call Legs


Call leg 1 (POTS dial peer)

Call leg 2 (VoIP dial peer)

Call leg 3 (VoIP dial peer)

Call leg 4 (POTS dial peer)

Details for the call setup are described in the following sections:

Call Setup Elements, page 4 Call Setup Process, page 6 Dial Peer Matching, page 7

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


IP network

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

Troubleshooting and debugging should focus first on each leg independently and then on the VoIP call as a whole.

Call Setup Elements

You can isolate where a problem is occurring by determining which dial peer or call leg is having the problem, as described in the following sections:

Source and Destination POTS Dial Peers, page 4 Voice Network Dial Peers, page 4 Inbound and Outbound Call Legs, page 5

Source and Destination POTS Dial Peers

POTS dial peers define the characteristics of a traditional telephony network connection. The POTS dial peer maps a dial string to a specific voice port on the local gateway. Normally the voice port connects the gateway to the local public switched telephone network (PSTN), PBX, or analog telephone.

Voice Network Dial Peers

Voice network dial peers define the attributes of a packet voice network connection. Voice network dial peers map a dial string to a remote network device. Some examples of these remote network devices are as follows:

Destination gateway Cisco CallManager SIP server Open Settlements Protocol (OSP) server (for VoIP using settlement) H.323 gatekeeper Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) server (for Multimedia Mail over IP scenarios)

The specific type of voice-network dial peer used depends on the packet network technology. Different technologies supported on voice dial peers are as follows:

Voice over IP (VoIP)The dial peer is mapped to the IP address, Domain Name System (DNS) name, or server-type of the destination VoIP device that terminates the call. This mapping applies to all VoIP protocols such as H.323, SIP, and Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR)The dial peer is mapped to the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) of the interface from which the call exits the router. Voice over ATM (VoATM)The dial peer is mapped to the ATM virtual circuit for the interface from which the call exits the router. Multimedia Mail over IP (MMoIP)The dial peer is mapped to the e-mail address of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. This type of dial peer is used for store-and-forward fax (on-ramp and off-ramp faxing).

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

The voice-network dial peer also sets the attributes of the network connection, such as which codec to use, the capability to do voice activity detection (VAD), and dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) relay configuration. A voice network dial peer can point to any device that is compatible with skinny protocol (SCCP), H.323, or SIP. MGCP configuration on a Cisco IOS gateway does not use voice network dial peers.

Voice and Billing Application Call Leg

An IP call leg can go to an external application server. An example of a Cisco IOS VoiceXML application is shown in Figure 2. This call leg is used for voice and billing applications, such as interactive voice response (IVR).
Figure 2 Cisco IOS VoiceXML Application Components

HTTP server

SMTP server


IP network

TFTP server

VoiceXML-enabled gateway

IP RTSP server

Voice gateway

Inbound and Outbound Call Legs

Each call leg can be either an inbound or outbound call leg, depending on the calls direction. For a call from an IP phone to the PSTN, the VoIP call leg is the inbound call leg, and the POTS leg is the outbound call leg. The opposite is true for a call from the PSTN to the IP phone. Every call has an associated inbound and outbound call leg.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

Call Setup Process

A call is segmented into call legs with a dial peer associated with each call leg. See Figure 1. The process has eight main steps:

The POTS call arrives at the originating gateway, and an inbound POTS dial peer is matched.


At this stage, if configured on the inbound POTS dial-peer, nondefault inbound POTS services or Tool Command Language (Tcl) applications are used. When you use such services or applications, be certain that the correct inbound POTS dial peer is matched. Examples of services or applications include:

Direct inward dialing (DID) Tcl-based applications such as IVR, VoIP SIP transfer, or on-ramp faxing for store-and-forward fax.


After the incoming call is associated with an inbound POTS dial peer, the originating gateway creates an inbound POTS call leg and assigns it a CallEntry ID and global unique identifier (GUID). For more information about these identifiers, see the Debug Header Format section on page 18. The originating gateway uses the dialed string to match an outbound voice-network dial peer. After the dialed string are associated with an outbound voice network dial peer, the originating gateway creates an outbound voice-network call leg and assigns it a call ID for the second call leg. The preceding process is illustrated in Figure 3.

3. 4.

Figure 3

Call Legs from the Perspective of the Originating Router


IP network

Inbound POTS call leg


Outbound VoIP call leg

5. 6.

The voice network call request arrives at the terminating gateway and an inbound voice network dial peer is matched. After the terminating gateway associates the incoming call to an inbound voice-network dial peer, the terminating gateway creates the inbound voice-network call leg and assigns it a call ID for the third call leg. At this point, both gateways negotiate voice-network capabilities and applications (if required). Default capabilities are not displayed in the gateway Cisco IOS configuration output. Use the show dial-peer voice command to display the configured capabilities, services, and applications on POTS and voice-network dial peers:
Default capabilities include codec g729r8, vad enable, dtmf-relay disable, fax-relay disable,

req-qos best-effort, acc-qos best-effort, and session protocol cisco (for H.323).
Examples of Tcl applications include remote IP authentication and off-ramp faxing.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

When nondefault capabilities or applications are requested by the originating gateway, the terminating gateways needs to match an inbound voice network dial peer that is configured for these capabilities or applications.
7. 8.

The terminating gateway uses the dialed string to match an outbound POTS dial peer. After associating the incoming call setup to an outbound POTS dial peer, the terminating gatewaycreates an outbound POTS call leg, assigns it a call ID, and terminates the call. The preceding steps are illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Call Legs from the Perspective of the Terminating Router


IP network


Inbound VoIP call leg

Outbound POTS call leg

In scenarios where Cisco CallManager is present with a Cisco IOS gateway, the following assumptions apply:

For inbound calls to Cisco CallManager through a Cisco IOS gateway, the gateway behaves as an originating device. (See Steps 1 to 4.) For outbound calls from Cisco CallManager through a Cisco IOS gateway, the gateway behaves as a terminating device. (See Steps 5 to 8.)

Dial Peer Matching

In order for a call to be routed, the attributes set in the dial peers must be matched. Each dial peer can contain a variety of parameters. Some parameters are valid only for voice network or POTS dial peers, and others apply to all dial peers. This section covers the following topics:

Inbound Dial Peer Matching, page 8 Outbound Dial Peer Matching, page 11 Voice Network Dial Peer Matching, page 13 POTS Dial Peer Matching, page 13

The destination-pattern parameter on the dial peer command controls call routing. For inbound dial peers, the destination-pattern parameter is matched against the calling number, or automatic number identifier (ANI) string. For outbound dial peers, the destination-pattern parameter is matched against the called number, or dialed number identification service (DNIS) string. A dial peer with the destination-pattern parameter works for both outbound and inbound matching. Multiple dial peers can match a specific digit string. The gateway usually attempts to perform longest-match routing. For example, if you have two patterns, 555.... and 55501.., and the called party number is 5550123, the gateway matches the peer with 55501..; however, if the call to that peer fails, the gateway attempts to use the other matching peer. If more than one peer has the same destination pattern configured, the preference parameter on the dial peer can resolve the priority. The peer with the lowest preference number has the highest priority.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

The operational status for a dial peer must be administratively up and valid for it to be matched. To be considered operational, dial peers must meet one of the following conditions:

destination-pattern is configured and a voice-port or session target is also configured. incoming called-number is configured. answer-address is configured.

Matching the called party number with the destination-pattern parameter is always used to match an outbound dial peer. The inbound dial peer does not affect where the call is routed, but it does determine all of the call properties for the voice network side of the call, regardless of where the outbound peer terminates.The incoming called-number and answer-address commands are used only to match inbound dial peers. They are not used for call routing or choosing an outbound dial peer. The incoming called-number command matches based on the called party number but does not play a role in where the call is routed. It is used only to select the inbound dial peer. If this match is unsuccessful, the answer-address command tries for a match using the calling party number information rather than the called party number. If both of these matches fail, the calling party information is matched against the destination-pattern command configured on the dial peers. On POTS ports, the inbound dial peer can be matched based on port configuration. If no match can be made, the dial peer 0 attribute is used. See the Dial Peer 0 section on page 10 for more information about dial peer 0. For more information about the operational status of dial peers, refer to Understanding the Operational Status of Dial Peers on Cisco IOS Platforms, document ID 12426. For more detailed information on dial peer matching, configuration steps, and information about parameters, refer to Dial Peer Features and Configuration in the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers document. For additional information about dial peer matching, refer to Understanding Inbound and Outbound Dial Peers Matching on IOS Platforms, document ID 14074.

Inbound Dial Peer Matching

The inbound dial peer determines all of the call properties for the voice network side of the call. Inbound POTS dial peers are associated to incoming POTS call legs on the originating gateways. Inbound voice-network dial peers are associated to incoming voice-network call legs of the terminating gateway. To match inbound call legs to dial peers, the router uses three information elements in the call setup message and five configurable dial peer attributes. The three call setup elements are:

Called number or DNISA set of numbers representing the destination, which is derived from the ISDN setup message or channel associated-signaling (CAS) DNIS. Calling number or ANIA set of numbers representing the origin, which is derived from the ISDN setup message or CAS ANI. Voice portThe voice port carrying the call.

The five configurable dial peer attributes are:

Incoming called numberA string representing the called number or DNIS. It is configured by using the incoming called-number dial-peer voice configuration command in POTS or MMoIP dial peers. Answer addressA string representing the calling number or ANI. It is configured by using the answer-address dial-peer voice configuration command in POTS or VoIP dial peers and is used only for inbound calls from the IP network. Destination patternA string representing the calling number or ANI. It is configured by using the destination-pattern dial-peer voice configuration command in POTS or voice-network dial peers.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

ApplicationA string representing the predefined application that you enable on the dial peer. It is configured by using the application dial-peer voice configuration command on inbound POTS dial peers. PortThe voice port through which calls to this dial peer are placed.

When the gateway receives a call setup request, a dial-peer match is made for the incoming call to facilitate routing the call to different session applications. The gateway does not perform digit-by-digit matching. Instead, the full digit string received in the setup request is used for matching against configured dial peers. The gateway selects an inbound dial peer by matching the information elements in the setup message with the dial peer attributes. The gateway matches these items in the following order:

Called number or DNIS with incoming called-number First, the gateway attempts to match the called number of the call setup request with the configured incoming called-number parameter of each dial peer. Because call setups always include DNIS information, Cisco recommends using the incoming called-number command for inbound dial peer matching. This attribute has matching priority over the answer-address and destination-pattern parameter.


Calling number or ANI with answer-address If no match is found in Step 1, the gateway attempts to match the calling number of the call setup request with the answer-address of each dial peer. This attribute may be useful in situations where you want to match calls based on the calling number (originating).


Calling number (ANI) with destination-pattern If no match is found in step 2, the gateway attempts to match the calling number of the call setup request to the destination-pattern of each dial peer.


Voice port (associated with the incoming call setup request) with the configured dial peer port parameter (applicable for inbound POTS call legs). If no match is found in Step 3, the gateway attempts to match the configured dial-peer port parameter to the voice port associated with the incoming call. If multiple dial peers have the same port configured, the dial peer first added in the configuration is matched.

If no match is found using these steps, then dial peer 0 is used. See the Dial Peer 0 section on page 10 for more information about dial peer 0.


Step 4 is not applicable to voice or dial platforms such as the Cisco AS5300 access server, Cisco AS5350 universal gateway, Cisco AS5400 universal gateway, Cisco AS5800 universal gateway, and Cisco AS5850 universal gateway. If any one of first three steps are not used, then dial-peer 0 is matched and the call is treated as a dial modem call. This call treatment can result in getting modem tones as opposed to dial tone for inbound calls. Only one condition must be met for the gateway to select a dial peer. The gateway stops searching as soon as one dial peer is matched. It is not necessary for all the attributes to be configured in the dial peer or that every attribute match the call setup information. The longest prefix matching criteria applies while each step is performed. At each step, if multiple matches are found, the one with the longest explicit match is chosen. For more information on dial-peer matching, configuration steps, and information about parameters, refer to Dial Peer Features and Configuration in the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers document.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide

Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

Dial Peer 0
If no inbound peer can be matched by the defined criteria, the inbound peer is set to dial peer 0, which sometimes appears as pid:0. The characteristics of dial peer 0 cannot be changed.


Cisco universal gateways, such as the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850, require configured inbound dial peers to match incoming POTS calls in order to be accepted as a voice call. If there is no inbound dial peer match, the call is treated and processed as a dialup (modem) call. For an inbound voice network call, dial peer 0 has the following characteristics:

Supports any codec No DTMF relay IP precedence 0 VAD-enabled No RSVP support Fax-rate voice

Dial peer 0 fails to negotiate nondefault capabilities, services, and applications, such as DTMF relay or disabled VAD. For an incoming POTS call, dial peer 0 has the following characteristics:

No applications No DID


Avoid using dial peer 0. Having the incoming called-number parameter configured correctly ensures that the dial peer is always matched with the parameters you want when placing outbound calls through a gateway. Many problems with calling out through a Cisco IOS gateway are due to codec, VAD, and DTMF-relay misconfigurations when dial peer 0 is being matched. To display which dial peers are being matched for an active call, use the show call active voice brief command.

Inbound Dial Peer Configuration Tips

For inbound dial peers, the following configuration tips apply to certain configurations:
Session Target Command

For inbound dial peers, the session target command is ignored.

ISDN Overlap Configuration

When the timer (T) character is included at the end of the destination pattern, the router collects dialed digits until the interdigit timer expires (10 seconds, by default) or until you dial the termination character (the default is #). The timer character must be an uppercase T. In most cases, you must configure the T indicator only when the router uses two-stage dialing. If DID is configured in the inbound POTS dial peer, the router uses one-stage dialing, which means that the full dialed string is used to match outbound dial peers. The only exception is when the isdn overlap-receiving command is configured; the ISDN overlap-receiving feature requires the T indicator. When the isdn overlap-receiving command is configured on ISDN interfaces, dial peers are checked for matches after every digit is received at the ISDN layer. If a full match is made, the call is routed immediately without waiting for additional digits. The T indicator can be used to suspend this

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

digit-by-digit matching and force the gateway to wait until all digits are received. The T refers to the T302 interdigit timer at the ISDN level, configurable under the serial interface associated with the ISDN interface. ISDN also provides other mechanisms to indicate the end of digits, such as setting the Sending Complete Information Element (IE) in a Q.931 information message.
Empty Calling Field with Variable-Length Dial Plans

In some voice network configurations, variable-length dial plans are required, especially if the network connects two or more countries where telephone number strings could be different lengths. However, this configuration can result in the calling number field being replaced with an empty number. If you enter the T character in the destination-pattern parameter for your dial peer, the router can be configured to accept a fixed-length dial string, and then wait for additional dialed digits. For example, the following dial peer configuration shows how the T character can be set to allow variable-length dial strings:
dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern 9T port 1/0:1

If an incoming call arrives with no calling number information and is matched with the POTS dial peer shown based on the destination-pattern 9T, the gateway uses the 9 digit as the calling number and forwards the call to the corresponding device. To eliminate this behavior of replacing the empty calling number field, create a dummy POTS dial peer with just the incoming called-number command configured. Because the incoming called-number statement has higher priority than the destination-pattern parameter for inbound POTS matching, dial-peer voice 2 is the POTS dial peer that is used:
dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern 9T port 1/0:1 ! dial-peer voice 2 pots incoming called-number .

Outbound Dial Peer Matching

The method a router uses to select an outbound dial peer depends on whether DID is configured in the inbound POTS dial peer. If DID is not configured in the inbound POTS dial peer, the router collects the incoming dialed string digit by digit. When one dial peer is matched, the router immediately places the call using the configured attributes in the matching dial peer. If DID is configured in the inbound POTS dial peer, the router uses the full incoming dial string to match the destination pattern in the outbound dial peer. With DID, the setup message contains all the digits necessary to route the call; no additional digit collection is required. If more than one dial peer matches the dial string, all of the matching dial peers are used to form a rotary group. The router attempts to place the outbound call leg using all of the dial peers in the rotary group until one is successful. For matching outbound dial peers, the gateway uses the destination-pattern dial peer command.

On POTS dial peers, the port command is used to forward the call. On voice network dial peers, the session target command is used to forward the call.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

DID Configuration
An example of incoming dial-peer configured with DID follows:
dial-peer voice 1 pots incoming called-number 81690 voice-port 0:D direct-inward-dial

On DID calls, also referred to as one-stage dialing, the setup message contains all digits necessary to route the call, and the gateway should not do subsequent digit collection. When the gateway searches for an outbound dial peer, it uses the entire incoming dial string. This matching is by default variable-length. It is not done digit by digit because by DID definition all digits have been received. The following example helps clarify this concept: If the DID dial-string is 81690, the router matches dial peer 4 and forwards the complete dial-string 81690.
dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern 816 session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice 4 voip destination-pattern 81690 session target ipv4:

Two-Stage Dialing Configuration

If DID is not configured on the matched incoming dial peer, the gateway enters digit collection mode, called two-stage dialing. Digits are collected inband. Outbound dial peer matching is done on a digit-by-digit basis. The gateway checks for dial peer matches after receiving each digit and then routes the call when a full match is made. In this example, the dial string is 81690. Immediately after the router receives the digit 6, it matches dial peer 3 and routes the call, forwarding only the digits 816.
dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern 816 session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice 4 voip destination-pattern 81690 session target ipv4:

In this example, dial-peer 3 is configured for wild card matching:

dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern 816.. session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice 4 voip destination-pattern 81690 session target ipv4:

In this case, the longest-prefix rule applies and dial peer 4 is matched for the outbound call leg.

Variable-Length Dial Plans

There are situations where expected dial strings do not have a set number of digits. In such cases, it is usually best to use variable-length dial peers by configuring the T terminator on the dial-peer destination-pattern command.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Call Flow Overview Call Setup

The T terminator forces the gateway to wait until the full dial string is received by doing the following:

Waiting for a specified interdigit timeout before routing the call. Routing the call once it receives the # termination character in the dial string. For example, if you dialed 5550112#, the # would indicate to the router that you dialed all the digits and that all digits before the # should be used to match a dial peer.

In the following example, the router receives a call setup from the network with dial string 95550112. Dial peer 2 then forwards the digits 5550112 to the PSTN.
dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 9T port 2/0:23

In the following example, the dial string from an inbound POTS interface is 81690:
dial-peer voice 3 voip destination-pattern 8T session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice 4 voip destination-pattern 81690T session target ipv4:

In this case, the longest-prefix rule applies, and dial peer 4 is matched for the outbound call leg.


The default interdigit timeout is set for 10 seconds. To modify this value, use the timeouts interdigit voice-port command. Anytime the T is used with destination-pattern parameter, it must be preceded by a . or digits (.T or 555T, for example). Using T on its own causes the dial peers to act improperly and affects how calls are handled by the router.

Voice Network Dial Peer Matching

When a call comes in through VoIP, the voice gateway searches for an inbound peer by looking through all the configured voice network dial peers. Using regular digit matching rules, it tries to match the peer in the following order:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Match the called number with the incoming called number. Match the calling number with the answer-address parameter. Match the calling number with the destination pattern. Otherwise, use dial peer 0. See the Dial Peer 0 section on page 10 for more information.

POTS Dial Peer Matching

When a call comes in through POTS, the voice gateway searches for an inbound peer by looking through all the configured POTS dial peers. Using regular digit-matching rules, it tries to match the peer in the following order:
1. 2. 3.

Match the called number with the incoming called number. Match the calling number with the answer-address parameter. Match the calling number with the destination pattern.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Call Flow Overview Call Flow Through Router Components

If the inbound interface is not PRI or BRI, or if a PRI or BRI interface does not match a dial peer using the preceding three rules, the voice gateway matches a POTS dial peer that has the inbound port configured if any of the following parameters are configured:

destination-pattern answer-address incoming called-number

The answer-address parameter overwrites the calls calling-party number or ANI.

Call Flow Through Router Components

You need to understand the call path through the router in order to determine where a problem is occurring. The call path through a router is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Router Call Flow



Session application

Dial plan manner

Call control API

Dial peer table Call table Interface table


Telephony SPI



The following definitions explain the function of the main components displayed in the router call flow diagram:

Call control application programming interface (CCAPI)Three clients make use of the CCAPI: command-line interface (CLI), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent and Session Application. The CCAPI main functions are:
Identify the call legs (Which dial peer is it? Where did it come from?). Decide which session application takes the call (Who handles it?). Invoke the packet handler. Conference the call legs together. Start recording call statistics.

Session application and dial plan mapperThe session application uses the dial plan mapper to map a number to a dial peer (local POTS or remote VoIP). The dial plan mapper uses the dial peer table to find active dial peers. Telephony and VoIP service provider interface (SPI)The telephony SPI communicates with the POTS dial peers. The VoIP SPI is the specific interface to the VoIP peers. Telephony or digital signal processor (DSP) drivers deliver services to the Telephony SPI; the VoIP SPI relies on session protocols.

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Voice Call Flow Overview Call Flow Through Router Components

Telephony Interface Architecture

Figure 6 shows the architecture of Cisco router telephony building blocks and how they interact with each other.
Figure 6 Telephony Interface Call Flow

CCAPI Application request Setup/release request Voice processor module Setup/release ind/response Application response

Voice telephony service provider (VTSP)




DSP resource manager

The elements in Figure 6 have the following functions and definitions:

CCAPISoftware entity that establishes, terminates, and bridges call legs. Voice telephony service provider (VTSP)Cisco IOS process that services requests from the CCAPI and formulates the appropriate requests to the DSPs or the voice processor module (VPM). Voice processor module (VPM ) The VPM is in charge of bridging and coordinating signaling processes between the telephony port signaling state machine (SSM), the DSP resource manager, and the VTSP. DSP resource manager (DSPRM)The DSPRM provides interfaces by which the VTSP can send and receive messages to and from the DSPs. Packet handlerThe packet handler forwards packets between the DSPs and the peer call legs. Call peerThe call peer can be another telephony voice connection (POTS), VoFR, VoATM, or a VoIP connection.

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Voice Call Flow Overview Call Flow Through Router Components

Voice Application Interface

For voice applications, the router interacts with an application server. In the example in Figure 7, the call from the router is routed through the application module to the AAA server.
Figure 7 Voice Application Interface


Session control

Call control API

Telephony SPI

Dial peer table




IP network

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways

The debugging capability for Cisco voice gateways enables you to identify and track a specific call in a multiple-call environment. This capability allows you to correlate call information between gateways or to identify specific debug messages associated with a single call when multiple voice calls were simultaneously active. Voice debug output contains a standardized header to the debug outputs of multiple voice modules, such as voice telephony service provider (VTSP), call control application program interface (CCAPI), session application (SSAPP), and interactive voice response (IVR). The following information can be found in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference:

Using debug commands is contained in the Using Debug Commands chapter. Conditionally triggered debugging is contained in the Conditionally-Triggered Debugging chapter. Details about individual debug commands are listed.

This chapter contains the following information:

Voice Debug Concepts, page 17 Managing the Voice Call Debug Output, page 35 Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands, page 38

Voice Debug Concepts

The following concepts provide background for the enhanced debug capabilities on Cisco voice gateways:

Debug Header Format, page 18 CallEntry ID and GUID Call Legs, page 20 Enabling Command Profile Debugging, page 20 Enabling Individual Debug Commands for CCAPI, TSP, and VTSP Debugging, page 26

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Debug Header Format

You can control the contents of the standardized header with the following display options:

Short 6-byte global unique identifier (GUID) Full 16-byte GUID Short header that contains only the CallEntry ID

The format of the GUID headers is as follows: //CallEntryID/GUID/Module-dependent-list/Function-name: The format of the short header is as follows: //CallEntryID/Function-name: The parameters in the header are as follows:

CallEntryIDNumerically identifies a specific call leg such as an incoming ISDN call or an outgoing H.323 call. The CallentryID ranges from 1 to 32767. When the CallEntryID is not available to the function producing the debug message, the header displays the CallEntryID field as -1. GUIDEach call is assigned a GUID, which is generally used for billing purposes. The GUID is a 16-byte quantity that uniquely identifies a call throughout the entire network and over time. Gateway information and time stamp are embedded in the GUID. The GUID is sometimes called a conference point. See the CallEntry ID and GUID Call Legs section on page 20 for an example of the GUID and CallEntry ID call legs. By default, the debug header displays a more compact 6-byte form of the GUID that is generally unique enough for debugging purposes. If you need to correlate GUID information to third-party devices or to conduct debugging sessions lasting more than a month, you can display the full 16-byte header with the voice call debug command using the full-guid keyword. When the GUID information is unavailable to the module producing the debug message, the header displays the GUID field as blank or filled with x characters (/xxxxxxx/). For non-IVR debugs, if the GUID field is unavailable, the header is //CallentryID/xxxxxxxx/. For IVR debugs, the header is //CallentryID//. IVR rarely has GUID information but reserves the space in order to have field-by-field consistency.

Module-dependent-listThese parameters are dependent on which module is used. The dependent parameters for the various modules are shown in Table 1.
Module-Dependent List Parameters

Table 1


Dependent Parameters None. Port name, channel number, DSP slot, and DSP channel number. Dial-peer number and the number of the connection through the dial peer. (Multiple sessions can be associated with a single dial peer.) See the IVR Module-Dependent List section on page 19.


Function-nameIdentifies call progress though the internal modules of the Cisco IOS code. This is free-form debugging used by developers.

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

IVR Module-Dependent List

The module-dependent list for IVR information has the following form: <Module Name> : [LP:] [<OBJ><OBJ-ID>: [<OBJ><OBJ-ID>:[...]]] Module names are shown in Table 2. The LP parameter is the link point, which is the point where two or more objects can be associated . The OBJ parameter is the object name, shown in Table 3. The OBJ-ID is a numeric identifier for the object. The ranges are also shown in Table 3.
Table 2 IVR Module Names


Module Application infrastructure Digit collect Dynamic prompt Media content Media stream Media service wrapper Place call (call setup) Real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) client Tcl IVR 2

Table 3

Object Names and Identifier Values

Object Name CN

Description Connection

Identifier Range 2147483647 to 2147483647 with 0 and 1 being invalid (either) or unavailable (latter) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable) 0 to 4294967295 1 to 2147483647 or 1 (invalid or unavailable) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable) 1 to 4294967295 or 0 (invalid or unavailable)


Dynamic prompt Generic stream Handler Call leg Media content Media content reader Media stream RTSP session

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

CallEntry ID and GUID Call Legs

The parts of the call that are identified by CallEntry IDs and GUIDs are shown in Figure 8. The example shown in the figure is a conference call in which two of the participants are on the same IP network and the third participant is called over the POTS network. Most of the IP-based voice signaling protocols (like H.225) carry the GUID information between gateways. Traditional voice connections such as POTS and ISDN have no means to carry a GUID. A voice gateway creates a new GUID when one is not available from the call originator. In the example, call legs 1, 2, and 5 use GUID A, and leg 4 uses GUID B. Leg 3 is across the POTS network, so no GUID is associated with it. There is a CallEntry ID for each incoming or outgoing call on each gateway.
Figure 8 GUIDs and CallEntry IDs in a Conference Call
1st leg 2nd leg GUID A CallEntryID 6 CallEntryID 75 CallEntryID 201 3rd leg 4th leg


CallEntryID 8 5th leg

IP network CallEntryID 7 CallEntryID 96

POTS network CallEntryID 77

CallEntryID 202

CallEntryID 99

Enabling Command Profile Debugging

You can enable a set of debugs based upon a specific profile. You can enable the following profiles:

Fax Debug Profile Modem Debug Profile Voice Debug Profile

Enabling the debugging on each of these profiles produces many types of debug information. The advantage of using profile debugging is that instead of having to enable several debug commands to get a full picture of the problem, you can enable a profile which gives you all of the debugs that are appropriate. When profile debugging is enabled, a large number of debug messages are produced which might affect system performance. For this reason, you should only use profile debugging during low traffic periods or on a non-production system.

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts


The debug voip profile commands generate debug messages from many VoIP components, which generates a large number of debug messages. The number of messages can cause a performance impact on your router. This command should only be used during low traffic periods.

Fax Debug Profile

The debug commands that are activated within the fax debug profile depends on the syntax that you use when you enable the command. The syntax for the fax debug profile is as follows: debug voip profile fax { mail | relay { application | signaling }} For more information on command syntax, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference. If you use the debug voip profile fax mail command, you enable the following debug commands for an onramp or offramp fax mail call:

debug crm all debug csm voice debug fax fmsp all debug fax mta all debug fax mmoip aaa debug isdn q931 debug tgrm all debug voip application all debug voip application vxml all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dsm all debug voip dspapi all debug voip hpi all debug voip ivr all debug voip vtsp all

The following debug commands are enabled for access servers with MICA modem cards:

debug fax receive all debug fax send all debug fax fmail client debug fax fmail server debug fax text-to-fax debug fax tiff reader debug fax tiff writer

The following debug options are enabled for access servers with universal port dial feature cards:

debug fax fmsp all debug fax foip all

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

debug fax dmsp all debug fax mspi all debug voip application vxml all debug voip ivr all

If you use the debug voip profile fax relay command, you enable the debug fax relay t30 all-level-1 and the sets specified by either the application or signaling keyword. For the debug voip profile fax relay application command, the following debugs are enabled for fax relay applications:

debug voip application all debug voip application vxml all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dialpeer all debug voip ivr all

For the debug voip profile fax relay signaling command, the following debugs are enabled for fax relay signaling:

debug cch323 all debug ccsip error debug ccsip messages debug cdapi detail debug cdapi events debug crm all debug csm voice debug gtd error debug gtd events debug h225 asn1 debug h225 events debug h225 q931 debug h245 asn1 debug h245 event debug isdn q931 debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp media debug mgcp packets debug mgcp voipcac debug rtpspi all debug tgrm all debug voip ccapi all

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

debug voip dsm all debug voip dspapi all debug voip hpi all debug voip rawmsg debug voip tsp all debug voip vtsp all

For detailed information about the individual debug commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

Modem Debug Profile

The debug commands that are activated within the modem debug profile depends on the syntax that you use when you enable the command. The syntax for the modem debug profile is as follows: debug voip profile modem { pass-through signaling | relay signaling } For more information on command syntax, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference. If you use the debug voip profile modem pass-through signaling command, you enable the following debug commands for modem pass-through signaling:

debug cch323 all debug ccsip error debug ccsip messages debug cdapi detail debug cdapi events debug csm voice debug crm all debug gtd error debug gtd events debug h225 asn1 debug h225 events debug h225 q931 debug isdn q931 debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp media debug mgcp packets debug mgcp voipcac debug rtpspi all debug tgrm all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dsm all

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

debug voip dspapi all debug voip hpi all debug voip rawmsg debug voip tsp all debug voip vtsp all

If you use the debug voip profile modem relay signaling command, you enable the following debug commands for modem relay signaling:

debug cch323 all debug ccsip error debug ccsip messages debug cdapi detail debug cdapi events debug csm voice debug crm all debug h245 asn1 debug h245 event debug isdn q931 debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp media debug mgcp packets debug mgcp voipcac debug tgrm all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dsm all debug voip dspapi all debug voip hpi all debug voip tsp all debug voip vtsp all

For detailed information about the individual debug commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

Voice Debug Profile

The debug commands that are activated within the voice debug profile depends on the syntax that you use when you enable the command. The syntax for the voice debug profile is as follows: debug voip profile voice { application | signaling } For more information on command syntax, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

If you use the debug voip profile voice application command, you enable the following debug commands for voice applications:

debug voip application all debug voip application vxml all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dialpeer all debug voip ivr all

If you use the debug voip profile voice signaling command, you enable the following debug commands for voice signaling:

debug cch323 all debug ccsip error debug ccsip messages debug cdapi detail debug cdapi events debug crm all debug csm voice debug gtd error debug gtd events debug h225 asn1 debug h225 events debug h225 q931 debug h245 asn1 debug h245 event debug isdn q931 debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp media debug mgcp packets debug mgcp voipcac debug rtpspi all debug tgrm all debug voip ccapi all debug voip dsm all debug voip dspapi all debug voip hpi all debug voip rawmsg debug voip tsp all debug voip vtsp all

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

For detailed information about the individual debug commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

Enabling Individual Debug Commands for CCAPI, TSP, and VTSP Debugging
If you want to use a debug command for CCAPI, TSP, or VTSP and you want to limit the output so that the performance on the router is not impacted, you can select to use individual parts of the debug command. You can use debug voip ccapi individual range, debug voip tsp individual range, or debug voip vtsp individual range to get individual debug output for each of these processes. Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 show the specific debugs for the individual ranges.
Table 4 CCAPI Individual Debug Values

Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 4

CCAPI Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 4

CCAPI Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 4

CCAPI Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 4

CCAPI Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145


Table 5

TSP Individual Debug Values

Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 5

TSP Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 5

TSP Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 I
Table 6


VTSP Individual Debug Values

Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 6

VTSP Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Voice Debug Concepts

Table 6

VTSP Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96


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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Managing the Voice Call Debug Output

Table 6

VTSP Individual Debug Values (continued)

Value 97 98 99 100 101 102


Managing the Voice Call Debug Output

The debug output for calls on Cisco voice gateways is managed by using the voice call debug command in global configuration mode. When this command is enabled, the standardized header appears when voice debugs are used.

Supported Commands
The voice debug commands that support the standardized header include the following:

debug crm debug fax dmsp debug fax fmsp debug fax foip debug fax mmoip aaa debug fax mspi debug fax mta debug mgcp all debug mgcp endpoint debug mgcp endptdb debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp gcfm debug mgcp inout debug mgcp media debug mgcp nas debug mgcp packets debug mgcp parser debug mgcp src debug mgcp state

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Managing the Voice Call Debug Output

debug mgcp voipcac debug rtsp all debug rtsp api debug rtsp client debug rtsp error debug rtsp pmh debug rtsp session debug rtsp socket debug tgrm debug voip application vxml debug voip avlist debug voip ccapi debug voip dialpeer debug voip dsm debug voip dspapi debug voip hpi debug voip ivr all debug voip ivr applib debug voip ivr callsetup debug voip ivr digitcollect debug voip ivr dynamic debug voip ivr error debug voip ivr script debug voip ivr settlement debug voip ivr states debug voip ivr tclcommands debug voip profile fax debug voip profile help debug voip profile modem debug voip profile voice debug voip rawmsg debug voip tsp debug voip vtsp debug vtsp all debug vtsp dsp debug vtsp error debug vtsp event debug vtsp port

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Managing the Voice Call Debug Output

debug vtsp rtp debug vtsp send-nse debug vtsp session debug vtsp stats debug vtsp vofr subframe debug vtsp tone

For detailed examples of these debug commands, see the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable configure terminal voice call debug {full-guid | short-header} exit Run desired debug command.


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice call debug {full-guid | short-header}

Specifies the full GUID or short header for debugging a voice call in a multiple-call environment.

Router(config)# voice call debug full-guid

full-guidDisplays the GUID in a 16-byte header. When the no version of this command is input with the full-guid keyword, the short 6-byte version displays. This is the default. short-headerDisplays the CallEntry ID in the header without displaying the GUID or module-specific parameters.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

Command or Action
Step 4

Purpose Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Step 5

Run desired voice debug command.

Router# debug voip ccapi inout

Enter the appropriate debug command for your troubleshooting needs.

The voice debug commands that support the standardized header and detailed examples of the individual debug commands are in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.3.

Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

The following sections provide examples for the enhanced debug commands:

Full GUID Header: Example, page 38 Short Header: Example, page 39 Setup and Teardown: Example, page 39

Full GUID Header: Example

The following is sample output from the voice call debug command when the full-guid keyword is specified:
Router(config)# voice call debug full-guid ! 00:05:12: //1/0E2C8A90-BC00-11D5-8002-DACCFDCEF87D/VTSP:(0:D):0:0:4385/vtsp_insert_cdb: 00:05:12: //-1/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume:

In the first line, the following parameters are described:

1 denotes the CallEntry ID. 0E2C8A90-BC00-11D5-8002-DACCFDCEF87D is the GUID. VTSP:(0:D):0:0:4385 is the module and its dependent parameters. In this case, the module is VTSP, the port number is 0:D, the channel number is 0, the DSP slot is 0, and the DSP channel number is 4385. vtsp_insert_cdb: is the function name.

In the second line, the following parameters are described:

-1 indicates that the CallEntry ID for the CCAPI module is unavailable. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx indicates that the GUID is unavailable. CCAPI is the module. cc_incr_if_call_volume: is the function name.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

Short Header: Example

The following is sample output from the voice call debug command when the short-header keyword is specified:
Router(config)# voice call debug short-header ! 00:10:12: //-1/cc_incr_if_call_volume: 00:10:12: //9/vtsp_open_voice_and_set_params:

In the first line, the CallEntry ID is not available, and in the following line the CallEntry ID is 9. The remainder of the line displays the function name.

Setup and Teardown: Example

In the following example, the debug voip ccapi inout command used with the voice call debug full-guid command traces the execution path through the call control API, which serves as the interface between the call session application and the underlying network-specific software. This output shows how calls are being handled by the voice gateway. Using this debug level, you can see the call setup and teardown operations performed on both the telephony and network call legs.
Router# debug voip ccapi inout *Mar 1 15:35:53.588: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructTDUsrContainer: usrContainer[0x638C1BF0], magic[FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x638C1BF0, tagID=6, dataSize=16, instID=-1,modifier=1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x638BC1AC], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[6], dataLen[16], modif[1] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x638BC1AC] instID[-1] into container[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: container=0x638C1BF0, tagID=5, dataSize=276, instID=-1,modifier=1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x63401148], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[5], dataLen[276], modif[1] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Adding tdObject[0x63401148] instID[-1] into container[0x638C1BF0]

In the following lines, the CCAPI receives the call setup. The called number is 34999, and the calling number is 55555. The calling number matches dial peer 10002.
*Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: 15:35:53.592: cc_api_call_setup_ind: 15:35:53.592: cisco-username= 15:35:53.596: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----15:35:53.596: cisco-ani=55555 15:35:53.596: cisco-anitype=0 15:35:53.596: cisco-aniplan=0 15:35:53.596: cisco-anipi=0 15:35:53.596: cisco-anisi=0 15:35:53.596: dest=34999 15:35:53.596: cisco-desttype=0 15:35:53.596: cisco-destplan=0 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdn= 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdntype=-1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnplan=-1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnpi=-1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnsi=-1 15:35:53.596: cisco-redirectreason=-1

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

*Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: (vdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, callInfo={called=34999,called_oct3=0x80,calling=55555,calling_oct3=0x80,calling_oct3a=0x0, calling_xlated=false,subscriber_type_str=RegularLine,fdest=1,peer_tag=10002, prog_ind=0,callingIE_present 1, src_route_label=, tgt_route_label= clid_transparent=0},callID=0x637B4278) *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: type 13 , prot 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "55555", calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: Calling Party number is User Provided *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: Leaving ccCheckClipClir calling number is: "55555" calling oct3 is: 0x80 calling oct3a is: 0x0

In the next line, 44 is the CallEntry ID.

*Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: Increment call volume: 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: current call volume: 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's incoming TRUE. *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incomingis TRUE *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructHashProfileTab: profileTable[0x6380E11C], numBuckets[11], numEntries[0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: Invoking necessary profileTable updaters... *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: Updating profileTable[0x6380E11C] with objects in container[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key[5] for the tag[6] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x6380E11C], tdObject[0x638BC1AC] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContainer: obtained key[0] for the tag[5] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: profileTable[0x6380E11C], tdObject[0x63401148] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x6380E11C], numBuckets[11], numEntries[2] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x63401148[0x0,t-5,l-276,d-0x63401168, m-1,u-56153,g-FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x638BC1AC[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x638BC1CC,m-1,u-56153,g-FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDUsrContainer: Container[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: not the VoIP or MMoIP *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: (event= 0x63073AA0)

In the next line, 45F2AAE28044 is the GUID. The tag 10002 entry shows that the incoming dial peer matched the CallEntry ID.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCAPI handed cid 44 with tag 10002 to app "DEFAULT" *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(24=CC_EV_CALL_SETUP_IND), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(SSA_EV_CALL_SETUP_IND), cid(44), disp(0)

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands


1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/ssaCallSetupInd:

The next line shows CallEntry ID in hexadecimal form, 0x2C (44 in decimal). The CallEntry ID and GUID numbers have been identified. The incoming dial peer is 10002.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x2C, context=0x634A430C) *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(44), st(SSA_CS_MAPPING),oldst(0), ev(24)ev->e.evCallSetupInd.nCallInfo.finalDestFlag = 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: src route label=, tgt route label= tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: finalDest cllng(55555), clled(34999) tgt_route_label()tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(44), st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING),oldst(0), ev(24)dpMatchPeersMoreArg result= 0

For CallEntry ID 44, two dial-peer tags (10001 and 20002) were matched with called number 34999.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaSetupPeer cid(44) peer list: tag(10001) called number (34999) tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaSetupPeer: dialpeer tags in rotary= 10001 20002

The next line shows that five digits were matched for this dial peer and no prefix was added. The encapType (2) entry indicates a VoIP call.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaSetupPeer: cid(44), destPat(34999), matched(5), prefix(), peer(637B0984), peer->encapType (2) *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_can_gateway: Call legs: In=6, Out=1

The next line shows the voice gateway sending out a call-proceeding message to the incoming call leg with a progress indicator of 0x0.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallProceeding: (callID=0x2C, prog_ind=0x0)

The next line shows the voice gateway sending out the call-setup request to the outgoing call leg. The dial peer is 10001 with the incoming CallEntry ID being 0x2C.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: (Inbound call= 0x2C, outbound peer =10001, dest=, params=0x63085D80 mode=0, *callID=0x63086314, prog_ind = 0callingIE_present 1) *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 1 1 1 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: ccCallSetupRequest numbering_type 0x80 //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: ccCallSetupRequest: calling number is:55555

1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: calling oct3ais:0x0

*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "55555", calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: Calling Party number is User Provided *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: Leaving ccCheckClipClir calling number is: "55555" calling oct3 is: 0x80 calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: after ccCheckClipClir calling oct3a is:0x0

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

The next line shows that all digits are passed.

*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: dest pattern 34999, called 34999, digit_strip 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: callingNumber=55555, calledNumber=34999, redirectNumber= display_info= calling_oct3a=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: accountNumber=, finalDestFlag=1,guid=45f2.aae2.1571.11cc.8044.95f5.fabb.6b0f *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: peer_tag=10001 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ccCallSetupRequest: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-username= *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-ani=55555 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anitype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-aniplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anipi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anisi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: dest=34999 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-desttype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-destplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdn= *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdntype=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnplan=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnpi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnsi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-redirectreason=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, dest=, callParams={called=34999,called_oct3=0x80, calling=55555,calling_oct3=0x80, calling_oct3a= 0x0, calling_xlated=false, subscriber_type_str=RegularLine, fdest=1, voice_peer_tag=10001},mode=0x0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: src route label tgt route label tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: vdbPtr type = 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, dest=, callParams={called=34999, called_oct3 0x80, calling=55555, calling_oct3 0x80, calling_oct3a 0x0, calling_xlated=false, fdest=1, voice_peer_tag=10001}, mode=0x0, xltrc=-5) *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:

In the next line, outgoing CallEntry ID 45 is bound to the same GUID 45F2AAE28044.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: not incoming entry *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's incoming FALSE. *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incomingis FALSE *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccSaveDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C, dialpeer_tag=10001) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x2D, context=0x634A537C) 0x2D (decimal 45 is the second call leg ID). *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: (callID=0x2C,enable=0x0)

The next line shows that the voice gateway informs the incoming call leg that digits were forwarded.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (vdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, callID=0x2C, disp=0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(54=CC_EV_CALL_REPORT_DIGITS_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SS

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

Router#APP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_REPORT_DIGITS_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_MAPPING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaReportDigitsDone cid(44) peer list: tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaReportDigitsDone: callid=44 Reporting disabled. *Mar 1 15:35:53.628: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_supported_data: data_mode=0x10082 *Mar 1 15:35:53.628: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_ic_leg_obtained_numbers: callID=0x2D

The next two lines show the IP address of the terminating gateway and indicate that the terminating gateway is reached through Ethernet port 0/0.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.628: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: remote IP is *Mar 1 15:35:53.632: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: hwidb is Ethernet0/0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.632: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: create entry in list: 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetInstanceCount: For tagID[1] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessManager: No profileTable set for callID[45] *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetInstanceCount: For tagID[2] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessManager: No profileTable set for callID[45]

The next line shows that the voice gateway received a call proceeding message from the terminating gateway. The following line shows that the voice gateway received a call alert from the terminating gateway.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.740: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_proceeding: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, prog_ind=0x0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.740: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_alert: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, prog_ind=0x0, sig_ind=0x1) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(21=CC_EV_CALL_PROCEEDING), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_PROCEEDING) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaCallProc: *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaIgnore: cid(45), st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING),oldst(1), ev(21) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(7=CC_EV_CALL_ALERT), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_ALERT)oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(-1)csize (0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaAlert: *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C) Router#

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

In the following line, the voice gateway forwarded a call alert to the originating gateway.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallAlert: (callID=0x2C, prog_ind=0x0, sig_ind=0x1) Router#

The phone is answered at the called number.

Router#!call answered

The voice gateway receives a connect message from the terminating gateway.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D), prog_ind = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: setting callEntry->connected to TRUE

The next line shows that the call accounting starts. The leg_type=False message means this is for an outgoing call. The line that follows shows that AAA accounting is not configured.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: calling accounting start for callID=45 leg_type=0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x2D, accounting=0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(8=CC_EV_CALL_CONNECTED), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_CONNECTED) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaConnect: *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C)

The next lines show a conference being set up between the two call legs 0x2C and 0x2D. Bridge complete messages are sent to both the terminating and originating gateways.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccConferenceCreate: (confID=0x63086424, callID1=0x2C, callID2=0x2D, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_done: (confID=0x15,srcIF=0x62EC61A4, srcCallID=0x2D, dstCallID=0x2C, disposition=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_done: (confID=0x15,srcIF=0x637EC1E0, srcCallID=0x2C, dstCallID=0x2D, disposition=0, tag=0x0)

Here, the voice gateway sets up negotiating capability with the originating telephony leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (dstVdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, dstCallId=0x2D, srcCallId=0x2C, caps={codec=0x2887F, fax_rate=0xBF, vad=0x3, modem=0x2 codec_bytes=0, signal_type=3}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (Playout: mode 0, initial 60,min 40, max 300) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(29=CC_EV_CONF_CREATE_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SSA_CS_CONFERENCING)ev(SSA_EV_CONF_CREATE_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(21)csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2(SSA_CS_CONFERENCING)oldst2(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaConfCreateDone: *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallConnect: (callID=0x2C), prog_ind = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallConnect: setting callEntry->connected to TRUE

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Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

*Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaDebugPeers: ssaFlushPeerTagQueue cid(44) peer list: tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_process_notify_bridge_done: (event=0x63067FC0)

The voice gateway sets up negotiating capability with the terminating VoIP leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (dstVdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (Playout: mode 0, initial 60,min 40, max 300)

The capabilities are acknowledged for both call legs.

*Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ack: (dstVdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2, seq_num_start=2944}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ack: (dstVdbPtr=0x62EC 61A4, dstCallId=0x2D, srcCallId=0x2C, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2, seq_num_start=2944}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_voice_mode_event: callID=0x2C *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_voice_mode_event: Call Pointer =634A430C *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(52=CC_EV_VOICE_MODE_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: Router# Router#cid(44)st(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)ev(SSA_EV_VOICE_MODE_DONE)oldst(SSA_CS_CONFERENCING)cfid(21 )csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)oldst2(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaIgnore: cid(44), st(SSA_CS_ACTIVE),oldst(5), ev(52) Router# Router#! digit punched Router#

The phone at the terminating gateway enters digit 1.

*Mar 1 15:36:11.204: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPt r=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=1, digit_begin_flags=0x0, rtp_timestamp=0x0 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x2) *Mar 1 15:36:11.504: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: (dstVdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=1,duration=300,xruleCallingTag=0,xruleCalledTag=0, dest_mask=0x2), digit_tone_mode=0

The phone at the terminating gateway enters digit 2.

*Mar 1 15:36:11.604: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=2, digit_begin_flags=0x0, rtp_timestamp=0x0 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x2) *Mar 1 15:36:11.904: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: (dstVdbPtr= 0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=2,duration=300,xruleCallingTag=0,xruleCalledTag=0, dest_mask=0x2), digit_tone_mode=0 Router#

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

*Mar 1 15:36:14.476: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_handle_periodic_timer: Calling the callback, ccTimerctx - 0x628B6330 *Mar 1 15:36:14.476: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTimerStart: ccTimerctx - 0x628B6330 Router# Router#!call hung up The user at the terminating gateway hangs up the call. Router#

The voice gateway receives a disconnect message from the terminating gateway. The cause code is 0x10 which is normal call clearing.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.916: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnected: (vdbPtr= 0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, cause=0x10) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(11=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECTED), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECTED) oldst(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD)cfid(21)csize(2)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)oldst2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: ssa: Disconnected cid(45) state(5) cause(0x10)

The voice gateway begins tearing down the conference and dropping the bridge.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccConferenceDestroy: (confID=0x15, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done: (confID=0x15, srcIF=0x62EC61A4, srcCallID=0x2D, dstCallID=0x2C, disposition=0 tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done: (confID=0x15, srcIF=0x637EC1E0, srcCallID=0x2C, dstCallID=0x2D, disposition=0 tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(30=CC_EV_CONF_DESTROY_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING)ev(SSA_EV_CONF_DESTROY_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)cfid(21)csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2 (SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING)oldst2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaConfDestroyDone: *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x2C, cause=0x10 tag=0x0)

The voice gateway stops call accounting on the incoming call, indicated by the leg_type=True message. The cause code is then set for the originating leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounting start for callID=44 leg_type=1 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x0, new_cause = 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID=0x2C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x2D, cause=0x10 tag=0x0)

The voice gateway stops call accounting for the outgoing call, indicated by the leg_type=False message. The cause code is verified for the terminating leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounting start for callID=45 leg_type=0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x10, new_cause = 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: using the existing_cause 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.928: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID=0x2D) *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_icpif: expect factor = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/g113_calculate_impairment: (delay=79, loss=0), Io=0 Iq=0 Idte=0 Idd=0 Ie=10 Itot=10

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

*Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: the remote IP is *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: hwidb is Ethernet0/0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: reduce callnum of entry: 0, voip: 0, mmoip: 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: remove anentry *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbPtr=0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, disp=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessManager: No profileTable set for callID[45] *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObjectfound in profileTable for tagID[6] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: not incoming entry *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's incoming FALSE. *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incomingis FALSE *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _DISCONNECTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE)oldst(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)cfid(-1)csize(2)in(0)fDe st(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA_CS_DISCONNECTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING) *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaDisconnectDone: *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaAAA_CheckAccounting: accounting generation enabled *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x2D, accounting=0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.944: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: not the VoIP or MMoIP *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbPtr=0x637EC1E0, callID=0x2C, disp=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: ccFreeRawMsgInfo(0x6307595C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Decrement call volume counter 1 *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: current call volume: 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's incoming TRUE. *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incomingis TRUE *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Deleting profileTable[0x6380E11C] *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDHashProfileTab: Destructor Profile Table (0x6380E11C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x63401148] tagID[5] *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdObject[0x638BC1AC] tagID[6] *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SSA_CS_DISCONNECTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE)oldst(SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING )cfid(-1)csize(1)in(1)fDest(1) Router# *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDisconnectDone:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Sample Output Examples for the Enhanced debug Commands

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output

Revised: October 31, 2005

This chapter describes how to filter troubleshooting output. The methods for filtering this output are as follows:

Filtering Output from show and more Commands, page 49. Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways, page 50 Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers, page 69 SIP Debug Output Filtering Support, page 83 MGCP Call Centric Debug, page 96

Filtering Output from show and more Commands

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(1)T and later releases, you can search and filter the output of show and more commands. This functionality is useful if you need to sort through large amounts of output or if you want to exclude output that you need not see. To use this functionality, enter a show or more command followed by the vertical line character (|); one of the keywords begin, include, or exclude; and a regular expression on which you want to search or filter (the expression is case-sensitive): command | [begin | include | exclude] regular-expression The output matches certain lines of information in the configuration file. The following example illustrates how to use output modifiers with the show interface command when you want the output to include only lines in which the expression protocol appears:
Router# show interface | include protocol FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Serial4/0 is up, line protocol is up Serial4/1 is up, line protocol is up Serial4/2 is administratively down, line protocol is down Serial4/3 is administratively down, line protocol is down

For more information on the search and filter functions, see the Using the Command-Line Interface chapter in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide, Release 12.3.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Use voice call debug filtering to get selected debugging traces for voice calls. This feature allows you to filter and trace voice call debug messages based on selected filtering criteria, reducing the volume of output for more efficient troubleshooting. This section contains the following information:

Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering, page 50 Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering, page 50 Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter, page 55 Output Examples for Voice Call Debug Filtering, page 62

Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering

End-to-end filtering between gateways is not supported. Filtering for CAS, IOS-AAA, IVR Version 1.0, media, and VoiceXML is not supported. Matching conditions cannot be set for specific signaling protocols. Matching conditions based on current DSP information are not supported.

Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering

Information from using debug commands for voice calls is crucial for troubleshooting, but the volume of raw data can be very large. In order to isolate the most valuable data, use the Voice Call Debug Filtering feature. This feature allows the debug output for the voice call to be filtered according to a variety of criteria, including:

Calling party number with prefix Called party number with prefix Carrier IDs Dial peers Local IP address Remote IP address Telephony interface or port Trunk groups


Call filtering also works on IP-to-IP gateway connections using H.323.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

The selected criteria are set on the gateway, and different sets of criteria can be stored. To better understand the voice call debug filtering on Cisco voice gateways, see the following sections:

Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering, page 51 Generic Call Filter Module, page 52 Calling and Called Number Strings, page 53 Exact and Partial Matching, page 55 Media and Signaling Streams, page 55

Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering

When a call filter is applied, the filtering applies to all of the debugs affected by the call filter. Debug commands that support voice call debug filtering include the following:

debug cch323 h225 debug cch323 h245 debug cch323 preauth debug cch323 session debug ccsip all debug ccsip calls debug ccsip err debug ccsip events debug ccsip messages debug ccsip preauth debug ccsip states debug mgcp all debug mgcp endpoint debug mgcp endptdb debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp gcfm debug mgcp inout debug mgcp media debug mgcp src debug mgcp state debug mgcp voipcac debug voip aaa debug voip ccapi error debug voip ccapi inout debug voip ipipgw debug voip ivr all

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

debug voip ivr applib debug voip ivr callsetup debug voip ivr digitcollect debug voip ivr dynamic debug voip ivr error debug voip ivr script debug voip ivr settlement debug voip ivr states debug voip ivr tclcommands debug voip rawmsg debug vtsp all debug vtsp dsp debug vtsp error debug vtsp event debug vtsp port debug vtsp rtp debug vtsp send-nse debug vtsp session debug vtsp stats debug vtsp vofr subframe debug vtsp tone debug vtsp vofr


See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed information about these debug commands.

Generic Call Filter Module

The debug commands described in the Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering section on page 51 support the following voice modules within the voice gateway:

CCAPI Dial peers H.323 ISDN IVR (Version 2.0 only) MGCP SIP SSAPP TGRAM

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways


The filtering for these modules is managed by the generic call filter module (GCFM). The filtering conditions are configured in the GCFM, and then the individual modules are informed when a call has to be filtered. The GCFM coordinates between multiple modules to handle filtering conditions. All modules use the global unique identifier (GUID) to identify an individual call to GCFM. Each call is assigned a GUID and retains the same GUID throughout the entire network and over time. Gateway information and time stamp are embedded in the GUID. GUIDs identify an individual call among the multiple filtered-out calls so that the call can be isolated. For more information about GUIDs and the debug header, see the Voice Debug Concepts section on page 17. Activity in the GCFM can be traced using the debug call filter detail and debug call filter inout commands. See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for more information about these debug commands.

Calling and Called Number Strings

The string pattern for calling and called numbers can be either a complete telephone number or a partial telephone number with wildcard digits, represented by a period (.) character. Each . represents a wildcard for an individual digit that the originating voice gateway expects to match. For example, if the calling and called number strings is defined as 555 ...., then any dialed string beginning with 555, plus at least four additional digits, matches this calling or called number. Table 7 shows all of the wildcard symbols that are supported in the calling and called number strings.
Table 7 Symbols Used in Calling and Called Number Strings

Symbol . []

Description Indicates a single-digit placeholder. For example, 555.... matches any dialed string beginning with 555, plus at least four additional digits. Indicates a range of digits. A consecutive range is indicated with a hyphen (-); for example, [5-7]. A nonconsecutive range is indicated with a comma (,); for example, [5,8]. Hyphens and commas can be used in combination; for example, [5-7,9].

Only single-digit ranges are supported. For example, [98-102] is invalid.

() ? % + T

Indicates a pattern; for example, 408(555). It is used in conjunction with the symbol ?, %, or +. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or one time. Enter ctrl-v before entering ? from your keyboard. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or more times. This functions the same as the * used in regular expression. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred one or more times. Indicates the interdigit timeout. The voice gateway pauses to collect additional dialed digits.


The period (.) is the only wildcard character that is supported for dial strings that are configured using the answer-address or incoming called-number command.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Table 8 shows some examples of how these wildcard symbols are applied to the calling and called number strings and the dial string that results when dial string 4085550199 is matched to the calling or called number. The wildcard symbols follow regular expression rules.
Table 8 Number Matching Examples Using Wildcard Symbols

Destination Pattern Dial String Translation 408555.+

String After Stripping1

408555, followed by one or more wildcard digits. 0199 This pattern implies that the string must contain at least seven digits starting with 408555. 408555, followed by zero or more wildcard digits. 0199 This pattern implies that the string must contain at least 408555. 40855, followed by 5 repeated one or more times. 0199 40855, followed by 5 repeated zero or more times. 50199 Any explicitly matching digit before the % symbol is not stripped off. 40855, followed by 5 repeated zero or one time. 50199 Any explicitly matching digit before the ? symbol is not stripped off. 40855, followed by 5, 6, or 7, plus any digit repeated one or more times. 40855, followed by 5, 6, or 7, plus any digit repeated zero or more times. 50199 50199


408555+ 408555%


40855[5-7].+ 40855[5-7].% 40855[5-7]+0199 408(555)+0199

40855, followed by 5, 6, or 7 repeated one or more 50199 times, followed by 0199. 408, followed by 555, which may repeat one or more times, followed by 0199. 5550199

1. These examples apply only to one-stage dialing, where DID is enabled on the inbound POTS dial peer. If the voice gateway is using two-stage dialing and collecting digits one at a time as dialed, then the call is routed immediately after a dial peer is matched and any subsequent dialed digits are lost.

In addition to wildcard characters, the following symbols can be used in the calling and called number strings:

Asterisk (*) and pound sign (#)These symbols on standard touchtone dial pads can be used anywhere in the pattern. They can be used as the leading character (for example, *650), except on the Cisco 3600 series. Dollar sign ($)Disables variable-length matching. It must be used at the end of the dial string.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Exact and Partial Matching

The conditions under each set of call filters are inclusive, so if multiple conditions are specified under a filter, they are all matched. To compare different conditions, create additional filters. Matching conditions are as follows:

Exact matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. Partial matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because of the large amount of debug output that might be generated before matches explicitly fail.

Media and Signaling Streams

Media streams carry voice, video, fax, and data. Examples of media streams are G.711 or G.723 encoded voice streams or fax data. With the voice call debug filter, the media streams are traced for the voice gateway receiving the media stream. Some traces associated with media streams can be filtered, such as SPI-level traces associated with opening and closing the media channels. However, media RTP/RTCP packet-level traces are not filtered. Signaling streams include both address signaling and supervisory signaling. Examples of signaling streams include H.323 and SIP protocol streams. With the voice call debug filter, the signaling streams are traced for the gateway or endpoint for the signaling stream.

Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter

To configure the voice call debug filter, perform the following tasks:

Configuring Call-Specific Conditions, page 55 (required) Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions, page 59 (required)

Configuring Call-Specific Conditions

Configure call-specific conditions to set the attributes that are filtered for voice calls.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

enable configure terminal call filter match-list number voice incoming calling-number string incoming called-number string incoming secondary-called-number string incoming port string incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip_address incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip_address

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

10. incoming dialpeer tag 11. source carrier-id string 12. source trunk-group-label group-number 13. outgoing calling-number string 14. outgoing called-number string 15. outgoing secondary-called-number string 16. outgoing port string 17. outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip_address 18. outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip_address 19. outgoing dialpeer tag 20. target carrier-id string 21. target trunk-group-label group-number 22. end


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

call filter match-list number voice

Enters call filter match list configuration mode to define the filter conditions.

Router(config)# call filter match-list 1 voice

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. At least one of the following optional parameters (Step 4 to Step 21) for call filtering must be configured.

Step 4

incoming calling-number string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming calling number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming calling-number 408555

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming calling number.

Step 5

incoming called-number string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming called-number 408555

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming called number.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Command or Action
Step 6
incoming secondary-called-number string

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the incoming secondary called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming secondary-called-number 408555

The secondary called number is the number from the second stage in a two-stage scenario. stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming secondary called number. The telephony interfaces are defined for calls from the PSTN. The string value varies depending on the voice gateway. stringIdentifies the incoming port number. This value is platform-specific and varies between platforms. localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway.

Step 7

incoming port string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming port to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming port 1/0/0

Step 8

incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming signaling IPv4 address.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming signaling local ipv4

Step 9

incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming media IPv4 address.

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway. tagDigits that define a specific dial peer. Valid entries are 1 to 2147483647.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming media local ipv4

Step 10

incoming dialpeer tag

(Optional) Specifies the incoming dial peer to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming dialpeer 14

Step 11

source carrier-id string

(Optional) Specifies the source carrier ID to be filtered.

stringAlphanumeric identifier for the carrier ID.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# source carrier-id 4321

Step 12

source trunk-group-label group-number

(Optional) Specifies the source trunk group to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# source trunk-group-label 20

group-numberA value from 0 to 23 that identifies the trunk group.

Step 13

outgoing calling-number string

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing calling number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing calling-number 408525

This number goes out after number translation and expansion are complete. stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the outgoing calling number.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Command or Action
Step 14
outgoing called-number string

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the outgoing called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing called-number 408525

This number goes out after number translation and expansion are complete. stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the outgoing called number.

Step 15

outgoing secondary-called-number string

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing secondary called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing secondary-called-number 408525

The secondary called number is the number from the second stage in a two-stage scenario. stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the outgoing secondary called number. The telephony interfaces are defined for calls from PSTN. The string value varies, depending on different voice gateways. stringIdentifies the outgoing port number. This value is voice gateway-specific and varies between voice gateways.

Step 16

outgoing port string

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing port to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing port 1/0/0

Step 17

outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing signaling IPv4 address for the gatekeeper managing the signaling.

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing signaling local ipv4

Step 18

outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing media IPv4 address for the voice gateway receiving the media stream.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing media local ipv4

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway. tagDigits that define a specific dial peer. Valid entries are 1 to 2147483647.

Step 19

outgoing dialpeer tag

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing dial peer to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing dialpeer 14

Step 20

target carrier-id string

(Optional) Specifies the target carrier ID to be filtered.

stringAlphanumeric identifier for the carrier ID.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# target carrier-id 4321

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Command or Action
Step 21
target trunk-group-label group-number

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the target trunk group to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# target trunk-group-label 20

group-numberA value from 0 to 23 that identifies the trunk group.

Step 22


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# end

Troubleshooting Tips
To verify the conditions that you have set, use the show call filter match-list command. This command displays the criteria set for the specified match list.

What to Do Next
After the conditions are set for the voice call debug, debug commands can be enabled. Proceed to the Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions section on page 59.

Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions

Use the debug command to enable the set conditions to get the filtered output.

The conditions for the voice call debug filter must be set as described in the Configuring Call-Specific Conditions section on page 55.

1. 2. 3.

enable debug condition match-list tag {exact-match | partial-match} debug cch323 {capacity | h225 | h245 | preauth | ras | rawmsg | session} or debug ccsip {all | calls | err | events | messages | preauth | states} or debug isdn q931 or debug voip aaa or debug voip ccapi {error | inout} or debug voip ipipgw

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

or debug voip ivr {all | applib | callsetup | digitcollect | dynamic | error | script | settlement | states | tclcommands} or debug voip rawmsg or debug vtsp {all | dsp | error | event | port | rtp | send-nse | session | stats | vofr subframe | tone | vofr}


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug condition match-list tag {exact-match | partial-match}

Enables the filter match list for the set conditions.

Router# debug condition match-list 1 exact-match

tagNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. The number for the match list is set using the call filter match-list command. exact-matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. partial- matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because a large amount of debug output is generated before matches explicitly fail.

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Command or Action
Step 3
debug cch323 {capacity | h225 | h245 | preauth | ras | rawmsg | session} or debug ccsip {all | calls | err | events | messages | preauth | states} or debug isdn q931 or debug voip aaa or debug voip ccapi {error | inout} or debug voip ipipgw or debug voip ivr {all | applib | callsetup | digitcollect | dynamic | error | script | settlement | states | tclcommands} or debug voip rawmsg or debug vtsp {all | dsp | error | event | port | rtp | send-nse | session | stats | vofr subframe | tone | vofr}

Purpose Enables the appropriate voice call debug commands.

See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed descriptions of these debug commands. The debug output commences at this point.

Router# Router# Router# Router# Router# Router# Router# Router# Router# debug debug debug debug debug debug debug debug debug cch323 h225 ccsip events isdn q931 voip aaa voip ccapi inout voip ipipgw voip ivr all voip rawmsg vtsp dsp

Troubleshooting Tips
To verify debug conditions, use the following commands:

show debug This command displays the debugs that are enabled.

show call filter components This command displays the components that register internally with the filtering module. This command shows which components are registered with the GCFM, which is the internal module that controls which components are filtered.

show call filter match-list This command displays the criteria set for the specified match list. It shows a list of all the match lists, shows which ones are enabled, and shows whether they are enabled for partial or exact matching.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Output Examples for Voice Call Debug Filtering

This section provides configuration examples to match the identified configuration tasks in the previous section:

Exact Match Filtering: Example, page 62 Partial Match Filtering: Example, page 65

Exact Match Filtering: Example

When the exact match condition is used for voice call debug filtering, all related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. In the following example, the configuration, enabled debugs, and debug output for a Cisco AS5400 universal gateway are shown.
Dial-Peer Configuration for Exact Match Filtering
dial-peer voice 501 pots preference 1 incoming called-number 50200 destination-pattern 50201 direct-inward-dial port 6/0:D prefix 50201 ! dial-peer voice 502 voip preference 1 incoming called-number 50201 destination-pattern 50200 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric fax-relay ecm disable fax rate disable !

Debug Output for Exact Match Filtering

Router# show debug The following ISDN debugs are enabled on all DSLs: debug isdn error is ON. debug isdn q931 is ON. (filter is ON) Voice Telephony session debugging is on (filter is ON) Voice Telephony dsp debugging is on (filter is ON) Voice Telephony error debugging is on (filter is ON) voip ccAPI function enter/exit debugging is on (filter is ON)

In the following output, the show call filter match-list command is used to show which conditions have been set for the specified call filter:
Router# show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 9 voice ********************************************* incoming calling-number 50200 incoming called-number 50201 incoming signal local ipv4 incoming signal remote ipv4 incoming media local ipv4 incoming media remote ipv4

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

incoming dialpeer 502 outgoing calling-number 50200 outgoing called-number 50201 outgoing port 6/0:D outgoing dialpeer 501 debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH ********************************************* call filter match-list 10 voice ********************************************* incoming calling-number 50300 incoming called-number 50301 incoming signal local ipv4 incoming signal remote ipv4 incoming media local ipv4 incoming media remote ipv4 incoming dialpeer 504 outgoing calling-number 50300 outgoing called-number 50301 outgoing port 6/1:D outgoing dialpeer 503 debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH

The following debug output contains the exact match for the configured conditions. Some of the matching conditions are highlighted in bold text.
Feb 6 11:13:30.799: digit_strip:1, pcn:50201, poa:50201 Feb 6 11:13:30.799: pcn:, poa: Feb 6 11:13:30.799: Final pcn:, poa:, dial_string:50201 Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):-1:0:0/vtsp_gcfm_percall_status_callback: found cdb and update Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):-1:0:0/vtsp_update_dsm_stream_mgr_filter_flag: update dsp_stream_mgr_t debug flag Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //5/CFD853DE8004/CCAPI/ccapi_gcfm_percall_status_callback: found callEntry and update Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //6/CFD853DE8004/CCAPI/ccapi_gcfm_percall_status_callback: found callEntry and update Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //5/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:502:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(5)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_REPORT_DIGITS_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(1)fDest(1) Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //5/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:502:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(6)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_MAPPING) Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //5/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:502:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaReportDigitsDone cid(5) peer list: tag(2501) called number (50201) Feb 6 11:13:30.803: //5/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:502:-1/ssaReportDigitsDone: callid=5 Reporting disabled. Feb 6 11:13:31.007: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: callid 0x800B, callref 0x0003, guid CFD853DE8004 Feb 6 11:13:31.007: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: RX <- CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8003 Channel ID i = 0xA98397 Exclusive, Channel 23 Feb 6 11:13:31.007: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: callid 0x800B, callref 0x0003, guid CFD853DE8004 Feb 6 11:13:31.007: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: RX <- ALERTING pd = 8 callref = 0x8003 Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[6/0:D (6), S_SETUP_REQUEST, E_TSP_PROCEEDING] Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/act_setup_pend_proceeding: . Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsp_stream_mgr_reinit_platform_info: . Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_open_voice_and_set_params: . Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/set_playout_dmgr: playout default

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_dsp_echo_canceller_control: echo_cancel: 1 Feb 6 11:13:31.011: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: callid 0x800B, callref 0x0003, guid CFD853DE8004 Feb 6 11:13:31.011: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: RX <- CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8003 Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(6)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_PROCEEDING) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(5)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaCallProc: Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaIgnore: cid(6), st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING),oldst(1), ev(21) Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[6/0:D (6), S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_TSP_ALERT] Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/act_setup_pend_alert: . Feb 6 11:13:31.011: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_ring_noan_timer_start: 371381 Feb 6 11:13:31.015: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: callid 0x800B, callref 0x0003, guid CFD853DE8004 Feb 6 11:13:31.015: ISDN Se6/0:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x0003 Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(6)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_ALERT) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(5)st2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //5/CFD853DE8004/SSAPP:502:-1/ssaAlert: Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_exec: [Feat SM: S:NONE B SM: S:S_DSM_INIT E:E_DSM_CC_BRIDGE] Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_act_bridge: . Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_dsm_bridge_status_cb: . Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_dsm_set_fax_feat_param: Fax relay is ENABLED, Primary Fax protocol is T38_FAX_RELAY, Fallback Fax protocol is CISCO_FAX_RELAY Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_dsm_peer_event_cb: E_DSM_CC_CAPS_IND Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[6/0:D (6), S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_TSP_CONNECT] Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/act_setup_pend_connect: . Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/VTSP:(6/0:D):22:0:0/vtsp_ring_noan_timer_stop: 371382 Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsp_stream_mgr_play_tone: . Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_exec: [Feat SM: S:NONE B SM: S:S_DSM_BRIDGING E:E_DSM_CC_GEN_TONE] Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/DSM:(6/0:D):-1:0:4098/dsm_act_gen_tone: Tone is not on, ignoring Feb 6 11:13:31.015: //6/CFD853DE8004/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: setting callEntry->connected to TRUE

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Partial Match Filtering: Example

When the partial match condition is used for voice call debug filtering, no related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. In the following example, the configuration, enabled debugs, and debug output for a Cisco 3745 modular access router are shown. Because partial match is set, the router displays the ISDN debug messages on all calls and displays only the debug vtsp event messages on the specified dial peer, dial peer 1.
Debug Output for Partial Match Filtering
Router# show debug The following ISDN debugs are enabled on all DSLs: debug isdn error is ON. debug isdn q931 is ON. (filter is ON) Voice Telephony event debugging is on (filter is ON)

In the following output, the show call filter match-list command is used to show which conditions are set for the specified call filter:
Router# show call filter match-list 4 incoming calling-number 10.. incoming called-number 50.. incoming dialpeer 1 debug condition match-list is set to PARTIAL_MATCH

The following debug output shows ISDN debug messages on all calls, but displays only the debug vtsp event messages on dial peer 1. The VTSP messages are highlighted with bold text.
3 16:21:52.024: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:21:52.024: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01E6 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808381 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1000' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5000' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:21:52.028: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_SETUP_INDICATED, event: E_CC_PROCEEDING] *Mar 3 16:21:52.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:21:52.036: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x81E6 Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 *Mar 3 16:21:52.080: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_PROCEEDING, event: E_CC_ALERT] *Mar 3 16:21:52.084: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:21:52.084: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8 callref = 0x81E6 Progress Ind i = 0x8088 - In-band info or appropriate now available *Mar 3 16:21:52.084: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_ALERTING, event: E_CC_CONNECT] *Mar 3 16:21:52.088: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, *Mar

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

*Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar

*Mar *Mar

*Mar *Mar

*Mar *Mar

*Mar *Mar

guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 3 16:21:52.088: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x81E6 3 16:21:52.392: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 3 16:21:52.392: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x01E6 3 16:21:57.024: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01E7, guid 09E86AA0-170A-11CC-81E8-000B465B86B0 3 16:21:57.024: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01E7 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808382 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 2 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1001' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5001' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 3 16:22:02.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01E8, guid 0CE49409-170A-11CC-81E9-000B465B86B0 3 16:22:02.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01E8 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808383 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 3 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1002' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5002' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 3 16:22:07.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01E9, guid 0FDF8489-170A-11CC-81EA-000B465B86B0 3 16:22:07.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01E9 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808384 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 4 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1003' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5003' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 3 16:22:12.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01EA, guid 12DA7509-170A-11CC-81EB-000B465B86B0 3 16:22:12.032: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01EA Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808385 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 5 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1004' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5004' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 3 16:22:17.036: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01EB, guid 15D601B1-170A-11CC-81EC-000B465B86B0 3 16:22:17.036: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01EB

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808386 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 6 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1005' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5005' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:22.040: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01EC, guid 18D18E59-170A-11CC-81ED-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:22.040: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01EC Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808387 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 7 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1006' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5006' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:27.040: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01ED, guid 1BCC7ED9-170A-11CC-81EE-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:27.040: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01ED Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808388 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 8 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1007' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5007' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:32.048: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01EE, guid 1EC8A7A9-170A-11CC-81EF-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:32.048: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01EE Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808382 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 2 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1008' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5008' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:34.688: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:34.688: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x01E6 Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing *Mar 3 16:22:34.688: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:34.688: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x81E6 *Mar 3 16:22:34.688: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_CONNECT, event: E_TSP_DISCONNECT_IND]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways

*Mar 3 16:22:34.688: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_CONNECT, event: E_CC_DISCONNECT] *Mar 3 16:22:34.692: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_WAIT_STATS, event: E_VTSP_DSM_STATS_COMPLETE] *Mar 3 16:22:34.692: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_WAIT_RELEASE, event: E_TSP_DISCONNECT_CONF] *Mar 3 16:22:34.692: //1270/06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0/VTSP:(2/0:23):0:0:0/vtsp_process_event: [state:S_CLOSE_DSPRM, event: E_VTSP_DSM_CLOSE_COMPLETE] *Mar 3 16:22:34.812: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x01EA, callref 0x01E6, guid 06ED7A20-170A-11CC-81E7-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:34.812: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x01E6 *Mar 3 16:22:37.048: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01EF, guid 21C39829-170A-11CC-81F0-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:37.048: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01EF Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808381 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1009' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5009' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:42.052: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01F0, guid 24BF24D1-170A-11CC-81F1-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:42.052: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01F0 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808383 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 3 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1010' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5010' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Mar 3 16:22:47.056: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: callid 0x0000, callref 0x01F1, guid 27BAB179-170A-11CC-81F2-000B465B86B0 *Mar 3 16:22:47.056: ISDN Se2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01F1 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xE9808384 Exclusive, Interface 0, Channel 4 Calling Party Number i = 0x00, 0x80, '1011' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Called Party Number i = 0x80, '5011' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Use voice call debug filtering on Cisco voice gatekeepers to get selected debugging traces for voice calls. This feature allows you to filter and trace voice call debug messages based on selected filtering criteria, reducing the volume of output for more efficient troubleshooting. This section describes the capability added in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T to filter troubleshooting output on H.323 gatekeepers and contains the following sections:

Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering on Voice Gatekeepers, page 69 Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering, page 69 Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter for Cisco Gatekeepers, page 79 Examples, page 82

Restrictions for Voice Call Debug Filtering on Voice Gatekeepers

The following restrictions apply to the Cisco voice gatekeepers:

Voice call debug filtering on gatekeepers is available only if you have a Cisco IOS image that contains the gatekeeper functionality or joint functionality (for both gateways and gatekeepers). Filtering of debugs in the gatekeeper DNS process is not supported. Filtering of ASN and GUP messages is not supported. The following are not supported by call filtering:
If debug messages are printed in non-ARQ path, the path will not support call filtering. H.323V1, H323 proxy, and DGK are not supported. Calls transferred from primary gatekeeper to the secondary gatekeeper will not be filtered in the

secondary gatekeeper, but new calls in secondary gatekeeper will apply filtering.
All error, incorrect, and delayed GKTMP messages are not printed in call filtering because the

gatekeeper ignores the message at a lower level and the messages are not printed.
GKTMP messages that are not related to calls are not supported by call filtering (registration,

unregistration, and resource messages).

Information About Voice Call Debug Filtering

Information from using debug commands for voice calls is crucial for troubleshooting, but the volume of raw data can be very large. In order to isolate the most valuable data, you can use the Voice Call Debug Filtering feature on gatekeepers. Debug output for the voice gatekeepers can be filtered according to the following criteria:

Incoming called number Incoming calling number Gatekeeper resolved final destination endpoint (IPv4) address


In addition to working on voice gatekeepers, call filtering works on IP-to-IP gateway connections using H.323.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

The selected criteria are set on the gatekeeper, and different sets of criteria can be stored. To better understand the voice call debug filtering on Cisco voice gatekeepers, see the following sections:

Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering on Cisco Voice Gatekeepers, page 70 Gatekeeper Filter Module, page 70 Calling and Called Number Strings, page 71 Exact and Partial Matching Conditions Rules and Information, page 71

Debug Commands that Support Voice Call Filtering on Cisco Voice Gatekeepers
When a call filter is applied, the filtering applies to all of the debugs affected by the call filter. Debug commands that support voice call debug filtering on gatekeepers are the following:

debug gatekeeper call level debug gatekeeper main level debug gatekeeper servers


In the syntax, the level argument can be a number from 1 through 10. Refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed information about these debug commands.

Gatekeeper Filter Module

The filtering for these modules is managed by the gatekeeper filter module (GKFM). The filtering conditions are configured in the GKFM, and then the individual modules are informed when a call has to be filtered. The GKFM coordinates between multiple modules to handle filtering conditions. The GKFM provides the core infrastructure for the gatekeeper module to use for providing call tracing capabilities. This module is part of the GCFM subsystem (sub_gcfm) and provides all the necessary implementations for the command-line interface (CLI) functions, conditions matching logics for the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper debug subsystem uses the GKFM infrastructure to implement standard style header formats. Activity in the GKFM can be traced using the debug call filter detail and debug call filter inout commands. Refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for more information about these debug commands. The GKFM functionalities are summarized as follows:

Maintain a set of matching lists that are activated through the CLI interface for filtering out desired calls. Provide an interface to the gatekeeper modules for filter query for exact and partial matches. Implement an algorithm to execute the matching logic by examining the activated filter tags provisioned through the CLI interface. The algorithm is optimized in a way that the logic is executed only when there is a new call parameter populated in the context or there is a change in the CLI provisioned data. Employ a filter rules engine to prevent activation of illegal and conflicting filter tags (that is, filter tags having conflicting conditions provisioned across them).

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Calling and Called Number Strings

The string pattern for calling and called numbers can be either a complete telephone number or a partial telephone number with wildcard digits, represented by a period (.) character. Each . represents a wildcard for an individual digit that the originating voice gateway expects to match. For example, if the calling and called number strings is defined as 555 ...., then any dialed string beginning with 555, plus at least four additional digits, matches this calling or called number. Table 9 shows all of the wildcard symbols that are supported in the calling and called number strings.
Table 9 Wild CardSymbols Supported in Calling and Called Number Strings

Symbol . []

Description Indicates a single-digit placeholder. For example, 555.... matches any dialed string beginning with 555, plus at least four additional digits. Indicates a range of digits. A consecutive range is indicated with a hyphen (-); for example, [5-7]. A nonconsecutive range is indicated with a comma (,); for example, [5,8]. Hyphens and commas can be used in combination; for example, [5-7,9].

Only single-digit ranges are supported. For example, [98-102] is invalid.

() ? % + T

Indicates a pattern; for example, 408(555). It is used in conjunction with the symbol ?, %, or +. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or one time. Press ctrl-v before entering ? from your keyboard. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or more times. This functions the same as the * used in regular expression. Indicates that the preceding digit occurred one or more times. Indicates the interdigit timeout. The voice gateway pauses to collect additional dialed digits.


The wildcard symbols follow regular expression rules, and whatever wildcard applies to the gateway applies to the gatekeeper as well. The period (.) is the only wildcard character that is supported for dial strings that are configured using the answer-address or incoming called-number command.

Exact and Partial Matching Conditions Rules and Information

To filter out desired calls, you must define a list of matching conditions. There must be separate filters defined for VoIP gateways and VoIP gatekeepers, because both the gateway and gatekeeper can exist on the same box. Multiple filter tags could be provisioned for the gatekeeper, each with one or all three different conditions under them. But the GKFM provides a rules engine to validate while activating thefilter tags when one or more filter tags are contradictory or conflicting with each other. Matching conditions are as follows:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Exact matchAll related debug output is filtered and shown when all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. Partial matchRelated debug output is filtered and shown when even only one condition matches. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because of the large amount of debug output that might be generated before matches explicitly fail.

To filter out the desired calls, you must define a list of matching conditions. Separate filters need to be defined for VoIP gateways and VoIP gatekeepers, because both the gateway and gatekeeper can exist on the same box. The following global CLI is used to define the conditions on the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper keyword appears in the CLI only if you have a Cisco IOS image that contains gatekeeper debug filter functionality or a combination of gateway and gatekeeper debug filter functionality. call filter match-list number voice gatekeeper Then, under the submode, a set of conditions can be defined. Only the following will be valid for filtering calls on the gatekeeper: incoming calling-number string incoming called-number string One new match condition is added that is valid for gatekeeper filtering only: gatekeeper resolved ipv4 ipaddress For applying the match filters configured, the CLI for gatekeepers is the same as that used for gateways: debug condition match-list <1-16> exact-match | partial-match Table 10 summarizes the rules applied while you are executing the exact and partial match logic.
Table 10 Rules Applied for Executing Exact and Partial Matching Logic

Number 1

Decription The exact match is an AND logic across all the provisioned conditions. For example: call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper incoming called-number 9876 incoming calling-number 2345 resolved destination ipv4 The debugs are emitted only when all the callp provided input matches. IC Called Number && IC Calling Number && Resolved destination IP address

The partial match is a logical OR across all the provisioned conditions. For example: call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper incoming called-number 9876 incoming calling-number 2345 resolved destination ipv4 The debugs are emitted only when any one of the callp-provided inputs matches. IC Called Number || IC Calling Number || Resolved destination IP address

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Table 10

Rules Applied for Executing Exact and Partial Matching Logic (continued)

Number 3

Decription When the admin provisions a set of conditions under a filter tag that may not contain all three (supported) conditions, then the rules are applied only on that subset of conditions. The non-provisioned conditions are considered as wildcard or dont care. For example: call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper incoming called-number 9876 resolved destination ipv4 Because incoming calling number was not provided, it is taken as a dont care condition and excluded when the GKFM is executing the matching logic. This tag shall be an exact match for all calls with called number 9876, resolved destination, and any calling number xxxx.

When the admin provisions only the resolved destination address under a filter tag, then all debugs (for which filtering is employed) shall be throwing the outputs until the callp learns the resolved destination address (that is, until the RAS-LCF message was obtained or the route server provides the resolved address during a later part of the call). This scenario should be well understood before such a filter tag is activated. For example: call filter match-list 1 gatekeeper resolved destination ipv4 Then debugs for all the calls with any IC called/calling numbers shall be thrown until the resolved destination address is known. When the resolved destination address happens to be, then the debug outputs would continueif not, it would stop at that point.

If the admin provisions a filter tag with no matching conditions under it, such a tag cannot be activated. For example: ! call filter match-list 3 gatekeeper ! #deb condition match-list 3 exact Failed: Activation of tag with no filter condition is not allowed.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Table 10

Rules Applied for Executing Exact and Partial Matching Logic (continued)

Number 6

Decription If an activated filter tag condition is modified, that tag needs to be explicitly reactivated after any changes. For example: ! call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper incoming called-number 9876 incoming calling-number 2345 resolved destination ipv4 ! # show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper ********************************************* incoming called-number 9876 incoming calling-number 2345 gatekeeper resolved destination address debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH ! # conf t (config)# call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper (conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming calling-number 4089 (conf-call-filter-mlist)# end # # show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper ********************************************* incoming called-number 9876 incoming calling-number 2345 gatekeeper resolved destination address debug condition match-list is not ARMED

A call for which the GKFM decides failed match (suppress) does not result in any debugs or reexecution of matching logic during the lifespan of that call, even though the CLI admin modifies the provisioned conditions during the lifespan of that call.

GKFM Debug Filter Rules Engine

The following are the rules employed by the filter activation rules engine in order to avoid the conflicts between one or more activated filter tags. Y- indicates configured X- indicates not configured (dont care)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

1. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:Y, CGN:X, RES_IPV4:X

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN Y Activated CGN X Activated IPV4 X Employed Rules Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Reject always. Reject always. Reject always. Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different




2. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:X, CGN:Y, RES_IPV4:X

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN X Activated CGN Y Activated IPV4 X Employed Rules Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Reject always. Reject always. Reject always.




Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

3. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:Y, CGN:Y, RES_IPV4:X

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN Y Activated CGN Y Activated IPV4 X Employed Rules Compare CDN and CGN. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different Compare CDN and CGN only. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Reject always. Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow if different




4. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:X, CGN:X, RES_IPV4:Y

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN X Activated CGN X Activated IPV4 Y Employed Rules Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers




Reject always. Reject always. Reject always.

5. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:Y, CGN:X, RES_IPV4:Y

Existing activated filter patterns

Activated CDN Y

Activated CGN X

Activated IPV4 Y

Employed rules Compare CDN and Res. IPv4. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different Compare CDN and Res. IPv4. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different. Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Reject always.

6. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:X, CGN:Y, RES_IPV4:Y

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN X Activated CGN Y Activated IPV4 Y Employed Rules Compare CGN and Res. IPv4. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different Compare CGN and Res. IPv4. Reject - if both are same Allow - if anyone different. Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Reject always.

7. New condition pattern to be activatedCDN:Y, CGN:Y, RES_IPV4:Y

Existing activated filter patterns Activated CDN Y Activated CGN Y Activated IPV4 Y Employed Rules Compare CDN, CGN and Res. IPv4. Reject - if all are same. Allow - if any one different Compare Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if same Allow - if different. Compare CGN only. Rejectect - if same Allow - if different Compare CGN & Res. IPv4. Rejectect - if both are same Allow - if any one different Compare CDN only. Reject - if same Allow - if different Compare CDN and Res. IPv4 only. Reject - if both are same Allow - if any one different Compare CDN and CGN only. Reject - if both are same Allow - if any one different.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Configuring the Voice Call Debug Filter for Cisco Gatekeepers

To configure the voice call debug filter on Cisco gatekeepers, perform the following tasks:

Configuring Call-Specific Conditions for Gatekeepers, page 79 (required) Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions, page 80 (required)

Configuring Call-Specific Conditions for Gatekeepers

Configure call-specific conditions to set the attributes that are filtered for voice calls.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

enable configure terminal call filter match-list number gatekeeper incoming calling-number string incoming called-number string gatekeeper resolved ipv4 ipaddress exit exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

call filter match-list number gatekeeper

Enters call filter match list configuration mode to define the filter conditions on the gatekeeper.

Router(config)# call filter match-list 1 gatekeeper

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. At least one of the following optional parameters (Step 4 to Step 7) for call filtering must be configured.

Step 4

incoming calling-number string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming calling number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming calling-number 408525

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming calling number.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

Command or Action
Step 5
incoming called-number string

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the incoming called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming called-number 408525

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming called number.

Step 6

gatekeeper resolved ipv4 ipaddress

(Optional) Specifies the gatekeeper-resolved destination IP address to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# gatekeeper resolved ipv4

ipaddressIP address that identifies the destination.

Step 7


Exits to global configuration mode.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# exit

Step 8


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Enabling Debug for the Set Filtering Conditions

Use the debug commands to enable the set conditions to get the filtered output.

The conditions for the voice call debug filter must be set as described in the Configuring Call-Specific Conditions for Gatekeepers section on page 79.

1. 2. 3.

enable debug condition match-list tag {exact-match | partial-match} debug gatekeeper call level or debug gatekeeper main level or debug gatekeeper servers

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug condition match-list tag {exact-match | partial-match}

Enables the filter match list for the set conditions.

Router# debug condition match-list 1 exact-match

tagNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. The number for the match list is set using the call filter match-list command. exact-matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. partial-matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because a large amount of debug output is generated before matches explicitly fail. levelSpecifies a level for the debug message. Entries can be 1 through 10. Refer to the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed descriptions of these debug commands. The debug output commences at this point.

Step 3

debug gatekeeper call level or debug gatekeeper main level or debug gatekeeper servers

Enables the appropriate gatekeeper call debug commands.

Router# debug gatekeeper call 5

Router# debug gatekeeper main 3

Router# debug gatekeeper servers

Troubleshooting Tips
To verify debug conditions, use the following commands:

show debug This command displays the debugs that are enabled.

show call filter components This command displays the components that register internally with the filtering module. This command shows which components are registered with the GKFM, which is the internal module that controls which components are filtered.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output Voice Call Debug Filtering on H.323 Gatekeepers

show call filter match-list This command displays the criteria set for the specified match list. It shows a list of all the match lists, shows which ones are enabled, and shows whether they are enabled for partial or exact matching.

This section provides sample output and a typical debug listing:

Sample Output for show call filter and show debug: Example, page 82 Sample Output for show debug: Example, page 82

Sample Output for show call filter and show debug: Example

When the exact match condition is used for gatekeeper voice call debug filtering, all related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met:
Router# show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 1 gatekeeper ********************************************* gatekeeper resolved destination address incoming called-number 444 debug condition match-list is not armed ********************************************* call filter match-list 2 gatekeeper ********************************************* incoming called-number 204 debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH Router# ################################ Router# show debug Gatekeeper: Gatekeeper Server Messages debugging is on (filter is ON) gk call debug level = 10 (filter is ON) gk zone debug level = 10 c2691-1-OGK#

Sample Output for show debug: Example

Following is a sample output resulting from the show debug command:

*Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_arq_select_viazone: matched zone is GK-A, and z_invianamelen=0 *Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_arq_select_viazone: about to check the destination side, dst_zonep=0x6293721C *Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_arq_select_viazone: matched zone is GK-A, and z_outvianamelen=0 *Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_get_addrinfo: No tech prefix *Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_get_addrinfo: Alias not found *Mar 2 03:12:04.259: //C1989D10805C/C1989D10805D/GK/rassrv_get_addrinfo: (203) unknown address and no default technology defined.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

The SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature provides the capability for SIP-related debug output to be filtered based on a set of user-defined matching conditions. This section contains the following information:

Restrictions for SIP Debug Output Filtering Support, page 83 Information About SIP Debug Output Filtering Support, page 83 Configuring SIP Debug Filtering, page 85 Configuration Examples for SIP Debug Filtering, page 90

Restrictions for SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

The SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature filters all enabled bugs, not just SIP bugs.

Information About SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

To configure the SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature, you should understand the following concepts:

Feature Design of SIP Debug Output Filtering Support, page 83 Generic Call Filtering Module, page 84 SIP Debug Commands that Support Output Filtering, page 84 Matching Conditions, page 84

Feature Design of SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Prior to the SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature, debugging and troubleshooting on the VoIP gateway was made more challenging by the extensive amounts of raw data generated by debug output. This feature allows the debug output for a SIP call to be filtered according to a variety of criteria. The SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature provides a generic call filtering mechanism that does the following:

Allows you to define a set of matching conditions for filtering calls. Identifies the desired calls based on the configured matching conditions inside VoIP gateways. Coordinates the filtering effort on traced calls between multiple modules inside VoIP gateways. Displays the debugging trace for calls that match the specified conditions.

The SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature document provides SIP-specific information on the debug filtering design in Cisco IOS gateways implemented by the voice call debug filtering feature. See the Voice Call Debug Filtering on Cisco Voice Gateways section on page 50 for more information.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Generic Call Filtering Module

Cisco implements the SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature using the GCFM to identify and track calls based on configured parameters. You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to turn the GCFM on and off. When the GCFM is turned on, only the debug messages for calls that match the filtering conditions are displayed. The GCFM manages the set of matching condition lists and coordination and tracking of calls between multiple modules within the voice gateway architecture. The SIP module uses the GCFM function to create GUIDs to track individual inbound and outbound SIP calls. Activity in the GCFM can be traced using the debug call filter detail and debug call filter inout commands. See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for more information about these debug commands.

SIP Debug Commands that Support Output Filtering

debug ccsip all debug ccsip calls debug ccsip events debug ccsip messages debug ccsip preauth debug ccsip states

See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for more information about SIP debug commands.


Because of the importance of the messages associated with the debug ccsip err command, this debug output is not filterable.

Matching Conditions
To filter calls, define a list of matching conditions. The SIP Debug Output Filtering Support feature supports matches based on the following conditions:

Incoming calling-number string Incoming called-number string Incoming signaling IPv4 local address Incoming signaling IPv4 remote address Incoming media IPv4 local address Incoming media IPv4 remote address Incoming dial peer Outgoing calling-number string Outgoing called-number string Outgoing signaling IPv4 local address Outgoing signaling IPv4 remote address Outgoing media IPv4 local address

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Outgoing media IPv4 remote address Outgoing dial peer

The string pattern for calling and called numbers can be either a complete telephone number or a partial telephone number with wildcard digits, represented by a period (.) character. You can define matching conditions as follows:

Exact matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This option is the best choice for most situations because it produces the most concise output. Partial matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because of the large amount of debug output until matches explicitly fail.

See the Exact and Partial Matching section on page 55 for more information on matching conditions and filtering voice calls.

Configuring SIP Debug Filtering

This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring Call Filters, page 85 (required) Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering, page 87 (required) Verifying SIP Debug Output Filtering Support, page 89 (optional)

Configuring Call Filters

This task configures the conditions for filtering SIP calls.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

enable configure terminal call filter match-list number voice

incoming calling-number string incoming called-number string

incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address incoming dialpeer tag outgoing calling-number string

10. outgoing called-number string 11. outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address 12. outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address 13. outgoing dialpeer tag 14. end

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

call filter match-list number voice

Enters call filter match list configuration mode to define the filter conditions.

Router(config)# call filter match-list 1 voice

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. At least one of the following optional parameters (Step 4 to Step 13) for call filtering must be configured.

Step 4

incoming calling-number string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming calling number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming calling-number 408555

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming calling number.

Step 5

incoming called-number string

(Optional) Specifies the incoming called number to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming called-number 408555

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the incoming called number.

Step 6

incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming signaling IPv4 address.

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming signaling local ipv4

Step 7

incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming media IPv4 address for the voice gateway receiving the media stream.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming media local ipv4

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway. tagDigits that define a specific dial peer. Valid entries are 1 to 2147483647.

Step 8

incoming dialpeer tag

(Optional) Specifies the incoming dial peer to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming dialpeer 14

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Command or Action
Step 9
outgoing calling-number string

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the outgoing calling number to be filtered; this number goes out after number translation and expansion are complete.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing calling-number 408555

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the outgoing calling number.

Step 10

outgoing called-number string

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing called-number 408555

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing called number to be filtered; this number goes out after number translation and expansion are complete.

stringNumeric string that identifies all or part of the outgoing called number.

Step 11

outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing signaling IPv4 address for the gatekeeper managing the signaling.

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing signaling local ipv4

Step 12

outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing media IPv4 address for the voice gateway receiving the media stream.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing media local ipv4

localLocal voice gateway remoteRemote IP device ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway. tagDigits that define a specific dial peer. Valid entries range from1 to 2147483647.

Step 13

outgoing dialpeer tag

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing dial peer to be filtered.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing dialpeer 14

Step 14


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# end

What to Do Next
After the conditions are set for filtering the SIP call debug output, debug commands can be enabled. Proceed to the Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering section.

Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering

This task enables debug filtering for SIP-related output.

The conditions for the SIP call debug filter must be set as described in the Configuring Call Filters section on page 85.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

1. 2. 3.

enable debug condition match-list number {exact-match | partial-match} debug ccsip {all | calls | events | messages | preauth | states} Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Command or Action
Step 1

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug condition match-list number {exact-match | partial-match)

Enables the filter match list for the set conditions.

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. exact-matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. partial-matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because a large amount of debug output is generated before matches explicitly fail. See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed descriptions of these debug commands. The debug output begins at this point.

Router# debug condition match-list 1 exact-match

Step 3

debug ccsip {all | calls | events | messages | preauth | states}

Enables the appropriate SIP call debug commands.

Router# debug ccsip all

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Verifying SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Perform this task to verify debug output filtering.

1. 2. 3.

show debug show call filter components show call filter match-list

Step 1

show debug Use this command to display the debugs that are enabled, for example:
Router# show debug CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP Call Statistics tracing is enabled (filter is ON) Call Message tracing is enabled (filter is ON) Call State Machine tracing is enabled (filter is ON) Call Events tracing is enabled (filter is ON) error debug tracing is enabled (filter is ON) info debug tracing is enabled (filter is ON) media debug tracing is enabled (filter is ON) Call preauth tracing is enabled (filter is ON)

Step 2

show call filter components Use this command to display which components are registered with the GCFM, the internal module that controls which components are filtered:
Router# show call filter components The following components registered in GCFM: ISDN VTSP CCAPI TGRM DIAL-PEER NUMBER-TRANSLATION SSAPP VOICE-IVR-V2 H323 SIP CRM

Step 3

show call filter match-list Use this command to display the criteria set for the specified match list. The command shows a list of all the match lists, shows which ones are enabled, and shows whether they are enabled for partial or exact matching.
Router# show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 1 voice ********************************************* incoming called-number 5551200

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Configuration Examples for SIP Debug Filtering

This section provides the following configuration examples:

Configuring Call Filters: Example, page 90 Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering: Example, page 94

Configuring Call Filters: Example

The following example shows how to configure call filters. In the example, the Cisco AS5300 configuration defining a match list and specifying the incoming called number to be filtered is shown.
Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration :3944 bytes ! ! Last configuration change at 13:07:08 EST Tue Sep 2 2003 ! version 12.3 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime service timestamps log datetime msec localtime no service password-encryption service internal ! hostname Router-1 ! logging buffered 500000 debugging enable password lab ! ! ! resource-pool disable clock timezone EST -5 clock summer-time EST recurring ! no aaa new-model ip subnet-zero ip domain name cisco.com ip host CALLGEN-SECURITY-V2 ip name-server ! ! isdn switch-type primary-dms100 no scripting tcl init no scripting tcl encdir ! ! voice call carrier capacity active ! voice service voip no supplementary-service h450.12 sip ! ! voice class codec 1 codec preference 1 g711ulaw codec preference 2 g729r8 !

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

! voice hpi capture buffer 10000 no voice hpi capture destination ! ! fax interface-type modem call-history-mib retain-timer 500 call-history-mib max-size 500 ! ! controller T1 0 framing esf clock source line primary linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 1 framing esf clock source line secondary 1 linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 2 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 3 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! ! interface Ethernet0 no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown no cdp enable ! interface Serial0:23 no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-dms100 isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! interface Serial1:23 no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-dms100 isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! interface Serial2:23 no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-dms100 isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! interface Serial3:23 isdn switch-type primary-dms100 no cdp enable ! interface FastEthernet0 ip address no ip route-cache

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

no ip mroute-cache duplex auto speed auto fair-queue 64 256 235 no cdp enable ! ip classless ip route FastEthernet0 ip route ip route ip route ip http server ! ! ! control-plane ! ! ! call filter match-list 1 voice incoming called-number 4085559876 ! voice-port 0:D ! voice-port 1:D ! voice-port 2:D ! voice-port 3:D ! ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! ! dial-peer voice 1100 pots destination-pattern 55511.. direct-inward-dial port 0:D prefix 55511 ! dial-peer voice 1200 pots destination-pattern 55512.. direct-inward-dial port 1:D prefix 55512 ! dial-peer voice 444 pots destination-pattern 444.... direct-inward-dial port 2:D prefix 444 ! dial-peer voice 5100 voip destination-pattern 55551.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte codec g711ulaw ! dial-peer voice 5200 voip destination-pattern 55552.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4:

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

dtmf-relay rtp-nte ! dial-peer voice 5300 voip destination-pattern 55553.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ! dial-peer voice 5400 voip destination-pattern 55554.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ! dial-peer voice 2100 voip destination-pattern 55521.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte codec g711ulaw ! dial-peer voice 2200 voip destination-pattern 55522.. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ! gateway ! sip-ua retry invite 3 retry response 3 retry bye 3 retry cancel 3 retry prack 3 retry comet 3 retry rel1xx 3 retry notify 3 timers trying 750 ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 transport preferred none line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 password lab login transport preferred none ! ntp clock-period 17180086 ntp server prefer ! end

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

Enabling SIP Debug Output Filtering: Example

The following example shows how to enable SIP debug output filtering. In the following example, the match-list configuration, enabled debugs, and debug output for a Cisco AS5300 are shown.


When the exact match condition is used for SIP call debug filtering, all related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met.
Router# debug condition match-list 1 exact-match Router# debug ccsip all Router# show debug CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP Call Statistics tracing is enabled Call Message tracing is enabled (filter Call State Machine tracing is enabled Call Events tracing is enabled (filter error debug tracing is enabled (filter info debug tracing is enabled (filter media debug tracing is enabled (filter Call preauth tracing is enabled (filter (filter is ON) is ON) (filter is ON) is ON) is ON) is ON) is ON) is ON)

Router# Debug filtering is now on Building configuration... ! ! ! call filter match-list 1 voice incoming called-number 4085551221 ! end

The following lines show partial debug output with the filter on. Some debug output generated during a call may not have GUID information. These debugs, represented by /xxxxxxxxxxxx/ characters in the debug header, are not filtered and always appear.
Sep 2 13:11:05.395://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/httpish_msg_process_network_msg:Content Length 222, Bytes Remaining 233 Sep 2 13:11:05.395://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/HandleUdpSocketReads:Msg enqueued for SPI with IP addr: Sep 2 13:11:05.395://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPISetDateHeader:Converting TimeZone EST to SIP default timezone = GMT Sep 2 13:11:05.399://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/sipSPI_validate_own_ip_addr:ReqLine IP addr does not match with host IP addr Sep 2 13:11:05.399://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo:Queued event from SIP SPI :SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE

The next lines show the debug filtering turned off.

Router# no debug condition match-list 1 Router# show debug CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP CCSIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP SPI:SIP Call Statistics tracing is enabled Call Message tracing is enabled (filter Call State Machine tracing is enabled Call Events tracing is enabled (filter error debug tracing is enabled (filter info debug tracing is enabled (filter media debug tracing is enabled (filter Call preauth tracing is enabled (filter (filter is OFF) is OFF) (filter is OFF) is OFF) is OFF) is OFF) is OFF) is OFF)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output SIP Debug Output Filtering Support

With filtering turned off, all the debug output is displayed.

Sep 2 13:12:31.112://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/HandleUdpSocketReads:Msg enqueued for SPI with IP addr: Sep 2 13:12:31.112://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SUBSCRIBE sip:3100802@ SIP/2.0 Via:SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1348 From:"3100801" <sip:3100801@>;tag=19AE8-A6C To:<sip:3100802@>;tag=19AE8-A6C Date:Mon, 30 Oct 2000 04:47:31 GMT Call-ID:96ACB04F-AD5611D4-800894FA-5B905DB@ Supported:timer,100rel Min-SE: 1800 Cisco-Guid:2496939846-2908099028-2147680272-2073165500 User-Agent:Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Allow:INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, COMET, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, UPDATE CSeq:101 SUBSCRIBE Max-Forwards:6 Remote-Party-ID:<sip:3100801@>;party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off Timestamp:972881251 Contact:<sip:3100801@> Expires:60 Allow-Events:telephone-event Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:233 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 2904 6070 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 18862 RTP/AVP 18 19 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000 a=fmtp:18 annexb=no a=rtpmap:19 CN/8000 a=ptime:20 Sep 2 13:12:31.112://-1/94D447468003/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState:0x631570C8 :State change from (STATE_NONE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) Sep 2 13:12:31.112://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Info/sipSPISetDateHeader:Converting TimeZone EST to SIP default timezone = GMT Sep 2 13:12:31.116://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Error/sipSPI_validate_own_ip_addr:ReqLine IP addr does not match with host IP addr Sep 2 13:12:31.116://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Event/sipSPIEventInfo:Queued event from SIP SPI :SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE Sep 2 13:12:31.116://-1/94D447468003/SIP/Info/sipmwiEventCleanup:Removing CCB with mwi clientID(3100802) Sep 2 13:12:31.116://-1/94D447468003/SIP/State/sipSPIChangeState:0x631570C8 :State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DEAD, SUBSTATE_NONE) Sep 2 13:12:31.116://-1/94D447468003/SIP/Info/ccsip_deregister_call_filter:Deregistering call from GCFM Sep 2 13:12:31.120://-1/94D447468003/SIP/Info/sipSPIFlushEventBufferQueue:There are 0 events on the internal queue that are going to be free'd Sep 2 13:12:31.120://-1/94D447468003/SIP/Info/sipSPIUfreeOneCCB:Freeing ccb 631570C8 Sep 2 13:12:31.120://-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: SIP/2.0 489 Bad Event - 'Missing Event:field' Via:SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1348;received=

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

From:"3100801" <sip:3100801@>;tag=19AE8-A6C To:<sip:3100802@>;tag=19AE8-A6C Call-ID:96ACB04F-AD5611D4-800894FA-5B905DB@ CSeq:101 SUBSCRIBE Timestamp:972881251 Content-Length:0

MGCP Call Centric Debug

The MGCP Call Centric Debug feature enables the filtering of debug output based on selected criteria and this feature also standardizes the format of the MGCP debug header. By sharing a common header format all MGCP debug information for a single call can be identified and correlated across the various layers in Cisco IOS software. Filtering debug output reduces extraneous information displayed on the console port, making it easier to locate the correct information and reducing the impact to platform performance, while mitigating lost data because of buffer limits. This section contains the following information:

Restrictions for MGCP Call Centric Debug, page 96 Information About MGCP Call Centric Debug, page 96 How to Enable MGCP Call Centric Debug, page 99 Configuration Examples for MGCP Call Centric Debug, page 105

Restrictions for MGCP Call Centric Debug

Filtering conditions that are set for other Cisco IOS modules also impact the debug output for the MGCP module.

Information About MGCP Call Centric Debug

To use the MGCP Call Centric Debug feature, you should understand the following concepts:

Generic Call Filter Module, page 52 MGCP Debug Commands that Support Debug Filtering, page 97 Matching Conditions, page 84 Trace Levels for MGCP Debug Output, page 98 Tips on Collecting Debug Output, page 98

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

MGCP Debug Commands that Support Debug Filtering

debug mgcp all debug mgcp endpoint debug mgcp endptdb debug mgcp errors debug mgcp events debug mgcp gcfm debug mgcp inout debug mgcp media debug mgcp src debug mgcp state debug mgcp voipcac


Debug filtering is not supported for the debug mgcp nas, debug mgcp packets, or debug mgcp parser commands. See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.4T for more information about MGCP debug commands.

Match Conditions for MGCP Debug Filtering

To filter calls, you must first define a list of conditions on which to match. The attributes associated with a call are compared to the configured list of match conditions. Debug output that matches all or some of the conditions in the list is displayed, depending on whether the match criteria is set to either exact or partial match. The MGCP Call Centric Debug feature supports filtering based on the following conditions:

Incoming signaling IPv4 local address Incoming signaling IPv4 remote address Incoming media IPv4 local address Incoming media IPv4 remote address Incoming dial peer Outgoing signaling IPv4 local address Outgoing signaling IPv4 remote address Outgoing media IPv4 local address Outgoing media IPv4 remote address

See the Creating Match Lists for MGCP Filtering Conditions section on page 100 for information on configuring match conditions for filtering MGCP calls.

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Trace Levels for MGCP Debug Output

The MGCP Call Centric Debug feature introduces trace levels for MGCP debug output. Trace levels allow you to control the amount of information that is displayed by debug commands based on the importance of the content. Trace levels are associated with priority levels that categorize MGCP debug output depending on the information it contains. The output for each debug command is categorized within three priority levels: high, medium, and low. The following trace levels can be selected to indicate the priority of the information that is displayed:

CriticalDisplays only MGCP debug information marked as high priority. ModerateDisplays MGCP debug information marked as medium or high priority. VerboseDisplays all MGCP debug information. This is the default level.


The debug mgcp errors and debug mgcp packets commands do not support trace levels. Their debug output is set to the highest priority and is displayed for all trace level values. You can set the desired trace level for an MGCP debug session by using the tracelevel keyword in individual MGCP debug commands or by setting a global trace level using the debug mgcp tracelevel-default command.


Setting the trace level for an endpoint using the mgcp debug endpoint command is independent of the global trace level. The endpoint level takes precedence over the global level. For example, the debug mgcp event tracelevel moderate command used with the debug mgcp endpoint aaln/S2/SU0/0 event tracelevel verbose command sets the trace level to verbose for that specific endpoint while all of the other endpoints have event debugs set at a moderate level. If the global debug is disabled, the per-endpoint debug remains enabled and vice versa.

Tips on Collecting Debug Output

Logging debug output to the console has disadvantages such as being slower and dropping data more easily than logging to a buffer. Collecting debug information by logging output to a buffer instead of the console reduces the impact to gateway performance and decreases the incidence of dropped data. To log debug output to a buffer instead of the console, use the no logging console and logging buffered commands. These commands can only be used, however, if there is enough memory available on the gateway to create a large enough buffer to collect the debug output. To display debug output that was collected and sent to the configured buffer, use the show logging command. Logging debug output to the console may also consume an excessive amount of CPU resources if the logging console guaranteed command is enabled, which is the default setting. It is recommended that you disable this functionality by using the no logging console guaranteed command when sending debug output to the console. You may also want to use the service timestamps debug and service timestamps log commands to control how the timestamps are displayed in the debug output.

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

How to Enable MGCP Call Centric Debug

This section contains the following procedures:

Modifying the Debug Header Format for MGCP Debug Output, page 99 (optional) Creating Match Lists for MGCP Filtering Conditions, page 100 (required) Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering Using Match Lists, page 102 (required) Verifying the MGCP Debug Filtering Configuration, page 103 (optional) Enabling MGCP Debug Trace Levels, page 104 (optional)

Modifying the Debug Header Format for MGCP Debug Output

Perform this procedure to modify the standardized header format for MGCP debug output. Debug output is correlated based on this unique header which is common to all debugs belonging to the same call.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable configure terminal voice call debug {full-guid | short-header} mgcp debug-header exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice call debug {full-guid | short-header}

(Optional) Specifies the full GUID or short header for debug output.

Router(config)# voice call debug full-guid

full-guidDisplays the GUID in a 16-byte header. Using the no voice call debug full-guid command displays the short 6-byte header. short-headerDisplays the CallEntry ID in the header without displaying the GUID or module-specific parameters. This is the default. For more information, see the Debug Header Format section on page 18.


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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Command or Action
Step 4
mgcp debug-header

Purpose (Optional) Enables the MGCP module-dependent information in the debug header.

Router(config)# mgcp debug-header

This command is enabled by default. This step is included to illustrate how to enable the command if it was previously disabled.

Step 5


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Creating Match Lists for MGCP Filtering Conditions

Perform this procedure to define match conditions that are used for filtering MGCP calls.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

enable configure terminal call filter match-list number voice incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address incoming dialpeer tag outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address end


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Command or Action
Step 3
call filter match-list number voice

Purpose Enters call filter match list configuration mode to define the filter conditions.

Router(config)# call filter match-list 1 voice

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. At least one of the following optional parameters for call filtering (Step 4 to Step 8) must be configured. localLocal voice gateway. remoteMGCP call agent. ip-addressIP address of the local voice gateway or remote call agent.

Step 4

incoming signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming signaling IPv4 address.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming signaling local ipv4

Step 5

incoming media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the incoming media IPv4 address for the voice gateway receiving the media stream.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming media local ipv4

localLocal voice gateway. remoteRemote voice gateway. ip-addressIP address of the local or remote voice gateway.

Step 6

incoming dialpeer tag

(Optional) Specifies the incoming telephony dial peer to be filtered.


Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# incoming dialpeer 14

tagDigits that define a specific dial peer. Range is 1 to 2147483647. Telephony dial peers are configured using the dial-peer voice command.

Step 7

outgoing signaling {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing signaling IPv4 address for the gatekeeper managing the signaling.

localLocal voice gateway. remoteMGCP call agent. ip-addressIP address of the local gateway or remote call agent.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing signaling local ipv4

Step 8

outgoing media {local | remote} ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Specifies the outgoing media IPv4 address for the voice gateway receiving the media stream.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# outgoing media local ipv4

localLocal voice gateway. remoteRemote voice gateway. ip-addressIP address of the local or remote voice gateway.

Step 9


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(conf-call-filter-mlist)# end

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering Using Match Lists

Perform this procedure to enable the match conditions for filtering MGCP debug output.

The filtering conditions for the debug output must be set as described in the Creating Match Lists for MGCP Filtering Conditions section on page 100.


The debug mgcp nas, debug mgcp packets, and debug mgcp parser commands do not support debug filtering. Debug output that is outside the context of a call, for example, RSIP, audit, and some endpoint database information does not support filtering.

1. 2. 3.

enable debug condition match-list number {exact-match | partial-match} debug mgcp {all | endpoint | endptdb | errors | events | gcfm | media | src | state | voipcac}

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug condition match-list number {exact-match | partial-match}

Enables the filter match list for the set conditions.

Router# debug condition match-list 1 exact-match

numberNumeric label that uniquely identifies the match list. Range is 1 to 16. This number is set using the call filter match-list command. exact-matchAll related debug output is filtered until all conditions in the match list are explicitly met. This is the best choice for most situations because the output is the most concise. partial-matchNo related debug output is filtered until there is a single explicit match failure. As long as zero or more conditions are met, debug output is not filtered. This choice is useful in debugging call startup problems like digit collection, but is not ideal for many situations because a large amount of debug output is generated before matches explicitly fail. This command impacts all enabled debug commands that support call filtering. See the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference for detailed descriptions of these debug commands. When enabling MGCP debug commands, you can also set a trace level to further filter output based on the importance of the information. For information, see the Enabling MGCP Debug Trace Levels section on page 104.

Note Step 3
debug mgcp {all | endpoint | endptdb | errors | events | gcfm | inout | media | src | state | voipcac}

Enables the appropriate MGCP debug commands.


Router# Router# Router# Router# debug debug debug debug mgcp mgcp mgcp mgcp errors events endpoint aaln/s2/su0/1/1/10 media

Verifying the MGCP Debug Filtering Configuration

To verify debug filtering conditions, use the following commands:

show debugDisplays the debugs that are enabled. show call filter componentsDisplays the components that register internally with the filtering module. This command shows which components are registered with the GCFM, which is the internal module that controls which components are filtered. show call filter match-listDisplays the criteria set for the specified match list. It shows a list of all the match lists, shows which ones are enabled, and shows whether they are enabled for partial or exact matching.

See the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference for more information about these commands.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Enabling MGCP Debug Trace Levels

Perform this procedure to enable trace levels for restricting MGCP debug output based on the priority of the information.

Trace levels are not supported for MGCP errors or packets debugging because all of the output from these commands is set to high priority.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable debug mgcp tracelevel-default {critical | moderate | verbose} debug mgcp endpoint endpoint-name {{all | events | media} [tracelevel {critical | moderate | verbose}] | {errors | packets}} debug mgcp {all | endptdb | events | gcfm | inout | media | nas | parser | src | state | voipcac} [tracelevel {critical | moderate | verbose}]


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

debug mgcp tracelevel-default {critical | moderate | verbose}

(Optional) Enables the trace level globally for all MGCP debug commands and endpoints.

Router# debug mgcp tracelevel-default critical

criticalOnly high priority debug information is displayed. moderateMedium and high priority debug information is displayed. verboseAll debug information is displayed. This is the default trace level.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Command or Action
Step 3
debug mgcp endpoint endpoint-name {{all | events | media} [tracelevel {critical | moderate | verbose}] | {errors | packets}}

Purpose (Optional) Enables the trace level for a specific endpoint for events or media debug commands.

Router# debug mgcp endpoint aaln/s2/su0/1/1/10

endpoint-nameName of the MGCP endpoint for which to enable debugging. Must be a fully specified and supported endpoint.

Step 4

debug mgcp {all | endptdb | events | gcfm | inout | media | nas | parser | src | state | voipcac} [tracelevel {critical | moderate | verbose}]

(Optional) Enables the trace level for a specific MGCP debug command.

Router# debug mgcp events tracelevel critical Router# debug mgcp state tracelevel moderate Router# debug mgcp media moderate

Configuration Examples for MGCP Call Centric Debug

This section contains the following examples:

Match-List Configuration for MGCP Debug Filtering: Example, page 105 Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering: Example, page 108

Match-List Configuration for MGCP Debug Filtering: Example

The following example shows a configuration with a match list defined to filter MGCP debug output.
Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 2068 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption service internal ! hostname Router ! boot-start-marker boot system flash:Router.ios.bin boot-end-marker ! logging buffered 10000000 debugging enable secret 5 $1$abcd enable password sample ! no aaa new-model ! resource policy ! no network-clock-participate slot 1 no network-clock-participate slot 2 ip cef

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

! ! ! no ip domain lookup ip host callagenthost voice-card 1 no dspfarm ! voice-card 2 dspfarm ! ! ! ! ! ! ! controller T1 1/0 framing esf clock source internal linecode b8zs ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none service mgcp ! controller T1 1/1 shutdown framing esf clock source internal linecode b8zs ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none service mgcp ! ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address no ip mroute-cache speed auto half-duplex no cdp enable ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address no ip mroute-cache shutdown duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable ! ! ip http server ! snmp-server community public RO snmp-server enable traps tty ! ! ! control-plane ! ! ! call filter match-list 1 voice incoming media local ipv4 outgoing media local ipv4 !

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

voice-port 1/0:0 ! voice-port 1/1:0 ! voice-port 2/0/0 ! voice-port 2/0/1 ! voice-port 2/0/2 ! voice-port 2/0/3 ! voice-port 2/1/0 ! voice-port 2/1/1 ! voice-port 2/1/2 ! voice-port 2/1/3 ! ! mgcp mgcp call-agent callagenthost 7979 service-type mgcp version 1.0 mgcp package-capability mf-package mgcp package-capability rtp-package mgcp package-capability script-package mgcp sdp simple ! mgcp profile default ! ! ! dial-peer voice 211 pots service mgcpapp port 2/1/1 ! dial-peer voice 213 pots service mgcpapp port 2/1/3 ! dial-peer voice 210 pots service mgcpapp port 2/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 200 pots service mgcpapp port 2/0/0 ! dial-peer voice 212 pots service mgcpapp port 2/1/2 ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password temp login ! ! end

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Filtering Troubleshooting Output MGCP Call Centric Debug

Enabling MGCP Debug Filtering: Example

The following example shows how to enable filtering and trace levels for MGCP debug output.
Router# debug Router# debug Router# debug Media Gateway condition match-list 1 exact-match mgcp tracelevel-default critical mgcp errors Control Protocol errors debugging for all endpoints is on

Router# debug mgcp media Media Gateway Control Protocol media events debugging for all endpoints is on, trace-level Critical Router# debug mgcp state tracelevel verbose Media Gateway Control Protocol state transition debugging for all endpoints is on, trace-level Verbose Router# debug mgcp endpoint S1/ds1-0/1 events tracelevel moderate Media Gateway Control Protocol events debugging for endpoint s1/ds1-0/1 is on, trace-level Moderate Router# show debug MGCP: Media Gateway Control Protocol media events debugging is on, trace level Critical Media Gateway Control Protocol errors debugging is on Media Gateway Control Protocol state transition debugging is on, trace level Verbose MGCP: Event debugging for endpoint S1/DS1-0/1 is on, tracelevel is Moderate Router# show call filter match-list ********************************************* call filter match-list 1 voice ********************************************* incoming media local ipv4 outgoing media local ipv4 debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

The Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature generates internal error codes (IECs) for gateway-detected errors that cause the gateway to release or refuse a call. IECs enhance troubleshooting for VoIP networks by helping to determine the source and reason for call termination.

Prerequisites for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 109 Restrictions for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 109 Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 109 How to Configure IEC Options, page 146 Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 151 Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 157

Prerequisites for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Before this feature can be operational, a basic VoIP network must be configured.

Restrictions for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Memory usage increases slightly when this feature is implemented, depending upon the number of subsystems that support IECs and upon the number of error codes defined for each subsystem. IECs are reported only in RADIUS accounting records. They are not supported in syslog accounting.

Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

To configure the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature, you should understand the following concepts:

Benefits of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 110 Feature Design of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, page 110 IEC Reporting, page 110 Internal Error Code Notation, page 115

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Benefits of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Allows the service provider to see the cause of call disconnect in the accounting record. Provides enhanced diagnostic and troubleshooting capability for VoIP networks. Supports the development of enhanced analysis tools that can determine if patterns of call failures exist. Improves network reliability by enabling more effective monitoring and call management. Internal Error Code (IEC) reporting has been enhanced in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T to provide better tracking and diagnostic capability for networks, and specifically for gatekeepers.

Feature Design of Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Prior to the implementation of IECs, Q.850-based disconnect cause codes were used to track and diagnose network problems. These cause codes, defined by ITU Recommendation Q.850, were more applicable to traditional PSTN networks than to packet networks and were too generic to be useful for diagnosing and isolating faulty VoIP network components. The Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature allows an error code to be generated for a gateway-detected error that causes the gateway to release or refuse a call or call attempt. The error may not actually cause the call to fail; for example, in the case of rotary attempts, a subsequent attempt may result in the call completing. The error does not necessarily indicate a problem on the gateway itself, but may be due, for example, to a protocol error detected in a message, or to a timeout while communicating with a nonresponding party. IECs are not generated for normal calls that are released without an error; for example, no answer, busy, and user hangs up. Each internal error in the voice signaling path that leads to the release of a call is assigned an IEC value. Fields within the IEC identify which network entity and subsystem originated the error, and specify the error code within the subsystem. The IEC mechanism maintains error counters and allows you to use command-line interface (CLI) commands to collect, display, and offload error counters. The CLI also allows you to clear counters. The IEC mechanism also generates a CLI-enabled syslog message and a new RADIUS vendor-specific attribute (VSA) whenever an IEC is generated. The IEC feature supports a mechanism for enforcing disconnect cause code consistency for internal errors by providing a configurable mapping table to translate the IEC error category to an appropriate disconnect cause code. In addition to generating IECs, this feature set makes use of enhanced release source indicators (RSIs) to report gatekeeper-released and route server-released calls. For more information on RSIs, refer to Call Release Source Reporting in Gateway-Generated Accounting Records.


IECs are not generated for the following types of calls: VoiceXML, fax, MGCP or SGCP, and SS7 continuity (COT).

IEC Reporting
Cisco implements IEC reporting by logging IEC values into the following records:

VSAs in RADIUS accounting records Call history records

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Dial Control MIB Syslog messages

The gateway sends VSAs in RADIUS accounting stop records. Because each IEC is associated with a call leg, an IEC is reported only in the stop record for one of the legs in a call. VSAs are also sent by the gatekeeper. The gateway collects IECs for all call legs involved in a call and reports them to the gatekeeper, which inserts the IECs in its accounting stop record. In some scenarios, multiple errors may be encountered for a particular call leg; for example, multiple attempts to connect to an alternate endpoint. Up to five IECs may be generated per call. Because IECs are reported through accounting records, if there is no voice call association or context, no IEC is generated. This scenario occurs, for example, if the gateway receives an ISDN setup message and the ISDN layer fails to allocate resources to process the setup message. In this instance there is no indication to the Voice Telephony Service Provider (VTSP) layer and no creation of a call-leg or call-history record, so no IEC is generated.

Gatekeeper Behavior and Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Gatekeeper behavior for RADIUS accounting for start and stop records changes with the introduction of VoIP internal error codes. Prior to the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature, the gatekeeper generated two records for intrazone calls: one start record, based on the originating admission reject (ARJ) message, and one stop record, based on the first incoming disengage request (DRQ) message. This limitation resulted in data from the DRQ of the other gateway not being included in the accounting. For intrazone calls the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature allows the gatekeeper to generate start and stop records based on each ARQ and DRQ; that is, two start and stop records are generated for each call.

Gatekeeper IEC Logging

The gateway collects IECs for all call legs involved in a call and reports them to the gatekeeper in a DRQ message during call release. The gateway also sends RSI information in the DRQ message. The gatekeeper then logs the RSI and IEC information in RADIUS accounting stop records.

IEC Differences in Gateway and Gatekeeper Accounting

On the gateway an IEC is logged in to a stop accounting record for the call leg that encountered the error. If an error occurred in the VTSP call leg, an IEC is logged in the telephony stop record; no IEC is recorded in the VoIP stop record, and vice versa. Figure 9 shows the differences between gateway and gatekeeper accounting. On the gatekeeper, the two call legs, telephony and VoIP, are treated as one call leg, with IEC information merged from both originating gateway (Gateway 1) call legs. The DRQ message to the gatekeeper therefore contains IECs combined from both the telephony and VoIP call legs for a particular call. From the gatekeeper perspective, the second call leg is the terminating gateway (Gateway 2) call leg. This call leg records accounting information received as well.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Figure 9

Differences in Gateway and Gatekeeper Accounting


Leg 1

Leg 2

DRQ Gateway 1

DRQ Gateway 2

Leg 1 Telephony

Leg 2 VoIP

Leg 3 Telephony

Leg 4 VoIP

IEC and RSI Format in DRQ

IEC and RSI information is communicated in the RasnonStdUsageInformation field in the usageInformation information element (IE) of the DRQ message. The following example shows a partial DRQ message:
value RasnonStdUsageInformation ::= { rasMessageSpecificData drqRasnonStdUsageData : { callReleaseSource internalReleaseInVoipLeg :NULL iecInfo { '10105480022C0000'H

The 64-bit IECs are communicated as an array of eight characters (of size eight bits). The callReleaseSource is communicated as an enumerated value.

Gatekeeper-Initiated Release Scenario

Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T, if the gatekeeper forcefully initiates a release for an active call by sending a DRQ message, then no IEC is generated. The IEC feature does not support gatekeeper-generated IECs. The ReleaseSource VSA for this scenario indicates a value of gatekeeper; however, there is no InternalErrorCode VSA. Starting with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T, the capability was expanded so that gatekeeper-detected errors that cause the gateway to release or refuse a call are covered. The IEC generated at the gatekeeper is sent in the ARJ/DRQ RAS message to the gateway. The gateway then sends the IEC in a RADIUS accounting record. The gatekeeper IEC clearly identifies:

Physical network entity that encountered the error Type of error (category or class) Subsystem within that entity Subsystem-defined error code Private diagnostic code to allow developers to better pinpoint the software point of failure

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Release Source Extension

Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)T, both gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol (GKTMP) server-released calls were treated as gatekeeper-released calls, and were indicated by an RSI value of external call control agent. The Cisoc IOS Release 12.3(2)T version provides extended release source values for GKTMP server and gatekeeper. RSI information is passed in the NonStandardUsageData parameter field of the ARJ and DRQ messages from the gatekeeper to gateway during call tear down. There is no change in the GKTMP interface; instead the context of the release scenario is used to determine the RSI value at the gatekeeper. For example, the receipt of a RESPONSE.ARJ message from the route server results in an RSI value of external gktmp server. Similarly, a forced release from gatekeeper using the clear h323 gatekeeper call command results in the RSI value of gatekeeper.

Release Source Values

With respect to a single network, the following release sources are possible:

Calling party located in the PSTN Calling party located in the VoIP network Called party located in the PSTN Called party located in the VoIP network Internal release in a POTS leg Internal release in a VoIP leg Internal call-control application (for example, Tool Command Language (Tcl) or Voice eXtensible Markup Language (VXML) script Internal release in VoIP authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) CLI or Man Machine Language (MML) External RADIUS server External network management application External call control agent Gatekeeper External GKTMP server

Obtaining IECs
Choose one or more of the following options to obtain IEC information:

Display IECs as they are encountered in real time by enabling syslog messages. The IEC is not included in syslog-accounting records. For more information on enabling syslog messages, refer to the chapter Task 2. Enabling Syslog of Enabling Management Protocols: NTP, SNMP, and Syslog. Display running and interval IEC counters, and IEC descriptor strings using CLI commands. Export IEC counts to a specified server. For more information, refer to Voice Call Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways. Retrieve IEC and RSI information using Tcl IVR 2.0 scripts. For more information on using Tcl scripts with the IEC feature, refer to Supplemental Tcl IVR API Version 2.0 Programmers Guide.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

If you use call detail recording (CDR) templates to filter VSAs that are included in accounting records to the RADIUS server, you must add the IEC VSA to the CDR template if you want to display IEC VSAs.
Sample IEC Syslog Message

The following example shows an IEC-generated syslog message:

Oct 14 17:13:21.534:%VOICE_IEC-3-GW:CCAPI:Internal Error (Trunk-group select fail):IEC= on callID 62 GUID=11C79B82DECF11D68044C61A8D4F75E3

Sample IEC Syslog Message for Gatekeeper

The following example shows an IEC-generated system logging (syslog) message for gatekeeper:
Oct 14 17:13:21.534:%VOICE_IEC-3-GK:Internal Error (DRQ in progress):IEC= on ConfID 243 GUID=123a2b0912345678

If there is no call leg context, the ConfID is -1, and the GUID field is blank.
Sample RADIUS VSA Internal Error Code

The following example shows a partial RADIUS stop accounting record for an IEC:
[Vendor 9/1] cisco-avpair = "internal-error-code="

Sample Call History Record

The show call history voice command displays VSA information in the following format:

Sample Dial Control MIB Entry

The IEC entry is controlled by the following indexes:

cCallHistoryIndex, which indicates IECs related to a specific call history record. cCallHistoryIecIndex, which is used if there is more than one IEC for a call history record.

The following example shows a partial Dial Control MIB table entry for an IEC:
CCallHistoryIecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cCallHistoryIecIndex cCallHistoryIec }

Unsigned32, SnmpAdminString

The following example shows the use of the management tool command getmany to obtain the IEC:
getmany cCallHistoryIec cCallHistoryIec.5.1 = getmany cCallHistory cCallHistorySetupTime.5 = 8540739 cCallHistoryPeerAddress.5 = 4085550190 cCallHistoryPeerSubAddress.5 = cCallHistoryPeerId.5 = 1112224 cCallHistoryPeerIfIndex.5 = 213 cCallHistoryLogicalIfIndex.5 = 108 cCallHistoryDisconnectCause.5 = 3F cCallHistoryDisconnectText.5 = service or option not available, unspecified (63) cCallHistoryConnectTime.5 = 0 cCallHistoryDisconnectTime.5 = 8540740 cCallHistoryCallOrigin.5 = answer(2) cCallHistoryChargedUnits.5 = 0 cCallHistoryInfoType.5 = speech(2) cCallHistoryTransmitPackets.5 = 0 cCallHistoryTransmitBytes.5 = 0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

cCallHistoryReceivePackets.5 = 0 cCallHistoryReceiveBytes.5 = 0 cCallHistoryReleaseSrc.5 = calledPartyInVoip(4) cCallHistoryIec.5.1 =

In the preceding example, 5 is the index of the call history record and 1 is the index of the IEC for that record. The following example shows the use of the indexes and the management tool command getone to obtain the IEC directly:
getone cCallHistoryIec.5.1 cCallHistoryIec.5.1 =

Internal Error Code Notation

The IEC value takes the form of a dotted string of decimal numbers: version.entity.category.subsystem.errorcode.diagnosticcode. Table 11 describes the six fields that identify the components of the IEC.
Table 11 IEC Fields

IEC Field version entity

Field Definition Indicates the IEC version. The value 1 indicates the current version. Indicates the network physical entity (hardware system) that generated the IEC. The value 1 is assigned to the gateway. Indicates an error category, defined in terms of ITU-based Q.850 cause codes and VoIP network errors. Indicates the specific subsystem within the physical entity where the IEC was generated. Identifies the error code within the subsystem. Indicates a Cisco internal diagnostic value. Report this value to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).


subsystem error code diagnostic code

The entity field indicates the network signaling entity that generated the IEC. A value of 1 in this field indicates the IEC is generated by the gateway.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Category Codes
Cisco VoIP IEC category codes
Cisco VoIP IEC categories range from 1 to 278, allowing an exact category of error to be specified in the category field of an IEC. With the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature, the concept of error categories combines and extends the existing Q.850 cause codes to handle VoIP-specific errors as well. IEC category codes are specified as follows:

The value range 1 to 127 is equivalent to ITU-based Q.850 cause codes defined for PSTN networks. The value range 128 to 278 is defined based on VoIP network errors. A mapping is maintained between these error categories to corresponding Q.850 codes (1 to 127 range).


Only the H.323 and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) subsystems implement an approach to generate disconnect cause codes or Q.850 PSTN cause codes based on error categories. The disconnect cause is chosen based on the mapping from the corresponding error category. You can configure this mapping using CLI. This correspondence of IEC error category and Q.850 disconnect cause is implemented only for SIP and H.323 internal errors, and is not implemented for other subsystems in this release. For more information on SIP and H.323 cause codes, refer to Internal Cause Code Consistency Between SIP and H.323. Table 12 shows the category codes outside the Q.850 range, their descriptions, and the default Q.850 cause code used for each error category. The Q.850 cause codes for these categories can be changed using CLI.
Table 12 VoIP Error Category Codes

Category 128 129 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 228 278

Description Destination address resolution failure Call setup timeout Internal communication error External communication Error Software error Software resources unavailable Hardware resources unavailable Capability exchange failure QoS error RTP/RTCP receive timer expired or bearer layer failure Signaling socket failure Gateway or signaling interface taken out of service User denied access to this service Media negotiation failure due to nonexisting codec

Default Q.850 code 3 102 41 41 47 47 47 41 49 41 38 38 50 65

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Gatekeeper Category Codes

Cisco gatekeeper IEC categories range from 1 to 24, allowing an exact category of error to be specified in the category field of an IEC. Table 13 shows the category codes for gatekeeper IECs.
Table 13 Gatekeeper IEC Category Codes

Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Description Called party not registered Invalid permission Request denied Undefined reason Caller not registered Route call to gatekeeper Invalid endpoint ID Resource unavailable Security denial QoS control not supported Incomplete address Alias inconsistent Route call to SCN Exceeds capacity Error while collecting destination Error while collecting PIN Generic data reason Needed feature unsupported Software resource unavailable External communication error Software error Socket failure Normal disconnect Force disconnect

Subsystem Codes
Together the subsystem and error codes pinpoint the exact error that cause the call to be released. IECs are reported for the subsystems defined in Table 14.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 14

Subsystem Codes

Subsystem Code 1 2 3

Subsystem CCAPI Tcl IVR Application Framework (AFW) Default Session Application (SSAPP) H.323 SIP VTSP Application Framework Session Application (AFSAPP)

Description Call control messaging layer that sits between the session applications and the signaling-protocol legs. Session applications that are scripted in Tcl IVR 2.0. Library that implements Tcl verbs and VXML tags. Executes functionality such as placing a call, collecting digits, playing prompts, and so on. Formerly the default session application that controls the call when an inbound-matched dial peer is not configured with any application or with application default. Subsystem that performs call signaling for the H.323 VoIP leg. Subsystem that performs call signaling for the SIP VoIP leg. Subsystem that performs call signaling for the telephony leg. Default session application that controls the call when an inbound-matched dial peer is not configured with any application or with application default.

5 7 9 10

Error Codes
The Error Code field of the IEC dotted-decimal string value indicates the subsystem-defined error code. Codes 1 through 20 are common to all subsystems and may occur in several places within a subsystem; for these errors, the point of failure can be further isolated by referring to the unique diagnostic code field. Subsystem-specific error codes begin at 21.


The diagnostic code field is a Cisco internal code. Report this code to Cisco TAC for troubleshooting assistance. The following tables, Table 15 through Table 22, are organized by subsystem and show error code values, descriptors, associated explanation, and category codes.
Table 15 Error Codes for Subsystem 1 (CCAPI)

Code 1

Descriptor No memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. 181

No buffers

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 15

Error Codes for Subsystem 1 (CCAPI) (continued)

Code 3 4 5

Descriptor CPU high Low memory No dial peer match

Explanation Call is rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call is rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded.

Category 181 181

No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. Some unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. 182 179 185 180

6 7 8 9

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments


Invalid State


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication

179 178


Software error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. An outbound dial peer could not be used 181 because the configured maximum number of connections for the dial peer had been reached. An outbound dial peer could not be used 28 because the configured numbering type did not match the type specified in the call. The system failed to select an available interface among the trunk group specified for use by a matching dial peer. An error occurred in processing caller ID information. 182


Gateway or interface OOS


Dial peer connections exceeded


Incompatible number type


Trunk-group select fail


Caller-ID processing failure


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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 15

Error Codes for Subsystem 1 (CCAPI) (continued)

Code 25 26

Descriptor Resource busy No application

Explanation The system could not find an application to take the incoming call. Check your call application and dial peer configurations. The event points to a session application that no longer exists and is being discarded. An incoming call setup indication was received, bearing the same globally unique identifier (GUID) as a call in existence. The call is being rejected because a loop is suspected. An incoming call was rejected because configured call spike thresholds were exceeded.

Category 180

A resource needed to service the call was busy. 181

27 28

Application no longer exists Incoming loop

180 180


Call spike threshold



Inbound dial peer blocked

A matched dial peer could not be used to find 181 an inbound application because the permission setting on it blocked its use as an inbound dial peer. As a result, no application could be found to handle the call. A matched dial peer could not be used to place 181 the call because the configured permission on it contradicted its use as an outbound dial peer. The maximum number of handoffs between applications for a single call has been exceeded. Check your application scripts to make sure there is no infinite loop within the applications. A call handoff attempt between applications failed because the applications were incompatible. Tcl IVR 1.0 applications are incompatible with Tcl IVR 2.0 or VXML applications. 180


Outbound dial peer blocked


Handoff depth reached


Incompatible apps for handoff



No dial peer interface

A matched dial peer could not be used for the 180 outbound leg because there was no appropriate interface for the dial peer type. This condition may be a software or configuration error. The tag identifier for the problematic dial peer is provided in the diagnostic field (the last component) of the six-part IEC string. Check your dial peer configuration. Some data structure or process that should have been created at system initialization is missing. Report the IEC to customer support. 180


System init error

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Table 16

Error Codes for Subsystem 2 (Tcl IVR)

Code 1

Descriptor No Memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call is rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call is rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

3 4 5

CPU high Low memory No dial peer match

181 181

No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. 182 179

6 7 8

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error

185 Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. This is logged by the script when it specifies media_inactivity_err as the IEC to be used for the disconnect. Invalid arguments were passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. 180

Invalid arguments


Invalid state


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication


178 An internal process communication error occurred. This usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. An internal software error occurred. Please report the entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. 180


Software error


Gateway or interface OOS

The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 16

Error Codes for Subsystem 2 (Tcl IVR) (continued)

Code 21

Descriptor Script syntax

Explanation An error was detected while parsing a Tcl script. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more detailed information.

Category 180


Bad FSM event

180 A Tcl IVR script specified an unrecognized event in the definition of the finite state machine (FSM). Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more detailed information. A Tcl IVR script specified invalid arguments 180 when invoking a Tcl command procedure. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more detailed information. 180 A Tcl script tried to access an unrecognized infotag, or it may have tried to use a recognized infotag in an unsupported mode (for example, issues a get command on a set-only infotag or vice versa). Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more detailed information. 180 A Tcl script tried to execute an action or command that was invalid, or invalid given the state it was in. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more detailed information. This call was rejected because it matched the profile defined for calls to be blocked. 228


Invalid args in script


Unsupported infotag


Invalid action in script

26 27

Call blocked by CLI Settlement check failure

An inbound call was rejected because it failed 228 OSP settlement checking, due to one of the following conditions:

An OSP token was required and no valid one was found. An OSP token was included in the SETUP indication when none was expected. 180


vxmldialog failed

The Tcl IVR application failed to initiate the VXML dialog. Turn on VXML debugging for more detailed information.


Can't set up prompt

A Tcl script terminated execution on failure of 47 the media play command because the prompt initialization failed. Possible causes:

A syntax error in the specification of prompt tokens Misconfiguration of language prompt-file locations.

Enable the debug voip ivr dynamic and debug voip ivr error commands for more detailed information.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 16

Error Codes for Subsystem 2 (Tcl IVR) (continued)

Code 30

Descriptor Wrong state for media



A Tcl script requested a media operation, for 180 example, play, stop, or seek, on one or more legs that were in a conferenced state, or where there was a VXML dialog active. A Tcl script terminated because an infotag retrieval failed. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more information. 180


Get infotag failed


Set infotag failed

A Tcl script terminated because an infotag set 180 operation failed. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more information. An error was encountered while interpreting a 180 180 Tcl script. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more information. 180 The application was unable to use one of the callinfo parameters for setup; for example, the octet 3 or octet 3a fields, redirect IE, and GUID. Enable the debug voip ivr error command for more information. The application could not run because it required an incompatible version of Tcl IVR. 180


TCL script error


Bad callinfo params

35 36

Version mismatch Media request failed

A Tcl script terminated a call because an error 181 status was reported by the media layer in the ev_media_done event. This indicates a failure in the execution of media play or some other media operation requested by the script. The script may choose to ignore the error, or it can opt to terminate the call, specifying this IEC, media_done_err, as the reason for the disconnect. 179 The error is logged by the Tcl script when it fails to collect digits in response to a prompt and decides to terminate the call because of the failure. The failure may be normal, that is, the caller did not enter any digits, or it may be due to an actual error in software or hardware. This IEC is logged by the script when it specifies collectdigits_done_err as the IEC associated with the disconnect. The error code is set by the Tcl script when it terminates the call because it has received an indication that connectivity to the accounting server is lost. This IEC is logged when the script specifies accounting_conn_err as the IEC associated with the disconnect. 179


Digit collect failed


Accounting conn err

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 16

Error Codes for Subsystem 2 (Tcl IVR) (continued)

Code 39

Descriptor Authentication err

Explanation The error code is set by the Tcl script when it terminates a call because of error status reported on an ev_authenticate_done event. The script logs this error by specifying authenticate_done_err as the IEC associated with the disconnect.

Category 179


Authorization err

The error code is set by the Tcl script when it 179 terminates a call because of error status reported on an ev_authorize_done event. The script logs this error by specifying authorize_done_err as the IEC associated with the disconnect. The error is logged by the Tcl script when the 180 attribute type in the AAA av pair specified in the script is not supported.


AAA invalid attribute type

Table 17

Error Codes for Subsystem 3 (Application Framework)

Code 1

Descriptor No Memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call was rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call was rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

CPU high


Low memory


No dial peer match

No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. 182 179 185 180

6 7 8 9

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments

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Table 17

Error Codes for Subsystem 3 (Application Framework) (continued)

Code 10

Descriptor Invalid State

Explanation An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration.

Category 180

11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication

179 178


Software error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. The maximum number of connections for the leg has been exceeded. An attempt to bridge yet another connection on the leg failed. The specified target application for a call handoff was not found on the gateway. A matched dial peer could not be used for the outbound leg because the gateway cannot translate between the inbound and outbound protocols. OSP settlement checking failed for an outbound call. 180


Gateway or interface OOS


Leg connections maxed

22 23

Handoff app not found Incompatible protocols

180 47

24 25

OSP Fail dial peer deleted


A dial peer that was being used for a call setup 47 was deleted (through CLI) before the call could be initiated. An outbound dial peer matching this call's parameters specified an interface that was in use and unavailable. 182


Interface busy


App can't handoff

An application tried to place an outbound call 180 using a dial peer configured with an outbound application. However, the first application does not support call handoff, so cannot pass the call to the second application. A Tcl script tried to issue a leg setup continue 180 command when a previous setup continue command was still outstanding. The call was rejected because it matched the profile defined for calls to be blocked. 228


Illegal "setup continue"


Call blocked by CLI

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Table 18

Error Codes for Subsystem 4 (Default Session Application)

Code 1

Descriptor No Memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

3 4 5

CPU high Low memory No dial peer match

181 181

No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. Insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments were passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. 182 179 185 180

6 7 8 9

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments


Invalid State


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication

179 178


Software error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. A loop was detected while processing a 128 redirected call. The new destination matches a previously seen redirect address.


Gateway or interface OOS


Leg connections maxed

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Table 18

Error Codes for Subsystem 4 (Default Session Application) (continued)

Code 22

Descriptor Handoff app not found



Either an OSP token was detected in the setup 47 message, or the dial peer configuration specified that settlement is to be used for this call. However, the default or session application configured to handle this call does not support the OSP protocol. Check the dial peer configuration and ensure that an OSP-capable application is defined. The call was rejected because it matched the profile defined for incoming calls to be blocked. An outbound dial peer matching this call's parameters specified an interface that was in use and unavailable. Either the default application timed out waiting for the user to enter digits for the called number, or an INFO message arrived with zero-length called number. 228


Incompatible protocols


OSP Fail



dial peer deleted


26 27 28

Interface busy App can't handoff Illegal "setup continue"

The user entered an excessive number of digits 28 for the called number. Digit collection is not supported on the interface or protocol that originated this call. The number of calls serviced by this gateway has exceeded the total number permitted, as defined by the call threshold global total-calls command. The maximum number of redirects (call forwarding) allowed for a call has been exceeded. 79 181


Call blocked by CLI


Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323)

Code 1

Descriptor No memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

3 4

CPU high Low memory

181 181

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Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 5

Descriptor No dial peer match



No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. 182 179 185 180

6 7 8 9

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments


Invalid state


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication

179 178


Software error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. 127 The H.323 subsystem routinely provides specific IEC information, depending upon the source of an error. This IEC indicates that the exact source of an error is not available in this instance. Timeout occurred waiting for the callproc or alerting messages. The calling party is given the response No user responding, and the called party is given the response Recovery on timer expiry as specified by Q931. Setup was sent; callproc, alert, or progress messages were already received; and timeout occurred waiting for connect message. 18


Gateway or interface OOS


H323 interworking error


No usr responding, H225 timeout


No answer from user



ARQ wait timeout

A timeout occurred while waiting for response 41 for admission request sent to the gatekeeper.

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Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 25 26

Descriptor BRQ wait timeout ANNEX E restart remote



A timeout occurred while waiting for response 41 for bandwidth request sent to the gatekeeper. The system received an Annex E RESTART message from the remote end. All calls with CRVs corresponding with destination address were cleared. The H.225 message was received with one of the following:



H225 invalid msg


An invalid CRV Parse error Mandatory IE missing Message out of sequence Wrong IE length Wrong IEC content 96


Setup no called no

Received H.225 setup message and the mandatory field, called number, was not present. The H.225 message received on parsing the H.225 message found an ASN decode error.

29 30 31

H225 ASN error Wait RAS Cfm msg bad ACF, call redirected


The system received an unexpected message in 101 a state waiting for RAS CFM message. 128 In response to the ARQ, the gatekeeper returned as the destination IP address in the Admission confirm (ACF). This is an attempt to redirect the call by the gatekeeper. During an originating call attempt, the DNS/Enum resolution fails. During call setup attempt using an alternate endpoint, the gatekeeper found that there are no alternate endpoints to try. A new call is not allowed due to RAS not ready, that is, the gateway is not registered to the gatekeeper. Received setup message at terminating endpoint, failed to get a valid unique CRV value. Encoding and sending of terminal capability request failed. Encoding and sending of end session acknowledgement PDU failed. Encoding and sending of end session PDU failed. 128 128

32 33

Setup, DNS fail Setup no alternate


Setup, GW not registered



SETUP, next CRV invalid


36 37 38

TCS encode send End session ack send End session send

180 180 180

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Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 39 40 41 42

Descriptor Userinput send Userinput upd send Userinput alpha send TCS ack fail

Explanation Encoding and sending of user input signal PDU failed. Encoding and sending of user input signal update PDU failed. Encoding and sending of user input alpha signal PDU failed. The H.245 capability state machine failed to send TCS acknowledgement for the received TCS request.

Category 180 180 180 180

43 44

TCS rej send fail TCS rel sent

The H.245 capability state machine failed to 180 send TCS reject for the received TCS request. The H.245 capability state machine received a 180 TCS request, and received an internal event to send the TCS release request. During H.225 PDU send operation, an error 180 occurred in memory allocation or socket queue was full. Encoding and sending of ALERT PDU failed. 180 Encoding and sending of Call Proceeding PDU 180 failed. Encoding and sending of PROGRESS PDU failed. Encoding and sending of INFO PDU failed. Encoding and sending of USER INFO PDU failed. Encoding and sending of FACILITY PDU failed. Encoding and sending of SUSPEND PDU failed. 180


SETUP send resource fail

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

ALERT send failed CallProc send failed PROGRESS send failed NOTIFY send failed INFO send failed USER INFO send failed FACILITY send failed SUSPEND send failed SUSPEND REJ send failed RESUME send failed PASSTHRU send failed CONNECT send failed SETUP ACK send failed RSCMSM interface unavail

Encoding and sending of NOTIFY PDU failed. 180 180 180 180 180

Encoding and sending of SUSPEND REJECT 180 PDU failed. Encoding and sending of RESUME PDU failed. Encoding and sending of PASSTHRU PDU failed. Encoding and sending of CONNECT PDU failed. Encoding and sending of SETUP ACK PDU failed. RSCMSM call admission control (CAC) interface unavailable due to resource failure. 180 180 180 180 181

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Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 60 61 62 63 64

Descriptor H245 sock start fail Call entry no mem Timeout h245 conn TCS ack wait timeout MS status indetermine

Explanation H.245 listening socket failed to start. During the outgoing call, a resource failure occurred for call entry data structure. H.245 connection wait timeout occcurred. In the capability state machine, timer expiry occurred waiting for the TCS ACK message.

Category 181 181 183 183

In the MSD state machine, the MSD request is 183 received from remote, and the result of master slave status is indeterminate. This status occurs if sent and received random numbers are the same, or if both the local and remote terminal types are same. In the MSD state machine, MSD ACK is received from remote end but there is a disagreement in the MSD result. 183


MSD result disagreement



The gateway sent the MSD request, but neither 183 the incoming MSD or MSD ACK message was received. 183 The gateway sent the MSD request, the incoming MSD was received from the remote end, and MSD ACK was sent to the remote end in response. The expected MSD ACK message was not received from the remote. 183 In the MSD state machine, the MSD request was sent and the MSD reject was received from the remote end. MSD requests are sent for a fixed maximum number of retries before release. In the MSD state machine, the MSD request was sent, and the MSD release indication was received from the remote end. 183


MSD ACK timeout


MSD rej received


MSD rel received


OLC ACK T103 timeout

In the OLC state machine, T103 timer expired 183 waiting for the OLC ACK message in response to the sent OLC message. Received QoS failure for non sync RSVP on IP-IP gateway, indicating minimum QoS was provided, not best effort. 184


IPIP QoS Failure


BW > config, min QoS not best

The bandwidth in bearer capability exceeds the 184 maximum configured, and minimum QoS was provided, not best effort. This error occurs during build of nonstandard QoS IE for setup or call processing messages.

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Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 73

Descriptor NonStd min QoS not best



184 Received setup or call processing message with QoS in nonstandard parameter; the remote end did not have enough bandwidth to support RSVP. The acceptable QoS for audio was not best effort, and remote minimum QoS was provided, not best effort. Received RSVP failure and QoS treatment 184 specifies that the gateway abort the call, because the minimum QoS was not best effort. Received fast start setup for QoS and remote 184 minimum QoS was not best effort, but desired QoS was best effort. The H.225 state machine received a slow start 184 H.225 Setup, with no H.245 address in Setup; that was not a sigonly call and remote minimum QoS was not best effort. Received external QoS release from QoS resource manager for either the outgoing or incoming H.225 QoS call setup request. 184


RSVP fail treat abort


Fast QoS mismatch


Slow QoS mismatch


H225, QoS release

78 79

Fallback chk fail H225 chn, sock fail

In the H.225 state machine, the fallback check 184 failed. During H.225 connection establishment, the channel connection failed due to TCP socket error. The session target in the dial peer directly points to the remote VoIP endpoint. During H.225 connection establishment, in a call attempt to an alternate endpoint, the channel connection failed due to TCP socket error. 186


Alt h225 chn sock fail



H225 chn, sock fail in RAS

During H.225 connection establishment (new 186 connection), the channel connection failed due to TCP socket error. The dial peer has a session target of RAS. During H.245 connection establishment, the channel connection failed due to TCP socket error. An error occurred during the setup PDU send operation on socket connection for H..225. This error occurs under the following conditions:


H245, chn sock fail



SETUP send sock fail


If the remote IP is a reachable address for pinging, but is not a valid H.323 endpoint. If there is an ASN.1 encoding error for setup PDU. 228


Preauth fail

Preauthentication attempt failed.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 19

Error Codes for Subsystem 5 (H.323) (continued)

Code 85

Descriptor OLC bandwidth exceeded



Received an OLC with bandwidth requirement 278 that exceeds the configured value for acc-QoS for that media type. Received OLC indication when waiting for OLC ACK; the codecs in OLC did not match. Also the connection attempt was an asymmetric codec retry. The H.245 state machine received an OLC reject message. The H.225 state machine received an H.225 fast SETUP message during build of an OLC ACK and found that there was no matching codec. The OLC state machine received a bandwidth reject message. Received TCS ACK, but the negotiated codec result was none when call type was not passthrough. In the capability state machine, codec capabilities received from the remote end in the incoming TCS are not supported. 278


OLC ind asymmetric codec

87 88

Received OLC rej Fast codec mismatch

278 278

89 90

OLC m/c, rcvd bw rej TCS ACK neg codec none

278 278


Cap not supported



TCS rej received

In the capability state machine, after sending a 278 TCS request, a TCS reject was received from the remote end. There was no negotiated codec or DTMF relayed mode based on the local or remote capabilities. 278


Negotiated codec/T-man none


MSD send fail

Encoding and sending of Master Slave Request 180 failed.

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP)

Code 1

Descriptor No memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

3 4

CPU high Low memory

181 181

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Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 5

Descriptor No dial peer match



No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. Insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. 182 179 185 180

6 7 8 9

No DSP resource Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments


Invalid state


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication

179 178


Software error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. The CCSIP subsystem provides IEC information depending upon the source of an error. This IEC indicates that specific information was not available. Use SIP debug tools to help in troubleshooting. 127


Gateway or interface OOS


SIP interworking error


Hold/Retrieve Timeout

A call was placed on hold with a configurable 41 timer started, and a timeout occurred for the retrieve operation. 95 An incoming request message was received with a CallID that is not currently in use; that is, there was a mismatch in associating CallID with the current call control block. An INVITE was sent, a 2xx response was received but the destination Session Description Protocol (SDP) body was unavailable. 96


Request, CallID unused


2xx, dest SDP null

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 25

Descriptor ACK, dest SDP null

Explanation An ACK request was received but the destination SDP body was unavailable for the delayed media call. A mid-call INVITE was sent, a 2xx response was received, but the destination SDP body was unavailable. The SIP contact header was missing in incoming SIP redirect (3xx) or 485 messages. An incoming request message was received with the following conditions:

Category 96


2xx, dest SDP null


27 28

Redirect contact null Request, missing From/To

96 96

From, to, or both mandatory fields were missing There was an error in parsing the from and to fields 96 96 96 97 97

29 30 31 32 33

Request, missing Via Request, missing CSeq Request, missing Contact Request, unknown method Request, Version bad

An incoming request message was received, and the mandatory field Via was missing. An incoming request message was received, and the mandatory field CSeq was missing. An incoming request message was received, and the mandatory field Contact was missing. An incoming request message was received with an unknown or invalid SIP method. An incoming request message was received with a SIP version that was not supported on the user agent. Invalid or unsupported Content-Disposition with mandatory handling was received in an 18x session progress message. INVITE with either invalid header contents, SDP, or VIA parameters was received. An incoming request message was received and encountered an error in parsing the Via field. An incoming request message was received that generated an error in parsing the CSeq field. An incoming request message was received that generated an error in parsing the Contact field. An incoming request message was received with a Require header field containing an option tag with an unsupported extension.


18x, invalid disptype


35 36

INVITE, invalid IE content Request, parse Via

100 100


Request, parse CSeq



Request, parse Contact



Request, extension bad


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Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 40

Descriptor Request, Record-Route bad

Explanation An incoming request message was received with a Record-Route header field in a malformed format. An incoming request message was received with a Diversion header field in a malformed format. An unknown SIP response message was received while the system was waiting for an INVITE response.

Category 100


Request, Diversion bad



Sent INVITE, bad msg



Bad msg for state

During an outgoing resource reservation state, 101 an unexpected SIP response message was received for the current call state. During an outgoing call, a session target found 128 null. During an outgoing call, a session target parse 128 failed. During an outgoing call, an invalid session target type occurred. 128

44 45 46 47 48

Session trgt null Session trgt parse Session trgt invalid DNS query fail INVITE, DNS qry fail

For an outgoing call, a DNS lookup of session 128 target failed. A failure response, rcvd target addr null, was received for the DNS query that was sent to resolve the contact in the received invite/FQDN in SDP. 128


ACK, DNS qry fail

A failure response, rcvd target addr null, was 128 received for the DNS query that was sent to resolve the contact in the received FQDN message in SDP after the 200 OK message was sent A failure response, rcvd target addr null, was received for the DNS query that was sent to resolve the contact or SDP FQDN message in the received mid-INVITE request. 128


MID-INVITE, dns qry fail


100, DNS qry fail

DNS lookup failure for the Contact 128 header/FQDN message that was received in the SIP response message. A failure response, rcvd target addr null, was received for the DNS query that was sent for contact resolution, after a QoS progress message has been sent. Upon the system receiving a 3xx response on an outbound call during redirect procedure, a redirect loop was encountered. 128


DNS qry fail


3xx, redirect loop


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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 54

Descriptor 3xx, redirect max



Upon the system receiving a 3xx response on 128 an outbound call during redirect procedure, the maximum number of redirects was exceeded. Upon the system receiving a 3xx response on 128 an outbound call during redirect procedure, all contact choices were exhausted. A failure response, rcvd contact list null, was received for the query that was sent for enum resolution. 128


3xx, redirect exhaust


Enum resolution fail


Contact not resolved

The INVITE Contact or Record Route was not 128 resolved to an IP address and port due to one of the following:

The user answered the call. A loopback event was received from the session application during the connection attempt. 129

58 59

Setup conn timeout 1xx wait timeout

No response was received for the socket connection request.

Retries were exhausted for sending INVITEs 129 while waiting for 1xx response, and no redirect information was available. Retries were exhausted for PRACK retransmission. Retries were exhausted for COMET retransmission. Retries were exhausted for sending rel1xx messages and waiting for PRACK. 129 129 129

60 61 62 63

200 wait timeout 200 wait timeout PRACK wait timeout

PRACK wait timeout & state bad This condition occurs when the system tries to 129 resend the rel1xx while waiting for a PRACK message, but the call state is wrong. Session app rsp timeout An INVITE request was received and timeout occurred while the system waited for a response to the SETUP sent from the session application. Retries were exhausted for sending midcall INVITE, while waiting for 1xx response and not trying DNS. Retries were exhausted after sending 200 OK message and waiting for ACK. 129



1xx wait timeout


66 67

ACK wait timeout ACK wait timeout


Error occurs if the connection attempt is in an 129 active state and ACK is not received after retries were exhausted sending 200 OK for the initial incoming INVITE.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 68 69 70

Descriptor 200 wait timeout Xfer 2xx wait timeout Connect wait timeout

Explanation Retries were exhausted sending INVITE and waiting for the 200 OK. Failed call transfer, system timed out while waiting response for NOTIFY request.

Category 129 129

A timeout occurred after receiving a 200 OK in 129 response to an INVITE and trying to request a UDP/TCP connection to the endpoint specified in the Contact or Record Route headers in order to send the ACK. 129 Timeout occurred while waiting for the Info request on a UDP/ TCP connection. Can occur for user agent client (UAC) or user agent server (UAS). Received invite request, resource error in sending 200 OK response. Received PRACK message, resource error in sending 200 OK response. Sending PRACK message failed. Sending COMET message failed during retransmission. Sending 183 (progress) response message failed during transmission. 180 180 180 180 180


Info Req wait timeout

72 73 74 75 76 77 78

Send 200, rsrc fail Send 200, rsrc fail Send PRACK, rsrc fail Send COMET, rsrc fail Send 183, rsrc fail Send 180, rsrc fail Rcvd 3xx, contact parse

Sending of 180 response message failed during 180 transmission. Internal error or malformed Contact header encountered during SIP redirect (3xx) response processing. Resource failure during processing of the media changes. Encountered a resource error in launching a DNS query. Resource error in reinserting the associated call control block into table. A send operation for invite request failed. A send operation for notify request failed. A send operation for ACK request failed. A send operation for refer request failed. A send operation for refer response failed. 180

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Rsrc process media Err launch dns Err reinserting ccb INVITE send fail NOTIFY send fail ACK send fail REFER send fail REFER response send fail Call Hold fail

180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180

A hold operation failed on an active call while 180 resending the invite to the peer.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 88

Descriptor RSCMSM interface unavail



The voice CPU and memory resource monitor, 181 RSCMSM CAC interface, is unavailable due to resource failure. While creating a call entry, a resource failure occurred during call origination. Memory allocation failure for a redirect info structure creation during a SIP redirect (3xx) message process. 181 181

89 90

Call entry no mem Redirect info no mem


Setup, QoS mismatch

During an outgoing call, a mismatch occurred 184 in QoS or invalid reliable provisional response and QoS configuration. After 1xx Session progress receipt, QoS failure 184 in negotiation occurred while the system checked the configured req and acc QoS values against values in incoming message. Resource allocation failure occurred at RSVP layer for outgoing call. Retries were exhausted for sending QoS PROGRESS or resource reservation requests. Resource allocation failure occurred at RSVP layer for incoming call. During handling of INVITE, QoS failure in negotiation occurred while checking the configured req and acc QoS values against values in incoming message. 184 184 184 184


1xx, QoS mismatch

93 94 95 96

RSVP failure outgoing QoS retries crossed RSVP failure incoming INVITE, QoS mismatch


PRACK, QoS mismatch

184 During handling of PRACK, QoS failure in negotiation occurred while the system checked the configured req and acc QoS values against values in incoming message. 184 During handling of COMET, QoS failure in negotiation occurred while the system checked the local QoS values with those in received a=QoS:line in COMET. Fallback check failure for IP network quality occurred at either the originating or terminating gateway. 184


COMET, QoS mismatch


Fback chk fail


ACK send sock err

The success response for INVITE send has 186 been received; the socket returned an error for sending ACK. Sent INVITE and received 200 OK; TCP/UDP 186 connection to the endpoint specified in the contact or record route failed. A connection refused error occurred during a send operation with error 146. 186


Connection to contact fail


Socket conn refused

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 20

Error Codes for Subsystem 7 (SIP) (continued)

Code 103 104 105 106 107

Descriptor INVITE, Preauth fail 180, codec mismatch 183, codec mismatch 200, codec mismatch RE-INVITE, codec mismatch

Explanation Received INVITE; preauthentication attempt failed. Media negotiation failure occurred for incoming 180 Alerting responses. Media negotiation failure occurred for incoming 183 Session Progress responses. Media negotiation failure occurred for incoming 200 OK responses. A media information mismatch occurred for the media information received in re-INVITE with the media information previously received in INVITE. During processing of the ACK message in response to 200 OK, media negotiation failed due to a codec mismatch in delayed media processing. Sent mid-INVITE; received 2xx response and the media negotiation failed due to a codec mismatch. Media negotiation failure occurred for an incoming INVITE request. Media negotiation failure occurred for an incoming PRACK message.

Category 228 278 278 278 278


ACK, codec mismatch



2xx, codec mismatch


110 111

INVITE, codec mismatch PRACK, codec mismatch

278 278

Table 21

Error Codes for Subsystem 9 (VTSP)

Code 1

Descriptor No Memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 was exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory is exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. 181

No buffers

3 4 5

CPU high Low memory No dial peer match

Call rejected because the default or configured 181 CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call rejected because the default or configured 181 memory usage threshold has been exceeded. No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. 182

No DSP resource

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 21

Error Codes for Subsystem 9 (VTSP) (continued)

Code 7 8 9

Descriptor Socket error RTP inactivity error Invalid arguments

Explanation An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. Invalid arguments passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. An unexpected event was received while in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen.

Category 179 185 180


Invalid state


11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication


An internal process communication error 178 occurred. This usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. An attempt to change the DSP mode failed. An unspecified failure occurred in DSP interaction. DSP could not allocate chunk memory, indicating a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. The call was disconnected because no DSP resources were available. The call was disconnected because of some code error path. 182 182 182


Software error


Gateway or interface OOS

21 22 23

DSP mode change DSP unknown failure No DSP memory available

24 25 26 27

No DSP resource available Bad DSP parameters Codec incompatible DSP alarm

182 182

The call failed because of incompatible codec 182 types. DSP sent an alarm. Possible causes are:


Receiving a bad packet Receiving a wrong message A software problem


No voice cut through

The call failed because the voice path could not 182 be cut through.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 21

Error Codes for Subsystem 9 (VTSP) (continued)

Code 29

Descriptor Tie line misconfiguration

Explanation A tie-line call failed because of a misconfiguration of the tie line on the voice port. Check the tie-line string.

Category 180


Invalid call mode

An unknown call mode was specified to set up 180 a call. This condition usually indicates an internal software error. Failure to set up a call occurred on a deleted interface. This condition may happen if a call comes on an interface while the interface is being hot-swapped. 182


Interface deleted


TDM hairpinning failed

TDM hairpinning failed. This condition may 182 occur because of data structure allocation failure or because of actual hairpinning failure. Attempt to set the DSP to the specific digit mode failed. This condition also occurs when memory is exhausted. This condition occurs when memory is exhausted. 182


Set digit mode failed

34 35

Setup indication failed DSP timeout


Call failed because of a time out on waiting for 182 DSP action.

Table 22

Error Codes for Subsystem 10 (AFSAPP)

Code 1

Descriptor No memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 181 was exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory was exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Call rejected because default or configured CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. Call rejected because default or configured memory usage threshold has been exceeded. 181

No buffers

3 4 5

CPU high Low memory No dial peer match

181 181

No dial peer satisfied the match criteria for 128 accepting or handling the call. This condition usually indicates a dial peer misconfiguration. There were insufficient DSP resources to handle the call. An error occurred on a socket interface. Media (RTP/RTCP) inactivity timer expired for the call. 182 179 185

6 7 8

No DSP resource Socket error RTP Inactivity Error

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 22

Error Codes for Subsystem 10 (AFSAPP)

Code 9

Descriptor Invalid arguments

Explanation Invalid arguments were passed to a function. This condition usually indicates an internal software error.

Category 180


Invalid State

Some unexpected event was received while the 180 system was in a state that was inappropriate for processing such an event. The software timed out waiting for some response or event to happen. An internal process communication error occurred. This condition usually indicates some software error, but may also mean that some process was not running because of misconfiguration. 179 178

11 12

Timeout Inter-process communication


Software Error

An internal software error occurred. Report the 180 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. The gateway or signaling interfaces are being 187 taken out of service (forcefully or gracefully). A possible cause may be the signaling interface required to support the call has already been administratively shut down. OSP settlement checking failed for an outbound call. The call was rejected because it matched the profile defined for calls to be blocked. Diagnostic codes are the following:


Gateway or Interface OOS

21 22

OSP Fail Call blocked by CLI

228 228

1unassigned number 17user-busy 21call reject 28invalid number

23 24

Media request failed Digit collect failed

Indicates a failure in media play or some other 181 media operation. 179 The error occurred due to the session application failure to collect digits. The failure may be normal; that is, the caller did not enter any digits, or it may be due to an actual error in software or hardware. To interpret the diagnostic code, see Tcl IVR cd_xxx status codes in the Events and Status Codes chapter in the Tcl IVR API Version 2.0 Programming Guide.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 22

Error Codes for Subsystem 10 (AFSAPP)

Code 25

Descriptor Call setup failed



Call setup was not successful. To interpret the 179 diagnostic code, see Tcl IVR ls_xxx status codes in the Events and Status Codes chapter in the Tcl IVR API Version 2.0 Programming Guide. OSP settlement allocated a limited time for call 228 usage. The total time of the call has exceeded that usage.


Credit time has expired

Table 23 shows the standard internal error codes (numbered 1 through 14) and the new gatekeeper-specific error codes (numbered 21 through 45) added in Release 12.4(4)T.
Table 23 Error Codes for the Gatekeeper Subsystem

Code 1

Descriptor No memory



Dynamically allocated memory on the gateway 19 was exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. Packet or buffer memory was exhausted. This condition may indicate a temporary overload or a memory leak caused by faulty software. 19

No buffers

3 4

Timeout Software error

Call rejected because the default or configured 20 CPU usage threshold has been exceeded. An internal software error occurred. Report the 21 entire IEC string, including the diagnostic code field, to customer support. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. Error code not assignedreserved for future use. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use Code not assigned, reserved for future use

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Information About Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Table 23

Error Codes for the Gatekeeper Subsystem (continued)

Code 13 14 21

Descriptor Code not assigned, reserved for future use Call threshold exceeded GK server error

Explanation Error code not assignedreserved for future use. ARQ came, but because the call threshold is exceeded, this ARQ cannot be processed. Error in processing the GKTMP message. Server is trying to modify a field that should not be modified. Gateway is out of resources, so no more calls can be routed. Address resoultion was not successful. Could not find the GW to route. LRQ/LRQs were sent to the remote GK, but the GK could not resolve. Mandatory endpoint identifier field in the incoming ARQ is invalid or not present. Badly formatted server message. GK/GKAPI could not process. Proxy selection failed. There is no session bandwith to process the incoming ARQ.

Category 0 8 20

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

GW out of resource Could not find an available GW for routing LRQ fail Invalid endpoint ID Bad message from server Proxy selection failed No session bandwidth No total bandwidth Invalid CAT token present Endpoint killed

14 8 20 7 20 8 3

There is no total bandwith to process incoming 3 ARQ. Incoming ARQ did not have a valid CAT to authenticate. 9

GK had sent a request AAA/Route server/OSP 8 server. When the response came, the endpoint was deleted. GK had sent a request AAA/Route server/OSP 8 server. When the response came, DRQ is in progress. GK sent a request to the route server, but no server responded. Proxy session failed, so admission is denied. 20 8


DRQ in progress

33 34 35

No server responded Dest proxy not found Incomplete address

No destination Info alias and no destination IP 11 address, and no pointers to remote zones or carriers. Remote or interzone bandwidth is not available. 3

36 37 38

Bandwidth not available Unable to send ACF Duplicate CRV

ACF was prepared, but could not be sent. ASN 22 or socket error. Answer ARQ came with a CRV that is already 21 being processed at the GK.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes How to Configure IEC Options

Table 23

Error Codes for the Gatekeeper Subsystem (continued)

Code 39 40 41

Descriptor IZCT acc list denied No bandwidth No bandwidth during update request Forced disengage GK shutdown Aged call Acc list denied

Explanation IZCT access list denied. Bandwidth not available at the terminating GK. When a call is using a proxy or the call is intrazone, the call failed trying to update the bandwidth information in the call record. call delete CLI was used to forcefully delete the call. Call was deleted because the GK was shut down. Call was deleted because of aging. Access list denied.

Category 9 3 3

42 43 44 45

24 24 24 9

How to Configure IEC Options

This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring IEC Options, page 146 (optional) Verifying IEC Options, page 149 (optional)

Configuring IEC Options

No configuration is required to enable the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature. Select the following optional configuration tasks:

Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting, page 146 Configuring Cause Code Mapping, page 147 Troubleshooting Tips, page 148

Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting

This task enables IEC syslog reporting.

1. 2. 3.

enable configure terminal voice iec syslog

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes How to Configure IEC Options


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice iec syslog

(Optional) Enables syslog messages as IECs occur.

Router(config)# voice iec syslog

Configuring Cause Code Mapping

This task enables cause code mapping.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable configure terminal voice cause-code error-category number q850-cause number exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice cause-code

(Optional) Enters voice cause-code configuration mode.

Router(config)# voice cause-code

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes How to Configure IEC Options

Command or Action
Step 4
error-category number q850-cause number

Purpose (Optional) Specifies the values to be mapped.

Values for error-category range from 128 to 278. Values for the Q.850 cause code range from 1 to 127.

Router(conf-voice-cause)# error-category 128 q850-cause 27

Step 5


Exits voice cause-code configuration mode.

Router(conf-voice-cause)# exit

Troubleshooting Tips
The IEC feature is itself a troubleshooting tool. By enabling the voice iec syslog command you can display IECs logged in real time, which allows you to isolate a failure cause without turning on debugging. Then, based on the IEC reported, you can selectively enable the appropriate debug tool to gather additional information. The IEC feature also provides a Cisco.com diagnostic tool that allows you to enter an IEC dotted string and receive an explanation of the component fields. The explanation includes a description of the problem, and depending upon the error type, a recommended course of action. Use the IEC lookup tool at http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/voice/vtgemd.htm. To troubleshoot specific subsystems that do not generate corresponding IECs, use the following debug and show commands:

To learn whether the ISDN link is up or down, use the show isdn status command. To display information about whether the ISDN link is receiving SETUP, CALLPRO, ALERT, CONNECT, and RELEASE COMPLETE messages, use the debug isdn q931 command. To display information about H.225 and RAS messages exchanged between a gateway and gatekeeper, use the debug h225 asn1 command. H.225 debug output for the terminating side, in the initial stage when a setup message is being received, provides an indication if messages are being received from the IP side and if H.323 service is operational. If the H.225 connection is not established from the incoming side, then no IECs are generated.

What to Do Next
Proceed to the section Verifying IEC Options, page 149.

New and Modified Configuration Commands for Gatekeeper IECs in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T
To enable the enhanced capabilities of the gatekeeper-specific IECs in Release 12.4(4)T, there is one new command and one modified command. This section describes only the new information. For complete information on the commands for voice gateways and gatekeepers, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library on Cisco.com. This release introduces a new command for the gatekeeper configuration that causes retention of call history and enables you to specify the number of records to be kept in the history table.

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes How to Configure IEC Options

In gatekeeper configuration mode, enter: gatekeeper(config)# call-history max-size number The number argument in this syntax can be any number from 0 to 1200. The default is 15. This represents the maximum number of records of old calls to be stored and available for display. To display the historical information, enter the following command on the gatekeeper: gatekeeper# show gatekeeper calls history This command has been modified with the addition of the history keyword. This keyword was added to display call history information along with internal error codes at the gatekeeper. The number of disconnected calls displayed in response to this command is the number value specified in the call-history max-size number command. Use of this max-size number helps to reduce excessive CPU usage in the storage and reporting of this information.

Verifying IEC Options

You can use show command output to display IEC option configuration, to verify that the feature is working, and to display IEC counter information.

Before you can display IEC counter information, you must configure voice statistics settings.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable voice statistics type iec voice statistics max-storage-duration {day number-of-days | hour number-of-hours | minute number-of-minutes} voice statistics time-range periodic interval-length [start hh:mm] [end hh:mm] [days-of-week days] voice statistics time-range since-reset


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

voice statistics type iec

(Optional) Configures the collection of IEC statistics.

Router# voice statistics type iec

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes How to Configure IEC Options

Command or Action
Step 3
voice statistics max-storage-duration {day number-of-days| hour number-of-hours | minute number-of-minutes}

Purpose (Optional) Configures how long interval counters are kept for display.

Router# voice statistics max-storage-duration day 1

If you want to display counters for past intervals, you must configure a storage duration for expired counters. Otherwise, once the interval has expired, the counters are no longer available.

Step 4

voice statistics time-range periodic interval-length [start hh:mm] [end hh:mm] [days-of-week days]

(Optional) Specifies IEC collection intervals.

The interval-length argument takes one of the following values:

5minutes 15minutes 30minutes 60minutes 1day

Router# voice statistics time-range periodic 30minutes

The range for hh:mm is 00:00 to 23:59. The default for the start keyword is 00:00. The default for the end keyword is 00:00. The days argument takes one of the following values:
fridayFriday mondayMonday saturdaySaturday sundaySunday thursdayThursday tuesdayTuesday wednesdayWednesday dailyEvery day of the week weekdaysMonday thru Friday weekendSaturday and Sunday

The default is daily.

Step 5
voice statistics time-range since-reset

Router# voice statistics time-range since-reset

(Optional) Enables the collection of call statistics information accumulated since the last resetting of IEC counters.

Displaying IEC Options

Perform this task to verify that the Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes feature is working.



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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

show running-config show voice cause-code category-q850 show voice iec description string show voice statistics iec {interval number | since-reboot | since-reset} clear voice statistics iec


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show running-config

(Optional) Displays the configuration information currently running on the router.

Router# show running-config

Step 3

show voice cause-code category-q850

(Optional) Displays Q.850 cause code mapping.

Router# show voice cause-code category-q850

Step 4

show voice iec description string

(Optional) Displays an IEC description.

Router# show voice iec description

Step 5

show voice statistics iec {interval number| since-reboot|since-reset}

(Optional) Displays IEC statistics.

Router# show voice statistics iec interval 15

Specify the following displays: statistics by selected time interval, or statistics since the last router reboot, or statistics since the last instance when counters were cleared.

Step 6

clear voice statistics iec

(Optional) Resets IEC counters.

Router# clear voice statistics iec

Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

This section provides configuration examples for the tasks identified in the previous section.

Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting and Configuring Cause Code Mapping: Example, page 152 Verifying IEC Configuration: Example, page 152

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Enabling IEC Syslog Reporting and Configuring Cause Code Mapping: Example
In the following example, IEC syslog reporting and cause-code mapping are enabled:
enable configure terminal voice iec syslog voice cause-code error-category 128 q850-cause 27

Verifying IEC Configuration: Example

In the following examples, the output is displayed for each command used to verify IEC configuration:

Sample Output from the show running-config Command: Example

Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration :2791 bytes ! version 12.2 no parser cache no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption service internal ! hostname GW-1 ! no boot startup-test ! ! resource-pool disable spe default-firmware spe-firmware-1 ! ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa group server radius h323 ! aaa authentication login h323 group radius group h323 aaa authorization config-commands aaa authorization exec h323 group h323 aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius group h323 aaa session-id common ! isdn switch-type primary-5ess !

The following lines show optional IEC configuration information:

voice iec syslog voice cause-code error-category 128 q850-cause 27 error-category 129 q850-cause 38 !

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

! ! controller T1 3/0 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 3/1 shutdown framing sf linecode ami gw-accounting aaa ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache duplex full speed 100 no cdp enable h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id GK-1 ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id GW-1 ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable ! interface Serial0/0 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown clockrate 2000000 no cdp enable ! interface Serial0/1 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown clockrate 2000000 no cdp enable ! interface Serial3/0:23 no ip address dialer-group 1 isdn switch-type primary-5ess isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! ip classless ip route no ip http server ! ! !

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Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 radius-server key lab radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type radius-server vsa send accounting call rsvp-sync ! ! voice-port 3/0:D ! ! mgcp profile default ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! ! dial-peer voice 100 pots destination-pattern 1#919.... direct-inward-dial port 3/0:D prefix 919 ! dial-peer voice 301 voip destination-pattern 7190003 session target ras ! ! gateway ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous line aux 0 logging synchronous line vty 0 4 password lab line 1/00 1/59 no flush-at-activation modem InOut ! scheduler allocate 10000 400 end

Sample Output from the show voice iec description Command: Example
Router# show voice iec description IEC Version:1 Entity:1 (Gateway) Category:128 (Destination address resolution failure) Subsystem:1 (CCAPI) Error:5 (No dial peer match) Diagnostic Code:0

Sample Output from the show voice statistics iec Command: Example
Router# show voice statistics iec since-reset Internal Error Code counters

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

---------------------------Counters since last reset (2002-11-28T01:55:31Z): SUBSYSTEM CCAPI [subsystem code 1] [errcode 6] No DSP resource SUBSYSTEM SSAPP [subsystem code 4] [errcode 5] No dial peer match [errcode 3] CPU high SUBSYSTEM H323 [subsystem code 5] [errcode 22] No Usr Responding, H225 timeout [errcode 27] H225 invalid msg [errcode 79] H225 chn, sock fail SUBSYSTEM VTSP [subsystem code 9] [errcode 6] No DSP resource

2 96

1 1 27


Router# show voice statistics iec since-reboot Internal Error Code counters ---------------------------Counters since reboot: SUBSYSTEM CCAPI [subsystem code 1] [errcode 6] No DSP resource SUBSYSTEM SSAPP [subsystem code 4] [errcode 5] No dial peer match [errcode 3] CPU high SUBSYSTEM H323 [subsystem code 5] [errcode 21] No Usr Responding, H225 timeout [errcode 23] H225 invalid msg [errcode 39] H225 chn, sock fail SUBSYSTEM VTSP [subsystem code 9] [errcode 6] No DSP resource


830 1423

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Before using the show voice statistics iec interval command, first determine the intervals available for display by using the show voice statistics interval-tag command:
Router# show voice statistics interval-tag Current Time:2002-11-28T06:04:21Z INTERVAL-TAG START TIME END TIME ============== ====================== ====================== 1 2002-11-28T02:00:00Z 2002-11-28T02:30:01Z 2 2002-11-28T02:30:01Z 2002-11-28T03:00:01Z 3 2002-11-28T03:00:01Z 2002-11-28T03:30:01Z 4 2002-11-28T03:30:01Z 2002-11-28T04:00:01Z 5 2002-11-28T04:00:01Z 2002-11-28T04:30:01Z 6 2002-11-28T04:30:01Z 2002-11-28T05:00:01Z 7 2002-11-28T05:00:01Z 2002-11-28T05:30:01Z 8 2002-11-28T05:30:01Z 2002-11-28T06:00:01Z 9 2002-11-28T06:00:01Z 2002-11-28T06:04:21Z

The following example shows interval-tag 8 statistics:

Router# show voice statistics iec interval 8 Internal Error Code counters ---------------------------Counters for interval 8, beginning 2002-11-28T05:30:01Z,ending 2002-11-28T06:00:01Z: SUBSYSTEM CCAPI [subsystem code 1]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Configuration Examples for Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

[errcode 6] No DSP resource SUBSYSTEM SSAPP [subsystem code 4] [errcode 3] CPU high SUBSYSTEM H323 [subsystem code 5] [errcode 23] H225 invalid msg [errcode 39] H225 chn, sock fail SUBSYSTEM VTSP [subsystem code 9] [errcode 6] No DSP resource

1 15 1 1 6

Sample Output from the clear voice statistics Command: Example

The following examples show voice statistics iec since-reset output before and after you issue the clear voice statistics command:
Router# show voice statistics iec since-reset Internal Error Code counters ---------------------------Counters since last reset (2002-11-28T01:55:31Z): SUBSYSTEM CCAPI [subsystem code 1] [errcode 6] No DSP resource SUBSYSTEM SSAPP [subsystem code 4] [errcode 5] No dial peer match [errcode 3] CPU high SUBSYSTEM H323 [subsystem code 5] [errcode 21] No Usr Responding, H225 timeout [errcode 23] H225 invalid msg [errcode 39] H225 chn, sock fail SUBSYSTEM VTSP [subsystem code 9] [errcode 6] No DSP resource Router# clear voice statistics iec Router# show voice statistics iec since-reset Internal Error Code counters ---------------------------Counters since last reset (2002-12-12T22:33:25Z): No errors.

2 96

1 1 27


Sample Output from the show voice cause-code category-q850 Command: Example
Router# show voice cause-code category-q850 The Internal Error Category to Q850 cause code mapping table:Error Configured Default Description Category Q850 Q850 128 27 3 Destination address resolution failure 129 38 102 Call setup timeout 178 41 41 Internal Communication Error 179 41 41 External communication Error 180 47 47 Software Error 181 47 47 Software Resources Unavailable 182 47 47 Hardware Resources Unavailable 183 41 41 Capability Exchange Failure 184 49 49 QoS Error 185 41 41 RTP/RTCP receive timer expired or bearer layer failure 186 38 38 Signaling socket failure 187 38 38 Gateway or signaling interface taken out of service

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

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50 65

User is denied access to this service Media Negotiation Failure due to non-existing Codec

Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

IECs are generated for errors that cause the gateway to release or refuse a call. This section provides procedural and reference information used to troubleshoot gateway-detected errors and resolve problems on the gateway and with other VoIP network entities. Because fields within the IEC identify which network entity and subsystem originated an error, they can be used to diagnose and isolate failures that can cause call disconnects. This section discusses troubleshooting scenarios using IECs to diagnose and resolve the problems described in the following sections:

Troubleshooting Two-Stage Dialing Failures, page 157 Troubleshooting Socket Failures, page 161

Troubleshooting Two-Stage Dialing Failures

The following example shows how to troubleshoot a two-stage dialing failure.

The Cisco router or gateway rejects a call placed by a PSTN ISDN user after all the digits have been dialed.

Problem Description
The PSTN user enters a destination number that is routed through the PSTN ISDN switch, which sends an ISDN SETUP message to the router. The router tags the incoming call leg and sends back an ISDN CONNECT message. The caller receives second dial tone. The router then enters the digit collection stage to use the collected digits to route the call to the next hop, at which point the router rejects the call.

Troubleshooting Tasks
Perform the following steps to determine the reason for call failure.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Use the voice iec syslog command to enable displaying of IECs as they are encountered in real-time. Use the voice iec statistics type iec command to configure the collection of IEC statistics. Use the show running-config command to verify IEC, ISDN, and dial-peer configuration, as shown in the following partial sample output:
Router> show running-config Building configuration... !

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

voice rtp send-recv ! voice service voip

The following lines show the IEC configuration:

voice iec syslog no voice hpi capture buffer no voice hpi capture destination voice statistics type iec ! ! !

The following lines show the T1 configuration:

controller T1 0 framing esf clock source line primary linecode b8zs cablelength short 133 pri-group timeslots 1-24 !

The following lines show the ISDN configuration:

interface Serial0:23 no ip address no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-ni isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable !

The following lines show the dial-peer configuration. Because the dial-peer voice 1 is not configured for direct inward dialing (DID), the inbound call leg is considered to be configured for two-stage dialing, and the router returns a second dial tone.
dial-peer voice 1 pots incoming called-number . port 0:D ! dial-peer voice 2 voip destination-pattern 83101 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric codec g711ulaw ip qos dscp cs5 media ! !end

Step 4

Use the show controller t1 command to display T1 status. Verify that the T1 is UP and that there are no errors.
Router> show controller t1 0 T1 0 is up. Applique type is Channelized T1 Cablelength is short 133 No alarms detected. alarm-trigger is not set Version info of slot 0: HW: 1, PLD Rev: 11 Framer Version: 0x8 ! !

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

! Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Clock Source is Line Primary. Data in current interval (0 seconds elapsed): 0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations 0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins 0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs

Step 5

Use the show isdn status command to display ISDN status. Verify the ISDN Layer 2 status is MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED.
Router> show isdn status Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni ISDN Serial0:23 interface dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-ni Layer 1 Status: ACTIVE Layer 2 Status: TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED Layer 3 Status: 0 Active Layer 3 Call(s) Active dsl 0 CCBs = 0 The Free Channel Mask: 0x807FFFFF Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID = 3 Total Allocated ISDN CCBs = 0

Step 6

Use the show isdn service command to display the status of each ISDN channel. Verify that the channels are IDLE and IN-SERVICE.
Router> show isdn service PRI Channel Statistics: ISDN Se0:23, Channel [1-24] Configured Isdn Interface (dsl) 0 Channel State (0=Idle 1=Proposed 2=Busy 3=Reserved 4=Restart 5=Maint_Pend) Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 State : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Service State (0=Inservice 1=Maint 2=Outofservice) Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 State : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Step 7

Use the show dial-peer voice summary command to display voice dial peer information. Verify that Admin and Operation status are up and up.
Router> show dial-peer voice summary AD TAG TYPE MIN OPER PREFIX DEST-PATTERN 1 pots up up 2 voip up up 83101 PRE PASS FER THRU SESS-TARGET PORT 0 0:D 0 syst ipv4:

Step 8

Use the debug isdn q931 command to display information about call setup and teardown of ISDN network connections. Use the debug vtsp dsp, debug vtsp session, and debug voip ccapi inout commands to get digit collection information, as shown in the following partial output.
Router# Router# Router# Router# debug debug debug debug isdn vtsp vtsp voip q931 dsp session ccapi inout callref = 0x0226

Aug 18 23:56:20.125: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '40855501124' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Aug 18 23:56:20.133: VDEV_ALLOCATE: 1/1 is allocated ! ! !

The following lines show the digit collection process, starting with the digit 8:
Aug 18 23:56:28.265: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_dsm_digit_begin_cb: Digit begin: 8 Aug 18 23:56:28.265: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x0, dstCallId=0xFFFFFFFF, srcCallId=0x6, ! ! !

The router collects the next digit, 3, followed by 1, 0 and 2:

Aug 18 23:56:30.253: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_dsm_digit_begin_cb: Digit begin: 3 Aug 18 23:56:30.253: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x0, dstCallId=0xFFFFFFFF, srcCallId=0x6, digit=3, digit_begin_flags=0x1, rtp_timestamp=0xFFFFFE70 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x1)

! ! Aug 18 23:56:30.885: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_dsm_digit_begin_cb: Digit begin: 1 Aug 18 23:56:30.885: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x0, dstCallId=0xFFFFFFFF, srcCallId=0x6, digit=1, digit_begin_flags=0x1, rtp_timestamp=0xFFFFFE70 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x1) ! ! ! Aug 18 23:56:31.913: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_dsm_digit_begin_cb: Digit begin: 0 Aug 18 23:56:31.913: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x0, dstCallId=0xFFFFFFFF, srcCallId=0x6, digit=0, digit_begin_flags=0x1, rtp_timestamp=0xFFFFFE70 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x1) ! ! ! Aug 18 23:56:33.185: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_dsm_digit_begin_cb: Digit begin: 2 Aug 18 23:56:33.185: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPtr=0x0, dstCallId=0xFFFFFFFF, srcCallId=0x6, digit=2, digit_begin_flags=0x1, rtp_timestamp=0xFFFFFE70 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x1) ! ! ! Aug 18 23:56:33.265: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_report_digit_control: digit reporting disabled Aug 18 23:56:33.265: //6/65F920768011/DSM:(0:D):0:112:4386/dsp_stream_mgr_register_disposition: Ev: E_DSM_DSP_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN Disp: DS

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

M_DISP_IGNORE Aug 18 23:56:33.265: //6/65F920768011/DSM:(0:D):0:112:4386/dsp_stream_mgr_register_disposition: Ev: E_DSM_DSP_DTMF_DIGIT Disp: DSM_DISP_IGNORE Aug 18 23:56:33.269: //6/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (vdbPtr=0x639DB450, callID=0x6, disp=0) Aug 18 23:56:33.269: //6/65F920768011/VTSP:(0:D):0:112:4386/vtsp_get_digit_timeouts: Inter digit = 10, Initial digit = 10

Because the router does not have an outgoing dial peer with destination pattern 83102, the call fails and an IEC is generated.
Aug 18 23:56:33.269: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: AFSAPP: Internal Error (Digit collect failed): IEC= on callID 6 GUID=65F92076D10E11D7801100B0640E6622

Step 9

Use the show voice iec description command to display the IEC definition:
Router> show voice iec description IEC Version: 1 Entity: Category: 179 (External communication Error) Subsystem: 10 (AFSAPP) Error: 24 (Digit collect failed) Diagnostic Code: 6

IEC field definitions pinpoint the problem. Category code 179 indicates an external communication error, and an error code 24 indicates digit collection failure. For more information on IEC field definitions, see the Internal Error Code Notation section on page 115.

Troubleshooting Socket Failures

The following example, which describes a TCP session failure, shows how errors detected by the gateway can be used to troubleshoot other devices on the VoIP network.

An inbound call from an IP phone to the H.323 gateway fails.

Problem Description
A call is initially routed to the gateway and fails when a TCP session to Cisco CallManager session target cannot be established. The router pings Cisco CallManager, sending a TCP synchronization packet and receiving an ICMP destination unreachable error. Cisco CallManager cannot be pinged because the Cisco CallManager IP address is incorrect. After the IP address for Cisco CallManager is corrected, a second call fails, due to a different socket error. The router tries to establish another TCP session and sends an H225 setup message but Cisco CallManager drops the connection.

Troubleshooting Tasks
Perform the following steps to determine the reasons for both call failures.
Step 1

Use the voice iec syslog command to enable display of IECs as they are encountered in real-time.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Step 2 Step 3

Use the voice iec statistics type iec command to configure the collection of IEC statistics. Use the show running-config command to verify IEC, ISDN, and dial-peer configuration, as shown in the following partial sample output:
Router> show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 3466 bytes !

The following lines show the IEC configuration:

voice service voip ! voice iec syslog no voice hpi capture buffer no voice hpi capture destination voice statistics type iec ! !

The following lines show the T1 configuration:

controller T1 0 framing esf clock source line primary linecode b8zs cablelength short 133 pri-group timeslots 1-24 !

The following lines show the ISDN configuration:

interface Serial0:23 no ip address no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-ni isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! ivoice-port 0:D !

The following lines show the dial-peer configuration, including the destination gateway IP address of Cisco CallManager:
dial-peer voice 1 pots incoming called-number direct-inward-dialed port 0:D ! dial-peer voice 2 voip destination-pattern 83101 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric codec g711ulaw ip qos dscp cs5 media ! ! end

Step 4

Use the debug isdn q931 command to display information about call setup and teardown of ISDN network connections.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Router# debug isdn q931 Aug 19 01:46:02.886: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4085550111' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

callref = 0x022D

The following lines show the IEC and specify a network problem.
Aug 19 01:46:03.342: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: H323: Internal Error (SETUP send sock fail): IEC= on callID 14 GUID=B99ACE6ED11D11D7801500B0640E6622 Aug 19 01:46:03.350: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x822D Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Aug 19 01:46:03.362: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x822D Cause i = 0x80A6 - Network out of order Aug 19 01:46:03.374: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x022D Cause i = 0x82E4 - Invalid information element contents Aug 19 01:46:03.374: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x822D

Step 5

Use the following commands to further isolate the problem:

The show voice iec description command displays the IEC definition. The debug ip tcp transaction command displays output for packets the router sends and receives. The debug cch323 h225 command provides the trace of the state transition of the H.225 state machine based on the processed events.

The following partial sample outputs from each command help you to isolate the cause of the network out of order message: In the following example, the IEC definition indicates a category code of 186, a signaling socket failure, and shows that an error occurred during the SETUP PDU operation. The explanation for the error code 83 states that this error can happen if the remote IP address is a reachable address for pinging but is not a valid H.323 endpoint.
Router# show voice iec description IEC Version: 1 Entity: 1 Category: 186 Subsystem: 5 Error: 83 Diagnostic Code: 0

Because the IEC specifies a signaling socket failure as the reason for call failure, you should enable the following debug commands to get more information.
Router# debug ip tcp transaction TCP special event debugging is on Router# debug cch323 h225 H225 State Machine tracing is enabled Router# terminal monitor

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

% Console already monitors Router# Aug 19 01:46:28.746: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x022E Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4085551090' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 created Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_PID (8) 63A2C044 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 63A2C048 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_TOS (11) 63A2C070 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_WRITE (10) 63A2C0D0 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_READ (14) 63A2C0D0 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property unknown (15) 63A2C0D0 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 63A2C08C Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 setting property TCP_ALWAYSPUSH (17) 63A2C08C Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCB63D2DAC8 bound to Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCP: sending SYN, seq 3651477840, ack 0 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 536 Aug 19 01:46:29.198: TCP0: state was CLOSED -> SYNSENT [11005 ->]

The following lines show the CallManager address is unreachable as it is configured, and the network out of order IEC is generated:
Aug 19 01:46:29.202: TCP0: ICMP destination unreachable received ! ! !Aug 19 01:46:29.206: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: H323: Internal Error (SETUP send sock fail): IEC= on callID 16 GUID=C904C18BD11D11D7801600B0640E6622 Aug 19 01:46:29.206: TCB 0x63D2DAC8 destroyed Aug 19 01:46:29.206: //16/C904C18B8016/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_CONN_LOST while at state H225_IDLE Aug 19 01:46:29.214: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x822E Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Aug 19 01:46:29.218: //16/C904C18B8016/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_RELEASE while at state H225_IDLE Aug 19 01:46:29.218: //16/C904C18B8016/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing from H225_IDLE state to H225_IDLE state Aug 19 01:46:29.226: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x822E Cause i = 0x80A6 - Network out of order ! !

Step 6

Use the show ip route command to display static routes, then use the ping command to check network connectivity to the destination address using the ping command.
Router> show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 1 subnets is directly connected, Ethernet0 [1/0] via

C S*

The following lines show that the reason for Cisco CallManager TCP session failure is the incorrect IP address:
Router# ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ..U.U Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) Router# ping

Step 7

Configure the correct IP address for Cisco CallManager and verify the configuration using the show running-config command.
Router# config term Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4: Router(config-dial-peer)# end Router# show running-config ! ! ! dial-peer voice 2 voip destination-pattern 83101 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric codec g711ulaw ip qos dscp cs5 media

Step 8

Use the show debug command to display call traces enabled during a second call attempt.
Router# show debug CSM Voice: Voice Call Switching Module debugging is on

The following ISDN debugs are enabled on all DSLs: debug isdn error is debug isdn q931 is ON. ON.

(filter is OFF)

Router# Aug 19 02:05:36.349: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4085550111' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

callref = 0x0237

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Aug 19 02:05:36.353: VDEV_ALLOCATE: 1/2 is allocated Aug 19 02:05:36.353: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: vdev@ 0x6355AAF4, voice_vdev@ 0x6355AA80 Aug 19 02:05:36.353: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm slot 1, dspm 1, dsp 2, dsp_channel 1 Aug 19 02:05:36.353: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm stream 4, channel 3, bank 2, bp_channel 1, bp_stream 255 Aug 19 02:05:36.357: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1, port 4 is deallocated Aug 19 02:05:36.805: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8237 Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1

The second call attempt also fails, generating a different IEC:

Aug 19 02:05:36.845: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: H323: Internal Error (Socket error): IEC= on callID 8 GUID=750AFC91D12011D7800600B0640E6622 Aug 19 02:05:36.865: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8237 Cause i = 0x80A6 - Network out of order Aug 19 02:05:36.873: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x0237 Cause i = 0x82E4 - Invalid information element contents Aug 19 02:05:36.877: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8237

The following lines show that the subsequent call failed due to a different socket error. However, in this instance sending a ping to the remote IP address is successful:
Router> show voice iec description IEC Version: 1 Entity: 1 (Gateway) Category: 186 (Signaling socket failure) Subsystem: 5 (H323) Error: 7 (Socket error) Diagnostic Code: 6 Router> ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms

Use the debug ip tcp transaction, show debug, and debug cch323 h225 commands again.
Router# debug ip tcp transaction TCP special event debugging is on Router# show debug CSM Voice: Voice Call Switching Module debugging is on TCP: TCP special event debugging is on

The following ISDN debugs are enabled on all DSLs: debug isdn error is debug isdn q931 is ON. ON.

(filter is OFF)

Router# debug cch323 h225 H225 State Machine tracing is enabled

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Router# Aug 19 02:06:36.637: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0238 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4085550111' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Aug 19 02:06:36.641: VDEV_ALLOCATE: 1/3 is allocated Aug 19 02:06:36.641: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: vdev@ 0x6355B240, voice_vdev@ 0x6355B1CC Aug 19 02:06:36.641: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm slot 1, dspm 1, dsp 3, dsp_channel 1 Aug 19 02:06:36.641: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm stream 4, channel 5, bank 2, bp_channel 2, bp_stream 255 Aug 19 02:06:36.645: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1, port 8 is deallocated Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 created Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_PID (8) 632036B4 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 632036B8 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_TOS (11) 632036E0 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_WRITE (10) 63203740 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_READ (14) 63203740 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property unknown (15) 63203740 Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 632036FC Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 setting property TCP_ALWAYSPUSH (17) 632036FC Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCB63604218 bound to Aug 19 02:06:37.089: TCP: sending SYN, seq 1593750728, ack 0 Aug 19 02:06:37.093: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 536 Aug 19 02:06:37.093: TCP0: state was CLOSED -> SYNSENT [11001 ->] Aug 19 02:06:37.093: TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> ESTAB [11001 ->] Aug 19 02:06:37.093: TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 1460, MSS is 536 Aug 19 02:06:37.093: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_SETUP while at state H225_IDLE Aug 19 02:06:37.093: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/check_qos_and_send_setup: Setup ccb 0x635F80E8 Aug 19 02:06:37.093: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_FS_SETUP while at state H225_IDLE Aug 19 02:06:37.093: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/idle_fsSetup_hdlr: Setup ccb 0x635F80E8 Aug 19 02:06:37.097: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/generic_send_setup: sending calling IE Aug 19 02:06:37.097: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/generic_send_setup: ====== PI = 0 Aug 19 02:06:37.097: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/generic_send_setup: Send infoXCap=128, infoXRate=157, rateMult=89 Aug 19 02:06:37.097: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/generic_send_setup: src address =; dest address = Aug 19 02:06:37.097: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing from H225_IDLE state to H225_REQ_FS_SETUP state Aug 19 02:06:37.101: TCP0: FIN processed

The following lines show that the router was able to initialize the TCP session to Cisco CallManager, and the session went into the established state. After the router sent an H225 SETUP message it received a TCP RESET message to tear down the TCP session, indicating Cisco CallManager dropped the connection.
Aug Aug Aug Aug 19 19 19 19 02:06:37.101: TCP0: state was ESTAB -> CLOSEWAIT [11001 ->] 02:06:37.101: TCP0: RST received, Closing connection 02:06:37.101: TCP0: state was CLOSEWAIT -> CLOSED [11001 ->] 02:06:37.105: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8238 Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Aug 19 02:06:37.105: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: H323: Internal Error (Socket error): IEC= on callID 10 GUID=98FA43DCD12011D7800700B0640E6622 Aug 19 02:06:37.105: TCB 0x63604218 destroyed Aug 19 02:06:37.105: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_CONN_LOST while at state H225_REQ_FS_SETUP Aug 19 02:06:37.113: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_RELEASE while at state H225_REQ_FS_SETUP Aug 19 02:06:37.113: //10/98FA43DC8007/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing from H225_REQ_FS_SETUP state to H225_IDLE state Aug 19 02:06:37.121: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8238 Cause i = 0x80A6 - Network out of order Aug 19 02:06:37.133: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x0238 Cause i = 0x82E4 - Invalid information element contents Aug 19 02:06:37.137: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8238

Step 9

Verify Cisco CallManager setting for the H.323 gateway to determine if the H.225 session was rejected by Cisco CallManager because the wrong IP address was configured for the H.323 gateway. Configure the correct IP address for the H.323 gateway, For more information on CallManager configuration and IP address configuration, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 3.3(2) Device Configuration chapter, Adding Gateways to Cisco CallManager and Adding a Cisco IOS H.323 Gateway sections. Use debug commands to verify that the next call completes, as shown in the following partial debug output:
Aug 19 02:10:36.707: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0239 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4085550111' Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0x80, '83101' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown Aug 19 02:10:36.711: VDEV_ALLOCATE: 1/2 is allocated Aug 19 02:10:36.711: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: vdev@ 0x6355B98C, voice_vdev@ 0x6355B918 Aug 19 02:10:36.711: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm slot 1, dspm 1, dsp 4, dsp_channel 1 Aug 19 02:10:36.711: csm_vtsp_init_tdm: dsprm_tdm_allocate: tdm stream 5, channel 1, bank 2, bp_channel 3, bp_stream 255 Aug 19 02:10:36.711: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1, port 12 is deallocated Aug 19 02:10:37.155: TCB63604A4C created Aug 19 02:10:37.159: TCP: sending SYN, seq 3088300316, ack 0 Aug 19 02:10:37.159: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 536 Aug 19 02:10:37.159: TCP0: state was CLOSED -> SYNSENT [11003 ->] Aug 19 02:10:37.163: TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> ESTAB [11003 ->] Aug 19 02:10:37.163: TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 1460, MSS is 536 Aug 19 02:10:37.163: //12/281160848008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_SETUP while at state H225_IDLE Aug 19 02:10:37.163: //12/281160848008/H323/check_qos_and_send_setup: Setup ccb 0x635F80E8 ! ! ! Aug 19 02:10:37.171: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8239 Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Aug 19 02:10:38.151: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/H323/cch323_h225_receiver: Received msg of type CALLPROCIND_CHOSEN Aug 19 02:10:38.155: //12/281160848008/H323/callproc_ind: ====== PI = 0 Aug 19 02:10:38.155: //12/281160848008/H323/callproc_ind: Call Manager detected

Step 10

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Aug 19 02:10:38.155: //12/281160848008/H323/cch323_h225_receiver: CALLPROCIND_CHOSEN: src address =; dest address = Aug 19 02:10:38.155: //12/281160848008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_CALLPROC_IND while at state H225_REQ_FS_SETUP Aug 19 02:10:41.347: TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> ESTAB [11004 ->] Aug 19 02:10:41.347: TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 1460, MSS is 536 Aug 19 02:10:41.699: //12/281160848008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event H225_EV_H245_SUCCESS while at state H225_WAIT_FOR_H245 Aug 19 02:10:41.703: //12/281160848008/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing from H225_WAIT_FOR_H245 state to H225_ACTIVE state Aug 19 02:10:41.703: //12/281160848008/H323/setup_cfm_notify: status = 4800261B Aug 19 02:10:41.703: //12/281160848008/H323/generic_setup_cfm_notify: ====== PI = 0; status = C800261B

In the next lines, the call connects and two-way communication is established.
Aug 19 02:10:41.711: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8239 Aug 19 02:10:41.719: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x0239

The following lines show that after a two-minute call, the IP phone user hangs up and the call is disconnected with normal call clearing:
Aug Aug Aug ! ! ! Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug 19 02:10:43.635: TCP0: RST received, Closing connection 19 02:10:43.635: TCP0: state was ESTAB -> CLOSED [11004 ->] 19 02:10:43.635: TCB 0x6361C070 destroyed

02:10:43.663: TCP0: sending FIN 02:10:43.663: TCP0: state was FINWAIT1 -> FINWAIT2 [11003 ->] 02:10:43.663: TCP0: FIN processed 02:10:43.663: TCP0: state was FINWAIT2 -> TIMEWAIT [11003 ->] 02:10:43.671: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8239 Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing Aug 19 02:10:43.679: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x0239 Aug 19 02:10:43.683: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8239 Router# Router# undebug all All possible debugging has been turned off.

19 19 19 19 19

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes Troubleshooting VoIP Networks Using Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources
To troubleshoot problems with voice networks, the following resources are required:

Troubleshooting Tools, page 171 Other Troubleshooting Resources, page 178

Troubleshooting Tools
This section presents information about the variety of tools available to assist you in troubleshooting your voice network, including information on using router diagnostic commands, Cisco network management tools, and third-party troubleshooting tools.

Using Router Diagnostic Commands

Cisco routers provide numerous integrated commands to assist you in monitoring and troubleshooting your internetwork.

show commands help you monitor installation behavior and normal network behavior, and isolate problem areas. debug commands help you isolate protocol and configuration problems. ping commands help you determine connectivity between devices on your network. trace commands provide a method of determining the route by which packets reach their destination.

Using show Commands

show commands are powerful monitoring and troubleshooting tools. You can use show commands to perform a variety of functions:

Monitor router behavior during initial installation. Monitor normal network operation. Isolate problem interfaces, nodes, media, or applications. Determine when a network is congested. Determine the status of servers, clients, or other neighbors.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools

The following are some of the most common show commands:

show versionDisplays the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images. show running-configDisplays the router configuration currently running. show startup-configDisplays the router configuration stored in NVRAM. show interfacesDisplays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. The resulting output varies, depending on the network for which an interface has been configured. show controllersDisplays statistics for interface card controllers. show flashDisplays the layout and contents of flash memory. show buffersDisplays statistics for the buffer pools on the router. show memory summaryDisplays memory pool statistics and summary information about the activities of the system memory allocator, and gives a block-by-block listing of memory use. show process cpuDisplays information about the active processes on the router. show stacksDisplays information about the stack utilization of processes and interrupt routines, and the reason for the last system reboot. show cdp neighborsProvides reachability information for directly connected Cisco devices. This is an extremely useful tool for determining the operational status of the physical and data link layers. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a proprietary data link layer protocol. show debuggingDisplays information about the type of debugging that is enabled for your router.

You can always use the ? at the command line for a list of subcommands. Like the debug commands, some of the show commands listed are accessible only at the routers privileged EXEC mode. Debug command usage is explained further in the Using debug Commands section on page 172 and also in the Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways chapter. Hundreds of other show commands are available. For details on using and interpreting the output of specific show commands, refer to the Cisco IOS command references.

Using debug Commands

The debug privileged EXEC commands can provide a wealth of information about the traffic seen (or not seen) on an interface, error messages generated by nodes on the network, protocol-specific diagnostic packets, and other useful troubleshooting data. The following steps are a summary of debug command usage. For detailed debug command usage, see the Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways chapter. To access and list the privileged EXEC commands, enter this code:
Router> enable Password: XXXXXX Router# ?

Note the change in the router prompts here. The # prompt (instead of the normal > prompt) indicates that the router is in privileged EXEC mode (enable mode).

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools


Exercise care when using debug commands. Many debug commands are processor-intensive and can cause serious network problems (such as degraded performance or loss of connectivity) if they are enabled on an already heavily loaded router. When you finish using a debug command, remember to disable it with its specific no debug command (or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging). Use debug commands to isolate problems, not to monitor normal network operation. Because the high processor overhead of debug commands can disrupt router operation, you should use them only when you are looking for specific types of traffic or problems, and have narrowed your problems to a likely subset of causes. Output formats vary with each debug command. Some generate a single line of output per packet, and others generate multiple lines of output per packet. Some generate large amounts of output, and others generate only occasional output. Some generate lines of text, and others generate information in field format. To minimize the negative impact of using debug commands, follow this procedure:

Step 1 Step 2

Use the no logging console global configuration command on your router. This command disables all logging to the console terminal. Telnet to a router port and enter the enable EXEC command. The enable EXEC command places the router in the privileged EXEC mode. After entering the enable password, you receive a prompt that consists of the router name with a # symbol. Use the terminal monitor command to copy debug command output and system error messages to your current terminal display.

Step 3

By redirecting output to your current terminal display, you can view debug command output remotely, without being connected through the console port. If you use debug commands at the console port, character-by-character processor interrupts are generated, maximizing the processor load already caused by the use of debug. If you intend to keep the output of the debug command, spool the output to a file. The procedure for setting up such a debug output file is described in the Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways chapter. This book refers to specific debug commands that are useful when you are troubleshooting specific problems. Complete details regarding the function and output of debug commands are provided in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference. In many situations, using third-party diagnostic tools can be more useful and less intrusive than using debug commands. For more information, see the Third-Party Troubleshooting Tools section on page 176.

Using the ping Commands

To check host reachability and network connectivity, use the ping command, which can be invoked from both user EXEC mode and privileged EXEC mode. After you log in to the router or access server, the router is automatically in user EXEC command mode. The EXEC commands available at the user level are a subset of those available at the privileged level. In general, the user EXEC commands enable you

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools

to connect to remote devices, change terminal settings on a temporary basis, perform basic tests, and list system information. The ping command can be used to confirm basic network connectivity on a variety of networks. For IP, the ping command sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo messages. ICMP is the Internet protocol that reports errors and provides information relevant to IP packet addressing. If a station receives an ICMP Echo message, it sends an ICMP echo reply message back to the source. The extended command mode of the ping command permits you to specify the supported IP header options. This mode allows the router to perform a more extensive range of test options. To enter ping extended command mode, enter yes at the extended commands prompt of the ping command. It is a good idea to use the ping command when the network is functioning properly to see how the command works under normal conditions, so that you have a basis for comparison when you are troubleshooting. For detailed information on using the ping and extended ping commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Command Reference.

Using the trace Commands

The trace user EXEC command discovers the routes that a routers packets follow when traveling to their destinations. The trace privileged EXEC command permits the supported IP header options to be specified, allowing the router to perform a more extensive range of test options. The trace command works by using the error message generated by routers when a datagram exceeds its time-to-live (TTL) value. First, probe datagrams are sent with a TTL value of 1. This value causes the first router to discard the probe datagrams and send back time exceeded error messages. The trace command then sends several probes and displays the round-trip time for each. After every third probe, the TTL is increased by 1. Each outgoing packet can result in one of two error messages. A time exceeded error message indicates that an intermediate router has seen and discarded the probe. A port unreachable error message indicates that the destination node has received the probe and discarded it because it could not deliver the packet to an application. If the timer goes off before a response comes in, trace prints an asterisk (*). The trace command terminates when the destination responds, when the maximum TTL is exceeded, or when you interrupt the trace with the escape sequence. As with ping, it is a good idea to use the trace command when the network is functioning properly to see how the command works under normal conditions, so that you have a basis for comparison when you are troubleshooting. For detailed information on using the trace and extended trace commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Command Reference.

Using Cisco Network Management Tools

Cisco offers the CiscoWorks 2000 family of management products that provide design, monitoring, and troubleshooting tools to help you manage your internetwork. The following tools are useful for troubleshooting internetwork problems:

CiscoView provides dynamic monitoring and troubleshooting functions, including a graphical display of Cisco devices, statistics, and comprehensive configuration information.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools

Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) empowers network engineers to proactively troubleshoot network response times utilizing real-time and historical reports. The TrafficDirector RMON application, a remote monitoring tool, enables you to gather data, monitor activity on your network, and find potential problems. The VlanDirector switch management application provides an accurate picture of your VLANs.

CiscoView graphical management features provide dynamic status, statistics, and comprehensive configuration information for Cisco internetworking products (switches, routers, hubs, concentrators, and access servers). CiscoView aids network management by displaying a physical view of Cisco devices and color-coding device ports for at-a-glance port status, allowing you to quickly grasp essential information. Features include the following:

Graphical displays of Cisco products from a central location, giving network managers a complete view of Cisco products. You do not need to physically check devices at remote sites. A continuously updated physical view of routers, hubs, switches, or access servers in a network, regardless of physical location. Updated real-time monitoring and tracking of key information relating to device performance, traffic, and usage, with metrics such as utilization percentage, frames sent and received, errors, and a variety of other device-specific indicators. The capability to modify configurations such as trap, IP route, VLAN, and bridge configurations.

Internetwork Performance Monitor

The Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) is a network management application that enables you to monitor the performance of multiprotocol networks. IPM measures the response time and availability of IP networks on a hop-by-hop (router-to-router) basis. It also measures response time between routers and the mainframe in Systems Network Architecture (SNA) networks. Use IPM to perform the following tasks:

Troubleshoot problems by checking the network latency between devices. Send Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps and SNA alerts when a user-configured threshold is exceeded, when a connection is lost and reestablished, or when a timeout occurs. Analyze potential problems before they occur by accumulating statistics, which are used for modeling future network topologies. Monitor response time between two network endpoints.

The IPM product is composed of three parts: the IPM server, the IPM client application, and the response time reporter (RTR) feature of the Cisco IOS software.

TrafficDirector RMON Application

The TrafficDirector advanced packet filters let you monitor all seven layers of network traffic. Using Cisco IOS embedded RMON agents and SwitchProbe standalone probes, managers can view enterprise-wide network traffic from the link, network, transport, or application layer. The TrafficDirector multilayer traffic summary provides a quick, high-level assessment of network loading

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools

and protocol distributions. Network managers can zoom in on a specific segment, ring, switch port, or trunk link and apply real-time analysis and diagnostic tools to view hosts, conversations, and packet captures. TrafficDirector threshold monitoring enables you to implement a proactive management environment. Thresholds for critical MIB variables are set within the RMON agent. When these thresholds are exceeded, traps are sent to the appropriate management station to notify the network administrator of an impending problem.

VlanDirector Switch Management Application

The VlanDirector switch management application simplifies VLAN port assignment and offers other management capabilities for VLANs. VlanDirector offers the following features for network administrators:

Accurate representation of the physical network for VLAN design and configuration verification Capability to obtain VLAN configuration information on a specific device or link interface Discrepancy reports on conflicting configurations Capability to use system-level VLANs to troubleshoot and identify individual device configurations that are in error Quick detection of changes in VLAN status of switch ports User authentication and write protection security

Third-Party Troubleshooting Tools

In many situations, third-party diagnostic tools can be more useful than commands that are integrated into the router. For example, enabling a processor-intensive debug command can be extremely detrimental in an environment experiencing excessively high traffic levels. Attaching a network analyzer to the suspect network is less intrusive and is more likely to yield useful information without interrupting the operation of the router. The following are some typical third-party troubleshooting tools used for troubleshooting internetworks:

Volt-ohm meters, digital multimeters, and cable testers are useful for testing the physical connectivity of your cable plant. Time domain reflectometers (TDRs) and optical time domain reflectometers (OTDRs) are devices that assist in the location of cable breaks, impedance mismatches, and other physical cable plant problems. Breakout boxes, fox boxes, bit error rate testers (BERTs), and block error rate testers (BLERTs) are useful for troubleshooting problems in peripheral interfaces. Network monitors provide an accurate picture of network activity over a period of time by continuously tracking packets crossing a network. Network analyzers such as sniffers decode problems at all seven OSI layers. The problems can be identified automatically in real-time and categorized by how critical they are, providing a clear view of network activity.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Troubleshooting Tools

Volt-Ohm Meters, Digital Multimeters, and Cable Testers

Volt-ohm meters and digital multimeters are at the lower end of the spectrum of cable-testing tools. These devices measure parameters such as AC and DC voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and cable continuity. They are used to check physical connectivity. Cable testers (scanners) also enable you to check physical connectivity. Cable testers are available for shielded twisted-pair (STP), unshielded twisted-pair (UTP), 10BASE-T, and coaxial and twinax cables. A given cable tester might be capable of performing any of the following functions:

Test and report on cable conditions, including near-end crosstalk (NEXT), attenuation, and noise Use TDR and perform traffic monitoring and wire map functions Display MAClayer information about LAN traffic, provide statistics such as network utilization and packet error rates, and perform limited protocol testing (for example, TCP/IP tests such as ping)

Similar testing equipment is available for fiber-optic cable. Because of the relatively high cost of this cable and its installation, fiber-optic cable should be tested both before installation (on-the-reel testing) and after installation. Continuity testing of the fiber requires either a visible light source or a reflectometer. Light sources capable of providing light at the three predominant wavelengths850 nanometers (nm), 1300 nm, and 1550 nmare used with power meters that can measure the same wavelengths and test attenuation and return loss in the fiber.

TDRs and OTDRs

At the top end of the cable testing spectrum are time domain reflectometers (TDRs). These devices can quickly locate open and short circuits, crimps, kinks, sharp bends, impedance mismatches, and other defects in metallic cables. A TDR works by bouncing a signal off the end of the cable. Opens, shorts, and other problems reflect the signal back at different amplitudes, depending on the problem. A TDR measures how much time it takes for the signal to reflect and calculates the distance to a fault in the cable. TDRs can be used to measure the length of a cable, and some TDRs can also calculate the propagation rate based on a configured cable length. Fiber-optic measurement is performed by an optical TDR (OTDR). OTDRs can accurately measure the length of the fiber, locate cable breaks, measure the fiber attenuation, and measure splice or connector losses. An OTDR can be used to take the signature of a particular installation, noting attenuation and splice losses. This baseline measurement can then be compared with future signatures when a problem in the system is suspected.

Breakout Boxes, Fox Boxes, BERTs and BLERTs

Breakout boxes, fox boxes, and bit/block error rate testers (BERTs/BLERTs) are digital interface testing tools used to measure the digital signals present at PCs, printers, modems, the channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU), and other peripheral interfaces. These devices can monitor data line conditions, analyze and trap data, and diagnose problems common to data communication systems. Traffic from data terminal equipment (DTE) through data communications equipment (DCE) can be examined to help isolate problems, identify bit patterns, and ensure that the proper cabling has been installed. These devices cannot test media signals such as Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Other Troubleshooting Resources

Network Monitors
Network monitors continuously track packets crossing a network, providing an accurate picture of network activity at any moment, or a historical record of network activity over a period of time. They do not decode the contents of frames. Monitors are useful for baselining, in which the activity on a network is sampled over a period of time to establish a normal performance profile. Monitors collect information such as packet sizes, the number of packets, error packets, overall usage of a connection, the number of hosts and their MAC addresses, and details about communications between hosts and other devices. This data can be used to create profiles of LAN traffic and to assist in locating traffic overloads, planning for network expansion, detecting intruders, establishing baseline performance, and distributing traffic more efficiently.

Network Analyzers
A network analyzer (also called a protocol analyzer or sniffer) decodes the various protocol layers in a recorded frame and presents the frames as readable abbreviations or summaries. The analyzer indicates which layer is involved (physical, data link, and so forth) and what function each byte or byte content serves. Most network analyzers can perform many of the following functions:

Filter traffic that meets certain criteria so that, for example, all traffic to and from a particular device can be captured Time-stamp captured data Present protocol layers in an easily readable form Generate frames and send them onto the network Incorporate an expert system in which the analyzer uses a set of rules, combined with information about the network configuration and operation, to diagnose and solve, or offer potential solutions for network problems

Other Troubleshooting Resources

Refer to the following resources to assist in troubleshooting:

Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook, page 178 TAC Troubleshooting Tools on Cisco.com, page 179

Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook

The Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook is a good resource for general network troubleshooting. It is available online: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/cisintwk/itg_v1/index.htm

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Troubleshooting Resources Other Troubleshooting Resources

TAC Troubleshooting Tools on Cisco.com

A variety of troubleshooting tools can be found at the following website: http://www.cisco.com/kobayashi/support/tac/tools_trouble.shtml


You need to register to use these tools on Cisco.com. This site has links to the following tools:

2600/3600/3700 Memory CalculatorCompute the memory required for Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers. Bitswapping ToolInstantly convert Ethernet MAC addresses to Token Ring MAC addresses. BPX/IGX Firmware Compatibility ToolEvaluates BPX and IGX firmware versions for switch software compatibility using the dspcds screen output. Cisco-centric Open Source Initiative (COSI)An open source exchange community where Cisco-centric developers and customers publish, discuss, and release their open source tools, scripts, and utilities. Cisco Feature Navigator IIA web-based application that allows you to quickly find the right Cisco IOS software release for the features you want to run on your network. Command Lookup ToolLook up a detailed description or configuration guidelines for a particular Cisco IOS, Cisco Catalyst, or PIX command. This tool is for Cisco IOS software releases 12.0, 12.1, and 12.2 only. Custom Document Generator for Cisco IOSGenerate customized command reference documents. Error Message DecoderLook up explanations for console error messages listed in the Cisco Software System Messages guide. IOS Upgrade PlannerBrowse for your preferred software. IP Subnet CalculatorPlan your subnetting and addressing strategy online. Networking Professionals ConnectionDiscussion forums, Tech Talks, and Ask the Expert forums are available in which you can share questions, suggestions, and information about networking solutions, products, and technologies. Output InterpreterReceive instant troubleshooting analysis and course of action for your router, switch, or PIX device using collected show command output. Product Alert ToolSet up a profile to receive email updates about reliability, safety, network security, and end-of-sale issues for the Cisco products you specify. RIF Decoder ToolUse the RIF decoder to automatically interpret and decode a hex string. SNMP Object NavigatorTranslate SNMP object identifiers (OIDs) into object names, search object names and descriptions, browse the OID tree, and download MIB files. Software AdvisorChoose software for your network device. Software Bug ToolkitSearch for software bugs based on version and feature sets or bug ID. Software Search EngineSearch for software images and image metadata. Stack Decoder for Cisco IOSThis link takes you to the Cisco Output Interpreter tool, which now offers all the functionality formerly available in the Stack Decoder.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Resources Other Troubleshooting Resources

TAC Case Collection (Troubleshooting Assistant)Interactively diagnose common problems involving hardware, configuration, and performance issues with solutions provided by TAC engineers. Voice Codec Bandwidth CalculatorUse the Voice Codec Bandwidth Calculator to determine the bandwidth used by different codecs with various voice protocols over different media. Voice Gateway Error Decoder for Cisco IOSA diagnostic tool that allows you to enter an IEC dotted string and receive an explanation of the component fields. The explanation includes a description of the problem, and depending upon the error type, a recommended course of action. Use the IEC lookup tool at http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/voice/vtgemd.htm. Wireless Troubleshooting CenterInteractive support for questions related to Cisco Aironet wireless LAN products.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Telephony

Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network

If you are troubleshooting an analog connection, you must understand what type of circuit and interface your voice port is using. Analog voice port interfaces connect routers in packet-based networks to analog two-wire or four-wire analog circuits in telephony networks. Two-wire circuits connect to analog telephone or fax devices, and four-wire circuits connect to PBXs. Analog voice telephony interfaces include foreign exchange office (FXO), foreign exchange station (FXS), and receive and transmit (E&M). Direct Inward Dialing (DID) is a service offered by telephone companies that enables callers to dial directly to an extension on a PBX without the assistance of an operator or automated call attendant. To troubleshoot analog voice interfaces, see the following sections:

FXS Interfaces, page 183 FXO Interfaces, page 189 E&M Interfaces, page 196 Analog DID Interfaces, page 224 Voice Port Testing Commands, page 227

If you are troubleshooting a connection to a PBX, you might find the PBX interoperability notes useful. These notes contain configuration information for Cisco gateways and several types of PBXs. To access these notes, use the following website: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/largeent/avvid/inter_operability/

FXS Interfaces
An FXS interface connects the router or access server to end-user equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and modems. The FXS interface supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone to the station and includes an RJ-11 connector for basic telephone equipment, keysets, and PBXs. In Figure 10, FXS signaling is used for end-user telephony equipment, such as a telephone or fax machine.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces

Figure 10

FXS Signaling Interfaces

Voice port Serial or 1/0/0 Ethernet port WAN

Serial or Voice port Ethernet port 1/0/0




If you are having trouble with an FXS port, check the following sections:

FXS Hardware Troubleshooting, page 184 Ring Voltage Problems, page 186 Unbreakable Dial Tone, page 188

FXS Hardware Troubleshooting

An FXS interface connects directly to a standard telephone, fax machine, or similar device and supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone. Troubleshoot FXS hardware by checking the following sections:

Software Compatibility, page 184 Cabling, page 184 Shutdown Port, page 185 Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card, page 186

Software Compatibility
To ensure that your FXS card is compatible with your software, check the following:

For network modules inserted into Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series, check the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Network Modules chapter in the Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide. For interface cards inserted into Cisco 1600 series, Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, and Cisco ICS 7750 platforms, check the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Interface Cards chapter in the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.

Two types of cabling are supported for Cisco FXS interfaces. They are described in the following sections:

RJ-11 Connectors, page 185 RJ-21 Connectors on the High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module, page 185


For FXS connections, use a 2-wire (RJ-11) cable. A 4-wire cable can cause the second port to busy out.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces

RJ-11 Connectors
The two-port and four-port FXS interface cards support the RJ-11 connector. Illustrations of the connector ports are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12. Information about LEDs can be found in the Connecting Voice Interface Cards to a Network chapter of the Cisco Interface Card Hardware Installation Guide.
Figure 11 Two-Port FXS Card Front Panel





Figure 12

Four-Port FXS/DID Card Front Panel


For information about the VIC-2FXS interface card, refer to Understanding Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) Voice Interface Cards, document ID 7938.

RJ-21 Connectors on the High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module

The High-Density Analog Telephony network module supports an RJ-21 connector. This network module supports both FXS and FXO traffic. An illustration of the connector port is shown in Figure 13. Information about LEDs and pinouts can be found in the Connecting High-Density Analog Telephony Network Modules to a Network chapter of the Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide.
Figure 13
# Type 14 4 FXS 514 1524

High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module







Shutdown Port
If the port is not working, be sure the port is not shut down. Enter the show voice port command with the voice port number that you are troubleshooting. The output will tell you:

If the voice port is up. If it is not, use the no shutdown command to make it active.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces

What parameter values have been set for the voice port, including default values (which do not appear in the output from the show running-config command). If these values do not match those of the telephony connection you are making, reconfigure the voice port.

Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card

If you shut down a port on a multiple-port card, you can disable all of the ports on that card. If only one port is bad and the others are working, in many cases you can disable the bad port and then use the working ports until a replacement arrives. To disable a bad port, use one of the following methods:

On a Cisco universal gateway, such as the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850, busy out the port using the busyout command. This setting allows the port to be taken out of service without disrupting the Cisco IOS configuration. See the product documentation for details:
Cisco AS5350 product documentation Cisco AS5400 product documentation Cisco AS5800 product documentation Cisco AS5850 product documentation

On other Cisco gateways, remove the port from the dial peer. Refer to Dial Peer Features and Configuration in the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers document to configure the dial peer.

Ring Voltage Problems

Telephone exchanges and FXSs need to supply DC battery and AC ringing to enable the connected telephone equipment to transmit speech energy and to power the telephone equipment's ringing device. This section discusses what voltages are supplied by various Cisco FXS interfaces and how to overcome some known issues regarding voltage levels.

Ringing Voltages
The industry standard for PBX and key systems requires that the ring detection circuit be able to detect a ringing signal as low as 40 Vrms. This voltage takes into account the effects of load and cabling voltage drop on a ringing signal generated from a central office (CO). Conversely, the CO (exchange) must supply ringing with enough power to drive the maximum load over the maximum cable length. In order to meet this requirement, a CO-based unit must present a ringing signal with an amplitude of approximately 85 to 100 Vrms. Cisco voice gateways are intended for use as on premise services (ONS) equipment that is colocated or fairly close to equipment that detects ringing, so it can therefore use a lower ringing voltage and still meet the 40 Vrms 5 Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) requirement.

Idle Battery Voltage

Cisco voice gateways were designed for ONS connections and by default the FXS interface supplies either 24 Vdc or 36 Vdc idle battery, whereas off premise services, such as a CO, would require voltages of 48 V because it might have to interconnect over much greater cable lengths. Certain Cisco FXS interfaces can be configured to supply higher voltages.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces

Idle Line Voltages

Table 24 shows idle line voltages supplied by various Cisco gateway FXS interfaces.
Table 24 FXS Idle Voltage

FXS Interface VG248 VIC-2FXS VIC-2DID ASI 81 and ASI 160 IAD 24xx-FXS 1730 IAD VIC-4FXS/DID

Idle Voltage 36V 26V 24V (low) 48V (high) 24V (low) 48V (high) 24V (low) 48V (high) 24V (low) 48V (high) 24V (low) 48V (high)

Ring Voltage Problems

Voltage problems can cause three types of problems:

Answering and Call Initiation Problems with Automated Telephony Devices, page 187 Ringing Problems, page 187 FXS Ring Failure in the United Kingdom, page 188

Certain automated devices, such as fax machines, answer machines, multiline phones and voice mail systems, look at the line voltage in order to deduce if the line is busy or idle. If another device is off hook, then the line voltage drops, and the automated system does not answer or initiate a call. If the threshold being used is close to 24 V or higher, this can cause the device not to work as expected. Certain phones might not ring when the default ring voltage and ring frequency are applied from the Cisco FXS interface.

Answering and Call Initiation Problems with Automated Telephony Devices

In voice port configuration mode, configure the idle-voltage command on the voice port of the FXS to increase idle battery voltage from 24 V to 48 V. The idle-voltage low setting designates -24 V and the idle-voltage high setting designates -48 V.


This option is not available on VG248, VIC-2FXS, and WS-x6624 FXS interfaces.

Ringing Problems
Phone manufacturers sometimes use frequency filters known as antitinkle circuits to prevent ringer devices from sounding while the user is dialing. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the ring to suit the connected device. Configure the ring frequency for Cisco modular access routers by issuing the following command:
Router(config-voiceport)# ring frequency ? 25 ring frequency 25 Hertz 50 ring frequency 50 Hertz

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXS Interfaces

Configure the ring frequency for the Cisco IAD2400 platform by issuing the following command:
Router(config-voiceport)# ring frequency ? 20 ring frequency 20 Hertz 30 ring frequency 30 Hertz

To prevent ringer devices from sounding, you can also provide a voltage threshold so that the lower voltages, which can be produced during dialing, are ignored. Increasing the voltage can overcome this. Configure the DC offset voltage on Cisco IAD2400 series routers by issuing the following command:
Router(config-voiceport)# ring dc-offset ? 10-volts Ring DC offset 10 volts 20-volts Ring DC offset 20 volts 24-volts Ring DC offset 24 volts


This command sequence can be used only for Cisco IAD2400 series routers. The 24-V ring DC offset setting is available for Cisco IOS 12.2(11)T and later releases.

FXS Ring Failure in the United Kingdom

A telephone approved for the United Kingdom might fail to ring when connected to a Cisco FXS port. The failure results from a physical interoperability issue and is independent of Cisco hardware or software. British Telecom did not implement RJ-11 type connectors when it adopted plug-and-socket connection methodology. RJ-11 connectors allow parallel connectivity for the transmission path and the ringer circuit. They were not used because older telephones needed to have their ringer circuits connected in series due to a requirement for high current. Outside the United Kingdom, ringer circuitry is self-contained in each phone. The U.K. implementation puts the capacitor, which provides the AC ring path, and the antitinkle feature (prevents the bell or ringer from sounding when pulse dialing is used) externally in the first socket, connected to the local loop. In the United Kingdom, certain British Approval Board for Telecommunications (BABT) telephones fail to ring when they are connected to FXS ports on Cisco voice-enabled routers and switches. Outgoing calls can be made and voice communication in both directions can be established. However, incoming calls do not ring the telephone. These telephones functioned correctly before they were connected to the FXS ports. Because a proprietary connection system is implemented, you must use an adapter to connect the telephone to an FXS port. The adapter must be a master that contains the capacitor, or the telephone fails to ring. For a schematic and more information, refer to Understanding Why Telephones in the United Kingdom Connected to Cisco FXS Interfaces May Fail to Ring, document ID 25800.

Unbreakable Dial Tone

A common problem encountered in a VoIP network is being unable to break dial tone. The router seizes a line on the local PBX but when digits are dialed, the dial tone stays. The calling party is unable to pass the dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones or digits to the terminating device, resulting in callers being unable to dial the desired extension or interact with a device that needs DTMF tones such as a voice mail or an interactive voice response (IVR) application. This problem can result from a number of sources, for example:

DTMF tones are not passed. DTMF tones are not understood.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

DTMF tones are too distorted to be understood. Other signaling and cabling issues occur.

Make sure the dial type is set as DTMF on both the router and the PBX. The FXS port does not pass on the digits; therefore, this setting is not available on an FXS port. However, this setting can be changed on FXO and E&M ports:
Router(config-voiceport)# dial-type ? dtmf touch-tone dialer mf mf-tone dialer pulse pulse dialer

For more information, refer to Inability To Break Dialtone in a Voice over IP Network, document ID 22376.

No LED When Phone Off the Hook

Verify if you have an analog or digital card. If you have an analog card like the VIC-2FXS or the VIC2-4FXS, you might have one of the following problems:

The port is in a shutdown state. The port is in a park state. The port is bad.

If you have a digital card like the NM-2V, you might have bad DSPs. Use the following procedure if there is no LED when your phone is off hook:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Check the cable to make sure that it is RJ-11 with two pins for the FXS port. Test the LED using a different phone. Check your Cisco IOS version to make sure that the feature set is either IP Plus or Enterprise Plus. If Steps 1 to 3 do not work, replace the voice interface card (VIC).

FXO Interfaces
An FXO interface is used for trunk, or tie line, connections to a PSTN CO or to a PBX that does not support E&M signaling (when local telecommunications authority permits). This interface is of value for off-premises station applications. Figure 14 shows an FXS connection to a telephone and an FXO connection to the PSTN at the far side of a WAN.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

Figure 14

FXS and FXO Signaling Interfaces

Voice port Serial or 1/0/0 Ethernet port WAN

Serial or Voice port Ethernet port 1/0/0 PSTN



If you are having trouble with an FXO port, check the following sections:

FXO Hardware Troubleshooting, page 190 FXO Disconnect Failure, page 192 Troubleshooting FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision, page 192 Unbreakable Dial Tone, page 194 Troubleshooting Caller ID Problems, page 194

FXO Hardware Troubleshooting

An FXO interface is used for trunk connections. Troubleshoot FXO hardware by checking the following sections:

Software Compatibility, page 190 Cabling, page 190 Shutdown Port, page 191 Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card, page 192

Software Compatibility
To ensure that your card is compatible with your software, check the following:

For network modules inserted into Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers, refer to the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Network Modules chapter in the Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide. For interface cards inserted into Cisco 1600 series, Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, and Cisco ICS 7750 platforms, refer to the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Interface Cards chapter in the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.

Two types of cabling are supported for Cisco FXO interfaces. They are described in the following sections:

RJ-11 Connectors, page 185 RJ-21 Connectors on the High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module, page 185

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces


For FXO connections, use a 2-wire (RJ-11) cable. A 4-wire cable can cause the second port to busy out.

RJ-11 Connectors
The two-port and four-port FXO interface cards support the RJ-11 connector. Illustrations of the connector ports are shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16. Information about LEDs can be found in the Connecting Voice Interface Cards to a Network chapter of the Cisco Interface Card Hardware Installation Guide.
Figure 15 Two-Port FXO Card Front Panel





Figure 16

Four-Port FXO Card Front Panel


RJ-21 Connectors on the High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module

The High-Density Analog Telephony network module supports an RJ-21 connector. This network module supports both FXS and FXO traffic. An illustration of the connector port is shown in Figure 17. Information about LEDs and pinouts can be found in the Connecting High-Density Analog Telephony Network Modules to a Network chapter of the Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide.
Figure 17
# Type 14 4 FXS 514 1524

High-Density Analog Telephony Network Module







Shutdown Port
If the port is not working, be sure the port is not shut down. Enter the show voice port command with the voice port number that you are troubleshooting. The output will tell you:

If the voice port is up. If it is not, use the no shutdown command to make it active.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

What parameter values have been set for the voice port, including default values (these values do not appear in the output from the show running-config command). If these values do not match those of the telephony connection you are making, reconfigure the voice port.

Disabling a Port on a Multiple Port Card

If you shut down a port on a multiple-port card, you can disable all of the ports on that card. If only one port is bad and the others are working, in many cases you can disable the bad port and use the working ports until a replacement arrives. To disable a bad port, use one of the following methods:

On a Cisco universal gateway, such as the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850, busy out the port using the busyout command. This allows the port to be taken out of service without disrupting the Cisco IOS configuration. Refer to the product documentation for details:
For Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 universal gateways, refer to the Managing and

Troubleshooting the Universal Port Card chapter in the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide.
For Cisco AS5800 access servers, refer to the Managing and Troubleshooting NextPort Services

on the AS5800 feature document.

For Cisco AS5850 universal gateways, refer to the Managing Port Services on the Cisco AS5850

Universal Gateway feature document.

On other Cisco gateways, remove the port from the dial peer. Refer to Dial Peer Features and Configuration in the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers document to configure the dial peer.

FXO Disconnect Failure

When loop-starting signaling is used, an FXO interface looks like a phone to the switch that it is connecting to. The FXO interface closes the loop to indicate off hook. The switch always provides a battery so there is no disconnect supervision from the switch side. Because a switch expects a phone user or modem to hang up the phone when the call is terminated on either side, it also expects the FXO port on the router to hang up. However, the FXO port expects the switch to tell it when to hang up. Because the port relies on the switch, there is no guarantee that a near- or far-end FXO port will disconnect the call once either end of the call has hung up. The most common symptoms of this problem are phones that continue to ring when the caller has cleared, or FXO ports that remain busy after the previous call should have been cleared. To troubleshoot this problem, refer to Understanding FXO Disconnect Problem, document ID 8120.

Troubleshooting FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision

This section describes troubleshooting the FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision feature for analog FXO voice ports. This feature applies to analog FXO voice ports with loop-start signaling connected to PSTNs, PBXs, or key systems.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

The FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision feature enables analog FXO ports to monitor call-progress tones and to monitor voice and fax transmissions returned from a PBX or from the PSTN. Answer supervision can be accomplished in two ways: by detecting battery reversal, or by detecting voice, fax, or modem tones. If an FXO voice port is connected to the PSTN and battery reversal is supported, use the battery reversal method. Voice ports that do not support battery reversal must use the answer supervision method, in which answer supervision is triggered when the DSP detects voice, modem, or fax transmissions. Configuring answer supervision automatically enables disconnect supervision; however, you can configure disconnect supervision separately if answer supervision is not configured. Disconnect supervision can be configured to detect call-progress tones sent by the PBX or PSTN (for example, busy, reorder, out-of-service, number-unavailable), or to detect any tone received (for example, busy tone or dial tone). When an incoming call ends, the DSP detects the associated call-progress tone, causing the analog FXO voice port to go on-hook. This section provides solutions to problems that you might encounter when implementing the FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision feature. Typical problems with the answer supervision feature are as follows:

Call-progress tones such as ringback are not heard by the calling party. If any call legs have IVR configured, ensure that the IVR version is 2.0.

Ringback timer is not initiated or ringback is not detected.

The wrong call-progress tone (cptone) command is configured on the voice port. The wrong DTMF detection parameters are configured. Custom call-progress tones are assigned to the voice port but ringback tone has not been

configured; in this case, the default behavior is not to detect any ringback tones.

Answer supervision is not triggered. Answer supervisioneither by battery-reversal detection or by call-progress tone detectionis not configured on the voice-port in use.

Excessive delay before answer supervision is activated. The level on the sensitivity parameter in the supervisory answer dualtone command is set too low. Configure the sensitivity for high.

If incorrect disconnect cause codes are reported, check the following:

The values configured for custom call-progress tones could be incorrect. Overlapping detection frequencies might have been incorrectly specified in the voice class created by the voice class dualtone-detect-params command. For example if the freq-max-deviation parameter is configured to be 20 Hz, and the busy and reorder parameters are set for frequencies 350 and 370 respectively, the voice port cannot detect the reorder tone, resulting in an incorrect disconnect cause code.


If the frequencies and cadences (including error deviations as defined in the voice class dualtone-detect-params command) are the same for multiple call-progress tones, the order of detection is as follows: busy, reorder, number-unobtainable, out-of-service, disconnect.

If calls are not billed correctly, it might be that answer supervision is not being triggered. For answer supervision to be triggered, voice, fax, or data tones originating at the called-party end must be detected.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

To configure the FXO Supervisory Disconnect Tone, refer to the Voice Port Configuration document.

Monitoring and Maintaining FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision

To monitor the status of the FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision feature, use the show voice port command, which causes the FXO voice port to be monitored. The following table illustrates the use of the show voice port command for monitoring voice port 1/1/0. Command
Router# show voice port 1/1/0

Purpose Shows a detailed status of the voice port. Under the heading Voice card specific Info Follows:, the status of the FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision feature is indicated by one of the following messages: Answer Supervision is active or Answer Supervision is inactive.

Unbreakable Dial Tone

A common problem encountered in a VoIP network is being unable to break dial tone. The router puts a seizure on the local PBX but when digits are dialed, the dial tone stays. The calling party is unable to pass the DTMF tones or digits to the terminating device, resulting in callers being unable to dial the desired extension or interact with the device that needs DTMF tones, such as a voice mail or IVR application. Here are some possible causes of the problem:

DTMF tones not being sent. DTMF tones not being understood. DTMF tones too distorted to be understood. Other signaling and cabling issues.

Make sure the dial type is set as DTMF on both the router and the PBX. The FXS port does not pass on the digits, therefore this setting is not available on an FXS port. However, this setting can be changed on FXO and E&M ports:
Router(config-voiceport)# dial-type ? dtmf touch-tone dialer mf mf-tone dialer pulse pulse dialer

For more information, refer to Inability To Break Dialtone in a Voice over IP Network, document ID 22376.

Troubleshooting Caller ID Problems

Several debugs can be used to troubleshoot the Caller ID feature on the routers. The voice port module (VPM) signaling debugs, such as the debug vpm signal command, track the standard debugs with Caller ID feature turned on. These debugs are analyzed from the perspective of the terminating router and its FXO port; the caller ID is sent from this end. The following example shows an FXO port receiving caller ID. In this example, the phone sends the caller ID to the FXO port.
Nov 20 10:40:15.861 EST: [1/0/0] htsp_start_caller_id_rx Nov 20 10:40:15.861 EST: [1/0/0] htsp_set_caller_id_rx:BELLCORE Nov 20 10:40:15.861 EST: htsp_timer - 10000 msec

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network FXO Interfaces

Nov 20 10:40:17.757 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_RINGING, E_DSP_SIG_0100] Nov 20 10:40:17.757 EST: fxols_ringing_not Nov 20 10:40:17.761 EST: htsp_timer_stop Nov 20 10:40:17.761 EST: htsp_timer - 10000 msec Nov 20 10:40:18.925 EST: [1/0/0] htsp_stop_caller_id_rx Nov 20 10:40:21.857 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_RINGING, E_DSP_SIG_0000] Nov 20 10:40:23.857 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_RINGING, E_DSP_SIG_0100] Nov 20 10:40:23.857 EST: fxols_ringing_not Nov 20 10:40:23.861 EST: htsp_timer_stop htsp_setup_ind Nov 20 10:40:23.861 EST: [1/0/0] get_fxo_caller_id:Caller ID received. Message type=128 length=31 checksum=74 Nov 20 10:40:23.861 EST: [1/0/0] Caller ID String 80 1C 01 08 31 31 32 30 31 35 34 30 02 07 35 35 35 31 32 31 32 07 07 4F 75 74 73 69 64 65 74 Nov 20 10:40:23.865 EST: [1/0/0] get_fxo_caller_id calling num=5551212 calling name=Outside calling time=11/20 15:40 Nov 20 10:40:23.869 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_WAIT_SETUP_ACK, E_HTSP_SETUP_ACK] Nov 20 10:40:23.873 EST: fxols_wait_setup_ack: Nov 20 10:40:23.873 EST: [1/0/0] set signal state = 0xC timestamp = 0 Nov 20 10:40:23.985 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0100] fxols_proceed_clear Nov 20 10:40:23.985 EST: htsp_timer_stop2 Nov 20 10:40:24.097 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0110] fxols_rvs_battery Nov 20 10:40:24.097 EST: htsp_timer_stop2 Nov 20 10:40:24.733 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_PROCEED_RVS_BT, E_HTSP_PROCEEDING] fxols_offhook_proc Nov 20 10:40:24.733 EST: htsp_timer - 120000 msec Nov 20 10:40:24.745 EST: [1/0/0, FXOLS_PROCEED_RVS_BT, E_HTSP_VOICE_CUT_THROUGH] fxols_proc_voice

In this example, everything was working fine and both Name and Number Display were properly delivered to the phone. In the two scenarios below, the calling number is missing in one case, and the name display is missing in the other.

Calling Number Lost, Name Delivered

In the following example, the calling number is lost, but the name is delivered:
Nov 17 17:39:34.164 EST: [1/1/0] calling num=display_info=Outside Nov 17 17:39:34.164 EST: [1/1/0] 01 08 31 31 31 37 32 32 33 39 04 73 69 64 65 88 htsp_set_caller_id_tx called num=9913050 Caller ID String 80 16 01 4F 07 07 4F 75 74

In the Caller ID String, looking at 04 01 4F translates to: 04 : Reason for Absence of DN 01 : Length of message 4F : "Out of Area"

Calling Number Delivered, Name Lost

In the following example, the calling number is delivered, but the name is lost:
Nov 17 17:53:24.034 EST: [1/1/0] calling num=5550109display_info= Nov 17 17:53:24.034 EST: [1/1/0] 16 01 08 31 31 31 37 32 32 35 33 htsp_set_caller_id_tx called num=5550011 Caller ID String 80 02 07 35 35 35 31 32

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

31 32 08 01 4F 05

In the Caller ID String, looking at 08 01 4F translates to: 08 : Reason for Absence of Display 01 : Length 4F : Out of Area For more information, refer to Caller ID Name Delivery Issues on Cisco IOS Gateways, document ID 23444.

E&M Interfaces
The difference between a conventional two-wire telephone interface such as FXS or FXO and an E&M interface is that the E&M interface has wires that pass the audio signals plus wires to act as an input (to sense an incoming call) or an output (to indicate an outgoing call). These control leads are normally called the E lead (input) and the M lead (output). Depending on the type of E&M interface, the signaling leads could be controlled by connecting them to the ground, switching a 48-Vdc source, or completing a current loop between the two devices. E&M interfaces can normally be two- or four-wire operation, which does not refer to the total number of physical connections on the port but rather to the way that audio is passed between the devices. Two-wire operation means the transmitting and receiving audio signals are passed through a single pair of wires (one pair equals two wires). Four-wire operation uses one pair for transmitting and another pair for receiving audio. In Figure 18, two PBXs are connected across a WAN by E&M interfaces. This topology illustrates the path over a WAN between two geographically separated offices in the same company.
Figure 18 E&M Signaling Interfaces Voice port Serial or 1/0/0 Ethernet port

Serial or Voice port Ethernet port 1/0/0 WAN



This section contains the following topics:

E&M Hardware Troubleshooting, page 197 E&M Interface Types, page 199 Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level, page 208 Confirming E&M Configuration, page 216 Unbreakable Dial Tone, page 223

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

E&M Hardware Troubleshooting

The E&M interface typically connects remote calls from an IP network to a PBX. Troubleshoot Cisco E&M hardware by checking the following sections:

Software Compatibility, page 197 Cabling, page 197 Shutdown Port, page 198

Software Compatibility
For interface cards inserted into Cisco modular access routers, check the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Interface Cards chapter in the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.

E&M is a signaling technique for two-wire and four-wire telephone and trunk interfaces. The E&M interface typically connects remote calls from an IP network to a PBX. The card is connected to the PSTN or PBX through a telephone wall outlet by a straight-through RJ-48C cable.


Refer to the appropriate platform product documentation for specific interface information about your E&M card. The connector port for the E&M voice interface card is shown in Figure 19. Information about LEDs can be found in the Connecting Voice Interface Cards to a Network chapter of the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.


Ports on the E&M voice interface card are color-coded brown.

Figure 19 Two-Port E&M Card Front Panel

VIC port 1

VIC port 0





To verify that the analog E&M hardware is being recognized by the Cisco IOS platform, use the following commands:

show versionThis command displays the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names of configuration files, and the boot images. See the following sample output. show running-configThis command shows the configuration of the Cisco platform. The voice ports should appear in the configuration automatically. See the following sample output.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

show version Command on a Cisco 3640 Platform

Router# show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-IS-M), Version 12.1(2), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 10-May-00 07:20 by linda Image text-base: 0x600088F0, data-base: 0x60E38000 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(20)AA2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE(fc1) Router uptime is 0 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on at 11:16:21 cst Mon Mar 12 2001 System image file is "flash:c3640-is-mz.121-2.bin" cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 126976K/4096K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 16187704 R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0 Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp). 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 2 Voice FXS interface(s) 2 Voice E&M interface(s) DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled. 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Configuration register is 0x2102

show running-config Command on a Cisco 3640 Platform

Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! !--- Some output omitted. version 12.1 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime ! hostname Router ! voice-port 3/0/0 ! voice-port 3/0/1 ! voice-port 3/1/0 ! voice-port 3/1/1 ! end

Shutdown Port
Check to make sure the port is not shut down. Enter the show voice port command with the voice port number that you are troubleshooting. The output will tell you:

If the voice port is up. If it is not, use the no shutdown command to make it active. What parameter values have been set for the voice port, including default values (default values do not appear in the output from the show running-config command). If these values do not match those of the telephony connection you are making, reconfigure the voice port.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

E&M Interface Types

This section describes the standard analog E&M interface types I, II, III, and V (IV is not supported by Cisco platforms). The following topics are covered:

E&M Signaling Unit Side and Trunk Circuit Side Compatibility Issues, page 199 E&M Type I Interface Model, page 200 E&M Type II Interface Model, page 202 E&M Type III Interface Model, page 204 E&M Type V Interface Model, page 206

E&M Signaling Unit Side and Trunk Circuit Side Compatibility Issues
E&M signaling defines a trunk circuit side and a signaling unit side for each connection. Cisco's analog E&M interface functions as the signaling unit side, so it expects the other side to be a trunk circuit. When you use E&M interface model Type II or Type V, you can connect two signaling unit sides back to back by appropriate crossing of the signaling leads. When using the E&M Type I or Type III interface, you cannot connect two signaling unit sides back to back. Many PBX brands have E&M analog trunk cards that can operate as either the trunk circuit side or the signaling unit side. Because the Cisco E&M interfaces are fixed as the signaling unit side of the interface, it may be necessary to change the E&M trunk settings on the PBX to operate as the trunk circuit side. If Type I or III E&M is being used, this is the only way the PBX can work with the Cisco E&M interface. Some PBX products (and many key systems) can operate only as the signaling unit side of the E&M interface. They cannot interoperate with the Cisco E&M interface if Type I or Type III is chosen. If Type II or Type V E&M is being used, PBX products fixed as signaling unit side can still be used with the Cisco E&M interface via Type II or Type V. Each E&M signaling type has a unique circuit model and connection diagram. The following sections describe the different types. Table 25 shows the E&M supervisory signal description.
Table 25 E&M Interface Supervision Signal Description

Signal E M SG SB T/R

Meaning Ear or earth Mouth or magnet Signal ground Signal battery Tip/Ring

Description Signal wire from trunking (CO) side to signaling side. Signal wire from signaling side to trunking (CO) side. Used on E&M Types II, III, and IV. (Type IV is not supported on Cisco gateways.) Used on E&M Types II, III, and IV. (Type IV is not supported on Cisco gateways.) Tip and ring leads carry audio between the signaling unit and the trunking circuit. On a two-wire audio operation circuit, this pair carries the full-duplex audio path. Used on four-wire audio operation circuits only. The four-wire implementation provides separate paths for receiving and sending audio signals.



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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

E&M Type I Interface Model

E&M Type I is the original E&M lead signaling arrangement, and it is the most common interface type in North America. Table 26 shows the sent signal states for on- and off-hook signaling.
Table 26 E&M Type I Signal States

PBX to Cisco Gateway

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook

Cisco Gateway to PBX

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook





The gateway grounds its E-lead to signal a trunk seizure. The PBX applies battery to its M-lead to signal a seizure. Cisco gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead, and they signal off-hook to a remote device on the E-lead. E&M Type I 2-wire operation is shown in Figure 20. E&M Type I 4-wire operation is shown in Figure 21.
Figure 20 E&M Type I 2-Wire Audio Operation

E&M type I interface model


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook


Detect Off-hook

-48V ptc

M On-hook


T 2-wire audio R Trunk circuit

5 2-wire audio

4 Signaling unit

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Figure 21

E&M Type I 4-Wire Audio Operation

E&M type I interface model


Analog E&M 4-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook


Detect Off-hook

-48V ptc

M On-hook


4-wire audio

R T1

R T1

4 5 4-wire audio

Trunk circuit

Signaling unit


For the four-wire audio setup, Pin 6 (Tip) and Pin 3 (Ring) on the router transport the audio path from the PBX to the router. Pin 5 (Tip1) and 4 (Ring1) on the router transport the audio path from the router to the PBX. Pins for the cable are shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22

E&M Cabling Pins



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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Considerations for Type I interfaces include:

Two signaling units cannot be connected back to back. A Type I signaling unit and a trunk circuit share a common ground. Type I does not provide isolation between trunk circuits and signaling units, can produce noise in audio circuits, and might be susceptible to electrical transients. It is critical to provide and ground connection directly between the Cisco product and the PBX. Otherwise, E&M signaling might be intermittent. Four wires are used for Type I, two-wire audio operation. Six wires are used for Type I, four-wire audio operation.

E&M Type II Interface Model

E&M Type II provides a 4-wire fully looped arrangement that provides full isolation between the trunks and signaling units. Type II is usually used on Centrex lines and Nortel PBX systems. Table 27 shows the sent signal states for on- and off-hook signaling.
Table 27 E&M Type II Signal States

PBX to Cisco Gateway

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook

Cisco Gateway to PBX

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook





The gateway grounds its E-lead to signal a trunk seizure. The PBX applies battery to its M-lead to signal a seizure. Cisco gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead, and they signal off-hook to a remote device on the E-lead. E&M Type II 2-wire operation is shown in Figure 23. E&M Type II 4-wire operation is shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 23

E&M Type II 2-Wire Audio Operation

E&M type II interface model


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook





7 8

On-hook Off-hook 2



SB 5

1 ptc


T 2-wire audio R Trunk circuit

2-wire audio R 4

Signaling unit

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Figure 24

E&M Type II 4-Wire Audio Operation


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook





7 8

On-hook Off-hook 2




1 ptc


4-wire audio

R T1

R T1

4 5 4-wire audio

R1 Trunk circuit


Signaling unit


For the four-wire audio setup, Pin 6 (Tip) and Pin 3 (Ring) on the router transport the audio path from the PBX to the router. Pin 5 (Tip1) and Pin 4 (Ring1) on the router transport the audio path from the router to the PBX. Considerations for Type II interfaces include:

Two signaling unit sides can be connected back-to-back if the appropriate signaling leads are swapped. Six wires are used for Type II, two-wire audio operation. Eight wires are used for Type II, four-wire audio operation.

E&M Type III Interface Model

E&M Type III is a partially looped four-wire E&M arrangement with ground isolation. The signaling unit provides both the battery and the ground. Table 28 shows the sent signal states for on- and off-hook signaling.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Table 28

E&M Type III Signal States

PBX to Cisco Gateway

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook

Cisco Gateway to PBX

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook





The router senses loop current on the M-lead for an inbound seizure and grounds its E-lead for an outbound seizure. Cisco routers/gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead, and they signal off-hook to a remote device on the E-lead. E&M Type III 2-wire operation is shown in Figure 25. E&M Type III 4-wire operation is shown in Figure 26.
Figure 25 E&M Type III 2-Wire Audio Operation


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook




E SG 2

7 8

On-hook M Off-hook SB SB M


1 ptc


T 2-wire audio R Trunk circuit

5 2-wire audio

4 Signaling unit

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Figure 26

E&M Type III 4-Wire Audio Operation


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook




E SG 2

7 8

On-hook M Off-hook SB T SB T M


1 6 ptc


4-wire audio

R T1

R T1

4 5 4-wire audio

R1 Trunk circuit


4 Signaling unit


For the four-wire audio setup, Pin 6 (Tip) and Pin 3 (Ring) on the router transport the audio path from the PBX to the router. Pin 5 (Tip1) and Pin 4 (Ring1) on the router transport the audio path from the router to the PBX. Considerations for Type III interfaces include:

Two signaling units cannot be connected back to back. Six wires are used for Type III, two-wire audio operation. Eight wires are used for Type III, four-wire audio operation.

E&M Type V Interface Model

E&M Type V is widely used outside North America (nearly a worldwide standard.) Type V is a symmetrical two-wire lead arrangement that signals in both directions (open for on-hook and ground for off-hook.) Table 29 shows the sent signal states for on- and off-hook signaling.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Table 29

E&M Type V Signal States

PBX to Cisco Gateway

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook

Cisco Gateway to PBX

Lead On-Hook Off-Hook





The gateway grounds its E-lead to signal a trunk seizure. The PBX grounds its M-lead to signal a seizure. Cisco gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead, and they signal off-hook to remote device on the E-lead. E&M Type V 2-wire operation is shown in Figure 27. E&M Type V 4-wire operation is shown in Figure 28.
Figure 27 E&M Type V 2-Wire Audio Operation


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook


Detect On-hook Off-hook On-hook

2 M



T 2-wire audio R Trunk circuit

5 2-wire audio

4 Signaling unit

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Figure 28

E&M Type V 4-Wire Audio Operation


Analog E&M 2-wire audio operation

Tie-line Cisco equipment On-hook Off-hook


Detect On-hook Off-hook On-hook

2 M 6



4-wire audio

R T1

4 4-wire audio

5 T1

Trunk circuit

Signaling unit


For the four-wire audio setup, Pin 6 (Tip) and Pin 3 (Ring) on the router transport the audio path from the PBX to the router. Pin 5 (Tip1) and Pin 4 (Ring1) on the router transport the audio path from the router to the PBX. Considerations for Type V interfaces include:

Type V does not provide ground isolation. Two signaling unit sides can be connected back-to-back if the appropriate signaling leads are swapped. Four wires are used for Type V, two-wire audio operation. Six wires are used for Type V, four-wire audio operation.

Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level

E&M provides the highest quality analog interface available, but it also is the most difficult to administer due to the number of leads, configurations, and protocol issues. Usually it is helpful to have the appropriate reference diagram available when verifying the connections.

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4 R1

Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Preparing to Troubleshoot E&M Physical Problems

Use the information in the following sections to prepare to troubleshoot E&M physical problems:

Hardware Troubleshooting Tools, page 209 Precautions, page 210 PBX Interconnection, page 210 Use Rollover Cable for E&M Port-to-Port Testing, page 210

Hardware Troubleshooting Tools

Test equipment is not required for every installation, but sometimes you need to use it to isolate problems with analog E&M ports. The most useful equipment is a digital multimeter and a technician's line test set. These tools allow measurement of signaling states and voltages, and monitoring of audio signals. A digital multimeter is used to measure the DC loop voltage and AC ringing voltage on FXS ports, E- or M-lead signaling transitions, voltages on E or M leads, and DC resistance of E&M signaling leads. In the terminating mode of operation, the technician's line test set acts like a normal telephone handset when connected to a loopstart trunk, allowing telephone numbers to be dialed on the built-in keypad. When switched to the monitoring mode (bridging mode), the unit presents a high impedance to the TX or RX audio pairs of the E&M port, allowing the audio signals and tones to be heard on the built-in loudspeaker. This mode helps you find problems with one-way audio, incorrect digits being sent or received, distortion and level problems, and possible sources of noise and echo. For an effective troubleshooting kit, have the following items available:

Digital volt ohm meter (VOM) with sharp-tipped probes. Those with the analog bar graph and a beeper with pitch proportional to the display are particularly useful. Lineman's test set. RJ-45 breakout adapter. This adapter has an RJ-45 socket on each end, with terminals for each of the lines distributed about each side. RJ-45 straight-through cable (verify that it is straight through). Alligator-clip patch cables.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces



Equipment closets where telecommunication devices exist, while usually not hazardous, can have some potentially harmful situations, including, but not limited to:

Lead acid battery stacks able to supply large amounts of current, and possibly flammable hydrogen fumes. Ventilation and insulation are the keys to avoiding damage. Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and steel-toed work boots. Keep electrically insulated work gloves and OSHA-approved eye protection available. Avoid wearing metal objects such as chains, bracelets, rings, and watches unless under cover and away from making any connection. Voltage does not injure; current does. Many wires for voice, data, power, and so on. Watch for potentially damaging outages caused by pulling a wire that is snagged on another wire. RJ plugs have a tendency to snag on other wires and loosen equipment. Sharp edges. Equipment deployed before there were safety requirements regarding snag or cut hazards often have protruding bolts and screws. Full clothing protection helps protect you in these cases. Loose, heavy equipment. Objects in the equipment room may be less than secure. These objects can fall and hurt the equipment, you, or others. If moving heavy objects is involved, leave it to the facility staff or other professional movers; otherwise, use a back protector belt and follow proper OSHA-approved lifting and moving guidelines.

PBX Interconnection
The majority of PBXs interface with peripheral equipment using cable distribution frames (DFs). Multipair cables are run from the PBX equipment cabinet to the distribution frame, where they are jumpered (cross-connected) to the external devices. These DFs have various names, but the most common terms for them are 110 block, 66 block, and Krone frame. The DF is generally the place where all connections are made between the router voice port and the PBX, so it is where most wiring errors are made and would obviously be the best place to perform testing and troubleshooting.

Use Rollover Cable for E&M Port-to-Port Testing

Past experience of Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers has shown that most E&M-related faults are due to incorrect wiring or PBX port programming. To assist in determining if the fault is external to the router, you can use the standard rollover console cable that is supplied with every Cisco router as an E&M cross-over cable. This cross-over cable connects the signaling output of one port to the input of the other port and maintains an audio path between the two ports. You can configure a dial peer so that a test call is sent out one port and looped back into the second port, proving the operation of the router.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

The rollover console cable has the following RJ-45 connector wiring: 1-------8 2-------7 3-------6 4-------5 5-------4 6-------3 7-------2 8-------1 The signaling cross-over occurs as pins 2 (M-lead) and 7 (E-lead) on one port are connected to pins 7 (E-lead) and 2 (M-lead) on the other port. The two ports share a common internal ground. The cross-over on pins 4 and 5 (audio pair) has no effect on the audio signal. By setting both voice ports to 2-wire, type 5 operation, the E&M ports become symmetrical and an outward seizure on one port is seen as an incoming seizure on the second port. Any DTMF digits sent out immediately come back in and are then matched on another dial peer. If the test calls are successful, there is little doubt about the operation of the router voice ports. In the following example, the assumption is made that there are working devices on the IP network that can originate and accept VoIP calls. The voice ports and dial peers are configured like this:
voice-port 1/0/0 !--- First port under test. operation 2-wire signal-type wink type 5 ! voice-port 1/0/1 !--- Second port under test. operation 2-wire signal-type wink type 5 Cisco - Analog E&M Troubleshooting Guidelines (Cisco IOS Platforms) ! dial-peer voice 100 pots !--- Send call out to port 1/0/0, strip the 100 and prefix with a called !--- number 200. destination-pattern 100 port 1/0/0 prefix 200 ! dial-peer voice 200 voip !--- Incoming test call for 200 comes !--- in on port 1/0/1 and is sent to as VoIP call. destination-pattern 200 session-target ipv4: !

When a VoIP call comes in to the router with a called number of 100, it is sent out port 1/0/0. By default, any explicitly matched digits on a POTS dial peer are assumed to be an access code and stripped off before the call is made. To route the call correctly, these digits need to be replaced. In this case the prefix command prepends the digits 200 as the called number. This call is immediately looped back in on port 1/0/1. The digits match on dial-peer 200 and make the new call to the designated IP address. The devices originating and accepting the VoIP calls should then have an audio connection that is across the IP

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

network and goes out and back through the E&M ports. This connection proves the router is working properly and indicates that the fault is external to the router. The majority of faults are due to incorrect cabling or PBX port programming issues.

Troubleshooting Type I Interfaces

The four-wire Type I interface from the PBX (set up for the trunk circuit side) has the following characteristics:

E detector floats at 48 V below ground. M contact has low ohms to ground on-hook, and is 48 V below ground when off-hook. Resistance is approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip and ring, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance. Resistance is approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip-1 and ring-1, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance.

Confirm the Cable Interface from the PBX

If you think the cable is bad, pull the suspect voice cable from the router and leave the other side connected to the PBX. Then do the following:

With a VOM, measure DC voltage between pin 7 of the cable and the chassis ground. The meter should read between 24 V and 56 V. If it does not, pin 7 is likely not the E lead on the PBX. Measure the other pins, looking for 24 to 56 V to ground. Some devices, like an AT&T, Lucent or Avaya PBX, bias the tip/ring leads to 48 V to aid debugging. On pins that had no conclusive energy, measure the ohms to ground with a VOM. If one shows less than 500 ohms, it is likely the M lead. It should be pin 2 on the cable. If pin 2 shows between -24 v and 48 V to ground, it is possible that the PBX is off hook; sometimes a PBX busies out what seems to be a bad port. With a VOM, measure the resistance (ohms) between tip and ring. It should read from 30 to 120 ohms if the PBX has no DC blocking capacitor. If there is a capacitor, you will see the meter jump to around 100 ohms, then climb to infinity as the capacitor charges. With either signature, there is an audio pairyou just need to figure out which direction it is. Do the same for tip-1/ring-1. It should behave like tip/ring. Attach a test to tip/ring. While listening, ground E (pin 7 on the cable). If the PBX is configured to provide a dial tone, you should hear it in the earpiece. If you hear nothing, try the other audio pair in case it is cross-wired. If you still hear nothing, the PBX might not give a dial tone on a trunk line. It is acceptable to cross tip with ring or tip-1 with ring-1.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

On either the router or the PBX, try a similar port that is known to work. Listen in on both sides of the audio path (one at a time) with the test set to hear the call progress. Try to spoof the signaling of one end or the other by clipping one of the active signals to see if the equipment reacts as expected. Grounding E should simulate an inbound call coming over the trunk to the PBX, and the PBX might respond with a dial tone (if provisioned to do so). Using an extension off of the PBX, try to seize the trunk and see if M connects to ground.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Troubleshooting Type II Interfaces

The four-wire Type-II interface from the PBX (setup for trunk circuit side) has the following characteristics:

E lead detector floats at -48 v below ground. SG lead has a low ohms to ground. M lead contact between M and SB is open when on-hook and closed when off-hook. M lead floats. SB lead floats. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip and ring, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip-1 and ring-1, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance.

Confirm the Cable Interface from the PBX

Pull the suspect voice cable from the router and leave the other side connected to the PBX. Then do the following:

With a VOM, measure the DC voltage between E (pin 7 of the cable) and the chassis ground. The meter should read between 24 V and 56 V. If it does not, pin 7 on the cable is likely not the E lead. Measure the other pins, looking for 24 to 56 V to ground. Some devices, like an AT&T, Lucent, or Avaya PBX, bias the tip/ring leads to 48 V to aid debugging. On pins that have no conclusive energy, measure the ohms to ground with a VOM. If one shows less than 500 ohms, it is likely the SG lead. It should be pin 8 on the cable. With a VOM, measure the resistance (ohms) between tip and ring. It should read from 30 to 120 ohms if the PBX has no DC blocking capacitor. If there is a capacitor, you will see the meter jump to around 100 ohms, then climb to infinity as the capacitor charges. With either signature, there is an audio pairyou just need to figure out which direction it is. Do the same for tip-1/ring-1. It should behave like tip/ring. Attach a test set to tip/ring. While listening, ground E (pin 7 on the cable). If the PBX is configured to provide a dial tone, you should hear it in the earpiece. If you hear nothing, try the other audio pair in case it is cross-wired. If you still hear nothing, the PBX might not give a dial tone on a trunk line. It is acceptable to cross tip with ring or tip-1 with ring-1. In most cases, you can get M/SB backwards and E/SG backwards and still have no problems.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

On either the router or the PBX, try a similar port that is known to work. Listen in on both sides of the audio path (one at a time) with the test set to hear the call progress. Try to spoof the signaling of one end or the other by clipping one of the active signals to see if the equipment reacts as expected. Grounding E should simulate an inbound call coming over the trunk to the PBX, and the PBX might respond with a dial tone (if provisioned to do so). Using an extension off of the PBX, try to seize the trunk and see if M connects to ground.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Troubleshooting Type III Interfaces

The four-wire Type-III interface from the PBX has the following characteristics:

E lead detector floats at 48 V below ground. M lead contact between M and SG when on-hook, and between M and SB when off-hook. SG lead floats. M lead floats. SB lead floats. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip and ring, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip-1 and ring-1, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance.

Confirm the Cable Interface from the PBX

Pull the suspect voice cable from the router and leave the other side connected to the PBX. Then do the following:

With a VOM, measure DC voltage between E (pin 7 of the cable) and the chassis ground. The meter should read somewhere between 24 V and 56 V. If it does not, pin 7 is likely not the E lead. Measure the other pins, looking for 24 to 56 V to ground. Some PBXs bias (apply a DC voltage to control the operation of a device) the tip/ring leads to 48 V to aid debugging. On pins that have no conclusive energy:
Look for a contact closure (low ohms) between M and SG (if the PBX is on-hook). Look for a contact closure (low ohms) between M and SB (if the PBX is off-hook).

With a VOM, measure the resistance (ohms) between tip and ring. It should read from 30 to 120 ohms if the PBX has no DC blocking capacitor. If there is a capacitor, you'll see the meter jump to around 100 ohms, then climb to infinity as the capacitor charges. With either signature, there is an audio pair--you just need to figure out which direction it is. Do the same for tip-1/ring-1. It should behave like tip/ring. Attach a test set to tip/ring. While listening, ground E (pin 7 on the cable). If the PBX is configured to provide a dial tone, you should hear it in the earpiece. If you hear nothing, try the other audio pair in case it is cross-wired. If you still hear nothing, the PBX might not give a dial tone on a trunk line. It is acceptable to cross tip with ring or tip-1 with ring-1.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

On either the router or the PBX, try a similar port that is known to work. Listen in on both sides of the audio path (one at a time) with the test set to hear the call progress. Try to spoof the signaling of one end or the other by clipping one of the active signals to see if the equipment reacts as expected. Grounding E should simulate an inbound call coming over the trunk to the PBX, and the PBX might respond with a dial tone (if provisioned to do so). Using an extension off of the PBX, try to seize the trunk and see if M (pin 2 on the cable) connects to SB (pin 1 on the cable).

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Troubleshooting Type V Interfaces

The four-wire Type-V interface from the PBX has the following characteristics:

E lead detector floats at 48 V below ground. M lead contact ground is open when on-hook, and closed when off-hook. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip and ring, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance. Approximately 30 to 150 ohms between tip-1 and ring-1, sometimes in series with 2.2 uF of capacitance.

Confirm the Cable Interface from the PBX

Pull the suspect voice cable from the router and leave the other side connected to the PBX. Then do the following:

With a VOM, measure DC voltage between E (pin 7 of the cable) and the chassis ground. The meter should read between 24 V and 56 V. If it does not, pin 7 on the cable is likely not the E lead. With a VOM, measure the resistance (ohms) between tip and ring. It should read from 30 to 120 ohms if the PBX has no DC blocking capacitor. If there is a capacitor, you will see the meter jump to around 100 ohms, then climb to infinity as the capacitor charges. With either signature, there is an audio pairyou just need to figure out which direction it is. Do the same for tip-1/ring-1. It should behave like tip/ring. Attach a test set to tip/ring. While listening, ground E (pin 7 on the cable). If the PBX is configured to provide a dial tone, you should hear it in the earpiece. If you hear nothing, try the other audio pair in case it is cross-wired. If you still hear nothing, the PBX might not give a dial tone on a trunk line. It is acceptable to cross tip with ring or tip-1 with ring-1.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

On either the router or the PBX, try a similar port that is known to work. Listen in on both sides of the audio path (one at a time) with the test set to hear the call progress. Try to spoof the signaling of one end or the other by clipping one of the active signals to see if the equipment reacts as expected. Grounding E should simulate an inbound call coming over the trunk to the PBX, and the PBX might respond with a dial tone (if provisioned to do so). Using an extension off of the PBX, try to seize the trunk and see if M (pin 2 on the cable) connects to ground.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Confirming E&M Configuration

The following items should be checked to confirm the E&M configuration:

Confirming the PBX E&M Configuration Parameters, page 216 Confirming the Cisco IOS Gateway Configuration, page 216 Verifying the Wiring Arrangement Between the PBX and the Cisco Gateway, page 217 Verifying Supervision Signaling, page 218 Verifying That the Cisco Equipment and PBX Are Sending and Receiving Digits, page 219 Verifyinng That the Gateway Sends the Expected Digits to the PBX, page 222 Verify That the Gateway Receives the Expected Digits from the PBX, page 223

Confirming the PBX E&M Configuration Parameters

The Cisco gateway needs to match the PBX configuration. One of the challenges of configuring and troubleshooting analog E&M circuits are the amount of configuration variables.

E&M signaling type (I, II, III, V) Audio implementation (2-wire / 4-wire) Start dial supervision (wink-start, immediate, delay-dial) Dial method (DTMF, pulse) Call progress tones (standardized within geographic regions) PBX port impedance

For information about how specific PBX types interoperate with your gateway, go to the PBX interoperability portal, which is located here: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/largeent/avvid/inter_operability/


E&M Type IV is not supported by Cisco gateways. E&M Type V is the most common interface type used outside of North America, but the term Type V is not commonly used outside of North America. From the viewpoint of many PBX operators, there is only one E&M type, what is called Type V in North America.

Confirming the Cisco IOS Gateway Configuration

The Cisco gateway configuration should match the connected PBX configuration. Use the following commands to verify the Cisco IOS platform configuration:

show running-configThis command displays the running configuration of the router/ gateway.


The default configuration on E&M voice ports is Type I, wink-start, 2-wire operation, DTMF dialing. Default E&M voice port parameters are not displayed with the show running-config command.

show voice-port For E&M voice ports, this command displays specific configuration data such as E&M voice port, interface type, impedance, dial-supervision signal, audio operation, and dial method. For detailed information see the sample output below.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Sample Output of show voice port Command

Router# show voice port 1/0/0 recEive And transMit 1/0/0 Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 0 Type of VoicePort is E&M Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP The Last Interface Down Failure Cause is Administrative Shutdown Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Call-Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s Region Tone is set for US Analog Info Follows: Currently processing none Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode) Number of signaling protocol errors are 0 Impedance is set to 600r Ohm Voice card specific Info Follows: Signal Type is immediate Operation Type is 2-wire E&M Type is 5 Dial Type is dtmf In Seizure is inactive Out Seizure is inactive Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms Pulse Rate Timing is set to 10 pulses/second InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing is set to 500 ms Clear Wait Duration Timing is set to 400 ms Wink Wait Duration Timing is set to 200 ms Wink Duration Timing is set to 200 ms Delay Start Timing is set to 300 ms Delay Duration Timing is set to 2000 ms Dial Pulse Min. Delay is set to 140 ms

Verifying the Wiring Arrangement Between the PBX and the Cisco Gateway
Physical wiring is often the primary source for analog E&M problems. It is imperative that you verify that the cable/wiring you are using is appropriate for the E&M setup in place. A few things to consider:

E&M Type I and Type V use two leads for supervisory signaling (on/off hook signaling)E (ear, earth) and M (mouth, magnet). Cisco routers/gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead and signal off-hook to the remote device on the E-lead. E&M Type II and Type III use four leads for supervisory signaling (on/off hook signaling)E (ear, earth), M (mouth, magnet), SG (signal ground), SB (signal battery). Cisco routers/gateways expect to see off-hook conditions on the M-lead and signal off-hook to a remote device on the E-lead.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Audio operationThe 2-wire/4-wire operation is independent of the signaling type. For example, a 4-wire audio operation E&M circuit has 6 physical wires if configured for Type I or Type V and 8 physical wires if configured for Type II or Type III. Audio path wiringIn 4-wire audio mode, some PBX es and key systems reverse the normal usage of the tip and ring and tip-1 and ring-1 pairs. To match up the audio pairs with the Cisco E&M audio pairs, connect tip and ring on the PBX side to tip-1 and ring-1 on the Cisco side, and tip-1 and ring-1 on the PBX side to tip and ring on the Cisco side.

See the Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level section on page 208 for more information on the wiring arrangement.

Verifying Supervision Signaling

In this step, verify that on-hook/off-hook signals are being transmitted between the PBX and the gateway. If you are accessing the router through the console port, enter the command terminal monitor, otherwise no debug output is displayed. Follow these steps to verify supervision signaling:

1. 2. 3.

enable debug vpm signal Place a call from the PBX to the gateway.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

At the Router> prompt, enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted. Turn on the command debug vpm signal on the Cisco gateway. This command is used to collect debug information for signaling events (on-hook/ off-hook transitions). Place a call from the PBX to the gateway. The PBX should seize the E&M trunk and send the on-hook -> off-hook signal transition to the gateway. The following output displays a successful reception of these signals. In this example, the PBX is seizing the router trunk. The router E&M voice port transitions from on-hook to off-hook. This shows that on-hook, off-hook signaling is being received from the PBX.
Router# debug vpm signal Voice Port Module signaling debugging is enabled *Mar 2 05:54:43.996: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, em_onhook_offhookhtsp_setup_ind *Mar 2 05:54:44.000: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, *Mar 2 05:54:44.784: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, *Mar 2 05:54:44.784: htsp_process_event: [1/1/0, fxsls_onhook_setuphtsp_alerthtsp_alert_notify *Mar 2 05:54:44.788: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, *Mar 2 05:54:44.788: htsp_process_event: [1/1/0, fxsls_waitoff_voice

1.4 , 34] 1.7 , 8] 1.7 , 10] 1.2 , 5] 1.7 , 11] 1.5 , 11]

If no output is displayed, there is probably a problem with the E&M supervision signaling.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Table 30 describes some possible problems and the corresponding solutions.

Table 30 E&M Supervisory Signaling Troubleshooting Table

Symptom No dial tone from the Cisco port. No port seizure activity seen on the Cisco gateway. The port is seized but the call does not go through.

Problem The PBX is not configured to seize the E&M port connected to the Cisco equipment.

Solution Configure the PBX to seize the trunk.

There is an E&M Type (I, II, Verify (and change if necessary) the III or V) mismatch between E&M type configured on the Cisco the PBX and the gateway. equipment. See the Confirming the Cisco IOS Gateway Configuration section on page 216.

Incorrect wiring arrangement (cabling) for the supervisory signaling The Cisco gateway is unable to leads (E and M leads for send digits when a port is Type I and V; E, M, SB, and seized. SG leads for Types II and III). The port has unbreakable dial tone.

Wiring issues are usually the primary source of analog E&M problems. Make sure the cable used corresponds to the required PBX and Cisco gateway pinout, interface type, and audio operation setup. For more information see the Troubleshooting
E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level section on page 208.

The port on the Cisco gateway The Cisco gateway cannot be seized. configuration changes are The Cisco gateway is unable to not enabled. send digits. Calls cannot be made in two directions.

Issue the shutdown/no shutdown command sequence on the E&M voice port after the configuration changes.

On-hook or off-hook signals This is probably an indication of a have been sent one way only. defective cable, where one path of the signaling leads is wired correctly and the other side is not.

Verifying That the Cisco Equipment and PBX Are Sending and Receiving Digits
After confirming successful supervisory (on-hook/off-hook) signaling between the PBX and the gateway, you need to verify that address information (DTMF digits or pulse dial) is being passed between both ends.


DTMF digits are sent on the audio path. Pulse-dial address information is sent by pulsing on the E or M

There are three start dial supervision line protocols that analog E&M uses to define how the equipment passes address information:

Immediate start Wink start Delay dial

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Make sure both the Cisco gateway and the PBX are configured with the same start dial supervision protocol. Verify that information is being passed by performing the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable debug vpm signal, debug vtsp dsp Place a call from the PBX to the gateway. Place a call from the gateway to the PBX.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

At the Router> prompt, enter enable to enable privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted. Turn on the commands debug vpm signal and debug vtsp dsp on the Cisco gateway. The command debug vtsp dsp is useful for displaying the digits received and sent by the voice DSPs. Place a call from the PBX to the gateway. The following output displays a successful reception of the expected digits. In this example, the router receives a call from the PBX to extension 2000.
Router# show debugging Voice Port Module signaling debugging is on Voice Telephony dsp debugging is on Router# *Mar 1 03:16:19.207: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.4 , 34] em_onhook_offhookhtsp_setup_*Mar 1 03:16:19.207: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.7 , 8] *Mar 1 03:16:19.339: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=2,rtp_=0x9961CF03 *Mar 1 03:16:19.399: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=2,duration=*Mar 1 03:16:19.539: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0,rtp_=0x9961CF03 2. *Mar 1 03:16:19.599: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0,duration=*Mar 1 03:16:19.739: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0,rtp_=0x9961CF03 *Mar 1 03:16:19.799: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0,duration=*Mar 1 03:16:19.939: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0,=rtp_=0x9961CF03 *Mar 1 03:16:19.999: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0,duration=*Mar 1 03:16:19.999: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.7 , 10] *Mar 1 03:16:19.999: htsp_process_event: [1/1/0, 1.2 , 5] fxsls_onhook_setuphtsp_alerthtsp_*Mar 1 03:16:20.003: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.7 , 11] *Mar 1 03:16:20.003: htsp_process_event: [1/1/0, 1.5 , 11] fxsls_waitoff_voice *Mar 1 03:16:27.527: htsp_process_event: [1/1/0, 1.5 , 34] fxsls_waitoff_offhook *Mar 1 03:16:27.531: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.7 , 6] em_offhook_connectem_stop_

Step 4

Place a call from the gateway to the PBX. The following output displays the digits the Cisco equipment is sending. In this example, the PBX receives a call from the router to extension 1000. If digits are not parsed properly, the wink start timers being triggered.
Log Buffer (1000000 bytes): *Mar 1 03:45:31.287: htsp_process_event: [1/1/1, 1.2 , 34] fxsls_onhook_offhook htsp_setup_ind *Mar 1 03:45:31.291: htsp_process_event: [1/1/1, 1.3 , 8] *Mar 1 03:45:33.123: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=1 , rtp_timestamp=0xCD4365D8 *Mar 1 03:45:33.283: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=1, duration=205

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

*Mar 1 03:45:33.463: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 , rtp_timestamp=0xCD4365D8 *Mar 1 03:45:33.643: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=225 *Mar 1 03:45:33.823: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 , rtp_timestamp=0xCD4365F0 *Mar 1 03:45:34.003: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=222 *Mar 1 03:45:34.203: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 , rtp_timestamp=0xCD4365F0 *Mar 1 03:45:34.411: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=252 *Mar 1 03:45:34.415: htsp_process_event: [1/1/1, 1.3 , 10] *Mar 1 03:45:34.415: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.4 , 5] em_onhook_setup em_of fhook *Mar 1 03:45:34.415: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.13 , 43] em_start_timer: 120 0 ms *Mar 1 03:45:34.715: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.10 , 34] em_wink_offhookem_s top_timers em_start_timer: 1200 ms *Mar 1 03:45:34.923: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.11 , 22] em_wink_onhook em_s top_timers em_send_digit htsp_dial *Mar 1 03:45:34.923: digit=1, components=2, freq_of_first=697, freq_of_second =1209, amp_of_first=16384, amp_of_second=16384 *Mar 1 03:45:34.923: digit=0, components=2, freq_of_first=941, freq_of_second =1336, amp_of_first=16384, amp_of_second=16384 *Mar 1 03:45:34.923: digit=0, components=2, freq_of_first=941, freq_of_second =1336, amp_of_first=16384, amp_of_second=16384 *Mar 1 03:45:34.923: digit=0, components=2, freq_of_first=941, freq_of_second 3. =1336, amp_of_first=16384, amp_of_second=16384 *Mar 1 03:45:35.727: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DIALING_DONE *Mar 1 03:45:35.727: htsp_process_event: [1/0/0, 1.7 , 19] em_offhook_digit_don ehtsp_alerthtsp_alert_notify

Table 31 shows digit send and receive problems and the corresponding solutions. These problems can be diagnosed if you notice that the wink timers are being triggered.
Table 31 Digit Send and Receive Troubleshooting Table

Problem Start dial supervision mismatch or timing issues between the PBX and gateway.

Solution Make sure both end systems are configured with the same start dial protocol.

Audio operation mismatch (for example, one side Verify the gateway configuration and PBX configured for 2-wire, the other for 4-wire) or configuration and the wiring arrangement. For wiring problems on the audio path. more information see the Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level section on page 208.

DTMF digits are passed on the audio path. Even if the line supervision signaling is operating correctly, DTMF digits are not passed if the audio path is broken.

Wiring problems in the audio path.

Verify the wiring arrangement. See the Troubleshooting E&M Interfaces at the Physical Level section on page 208.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

In the 4-wire audio mode, some PBX and key system products reverse the normal usage of the tip and ring and tip-1 and ring-1 pairs. In that case, to match up the audio pairs with the Cisco E&M audio pairs, you might need to connect tip and ring on the PBX side to tip-1 and ring-1 on the Cisco side, and tip-1 and ring-1 on the PBX side to tip and ring on the Cisco side. If the audio pairs are not correctly matched up in 4-wire mode, there is no end-to-end audio path in either direction. If the E&M interface is configured to send dial strings as dial pulse (which works by pulsing on the E or M lead), it is possible to establish a call even with the 4-wire audio pairs reversed, but there will be little or no audio path in either direction after the call is established (there might be low-level transmission of audio, but the sound levels will be far too low for comfort). If you are using DTMF to send dial strings, the E&M interface goes off hook at the start of the call, but the call does not complete, because one end sends the DTMF tones on the wrong audio pair, and the other end does not receive these DTMF tones.

Verifyinng That the Gateway Sends the Expected Digits to the PBX
Once the two end devices are able to successfully send supervision and address signaling (on-hook, off-hook, digits), we can assume that the troubleshooting process is complete for analog E&M signaling, and it is now in the dial plan domain. For more information about dial plan design, refer to the Voice Design and Implementation Guide, document ID 5756. If incomplete or incorrect digits are sent by the Cisco equipment, then the Telco switch (CO or PBX), cannot ring the correct station. On POTS dial peers, the only digits that are sent to the other end are the ones specified with the command destination-pattern and the wild card character (.). The POTS dial peer command prefix can be used to include a dial-out prefix that the system enters automatically instead of people dialing it. Refer to the following output example for a sample configuration.
! !--- Some output ommited. ! !--- E&M Voice Port ! voice-port 1/0/0 type 2 signal immediate ! !--- FXS Voice Port voice-port 1/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern 2000 port 1/1/0 ! !--- Dial peer 2 is in charge of forwarding calls to the E&M voiceport 1/0/0. !--- In this case the digit "1" in the destination pattern will be dropped and the syste !--- will transmit the 3 digits matched by the "." wildcard. !--- Notice that since the PBX is expecting the "1000" string, the prefix command is used. ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 1... port 1/0/0 prefix 1 !

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network E&M Interfaces

Verify That the Gateway Receives the Expected Digits from the PBX
Verify that the digits received from the PBX match a dial peer in the gateway. If incomplete or incorrect digits are sent by the PBX, a dial peer cannot be matched. Use the command debug vtsp dsp to view the digits received by the analog E&M voice port. To verify which dial peers match a specific string use the command show dialplan number. Refer to the following sample output example.
Router# show dialplan number 1000 Macro Exp.: 1000 VoiceEncapPeer2 information type = voice, tag = 2, destination-pattern = `1...', answer-address = `', preference=0, group = 2, Admin state is up, Operation state is incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum application associated: type = pots, prefix = `1', session-target = `', voice-port = `1/0/0', direct-inward-dial = disabled, register E.164 number with GK = TRUE Connect Time = 19644, Charged Units = 0, Successful Calls = 63, Failed Calls = 2, Accepted Calls = 65, Refused Calls = 0, Last Disconnect Cause is "10 ", Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing.", Last Setup Time = 28424467. Matched: 1000 Digits: 1 Target: Router# show dialplan number 2000 Macro Exp.: 2000 VoiceEncapPeer1 information type = voice, tag = 1, destination-pattern = `2000', answer-address = `', preference=0, group = 1, Admin state is up, Operation state is incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum application associated: type = pots, prefix = `', session-target = `', voice-port = `1/1/1', direct-inward-dial = disabled, register E.164 number with GK = TRUE Connect Time = 19357, Charged Units = 0, Successful Calls = 68, Failed Calls = 8, Accepted Calls = 76, Refused Calls = 0, Last Disconnect Cause is "10 ", Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing.", Last Setup Time = 28424186. Matched: 2000 Digits: 4 Target:

up, = 0/unlimited,

up, = 0/unlimited,

Unbreakable Dial Tone

A common problem occurs when the router seizes the local PBX but as digits are dialed, the dial tone stays. The calling party is unable to pass the DTMF tones or digits to the terminating device, resulting in callers being unable to dial the desired extension or interact with the device that needs DTMF tones, such as a voice mail or interactive voice response (IVR) application. This problem can result from a number of reasons such as:

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Analog DID Interfaces

DTMF tones not sent DTMF tones not understood DTMF tones too distorted to be understood Other signaling and cabling issues

For more information, refer to Inability To Break Dialtone in a Voice over IP Network , document ID 22376.

Analog DID Interfaces

Direct inward dialing (DID) is a service offered by telephone companies that enables callers to dial directly to an extension on a PBX without the assistance of an operator or automated call attendant. This service makes use of DID trunks, which forward only the last three to five digits of a phone number to the PBX. The DID state machine is identical to the E&M state machine. Figure 29 shows a hypothetical topology in which a user connected to the PSTN (User A) dials various numbers and is connected to the appropriate extensions on a PBX.
Figure 29 DID Support for Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series Routers

User A

User B #456





User C #234

User D #345

Number Number Dialed Received by by User A Router 555-1234 555-1345 555-1456 555-1678 234 345 456 678

Extension Receiving Call User C User D User B No dial-peer match found; fast busy tone is played

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Analog DID Interfaces

DID Hardware Troubleshooting

A DID voice interface connects directly to a standard telephone, fax machine, or similar device and supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone. Troubleshoot DID hardware by checking the following sections:

Software Compatibility, page 225 Cabling, page 225 Shutdown Port, page 225

Software Compatibility
For interface cards inserted into Cisco 1600 series, Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, and Cisco ICS 7750 platforms, refer to the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Interface Cards chapter in the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.

The two-port and four-port DID interface cards support the RJ-11 connector. Illustrations of the connector ports are shown in Figure 30 and Figure 31. Information about LEDs can be found in the Connecting Voice Interface Cards to a Network chapter of the Cisco Interface Card Hardware Installation Guide.
Figure 30 Two-Port Analog DID Voice Interface Card





Figure 31

Four-Port Analog FXS/DID Voice Interface Card


For more information about the VIC-2DID interface card, refer to Understanding 2 Port Direct Inward Dial (2 DID) Voice Interface Cards, document ID 15268.

Shutdown Port
Check to make sure that the port is not shut down. Enter the show voice port command with the voice port number that you are troubleshooting, which will tell you:

If the voice port is up. If it is not, use the no shutdown command to make it active.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Analog DID Interfaces

What parameter values have been set for the voice port, including default values (these do not appear in the output from the show running-config command). If these values do not match those of the telephony connection you are making, reconfigure the voice port.

Verifying Direct Inward Dialing Voice-Port Configuration

To verify voice-port configuration, enter the show voice port command. You can specify a voice port or view the status of all configured voice ports. In the following example, the specified port is configured for DID.
Router# show voice port 1/1/0 Foreign Exchange Station with Direct Inward Dialing (FXS-DID) 1/1/0 Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 1, Port is 0 Type of VoicePort is DID-IN Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Playout-delay Mode is set to default Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 4 ms Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 3 s Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s Wait Release Time Out is set to 3 s Companding Type is u-law Region Tone is set for US Analog Info Follows: Currently processing none Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode) Number of signaling protocol errors are 0 Impedance is set to 600r Ohm Station name Chalil Mohanan, Station number 1234567 Voice card specific Info Follows: Signal Type is wink-start Dial Type is dtmf In Seizure is inactive Out Seizure is inactive Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms Pulse Rate Timing is set to 10 pulses/second InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing is set to 750 ms Clear Wait Duration Timing is set to 400 ms Wink Wait Duration Timing is set to 200 ms Wait Wink Duration Timing is set to 550 ms Wink Duration Timing is set to 200 ms Delay Start Timing is set to 300 ms

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Delay Duration Timing is set to 2000 ms Dial Pulse Min. Delay is set to 140 ms Percent Break of Pulse is 60 percent Auto Cut-through is disabled Dialout Delay for immediate start is 300 ms

Voice Port Testing Commands

Voice port testing commands allow you to force voice ports into specific states for testing. The following types of voice-port tests are covered:

Detector-Related Function Tests, page 227 Loopback Function Tests, page 228 Tone Injection Tests, page 228 Relay-Related Function Tests, page 229 Fax/Voice Mode Tests, page 229

Detector-Related Function Tests

Using the test voice port detector command, you are able to force a particular detector into an on or off state, perform tests on the detector, and then return the detector to its original state. To configure this feature, enter these commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | loop-current | ring | tip-ground | ring-ground | ring-trip} {on | off}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test.

Enter a keyword for the detector under test and specify whether to force it to the on or off state.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | loop-current | ring | tip-ground | ring-ground | ring-trip} disable

For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. The disable keyword is displayed only when a detector is in the forced state. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test.

Enter a keyword for the detector under test and the keyword disable to end the forced state. For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. The disable keyword is displayed only when a detector is in the forced state.


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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Loopback Function Tests

To establish loopbacks on a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port loopback {local | network}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test and enters a keyword for the loopback direction. A call must be established on the voice port under test. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test and enters the keyword disable to end the loopback.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port loopback disable

Tone Injection Tests

To inject a test tone into a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port inject-tone {local | network} {1000hz | 2000hz | 200hz | 3000hz | 300hz | 3200hz | 3400hz | 500hz | quiet}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test and enter keywords for the direction to send the test tone and for the frequency of the test tone. A call must be established on the voice port under test. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test and enter the keyword disable to end the test tone.
Note Note

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port inject-tone disable

The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Relay-Related Function Tests

To test relay-related functions on a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal | power-denial | ring | tip-ground} {on | off}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test.

Enter a keyword for the relay under test and specify whether to force it to the on or off state.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal | power-denial | ring | tip-ground} disable

For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. The disable keyword is displayed only when a relay is in the forced state. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test.
Note Note

Enter a keyword for the relay under test, and the keyword disable to end the forced state. For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. The disable keyword is displayed only when a relay is in the forced state.

Fax/Voice Mode Tests

The test voice port switch fax command forces a voice port into fax mode for testing. After you enter this command, you can use the show voice call or show voice call summary command to check whether the voice port is able to operate in fax mode. If no fax data is detected by the voice port, the voice port remains in fax mode for 30 seconds and then reverts automatically to voice mode. The disable keyword ends the forced mode switch; however, the fax mode ends automatically after 30 seconds. The disable keyword is available only while the voice port is in fax mode. To force a voice port into fax mode and return it to voice mode, enter the following commands, beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port switch fax

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test. Enter the keyword fax to force the voice port into fax mode. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/subunit/port switch disable

Enter the keyword disable to return the voice port to voice mode.

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Troubleshooting Analog Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network

Digital voice ports are found at the intersection of a packet voice network and a digital, circuit-switched telephone network. Digital voice telephony interfaces include T1 or E1 channel-associated signaling (CAS), ISDN primary-rate interface (PRI) or basic rate interface (BRI), and E1 R2 signaling. To troubleshoot digital voice interfaces, see the following sections:

Checking the Hardware, page 231 Checking the Digital Signal Processors, page 233 Verifying Codec Complexity, page 260 Checking the Interface, page 261 Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations, page 280 Voice Port Testing Commands, page 289

If you are troubleshooting a connection to a PBX, you might the PBX interoperability notes useful. These notes contain configuration information for Cisco gateways and several types of PBXs. To access these notes, use the following website: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/largeent/avvid/inter_operability/

Checking the Hardware

Digital voice interface hardware connects a router or access server to a line from a circuit-switched telephony device in a PBX or the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Troubleshoot digital voice hardware by checking the following:

Software Compatibility, page 232 Cabling, page 232 Shutdown Port, page 233

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Hardware

Software Compatibility
To ensure that your card is compatible with your software, check the following:

For network modules inserted into Cisco modular access routers, refer to the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Network Modules chapter in the Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide. For interface cards inserted into Cisco modular access routers, refer to the compatibility tables in the Overview of Cisco Interface Cards chapter in the Cisco Interface Cards Installation Guide.

Cabling for the digital ports varies by platform:

Cisco 1600 series, Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, and Cisco ICS 7750 platforms that use the Multiflex Trunk Interface card use an RJ-48C cable. Refer to the Cisco Interface Card Hardware Installation Guide for information about digital Cisco interface cards. Cisco 7200 VXR platforms use RJ-48C cables for the port adapter. See the MIX-Multichannel T1/E1 Port Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for more information. Cisco AS5300 universal access servers use RJ-45 cables for the T1 or E1 interface. A VoIP feature is also required for voice traffic. See the Cisco AS5300 Module Installation Guide. Cisco AS5350 and 5400 universal gateways use RJ-45 cables for the four-port card and a 36-pin cable to RJ-45 interface for the eight-port card. For more information about cabling these platforms, see the Cabling Specifications chapter of the Cisco AS5350 and AS5400 Universal Gateway Card Installation Guide.

T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-48)

Figure 32 shows the RJ-48 connector wiring for the T1/E1 trunk cable and the digital voice port cable; Table 32 lists the pinouts.
Figure 32

RJ-48-to-RJ-48 T1/E1 Cable Wiring


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Table 32

Pinouts for T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port (RJ-48)

Pin1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Signal RX (input) RX (input) TX (output) TX (output)

1. Any pin not referenced on a connector is not connected.

T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-45)

Table 33 T1 or E1 Port Pinouts (RJ-45)

RJ-45 Pin Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RX tip RX ring RX shield TX tip TX ring TX shield -

Shutdown Port
If the port is not operational, check to make sure the port is not shut down. Enter the show voice port command with the voice port number that you are troubleshooting, which tells you:

If the voice port is up. If it is not, use the no shutdown command to make it active. What parameter values have been set for the voice port, including default values. (these do not appear in the output from the show running-config command.) If these values do not match those of the telephony connection you are making, reconfigure the voice port.

Checking the Digital Signal Processors

Digital signal processors (DSPs) enable Cisco platforms to efficiently process digital voice traffic. The following symptoms can be attributed to DSP hardware or software issues:

No audio heard by either party or one-way audio on the voice path after the call is connected.

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Digital Signal Processors

Call setup failure, such as the inability to detect or transmit proper Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) state transitions. Channels are stuck in the PARK state and cannot be used. Error messages on the console or in the router log complain of DSP timeouts.

To check your DSPs, use the following sections:

Voice DSP Control Message Logger, page 234 Voice Call Tuning, page 239 Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis, page 239 Troubleshooting Universal Port SPEs, page 243 DSP Troubleshooting Links, page 260

Voice DSP Control Message Logger

This section contains the following information:

Message Logger Overview, page 234 Configuration Tasks, page 235 Configuration Examples, page 238


Using the logger feature in a production network environment increases CPU and memory usage on the gateway.


We recommend that you work closely with your Cisco representative to use this feature. If you are experiencing problems with certain voice calls, the engineering team at Cisco might ask you to capture the control messages using the voice DSP logger. You can capture these messages by turning on the logger, repeating the problematic calls, and capturing the logs. Only Cisco engineers can determine if you should send the logs in for further review.

Message Logger Overview

The Voice DSP Control Message Logger feature provides improved debugging capabilities through Cisco IOS software and allows loggin of control messages that pass through the voice DSP firmware on the host port interface (HPI). The logged messages can later be examined for diagnosis of voice problems. There are two main types of HPI messages that flow through the HPI interface: control messages and data messages. Control messages carry control information between Cisco IOS software and the DSP. Data messages carry voice data. The Voice DSP Contol Message Logger feature captures control messages sent between the platform-independent portions of Cisco IOS software and the DSP. The HPI subsystem that is in Cisco IOS software contains the platform-independent portion of Cisco IOS software. This feature addresses the sequence and contents of the control messages. The logged messages can be checked for parameters that might cause undesirable DSP behavior including the following:

Incorrect parameters

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Digital Signal Processors

Out-of-sequence function calls Interactions between parameters of different HPI calls

In many cases, DSP problems have been the result of bad control messages. By logging all of these messages for offline analysis, you can better integrate and debug at-speed issues for analysis.

Message Capture
Message capture occurs when voice control messages are captured and passed between the Cisco IOS software and the DSP to a ring buffer. Some of these messages are sent in fast-path routines that run at a high priority, so the capture of the message must be done as quickly as possible. After the fast-path routine messages have been sent, a normal priority process sends the messages that are waiting in the ring buffer to off-router data storage through the Cisco IOS File System (IFS). The size of the ring buffer is configurable through the use of the voice hpi capture command. If the ring buffer fills up faster than the normal priority process can move the messages off the router, some of the control messages are dropped. Counters keep track of the number of messages that are waiting in the ring buffer, the number of messages that are sent, and the number of messages that are dropped. When message capture is enabled and a message arrives for which there is no buffer space, a missed-message count is started. The next time there is room for a message on the ring, the dropped-message count is included with the message data. This alerts the software that processes the messages to the missed messages, and it provides data capture feedback that helps you configure the ring buffer size to your specifications. If messages are dropped during the capture, the ability to check the messages becomes limited. A complete capture is required for analysis.

Improved DSP Reliability

This feature improves the reliability of DSPs by improving debug capabilities. Unexpected sequences of calls or parameters that cause DSP problems are difficult to debug because many calls can be made to the DSP before any ill effects are noticed. Systems that are running under load are more likely to encounter subtle timing-related issues that occur infrequently and are very hard to reproduce and debug. These parameters are marked as bad in HPI calls to the DSP, and they can cause undesirable DSP behavior. There fore, the logger intercepts those parameters that pass between Cisco IOS software and the DSP that can later be checked for errors.
Robust Firmware

This feature makes the T1-based DSP firmware more robust, adding debug capabilities and enabling better field support.

The Voice DSP Contol Message Logger feature is supported only on systems that use the HPI interface.

Configuration Tasks
See the following sections for configuration tasks for the Voice DSP Control Message Logger feature. Each task in the list is identified as either required or optional.

Configuring the Voice DSP Control Message Logger (required) Verifying the Voice DSP Control Message Logger (optional)

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Configuring the Voice DSP Control Message Logger

You can start the message logger by choosing the amount of memory (greater than 324 bytes) that the buffer-queueing system can allocate to the free message pool. HPI messages are captured until buffer space runs out. Once the buffer-queueing system is running, the transport process attempts to connect to a new or existing capture destination URL. A version message is written to the URL, and if the version message is accepted, any messages placed into the message queue are written to the URL. If a new URL is entered using command-line interface (CLI), an open URL is closed, and the system tries to write to the new URL. If the new URL fails, the transport process exits. The transport process is restarted when another URL is entered or the system is restarted. To configure the message logger, use the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

enable show voice hpi capture debug hpi capture configure terminal voice hpi capture buffer size voice hpi capture destination url exit show voice hpi capture configure terminal

10. no voice hpi capture buffer 0 11. exit 12. show voice hpi capture


Step 1

Purpose Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice hpi capture

(Optional) Displays the capture status and statistics.

Router# show voice hpi capture

Use this command to confirm logger status and examine the logger status output when the logger is running.

Step 3

debug hpi capture

(Optional) Turns on the debug output for the logger.

Router# debug hpi capture

It is recommended that you enable the debug output for the logger when you are interacting with it using CLI.

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Step 4
configure {terminal | memory | network}

Purpose Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 5

voice hpi capture buffer size

(Optional if you already have a nonzero buffer) Allocates the buffer for storing captured messages.

Router(config)# voice hpi capture buffer 122

Starts the logger by giving it a nonzero buffer size. The no form of the command turns the logger off by setting the buffer size to zero. Valid range is from 0 to 9000000. If the buffer overflows so that messages are dropped during the capture, the buffer size needs to be increased and the capture needs to be restarted. To change buffer size, first configure buffer size to zero, and then set the buffer size to your specifications.

Note Step 6
voice hpi capture destination url

Router(config)# voice hpi capture destination

(Optional if you already have a destination or do not want to change the currently assigned destination) Sets up an FTP destination file to which the logged data is sent.

The url argument is the destination address.

Step 7


Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Step 8

show voice hpi capture

(Optional) Displays the capture status and statistics.

Router# show voice hpi capture

Use this command to confirm logger status and examine the logger status output when the logger is running. At this point, you can execute voice calls and capture the control messages. You can capture these messages by turning on the logger, repeating problematic calls, and capturing the logs. Cisco engineers can determine if you should send the logs in for further review.


Step 9

configure {terminal | memory | network}

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 10

no voice hpi capture buffer 0

(Optional if you already have a nonzero buffer) Turns the logger off by setting the buffer size to zero and stops message capture.

Router(config)# no voice hpi capture buffer 0

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Step 11

Purpose Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Step 12

show voice hpi capture

Verifies that no messages were dropped during the capture.


Router# show voice hpi capture

At this point, gather the captured messages in the destination files on your PC or UNIX station and send the information to Cisco TAC for analysis.

Verifying the Voice DSP Control Message Logger

To verify and print capture status and statistics, use the show voice hpi capture privileged EXEC command. This command displays the capture status and statistics and checks that the message counter is incrementing. If messages are being dropped consistently, try increasing the buffer size.


If you want to stop the logger or change the buffer to another size, first set the buffer size to zero.

Troubleshooting Tips
Use the debug hpi capture command in privileged EXEC mode to turn on the debug output for the logger. Enable the debug output for the logger by using the CLI.

Configuration Examples
This section provides configuration examples for the Voice DSP Control Message Logger feature. This section contains the following examples:

Starting the Logger Feature Example Setting up an FTP Destination Example Verifying Configuration Example

Starting the Logger Feature Example

In the following example, the voice hpi capture buffer command is used in global configuration mode to start the logger by giving it a buffer size of 700000:
Router(config)# voice hpi capture buffer 700000 *Mar 1 00:24:47.090:caplog:caplog_cli_interface:hpi capture buffer size set to 700000 bytes *Mar 1 00:24:47.090:caplog:caplog_logger_init:TRUE, Started task HPI Logger (PID 140 *Mar 1 00:24:47.150:caplog:caplog_cache_init:TRUE, malloc_named(699952), 2134 elements (each 328 bytes big) *Mar 1 00:24:47.154:caplog:caplog_logger_proc:Terminating...

In the following example, the show voice hpi capture command is used in privileged EXEC mode to examine the logger status output now that the logger is enabled:
Router# show voice hpi capture

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HPI Capture is on and is logging to URL <www.company.com>0 messages sent to URL, 0 messages droppedMessage Buffer (total:inuse:free) 2134:0000:2134Buffer Memory:699952 bytes, Message size:328 bytes

Setting up an FTP Destination Example

In the following example, the voice hpi capture destination command is used in global configuration mode to set up an FTP destination file where the logged data can be sent:
Router(config)# voice hpi capture destination\test_data.dat *Mar 1 00:26:54.617:caplog:caplog_cli_interface:hpi capture destination:\test_data.dat *Mar 1 00:26:54.621:caplog:caplog_logger_init:TRUE, Started task HPI Logger (PID 140) *Mar 1 00:26:54.621:caplog:caplog_logger_proc:Attempting to open\test_data.dat *Mar 1 00:26:57.091:caplog:caplog_logger_proc:Logging to\test_data.dat

In the following example, the show voice hpi capture command is used in privileged EXEC mode to examine the logger status output:
Router# show voice hpi capture HPI Capture is on and is logging to URL\test_data.dat1 messages sent to URL, 0 messages droppedMessage Buffer (total:inuse:free) 2134:0000:2134Buffer Memory:699952 bytes, Message size:328 bytes

Verifying Configuration Example

In the following example, the show voice hpi capture command is used in privileged EXEC mode to check on the status of the logger before, during, and after configuration:
Router# show voice hpi capture HPI Capture is off and is logging to URL <no URL> 0 messages sent to URL, 0 messages dropped Message Buffer (total:inuse:free) 0000:0000:0000 Buffer Memory:0 bytes, Message size:328 bytes

Voice Call Tuning

The Voice Call Tuning feature monitors the interface between Cisco IOS software and a systems digital signaling processors (DSPs) in real time and reports status on the following: packet flow, DSP state, echo-cancellation state, and jitter state. The feature also allows you to manipulate echo-cancellation and jitter-buffer parameters in real time. For details on this feature, see the Voice Call Tuning section on page 309 in the Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP chapter.

Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

The Voice Crash Dump File Analysis feature allows Cisco IOS voice platforms using Texas Instruments DSPs the ability to capture the contents of the DSP memory into a file in the event of a DSP crash. By making this crash dump file available for offline analysis, engineers can better and more quickly determine and fix the cause of the crash.

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DSP crash dump analysis allows to you do the following:

Detect when control messages have been lost between Cisco IOS software and the DSP Detect when the DSP has crashed Collect an image of the DSP memory after a DSP crash and put it into a file for analysis later by an engineer

When these events have been detected, they are announced by console alarms. You can enable and disable this feature and specify where the crash dump is to be written using Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI). The active part of the stack is written to the console, while the entire contents of the DSP memory is written to the crash dump file. You can request that a dump file be written into a smart slot 0 or slot 1 flash card, or sent to a server using TFTP or FTP, or it may be written directly to Flash.

How to Configure Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

To configure Voice DSP crash dump file analysis, use the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

enable configure {terminal | memory | network} voice dsp crash-dump destination url voice dsp crash-dump file-limit limit-number exit show voice dsp crash-dump


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

Router> enable

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure {terminal | memory | network}

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

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Command or Action
Step 3
voice dsp crash-dump destination url

Purpose (Required) Designates a valid file system where crash dump analysis is stored.

Router(config)# voice dsp crash-dump destination 175.101.122

The url argument must be set to a valid file system. The destination URL can be one of the following
The file on a TFTP server with the following

format: tftp://x.x.x.x/subfolder/filename. The x.x.x.x value is the IP address of the TFTP server
The file on the flashcard of the router, with the

following format: slot0:filename

Note Step 4
voice dsp crash-dump file-limit limit-number

The DSP crash dump feature is disabled when the crash-dump destination is not specified. The crash dump file-limit keyword must be set to a non-zero value. The default is that the crash dump capability is turned off, as the url argument is empty, and the file-number argument is zero. The limit-number argument can range from 0 to 99. The DSP crash dump feature is disabled when the crash-dump file limit is set to 0.

(Required) Sets the number of files you would like to write.

Router(config)# voice dsp crash-dump file-limit 99

Note Step 5

Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Step 6

show voice dsp crash-dump

(Optional) Displays voice DSP crash dump information

Router# show voice dsp crash-dump

Troubleshooting Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

To troubleshoot the Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis feature, use the debug voice dsp crash-dump command in privileged EXEC mode. This command is intended only for troubleshooting purposes because the volume of output generated by the software can result in severe performance degradation on the router.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable debug voice dsp crash-dump keepalive undebug all debug voice dsp crash detail exit

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Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

Router> enable

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

debug voice dsp crash-dump keepalives

Displays debugging information for the crash dump feature keepalives.

Router(config)# no logging console

Confirms that a crash dump file has been written to the specified destination.

Step 3

undebug all

Disables all the debug output on screen to stop the above output.

Router# un all

Alternately, you can use the no debug all command.

Step 4

debug voice dsp crash detail

Displays debugging information for the crash dump feature details.

Router# debug voice dsp crash detail

There is no debug output until there is one DSP crash. When the crash dump feature is turned on, the detailed debug messages are displayed.

Step 5


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit

Verifying DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

To verify crash dump statistics, use the show voice dsp crash-dump command in privileged EXEC mode.

Configuration Examples for Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

The following example shows that crash dump analysis is enabled:
Router(config)# voice dsp crash-dump destination Router(config)# voice dsp crash-dump file-limit 10 voice dsp crash-dump destination tftp:// voice dsp crash-dump file-limit 10 end 1w0d:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by consoleoice dsp crash

Verifying Voice DSP Crash Dump File Analysis

The following example shows output information that verifies the status of the crash dump:
Router# show voice dsp crash-dump Voice DSP Crash-dump status: Destination file url is

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tftp:// File limit is 10 Last DSP dump file written was tftp:// Next DSP dump file written will be tftp://

Troubleshooting Universal Port SPEs

A universal port card is a hardware card that processes digital signals for the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 universal gateways. The service-processing element (SPE) works as a DSP for the universal port card. This section provides troubleshooting information that apply to modems regardless of service type mode. It describes how to perform diagnostic tests on installed ports or SPEs, configure automatic recovery of ports on an SPE, and configure a scheduled recovery of SPEs.

Configure SPE Diagnostic Tests

You can perform three types of diagnostic tests on the SPE modem:

SPE Startup Test, page 243 SPE Auto-Test, page 243 SPE Back-to-Back Test, page 244

SPE Startup Test

To perform diagnostic testing on all the installed SPE ports during the system's initial startup or rebooting process, use theport modem startup-test command in global configuration mode. The results of the SPE port startup test are displayed in the show port modem test command output. SPE ports that pass the diagnostic test are marked as Pass, Fail, and Unkn. Ports that fail the diagnostic test are marked as Bad. These ports cannot be used for call connections. Depending on how many ports are installed, this diagnostic test may take from 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Perform additional testing on an inoperative SPE port by executing the test port modem back-to-back command. The no port modem startup-test command disables startup testing.

SPE Auto-Test
To perform diagnostic testing on all the installed SPE ports during the systems initial startup or rebooting process, or during service, use the port modem autotest command in global configuration mode. The results of the SPE port auto-test are displayed in the show port modem test command's output. Ports that pass the diagnostic test are marked as Idle, Busy, Downloading, and Reset, and are put into service. Ports that fail the diagnostic test are marked as Bad, and are not put into service or tested again until they are no longer marked as Bad. If all the ports of an SPE are bad, the corresponding SPE is also marked bad. These ports cannot be used for call connections. Depending on how many ports are present and not marked Bad, this diagnostic test may take from 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You may perform additional testing on an inoperative port by executing the test port modem back-to-back command. The no port modem autotest command disables testing.

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You may optionally configure the following commands:

port modem autotest minimum portsDefine the minimum number of free ports available for autotest to begin. port modem autotest time hh:mm {interval}Enable autotesting time and interval.A sample diagnostic autotest setting the time at 12:45 and at 8 hour intervals looks like the following:
AS5400(config)# port modem autotest time 12:45 8 AS5400(config)#

port modem autotest error thresholdDefine the maximum number of errors detected for autotest to begin.

SPE Back-to-Back Test

When an SPE port tests as Bad, perform additional testing by conducting a series of internal back-to-back connections and data transfers between two SPE ports. All port test connections occur inside the gateway. For example, if mobile users cannot dial into port 2/5 (the sixth port on the universal port card in the second chassis slot), attempt a back-to-back test with port 2/5 and a known-functioning port such as port 2/6.

Enter the following command in privileged EXEC mode (the prompt is displayed as to perform internal back-to-back port tests between two ports:



test port modem back-to-back slot/port slot/port {num-packets}Perform internal back-to-back port tests between two ports, sending test packets of the specified size. You might need to enable this command on several different combinations of ports to determine which one is not functioning properly. A pair of operable ports successfully connect and complete transmitting data in both directions. An operable port and an inoperable port do not successfully connect with each other. A sample back-to-back test might look like the following:
AS5400# test port modem back-to-back 2/10 3/20 Repetitions (of 10-byte packets) [1]: *Mar 02 12:13:51.743:%PM_MODEM_MAINT-5-B2BCONNECT:Modems (2/10) and (3/20) connected in back-to-back test:CONNECT33600/V34/LAP *Mar 02 12:13:52.783:%PM_MODEM_MAINT-5-B2BMODEMS:Modems (3/20) and (2/10) completed back-to-back test:success/packets = 2/2

A port that has been confirmed to have problems can often be fixed using the clear spe command. The results of the test port modem back-to-back command are displayed in the show port modem test command's output:
AS5400# show port modem test Date 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 ... 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 Time 12:00:57 12:00:57 12:00:58 12:00:58 12:00:58 12:00:58 12:01:14 12:01:14 12:01:15 12:01:15 12:13:52 Modem 2/01 2/00 2/02 2/03 2/04 2/05 3/95 3/94 3/75 3/74 3/20 Test Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Reason :STARTUP :STARTUP :STARTUP :STARTUP :STARTUP :STARTUP State Result Idle PASS Idle PASS Idle PASS Idle PASS Idle PASS Idle PASS Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS




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3/02 ... 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02 3/02

12:13:52 PM 12:44:00 12:44:00 12:44:00 12:44:00 12:44:00 12:44:00 12:44:21 12:44:21 12:44:21 12:44:21 12:44:21 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM

2/10 3/102 3/103 3/104 3/105 3/106 3/107 2/73 2/72 2/33 2/32 3/37

Back-To-Back No Test (Time) No Test (Time) No Test (Time) No Test (Time) No Test (Time) No Test (Time) Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back Back-To-Back


Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle



The Reason column indicates why the test was started. The TIME INTERVAL is one of the triggers under autotest; the other is the error threshold.

SPE Disconnect Reason Codes

This section describes how to interpret the call disconnect reason codes reported by Cisco universal port card SPEs. Whenever a call using the universal port SPEs is cleared or disconnected, the SPE records the reason for the disconnect. This disconnect reason code can be used to determine whether the disconnect was normal or an error occurred. This reason code can be used to track down possible sources of failure. Modems can be disconnected due to a variety of factors such as client disconnects, telco errors, and call drops at the network access server (NAS). A good disconnect reason is that the DTE (client modem or NAS) at one end or the other wanted to terminate the call. Such normal disconnects indicate that the disconnect was not a result of modem or transmission level errors.


The disconnect reason is managed in a first-come-first-serve fashion. This means that the first disconnect reason generated is the only disconnect reason recorded. If the modem and the NAS attempt to terminate the session simultaneously and the modem happens to save the disconnect reason before the LINK_TERMINATE message from the NAS is processed, then the NAS disconnect reason is ignored.

Determining the disconnect Reason

When evaluating whether you are experiencing good or bad disconnects, it is important to obtain the history of disconnects that a particular port has experienced. In most environments, the disconnect reason is obtained using modem call records or call tracker syslog messages. This disconnect code can then be interpreted using the table provided in this document. Use the following commands to determine the disconnect reason:

The show spe modem disconnect-reason command does not display the disconnect reason code as a hexadecimal value. However, it does indicate the disconnect reason as a name. The name and class of the disconnect reason can be found inTable 35 and Table 36 respectively. The show port modem log command displays the disconnect reason code as a hexadecimal value. Refer to Table 34 for the hexadecimal values.

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Table 34

Disconnect Reason Code Hexadecimal Values

0x0.. 0x010 0x001 0x002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x006 0x007 0x008 0x009 0x00C 0x00D 0x00E 0x00F 0x011 0x012 -

0x1.. 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103 0x104 0x105 0x106 0x107 0x108 0x109 0x1F00 0x1F01 0x1F02 0x1F03 0x1F04 0x1F05 0x1F06 0x1F07 0x1F08 0x1FFF

0x2.. 0x201 0x202 0x203 0x204 0x205 0x206 0x210 0x211 0x212 0x220 0x221 0x222 0x224 0x225 -

0x3.. 0x3xx -

0x4.. 0x403 0x404 0x408 -

0x5.. 0x501 0x502 0x503 0x504 0x505 0x506 0x507 -

Using the show port modem log command

Use the show port modem log slot/port command to obtain the disconnect cause code (in Hex) for a particular call on a specific port. This disconnect code is identical to the cause code obtained from modem call-record and call-tracker syslog outputs. An example is shown:
*Jan 1 00:53:56.867: Modem State event: State: Terminate *Jan 1 00:53:56.879: Modem End Connect event: Call Timer : 195 secs Disconnect Reason Info : 0x220 Type (=0 ): Class (=2 ): EC condition - locally detected Reason (=32 ): received DISC frame -- normal LAPM termination

From the example above, note that the disconnect code is 0x220.

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Using the show spe modem disconnect-reason Command

Use the show spe modem disconnect-reason {summary | slot | slot/spe} command to determine the distribution of disconnect reasons that the particular port has experienced. A sample summary output of all the ports is shown below:
Router# show spe modem disconnect-reason summary ===CLASS OTHER==== =====CLASS DSP==== ===CLASS EC LCL=== ==CLASS EC FRMR=== Software Rst 0 No Carrier 341 No LR 0 Frmr Bad Cmd 0 EC Termntd 0 No ABT dtctd 0 LR Param1 0 Frmr Data 0 Bad MNP5 Rx 0 Trainup flr 328 LR Incmpt 0 Frmr Length 0 Bad V42B 110 Retrain Lt 0 Retrns Lt 226 Frmr Bad NR 0 Bad COP stat 0 ABT end flr 0 Inactivity 0 ATH 0 Protocol Err 1 ===CLASS EC LD==== Aborted 0 ====CLASS HOST==== Fallbck Term 74 LD No LR 0 Connect Tout 198 Hst NonSpec 0 No XID 67 LD LR Param1 0 Reset DSP 0 HST Busy 0 XID Incmpt 0 LD LR Incmpt 0 HST No answr 0 Disc 21448 LD Retrns Lt 0 ===CLASS EC Cmd=== HST DTR 3615 DM 5 LD Inactivty 0 Bad Cmd 0 HST ATH 0 Bad NR 0 LD Protocol 0 HST NoDialTn 0 SABME Online 0 LD User 0 =====N O N E====== HST No Carr 5276 XID Online 0 None 39 HST Ack 0 LR Online 0 TOTAL 31728 HST NoDialTn 0 SABME Online 0 LD User 0=====N O N E====== HST No Carr 5276 XID Online 0 None 39 HST Ack 0 LR Online 0 TOTAL 31728

From the example above, let us say that we are interested in the disconnect category Disc within CLASS EC LCL. To determine what the disconnect reason Disc means, go to the entry corresponding to the class (CLASS EC LCL) and the disconnect reason name (Disc) which shows a hex code of 0x220 and is a normal disconnect. The codes for the classes are shown in the following tables:

CLASS OTHER Code Summary Table CLASS DSP Reason Codes CLASS EC LCL: EC Condition, Locally Detected Reason Code Table CLASS EC Cmd: EC Detected Bad Command Code Reason Code Table CLASS EC FRMR: EC Detected FRMR From Peer Reason Code Table CLASS EC LD: Error Correction (EC) Detected Link Disconnect (LD) From Peer Reason Code Table CLASS HOST: Requested by Host Reason Code Table

Reason Code Summary Tables

The following tables contain the detailed reason codes for universal port disconnects.
Table 35 CLASS OTHER Code Summary Table

Disconnect Reason Type 2 2

Disconnect Reason: Name Software Rst EC Termntd

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x001 0x002

Description Cisco IOS software disconnected the call for some indeterminate reason (SOFTWARE_RESET). Error Correction (EC) layer termination

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Table 35

CLASS OTHER Code Summary Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 2

Disconnect Reason: Name Bad MNP5 Rx

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x003

Description The Microcom Network Protocol 5 (MNP5) decompression task received an illegal token in the data stream. There is probably a logic error in the implementation of compression, decompression or error correction by the modem or partner. Can also be caused by a transient line or RAM memory error. The V.42bis or V.44 decompression task received an illegal token in the data stream. There is probably a logic error in either the modem's or partner's implementation of compression, decompression or error correction. Can also be caused by a transient line or RAM memory error. Reserved ATH command detected by local modem. The ATH (Hangup) AT command is detected by the local modem (universal port card). For example, following a dialout from Cisco IOS, the DTE interface clears the call by transmitting an inband ATH AT command after the call is connected. AT mode any-key abort of dial command The AT dial command was aborted by the any-key abort command. For example, the host modem originates a call. During connection establishment, pressing any-key causes the AT dial command to be aborted. The call took too long to complete the connection. Notice that the S7 timer (wait for carrier after dial) expired for this disconnect. The causes include:

Bad V42B


2 6,7

Bad COP stat ATH

0x005 0x006



Connect Tout


Difficulty negotiating a Layer I standard Layer I and Layer II establishment taking too long.

For example, error correction negotiation takes an extended amount of time because of bit-errors introduced when the client modem receiver tries to connect at a rate it can't sustain. This disconnect could also happen if the answer modem heard no tone from the channel because, for example, the originator was not a modem.

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Table 35

CLASS OTHER Code Summary Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 2

Disconnect Reason: Name Reset DSP

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x009

Description The DSP was reset (command/internal/spontaneous). The DSP within the host modem was reset by the Control Processor (CP) or Signal Processor (SP). The CP resets the DSP if mail messages from the CP to SP are not being acknowledged. The SP resets itself if it gets an internal inconsistency error.

4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6

0x00C 0x00D 0x00E 0x00F 0x010 0x011 0x012

V.42bis or V.44 codeword size exceeded negotiated maximum. V.42bis or V.44 received codeword equal to next empty dictionary entry. V.42bis or V.44 received codeword greater than the next empty dictionary entry. V.42bis or V.44 received reserved command code. V.42bis or V.44 ordinal size exceeded eight. V.42bis or V.44 negotiation error. V.42bis or V.44 compression error.

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Table 36

CLASS DSP Reason Codes

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name No Carrier

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x1xx 0x100

Description DSP conditions reported by SPE The SPE carrier signal is lost. The universal port card detected a client modem carrier drop. The universal port SPE stopped hearing carrier for a period greater than the value specified in Register S10 (hang-up delay after carrier loss). This could mean that the talk path went away or that the client stopped transmitting. If a layer II protocol (V.42 and/or V.42bis) is in effect, it is abnormal to see such a disconnect. Common causes are users hanging up the call before a connection takes place can occur because of incidental dialing, aborted starts, and client applications timing out when calls take too long to connect due to multiple retrains during Layer 1 negotiation. The condition can also occur during normal data mode when the client abruptly drops the carrier. This can occur if the link is abruptly dropped (network error), or power is shut off to the client modem disconnecting the call. This can also occur with less sophisticated client modems that do not implement the Layer I and/or Layer II clear-down protocols on a DTR drop. For a large number of client modems, this is considered a normal disconnection.

3 3

No ABT dtctd Trainup flrv

0x101 0x102

No answer-back tone detected, caller is probably not a modem Call failure while modem training up due to incompatible modulation or bad line. This may be indicative of attempts to negotiate an unsupported modulation such as a legacy Rockwell proprietary modulation (K56Plus, V.FC, and so on). Other possible causes are DSP failures to train up due to severe line impairments, impulse noises, interrupting training, incompatible modulation parameters, and perhaps the inability to properly select a Layer I standard.

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Table 36

CLASS DSP Reason Codes (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name Retrain Lt

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x103

Description Too many consecutive retrains or speed-shifts. The retrain limit is specified with Register S40. During the progress of a call, too many retrains occurred and rendered the call ineffectivethe data rate would be so poor as to be useless. Sometimes the client modem does not complete the clear-down protocol, for example, when the Telco tore down the call in the middle of the connection; NextPort (NP) attempts to recover the call by issuing retrains. Once the retrain limit is reached, NP drops the call and report this disconnect reason.

ABT end flr


Problem detecting end of Answer-Back Tone(ABT). Negotiation failure or excessive noise during V.34 training. Host modems answer and send out V.8bis and modulated 2100Hz answer-back tones (ABTs) with phase reversals but encounter excessive noise during the trainup sequence. Look for errors on the path from the calling modem to the answering modem in either one or both directions. Similar behavior occurs when there is latency in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)that exceeds one second for dial up and causes modems to be unable to train up the echo cancellers. Other possible causes are:

TX power levels are incorrect and the tones are then not handled by the remote side. Excessive noise in Phase III and IV during V.34 training. Operator error. Network interference during V.34 training (someone picks up the extension).

3 3 3

0x105 0x106 0x107

SS7/COT (continuity test) operation completed successfully. SS7/COT (continuity test) operation failed: T8/T24 timeout waiting for tone on. SS7/COT (continuity test) operation failed: T8/T24 timeout waiting for tone off.

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Table 36

CLASS DSP Reason Codes (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 4

Disconnect Reason: Name

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x108

Description Modem on hold (MOH) cleardown by the universal port card. V.92 specifies that the cleardown reason can be:

Cleardown due to incoming call Cleardown due to outgoing call Cleardown due to other reason


MOH timeout value reached. This value can be adjusted using Register S62 (V.92 maximum MOH time).

Table 37

CLASS EC LCL: EC Condition, Locally Detected Reason Code Table

Disconnect Reason Type 3 3

Disconnect Reason: Name No LR LR Param1

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x2xx 0x201 0x202

Description Local error correction (EC) conditions. During negotiation a link request (LR) frame was not received. Peer may not support MNP. The received MNP LR frame had a bad/unexpected PARAM1. For more information on PARAM1 refer to the V.42 specification.

LR Incmpt


The received MNP LR frame is incompatible with the host modem's settings for EC.

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Table 37

CLASS EC LCL: EC Condition, Locally Detected Reason Code Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name Retrns Lt

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x204

Description Too many consecutive retransmissions in EC. This disconnect reason can be caused by noise on the line that spurs retransmissions. For instance, the host modem transmits data to the client modem, but noise on the line causes the data to be received incorrectly (or not at all) by the client side. The client modem could also have disconnected without the host modem realizing this. So the host modem continuously retransmits, without knowing that the client modem is no longer present. Sometimes, when the call connects in LAPM or MNP, the universal port card is unable to transmit a frame to the client modem. The client modem fails to acknowledge the universal port card's initial transmission, then fails to respond to Register S19 (error correction retransmission limit) polls (the default is 12), so NP disconnects the call. One cause could be that the carrier in the transmit path degraded substantially while the client failed to downshift. Another cause could be a problem with the client's EC engine (as happens on a Winmodem system if Windows stops responding).




Inactivity timeout, MNP Link Disconnect (LD) sent. The host modem sends the client modem a LD frame, indicating that an inactivity timeout has occurred.


Protocol Err


EC protocol error. This is a general catch-all protocol error. It indicates that a LAPM or MNP EC protocol error has occurred.

Fallbck Term


No EC fallback protocol available. Error correction negotiation has not been successful. The call is terminated because there is no error correction fallback protocol available. S-register S25 (link protocol fallback) determines the available fallback protocol. The options are asynchronous framing, synchronous framing, or disconnect (hang up).

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Table 37

CLASS EC LCL: EC Condition, Locally Detected Reason Code Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 3

Disconnect Reason: Name No XID

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x211

Description Never received eXchange IDentification (XID) frame during negotiation. Peer may not support MNP. The received XID frame is incompatible with local settings. The client modem may not support LAPM within V.42.

XID Incmpt





Received Disconnect (DISC) frame. This is the normal LAP-M disconnect. The call terminated normally with a proper clear down from the client side. For example, a V.42 disconnect packet was sent from the client modem to the host modem. The client modem dropped DTR and cleanly negotiated a clear-down protocol.




Received DM frame. Peer might be disconnecting. The client modem indicates that it is disconnecting. During call setup, this reason indicates that the client modem is giving up on negotiating error correction.


Bad NR


Bad receive sequence number or ACK number was received. An MNP LD or LAP-M FRMR is sent. The host modem received a LAPM or MNP error correction frame with a bad sequence number or acknowledgment number. An LD or Frame Reject (FRMR) frame is sent to the client modem, indicating that the host modem is disconnecting.


SABME Online


Received MNP XID frame in steady-state. This is interpreted as a LAPM error correction protocol error in steady state. It means that the client modem may have reset due to receiving a FRMR.


XID Online


Received MNP LR frame while in steady-state. This is interpreted as an MNP error correction protocol error in steady state. It means that the client modem has reset.

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Table 38

CLASS EC Cmd: EC Detected Bad Command Code Reason Code Table

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name Bad Cmd

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x3xx

Description EC detected bad command code. The received unknown command is in the last 2 digits. An MNP LD or LAP-M FRMR frame is sent in response.

Table 39

CLASS EC FRMR: EC Detected FRMR From Peer Reason Code Table

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x4xx

Description EC conditions indicated by client in LAP-M FRMR frame. The bit-mapped reason is in the last two digits. LAPM: peer reports bad command. The host modem received a FRMR frame from the client modem. The received FRMR frame indicates that the client modem received an error correction frame from the host modem that contained a bad command.


Frmr Bad Cmd



Frmr Data


LAPM: peer reports that data field is not permitted or is incorrect length (U frames). The host modem received a FRMR frame from the client modem. The received FRMR frame indicates that the client modem received an error correction frame from the host modem that contained a data field that is not permitted or contained a data field with an incorrect length (that is, U frame).

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Table 39

CLASS EC FRMR: EC Detected FRMR From Peer Reason Code Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name Frmr Length

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x404

Description LAPM: peer reports data field length is greater than N401 (the maximum information field length specified in V.42), but has good Frame Check Sequence (FCS). The modem received a FRMR frame from the client modem. The received FRMR frame indicates that the client modem received an error correction frame from the modem that contained a data field length that is greater than the maximum number of octets that can be carried in the information field (N401) of an I frame, an SREJ frame, an XID frame, a UI frame, or a TEST frame. The frame check sequence is good.


Frmr Bad NR


LAPM: peer reports bad receive sequence number or N(R). The host modem received a FRMR frame from the client modem. The received FRMR frame indicates that the client modem received an error correction frame from the host modem that contained a bad receive sequence number.

Table 40

CLASS EC LD: Error Correction (EC) Detected Link Disconnect (LD) From Peer Reason Code Table

Disconnect Reason Type 4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x5xx

Description EC conditions indicated by client in MNP link disconnect ( LD ) frame. Reason field is in the last 2 digits. MNP: peer never received LR frame. The host modem received a LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem never received a link request from the host modem.



LD LR Param1


MNP: peer reports link request (LR) frame has bad parameter #1 The host modem received an LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem received a link request frame from the host modem that contained an unexpected PARAM1. For more information on PARAM1 refer to the V.42 specification.

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Table 40

CLASS EC LD: Error Correction (EC) Detected Link Disconnect (LD) From Peer Reason Code Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 3

Disconnect Reason: Name LD LR Incmpt

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x503

Description MNP: peer reports LR frame is incompatible with its configuration The host modem received an LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem received an LR frame from the host modem that is incompatible with the configuration of the client modem.


LD Retrns Lt


MNP: peer reports too many consecutive EC retransmissions The host modem received a LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem received too many consecutive retransmissions.


LD Inactivty


MNP: peer reports inactivity timer expired The host modem received a Link Disconnect (LD) frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem's host (DTE) has not passed data to the client modem within a period of time.

LD Protocol


MNP: peer reports error The host modem received an LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates that the client modem received a MNP protocol error.

LD User


Normal MNP disconnect The host modem received a LD frame from the client modem. The received LD frame indicates a normal MNP termination.

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Table 41

CLASS HOST: Requested by Host Reason Code Table

Disconnect Reason Type 6,7

Disconnect Reason: Name

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x1Fxx

Description Host initiated disconnect. Value is a sum of 0x1F00 and SessionStopCommand value. This is the other host terminate reason. The host reason is indicated in the low-order bytes xx. Non-specific host-initiated disconnect. Value is a sum of 0x1F00 and SessionStopCommand value. This is the catch all Cisco IOS-initiated disconnect reason. It is used for all non-standard disconnects. For example, this could be a result of modem management software deciding to terminate the call. One possible explanation is a higher-level authentication failure RADIUS, TACACS, or another application issuing a DTR drop to the host modem. This type of disconnect does not count towards CSR when the host modem is in data mode.


HST NonSpec


HST Busy


Dialed number was busy. Disconnection has occurred because the host is indicating that the dialed number is busy.

HST No answr


Dialed number did not answer. Disconnection has occurred because the host is indicating that the dialed number didn't answer.




Virtual DTR dropped. This status is reflected by the I/O port redirector that is currently using the modem. Disconnection has occurred because the host dropped the virtual DTR line. This generic disconnect cause is initiated by the Cisco IOS software. Example causes are idle timeout, PPP LCP TERMREQ received, authentication failure, Telnet hangup, and so on. To determine the reason for the hang up, examine the Radius disconnect reason from the modem call-record terse command or from Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA).

6,7 3


0x1F04 0x1F05

ATH (hangup) command was detected by local host. No access to telco network. Disconnection has occurred because the host could not access the network.

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Table 41

CLASS HOST: Requested by Host Reason Code Table (continued)

Disconnect Reason Type 3,4,5

Disconnect Reason: Name HST NoCarr

Disconnect Reason Code (Hex) 0x1F06

Description Network indicated disconnect. This is a client-side triggered disconnect that is not a graceful call termination. It can occur during call set-up. A common cause is when users of Windows 95 or Windows 98 Dial Up Networking (DUN) cancel the call before the call reaches steady state. Another common reason is any client-instigated DTR drop before steady state. During data mode, this is also a client side triggered disconnection that is not a graceful call termination. One very common cause is authentication failures.


NAS terminated SS7/continuity test (COT) operation. Disconnection has occurred because the NAS has terminated the SS7/COT operation.

3 -

0x1F08 0x1FFF

The SS7/COT operation was terminated by the router because of a T8/T24 timeout. Unsolicited TERMINATING. The host sends this disconnect reason when it receives a unsolicited terminating message.

Table 42

Disconnect Reason Types

Disconnect Type 0 1 - 0x2... 2 - 0x4... 3 - 0x6... 4 - 0x8... 5 - 0xA...

Description (unused) (unused) Other situations Condition occurred during call setup In data mode. Rx (line to host) data flushing OK In data mode. Rx (line to host) data flushing not OK (at present, applications should not be concerned about the not OK)

6 - 0xC... 7 - 0xE...

In data mode. Tx (host to line) data flushing OK In data mode. Tx (host to line) data flushing not OK (at present, applications should not be concerned about the not OK)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Codec Complexity

For more information about troubleshooting SPEs, refer to Interpreting NextPort Disconnect Reason Codes, document ID 9502 .

DSP Troubleshooting Links

DSP troubleshooting procedures vary from platform to platform. To troubleshoot DSPs on your Cisco product, see the following links:

For troubleshooting the DSP on NM-HDV for Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and VG200 series routers, refer to Troubleshooting the DSP on NM-HDV for Cisco 2600/3600/VG200 Series Routers, document ID 19066. For troubleshooting DSPs on the PA-VXA/PA-VXB/PA-VXC voice port adapters for Cisco 7200 series and Cisco 7500 series routers, refer to Troubleshooting DSPs on the PA-VXA/PA-VXB/PA-VXC Voice Port Adaptors for Cisco 7200/7500 Series Routers, document ID 26367 . For troubleshooting the VTSP-3-DSP_TIMEOUT error on AS5300 platforms, refer to Troubleshooting VTSP-3-DSP_TIMEOUT Error on Cisco AS5300 Access Server Platforms, document ID 18680 . If you have problems with unrecognized voice cards on Cisco 1750, Cisco 1751, and Cisco 1760 routers, it could be a problem with the packet voice data module (PVDM), which houses the DSPs. Refer to Troubleshooting Unrecognized Voice Interface Cards on Cisco 1750, 1751, and 1760 Routers, document ID 5711.

Verifying Codec Complexity

Codec complexity refers to the amount of processing power that a codec compression technique requires: some require more processing power than others. Codec complexity affects call density, which is the number of calls that can take place on the DSP interfaces. The DSP interfaces can be HCMs, port adapter DSP farms, or voice cards, depending on the type of router. The greater the codec complexity, the fewer the calls that can be handled. Codec complexity is either medium or high. The difference between medium- and high-complexity codecs is the amount of CPU power necessary to process the algorithm and, therefore, the number of voice channels that can be supported by a single DSP. All medium-complexity codecs can also be run in high-complexity mode, but in that mode fewer (usually half as many) channels are available per DSP. For details on the number of calls that can be handled simultaneously through the use of each of the codec standards, refer to the entries for the codec and codec complexity commands in the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference.

Codec Complexity Mismatch

You might encounter a situation in which the router cannot set up a call and a message similar to the following appears in the output:
21:12:54: %DSPRM-5-SETCODEC: Configured codec 10 is not supported with this dsp image.

This condition indicates that the codec complexity and the voice card complexity configuration are mismatched. This problem can appear on Cisco modular access routers with HDV modules. This problem can affect Cisco IOS software Releases 12.0(7)T and later.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

To see if you have this problem, you need to check the following conditions:

Check if the codec you are using is a high-complexity codec. For more information about codecs, refer to Understanding Codecs: Complexity, Hardware Support, MOS, and Negotiation, document ID 14069. If you are going to use high-complexity codecs, check the voice card configuration. It should also be configured as high complexity.

The default configuration for voice cards on routers with HDV modules is medium complexity. To allow usage of high-complexity codecs, use the voice-card 1 and codec complexity high configuration commands.


To change the voice card codec complexity, remove all voice ports bound to the card and remove the configuration from the E1/T1 controller.

Checking the Interface

To troubleshoot the T1 or E1 interface, perform the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

show controller {t1 | e1} Check if the line is down. Check for reported alarms. Check for error events. Check if the interface is T1 or E1 CAS, E1 R2, or PRI.

Step 1

Enter the show controller t1 or show controller e1 command with the controller number for the voice port you are troubleshooting.
Router# show controller {t1 | e1} controller-number

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Check if the line is down. If so, see the Troubleshooting T1 and E1 Layer 1 Problems section on page 262. Check if there are any reported alarms. If so, refer to T1 Alarm Troubleshooting, document ID 14172 to troubleshoot alarm indications. Check if there are any error events. If you encounter framing, line coding, or clock timing errors, see the Checking T1/E1 Controller Configuration section on page 265. Refer to T1 Error Event Troubleshooting, document ID 14174 for a flowchart to troubleshoot error events.

Step 5

Check if the interface is T1 or E1 CAS, E1 R2, or PRI. See the following sections for more information:

Checking T1/E1 Controller Configuration, page 265 T1/E1 Channel-Associated Signaling, page 269 E1 R2 Interfaces, page 270

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

ISDN Interfaces, page 272 Troubleshooting Drop-and-Insert, page 277 Troubleshooting Transparent Common Channel Signaling, page 278

Troubleshooting T1 and E1 Layer 1 Problems

Most T1 and E1 errors are caused by incorrectly configured lines. Ensure that line coding, framing, and clock source are configured according to the recommendations of your Service Provider. Use the show controllers t1 and show controllers e1 commands in privileged EXEC mode to display information about the T1 or E1 links or to display the hardware and software driver information for the controller. These commands show what state the T1 or E1 controller is in. The controller can be in one of three states:

Administratively downIf the controller is administratively down, you can manually bring it up using the procedure in the Controller Is Administratively Down section. DownIf the controller is down, then the cause is one of the following:
Loss of frameSee the Controller Has Loss of Frame section to resolve this issue. Loss of signalSee the Controller Has Loss of Signal section to resolve this issue.

UpThe controller is functioning properly on Layer 1.

Solutions for bringing the controller up follow.

Controller Is Administratively Down

The controller is administratively down when it has been manually shut down. Follow these steps to restart the controller to correct this error.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable configure {terminal | memory | network} controller t1 number no shutdown end

Step 1

Enable privileged EXEC mode:

enable Example: Router> enable

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

Enter global configuration mode:

configure terminal

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Example: Router(config)# configure terminal

Step 3

Enter controller configuration mode:

controller t1 number

The number syntax is platform-specific. For more information about the syntax of this command, see the Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference, Release 12.3.
Example: Router(config)# controller t1 0

Step 4

Restart the controller:

no shutdown Example: Router(config-controller)# no shutdown

Step 5

Exit to privileged EXEC mode:

end Example:Router(config)# end

What to Do Next
The controller should be running and normal configuration can continue.

Controller Has Loss of Frame

Complete the following steps if the receiver has loss of frame:

Ensure that the framing format configured on the port matches the framing format of the line. Check the framing format of the controller from the running configuration or the show controller t1or show controller e1 command output. To change the framing format, use the framing command in controller configuration mode.
For T1, the options are sf and esf. For example:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# controller t1 0 Router(config-controlle)# framing esf

For E1, the options are crc4 and no-crc4. For example:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# controller e1 0 Router(config-controlle)# framing crc4

If the first framing format does not work, try the other framing format to see if the alarm clears. For more information on framing formats, see the Framing Formats on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports section on page 266.

For T1 lines, change the line build-out setting using the cablelength long or cablelength short command. Line build-out (LBO) or cable length compensates for the loss in decibels based on the distance from the device to the first repeater in the circuit. A longer distance from the device to the repeater requires that the signal strength on the circuit be boosted to compensate for loss over that distance.

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

To configure transmit and receive levels for a cable length (line build-out) longer than 655 feet for a T1 trunk with a channel service unit (CSU) interface, use the cablelength long controller configuration command. To configure transmit attenuation for a cable length (line build-out) of 655 feet or shorter for a T1 trunk with a DSX-1 interface, use the cablelength short controller configuration command. Contact your service provider and refer to the Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide for details on build-out settings.

What to Do Next
If the preceding steps do not fix the problem, see the Controller Has Loss of Signal section.

Controller Has Loss of Signal

If your controller is experiencing loss of signal, check the following.


Use the show controller t1 EXEC command after each step to see if the controller exhibits any errors.

Ensure that the cable between the interface port and the T1 service providers equipment or T1 terminal equipment is connected correctly. Ensure that the cable is hooked up to the correct ports. Correct the cable connections if necessary. Check the cable integrity by looking for breaks or other physical abnormalities in the cable. Ensure that the pinouts are set correctly. Replace the cable if necessary. Check the cable connectors. A reversal of the transmit and receive pairs or an open receive pair can cause errors. Depending on the type of module used, the cable terminates on a male DB-15 or RJ-45/48 connector. On a DB-15 connector, the receive pair should be on pins 2 and 9, and the transmit pair on pins 8 and 15. A DB-15 connector is shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33

DB-15 Connector




The pins on a RJ-45/48 jack are numbered from 1 through 8. With the metal pins facing toward you, pin 1 is the left-most pin. Figure 34 shows the pin numbering on an RJ-45 jack. The receive pair should be on lines 1 and 2, and the transmit pair should be on lines 4 and 5.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Figure 34

RJ-45 Pin Numbering


RJ-45 connector

If you have completed all of the steps above and you are still experiencing problems, try using a rollover cable. A rollover cable is shown in Figure 35.
Rollover Cable
Pin 1 and pin 8 should be the same color Pin 1 Pin 8

Figure 35


Checking T1/E1 Controller Configuration

Digital T1/E1 voice ports must have controller configurations that match the configuration of the router to the line characteristics of the telephony network connection being made so that voice and signaling can be transferred between them. This configuration also affects allows the logical voice ports, or DS0 groups, to be established. Make sure to check the following:

Framing Formats on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports, page 266 Clock Sources on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports, page 266 Line Coding on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports, page 268

Contact your service provider for framing and line coding settings. Common settings are as follows:

For T1 lines, it is common to use binary 8-zero substitution (B8ZS) line coding with extended superframe (ESF), and alternate mark inversion (AMI) line coding with superframe (SF). For E1 lines, both HDB3 and AMI line coding are available, but CRC4 framing is most widely used.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Framing Formats on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports

The framing format parameter describes the way that bits are robbed from specific frames to be used for signaling purposes. The controller must be configured to use the same framing format as the line from the PBX or CO that connects to the voice port you are configuring. Digital T1 lines use the SF or ESF framing format. SF provides two-state, continuous supervision signaling, in which a 0 bit value is used to represent on-hook and a 1 bit value is used to represent off-hook. ESF robs four bits instead of two, yet has little impact on voice quality. ESF is required for 64-kbps operation on DS0 and is recommended for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) configurations. E1 lines can be configured for cyclic redundancy check (CRC4) or no cyclic redundancy check, with an optional argument for E1 lines in Australia. To change the framing format, use the framing command in controller configuration mode. Refer to the Voice Port Configuration document for configuration information.

Path Code Violations Increasing

Ensure that the framing format configured on the port matches the framing format of the line. Path code violations and line code violations are typically present simultaneously. Always verify that your line coding is correct. Look for the following in the show controller command output:

For E1 lines, look for Framing is {crc4|no-crc4} For T1 lines, check the line coding, as described in the Line Coding on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports section on page 268. For T1 lines, path code violation error event is a frame synchronization bit error in the D4 (SF) format, or a CRC error in the ESF format.

If path code violations keep increasing, contact your service provider to check the line, because path code violations can also be caused by physical line problems.

Clock Sources on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports

Digital T1/E1 interfaces use clock timers to ensure that voice packets are delivered and assembled properly. All interfaces handling the same packets must be configured to use the same source of timing so that packets are not lost or delivered late. The timing source that is configured can be external (from the line) or internal to the routers digital interface. If the timing source is internal, timing derives from the onboard phase-lock loop (PLL) chip in the digital voice interface. If the timing source is line (external), timing derives from the PBX or PSTN CO to which the voice port is connected. It is generally preferable to derive timing from the PSTN because PSTN clocks are maintained at an extremely accurate level. This is the default setting for the clock source. When two or more controllers are configured, one should be designated as the primary clock source; it drives the other controllers. To change the clock source, use the clock source command in controller configuration mode. Refer to the Voice Port Configuration document for configuration information.

Slip Seconds Error Counter Increasing

Use the show controller command to see if there are alarms or errors displayed by the controller. To see if the framing, line coding, and slip seconds error counters are increasing, use the show controller e1 command repeatedly. Note the values of the counters for the current interval. If slips are present on the line, there is a clocking problem. The customer premises equipment (CPE) needs to synchronize to the clocking from the T1/E1 service provider. Complete the following steps to correct this problem:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

enable show controller configure terminal controller {t1 | e1} clock source
{line [primary

| secondary}


Step 1 Step 2

Enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enter a password, if necessary. Ensure that the clock source is derived from the network. In the show controller EXEC command output, look for Clock Source is Line Primary.


If there are multiple lines into an access server, only one can be the primary source. The other lines derive the clock from the primary source. If there are multiple lines, ensure that the line designated as the primary clock source is configured correctly. You can also configure a second line to provide clocking in case the primary source goes down. To do this, use the clock source line secondary command from controller configuration mode. Enter configure terminal to enter global configuration mode. Enter controller t1 or controller e1 to enter controller configuration mode. Set both the primary and secondary clock sources from controller configuration mode. For example:
Router(config-controlle)#clock source line primary

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Router(config-controlle)#clock source line secondary 1

Ensure that the lines that you specify as the primary and secondary are both active and stable.


On Cisco universal gateways and access servers, the clock source is specified using the dial-tdm-clock command. Refer to the Managing Dial Shelves chapter in the Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide.

Framing Loss Seconds Increasing

Follow these instructions when dealing with a framing loss seconds increase:

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show controller configure terminal controller {t1 | e1}

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

5. 6.

framing {sf | esf} or framing {crc4|no-crc4} cablelength {long|short}

Step 1 Step 2

Enter enable to enter privileged EXEC mode. Enter a password, if necessary. Ensure that the framing format configured on the port matches the framing format of the line. Look for the following in the show controller output

For T1 lines, look for Framing is {ESF|SF} For E1 lines, look for Framing is {crc4|no-crc4}

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Enter configure terminal to enter global configuration mode. Enter controller t1 or controller e1 to enter controller configuration mode. To change the framing format, use the following commands in controller configuration mode:

For T1 lines, use framing {sf | esf}. For example:

Router(config-controlle)#framing esf

For E1 lines, use framing {crc4|no-crc4}. For example:

Router>(config-controller)#framing crc4

Step 6

For T1 lines, change the line build-out using the cablelength long or cablelength short command. Contact your service provider and consult the Voice Port Configuration document, Release 12.3 for details on settings.

Line Coding on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports

Digital T1/E1 interfaces require that line encoding be configured to match that of the PBX or CO that is being connected to the voice port. Line encoding defines the type of framing used on the line. T1 line encoding methods include alternate mark inversion (AMI) and binary 8 zero substitution (B8ZS). AMI is used on older T1 circuits and references signal transitions with a binary 1, or mark. B8ZS, a more reliable method, is more popular and is recommended for PRI configurations as well. B8ZS encodes a sequence of eight zeros in a unique binary sequence to detect line-coding violations. Supported E1 line encoding methods are AMI and high-density bipolar 3 (HDB3), which is a form of zero-suppression line coding. Use the show controller command to see if there are alarms or errors displayed by the controller. To see if the framing, line coding, and slip seconds error counters are increasing, use the show controller command repeatedly. Note the values of the counters for the current interval.

Line Code Violations Increasing

Ensure that the line coding configured on the port matches the line coding of the line. Change the line code in controller configuration mode if necessary.

For E1 lines, look for Line Code is HDB3 in the show controller e1 output. For T1 lines, look for Line Code is {B8ZS|AMI} in the show controller t1 output.

For T1 lines, change the line build-out using the cablelength long or cablelength short command.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

If line code violations keep increasing, contact your service provider to check the line, because line code violations can also be caused by physical line problems.

Path Code Violations Increasing

Ensure the framing format configured on the port matches the framing format of the line. Path code violations and line code violations are typically present simultaneously. Always verify that your line coding is correct. Look for the following in the show controller output:

For T1 lines, look for Line Code is {B8ZS|AMI} For T1 lines, path code violation error event is a frame synchronization bit error in the D4 (SF) format, or a CRC error in the ESF format.

For E1 lines, check the framing as described in the Framing Formats on Digital T1/E1 Voice Ports section on page 266.

For T1 lines, change the line build-out using the cablelength long or cablelength short command. If path code violations keep increasing, contact your service provider to check the line. Path code violations can also be caused by physical line problems.

T1/E1 Channel-Associated Signaling

CAS exists in many networks today. CAS systems carry signaling information in the same channels in which voice and data are carried. Current telecommunication networks require more efficient means of signaling. CAS exists in many varieties that operate over analog and digital facilities. The analog facilities are either two- or four-wire, and the digital facilities are either North American T1 or European E1. Each CAS system uses either supervision signaling or address signaling over analog and digital facilities. Three groups of signals are present in these facilities:

Supervision signals represent events occurring on a trunk and can be specific to CAS. Signal types include seizure, wink, and answer. Address signals represent the digits dialed or called party number and, in some instances, other information. Address signals are based on multiflex signaling. Tone and announcement signals include ringing and busy tones and announcements specific to an event. Service circuits are used in most exchanges to send and receive address signals and tones as well as to play announcements.

This section describes CAS signaling, which is sometimes called robbed-bit signaling because user bandwidth is robbed by the network for signaling. A bit is taken from every sixth frame of voice data to communicate on- or off-hook status, wink, ground start, dialed digits, and other information about the call. In addition to setting up and tearing down calls, CAS provides for the receipt and capture of dialed number identification (DNIS) and automatic number identification (ANI) information, which are used to support authentication and other functions. The main disadvantage of CAS signaling is its use of user bandwidth to perform these signaling functions. For more information about troubleshooting CAS, refer to Configuring and Troubleshooting T1 CAS Signaling, document ID 24642. If your CAS-configured router gets stuck in the EM_PARK state, refer to Troubleshooting EM_PARK Issues for E&M Digital CAS Signaling, document ID 18959.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Troubleshooting Commands
Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter tool, which allows you to view an analysis of show command output.

debug voip ccapi inoutTraces the execution path through the call control API, which serves as the interface between the call session application and the underlying network-specific software. You can use the output from this command to understand how calls are being handled by the router. debug vpm allEnables all of the debug vpm commands: debug vpm spi, debug vpm signal, and debug vpm dsp.


Note: This debug command generates lots of output. show call active voiceDisplays the contents of the active call table, which shows all of the calls currently connected through the router. show call history voiceDisplays the call history table. The call history table contains a listing of all calls connected through this router in descending time order since VoIP was enabled. You can display subsets of the call history table by using specific keywords. show voice portDisplays configuration information about a specific voice port. debug vtsp allEnables the following debug vtsp commands: debug vtsp session, debug vtsp error, and debug vtsp dsp.

E1 R2 Interfaces
R2 signaling is a CAS system developed in the 1960s and still in use today in Europe, Latin America, Australia, and Asia. R2 signaling exists in several country versions or variants in an international version called Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone-R2 (CCITT-R2). The R2 signaling specifications are contained in International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Recommendations Q.400 through Q.490. E1 R2 signaling is an international signaling standard that is common to channelized E1 networks. E1 R2 signaling support allows the Cisco gateways to communicate with a central office (CO) or PBX trunk and act as a tie-line replacement. Although R2 signaling has been defined in ITU-T Q.400-Q.490 recommendations, R2 is implemented in many different ways. (Various countries implement R2 differently.) Cisco's implementation of R2 signaling on routers can accommodate most of the variations.

Troubleshooting E1 R2 Failures
Follow the instructions below to troubleshoot your configuration.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

show controller e1 show vfc slot number interface Configure DID on the POTS peer. cptone Match line and register signaling provisions to the switch configuration.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

6. 7.

Turn on appropriate debugs. Check for communication between the router and PBX or switch.

Step 1

Verify that controller E1 0 is up with the show controller e1 0 command. If it is down, check framing, line coding, clock source, and alarms. Replace the cable and reseat the card. To run these tests, see the following sections:

Checking the Hardware, page 231 Checking the Digital Signal Processors, page 233 Verifying Codec Complexity, page 260 Troubleshooting T1 and E1 Layer 1 Problems, page 262 Checking T1/E1 Controller Configuration, page 265

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

If you are using an AS5300, check that the DSPs are correctly installed with the show vfc slot number interface command. Configure direct inward dial (DID) on the plain old telephone service (POTS) peer, so that the received digits are used to choose an outgoing peer. Specify cptone (cptone is specific for your country) on the voice-ports. A cptone country must be configured to match cas-custom country. The cptone parameter sets the call progress tones for a particular country, and more importantly sets the encoding to a-law or u-law, depending on the country. For u-law, use the us keyword. For a-law, use the gb keyword. To configure cptone, see the Voice Port Configuration document, Release 12.3.

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Match line and register signaling provisions to the switch configuration. Turn on some of the debugs shown in the following section and study the outputs. Check for communication between the router and PBX or switch:

Is the line seized? Does the router receive/send digits? Find out which side is clearing the call.

If possible, use the latest Cisco IOS software release.

debug and show Commands

Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter Tool, which allows you to view an analysis of show command output. For Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0 and newer, use the following debugs:

debug casFor line signaling debug csm voiceFor interregister signaling debug vtsp all Exchanges output of all messages (digits) between the PBX and the router

For Cisco IOS Software Release IOS 11.3, use the following commands:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

modem-mgmt csm debug-rbs For line signaling (specify service internal in global configuration mode.) debug csm voice For interregister signaling debug vtsp all Exchanges output of all messages (digits) between the PBX and the router

For the AS5400 and AS5350 platforms, use the following debugs:

debug sigsm r2For interregister signaling debug vtsp all Exchanges output of all messages (digits) between the PBX and the router

ISDN Interfaces
An ISDN network can consist of T1, T3, E1, and E3 and has two types of subscriber access: Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Primary Rate Interface (PRI). Each access comprises B and D channels. ISDN BRI provides two B channels, each capable of transferring voice or data at 64 kbps, and one 16-kbps D channel that carries signaling traffic. The D channel is used by the telephone network to carry instructions about how to handle each of the B channels. ISDN BRI (also referred to as 2 B + D) provides a maximum transmission speed of 128 kbps. ISDN PRI provides 23 B channels plus a D channel (in North America and Japan) or 30 B channels plus a D channel (in the rest of the world). Similar to the ISDN BRI D channel, the ISDN PRI D channel carries signaling traffic. ISDN PRI is often referred to as 23 B + D (in North America and Japan) or 30 B + D (in the rest of the world). The D channel notifies the central office switch to send the incoming call to particular time slots on the Cisco access server or router. Each one of the B channels carries data or voice. The D channel carries signaling for the B channels. The D channel indicates whether the call is a circuit-switched digital call or an analog modem call. Analog modem calls are decoded and then sent to the onboard modems. Circuit-switched digital calls are relayed directly to the ISDN processor in the router. The ISDN interfaces for Cisco gateways enable Cisco IOS software to replicate the PSTN interface to a PBX that is compatible with European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) NET3 and QSIG switch types. The application shown in Figure 36 allows enterprise customers with a large installed base of legacy telephony equipment to bypass the PSTN.

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Figure 36

Typical Application Using ISDN BRI NT/TE VICs or ISDN BVMs

Router A BRI NT interface WAN/IP network

Router B BRI TE interface



Topics for ISDN voice troubleshooting are as follows:

ISDN PRI Troubleshooting Tips, page 273 Verifying the ISDN Switch Type and PRI Group Timeslot Configuration, page 274 QSIG Protocol Support, page 276

ISDN PRI Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having trouble connecting a call and you suspect that the problem is associated with voice port configuration, you can try to resolve the problem by performing the following tasks:

Ping the associated IP address to confirm connectivity. If you cannot successfully ping your destination, refer to the chapter Configuring IP in the Cisco IOS IP Configuration Guide. Determine if the voice feature card (VFC) has been correctly installed. For more information, refer to Installing Voice-over-IP Feature Cards in Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Servers, which came with your voice network module (VNM). To learn if the VFC is operational, use the show vfc slot_number command. To view layer status information, use the show isdn status command. If you receive a status message stating that Layer 1 is deactivated, make sure the cable connection is not loose or disconnected. With T1 lines, determine if your a-law setting is correct. With E1 lines, determine if your u-law setting is correct. To configure both a-law and u-law values, use the cptone command. For more information about the cptone command, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Command Reference. If dialing cannot occur, use the debug isdn q931 command to check the ISDN configuration.

For more information about troubleshooting T1 PRI, refer to T1 PRI Troubleshooting, document ID 9344.

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Verifying the ISDN Switch Type and PRI Group Timeslot Configuration
Use the show running-config command to ensure that isdn switch-type and pri-group timeslots are configured correctly. To specify the central office switch type on the ISDN interface, use the isdn switch-type global configuration command. Options for this command include primary-net5. Contact your service provider for the correct values to use.


If you have defined ISDN PRI groups and channel groups on the same controller, ensure that you do not overlap time slots or use the ISDN D-channel timeslot in a channel group. When configuring a Primary Rate Interface (PRI), use the isdn switch-type global configuration command to configure the switch type. To configure the isdn switch-type and pri-group:
Router# configure terminal Router(config)# isdn switch-type primary-net5 Router(config)# controller e1 0 Router(config-controlle)# pri-group timeslots 1-31


In some countries, service providers offer fractional PRI lines. This means that fewer than 30 B-channels may be used for ISDN connections. For fractional PRI lines, the time slot range must include the operational B channels, plus the D channel (this is fixed on time slot 16). For example:

pri-group timeslots 110, 16 for the first ten B-channels. timeslots 121 for the first 20 B-channels.

Verifying the Signaling Channel

If the error counters do not increase, but the problem persists, complete the following steps to verify that the signaling channel is up and configured correctly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

show interfaces serial number :15 Ensure that the interface is up. Ensure that encapsulation is PPP. Ensure that the interface is not in loopback mode. Power cycle the router. Turn on appropriate debugs. Contact TAC.

Step 1 Step 2

Run the show interfaces serial number:15 command, where the number is the interface number. Ensure that the interface is up. If the interface is not up, use the no shutdown command to bring the interface up. For example:
Router# config terminal

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface serial 0:15 Router(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 3

Ensure that encapsulation is PPP. If not, use the encapsulation ppp command to set encapsulation. For example:
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

Step 4

Ensure that the interface is not in loopback mode. Loopback should be set only for testing purposes. Use the no loopback command to remove loopbacks. For example:
Router(config-if)# no loopback

Step 5 Step 6

Power cycle the router. If the problem persists, contact your service provider or the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Refer to Obtaining Technical Assistance section on page xxvi for information about contacting TAC.

In some situations, a gateway might intermittently fail to provide ringback tone (RBT) to an incoming ISDN caller. This problem has been seen on local, long-distance, and international calls. The gateway generates ringback towards the network side (PSTN or PBX) if the setup contains Progress IE = 3, meaning the originating address (calling party) is NON-ISDN. The gateway does not generate a ringback towards the network side (PSTN or PBX) if the setup contains no Progress IE (Progress IE =0), meaning the originating address (calling party) is ISDN. The following figure is an example of when this might occur. International calls are arriving on ISDN. PSTN (ISDN) --------- Cisco IOS gateway ------------ Cisco CallManager ------------ IP phone

Example of a Call That Gets Ringback Tone

You receive a call from a non-ISDN terminal. The setup contains a Progress IE = 3. The gateway generates ringback when it receives an alert from Cisco CallManager. The following debugs were captured with the Cisco IOS command debug isdn q931:
01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: 01:34:48: ISDN Se0:15: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x002B Sending Complete Bearer Capability i = 0x9090A3 Channel ID i = 0xA9838D Progress Ind i = 0x8583 - Origination address is non-ISDN Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, '27045000', Plan:ISDN, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0xA1, '27182145', Plan:ISDN, Type:National ISDN Se0:15: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x802B Channel ID i = 0xA9838D act_alert: Tone Ring Back generated in direction Network One act_gen_tone: Tone Ring Back generated in direction Network ISDN Se0:15: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8 callref = 0x802B

Example of a Call That Does Not Get Ringback Tone

You receive a call from an ISDN terminal. There is no Progress IE in the setup. (Progress IE = 0). The gateway is not generating ringback when it receives the alert from Cisco CallManager.

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01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01: 01:37:01:

ISDN Se0:15: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x002E Sending Complete Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3 Channel ID i = 0xA98391 Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, '478681058', Plan:ISDN, Type:International Called Party Number i = 0xA1, '27182145', Plan:ISDN, Type:International High Layer Compat i = 0x9181 ISDN Se0:15: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x802E Channel ID i = 0xA98391 ISDN Se0:15: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8 callref = 0x802E

In the case above, the gateway is expecting the ISDN to generate the ringback (due to no PI of 3). The ISDN, however, is not generating a ringback tone. This results in the caller hearing only silence until the called party answers the call. This might be due to an ISDN interworking issue caused because the call originated internationally (normally ring is generated at the terminating device for international calls).

Forcing Ringback
You can force the gateway to generate a ringback with the progress_ind setup enable 3 command. Configure the forced ringback on the VoIP dial peer that points to Cisco CallManager.
! dial-peer voice 500 voip destination-pattern 5... progress_ind setup enable 3 !--forces ring back tone for this peer session target ipv4: codec g711ulaw !

For more information, refer to PSTN Callers not Hearing any Ring Back When they Call IP Phones, document ID 8331.

QSIG Protocol Support

QSIG is a peer-to-peer signaling system used in corporate voice networking. Internationally, QSIG is known as Private Signaling System No. 1 (PSS1). This open standard is a variant of ISDN D-channel voice signaling that is based on the ISDN Q.921 and Q.931 standards. Therefore, as well as providing inter-PBX communications, QSIG is compatible with public and private ISDN systems. QSIG also has one important mechanism known as Generic Functional Procedures (QSIG GF). This mechanism provides a standard method for transporting features transparently across a network. Integration of QSIG protocol support with Cisco voice switching services allows Cisco devices to connect PBXs, key systems, and central office switches (COs) that communicate by using the QSIG protocol. With QSIG, Cisco networks emulate the functionality of the PSTN, and QSIG signaling messages allow the dynamic establishment of voice connections across a Cisco WAN to a peer router, which can then transport the signaling and voice packets to a second PBX, as shown in Figure 37.

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Figure 37

QSIG Signaling

QSIG T1/E1 channel Frame Relay DLCI 200 Phone PBX Cisco router

QSIG T1/E1 channel

Cisco router



The Cisco voice packet network appears to the traditional QSIG PBXs as a distributed transit PBX that can establish calls to any PBX, non-QSIG PBX, or other telephony endpoint served by a Cisco gateway, including non-QSIG endpoints.

QSIG Support Troubleshooting Tips

Table 43 lists debug and show commands that can help you analyze problems with your QSIG configuration.
Table 43 QSIG Troubleshooting Commands

Router# show isdn status

Purpose Displays the status of all ISDN interfaces, including active layers, timer information, and switch type settings. Displays information about T1 and E1 controllers. Displays summary information about voice port configuration. Displays how voice dial peers are configured. Displays the Call Distributor Application Programming Interface (CDAPI) information. Displays information about calls made to and from the router. Displays information about any memory leaks. Displays events occurring on the user side (on the router) of the ISDN interface. The ISDN events that can be displayed are Q.931 events (call setup and teardown of ISDN network connections). Displays information about the telephony service provider (TSP). Displays information about CDAPI application events, registration, messages, and so on.

Router# show controller t1/e1 Router# show voice port summary

Router# show dial-peer voice Router# show cdapi

Router# show call history voice record

Router# show rawmsg Router# debug isdn event

Router# debug tsp

Router# debug cdapi {events | detail}

Troubleshooting Drop-and-Insert
When a router is configured for drop-and-insert, also called TDM cross connect, traffic is passed as a transparent bit stream between the configured ports. The router acts as a conduit between the ports, ensuring that the bit stream and clocking are preserved. Because of this, there are no commands to

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the Interface

monitor traffic or debug signaling bits. You can confirm the physical status of the T1 interfaces (carrier loss) and line quality (line errors, clock slips, framing errors) using the show controller t1 slot/port command. You can connect the PBX directly to the voice mail system to isolate signaling problems. If the system is still not working when the router has been bypassed, you might need to use T1 analyzers (for example, the Acterna Tberd T1 analyzer) to verify that the PBX or voice mail system is sending the correct information on the T1 trunk. You can also use the analyzer to verify that the drop-and-insert feature is working correctly from one port to the other. For more information on troubleshooting drop-and-insert, refer to Integrating PBXs into VoIP Networks Using the TDM Cross Connect Feature, document ID 27789.

Troubleshooting Transparent Common Channel Signaling

Transparent Common Channel Signaling (T-CCS) allows the connection of two PBXs with digital interfaces that use a proprietary or unsupported CCS protocol without the need for interpretation of CCS signaling for call processing. With T-CCS, the PBX voice channels can be nailed-up and compressed between sites, and the accompanying signaling channel(s) can be transparently tunneled across the IP/FR/ATM backbone between PBXs. Thus, calls from the PBXs are not routed by Cisco on a call-by-call basis but follow a preconfigured route to the destination. For information about troubleshooting T-CCS, refer to Configuring and Troubleshooting Transparent CCS, document ID 19087.

Dial Tone Issues

This section discusses troubleshooting of the voice network when no dial tone is heard from a voice port that is in the off-hook condition. Some issues include:

Router Does Not Recognize Voice Port, page 278 Voice Ports Are in the Shutdown State, page 279 Voice Ports Configured as Connection Trunk, page 279 No Dial Tone on Digital Voice Port, page 279 Debug Command Output Shows VTSP Timeout, page 279

A common problem in the voice network involves no dial tone being heard from a voice port in the off-hook condition. This might be related to configuration issues, a hardware problem, a DSP problem, or a bug in Cisco IOS software. A voice port configured with connection trunk does not provide dial tone. A faulty network module or Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) card might cause silence or no dial tone in a voice port. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting No Dial Tone Issues, document ID 22372. The following sections describe these various problems and related solutions.

Router Does Not Recognize Voice Port

When a router does not recognize a voice port, it might be because the router is not loaded with the Cisco IOS image required for voice support. In the case of a Cisco 1750 router, make sure that it does not have PVDM-256K-4 and PVDM-256K-8 DSPs. These are packet voice/data modules (PVDMs) for

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Cisco routers 1751 and later. If the Cisco 1750 router does not have the correct PVDM, the voice ports might show up in show version and show diag command output, however, there is no dial tone. Also, no DSPs are seen in the show voice dsp command output. The Cisco 1750 router should carry the proper PVDM-4 and PVDM-8 DSP cards. For Cisco modular access routers , another problem could be a bad network module. If there is an alarm light on the network module, remove the module, put it back in the slot and power cycle. If the alarm light is still lit, replace the network module. Also, try plugging an analog phone into the FXS port with a good cable. If there is no dial tone, replace the FXS card.


FXS-Direct Inward Dialing (DID) does not provide dial tone.

Voice Ports Are in the Shutdown State

When voice ports are in the shutdown state, they do not provide dial tone. To fix this, enable the voice port with the no shut command under the voice port.

Voice Ports Configured as Connection Trunk

If voice ports are configured as connection trunk, the ports are in the S_TRUNKED state. Voice ports do not provide dial tone if configured for connection private line auto ringdown (PLAR). Use the show voice call summary command to verify the VPM state. In the example below, the dial-tone is given by the remote PBX/PSTN.
Router# show voice call summary PORT CODEC VAD VTSP STATE VPM STATE ==== ===== === ========== ========== 1/0/0 g729ar8 y S_CONNECT S_TRUNKED 1/0/1 g729ar8 y S_CONNECT S_TRUNKED

Remove the connection trunk/PLAR configuration to ensure that you are getting the dial-tone.

No Dial Tone on Digital Voice Port

Use the show dial-peer command to see if the dial-peer ports are configured with the direct-inward-dial command. This command disables dial tone from the voice port. For example:
dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern .T direct-inward-dial port 0:D

Removing the direct-inward-dial command from dial-peer pots causes the digital voice port to provide dial tone.

Debug Command Output Shows VTSP Timeout

The VTSP and DSP timeouts are known issues that appear in many forms. Use the test dsps slot# command to see if processors are alive. Cisco IOS Releases 12.2.6a [12.2.6cM1] and later include fixes for many of these issues, but possibly not all. The problem can be temporarily cleared by a power cycle. If you experience this problem, you should open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

After configuring the voice ports on your router, follow these steps to verify proper operation:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Check for dial tone. Check for DTMF detection. show voice port summary show voice port show running-config show controller {t1 | e1} controller-number show voice dsp show voice call summary show call active voice

10. show call history voice {last | number | brief}

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Pick up the handset of an attached telephony device and check for a dial tone. If you have dial tone, check for DTMF detection. If the dial tone stops when you dial a digit, then the voice port is most likely configured properly for DTMF detection. To identify port numbers of voice interfaces installed in your router, use the show voice port summary command. To verify voice-port parameter settings, enter the show voice port command with the appropriate syntax for your voice interfaces. For digital T1/E1 connections, to verify the codec complexity configuration, enter the show running-config command to display the current voice-card setting. If medium complexity is specified, the codec complexity setting is not displayed. If high complexity is specified, the setting codec complexity high is displayed. The following example shows an excerpt from the command output when high complexity has been specified:
Router# show running-config . . . hostname router-alpha voice-card 0 codec complexity high . . .

Step 6

For digital T1/E1 connections, to verify that the controller is up and that no alarms have been reported, and to display information about clock sources and other controller settings, use the show controller command. For output examples, see the show controller Samples section on page 283.
Router# show controller {t1 | e1} controller-number

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

Step 7

To display voice-channel configuration information for all DSP channels, enter the show voice dsp command. For output examples, see the show voice dsp Samples section on page 283.
Router# show voice dsp

Step 8

To verify the call status for all voice ports, enter the show voice call summary command. For output examples, see the show voice call summary Samples section on page 284.
Router# show voice call summary

Step 9

To display the contents of the active call table, which shows all of the calls currently connected through the router or concentrator, enter the show call active voice command. For output examples, see the show call active voice Samples section on page 285.
Router# show call active voice

Step 10

To display the contents of the call history table, enter the show call history voice command. To limit the display to the last calls connected through this router, enter the keyword last and define the number of calls to be displayed with the argument number. To limit the display to a shortened version of the call history table, use the keyword brief. For output examples, see the show call history voice Sample section on page 286.
Router# show call history voice {last | number | brief}

show voice port Samples

In the following sections, output examples of the following types are shown:

Cisco 3600 series digital E&M voice port Cisco AS5300 universal access server T1 CAS voice port Cisco 7200 series router digital E&M voice port

Cisco 3600 Digital E&M Voice Port

Router# show voice port 1/0:1 receEive and transMit Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 1 Type of VoicePort is E&M Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Region Tone is set for US

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Server T1 CAS Voice Port

Router# show voice port DS0 Group 1:0 - 1:0 Type of VoicePort is CAS Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Playout-delay Mode is set to default Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Call-Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s Companding Type is u-law Region Tone is set for US Wait Release Time Out is 30 s Station name None, Station number None Voice card specific Info Follows: DS0 channel specific status info: IN PORT CH SIG-TYPE OPER STATUS




Cisco 7200 Series Router Digital E&M Voice Port

Router# show voice port 1/0:1 receEive and transMit Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 1 Type of VoicePort is E&M Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s << voice-port 1/0:1

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Region Tone is set for US

show controller Samples

In the following sections, output examples of the following types are shown:

Cisco 3600 series router T1 controller Cisco AS5800 universal access server T1 controller

Cisco 3600 Series Router T1 Controller

Router# show controller T1 1/1/0 T1 1/0/0 is up. Applique type is Channelized T1 Cablelength is long gain36 0db No alarms detected. alarm-trigger is not set Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Clock Source is Line. Data in current interval (180 seconds elapsed): 0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations 0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins 0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs

Cisco AS5800 Universal Access Server T1 Controller

Router# show controller t1 2 T1 2 is up. No alarms detected. Version info of slot 0: HW: 2, Firmware: 16, PLD Rev: 0 Manufacture Cookie Info: EEPROM Type 0x0001, EEPROM Version 0x01, Board ID 0x42, Board Hardware Version 1.0, Item Number 73-2217-4, Board Revision A0, Serial Number 06467665, PLD/ISP Version 0.0, Manufacture Date 14-Nov-1997. Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Clock Source is Internal. Data in current interval (269 seconds elapsed): 0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations 0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins 0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs

show voice dsp Samples

The following output is from a Cisco 3640 router when a digital voice port is configured.
Router# show voice dsp TYPE DSP CH CODEC VERS STATE STATE RST AI PORT TS ABORT TX/RX-PAK-CNT ==== === == ======== ==== ===== ======= === == ======= == ===== =============== C549 010 00 g729r8 3.3 busy idle 0 0 1/015 1 0 67400/85384 01 g729r8 .8 busy idle 0 0 1/015 7 0 67566/83623 02 g729r8 busy idle 0 0 1/015 13 0 65675/81851

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

03 C549 011 00 01 02 03 C549 012 00 01 02 03 C549 013 00 01 02 03 C549 014 00 01 02 03 C549 015 00 01 02 03

g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8

busy 3.3 busy .8 busy busy busy 3.3 busy .8 busy busy busy 3.3 busy .8 busy busy busy 3.3 busy .8 busy busy busy 3.3 busy .8 busy busy busy

idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015 1/015

20 2 8 14 21 3 9 15 22 4 10 17 23 5 11 18 24 6 12 19 25

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

65530/83610 66820/84799 59028/66946 65591/81084 66336/82739 59036/65245 65826/81950 65606/80733 65577/83532 67655/82974 65647/82088 66366/80894 66339/82628 68439/84677 65664/81737 65607/81820 65589/83889 66889/83331 65690/81700 66422/82099 65566/83852

Router# show voice dsp TYPE DSP CH CODEC VERS STATE STATE RST AI PORT TS ABORT TX/RX-PAK-CNT ==== === == ======== ==== ===== ======= === == ======= == ===== =============== C549 007 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 4 0 0/0 .13 C549 008 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 5 0 0/0 .13 C549 009 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 6 0 0/0 .13 C549 010 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 7 0 0/0 .13 C549 011 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 8 0 0/0 .13 C549 012 00 {medium} 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 1/0:1 9 0 0/0 .13 C542 001 01 g711ulaw 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 2/0/0 0 512/519 .13 C542 002 01 g711ulaw 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 2/0/1 0 505/502 .13 C542 003 01 g711alaw 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 2/1/0 0 28756/28966 .13 C542 004 01 g711ulaw 3.3 IDLE idle 0 0 2/1/1 0 834/838 .13

show voice call summary Samples

The following is an output example of show voice call summary on a Cisco 3600 series router digital voice port:
Cisco 3600 Series Router Digital Voice Port
Router# show voice PORT CODEC ========= ======== 1/015.1 g729r8 1/015.2 g729r8 1/015.3 g729r8 call summary VAD VTSP STATE VPM STATE === ===================== ======================== y S_CONNECT S_TSP_CONNECT y S_CONNECT S_TSP_CONNECT y S_CONNECT S_TSP_CONNECT

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

1/015.4 1/015.5 1/015.6 1/015.7 1/015.8 1/015.9 1/015.10 1/015.11 1/015.12

g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8 g729r8

y y y y y y y y y



show call active voice Samples

The output from the Cisco 7200 series router is shown below.
Router# show call active voice GENERIC: SetupTime=94523746 ms Index=448 PeerAddress=##73072 PeerSubAddress= PeerId=70000 PeerIfIndex=37 LogicalIfIndex=0 ConnectTime=94524043 DisconectTime=94546241 CallOrigin=1 ChargedUnits=0 InfoType=2 TransmitPackets=6251 TransmitBytes=125020 ReceivePackets=3300 ReceiveBytes=66000 VOIP: ConnectionId[0x142E62FB 0x5C6705AF 0x0 0x385722B0] RemoteIPAddress= RemoteUDPPort=16580 RoundTripDelay=29 ms SelectedQoS=best-effort tx_DtmfRelay=inband-voice SessionProtocol=cisco SessionTarget=ipv4: OnTimeRvPlayout=63690 GapFillWithSilence=0 ms GapFillWithPrediction=180 ms GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms HiWaterPlayoutDelay=70 ms LoWaterPlayoutDelay=30 ms ReceiveDelay=40 ms LostPackets=0 ms EarlyPackets=1 ms

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

LatePackets=18 ms VAD = disabled CoderTypeRate=g729r8 CodecBytes=20 cvVoIPCallHistoryIcpif=0 SignalingType=cas

show call history voice Sample

The following output is for the Cisco 7200 series router.
Router# show call history voice GENERIC: SetupTime=94893250 ms Index=450 PeerAddress=##52258 PeerSubAddress= PeerId=50000 PeerIfIndex=35 LogicalIfIndex=0 DisconnectCause=10 DisconnectText=normal call clearing. ConnectTime=94893780 DisconectTime=95015500 CallOrigin=1 ChargedUnits=0 InfoType=2 TransmitPackets=32258 TransmitBytes=645160 ReceivePackets=20061 ReceiveBytes=401220 VOIP: ConnectionId[0x142E62FB 0x5C6705B3 0x0 0x388F851C] RemoteIPAddress= RemoteUDPPort=16552 RoundTripDelay=23 ms SelectedQoS=best-effort tx_DtmfRelay=inband-voice SessionProtocol=cisco SessionTarget=ipv4: OnTimeRvPlayout=398000 GapFillWithSilence=0 ms GapFillWithPrediction=1440 ms GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms HiWaterPlayoutDelay=97 ms

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

LoWaterPlayoutDelay=30 ms ReceiveDelay=49 ms LostPackets=1 ms EarlyPackets=1 ms LatePackets=132 ms VAD = disabled CoderTypeRate=g729r8 CodecBytes=20 cvVoIPCallHistoryIcpif=0

Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg

Once the on-hook and off-hook signaling are verified to be working correctly, verify the correct digits are being received or sent on the digital voice port. A dial peer that does not matched or the switch (CO or PBX) cannot ring the correct station if incomplete or incorrect digits are being sent or received. Some commands that can be used to verify the digits received or sent are:

show dialplan numberThis command is used to show which dial peer is reached when a particular telephone number is dialed. debug vtsp sessionThis command displays information on how each network indication and application request is processed, signaling indications, and DSP control messages. debug vtsp dspThis command displays the digits as they are received by the voice port. debug vtsp allThis command enables the following debug voice telephony service provider (VTSP) commands: debug vtsp session, debug vtsp error, and debug vtsp dsp.

show dialplan number

The show dialplan number command displays the dial peer that is matched by a string of digits. If multiple dial-peers can be matched, they are all shown in the order in which they are matched. The output of this command looks like this:
Router# show dialplan number 5000 Macro Exp.: 5000 VoiceOverIpPeer2 information type = voice, tag = 2, destination-pattern = `5000', answer-address = `', preference=0, group = 2, Admin state is up, Operation state is up, incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited, application associated: type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:', technology prefix: ip precedence = 5, UDP checksum = disabled, session-protocol = cisco, req-qos = best-effort, acc-qos = best-effort, dtmf-relay = cisco-rtp, fax-rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes

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Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Digital Voice-Port Configurations

codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes, Expect factor = 10, Icpif = 30, signaling-type = cas, VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled, Connect Time = 25630, Charged Units = 0, Successful Calls = 25, Failed Calls = 0, Accepted Calls = 25, Refused Calls = 0, Last Disconnect Cause is "10 ", Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing.", Last Setup Time = 84427934. Matched: 5000 Digits: 4 Target: ipv4:

debug vtsp dsp

debug vtsp dsp shows the digits as they are received by the voice-port. The following output shows the collection of DTMF digits from the DSP:
Router# debug vtsp dsp Voice telephony call control dsp debugging is on


ACTION: Caller picked up handset and dialed digits 5000. The DSP detects DTMF digits. Digit 5 was detected with ON time of 130msec.

*Mar 10 17:57:08.505: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=5, *Mar 10 17:57:08.585: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=5, duration=130 *Mar 10 17:57:09.385: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:09.485: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=150 *Mar 10 17:57:10.697: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:10.825: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=180 *Mar 10 17:57:12.865: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:12.917: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=100 Router# debug vtsp session Voice telephony call control session debugging is on

!--- <some output have been omitted> !-- ACTION: Caller picked up handset. !-- The DSP is allocated, jitter buffers, VAD !-- thresholds, and signal levels are set.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_playout: [1/0/0 (69)]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

packet_len=18 channel_id=1 packet_id=76 mode=1 initial=60 min=4 max=200 fax_nom=300 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_echo_canceller_control: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=66 flags=0x0 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_gains: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=12 channel_id=1 packet_id=91 in_gain=0 out_gain=65506 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_vad_enable: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=78 thresh=-38act_setup_ind_ack *Mar 10 18:14:22.869: dsp_voice_mode: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=24 channel_id=1 packet_id=73 coding_type=1 voice_field_size=80 VAD_flag=0 echo_length=64 comfort_noise=1 inband_detect=1 digit_relay=2 AGC_flag=0act_setup_ind_ack(): dsp_dtmf_mod e()act_setup_ind_ack: passthru_mode = 0, no_auto_switchover = 0dsp_dtmf_mode (VTSP_TONE_DTMF_MODE)

!-- The DSP is put into "voice mode" and dial-tone is !-- generated.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.873: dsp_cp_tone_on: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=30 channel_id=1 packet_id=72 tone_id=4 n_freq=2 freq_of_first=350 freq_of_second=440 amp_of_first= 4000 amp_of_second=4000 direction=1 on_time_first=65535 off_time_first=0 on_time _second=65535 off_time_second=0

If the digits are not being sent or received properly, then it might be necessary to use either a digit-grabber (test tool) or T1 tester to verify that the digits are being sent at the correct frequency and timing interval. If they are being sent incorrectly for the switch (CO or PBX), some values on the router or switch (CO or PBX) might need to be adjusted so that they match and can interoperate. These are usually digit duration and inter-digit duration values. Another item to examine if the digits appear to be sent correctly are any number translation tables in the switch (CO or PBX) that may add or remove digits. Refer to your switch documentation to check the translation tables on your switch.

Voice Port Testing Commands

These commands allow you to force voice ports into specific states for testing. The following types of voice-port tests are covered:

Detector-Related Function Tests, page 290 Loopback Function Tests, page 290 Tone Injection Tests, page 290 Relay-Related Function Tests, page 291 Fax/Voice Mode Tests, page 291

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Detector-Related Function Tests

Using the test voice port detector command, you are able to force a particular detector into an on or off state, perform tests on the detector, and then return the detector to its original state. To configure this feature, enter these commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | loop-current | ring | tip-ground | ring-ground | ring-trip} {on | off} Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | loop-current | ring | tip-ground | ring-ground | ring-trip} disable

Step 2

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test. Enter a keyword for the detector under test and specify whether to force it to the on or off state. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test. Enter a keyword for the detector under test and the keyword disable to end the forced state.

Loopback Function Tests

To establish loopbacks on a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group loopback {local | network}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test and enters a keyword for the loopback direction. A call must be established on the voice port under test. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test and enters the keyword disable to end the loopback.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group loopback disable

Tone Injection Tests

To inject a test tone into a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group inject-tone {local | network} {1000hz | 2000hz | 200hz | 3000hz | 300hz | 3200hz | 3400hz | 500hz | quiet}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test and enter keywords for the direction to send the test tone and for the frequency of the test tone. A call must be established on the voice port under test. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test and enter the keyword disable to end the test tone.
Note Note

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group inject-tone disable

The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Relay-Related Function Tests

To test relay-related functions on a voice port, enter the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal | power-denial | ring | tip-ground} {on | off}

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test. Enter a keyword for the relay under test and specify whether to force it to the on or off state. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal | power-denial | ring | tip-ground} disable

Enter a keyword for the relay under test, and the keyword disable to end the forced state.

Fax/Voice Mode Tests

The test voice port switch fax command forces a voice port into fax mode for testing. After you enter this command, you can use the show voice call or show voice call summary command to check whether the voice port is able to operate in fax mode. If no fax data is detected by the voice port, the voice port remains in fax mode for 30 seconds and then reverts automatically to voice mode. The disable keyword ends the forced mode switch; however, the fax mode ends automatically after 30 seconds. The disable keyword is available only while the voice port is in fax mode. To force a voice port into fax mode and return it to voice mode, enter the following commands, beginning in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Step 1
Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group switch fax

Purpose Identifies the voice port you want to test. Enter the keyword fax to force the voice port into fax mode. Identifies the voice port on which you want to end the test.

Step 2

Router# test voice port slot/port:ds0-group switch disable

Enter the keyword disable to return the voice port to voice mode.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Digital Voice Interfaces to the IP Network Voice Port Testing Commands

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP

The primary goal of Quality of Service (QoS) is to make network service better and more predictable by providing dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency, and improved loss characteristics. QoS achieves these goals by providing tools for managing network congestion, shaping network traffic, using expensive wide-area links more efficiently, and setting traffic policies across the network. For information about configuring QoS for voice, refer to the Quality of Service for Voice document. For more information about QoS, refer to the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide. This chapter contains the following topics:

Understanding VoIP QoS Issues, page 293 Common QoS Problems, page 295 Voice Call Tuning, page 309

Understanding VoIP QoS Issues

When VoIP calls are properly established, the next step is to verify that the voice quality is good. You should consider the following guidelines as you attempt to achieve good voice quality:

Understand how much bandwidth a VoIP call consumes with each codec, including Layer 2 and IP/UDP/RTP headers. For more information about VoIP bandwidth consumption, refer to Voice Over IP - Per Call Bandwidth Consumption, document ID 7934. Understand the characteristics of the IP network over which the calls travel. For example, the bandwidth of a Frame Relay network at CIR is much different than that above-CIR (or burst), where packets could be dropped or queued in the Frame-Relay cloud. Ensure that delay and jitter are controlled and eliminated as much as possible. One-way transmit delay should not exceed 150 ms (per G.114 recommendation). Use a queuing technique that allows VoIP traffic to be identified and prioritized. When transmitting VoIP over low-speed links, consider using Layer 2 packet fragmentation techniques, such as Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) with Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) on point-to-point links, or FRF.12 on Frame Relay links. Fragmentation of larger data packets allows less jitter and delay in transmitting VoIP traffic because the VoIP packets can be interleaved onto the link. Try the call with a different codec and with the voice activity detector (VAD) enabled and disabled to possibly narrow down the issue to the digital signal processor (DSP), as opposed to the IP network.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Understanding VoIP QoS Issues

With VoIP, when you are troubleshooting QoS issues, look especially for dropped packets and network bottlenecks that can cause delay and jitter. Specifically, look for the following:

Interface drops Buffer drops Policy-map drops Interface congestion Link congestion

Each interface in the path of the VoIP call should be examined and drops and congestion should be eliminated. Also, round-trip delay should be reduced as much as possible. Pings between the VoIP end points give an indication of the round trip delay of a link. The round trip delay should not exceed 300 ms whenever possible. If the delay does have to exceed this value, efforts should also be taken to ensure this delay is constant, so that you do not introduce jitter or variable delay. When low latency queueing (LLQ) is set up, you can check policy-map drops by looking for packets that match the priority class by entering the show policy interface serial command. This shows how much traffic is matching the priority class and how much bandwidth is used. Ensure that the Cisco IOS queuing mechanism is placing the VoIP packets within the proper queues. Cisco IOS commands, such as show queue and show priority can help you to verify queueing.

Measuring QoS
Cisco offers several options for monitoring QoS in networks using VoIP solutions. Cisco offers tools that provide information about the voice quality you are experiencing by measuring delay, jitter, and packet loss. Cisco solutions do not measure voice quality using Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement (PSQM) or some of the new proposed algorithms for voice quality measurement. Tools from outside vendors are available for this purpose. When implementing service policies using the QoS command line interface (CLI), start with the Cisco Class-Based QoS Configuration and Statistics Management Information Base (MIB). This MIB provides read access to QoS configuration and statistics information for Cisco platforms that support the Modular QoS CLI. Statistics available through this MIB include summary counts and rates by traffic class before and after any configured QoS policies are enforced. In addition, detailed feature-specific statistics are available for select PolicyMap features. See Cisco MIBs for the object IDs. In addition, Cisco offers the following software tools for monitoring QoS:

Network monitoring using Cisco Service Assurance Agent (Cisco SSA)The response time and availability monitoring capabilities of this tool include support for VoIP, QoS, and the World Wide Web. The Cisco SSA is an application-aware synthetic operation agent that monitors network performance by measuring key metrics such as response time, availability, jitter (interpacket delay variance), connect time, throughput, and packet loss. These metrics can be used for troubleshooting, for analysis before problems occur, and for designing future network topologies. This tool is designed more for trending, rather than real-time monitoring. Refer to Using Cisco Service Assurance Agent and Internetwork Performance Monitor to Manage Quality of Service in Voice over IP Networks for more information. Cisco Gateway Management Agent (CGMA)The only real-time management Cisco IOS software agent and protocol for VoIP. The CGMA is a new gateway Cisco IOS agent that provides real-time call-state information for all VoIP calls. CGMA supports a push protocol, in which certain call-state changes result in a message being sent out of CGMA by the gateways. The interface from the CGMA

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

is the Real Time Management Protocol (RTMP). RTMP is a lightweight XML-based protocol that uses TCP as the transport protocol. This solution allows Service Providers to monitor their calls (session initiation protocol (SIP) and H.323 networks), viewing call detail records (CDRs) and trunk utilization in real time. The validated gateways for the CGMA include the Cisco 2600 series, the Cisco 3600 series, and the Cisco 5000 series. The Cisco IOS that has been validated on all gateways is the 12.2(2)XB mainline release.

CiscoWorks QoS Policy Manager (QPM)QPM provides a scalable platform for defining, applying, and monitoring QoS policy on a system-wide basis for Cisco devices, including routers and switches. QPM enables you to baseline profile network traffic, create QoS policies at an abstract level, control the deployment of policies, and then monitor QoS to verify intended results. As a centralized tool QPM is used to monitor and provision QoS for groups of interfaces and devices. QPM provides a web-based intuitive user interface to define QoS policies, and translates those policies into the device's command line interface (CLI) commands. QPM runs on the CiscoWorks Common Services server, which can be installed as a standalone server, or as an add-on to CD One 5th Edition. CiscoWorks Common Services provides the infrastructure required by QPM to run from the CiscoWorks desktop environment, and also provides management of user roles and privileges, allowing you to control who gets access to specific tasks in QPM.

Common QoS Problems

Common voice quality issues include the following:

Delay in Voice Networks Packet Loss Jitter Adjustment Echo Adjustment Voice Level Adjustment

Table 44 lists some QoS problems you might encounter after configuring voice ports and suggests some remedies. To configure QoS features on voice ports, see the Fine-Tuning Analog and Digital Voice Ports section in the Voice Port Configuration document.
Table 44 Troubleshooting Voice Quality on Voice Ports

Symptom Telephony device buzzes or does not ring. Distorted speech.

Suggested Action Use the show voice port command to confirm that ring frequency is configured correctly. It must match the connected telephony equipment and might be country-dependent. Use the show voice port command to confirm that the cptone keyword setting (also called region tone) is set to us for the United States.

Having a wrong cptone setting can cause faulty voice reproduction during analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conversions.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

Table 44

Troubleshooting Voice Quality on Voice Ports (continued)

Symptom Music on Hold (MOH) is not heard. Background noise is not heard. Long pauses occur in conversation, as if you were speaking on a walkie-talkie.

Suggested Action Reduce the music-threshold level to make VAD less sensitive with the music-threshold voice-port configuration command. Valid entries are from -70 to -30. Enable the comfort-noise command. Overall delay is probably excessive; the standard for adequate voice quality is 150 ms one-way transit delay. Measure delay by using ping tests at various times of the day with different network traffic loads. If delay must be reduced, examine propagation delay of signals between the sending and receiving endpoints, voice encoding delay, and the voice packetization time for various VoIP codecs. Variable delay, or jitter, is being introduced by congestion in the packet network. There are two possible remedies:

Jerky or choppy speech.

Reduce the amount of congestion in your packet network. Pings between VoIP endpoints provide information about the round-trip delay of a link, which should never exceed 300 ms. Network queuing and dropped packets should also be examined. Increase the size of the jitter buffer with the playout-delay command. (See the Jitter Adjustment section on page 298 for more information.)

Clipped or fuzzy speech.

Reduce input gain. (See the Voice Level Adjustment section on page 306 for more information.) Change the VAD level. Sometimes VAD cuts the sound too early and the speakers voice is clipped. You can also change the time period that VAD waits for silence.

Clipped speech.

Reduce the input level at the listeners router. (See the Voice Level Adjustment section on page 306 for more information)

Volume too low or missed DTMF. Increase speakers output level or listeners input level. (See the Voice Level Adjustment section on page 306 for more information.) Echo interval is greater than 25 ms Configure the echo-cancel enable command and increase the (sounds like a separate voice). value for the echo-cancel coverage keyword. (See the Echo Adjustment section on page 301 for more information.) Too much echo. Reduce the output level at the speakers voice port. (See the Voice Level Adjustment section on page 306 for more information.)

Delay in Voice Networks

Delay is the time it takes for voice packets to travel between two endpoints. Excessive delay can cause quality problems with real-time traffic such as voice. However, because of the speed of network links and the processing power of intermediate devices, some delay is expected.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

When listening to speech, the human ear normally accepts up to about 150 ms of delay without noticing it. The ITU G.114 standard recommends no more than 150 ms of one-way delay for a normal voice conversation. Once the delay exceeds 150 ms, a conversation is more like a walkie-talkie conversation in which one person must wait for the other to stop speaking before beginning to talk. Several different types of delay combine to make up the total end-to-end delay associated with voice calls:

Coder delayAmount of time used by the digital signal processor (DSP) to compress samples. Handling delayAmount of time it takes to process data (adding headers, taking samples, forming packets, and so forth). Serialization delayFixed delay related to the clock rate on the interface. The amount of delay needed for different frame sizes is shown in Table 45.
Serialization Delay

Table 45

Frame Size Line Speed 56 kpbs 64 kbps 128 kbps 256 kbps 512 kbps 768 kbps 1536 kbps

1 Byte 143 s 125 s 62.5 s 31 s 15.5 s 10 s 5 s

64 Bytes 9 ms 8 ms 4 ms 2 ms 1.28 ms 640 s 320 s

128 Bytes 18 ms 16 ms 8 ms 4 ms 2 ms 1.28 ms 640 s

256 Bytes 36 ms 32 ms 16 ms 8 ms 4 ms 2.56 ms 1.28 ms

512 Bytes 72 ms 64 ms 32 ms 16 ms 8 ms 5.12 ms 2.56 ms

1024 Bytes 1500 Bytes 144 ms 128 ms 64 ms 32 ms 16 ms 10.24 ms 5.12 ms 214 ms 187 ms 93 ms 46 ms 23 ms 15 ms 7.5 ms

Propagation delayAmount of time it takes the data to physically travel over the media. Queuing delayAmount of time lost due to congestion. Every network device between two endpoints involved in a call is a potential source of queuing or buffering delays. Use a sniffer trace at each hop to see where the delay or jitter is being introduced. Output drops can occur because of incorrectly configured priority queuing. For information about troubleshooting output drops with priority queueing, refer to Troubleshooting Output Drops with Priority Queueing , document ID 10105.

Variable delay or jitterAmount of time that causes the conversation to break and become unintelligible. Jitter is described in the Jitter Adjustment section on page 298.

You can measure delay by using ping tests at various times of the day with different network traffic loads. Sniffer traces can also be used to find where delay is being introduced in the network. For more information about measuring QoS, see the Measuring QoS section on page 294. The recommended ranges for delay are shown in Table 46. These ranges are for connections in which echo is controlled. Echo cancellers are required when one-way delay exceeds 25milliseconds. For more information about echo cancellation, see the Echo Adjustment section on page 301. These ranges are for total end-to-end delay, not just the delay on the WAN side of a connection. For more information about developing a delay budget, refer to the Building the Delay Budget section of the Understanding Delay in Packet Voice Networks white paper.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

Table 46

Recommended Delay Ranges

ITU Recommdation 0 to 150 milliseconds 150 to 400 milliseconds Above 400 milliseconds

Private Network Recommendation 0 to 200 milliseconds

Description Acceptable for most user appliations

200 to 250 milliseconds Acceptable if administrators are aware of the transmission time and its impact on quality. Above 250 milliseconds Unacceptable in most situations.

Packet Loss
Packet loss is a very common cause of voice quality problems on an IP network. In a properly designed network, packet loss should be near zero. Voice codecs can tolerate some degree of packet loss without a dramatic effect on voice quality. Voice packets should be tagged for zero packet loss. On converged voice/data networks, the quantity of the voice calls and link bandwidth should be limited. The bandwidth should be guarenteed for the voice calls by giving priority to voice traffic. Packet loss can have an impact voice quality in several ways:

Packet loss can grow as call volume increases Fax and modem transmissons are greatly affected by packet loss

A common cause of packet loss is duplex mismatching. This occurs when one side of the connection is set up for full duplex and the other is set up for half duplex. Look at the link between the two endpoints experiencing the packet loss and check the speed and duplex settings for each side. Although duplex mismatch is common, there are many other opportunities for packet loss in the network. To find the cause of these packet drops, check each interface between two endpoints by using the show interface command. If dropped packets are showing up on any interface, the link might be oversubscribed or there might be other traffic on this link that you are not expecting. In this case, use a network analyzer (or sniffer) to check what traffic might be congesting the link. For more information about network analyzers, see the Network Analyzers section on page 178.

Jitter Adjustment
Delay can cause unnatural starting and stopping of conversations, but variable-length delays (also known as jitter) can cause a conversation to break and become unintelligible. Jitter is not usually a problem with PSTN calls because the bandwidth of calls is fixed and each call has a dedicated circuit for the duration of the call. However, in VoIP networks, data traffic might be bursty, and jitter from the packet network can become an issue. Packets from the same conversation can arrive at different interpacket intervals, especially during times of network congestion, which can disrupt the steady, even delivery needed for voice calls. Cisco voice gateways have built-in jitter buffering to compensate for a certain amount of jitter; the playout-delay command can be used to adjust the jitter buffer. Normally, the defaults in effect are sufficient for most networks. However, a small playout delay from the jitter buffer can cause lost packets and choppy audio, and a large playout delay can cause unacceptably high overall end-to-end delay.


For Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T and later, in most cases playout delay should be configured in dial-peer configuration mode on the VoIP dial peer that is on the receiving end of the voice traffic that is to be buffered. This dial peer senses network conditions and relays them to the DSPs, which adjust the jitter

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

buffer as necessary. When multiple applications are configured on the gateway, playout delay should be configured in dial-peer configuration mode. When there are numerous dial peers to configure, it might be simpler to configure playout delay on a voice port. If there are conflicting playout delay configurations on a voice port and also on a dial peer, the dial-peer configuration takes precedence. Jitter is more likely to occur on low-speed links because even a single packet in the queue on a low-speed link can dramatically affect the amount of time a voice packet needs to wait in the queue before being transmitted. Jitter can be an even bigger problem if you do not have priority queuing, such as low latency queuing (LLQ), enabled or configured correctly on your WAN connections. For more information about LLQ, see the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide. For information about troubleshooting VoIP over Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) links with QoS for low latency queueing, refer to VoIP over PPP Links with Quality of Service (LLQ / IP RTP Priority, LFI, cRTP), document ID 7111. Low-speed links also require special considerations when data traffic is also present to ensure that a large data packet does not cause excessive jitter. Generally on WAN links that are 768 kbps or slower, you should use some form of fragmentation and interleaving to ensure that large data packets do not starve smaller voice packets. Even with LLQ enabled, the voice packet must wait if it arrives when a data packet is in the process of being transmitted. To configure the playout delay jitter buffer, perform the following steps.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

enable configure terminal voice-port slot/port:ds0-group-number playout-delay mode {adaptive | fixed} playout-delay {nominal value | maximum value | minimum {default | low | high}} exit Purpose Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted. Enters global configuration mode.

Step 1

Router> enable

Step 2

configure {terminal | memory | network}

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice-port slot/port:ds0-group-number

Enters voice-port configuration mode on the selected slot, port, and DS-0 group.

Router(config)# voice-port 1/0:0

Each defined DS-0 group number is represented on a separate voice port. This allows you to define individual DS-0s on the digital T1/E1 card.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

Step 4
playout-delay mode {adaptive | fixed}

Purpose Determines the mode in which the jitter buffer operates for calls on this voice port.

Router(config-voiceport)# playout-delay mode adaptive

adaptiveAdjusts the jitter buffer size and amount of playout delay during a call based on current network conditions. This is the default. Cisco recommends using the adaptive mode playout buffer as a place to begin checking QoS issues. Changing the playout buffers is an advanced technique that should be done last after all other QOS methods have been explored. fixedDefines the jitter buffer size as fixed so that the playout delay is not adjusted during a call. A constant playout delay is added.


Step 5

playout-delay {nominal value | maximum value | minimum {default | low | high}}

Tunes the playout buffer to accommodate packet jitter caused by switches in the WAN. The keywords and arguments are as follows:

Router(config-voiceport)# playout-delay nominal 0

nominalDefines the amount of playout delay applied at the beginning of a call by the jitter buffer in the gateway. In fixed mode, this is also the maximum size of the jitter buffer throughout the call. valueSpecifies the range which depends on the type of DSP and configured codec complexity. For medium codec complexity, the range is from 0 to 150 ms. For high codec complexity and DSPs that do not support codec complexity, the range is from 0 to 250 ms. maximum (adaptive mode only)Specifies the jitter buffer's upper limit (80 ms), or the highest value to which the adaptive delay is set. minimum (adaptive mode only)Specifies the jitter buffer's lower limit (10 ms), or the lowest value to which the adaptive delay is set. defaultSpecifies 40 ms.

Step 6

Exits voice-port configuration mode.

Router(config-voiceport)# exit

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

For more information about jitter, refer to Understanding Jitter in Packet Voice Networks (Cisco IOS Platforms), document ID 18902.

Echo Adjustment
Echo is a common problem, but can sometimes be difficult to troubleshoot. Echo exists in almost any telephone network but problems are more apparent in packet networks. Echo is perceived as a problem when all of the following conditions are true:

Signal leakage between analog transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) paths. This leakage is in one of these forms of echo:
Acoustic echoAcoustic echo is caused by poor acoustic isolation between the earpiece and

the microphone in handsets and hands-free devices.

Hybrid echoHybrid echo is caused by an impedance mismatch in the hybrid circuit, such as

a two-wire to four-wire interface. This mismatch causes the Tx signal to appear on the Rx signal.

Perceptible delay between when the originating signal is transmitted and when the echo returns. In most telephones, sidetone helps mask some of the echo. Echos must be delayed by at least 20 milliseconds to be perceived. Sufficient echo amplitude. If the amplitude of the echo is low, it can go unnoticed.

The packet segment of the voice connection introduces a significant delay, typically 30 ms in each direction. The introduction of delay causes echoes generated on analog tail circuits that were normally indistinguishable from the side tone to be perceived by the user. The delay introduced by packet voice is unavoidable, therefore, the voice gateways must prevent the echo. For a description about echo cancellation features and how echo cancellation is implemented on different Cisco platforms and Cisco IOS software releases, refer to the Information about Echo Cancellation section in Voice Port Configuration. To configure echo cancellation, refer to the How to Configure the Extended G.168 Echo Canceller section in Voice Port Configuration. When troubleshooting echo problems, see the following:

Determine Where Echo Is Occurring, page 301 Troubleshooting Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways, page 302 Measuring Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways, page 303

Determine Where Echo Is Occurring

When troubleshooting echo, first determine who is being affected by the echo problems.

PSTN Phone Users Hears Echo

In this case, a PSTN phone user hears echo, which is caused by acoustic coupling between the earpiece and the microphone in the IP phone handset. The solution is to use a load ID on the IP phone, which includes echo suppression on the handset and headset. Available load IDs only include echo cancellation on the speaker phone.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

IP Phone User Hears Echo

In this case, an IP phone user hears echo caused by hybrids in a PSTN network. The solution is to configure and verify echo cancellation operation on a Cisco IOS gateway. The echo canceller in the voice gateway cancels the echo heard by the IP phone user.

Troubleshooting Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways

It is important to make sure that the echo canceller has enough information to distinguish between echo and voice conversation. The following parameters control the distinction:

Input levelSignal input gain is performed before the echo canceller has detected the echo. Output levelSignal output attenuation is performed after the echo canceller has seen the original output signal. Echo canceller coverageThe amount of time the echo canceller retains a signal that has been output. This parameter must be set to a value greater than the time the echo needs to return to the gateway.

To eliminate echo, perform the following steps.

1. 2. 3. 4. Step 1

Verify echo cancellation. Configure echo canceller coverage. Measure the echo and adjust the echo signal level. Verify the impedance configured in the voice port.

Verify that echo cancellation is enabled on the voice port. Echo cancellation is enabled by default on most platforms in most Cisco IOS releases.
Gateway(config-voiceport)# echo-cancel coverage enable Echo Cancel Coverage Echo Cancel Enable

Note Step 2

You must enter the shut, then the no shut commands on the voice port for the changes to take effect Configure the echo canceller coverage to a value greater than the time the echo needs to return to the gateway. It must be long enough to cover the worst case for your environment, but not longer.
Gateway(config-voiceport)# echo-cancel coverage 16 24 32 8 16 milliseconds echo canceller coverage 24 milliseconds echo canceller coverage 32 milliseconds echo canceller coverage 8 milliseconds echo canceller coverage


You must enter the shut and no shut commands on the voice port for the changes to take effect. The default coverage is set to 8 ms, but it can be increased up to 64 ms, depending on the Cisco IOS software release. If the PSTN delay (tail length) is more than 32 ms, echo cancellers in Cisco IOS gateways cannot cancel the echo.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

Step 3

Measure the echo and adjust the echo signal level as required. Insufficient echo return loss (ERL) to handle the echo might cause the following problems:

Echo canceller is cancelling but not enough to make echo inaudible. If the ERL value is too low, the total ERL seen by the IP network Acombined (ACOM) might be insufficient to suppress the echo. ERL should be approximately 20 dB (at least 15 dB). ACOM is the total ERL seen across the incoming and outgoing terminals of the echo canceller. The incoming terminal is equal to the signal sent into the ECAN toward the PSTN (voice), and the outgoing terminal is equal to the signal coming out of the ECAN toward the IP network (echo). ACOM is the sum of the ERL, plus ERLE, or the total ERL seen by the network. ACOM (Total loss) is equal to the ERL (tail loss) plus ERLE (ECAN loss).

Echo canceller is not canceling. If the ERL value is too low, the echo signal returning to the gateway might be too loud (within 6 dB of the talker signal), causing the echo canceller to consider it as voice (double-talk) instead of echo. As a consequence, the echo canceller does not cancel it. ERL should be approximately 6 dB or higher for the echo canceller to engage. In 12.2(13)T, you can configure this ERL level.

To prevent these problems, you need to measure the ERL and signal levels, and adjust the signal levels on the Cisco IOS gateway based on the results. See theMeasuring QoS section on page 294 for more information about measuring QoS. See the Measuring Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways section on page 303 for more information about measuring ERL. You can adjust these levels by configuring positive values for output attenuation and negative values for input gain. Input gain is performed before the echo canceller has seen the echo signal, and output attenuation is performed after the echo canceller has seen the original output signal.
voice-port 1/1:15 input gain -3 output attenuation 3


You must enter the shut and no shut command on the voice port for the changes to take effect.


In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(1) and later, output attenuation can be set to a negative value, which amplifies the output signal. An impedance mismatch can cause echo if both sides are not configured identically. Verify the impedance configured in the voice port and modify it if needed. A default of 600 ohms is consistent with most lines on the PSTN and PBXs.
Gateway(config-voiceport)# impedance 600c 600 600r 600 900c 900 complex1 complex2 Ohms complex Ohms real Ohms complex complex 1 complex 2

Step 4

Measuring Echo in Cisco IOS Gateways

If you have a phone number to which echo is reproducible, using a Cisco IP Phone 7960 or Cisco IP Phone 7940, perform the following steps to generate test tones and measure the echo return loss (ERL).

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Step 1

Enable the tone generator. Place a call to the source of echo. Press the i button twice. Set the input and output levels to 0 dB gain/attenuation. View the input and output levels for your call. Configure 1 dB of attenuation in each direction. Configure 3 dB of attenuation in each direction. Change the coverage to 32 ms.

To enable the tone generator, type **3 on the Cisco IP Phone 7960 or 7940 keypad while the phone is not on a call. This enables the Tone softkey for as long as this phone is registered to Cisco CallManager.


From Load #P0030301ESP5, you need to unlock the phone first, then press **3. If you press **# **3 consecutively you reset the phone (because of the **#** sequence). Therefore, you need to press **#, make a call, then press **3. Place a call to the source of echo. After the call is established, press the i button twice. This brings up the statistics for the call.

Step 2 Step 3


If pressing **3 worked, you should have a Tone softkey available. Press the Tone softkey and the phone begins to generate a 1004 Hz tone at -15 dB. The only way to stop the tone is to end the call. Make sure you start with a cleared configuration by setting the input and output levels to 0 dB gain/attenuation. After the tone is being generated, keep the call up, then perform the remaining steps to measure the decibel levels. Use the show call active voice command to view the input and output levels for your call. The following is a call to a loopback number that simply echoes back whatever is sent with no attenuation.
Gateway# show call active voice ! snip OutSignalLevel=-15 InSignalLevel=-15 ERLLevel=25 ! snip

Step 4

Step 5

The test tone in this example is output as -15 and is looped back with 0 dB loss. Therefore, the tone is coming back at -15 dB. The ERL value in the example has no significance because the echo canceller does not consider the input signal to be echo.


The OutSignalLevel shows the value of the level after the output attenuation has been applied to the signal. The InSignalLevel shows the value of the level after the input gain has been applied.

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Step 6

If you configure 1 dB of attenuation in each direction, the resulting levels decrease, as shown in the following configuration examples:
voice-port 1/1:15 input gain -1 output attenuation 1 Gateway#show call active voice ! snip OutSignalLevel=-16 InSignalLevel=-17 ERLLevel=11 ! snip


Notice that the OutSignalLevel is -16 because the -15 dB signal is attenuated by 1 dB. The InSignalLevel is -17 dB, the result of the -1 input gain. The ERL is 11 dB in the example, but it is actually 2 dB; the echo canceller still does not acknowledge the input signal as echo. If you configure 3 dB of attenuation in each direction the resulting levels are shown in the following examples:
voice-port 1/1:15 input gain -3 output attenuation 3 Gateway#show call active voice ! snip OutSignalLevel=-18 InSignalLevel=-21 ERLLevel=6 ! snip

Step 7


Notice that the OutSignalLevel is -18 because the -15 dB signal is attenuated by 3 dB. The InSignalLevel is -21 dB as a result of the input gain of -3. The expected ERL of 6 dB is now correct. If you keep the same 3 dB in each direction, but change the coverage to 32 ms, the resulting levels are shown in the following examples.
voice-port 1/1:15 input gain -3 output attenuation 3 echo-cancel coverage 32 Gateway#show call active voice ! snip OutSignalLevel=-18 InSignalLevel=-21 ERLLevel=6 ! snip

Step 8

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The levels look the same as the previous result, however the echo canceller takes a few more seconds longer to converge. Do not set the echo cancel coverage higher than necessary. For more information about troubleshooting echo problems, refer to the following documents:

Troubleshooting Echo Problems between IP Phones and Cisco IOS Gateways, document ID 19640 Echo Analysis for Voice over IP white paper, at the following website: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk652/tk701/technologies_white_paper09186a00800d6b68.shtm l

Voice Level Adjustment

Voice levels can require adjustment for a variety of reasons. The voice on a call might be too loud or quiet, or callers might have an issue with comfort noise generated when using voice activity detection (VAD). This section contains informaton about the following:

Input and Output Levels, page 306 Voice Activity Detection Level, page 308

Input and Output Levels

As much as possible, it is desirable to achieve a uniform input decibel level to the packet voice network. Doing so eliminates or at least reduces any voice distortion because of incorrect input and output decibel levels. Adjustments to levels might be required by the type of equipment connected to the network or by local country-specific conditions. Incorrect input or output levels can cause echo, as can an impedance mismatch. Too much input gain can cause clipped or fuzzy voice quality. If the output level is too high at the remote routers voice port, the local caller hears an echo. If the local routers voice port input decibel level is too high, the remote side hears clipping. If the local routers voice port input decibel level is too low or the remote routers output level is too low, the remote side voice can be distorted at a very low volume, and DTMF signaling might be missed. Use the input gain and output attenuation commands to adjust voice levels, and the impedance command to set the impedance value to match that of the voice circuit to which the voice port connects. To change parameters related to voice levels, enter the following commands.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

enable configure terminal voice-port slot/port:ds0-group-number input gain value output attenuation value impedance {600c | 600r | 900c | complex1 | complex2} exit

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Step 1

Purpose Enables higher privilege levels, such as privileged EXEC mode.

Router> enable

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure {terminal | memory | network}

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice-port slot/port:ds0-group-number

Enters voice-port configuration mode on the selected slot, port, and DS-0 group.

Router(config)# voice-port 1/0:0

Each defined DS-0 group number is represented on a separate voice port. This allows you to define individual DS-0s on the digital T1/E1 card.

Step 4

input gain value

Router(config-voiceport)# input gain 0

Specifies, in decibels, the amount of gain to be inserted at the receiver side of the interface, increasing or decreasing the signal.

After an input gain setting is changed, the voice call must be disconnected and reestablished before the change takes effect. The value argument is any integer from 6 to 14. The default is 0.

Step 5
output attenuation value

Router(config-voiceport)# output attenuation -6

Specifies the amount of attenuation in decibels at the transmit side of the interface, decreasing the signal.

A system-wide loss plan can be implemented through the use of the input gain and output attenuation commands. The default value for this command is based on the assumption that a standard transmission loss plan is in effect, meaning that normally there must be 6 dB attenuation between phones. The value argument is any integer from 6 to 14. The default is 0.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Common QoS Problems

Step 6
impedance {600c | 600r | 900c | complex1 | complex2}

Purpose Specifies the terminating impedance of a voice port interface, which needs to match the specifications from the specific telephony system to which it is connected. The following values are supported:

Router(config-voiceport)# impedance 600r

600cSpecifies 600 ohms complex 600rSpecifies 600 ohms real (default) 900cSpecifies 900 ohms complex complex1Specifies Complex 1 complex2Specifies Complex 2

Step 7


Exits voice-port configuration mode.

Router(config-voiceport)# exit

Voice Activity Detection Level

Another way to reduce clipped or fuzzy speech is to change the VAD level. Sometimes VAD cuts the sound too early and the speakers voice is clipped. Use the vad and no vad commands in dial-peer configuration mode to enable and disable VAD. With VAD, voice data packets fall into three categories: speech, silence, and unknown. Speech and unknown packets are sent over the network; silence packets are discarded. The sound quality is slightly degraded with VAD, but the connection monopolizes much less bandwidth. If you use the no form of this command, VAD is disabled and voice data is continuously sent to the IP backbone. When the aggressive keyword is used, the VAD noise threshold is reduced from -78 to -62 dBm. Noise that falls below the -62 dBm threshold is considered to be silence and is not sent over the network. Additionally, unknown packets are considered to be silence and are discarded. You can also change the amount of time that VAD waits for silence. Use the voice vad-time command in global configuration mode to change the minimum silence detection time. For example, setting the VAD time to 3000 allows 30 seconds of silence before VAD is initiated. On gateways that use MGCP, the call agent controls the amount of VAD. For H.323 gateways, VAD must be disabled on the gateway itself. VAD is enabled by default on H.323 gateways. To disable VAD, you must match a VoIP dial peer that has the no vad command configured. Some codecs, such as G.729b and G.729ab, have VAD built into them and cannot be diabled. If you do not want to use VAD, use the standard G.729 or G.729a codecs instead.

Hissing or Static While You Are Using Voice Activity Detector

The VAD detects silence periods in the voice signal and temporarily discontinues transmission of the signal during these periods. This saves bandwidth and allows the far-end to adjust its jitter buffer. The downside is that the far-end phone has to generate its own signal to play to the listener during silence periods. Usually comfort noise is played out to the listener to mask the absence of an audio signal from the far-end. Comfort noise is usually modeled on the far-end noise so that there is not a stark contrast

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Voice Call Tuning

between the two. Sometimes there can be unwanted noise generated by VAD. To troubleshoot hissing or static issues that might be because of the VAD, refer to Troubleshooting Hissing and Static, document ID 22388.

Voice Call Tuning

The Voice Call Tuning feature monitors the interface between Cisco IOS software and a systems DSPs in real time and reports status on the following: packet flow, DSP state, echo-cancellation state, and jitter state. The feature also allows you to manipulate echo-cancellation and jitter-buffer parameters in real time. The feature is part of the standard product and is supported under normal Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) procedures. No new code is required and there are no configuration tasks for this feature. It is backward compatible with older versions of Cisco IOS software, Cisco VCWare, and Cisco voice DSP code base (DSPWare). You should understand the following concepts to use this feature:

Restrictions for Voice Call Tuning, page 309 Information About Voice Call Tuning, page 309 How to Verify Voice Call Tuning Functionality, page 310 Voice Call Tuning Configuration Examples, page 311

Restrictions for Voice Call Tuning

If you wish to use this feature on a Cisco AS5300 platform, refer to the Combined Version Release Notes for Cisco VCWare on Cisco AS5300 Universal Access Servers/Voice Gateways. That document tells you which Cisco VCWare to use with this feature.

Information About Voice Call Tuning

To configure the Voice Call Tuning feature, you should understand the following concepts:

Packet-Flow Detection, page 309 DSP State, page 310 Echo-Cancellation State, page 310 Jitter-Buffer Parameters, page 310

Packet-Flow Detection
The Voice Call Tuning feature allows you to determine whether packets are flowing in each direction while a call is in progress. The analog signal from the telephone is digitized into pulse code modulation (PCM) signals by the voice coder-decoder (codec). The PCM samples are then passed to the compression algorithm which compresses the voice into a packet format for transmission across the WAN. On the far side of the cloud similar functions are performed but in reverse order.

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Voice Call Tuning

Depending on how the network is configured, the router or gateway can perform both the codec and compression functions or only one of them. For example, if an analog voice system is used, then the router or gateway performs the codec function and the compression function.

DSP State
The Voice Call Tuning feature allows you to check whether the DSP servicing an active call is functioning properly. Explicit configuration of a periodic ping message with both the period and timeout parameters configurable catches DSPs that are in a hung state as soon as possible. A failure can then signal this event to the console log or as a triggering event to a logging functionality. The DSP can also send periodic informational messages like jitter measures, echo canceller measures, and alarms to alert you if there is an impending problem.

Echo-Cancellation State
Echo is the sound of your own voice reverberating in the telephone receiver while you are talking. When timed properly, echo is not a problem in the conversation; however, if the echo interval exceeds approximately 25 ms, it can be distracting to the speaker. Echo is controlled by ECs. By design, ECs are limited by the total amount of time they wait for the reflected speech to be received, which is known as an echo tail. The echo tail is normally 32 ms. In the traditional telephony network, echo is generally caused by an impedance mismatch when the four-wire network is converted to the two-wire local loop. Echo cancellation is required because of packet network latency. Echo cancellation is implemented in DSP firmware on the gateways and is independent of other functions implemented in the DSP (the DSP protocol and compression algorithm). In voice packet-based networks, ECs are built into the low-bit-rate codecs and are operated on each DSP. This feature gives you the ability to change echo canceller parameters while a call is in progress. Audible effects are immediately noticed, aiding in problem determination and resolution. You can change the echo canceller parameters (tail length and echo return loss (ERL) threshold) in the field.

Jitter-Buffer Parameters
Jitter is a variation in the delay of received packets. At the sending side, packets are sent in a continuous stream with the packets being spaced evenly apart. Due to network congestion, improper queuing, or configuration errors, this steady stream can become erratic, or the delay between and two packets can vary instead of remaining constant. This feature gives you the ability to change jitter-buffer parameters while a call is in progress. Audible effects are immediately noticed, aiding in problem determination and resolution. You can change the jitter buffer parameters (delay, size, fixed state, or adaptive state) in the field.

How to Verify Voice Call Tuning Functionality

There are no configuration tasks for this feature. However, you can verify that the Voice Call Tuning feature is operating on your system by performing the following tasks:

Use the show vfc version command to show the version of the software that resides on your voice feature card (VFC). This command shows information in the output of the show vfc version vcware and show vfc version dspware commands that indicates whether the Cisco VCWare or DSPWare is compatible with the Cisco IOS image.

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Use the show voice call command to show the real-time call status for voice ports, including packet flow indication, DSP state, echo canceller state, and jitter state. If you enable terminal monitor before doing this, you can also see the DSP and playout buffer statistics, overflow specifications, late packets, lost packets, and concealment 9, in which the DSP invents a packet using interpolation. Use the show voice dsp command to show the status of all DSP voice channels when abnormal behavior in the DSP voice channels occurs. Use the test call id command to manipulate echo canceller and jitter-buffer parameters in real time. You can use this command with the extended G.168 echo canceller, which allows you to configure the voice card in a router individually, or with the Cisco G.165 echo canceller, which allows you to configure the router as a whole. Messages are visible in the command output when either an extended-only or a standard-only echo cancellation is requested, as in the following example:
Extended echo canceller not active for CallID callID Basic echo canceller not active for CallID callID

Voice Call Tuning Configuration Examples

There are no specific configuration examples for the Voice Call Tuning feature, but you can verify that the Voice Call Tuning feature is operating on your system by performing the following tasks:

Use the show vfc version command to show the version of the software that resides on your VFC. This command was modified to include new information in the output of the show vfc version vcware and show vfc version dspware commands. Messages are output if the Cisco VCWare or DSPWare is not compatible with the Cisco IOS image. The new information is advisory only, so there is no action taken if the software is compatible or incompatible. Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T adds new information to the output of the show vfc version vcware and show vfc version dspware commands. Messages are output if the Cisco VCWare or DSPWare is not compatible with the Cisco IOS image. The new information is advisory only, so there is no action taken if the software is compatible or incompatible. If the versions detected fall within the defined criteria and are compatible, nothing is output at bootup time. A confirmation line is output when the show vfc version vcware and show vfc version dspware commands are used, as in the following example:
Router# show vfc 1 version vcware Voice Feature Card in Slot 1: VCWare Version : 7.35 ROM Monitor Version: 1.3 DSPWare Version : 3.4.46L Technology : C549 VCWare/DSPWare version compatibility OK

Use the show voice call command to show the real-time call status for voice ports, including packet flow indication, DSP state, echo canceller state, and jitter state. This command was modified with the status, call-id, and sample sample-period command options. This command is available on all voice platforms. You can use the call-id argument to identify active calls. If the call-id argument is omitted, the enquiry shows all active voice calls. In the following example, a list of all active calls with relevant identifying information is shown, as in the following example:
Router# show voice call status CallID CID ccVdb Port DSP/Ch Called # Codec Dial-peers

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Troubleshooting Quality of Service for VoIP Voice Call Tuning

0x3 11D4 0x62972834 0x4 11D4 0x62973AD0 0xA 11DB 0x62FE9D68 2 active calls found

1/0/0 1/0/1 1/1/0

1/1 2/1 3/1

10001 *10001 *2692

g711ulaw 1/2 g711ulaw 2/1 g729r8 0/2692

Use the test call id command to manipulate the echo canceller and jitter buffer parameters in real time. You can use this command with the extended echo canceller, which allows you to configure the voice card in a router individually, or with the standard echo canceller, in which the configuration occurs implicitly on the router. The following example shows query output from a Cisco AS5350 universal gateway using the NextPort version of the standard echo canceller:
Router# test call id 99 ? echo-canceller playout-delay test echo canceller on an active voice call test playout-delay parameters

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Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Voice Technologies

Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network

This chapter provides troubleshooting information for the H.323 standard from the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), of the following:

Cisco H.323-compliant gatekeeper Cisco H.323-compliant gateway Cisco H.323-compliant features

Cisco IOS software complies with the mandatory requirements and several of the optional features of the H.323 Version 2 specification. The chapter contains the following sections:

H.323-Related Standards, page 316 Troubleshooting Gateways, page 319 Troubleshooting Gatekeepers, page 347 Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security, page 365

H.323 is a peer-to-peer protocol. H.323 uses messages similar to Q.931 messages to communicate between endpoints. Q.931 cause codes can be found in Cause Codes and Debug Values. Figure 38 shows a typical H.323 network. For detailed information on H.323, refer to Cisco IOS Call Control Technologies (H.323, SIP, and xGCP).

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network H.323-Related Standards

Figure 38

Gatekeeper in an H.323 Network

Cisco gatekeeper MCU H.323 terminal H.323 terminal

Corporate LAN


Cisco proxy Internet Real-time network Telephone network


H.320 terminal (over ISDN) H.324 terminal (over POTS) Speech only (telephone)

H.323 terminal

H.323-Related Standards
Because several standards are involved with setting up a call through an H.323 device, it is important to understand the role each protocol plays to be able to effectively troubleshoot such a call. The following sections describe these standards:

H.225 Signaling, page 317 H.245 Signaling, page 318

Figure 39 shows the basic call flow for an H.323 call.

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network H.323-Related Standards

Figure 39

H.323 Call Flow

H.323 gateway H.225 TCP connection SETUP CONNECT (H.245 address)

H.323 gatekeeper

H.225 signaling

H.245 TCP connection Capabilities exchange RTCP address CONNECT (H.245 address) RTCP addresses RTCP & RTP addresses H.245 signaling

RTP stream H.323 gateway


RTP stream IP phone

H.225 Signaling
H.225 is used for call control functions. H.225 is very similar to Q.931. H.225 signaling is carried over a TCP connection. H.323 devices listen to port 1720 for incoming connections and show messages that might be used in an H.225 call setup, such as those shown in Table 47. Each message can contain one or more information element (IE). Each IE carries a specific piece of information within an H.225 message. For a complete list of IEs and the coding for each, refer to the ITU-T Q.931 specification.
Table 47 H.225 Call Setup Messages

Message Setup Setup Acknowledge

Description This message is sent by a calling H.323 device to indicate its desire to set up a connection to the called device. This message typically indicates that the called device wants to do overlap sending and can accept more digits before proceeding with the call. This message is sent by the called device to indicate that it has received all the information it needs to route the call to its destination. This message can be sent by an H.323 gateway to indicate a calls progress. You typically see progress messages when internetworking with a non-ISDN network because audio cut-through must be treated differently in this case.

Call Proceeding Progress

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network H.323-Related Standards

Table 47

H.225 Call Setup Messages (continued)

Message Alerting

Description This message might be sent by the called phone to indicate that the called phone is being alerted of the incoming call. That is, the phone is ringing. This message is sent by the called device to the calling device to indicate that the call has been accepted or answered. This message can be sent to provide additional information. It can be used to provide information for call establishment in the case of overlap sending or miscellaneous call-related information. It can also be used to deliver proprietary features. Cisco IOS gateways use this message to get around the fact that H.323 gateways do not normally provide ringback when a call is transferred and also to generate tone on hold. This message is sent by a device to indicate the calls release. This message can be used to request call status. Normally the device receiving this message responds with a status message indicating the current call state for the specific call reference. This message is used to respond to an unknown call signaling message or to a Status Inquiry message. This message is used to send additional information for a call. For example, when using overlap sending, each digit is sent one at a time in an Information message. This message is used to notify a device of a change that has occurred in the call.

Connect User Information

Release Complete Status Inquiry

Status Information


H.245 Signaling
H.225 is responsible only for setting up the call and routing it to the proper destination. H.225 does not have any mechanism for exchanging capabilities or setting up and tearing down media streams. The called H.323 device is responsible for sending the IP address and port number that are used to establish the TCP connections for H.245 signaling. This information can be sent by the called device in either the Alerting or Connect message. When the originating H.323 device receives the IP address and port number for H.245 negotiations, it initiates a second TCP connection to carry out the necessary capabilities exchange and logical channel negotiations. This TCP session is primarily used to do four things:

Master/slave determinationThis is used to resolve conflicts that might exist when two endpoints in a call request the same thing, but only one of the two can gain access to the resource at a time. Terminal capabilities exchangeThis is one of the most important functions of the H.245 protocol. The two most important capabilities are the supported audio codecs and the basic audio calls. Logical channel signalingThis indicates a one-way audio stream.With H.323 version 2, it is possible to open and close logical channels in the middle of a call. Because H.245 messages are independent of the H.225 signaling, a call can still be connected in H.225 even if no logical channels are open. This is typical with such features as hold, transfer, and conference. DTMF relayBecause voice networks typically do not carry DTMF tones inband because of compression issues, these tones are carried on the signaling channel. Ensure that the type of DTMF relay configured on your gateway is compatible with your gatekeeper.

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

Troubleshooting Gateways
An H.323 gateway is an endpoint on the LAN that provides real-time communications between H.323 terminals on the LAN and other ITU terminals on a WAN or to other H.323 gateways. Gateways allow H.323 terminals to communicate with devices that are running other protocols. They provide protocol conversion between the devices that are running different types of protocols. For example, Figure 40 shows a gateway between an H.323 terminal and a non-H.323 terminal.
Figure 40 Gateway Between an H.323 Terminal and an H.320 Terminal
H.323 gateway Protocol translation and media transcoding

H.323 endpoint H.323 terminal

Non-H.323 endpoint H.320 terminal


This section contains the following information:

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Call Routing and Dial Peers, page 319 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Dial Tone, page 332 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Busy Tone, page 332 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Ringback, page 334 Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway One-Way or No Audio, page 338 Using the Test Call Feature to Verify Voice Path, page 342

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Call Routing and Dial Peers

To troubleshoot H.323 call routing, see the following sections:

Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg, page 319 Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg, page 322

Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg

Once the on-hook and off-hook signaling are verified to be working correctly, the next step in troubleshooting and debugging a VoIP call is to verify that the correct digits are being received or sent on the voice-port (digital or analog). A dial peer is not matched or the switch (CO or PBX) is not able to ring the correct station if incomplete or incorrect digits are being sent or received. Some commands that can be used to verify the digits received/sent are:

show dialplan numberThis command is used to show which dial peer is reached when a particular telephone number is dialed. debug vtsp sessionThis command displays information on how each network indication and application request is processed, signaling indications, and DSP control messages.

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

debug vtsp dsp This command displays the digits as they are received by the voice-port. debug vtsp allThis command enables the following debug voice telephony service provider (VTSP) commands: debug vtsp session, debug vtsp error, and debug vtsp dsp.

show dialplan number

The show dialplan number digit_string command displays the dial peer that is matched by a string of digits. If multiple dial peers can be matched, they are all shown in the order in which they are matched. The output of this command looks like this:
Router# show dialplan number 5000 Macro Exp.: 5000 VoiceOverIpPeer2 information type = voice, tag = 2, destination-pattern = `5000', answer-address = `', preference=0, group = 2, Admin state is up, Operation state is up, incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited, application associated: type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:', technology prefix: ip precedence = 5, UDP checksum = disabled, session-protocol = cisco, req-qos = best-effort, acc-qos = best-effort, dtmf-relay = cisco-rtp, fax-rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes, Expect factor = 10, Icpif = 30, signaling-type = cas, VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled, Connect Time = 25630, Charged Units = 0, Successful Calls = 25, Failed Calls = 0, Accepted Calls = 25, Refused Calls = 0, Last Disconnect Cause is "10 ", Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing.", Last Setup Time = 84427934. Matched: 5000 Digits: 4 Target: ipv4:

debug vtsp dsp

debug vtsp dsp shows the digits as they are received by the voice port. The following output example shows the collection of DTMF digits from the DSP:
Router# debug vtsp dsp Voice telephony call control dsp debugging is on


ACTION: Caller picked up handset and dialed digits 5000. The DSP detects DTMF digits. Digit 5 was detected with ON time of 130msec.

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*Mar 10 17:57:08.505: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=5, *Mar 10 17:57:08.585: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=5, duration=130 *Mar 10 17:57:09.385: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:09.485: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=150 *Mar 10 17:57:10.697: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:10.825: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=180 *Mar 10 17:57:12.865: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:12.917: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=100

debug vtsp session

debug vtsp session shows the activity on the voice port. The following output example shows the handset being picked up and dial tone generated:
Router# debug vtsp session Voice telephony call control session debugging is on

!--- <some output have been omitted> !-- ACTION: Caller picked up handset. !-- The DSP is allocated, jitter buffers, VAD !-- thresholds, and signal levels are set.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_playout: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=18 channel_id=1 packet_id=76 mode=1 initial=60 min=4 max=200 fax_nom=300 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_echo_canceller_control: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=66 flags=0x0 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_gains: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=12 channel_id=1 packet_id=91 in_gain=0 out_gain=65506 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_vad_enable: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=78 thresh=-38act_setup_ind_ack *Mar 10 18:14:22.869: dsp_voice_mode: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=24 channel_id=1 packet_id=73 coding_type=1 voice_field_size=80 VAD_flag=0 echo_length=64 comfort_noise=1 inband_detect=1 digit_relay=2 AGC_flag=0act_setup_ind_ack(): dsp_dtmf_mod e()act_setup_ind_ack: passthru_mode = 0, no_auto_switchover = 0dsp_dtmf_mode (VTSP_TONE_DTMF_MODE)

!-- The DSP is put into "voice mode" and dial-tone is

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

!-- generated.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.873: dsp_cp_tone_on: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=30 channel_id=1 packet_id=72 tone_id=4 n_freq=2 freq_of_first=350 freq_of_second=440 amp_of_first= 4000 amp_of_second=4000 direction=1 on_time_first=65535 off_time_first=0 on_time _second=65535 off_time_second=0

If you find that the digits are not being sent or received properly, you might need to use either a digit-grabber (test tool) or T1 tester to verify the digits are being sent at the correct frequency and timing interval. If they are being sent incorrectly for the switch (CO or PBX), some values on the router or switch (CO or PBX) might need to be adjusted so that they match and can interoperate. These are usually digit duration and interdigit duration values. If the digits appear to be sent correctly you might want to examine any number translation tables in the switch (CO or PBX) that might add or remove digits.

Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg

After verifying that voice-port signaling is working properly and the correct digits have been received, verify that the end-to-end VoIP signaling is set up on the VoIP call leg.VoIP signaling involves call control. The following factors explain why call control debugging can become a complex job:

Cisco VoIP gateways use H.323 signaling to complete calls. H.323 is made up of three layers of call-negotiation and call-establishment: H.225, H.245, and H.323. These protocols use a combination of TCP and UDP to set up and establish a call. End-to-end VoIP debugging shows a number of Cisco IOS state machines, and problems with any state machine can cause a call to fail. End-to-end VoIP debugging can be very verbose and can create a lot of debug output.

debug voip ccapi inout

The primary command to debug end-to-end VoIP calls is debug voip ccapi inout. The output from a sample call debug is shown below.
Router# debug voip ccapi inout *Mar 1 15:35:53.588: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructTDUsrContainer: usrCo ntainer[0x638C1BF0], magic[FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: con tainer=0x638C1BF0, tagID=6, dataSize=16, instID=-1,modifier=1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdO bject[0x638BC1AC], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[6], dataLen[16], modif[ 1] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Addin g tdObject[0x638BC1AC] instID[-1] into container[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilAddDataToUsrContainer: con tainer=0x638C1BF0, tagID=5, dataSize=276, instID=-1,modifier=1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructInstanceTDObject: tdO bject[0x63401148], nxtElem[0x0], magic[0xFACE0FFF] tagID[5], dataLen[276], modif [1] *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToContainer: Addin g tdObject[0x63401148] instID[-1] into container[0x638C1BF0]

In the following lines, the call control API (CCAPI) receives the call setup. The called number is 34999, and the calling number is 55555. The calling number matches dial peer 10002.
*Mar *Mar 1 15:35:53.592: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: 1 15:35:53.592: cc_api_call_setup_ind:

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*Mar 1 15:35:53.592: cisco-username= *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----*Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-ani=55555 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-anitype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-aniplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-anipi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-anisi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: dest=34999 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-desttype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-destplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdn= *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdntype=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnplan=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnpi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-rdnsi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: cisco-redirectreason=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: (vdbPtr=0x6 37EC1E0, callInfo={called=34999,called_oct3=0x80,calling=55555,calling_oct3=0x80 ,calling_oct3a=0x0,calling_xlated=false,subscriber_type_str=RegularLine,fdest=1, peer_tag=10002, prog_ind=0,callingIE_present 1, src_route_label=, tgt_route_labe l= clid_transparent=0},callID=0x637B4278) *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind: type 13 , p rot 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "55555", calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: Calling Party number is User Provided *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.596: Leaving ccCheckClipClir calling number is: "55555" calling oct3 is: 0x80 calling oct3a is: 0x0

In the next line, 44 is the CallEntry ID.

*Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: Increment ca ll volume: 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: current call volume: 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's inco ming TRUE. *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incoming is TRUE *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDConstructHashProfileTab: profi leTable[0x6380E11C], numBuckets[11], numEntries[0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: I nvoking necessary profileTable updaters... *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContain er: Updating profileTable[0x6380E11C] with objects in container[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContain er: obtained key[5] for the tag[6] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: p rofileTable[0x6380E11C], tdObject[0x638BC1AC] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtUpdateProfileTabFromContain er: obtained key[0] for the tag[5] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtAddObjectToProfileBucket: p rofileTable[0x6380E11C], tdObject[0x63401148] *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableBuildManager: *Mar 1 15:35:53.600: ccTDUtilDumpAllElemInProfileTab: profileTable[0x6380E11C], numBuckets[11], numEntries[2]

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*Mar 1 15:35:53.600: Bucket { 0 } ------>0x63401148[0x0,t-5,l-276,d-0x63401168, m-1,u-56153,g-FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: Bucket { 5 } ------>0x638BC1AC[0x0,t-6,l-16,d-0x638BC1CC,m -1,u-56153,g-FACE0FFF] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDUsrContainer: Contai ner[0x638C1BF0] *Mar 1 15:35:53.604: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: not the Vo IP or MMoIP *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: (event= 0x63073AA0)

In the next line, 45F2AAE28044 is the GUID. The tag 10002 entry shows that the incoming dial-peer matched the CallEntry ID.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCA PI handed cid 44 with tag 10002 to app "DEFAULT" *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(24=CC_EV_CALL_ SETUP_IND), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(SSA_EV_CALL_SE TUP_IND), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/ssaCallSetupInd:

The next line shows CallEntry ID in hexadecimal form, 0x2C (44 in decimal). The CallID and GUID numbers have been identified. The incoming dial-peer is 10002.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x2C, context=0x634A430C) *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(44), st(SSA_CS_MAPPING),oldst(0), ev(24)ev->e.evCallSetupInd.nCallInfo.finalDestFlag = 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: src rout e label=, tgt route label= tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.608: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: finalDes t cllng(55555), clled(34999) tgt_route_label()tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaCallSetupInd: cid(44), st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING),oldst(0), ev(24)dpMatchPeersMoreArg result= 0

For CallEntry ID 44, two dial-peer tags (10001 and 20002) were matched with called number 34999.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaSetupPe er cid(44) peer list: tag(10001) called number (34999) tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaSetupPeer: dialpeer ta gs in rotary= 10001 20002

The next line shows that 5 digits were matched for this dial-peer and no prefix was added. The encapType (2) entry indicates a VoIP call.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaSetupPeer: cid(44), de stPat(34999), matched(5), prefix(), peer(637B0984), peer->encapType (2) *Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_can_gateway: Call legs: In=6, O ut=1

The next line shows the voice gateway sending out a call-proceeding message to the incoming call leg with progress indicator of 0x0.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallProceeding: (callID=0x2C, pr og_ind=0x0)

The next line shows the voice gateway sending out the call-setup request to the outgoing call leg. The dial-peer is 10001 with the incoming CallEntry ID being 0x2C.

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*Mar 1 15:35:53.612: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: (Inbound call = 0x2C, outbound peer =10001, dest=, params=0x63085D80 mode=0, *callID=0x63086314, prog_ind = 0callingIE_pres ent 1) *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 1 1 1 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.612: 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: ccCallSetupRequest numbering_type 0x80 //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: ccCallSetupRequest: calling number is:55555

*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: calling oct3a is:0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ccCheckClipClir: calling number is: "55555", calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: Calling Party number is User Provided *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: Leaving ccCheckClipClir calling number is: "55555" calling oct3 is: 0x80 calling oct3a is: 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: after ccCheckC lipClir - calling oct3a is:0x0

The next line shows that all digits are passed.

*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: dest pattern 3 4999, called 34999, digit_strip 0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: callingNumber=55555, calledNumber=34999, redirectNumber= d isplay_info= calling_oct3a=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: accountNumber=, finalDestFlag=1, guid=45f2.aae2.1571.11cc.8044.95f5.fabb.6b0f *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: peer_tag=10001 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ccCallSetupRequest: *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-username= *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----*Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-ani=55555 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anitype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-aniplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anipi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.616: cisco-anisi=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: dest=34999 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-desttype=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-destplan=0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdn= *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdntype=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnplan=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnpi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-rdnsi=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: cisco-redirectreason=-1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbP tr=0x62EC61A4, dest=, callParams={called=34999,called_oct3=0x80, calling=55555,c alling_oct3=0x80, calling_oct3a= 0x0, calling_xlated=false, subscriber_type_str =RegularLine, fdest=1, voice_peer_tag=10001},mode=0x0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: src route label tgt route la bel tg_label_flag 0x0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: vdbP tr type = 1

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

*Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: (vdbP tr=0x62EC61A4, dest=, callParams={called=34999, called_oct3 0x80, calling=55555 ,calling_oct3 0x80, calling_oct3a 0x0, calling_xlated=false, fdest=1, voice_pee r_tag=10001}, mode=0x0, xltrc=-5) *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate:

In the next line, outgoing CallEntry ID 45 is bound to the same GUID 45F2AAE28044.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: not incoming entry *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: entry's inco ming FALSE. *Mar 1 15:35:53.620: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_insert_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccSaveDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C, d ialpeer_tag=10001) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: (callID=0x2D, co ntext=0x634A537C) 0x2D (decimal 45 is the second call leg ID). *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: (callID=0x2C, enable=0x0)

The voice gateway informs the incoming call leg that digits were forwarded.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (v dbPtr=0x637EC1E0, callID=0x2C, disp=0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(54=CC_EV_CALL_ REPORT_DIGITS_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SS Router#APP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_RE PORT_DIGITS_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2 (SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_MAPPING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDebugPeers: ssaReportD igitsDone cid(44) peer list: tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:35:53.624: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaReportDigitsDone: call id=44 Reporting disabled. *Mar 1 15:35:53.628: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_supported_data: data_mode=0 x10082 *Mar 1 15:35:53.628: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_ic_leg_obtained_numbers : callID=0x2D

The next two lines show the IP address of the terminating gateway and indicate that the terminating gateway is reached through Ethernet port 0/0.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.628: is *Mar 1 15:35:53.632: thernet0/0 *Mar 1 15:35:53.632: ry in list: 1 *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: D[1] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: ager: No profileTable *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: D[2] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:35:53.636: ager: No profileTable //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: remote IP //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: hwidb is E //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_incr_if_call_volume: create ent //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetInstanceCount: For tagI //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessMan set for callID[45] //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetInstanceCount: For tagI //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessMan set for callID[45]

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

The next line shows that the voice gateway received a call proceeding message from the terminating gateway. The line after that shows that the voice gateway received a call alert from the terminating gateway.
*Mar 1 15:35:53.740: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_proceeding: (vdbPtr=0x 62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, prog_ind=0x0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.740: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_alert: (vdbPtr=0x62EC6 1A4, callID=0x2D, prog_ind=0x0, sig_ind=0x1) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(21=CC_EV_CALL_ PROCEEDING), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_PROCEEDING) oldst(SSA_CS_MAPPING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA _CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaCallProc: *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaIgnore: cid(45), st(SSA_CS _CALL_SETTING),oldst(1), ev(21) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(7=CC_EV_CALL_A LERT), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _CALL_SETTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_ALERT) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA _CS_CALL_SETTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING) *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaAlert: *Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C) Router#

The voice gateway forwarded a call alert to the originating gateway.

*Mar 1 15:35:53.744: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallAlert: (callID=0x2C, prog_in d=0x0, sig_ind=0x1) Router#

The phone is answered at the called number.

Router# !call answered Router#

The voice gateway receives a connect message from the terminating gateway.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: (vdbPtr=0x6 2EC61A4, callID=0x2D), prog_ind = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: setting cal lEntry->connected to TRUE

The next line shows that the call accounting starts. The leg_type=False message means that message is for an outgoing call. The line that follows shows that AAA accounting is not configured.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.016: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_call_connected: calling accounting start for callID=45 leg_type=0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x 2D, accounting=0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(8=CC_EV_CALL_C ONNECTED), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _ALERT_RCVD)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_CONNECTED) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(-1)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA _CS_ALERT_RCVD)oldst2(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

*Mar *Mar

1 15:36:05.020: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaConnect: 1 15:36:05.020: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccGetDialpeerTag: (callID=0x2C)

The next lines show a conference being set up between the two call legs 0x2C and 0x2D. Bridge complete messages are sent to both the terminating and originating gateways.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccConferenceCreate: (confID=0x6308 6424, callID1=0x2C, callID2=0x2D, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.020: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_done: (confID=0x15, srcIF=0x62EC61A4, srcCallID=0x2D, dstCallID=0x2C, disposition=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_done: (confID=0x15, srcIF=0x637EC1E0, srcCallID=0x2C, dstCallID=0x2D, disposition=0, tag=0x0)

Here, the voice gateway sets up negotiating capability with the originating telephony leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (dstVdbPtr=0x62EC 61A4, dstCallId=0x2D, srcCallId=0x2C, caps={codec=0x2887F, fax_rate=0xBF, vad=0x3, modem=0x2 codec_bytes=0, signal_type=3}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (Playout: mode 0, initial 60,min 40, max 300) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(29=CC_EV_CONF_ CREATE_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SS A_CS_CONFERENCING)ev(SSA_EV_CONF_CREATE_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_CALL_SETTING)cfid(21)csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2 (SSA_CS_CONFERENCING)oldst2(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD) *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaConfCreateDone: *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallConnect: (callID=0x2C), prog _ind = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallConnect: setting callEntry-> connected to TRUE *Mar 1 15:36:05.024: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaDebugPeers: ssaFlushPe erTagQueue cid(44) peer list: tag(20002) called number (34999) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_process_notify_bridge_done: (ev ent=0x63067FC0)

The voice gateway sets up negotiating capability with the terminating VoIP leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (dstVdbPtr=0x637E C1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ind: (Playout: mode 0, initial 60,min 40, max 300)

The capabilities are acknowledged for both call legs.

*Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ack: (dstVdbPtr=0x637E C1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2, seq_num_start=2944}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.028: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_caps_ack: (dstVdbPtr=0x62EC 61A4, dstCallId=0x2D, srcCallId=0x2C, caps={codec=0x4, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=20, signal_type=2, seq_num_start=2944}) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_voice_mode_event: callID=0x 2C *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_api_voice_mode_event: Call Poin ter =634A430C *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(52=CC_EV_VOICE

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

_MODE_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: Router# Router#cid(44)st(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)ev(SSA_EV_VOICE_MODE_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_CONFERENCING)cfid(21)csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2 (SSA_CS_ACTIVE)oldst2(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD) *Mar 1 15:36:05.032: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaIgnore: cid(44), st(SS A_CS_ACTIVE),oldst(5), ev(52) Router# Router#! digit punched Router#

The phone at the terminating gateway enters digit 1.

*Mar 1 15:36:11.204: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPt r=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=1, digit_begin_flags=0x0, rtp_timestamp=0x0 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x2) *Mar 1 15:36:11.504: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: (dstVdbPtr= 0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=1,duration=300,xruleCallingTag=0,xruleCalledTag=0, dest_mask=0x2), dig it_tone_mode=0

The phone at the terminating gateway enters digit 2.

*Mar 1 15:36:11.604: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: (dstVdbPt r=0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=2, digit_begin_flags=0x0, rtp_timestamp=0x0 rtp_expiration=0x0, dest_mask=0x2) *Mar 1 15:36:11.904: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: (dstVdbPtr= 0x637EC1E0, dstCallId=0x2C, srcCallId=0x2D, digit=2,duration=300,xruleCallingTag=0,xruleCalledTag=0, dest_mask=0x2), dig it_tone_mode=0 Router# Router# *Mar 1 15:36:14.476: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_handle_periodic_timer: Calling the callback, ccTimerctx - 0x628B6330 *Mar 1 15:36:14.476: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTimerStart: ccTimerctx - 0x628B6 330 Router# Router#!call hung up The user at the terminating gateway hangs up the call. Router#

The voice gateway receives a disconnect message from the terminating gateway. The cause code is 0x10 which is normal call clearing.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.916: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnected: (vdbPtr= 0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, cause=0x10) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(11=CC_EV_CALL_ DISCONNECTED), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _ACTIVE)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECTED) oldst(SSA_CS_ALERT_RCVD)cfid(21)csize(2)in(0)fDest(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA _CS_ACTIVE)oldst2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: ssa: Disconnected cid(45) state(5) cause(0x10)

The voice gateway begins tearing down the conference and dropping the bridge.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccConferenceDestroy: (confID=0x15, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done: (confID=0 x15, srcIF=0x62EC61A4, srcCallID=0x2D, dstCallID=0x2C, disposition=0 tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.920: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_bridge_drop_done: (confID=0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

x15, srcIF=0x637EC1E0, srcCallID=0x2C, dstCallID=0x2D, disposition=0 tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(30=CC_EV_CONF_ DESTROY_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SS A_CS_CONF_DESTROYING)ev(SSA_EV_CONF_DESTROY_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)cfid(21)csize(2)in(1)fDest(1) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:21/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(45)st2 (SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING)oldst2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaConfDestroyDone: *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x2C, ca use=0x10 tag=0x0)

The voice gateway stops call accounting on the incoming call, indicated by the leg_type=True message. The cause code is then set for the originating leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounti ng start for callID=44 leg_type=1 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x0, new_cause = 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID= 0x2C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: (callID=0x2D, ca use=0x10 tag=0x0)

The voice gateway stops call accounting for the outgoing call, indicated by the leg_type=False message. The cause code is verified for the terminating leg.
*Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: calling accounti ng start for callID=45 leg_type=0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: existing_cause = 0x10, new_cause = 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.924: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: using the existi ng_cause 0x10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.928: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_get_transfer_info: (callID= 0x2D) *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_icpif: expect factor = 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/g113_calculate_impairment: (delay= 79, loss=0), Io=0 Iq=0 Idte=0 Idd=0 Ie=10 Itot=10 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: the remote IP is *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: hwidb is E thernet0/0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: reduce cal lnum of entry: 0, voip: 0, mmoip: 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: remove an entry *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbP tr=0x62EC61A4, callID=0x2D, disp=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.932: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/ccTDPvtProfileTableObjectAccessMan ager: No profileTable set for callID[45] *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDUtilGetDataByRef: No tdObject found in profileTable for tagID[6] of callID[45] *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: not incoming entry *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's inco ming FALSE. *Mar 1 15:36:22.936: //45/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incoming is FALSE *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_ DISCONNECT_DONE), cid(45), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(45)st(SSA_CS _DISCONNECTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)cfid(-1)csize(2)in(0)fDest(0)

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

*Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaTraceSct: -cid2(44)st2(SSA _CS_DISCONNECTING)oldst2(SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING) *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaDisconnectDone: *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:0:-1/ssaAAA_CheckAccounting: accou nting generation enabled *Mar 1 15:36:22.940: //45/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetAAA_Accounting: callID=0x 2D, accounting=0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.944: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_decr_if_call_volume: not the Vo IP or MMoIP *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api_call_disconnect_done: (vdbP tr=0x637EC1E0, callID=0x2C, disp=0, tag=0x0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: ccFreeRawMsg Info(0x6307595C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Decrement ca ll volume counter 1 *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: current call volume: 0 *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: entry's inco ming TRUE. *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: is_incoming is TRUE *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //44/45F2AAE28044/CCAPI/cc_delete_call_entry: Deleting pro fileTable[0x6380E11C] *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructTDHashProfileTab: Dest ructor Profile Table (0x6380E11C) *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdOb ject[0x63401148] tagID[5] *Mar 1 15:36:22.948: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccTDDestructInstanceTDObject: tdOb ject[0x638BC1AC] tagID[6] *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SSAPP:-1:-1/sess_appl: ev(12=CC_EV_CALL_ DISCONNECT_DONE), cid(44), disp(0) *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaTraceSct: cid(44)st(SS A_CS_DISCONNECTING)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_DISCONNECT_DONE) oldst(SSA_CS_CONF_DESTROYING)cfid(-1)csize(1)in(1)fDest(1) Router# *Mar 1 15:36:22.956: //44/45F2AAE28044/SSAPP:10002:-1/ssaDisconnectDone:

If the call is failing and the cause appears to be in the VoIP portion of the call setup, you might need to look at the H.225 or H.245 TCP part of the call setup, as opposed to just the UDP portion of the H.323 setup. The commands that can be used to debug the H.225 or H.245 call setup are:

debug ip tcp transaction and debug ip tcp packet These examine the TCP portion of the H.225 and H.245 negotiation. They returns the IP addresses, TCP ports and states of the TCP connections. debug cch323 h225 This examines the H.225 portion of the call negotiation. Think of this as the Layer1 part of the 3 part H.323 call setup. debug ch323 h245This examines the H.245 portion of the call negotiation. Think of this as the Layer2 part of the 3 part H.323 call setup.

For more information about voice troubleshooting, refer to Troubleshooting and Debugging VoIP Call Basics, document 14081.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Dial Tone

A common problem encountered in a VoIP network is being unable to break dial tone. The router puts a seizure on the local PBX but when digits are dialed, the dial tone stays. The calling party is unable to pass the DTMF tones or digits to the terminating device, resulting in callers being unable to dial the desired extension or interact with the device that needs DTMF tones such as a voice mail or interactive voice response (IVR) application. This problem can result from a number of reasons such as:

DTMF tones not being passed DTMF tones not being understood DTMF tones being passed too distorted to be understood Other signaling and cabling issues

In the case of a VoIP call from an originating gateway (OGW) to a terminating gateway (TGW), terminating the call to a telephony device might not be understood. When you are passing DTMF tones through a compressed VoIP audio path, some or part of the dual-tones could become slightly distorted because DSP codecs are designed to interpret human speech, not machine tones. Usually, this does not occur with lesser compression codecs such as G.732 or G.711. But the higher compression codecs might result in distortion of in-band tones. However, Cisco IOS allows the DTMF tones to be passed out-of-band between VoIP gateways using three different techniques. All of these techniques use the H.245 capabilities-exchange (part of H.323v2) to signal to the remote VoIP gateway that a DTMF-tone has been received and the remote VoIP gateway should regenerate it. Make sure the dtmf-relay command is configured under the VoIP dial-peer on both sides. Three different types of DTMF relays can be configured.
Router(config-dial-peer)#dtmf-relay ? cisco-rtp Cisco Proprietary RTP h245-alphanumeric DTMF Relay via H245 Alphanumeric IE h245-signal DTMF Relay via H245 Signal IE

If the problem persists, try a different setting of the dtmf-relay command. For more information, refer to Inability To Break Dialtone in a Voice over IP Network, document 22376.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Busy Tone

This section addresses call progress in-band related issues that arise when you are interworking ISDN and H.323 signaling between VoIP and the PSTN. Challenges arise when Cisco VoIP gateways exchange signaling capabilities with the telco switch. The following are some common problem scenarios and symptoms:

No DTMF Digits or Audio Passed on VoIP Calls to PSTN or PBXThis occurs when the IP phone user makes a call, is able to hear announcement messages (for example enter your account number.) but cannot pass DTMF digits. This symptom applies for both VoIP toll-bypass calls and Cisco IP phone to PSTN/PBX calls. No Busy Tone or Announcement Message Received When Placing VoIP Outbound CallsThis occurs when Cisco IP phone (CallManager scenario) or POTS phone (VoIP toll-bypass scenario) does not hear a busy tone or announcement message from the PSTN. This symptom applies for both VoIP toll-bypass calls and Cisco IP phone to PSTN/PBX calls. No Busy Tone on Inbound Call from Telephony (ISDN) to Cisco CallManager IP Phone, Cisco IOS Gateway, or Third-Party H.323 DeviceThis occurs when a call from PSTN through gateway to a Cisco CallManager IP phone, Cisco IOS gateway or third party H.323 device does not hear busy tone when running either an application or two-stage dialing on the originating gateway.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gateways

These scenarios are described in the following sections.

No DTMF Digits or Audio Passed on VoIP Calls to PSTN or PBX


Caller makes a call, hears announcement messages (for example enter your account number...) but cannot pass DTMF digits. This symptom applies for both VoIP toll-bypass and Cisco IP phone calls to PSTN/PBX calls.
Problem Description

A Cisco IP phone (using Cisco CallManager) or POTS phone (VoIP) call leaves through a Cisco IOS gateway, where the called number is usually an interactive voice response (IVR). The IVR system sends back an ISDN progress message but does not connect until some account information is entered. By default, the audio path is cut through in the backward direction (toward the Cisco IP phone or originating gateway), but not in the forward direction, until the terminating gateway receives a connect message. Therefore, there is no voice path for the transmission of DTMF tones or speech towards the terminating switch.

Configure the Cisco IOS global configuration command voice rtp send-recv to establish (cut through) the audio path in both directions prior to receiving an ISDN connect message from the PSTN. For more information on this command refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference, Release 12.3.

No Busy Tone or Announcement Message Received When Placing VoIP Outbound Calls

A Cisco IP phone (using CallManager) or POTS phone (VoIP) does not hear a busy tone or announcement message from the PSTN.

Configure the voice call convert-discpi-to-prog command. This command converts an inbound ISDN disconnect message with a progress indicator (PI) to an H.225 progress message with the same progress indicator (PI) value. This command can help when an announcement is played on the terminating PSTN side, but the calling party does not hear the response. In the VoIP toll-bypass scenario, most of these issues are resolved by upgrading the gateways to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(1) or later. However, if the originating device or originating ISDN switch does not keep the call active when an H.225/ISDN disconnect message is received, try using the voice call convert-discpi-to-prog command. This might come up when the announcement in-band is a busy tone, as well. Beyond that, the busy signal should be provided by either the terminating device, the originating device, or the network. Some aspects of this can be controlled.

No Busy Tone on Inbound Call from Telephony (ISDN) to Cisco CallManager IP Phone, Cisco IOS Gateway, or Third-Party H.323 Device

You cannot hear busy tone on a call from PSTN through a gateway to a Cisco CallManager IP phone, Cisco IOS gateway, or third-party H.323 device when running either an application or two-stage dialing on the originating gateway.

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This can occur when the originating gateway is either running a voice application such as debit-card, or is running two-stage dialing. The latter refers to the calling party dialing the number to the gateway first, receiving the dial tone and then dialing the called party. In either case, the call has connected in terms of the PSTN network once it terminates on the originating gateway. If the IP call leg comes back with a release with the cause user-busy, the busy state cannot be indicated back towards the telephony session that is in connect state. This problem has been addressed by having the originating gateway generate a busy tone when the release from the IP call leg is received with a cause code of user busy. The telephony leg is released either by the calling party or by the gateway after several minutes, with the cause code of normal call clearing. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting No Busy Tone and No Announcement Messages on ISDN-VoIP (H.323) Calls, document 14066.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway Ringback

This section addresses call progress in-band related issues when you are interworking ISDN and H.323 signaling between VoIP and PSTN networks. Challenges arise when Cisco VoIP gateways exchange signaling capabilities with the telco switch. The following are common problem symptoms:

No Ringback Tone on VoIP Toll-Bypass CallsThis occurs when a POTS (PSTN/PBX) user places a call (through Cisco gateways) and does not hear ringback tone before the call is answered. No Ringback Tone on VoIP Inbound Calls to Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party VoIP Devices) Through Cisco IOS GatewayThis occurs when a POTS (PSTN/PBX) user places a call to an IP phone (through a Cisco gateway) and does not hear ringback tone before the call is answered. No Ringback Tone on VoIP Outbound Calls from Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party Device) Through Cisco IOS GatewayThis occurs when a user places a call from an IP phone or third-party device to an outside number through a Cisco gateway and does not hear ringback tone. No Ringback to PSTN When IP Phones Initiate a Call Transfer (Cisco CallManager or Cisco Unity Voice Mail)This occurs when an incoming call from a Cisco gateway that is transferred to Cisco CallManager or to Unity Voice Mail does not hear ringback.

No Ringback Tone on VoIP Toll-Bypass Calls


A POTS user (from the PSTN or a PBX) places a call through a Cisco gateway and does not hear ringback tone before the call is answered.
Problem Description

The call terminating switch is sending the ringback tone, and signals a PI=8 to the terminating Cisco gateway. The PI information is then forwarded to the originating gateway via an H.225 progress message. The originating gateway is unable to decode the progress message and does not cut through the backward audio path to permit the transmission of the ringback tones. Some common scenarios for this problem are as follows:

Terminating gateway running Cisco IOS software Release 12.1(5)T or later with originating gateway running Cisco IOS software Release 12.1T. The originating gateway does not understand the H.225 progress message and does not cut through the audio path until the connect message is received.

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Terminating Cisco gateway is connected to a CAS or analog interface and sends the PI information in an H.225 progress message to the originating gateway. The originating gateway is unable to decode the H.225 progress message. Third-party originating gateways and gatekeepers cannot properly parse H.225 progress messages. ISDN switch sends back inband ringback but Alert message does not contain a PI.


Try the following solutions:


Configure the Cisco IOS global configuration command voice call send-alert command in the terminating gateway. This command enables the terminating gateway to send an Alert message instead of a Progress message after it receives a call setup. If this command is unavailable or does not work, go to step 2. For more information on this command refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference, Release 12.3.

2. 3.

Upgrade the Cisco IOS software onthe originating gateway to a current Cisco IOS software release. If this does not work, go to step 3. Configure the terminating gateway to send a PI = 8 in the alert mes sage. Configure the command progress_ind alert enable 8 under the voice dial-peer # pots configuration. This command overrides the PI value received in ISDN alert message and causes the router to cut through the audio path back towards the calling party prior to connect. For more information on this command refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference, Release 12.3.


The progress_ind alert and the progress_ind setup commands are hidden in some versions of Cisco IOS and might not be visible within CLI help. However, if the progress_ind progress command is available in the help parser, the above commands are also available and can be entered into the dial peer in their entirety. These commands subsequently appear in the running configuration output.

No Ringback Tone on VoIP Inbound Calls to Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party VoIP Devices) Through Cisco IOS Gateway

A POTS user (on the PSTN or PBX) places a call to an IP phone through a Cisco gateway and does not hear ringback tone before the call is answered.
Problem Description

This commonly occurs when the inbound call does not come in to the Cisco gateway/ router with a PI=3. ISDN switches send a PI=3 in the setup message to inform the gateway that the originating call is non-ISDN and that in-band messages are expected.

Use one of the following solutions:

Configure the progress_ind setup enable 3 command when configuring the VoIP dial peer in the Cisco gateway. This command forces the gateway to treat the inbound ISDN setup message as if it came in with a PI = 3 generates an in-band ringback tone towards the calling party when the H.225 alert message does not contain a PI of 1, 2, or 8.

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For more information on this command refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference, Release 12.3.


The progress_ind alert and the progress_ind setup commands are hidden in some versions of Cisco IOS and might not be visible within CLI help. However, if the progress_ind progress command is available in the help parser, the above commands are also available and can be entered into the dial peer in their entirety. These commands subsequently appear in the running configuration. An alternative to the progress_ind setup command is the tone ringback alert-no-pi command in dial-peer voice configuration mode. This command causes the gateway to generate ringback towards the calling party if an alert is received on the IP call leg with no PI present. It differs from the progress_ind setup command in that the outbound H.225 setup message does not contain a PI of 3 with the tone ringback command. Some devices might not accept setup messages when a PI is included.

No Ringback Tone on VoIP Outbound Calls from Cisco CallManager (or Third-Party Device) Through Cisco IOS Gateway

A user makes an outbound call from a Cisco IP phone to the PSTN through a Cisco IOS gateway and does not hear ringback tone.
Problem Description

In this situation, the originating device expects in-band ringback tones, but either of the following might be happening:

The PSTN or switch is not providing the ringback tone. The Cisco IOS gateway is not cutting through the audio to the originating device.

If the PSTN is providing in-band ringback, but the Q.931 alert message is not providing a PI indicating that there is in-band information, the gateway does not cut through the audio until the call is connected.

Follow one of the solutions below:

Ringback tones must come from the PSTN for trunk circuits in this situation. There are two dial-peer subcommands which may help. On the Cisco IOS gateway under the outgoing POTS dial peer, configure the command progress_ind alert enable 8. This command presents the Q.931 alert message to the software on the gateway as if the alert message had a PI of 8 and cut through the audio path.


The progress_ind alert and the progress_ind setup commands are hidden in some versions of Cisco IOS and might not be visible within CLI help. However, if the progress_ind progress command is available in the help parser, the above commands are also be available and can be entered into the dial peer in their entirety. These commands subsequently appear in the running configuration.

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In Cisco IOS software releases 12.2(2)T and later, configure the command progress_ind setup enable 3 when configuring the POTS dial peer. This command causes the gateway to send a PI with a value of 3 in the ISDN setup message, indicating to the PSTN or PBX that the originating device is a non-ISDN device and in-band information should be presented. This command should be used with the command progress_ind alert enable 8. If the PSTN device, such as an ISDN phone directly connected to a BRI port on the gateway, is not able to generate ringback in-band, the gateway can be configured to generate ringback on the IP call leg. Configure the tone ringback alert-no-pi command when configuring the POTS dial peer. When the ISDN alert is received with no PI present, the gateway generates the ringback and includes PI=0x8 in the H.225 alert message.

No Ringback to PSTN When IP Phones Initiate a Call Transfer (Cisco CallManager or Cisco Unity Voice Mail)

When a call to an IP phone is answered and then transferred, the caller does not hear ringback. When the transferred call is answered, both parties are able to hear each other.
Problem Description

From the perspective of the Cisco IOS gateway, the call is completed once the call is answered by an IP phone through Cisco CallManager or Unity Voice Mail system. Any further progress tones (in case of a call transfer) should be generated by the terminating device. However, Cisco CallManager and Unity are not capable of generating the in-band progress tones.
Solution for Cisco CallManager 3.0

To solve this problem you can either check the following conditions, or configure the Cisco IOS gateway as an MGCP gateway, instead of an H.323 gateway.

You must have Cisco CallManager Release 3.0 (8) or higher. From the CallManager Administration page go to the Service menu and select Service Parameters. Perform the following steps for each active CallManager server:
In the Configured Services box, select Cisco CallManager. In the Param drop-down list box, select ToSendH225UserInfoMsg. Set the Value drop-down list box, to T for true. Upgrade the gateway to Cisco IOS Release 12.2 (2) or higher.

This problem is documented in DDTS software bug CSCds11354.


These fixes are valid for ringback tones, but not for other progress tones, such as busy signal. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting No Ringback Tone on ISDN-VoIP (H.323) Calls, document 22983.
Solution for Cisco CallManager 3.3 or Newer

To solve this problem for Cisco CallManager 3.3 or newer, perform the following steps:
Step 1

From the Cisco CallManager Administration page, go to the Service menu and select Service Parameters.

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Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Select the Cisco CallManager server from the drop down box. Select the system to modify from the drop down box. Make sure to select Cisco CallManager. From the Cisco CallManager Administration page go to the Service menu and select Service Parameters. From the drop-down box, select the server you wish to change. In the second drop-down box, select the service:Cisco CallManager. In the Cluster Wide Parameters ( Device - H323) section, under the Send H25User Info Message selection, verify that the box for No Ringback is not checked and the box for User Infro for Ring Back Tone is checked.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gateway One-Way or No Audio

One-way audio and no audio are problems that are fairly common during a new VoIP network installation. Most of these problems are caused by misconfigurations. This section addresses some of the common issues that are known to result in IP telephony one-way audio conversations involving Cisco gateways. This section provides scenarios and solutions to the following problems:

On a phone call from an IP station through a Cisco IOS voice gateway, only one party receives audio (one-way communication). On a toll-bypass call between two Cisco gateways, only one party receives audio (one-way communication).

The causes for one-way audio or no audio in IP telephony can be varied, however the root of the problem is usually related to IP routing issues. For one-way audio, pay attention to which direction is experiencing the audio loss. Check the following topics if you are experiencing this issue:

Ensuring IP Routing Is Enabled on Cisco IOS Gateways, page 338 Checking Basic IP Routing, page 339 Binding the H.323 Signaling to a Specific IP Address, page 339 Checking That Answer Supervision Is Being Sent and Received Correctly From the Telco or Switch, page 340 Using the voice rtp send-recv Command to Establish Early Two-Way Audio, page 340 Checking cRTP Settings on a Link-by-Link Basis, page 340 Verifying Minimum Software Level for NAT on Cisco IOS Gateways, page 341 Disabling voice-fastpath on Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways, page 341 Configurinng the VPN IP Address with SoftPhone, page 341 Verifying One-Way Audio, page 342

Ensuring IP Routing Is Enabled on Cisco IOS Gateways

Some Cisco IOS gateways, such as the VG200, have IP routing disabled by default. This leads to one-way voice problems. To enable IP routing, simply type the following global configuration command in your Cisco IOS gateway:

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Router(config)#ip routing

Checking Basic IP Routing

Basic IP reachability should always be checked first. Because Real-Time Protocol (RTP) streams are connectionless (transported over UDP), traffic might travel successfully in one direction, but get lost in the opposite direction. Once a call is established, an RTP stream carrying audio needs to flow in both directions between the endpoints. It could be that subnet A can be reached from subnet B, but subnet B cannot be reached from subnet A, so the audio stream from A to B always gets lost. This is a basic routing issue, so use IP routing troubleshooting methods to get to the stage at which you can successfully ping phone A from gateway B. Bear in mind that ping is a bidirectional verification. Check the following IP routing issues:

Default gateways configured at the end stations IP routes on the default gateways, mentioned above, leading to the destination networks

Verify the default gateway configuration on various Cisco IP phones:

Cisco IP Phone 7910Press Settings, select option 6, push volume down until the Default Router field shows up. Cisco IP Phone 7960/40Press Settings, select option 3, scroll down until the Default Router field shows up. Cisco IP Phone 2sp+/30vipPress **#, then press # until gtwy= shows up.


If you are using the Cisco IP SoftPhone application and more than one NIC (network interface card) is installed in the box, make sure the box sources the correct NIC. This issue is often present in IP SoftPhone software Version 1.1.x.


If you are using Cisco DT24+ gateways, check the DHCP scope and make sure there is a default gateway (003 router) option in the scope. The 003 router parameter is what populates the Default Gateway field in the devices and PCs. Scope option 3 should have the IP address of the router interface that is doing routing for the gateway.

Binding the H.323 Signaling to a Specific IP Address

When the Cisco IOS gateway has multiple active IP interfaces, some of the H.323 signaling might be sourced from one IP address and other parts of it might reference different source addresses. This can generate various kinds of problems, one of them being one-way audio. To get around this problem, the H.323 signaling can be bound to a specific source address, which can belong to a physical or virtual interface (loopback). The command syntax to use under interface configuration mode is h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ip_address. Configure this command under the interface by using the IP address that Cisco CallManager points to.

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A bug exists in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(6) where this solution can actually cause a one-way audio problem. For more information, refer to bug ID CSCdw69681 in Cisco Software Bug Toolkit (registered customers only).

Checking That Answer Supervision Is Being Sent and Received Correctly From the Telco or Switch
In an implementation that has a Cisco IOS gateway connected to a telco or switch, verify that answer supervision is being sent correctly when the called device answers the call from behind the switch. Failure to receive answer supervision causes the Cisco IOS gateway to fail cut through (open) the audio path in a forward direction, causing a one-way voice. A workaround is to configure voice rtp send-recv on. For more information, see the next section, Using the voice rtp send-recv Command to Establish Early Two-Way Audio.

Using the voice rtp send-recv Command to Establish Early Two-Way Audio
The voice path is established in the backward direction as soon as the RTP stream is started. The forward audio path is not cut through until the Cisco IOS gateway receives a connect message from the remote end. In some cases it is necessary to establish a two-way audio path as soon as the RTP channel is opened, before the connect message is received. To achieve this, use the voice rtp send-recv global configuration command.

Checking cRTP Settings on a Link-by-Link Basis

This issue applies to scenarios, such as toll-bypass, where more than one Cisco IOS gateway is involved in the voice path and compressed RTP (cRTP) is used. cRTP, or RTP header compression, is a method for making the VoIP packet headers smaller to regain bandwidth. cRTP takes the 40-byte IP/UDP/RTP header on a VoIP packet and compresses it to 24 bytes per packet, yielding approximately 12 KB of bandwidth for a G.729 encoded call with cRTP. For more information on cRTP, refer to Voice Over IP Per Call Bandwidth Consumption, document ID 7934. cRTP is done on a hop-by-hop basis with decompression and recompression on every hop. Each packet header needs to be examined for routing, therefore cRTP needs to be enabled on both sides of an IP link. It is also important to verify that cRTP is working as expected on both ends of the link. Cisco IOS levels vary in terms of switching paths and concurrent cRTP support. In summary, the history of cRTP support on Cisco IOS is:

Until Cisco IOS software Release 12.0.5T, cRTP is process-switched. In Cisco IOS software Release 12.0(7)T through Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)T, fast- and Cisco-express forwarding (CEF)-switching support for cRTP are introduced. In Cisco IOS software Release 12.1(2)T, algorithmic performance improvements are introduced.

If you are running cRTP using Cisco IOS Release 12.1, verify that bug CSCds08210 does not affect your Cisco IOS version (VoIP and fax not working with RTP header compression on).

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Verifying Minimum Software Level for NAT on Cisco IOS Gateways

If you are using Network Address Translation (NAT), the minimum software level requirements must be met. Earlier versions of NAT do not support skinny protocol translation and leads to one-way voice issues. The minimum software levels required for using NAT and skinny simultaneously are Cisco IOS Software 12.1(5)T for IOS gateways to support skinny and H.323v2 with NAT.


If your Cisco CallManager is using a TCP port for skinny signaling different from the default port (2000), you need to adjust the NAT router with the ip nat service skinny tcp port number global configuration command. The minimum software level required for using NAT and skinny simultaneously on a PIX firewall is Release 6.0.


These levels of software do not necessarily support all of the RAS messages necessary for full gatekeeper support. Gatekeeper support is outside the scope of this document.

Disabling voice-fastpath on Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateways

The Cisco IOS command voice-fastpath enable is a hidden global configuration command for the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400. This command is enabled by default. To disable it, use the no voice-fastpath enable global configuration command. When enabled, this command caches the IP address and UDP port number information for the logical channel opened for a specific call and prevents the RTP stream from getting to the application layer, but rather forwards the packets at a lower layer, which helps reduce CPU utilization marginally in high call volume scenarios. When supplementary services, such as hold or transfer are used, the voice-fastpath command causes the router to stream the audio to the cached IP address and UDP port, disregarding the new logical channel information generated after a call on hold is resumed or a transfer is completed. To get around this problem, traffic should go to the application layer constantly so that redefinition of the logical channel is taken into account and audio is streamed to the new IP address/UDP port pair. That is why you should disable voice-fastpath to support supplementary services.

Configurinng the VPN IP Address with SoftPhone

Cisco IP SoftPhone enables you to make a PC work like a Cisco IP Phone 7900 Series phone. Remote users who connect back to their company network through VPN need to configure some additional settings in order to avoid a one-way voice problem. This is a result of the media stream needing to have the endpoint of the connection specified. The solution is to configure the VPN IP address, instead of the IP address of the network adapter, under the Network Audio Settings.

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Verifying One-Way Audio

A useful command to verify packet flow is debug cch323 rtp. This command displays packets transmitted (X) and received (R) by the router. An uppercase character indicates successful transmission/reception, and a lowercase character indicates a dropped packet.
Router# debug cch323 rtp RTP packet tracing is enabled Router# !--!--!--!--!--This is an unanswered outgoing call. Notice that voice path only cuts through in forward direction and that packets are dropped. Indeed, received packets are traffic from the IP phone to the PSTN phone. These will be dropped until the call is answered.


Using the Test Call Feature to Verify Voice Path

The Test Call feature provides the ability for a remote station or gateway to establish a call to any destination address from a Test Call station located at a network operations center and to audibly verify the voice path:

The system administrator can manually place a specific CIC on the target TG in test mode. The TCL script in OGW can specify a destination CIC or DS0 number.

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This circuit number can then be carried to the terminating gateway. The TGW can override any local circuit selection configured and use the specified circuit number for the outgoing call.

Information About the Test Call Feature

This section provides summary information about the test call feature. This section also describes some of the restrictions and limitations that should be taken into account when you are enabling and activating the test call feature.

Route Server

The administrator can configure parameters, termination trunk group, and destination gateway IP address in the route server. The route server detects this test call by the Test Call source trunk group label, bypasses the normal routing logic, and routes the call directly to a specified trunk group based on the configured destination (gateway IP address plus trunk group label). All trunk group members (GW IP address plus trunk group label) in a trunk group will be displayed in the route server routing hierarchy and the test call person can select any trunk requisite. The group member can be specified as the destination so that the test call can be routed to a specific destination trunk group label on a specific gateway. A test call syslog is generated in the route server. This syslog covers the route information (incoming carrier ID/trunk group ID/trunk group number, outgoing carrier ID/trunk group ID/trunk group number), the IP address of the destination gateway, and the called number, and can be browsed from its GUI web. Because the ARQ message sent from the test station OGW will not have any GTD payload, the route server builds a GTD if the Termination trunk group is ISDN/ISUP/R2. The route server also sends the same format of the currently used route descriptor to the test station OGW.

TCL Script

TCL scripts in the OGW send the route descriptor to the mediation server for accounting purposes. TCL scripts in the OGW override the GTD CPC value received from the route server with the configured value. The configured value may be changed using the application, service, and paramspace command structure shown in the Sample Tasks section on page 346.

TCL scripts in the OGW insert the termination CIC port number in the outgoing H225 Setup message. The TCL script in the OGW handles two-stage calls. If the call is originated from the test call trunk group, the TCL script in the OGW parses the dialed digits to identify the delimiter and split the dialed digits to the E164 number and CIC number.


Test-mode status maintained within the gateway is reset if any interface is added or removed from the trunk group. If the DS0 is placed in test mode, it is not selected for nontest calls. The system administrator must reset the DS0 from the test mode.

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The test mode configuration is not saved for reloads. Once the gateway reloads, the test mode configuration is lost. The administrator has to place the CIC in test mode again to place a test call.

Test Mode Limitations

In some SS7 networks, the signaling on the terminating switch can override the local channel selection. In such cases, there is no guarantee that the test call will be placed on that specified channel. The number of the DS0 or CIC in test-mode status does not affect the call capacity update to the H323 client. When a DS0 or channel is placed in test-mode, the trunk group circuit selection algorithm avoids using the channel for outgoing nontest calls. But if call routing on the gateway is not based on the trunk group or carrier-ID, then this channel may be used. Similarly, the DS0 or channel is not guaranteed to be reserved if the gateway supports hybrid routing (some calls are based on the trunk group or carrier-ID routing and some calls not) Placing a DS0 or channel in test mode would only guarantee that no new outgoing calls will be placed on the DS0 in the trunk. However, no control is exercised on existing calls or incoming calls in that channel. To clear the existing call through the channel (if desired), enter this command: clear call voice causecode cause id callID

All incoming calls through the channel in test mode will not be rejected. It is up to the terminating switch to correspondingly place the channel in test mode and avoid sending calls through this channel.

Feature Limitations

The Test Call feature allows the Tcl script in the OGW to send the CIC number for Test Call to the TGW. If the corresponding DS0 is not placed in test mode, the trunk selection API would make a best-effort attempt to select the corresponding CIC or DS0 number if it is free and would continue with the test call setup. The CIC number is carried in H225 Setup message H323 V4 field. Thus this feature would work only in H323v4 networks, The test call feature is not supported in SIP and H323 v2 networks.

Test Call Command-Line Interface

To enable the test call feature, use a new CLI to place specific CIC or DS0s of a trunk group in test mode. The normal circuit selection algorithm would not select this DS0 or CIC number for nontest calls.
gateway# test trunkgroup tg-label [set-tgCic | reset-tgCic] cic-number [cpc test cpc value]

In the syntax, the set-tgCic keyword is used to set the test mode, and the reset-tgCic is used to reset from test mode. To display the mapping of trunk groups to sequential CIC numbers, use the modified show trunk group command. A new keyword cic has been added:
gateway# show trunk group tg-label [cic]

In the syntax, the new cic keyword displays the mapping of trunk group DS0 numbers to sequential CIC numbers. A sample output follows:
gateway# show trunk group 1 cic

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trunk group: 1 Description: trunk group label: 1

Se3/0:23 Timeslot cic Timeslot cic 1 1 13 13 2 2 14 14 3 3 15 15 4 4 16 16 5 5 17 17 6 6 18 18 7 7 19 19 8 8 20 20 9 9 21 21 10 10 22 22 11 11 23 23 12 12 24 24

Se5/1:23 Timeslot cic Timeslot cic 1 25 13 37 2 26 14 38 3 27 15 39 4 28 16 40 5 29 17 41 6 30 18 42 7 31 19 43 8 32 20 44 9 33 21 45 10 34 22 46 11 35 23 47 12 36 24 48

gateway# show trunk group trunk group: 1 Description: trunk group label: 1 Translation profile (Incoming): Translation profile (Outgoing): Hunt Scheme is least-used Max Calls (Incoming): NOT-SET (Any) Max Calls (Outgoing): NOT-SET (Any) Retries: 0 Trunk Se3/0:23 Preference DEFAULT Member Timeslots : 1-24 Total channels available : Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem Trunk Se5/1:23 Preference DEFAULT Member Timeslots : 1-24 Total channels available : Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem Test mode = 1 Testmode Timeslot(s) : 19

50 (Voice) 50 (Voice)

NOT-SET (Data) NOT-SET (Data)

12 = 0, Pending = 0, Free = 12

23 = 0, Pending = 0, Free = 23 <---- new <---- new

Total calls for trunk group: Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem = 0 Pend = 0, Free = 35 advertise_flag 0x00000040, capacity timer 25 sec tripl_config_mask 0x00000000 AC_curr 35, FD_curr 0, SD_curr 0 succ_curr 7 tot_curr 7 succ_report 7 tot_report 7 changed 1 replacement position 0

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Sample Tasks
The following is a sample set of tasks, showing the existing and new or modified CLI that enables the test call feature. This sample is provided for reference purposes only.
Originating Analog Gateway Configuration
Step 1

Trunk group configuration:

! trunk group 41001 max-retry 1 hunt-scheme sequential both up !

Step 2

Add trunk group to analog voice port (FXS):

voice-port 1/0/0 trunk-group 41001 !

Step 3

Application with kyuss script configuration:

application service mkyuss flash:app_kyuss.3_0_1.tcl paramspace english language en paramspace english index 1 paramspace english location tftp://<tftp-server-ip>/prompts/en paramspace english prefix en param test_call_CPC 10 param test_call_src_tg 41001 !

Step 4

Dial-peer configuration:
dial-peer voice 1025 pots trunkgroup 41001 service mkyuss destination-pattern 2015550100 trunk-group-label source 41001 dial-peer voice 1000 voip destination-pattern 2015550... session target ras incoming called-number 2015551... dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric codec g711ulaw no vad

======= Terminating side ===============

Step 1

Gateway configuration:

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trunk group 41001 max-retry 1 hunt-scheme sequential both up ! ! ! controller E1 3/0 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type e&m-immediate-start cas-custom 0 trunk-group 41001 ! dial-peer voice 1025 pots trunkgroup 41001 service mkyuss destination-pattern 2015550100 ! dial-peer voice 1000 voip destination-pattern 2015550... session target ras incoming called-number 2015551... dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric codec g711ulaw no vad

Step 2

Put terminating CIC in test mode:

test trunkgroup 41001 reset_tgCic 21 cpc 10

Step 3

Dial destination phone number:

Dialed string from orig gw analog phone : <dest_phone_num>*<cic>#

Troubleshooting Gatekeepers
An H.323 gatekeeper is an H.323 entity on the LAN that provides address translation and controls access to the LAN for H.323 terminals, gateways, and MCUs. Gatekeepers are optional nodes that manage endpoints in an H.323 network. The endpoints communicate with the gatekeeper using the RAS protocol. Endpoints attempt to register with a gatekeeper on startup. When an endpoint wishes to communicate with another endpoint, it requests admission to initiate a call using a symbolic alias for the endpoint, such as an E.164 address or an e-mail address. If the gatekeeper decides that the call can proceed, it returns a destination IP address to the originating endpoint. This IP address might not be the actual address of the destination endpoint; it might be an intermediate address, such as the address of a proxy or a gatekeeper that routes call signaling.


Although the gatekeeper is an optional H.323 component, it must be included in the network if proxies are used. The following topics are addressed:

Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Registration, page 348

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Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Call Routing and Dial Peers, page 352 Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Bandwidth, page 353 Checking Cisco Gateway Failover to Alternate Gatekeeper, page 356 Troubleshooting Issues with Alternate Endpoints, page 358 Troubleshooting Gatekeeper Endpoint Call Admission Issues, page 359 Troubleshoot Load Balancing, page 365 Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security, page 365

For more information about H.323 gatekeepers, refer to Understanding H.323 Gatekeepers, document 5244.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Registration

Some of the common issues that are known to result in endpoints not registering with Cisco gatekeepers are described in the following section. This section also explains how to check if the endpoints or gateways are registered with the gatekeeper and suggests some debug commands for troubleshooting the issue. It is assumed here that the reader understands the basic concept of Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) signaling and the functionality of the Cisco gatekeeper. When you use a Cisco gatekeeper to route a call between Cisco gateways, the gateways do not register with the gatekeeper.

Related Commands
This section describes some show and debug commands to assist you while troubleshooting the issue.

show gatekeeper endpoint

Use the show gatekeeper endpoints command to verify the endpoints registration status to the gatekeeper. The following example shows normal output of this command if an endpoint is registered.
gatekeeper# show gatekeeper endpoint GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type Flags -------------- ----- ------------- ---- --------- ---- ---- 1720 50890 gk VOIP-GW E164-ID: 2073418 E164-ID: 5251212 H323-ID: Router Total number of active registrations = 1

The following example shows normal output of this command if an endpoint is not registered.
gatekeeper# show gatekeeper endpoint GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type Flags -------------- ----- ------------- ---- --------- ---- ----Total number of active registrations = 0

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show gateway
Use this gateway command to verify the registration status of the gateway to a gatekeeper. The following example shows the common output of this command if the gateway is registered to a gatekeeper.
Router# show gateway Gateway Router/ww is registered to Gatekeeper gk Alias list (CLI configured) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router Alias list (last RCF) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router H323 resource thresholding is Disabled

The following example shows the common output of this command if the gateway is not registered to a gatekeeper.
Router#show gateway Gateway Router is not registered to any gatekeeper Alias list (CLI configured) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router/ww Alias list (last RCF) H323 resource thresholding is Disabled

debug h225 asn1

This is a gatekeeper and gateway debug command. In this document, we are looking only for the registration reject (RRJ) field and searching for the rejection reason. The following examples show the RRJ field output.
Output from Gateway
*Mar 8 06:03:53.629: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= registrationReject : { requestSeqNum 2829 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason securityDenial : NULL gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk"} }

Output from Gatekeeper

*Mar 1 06:49:32.699: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= registrationReject : { requestSeqNum 3055 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason securityDenial : NULL gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk"} }

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Reject Reasons
When a gatekeeper is not performing registration correctly, reject reasons (RRJs) can appear in debug commands. This section describes some common reject reasons. Before running the debugs, verify that the gatekeeper is enabled:
gatekeeper zone local gk cisco.com no shutdown

The gateway is not registered if there are no debug ras and debug h225 ans1 outputs from the gateway. The show gatekeeper endpoint and show gateway commands indicate that no gateway is registered. Check the gateway for the following:

The gateway command is enabled:

Router(config)# gateway

At least one dial-peer voice <tag> voip is configured.

RRJ: rejectReason duplicateAlias

The following output from the debug h225 asn1 command shows a registration reject reason of duplicateAlias.
RAS INCOMING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= registrationReject : { requestSeqNum 24 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason duplicateAlias: { } gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk"} }

This is usually the result of the gateway registering a duplicate of an E164-ID or H323-IDanother gateway has already been registered to the gatekeeper. If it is a duplicated E164-ID, change the destination pattern configured under a POTS dial-peer associated with an FXS port. If it is a duplicated H323-ID, change the gateway's H.323 ID under the H.323 VoIP interface.

RRJ: rejectReason terminalExcluded

*Mar 1 09:48:09.553: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= gatekeeperReject : { requestSeqNum 3421 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason terminalExcluded : NULL }

This is the result of the gateway subnet being disabled in the gatekeeper. Check the gatekeeper configuration. The following configuration likely appears. If so, removing the no zone subnet gk command resolves the issue. To remove the command completely, remove the zone local gk command.
gatekeeper zone local gk cisco.com no zone subnet gk enable

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zone prefix gk 5* gw-type-prefix 510#* default-technology no shutdown

RRJ: rejectReason securityDenial

*Mar 1 09:54:32.372: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= registrationReject : { requestSeqNum 3010 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason securityDenial : NULL gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk"} }

This RRJ is the result of the security commands being enabled in the gatekeeper, and the inability of the gateway to match the H.323-ID, E.164-ID, passwords, or security token that the gatekeeper requires. To resolve the issue, check the securiy configuration in the gatekeeper. For further information on security, refer to Understanding H.323 Gatekeepers, document 5244. If the security h323-id command is enabled, make sure the gatekeeper has been configured as follows:
username Router password 0 ww gatekeeper zone local gk cisco.com no zone subnet gk enable zone prefix gk 5* security h323-id security password separator / gw-type-prefix 510#* default-technology no shutdown

Also, make sure the gateway has been configured as follows:

interface Ethernet0/0 ip address half-duplex h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id gk ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id Router/ww


Make sure the gateway does not have the following command configured:
gateway security password 010411 level endpoint

If security E164 is enabled, make sure the gatekeeper has been configured as follows:
username 5551212 - E164 address the gateway tries to registered to gatekeeper gatekeeper zone local gk cisco.com no zone subnet gk enable zone prefix gk 5* security E164 gw-type-prefix 510#* default-technology no shutdown

If security token is enabled, make sure the gatekeeper has been configured as follows:

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gatekeeper zone local gk cisco.com no zone subnet gk enable zone prefix gk 5* security token required-for registration gw-type-prefix 510#* default-technology no shutdown

Also, make sure the gateway has the following configuration:

gateway security password 010411 level endpoint


Make sure the gatekeeper has been configured properly with the AAA and RADIUS, and that both the gatekeeper and gateway are pointing to the same NTP server.

RRJ: rejectReason invalidAlias

*Mar 1 22:03:28.929: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= registrationReject : { requestSeqNum 2994 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 3 } rejectReason invalidAlias : NULL gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk-A"} }

The RRJ is the result of a no-zone prefix defined in the gatekeeper. Check the configuration on the gatekeeper and add the zone prefix with the proper E.164 address. You should check the following Cisco IOS defects in CSCdu78917. Configure the gatekeeper as follows:
! gatekeeper zone local gk-A cisco.com zone prefix gk-A 2000* zone prefix gk-A 3000* zone prefix gk-A 4000* no shutdown !

For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Gatekeeper Registration Issues, document 22378.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Call Routing and Dial Peers

Cisco gatekeepers are used to group gateways into logical zones and perform call routing between them. Gateways are responsible for edge routing decisions between the PSTN and the H.323 network. Cisco gatekeepers handle the core call routing among devices in the H.323 network and provide centralized dial plan admistration. Without a Cisco gatekeeper, explicit IP addresses for each terminating gateway would have to be configured at the originating gateway and matched to a VoIP dial peer. With a Cisco gatekeeper, gateways query the gatekeeper when trying to establish VoIP calls with remote VoIP gateways. For example, when presented with a call, the gateway determines whether to send it to the telephony leg or to the IP leg according to its dial plan. In the case of the IP leg, the gateway queries the Cisco gatekeeper to select the best endpoint. The Cisco gatekeeper determines if the called endpoint is within its local zone or is located at a remote zone controlled by a remote Cisco gatekeeper.

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The following is a list of useful show and debug commands used to verify and troubleshoot gatekeeper and gateway call routing issues. Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter (registered customers only) tool, which allows you to view an analysis of show command output.

show gatewayUsed to verify E.164 and H.323 alias registration for the gateway show gatekeeper endpointsUsed to verify the E.164 and H.323 alias registered with the gatekeeper show gatekeeper gw-type-prefixUsed to verify E.164 prefix registrations on the gatekeeper show gatekeeper zone prefix | statusUsed to verify zone status and configuration parameters debug rasApplicable for gateways and gatekeepers debug debug h225 asn1Applicable for gateways and gatekeepers show dial-peer voiceUsed to verify configured technology prefixes under the dial-peers

For detailed information about troubleshooting gateway dial peer issues, refer to Understanding Cisco IOS Gatekeeper Call Routing, document 24462.

Troubleshooting H.323 Gatekeeper Bandwidth

According to the H.323 recommendation, Cisco IOS gatekeepers should support the following H.225 RAS bandwidth management messages:

Bandwidth Request (BRQ) Bandwidth Rejection (BRJ) Bandwidth Confirmation (BCF)


Cisco has implemented only the function of reporting any bandwidth changes when codecs change. See the How BRQ Is Triggered from the Gateway to Notify the Gatekeeper to Reduce Call Bandwidth section on page 356 for more information. The need to support these messages is based on bandwidth management. The gatekeepers can also use a null function that accepts all requests for bandwidth changes. In other words, the gatekeeper can either use these messages to manage bandwidth (by allowing or rejecting requests) or just ignore them.

Bandwidth Management Operation Overview

The Cisco gatekeeper might reject calls from a terminal due to bandwidth limitations. This can occur if the gatekeeper determines that there is not sufficient bandwidth available on the network to support the call. Bandwidth determination also operates during an active call when a terminal requests additional bandwidth or reports a change in bandwidth used for the call. The Cisco gatekeeper maintains a record of all active calls so that it can manage the bandwidth resources in its zone. In a cluster configuration, the Gatekeeper Update Protocol (GUP) announcement indication message is exchanged at set intervals and carries information about the bandwidth utilization for the zone. This GUP message exchange allows the alternate gatekeepers to properly manage the bandwidth for a single zone, even though the gatekeepers are in separate physical devices. When deciding whether there is enough bandwidth to accept a call Admission Request (ARQ), the Cisco gatekeeper calculates the available bandwidth with the following formula:

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Available bandwidth = (total allocated bandwidth) (bandwidth used locally) (bandwidth used by all alternates). If the available bandwidth is sufficient for the call, an Admission Confirmation (ACF) is returned, otherwise an Admission Rejection (ARJ) is returned. Voice gateways should consider codec, Layer 2 encapsulation, and compression features (such as cRTP) when requesting bandwidth from the Cisco gatekeeper. Sometimes these features are not defined at the time of call setup, in which case a bandwidth change request can be issued to the gatekeeper after call setup to adjust the amount of bandwidth used by the call.

Configuring the Bandwidth Management Feature on the Cisco Gatekeeper

The following types of zone bandwidth limitations can be configured on the Cisco gatekeeper:

The maximum bandwidth for all H.323 traffic between the local zone and a specified remote zone. (If desired, this configuration can be repeated individually for each remote zone.) The maximum bandwidth allowed for a single session in the local zone (typically used for video applications, not for voice). The maximum bandwidth for all H.323 traffic allowed collectively to all remote zones.

To configure Cisco gatekeeper zone bandwidth, use the following commands:

bandwidth {interzone | total | session} {default | zone zone-name} max-bandwidth bandwidth remote max-bandwidth

These configured values are used for processing ARQs and BRQs. For an ARQ, the Cisco gatekeeper deducts the bandwidth specified in the message from the appropriate zone counters and/or remote counters. If this causes any counter to go negative, then the call is denied and an ARJ response is sent with the reason ARJ_REQ_DENIED. If the request is for a zone that has a maximum session bandwidth specified, then the request is validated against this value. If the call request exceeds this bandwidth, then the Cisco gatekeeper returns an ACF with the bandwidth set to the maximum session bandwidth. It is up the endpoint to continue or reject the call. For a BRQ requesting a bandwidth increase, the Cisco gatekeeper validates the request against the zone and/or remote. If the validation fails, then a BRJ response is sent with a reason of BRJ_INSUFFICIENT_RSC and a specification of the maximum amount of bandwidth allowed.

Using Gatekeeper show Commands to Display Bandwidth Information

Enter the show gatekeeper zone status command to display the bandwidth information for all zones.
Router# show gatekeeper zone status GATEKEEPER ZONES ================ GK name Domain Name RAS Address ---------------------------

PORT FLAGS ----- -----

Router domainB.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : 512 Current total bandwidth : 128 Current total bandwidth (w/ Alt GKs) : 128 Maximum interzone bandwidth : 512 Current interzone bandwidth : 128 Current interzone bandwidth (w/ Alt GKs) : 128 Maximum session bandwidth : 512 SUBNET ATTRIBUTES :

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All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone Router : use proxy to gateways in local zone Router : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone Router : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone Router : use proxy from gateways in local zone Router : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone Router : do not use proxy gka-1 domainA.com 1719 RS

Enter the show gatekeeper zone cluster command to display the bandwidth information, in case the gatekeeper is part of a cluster.
Router# show gatekeeper zone cluster LOCAL CLUSTER INFORMATION ========================= TOT BW INT BW LOCAL GK NAME ALT GK NAME PRI (kbps) (kbps) ------------- ------------- ----------Router gkb-2 0 0 0

REM BW (kbps) -----0

LAST ANNOUNCE -------22s


Enter the show gatekeeper calls command to display the active calls permitted by that gatekeeper and how much bandwidth each call is using.
Router# show gatekeeper calls Total number of active calls = 1. GATEKEEPER CALL INFO ==================== LocalCallID Age(secs) BW 3-63466 9 128(Kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr src EP: gwa-1 4085272923 Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr dst EP: gwb-1 3653 CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port 1720 54670

Bandwidth-Related RAS Messages (BRQ, BCF, and BRJ)

The BRQ message is used to request a change in bandwidth from the Cisco gatekeeper. The procedure is as follows:
1. 2. 3.

The Cisco gatekeeper verifies the request by the endpointIdentifier to locate the endpoint in the registration database. The Cisco gatekeeper locates the call record by using the callReferenceValue to find a call associated with the endpoint with the same callReferenceValue. If the gatekeeper locates the call record, it then computes the change in bandwidth, then adds or subtracts from the global zone bandwidth, as necessary. It does the same for any proxy or gateway resources in use. The Cisco gatekeeper sends a BCF or BRJ back to the endpoint, depending on success or failure.


RAS Messages Used to Report Bandwidth Status

The Information Request Response (IRR) Non-Standard Data field also carries information about the currently used bandwidth on a gateway or proxy.

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How BRQ Is Triggered from the Gateway to Notify the Gatekeeper to Reduce Call Bandwidth
With unidirectional bandwidth, calls were always reported to require a bandwidth of 64 kbps, which is the unidirectional bandwidth for a Cisco G.711 codec. If the endpoints in the call chose to use a more efficient codec, this was not reported to the Cisco gatekeeper. In the version of the Cisco H.323 gateway in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XA or later (which conforms with H.323 version 3), the reported bandwidth is bidirectional. Initially, 128 kbps is reserved. If the endpoints in the call select a more efficient codec, the Cisco gatekeeper is notified of the bandwidth change. To use the reported bandwidth behavior used prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XA for zone bandwidth management, configure the Cisco H.323 gateway with the following command in global configuration mode:
Router(config-gateway)# emulate cisco h323 bandwidth }

For more information about gatekeeper bandwidth management, refer to Troubleshooting and Understanding Cisco Gatekeeper Bandwidth Management, document 18731.

Checking Cisco Gateway Failover to Alternate Gatekeeper

Prior to Cisco H.323 version 2, each zone was only controlled by only a single gatekeeper. Cisco H.323 version 2 introduces the alternate gatekeeper to provide gatekeeper redundancy. Implementing the alternate gatekeeper feature allows multiple gatekeepers to control one zone. When an endpoint registers with a gatekeeper, it is provided with a list of alternate gatekeepers for the zone in which the endpoint registers, and for which alternates were specified using the CLI. If the gatekeeper fails, the endpoint may use the alternate gatekeepers in order to continue operation. The alternate gatekeeper list is provided to the Cisco gatekeeper through the CLI for each zone and is transmitted to endpoints through the RCF (including lightweight) and GRQ messages. This list might also be transmitted in other messages, such as ARJ or URQ, to facilitate a controlled gatekeeper shutdown. Alternate gatekeepers learn about existing calls through an Interrupt Request (IRQ) and Information Request Response (IRR) exchange between the gateways and the gatekeepers, and they keep track of these calls. An endpoint that detects the failure of its gatekeeper can safely recover from that failure by utilizing an alternate gatekeeper for future requests, including requests for existing calls. Alternate gatekeepers have to be configured in a cluster. They share the information about the endpoints and active calls using the GUP that runs on TCP. By default, Cisco gateways send a lightweight RRQ every 45 seconds. In case the gatekeeper did not send any URQ to the gateway (due to a broken routing issue, for example), the gateway (upon not hearing an RCF or RRJ for its lightweight RRQ) tries twice with 5 seconds between attempts. If the third attempt fails, the gateway immediately considers the gatekeeper dead and registers with the alternate gatekeeper using RRQ. In a scenario where the gateway starts the initial registration process with the gatekeeper, it sends out the GRQ to locate the gatekeeper IP address. If there is a GCF reply, the gateway sends the RRQ to the primary gatekeeper specified. If for any reason the gatekeeper rejects the registration request, the gateway does not try to contact its alternate gatekeeper. It starts this process (GRQ, GCF, and RRQ) over again with the primary gatekeeper. The gateway contacts the alternate gatekeeper only when the connectivity to the primary gatekeeper is lost and there is no reply. If the primary gatekeeper does not reply to the GRQ message when the gateway first sends it out to discover the gatekeeper, then after three failed attempts (approximately 5 minutes per attempt), the gateway contacts the alternate gatekeeper. In a situation where the primary gatekeeper goes

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down after the gateway has registered with it, the gateway loses keepalive messages from the primary gatekeeper. After missing three consecutive keepalive messages, the gateway declares the primary gatekeeper down, and it starts the registration process again.

Gatekeeper Update Protocol

Here are some major GUP considerations that should also help with troubleshooting.

Once a gatekeeper that is configured to be part of a cluster comes on line, it opens a TCP port for listening for incoming connections for the GUP. Then it announces its presence by sending a GRQ message on a periodic basis. The default period is 30 seconds and is configurable through the gatekeeper CLI timer cluster-element announce command. This GRQ message contains nonstandard data for each alternate gatekeeper. This nonstandard data is an indicator to the alternates that the GRQ is really not a GRQ at all, but rather is just an announcement message. Inside the GRQ message, the gatekeeper indicates the port number that it has open for listening for the GUP protocol. Upon receiving a GRQ from the new gatekeeper, other gatekeepers in the cluster open TCP channels to that port. GUP GRQ messages can be one of the following: announcementIndication, announcementReject, registrationIndication, unregistrationIndication, and resourceIndication. The announcement indication also carries information about the bandwidth utilization for the zone. This allows the alternate gatekeepers to properly manage the bandwidth for a single zone, even though the gatekeepers are in separate physical devices. To verify whether the alternate gatekeepers are properly communicating or not, use the flowing show gatekeeper zone cluster command. This command also reports the bandwidth information for the alternate gatekeepers. The gatekeeper acts as if the alternate gatekeeper has failed (and assumes any previously allocated bandwidth is now available), if the gatekeeper does not receive an announcement message within six announcement periods, or if the TCP connection with the gatekeeper is detected as broken. With six announcement periods every 30 seconds, the time is 3 minutes, which equates to what we are assuming to be the average length of a call. It should then be fairly safe to assume that bandwidth has been freed. After the 3 minutes, this gatekeeper declares its alternate as down and sends out an update to notify all of its registered endpoints that there is no alternate gatekeeper. When an endpoint registers/unregisters with a gatekeeper in a cluster, that gatekeeper uses the registrationIndication/unregistrationIndication message to update all other gatekeepers in that cluster about this change. If an endpoint reported a resource change using resource availability indicator (RAI) to a gatekeeper in a cluster, that gatekeeper reports the change to all alternate gatekeepers in that cluster by using the GUP message resourceIndication. The GUP messages are needed for the gatekeeper in a cluster to have sufficient knowledge about every endpoint in the zone (registration, bandwidth, active calls, resources) to be able to resolve all queries locally. When an endpoint is switched from one gatekeeper to an alternate, the alternate needs to learn about the calls that are active on the endpoint. When a gatekeeper sends an RCF for a new registration, it also sends an IRQ to get a list of all calls on the endpoint. It is important to ensure that the IRQ does not reach the endpoint before the RCF.

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Gatekeepers in a cluster permit a shutdown, even though there are active calls, as long as there is an alternate gatekeeper defined for all zones for which there are active calls. If any zone has an active call and no alternate gatekeeper defined, the gatekeeper refuses the shutdown. Alternate gatekeepers accept any Disconnect Requests (DRQs) for calls they were not aware of and pass appropriate information to the Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) and Cisco Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol (GKTMP) servers. This happens when that endpoint moved to the alternate gatekeeper while there were active calls. In addition, IRR messages may be sent that contain call information for calls that were not previously known. For those IRRs, call records are constructed and bandwidth is allocated accordingly. The gatekeeper creates a unique announcementIndication message for each alternate gatekeeper. If an alternate gatekeeper receives a message that contains a gatekeeper identifier it does not recognize (which might happen if the alternate gatekeeper is an alternate for one zone), but not another, that information is simply ignored. However, the alternate gatekeeper detects errors in the configuration of the alternates by examining those messages and it reports those errors to the user. The true power of the GUP is realized in the resolving of addresses for a remote zone. Instead of the remote zone needing to send LRQs (either in sequence or blast) to all the gatekeepers, thus increasing the messaging overhead on wide-area links, it now needs to send this query to just one of the gatekeepers in the cluster. Coupled with the zone cluster remote command, it can round-robin between the gatekeepers in the cluster and not attempt to send LRQs to other gatekeeper in the cluster if it receives a reject from any one. In case a gateway was moved to an alternate gatekeeper, it always tries to register to that gatekeeper unless you issue a no gateway and then a gateway command. When the endpoint's primary gatekeeper is back online, the endpoint does not reregister to it unless the endpoint lost communication with the alternate gatekeeper. It continues to use the alternate gatekeeper for its call routing information.

For more information, refer to Troubleshooting GUP, Alternate Endpoint and Load Balancing, document 18730.

Troubleshooting Issues with Alternate Endpoints

A calling endpoint can recover from a call setup failure by sending a setup message to one of the alternate endpoints. The call can fail for many reasons:

The gateway is down and gatekeeper is not aware of it at the time of sending the ACF or LCF. There are no resources on the gateway and that was not reported to the gatekeeper. There was an incorrect configuration on the main endpoint.


The originating endpoint tries to contact the alternate gatekeepers only if the call fails before the alert stage (alert or progress). If the calls fails due to user busy or no answer, the originating endpoint does not try any other alternates. The gatekeeper learns about the alternate for a certain endpoint either by manual configuration using the gatekeeper endpoint alt-ep command or from any received RAS messages. Cisco supports a maximum of 20 alternates for each endpoint, no matter how the gatekeeper learns about them. Here are some issues you need to consider:

If the gatekeeper has the correct alternate endpoint as desired. If the gatekeeper includes the alternate endpoints in its LCF or ACF RAS messages.

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If the OGW tries to contact the alternates in case the main destination endpoint fails.

Use the following commands to verify alternate endpoints:

Verify that the gatekeeper has the correct alternate endpoints. To see if the gatekeeper has the right alternate endpoints, use the show gatekeeper endpoints alternates command. Verify that the gatekeeper includes alternate endpoints in its LCF or ACF RAS messages. To see if the gatekeeper sends the IP address for alternate endpoints, you can turn on debug h225 asn1 and look at the ACF message or LCF. Verify that the OGW tries to contact alternates in case the main destination endpoint fails. Debugs to turn on here are debug voip ccapi inout and debug h225 asn1. Check how the OGW reacts upon receiving alternate endpoints in its ACF message.

For more information, refer to Troubleshooting GUP, Alternate Endpoint and Load Balancing, document 18730.

Troubleshooting Gatekeeper Endpoint Call Admission Issues

This section addresses some of the common issues that are known to result in endpoints not being able to make calls involving Cisco gateways or third-party gateways and terminals, and Cisco gatekeepers. When there is a problem with gatekeeper endpoint call admission, after configuring an H.323 endpoint to register to a Cisco gatekeeper, the endpoints are not able to make calls. When this occurs, check the show gatekeeper endpoint command to make sure the endpoints are all registered to the gatekeeper.

Admission Confirmed (Busy Tone Back)

If the Admission Confirmed (ACF) message has been sent by the gatekeeper and arrived at the endpoint side, but the call still received a busy signal, check to see if the terminating IP address in the ACF is an expected valid endpoint IP.
value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 18 bandWidth 5120 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0AAAC80A'H !--- The hex for IP, 0A AA C8 0A== port 1720 port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE }

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If the ACF has an IP address of the terminating endpoint, remove the gatekeeper and make a direct endpoint-to-endpoint call to see if a call can be established.

Admission Reject (ARJ) rejectReason calledPartyNotRegistered

The following debug h225 asn1 command shows calledPartyNotRegistered.
*Mar 15 06:49:19.685: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 34 rejectReason calledPartyNotRegistered : NULL }

This is a common reason for rejection. It is captured from the local or originating gatekeeper when the gatekeeper has no information on where the called number should be terminated. There are two ways this problem can occur. One reason is that the call terminates at a gateway, and the gateway is not registered with the E.164 address or with a tech-prefix. To resolve this, make sure the gateway is registered with a tech-prefix to the gatekeeper. The following is a corrected gateway configuration example.
interface Ethernet0/0 ip address half-duplex h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id hwei-gk ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id gw2 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 2 . ! voice-port 2/0/0 ! voice-port 2/0/1 ! voice-port 2/1/0 station-id name BLARG caller-id enable ! voice-port 2/1/1 ! dial-peer cor custom ! dial-peer voice 456 pots destination-pattern 456 port 2/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 123 pots destination-pattern 2415... port 2/1/1 ! gateway "show gatekeeper gw" from gatekeeper GATEWAY TYPE PREFIX TABLE ========================= Prefix: 1* Zone hwei-gk master gateway list: gw1

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gatekeepers

Prefix: 2* Zone hwei-gk master gateway list: 456

A second possible explanation for this error message arises if the called party is a terminal in a remote zone. It might be that the terminal does not have a proxy enabled in the same gatekeeper zone where it is registered. By default, a Cisco IOS gatekeeper uses a proxy for inter-zone terminal calls. Issue the show gatekeeper zone status command to view the proxy. Either configure a proxy register to the same local zone as the terminal or issue the no use-proxy hwei-gk default inbound-to terminal command or the no use-proxy hwei-gk default outbound-from terminal command to disable the use of a proxy for terminal calls.


Intrazone calls do not require the match of a zone prefix.

ARJ "rejectReason requestDenied"

*Mar 1 10:34:46.093: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::=

value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 11084 rejectReason requestDenied : NULL }

The rejection shown here comes about because the endpoint-requested bandwidth exceeds the limit configured in the gatekeeper. To resolve this, increase the bandwidth in the gatekeeper using the bandwidth command under the gatekeeper mode, or lower the bandwidth request from the endpoint. The following example shows a call that failed because the bandwidth request exceeded the configured limit:
Value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 11084 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel gatekeeperRouted : NULL endpointIdentifier {"6284945400000058"} destinationInfo { e164 : "415525", e164 : "415525" } srcInfo { e164 : "415526", h323-ID : {"hwei-term"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0AAAC837'H port 1720 } bandwidth 102400 !--- Requested bandwidth was 10240 K. callReferenceValue 1022 conferenceID '37CE425F850A41468B40D72F145C5C14'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias FALSE

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gatekeepers

callIdentifier { guid '4138E0D40EF0D14C9DB84E54F5190BF4'H } gatekeeperIdentifier {"hwei-gk"} willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 1 10:34:46.093: ARQ (seq# 11084) rcvd *Mar 1 10:34:46.093: gk_rassrv_arq: arqp=0x62905E20, crv=0x3FE, answerCall=1 *Mar 1 10:34:46.093: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 11084 rejectReason requestDenied : NULL } !--- The show gatekeeper zone status command is issued and it shows the !--- bandwidth limit is much smaller then the requested bandwidth. GATEKEEPER ZONES ================ HWEI-GK name Domain Name RAS Address PORT FLAGS ------------------------------- ----hwei-gk BANDWIDTH Maximum Current Maximum Current Maximum .. hwei-gk1 cisco.com 1719 LS INFORMATION (kbps) : total bandwidth : total bandwidth : 0 interzone bandwidth : 4000 _-----limit was 4000K interzone bandwidth : 0 session bandwidth :




For more information about VoIP bandwidth consumption, refer to Voice Over IP - Per Call Bandwidth Consumption, document ID 7934. If this rejection reason is offer but there is no bandwidth issue, see if the called party is a terminal and if there is a proxy registered to the local zone. Issue the show gatekeeper zone status command to do that. Either configure a proxy register to the same local zone as the terminal or issue the no use-proxy hwei-gk default inbound-to terminal or no use-proxy hwei-gk default outbound-from terminal command to disable the use of a proxy for terminal calls.

Verification Commands
This section describes a few show commands and debugs that can help you verify the configuration required on the gatekeeper and the gateway. Sample show command outputs are included. Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter tool, which allows you to view an analysis of show command output; a link to this tool can be found in the Troubleshooting Resources chapter.
show gatekeeper endpoint Command

The show gatekeeper endpoint command is used to verify the endpoints registration status with the gatekeeper. The normal outputs of this command are shown in the following example.
gatekeeper# show gatekeeper endpoint

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gatekeepers

GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name --------------- ----- --------------- ----- -------- 1720 50890 hwei-gk E164-ID: 2073418 E164-ID: 5251212 H323-ID: Router Total number of active registrations = 1 !--- The endpoint is registered. Gatekeeper# show gatekeeper endpoint GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name --------------- ----- --------------- ----- --------Total number of active registrations = 0 !--- The endpoint is not registered.

Type ----

Flags ----VOIP-GW

Type ----

Flags -----

show gatekeeper gw Command

The show gatekeeper gw command is used to verify the endpoints registration status for the tech prefix. The common outputs of this command are shown in the following example.
Gatekeeper# show gatekeeper gw GATEWAY TYPE PREFIX TABLE ========================= Prefix: 1* Zone hwei-gk master gateway list: gw1

show gatekeeper zone status Command

The show gatekeeper zone status command is used to display the local zone status and the remote zone information, as shown in the following example.
2611-3# show gatekeeper zone status GATEKEEPER ZONES ================ HWEI-GK name Domain Name RAS Address PORT FLAGS ------------------------------- ----hwei-gk cisco.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : Current total bandwidth : 0 Maximum interzone bandwidth : 4000 Current interzone bandwidth : 0 Maximum session bandwidth : SUBNET ATTRIBUTES : All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone hwei-gk : use proxy to gateways in local zone hwei-gk : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone hwei-gk : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone hwei-gk : use proxy from gateways in local zone hwei-gk : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone hwei-gk : do not use proxy hwei-gk1 cisco.com 1719 RS

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting Gatekeepers

show gateway Command

The show gateway command is used to verify the registration status with a gatekeeper. The common outputs of this command are shown in the following example:
Router# show gateway Gateway Router/ww is registered to Gatekeeper hwei-gk Alias list (CLI configured) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router Alias list (last RCF) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router H323 resource thresholding is Disabled !--- The gateway is registered to gatekeeper (hwei-gk). Router# show gateway Gateway Router is not registered to any gatekeeper Alias list (CLI configured) E164-ID 2073418 E164-ID 5251212 H323-ID Router/WW Alias list (last RCF) H323 resource thresholding is Disabled !--- The gateway is not registered to the gatekeeper.

debug h225 asn1 Command

The debug h225 asn1 command is the gatekeeper and Cisco gateway debug command. In this document, you are looking only for the ARJ field and searching for the rejection reason. The following example is a sample output showing the ARJ field. Output from gateway:
*Mar 26 04:12:38.508: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 34 rejectReason calledPartyNotRegistered : NULL }

Output from gatekeeper:

*Mar 15 06:49:19.685: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 34 rejectReason calledPartyNotRegistered : NULL }

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security

Troubleshoot Load Balancing

With the Load Balance feature, you can set the gatekeeper with a certain threshold for the number of calls, memory, CPU, and number of registered endpoints. Once that threshold is reached, the gatekeeper moves registered Cisco H.323 endpoints to an alternate gatekeeper or rejects new calls and registrations. Load balancing is enabled by use of the following gatekeeper CLI command:
Router(config-gk)#load-balance {endpoints max-endpoints} {calls max-calls} {cpu max-%cpu}{memory max-%mem-used}

When the threshold is met, the gatekeeper uses the RRJ RAS message to inform the endpoint about the alternate gatekeepers and the reject reason. Upon receiving that message, the endpoint sends a new RRQ to the alternate gatekeeper. Once the endpoint is registered with the alternate gatekeeper, it uses the GUP message to inform all gatekeepers in the cluster about the new registered endpoint. When troubleshooting, check the configuration on the gatekeeper and make sure that alternate gatekeepers and load balancing are functional. To debug the load balancing feature, use debug gatekeeper load and debug h225 asn1 to see how the gatekeeper reacts when the threshold is met. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting GUP, Alternate Endpoint and Load Balancing, document 18730.

Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security

H.323 networks have different kinds of configurations and call flows. See the Cisco Gateway to Gatekeeper (H.235) and Gatekeeper to Gatekeeper (IZCT) Security Troubleshooting Guide, document 18729 to get information about the following features:

Intradomain Gateway to Gatekeeper Security This security is based on H.235, in which H.323 calls are authenticated, authorized, and routed by a gatekeeper. The gatekeeper is considered a known and trusted entity. The gateway does not authenticate it when the gateway tries to register with it. Interdomain Gatekeeper to Gatekeeper Security This security covers authenticating and authorizing of H.323 calls between the administrative domains of Internet Telephone Service Providers (ITSPs) using InterZone Clear Token (IZCT). This document covers only the portion of a call where the terminating gatekeeper sends a token in its location confirmation (LCF) message so that it authenticates the answerCall Admission Request (ARQ). Location request (LRQ) validation is not included in this feature. LRQ validation is a feature scheduled for a future Cisco IOS release.

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Troubleshooting H.323 Interfaces to the IP Network Gateway-to-Gateway and Gatekeeper-to-Gateway Security

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network

The Cisco Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) implementation enables Cisco access platforms to signal the setup of voice and multimedia calls over IP networks. SIP is an ASCII-based, application-layer control protocol that can be used to establish, maintain, and terminate calls between two or more endpoints. SIP is an alternative protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for multimedia conferencing over IP. SIP features are compliant with IETF RFC 2543, SIP: Session Initiation Protocol, published in March 1999. You can view RFC 2543 at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2543.txt. Like other Voice-over-IP protocols, SIP is designed to address the functions of signaling and session management within a packet telephony network. Signaling allows call information to be carried across network boundaries. Session management provides the ability to control the attributes of an end-to-end call. This chapter provides procedural and reference information that you can use to determine and resolve problems with SIP interfaces to the IP network.


Call flows can help in troubleshooting SIP problems. SIP call flow information can be found in the Session Initiation Protocol Gateway Call Flows document. This chapter contains the following information:

Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960, page 367 Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway, page 371 Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Proxy Server, page 386 SIP Messages and Methods, page 388

Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960

This section describes troubleshooting features and tips for the Cisco SIP IP phone 7960.

Troubleshooting Features
The following is a list of features on the Cisco SIP IP phone that you can use for troubleshooting:

Settings button to Network Configuration soft keyUse to view or modify the network configuration of the phone.

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960

Settings button to SIP Configuration soft keyUse to view or modify a phones SIP settings. Settings button to StatusDisplay configuration or initialization errors. Call messages on LED screenDisplay basic SIP message flows. Pressing i or ? key twice during a callDisplays real-time transferring and receiving call statistics. This option is recommended for troubleshooting voice-quality issues.

In addition to the features listed above, the EIA/TIA-232 (RS-232) port located on the back of the Cisco SIP IP phone 7960 is a console port and can be used to gather debug information. The EIA/TIA-232 port is password-protected and requires a custom RJ-11-to-RJ-45 cable.


For a PC connection, the RJ-45 connection needs a DB-9 female DTE adapter or an RJ-45 crossover cable for an octal async connection. You must enter the password cisco must be entered to enable any output to be seen via the EIA/TIA-232 port. The connection baud rate, parity, start bits, and stop bits are 9600, N, 8, and 1. To use the console port, use a RJ-11-to-RJ-45 custom cable to connect the EIA/TIA-232 port to a PC. Table 48 lists the RJ-11-to-RJ-45 cable pinouts.
Table 48 RJ-11-to-RJ-45 Pinouts

RJ-11 or RJ-12 2 3 4

RJ-45 6 4 3

To connect the console port, complete the following tasks:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Insert the RJ-11 end of the rolled cable into the EIA/TIA-232 port on the back of the phone. Use an RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL) to connect the console port to a PC running terminal emulation software. Insert the RJ-45 end of the rollover cable into the DTE adapter. From the console terminal, start the terminal emulation program. Type cisco. A prompt is displayed. At the prompt, you can issue the following commands to assist you in troubleshooting and debugging the phone:

debug errorDisplays error messages that are occurring in the call flow process debug sip-messageEnables you to view a text display of a call flow

Troubleshooting Tips
This section provides tips for resolving the following Cisco SIP IP phone problems:

Cisco SIP IP Phone Is Unprovisioned or Is Unable to Obtain an IP Address, page 369

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Cisco SIP IP Phone Does Not Register With the SIP Proxy or SIP Registrar Server, page 369 Outbound Calls Cannot Be Placed from a Cisco SIP IP Phone, page 370 Inbound Calls Cannot Be Received on a Cisco SIP IP Phone, page 370 Poor Voice Quality on the Cisco SIP IP Phone, page 370 DTMF Digits Do Not Function Properly, page 371 Cisco SIP IP Phones Do Not Work When Plugged into a Line-Powered Switch, page 371 Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly, page 371 Some SIP Messages are Retransmitted Too Often, page 371

For more information about Cisco SIP IP phones, see the Cisco IP Phone Administrator Guides for SIP.

Cisco SIP IP Phone Is Unprovisioned or Is Unable to Obtain an IP Address

To determine why a phone is unprovisioned or unable to obtain an IP address, perform the following tasks as necessary:

If using TFTP to download configuration files, verify that the SIPDefault.cnf file and the phone-specific configuration file (SIPmac.cnf where mac is the MAC address of the phone) exist and are configured correctly. Verify that the TFTP server is working properly. Verify that the Cisco SIP IP phone network configuration parameters are properly configured and the phone is obtaining the proper IP addressing information (IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, TFTP server, and so forth.) Press the Settings button, select Status, and then Status Messages to view messages for missing files or other errors. If the DHCP server has an IP subnet mask that is different from the one for the Cisco SIP IP phone, verify that ip helper-address address is enabled on the local router. Verify that the Cisco SIP IP phone software image (P0S3xxyy.bin where xx is the version number and yy is the subversion number) was downloaded from the Cisco website in binary format.

Cisco SIP IP Phone Does Not Register With the SIP Proxy or SIP Registrar Server
To determine why a phone does not register with a SIP proxy or SIP registrar server, perform the following tasks as necessary:


The character x displayed to the right of a line icon indicates that registration has failed.

Verify that phone registration with a proxy server is enabled (via the proxy_register parameter in the configuration files). By default, registration during initialization is disabled. Verify that the IP address (proxy1_address parameter) of the primary SIP proxy server to be used by the phones is valid. If a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is specified in the proxy1_address parameter, verify that the DNS server is configured to resolve the FQDN as a DNS A-record type. Verify that the Cisco SIP proxy server has been configured to require authentication. If it has, ensure that an authentication name and password have been defined in the Cisco SIP IP phone-specific configuration file (through the use of the linex_authname and linex_password parameters).

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960

The Cisco SIP IP phone currently supports the HTTP Digest authentication method. Verify that the authentication method required by the Cisco SIP proxy server (through the use of the AuthScheme directive in the sipd.conf file) is HTTP Digest. Verify that a registration request hasnt expired. By default, Cisco SIP IP phones reregister every 3600 seconds, but this value can be modified through the use of the time_reqister_expires parameter.

Outbound Calls Cannot Be Placed from a Cisco SIP IP Phone

If a call cannot be placed from a Cisco SIP IP phone, perform the following tasks as necessary:

Verify that the Cisco SIP IP phone network configuration IP address parameters have been correctly entered or received from a DHCP server. Verify that the Cisco SIP proxy server used by the phone is working properly. Verify that the Cisco SIP proxy server is correctly configured for routes or registrations to the remote destination. Verify that the remote SIP device is available. Verify that a dial plan has been defined in the dialplan.xml file and if so, that the configuration is correct. This file should have been downloaded from CCO to the root directory of your TFTP server. Determine which error tones are being received and map those tones to the messages displayed on the phones LCD (SIP 4xx messages, and so forth.)

Inbound Calls Cannot Be Received on a Cisco SIP IP Phone

If inbound calls cannot be received on a Cisco SIP IP phone, perform the following tasks as necessary:

Verify that the line (user portion) was defined in the Request-URI or the SIP INVITE request. The Cisco SIP IP phone requires this information to determine the proper line to ring. Verify that the Request-URI is sent to port 5060 of the phones IP address. The phone listens on UDP port 5060. Verify that the Cisco SIP IP phone is registered with the local proxy server.

Poor Voice Quality on the Cisco SIP IP Phone

If a calls voice quality is compromised on the Cisco SIP IP phone, perform the following tasks as necessary:

Check the network path for errors, packet drops, loss, loops, and so forth. Verify that the ToS level for the media stream being used has been correctly set (through the tos_media parameter in the configuration file). Verify that the Cisco SIP IP phone is plugged into a switch rather than a hub to avoid excessive collisions and packet loss. Ensure that there is enough bandwidth on the network for the selected codec (especially for calls over a WAN). Press the i or ? button twice on the phone during the call to view realtime transferring and receiving call statistics. Determine whether the problem occurs with the handset, headset, or speaker phone, or with all of them.

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

DTMF Digits Do Not Function Properly

If DTMF digits are not functioning properly, perform the following tasks as necessary:

If out-of-bound signaling through the AVT tone method has been enabled (through the dtmf_outofband configuration file parameter), verify that the remote device supports AVT tones (as defined in RFC 2833). If AVT tones have been enabled and the remote device does not support AVT tones, check for packet loss in the end-to-end path. Find out which codec is being used. Lower bandwidth codecs yield poorer results if AVT tones are not supported because the DTMF digits are carried in audio. Verify the length of the tones being created. The tone must have a minimum signal duration of 40 ms with signaling velocity (tone and pause) of no less than 93 ms (as defined in RFC 2833).

Cisco SIP IP Phones Do Not Work When Plugged into a Line-Powered Switch
If the Cisco SIP IP phones do not work when plugged into a line-powered switch, perform the following tasks:

Verify that the phone is running version 2.0 or higher of the Cisco SIP IP Phone software. (Line-powered support was not available in version 1.0.) Verify that the network media type Network Settings parameter is set to auto-negotiation (auto).

Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly

If call transfer does not work correctly, verify that the remote SIP device that is sending the call is using the SIP BYE/Also: method (as defined in Internet draft sip-cc-01.txt.)

Some SIP Messages are Retransmitted Too Often

The Cisco SIP IP phone has several timers (INVITE request retries, BYE request retries, etc.) that can be configured using the sip_invite_retx and sip_retx configuration file parameters. In most networks, the default values work fine, however, conditions such as network delay, slower-processing proxy servers, and packet loss might require that the timers be adjusted. If some SIP messages appear to be retransmitted too often, adjust these parameters.

Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

This section provides tips for resolving the following Cisco SIP gateway problems:

Unable to Make Outbound Calls from the Cisco SIP Gateway to a SIP Endpoint, page 372 Unable to Make Inbound Calls to a PSTN Through a Cisco SIP Gateway, page 372 Calls to a PSTN via the Cisco SIP Gateway Fail with a 400 Bad Request Response, page 373 Voice Quality Is Compromised on Calls Through or From the Cisco SIP Gateway, page 376 Some SIP Messages Are Retransmitted Too Often, page 376 Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly, page 376 Troubleshooting Commands, page 377

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

Unable to Make Outbound Calls from the Cisco SIP Gateway to a SIP Endpoint
If a call cannot be placed from the Cisco SIP gateway, perform the following tasks as necessary:

Verify that the voice ports are properly configured and enabled for the PSTN-side signaling protocol. Verify that there is a valid VoIP dial peer configured that meets the following requirements:
Matches the required destination pattern Is SIP-enabled (through the session protocol sipv2 command) Has the correct dial peer session target defined (through the session target sip-server command Has the codec correctly defined

Using the ping command, verify that the SIP gateway can communicate through IP with the SIP proxy or remote SIP device. If the SIP proxy server is defined through the use of a FQDN, verify that the DNS server is correctly configured to resolve that address using a DNS SRV record. Ensure that the time zone format configured on the SIP gateway is GMT. Check the debug ccsip all | calls | error | events | messages | states command output for protocol errors.

Unable to Make Inbound Calls to a PSTN Through a Cisco SIP Gateway

If inbound calls to a PSTN cannot be made through the Cisco SIP gateway, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Verify that the voice ports are correctly configured and enabled for the PSTN-side signaling protocol. Verify that a valid POTS dial peer is configured and that it matches the required destination pattern. Using the ping command, verify that the Cisco SIP gateway can communicate with the SIP proxy server or remote SIP device through IP. If the inbound call has any hostnames defined as a FQDN, ensure that the proper DNS configuration is enabled on the Cisco SIP gateway (to resolve the hosts). View the debug ccsip all | calls | error | events | messages | states command output for protocol errors.

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Calls to a PSTN via the Cisco SIP Gateway Fail with a 400 Bad Request Response
If the Cisco SIP gateway does not like part of a SIP message (header or SDP), the call attempt fails with a 400 Bad Request response. To determine whether the call failed because of a SIP header error, issue the debug ccsip command that displays information on the error message, or verify that the required SIP header elements exist as defined in RFC 2543. SIP header fields are shown in Table 49.
Table 49 SIP Header Fields

Header Field Call-ID

Definition The Call-ID general-header field uniquely identifies a specific invitation or all registrations of a specific client. Note that a single multimedia conference can give rise to several calls with different Call-IDs. For example, if a user invites a single individual several times to the same (long-running) conference. The Contact general-header field MUST appear in INVITE and REGISTER requests and in 200 responses. It can appear in ACK, and in other 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 485 responses. In general, it provides a URL where the user can be reached for further communications. The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the message-body, in decimal number of octets, sent to the recipient. The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the message-body sent to the recipient. Users MUST add the CSeq (command sequence) general-header field to every request. A CSeq header field in a request contains the request method and a single decimal sequence number chosen by the requesting client, unique within a single value of Call-ID. The sequence number MUST be expressed as a 32-bit unsigned integer. The initial value of the sequence number is arbitrary, but MUST be less than 2**31. Consecutive requests that differ in request method, headers, or body, but have the same Call-ID MUST contain strictly monotonically increasing and contiguous sequence numbers; sequence numbers do not wrap around. Retransmissions of the same request carry the same sequence number, but an INVITE with a different message body or different header fields (a re-invitation) acquires a new, higher sequence number. A server MUST echo the CSeq value from the request in its response. If the Method value is missing in the received CSeq header field, the server fills it in appropriately. Date is a general-header field. Its syntax is: SIP-date = rfc1123-date Note that unlike HTTP/1.1, SIP only supports the most recent RFC 1123 [29] formatting for dates.


Content-Length Content-Type Cseq




Currently gateway uses Diversion header in initial outgoing messages.

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

Table 49

SIP Header Fields (continued)

Header Field Expires

Definition The Expires entity-header field gives the date and time after which the message content expires. This header field is currently defined only for the REGISTER and INVITE methods. For REGISTER, it is a request and response-header field. In a REGISTER request, the client indicates how long it wants the registration to be valid. In the response, the server indicates the earliest expiration time of all registrations. The server MAYchoose a shorter time interval than that requested by the client, but SHOULD NOT choose a longer one.


Requests and responses MUST contain a From general-header field, indicating the initiator of the request. The From field MUST contain a tag. The server copies the From header field from the request to the response. The optional display-name is meant to be rendered by a human-user interface. A system SHOULD use the display name Anonymous if the identity of the client is to remain hidden. The SIP-URL MUST NOT contain the transport-param, maddr-param, ttl-param, or headerselements. A server that receives a SIP-URL with these elements removes them before further processing.


The Max-Forwards request-header field may be used with any SIP method to limit the number of proxies or gateways that can forward the request to the next downstream server. This can also be useful when the client is attempting to trace a request chain which appears to be failing or looping in mid chain. The Max-Forwards value is a decimal integer indicating the remaining number of times this request message is allowed to be forwarded. Each proxy or gateway recipient of a request containing a Max-Forwards header field MUST check and update its value before forwarding the request. If the received value is zero (0), the recipient MUST NOT forward the request. Instead, for the OPTIONS and REGISTER methods, it MUST respond as the final recipient. For all other methods, the server returns 483 (too many hops). If the received Max-Forwards value is greater than zero, then the forwarded message MUST contain an updated Max-Forwards field with a value decremented by one (1).


The Require request-header field is used by clients to tell useragent servers about options that the client expects the server to support in order to properly process the request. If a server does not understand the option, it MUST respond by returning status code 420 (bad extension) and list those options it does not understand in the Unsupported header. The Server response-header field contains information about the software used by the user agent server to handle the request. The timestamp general-header field describes when the client sent the request to the server. The value of the timestamp is of significance only to the client and it MAY use any time scale. The server MUST echo the exact same value and MAY, if it has accurate information about this, add a floating point number indicating the number of seconds that have elapsed since receiving the request. The timestamp is used by the client to compute the round-trip time to the server so that it can adjust the time out value for retransmissions.

Server Timestamp

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

Table 49

SIP Header Fields (continued)

Header Field To

Definition The To general-header field specifies recipient of the request, with the same SIP URL syntax as the From field. Requests and responses MUST contain a To general-header field, indicating the desired recipient of the request. The optional display-nameis meant to be rendered by a human-user interface. The UAS or redirect server service processing a request MUST always add a tag to To-header.

User-Agent Via

The User-Agent general-header field contains information about the client user agent originating the request. The Via field indicates the path taken by the request so far. This prevents request looping and ensures replies take the same path as the requests, which assists in firewall traversal and other unusual routing situations. When the UAC creates a request, it MUST insert a Via into that request.

Possible SDP-related errors are as follows:


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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway


Possible CheckRequest errors are as follows:


Voice Quality Is Compromised on Calls Through or From the Cisco SIP Gateway
If the voice quality on calls through or from the Cisco SIP gateway is compromised, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Check the network path for errors, packet drops, loss, loops, and so forth. Verify that the TOS bits have been correctly set in the VoIP dial peer through the use of the ip precedence command. To minimize excessive collisions and packet loss, connect the Cisco SIP gateway to a switch rather than a hub. Verify that enough bandwidth exists on the network for the configured codec (especially for calls over a WAN). View the output of the show interface command for packet drops. View the output of the show voice dsp command for DSP-related issues. Determine whether errors exist on the voice ports that could be causing the problems.

Some SIP Messages Are Retransmitted Too Often

The Cisco SIP gateway has SIP timers (INVITE request retries, BYE request retries) configured under the SIP UA through the use of the timers trying number, timers expires time, and retry invite number commands. In most networks, the default values work well, but conditions such as network delay, slower-processing proxy servers, and packet loss might require that the timers be adjusted. If some SIP messages appear to be retransmitted too often, adjust these parameters.

Call Transfer Does Not Work Correctly

If call transfer does not work correctly, perform the following tasks to determine the cause:

Verify that the application session is defined on the VoIP and POTS dial peers.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

Verify that the remote SIP device that is sending the call through the use of the SIP BYE/Also: method (as defined in Internet draft sip-cc-01.txt). Use the debug voip ccapi inout command to verify that a dial peer that has application session defined is matched. The application used after the BYE request is sent should be session instead of SESSION.

Troubleshooting Commands
There are several debug commands that are useful for troubleshooting problems with SIP, as follows:

debug ccsip all debug ccsip calls debug ccsip error debug ccsip events debug ccsip info debug ccsip media debug ccsip messages debug ccsip preauth debug ccsip states

Details about these commands can be found in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.


The output from these commands can be filtered. For more information, see the SIP Debug Output Filtering Support section on page 83. The following show and debug commands shown can be used to troubleshoot the Cisco SIP gateway:

show sip statusDisplays the SIP user agent listener status.

sip-2600a# show sip status SIP SIP SIP SIP User Agent Status User Agent for UDP : ENABLED User Agent for TCP : ENABLED max-forwards : 6

show sip statisticsDisplays SIP user agent statistics.

router# show sip statistics SIP Response Statistics (Inbound/Outbound) Informational: Trying 3/0, Ringing 3/0, Forwarded 0/0, Queued 0/0, SessionProgress 0/0 Success: OkInvite 3/0, OkBye 2/0, OkCancel 0/0, OkOptions 0/0 Redirection (Inbound only): MultipleChoice 0, MovedPermanently 0, MovedTemporarily 0, SeeOther 0, UseProxy 0, AlternateService 0 Client Error: BadRequest 0/3, Unauthorized 0/0,

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

PaymentRequired 0/0, Forbidden 0/0, NotFound 0/0, MethodNotAllowed 0/0, NotAcceptable 0/0, ProxyAuthReqd 0/0, ReqTimeout 0/0, Conflict 0/0, Gone 0/0, LengthRequired 0/0, ReqEntityTooLarge 0/0, ReqURITooLarge 0/0, UnsupportedMediaType 0/0, BadExtension 0/0, TempNotAvailable 0/0, CallLegNonExistent 0/0, LoopDetected 0/0, TooManyHops 0/0, AddrIncomplete 0/0, Ambiguous 0/0, BusyHere 0/0 Server Error: InternalError 0/0, NotImplemented 0/0, BadGateway 0/0, ServiceUnavail 0/0, GatewayTimeout 0/0, BadSipVer 0/0 Global Failure: BusyEverywhere 0/0, Decline 0/0, NotExistAnywhere 0/0, NotAcceptable 0/0 SIP Total Traffic Statistics (Inbound/Outbound) Invite 3/7, Ack 2/1, Bye 0/2, Cancel 0/0, Options 0/0 Retry Statistics Invite 2, Bye 0, Cancel 0, Response 1

debug ccsipDisplays the different debug ccsip commands.

router# debug ccsip ? all calls error events messages states Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable all SIP debugging traces CCSIP SPI calls debugging trace SIP error debugging trace SIP events debugging trace CCSIP SPI messages debugging trace CCSIP SPI states debugging trace

The following is a sample of debug output from one side of a call:

Router1# debug ccsip all All SIP call tracing enabled Router1# *Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_NONE, SUBSTATE_NONE) (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 6 14:10:42: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_SETUP *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_idle_call_setup *Mar 6 14:10:42: act_idle_call_setup:Not using Voice Class Codec


*Mar 6 14:10:42: act_idle_call_setup: preferred_codec set[0] type :g711ulaw bytes: 160 *Mar 6 14:10:42: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CREATE_CONNECTION *Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) *Mar 6 14:10:42: REQUEST CONNECTION TO IP: PORT:5060 *Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) to (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_idle_connection_created *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_idle_connection_created: Connid(1) created to, local_port 54113 *Mar 6 14:10:42: sipSPIAddLocalContact *Mar 6 14:10:42: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

*Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) (STATE_SENT_INVITE, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 6 14:10:42: Sent: INVITE sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:42 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Cisco-Guid: 2881152943-2184249548-0-483039712 User-Agent: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Max-Forwards: 6 Timestamp: 731427042 Contact: <sip:3660110@;user=phone> Expires: 180 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 1212 283 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20208 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 6 14:10:42: Received: SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Length: 0


*Mar 6 14:10:42: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_sentinvite_new_message *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 6 14:10:42: Roundtrip delay 4 milliseconds for method INVITE *Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_SENT_INVITE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_RECD_PROCEEDING, SUBSTATE_PROCEEDING_PROCEEDING) *Mar 6 14:10:42: Received: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 969 7889 IN IP4 s=SIP Call

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20038 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 6 14:10:42: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_recdproc_new_message *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse : Updating session description *Mar 6 14:10:42: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 6 14:10:42: Roundtrip delay 8 milliseconds for method INVITE *Mar 6 14:10:42: HandleSIP1xxRinging: SDP MediaTypes negotiation successful! Negotiated Codec : g711ulaw , bytes :160 Inband Alerting : 0 *Mar 6 14:10:42: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_RECD_PROCEEDING, SUBSTATE_PROCEEDING_PROCEEDING) to (STATE_RECD_PROCEEDING, SUBSTATE_PROCEEDING_ALERTING) *Mar 6 14:10:46: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Contact: <sip:3660210@;user=phone> CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 969 7889 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20038 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 6 14:10:46: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_recdproc_new_message *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse : Updating session description *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 6 14:10:46: Roundtrip delay 3536 milliseconds for method INVITE *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_recdproc_new_message: SDP MediaTypes negotiation successful! Negotiated Codec : g711ulaw , bytes :160 *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPIReconnectConnection *Mar 6 14:10:46: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_RECONNECT_CONNECTION *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: recv_200_OK_for_invite *Mar 6 14:10:46: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method *Mar 6 14:10:46: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_RECD_PROCEEDING, SUBSTATE_PROCEEDING_ALERTING) to (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 6 14:10:46: The Call Setup Information is : Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x624CFEF8

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

State of The Call : TCP Sockets Used : Calling Number : Called Number : Negotiated Codec : Source IP Address (Media): Source IP Port (Media): Destn IP Address (Media): Destn IP Port (Media): Destn SIP Addr (Control) : Destn SIP Port (Control) : Destination Name :

STATE_ACTIVE NO 3660110 3660210 g711ulaw 20208 20038 5060

*Mar 6 14:10:46: HandleUdpReconnection: Udp socket connected for fd: 1 with *Mar 6 14:10:46: Sent: ACK sip:3660210@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:42 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Max-Forwards: 6 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 CSeq: 101 ACK v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 1212 283 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20208 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: ccsip_caps_ind *Mar 6 14:10:46: ccsip_caps_ind: Load DSP with codec (5) g711ulaw, Bytes=160 *Mar 6 14:10:46: ccsip_caps_ind: set DSP for dtmf-relay = CC_CAP_DTMF_RELAY_INBAND_VOICE *Mar 6 14:10:46: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: ccsip_caps_ack *Mar 6 14:10:50: Received: BYE sip:3660110@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F To: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:44 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ User-Agent: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Max-Forwards: 6 Timestamp: 731612207 CSeq: 101 BYE Content-Length: 0 *Mar 6 14:10:50: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_active_new_message *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sact_active_new_message_request *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method *Mar 6 14:10:50: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPIInitiateCallDisconnect : Initiate call disconnect(16) for outgoing call *Mar 6 14:10:50: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 6 14:10:50: Sent:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F To: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:50 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Timestamp: 731612207 Content-Length: 0 CSeq: 101 BYE *Mar 6 14:10:50: Queued event From SIP SPI to CCAPI/DNS : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_DISCONNECT *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_disconnecting_disconnect *Mar 6 14:10:50: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICallCleanup *Mar 6 14:10:50: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CLOSE_CONNECTION *Mar 6 14:10:50: CLOSE CONNECTION TO CONNID:1 *Mar 6 14:10:50: sipSPIIcpifUpdate :CallState: 4 Playout: 1755 DiscTime:48305031 ConnTime 48304651 *Mar 6 14:10:50: 0x624CFEF8 : State change from (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DEAD, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 6 14:10:50: The Call Setup Information is : Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x624CFEF8 State of The Call : STATE_DEAD TCP Sockets Used : NO Calling Number : 3660110 Called Number : 3660210 Negotiated Codec : g711ulaw Source IP Address (Media): Source IP Port (Media): 20208 Destn IP Address (Media): Destn IP Port (Media): 20038 Destn SIP Addr (Control) : Destn SIP Port (Control) : 5060 Destination Name : *Mar 6 14:10:50: Disconnect Cause (CC) Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 16 : 200

*Mar 6 14:10:50: udpsock_close_connect: Socket fd: 1 closed for connid 1 with remote port: 5060 Router1#

The debug output is as follows from the other side of the call:
3660-2# debug ccsip all All SIP call tracing enabled 3660-2# *Mar 8 17:36:40: Received: INVITE sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:42 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Cisco-Guid: 2881152943-2184249548-0-483039712 User-Agent: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Max-Forwards: 6

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

Timestamp: 731427042 Contact: <sip:3660110@;user=phone> Expires: 180 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 1212 283 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20208 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 8 17:36:40: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPISipIncomingCall *Mar 8 17:36:40: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_NONE, SUBSTATE_NONE) (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_idle_new_message *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sact_idle_new_message_invite *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method *Mar 8 17:36:40: sact_idle_new_message_invite:Not Using Voice Class Codec


*Mar 8 17:36:40: sact_idle_new_message_invite: Preferred codec[0] type: g711ulaw Bytes :160 *Mar 8 17:36:40: sact_idle_new_message_invite: Media Negotiation successful for an incoming call *Mar 8 17:36:40: sact_idle_new_message_invite: Negotiated Codec bytes :160 Preferred Codec : g711ulaw, bytes :160 *Mar *Mar *Mar : g711ulaw,

8 17:36:40: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code 8 17:36:40: Num of Contact Locations 1 3660110 5060 to

*Mar 8 17:36:40: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_IDLE, SUBSTATE_NONE) (STATE_RECD_INVITE, SUBSTATE_RECD_INVITE_CALL_SETUP) *Mar 8 17:36:40: Sent: SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Length: 0

*Mar 8 17:36:40: Queued event From SIP SPI to CCAPI/DNS : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_PROCEEDING *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_recdinvite_proceeding *Mar 8 17:36:40: Queued event From SIP SPI to CCAPI/DNS : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_ALERTING *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: ccsip_caps_ind *Mar 8 17:36:40: ccsip_caps_ind: codec(negotiated) = 5(Bytes 160) *Mar 8 17:36:40: ccsip_caps_ind: Load DSP with codec (5) g711ulaw, Bytes=160 *Mar 8 17:36:40: ccsip_caps_ind: set DSP for dtmf-relay = CC_CAP_DTMF_RELAY_INBAND_VOICE *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: ccsip_caps_ack *Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_recdinvite_alerting *Mar 8 17:36:40: 180 Ringing with SDP - not likely *Mar 8 17:36:40: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

*Mar 8 17:36:40: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 8 17:36:40: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_RECD_INVITE, SUBSTATE_RECD_INVITE_CALL_SETUP) to (STATE_SENT_ALERTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:40: Sent: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 969 7889 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20038 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 8 17:36:44: Queued event From SIP SPI to CCAPI/DNS : SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_CONNECT *Mar 8 17:36:44: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_sentalert_connect *Mar 8 17:36:44: sipSPIAddLocalContact *Mar 8 17:36:44: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE *Mar 8 17:36:44: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 8 17:36:44: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_SENT_ALERTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_SENT_SUCCESS, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:44: Sent: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:40 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Timestamp: 731427042 Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Contact: <sip:3660210@;user=phone> CSeq: 101 INVITE Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 969 7889 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20038 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 8 17:36:44: Received: ACK sip:3660210@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> To: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:42 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Max-Forwards: 6 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 137 CSeq: 101 ACK v=0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Gateway

o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 1212 283 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 20208 RTP/AVP 0 *Mar 8 17:36:44: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 8 17:36:44: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_sentsucc_new_message *Mar 8 17:36:44: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method *Mar 8 17:36:44: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_SENT_SUCCESS, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:44: The Call Setup Information is : Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x624D8CCC State of The Call : STATE_ACTIVE TCP Sockets Used : NO Calling Number : 3660110 Called Number : 3660210 Negotiated Codec : g711ulaw Source IP Address (Media): Source IP Port (Media): 20038 Destn IP Address (Media): Destn IP Port (Media): 20208 Destn SIP Addr (Control) : Destn SIP Port (Control) : 5060 Destination Name : *Mar 8 17:36:47: Queued event From SIPSPI_EV_CC_CALL_DISCONNECT *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: *Mar 8 17:36:47: Queued event from *Mar 8 17:36:47: 0x624D8CCC : State (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) *Mar 8 17:36:47: REQUEST CONNECTION SIP SPI to CCAPI/DNS : act_active_disconnect SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CREATE_CONNECTION change from (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_NONE) TO IP: PORT:5060


*Mar 8 17:36:47: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) to (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_active_connection_created *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckSocketConnection *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckSocketConnection: Connid(1) created to, local_port 54835 *Mar 8 17:36:47: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_SEND_MESSAGE *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_method *Mar 8 17:36:47: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_ACTIVE, SUBSTATE_CONNECTING) to (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:47: Sent: BYE sip:3660110@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F To: "3660110" <sip:3660110@> Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1993 22:36:44 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ User-Agent: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Max-Forwards: 6 Timestamp: 731612207 CSeq: 101 BYE Content-Length: 0 *Mar 8 17:36:47: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:3660210@;user=phone;phone-context=unknown>;tag=27D3FCA8-C7F To: "3660110" <sip:3660110@>

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Proxy Server

Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1993 19:10:50 GMT Call-ID: ABBAE7AF-823100CE-0-1CCAA69C@ Server: Cisco VoIP Gateway/ IOS 12.x/ SIP enabled Timestamp: 731612207 Content-Length: 0 CSeq: 101 BYE *Mar 8 17:36:47: HandleUdpSocketReads :Msg enqueued for SPI with IPaddr: *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: act_disconnecting_new_message *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sact_disconnecting_new_message_response *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICheckResponse *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sip_stats_status_code *Mar 8 17:36:47: Roundtrip delay 4 milliseconds for method BYE *Mar *Mar *Mar 8 17:36:47: CCSIP-SPI-CONTROL: sipSPICallCleanup 8 17:36:47: Queued event from SIP SPI : SIPSPI_EV_CLOSE_CONNECTION 8 17:36:47: CLOSE CONNECTION TO CONNID:1

*Mar 8 17:36:47: sipSPIIcpifUpdate :CallState: 4 Playout: 1265 DiscTime:66820800 ConnTime 66820420 *Mar 8 17:36:47: 0x624D8CCC : State change from (STATE_DISCONNECTING, SUBSTATE_NONE) to (STATE_DEAD, SUBSTATE_NONE) *Mar 8 17:36:47: The Call Setup Information is : Call Control Block (CCB) : 0x624D8CCC State of The Call : STATE_DEAD TCP Sockets Used : NO Calling Number : 3660110 Called Number : 3660210 Negotiated Codec : g711ulaw Source IP Address (Media): Source IP Port (Media): 20038 Destn IP Address (Media): Destn IP Port (Media): 20208 Destn SIP Addr (Control) : Destn SIP Port (Control) : 5060 Destination Name : *Mar 8 17:36:47: Disconnect Cause (CC) Disconnect Cause (SIP) : 16 : 200

*Mar 8 17:36:47: udpsock_close_connect: Socket fd: 1 closed for connid 1 with remote port: 5060

Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Proxy Server

This section describes troubleshooting features and tips for the Cisco SIP proxy server. It provides tips under the following headings:

Troubleshooting Tips, page 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Start, page 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Allow Devices to Register, page 387 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Route Calls Properly, page 388 Cisco SIP Proxy Server Reports That SIP Messages Are Bad, page 388

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting the Cisco SIP Proxy Server

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Farming Does Not Work Correctly, page 388 Voice Quality Problems, page 388

Troubleshooting Tips
When trying to troubleshoot problems with the Cisco SIP proxy server, remember the following:

Each module with the Cisco SIP proxy server has debugging capabilities that can be set via a debug flag in the sipd.conf file. When these debug flags are set to On, and the server is running in multi-process mode, the debug output is written to the ./logs/error_log file. When the flags are set to On and single-process mode is enabled, the debug output is written to standard output. Changes to the sipd.conf file do not automatically take effect. To have any changes take effect, issue a graceful restart by issuing the following command: ./sipdctl graceful

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Start

If the Cisco SIP proxy server does not start, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Verify that the /usr/local/sip directory (on Linux) or the opt/local/sip/ directory (on Solaris) has the read and write permissions set that allow you to start the Cisco SIP proxy server. Verify that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable has been enabled as defined in the Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide, version 2.0. If using the Linux RPM version of the Cisco SIP proxy server, verify that the software has been correctly installed. Verify that an older version of the Cisco SIP proxy server is not still running. Issue the following command: ps -ef | grep -i sip If another version is running, disable these processes by issuing the following command: ./sipdctl stop

Verify that the Cisco SIP Proxy Server can resolve its hostname through DNS.

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Allow Devices to Register

If the Cisco SIP proxy server does not allow devices to register, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Verify that registration services are enabled in the mod_sip_registry module in the sipd.conf file. If authentication is required, ensure that the SIP UA and a password are defined in the MySQL database subscriber table and that the Cisco SIP proxy server can connect to the MySQL database. Verify which type of HTTP Digest authentication method that the SIP UAs are using.

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network SIP Messages and Methods

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Does Not Route Calls Properly

If the Cisco SIP proxy server does not properly route calls, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Verify that numbering plan statements are configured correctly in the mod_sip_numexpand module in the sipd.conf file. Verify that the translation modules (mod_sip_registry, mod_sip_enum, and mod_sip_gktmp are correctly configured and have the correct entries populated. Verify that the correct routes exist in the static routing table of the sipd.conf file. Verify that the DNS server is configured for DNS SRV and DNS A records of the devices to be routed. View the error_log file for error messages (bad SIP messages, process errors, and so forth.).

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Reports That SIP Messages Are Bad
If the Cisco SIP proxy server reports SIP messages as bad, enable the StateMachine debug flag in the sipd.conf file and view the SIP messages in the error_log file. The error_log file should contain SIP messages that are received in ASCII format. Check the SIP headers of those messages against the headers defined in RFC 2543 or check the SDP information against the information defined in RFC 2327.

Cisco SIP Proxy Server Farming Does Not Work Correctly

If Cisco SIP proxy server farming does not work correctly, perform the following tasks as necessary to determine the cause:

Verify that all members of the farm have the same sipd.conf file configuration. Verify that all members of the farm have an entry for the other farm members defined in the Cisco_Registry_Farm_Members directive in their sipd.conf file. Verify that all members of the farm are running the same version of the Cisco SIP proxy server. Verify that all members of the farm are synchronized to the same clock source through Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Voice Quality Problems

SIP uses RTP to transmit media between two endpoints. The Cisco SIP proxy server is only involved with the SIP signaling and not the media. Therefore, voice-quality issues should be determined in the endpoint devices, not the Cisco SIP proxy server, because the media does not pass through it.

SIP Messages and Methods

All SIP messages are either requests from a server or client or responses to a request. The messages are formatted according to RFC 822, Standard for the format of ARPA internet text messages. For all messages, the general format is:

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network SIP Messages and Methods

A start line One or more header fields An empty line A message body (optional)

Each line must end with a carriage return-line feed (CRLF).

SIP uses six types (methods) of requests:

INVITEIndicates that a user or service is being invited to participate in a call session ACKConfirms that the client has received a final response to an INVITE request BYETerminates a call and can be sent by the calling or called party CANCELCancels any pending searches but does not terminate a call that has already been accepted OPTIONSQueries the capabilities of servers REGISTERRegisters the address listed in the To header field with a SIP server

The following types of responses are used by SIP and generated by the Cisco SIP proxy server:

SIP 1xxInformational responses SIP 2xxSuccessful responses SIP 3xxRedirection responses SIP 4xxClient failure responses SIP 5xxServer failure responses SIP 6xxGlobal failure responses

Registration Process
A registration occurs when a client needs to inform a proxy or redirect server of its location. During this process, the client sends a REGISTER request to the proxy or redirect server and includes the address (or addresses) at which it can be reached.

Invitation Process
An invitation occurs when one SIP endpoint (user A) invites another SIP endpoint (user B) to join in a call. During this process, user A sends an INVITE message requesting that user B join a particular conference or establish a two-party conversation. If user B wants to join the call, it sends an affirmative response (SIP 2xx). Otherwise, it sends a failure response (SIP 4xx). Upon receiving the response, user A acknowledges the response with an ACK message. If user A no longer wants to establish this conference, it sends a BYE message instead of an ACK message.

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Troubleshooting SIP Interfaces to the IP Network SIP Messages and Methods


For examples of SIP call flows, refer to the Cisco SIP Proxy Server (CSPS) Call Flows chapter in the Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide, Version 2.0.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network

Media gateway control protocol (MGCP) bases its call control and intelligence in centralized call agents, also called media gateway controllers. The call agents issue commands to simple, low-cost endpoints, which are housed in media gateways (MGs), and they also receive event reports from the gateways. MGCP messages between call agents and media gateways are sent over IP/UDP. For information about configuring MGCP, refer to the MGCP and Related Protocols Configuration Guide. This chapter contains the following sections:

MGCP Overview, page 391 Call Routing and Dial Peers, page 398 Call Admission Control, page 401 Verifying Connections and Endpoints, page 404 MGCP Testing Commands, page 405

MGCP Overview
Two basic MGCP constructs are endpoints and connections. An endpoint is a source or sink for call data (RTP/IP) that is flowing through the gateway. A common type of endpoint is found at the physical interface between the POTS or PSTN service and the gateway; this type of endpoint might be an analog voice port or a digital DS0 group. There are other types of endpoints as well, and some are logical rather than physical. An endpoint is identified by a two-part endpoint name that contains the name of the entity on which it exists (for example, an access server or router) and the local name by which it is known (for example, a port identifier). Call agents manage call flow using standard MGCP commands that are sent to the endpoints under their control. The commands are delivered in standard ASCII text, and can contain session descriptions transmitted in Session Description Protocol (SDP), a text-based protocol. These messages are sent over IP/UDP. Call agents keep track of endpoint and connection status through the gateways reporting of standard events that are detected from endpoints and connections. Call agents also direct gateways to apply certain standard signals when a POTS/PSTN connection expects them. For example, when someone picks up a telephone handset, an off-hook event is detected on an endpoint on the residential gateway to

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

which the telephone is connected. The gateway reports the event to a call agent, which orders the gateway to apply the dial-tone signal to the endpoint reporting the off-hook event. The person picking up the handset hears dial tone. Figure 41 shows a hypothetical MGCP network with both residential and trunking gateways. The residential gateway has telephone sets connected to the gateways FXS voice ports. MGCP or NCS over IP/UDP is used for call control and reporting to the call agent, and Real-time Transmission Protocol (RTP) is used to transmit the actual voice data. Figure 41 also shows two trunking gateways with T1 (or E1) connections to the PSTN. Incoming time-division multiplexing (TDM) data is sent through the gateway into the packet network through the use of RTP. MGCP or TGCP over IP/UDP is used for call control and reporting to the call agent. Signaling System 7 (SS7) data travels a different route, however, bypassing the trunking gateway entirely in favor of a specialized signaling gateway, where the signaling data is transformed to ISUP/IP format and relayed to the call agent. Communication between two signaling gateways in the same packet network can be done with ISUP/IP, H.323, or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Figure 41 MGCP Network Model

Residential gateway (RGW) MGCP or NCS Media gateway controller (call agent) ISUP/IP, H.323, or SIP MGCP or TGCP


Residential gateway (RGW) MGCP or NCS Media gateway controller (call agent)



SS7 Signaling gateway PSTN TDM

ISUP/IP, H.323, Signaling or SIP gateway MGCP or TGCP RTP Trunking gateway (TGW)

Trunking gateway (TGW)


Note: Residential gateways and trunking gateways are specific types of media gateways.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

MGCP Gateway Call Flow

The following example shows an MGCP call flow. The network topology is shown in Figure 42 . In this example, the FXS port is registered as an endpoint to Cisco CallManager.
Figure 42 MGCP Call Flow Topology

FXS Cisco 3640 voice gateway


Extension 1001

Cisco CallManager

FXS port IP address 1/0/0

IP address

User Access Verification

In this example, the show log command is used to show the MGCP packets sent between the Cisco gateway and Cisco CallManager.
Router# Router#show log Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 1 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled) Console logging: level debugging, 280 messages logged, xml disabled Monitor logging: level debugging, 109 messages logged, xml disabled Buffer logging: level debugging, 69 messages logged, xml disabled Logging Exception size (4096 bytes) Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled Trap logging: level informational, 39 message lines logged Log Buffer (10000000 bytes):

The FXS port goes off hook and notifies the CallAgent of the status through observed event. Here, the MGCP packet is sent by the gateway.
*Mar 1 02:16:29.399: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:29.399: NTFY 186 aaln/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1b O: L/hd

Here, the gateway receives the response from the CallAgent.

*Mar 1 02:16:29.399: MGCP Packet received from 186

The CallAgent directs the port to provide the dial tone and requests a notification if there is any change of events such as a port disconnect or digits received.
*Mar 1 02:16:29.411: MGCP Packet received from 40 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1c R: L/hu, D/[0-9ABCD*#] S: L/dl

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

Q: process,loop *Mar 1 02:16:29.419: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

The FXS port (endpoint) notifies the Call Agent about the digits that it received.
*Mar *Mar 1 02:16:29.419: 200 40 OK 1 02:16:33.595: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:33.595: NTFY 187 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1c O: D/1 *Mar 1 02:16:33.599: MGCP Packet received from 187 *Mar 1 02:16:33.603: MGCP Packet received from 41 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1d R: L/hu, D/[0-9ABCD*#], L/hf S: Q: process,loop *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 02:16:33.607: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to 1 02:16:33.607: 200 41 OK 1 02:16:35.655: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:35.655: NTFY 188 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1d O: D/0 *Mar 1 02:16:35.659: MGCP Packet received from 188 *Mar 1 02:16:37.275: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:37.275: NTFY 189 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1d O: D/0 *Mar 1 02:16:37.279: MGCP Packet received from 189


1 02:16:38.815: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:38.815: NTFY 190 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1d O: D/1

<--*Mar 1 02:16:38.819: MGCP Packet received from 190 *Mar 1 02:16:38.839: MGCP Packet received from 42 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 C: A00000000200001d X: 1e M: inactive R: L/hu Q: process,loop

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

*Mar *Mar I: 4

1 02:16:38.851: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to 1 02:16:38.851: 200 42 OK

v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 19156 RTP/AVP 0 8 99 101 102 2 15 103 4 104 105 106 107 18 100 a=rtpmap:99 G.729a/8000 a=rtpmap:101 G.726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:102 G.726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:103 G.723.1-H/8000 a=rtpmap:104 G.723.1-L/8000 a=rtpmap:105 G.729b/8000 a=rtpmap:106 G.723.1a-H/8000 a=rtpmap:107 G.723.1a-L/8000 a=rtpmap:100 X-NSE/8000 a=fmtp:100 200-202 a=X-sqn:0 a=X-cap: 1 audio RTP/AVP 100 a=X-cpar: a=rtpmap:100 X-NSE/8000 a=X-cpar: a=fmtp:100 200-202 a=X-cap: 2 image udptl t38 <--*Mar 1 02:16:38.855: MGCP Packet received from 43 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 1f R: L/hu S: G/rt Q: process,loop

At this time the call is sent to the IP Phone. The CA directs the IP Phone to start playing ringbacks.
*Mar 1 02:16:38.859: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:38.859: 200 43 OK <--*Mar 1 02:16:46.159: MGCP Packet received from 44 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 C: A00000000200001d I: 4 X: 20 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off M: recvonly R: L/hu Q: process,loop *Mar 1 02:16:46.167: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:46.167: 200 44 OK <--*Mar 1 02:16:46.171: MGCP Packet received from 45 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 21 R: L/hu, D/[0-9ABCD*#], L/hf S: Q: process,loop *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 02:16:46.175: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to ---> 1 02:16:46.175: 200 45 OK 1 02:16:46.179: MGCP Packet received from

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

MDCX 46 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 C: A00000000200001d I: 4 X: 22 L: p:20, a:PCMU, s:off M: sendrecv R: L/hu, L/hf, D/[0-9ABCD*#] S: Q: process,loop v=0 o=- 4 0 IN EPN AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router s=Cisco SDP 0 t=0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 28390 RTP/AVP 96 a=rtpmap:96 PCMU *Mar *Mar 1 02:16:46.187: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to 1 02:16:46.191: 200 46 OK

Now the call is answered. Note that media is cut in both directions.After about 12 seconds the called party on the IP Phone drops the call.
*Mar 1 02:16:58.355: MGCP Packet received from 47 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 C: A00000000200001d I: 4 X: 23 M: recvonly R: L/hu Q: process,loop *Mar *Mar 1 02:16:58.359: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to 1 02:16:58.359: 200 47 OK

*Mar 1 02:16:58.379: MGCP Packet received from 48 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 C: A00000000200001d I: 4 X: 24 R: L/hu S: Q: process,loop *Mar 1 02:16:58.383: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:16:58.383: 250 48 OK P: PS=608, OS=97280, PR=604, OR=96640, PL=0, JI=64, LA=0 *Mar 1 02:17:01.403: MGCP Packet received from 49 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 25 R: L/hu, D/[0-9ABCD*#] S: L/dl Q: process,loop

Since this call was made from an FXS phone the calling party hears a dial tone
*Mar 1 02:17:01.411: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Overview

*Mar *Mar

1 02:17:01.411: 200 49 OK 1 02:17:03.135: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to

*Mar 1 02:17:03.135: NTFY 191 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 25 O: L/hu *Mar 1 02:17:03.139: MGCP Packet received from 191

*Mar 1 02:17:03.143: MGCP Packet received from 50 AALN/S1/SU0/0@Router MGCP 0.1 X: 26 R: L/hd S: Q: process,loop *Mar *Mar 1 02:17:03.147: send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent to 1 02:17:03.147: 200 50 OK

Troubleshooting Guidelines
The following suggestions help with troubleshooting:

Reset the MGCP statistical counters with the clear mgcp statistics command. If RTP traffic is not getting through, make sure IP routing is enabled. Use the show rtp statistics command, then turn on the debug ip udp command and track down the MGCP RTP packets.
Router# show rtp statistics RTP Statistics info: No. CallId Xmit-pkts Xmit-bytes Rcvd-pkts 1 17492 0x8A 0x5640 0x8A Router# show rtp statistics RTP Statistics info: No. CallId Xmit-pkts Xmit-bytes Rcvd-pkts 1 17492 0xDA 0x8840 0xDB

Rcvd-bytes Lost pkts 0x5640 0x0

Jitter Latenc 0x0 0x0

Rcvd-bytes Lost pkts 0x88E0 0x0

Jitter Latenc 0x160 0x0

If an RSIP message is not received by the call agent, make sure that the mgcp call-agent command or the MGCP profile call-agent command is configured with the correct call agent name or IP address and UDP port. Use the show mgcp command or the show mgcp profile command to display this information:
Router# show mgcp MGCP Admin State ACTIVE, Oper State ACTIVE - Cause Code NONE MGCP call-agent: Initial protocol service is MGCP, v. 1.0 ... MGCP gateway port: 2727, MGCP maximum waiting delay 3000 ... Router# show mgcp profile MGCP Profile nycprofile Description: NY branch office configuration Call-agent: Initial protocol service is MGCP, v. 1.0 ...

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Routing and Dial Peers

To verify connections and endpoints, use the show mgcp command:

Router# show mgcp connection Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode (S)tate (C)odec (E)vent[SIFL] (R)esult[EA] 1. S0/DS1-1/5 C=F123AB,5,6 I=0x3 P=16506,16602 M=3 S=4 C=1 E=2,0,0,2 R=0,0 2. S0/DS1-1/6 C=F123AB,7,8 I=0x4 P=16602,16506 M=3 S=4 C=1 E=0,0,0,0 R=0,0 Router# show mgcp endpoint T1/0 ds0-group 0 timeslots T1/1 ds0-group 0 timeslots T1/2 ds0-group 0 timeslots T1/3 ds0-group 0 timeslots

1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24

If an MGCP message is rejected, it might be because the remote media gateway does not support SDP mandatory parameters (the o=, s=, and t= lines). If this is the case, configure the mgcp sdp simple command to send SDP messages without those parameters. If you notice problems with voice quality, make sure that the cptone (voice-port configuration) command is set for the correct country code. Capturing RTP packets from the sniffer might help to debug the problem; you can decide such questions as whether the payload type or timestamps are set correctly. To check operation of interfaces, use the show interface command. To view information about activity on the T1 or E1 line, use the show controllers command. Alarms, line conditions, and other errors are displayed. The data is updated every 10 seconds; and every 15 minutes, the cumulative data is stored and retained for 24 hours. When necessary, you can enable debug traces for errors, events, media, packets, and parser. The command debug mgcp packets can be used to monitor message flow in general. Note that there is always a performance penalty when using debug commands. The sample output below shows the use of the optional input-hex keyword to enable display of hexadecimal values.
Router# debug mgcp {all | errors | events | packets {input-hex}| parser} Router# debug mgcp packets input-hex Media Gateway Control Protocol input packets in hex value debugging is on MGCP Packet received DLCX 49993 * MGCP 0.1 MGCP Packet received in hex 44 4C 43 58 20 34 39 39 39 33 20 2A 20 4D 47 43 50 20 30 2E 31 A send_mgcp_msg, MGCP Packet sent ---> 250 49993

Call Routing and Dial Peers

To troubleshoot xGCP call routing, see the following sections:

Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg, page 399 Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg, page 401

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Routing and Dial Peers

Verifying Digits Received and Sent on the POTS Call Leg

Once the on-hook and off-hook signaling are verified to be working correctly, the next step in troubleshooting and debugging a VoIP call is to verify that the correct digits are being received or sent on the voice port (digital or analog). A dial peer is not matched or the switch (CO or PBX) cannot ring the correct station if incomplete or incorrect digits are being sent or received. Some commands that can be used to verify the digits received/sent are:

show dialplan numberThis command is used to show which dial peer is reached when a particular telephone number is dialed. debug vtsp sessionThis command displays information on how each network indication and application request is processed, signaling indications, and DSP control messages. debug vtsp dsp This command displays the digits as they are received by the voice port. debug vtsp allThis command enables the following debug voice telephony service provider (VTSP) commands: debug vtsp session, debug vtsp error, and debug vtsp dsp.

show dialplan number

The show dialplan number digit_string command displays the dial peer that is matched by a string of digits. If multiple dial peers can be matched, they are all shown in the order in which they are matched. The output of this command looks like this:
Router# show dialplan number 5000 Macro Exp.: 5000 VoiceOverIpPeer2 information type = voice, tag = 2, destination-pattern = `5000', answer-address = `', preference=0, group = 2, Admin state is up, Operation state is up, incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited, application associated: type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:', technology prefix: ip precedence = 5, UDP checksum = disabled, session-protocol = cisco, req-qos = best-effort, acc-qos = best-effort, dtmf-relay = cisco-rtp, fax-rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes, Expect factor = 10, Icpif = 30, signaling-type = cas, VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled, Connect Time = 25630, Charged Units = 0, Successful Calls = 25, Failed Calls = 0, Accepted Calls = 25, Refused Calls = 0, Last Disconnect Cause is "10 ", Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing.", Last Setup Time = 84427934. Matched: 5000 Digits: 4 Target: ipv4:

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Routing and Dial Peers

debug vtsp dsp

debug vtsp dsp shows the digits as they are received by the voice port. The following output shows the collection of DTMF digits from the DSP:
Router# debug vtsp dsp Voice telephony call control dsp debugging is on


ACTION: Caller picked up handset and dialed digits 5000. The DSP detects DTMF digits. Digit 5 was detected with ON time of 130msec.

*Mar 10 17:57:08.505: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=5, *Mar 10 17:57:08.585: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=5, duration=130 *Mar 10 17:57:09.385: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:09.485: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=150 *Mar 10 17:57:10.697: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:10.825: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=180 *Mar 10 17:57:12.865: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_BEGIN: digit=0 *Mar 10 17:57:12.917: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_DTMF_DIGIT_OFF: digit=0, duration=100 Router# debug vtsp session Voice telephony call control session debugging is on

!--- <some output have been omitted> !-- ACTION: Caller picked up handset. !-- The DSP is allocated, jitter buffers, VAD !-- thresholds, and signal levels are set.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_playout: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=18 channel_id=1 packet_id=76 mode=1 initial=60 min=4 max=200 fax_nom=300 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_echo_canceller_control: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=66 flags=0x0 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_set_gains: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=12 channel_id=1 packet_id=91 in_gain=0 out_gain=65506 *Mar 10 18:14:22.865: dsp_vad_enable: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=10 channel_id=1 packet_id=78 thresh=-38act_setup_ind_ack *Mar 10 18:14:22.869: dsp_voice_mode: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=24 channel_id=1 packet_id=73 coding_type=1

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Admission Control

voice_field_size=80 VAD_flag=0 echo_length=64 comfort_noise=1 inband_detect=1 digit_relay=2 AGC_flag=0act_setup_ind_ack(): dsp_dtmf_mod e()act_setup_ind_ack: passthru_mode = 0, no_auto_switchover = 0dsp_dtmf_mode (VTSP_TONE_DTMF_MODE)

!-- The DSP is put into "voice mode" and dial-tone is !-- generated.

*Mar 10 18:14:22.873: dsp_cp_tone_on: [1/0/0 (69)] packet_len=30 channel_id=1 packet_id=72 tone_id=4 n_freq=2 freq_of_first=350 freq_of_second=440 amp_of_first= 4000 amp_of_second=4000 direction=1 on_time_first=65535 off_time_first=0 on_time _second=65535 off_time_second=0

If you determine that the digits are not being sent or received properly, then you might need to use either a digit-grabber (test tool) or T1 tester to verify that the digits are being sent at the correct frequency and timing interval. If they are being sent incorrectly for the switch (CO or PBX), some values on the router or switch (CO or PBX) might need to be adjusted so that they match and the devices can interoperate. These are usually digit duration and interdigit duration values. If the digits appear to be sent correctly, you can also check any number translation tables in the switch (CO or PBX) that might be adding or removing digits.

Verifying End-to-End VoIP Signaling on the VoIP Call Leg

After verifying that voice-port signaling is working properly and that the correct digits have been received, move to the VoIP call control troubleshooting and debugging. The following factors explain why call control debugging can be a complex job:

H.323 is made up of three layers of call-negotiation and call-establishment: H.225, H.245, and H.323. These protocols use a combination of TCP and UDP to set up and establish a call. End-to-End VoIP debugging shows a number of Cisco IOS state-machines, and problems with any state-machine can cause a call to fail. End-to-End VoIP debugging can be very verbose and create a lot of debug output.

Call Admission Control

MGCP VoIP call admission control (CAC) has several commands available to analyze call statistics and operation of applications on the gateway. They are classified into these groups for clarity:

Troubleshooting MGCP Troubleshooting MGCP SRC CAC Troubleshooting MGCP RSVP CAC Troubleshooting MGCP SA Agent CAC

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Admission Control

Troubleshooting MGCP
To provide information about the operation of the MGCP application, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Router# debug mgcp all

Purpose Displays real-time information about MGCP errors, events, media, packets, parser, system resource check (SRC), and VoIP call admission control (CAC) Displays MGCP errors Displays MGCP events Displays MGCP tone and signal information Displays MGCP packet information, with input packets optionally in hexadecimal format Displays MGCP parser and builder information Displays MGCP SRC CAC information Turns on debugging messages for the VoIP CAC process at the MGCP application layer

Router# debug mgcp errors {endpoint endpoint-name} Router# debug mgcp events {endpoint endpoint-name} Router# debug mgcp media {endpoint endpoint-name} Router# debug mgcp packets {endpoint endpoint-name | input-hex} Router# debug mgcp parser Router# debug mgcp src Router# debug mgcp voipcac

Troubleshooting MGCP SRC CAC

To help identify SRC CAC problems, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Router# show call threshold {status [unavailable] | stats}

Purpose Displays status of configured triggers or statistics for application programming interface (API) calls that were made to global and interface resources Displays MGCP statistics, including those for MGCP SRC VoIP CAC Clears call threshold statistics Clears statistics gathered for MGCP SRC CAC Displays details of trigger actions Provides debug information for MGCP SRC CAC calls

Router# show mgcp statistics

Router# clear call threshold stats Router# clear mgcp src-stats Router# debug call threshold Router# debug mgcp src

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Call Admission Control

Troubleshooting MGCP RSVP CAC

To identify and trace RSVP CAC problems, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Router# show call fallback cache

Purpose Displays a network congestion level check result if one has been cached Displays statistics for calls that attempted RSVP reservation Displays the configuration settings for RSVP synchronization Displays the RSVP-related receiver information currently in the database Displays messages about software functions called by RSVP Displays events that occur during RSVP setup Displays detailed information about RSVP-enabled and Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager (SBM) message processing

Router# show call rsvp-sync stats

Router# show call rsvp-sync conf

Router# show ip rsvp reservation

Router# debug call rsvp-sync func-trace

Router# debug call rsvp-sync events Router# debug ip rsvp detail

Troubleshooting MGCP SA Agent CAC

To help identify Service Assurance (SA) Agent CAC problems, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode: Command
Router# show call fallback cache

Purpose Displays a network congestion level check result if one has been cached Verifies that probes are being sent correctly Displays details of the VoIP call fallback Displays global information about the SA agent feature. There are a number of other options for the show rtr command; use CLI help to browse a list of choices Enables logging of SA agent run-time errors Traces the execution of an SA agent operation

Router# debug call fallback probes Router# debug call fallback detail Router# show rtr application {tabular | full}

Router# debug rtr error Router# debug rtr trace

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying Connections and Endpoints

Verifying Connections and Endpoints

To verify MGCP-controlled endpoints configured for SS7 and ISDN PRI, use the show mgcp endpoint command in privileged EXEC mode.


The show mgcp endpoint command does not show configured endpoints for CAS, including FGD-OS. The following example shows MGCP endpoints for a NAS package:
controller T3 9/0 framing m23 cablelength 224 t1 1-8 controller ! controller T1 9/0:1 framing esf ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb mf dnis ! controller T1 9/0:2 framing esf ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb dtmf dnis ! controller T1 9/0:3 framing esf ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-immediate-start ! controller T1 9/0:4 framing esf ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb ! controller T1 9/0:5 framing esf pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp ! controller T1 9/0:6 framing esf ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none service mgcp ! controller T1 9/0:7 framing esf extsig mgcp guard-timer 10 on-expiry reject pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp ! controller T1 9/0:8 framing esf extsig mgcp guard-timer 10 on-expiry reject ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none service mgcp !

The following output shows available varieties of CAS:

9/0:5ISDN backhauling 9/0:6SS7 9/0:7ISDN backhauling with NAS package 9/0:8SS7 with NAS package

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

slot7# show mgcp endpoint T1 S9/0:5 pri-group timeslots 1-23 type backhaul T1 S9/0:6 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none T1 S9/0:7 pri-group timeslots 1-23 type backhaul T1 S9/0:8 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none NAS Endpts T1 9/0:7 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none T1 9/0:8 ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type none


MGCP Testing Commands

The show commands are useful for displaying the current status of the configuration as well as verifying that the changes that you made took effect. The following commands are described:

show ccm-manager, page 405 show mgcp, page 406 show mgcp endpoint, page 407 show mgcp connection, page 407 show voice port mod_num/slot_num/port_num, page 409 show mgcp statistics, page 412 Other debug mgcp Commands, page 413

show ccm-manager
If your MGCP network includes Cisco CallManager, use this command to verify the active and redundant configured Cisco CallManager servers. This command also indicates if the gateway is currently registered with Cisco CallManager.


The following show ccm-manager command output was captured in a separated environment.
Router# show ccm-manager MGCP Domain Name: Router Total number of host: 2 Priority Status Host ============================================================ Primary Registered First backup Backup ready Second backup Undefined Current active Call Manager: Current backup Call Manager: Redundant link port: 2428 Failover Interval: 30 seconds Keepalive Interval: 15 seconds

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Last keepalive sent: 1d00h (elapsed time: 00:00:03) Last MGCP traffic time: 1d00h (elapsed time: 00:00:03) Last switchover time: 04:49:39 from ( Switchback mode: Graceful

show mgcp
Use this command to verify the status of the router's MGCP parameters. You should see the IP address of the server that you are using ( in this case.) All of the other parameters were left at their default behavior in this configuration.
VG200A# show mgcp MGCP Admin State ACTIVE, Oper State ACTIVE - Cause Code NONE MGCP call-agent: Initial protocol service is MGCP MGCP block-newcalls DISABLED MGCP dtmf-relay codec all mode out-of-band MGCP modem passthrough: CA MGCP request timeout 500, MGCP request retries 3 MGCP gateway port: 2427, MGCP maximum waiting delay 3000 MGCP restart delay 0, MGCP vad DISABLED MGCP simple-sdp ENABLED MGCP codec type g711ulaw, MGCP packetization period 20 MGCP JB threshold lwm 30, MGCP JB threshold hwm 150 MGCP LAT threshold lmw 150, MGCP LAT threshold hwm 300 MGCP PL threshold lwm 1000, MGCP PL threshold hwm 10000 MGCP playout mode is adaptive 60, 4, 200 in msec MGCP IP ToS low delay disabled, MGCP IP ToS high throughput disabled MGCP IP ToS high reliability disabled, MGCP IP ToS low cost disabled MGCP IP precedence 5, MGCP default package: line-package MGCP supported packages: gm-package dtmf-package trunk-package line-package hs-package VG200A#

Table 50

Explanation of Fields in the show mgcp Command

Field Output MGCP Admin State ...

Description The administrative and operational state of the MGCP daemon. The administrative state controls starting and stopping the application using the mgcp and mgcp block-newcalls commands. The operational state controls normal MGCP operations. The address of the call agent specified in the mgcp command. The state of the mgcp block-newcalls command. The setting for the mgcp request timeout command. The setting for the mgcp request retries command. The UDP port specification. The setting for the mgcp max-waiting-delay command. The setting for the mgcp restart-delay command. The setting for the mgcp vad command. The setting for the mgcp codec command.

MGCP call-agent MGCP block-newcalls enabled MGCP request timeout MGCP request retries MGCP gateway port MGCP maximum waiting delay MGCP restart delay MGCP VAD MGCP codec type

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Table 50

Explanation of Fields in the show mgcp Command (continued)

MGCP packetization period MGCP JB threshold low water mark JB threshold high water mark MGCP LAT threshold low water mark LAT threshold high water mark MGCP PL threshold low water mark PL threshold high water mark MGCP IP ToS low delay MGCP IP ToS high throughput MGCP IP ToS high reliability MGCP IP ToS low cost MGCP IP precedence MGCP default package type Supported MGCP packages

The packetization period parameter setting for the mgcp codec command. The jitter buffer minimum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The jitter buffer maximum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The latency minimum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The latency maximum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The packet loss minimum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The packet loss minimum threshold parameter setting for the mgcp quality-threshold command. The low-delay parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command. The high-throughput parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command. The high-reliability parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command. The low-cost parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command. The precedence parameter setting for the mgcp ip-tos command. The default-package parameter setting for the mgcp default-package command. The packages supported in this session.

show mgcp endpoint

Use this command to show the voice ports (endpoints) that are under MGCP control in the router. This command verifies which voice ports have been bound to the MGCP application. This is related to the application mgcp command and the port commands that were entered when configuring the POTS dial peer.
VG200A#show mgcp endpoint voice-port 1/0/0 voice-port 1/0/1 voice-port 1/1/0 voice-port 1/1/1 VG200A#

show mgcp connection

Use this command to display any active MGCP connections. The endpoint in this example is Slot1/Module 1/Port 0. This corresponds to the MGCP Member Configuration identifier in Cisco CallManager. This tells you which port on the router is the endpoint in the call.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

In the screen output below there is one active call.

VG200A#show mgcp connection Endpoint Call_ID(C) Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode (S)tate (C)odec EC (R)esult[EA] 1. aaln/S1/SU1/0 C=A000000001000008,23,24 I=0xD P=16390,0 M=4 S=4,4 CO=1 EC=1 R=0,0 Total number of active calls 1 VG200A#

Table 51

Explanation of Fields in the show mgcp connection Command

Field Output Endpoint Call_ID(C)

Description The endpoint for each call shown in the digital endpoint naming convention of slot number (S0) and digital line (DS1-0) number (1). The MGCP call ID send by the call agent, the internal Call Control Application Programming Interface (CCAPI) call ID for this endpoint, and the peer call legs CCAPI call ID. (CCAPI is an API to provide call control facilities to applications.) The connection ID generated by the gateway and sent in the ACK message. The ports used for this connection. The first port is the local UDP port. The second port is the remote UDP port. The call mode, where: 0Indicates an invalid value for mode. 1Indicates the gateway should only send packets. 2Indicates the gateway should only receive packets. 3Indicates the gateway can send and receive packets. 4Indicates the gateway should neither send nor receive packets. 5Indicates the gateway should place the circuit in loopback mode. 6Indicates the gateway should place the circuit in test mode. 7Indicates the gateway should use the circuit for network access for data. 8Indicates the gateway should place the connection in network loopback mode. 9Indicates the gateway should place the connection in network continuity test mode. 10Indicates the gateway should place the connection in conference mode. All other values are used for internal debugging.

Conn_ID(I) (P)ort (M)ode

(S)tate (C)odec (E)vent [SIFL] (R)esult [EA]

The call state. The values are used for internal debugging purposes. The codec identifier. The values are used for internal debugging purposes. Used for internal debugging. Used for internal debugging.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

show voice port mod_num/slot_num/port_num

Use this command to verify the current status and configuration of the voice ports on the router. The following is sample output from the show voice port command for a foreign exchange office (FXO) voice port:
VG200A#show voice port 1/0/0 Foreign Exchange Office 1/0/0 Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 0 Type of VoicePort is FXO Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Playout-delay Mode is set to default Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s Companding Type is u-law Region Tone is set for US Analog Info Follows: Currently processing none Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode) Number of signaling protocol errors are 0 Impedance is set to 600r Ohm Wait Release Time Out is 30 s Station name None, Station number None Voice card specific Info Follows: Signal Type is loopStart Number Of Rings is set to 1 Supervisory Disconnect active Hook Status is On Hook Ring Detect Status is inactive Ring Ground Status is inactive Tip Ground Status is inactive Dial Type is dtmf Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms Pulse Rate Timing is set to 10 pulses/second InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing is set to 750 ms Percent Break of Pulse is 60 percent GuardOut timer is 2000 ms VG200A#

The following is sample output from the show voice port command for a foreign exchange station (FXS) voice port:
VG200A#show voice port 1/1/0

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Foreign Exchange Station 1/1/0 Slot is 1, Sub-unit is 1, Port is 0 Type of VoicePort is FXS Operation State is DORMANT Administrative State is UP No Interface Down Failure Description is not set Noise Regeneration is enabled Non Linear Processing is enabled Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm In Gain is Set to 0 dB Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB Echo Cancellation is enabled Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms Playout-delay Mode is set to default Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms Connection Mode is normal Connection Number is not set Initial Time Out is set to 10 s Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s Companding Type is u-law Region Tone is set for US Analog Info Follows: Currently processing none Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode) Number of signaling protocol errors are 0 Impedance is set to 600r Ohm Wait Release Time Out is 30 s Station name None, Station number None Voice card specific Info Follows: Signal Type is loopStart Ring Frequency is 25 Hz Hook Status is On Hook Ring Active Status is inactive Ring Ground Status is inactive Tip Ground Status is inactive Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms Ring Cadence is defined by CPTone Selection Ring Cadence are [20 40] * 100 msec VG200A#

Table 52

Explanation of Fields in the show voice port Command

Field Output Administrative State Alias Clear Wait Duration Timing Connection Mode Connection Number Currently Processing Delay Duration Timing

Description Administrative state of the voice port. User-supplied alias for this voice port. Time of inactive seizure signal to declare call cleared. Connection mode of the interface Full E.164 telephone number used to establish a connection with the trunk or PLAR mode. Type of call currently being processed: none, voice, or fax. Maximum delay signal duration for delay dial signaling.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Table 52

Explanation of Fields in the show voice port Command (continued)

Delay Start Timing Dial Type Digit Duration Timing E&M Type Echo Cancel Coverage Echo Cancellation Hook Flash Duration Timing Hook Status Impedance In Gain In Seizure Initial Time Out InterDigit Duration Timing InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing Interdigit Time Out Maintenance Mode Music On Hold Threshold Noise Regeneration Number of signaling protocol errors Non-Linear Processing Operations State Operation Type Out Attenuation Out Seizure Port Pulse Rate Timing Regional Tone Ring Active Status Ring Frequency Ring Ground Status Signal Type

Timing of generation of delayed start signal from detection of incoming seizure. Out-dialing type of the voice port. DTMF Digit duration in milliseconds. Type of E&M interface. Echo Cancel Coverage for this port. Whether or not echo cancellation is enabled for this port. Maximum length of hook flash signal. Hook status of the FXO/FXS interface. Configured terminating impedance for the E&M interface. Amount of gain inserted at the receiver side of the interface. Incoming seizure state of the E&M interface. Amount of time the system waits for an initial input digit from the caller. DTMF interdigit duration in milliseconds. Pulse dialing interdigit timing in milliseconds. Amount of time the system waits for a subsequent input digit from the caller. Maintenance mode of the voice-port. Configured Music-On-Hold Threshold value for this interface. Whether or not background noise should be played to fill silent gaps if VAD is activated. Number of signaling protocol errors. Whether or not Non-Linear Processing is enabled for this port. Operation state of the port. Operation of the E&M signal: 2-wire or 4-wire. Amount of attenuation inserted at the transmit side of the interface. Outgoing seizure state of the E&M interface. Port number for this interface associated with the voice interface card. Pulse dialing rate in pulses per second (pps). Configured regional tone for this interface. Ring active indication. Configured ring frequency for this interface. Ring ground indication Type of signaling for a voice port: loop-start, ground-start, wink-start, immediate, and delay-dial.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Table 52

Explanation of Fields in the show voice port Command (continued)

Slot Sub-unit Tip Ground Status Type of VoicePort The Interface Down Failure Cause Wink Duration Timing Wink Wait Duration Timing

Slot used in the voice interface card for this port. Sub-unit used in the voice interface card for this port. Tip ground indication. Type of voice port: FXO, FXS, and E&M. Text string describing why the interface is down. Maximum wink duration for wink start signaling. Maximum wink wait duration for wink start signaling.

show mgcp statistics

Use this command to show statistical information related to MGCP activity on the router.
VG200A#show mgcp statistics UDP pkts rx 3791, tx 3830 Unrecognized rx pkts 0, MGCP message parsing errors 0 Duplicate MGCP ack tx 0, Invalid versions count 0 CreateConn rx 12, successful 12, failed 0 DeleteConn rx 12, successful 12, failed 0 ModifyConn rx 42, successful 42, failed 0 DeleteConn tx 0, successful 0, failed 0 NotifyRequest rx 8, successful 8, failed 0 AuditConnection rx 0, successful 0, failed 0 AuditEndpoint rx 20, successful 20, failed 0 RestartInProgress tx 6, successful 6, failed 0 Notify tx 3704, successful 3704, failed 0 ACK tx 68, NACK tx 0 ACK rx 3703, NACK rx 0 IP address based Call Agents statistics: IP address, Total msg rx 3791, successful 3791, failed 0 VG200A#

Table 53

Explanation of Fields in the show mgcp statistics Command

Field Output UDP pkts Unrecognized rx pkts MGCP message parsing errors Duplicate MGCP ack tx Invalid versions count CreateConn rx ...

Description The number of UDP packets received (rx) and transmitted (tx). The number of packets received that are of unknown type. The number of MGCP message parsing errors. The number of duplicate MGCP ACK transmission messages. The number of invalid versions. The number of Create Connection messages received from the call agent by the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Delete Connection messages received from the call agent by the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed.

DeleteConn rx ...

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Table 53

Explanation of Fields in the show mgcp statistics Command (continued)

ModifyConn rx ...

The number of Modify Connection messages received from the call agent by the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Delete Connection messages sent by the call agent. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Notify messages received by the call agent from the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Audit Connection messages received from the call agent by the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Audit Endpoint messages received from the call agent by the media gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Restart In Progress (RSIP) messages transmitted by the call agent. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of Notify messages transmitted by the call agent. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed. The number of acknowledgement messages transmitted by the call agent. The number of negative acknowledgement messages transmitted by the call agent. The number of acknowledgement messages received by the gateway. The number of negative acknowledgement messages received by the gateway. The IP address of the call agent. The total number of messages received by the gateway. Messages received are classified as being successful or failed.

DeleteConn tx ... NotifyRequest rx ...

AuditConnection rx ...

AuditEndpoint rx ...

RestartInProgress tx ... Notify tx ... ACK tx ... NACK tx ... ACK rx ... NACK rx ... IP address Total msg rx ...

Other debug mgcp Commands

Use debug mgcp {all | error | events | packets | parser} when you are experiencing problems that you believe are not related to configuration errors or hardware problems. It is recommended that you keep an example of each debug command from a working configuration to use as a baseline for comparison when you are experiencing problems.

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Troubleshooting MGCP and Related Protocol Interfaces to the IP Network MGCP Testing Commands

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network

Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) enables a router to carry voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over a Frame Relay network, using the FRF.11 protocol. This protocol specification defines multiplexed data, voice, fax, dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digit-relay, and channel-associated signaling (CAS). The Cisco VoFR implementation enables you to make dynamic- and tandem-switched calls and Cisco trunk calls. Dynamic-switched calls have dial-plan information included that processes and routes calls based on the telephone numbers. The dial-plan information is contained within dial-peer entries. This chapter contains the following topics:

Verifying the Voice Connections, page 415 Verifying the Frame Relay Configuration, page 416 Troubleshooting Tasks, page 416 Monitoring and Maintaining the VoFR Configuration, page 417 Troubleshooting VoFR with QoS, page 417 Troubleshooting VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization, page 418 VoFR Testing Commands, page 419

Verifying the Voice Connections

To verify switched call voice connections, perform the following tasks:

Pick up the telephone handset and verify that there is a dial tone. Call from a local telephone to the configured dial peer and verify that the call completes.

To verify the FXO-FXS trunk calls to a remote PBX, perform the following tasks:

Pick up the telephone and listen for a dial tone from the remote PBX. Dial a telephone number, so that the remote PBX routes the call.

To verify voice connections, perform the following tasks:

Check the validity of the dial peer and voice port configuration by performing the following tasks:
Enter the show dial-peer voice command to verify that the data configured is correct.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the Frame Relay Configuration

Enter the show dial-peer voice summary command to check the validity of the dial peer

Enter the show voice port command to show the status of the voice ports. Enter the show call active voice with the keyword brief to show the call status for all voice

Enter the show voice call command to check the validity of the voice port configuration. Enter the show voice dsp command to show the current status of all DSP voice channels. Enter the show voice permanent command to show the status of Cisco trunk permanent calls. Enter the show call history command to show the active call table.

Check the validity of the VoFR configuration on the DLCI by entering the show frame-relay vofr command to show the VoFR configuration.

Verifying the Frame Relay Configuration

Check the validity of the configuration by performing the following tasks:

Enter the show frame-relay pvc command to show the status of the PVCs. Enter the show frame-relay vofr command with the arguments interface, dlci, and cid to show statistics and information on the open subchannels. Enter the show frame-relay fragment command with the arguments interface number and dlci to show the Frame Relay fragmentation configuration. Enter the show traffic-shape queue command to display the traffic-shaping information if Frame Relay traffic shaping is configured. The queue option displays the queueing statistics. For more information about traffic shaping, refer to Frame Relay Traffic Shaping for VoIP and VoFR, document 14073.

Troubleshooting Tasks
To troubleshoot and resolve configuration issues, perform the following tasks:

If no calls are going through, ensure that the frame-relay voice bandwidth command is configured. If VoFR is configured on a PVC and there are problems with data connectivity on that PVC, ensure that the frame-relay fragment command has been configured. If data is not being transmitted but fragmentation is configured, ensure that Frame Relay traffic shaping is turned on. If the problem is with the dial plan or the dial peers, use the show dial-plan number command with the argument dial string to display which dial peers are being used when a specific number is called. If there are problems connecting an FRF.11 trunk call, ensure that the session protocol command in dial peer configuration is set to frf11-trunk. If FRF.11 trunk calls on the Cisco 2600 or Cisco 3600 series routers are being configured, verify that the called-number vofr command in dial peer configuration is configured and that its number matches the destination pattern of the corresponding POTS dial peer. Ensure that the voice port is set to no shutdown. Ensure that the serial port or the T1/E1 controller is set to no shutdown.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network Monitoring and Maintaining the VoFR Configuration

Toggle the voice port by first entering shutdown and then no shutdown every time the connection trunk or no connection trunk command is entered.

Monitoring and Maintaining the VoFR Configuration

To monitor and maintain the VoFR configuration, use the following commands in EXEC mode as needed: Command
Router# show call active voice [brief] Router# show call history voice [last number] | [brief]

Purpose Displays the active call table. Displays the call history table.

Router# show call history voice record Router# show dial-peer voice

Displays configuration information and call statistics for dial peers. Displays information about the Frame Relay fragmentation taking place in the Cisco router. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces. Displays the FRF.11 subchannel information on VoFR DLCIs. Displays information about a serial interface. Displays information about the elements queued at a particular time at the VC (DLCI) level. Displays information about the permanent calls on a voice interface.

Router# show frame-relay fragment

Router# show frame-relay pvc Router# show frame-relay vofr

Router# show interfaces serial Router# show traffic-shape queue

Router# show voice permanent-call

Troubleshooting VoFR with QoS

This section provides information you can use to confirm that your VoFR configuration with QoS is working properly. Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter Tool (registered customers only), which allows you to view an analysis of show command output.

LLQ and IP RTP Priority Commands

The following show and debug commands can help you verify your LLQ and IP RTP priority configurations.

show policy-map interface serial interface#This command is useful for viewing the LLQ operation and any drops in the PQ. show policy-map policy_map_nameDisplays information about the policy-map configuration. show queue interface-type interface-numberLists fair queueing configuration information and statistics for a particular interface.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network Troubleshooting VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization

debug priorityDisplays PQ events and shows whether dropping occurs in this queue. show class-map class_nameDisplays information about the class-map configuration. show call active voiceUsed to check for lost packets at the DSP level. show frame-relay ip rtp header-compressionDisplays RTP header compression statistics.

For more information about low-latency queueing for VoFR, refer to the Low Latency Queueing for Frame Relay feature document.

Fragmentation Commands
Use the following debug and show commands to verify and troubleshoot fragmentation configurations.

show frame-relay fragmentDisplays information about the Frame Relay fragmentation taking place in the Cisco router. debug frame-relay fragmentDisplays event or error messages related to Frame Relay fragmentation. It is enabled at the PVC level on the selected interface.

Frame Relay Interface Commands

Use the following show commands to verify and troubleshoot the Frame Relay interface configurations.

show traffic-shape queue interfaceDisplays information about the elements queued at the VC data-link connection identifier (DLCI) level. The command is used to verify the operation of IP RTP priority over Frame-Relay. When the link is congested, voice flows are identified with a weight of zero. This indicates that the voice flow is using the PQ. show traffic-shapeDisplays information such as Tc, Bc, Be, and CIR configured values. show frame-relay pvc dlci-#Displays information such as traffic shaping parameters, fragmentation values, and dropped packets.

For more information about VoIP over Frame Relay with quality of service (QoS), refer to VoIP over Frame Relay with Quality of Service (Fragmentation, Traffic Shaping, LLQ / IP RTP Priority), document 12156.

Troubleshooting VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
When you are troubleshooting the traffic-shaping and prioritization for a VoIP over Frame Relay network with hub and spoke topology, the configuration of the hub is such that there are two permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) for each remote spoke, and both data and voice are sent over both PVCs.


The prioritization and fragmentation discussed in this document applies not only to this scenario but also to a scenario where you may have one PVC with voice and data and another with only data. The data PVCs need to be traffic-shaped just as the voice and data PVCs are. This is because when a single physical pipe is shared, in this case at the hub, the serialization delay affects all data items, regardless of the PVC they are destined for.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network VoFR Testing Commands

The following debug commands can help you troubleshoot traffic-shaping and prioritization for VoIP over Frame Relay.

debug priorityDisplays PQ events and indicates whether dropping occurs in this queue. Frame Relay is a special case with respect to policing the priority queue. The PQ is policed to ensure that the fair queues are not starved of bandwidth. When you configure the PQ, you specify in kbps the maximum amount of bandwidth available to that queue. Packets that exceed that maximum are dropped. Originally, the priority queue of a service-policy configured in a Frame Relay map class was policed during periods of congestion and noncongestion. Cisco IOS Release 12.2 removes this exception. PQ is still policed with FRF.12, but other nonconforming packets are only dropped if there is congestion. debug frame-relay fragmentDisplays event or error messages related to Frame Relay fragmentation. The command is only enabled at the PVC level on the selected interface.

newyork# debug priority Priority output queueing debugging is on newyork#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 56/57/60 ms newyork# 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0: ip -> normal 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2) 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0: ip -> normal 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2) 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0: ip -> normal 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2) 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0: ip -> normal 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2) 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0: ip -> normal 00:42:40: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2) 00:42:41: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 13/0) newyork# debug frame-relay fragment interface serial 2/0 100 This may severely impact network performance. You are advised to enable no logging console debug. Continue?[confirm] Frame Relay fragment/packet debugging is on Displaying fragments/packets on interface Serial2/0 dlci 100 only

Serial2/0(i): dlci 100, rx-seq-num 126, exp_seq-num 126, BE bits set, frag_hdr 04 C0 7E Serial2/0(o): dlci 100, tx-seq-num 82, BE bits set, frag_hdr 04 C0 52

For more information about VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization, refer to VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization, document 12162.

VoFR Testing Commands

To diagnose problems in switched Frame Relay networks, use one or both of the following privileged EXEC commands: Command Purpose

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over Frame Relay Interfaces to the IP Network VoFR Testing Commands

Router# show frame-relay pvc Router# debug frame-relay switching

Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces. Displays debug messages for switched Frame Relay PVCs.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network

Voice over ATM (VoATM) enables a router to carry voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over an ATM network. An ATM network is a cell-switching and multiplexing technology that combines the benefits of circuit switching (constant transmission delay and guaranteed capacity) and packet switching (flexibility and efficiency for intermittent traffic). All traffic to or from an ATM network is prefaced with a virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI). A VPI-VCI pair is seen as identifying a single virtual circuit. Each virtual circuit is a private connection to another node on the ATM network. Each virtual circuit is treated as a point-to-point mechanism to another router or host and is capable of supporting bidirectional traffic. Each ATM node establishes a separate connection to every other node in the ATM network with which it must communicate. All such connections are established by means of a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) or a switched virtual circuit (SVC) with an ATM signaling mechanism. This signaling is based on the ATM Forum User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification version 3.0. Each virtual circuit is considered a complete and separate link to a destination node. Data can be encapsulated as needed across the connection, and the ATM network disregards the contents of the data. The only requirement is that data be sent to the ATM processor card of the router in a manner that follows the specific ATM adaptation layer (AAL) format. An ATM connection transfers raw bits of information to a destination router or host. The ATM router takes the common part convergence sublayer (CPCS) frame, carves it up into 53-byte cells, and sends the cells to the destination router or host for reassembly. In AAL5 format, 48 bytes of each cell are used for the CPCS data, and the remaining 5 bytes are used for cell routing. The 5-byte cell header contains the destination VPI-VCI pair, payload type, cell loss priority (CLP), and header error control (HEC) information. To troubleshoot VoATM issues, see the following sections:

Checking the ATM Configuration, page 422 Verifying the Voice Connection, page 422 Verifying the ATM Interface Configuration, page 423 Verifying the VoATM Connection, page 425

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Checking the ATM Configuration

Checking the ATM Configuration

To check for problems with the ATM configuration, perform the following tasks:

1. 2. 3.

show dial-peer voice show interface no shutdown

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Use the show dial-peer voice command on the local and remote concentrators to verify that the data is configured correctly on both. Use the show interface command to verify that the ATM interface is up. Ensure that the voice port, serial port, and controller T1 0 is set to no shutdown.


ATM defaults to Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI). If the carrier is using LMI, be sure to configure LMI support on the router.

Verifying the Voice Connection

To verify that the voice connection is working, perform the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Verify dial tone. Verify that a call attempt is successful. show dial-peer voice show voice port show voice call show voice dsp

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Pick up the telephone handset and verify that a dial tone is present. Make a call from the local telephone to a configured dial peer and verify that the call attempt is successful. Use the show dial-peer voice command to verify that the configured data is correct. Use the show voice port command to show the status of the voice ports.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the ATM Interface Configuration

Step 5 Step 6

Use the show voice call command to show the call status for all voice ports. Use the show voice dsp command to show the current status of all DSP voice channels.

Verifying the ATM Interface Configuration

To verify the ATM interface configuration, perform the following tasks:

Enter the privileged EXEC show atm vc command to view the SVC (data only) and PVC set. The following is sample output:
Router# show atm vc VCD / Interface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak Encaps SAAL ILMI SNAP SNAP VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE VOICE Avg/Min Burst SC Kbps Kbps Cells UBR 0 UBR 0 UBR 0 UBR 0 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10 VBR 64 16 10

Name 1 2 379 986 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

VPI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

VCI 5 16 60 84 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147




VoATM SVCs are not supported since Cisco IOS Release12.0(7)XK. ATM SVCs for data are still supported. Enter the show atm pvc command with the VPI/VCI specified to view the PVCs that are set up for ILMI management and Q.SAAL signaling. The following is sample output:
Router# show atm pvc 0/5 ATM0: VCD: 2, VPI: 0, VCI: 5, Connection Name: SAAL UBR, PeakRate: 56 AAL5-SAAL, etype:0x4, Flags: 0x26, VCmode: 0x0 OAM frequency: 0 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s), OAM retry frequenc y: 1 second(s) OAM up retry count: 3, OAM down retry count: 5 OAM Loopback status: OAM Disabled OAM VC state: Not Managed ILMI VC state: Not Managed InARP DISABLED InPkts: 2044, OutPkts: 2064, InBytes: 20412, OutBytes: 20580 InPRoc: 2044, OutPRoc: 2064, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM cells received: 0

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Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the ATM Interface Configuration

F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, OAM cells sent: 0 F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutRDI: F4 OutEndloop: 0, F4 OutSegloop: 0, F4 OutRDI: OAM cell drops: 0 Compress: Disabled Status: INACTIVE, State: NOT_IN_SERVICE ! Router# show atm pvc 0/16

F5 InRDI: 0 F4 InRDI: 0 0 0

ATM0: VCD: 1, VPI: 0, VCI: 16, Connection Name: ILMI UBR, PeakRate: 56 AAL5-ILMI, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x27, VCmode: 0x0 OAM frequency: 0 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s), OAM retry frequenc y: 1 second(s) OAM up retry count: 3, OAM down retry count: 5 OAM Loopback status: OAM Disabled OAM VC state: Not Managed ILMI VC state: Not Managed InARP DISABLED InPkts: 398, OutPkts: 421, InBytes: 30493, OutBytes: 27227 InPRoc: 398, OutPRoc: 421, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM cells received: 0 F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI: 0 F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, F4 InRDI: 0 OAM cells sent: 0 F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutRDI: 0 F4 OutEndloop: 0, F4 OutSegloop: 0, F4 OutRDI: 0 OAM cell drops: 0 Compress: Disabled Status: INACTIVE, State: NOT_IN_SERVICE

Enter the show atm interface command in privileged EXEC mode and specify ATM 0 to display the ATM interface. The following is sample output from the command:
Router# show interface atm 0 ATM0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is PQUICC Atom1 Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, sub MTU 1500, BW 1536 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 22/255, rxload 11/255 NSAP address: 47.0091810000000002F26D4901.000011116666.06 Encapsulation ATM 292553397 packets input, -386762809 bytes 164906758 packets output, 1937663833 bytes 0 OAM cells input, 0 OAM cells output, loopback not set Keepalive not supported Encapsulation(s):, PVC mode 1024 maximum active VCs, 28 current VCCs VC idle disconnect time: 300 seconds Signalling vc = 1, vpi = 0, vci = 5 UNI Version = 4.0, Link Side = user Last input 00:00:00, output 2d05h, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: -1902/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 205 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/0/256 (active/max active/max total) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) 5 minute input rate 67000 bits/sec, 273 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 136000 bits/sec, 548 packets/sec

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the VoATM Connection

76766014 packets input, 936995443 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 367264676 packets output, 3261882795 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Enter the show atm video-voice address privileged EXEC command to display the ATM interface address and confirm the ILMI status (ILMI PVC is set up to enable SVC management). The ATM interface is assigned automatically with the atm voice aesa command. The following is a sample output:
Router# show atm video-voice address nsap address 47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.FE 47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.C8 type VOICE_AAL5 VIDEO_AAL1 ilmi status Confirmed Confirmed

Verifying the VoATM Connection

Verify that the voice connection is working by performing the following steps:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Verify dial tone. Verify that a call attempt is successful. show dial-peer voice show voice port show voice call show voice dsp

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Pick up the handset on a telephone connected to the configuration and verify that there is dial tone. Make a call from the local telephone to a configured dial peer to verify the connection. If there are relatively few dial peers configured, use the show dial-peer voice command to verify that the data configured is correct. To show the status of the voice ports, use the show voice port command. To show the call status for all voice ports, use the show voice call command. To show the current status of all DSP voice channels, use the show voice dsp command.

Troubleshooting Tips
If a call does not connect, resolve the problem by performing the following tasks:

Verify dial peer configuration by using the show dial-peer voice command on the local and remote concentrators.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice over ATM Interfaces to the IP Network Verifying the VoATM Connection

Verify that ATM interface 0 is up by using the show interface command. Ensure that the voice port, serial port, and controller T1 0 are set to no shutdown.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Telephony Applications

Troubleshooting Voice Applications

Tcl and VoiceXML applications on the Cisco gateway provide Interactive Voice Response (IVR) features and call control capabilities such as call forwarding and voice mail. The Cisco voice gateway allows voice applications to be used during call processing. Typically, application scripts contain both executable files and audio files that interact with the system software. Tcl scripts and VoiceXML documents can be stored in any of the following locations: TFTP, FTP, or HTTP servers, Flash memory of the gateway, or on the removable disks of the Cisco 3600 series. The audio files that they reference can be stored in any of these locations, and on Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) servers. A Cisco voice gateway can have several voice applications to accommodate many different services, and you can customize the voice applications to present different interfaces to the various callers. IP phones can also originate calls to a gateway running a voice application. Voice applications on Cisco gateways can be developed using a choice of two scripting languages:

Tcl IVR 2.0Tcl-based scripting with an API. VoiceXMLStandards-based markup language for voice browsers.

Applications can also be developed using a hybrid of both Tcl and VoiceXML. The following sections describe troubleshooting Cisco IOS Tcl and VoiceXML applications:

Troubleshooting Tcl IVR, page 429 Media Inactive Call Detection, page 436 Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML, page 452 MGCP Scripting Overview, page 458 Events and Status Codes, page 458

Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

Tcl IVR Version 2.0 uses Tcl scripts to gather data and to process accounting information. For example, a Tcl IVR script can play an audio prompt that asks callers to enter a specific type of information, such as a personal identification number (PIN). After playing the audio prompt, the Tcl IVR application collects the predetermined number of touch tones and sends the collected information to an external server for caller authentication and service authorization.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

Figure 43 displays a Tcl IVR application on the gateway.

Figure 43 IVR Control of Tcl Scripts on an IP Call Leg







Cisco IP/PSTN gateway




Cisco IP IP/PSTN gateway (running IVR)




Call direction RTSP server


For information on developing Tcl scripts for voice applications, refer to the TCL IVR API Version 2.0 Programmers Guide. Refer to the following sections to troubleshoot a Tcl application:

Testing and Debugging Your Script, page 430 Loading Your Script, page 431 Associating Your Script with an Inbound Dial Peer, page 432 Displaying Information About IVR Scripts, page 432 Using URLs in IVR Scripts, page 435 Tips for Using Your Tcl IVR Script, page 436

Testing and Debugging Your Script

It is important to thoroughly test a script before it is deployed. To test a script, you must place it on a router and place a call to activate the script. When you test your script, make sure that you test every procedure in the script and all variations within each procedure. You can view debugging information applicable to the Tcl IVR scripts that are running on the router. The debug voip ivr command allows you to specify the type of debug output you want to view. To view debug output, enter the following command in privileged-EXEC mode:
[no] debug voip ivr {states | error | tclcommands | callsetup | digitcollect | script | dynamic | applib | settlement | all}

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

For more information about the debug voip ivr command, see the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference. The output of any Tcl puts commands is displayed if script debugging is on. Possible sources of errors are:

An unknown or misspelled command (for example, if you misspell media play as mediaplay) A syntax error (such as, specifying an invalid number of arguments) Executing a command in an invalid state (for example, executing the media pause command when no prompt is playing) Using an information tag (info-tag) in an invalid scope (for example, specifying evt_dcdigits when not handling the ev_collectdigits_done event).

In most cases, an error such as these causes the underlying infrastructure to disconnect the call legs and clean up.

Loading Your Script

To associate an application with your Tcl IVR script, use the following command:
(config)# call application voice application_name script_url

After you associate an application with your Tcl IVR script, use the following command to configure parameters:
(config)# call application voice application_name script_url [parameter value]

In this command:

application_name specifies the name of the Tcl application that the system is to use for the calls configured on the inbound dial peer. Enter the name to be associated with the Tcl IVR script. script_url is the pathname where the script is stored. Enter the pathname of the storage location first and then the script filename. Tcl IVR scripts can be stored in Flash memory or on a server that is acceptable using a URL, such as a TFTP server. parameter value allows you to configure values for specific parameters, such as language or PIN length.

For more information about the call application voice command, refer to the Interactive Voice Response Version 2.0 on Cisco VoIP Gateways document on Cisco.com. In the following example, the application named test is associated with the Tcl IVR script called newapp.tcl, which is located at tftp://keyer/debit_audio/:
(config)# call application voice test tftp://keyer/debit_audio/newapp.tcl


If the script cannot be loaded, it is placed in a retry queue and the system periodically retries to load it. If you modify your script, you can reload it using only the script name:(config)# call application
voice load script_name

For more information about using the call application voice and call application voice load commands, refer to the Cisco IOS TCL IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide. For more information about these commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference.

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

Associating Your Script with an Inbound Dial Peer

To invoke your Tcl IVR script to handle a call, you must associate the application configured with an inbound dial peer. To associate your script with an inbound dial peer, enter the following commands in configuration mode:
(config)# dial-peer voice number voip (conf-dial-peer)# incoming called-number destination_number (conf-dial-peer)# application application_name

In these commands:

number uniquely identifies the dial peer. (This number has local significance only.) destination_number specifies the destination telephone number. Valid entries are any series of digits that specify the E.164 telephone number. application_name is the abbreviated name that you assigned when you loaded the application.

For example, the following commands indicate that the application called newapp should be invoked for calls that come in from an IP network and are destined for the telephone number of 125.
(config)# dial-peer voice 3 voip (conf-dial-peer)# incoming called-number 125 (conf-dial-peer)# application newapp

For more information about inbound dial peers, refer to Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers and the Cisco IOS TCL IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide.

Displaying Information About IVR Scripts

To view a list of the voice applications that are configured on the router, use the show call application voice command. A one-line summary of each application is displayed.
show call application voice {name | summary}

In this command:

name indicates the name of the desired IVR application. If you enter the name of a specific application, the system supplies information about that application. summary indicates that you want to view summary information. If you specify the summary keyword, a one-line summary is displayed about each application. If you omit this keyword, a detailed description of the specified application is displayed.

The following is example output of the show call application voice command:
Router# show call application voice session2 Idle call list has 0 calls on it. Application session2 The script is read from URL tftp://dirt/sarvi/scripts/tcl/app_session.tcl The uid-len is 10 (Default) The pin-len is 4 (Default) The warning-time is 60 (Default) The retry-count is 3 (Default) It has 0 calls active. The TCL Script is: -----------------# app_session.tcl

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

#-----------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. # All rights reserved. #-----------------------------------------------------------------# # This tcl script mimics the default SESSION app # # # If DID is configured, just place the call to the dnis # Otherwise, output dial-tone and collect digits from the # caller against the dial-plan. # # Then place the call. If successful, connect it up, otherwise # the caller should hear a busy or congested signal. # The main routine just establishes the state machine and then exits. # From then on the system drives the state machine depending on the # events it receives and calls the appropriate tcl procedure

#--------------------------------# Example Script #---------------------------------

proc init { } { global param set param(interruptPrompt) true set param(abortKey) * set param(terminationKey) # } proc act_Setup { } { global dest global beep set beep 0 leg setupack leg_incoming if { [infotag get leg_isdid] } { set dest [infotag get leg_dnis] leg proceeding leg_incoming leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming fsm setstate PLACECALL } else { playtone leg_incoming tn_dial set param(dialPlan) true leg collectdigits leg_incoming param }

} proc act_GotDest { } { global dest set status [infotag get evt_status] if { $status == "cd_004" } { set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

leg proceeding leg_incoming leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming } else { puts "\nCall [infotag get con_all] got event $status while placing an outgoing call" call close } }

proc act_CallSetupDone { } { global beep set status [infotag get evt_status] if { $status == "CS_000"} { set creditTimeLeft [infotag get leg_settlement_time leg_outgoing]

if { ($creditTimeLeft == "unlimited") || ($creditTimeLeft == "uninitialized") } { puts "\n Unlimited Time" } else { # start the timer for ... if { $creditTimeLeft < 10 } { set beep 1 set delay $creditTimeLeft } else { set delay [expr $creditTimeLeft - 10] } timer start leg_timer $delay leg_incoming } } else { puts "Call [infotag get con_all] got event $status collecting destination" call close } } proc act_Timer { } { global beep global incoming global outgoing set incoming [infotag get leg_incoming] set outgoing [infotag get leg_outgoing] if { $beep == 0 } { #insert a beep ...to the caller connection destroy con_all set beep 1 } else { media play leg_incoming flash:out_of_time.au fsm setstate CALLDISCONNECTED } } proc act_Destroy { } { media play leg_incoming flash:beep.au } proc act_Beeped { } { global incoming global outgoing

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Tcl IVR

connection create $incoming $outgoing } proc act_ConnectedAgain { } { timer start leg_timer 10 leg_incoming } proc act_Ignore { } { # Dummy puts "Event Capture" } proc act_Cleanup { } { call close } init #---------------------------------# State Machine #---------------------------------set TopFSM(any_state,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup,same_state" set TopFSM(CALL_INIT,ev_setup_indication) "act_Setup,GETDEST" set TopFSM(GETDEST,ev_digitcollect_done) "act_GotDest,PLACECALL" set TopFSM(PLACECALL,ev_setup_done) "act_CallSetupDone,CALLACTIVE" set TopFSM(CALLACTIVE,ev_leg_timer) "act_Timer,INSERTBEEP" set TopFSM(INSERTBEEP,ev_destroy_done) "act_Destroy,same_state" set TopFSM(INSERTBEEP,ev_media_done) "act_Beeped,same_state" set TopFSM(INSERTBEEP,ev_create_done) "act_ConnectedAgain,CALLACTIVE" set TopFSM(CALLACTIVE,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup,CALLDISCONNECTED" set TopFSM(CALLDISCONNECTED,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup,same_state" set TopFSM(CALLDISCONNECTED,ev_media_done) "act_Cleanup,same_state" set TopFSM(CALLDISCONNECTED,ev_media_done) "act_Cleanup,same_state" set TopFSM(CALLDISCONNECTED,ev_disconnect_done) "act_Cleanup,same_state" set TopFSM(CALLDISCONNECTED,ev_leg_timer) "act_Cleanup,same_state"

fsm define TopFSM


Using URLs in IVR Scripts

With IVR scripts, you use URLs to call the script and to call the audio files that the script plays. The VoIP system uses Cisco IOS File System (IFS) to read the files, so any IFS-supported URLs can be used, which includes TFTP, FTP, or a pointer to a device on the router.


There is a limit of 32 entries in Flash memory, so you may not be able to copy all your audio files into Flash memory.

URLs for Loading the IVR Script

The URL of the IVR script is a standard URL that points to the location of the script. Examples include:

flash:myscript.tclThe script called myscript.tcl is being loaded from Flash memory on the router. slot0:myscript.tclThe script called myscript.tcl is being loaded from a device in slot 0 on the router.

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

tftp://BigServer/myscripts/betterMouseTrap.tclThe script called myscript.tcl is being loaded from a server called BigServer in a directory within the tftpboot directory called myscripts.

URLs for Loading Audio Files

URLs for audio files are different from those used to load IVR scripts. With URLs for audio files:

For static prompts, you can use the IFS-supported URLs as described in the URLs for Loading the IVR Script section on page 435. For dynamic prompts, the URL is created by the software, using information from the parameters specified for the media play command and the language CLI configuration command.

Tips for Using Your Tcl IVR Script

This section provides some answers to frequently asked questions about using Tcl IVR scripts.

How do I get information from my RADIUS server to the Tcl IVR script? After you have performed an authentication and authorization, you can use the infotag get command to obtain the credit amount, credit time, and cause codes maintained by the RADIUS server.

What happens if my script encounters an error? When an error is encountered in the script, the call is cleared with a cause of TEMPORARY_FAILURE (41). If the IVR application has already accepted the incoming call, the caller hears silence. If the script has not accepted the incoming call, the caller might hear a fast busy signal. If the script exits with an error and IVR debugging is on (as described in the Testing and Debugging Your Script section on page 430), the location of the error in the script is displayed at the command line.

Media Inactive Call Detection

The Media Inactive Call Detection feature enhances Cisco IOS behavior for disconnecting a call when an inactive condition is detected. The former behavior automatically disconnected inactive calls. The current feature provides more control for managing these calls. The Media Inactive Call Detection feature detects inactive (silent) H.323 or SIP call-legs on Cisco IOS-based gateways, and reports this situation to the Tcl IVR 2.0 application (which can disconnect the call). When the Media Inactive Call Detection feature is enabled, Cisco IOS software does not automatically disconnect detected inactive calls. Inactivity is defined as no RTP/RTCP packets for a configurable length of time. The command-line interface enables system administrators to do the following:

Use additional filters to display one or more calls detected and reported as inactive Manually release a call by entering the called number, the calling number, or the call ID

The Media Inactive Call Detection feature enables a system administrator to view all detected inactive calls that have been reported to the Tcl script. An internal error code (IEC) is generated when an inactive call is requested to be cleared via the CLI command. The following sections provide configuration information for Media Inactive Call Detection:

Prerequisites for Media Inactive Call Detection, page 437

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

Restrictions for Media Inactive Call Detection, page 437 Information about Media Inactive Call Detection, page 437 Configuring Media Inactive Call Detection, page 442 Output Examples for Media Inactive Call Detection, page 443

Prerequisites for Media Inactive Call Detection


Before the following step is done, you should set the inactive timer. This can be done using the timer receive-rtcp command in the CLI or it can be set in the script itself using infotag set media_timer_factor. The Media Inactive Call Detection feature requires Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T or later. To enable the Media Inactive Call Detection feature, set the information tag evt_feature_report using media_inactivity type. For example: infotag set evt_feature_report media inactivity

Restrictions for Media Inactive Call Detection

The Media Inactive Call Detection feature does not change the existing behavior for the default session application and Tcl IVR 1.0 or the existing Tcl IVR 2.0 script behavior that does not request the new feature. This feature does not support MGCP call legs. The Media Inactive Call Detection feature works in IP only. This feature does not include PSTN inactive call detection. This feature supports RTP/RTCP media inactivity detection and notification only on H.323 and SIP basic calls.

Information about Media Inactive Call Detection

This section provides information about the configuration of Media Inactive Call Detection.

Improved Functionality of Media Inactive Call Detection, page 437 Modifications to Information Tags and Internal Error Codes, page 438

Improved Functionality of Media Inactive Call Detection

Legacy Functionality

This functionality is an enhancement to the pre-existing Media Inactivity Timer feature, which enables gateways to monitor and disconnect VoIP calls if no RTCP packets are received within a configurable time period.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

The Media Inactivity Timer feature requires the configuration of the Cisco IOS ip rtcp report interval command and the timer receive-rtcp command to enable detection of RTCP packets by the gateway. When these commands are configured, the gateway uses RTCP report detection, rather than RTP packet detection, to determine whether calls on the gateway are still active or should be disconnected. If no RTCP packets are received in the resulting time period, the call is disconnected. The ip rtcp report interval command configures the RTCP reporting interval in milliseconds in the range of 1 to 65535. The timer receive-rtcp command configures the multiplier in the range of 2 to 1000. These values can be adjusted depending on network traffic conditions. Under normal conditions, a value of 5000 for the ip rtcp report interval and a value of 5 for the timer receive-rtcp are typical.
Current Functionality

The Media Inactive Call Detection feature offers the following:

The show call active command indicates that a call has no RTP or RTCP inactivity. The clear call command offers options so that an inactive call can be released using the called number or calling number. The clear call command has also been enhanced to configure the Q.850 release cause code to be used when the call is released.

Modifications to Information Tags and Internal Error Codes

This feature includes modifications to two information tags, the addition of two information tags, and an internal error code:

evt_feature_report evt_feature_type evt_feature_param media_timer_factor media_inactivity_err

For more detailed information, refer to the Cisco IOS TCL and VoiceXML Application Guide and the Cisco IOS TCL Programming Guide.

This existing tag has a new event name (media_inactivity) added for the Tcl script to request notification of media inactivity detection.

To enable/disable certain feature events to be intercepted by the script


Infotag set evt_feature_report {["no_"]event_names} Where event_name is a list of application event names that define what events should or should not be reported to application when call is active (connected). An event name with "no_" prefix means not to report it.


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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection


Return Type

Direct Mapping

Event Names:

fax modem modem_phase hookflash onhook offhook media_inactivity


The following example enables hookflash and disable fax and modem feature events to be received by the script: infotag set evt_feature_report hookflash nofax no modem The following example enables media_inactivity event to be received by the script: infotag set evt_feature_report media_inactivity

This existing information tag adds two new event feature types representing media inactivity notification and media activity notification. Note that the script only needs to request for report type media_inactivity. However, after media inactivity is reported and the VoIP RTP starts receiving RTP/RTCP packets again, the event with type media_activity is automatically notified, indicating that the call is back alive.

To return the feature type string when a feature event is received


infotag get evt_feature_type




Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

Return Type

Direct Mapping

Event Names

fax modem modem_phase hookflash onhook offhook media_inactivity media_activity

This is a new information tag added so that the Tcl application can pass along parameters related to the feature back to the script. The Media Inactive Call Detection feature uses this new tag to pass the information on whether RTCP packet has been received before the media inactive condition is met.

To return a parameter related to a specific feature event


infotag get evt_feature_param parameter_name



Return Type

Direct Mapping

Event Parameter

media_inactivity_typeThis parameter belongs to feature media_inactivity. The return string is:

no media receivedMedia inactivity detected (no RTP or RTCP packets have been received

for a configured amount of time). RTCP packet has been received before media inactivity condition is met.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

no control info receivedMedia inactivity detected (no RTP or RTCP packets have been

received for a configured amount of time). No RTCP packet has been received before media inactivity condition is met.

infotag get evt_feature_param media_inactivity_type

This new information tag gives the Tcl script the ability to overwrite the configured gateway receive-rtcp timer. This value is used to calculate the timeout value used to detect media inactivity.

To set the timer receive-rtcp timer. This new value is used within the scope of the script. It does not change the gateway configuration.

infotag set media_timer_factor timer_factor



Return Type

Direct Mapping

Timer factor:

An integer between 2 and 1000. This value is the multiple of RTCP report transmission intervala value of 5 is recommended.

infotag set media_timer_factor 6


If the value specified is not between 2 and 1000, the script generates an error message.

The internal error code used by the Tcl script for this feature is media_inactivity_err (common IEC error #8). This IEC is used to disconnect a call where media inactivity is detected and reported.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

Configuring Media Inactive Call Detection

This feature is enabled using Tcl IVR 2.0. This section describes the use of this feature to set parameters for determining call inactive status and then clearing specific calls. These new options are designed to work as filters.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable Make a call using the Tcl IVR 2.0 script application. While the call is going, the commands in steps 3 and 4 can be used. show call active voice [brief] [called-number number | calling-number number | compact | echo-canceller | id | media-inactive {called-number number | calling-number number}] clear call voice causecode <1-127> {id <1-FFFF> | media-inactive}


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

Make a call using the TCL IVR script application

Starts a call. While the call is going, the commands in steps 3 and 4 can be used.

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

Command or Action
Step 3
show call active voice [brief] [called-number number | calling-number number | compact | echo-canceller | id | media-inactive {called-number number | calling-number number}]

Purpose Displays calls that have no RTP or RTCP activity.

The brief keyword shows the brief version of active voice calls. The called-number keyword shows only the call with the specified called number pattern. The calling-number keyword shows only the call with the specified calling number pattern. The compact keyword shows a compact version of the active voice calls. The echo-canceller keyword shows echo canceller data for an active voice call. The id keyword shows only the call with the specified ID. The media-inactive keyword shows only the calls with media inactive being detected and notified. The number argument is a sequence of digits representing a full, recognizable telephone number.

Router# show call active voice media-inactive calling-number 4085551234 Router# show call active voice brief media-inactive called-number 4085554321

Step 4

clear call voice causecode <1-127> {id <1-FFFF> | media-inactive}

Clears calls that show media inactive and can clear a specific call.

Router# clear call voice causecode id 112B

The causecode keyword is a Q.850 disconnect cause code. The cause code can be specified as a number 1 through 127. The id keyword can be used so that only the voice call with the specified ID is disconnected. The 1-FFFF range is a call identifier as shown in brief format. The media-inactive keyword clears only calls with media inactivity detected and notified.

Output Examples for Media Inactive Call Detection

The examples provided in this section include the following:

show call active voice brief Command: Example, page 443 show running config Command: Example, page 445 Sample Tcl IVR script, page 449

show call active voice brief Command: Example

The existing show call active voice brief command has additional media inactive detection data in the IP call leg information.
router# show call active voice brief <ID>: <start>hs.<index> +<connect> pid:<peer_id> <dir> <addr> <state> dur hh:mm:ss tx:<packets>/<bytes> rx:<packets>/<bytes>

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

IP <ip>:<udp> rtt:<time>ms pl:<play>/<gap>ms lost:<lost>/<early>/<late> delay:<last>/<min>/<max>ms <codec> media inactive detected:<y/n> media cntrl rcvd:<y/n> timestamp:<time> <----------- the above line is new -------------MODEMPASS <method> buf:<fills>/<drains> loss <overall%> <multipkt>/<corrected> last <buf event time>s dur:<Min>/<Max>s FR <protocol> [int dlci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n> <codec> (payload size) ATM <protocol> [int vpi/vci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n> <codec> (payload size) Tele <int>: tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l> i/o:<l>/<l> dBm MODEMRELAY info:<rcvd>/<sent>/<resent> xid:<rcvd>/<sent> total:<rcvd>/<sent>/<drops> speeds(bps): local <rx>/<tx> remote <rx>/<tx> Proxy <ip>:<audio udp>,<video udp>,<tcp0>,<tcp1>,<tcp2>,<tcp3> endpt: <type>/<manf> bw: <req>/<act> codec: <audio>/<video> tx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes> rx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>

Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2 11DF : 239062hs.1 +2 pid:1 Answer 4085254616 active dur 00:01:04 tx:2383/89775 rx:1187/23318 Tele 3:D:13: tx:45900/2110/0ms g729r8 noise:-69 acom:45

i/0:-71/-29 dBm

11DF : 239684hs.1 +830 pid:1800877 Originate 18008770519 active dur 00:00:49 tx:1066/20965 rx:2378/47215 IP rtt:5ms pl:38190/0ms lost:0/1/0 delay:50/50/70ms g729r8 media inactive detected:y media cntrl recv:y timestamp: 12595 <------------------ the above line is new -----------------Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2


For calls without media inactivity being detected, the display looks like the following:

... 11DF : 239062hs.1 +2 pid:1 Answer 4085254616 active dur 00:01:04 tx:2383/89775 rx:1187/23318 Tele 3:D:13: tx:45900/2110/0ms g729r8 noise:-69 acom:45

i/0:-71/-29 dBm

11DF : 239684hs.1 +830 pid:1800877 Originate 18008770519 active dur 00:00:49 tx:1066/20965 rx:2378/47215 IP rtt:5ms pl:38190/0ms lost:0/1/0 delay:50/50/70ms g729r8 media inactive detected:y media cntrl recv:n/a timestamp: n/a <------------------ the above line is new -----------------Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2

The long display form of active call records generated by the show call active voice command is also modified to add the media inactive detected information.
Router_5300# show call active voice

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2 GENERIC: SetupTime=239062 ms Index=1 PeerAddress=4085254616 PeerSubAddress= PeerId=1 ... TELE: ConnectionId=[0xB21F398F 0x1DA111D4 0x800B85CB 0x3E43F332] IncomingConnectionId=[0xB21F398F 0x1DA111D4 0x800B85CB 0x3E43F332] TxDuration=51250 ms VoiceTxDuration=2110 ms ... GENERIC: SetupTime=239684 ms Index=1 PeerAddress=18008770519 PeerSubAddress= ... VOIP: ConnectionId[0xB21F398F 0x1DA111D4 0x800B85CB 0x3E43F332] IncomingConnectionId[0xB21F398F 0x1DA111D4 0x800B85CB 0x3E43F332] RemoteIPAddress= ... TranslatedRedirectCalledNumber= TranslatedRedirectCalledOctet=0x7F MediaInactiveDetected=yes <---- new MediaInactiveTimestamp=12595 <---- new MediaControlReceived=yes <---- new Username=Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2


For calls where no media inactivity is detected and notified, the above three fields are displayed as follows:

TranslatedRedirectCalledNumber= TranslatedRedirectCalledOctet=0x7F MediaInactiveDetected=no MediaInactiveTimestamp= MediaControlReceived= Username=Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 1 Total call-legs: 2

<---- new <---- new <---- new

show running config Command: Example

router# show running config Building configuration... This command has no effect on this line; use modem AT commands instead This command has no effect on this line; use modem AT commands instead Current configuration : 13850 bytes

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

! version 12.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname "jc5400" ! no boot startup-test logging buffered 2000000 debugging no logging console enable secret 5 $1$afrj$LWwkVSLZ3cKak3OkHsAMt/ enable password lab ! username 1111 username 2222 password 0 2222 username 123001 password 0 1001 username cisco ! ! resource-pool disable clock timezone GMT -8 tdm clock priority 1 6/0 spe default-firmware spe-firmware-1 aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login h323 local group radius aaa authentication login telnet none aaa authorization exec h323 local group radius aaa authorization exec telnet none aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius aaa session-id common ip subnet-zero ip cef ip ftp username dump ip ftp password dump123 no ip domain lookup ip host tftp-server1 ip host rtsp-server1 ip host radius-server1 ip host gwip-server1 ip host dump-server1 ! isdn switch-type primary-5ess isdn voice-call-failure 0 ! voice call carrier capacity active ! ! ! voice cause-code ! no voice hpi capture buffer no voice hpi capture destination ! ! ivr prompt memory 16384 ! fax interface-type fax-mail mta receive maximum-recipients 600 ! !

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

! controller T1 6/0 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/1 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/2 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/3 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/4 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/5 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/6 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection ! controller T1 6/7 shutdown framing sf linecode ami no yellow generation no yellow detection gw-accounting aaa ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address no ip redirects no ip mroute-cache

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address no ip redirects no ip mroute-cache shutdown duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable ! interface Serial0/0 no ip address no ip mroute-cache shutdown clockrate 2000000 no cdp enable ! interface Serial6/0 no ip address shutdown ! interface Serial0/1 no ip address no ip mroute-cache shutdown clockrate 2000000 no cdp enable ! interface Serial6/0:23 no ip address isdn switch-type primary-5ess isdn incoming-voice modem isdn bchan-number-order ascending no keepalive no cdp enable ! interface Group-Async0 no ip address no ip mroute-cache group-range 1/00 1/107 ! ip classless ip route ip http server ! ip pim bidir-enable ip rtcp report interval 5000 ! ! no logging trap dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit ! ! radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 radius-server key cisco radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type radius-server vsa send accounting radius-server vsa send authentication ! call application voice testapp_JC tftp://

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

call rsvp-sync ! voice-port 6/0:D ! ! mgcp profile default ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! ! dial-peer voice 1000 pots application testapp_JC incoming called-number 5551001 direct-inward-dial port 6/0:D ! ! dial-peer voice 3000 voip destination-pattern 5551001 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-signal codec g711ulaw ! ! gateway timer receive-rtcp 5 ! sip-ua ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous line aux 0 logging synchronous line vty 0 4 password lab authorization exec telnet login authentication telnet line 1/00 1/107 no flush-at-activation modem InOut ! exception core-file jc5400_core exception protocol ftp exception dump scheduler allocate 10000 400 end

Sample Tcl IVR script

The following is a sample script that is provided for reference purposes only.
silence_detect_demo.tcl #-----------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (c) 2003 by cisco Systems, Inc. # All rights reserved. #-----------------------------------------------------------------# # This tcl demo script monitors Media Inactive Call. The Media Inactive Call # Detection feature detects inactive (silent)H.323 or Sip call-legs on Cisco

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

# IOS based gateways, and reports this situation to the TCL IVR 2.0 application # and TCL IVR application checks for the events and logs those events. # # This script is designed to place a call to the dnis if DID is configured. # Otherwise, output dial-tone and collects digits from the caller against # the dial-plan. If an inactive condition 'ev_feature' is detected then script # begins to log the inactivity events. However, if the VOIP RTP starts receiving # RTP/RTCP packets again, then event with media_activity type will be automatically # notified, indicating that the call is back alive. # #--------------------------------# Example Script #--------------------------------proc init { } { global param global timerFactor set set set set } proc act_Setup { } { global dest if { [infotag get leg_isdid] } { set dest [infotag get leg_dnis] leg proceeding leg_incoming leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming fsm setstate PLACECALL } else { leg setupack leg_incoming playtone leg_incoming tn_dial set param(dialPlan) true leg collectdigits leg_incoming param } } proc act_GotDest { } { global dest set status [infotag get evt_status] if { $status == "cd_004" } { set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits] leg proceeding leg_incoming leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming } else { call close } } proc act_CallSetupDone { } { infotag set evt_feature_report media_inactivity infotag set media_timer_factor $timerFactor set status [infotag get evt_status] if { $status == "ls_000"} { param(interruptPrompt) true param(abortKey) * param(terminationKey) # timerFactor 6

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Media Inactive Call Detection

} else { call close } } proc act_EvFeatureReceived { } { global timerFactor set featureType [infotag get evt_feature_type] if { $featureType == "media_inactivity" } { log -s "media inactivity or silence is detected" set inactivity_type [infotag get evt_feature_param media_inactivity_type] if { $inactivity_type == "no media received" } { log -s "media inactivity, RTCP packet was previously received" } if { $inactivity_type == "no control info received" } { log -s "media inactivity, no RTCP packet was previously received " } } elseif { $featureType == "media_activity" } { log -s "media activity detected and call is back alive, VOIP RTP starts receiving RTP/RTCP packets" } else { log -s "other Events have been detected" } } proc act_Cleanup { } { call close } init #---------------------------------# State Machine #---------------------------------set fsm(any_state,ev_disconnected) set fsm(CALL_INIT,ev_setup_indication) set fsm(GETDEST,ev_collectdigits_done) set fsm(PLACECALL,ev_setup_done) set fsm(CALLACTIVE,ev_feature)

"act_Cleanup "act_Setup "act_GotDest


"act_CallSetupDone CALLACTIVE" "act_EvFeatureReceived same_state" CALLDISCONNECT" same_state" same_state"

set fsm(CALLACTIVE,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_disconnect_done) "act_Cleanup fsm define fsm CALL_INIT # End the application

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

Applications written in Voice eXtensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) provide access through a voice browser to content and services over the telephone, just as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) provides access through a web browser running on a PC. The universal accessibility of the telephone and its ease of use makes VoiceXML applications a powerful alternative to HTML for accessing the information and services of the World Wide Web. The Cisco IOS VoiceXML feature provides a platform for interpreting VoiceXML documents. When a telephone call is made to the Cisco VoiceXML-enabled gateway, VoiceXML documents are downloaded from web servers, providing content and services to the caller, typically in the form of pre-recorded audio in an IVR application. Customers can access online business applications over the telephone, providing for example, stock quotes, sports scores, or bank balances. VoiceXML brings the advantages of web-based development and content delivery to voice applications. It is similar to HTML in its simplicity and in its presentation of information. The Cisco IOS VoiceXML feature is based on the W3C VoiceXML 2.0 Working Draft and is designed to provide web developers great flexibility and ease in implementing VoiceXML applications. Figure 44 shows components that can be configured as a part of a VoiceXML application installed on a Cisco voice gateway:
Figure 44 Cisco IOS VoiceXML Application Components

HTTP server

SMTP server


IP network

TFTP server

VoiceXML-enabled gateway

IP RTSP server

Voice gateway

For information on developing a VoiceXML document for implementing an application on the Cisco voice gateway, refer to the Cisco VoiceXML Programmers Guide. This section describes some of the troubleshooting techniques for the Cisco VoiceXML features.

Debugging Cisco VoiceXML Applications, page 453 Error Events, page 454 JavaScript or ECMA Script, page 455 Troubleshooting Speech Recognition and Synthesis, page 455 Troubleshooting ASR and TTS Server Functionality, page 456

For a list of the latest troubleshooting FAQs, go to the developer support website here: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/dev_support/access_level/products.cgi?product=VOICE_XML_GATEW AY

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide




Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

Debugging Cisco VoiceXML Applications

To debug Cisco VoiceXML applications at the gateway level, refer to the Cisco IOS TCL and VoiceXML Application Guide. This section describes troubleshooting at the script level. To troubleshoot Cisco VoiceXML scripts, enable the debug vxml error and debug vxml puts commands on the gateway.The debug vxml error command displays all errors on the console, and the debug vxml puts command prints debugging statements used with the <log> element in the VoiceXML document.

<cisco-debug> is used to debug only a specific application. To disable debugging messages for all VoiceXML applications except the specific VoiceXML application you wish to debug, use the <cisco-debug> element in the VoiceXML document in conjunction with the debug condition application voice command. Refer to the Cisco IOS TCL and VoiceXML Application Guide for information on debug commands.


Before you use Cisco IOS debug commands to debug a specific application, add <cisco-debug> to the VoiceXML document for the application you want to debug, . For example:

1. 2. 3.

Turn on global debug. Add the <cisco-debug enabled = true/> and <cisco-debug enabled = false/> elements around the specific part of the VoiceXML document where you want to see debugging messages. Add conditional debugging to the specific application.

Step 1

Turn on global debug for the areas you want to debug. For example:
debug vxml application debug vxml trace


If you do not proceed with step 2 and end your task with step 1, you see error messages for all the applications, irrespective of conditional debug being turned on or off.


The debug condition application voice command filters debugging output for only the debug vxml and debug http client commands. However, it does not filter output for the debug vxml error, debug vxml background, debug http client error, or debug http client background commands.

Step 2

Add the <cisco-debug enabled = true/> and <cisco-debug enabled = false/> elements around the specific part of the VoiceXML document where you want to see debugging messages. For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="1.0" application="root.vxml">

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

<form> <block> <cisco-debug enabled = "true"/> <prompt> <audio src="welcome.au" caching="fast"/> </prompt> <cisco-debug enabled = "false"/> <goto next="getExtension.vxml?"/> </block> </form> </vxml>

Step 3

Add conditional debugging to the specific application you want to debug. For example: Three applications named myapp1, myapp2, and myapp3, all of which can be loaded by using the call application voice command are shown below:
call application voice myapp1 http://server1/vxml/test1.vxml call application voice myapp2 http://server2/vxml/test2.vxml call application voice myapp3 http://server3/vxml/test3.vxml

To debug only one of the applications, for example myapp1, use the debug condition application voice command to disable debug messages for the other applications, myapp2 and myapp3.
debug condition application voice myapp1


Debugging for myapp1 is performed for only those debug areas that have been enabled in step 1 above. Debugging for the specific session must be enabled through the <cisco-debug> tag as shown in step 2 above.

Error Events
Enabling the debug vxml error command displays a list of possible error events on the console. For a list of error events, see the Events and Status Codes section. Some of the possible errors generated with the debug vxml error command enabled are:

Possible Causes

Suggested Actions

The VoiceXML interpreter throws this event when there is a failure in retrieving external components in the application. These external components can be VoiceXML documents, prerecorded files, or grammar files. A badfetch error usually occurs when there is an error in fetching an external document.

Verify that the external documents, audio prompts, or grammar files are available at the specified location mentioned in the URL. If the external components are stored on a HTTP server, enable the debug http client error command. If the external components are stored on a RTSP server, search for error.badfetch.rtsp.xxx, where xxx is a RTSP response code. For values of RTSP response codes, refer to RFC 2326 available on the IETF website at http://www.ietf.org/.

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML


Possible Causes Logical errors such as referencing an undefined variable. Defining different grammar types in the same scope in the VoiceXML application.

Suggested Actions Verify that all variables referenced in the script are valid and defined. Verify that only one grammar type is used at the time of recognizing user input.

Failure to define mandatory parameters in Cisco Verify that all mandatory parameters are defined objects. For example, failure to define the account in Cisco objects used in the script. parameter in the authorize object results in a semantic error.

Possible Causes A resource format is not supported by the platform.

Suggested Actions Verify that all formats used in the script are supported by the specific platforms being used.

JavaScript or ECMA Script

When the <script> element or ECMA expression is used in a VoiceXML document, enable the debug java command for debugging.
debug java ? apm2- JavaScript APM2 Utility Debugging error- JavaScript Error Debugging interpreter- JavaScript Interpreter Debugging

Troubleshooting Speech Recognition and Synthesis

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T and later support automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) capabilities for VoiceXML and Tcl applications on Cisco voice gateways. The Speech Recognition and Synthesis feature provides interfaces to ASR and TTS media servers by using Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP), an application-level protocol developed by Cisco and its ASR and TTS media server partners, Nuance Communications and SpeechWorks International. Client devices that are processing audio or video streams use MRCP to control media resources on external media servers, such as speech synthesizers for TTS and speech recognizers for ASR. The Cisco gateway, running a voice application, and the media servers providing speech recognition and speech synthesis, maintain a client/server relationship through an RTSP connection; the gateway is the RTSP client and the RTSP server is the streaming media server providing speech recognition and speech synthesis. While doing speech recognition, the gateway creates a separate G.711 u-law RTP stream to the media server, enabling the gateway to simultaneously perform speech synthesis or play audio files using a different codec. If speech recognition or synthesis is not working, Table 54 lists some possible causes and the actions that you can take.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

Table 54

Speech Recognition or Synthesis Fails

Possible Causes Server is not configured either on the Cisco gateway or in the VoiceXML document.

Suggested Actions Verify that the server location is configured by using at least one of these methods:

Globally on the gateway by using the ivr asr-server or ivr tts-server command. Refer to the Cisco IOS TCL and VoiceXML Application Guide. With the com.cisco.asr-server or com.cisco.tts-server property in the VoiceXML document. Refer to the Cisco VoiceXML Programmers Guide.

Gateway cannot access external ASR or TTS server or server is not running.

Ping the external server to make sure that the gateway has connectivity.

RTSP or MRCP errors are occurring between the See the Troubleshooting ASR and TTS Server gateway and the media server. Functionality section on page 456.

Troubleshooting ASR and TTS Server Functionality

1. 2. 3.

debug vxml error and debug vxml event debug mrcp error debug rtsp error, debug rtsp session, and debug rtsp socket

Step 1

Use the debug vxml error and debug vxml event commands to verify that the external media server is reachable and its location is configured on the gateway or in the VoiceXML document. In the following example, the application failed because the media server is not configured on the gateway or in the VoiceXML document.:
Router# debug vxml error Router# debug vxml event *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VXML:/vxml_vapp_tts: tftp://demo/sample/banking.vxml at line 17: vapp_tts() fail with vapp error 1 **Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VXML:/vxml_event_proc: *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: <event>: event=error.badfetch status=0 *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VXML:/vxml_default_event_handler: use default event handler *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event error.badfetch *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event error.badfetch *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event Name already set to error.badfetch *Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VXML:/vxml_vapp_terminate: vapp_status=0 ref_count 0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Troubleshooting Cisco VoiceXML

*Jan 5 18:24:19.507: //62/36CA25A68036/VXML:/vxml_vapp_terminate: vxml session terminating with code=ERROR vapp status=VAPP_SUCCESS vxml async status=VXML_ERROR_BAD_FETCH

In the following example, the application failed because the media server is either unreachable or is not running.
*Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VXML:/vxml_media_done: : media play failed to setup with VAPP error=31, protocol_status_code=0 **Jan 5 18:36:44.451: <event>: event=error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable status=0 *Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VXML:/vxml_default_event_handler: use default event handler *Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable *Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable *Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VAPP:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event Name already set to error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable *Jan 5 18:36:44.451: //83/ECD9B163804B/VXML:/vxml_vapp_terminate: vapp_status=0 ref_count 0

Step 2

Use the debug mrcp error command to verify the connection between the gateway and the server. The following example shows the error when the RTSP connection to the server fails:
Router# debug mrcp error *May 9 20:29:09.936:Connecting to failed

The following error occurs when the response from the server is incorrect:
*May *May 9 20:29:09.936:Response from failed 9 20:29:09.936:MRCP/1.0 71 422 COMPLETE

The following error occurs when the recognize request comes out of sequence:
*May 9 20:29:09.936:act_idle_recognize:ignoring old recognize request

Step 3

Use the debug rtsp error, debug rtsp session, and debug rtsp socket commands to verify the RTSP connection with the media server, for example: The following message displays if the RTSP connection fails:
*Sep 25 15:02:32.052: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_connect_to_svr: Socket Connect failed:

The following message displays if the RTSP client receives an incorrect response from the server:
*Sep 25 15:03:35.062: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: Parse Server Response failed,

The following message displays if the codec configured on the IP side is not G.711:
*Sep 25 15:05:15.765: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_rtp_associate_done: Association mismatch

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications MGCP Scripting Overview

MGCP Scripting Overview

MGCP scripting allows external call agents (CAs) to instruct the Cisco gateway to run a voice application on a PSTN or VoIP call leg. For example, you can request and collect the PIN and account number from a caller. These applications can be written in Tcl 2.0 or VoiceXML. Figure 45 shows the MGCP CA controlling the application scripts.
Figure 45 MGCP Control of Voice Application Scripts
Call agent RADIUS with AAA


MGCP IP network










Cisco IP/PSTN gateway (running IVR) Call direction




Cisco IP IP/PSTN gateway (running IVR)




RTSP server

In the figure above, the RTSP server is configured to interact with gateways that have voice applications installed and running. The RADIUS server also interacts with the gateways to provide authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). For instructions on how to configure your gateway for MGCP, refer to the MGCP and Related Protocols Configuration Guide.

Events and Status Codes

This section describes events received and status codes returned by Tcl IVR scripts. This chapter includes the following topics:

Events, page 459 Status Codes, page 461

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

The following events can be received by the Tcl IVR script. Any events received that are not included below are ignored. Event ev_address_resolved ev_alert Description List of endpoint addresses. An intermediate event generated by the leg setup or leg setup_continue commands to set up a call. If specified in the callinfo parameter, notifyEvents, the script receives an ev_alert message once the destination endpoint is successfully alerted. The script running in the transferee gateway could then disconnect the leg towards the transferring endpoint. If this event is an intercepted event, the application needs to use the leg setup_continue command to allow the system to continue with the setup. ev_any_event ev_authorize_done A special wildcard event that can be used in the state machine to represent any event that might be received by the script. Confirms the completion of the aaa authorize command. You can use the evt_status info-tag to determine the authorization status (whether it succeeded or failed). Confirms the completion of the authentication command. You can use the evt_status info-tag to determine the authentication status (whether it succeeded or failed). Indicates that the call-level timer expired. Confirms the completion of the leg collectdigits command on the call leg. You can then use the evt_status info-tag to determine the status of the command completion. You can use the evt_dcdigits info-tag to retrieve the collected digits. An intermediate event generated by the leg setup or leg setup_continue commands to set up a call. If the callinfo paramater, notifyEvents, is specified, the script receives an ev_connected message when the system receives a connect event from the destination switch. If this event is an intercepted event, the application needs to use the leg setup_continue command to allow the system to continue with the setup. ev_consult_request ev_consult_response ev_consultation_done ev_create_done Indicates a call-transfer consultation-id request from an endpoint. Indicates a response to the leg consult request command. For return codes, see Consult Status under Status Codes. Indicated the completion of a leg consult response command. For return codes, see Consult Response under Status Codes. Confirms the completion of the connection create command. You can use the evt_connection info-tag to determine the ID of the completed connection. Confirms the completion of the connection destroy command. You can use the evt_connection info-tag to determine the ID of the connection that was destroyed.


ev_call_timer0 ev_collectdigits_done



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Event ev_digit_end

Description Indicates that a digit key is pressed and released. You can use the evt_digit info-tag to determine which digit was pressed. You can use the evt_digit_duration info-tag to determine how long (in seconds) the digit was pressed and to detect long pounds or long digits. Indicates that the call leg has been cleared. Indicates that one of the call legs needs to disconnect. On receiving this event, the script must issue a leg disconnect on that call leg. You can use the evt_legs info-tag to determine which call leg disconnected. Indicates that a DISC/PI message is received at a call leg. Indicates a response to a leg facility command. Indicates that an application that called this script is requesting that the script return the call leg. The script receiving this event can clean up and return the leg with a handoff return command. Whether this is done is at the discretion of the script receiving the ev_grab event. Indicates a hook flash (such as a quick onhook-offhook in the middle of a call), assuming that the underlying platform or interface supports hook flash detection. Indicates that the script received one or more call legs from another application. When the script receives this event, you can use the evt_legs and the evt_connections info-tags to obtain a list of the call legs and connection IDs that accompanied the ev_handoff event. Indicates that the leg timer expired. You can use the evt_legs info-tag to determine which leg timer expired. Indicates that the prompt playout either completed or failed. You can use the evt_status info-tag to determine the completion status. An intermediate event generated by the leg setup or leg setup_continue commands to set up a call. If the callinfo paramater, notifyEvents, is specified, the script receives an ev_proceeding message when the system receives a proceeding event from the remote end. If this event is an intercepted event, the application needs to use the leg setup_continue command to allow the system to continue with the setup.

ev_disconnect_done ev_disconnected

ev_disc_prog_ind ev_facility ev_grab



ev_leg_timer ev_media_done ev_proceeding


An intermediate event generated by the leg setup or leg setup_continue commands to set up a call. If the callinfo paramater, notifyEvents, is specified, the script receives an ev_progress message when the system receives a progress event from the destination switch. If this event is an intercepted event, the application needs to use the leg setup_continue command to allow the system to continue with the setup.

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Event ev_returned

Description Indicates that a call leg that was sent to another application (using handoff callappl) has been returned. This event can be accompanied by one or more call legs that were created by the called application. When the script receives this event, you can use the evt_legs and the evt_connections info-tags to obtain a list of the call legs and connection IDs that accompanied the ev_returned event. You can use the evt_iscommand_done info-tag to verify that all of the call legs sent have been accounted for, meaning that the handoff callappl command is complete. Indicates that the leg setup command has finished. You can then use the evt_status info-tag to determine the status of the command completion (whether the call was successfully set up or failed for some reason). Indicates that the system received a call. This event and the ev_handoff event are the events that initiate an execution instance of a script. Indicates a call transfer from an endpoint to the application. An intermediate event generated by the leg setup command. If specified in the callinfo parameter, notifyEvents, the script receives an ev_trasfer_status message. The ev_status information tag would then contain the status value of the call transfer. Received when the VXML dialog completes. This could be because of a VXML dialog executing an <exit/> tag or interpretation completing the current document without a transition to another document. The dialog could also complete due to an interpretation failure or a document error. This completion status is also available through the evt_status info-tag. Received by the Tcl IVR application when the VXML dialog initiated on a leg executes a sendevent object tag. The VXML subevent name is available through the evt_vxmlevent info-tag. All events thrown from the dialog markup are of the form vxml.dialog.*. All events generated by the systemperhaps as an indirect reaction to the VXML document executing a certain tag or throwing a certain event like the dialog completion event are of the form vxml.session.*.


ev_setup_indication ev_transfer_request ev_transfer_status



Status Codes
The evt_status info-tag returns a status code for the event received. This sections lists the possible status codes and their meaning. Status codes are grouped according to function. The first two characters of the status code indicate the grouping.

auAuthentication status aoAuthorization status cdDigit collection status crConsult response csConsult status di Disconnect cause faFacility

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

ftFeature type lsLeg setup status msMedia status tsTransfer status vdVoice dialog completion status

Authentication Status
Authentication status is reported in au_xxx format: Value for xxx 000 001 002 Description Authorization was successful. Authorization error. Authorization failed.

Authorization Status
Authorization status is reported in ao_xxx format: Value for xxx 000 001 002 Description Authorization was successful. Authorization error. Authorization failed.

Digit Collection Status

Digit collection status is reported in cd_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 The digit collection timed out, because no digits were pressed and not enough digits were collected for a match. The digit collection was aborted, because the user pressed an abort key. The digit collection failed, because the buffer overflowed and not enough digits were collected for a match. The digit collection succeeded with a match to the dial plan. The digit collection succeeded with a match to one of the patterns. The digit collection failed because the number collected was invalid. The digit collection was terminated because an ev_disconnected event was received on the call leg. The digit collection was terminated because an ev_grab event was received on the call leg. The digit collection successfully turned on digit reporting to the script. The digit collection was terminated because of an unsupported or unknown feature or event.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Consult Response
Feature type is reported in cr_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 000 001 002 003 004 Success Failed, invalid state Failed, timeout Failed, abandon Failed, protocol error

Consult Status
Feature type is reported in cs_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 000 001 002 003 004 005 Consultation success, consult-id available Consultation failed, request timeout Consultation failed Consultation failed, request rejected Consultation failed, leg disconnected Consultation failed, operation unsupported

Disconnect Cause
Disconnect causes use the format di_xxx where xxx is the Q931 cause code. Possible values are: Value for xxx Description 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 016 017 018 019 Uninitialized Unassigned number No route to the transit network No route to the destination Send information tone Misdialed trunk prefix Unacceptable channel Call awarded Preemption Preemption reserved Normal Busy No response from the user No answer from the user

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Value for xxx Description 020 021 022 026 027 028 029 030 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 053 055 057 058 062 063 065 066 069 070 079 081 Subscriber is absent Call rejected Number has changed Selected user is clearing Destination is out of order Invalid number Facility rejected Response to status inquiry No circuit available Requested VPCI VCI is not available VPCI VCI assignment failure Cell rate is not available Network is out of order Permanent frame mode is out of service Permanent frame mode is operational Temporary failure Switch is congested Access information has been discarded No required circuit No VPCI VCI is available Precedence call blocked No resource available DSP error QoS is not available Facility is not subscribed Outgoing calls barred Incoming calls barred Bearer capability is not authorized Bearer capability is not available Inconsistency in the information and class Service or option not available Bearer capability is not implemented Change type is not implemented Facility is not implemented Restricted digital information only Service is not implemented Invalid call reference value

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Value for xxx Description 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 090 091 093 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 110 111 127 128 129 160 Channel does not exist Call exists and call ID in use Call ID in use No call suspended Call cleared User is not in CUG Incompatible destination CUG does not exist Invalid transit network AAL parameters not supported Invalid message Mandatory information element (IE) is missing Message type is not implemented Message type is not compatible IE is not implemented Invalid IE contents Message in incomplete call state Recovery on timer expiration Nonimplemented parameter was passed on Unrecognized parameter message discarded Protocol error Internetworking error Next node is unreachable Holst Telephony Service Provider Module (HTSPM) is out of service DTL transit is not my node ID

Leg setup requesting address resolution status is reported in fa_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 000 003 007 009 010 050 051 052 supplementary service request succeeded supplementary service request unavailable supplementary service was invoked in an invalid call state supplementary service was invokes in a non-incoming call leg supplementary service interaction is not allowed MCID service is not subscribed MCID request timed out MCID is not configured for this interface

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Feature Type
Feature type is reported in ft_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 001 002 003 004 005 006 Fax Modem Modem_phase Hookflash OnHook OffHook

Leg Setup Status

Leg setup status is reported in ls_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 026 031 032 033 040 041 The call is active or was successful. The outgoing call leg was looped. The call setup timed out (meaning that the destination phone was alerting, but no one answered). The limit of this timeout can be specified in the leg setup command. The call setup failed because of a lack of resources in the network. The call setup failed because of an invalid number. The call setup failed for reasons other than a lack of resources or an invalid number. Unused; setup failure. The destination was busy. The incoming side of the call disconnected. The outgoing side of the call disconnected. The conferencing or connecting of the two call legs failed. Supplementary services internal failure Supplementary services failure Supplementary services failure. Inbound call leg was disconnected. The call was handed off to another application. The call setup was terminated by an application request. The outgoing called number was blocked. Leg redirected Transfer request acknowledge Transfer target alerting (future SIP use) Transfer target trying (future SIP use) Transfer success Transfer success with transfer-to party connected (SIP only)

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Value for xxx Description 042 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 Transfer success unacknowledged (SIP only) Transfer fail Transfer failed, bad request (SIP only) Transfer failed, destination busy Transfer failed, request cancelled Transfer failed, internal error Transfer failed, not implemented (SIP only) Transfer failed, service unavailable or unsupported Transfer failed, leg disconnected Transfer failed, multiple choices (SIP only) Transfer failed, timeout; no response to transfer request

Media Status
Media status is reported in ms_xyy format: x indicates the command Value for x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description yy indicates the status of the command Value for yy Description The command was successful and the prompt finished.1 Failure Unsupported feature or request Invalid host or URL specified Received disconnected The prompt was interrupted by a key press.

Status for a media play command. 00 Status for a media record command. Status for a media pause command. Status for a media resume command. Status for a media seek command to forward. Status for a media seek command to rewind. 01

Status for a media stop command. 02 03 04 05

1. Valid for the media play command only, because media_done events are not received for successful completion of other media commands.

Transfer Status
Transfer status is reported in ts_xxx format: Value for xxx Description 000 001 002 Generic transfer success Transfer success, transfer-to party is alerting Transfer success, transfer-to party is answered

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Troubleshooting Voice Applications Events and Status Codes

Value for xxx Description 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 Transfer finished; however, the result of the transfer is not guaranteed Transfer request is accepted Transferee is trying to reach transfer-to party Transfer request is rejected by transferee Invalid transfer number Transfer-to party unreachable Transfer-to party is busy

VoiceXML Dialog Completion Status

VoiceXML dialog completion status is reported in vd_xxx format: Value for xxx 000 Description Normal completion because of the <exit> tag or execution reaching the end of the document. Termination because of the default VXML event handling requiring VXML termination. Terminated by the Tcl IVR application. Internal failure.


002 003

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications

To troubleshoot authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), billing, and settlement issues for voice services, refer to the following sections:

Troubleshooting AAA for Voice, page 469 Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 483 Troubleshooting Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways, page 496 Troubleshooting Settlement, page 497

Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

This section contains the following topics:

Using Debug Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting, page 469 Using show Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting, page 480

For more information about AAA troubleshooting, go to the Diagnosing and Troubleshooting AAA Operations chapter in the Cisco AAA Implementation Case Study document.

Using Debug Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting

debug radius
The output below is from troubleshooting AAA redirect using called number for an incoming POTS dial peer.
!In this example, an incoming call is set up using dial-peer voice 1000 pots. Applying voice-class aaa 1 to dial-peer voice 1000 redirects AAA requests to the server specified for method list sanj_aaa1: auth-port 1698 acct-port 1699. aaa group server radius sg1 server auth-port 1698 acct-port 1699 ! aaa group server radius sg6 server auth-port 1704 acct-port 1705 ! aaa group server radius sg7 server auth-port 1720 acct-port 1721 ! aaa authentication login sanj_aaa1 group sg1

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Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

aaa authorization exec sanj_aaa1 group sg1 aaa accounting connection sanj_aaa1 start-stop group sg1 ! aaa authentication login sanj_aaa6 group sg6 aaa authorization exec sanj_aaa6 group sg6 aaa accounting connection sanj_aaa6 start-stop group sg6 ! aaa authentication login sanj_aaa7 group sg7 aaa authorization exec sanj_aaa7 group sg7 aaa accounting connection sanj_aaa7 start-stop group sg7 ! voice class aaa 1 authentication method sanj_aaa1 authorization method sanj_aaa1 accounting method sanj_aaa1 accounting template cdr1 ! voice class aaa 2 authentication method sanj_aaa6 authorization method sanj_aaa6 accounting method sanj_aaa6 accounting template cdr2 ! voice class aaa 3 authentication method sanj_aaa7 authorization method sanj_aaa7 accounting method sanj_aaa7 ! dial-peer voice 1000 pots application plain_debit incoming called-number 12345 voice-class aaa 1 port 0:D ! dial-peer voice 1001 pots application plain_debit incoming called-number 12346 voice-class aaa 2 port 1:D

debug radius Radius protocol debugging is on Radius packet hex dump debugging is off Radius packet protocol debugging is on debug isdn q931 ISDN Q931 packets debugging is on 00:17:55: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x009D 00:17:55: Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 00:17:55: Channel ID i = 0xE1808397 00:17:55: Calling Party Number i = 0x0080, '4081234567', Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 00:17:55: Called Party Number i = 0xE9, '12345', Plan:Private, Type:Abbreviated 00:17:55: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000C): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 00:17:55: RADIUS(0000000C): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 00:17:55: RADIUS(0000000C): sending 00:17:55: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 4, Accounting-Request, len 262 00:17:55: RADIUS: authenticator 10 41 58 99 4C F2 B1 CD - 44 3E E3 60 5D 10 C3 A9 00:17:55: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "0000000C" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:17:55: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=B8FE8B7F BF1711D3 800CE483 89ADC43B" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:17:55: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:17:55: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=B8FE8B7F BF1711D3 800CE483 89ADC43B" 00:17:55: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] 00:17:55: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:17:55: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:17:55: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" 00:17:55: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 00:17:55: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 00:17:55: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 00:17:55: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x809D 00:17:55: Channel ID i = 0xA98397 00:17:55: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x809D 00:17:55: RADIUS: Received from id 4, Accounting-response, len 20 00:17:55: RADIUS: authenticator DC CD BA E8 7E 02 EA D1 - 12 67 DC 57 3C 73 56 75 00:17:55: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x009D 00:17:55: ISDN Se0:23: CALL_PROGRESS: CALL_CONNECTED call id 0x63, bchan 22, dsl 0 00:17:55: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567 00:18:01: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567 00:18:06: RADIUS(0000000C): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 00:18:06: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000C): acct_session_id: 12 00:18:06: RADIUS(0000000C): sending 00:18:06: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 3, Access-Request, len 199 00:18:06: RADIUS: authenticator 4B 2C 8C D7 12 54 45 3D - 51 44 30 05 C3 9B 44 B1 00:18:06: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 8 "777777" 00:18:06: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:18:06: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=61A46F2C 00000003 62E66E40 62E3A5C8" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36 00:18:06: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 30 "h323-ivr-out=transactionID:3" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:18:06: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:18:06: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 00:18:06: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 00:18:06: RADIUS: Received from id 3, Access-Accept, len 200 00:18:06: RADIUS: authenticator 9C AA 9E 4C 64 02 13 3A - 72 8C 3F D9 72 D0 3B 06 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 00:18:06: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 21 "h323-ivr-in=sanjose" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 00:18:06: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 28 "h323-credit-amount=7777.77" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 26 00:18:06: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 20 "h323-return-code=0" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 00:18:06: RADIUS: h323-credit-time [102] 24 "h323-credit-time=54329" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33 00:18:06: RADIUS: h323-billing-model [109] 27 "h323-billing-model=prepay" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 24 00:18:06: RADIUS: h323-currency [110] 18 "h323-currency=US" 00:18:06: RADIUS: Idle-Timeout [28] 6 30 00:18:06: RADIUS: Received from id C 00:18:27: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x009D 00:18:27: Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing 00:18:27: %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 disconnected from 4081234567 , call lasted 32 seconds 00:18:27: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x809D 00:18:27: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x009D

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:18:27: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000C): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 00:18:27: RADIUS(0000000C): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 00:18:27: RADIUS(0000000C): sending 00:18:27: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 5, Accounting-Request, len 327 00:18:27: RADIUS: authenticator 2D 65 1C 38 6D 5B B3 DD - C8 57 D6 02 B4 4F E4 4E 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "0000000C" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:18:27: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=B8FE8B7F BF1711D3 800CE483 89ADC43B" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 00:18:27: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:18:27: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=B8FE8B7F BF1711D3 800CE483 89ADC43B" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 0 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 148000 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6 0 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6 925 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] 6 32 00:18:27: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 00:18:27: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" 00:18:27: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] 00:18:27: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:18:27: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:18:27: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" 00:18:27: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 00:18:27: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 00:18:27: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 00:18:27: RADIUS: Received from id 5, Accounting-response, len 20 00:18:27: RADIUS: authenticator E5 B1 ED 3B AD A8 5B 5C - 49 83 63 BA DF 02 B2 00

An incoming call is set up using dial-peer voice 1001 pots. dial-peer voice 1001 has voice-class aaa 2 applied which should redirect AAA requests to the server specified for method list sanj_aaa6: auth-port 1708 acct-port 1709.
00:30:05: ISDN Se1:23: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0004 00:30:05: Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 00:30:05: Channel ID i = 0xE1808397 00:30:05: Calling Party Number i = 0x0080, '4081234567', Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 00:30:05: Called Party Number i = 0xE9, '12346', Plan:Private, Type:Abbreviated 00:30:05: RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000E): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 00:30:05: RADIUS(0000000E): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 00:30:05: RADIUS(0000000E): sending 00:30:05: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 6, Accounting-Request, len 262 00:30:05: RADIUS: authenticator 2F 3A 09 3D 6B C4 10 D2 - F6 68 D6 F4 36 35 C3 DE 00:30:05: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "0000000E" 00:30:05: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:30:05: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=6C29BC16 BF1911D3 8010E483 89ADC43B" 00:30:05: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 00:30:05: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 00:30:05: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:30:05: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=6C29BC16 BF1911D3 8010E483 89ADC43B" 00:30:05: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:30:05: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] 00:30:05: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:30:05: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:30:05: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 1:D:23"

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:05: 00:30:06: 00:30:06: 00:30:11: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 634A0A64" 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:19: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:20: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: lasted 37 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 00:30:43: 89ADC43B" 00:30:43: 00:30:43:

RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12346" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 ISDN Se1:23: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8004 Channel ID i = 0xA98397 ISDN Se1:23: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8004 ISDN Se1:23: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x0004 ISDN Se1:23: CALL_PROGRESS: CALL_CONNECTED call id 0x64, bchan 22, dsl 1 %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 is now connected to 4081234567 RADIUS: Received from id 6, Accounting-response, len 20 RADIUS: authenticator E1 AD 70 9F DC 09 29 32 - 74 47 96 9F 3F 77 27 82 %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 is now connected to 4081234567 RADIUS(0000000E): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000E): acct_session_id: 14 RADIUS(0000000E): sending RADIUS: Send to unknown id 4, Access-Request, len 199 RADIUS: authenticator CE 16 21 8D A5 59 56 9F - B7 E9 CA 5C EC C5 89 A0 RADIUS: User-Name [1] 8 "777777" RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=61A46F2C 00000003 62E66E40 RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 30 "h323-ivr-out=transactionID:4" RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 1:D:23" RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Received from id 4, Access-Accept, len 173 RADIUS: authenticator FF 0D 40 72 0D 80 12 26 - 44 13 D5 0E C4 BB 71 BE RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 28 "h323-credit-amount=7777.77" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 26 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 20 "h323-return-code=0" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: h323-credit-time [102] 24 "h323-credit-time=54329" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33 RADIUS: h323-billing-model [109] 27 "h323-billing-model=prepay" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 24 RADIUS: h323-currency [110] 18 "h323-currency=US" RADIUS: Idle-Timeout [28] 6 30 RADIUS: Received from id E ISDN Se1:23: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x0004 Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 disconnected from 4081234567 , call seconds ISDN Se1:23: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x8004 ISDN Se1:23: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x0004 RADIUS/ENCODE(0000000E): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone RADIUS(0000000E): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl RADIUS(0000000E): sending RADIUS: Send to unknown id 7, Accounting-Request, len 327 RADIUS: authenticator 99 5A B4 45 67 C0 F4 91 - 9B 4B C3 1D 7E DE 7D D1 RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "0000000E" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=6C29BC16 BF1911D3 8010E483 RADIUS: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco h323-call-origin [26] [26] 31 25


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:30:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:30:43: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=6C29BC16 BF1911D3 8010E483 89ADC43B" 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 0 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 161920 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6 0 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6 1012 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] 6 37 00:30:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 00:30:43: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" 00:30:43: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:30:43: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] 00:30:43: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:30:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:30:43: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 1:D:23" 00:30:43: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:30:43: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12346" 00:30:43: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 00:30:43: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 00:30:43: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 00:30:43: RADIUS: Received from id 7, Accounting-response, len 20 00:30:43: RADIUS: authenticator 78 80 AB D1 82 75 ED ED - E4 1F 12 25 D8 83 F9 6

!voice class aaa 3 is applied to dial-peer voice 1000 pots and a call is made. voice class aaa 3 uses server with auth port 1720 and acct port 1721. The radius daemon has not started. AAA accounting and AAA authorization requests are sent to the appropriate server but no acknowledgement is recieved. Retries are attempted.
00:37:03: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console 00:37:11: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x009E 00:37:11: Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 00:37:11: Channel ID i = 0xE1808397 00:37:11: Calling Party Number i = 0x0080, '4081234567', Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 00:37:11: Called Party Number i = 0xE9, '12345', Plan:Private, Type:Abbreviated 00:37:11: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000010): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 00:37:11: RADIUS(00000010): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 00:37:11: RADIUS(00000010): sending 00:37:11: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 8, Accounting-Request, len 414 00:37:11: RADIUS: authenticator EC F7 FD AB ED 0D 26 BF - F0 A4 D2 88 91 1E D9 22 00:37:11: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000010" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:37:11: RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 50 "h323-setup-time=*00:37:09.095 UTC Sat Jan 1 2000" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 00:37:11: RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 28 "h323-gw-id=router." 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:37:11: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=69EAABEB BF1A11D3 8014E483 89ADC43B" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 00:37:11: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 00:37:11: RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 26 "h323-call-type=Telephony" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:37:11: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=69EAABEB BF1A11D3 8014E483 89ADC43B" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 00:37:11: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" 00:37:11: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:37:11: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] 00:37:11: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:11: 00:37:16: 00:37:16: 00:37:17: 00:37:21: 00:37:21: 00:37:26: 00:37:26: 00:37:31: 00:37:31: 00:37:31: 00:37:31: 00:37:31: 00:37:31: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 634A0A64" 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:35: 00:37:40: 00:37:45: 00:37:50: 00:37:55: 00:37:55: 00:37:55: 00:37:55: 00:37:55: 00:37:55: 00:38:00: lasted 48 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00: 00:38:00:

RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x809E Channel ID i = 0xA98397 ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x809E ISDN Se0:23: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x009E ISDN Se0:23: CALL_PROGRESS: CALL_CONNECTED call id 0x65, bchan 22, dsl 0 %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567 RADIUS: Retransmit id 8 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DB84) now 5 %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567 RADIUS: Retransmit id 1 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DB84) now 10 RADIUS: Retransmit id 2 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DB84) now 15 RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No valid server found. Trying any viable server RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No response for id 3 RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL RADIUS(00000010): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl RADIUS/ENCODE(00000010): acct_session_id: 16 RADIUS(00000010): sending RADIUS: Send to unknown id 5, Access-Request, len 199 RADIUS: authenticator 4B 6E 67 9F D4 1E 73 37 - 45 D3 CD 7C 70 FD C7 12 RADIUS: User-Name [1] 8 "777777" RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=61A46F2C 00000003 62E66E40 RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 30 "h323-ivr-out=transactionID:5" RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Retransmit id 5 RADIUS: Retransmit id 5 RADIUS: Retransmit id 5 RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No valid server found. Trying any viable server RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No response for id 5 RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 disconnected from 4081234567 , call seconds ISDN Se0:23: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x809E Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing RADIUS/ENCODE(00000010): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone RADIUS(00000010): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl RADIUS(00000010): sending RADIUS: Send to unknown id 9, Accounting-Request, len 660 RADIUS: authenticator C5 79 B7 D3 92 75 37 D0 - E7 5C 5B 84 99 6E 97 17 RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000010"

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 50 "h323-setup-time=*00:37:09.095 UTC Sat Jan 1 2000" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 28 "h323-gw-id=router." 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 00:38:00: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=69EAABEB BF1A11D3 8014E483 89ADC43B" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 26 "h323-call-type=Telephony" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 00:38:00: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=69EAABEB BF1A11D3 8014E483 89ADC43B" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 00:38:00: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 0 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 112160 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6 0 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6 701 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] 6 49 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 58 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-connect-time [28] 52 "h323-connect-time=*00:37:09.109 UTC Sat Jan 1 2000" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 61 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-disconnect-tim[29] 55 "h323-disconnect-time=*00:37:57.739 UTC Sat Jan 1 2000" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-disconnect-cau[30] 28 "h323-disconnect-cause=10 " 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 00:38:00: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 28 00:38:00: RADIUS: h323-voice-quality [31] 22 "h323-voice-quality=0" 00:38:00: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] 00:38:00: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 00:38:00: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 00:38:00: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" 00:38:00: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 00:38:00: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 00:38:00: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 00:38:00: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x009E 00:38:00: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x809E 00:38:05: RADIUS: Retransmit id 9 00:38:05: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DC7A) now 5 00:38:10: RADIUS: Retransmit id 4 00:38:10: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DC7A) now 10 00:38:15: RADIUS: Retransmit id 5 00:38:15: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4021D9EC (at 4021DC7A) now 15 00:38:20: RADIUS: Tried all servers. 00:38:20: RADIUS: No valid server found. Trying any viable server 00:38:20: RADIUS: Tried all servers. 00:38:20: RADIUS: No response for id 6 00:38:20: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL 00:38:20: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

debug radius accounting

In the output below, cdr1 includes h323-call-origin but does not include VSA h323-gw-id. cdr2 includes h323-gw-id but does not include h323-call-origin.
show call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined.

show call accounting-template voice cdr2 CDR template cdr2 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-gw-id (65)

Totally 1 attrs defined. !The output below is from a call that uses cdr1.cdr which allows only h323-call-origin. debug radius accounting Radius protocol debugging is on Radius packet hex dump debugging is off Radius packet protocol (authentication) debugging is off Radius packet protocol (accounting) debugging is on 02:41:32: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000023): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 02:41:32: RADIUS(00000023): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 02:41:32: RADIUS(00000023): sending 02:41:32: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 26, Accounting-Request, len 262 02:41:32: RADIUS: authenticator 84 6E A0 C0 0F 27 79 03 - 59 96 FC 6C F4 17 05 4D 02:41:32: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000023" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 02:41:32: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=C925CD59 BF2B11D3 8038E483 89ADC43B" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 02:41:32: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 02:41:32: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=C925CD59 BF2B11D3 8038E483 89ADC43B" 02:41:32: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] 02:41:32: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 02:41:32: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 02:41:32: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" 02:41:32: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 02:41:32: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 02:41:32: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 02:41:32: RADIUS: Received from id 26, Accounting-response, len 20 02:41:32: RADIUS: authenticator 90 AD C8 09 60 D7 26 01 - DE E0 BC DC C1 F8 CA 2F 02:41:32: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

02:41:38: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 is now connected to 4081234567 02:41:52: RADIUS(00000023): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 02:41:59: %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial0:22 disconnected from 4081234567 , call lasted 26 seconds 02:41:59: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000023): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 02:41:59: RADIUS(00000023): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 02:41:59: RADIUS(00000023): sending 02:41:59: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 27, Accounting-Request, len 327 02:41:59: RADIUS: authenticator 13 B7 10 EE 1C 55 7A D2 - 0F 4A A5 2F 1F 85 0E 3A 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000023" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 02:41:59: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=C925CD59 BF2B11D3 8038E483 89ADC43B" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 02:41:59: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 02:41:59: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=C925CD59 BF2B11D3 8038E483 89ADC43B" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 0 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 121600 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6 0 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6 760 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] 6 27 02:41:59: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 02:41:59: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" 02:41:59: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] 02:41:59: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 02:41:59: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 02:41:59: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 0:D:23" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12345" 02:41:59: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 02:41:59: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 02:41:59: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 02:41:59: RADIUS: Received from id 27, Accounting-response, len 20 02:41:59: RADIUS: authenticator 7F B2 88 3A 4A 96 05 C6 - D5 81 19 D8 25 3B 4D CB !The output below is from the show debug command. show debug Radius protocol debugging is on Radius packet protocol (accounting) debugging is on !The output below is from a call that uses cdr2 which allows h323-gw-id, but does not allow h323-call-origin. ADIUS/ENCODE(00000025): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 02:51:35: RADIUS(00000025): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 02:51:35: RADIUS(00000025): sending 02:51:35: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 28, Accounting-Request, len 265 02:51:35: RADIUS: authenticator 15 F0 7E AB 75 07 10 70 - 5E 3C 54 78 09 18 83 E5 02:51:35: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000025" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 02:51:35: RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 28 "h323-gw-id=router." 02:51:35: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 02:51:35: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=306F55DD BF2D11D3 803CE483 89ADC43B" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 02:51:35: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=306F55DD

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

BF2D11D3 803CE483 89ADC43B" 02:51:35: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] 02:51:35: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 02:51:35: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 02:51:35: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 1:D:23" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12346" 02:51:35: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 02:51:35: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 02:51:35: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 02:51:35: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 is now connected to 4081234567 02:51:35: RADIUS: Received from id 28, Accounting-response, len 20 02:51:35: RADIUS: authenticator D3 D8 59 42 2B 48 96 8D - 5E 2E D8 61 9A 9D 0D 5F 02:51:41: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 is now connected to 4081234567 02:51:43: %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial1:22 disconnected from 4081234567 , call lasted 8 seconds 02:51:43: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000025): Unsupported AAA attribute timezone 02:51:43: RADIUS(00000025): Encoding nas-port...Only port-type avlbl 02:51:43: RADIUS(00000025): sending 02:51:43: RADIUS: Send to unknown id 29, Accounting-Request, len 330 02:51:43: RADIUS: authenticator 55 35 AB CC 20 64 69 4B - 3F EE 79 04 11 E8 AE 4F 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000025" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 02:51:43: RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 28 "h323-gw-id=router." 02:51:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 02:51:43: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=306F55DD BF2D11D3 803CE483 89ADC43B" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 02:51:43: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=306F55DD BF2D11D3 803CE483 89ADC43B" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 0 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 50240 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] 6 0 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] 6 314 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] 6 8 02:51:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 02:51:43: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" 02:51:43: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 12 "4081234567" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] 02:51:43: RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] 02:51:43: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 19 02:51:43: RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 13 "ISDN 1:D:23" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 12 "4081234567" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 7 "12346" 02:51:43: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] 02:51:43: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 02:51:43: RADIUS: Delay-Time [41] 6 0 02:51:43: RADIUS: Received from id 29, Accounting-response, len 20 02:51:43: RADIUS: authenticator 45 31 ED 45 F4 06 ED 54 - 5E 6F 83 64 4D 2D 34 90

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

Using show Commands for AAA Voice Troubleshooting

show call accounting voice summary
The show call accounting voice summary command shows the status of all accounting templates that are defined, loaded.
show call accounting voice summary name url last_load is_running ========================================================================= cdr1 tftp:// success is running cdr2 tftp:// success is running

show call accounting-template voice

The show call accounting-template voice template name command shows the VSAs that are contained in the accounting template.
show call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined. show call accounting-template voice cdr2 CDR template cdr2 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined.

!The output below results from defining a template that does not exist or that cannot be reached. router(config)#$:// Reading cdr template cdr10 fail, put it on retry queue. 01:15:46: hifs ifs could not open file !The output below is for a template with an invalid VSA. show call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined. !Template cdr1.cdr is modified on the tftp server to enable an invalid VSA ( for example h323-call-origin) to be put into the template.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

call accounting-template voice reload cdr1 Loading johndoe/sanjose/cdr/cdr1.cdr from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK - 88/4096 bytes] cam: Fail to reload cdr template cdr1, unloading ... 02:27:29: hifs ifs file read succeeded. size=88, url=tftp:// 02:27:29: Error: attr name invalid-vsa-h323-call-origin (0) is not valid in line 3. sh call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// Last load returned errno=8, Exec format error attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined.

The template has been rejected, and previous template still applied.

show call aaa attributes

The show call aaa attributes command displays the VSAs that are supported. Mandatory VSAs that are sent to the accounting server are not displayed.
show call aaa attributes AAA ATTRIBUTE LIST: Name=disc-cause-ext Name=Acct-Status-Type Name=acl Name=addr ..... ..... Name=gw-password Name=h323-billing-model Name=h323-call-origin ..... .....

Format=Enum Format=Enum Format=Ulong Format=IP v4 Address Format=Binary Format=String Format=String

!Use the show call accounting-template voice summary command to check if a template is loaded and running. !The output below shows two templates successfully loaded and running, and a template that failed to load. show call accounting-template voice summary name url last_load is_running ========================================================================= cdr1 tftp:// success is running cdr2 tftp:// success is running cdr10 tftp:// fail is not running !The output below shows reloading template cdr1 after modifying it. !Initially, the original template cdr1 is loaded as shown: show call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56)

Totally 1 attrs defined.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting AAA for Voice

!Additional VSAs are added to modify cdr1 on the tftp server as shown: call accounting call accounting-template voice reload cdr1 Loading johndoe/sanjose/cdr/cdr1.cdr from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK - 1848/3072 bytes] cam: Reload cdr template cdr1 success. 01:35:58: hifs ifs file read succeeded. size=1848, url=tftp:// show call accounting-template voice cdr1 CDR template cdr1 is running url: tftp:// The last load was successful. attr: h323-call-origin (56) attr: h323-call-type (57) attr: h323-connect-time (59) attr: h323-disconnect-cause (63) attr: h323-disconnect-time (64) attr: h323-gw-id (65) attr: h323-remote-address (73) attr: h323-remote-id (74) attr: h323-setup-time (76) attr: h323-voice-quality (78) attr: subscriber (79) attr: in-portgrp-id (80) attr: out-portgrp-id (81) attr: charged-units (82) attr: disconnect-text (83) attr: info-type (84) attr: logical-if-index (85) attr: peer-address (86) attr: peer-id (87) attr: peer-if-index (88) attr: acom-level (89) attr: tx-duration (90) attr: voice-tx-duration (91) attr: fax-tx-duration (92) attr: noise-level (94) attr: codec-bytes (95) attr: coder-type-rate (96) attr: early-packets (97) attr: late-packets (98) attr: lost-packets (99) attr: gapfill-with-interpolation (100) attr: gapfill-with-prediction (101) attr: gapfill-with-redundancy (102) attr: gapfill-with-silence (103) attr: lowater-playout-delay (104) attr: hiwater-playout-delay (105) attr: ontime-rv-playout (106) attr: receive-delay (107) attr: round-trip-delay (108) attr: remote-udp-port (109) attr: session-protocol (110) attr: vad-enable (111) Totally 42 attrs defined.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature provides the scriptable option to reject new calls entering the VoIP network and tear down all existing calls upon detecting connectivity failure to the method list that is associated with the RADIUS-based accounting server(s).

Prerequisites for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 483 Restrictions for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 483 Information About Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 484 How to Configure Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 484 Configuration Examples for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 491

Prerequisites for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

The following tasks are prerequisites to configuring the features:

Establish a working IP network. For more information about configuring IP, refer to the Cisco IOS IP Configuration Guide, Release 12.3. Configure VoIP. For more information about configuring VoIP, refer to the Voice Configuration Library. Configure a TFTP sever to perform storage and retrieval of the audio files, which are required by the Debit Card gateway or other features requiring Tool Command Language Interactive Voice Response (Tcl IVR) scripts and audio files. Program and configure the interface between the RADIUS server and the Cisco voice gateway to operate with VSAs. Create the accounting method list default that includes all RADIUS servers using the aaa accounting connection default start-stop group radius command in global configuration mode. This method list is required by the probe accounting records the Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature uses to determine the state of connectivity to the method list.

Restrictions for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature is applicable only to the RADIUS accounting protocol. It is not applicable to any other protocols or servers, such as RADIUS access protocol, TACACS, or DIAMETER. If both voice and dial calls need to be done on the same gateway, different accounting servers must be configured for each type of call.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Information About Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

To configure Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, you need to understand the following concept:

Global Accounting Script, page 484

Global Accounting Script

The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature uses a configurable, legless Global Accounting Script (GAS) to control algorithms that determine the state of connectivity to the method list that is associated with the accounting server. The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature has two major functional components:

Tcl legless GASControls and drives the detection, recovery, and probe algorithms. Application Tcl scriptsPerforms the call treatments to incoming calls and existing calls when notified that the method list is unreachable.

The GAS is a Tcl script with configurable parameters that users can customize for their own network requirements. Users can configure one GAS for each method list, or one GAS script for multiple method lists. Because the RADIUS accounting protocol is User Datagram Protocol (UDP)-based, it is connectionless, and there is no guaranteed connectivity with the RADIUS server. The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature uses the acknowledgment of accounting requests from the method list to detect connectivity. The GAS determines the state transition of the method list and updates the AAA system with the latest method list status. If the method list is unreachable, the AAA system locates all the active calls associated with the unreachable method list and informs the application script instances of the server unreachable event. The application script applies the appropriate treatments for this new event to the existing calls. For incoming calls, the application script checks the method list status and applies the appropriate treatment. For example, the application can clear the existing calls and reject new incoming calls for this method list. When the method list becomes reachable, the application script instances are notified, and they can take the appropriate action.

How to Configure Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

This section contains procedures identified as either required or optional.

Configuring the GAS, page 485 (optional) Loading the GAS, page 486 (required) Starting the GAS, page 487 (optional) Starting the GAS in Global Configuration Mode, page 488 (optional) Verifying the GAS, page 488 (optional) Troubleshooting Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection, page 489 (optional)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Configuring the GAS

Perform this task to configure the GAS.

How the GAS Application Verifies Configuration Parameters

The GAS application reads in the configured method list and uses it to identify the configuration parameters associated with that method list. Configuration parameters associated with a method list are either mandatory or optional. If a mandatory configuration parameter does not exist, the GAS application displays the following message:
TCL GAS: >> Mandatory Parameter <parameter name from configuration avpair> does not exist

If a mandatory configuration parameter has an invalid type or value, the GAS application displays the following message:
TCL GAS: >> Mandatory Parameter <exact parameter from configuration avpair> invalid value

At least one method list must be configured with the GAS application. If the GAS application fails to read any of the mandatory configuration parameters, it fails and display this message:
TCL GAS:>>>> GasManager.Start Exit Failure <<<<

1. 2.

Download the GAS file. Configure the GAS application and mandatory parameters.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Download the GAS file at Technical Support Software Download for Cisco Tool Command Language Software at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/tclware. The GAS file contains the GAS and a ReadMe file. Refer to the ReadMe file for script-specific information about configuration parameters, including which are mandatory and which are optional.

Download the GAS file.

Step 2

Configure the GAS application and mandatory parameters.

You must configure at least the mandatory parameters before loading the GAS. You must configure the GAS for at least one method list. For information on the changes to the Tcl application programming interface (API) included in the Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature, refer to the TCL IVR Version 2.0 Programmers Guide. The GAS should be configured only by changing the value of its configuration parameters. The Technical Assistance Center (TAC) cannot support this feature, or the system on which it is loaded, if any changes are made to the script itself. Any changes to the GAS are supported by the Cisco Developer Support Program only, which requires a signed Developer Support Agreement. For more information, see the Obtaining Technical Assistance section on page xxvi.


Loading the GAS

Perform this task to load the GAS Tcl script.

You must configure any script-specific parameters before loading the GAS.

1. 2.

enable call application voice load application-name

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

call application voice load application-name

Reloads the selected Tcl script from the URL.

Router# call application voice load GAS

Starting the GAS

You can start the GAS in privileged EXEC mode or global configuration mode. If it is started in privileged EXEC mode, it must be restarted every time the router is rebooted. If it is started in global configuration mode, it is saved in NVRAM and is started automatically when the router is rebooted. Choose one of the following optional tasks to start the GAS.

Starting the GAS in Privileged EXEC Mode, page 487 (optional) Starting the GAS in Global Configuration Mode, page 488 (optional)

Starting the GAS in Privileged EXEC Mode

Perform this task to start the GAS in privileged EXEC mode:

1. 2.

enable call application session start instance-name application-name


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

call application session start instance-name application-name

Starts an instance of an application.

Router# call application session start session_1 GAS

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Starting the GAS in Global Configuration Mode

Perform this task to start the GAS in global configuration mode:

1. 2. 3.

enable configure terminal call application session start instance-name application-name


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

call application session start instance-name application-name

Starts a new instance (session) of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application.

Router(config)# call application session start session_1 GAS

Verifying the GAS

Perform this task to verify that the GAS has been configured and is working correctly.

1. 2. 3.

enable show running-config show voice accounting method

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show running-config

(Optional) Displays the contents of the currently running configuration file.

Router# show running-config

Use the show running-config command to verify that the GAS parameters have the correct values.

Step 3

show voice accounting method [method-list-name]

Router# show voice accounting method

(Optional) Displays connectivity status information for a specified accounting method list or all the accounting method lists.

Use the method-list-name argument to specify a single method list, or omit this argument to display information for all method lists.

Troubleshooting Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

The Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection feature uses a privileged EXEC mode command to enable diagnostic output concerning various events relating to gateway accounting Application Subscribe/Notify Layer (ASNL) to be displayed on a console. The debug voice aaa asnl command is intended only for troubleshooting purposes, because the volume of output generated by the software can result in severe performance degradation on the router. The following procedure minimizes the load on the router created by the debug voice aaa asnl commands, because the console port is no longer generating character-by-character processor interrupts. If you cannot connect to a console directly, you can run this procedure via a terminal server. If you must break the Telnet connection, however, you may not be able to reconnect because the router may be unable to respond due to the processor load of generating the debug voice aaa asnl output. Perform the following task to minimize the impact of using the debug voice aaa asnl command.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Attach a console directly to a router running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T or a later release. enable configure terminal no logging console Use Telnet to access a router port and repeat Steps 2 and 3. terminal monitor end debug voice aaa asnl configure terminal

10. no terminal monitor

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

11. end


Command or Action
Step 1 Step 2

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Attach a console directly to a router running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T or a later release.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 3

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 4

no logging console

Disables all logging to the console terminal.

Router(config)# no logging console

To reenable logging to the console, use the logging console command in global configuration mode.

Step 5

Use Telnet to access a router port and repeat Steps 2 and 3, then continue with step 6.
terminal monitor

Enters global configuration mode in a recursive Telnet session, which allows the output to be redirected away from the console port. Enables logging output on the virtual terminal.

Step 6

Router(config)# terminal monitor

Step 7


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# end

Step 8

debug voice aaa asnl

Displays debugging messages for gateway AAA ASNL.

Router# debug voice aaa asnl

Enter the no debug voice aaa asnl command when you are finished.

Step 9

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Command or Action
Step 10
no terminal monitor

Purpose Disables logging on the virtual terminal.

Router(config)# no terminal monitor

Step 11


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# end

Configuration Examples for Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection
This section provides configuration examples to match the identified configuration tasks in the previous section:

Configuring the GAS: Example, page 491 Loading the GAS: Example, page 493 Starting the GAS: Example, page 493 Verifying the GAS: Example, page 493

Configuring the GAS: Example

Figure 46 shows the topology used in this example.
Figure 46 Example Topology

TFTP Server Cisco AS5350 Voice Gateway GAS and TCL Calling Application

RADIUS Server Method List ml1 RADIUS Server Method List ml2

PSTN IP Network

In this example, the GAS is configured for two method lists: ml1 and ml2.
call call call call call call call call call application application application application application application application application application voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS tftp:// method-list ml1;ml2 gas-active-timer-ml1 30 detect-failure-responses-ml1 2 recovery-responses-ml1 2 probe-retry-timer-ml1 5 report-accounting-failed-ml1 false probe-user-name-ml1 johndoe acct-inactivity-period-ml1 120

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call application voice GAS send-accounting-on-ml1 true call application voice GAS use-gas-debugs-ml1 true call call call call call call call call application application application application application application application application voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS gas-active-timer-ml2 30 detect-failure-responses-ml2 2 recovery-responses-ml2 5 probe-retry-timer-ml2 10 report-accounting-failed-ml2 true acct-inactivity-period-ml2 90 send-accounting-on-ml2 false use-gas-debugs-ml2 false

The ml1 method list is configured with the following parameter values: Parameter Value gas-active-timer = 30 detect-failure-responses-ml1 = 2 recovery-responses-ml1 = 2 Description Generate a syslog message indicating that the GAS application is active every 30 minutes. After receiving two consecutive failed responses, the method list is declared unreachable. After receiving two consecutive success responses, the method list is declared reachable again. When the method list is in an unreachable state, send probe accounting records every 5 seconds. The application script should not be notified when accounting fails before the method list is marked as unreachable. Use johndoe as the user name field in the probe accounting records. When the method list is in a reachable state and 120 seconds of inactivity have passed after the last accounting record was sent to the method list, a probe accounting record is sent to determine connectivity to the method list. A message is sent when the method list transitions from unreachable to reachable. This behavior should be synchronized with the calling application script. If the application script tears down the existing calls when it is notified that the method list status transitioned from reachable to unreachable, this parameter should be set to true; otherwise, it should be set to false. Debug output is controlled by the debug voip ivr commands and displayed to the terminal. If the use-gas-debugs parameter was set to false, only the value of the use-gas-debugs parameters for the ml1 and ml2 method lists would be displayed. The default value is true.

probe-retry-timer-ml1 = 5 report-accounting-failed-ml1 = false

probe-user-name-ml1 = johndoe acct-inactivity-period-ml1 = 120

send-accounting-on-ml1 = true

use-gas-debugs-ml1 = true

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

Loading the GAS: Example

In the following example, the GAS named GAS is loaded:
enable call application voice load GAS

Starting the GAS: Example

In the following example, the GAS named GAS is started in instance session_1:
enable call application session start session_1 GAS

Verifying the GAS: Example

In the following examples, the output is displayed for each command in the task.
Sample Output from the show running-config Command

In the following example, method lists ml1 and ml2 are defined, and the GAS named GAS is configured:
Router# show running-config Current configuration :4419 bytes ! version 12.2 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname as5300-2 ! logging buffered warnings enable password cisco ! resource-pool disable clock timezone gmt 15 40 ! aaa new-model ! aaa group server radius ml1 server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 aaa group server radius ml2 server auth-port 1715 acct-port 1716 ! aaa accounting update newinfo aaa accounting connection default start-stop group radius aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius aaa accounting connection ml1 start-stop group ml1 aaa accounting connection ml2 start-stop group ml2 aaa session-id common ip subnet-zero ! isdn switch-type primary-5ess ! mta receive maximum-recipients 0 no memory check-interval ! !

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Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

! controller T1 0 framing esf clock source line primary linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 1 framing esf clock source line secondary 1 linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 2 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 ! controller T1 3 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 gw-accounting aaa method ml1 ! interface Loopback1 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! ! interface Serial0:23 no ip address dialer-group 1 isdn switch-type primary-5ess isdn incoming-voice modem fair-queue 64 256 0 no cdp enable ! interface Serial1:23 no ip address isdn switch-type primary-5ess no cdp enable ! interface Serial2:23 no ip address isdn switch-type primary-5ess no cdp enable ! interface Serial3:23 no ip address isdn switch-type primary-5ess no cdp enable ! interface FastEthernet0 ip address ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache duplex auto speed auto

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Accounting Server Connectivity Failure and Recovery Detection

! ip default-gateway ip classless ip route ip route Ethernet0 ip route ip route ip route no ip http server ! access-list 101 permit ip any any dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit ! radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 radius-server host auth-port 1715 acct-port 1716 radius-server key cisco radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type radius-server vsa send accounting radius-server vsa send authentication call rsvp-sync ! call application voice GAS tftp:// call application voice GAS method-list ml1;ml2 call application voice GAS gas-active-timer-ml1 5 call application voice GAS detect-failure-responses-ml1 2 call application voice GAS recovery-responses-ml1 2 call application voice GAS probe-retry-timer-ml1 5 call application voice GAS report-accounting-failed-ml1 false call application voice GAS probe-user-name-ml1 johndoe call application voice GAS acct-inactivity-period-ml1 120 call application voice GAS send-accounting-on-ml1 true call application voice GAS use-gas-debugs-ml1 true ! call application voice GAS gas-active-timer-ml2 5 call application voice GAS detect-failure-responses-ml2 2 call application voice GAS recovery-responses-ml2 5 call application voice GAS probe-retry-timer-ml2 10 call application voice GAS report-accounting-failed-ml2 true call application voice GAS acct-inactivity-period-ml2 90 call application voice GAS send-accounting-on-ml2 false call application voice GAS use-gas-debugs-ml2 false ! call application voice calling_app tftp:// ! call application session start G1 GAS ! voice-port 0:D ! voice-port 1:D ! voice-port 2:D ! voice-port 3:D ! ! mgcp profile default ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! dial-peer voice 1 pots application calling_app incoming called-number 25170

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Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways

port 0:D ! dial-peer voice 1800877 voip destination-pattern 1800877.... session target ipv4: ! alias exec osperr debug voip sett err alias exec h225 debug cch323 h225 alias exec h245 debyg cch323 h245 alias exec ivr debyg voip ivr alias exec ccapi debub voip ccapi in ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous line aux 0 line vty 0 password lab line vty 1 4 ! end

Sample Output from the show voice accounting method Command

The following example displays the status history for the ml1 method list:
Router# show voice accounting method Accounting Method List [ml1] ====================== Current Status: --------------unreachable [21:52:39 gmt Dec 4 2002] last record sent time [23:14:59 gmt Dec 4 2002] total probe sent out [84] Status History: --------------(2) unreachable (1) reachable

[21:52:39 gmt Dec 4 2002] [21:46:19 gmt Dec 4 2002] SUCCESS FAILURE Record [Received | Notified ] [Received | Notified | Reported ] Type [from server| to client] [from server| to client | to call ] ------ [-----------|----------] [-----------|------------|----------] START [ 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 0 ] UPDATE [ 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 0 ] STOP [ 0 | 0 ] [ 84 | 84 | 0 ] ACCT_ON [ 0 | 0 ] [ 0 | 0 | 0 ] ------ [-----------|----------] [-----------|------------|----------] TOTAL [ 0 | 0 ] [ 84 | 84 | 0 ]

Troubleshooting Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways

To troubleshoot the Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways feature, perform the following steps:

Make sure that you can make a voice call. Use the debug ccsip all command to enable all SIP debugging capabilities, or use one of the following SIP debug commands:
debug ccsip calls

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement

debug ccsip error debug ccsip events debug ccsip messages

In addition, debug ccsip events and debug ccsip all include new output specific to the Enhanced Billing Support for SIP Gateways feature. The example shows how the Proxy-Authorization header is broken down into a decoded user name and password.
CCSIP SPI: SIP Call Events tracing is enabled 21:03:21: sippmh_parse_proxy_auth: Challenge is 'Basic'. 21:03:21: sippmh_parse_proxy_auth: Base64 user-pass string is 'MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njou'. 21:03:21: sip_process_proxy_auth: Decoded user-pass string is '1234567890123456:.'. 21:03:21: sip_process_proxy_auth: Username is '1234567890123456'. 21:03:21: sip_process_proxy_auth: Pass is '.'. 21:03:21: sipSPIAddBillingInfoToCcb: sipCallId for billing records = 10872472-173611CC-81E9C73D-F836C2B6@ ****Adding to UAS Request table

Troubleshooting Settlement
The following section is provided to assist in determining if your OSP network is set up correctly. The problems listed have been reported as the most common errors made when configuring settlement in a network. Each section describes a problem and a solution.

Settlement Database Not Set Up Properly


Calls are routed through a settlement server, but the originating gateway gets no response or a negative response.

Check with the settlement provider to make sure that the router is properly registered with that provider. Router registration with settlement provider is normally done outside of OSP.

Tcl IVR Script Not Called


Tcl IVR script is not used on the originating gateway or terminating gateway.

Configure a Tcl IVR script for the dial peer using the application application name command.


Tcl/IVR scripts are required for settlement, and classic IVR 1.0 does not support settlement.

Use the show call application voice summary to list all the available scripts on the router.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement

Default is classic SESSION application, which cannot do settlement. The fax_hop_on.tcl script does not work with settlement.

The following example shows the available scripts on the router.

router# show call application voice summary name description session fax_hop_on clid_authen clid_authen_collect clid_authen_npw clid_authen_col_npw clid_col_npw_3 clid_col_npw_npw SESSION Basic app to do DID, or supply dialtone. Script to talk to a fax redialer Authenticate with (ani, dnis) Authenticate with (ani, dnis), collect if that fails Authenticate with (ani, NULL) Authenticate with (ani, NULL), collect if that fails Authenticate with (ani, NULL), and 3 tries collecting Authenticate with (ani, NULL) and 3 tries without pw Default system session application

No Destination Pattern Set


The originating gateway inbound POTS dial peer has no destination pattern set.

Because some PBX devices do not pass along the calling number in the setup message, the router uses the destination-pattern number or answer-address as an alternative, and a calling number is a required field for settlement.

No Session Target Settlement Set on Originating Gateway


The originating gateway outbound VoIP dial peer has no session target settlement. The router could make successful calls, but not through a settlement server. The session target specification dictates how the router resolves the terminating gateway address for a particular called number.

Configure the session target settlement provider-number command.

No VoIP Inbound Dial Peer on Terminating Gateway


The terminating gateway has no VoIP inbound dial peer. Because the settlement token in the incoming setup message from the originating gateway cannot be validate, the terminating gateway rejects the call.

Create an inbound dial peer with the session target settlement command.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement

No Application Attribute on Terminating Gateway


The terminating gateway has an inbound dial peer configured, but with no application command. The default session application (SESSION) processes the call, but it does not support settlement.

The default session application (SESSION) does not support the settlement feature. Therefore, you must configure the application command in the inbound dial peer.

Terminating Gateway Not Synchronized with Settlement Server


The terminating gateway clock is not synchronized with the settlement server. The terminating gateway rejects the call because it is too soon or too late to use the settlement token in the incoming setup message.

Use the ntp or clock set command to synchronize the clocks between the terminating gateway and the settlement server.

Settlement Provider Not Running


The settlement provider on the originating gateway or terminating gateway is not running. No settlement transaction processing is allowed unless the provider is running.

Enable settlement using the no shutdown command in settlement configuration mode. Use the show settlement command to verify the provider status.

Router and Server Not Using SSL to Communicate


The router cannot use SSL to communicate with the server because the server URL should be https, not http.

Configure a secured URL using https.


The router cannot use SSL to communicate with the server because the certificates of the server or router were not properly obtained.

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Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement


Check the certificate enrollment process for both the server and the router.

Multiple Dial Peers Have Random Order


The originating gateway has multiple dial peers for the same called number, and settlement is never used. The order for rotary dial peers is random unless a dial peer preference is specified. The dial peer with lower preference is chosen first.

Define dial peer preference by using the preference command.

H.323 Setup Connection Timeout


The originating gateway cannot successfully set up a call with the first terminating gateway that is returned from the OSP server. The problem occurs when a gateway attempts to set up the call with the terminating gateways in the order they are received. If for some reason the H.323 call setup is not successful, there is a 15-second timeout by default before the next terminating gateway on the list is contacted.

The H.323 call setup timeout can be tuned using the h225 timeout command. For example:
voice class h323 1 h225 timeout tcp etablish <value 0 to 30 seconds> dial-peer voice 919 voip application session destination-pattern 919555.... voice-class codec 1 voice-class h323 1 session target settlement

Problem Isolation
To isolate problems with settlement, perform the following tasks:

Check the originating gateway and terminating gateway configuration for dial peers, settlement providers, and certificates. Check the network between the originating gateway, terminating gateway, and the server. Ping each device to make sure that the machines are running. Verify that IP calls can be made successfully. If so, the problem is specific to settlement. Turn on debug voip ivr settlement on the originating gateway to see if the Tcl IVR script initiates a settlement request to the server.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement

Use the debug voip settlement network command on the originating gateway to capture the HTTP requests sent to the server and the response from the server. If the originating gateway gets no response from the server, contact the settlement provider. Turn on debug voip settlement misc to see the list of TOWs returned from the server. If this list is incorrect, contact the settlement provider. If the terminating gateway rejects the settlement token because it is too soon or too late to use it, synchronize the terminating gateway clock with the server.

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Troubleshooting AAA and Billing Applications Troubleshooting Settlement

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Fax Applications

This chapter describes T.37 store and forward fax and T.38 fax gateway troubleshooting concepts. The applications are T.37 store and forward fax, T.38 fax relay for VoIP H.323, fax relay packet loss concealment, and T.37/T.38 fax gateways. The applications enable the Cisco gateways to send and receive faxes across packet-based networks, using modems or voice feature cards (VFCs). Before beginning these troubleshooting procedures, check to ensure your fax machine and voice network are working. Try the following steps to help isolate the problem:
1. 2.

Plug the fax machine into a regular analog line and test the fax call while bypassing the voice network. If the problem persists, it could be the fax machine. If the fax machine has a handset, connect the fax machine to the voice network, pick the handset up, and try to make a voice call. If the voice call works, you have verified that your voice network is operational. A voice call must be successful before a fax call can succeed.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Fax Call Flow, page 503 Fax Relay, page 510 Fax Detection, page 525

For information about configuring fax features, refer to the Cisco Fax Services over IP Application Guide.

Fax Call Flow

The following fax call flows are described:

Fax Pass-Through and Fax Pass-Through with Upspeed, page 504 Cisco Fax Relay, page 505 T.38 Fax Relay, page 507 T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax, page 509

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow

Fax Pass-Through and Fax Pass-Through with Upspeed

Fax pass-through is the simplest technique for sending fax over IP networks, but it is not the default, nor is it the most desirable method of supporting fax over IP. T.38 fax relay provides a more reliable and error-free method of sending faxes over an IP network, but some third-party H.323 and SIP implementations do not support T.38 fax relay. These same implementations often support fax pass-through. In fax pass-through mode, gateways do not distinguish between a fax call and a voice call. Fax communication between the two fax machines is carried in its entirety in-band over a voice call. Fax upspeed is similar to pass-through in the sense that the fax call is carried in-band over the voice call. The difference is that when you use upspeed, the gateways to some extent react to the fax call. Although relay mechanisms are not employed, with upspeed the gateways do recognize a CED fax tone and automatically change the voice codec to G.711 if necessary (thus the designation upspeed). Turn off echo cancellation (EC) and voice activity detection (VAD) for the duration of the call. When a DSP is put into voice mode at the beginning of a VoIP call, the DSP is informed by the call control stack whether the control protocol can support pass-through or not. If pass-through is supported, the following events occur during a fax call:
1. 2. 3. 4.

For the duration of the call, the DSP listens for the 2100-Hz CED tone to detect a fax or modem on the line. If the CED tone is heard, an internal event is generated to alert the call control stack that a fax or modem changeover is required. The call control stack on the originating gateway instructs the DSP to send an NSE to the terminating gateway, informing the terminating gateway of the request to carry out a codec change. If the terminating gateway supports NSEs, it responds to the originating gateway instruction and loads the new codec. The fax machines are able to communicate on an end-to-end basis with no further intervention by the voice gateways.

Fax pass-through call flow is shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47 Fax Pass-Through and Fax Upspeed Call Flow

Calling fax VoIP VoIP call T.30 CED tone Call control issues NSE NSE NSE accept Change codec Change codec Fax pass-through established

Called fax



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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow

Cisco Fax Relay

Cisco fax relay is the oldest method of supporting fax on Cisco IOS gateways and has been supported since Cisco IOS Release 11.3. Cisco fax relay uses Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) as the method of transport. In Cisco fax relay mode, gateways terminate T.30 fax signaling by spoofing a virtual fax machine to the locally attached fax machine. The gateways use a Cisco-proprietary fax-relay RTP-based protocol to communicate between them. Cisco fax relay is the default operation and, in the absence of any explicit CLI on the dial peer, is used when a fax transmission is detected. If voice calls are being completed successfully between two routers, fax calls should also work. Events that occur during a Cisco fax relay call fall into the following call phases:

Cisco Fax Relay Fax Setup Phase Cisco Fax Relay Data Transfer Phase

Cisco Fax Relay Fax Setup Phase

When a DSP is put into voice mode at the beginning of a VoIP call, the DSP is informed by the call control stack whether fax relay is supported and if it is supported, whether it is Cisco fax relay or T.38 fax relay. If Cisco fax relay is supported, the following events occur:

Initially a VoIP call is established as if it were a normal speech call. Call control procedures are followed and the DSP is put into voice mode, after which human speech is expected to be received and processed.


If a fax answer or calling tone (CED or CNG) is heard at any time during the call, the DSP does not interfere with the speech processing. It allows the tone to continue across the VoIP call leg. A normal fax machine, after generating a CED or hearing a CNG, sends a DIS message with the capabilities of the fax machine. The DSP in the Cisco IOS gateway attached to the fax machine that generated the DIS message (normally the terminating gateway) detects the HDLC flag sequence at the start of the DIS message and initiates fax relay switchover. The DSP also triggers an internal event to notify the call control stack that fax switchover is required. The call control stack then instructs the DSP to change the RTP payload type to 96 and to send this payload type to the originating gateway.

When the DSP on the originating gateway receives an RTP packet with payload type set to 96, it triggers an event informing its own call control stack that a fax changeover has been requested by the remote gateway. The originating gateway then sends an RTP packet to the terminating gateway with payload type 97 to indicate that the originating gateway has started the fax changeover. When the terminating gateway receives the payload type 97 packet, the packet serves as an acknowledgement. The terminating gateway starts the fax codec download and is ready for fax relay.

Once the originating gateway has completed the codec download, it sends RTP packets with payload type 96 to the terminating gateway. The terminating gateway responds with an RTP packet with payload type 97, and fax relay can begin between the two gateways. As part of the fax codec download, other parameters such as VAD, jitter buffers, and echo cancellation are changed to suit the different characteristics of a fax call.

Cisco fax relay fax setup is shown in Figure 48.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow

Figure 48

Cisco Fax Relay Fax Setup Call Flow

Calling fax VoIP VoIP call

Called fax

FXS T.30

FXS T.30 CED tone DIS msg

Fax relay switchover (PT 96) Set codec ACK (PT 97) Download Download fax codec Codec download done (PT 96) fax codec Codec download ACK (PT 97)

Fax relay established

Cisco Fax Relay Data Transfer Phase

During fax relay operation, the T.30 analog fax signals are received from the PSTN or from a directly attached fax machine. The T.30 fax signals are demodulated by a DSP on the gateway and then packetized and sent across the VoIP network as data. The terminating gateway decodes the data stream and remodulates the T.30 analog fax signals to be sent to the PSTN or to a destination fax machine. The messages that are demodulated and remodulated are predominantly the phase B, phase D, and phase E messages of a T.30 transaction. Most of the messages are passed across without any interference, but certain messages are modified according to the constraints of the VoIP network. During phase B, fax machines interrogate each others capabilities. They expect to communicate with each other across a 64-kbps PSTN circuit, and they attempt to make best use of the available bandwidth and circuit quality of a 64-kbps voice path. However, in a VoIP network, the fax machines do not have a 64-kbps PSTN circuit available. The bandwidth per call is probably less than 64 kbps, and the circuit is not considered a clear circuit. Because transmission paths in VoIP networks are more limited than in the PSTN, Cisco IOS CLI is used to adjust fax settings on the VoIP dial peer. The adjusted fax settings restrict the facilities that are available to fax machines across the VoIP call leg and are also used to modify values in DIS and NSF messages that are received from fax machines. The call flow of the Cisco fax relay data transfer phase is shown in Figure 49.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow

Figure 49

Cisco Fax Relay Data Transfer Call Flow

Fax-relay codec



FXS T.30 T.30 modulated data

T.30 modulated data

Demodulated fax-relay packets

T.38 Fax Relay

T.38 provides an ITU-T standards-based method and protocols for fax relay. Data is packetized and encapsulated according to the T.38 standard. The encoding of the packet headers and the mechanism to switch from VoIP mode to fax relay mode are clearly defined in the specification. Annexes to the basic specification include details for operation under Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and H.323 call control protocols. T.38 uses data redundancy to compensate for packet loss. During T.38 call establishment, voice gateways indicate the level of packet redundancy that they incorporate in their transmission of facsimile User Datagram Packet Transport Layer packets (UDPTLs). The level of redundancy (the number of times that the packet is repeated) can be configured on Cisco IOS gateways. There is work under way to implement T.38 fax switchover independently of the call control mechanisms. This is referred to as bearer level signaling and makes use of Named Service Events (NSEs). The following sections address call-control-initiated switchover mechanisms:

H.323 T.38 Fax Relay SIP T.38 Fax Relay MGCP T.38 Fax Relay

H.323 T.38 Fax Relay

The T.38 Annex B standard defines the mechanism that is used to switch over from voice mode to T.38 fax mode during a call. The ability to support T.38 must be indicated during the initial VoIP call setup. If the DSP on the gateway is capable of supporting T.38 mode, this information is indicated during the H.245 negotiation procedures as part of the regular H.323 VoIP call setup. Once the VoIP call setup is completed, the DSP continues to listen for a fax tone. When it hears one, the DSP signals the receipt of fax tone to the call control layer, which then initiates fax changeover as specified in the T.38 Annex B procedures. The H.245 message flow shown in Figure 50 contains the following events:
1. 2.

The detecting terminating gateway sends a ModeRequest message to the originating gateway, and the originating gateway responds with a ModeRequestAck. The originating gateway sends a closeLogicalChannel message to close its VoIP UDP port, and the terminating gateway responds with a closeLogicalChannelAck while it closes the VoIP port.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow


The originating gateway sends an openLogicalChannel message that indicates to which port to send the T.38 UDP information on the originating gateway, and the terminating gateway responds with an openLogicalChannelAck. The terminating gateway sends a closeLogicalChannel message to close its VoIP UDP port, and the originating gateway responds with a closeLogicalChannelAck. Finally the terminating gateway sends an openLogicalChannel message that indicates to which port to send the T.38 UDP stream, and the originating gateway responds with an openLogicalChannelAck. T.38-encoded UDP packets flow back and forth. At the end of the fax transmission, either gateway can initiate another ModeRequest message to return to VoIP mode.
H.323 T.38 Fax Relay Call Flow

4. 5.


Figure 50

Calling fax

Called fax


VoIP call

T.30 CED tone DIS msg

ModeRequest ModeRequestAck closeLogicalChannel [1] closeLogicalChannelAck [1] openLogicalChannel [2] openLogicalChannelAck [2] closeLogicalChannel [3] closeLogicalChannelAck [3] openLogicalChannel [4] openLogicalChannelAck [4]

SIP T.38 Fax Relay

When the call control protocol is SIP, T.38 Annex D procedures are used for the changeover from VoIP to fax mode during a call. Initially, a normal VoIP call is established through the use of SIP INVITEs. The DSP needs to be informed that it can support T.38 mode while it is put into voice mode. During the call, when the DSP detects fax HDLC flags, it signals the detection of the flags to the call control layer, and the call control layer initiates a SIP INVITE mid-call to signal the desire to change the media stream. The SIP T.38 fax relay call flow shown in Figure 51 contains the following events:

The terminating gateway detects a fax V.21 flag sequence and sends an INVITE with T.38 details in the SDP field to the originating gateway or to the SIP proxy server, depending on the network topology. The originating gateway receives the INVITE message and sends back a 200 OK message. The terminating gateway acknowledges the 200 OK message and sends an ACK message direct to the originating gateway.

2. 3.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Call Flow

4. 5.

The originating gateway starts sending T.38 UDP packets instead of VoIP UDP packets across the same ports. At the end of the fax transmission, another INVITE message can be sent to return to VoIP mode.
SIP T.38 Fax Relay Call Flow

Figure 51

Calling fax

Called fax


VoIP call

T.30 CED tone DIS msg

INVITE (T.38 in SDP) 200 OK ACK T.38 UDP packets

MGCP T.38 Fax Relay

MGCP T.38 fax relay conforms to ITU-T T.38, Procedures for Real-Time Group 3 Facsimile Communication over IP Networks, which determines procedures for real-time facsimile communication in various gateway control protocol (XGCP) applications. MGCP-based T.38 fax relay has the following call flow:
1. 2. 3.

A call is initially established as a voice call. The gateways advertise capabilities in an SDP exchange during connection establishment. If both gateways do not support T.38 fax relay, fax pass-through is used for fax transmission. If both gateways support T.38, they attempt to switch to T.38 upon fax tone detection. The existing audio channel is used for T.38 fax relay, and the existing connection port is reused to minimize delay. If failure occurs at some point during the switch to T.38, the call reverts to the original settings it had as a voice call. If this failure occurs, a fallback to fax pass-through is not supported. Upon completion of the fax image transfer, the connection remains established and reverts to a voice call using the previously designated codec, unless the call agent instructs the gateways to do otherwise.


A fax relay MGCP event allows the gateway to notify the call agent of the status (start, stop, or failure) of T.38 processing for the connection. This event is sent in both call-agent-controlled and gateway-controlled mode.

T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax

T.37 provides an ITU-T standards-based method for store-and-forward fax operation. The fax transmission process is divided into distinct sending and receiving phases with the potential to store the fax between sending and receiving, if necessary.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Cisco recommends that you dedicate a mail server to fax mail and avoid the conflicting configuration requirements of traditional e-mail and fax-mail servers. Optimize each mail server for its individual functionsfor example, fax messages should usually retry transmissions every 5 minutes whereas normal e-mail should retry every 30 minutes, and fax messages should give up after 3 to 4 hours whereas normal e-mail should not give up for 4 to 5 days. A topology for T.37 store-and-forward fax is shown in Figure 52.
Figure 52 T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax Topology

On-ramp faxing

Off-ramp faxing



T.30 T.30

Fax to E-mail


E-mail message with attachments

E-mail to fax

E-mail client Email message with text or TIFF attachment

For more information about T.37 store and forward fax, refer to the Configuring T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax chapter in the Cisco Fax Services over IP Application Guide.

Fax Relay
To troubleshoot T.38 fax relay, perform the following steps:

Make sure that you can make a voice call. Make sure that the desired fax protocol was set using the fax protocol command on both the originating and terminating gateways. Make sure that the fax protocol is configured as T.38 at the global configuration level or at the dial-peer configuration level for both the originating and terminating gateways. Use the show call active {voice | fax} command to display information for the active call table. Use the show dial-peer voice command to display configuration information for dial peers.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

For H.323 gateways, use the debug cch323 all command to enable all H.323 debugging capabilities, or use one of the following commands to debug problems while making the call:
debug cch323 error debug cch323 h225 debug cch323 h245 debug cch323 RAS debug cch323 session debug voip ccapi inout debug vtsp session

For SIP gateways, use the debug ccsip all command to enable all SIP debugging capabilities, or use one of the following SIP debug commands:
debug ccsip calls debug ccsip error debug ccsip events debug ccsip info debug ccsip media debug ccsip messages debug ccsip states

For further details, see the following sections:

Identifying and Isolating the Problem, page 511 Checking Basic Connectivity, page 512 Checking for Slips and Other Errors on Digital Interfaces, page 515 Checking Fax Interface Type, page 516 Ensuring That the Fax Codec is Loaded During the Fax Call, page 516 Disabling Fax Relay and Change Codec for Pass-Through, page 517 Checking for Packet Loss on the Voice Network, page 518 Disabling Fax Relay ECM (Cisco Proprietary VoIP Only), page 518 Enabling T.38 Packet Redundancy (T.38 VoIP Only), page 519 Setting the Fax NSF Command to All Zeroes, page 519 Achieving the Final Stages of Resolution, page 519 Debugging Fax Relay, page 520

Identifying and Isolating the Problem

The first step to take when you troubleshoot any fax relay issue is to reduce the problem to its simplest form. Many issues arise in situations where multiple fax machines are not able to pass fax traffic. It is easiest to isolate two fax machines that are having problems and concentrate on a simple topology. Determine how these machines are connected to one another and resolve the issue between this pair first. In addition, you should draw a complete picture of the topology and determine how the fax machines are interconnected.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Troubleshooting one issue at a time minimizes confusion and allows for methodical troubleshooting. It is also possible that the solution for this problem resolves other fax relay problems in the network. Most fax relay problems result from poor voice configuration or network design. These lead to basic connectivity problems and physical line or packet loss and jitter problems. After you have identified and isolated the problem, you need to verify the basic voice configuration and monitor the health of the network.

Checking Basic Connectivity

Basic fax connectivity issues can be the result of the following factors:

Normal Voice Connectivity Problems, page 512 Configuration Problems Related to Dial Peers, page 512 Other Basic Connectivity Problems Not Relating to Dial Peers, page 515 Fax Connectivity Problems Across the PSTN, page 515

Normal Voice Connectivity Problems

Confirm that normal voice calls can be completed before investigating fax connectivity. If there is no telephone attached, unplug the fax machine and connect a regular telephone. If normal voice calls do not connect, the issue might be network-related and you should troubleshoot the problem as a normal voice connectivity issue before proceeding with fax troubleshooting.

Configuration Problems Related to Dial Peers

Some configuration problems are associated with dial peers, for example:

Wrong Dial Peer Being Matched, page 512 Incorrectly Configured Dial Peers on One or Both Sides, page 514

Wrong Dial Peer Being Matched

After ensuring that voice calls can be successfully completed in both directions through the voice network, issue the show call active voice brief command and note the dial peers that are being matched with each voice call.


When you have VoIP trunks, you should be able to see all the call legs with the show call active voice brief command. In some versions of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2, there is a bug in the show call active command. As a result, a fax call that comes through a VoIP trunk no longer appears. When you issue a show call active fax brief command, the call is listed. For more information about this bug, see Cisco bug IDs CSCdx50212 and CSCdv02561 (registered customers only).


Ensure that the configured dial peer is the peer that is being matched.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

In the command output shown below, you can see that the outbound VoIP call leg is using peer ID 100.
Router# show call active voice brief <snip> Total call-legs: 2 1218 : 51710253hs.1 +415 pid:400 Answer 400 active dur 00:01:08 tx:3411/68220 rx:3410/68200 Tele 3/0/0:43: TX:68200/6820/0ms g729r8 noise:0 acom:2 i/0:-51/-44 dBm 1218 : 51710396hs.1 +272 pid:100 Originate 100 active dur 00:01:09 TX:3466/69320 rx:3467/69340 IP rtt:56ms pl:64730/0ms lost:0/1/0 delay:69/69/70ms g729r8 Total call-legs: 2

A common cause of fax relay problems is that the correctly configured dial peer is not the one being matched. It is also common that there is no particular incoming VoIP dial peer configured on the terminating gateway, and Cisco IOS Software selects the first appropriate (including default) VoIP dial peer as the incoming dial peer. Hence the parameters for this incoming dial peer might not match those of the outbound dial peer on the originating gateway. It is not always necessary to have identical configurations on the outgoing and incoming VoIP dial peers. When you have a fax relay problem, though, make sure you have a dedicated incoming VoIP dial peer on the terminating router and that its configuration matches the configuration of the outgoing VoIP dial peer on the originating router. The following configuration for ISDN-connected routers is an example of specific, matching VoIP dial peers for the destination pattern "5..." outbound on the originating gateway and inbound on the terminating gateway. Originating Gateway
!--- Incoming POTS peer: Dial-peer voice 1 pots Incoming called number. Direct-inward-dial Port 1/0:15 !--- Outgoing VoIP peer: Dial-peer voice 2 voip Destination-pattern 5 Session target ipv4: Fax rate 144400 fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0

Terminating Gateway
!--- Outgoing POTS peer : Dial-peer voice 10 pots Destination-pattern 5 No digit-strip Port 2/0:15 !--- Incoming VoIP peer: Dial-peer voice 20 voip Incoming called-number 5 Fax rate 14400 fax protocol t38 Ls-redundancy 0 Hs-redundancy 0

You can also check dial-peer matching by issuing the debug voip ccapi inout command. The debug output from this command (as shown below) includes an ssaSetupPeer message that lists all the dial-peers matching the called number. A ccCallSetupRequest message follows with the outbound peer option indicating the outgoing VoIP dial peer selected. When multiple VoIP dial peers are configured for the same destination, it is possible that the initial call setup could fail and another dial peer could be tried. In this case, another ccCallSetupRequest appears in the debug.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

debug voip ccapi inoutOriginating Gateway

ms-3640-13b# show call active voice brief <snip> Total call-legs: 2 1218 : 51710253hs.1 +415 pid:400 Answer 400 active dur 00:01:08 tx:3411/68220 rx:3410/68200 Tele 3/0/0:43: TX:68200/6820/0ms g729r8 noise:0 acom:2 i/0:-51/-44 dBm 1218 : 51710396hs.1 +272 pid:100 Originate 100 active dur 00:01:09 TX:3466/69320 rx:3467/69340 IP rtt:56ms pl:64730/0ms lost:0/1/0 delay:69/69/70ms g729r8 Total call-legs: 2

debug voip ccapi inout Originating Gateway

.Jun 4 21:06:43.461: ssaSetupPeer cid(19) peer list: tag(400) called number (5074) .Jun 4 21:06:43.461: ccCallSetupRequest (Inbound call = 0x13, outbound peer =100, dest=, params=0x62F1CC70 mode=0, *callID=0x62F1CFD8, prog_ind = 0)

On the terminating voice gateway, the first line of the debug voip ccapi inout call trace (as shown below) is a cc_api_call_setup_ind message with a peer_tag option that refers to the incoming VoIP dial peer on the terminating gateway.
debug voip ccapi inoutTerminating Gateway
.Jun 4 21:06:43.461: cc_API_call_setup_ind (vdbPtr=0x62F07650, callInfo={called=5074,called_oct3=0x80, calling=5075, calling_oct3=0x0,>calling_oct3a=0x83, calling_xlated=false, subscriber_type_str=Unknown,fdest=1, peer_tag=400, prog_ind=0},callID=0x635F72D0)

Incorrectly Configured Dial Peers on One or Both Sides

After you confirm that the correct dial peer is being matched (in this case dial-peer 100 for the originating gateway and dial peer 400 for the terminating router), confirm in the configuration that the dial peer is configured correctly for fax. Here are some common errors to check for on both sides of the call:

Fax relay is disabled (that is, the fax rate disable command has been issued on the dial peer) while a low bandwidth codec has been in use. The dial peer on one voice gateway is configured for Cisco fax relay but the other voice gateway is a Cisco AS5350/AS5400. Cisco AS5350/AS5400 universal gateways support only T.38 so the negotiation fails. The default dial peer is being used inbound on the terminating gateway, and default parameters do not match those for the outbound dial peer on the originating gateway.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Incorrect compand type.

The companding type for the US is -law, for Europe and Asia it is a-law. You can issue the show voice call command to see which value is currently configured. If you are on a BRI or E1 port, the companding type on the router does not match the one on the connected device, and calls sometimes fail and sometimes connect, but the voice becomes heavily distorted so that the person becomes unrecognizable and a high low-pitch noise level appears. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(3) the compand-type command is missing on the BRI ports, leaving the companding type to the default value. For more information about this bug, see Cisco bug IDs CSCdv00152 and CSCdv01861 (registered customers only).

Other Basic Connectivity Problems Not Relating to Dial Peers

Here are some basic connectivity issues that are related to dial peers:

Cisco IOS software incompatibilities on gateway pairs. It is not always required that Cisco IOS software releases match, but you should check releases when problems occur. Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (cRTP) has several known problems. Fixes are available for these problems and it makes sense to disable cRTP when problems occur. You can then decide whether a Cisco IOS software upgrade is an appropriate course of action. On Cisco AS5300 voice gateways, ensure that the VCWare and Cisco IOS software are compatible.

Fax Connectivity Problems Across the PSTN

If voice calls work in both directions but fax calls are failing in at least one direction, check that normal faxing between these two machines works across the PSTN. In other words, ensure that the fax machines successfully transmit faxes to each other using the PSTN without traversing the VoX network. If they do not, the fax machines may have problems that need to be addressed before you consider fax relay problems.

Checking for Slips and Other Errors on Digital Interfaces

If there are any T1 or E1 digital connections used by the routers performing fax relay, make sure that they are error free. Fax relay is very sensitive to errors on digital interfaces, especially slips. The errors may not be noticeable on voice calls but they can cause faxes to fail.
show controller T1(E1) 1/0 Command
Router# show contr t1 1/0 T1 1/0 is up. Applique type is Channelized T1 Cablelength is long gain36 0db No alarms detected. alarm-trigger is not set Version info Firmware: 20010805, FPGA: 15 Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Clock Source is Line. Data in current interval (132 seconds elapsed): 0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations 0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins 0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

The T1 or E1 controllers at both originating and terminating gateways should be error free, as shown above. If errors occur, repeat the show controller command several times during the call to see if the number of errors increases. The most common problem of slips is a synchronization problem resulting in clocking errors. In packet voice networks, confirming that the router is clocking from the line is usually sufficient. If it is not, ensure the clock source line command is entered at the controller level. However, in VoATM or TDM networks where a clocking hierarchy is established and the routers may need to pass clock through the network, additional considerations are needed. On Cisco modular acccess routers with AIM voice cards installed, the controller shows controlled slips unless you add the network-clock-participate and network-clock-select commands. On the Cisco 7200VXR platform, the frame-clock-select command is required for the voice cards. This command is particularly important for the Cisco 7200VXR voice gateways because, by default, the internal TDM bus is not driven by the local oscillator. Since the E1 trunks are normally synchronized to the telephony network, the result is hidden clocking errors and intermittent fax transmission problems. More detail is available in Cisco bug ID CSCdv10359 (registered customers only).

Checking Fax Interface Type

On some platforms, including the Cisco 3660, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5800 platforms, the router defaults to fax interface-type modem. The fax interface-type modem global configuration command forces fax calls to a modem (usually for T.37 Store and Forward fax) and not to a DSP. For Cisco fax relay to work, the fax call must be sent to a DSP, which means it must be configured by the issuing of the fax interface-type vfc command.
Router(config)# fax interface-type ? modem Use modem card vfc Use Voice Feature Card Router(config)# fax interface-type vfc You must reload the router

Make sure you reload the router; otherwise the command does not take effect. Fax calls fail on the universal gateways listed above with Cisco fax relay (or T.38), so this is an important command to check. The fax interface-type vfc command was not necessary in Cisco IOS software releases prior to Release 12.2. The problem is commonly seen when one of the voice gateways listed above is upgraded to Cisco IOS Release 12.2 or later.

Ensuring That the Fax Codec is Loaded During the Fax Call
Each fax machine displays the remote fax machine ID on its LCD screen at the completion of the fax negotiation phase. It is unlikely that the fax machines could complete negotiation if the fax codec has not been successfully downloaded. On the other hand if no remote fax machine ID is displayed, further debugging in this area is appropriate. There are two ways to make sure that the voice gateways detect the fax transmission and successfully load the fax codec:

Issue the debug vtsp all command and the debug voip ccapi inout call trace. Issue the show voice trace command. Show commands are less resource intensive on the router than debug commands and are preferable in production networks. Shown below is sample output from a show voice trace command on an ISDN interface:

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

BrisVG200gwy01# show voice trace 1/0:15 1/0:15 1 1/0:15 2 1/0:15 3 1/0:15 4 1/0:15 5 1/0:15 6 1/0:15 7 1/0:15 8 1/0:15 9 1/0:15 10 State Transitions: timestamp (state, event) -> ... 63513.792 (S_SETUP_REQUEST, E_TSP_PROCEEDING) -> 63515.264 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_TSP_ALERT) -> 63515.264 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_BRIDGE) -> 63515.332 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_IND) -> 63515.332 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_ACK) -> 63515.348 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_IND) -> 63515.348 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_ACK) -> 63515.356 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_IND) -> 63515.356 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_CAPS_ACK) -> 63518.656 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_REQ_PACK_STAT) -> 63518.660 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_VP_DELAY) -> 63518.660 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_VP_ERROR) -> 63518.660 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_RX) -> 63518.660 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_TX) -> 63521.028 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_CC_REQ_PACK_STAT) -> 63521.028 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_VP_DELAY) -> 63521.028 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_VP_ERROR) -> 63521.028 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_RX) -> 63521.028 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_DSP_GET_TX) -> 63524.128 (S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, E_TSP_CONNECT) -> !--- Fax tone detected: 63529.352 (S_CONNECT, E_DSP_TONE_DETECT) -> 63529.356 (S_LFAX_WAIT_ACK, E_PH_CODEC_ACK) -> !--- Fax codec being downloaded to DSPs:

Disabling Fax Relay and Change Codec for Pass-Through

In the previous troubleshooting steps you established that voice calls work, faxes work through PSTN, and all digital interfaces in the fax relay path are free from errors. The current step determines whether faxes can go through with fax relay disabled. For the VoIP/VoATM/VoFR dial peers, enter the following to disable the fax rate:
Router(config)# voice-port 2/0:15 Router(config-voiceport)# no echo-cancel enable Router(config)# dial-p voice 3 Router(config-dial-peer)# fax rate disable Router(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw Router(config-dial-peer)# no vad

Make sure these commands are entered on both gateways. These commands disable fax relay, disable echo cancellation, and force the call to use a high-bandwidth codec without VAD. The router then samples the tones as it would for a normal voice call, and with the high-bandwidth codec (G.711), the most precise sample possible is captured. The tone to be replayed on the other side is as accurate as possible. The caveat to this step is that since G.711 is a 64- kbps bandwidth codec, each call consumes up to 80 kbps (for VoIP) when additional transport protocol overhead is added.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

If this test is positive, two things have been accomplished. First, if per-call bandwidth consumption is not a major issue for the network, there is now a potential fax pass-through workaround for the fax relay problem. Second, and more significantly, if bandwidth consumption is an issue, the problem has been isolated to the fax relay software and you should open a TAC case. If this test fails, whatever is causing the fax calls to fail with fax relay is also probably causing the failures with this test. The problem might be that the network might have a large amount of jitter or packet loss.

Checking for Packet Loss on the Voice Network

Her is the easiest and most accurate way to determine if there is a packet loss:
1. 2.

Disable VAD on the VoIP dial peers. Make a voice call between the same ports where the fax machines are connected. (Fax machines may be able to serve as ordinary phones or you might need to connect the handsets to the same ports where the fax machines are connected.) When the call is connected, there are two main steps to take:
a. Issue the show voice dsp command. You can see in the output that one of the DSP channels has


the configured codec loaded. Usually the column "TX/RX-PAK CNT" shows that the transmit and receive packet counters are equal, meaning that no packets are being lost. If the counters are not equal, packets might be getting lost. Type the show voice dsp command several times at 30-second intervals to determine if the difference increases and packets are being lost.
b. Issue the show voice call summary command to see which port (and timeslot if applicable) is

allocated to the voice call. Type terminal monitor and issue the show voice call command with the voice port (and timeslot if applicable) to get the detailed DSP statistics. In the "***DSP VOICE VP_ERROR STATISTICS***" section of the output, look for the counters. They are usually 0 or below 20. If the any of the counters have higher than 20, investigate the packet loss. If the network appears to be lossy, it is not reasonable to expect fax relay to work reliably. It is possible to disable ECM, but further investigation is probably needed to ensure QoS is provisioned end-to-end so that the voice and fax relay traffic has priority and is never lost during the congestion.

Disabling Fax Relay ECM (Cisco Proprietary VoIP Only)

For networks with packet loss and lots of jitter, disabling ECM can improve fax relay calls. Issue the command fax-relay ecm disable to turn off ECM, so that a larger amount of jitter and packet loss can be tolerated. Issuing the fax-relay ecm disable command improves fax relay performance in lossy networks, but this command is also recommended for basic troubleshooting. Even if there is not a noticeable jitter problem in the network, this command can sometimes help determine fax relay problems. This command is available under VoFR and VoATM dial peers but currently works only for VoIP.


This command also activates the packet loss concealment feature.

Router(config-dial-peer)# dial-peer voice 3 Router(config-dial-peer)# fax-relay ECM disable

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Enabling T.38 Packet Redundancy (T.38 VoIP Only)

If T.38 for VoIP is being used as the fax relay protocol, you can turn on the T.38 packet redundancy feature by configuring the following command under the appropriate dial peers on both gateways:
Router(config-dial-peer)# fax protocol t38 Ls-redundancy X Hs-redundancy Y

where X > 0 and Y = 0 (only make changes to Ls-redundancy) If Cisco proprietary fax relay is in use, an alternative or additional option to disabling ECM is to change fax relay protocol to T.38 so that the T.38 packet redundancy feature can be tested. This feature might alleviate failure due to packet loss. However, T.38 packet redundancy significantly increases bandwidth usage, and it is preferable to eliminate the packet loss altogether, rather than alleviating the failures it causes.

Setting the Fax NSF Command to All Zeroes

The fax nsf command can be helpful for any fax machine that alters the NSF field during fax negotiation for proprietary encodings. This command allows the router doing fax relay to override the settings made by the fax machines trying to implement proprietary encodings. Before the fax nsf command was available, fax relay failed for such fax machines. Typically the fax nsf command is used to set the NSF field to all zeroes, forcing a standard fax negotiation from both sides. Using this command has been successful with certain brands of fax machines such as Harris and Lanier, and it is recommended when fax relay is failing.
Router(config-dial-peer)# fax NSF 000000

Achieving the Final Stages of Resolution

If the preceding troubleshooting steps do not resolve the fax relay issue, the problem might require more advanced troubleshooting. Listed below are additional steps to try before you open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See the Obtaining Technical Assistance section on page xxvi for information about contacting TAC.

Learn the brands and models of the fax machines that are failing, and investigate those brands and models for known issues. Sometimes there are CARE cases or bugs that address problems for a certain brand of fax machine. For example, a search in the Bug Toolkit (registered customers only) for a Pitney Bowes fax shows a bug with Pitney Bowes fax machines and Cisco fax relay (CSCdu78373 (registered customers only)). This bug is not in the Cisco IOS software but is an incompatibility with the Pitney Bowes proprietary fax signaling protocol. A problem arises when the fax devices on each side of a connection are Pitney Bowes 9920s or 9930s. The workaround is to disable the proprietary protocol on the fax machines or to disable fax relay and use a higher bandwidth codec.

Use search tools to look for known fax problems in the Cisco IOS software release where the problem is occurring. In the previous step, searches were made for a specific fax brand in the hope of identifying a known issue between a certain fax brand and the Cisco fax relay code. The next step is to perform a generic search, because there could be a fax relay bug in the Cisco IOS software release installed.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

For example, if fax relay using VoFR is not working in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1(2)T, you can search for bugs using the Bug Toolkit on Cisco.com. In this example, you would use the following values:
Major version: 12.1 Revision: 2 Feature/component: VoFR Keyword: fax

One of the bugs is Cisco bug ID CSCdr65984 (registered customers only), entitled fax doesn't work for vofr. This bug causes all fax relays to fail for VoFR, and an upgrade is needed to a Cisco IOS software release in which this bug is no longer present.

Eliminate hardware faults. In some cases it is easier to isolate the problem by excluding potential problem sources one by one. You can do this by replacing different hardware parts and using alternative IP connections between the gateways. When extra hardware is available, the following steps can help.
Use different ports on the routersIf your configuration involves two gateways connected to

the PBXs or PSTN with E1 or T1 and if you have the FXS ports available, try to connect the fax machines directly to the FXS ports on the voice gateways. This procedure helps you further isolate the problem by excluding the possibility of the E1 cards failing, problems on the telephony side, and E1 synchronization or cable problems.
Try different hardwareIf you have another voice gateway with FXS ports available, try to

connect it directly with the Ethernet crossover cable to each of the voice gateways and send a fax using the fax machine connected to the FXS port. This procedure helps determine if there are problems in the VoX network involving queuing, fragmentation, or prioritization.
Use debug commands on the router to determine what is happeningSee the following section

for details about debug commands that are useful for troubleshooting fax relay problems.

Debugging Fax Relay

The following topics are associated with fax relay debugging:

T.30 Messages, page 520 Fax Relay Debug Commands, page 522 Fax Analyzers, page 524

T.30 Messages
The debugs can be difficult to understand if you are not familiar with the messaging that occurs during a typical fax transmission. Figure 53 is a graphical representation of the basic T.30 transactions that occur for a single page fax transmission.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Figure 53

T.30 Transactions

Offhook, then dial Send CNG Calling Tone (1100 Hz every 3 sec for .5 sec Answer/Connect CED (Called Terminal Identification) 2100Hz tone Preamble DIS (Digital Identification Signal) with optional NSF and CSI Preamble DCS (Digital Command Signal) withy optional TSI TCF (Training Check) High speed modem training (long) High speed Low speed

CRF (confirmation to Receive) High speed modem training (short) Fax Page transmission Preamble EOP (End of Procedure) Preamble MCF (Message Confirmation Preamble DCN (Disconnect)

Describing the details of these transactions is beyond the scope of this document, but listed below are definitions of the basic transactions that are seen during fax relay. The list is alphabetical for quick reference and includes messages that you are likely to see when you are debugging Cisco fax relay. For more in-depth information on this messaging or for information on messages that are not listed below, see the T.30 specification.

CED (called terminal identification)A 2100 Hz signal that is transmitted by the terminating fax device upon answering a fax call. This signal temporarily disables echo cancellers that are present on the connection to prepare the line for data transmission. CFR (confirmation to receive)A response confirming that the previous messaging and training has been completed and that fax page transmission can begin. CNG (calling tone)An 1100-Hz tone that is on for 0.5 seconds and then off for 3 seconds. This signal identifies the fax terminal as a nonspeech device. The signal also indicates that the initiating fax terminal is awaiting the DIS signal from the terminating fax terminal. CRP (command repeat)A response that indicates that the previous command was received in error and needs to be repeated. (Optional) CSI (called subscriber identification) Can be used to provide the specific identity of the called fax terminal through its international telephone number. (Optional) DCN (disconnect)Ends the fax call and requires no response. DIS (digital identification signal) Identifies the capabilities of the called fax terminal.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

DTC (digital transmit command) The response to the capabilities identified by the DIS signal. Here is where the calling fax terminal matches its capabilities with those provided in the called fax terminal's DIS message. EOM (end of message) Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information. EOP (end of procedure) Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information and signals that no further pages are to be sent. The other device can proceed to the disconnect phase of the fax call. FTT (failure to train) Used to reject a training signal and request a retrain (retrains usually occur at lower modulation speeds). MCF (message confirmation) Indicates that a message has been satisfactorily received. MPS (multipage signal)Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information and signals that the receiver is ready for additional pages. NSF (nonstandard facilities) Can be used to identify specific capabilities or requirements that are not covered by the T-series specifications. (Optional) RTN (retrain negative) Indicates that a previous message has not been satisfactorily received. Retraining is needed to proceed (usually at a lower modulation speed). RTP (retrain positive) Indicates that a complete message has been received and that additional messages may follow after retraining. TCF (training check) Sent through the higher-speed T.4 modulation system (versus the 300-kbps V.21 modulation used for the previous T.30 signaling) to verify training and indicate the acceptability of sending fax pages at this transmission rate. TSI (transmitting subscriber identification) Identifies the transmitting (calling) fax terminal. (Optional)

Fax Relay Debug Commands

Useful fax relay debug commands include:

debug fax relay t30 all debug vtsp all debug vtsp vofr subframe 3 Additional Debug Commands

debug fax relay t30 all

The debug for Cisco fax relay is enabled with the debug fax relay t30 all command.
Router# debug fax relay t30 all Debugging fax relay t30

Shown below is a copy of a debug from a failed fax relay session. This is a debug from the originating fax gateway running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(7a).
Router# Dec 5 07:49:13.073: Dec 5 07:49:17.985: Dec 5 07:49:20.105: Dec 5 07:49:20.655: 19 bytes Dec 5 07:49:20.720: DEC 5 07:49:22.350:

1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62

1281347052 1281351950 1281354070 1281354620

fr-entered (10ms) fr-msg-det CRP Fr-MSG-TX NSF Fr-MSG-TX good crc,

1/2:62 1281354680 Fr-MSG-TX DIS 1/2:62 1281356310 fr-msg-det TSI

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

DEC 5 07:49:23.045: DEC 5 07:49:27.346: DEC 5 07:49:28.836: DEC 5 07:49:29.531: DEC 5 07:49:29.740: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:30.362: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:30.804: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:30.852: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:33.868: DEC 5 07:49:35.414: DEC 5 07:49:36.113: DEC 5 07:49:36.515: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:36.908: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:37.559: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:37.784: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:37.900: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:40.133: DEC 5 07:49:41.888: DEC 5 07:49:42.583: DEC 5 07:49:43.173: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:44.937: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:45.386: 0 bytes DEC 5 07:49:46.941: DEC 5 07:49:48.503: DEC 5 07:49:50.631:

1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62

1281357000 1281361290 1281362780 1281363470 1281363680

fr-msg-det DCS Fr-MSG-TX FTT fr-msg-det TSI fr-msg-det DCS fr-msg-det bad crc,

1/2:62 1281364300 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281364740 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281364790 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1281367800 1281369340 1281370040 1281370440 Fr-MSG-TX FTT fr-msg-det TSI fr-msg-det DCS fr-msg-det bad crc,

1/2:62 1281370830 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281371480 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281371700 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281371820 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1/2:62 1281374050 1281375800 1281376490 1281377080 Fr-MSG-TX FTT fr-msg-det TSI fr-msg-det DCS fr-msg-det bad crc,

1/2:62 1281378840 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281379290 fr-msg-det bad crc, 1/2:62 1281380840 Fr-MSG-TX FTT 1/2:62 1281382400 fr-msg-det DCN 1/2:62 1281384520 fr-end-dcn

This debug shows the T.30 events that are taking place in the DSP during fax relay. Remember that the debugs are taking place from the perspective of the DSP interacting with the fax device. Any Fr-MSG-TX or transmit message is being transmitted from the DSP to the connected fax device. Any message that the DSP says that it detects (an fr-msg-det message, is a message that it received from the connected fax device. Figure 54 illustrates the directional flow of the DSP messages when the debug fax relay t30 all command is issued.
Figure 54 DSP Message Flow

fr-msg-det (Message received by DSP) fr-msg-tx (Message received by DSP)

From the failed fax transaction shown in the debug above, you can see several badcyclic redundancy check (CRC) messages followed by a failure to train (FTT) message from the far side. From the debugs it looks like the problem involves the training signal. The bad crc errors and the FTT message returned from the other side indicate that the signal is corrupted or incompatible with the Cisco fax relay protocol. This debug is taken from a fax relay problem that occurs with a Lexmark Optra fax machine. The

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VoX Network


Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Relay

Lexmark is V.34-capable and attempts to connect at V.34 rates. V.34 is not supported in Cisco fax relay and the training errors shown here occur. See Cisco bug ID CSCdv89496 (registered customers only) for more details.

debug vtsp all

There are also other debug commands that might be useful for troubleshooting fax relay problems. These debugs might not be as easy to read or provide as much information as the T.30 debugs described above, but they can still be useful. Voice Telephony Service Provider (VTSP) is an architecture for the interface between the Cisco IOS call control and a DSP endpoint connected to standard telephony equipment such as a PBX, fax, or central office via analog or digital interfaces. For VoIP T.38 or fax relay, debug vtsp all can provide useful state information from the router. This debug command can be used to determine if the fax codec has been downloaded into the DSP.

debug vtsp vofr subframe 3

Another fax relay debug command that is helpful for fax using VoFR and VoATM is debug vtsp vofr subframe 3 . This command outputs FRF.11 frames that have an Annex D fax relay payload type. There is a significant amount of output from this command even with just one fax relay call, and the hexadecimal must be decoded (the FRF.11 specification is helpful for hexadecimal decoding).

Additional Debug Commands

To debug T.38 capabilities exchange issues, use the debug cch323 h245 command. To debug DSP message exchanges between applications and the DSP, use the following debug commands:

debug voip ccapi inout debug hpi all (on the Cisco 5300/2600/3600 and all other voice platforms using the TI c54x DSPs) debug nextport vsmgr detail (on the NextPort DSP platforms (Cisco 5400, 5850))

Fax Analyzers
Sometimes it is necessary to go beyond the debugging capabilities of the Cisco voice gateways to resolve fax relay problems. You can use tools such as protocol analyzers and fax analyzers to see what is occurring during fax relay operation. Fax analyzers such as the Genoa ChannelProbe/FaxProbe by QualityLogic or the HP Telegra can be positioned between the fax device and the Cisco gateway to capture what is occurring. Protocol analyzers such as Sniffer and Domino can be helpful when you need to view the fax relay packets that are being exchanged between the routers. The ability to resolve a complex problem sometimes requires using a combination of equipmentan analyzer to capture the fax traffic at each fax machine and a protocol analyzer to capture the fax relay packets. A single fax call is placed to reproduce the problem, and then the information is captured from the attached devices for analysis. Figure 55 shows where this test equipment is placed in the network.

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Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Detection

Figure 55

Test Equipment Placement

Fax analyzer

Protocol analyzer

Fax analyzer

Most of the fax analyzers have adequate help screens and documentation. The T.30 specification is also very helpful. For the protocol analyzers, decoding can be a little more difficult because sometimes the encodings are proprietary or the analyzer software does not have the specific decode needed. For fax relay using VoFR and VoATM, Cisco gateways use standards-based Annex D from the FRF11 specification. If the protocol analyzer cannot decode the frame, the frame can be manually decoded through use of this specification. With fax relay and VoIP, a Cisco proprietary format is used for the fax relay packets. With fax analyzer and protocol analyzer information, you should be able to resolve fax relay problems. Few fax relay problems reach this point, and when they do, escalation and DE resources should already be involved for further assistance. For more information about troubleshooting fax relay, refer to the Fax Relay Troubleshooting Guide, document 20227.

Fax Detection
Use the following tips to resolve problems that keep fax detection from working correctly:

On the router that you are using for the fax detection application, make sure that you have installed at least the minimum version of Cisco IOS software that is listed in the Cicso Fax Services over IP guide. Before configuring fax detection, make sure that your voice application is functional by putting a series of calls through. Before configuring fax detection, make sure that your fax application is functional by sending a series of faxes. After configuring fax detection, issue the debug voip ivr script command to display debug information from the fax detection script. Put through a series of voice calls and fax calls to ensure correct operation. The debug output that is displayed when you put calls through is indispensable for diagnosing failing calls and finding the source of a problem. It is the only way to verify that parameters are set to the values that you want and that they are actually taking effect. Mistakes such as typing errors in command-line interface (CLI) parameters (for example, typing moode for mode) are not recognized as errors by Cisco IOS. They are accepted without complaint when typed, yet they do not produce the desired effect during operation. It is only by watching the debug output during operation that you find these mistakes. Make sure that you have configured different DTMF digits for fax and for voice. If you configure both to be the same number, you are not notified immediately, as you would be with other Cisco IOS command errors. You find this error only if the debug voip ivr script command is enabled before a failing call comes in.

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VoX Network

Troubleshooting Fax Applications Fax Detection

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Monitoring the Cisco IOS Voice Network

Monitoring the Voice Network

To monitor your voice network, use the following sections:

Periodic Monitoring Tasks, page 529 Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network, page 530

Periodic Monitoring Tasks

Use show commands to monitor your network. The show commands are powerful monitoring and troubleshooting tools. You can use the show commands to perform a variety of functions:

Monitor router behavior during initial installation Monitor normal network operation Isolate problem interfaces, nodes, media, or applications Determine when a network is congested Determine the status of servers, clients, or other neighbors

The following are some of the most commonly used show commands:

show versionDisplays the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images. show running-configDisplays the router configuration currently running. show startup-configDisplays the router configuration stored in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). show interfacesDisplays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. The resulting output varies, depending on the network for which an interface has been configured. show controllersDisplays statistics for interface card controllers. show flashDisplays the layout and contents of Flash memory. show buffersDisplays statistics for the buffer pools on the router. show memory summaryDisplays memory pool statistics and summary information about the activities of the system memory allocator, and gives a block-by-block listing of memory use. show process cpuDisplays information about the active processes on the router. show stacksDisplays information about the stack utilization of processes and interrupt routines, as well as the reason for the last system reboot.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Monitoring the Voice Network Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network

show cdp neighborsProvides reachability information for directly connected Cisco devices. This is an extremely useful tool for determining the operational status of the physical and data link layers. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a proprietary data link layer protocol. show debuggingDisplays information about the type of debugging that is enabled for your router.

You can always use the ? at the command line for a list of subcommands. Like the debug commands, some of the show commands listed previously are accessible only at the routers privileged EXEC mode (enable mode), which is explained in the Debug Command Output on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways chapter. Hundreds of other show commands are available. For details on using and interpreting the output of specific show commands, refer to the Cisco IOS command references.

Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network

The following tools can be used to monitor VoIP networks:

Cisco Voice Manager, page 530 Quality of Service Device Manager, page 530 Cisco Service Assurance Agent, page 531 CiscoWorks Voice Health Monitor, page 531 Cisco Gateway Management Agent, page 532 Cisco QoS Policy Manager, page 532

Cisco Voice Manager

Cisco Voice Manager (CVM) is a client-server, web-based voice management solution used by network administrators to configure and manage voice ports and create and modify dial plans on voice-enabled Cisco routers. Using CVM, network administrators can:

Manage the configuration of FXO, FXS, E&M, and ISDN voice interfaces on voice-enabled routers Create and manage local (POTS) dial plans on voice-enabled routers Create and manage VoIP, VoFR, and VoATM network dial plans on voice-enabled routers Generate detailed reports using Telemate.net Quickview

For more information, see the Cisco Voice Manager documentation.

Quality of Service Device Manager

Cisco Quality of Service Device Manager (QDM) provides an easy-to-use application for configuring and monitoring advanced IP-based Quality of Service (QoS) functionality within Cisco routers and switches. The QDM application is stored in Flash memory on the Cisco product and can be run from any workstation with proper support. QDM runs in a web browser as a Java applet. The QDM application uploads when the client web browser makes a connection to the embedded web server of the router or switch.

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Monitoring the Voice Network Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network

Once the QDM application is uploaded, the context-sensitive online help embedded within the application is designed to provide technical help associated with a particular QoS-related task. For information on the various QoS functions that can be configured in QDM, consult the online help within the QDM application. The Online Help Table of Contents can always be accessed by clicking the Help button in the upper-right corner of the QDM screen and then clicking Table of Contents. A glossary is also available as part of the online help. QDM can be downloaded from Cisco.com and is available free of charge. For more information, see the Quality of Service Device Manager documentation.

Cisco Service Assurance Agent

Cisco Service Assurance Agent (CSAA) is an application-aware synthetic operation agent that monitors network performance by measuring response time, network resource availability, application performance, jitter (interpacket delay variance), connect time, throughput, and packet loss. Performance can be measured between any Cisco device that supports this feature and any remote IP host (server), Cisco routing device, or mainframe host. Performance measurement statistics provided by this feature can be used for troubleshooting, for problem analysis, and for designing network topologies. CSAA can be especially useful for enterprise and service provider networks, because it provides expanded measurement and management capabilities. In particular, the CSAA is a reliable mechanism for accurately monitoring the metrics in service level agreements (SLAs). Because CSAA is accessible through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), it can also be used in performance monitoring applications for Network Management Systems (NMSs) such as CiscoWorks2000 (CiscoWorks Blue) and the Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM). CSAA notifications also can be enabled via Systems Network Architecture (SNA) network management vector transport (NMVT) for applications such as NetView. SNMP notifications based on the data gathered by the CSAA allow the router to receive alerts when performance drops below a specified level and again when problems are corrected. The CSAA utilizes the Cisco Round Trip Time Monitor (RTTMON) MIB for interaction between external NMS applications and the CSAA running on the Cisco devices. For a complete description of the object variables referenced by the CSAA feature, refer to the text of the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB.my file, available from the Cisco MIB website. For more information, refer to the Network Monitoring Using Cisco Service Assurance Agent chapter in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

CiscoWorks Voice Health Monitor

CiscoWorks Voice Health Monitor (VHM) helps network administrators and network operators set and maintain the stability of the VoIP network within their enterprise. VHM achieves this goal by using:

A series of availability and health checks on the VoIP equipment in the network. A fault detection and escalation system to notify the users of any faults or exceptions detected.

VHM integrates with network management systems (NMSs) such as HP OpenView Network Node Manager. With VHM, you can:

Discover VoIP network devices and applications on a user-entered schedule Monitor faults in voice and data networks

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Monitoring the Voice Network Tools for Monitoring the VoIP Network

Run synthetic transaction tests, to check Cisco CallManager functions Check the availability and health of VoIP equipment and applications Obtain the status of each voice device group, such as Voice Cluster, Voice Gateway, Phone Access Switches, and Work Flow Applications Discover and manage Ethernet ports that have IP Phones connected to them Monitor IP phones in the network

For more information about VHM, refer to the CiscoWorks Voice Health Monitor documentation.

Cisco Gateway Management Agent

The Cisco Gateway Management Agent (CGMA) is the only real-time management Cisco IOS software agent and protocol for VoIP. The CGMA is a new gateway Cisco IOS agent that provides real-time call-state information for all VoIP calls. CGMA supports a push protocol, in which certain call-state changes result in a message being sent out of CGMA by the gateways. The interface from the CGMA is the Real Time Management Protocol (RTMP). RTMP is a lightweight XML-based protocol that uses TCP as the transport protocol. This solution allows service providers to monitor their calls (session initiation protocol (SIP) and H.323 networks) and to view call detail records (CDRs) and trunk utilization in real time. The validated gateways for the CGMA include the Cisco 2600 series, the Cisco 3600 series, and the Cisco Catalyst 5000 series. The Cisco IOS release that has been validated on all gateways is the 12.2(2)Xb mainline release.

Cisco QoS Policy Manager

QoS Policy Manager (QPM) lets you analyze traffic throughput by application or service class, and then leverage that information to configure QoS policies to differentiate traffic and to define the QoS functions to be applied to each type of traffic flow. By simplifying QoS policy definition and deployment, QPM makes it easier for you to create and manage end-to-end differentiated services in your network, thus making more efficient and economical use of your existing network resources. For example, you can use policies that ensure that your mission-critical applications always get the bandwidth they require. QPM is suitable for large-scale enterprise deployments and IP telephony deployments, consisting of hundreds or thousands of devices. QPM facilitates management of large networks by providing advanced user authorization capabilities through integration with Cisco Access Control Server (ACS). You can partition the network into administrative and deployment domains. QPM allows you to organize policies in separate deployment groups, and it supports best practices for phased deployments. Using separate deployment groups, you can also use QPM to test what-if scenarios, and run time-based deployment. For more information about Cisco QPM, refer to the QoS Policy Manager documentation. For more information about VoIP QoS troubleshooting, refer to Monitoring Voice over IP Quality of Service, document 17962.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

The Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature enables the collection of voice call signaling statistics and VoIP AAA accounting statistics based on user-configured time ranges. The statistics can be displayed on your console or formatted and archived to an FTP or syslog server. This feature can assist you in diagnosing performance problems on the network and identifying impaired voice equipment. This chapter contains the following topics:

Prerequisites for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways, page 533 Restrictions for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways, page 533 Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways, page 534 Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways, page 541 Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways, page 581

Prerequisites for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Your gateway must be configured to support VoIP and must be functioning properly.

Restrictions for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

This feature does not support Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). This feature does not support parsing, presentation, or analysis of syslog files. The integrity of statistical information in the syslog files is not guaranteed because of unreliable User Datagram Protocol (UDP) transport. If the gateway clock needs to be synchronized after the gateway is reset or rebooted or during Network Time Protocol (NTP) client synchronization, there may be a problem for collection during the collection intervals. The call-statistics data is dependent on the start and end time of the interval; that is, the collection is time driven, not event driven. The following two situations will result in erroneous call-statistics data:
Clock reset during a collection interval.

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Clock set to a time during an already specified interval.

To avoid any call-statistics data from being collected within an incomplete interval, this feature reports only call-statistics data that is collected during a complete interval. This includes call-statistics data that is pushed to an FTP server or stored on a gateway. This feature cannot assure accuracy or consistency of the reports generated when large clock updates occur during a batch reporting period.

Call statistics cannot be accessed using RADIUS protocols. The signaling behavior of two-stage non-Direct-Inward-Dialing (non-DID) ISDN calls using a default session application is not supported. Digital Signal 0 (DS0) is not supported.

Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

To configure the Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature, you should understand the following:

Basic Terminology and Feature Design, page 534 Management of the Statistical Collection, page 537 Management of the Archive Process, page 538 Display of Records and Time Ranges, page 539 Voice Interface Changes During Call-Statistics Collection Periods, page 540

The benefits of this feature are listed in the Benefits of Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways section on page 541.

Basic Terminology and Feature Design

The Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature is designed to include many options for collecting, archiving, and displaying call statistics records, which include PSTN interface/port statistics, IP interface statistics, and counts of RADIUS accounting messages. This feature also enables counts of Cisco IOS generated internal error codes (IECs). The basic terminology that describes the functionality of the feature is explained in the subsections that follow. The following are feature options:

Counting accounting records (messages to and from RADIUS servers). Collecting various signal-layer (IP and PSTN interfaces) statistics from individual gateway ports. Displaying the signaling statistics at different aggregation levels. Collecting IECs. Collecting the statistics at user-configured time intervals. Archiving the statistics to an FTP or syslog server and formatting the output. Displaying the statistics on a console. Displaying the available memory and the memory that has been used for the collection of records.

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Specifying thresholds for packet jitter, lost packets, and packet latency. Specifying the length of time to be used as the maximum call duration. Specifying a maximum time for which to store the statistics in system memory.

This section has the following subsections:

What Are the Types of Accounting Statistics?, page 535 What Are the Types of Signaling Statistics and Aggregation Levels?, page 535 What Are IECs?, page 536

What Are the Types of Accounting Statistics?

Accounting record statistics are counts of RADIUS messages that are transmitted to and received from a RADIUS server. They can be collected by method list, type of RADIUS message (for example, starts, interim updates, and/or stops), and call-leg interface association (PSTN or IP). This feature can be configured to count all of these message types or only a subset of them. A method list is a sequential list used by the RADIUS client on the gateway that defines the authentication methods used to authenticate a user. For the purposes of the Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature, you are required to specify only the name of the method list on the gateway. Once enabled and configured, the feature counts RADIUS messages on both inbound and outbound call legs. Each time a RADIUS accounting message is received by the gateway, it is counted as successful if it is accepted and processed by the RADIUS agent on the gateway; each time a RADIUS accounting message is transmitted by the gateway, it is counted as passed if an ACK comes back from the RADIUS server. You can also specify that accounting messages be collected from a broadcast method list, in which case you can set all the server groups that are in a method list to monitor the server group acknowledgements.

What Are the Types of Signaling Statistics and Aggregation Levels?

The signaling statistics are collected at the port level, but can be displayed at various aggregation levels. The aggregation levels are hierarchical. The highest level is a summary of total statistics for all aggregation levels on the gateway, whereas the lowest level provides statistics for each voice port. Statistics can also be collected for the following aggregation levels:

Gateway level VoIP level PSTN level Trunk group level Voice-port level

An example of collected statistics at the different aggregation levels for a PSTN statistic labeled X is as follows:

When the aggregation level is gateway: X = 4 When the aggregation level is trunk group:
Trunk group A (configured ports 1 and 3): X = 3 Trunk group B (configured ports 2 and 4): X = 1

When the aggregation level is port:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Port 1: X = 1 Port 2: X = 0 Port 3: X = 2 Port 4: X = 1

The following are supported call-statistics fields that can be collected on Cisco gateways:

Incoming callsAll incoming call attempts, whether successful or not. Incoming calls answered by the gatewayIncoming calls that were answered. Incoming calls rejected by the gatewayIncoming calls that, for whatever reason, failed. Outgoing calls attemptedOutgoing calls regardless of whether they were successful. Outgoing calls that receive answersCalls that were answered. Outgoing calls failCalls that failed. Total duration of all incoming and outgoing callsTotal duration from outgoing seizure to disconnect. Total duration of incoming and outgoing answered callsTotal connected time: from answer to disconnect. Originating side disconnected before outgoing calls connected. Number of incoming and outgoing calls whose connected time is less than the configured minimum call duration (MCD). Number of answered incoming and outgoing calls terminated with any cause codes other than normal. Total duration (after the dial delay) on incoming callsDefined as alert sent timesetup in time. Total duration (after the dial delay) on outgoing callsDefined as alert received timesetup out time. Total setup delay durationDefined as setup out timesetup in time. IP-specific statistic fields (exist only in the IP-level statistics):
Number of calls losing more than the configured number of packetsThe default is 1000. Number of calls encountering more than the configured amount of latencyThe default is

250 milliseconds.
Number of calls encountering more than the configured amount of jitterThe default is

250 milliseconds.
Number of incoming and outgoing calls disconnected with each cause codeThe cause codes

are defined in the Call Control Application Programming Interface (CCAPI) and in the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) standard Q.850.

What Are IECs?

Cisco IOS generated internal error codes (IECs) are gateway-detected errors that cause the gateway to release or refuse a call. IECs enhance troubleshooting for VoIP networks by helping to determine the source and reason for call termination.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

The collection of Cisco IOS generated IECs is described in Cisco VoIP Internal Error Codes, Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T. To decode internal error codes, see the Voice Gateway Error Decoder for Cisco IOS at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/voice/vtgemd.htm

Management of the Statistical Collection

The management of statistical collection involves time ranges, thresholds, storage capacities, and memory usage. This section has the following subsections:

What Are the Allowable Time Ranges?, page 537 What Are Thresholds?, page 537 What Are the Allowable Storage Capacities?, page 538 How Is Memory Used?, page 538

What Are the Allowable Time Ranges?

The Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature enables you to configure time ranges to capture statistics. The time ranges are as follows:

From the last reset time to the present. You can examine the statistics using the show voice statistics command and reset the statistics using the clear voice statistics csr command. By specific start and end time. That is, a set amount of minutes after the configuration time for preparation of the resource allocation of the gateway. By periodic intervals, with an optional total duration. Allowable intervals are 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day. The optional total duration is unlimited but must be a multiple of the specified interval. For example, the interval could be 15 minutes, and the total duration could be 3 hours.

What Are Thresholds?

The following three thresholds can be configured to customize how you measure the voice signaling statistics for your network configuration:

Packet jitter Packet latency Lost packets

These thresholds are all pre-configured with default settings. The jitter, latency, and lost packets thresholds only apply to IP statistics. In addition, you can configure the minimum call duration (MCD) value for determining which calls are measured during the statistics collection.

Packet Jitter
Jitter is a variation in the delay of received packets. At the sending side, packets are sent in a continuous stream, spaced evenly apart. Because of network congestion, improper queueing, or configuration errors, this steady stream can be interrupted by delays between packets. You can specify the threshold at which a record will not be collected. For example, if you have set a threshold of 250 milliseconds and a delay exceeds that threshold, the message is not collected.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Packet Latency
Packet latency is the amount of time that it takes a packet to go from its source to its destination. You can specify the threshold at which a record will not be collected. For example, the gateway can be configured to drop messages that take more than 250 milliseconds to reach the destination.

Lost Packets
Lost packets are a result of jitter that is so great that it causes packets to be out of the range of the jitter buffer. These packets are discarded. You can specify the threshold for lost packets in milliseconds.

Minimum Call Duration

Using the minimum call duration (MCD) value, you can configure the gateway to collect statistics for calls that last a minimum amount of time. For example, if you configure the MCD value to 2 milliseconds, the gateway counts the number of incoming or outgoing calls with a connect time less than 2 milliseconds.

What Are the Allowable Storage Capacities?

The Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways feature allows you to specify how long the gateway will store the statistics. You can specify a number of days, hours, or minutes.

How Is Memory Used?

You can display how much system memory is being used when statistics are being collected, how much system memory is available, and how much system memory is estimated for future use by using the show voice statistics memory-usage command. The command displays all memory usage for accounting and signaling by fixed interval and since a system reset or reboot. The output includes the number of call statistics records per interval, each record size, the approximate memory used, and the allocated memory for future use.

Management of the Archive Process

The FTP or syslog server archive process is used to download statistics to a file on the server for further processing, presentation, and analysis. The download to the server is configured using the command-line interface (CLI). When the specified end time of collection is reached, the gateway downloads the statistics data to the provisioned server. Using FTP, the gateway formats the statistics in an ASCII file and transfers the file to a Cisco Networking Services Performance Engine (CNS-PE). Using the syslog server, gateways send the information in syslog messages, and you can specify the message size.


Because of unreliable UDP transport, the integrity and completeness of the call statistics in the syslog files are not guaranteed. Figure 56 shows the components as used by this feature.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Figure 56

Syslog and FTP Servers and the CNS-PE

Syslog server

V Workstation

V Cisco voice gateways



You can format the output to display with specified record separators. The separator can be a space, tab, new line, or ASCII character.

Display of Records and Time Ranges

You can display statistics by accounting method lists, by aggregation levels, by numbered intervals (time ranges), and/or since the last system reset or reboot. This section has the following subsections:

What Records Are Displayed Since System Reset or Reboot?, page 539 What Time Ranges Are Displayed?, page 539

What Records Are Displayed Since System Reset or Reboot?

You can display the collected records since a system reset or reboot including accounting and/or signaling (aggregation level), and intervals (time ranges). There are show commands to display all signaling statistics that were collected since the last reset or reboot of the system. You can specify a concise or verbose display, and you can configure the gateway to push the statistics to the FTP or syslog server.

Displaying Accounting Statistics

You can use the show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting command to display the method list by RADIUS server, PSTN incoming and outgoing records that have passed and failed, and the IP incoming and outgoing records that have passed and failed.

Displaying Aggregation-Level Statistics

You can use the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level command to display all the collected statistics for every aggregation level or just the statistics for a specific level (gateway, IP, PSTN, trunk group, or voice port).

What Time Ranges Are Displayed?

You can use the show voice statistics interval-tag command to display the start and end times by a numbered interval. To display the time ranges by voice port, you can use the show voice statistics csr interval aggregation command.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Information About Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Voice Interface Changes During Call-Statistics Collection Periods

It is recommended that you do not change the voice interface configuration during the period when call statistics are being collected. It is also recommended that during the period when call statistics are being collected, the following configuration changes not take place:

Adding or removing a PRI or DS1 group Adding or removing a trunk group Adding or removing a trunk in a trunk group


It is recommended that any existing call-statistics collection be stopped and set to zero before any configuration modification is made to any of the voice interfaces. This section has the following subsections:

Addition or Removal of a Voice Port, page 540 Configuration Change of Any Trunk Group, page 540

Addition or Removal of a Voice Port

The following scenarios apply to a voice port whether or not it is in any trunk group:

The addition of a PRI or DS1 group, Foreign Exchange Station (FXS), Foreign Exchange Office (FXO), or ear and mouth (E&M) device. The removal of a PRI or DS1 group, FXS, FXO, or E&M device.

If a new voice interface is added during any collection period, new entries that correspond to the new voice interface are added in the statistics collected for that collection period. If an existing voice interface is removed during any collection period, the statistics that correspond to that voice interface are still kept in the set. The statistics are frozen (that is, nothing more is added) after the time that the voice interface is removed. Gateways still send the statistics for the removed interface to the CNS-PE or syslog server. In either of the above scenarios, the statistics for PSTN ports include all the collected data at the DS1 or channel associated signaling (CAS) level, except the statistics for interfaces added or removed during the collection period.

Configuration Change of Any Trunk Group

The following scenarios apply when there is a configuration change of any trunk group:

The addition or removal of a DS1 or CAS group into or from a trunk group.
If you are adding a DS1 or CAS group to a trunk group during any collection period, the

collection process moves the associated statistics from the upper aggregation level (PSTN) to the trunk-group level. The call statistics before the configuration change time are also totalled to the statistics of the trunk-group level at the end of the collection period. In this case, the statistics of the trunk-group level can exceed the limit. However, the PSTN-level statistic is still accurate.
If you are removing a DS1 or CAS group from a trunk group during any collection period, the

collection process removes the trunk-group level of the PSTN aggregation. In contrast to the scenario of adding a DS1 or CAS group, the statistic of the trunk-group level is under the limit.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

The addition or removal of a trunk group.

If you are adding a new trunk group (one that contains a trunk or trunks) to a gateway during

any collection period, the existing statistics of all member trunks aggregate to the trunk-group level statistic. That is, the statistic of the trunk-group level is over its limit. The PSTN-level call statistics are still accurate.
If you are removing an existing trunk group from a gateway during any collection period, the

existing statistics of all member trunks are totaled at the configuration change time. The statistics of the trunk-group level and of the PSTN level are accurate.


The inaccurate call statistics that can result from the four scenarios that are listed above are acceptable because the transient information during the configuration change is often unusable.

Benefits of Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Gateway call statistics can be audited or compared against the statistics of other network devices for improved monitoring. Malfunctioning DSPs (DS1 only) can be discovered. Discrepancies between RADIUS records sent by the gateway and received and reported on the server can be uncovered. Potential lost revenue can be highlighted. Call-success rates and accuracy of reports can be determined.

Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

This section contains the following procedures:

Configuring the Duration and Time Periods of Call Statistics on the Gateway, page 543 (required) Configuring the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics, page 546 (required) Configuring the Gateway to Collect VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics, page 557 (required) Configuring the FTP Server to Enable Archiving of Statistics from the Gateway, page 566 (optional) Managing the Collection of Voice Statistics, page 566
Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to an FTP Server, page 569 (optional) Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to a Syslog Server, page 570 (optional) Displaying Memory Usage, page 571 (optional) Displaying All Statistics and Pushing Them to an FTP or Syslog Server, page 572 (optional) Clearing the Collected Call Statistics, page 572 (optional) Monitoring the Statistical Reporting, page 573 (optional)


If you need to obtain statistical information since reboot, the configuration should be stored in NVRAM before you restart the gateway.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Summary of Configuration Tasks

There are two general areas of configurationone for the collection of signaling statistics and one for the collection of accounting statistics. The tasks required will depend on whether you configure the gateway to collect signaling statistics only, accounting statistics only, or both signaling and accounting statistics.
Required Task for Collection of All Call Statistics
Step 1

Configure the duration or time period for when call statistics are collected on the gateway. See the Configuring the Duration and Time Periods of Call Statistics on the Gateway section on page 543.

Required Task for Signaling Statistics

Step 1

Configure the gateway to support the collection of signaling statistics. See the Enabling the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics section on page 546.

Optional Task for Signaling Statistics

Configure the call statistics record signaling parameters, changing the default values as needed. See the Configuring the Minimum Call Duration and Signaling Thresholds section on page 548

Required Tasks for Accounting Statistics (Configured in This Order)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Configure the gateway to support the collection of accounting statistics. See the Enabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics on the Gateway section on page 557. Configure accounting on the gateway. Refer to the gw-accounting aaa command configuration in the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library, Release 12.3. Specify that the accounting update is new information. Refer to the aaa accounting update new-info command configuration in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide, Release 12.3, and the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference, Release 12.3 T. Define the AAA RADIUS server group. Refer to the aaa group server radius command configuration in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide, Release 12.3, and the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference, Release 12.3 T. Define a designated broadcast accounting server group (accounting acknowledge broadcast command). See the Configuring a Designated Server Group for a Broadcast Method List section on page 559. Define the RADIUS server host, port, key, and vendor specific attributes (VSAs). Refer to the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide, Release 12.3 and the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference, Release 12.3 T.

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Optional Tasks for Both Signaling and Accounting Statistics (Configured in Any Order)

Configure the FTP server or syslog server download. See the Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to an FTP Server section on page 569 and the Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to a Syslog Server section on page 570.


Before configuring the gateway to archive statistics to an FTP server, you must first configure the FTP server to support the archiving process. See the Configuring the FTP Server to Enable Archiving of Statistics from the Gateway section on page 566.

Configuring the Duration and Time Periods of Call Statistics on the Gateway
Before you configure the gateway to collect call signaling statistics, VoIP AAA accounting statistics, or Cisco VoIP internal error codes (IECs), you must first configure the duration and time periods for when the call statistics are collected. There are three methods for collecting call statistics: periodic, since the last reset, and for specific times.


These interval methods are mutually exclusive, meaning that the gateway can be configured for only one collection interval at a time. The collection interval configured applies to all call statistics collected. For example, if you configure the collection interval for a periodic interval, and you configure the gateway to collect both signaling and VoIP AAA accounting statistics, then both types of statistics will be collected on the periodic basis. To configure the duration and time period of when call statistics will be collected on the gateway, see one of the following sections:

Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics on a Periodic Basis, page 543 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics Since the Last Reset, page 544 Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics for a Specific Time Interval, page 545

Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics on a Periodic Basis

This task configures the gateway to collect call statistics on a periodic basis.

1. 2. 3.

enable configure terminal voice statistics time-range periodic interval start hh:mm {days-of-week {Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | daily | weekdays | weekend}} [end hh:mm {days-of-week {Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday}}] exit


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics time-range periodic interval start hh:mm {days-of-week {Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | daily | weekdays | weekend}} [end hh:mm {days-of-week {Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday}}]

Configures the gateway to collect call statistics on a periodic basis.

Router(config)# voice statistics time-range periodic 60minutes start 12:00 days-of-week Monday end 12:00 days-of-week Friday

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics Since the Last Reset
This task configures the gateway to collect call statistics since the last time the clear voice statistics command was entered, or since the last time the gateway was rebooted.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable configure terminal voice statistics time-range since-reset exit

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics time-range since-reset

Configures the gateway to collect call statistics since the last reset or since the last time the gateway was rebooted.

Router(config)# voice statistics time-range since-reset

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Configuring the Gateway to Collect Call Statistics for a Specific Time Interval
This task configures the gateway to collect call statistics for a specific time interval.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable configure terminal voice statistics time-range specific start hh:mm day month year end hh:mm day month year exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Command or Action
Step 3
voice statistics time-range specific start hh:mm day month year end hh:mm day month year

Purpose Configures the gateway to collect call statistics for a specific configured time period.

Router(config)# voice statistics time-range specific start 10:00 1 January 2004 end 12:00 2 January 2004

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Configuring the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics

This section describes how to configure the gateway to collect signaling statistics. This section documents the following tasks:

Enabling the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics, page 546 Configuring the Minimum Call Duration and Signaling Thresholds, page 548 Disabling the Collection of Signaling Statistics, page 549 Displaying the Signaling Statistics for Each Aggregation Level, page 550 Clearing Signaling Statistics, page 556

Enabling the Gateway to Collect Signaling Statistics

This task describes to how to enable the gateway to collect signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

enable configure terminal voice statistics type csr signaling voice statistics max-storage-duration {day value | hour value | minute value} voice statistics display-format separator {space | tab | new-line | char char} exit

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics type csr signaling

Enables the collection of signaling statistics.

Router(config)# voice statistics type csr signaling


To enable the collection of both signaling and VoIP AAA accounting statistics on the gateway, enter the command without the signaling keyword as follows: voice statistics type csr.

Step 4

voice statistics max-storage-duration {day value | hour value | minute value}

(Optional) Configures the maximum storage time in system memory of the gateway. The keywords and argument are as follows:

Router(config)# voice statistics max-storage-duration minute 60

dayNumber of days. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 365. hourNumber of hours. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 720. minuteNumber of minutes. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 1440.


This command also applies to the collection of VoIP internal error codes (IECs).

Step 5

voice statistics display-format separator {space | tab | new-line | char char}

(Optional) Specifies the way that displayed information is separated. The default is a comma (,).

Router(config)# voice statistics display-format separator new-line

Step 6


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Configuring the Minimum Call Duration and Signaling Thresholds

The signaling parameters include minimum call duration, as well as thresholds for lost packet information, packet latency information, and packet jitter information. These parameters have default values so no configuration is required. However, you can customize any or all of these parameters as needed for your network configuration.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

enable configure terminal voice statistics field-params mcd value voice statistics field-params lost-packet value voice statistics field-params packet-latency value voice statistics field-params packet-jitter value exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics field-params mcd value

Router(config)# voice statistics field-params mcd 10

Configures the minimum call duration (MCD) for collecting voice call statistics in milliseconds. Valid values are from 0 to 30 milliseconds. The default is 2 milliseconds. This value applies to both IP and PSTN statistics. Configures the lost voice packet threshold for collecting voice call statistics in milliseconds. Valid values are from 0 to 65535 milliseconds. The default is 1000 milliseconds. This value applies to IP statistics only. Configures the voice packet-latency threshold parameter for voice call statistics in milliseconds. Valid values are from 0 to 500 milliseconds. The default is 250 milliseconds. This value applies to IP statistics only.

Step 4

voice statistics field-params lost-packet value

Router(config)# voice statistics field-params lost-packet 5000

Step 5

voice statistics field-params packet-latency value

Router(config)# voice statistics field-params packet-latency 200

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Command or Action
Step 6
voice statistics field-params packet-jitter value

Purpose Configures the voice packet-jitter threshold parameter for voice call statistics in milliseconds. Valid values are from 0 to 1000 milliseconds. The default is 250 milliseconds. This value applies to IP statistics only.

Router(config)# voice statistics field-params packet-jitter 500

Step 7


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Disabling the Collection of Signaling Statistics

This task disables the collection of signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable configure terminal no voice statistics type csr signaling exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

no voice statistics type csr signaling

Disables the collection of signaling statistics.

Router(config)# no voice statistics type csr signaling


If the gateway is configured to collect both signaling and VoIP AAA accounting statistics, the accounting statistics will continue to be collected after the signaling statistics collection is disabled.

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Displaying the Signaling Statistics for Each Aggregation Level

Signaling statistics can be collected and displayed for all aggregation levels. To display signaling statistics for the different aggregation levels, see the following sections:

Displaying Signaling Statistics for All Aggregation Levels, page 550 Displaying Gateway-Level Signaling Statistics, page 551 Displaying VoIP-Level Signaling Statistics, page 552 Displaying PSTN-Level Signaling Statistics, page 553 Displaying Trunk-Group Level Signaling Statistics, page 554 Displaying Voice-Port Level Signaling Statistics, page 555

All commands in this section are entered in privileged EXEC mode. The statistics displayed are based on the time range configured using the voice statistics time-range command. For example, if you set the time range to specify that the gateway collects statistics only since the last reset, then these displays show only the statistics since the gateway was last reset or rebooted. With these commands, you can specify that the display shows either verbose or concise information. The verbose display shows all fields contained in the call statistics records, while the concise display shows only output that contains total calls, answered calls, and answered call duration. The verbose display mode is enabled by default. In addition, you can specify that the gateway push the statistics display from the console to an FTP or syslog server. To configure the gateway to support pushing statistics to an FTP or syslog server, see the Managing the Collection of Voice Statistics section on page 566.

Displaying Signaling Statistics for All Aggregation Levels

This task displays signaling statistics for all aggregation levels.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation all [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers. This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation all [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays signaling statistics for all aggregation levels for a given interval.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation all


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays signaling statistics for all aggregation levels since the last reset or reboot of the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Displaying Gateway-Level Signaling Statistics

This task displays gateway-level signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation gateway [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers. This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation gateway [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the gateway-wide level statistics for a given interval.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation gateway


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the gateway-wide level statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Displaying VoIP-Level Signaling Statistics

This task displays VoIP-level signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation ip [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers. This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation ip [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the VoIP interface-level statistics for a given interval.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation ip


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the VoIP-level statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Displaying PSTN-Level Signaling Statistics

This task displays PSTN-level signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation pstn [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level pstn [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation pstn [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the telephone interface level statistics for a given interval.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation pstn


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all pstn [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the PSTN-level statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level pstn


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Displaying Trunk-Group Level Signaling Statistics

This task displays trunk-group level signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation trunk-group {all | trunk-group-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group {all | trunk-group-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers. This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation trunk-group {all | trunk-group-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the trunk-group level statistics for a given interval. Display statistics can be specified for a single trunk group or for all trunk groups.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation trunk-group 20


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group {all | trunk-group-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the trunk-group level statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway. You can display statistics for a specific trunk group or for all trunk groups.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group all


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Displaying Voice-Port Level Signaling Statistics

This task displays voice-port level signaling statistics.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice statistics interval-tag show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation voice-port {voice-port-label | all} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port {all | voice-port-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers. This command is necessary to obtain the tag number required in the next step.

Router# show voice statistics interval-tag

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number aggregation voice-port {voice-port-label | all} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays voice-port level statistics for a given interval. You can display statistics for a specific voice port or for all voice ports.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 102 aggregation voice-port all


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to support either periodic statistics collection or statistics collection for a specific time period.

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port {all | voice-port-label} [mode {concise | verbose}] [push {all | ftp | syslog}

Displays the voice-port level statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway. You can display statistics for a specific voice port or for all voice ports.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port all


This command is valid only if the voice statistics time-range command is configured to the since-reset value.

Clearing Signaling Statistics

This task clears signaling statistics from the gateway.

1. 2.

enable clear voice statistics csr signaling

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

clear voice statistics csr signaling

Clears all signaling statistics.

Router# clear voice statistics csr signaling

Configuring the Gateway to Collect VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics

Using this feature, statistics can be collected to tally accounting records on billing servers (RADIUS) and on voice gateways based on call legs (both inbound and outbound). The statistics collected track whether calls were successfully accounted for based on the acknowledgement messages from designated billing or accounting servers. This section shows you how to configure the collection of accounting statistics on the gateway. This section documents the following tasks:

Enabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics on the Gateway, page 557 Configuring a Designated Server Group for a Broadcast Method List, page 559 Disabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics, page 560 Displaying the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics, page 561 Clearing the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics, page 562

The definition of the AAA method list for accounting, the server groups, and the RADIUS servers should be configured. For more information, refer to the Configuring AAA for Cisco Voice Gateways document in the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.

You can define pass criteria for calls on the basis of method lists but not on the basis of server groups. For broadcast method lists, if the gateway attempts to access multiple server groups simultaneously, additional configuration is needed. See the Configuring a Designated Server Group for a Broadcast Method List section on page 559.

Enabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics on the Gateway

This task enables the collection of accounting statistics on the gateway.

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

enable configure terminal voice statistics type csr accounting voice statistics accounting method method-list-name pass {start-interim-stop | start-stop | stop-only} voice statistics max-storage-duration {day value | hour value | minute value} voice statistics display-format separator {space | tab | new-line | char char} exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics type csr accounting

Enables the collection of VoIP AAA accounting statistics.

Router(config)# voice statistics type csr accounting


To enable the collection of both accounting and signaling statistics on the gateway, enter the command without the accounting keyword, as follows: voice statistics type csr.

Step 4

voice statistics accounting method method-list-name pass {start-interim-stop | start-stop | stop-only}

Configures the method-list pass criteria.


Router(config)# voice statistics accounting method h323 pass stop-only

The method-list-name argument is the same as that configured using the method command in gateway-accounting AAA configuration mode. You can have multiple method lists configured on a gateway at one time.

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Command or Action
Step 5
voice statistics max-storage-duration {day value | hour value | minute value}

Purpose (Optional) Configures the maximum storage time in system memory of the gateway. The keywords and argument are as follows:

Router(config)# voice statistics max-storage-duration minute 60

dayNumber of days. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 365. hourNumber of hours. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 720. minuteNumber of minutes. The value argument has a valid range from 0 to 1440.


This command also applies to the collection of VoIP internal error codes (IECs).

Step 6

voice statistics display-format separator {space | tab | new-line | char char}

(Optional) Specifies the way in which displayed information is separated. The default is a comma (,).

Router(config)# voice statistics display-format separator new-line

Step 7


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Configuring a Designated Server Group for a Broadcast Method List

This task is required if accounting CSRs need to be collected for a gateway that is configured for a broadcast method list. See the Configuring the Gateway to Collect VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics section on page 557. It is possible to set all the server groups in a method list for monitoring acknowledgements.

The collection of accounting statistics should be enabled on the gateway. The pass criteria for the method list must already be defined.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

enable configure terminal aaa group server radius name accounting acknowledge broadcast end show voice statistics | begin aaa group server

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

aaa group server radius name

Router(config)# aaa group server radius billing-grp

Groups different RADIUS server hosts into distinct lists and distinct methods and enters server group RADIUS configuration mode.

Step 4

accounting acknowledge broadcast

Enables the accounting broadcast functionality for the server groups configured in Step 3.

Router(config-sg-radius)# accounting acknowledge broadcast

Step 5


Ends the current configuration session and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config-sg-radius)# end

Step 6

show voice statistics | begin aaa group server

Displays the AAA group server and its configuration.

Router# show voice statistics | begin aaa group server

Troubleshooting Tips
Acknowledgements of only designated server groups are considered when deciding whether the accounting for a given call leg is successful. If more than one server group is configured as designated, the gateway considers the response from all server groups in deciding whether the call leg accounting is successful.

Disabling the Collection of VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics

This task disables the collection of VoIP AAA accounting statistics.

1. 2. 3.

enable configure terminal no voice statistics type csr accounting

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways




Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

no voice statistics type csr accounting

Disables the collection of accounting statistics.

Router(config)# no voice statistics type csr accounting


If the gateway is configured to collect both VoIP AAA accounting statistics and signaling statistics, the signaling statistics will continue to be collected after the accounting statistics collection is disabled.

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Displaying the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics

After the gateway has been configured to collect VoIP AAA accounting statistics, you can display all accounting statistics or accounting statistics for a specific method list. All commands in this section are entered in privileged EXEC mode. The statistics displayed are based on the time range configured using the voice statistics time-range command. For example, if you set the time range to specify that the gateway to collect statistics only since the last reset, then these displays will show only the statistics since the gateway was last reset or rebooted. With these commands, you can specify that the gateway push the statistics display from the console to an FTP or syslog server. To configure the gateway to support pushing statistics to an FTP or syslog server, see the Managing the Collection of Voice Statistics section on page 566.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable show voice accounting method [method-list-name] show voice statistics csr interval tag-number accounting {all | method-list method-list-name} [push {all | ftp | syslog}] show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting {all | method-list method-list-name} [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice accounting method {method-list-name}

Displays connectivity status information for accounting method lists.

Router# show voice accounting method mll

Step 3

show voice statistics csr interval tag-number accounting {all | method-list method-list-name} [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays the VoIP AAA accounting statistics for the specified interval. You can display all accounting statistics or accounting statistics for a specific method list.

Router# show voice statistics csr interval 10 accounting all

Step 4

show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting {all | method-list method-list-name} [push {all | ftp | syslog}]

Displays all VoIP AAA accounting statistics since the last reset or reboot of the gateway. You can display all accounting statistics or accounting statistics for a specific method list.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting method-list h323

Step 5s

show voice accounting response pending

Displays information regarding pending VoIP AAA accounting responses.

Router# show voice accounting response pending

Clearing the VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics

This task describes how to clear the VoIP AAA accounting statistics.

1. 2. 3.

enable clear voice statistics csr accounting clear voice accounting method method-list-name

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

clear voice statistics csr accounting

Clears all accounting statistics.

Router# clear voice statistics csr accounting

Step 3

clear voice accounting method method-list-name

Clears accounting statistics for a specific accounting method.

Router# clear voice accounting method h323

Troubleshooting Tips for VoIP AAA Accounting Statistics

If any of the following messages is displayed, proceed with the solution shown.

Message: Either specific or periodic time-range has existed. Solution: Delete any previously configured specific or periodic time range.

Message: Ending time must be greater than starting time. Solution: Make sure that the configured end time is later than the start time for the time range configured.

Message: Starting time must be future time. Solution: Make sure that the configured start time is in the future.

If accounting statistics are not being collected properly, the best place to start troubleshooting is by verifying your configurations as follows:
Router# show running-config | include voice statistics voice statistics type csr voice statistics accounting method h323 pass stop-only ! Specifies the pass criteria. voice statistics time-range since-reset Router# show running-config | include aaa aaa new-model aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius ! Specifies the method list. aaa session-id common gw-accounting aaa ! Enables accounting on the gateway. radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 ! Specifies RADIUS server IP address.

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

If your configurations are correct, turn on debugging with the following debug commands and check the output. You must turn on all three commands:

debug isdn q931 debug radius accounting debug voip-aaa

As long as accounting and signaling statistics are being collected, the output from these three debug commands will display on the console. The following sample output shows that the accounting statistics are not being properly collected by the RADIUS server:
*Nov 22 14:54:49.350: ISDN Se6/0:15 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x125E Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3 Standard = CCITT Transfer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '11' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown ! Router#55:02.366: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4067CADC (at 4067CDF6) now 10 *Nov 22 14:55:04.366: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21669/117 *Nov 22 14:55:04.366: RADIUS(0000053B): Retransmit id 21669/117 *Nov 22 14:55:04.366: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 40278B3C (at 40278D04) now 15 *Nov 22 14:55:07.366: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21669/118 *Nov 22 14:55:07.366: RADIUS(0000053B): Retransmit id 21669/118 *Nov 22 14:55:07.366: RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 4067CADC (at 4067CDF6) now 15 *Nov 22 14:55:09.366: RADIUS: Tried all servers. *Nov 22 14:55:09.366: RADIUS: No valid server found. Trying any viable server.

The line above indicates that the RADIUS server is unreachable.

*Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov 22 22 22 22 22 22 14:55:09.366: 14:55:09.366: 14:55:09.366: 14:55:09.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 21669/119 RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No valid server found. Trying any viable server.

The line above indicates that the RADIUS server is not found.
*Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov 22 22 22 22 22 22 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: RADIUS: Tried all servers. RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 21669/120 RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL voip_process_acct_reply(1339): voip_process_acct_reply(1339): event_message->type=0x210, msg_t=2, rsp=2 voip_process_acct_reply: acct notification call back for method=h323 acct_notif_cleanup: acct_ntf_deregistration: acct_ntf_deregistration: deregister with AAA EM, rsp_t=0x4, ev_t=0x210 acct_notif_cleanup: unlock adb voip_aaa_unlock_adb: uid(1339) count=0 voip_aaa_cleanup_adb: dealloc uid (1339) voip_aaa_acct_get_dynamic_attrs: No cdb found from cdb tree

*Nov 22 14:55:12.366: *Nov 22 14:55:12.366: *Nov 22 14:55:12.366: *Nov 22 14:55:12.366: *Nov *Nov *Nov *Nov 22 22 22 22 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366: 14:55:12.366:

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

The following sample output shows that the RADIUS server was authenticated:
*Nov 22 14:56:46.006: ISDN Se6/0:15 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x125F Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3 Standard = CCITT Transfer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Called Party Number i = 0x80, '11' Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown *Nov 22 14:56:46.010: voip_start_ccapi_accounting(784): *Nov 22 14:56:46.010: voip_start_accounting_internal: *Nov 22 14:56:46.010: voip_start_accounting_internal(784): peer_tag=100 *Nov 22 14:56:46.010: get_acct_params: suppressed=0 *Nov 22 14:56:46.010: get_acct_params(784): Use method h323 set by global config. *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: method: *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: cdrtag: *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_start_accounting_internal: Getting new uid *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_alloc_aaa_uid *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_aaa_acct_get_retrieved_attrs *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_aaa_acct_get_nas_port_details: *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: get_nas_port: avail=1 type=4 nas-port=ISDN 6/0:D:1 *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_aaa_lock_adb: uid(1341) count=1 *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_start_accounting_internal: UID=1341 *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_start_accounting_internal: Telephony Leg *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: voip_start_accounting_internal(784): *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: calling num : *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: called num : 11 *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: account num : *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: setup time : *14:56:46.014 PST Fri *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: gateway id : Router.cisco2.com *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: connection id : 82831163 FDA411D6 8660B639 91DC0E5F *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: call origin : answer *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: call type : Telephony *Nov 22 14:56:46.014: incoming conn id: 82831163 FDA411D6 8660B639 91DC0E5F *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS(0000053D): sending *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS(0000053D): Send Accounting-Request to id 121, len 462 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: authenticator C7 53 14 06 45 F2 49 DF - 53 D8 90 B3 1C D1 74 03 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 0000084C *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 51 h323-setup-time=*14:56:46.014 PST *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 30 h323-gw-id=Router.cisco2.com *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 h323-conf-id=82831163 FDA411D6 8660B639 91DC0E5F *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 h323-call-origin=answer *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 *Nov 22 14:56:46.018: RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 26 h323-call-type=Telephony Accounting-response, len 20 !

Router received response from RADIUS server.


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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

**Nov 22 14:56:49.022: RADIUS: authenticated 08 C6 FC 0F 31 1D FA EA - 68 A7 5D 48 6F 47 96 FA *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_process_acct_reply(1341): *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_process_acct_reply(1341): event_message->type=0x210, msg_t=2, rsp=1 *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_process_acct_reply: acct notification call back for method=h323 *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: acct_notif_cleanup: *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: acct_ntf_deregistration: *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: acct_ntf_deregistration: deregister with AAA EM, rsp_t=0x4, ev_t=0x210 *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: acct_notif_cleanup: unlock adb *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_aaa_unlock_adb: uid(1341) count=0 *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_aaa_cleanup_adb: dealloc uid (1341) *Nov 22 14:56:49.022: voip_aaa_acct_get_dynamic_attrs: No cdb found from cdb tree

Managing the Collection of Voice Statistics

This section describes how to manage the collection of voice statistics on the gateway and documents the following tasks:

Configuring the FTP Server to Enable Archiving of Statistics from the Gateway, page 566 Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to an FTP Server, page 569 Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to a Syslog Server, page 570 Displaying Memory Usage, page 571 Displaying All Statistics and Pushing Them to an FTP or Syslog Server, page 572 Clearing the Collected Call Statistics, page 572 Monitoring the Statistical Reporting, page 573

Configuring the FTP Server to Enable Archiving of Statistics from the Gateway
This task shows how to configure the FTP server to accept archived statistics from a Cisco IOS gateway.

FTP Server

An FTP server must be configured before you can archive the collected statistics.
FTP Service Port

Normally, the FTP port is a well-known number, such as 21. However, another port number (not well-known) can receive data for specific purposes (for example, security), as long as the FTP client on voice gateways is configured to use the same port number.
User Account and File Directory

In order for the FTP client on the voice gateway to write files on the FTP server, FTP user accounts must be available (or well-known) to the FTP client. The FTP user accounts can be normal UNIX user accounts. The FTP file upload directory in the FTP servers can also be specified for directory management purposes. System administrators can also restrict the privilege level of the user accounts in the upload directory for security and directory management purposes.

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For this task, the external devices are assumed to be UNIX-like platforms (for example, Linux).

Step 1

Install the software. Ensure that both the anonftp package and the wu-ftpd package are installed on the system. The versions installed should, at a minimum, match those below:
anonftp-3.0-9 wu-ftpd-2.6.1-6

Check to see whether the installation can be done with the following command: rpm -qa | egrep '(wu-ftpd|anonftp)'
Step 2

Configure the IP aliasing for virtual domains. Configure the IP aliases for the virtual domains so that there is an IP address routed through one of the available network interfaces. The programs netcfg or linuxconf can also be used to set up the IP aliases (replacing with your actual IP address for the FTP site). If the IP address is to resolve to a domain name, you must set up a DNS server.

Step 3

Configure xinetd.conf. Configure the /etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd file to handle FTP access, for example:
[root@wyvern xinetd.d]# cat wu-ftpd # default: on # description: The wu-ftpd FTP server knows the FTP # connections. It uses \ normal,unencrypted # usernames and passwords for authentication. service ftp { disable socket_type wait user server server_args log_on_success log_on_failure nice }

= no = stream = no = root = /usr/sbin/in.ftpd = -l -a += DURATION USERID += USERID = 10


It is very important that the -1 -a is specified in server_args and that the disable line is set to no. This tells inetd.conf to reference the commands in the /etc/ftpaccess file.

Step 4

Edit /etc/ftpaccess. Edit the /etc/ftpaccess file. Make the basic changes using Linuxconf as the root. Additional changes must be made in this file manually. The virtual entry in the file should be placed at the bottom of the file and resembles the following:
# Virtual FTP entries for virtual root /home/domain1 virtual banner /home/ftp/domain1/banner.msg virtual logfile /var/log/virtual/domain1/xferlog

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Where /home/domain1 is the root path for the virtual FTP server, /home/ftp/domain1/banner.msg is the path to the banner message to be displayed upon login, and /var/log/virtual/domain1/xferlog is the path to the transfer log.
Step 5

Specify other options. Specify that all users can have access with the following line:
virtual allow *

If only specific users are to be allowed access, list their usernames, as shown here:
virtual allow user1

If anonymous FTP logins are to be disabled, set the IP address to private as shown here:
virtual private

Step 6

Secure or hide the FTP server. When FTP users log on to the system, they should be allowed into the directory specified in the root path only. There are several steps as follows:
a. b.

Determine whether or not there is one user or a group of users that will be logging into the virtual FTP site. Specify the home directory in the /etc/passwd file for the user specified in the /etc/ftpaccess/ file, followed by a /./. The entry will look like this:

Include the following line in your FTP access file, if user1 is the only user accessing this virtual FTP site, following the virtual configuration lines:
guestuser user1

When logging into, user1 is automatically dropped into /home/domain1 but will see this as the / directory. User1 will not be able to move outside of that directory.

Specify a group of users in addition to user1 in /etc/group. You should then add the following line to /etc/ftpaccess following the virtual FTP entry:
guestgroup group1


Specify the administrator of the FTP site (user2 in the example and exempt from the group rule) as follows:
guestgroup group1 realuser user2

Step 7

Provide for basic shell access. Open the /var/ftp (created on the system when the anonftp rpm was installed), and copy /var/ftp/bin, /var/ftp/etc/, and /var/ftp/lib into the root directory of the virtual FTP site (in this case, /var/ftp/home/domain1).

Step 8

Restart services so that the configuration takes effect. Close the configuration file after making all of the changes, and restart the inet services (where FTP services are specified) by typing the following:
/sbin/service xinetd stop

/sbin/service xinetd start

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Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to an FTP Server

This task shows you how to configure the gateway to archive the collected statistics to the specified FTP server and how to configure the maximum allowable file size.


This procedure can also be used to archive Cisco VoIP internal error codes (IECs) to an FTP server.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable configure terminal voice statistics push ftp url ftp-url [max-file-size value] exit


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics push ftp url ftp-url [max-file-size value]

Configures the FTP server location where statistics will be archived. The ftp-url argument is expressed in the following form: ftp://user:password@host:port/path1/path2/

Router(config)# voice statistics push ftp url ftp://me:secret@abccompanyhost:23/products max-file-size 3000

The max-file-size keyword is optional and specifies the maximum FTP file size, in bytes. The value argument has a valid range from 1024 to 4294967295. The default is 400000000 (4 GB).

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

The following sample output is the message that you see on your console when the statistics are being archived to the FTP server:
Writing /ftp_files/vstats.3660-1.2002-04-25T020500Z ! Writing /ftp_files/vstats.3660-1.2002-04-25T020500Z.done ! !

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

01:43:22: %VSTATS-6-VCSR: SEQ=0: stats_type,version,format,gw_id,start_time,end_time,rec_count VCSR_SIG,1,asc,3660-1,2002-04-25T02:00:00Z,2002-04-25T02:05:00Z,9 record_type,trunk_group_id,voice_port_id,in_call,in_ans,in_fail,out_call,out_ans,out_fail, in_szre_d,out_szre_d,in_conn_d,out_conn_d,orig_disconn,in_ans_abnorm,out_ans_abnorm,in_mcd out_mcd,in_pdd,out_pdd,in_setup_delay,out_setup_delay,lost_pkt,latency,jitter,in_cc_no, out_cc_no,in_cc_id,in_cc_cntr,out_cc_id,out_cc_cntr gw,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,16,0,16,0 ip,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 01:43:22: %VSTATS-6-VCSR: SEQ=1: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,16,0,16,0 pstn,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,4/0/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,4/0/1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,4/1/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,4/1/1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,2/0:23,0,0,0,0,0,|0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 vp,,2/1:23,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,1,1,16,0,16,0 stats_type,version,format,gw_id,start_time,e 01:43:22: %VSTATS-6-VCSR: SEQ=2: nd_time,rec_count VCSR_ACC,1,asc,3660-1,2002-04-25T02:00:00Z,2002-04-25T02:05:00Z,2 acct_type,acct_type_name,acct_pass_criteria,pstn_in_pass,pstn_in_fail,pstn_out_pass, pstn_out_fail,ip_in_pass,ip_in_fail,ip_out_pass,ip_out_fail ml,h323,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ml,h323-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Configuring the Gateway to Archive Statistics to a Syslog Server

This task shows you how to configure the gateway to archive the call statistics records to a syslog server.


This procedure can also be used to archive Cisco VoIP internal error codes (IECs) to a sylog server.

The external syslog server must be configured to receive voice call statistics from the gateway. For information about enabling a syslog server to receive voice call statistics information from a gateway, refer to Task 2 in Enabling Management Protocols: NTP, SNMP, and Syslog on Cisco.com. For information about configuring a Solaris syslog server, refer to Task 4 (Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults) in the Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide on Cisco.com.

1. 2. 3. 4.

enable configure terminal voice statistics push syslog [max-msg-size value] exit

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Step 3

voice statistics push syslog [max-msg-size value]

Archives voice statistics to an external syslog server and specifies the maximum syslog message size.

Router(config)# voice statistics push syslog

The max-msg-size keyword is optional and specifies the maximum size in bytes of a voice statistics file to be pushed to the syslog server. Valid values are from 1024 to 4294967295. The default value is 4000000000 (4 GB).

Step 4


Exits global configuration mode.

Router(config)# exit

Displaying Memory Usage

This task shows you how to display memory usage either as an absolute value or as a percentage.

1. 2.

enable show voice statistics memory-usage {all | csr | iec}


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics memory-usage {all | csr | iec}

Displays current memory usage (absolute or percentage).

Router(config)# show voice statistics memory-usage csr

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Displaying All Statistics and Pushing Them to an FTP or Syslog Server

This task shows how to display all statistics and push them to an FTP or syslog server.


This procedure can also be used if you are collecting statistics for VoIP internal error codes (IECs).

1. 2. 3.

enable show voice statistics csr since-reset all [mode {concise | verbose}] show voice statistics csr since-reset all push {all | ftp | syslog}


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics csr since-reset all [mode {concise | verbose}]

Displays all statistics (including both signaling and accounting statistics) since the last reset or reboot of the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset all mode concise

Step 3

show voice statistics csr since-reset all push {all | ftp | syslog}

Pushes all displayed statistics to either the FTP or syslog server, or to both servers.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset all push syslog

The statistics are first displayed on the console before being pushed to the FTP or syslog server.

Clearing the Collected Call Statistics

This task shows you how to clear the collected statistics. The results of the clear voice statistics csr command can be viewed using the show voice statistics command. Once the clear voice statistics csr command has been issued, all statistics collected using the voice statistics time-range since-reset command are removed and the counters are reset.

Only since-reset counters can be reset. Specific or periodic counts cannot be reset using the clear voice statistics csr command. This command cannot be used in nonprivileged mode.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

1. 2. 3.

enable clear voice statistics csr show voice statistics csr since-reset all


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

clear voice statistics csr

Clears the collected statistics.

Router# clear voice statistics csr

Step 3

show voice statistics csr since-reset all

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset all

Displays the collected statistics since a reset occurred. Enter this command after entering the clear voice statistics csr command to verify that the statistics have been cleared.

Troubleshooting Tips
The gateway does not recognize the clear voice statistics csr command in nonprivileged mode and displays the following message:
Router> clear voice statistics csr ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

If you see this message, enter this command from privileged EXEC mode.

Monitoring the Statistical Reporting

This section contains the following subsections:

Using Debug Commands for Monitoring Gateway Reporting, page 574 Using Cause Code Statistics, page 578 Displaying Quality of Service Indicators, page 580

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Using Debug Commands for Monitoring Gateway Reporting

To monitor the statistical reporting and the collection of data by the gateway, you must turn on the following debug commands:

debug radius accounting debug event-manager debug voice statistics csr debug voice statistics accounting debug voice statistics core

Once the debugging is turned on, you can review the data, evaluate the performance of the network, and identify impaired voice equipment. The following output examples show a collection of records occurring between intervals and a voice call going through the gateway.
Example of Record Collection Between Intervals

In the following example, the gateway was unable to push the data to the FTP server.
vstats_timer_handle_interval_event():Between Intervals! 04:52:37: vstats_acct_interval_end: interval_tag = 4 04:52:37: vstats_acct_interval_end: pushing out, tag=3 04:52:37: vstats_acct_clean_history_stats: 04:52:37: vstats_acct_clean_history_stats: stats (tag=3) not to be deleted 04:52:37: vstats_acct_clean_history_stats: stats (tag=2) not to be deleted 04:52:37: vstats_acct_create_empty_stats: 04:52:37: vstats_acct_create_new_rec_list: 04:52:37: vstats_acct_create_new_rec_list: add acct rec: methodlist=h323, acct-criteria=2 04:52:37: vstats_acct_create_new_rec: 04:52:37: vstats_acct_add_rec_entry: 04:52:37: vstats_acct_add_stats_entry: 04:52:37: vstat_push_driver_file_open():Cannot open ftp://sgcp:sgcp@abc-pc:21//ftp_files/vstats.5400-GW.2003-02-13T162000Z. errno=65540=Unknown error 65540 vstat_push_drv_activate_ftp_file_tx():open file (ftp://sgcp:sgcp@jeremy-pc:21//ftp_files/vstats.5400-GW.2003-02-13T162000Z)=(ftp://sgcp:sg cp@abc-pc:21//ftp_files/vstats.5400-GW.2003-02-13T162000Z)failed! vstats_push_api_push_formatted_text():Start CMD error!

Example of a Voice Call Going Through the Gateway

04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: EM: Notify the producer not to produce RADIUS(00000019): Storing nasport 0 in rad_db RADIUS(00000019): Config NAS IP: RADIUS(00000019): sending RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS(00000019): Send Accounting-Request to id 21645/49,len496 RADIUS: authenticator C5 B8 AA 2E C3 AF 02 93 - 45 0B AE E5 B6 B2 99 1F RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000020" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 51 "h323-setup-time=*16:22:30.994 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 21 "h323-gw-id=5400-GW." RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer"

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:07: 04:55:08: 04:55:08:

RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 26 "h323-call-type=Telephony" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "gw-rxd-cdn=ton:0,npi:0,#:11" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 26 "calling-party-category=9" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "transmission-medium-req=0" RADIUS: User-Name [1] 4 "22" RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 20 RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 14 "ISDN 6/0:D:1" RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 0 RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 4 "22" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 4 "11" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time [41] 6 0 RADIUS(0000001A): Config NAS IP: RADIUS(0000001A): sending RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS(0000001A): Send Accounting-Request to id 21645/50,len427 RADIUS: authenticator E4 98 06 8C 48 63 4F AA - 56 4F 40 12 33 F0 F5 99 RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000021" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 51 "h323-setup-time=*16:22:31.006 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 21 "h323-gw-id=5400-GW." RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 28 "h323-call-origin=originate" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 21 "h323-call-type=VoIP" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "session-protocol=cisco" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "gw-rxd-cdn=ton:0,npi:0,#:11" RADIUS: User-Name [1] 4 "22" RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Start [1] RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 4 "22" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 4 "11" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time [41] 6 0 EM: No consumer registered for event type NEWINFO EM: Notify the producer not to produce EM: No consumer registered for event type NEWINFO EM: Notify the producer not to produce RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BAB1BC sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21645/50

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

04:55:08: 04:55:09: 04:55:09: 04:55:09: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:10: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13:

RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 403963FC (at 403965A1) now 1 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65ADB8EC sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21645/49 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 40389BFC (at 40389DE6) now 1 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BAB1BC sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Fail-over to (,1645) for id 21645/51 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 403963FC (at 403965A1) now 2 RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS: Received from id 21645/53, Accounting-response, len 20 RADIUS: authenticator 57 EF DD 90 0F 88 76 EA - A5 3D A7 44 0D 90 66 16 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: methodlist=h323, rsp_type=0x1 acct_rsp_status=1 callid= 26, incoming=0, leg=2 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: last acct msg not sent yet. methodlist: h323 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65ADB8EC sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Fail-over to (,1645) for id 21645/52 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 40389BFC (at 40389DE6) now 2 RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS: Received from id 21645/54, Accounting-response, len 20 RADIUS: authenticator 97 88 6C BA DA 22 E7 5E - 73 EC 21 C6 36 1B 93 18 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: methodlist=h323, rsp_type=0x1 acct_rsp_status=callid= 25, incoming=1, leg=1 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: last acct msg not sent yet. methodlist: h323 RADIUS(0000001A): Config NAS IP: RADIUS(0000001A): sending RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS(0000001A): Send Accounting-Request to id 21645/55,len885 RADIUS: authenticator F8 4F F1 30 7E 8B 5B 46 - EF AE 17 2D 5C BA 36 E5 RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000021" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 51 "h323-setup-time=*16:22:31.006 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 21 "h323-gw-id=5400-GW." RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34 RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 28 "h323-call-origin=originate" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 21 "h323-call-type=VoIP" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "session-protocol=cisco" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "gw-rxd-cdn=ton:0,npi:0,#:11" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 59 RADIUS: h323-connect-time [28] 53 "h323-connect-time=*16:22:31.046 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 2241 RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 81 6 6 6 62 56 32 26 38 113 5 5 "h323-disconnect-time=*16:22:36.070 UTC

RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] RADIUS: h323-disconnect-tim[29] Thu Feb 13 2003" 04:55:13: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 04:55:13: RADIUS: h323-disconnect-cau[30] 04:55:13: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26]


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13:

RADIUS: h323-remote-address[23] 32 "h323-remote-address=" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 24 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 18 "release-source=1" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 29 RADIUS: h323-voice-quality [31] 23 "h323-voice-quality=-1" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 51 "alert-timepoint=*16:22:31.030 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 39 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 33 "remote-media-address=" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 44 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 38 "gw-final-xlated-cdn=ton:0,npi:0,#:11" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 44 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 38 "gw-final-xlated-cgn=ton:0,npi:1,#:22" RADIUS: User-Name [1] 4 "22" RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 4 "22" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 4 "11" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time [41] 6 0 RADIUS(00000019): Using existing nas_port 0 RADIUS(00000019):Config NAS IP: RADIUS(00000019):sending RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS(00000019): Send Accounting-Request to id 21645/56,len766 RADIUS: authenticator 61 60 EB 92 29 5C DE B4 - CE 40 1C AB E3 A1 C8 F7 RADIUS: Acct-Session-Id [44] 10 "00000020" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 57 RADIUS: h323-setup-time [25] 51 "h323-setup-time=*16:22:30.994 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 27 RADIUS: h323-gw-id [33] 21 "h323-gw-id=5400-GW." RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 56 RADIUS: Conf-Id [24] 50 "h323-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31 RADIUS: h323-call-origin [26] 25 "h323-call-origin=answer" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 RADIUS: h323-call-type [27] 26 "h323-call-type=Telephony" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 65 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 59 "h323-incoming-conf-id=2F4ED2E3 3EA611D7 800E0002 B935C142" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 30 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 24 "subscriber=RegularLine" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "gw-rxd-cdn=ton:0,npi:0,#:11" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 26 "calling-party-category=9" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "transmission-medium-req=0" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 59 RADIUS: h323-connect-time [28] 53 "h323-connect-time=*16:22:31.046 UTC Thu Feb 13 2003" RADIUS: Acct-Input-Octets [42] 6 81 RADIUS: Acct-Output-Octets [43] 6 2241 6 6 6 62 56 32 5 113 5 "h323-disconnect-time=*16:22:36.064 UTC

RADIUS: Acct-Input-Packets [47] RADIUS: Acct-Output-Packets [48] RADIUS: Acct-Session-Time [46] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] RADIUS: h323-disconnect-tim[29] Thu Feb 13 2003" 04:55:13: RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26]

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:13: 04:55:14: 04:55:14: 04:55:14: 04:55:14: 04:55:14: 04:55:14: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15: 04:55:15:

RADIUS: h323-disconnect-cau[30] 26 "h323-disconnect-cause=10" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "h323-ivr-out=Tariff:Unknown" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 24 RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 18 "release-source=1" RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 28 RADIUS: h323-voice-quality [31] 22 "h323-voice-quality=0" RADIUS: User-Name [1] 4 "22" RADIUS: Acct-Status-Type [40] 6 Stop [2] RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 Async [0] RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 20 RADIUS: cisco-nas-port [2] 14 "ISDN 6/0:D:1" RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 0 RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 4 "22" RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 4 "11" RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Login [1] RADIUS: NAS-IP-Addres [4] 6 RADIUS: Acct-Delay-Time [41] 6 0 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BAB070 sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21645/55 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 40553934 (at 40553CA3) now 1 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BA8284 sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 21645/56 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 405546C4 (at 405549BC) now 1 RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BAB070 sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Fail-over to (,1645) for id 21645/57 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 40553934 (at 40553CA3) now 2 RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS: no sg in radius-timers: ctx 0x65BA8284 sg 0x0000 RADIUS: Fail-over to (,1645) for id 21645/58 RADIUS: acct-delay-time for 405546C4 (at 405549BC) now 2 RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server RADIUS: Received from id 21645/59, Accounting-response, len 20 RADIUS: authenticator B1 C4 5E FC DB FA 74 A4 - 05 E2 34 52 1A 11 26 06 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: methodlist=h323, rsp_type=0x4 acct_rsp_status=1 callid= 26, incoming=0, leg=2 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: increment since-reset counter vstats_acct_rsp_handler: increment interval counter RADIUS: Received from id 21645/60, Accounting-response, len 20 RADIUS: authenticator 0E 70 74 2F E5 D8 EE 98 - B9 C0 DA 66 74 ED 84 77 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: methodlist=h323, rsp_type=0x4 acct_rsp_status=1 callid= 25, incoming=1, leg=1 vstats_acct_rsp_handler: increment since-reset counter vstats_acct_rsp_handler: increment interval counter

Using Cause Code Statistics

By examining disconnect cause codes, you can understand the distribution of the various cause codes on the voice ports, trunk groups, and gateway, and which can help you determine why the voice calls were disconnected. The call disconnection cause values are taken from International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) standard Q.931 and are as follows:

Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) references ITU-T standard Q.2931 for the information element (IE) causes. PNNI R15 contains the crankback causes. ITU-T standard Q.2931 references ITU-T standard Q.2610. ITU-T standard Q.2610 lists a few cause codes and references ITU-T standard Q.850. ITU-T standard Q.850 lists the bulk of the cause codes.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

For specific information on the call disconnection cause values, see the Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide.

CSR configurations must be enabled before you can examine the voice calls that are made through the gateway.

Statistics of non-DID calls are not consistent with those of the underlying ISDN module.

1. 2.

enable show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all

Displays all aggregation-level statistics since the last system reset or reboot.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all


The following sample output shows cause-code statistics since the last reset for all aggregation levels.
Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 1993-03-01T00:03:15Z

End Time: 1993-03-03T22:02:18Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=26,in_ans=16,in_fail=10,out_call=26, out_ans=16,out_fail=10,in_szre_d=387,out_szre_d=380,in_conn_d=330,out_conn_d=323, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=2340, out_pdd=12340,in_setup_delay=2340,out_setup_delay=3340,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0, in_disc_cc_16=16,in_disc_cc_18=2,in_disc_cc_19=3,in_disc_cc_34=5,out_disc_cc_16=16, out_disc_cc_18=2,out_disc_cc_19=3,out_disc_cc_34=5 ! record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=26,in_ans=16,in_fail=10,out_call=0, out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=387,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=330,out_conn_d=0,orig_disconn=0, in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=2340,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=2340,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=20,latency=15,jitter=10,in_disc_cc_16=16, in_disc_cc_18=2,in_disc_cc_19=3,in_disc_cc_34=5,out_disc_cc_16=3 !

Table 55 shows two types of cause codes listed in the output above.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuring Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Table 55

Significant Fields of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Command


Description Count of incoming calls that are disconnected with a specific cause code number. In this example, the value 16 indicates normal call clearing Count of outgoing calls that are disconnected with a specific cause code number.


Displaying Quality of Service Indicators

The quality of service (QoS) indicators per voice call are the results of transmitting and receiving voice packets in the IP interface. These results are included in the CSRs and are as follows:

Lost packet value: the number of calls losing more than the configured number of packets. The default lost packet threshold is 1000 milliseconds. Packet latency value: the number of calls with voice packets encountering more than the configured amount of latency. The default packet latency threshold is 250 milliseconds. Packet jitter value: the number of calls with voice packets encountering more than the configured amount of jitter. The default packet jitter threshold is 250 milliseconds.

Before you can determine that any voice call with IP voice packets is deviating from the desired level of quality, you must configure the threshold values of lost packets, latency, and jitter. See the following sections:

Configuring the Minimum Call Duration and Signaling Thresholds, page 548 Displaying Memory Usage, page 571


Call statistics for MGCP calls are not guaranteed to be correct and accurate. In addition, statistics of non-DID ISDN calls are not consistent with those of the underlying ISDN module.

1. 2.

enable show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways


Command or Action
Step 1

Purpose Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Router> enable

Step 2

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all

Displays the voice statistics of the voice calls made through the gateway.

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all


The following sample output displays lost packet, latency, and jitter QoS information:
Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 1993-03-01T00:03:15Z

End Time: 1993-03-03T22:02:18Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=26,in_ans=16,in_fail=10,out_call=26, out_ans=16,out_fail=10,in_szre_d=387,out_szre_d=380,in_conn_d=330,out_conn_d=323, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=2340, out_pdd=12340,in_setup_delay=2340,out_setup_delay=3340,lost_pkt=10,latency=3,jitter=5, in_disc_cc_16=16,in_disc_cc_18=2,in_disc_cc_19=3,in_disc_cc_34=5,out_disc_cc_16=16, out_disc_cc_18=2,out_disc_cc_19=3,out_disc_cc_34=5 ! record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=26,in_ans=16,in_fail=10,out_call=0, out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=387,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=330,out_conn_d=0,orig_disconn=0, in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=2340,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=2340,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=10,latency=3,jitter=5,in_disc_cc_16=16, in_disc_cc_18=2,in_disc_cc_19=3,in_disc_cc_34=5,out_disc_cc_16=0 !

Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

This section includes the following examples:

User-Specific Configurations for Call Statistic Collection: Example, page 582 Manually Clearing Statistics: Example, page 582 Collection of Aggregation-Level Statistics: Example, page 583 Memory Usage: Example, page 584 Collection of Statistics Since System Reset: Examples, page 584 Designated Server Group: Example, page 587 Location of the FTP Server: Example, page 587 Maximum File Size for the Syslog Server: Example, page 587

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Maximum Duration for Storage: Example, page 587

User-Specific Configurations for Call Statistic Collection: Example

The following example shows the user-specific configuration that includes accounting method, time ranges, maximum storage duration, and the archiving of the statistics to an FTP and syslog server:
Router# show running-config | include voice statistics voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice voice statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics statistics accounting method h323-1 pass start-interim-stop time-range since-reset time-range periodic 5minutes start 00:00 end 00:00 days-of-week daily max-storage-duration minute 40 push ftp url ftp://sgcp:sgcp@anyone-pc:21//ftp_files push syslog max-file-size 4000000000 display-format separator new-line field-params lost-packet 1000 field-params mcd 2 field-params packet-jitter 255 field-params packet-latency 150


The type of statistics is not shown in a running configuration because the voice statistics type csr command activates only the collection of statistics. If you do not specify a type, both signaling and accounting statistics are collected.

Manually Clearing Statistics: Example

The following example shows how to clear all of the voice statistics that have been collected:
Router# clear voice statistics csr

The following example verifies the clearing by showing that all of the parameters have been set to zero:
Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-04-25T01:49:27Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0,out_c all=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0, out_pdd=0,in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0 out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0,out_c all=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0, out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0,out_call=0, out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0,orig_disconn=0, in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0,in_setup_delay=0, out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=vp,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=4/0/0,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0, out_call=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

out_pdd=0,in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! Client Type: Voice ACCT Stats Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:04Z End Time: 2002-04-25T01:49:30Z methodlist=h323-1,acc_pass_criteria=0,pstn_in_pass=0,pstn_in_fail=0,pstn_out_pass=0, pstn_out_fail=0,ip_in_pass=0,ip_in_fail=0,ip_out_pass=0,ip_out_fail=0

Collection of Aggregation-Level Statistics: Example

The following example shows the different levels of signaling statistics that can be collected:
Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ? all gateway ip pstn trunk-group voice-port Statistics at all signaling levels Gateway wide Voip interface level Telephony interface level Trunk group level Voice-port level

The following example shows the collected statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-04-25T01:50:01Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=12,voice_port_id=1/0,in_call=10,in_ans=10,in_fail=0, out_call=3,out_ans=0,out_fail=3,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, ! record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=2/0,in_call=1,in_ans=1,in_fail=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=,voice_port_id=,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0,out_call=0, out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0,o ! record_type=vp,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=4/0/0,in_call=0,in_ans=0,in_fail=0, out_call=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 !

The following example shows the intervals at which statistics were collected:
Router# show voice statistics interval-tag Current Time: 2002-04-25T01:52:11Z INTERVAL-TAG ============== 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 START TIME ====================== 2002-04-25T01:10:00Z 2002-04-25T01:15:00Z 2002-04-25T01:20:00Z 2002-04-25T01:25:00Z 2002-04-25T01:30:00Z 2002-04-25T01:35:00Z 2002-04-25T01:40:00Z 2002-04-25T01:45:00Z 2002-04-25T01:50:00Z END TIME ====================== 2002-04-25T01:15:00Z 2002-04-25T01:20:00Z 2002-04-25T01:25:00Z 2002-04-25T01:30:00Z 2002-04-25T01:35:00Z 2002-04-25T01:40:00Z 2002-04-25T01:45:00Z 2002-04-25T01:50:00Z 2002-04-25T01:52:11Z

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Memory Usage: Example

The following example shows the amount of memory being used for accounting and signaling CSRs by fixed interval and since a reset or reboot. It also shows the estimated memory allocated for future use.
Router# show voice statistics memory-usage csr *** Voice Call Statistics Record Memory Usage *** Fixed Interval Option CSR size: 136 bytes Number of CSR per interval: 9 Used memory size (proximate): 0 Estimated future claimed memory size (proximate): 10 Since Reset Option CSR size: 136 bytes Total count of CSR: 9 Used memory size (proximate): 1224 *** Voice Call Statistics Accounting Record Memory Usage *** Fixed Interval Option ACCT REC size: 80 bytes Number of ACCT REC per interval: 1 Used memory size (proximate): 0 Estimated future claimed memory size (proximate): 25 Since Reset Option ACCT REC size: 80 bytes Total count of ACCT REC: 1 Used memory size (proximate): 80

Collection of Statistics Since System Reset: Examples

This section provides the following examples:

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting all Command, page 584 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Command, page 585 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway Command, page 585 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip Command, page 585 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level pstn Command, page 586 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group all Command, page 586 Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port all Command, page 586

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting all Command

The following example shows all accounting statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z End Time:2002-04-25T01:50:01Z methodlist=h323-1,acc_pass_criteria=1,pstn_in_pass=10,pstn_in_fail=0,pstn_out_pass=10 pstn_out_fail=0,ip_in_pass=15,ip_in_fail=0,ip_out_pass=15,ip_out_fail=0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Command

The following example shows all aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-04-25T01:50:01Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=2,in_call=120,in_ans=120,in_fail=0 out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0, out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=2,voice_port_id=3,in_call=120,in_ans=120,in_fail=0 out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0, out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=5,voice_port_id=2,in_call=150,in_ans=100,in_fail=50, out_call=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway Command

The following example shows the gateway aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level gateway Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-05-02T21:21:14Z

record_type=gw,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=1,in_call=10,in_ans=10,in_fail=0,out_call=50 out_ans=10,out_fail=40,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0,orig_disconn=0, in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0,in_setup_delay=0, out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip Command

The following example shows the IP aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level ip Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-05-02T21:21:27Z

record_type=ip,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=1,in_call=10,in_ans=10,in_fail=0,out_call=50 out_ans=10,out_fail=40,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0,orig_disconn=0, in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0,in_setup_delay=0, out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level pstn Command

The following example shows the PSTN aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level pstn Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-05-02T21:21:42Z

record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=1,voice_port_id=1,in_call=10,in_ans=10,in_fail=0, out_call=50,out_ans=10,out_fail=40,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,lost_pkt=0,latency=0,jitter=0,in_disc_cc_16=0, out_disc_cc_16=0

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group all Command

The following example shows the trunk-group aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level trunk-group all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-05-02T21:22:08Z

record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=15,voice_port_id=3,in_call=20,in_ans=20,in_fail=0, out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=16,voice_port_id=4,in_call=20,in_ans=20,in_fail=0, out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=17,voice_port_id=5,in_call=20,in_ans=20,in_fail=0, out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=pstn,trunk_group_id=18,voice_port_id=6,in_call=20,in_ans=20,in_fail=0, out_call=10,out_ans=10,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0

Example of the show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port all Command

The following example shows the voice-port aggregation level statistics:

Router# show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level voice-port all Client Type: VCSR Start Time: 2002-04-25T01:48:12Z

End Time: 2002-05-02T21:22:52Z

record_type=vp,trunk_group_id=a,voice_port_id=4/0/0,in_call=22,in_ans=14,in_fail=8, out_call=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0 ! record_type=vp,trunk_group_id=b,voice_port_id=4/0/1,in_call=22,in_ans=14,in_fail=8, out_call=0,out_ans=0,out_fail=0,in_szre_d=0,out_szre_d=0,in_conn_d=0,out_conn_d=0, orig_disconn=0,in_ans_abnorm=0,out_ans_abnorm=0,in_mcd=0,out_mcd=0,in_pdd=0,out_pdd=0, in_setup_delay=0,out_setup_delay=0,in_disc_cc_16=0,out_disc_cc_16=0

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Designated Server Group: Example

The following example shows that a designated server group has been configured for a broadcast method list.
Router# show voice statistics | begin aaa group server aaa group server radius billing-grp server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 accounting acknowledge broadcast

Location of the FTP Server: Example

The following example shows the location of the FTP server:
Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 5444 bytes ! version 12.3 ! voice statistics push ftp url ftp://sgcp:sgcp@abc-pc:21//ftp_files voice statistics push ftp max-file-size 4000000000 !

Maximum File Size for the Syslog Server: Example

The following example shows the maximum file size to be downloaded to the syslog server:
Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 5444 bytes ! version 12.3 ! voice statistics push syslog max-msg-size 4000000000

Maximum Duration for Storage: Example

The following configuration example shows a maximum storage of 60 minutes:
Router# show running-config | include voice statistics ! voice statistics max-storage-duration minute 60

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways Configuration Examples for Voice Performance Statistics on Cisco Gateways

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Cause Codes and Debug Values

This chapter contains the following information:

Details of Cause Codes and Debug Values for VoIP, page 589 Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323, page 592

Additional cause code information can be found in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.

Details of Cause Codes and Debug Values for VoIP

Use the following tables when reading debugs and the associated values within the debugs.

Q.931 Call Disconnection Causes

These are cause codes from the debug voip ccapi inout command. Call Disconnection Cause Value (in Hex) CC_CAUSE_UANUM = 0x1 CC_CAUSE_NO_ROUTE = 0x3 CC_CAUSE_NORM = 0x10 CC_CAUSE_BUSY = 0x11 CC_CAUSE_NORS = 0x12 CC_CAUSE_NOAN = 0x13 CC_CAUSE_REJECT = 0x15 CC_CAUSE_INVALID_NUMBER = 0x1C CC_CAUSE_UNSP = 0x1F CC_CAUSE_NO_CIRCUIT = 0x22 CC_CAUSE_NO_REQ_CIRCUIT = 0x2C CC_CAUSE_NO_RESOURCE = 0x2F CC_CAUSE_NOSV = 0x3F Meaning and Number (in Decimal) Unassigned number (1) No route to destination (3) Normal call clearing (16) User busy (17) No user response (18) No user answer (19) Call rejected (21) Invalid number (28) Normal, unspecified (31) No circuit (34) No requested circuit (44) No resource (47) Service or option not available, or unspecified (63)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Details of Cause Codes and Debug Values for VoIP

Codec Negotiation Values

These codec negotiation values are from the debug voip ccapi inout command. Negotiation Value codec=0x00000001 codec=0x00000002 codec=0x00000004 codec=0x00000004 codec=0x00000008 codec=0x00000010 codec=0x00000020 codec=0x00000040 codec=0x00000080 codec=0x00000100 codec=0x00000200 codec=0x00000400 codec=0x00000800 codec=0x00001000 codec=0x00002000 codec=0x00004000 codec=0x00008000 Meaning G711 ULAW 64K PCM G711 ALAW 64K PCM G729 G729IETF G729a G726r16 G726r24 G726r32 G728 G723r63 G723r53 GSMFR G729b G729ab G723ar63 G723ar53 CLEAR_CHANNEL

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Details of Cause Codes and Debug Values for VoIP

Tone Types
Tone Types CC_TONE_RINGBACK 0x1 CC_TONE_FAX 0x2 CC_TONE_BUSY 0x4 CC_TONE_DIALTONE 0x8 CC_TONE_OOS 0x10 CC_TONE_ADDR_ACK 0x20 CC_TONE_DISCONNECT 0x40 CC_TONE_OFF_HOOK_NOTICE 0x80 CC_TONE_OFF_HOOK_ALERT 0x100 CC_TONE_CUSTOM 0x200 CC_TONE_NULL 0x0 Meaning Ring tone Fax tone Busy tone Dial tone Out of service tone Address acknowledgement tone Disconnect tone Tone indicating that the phone is off-hook A more urgent version of CC_TONE_OFF_HOOK_NOTICE Custom toneused when you are specifying a custom tone Null tone

FAX-Rate and VAD Capabilities Values

Values CC_CAP_FAX_NONE 0x1 CC_CAP_FAX_VOICE 0x2 CC_CAP_FAX_144 0x4 CC_CAP_FAX_96 0x8 CC_CAP_FAX_72 0x10 CC_CAP_FAX_48 0x20 CC_CAP_FAX_24 0x40 CC_CAP_VAD_OFF 0x1 CC_CAP_VAD_ON 0x2 Meaning Fax disabled or not available Voice call 14,400 baud 9,600 baud 7,200 baud 4,800 baud 2,400 baud VAD disabled VAD enabled

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Each H.323 and SIP standard cause code accurately reflects the nature of the associated internal failure. This capability makes the H.323 and SIP call control protocols consistent with cause codes that are generated for common problems. For each internal failure, an ITU-T Q.850 release cause code is also assigned and maps the new standard categories with the Q.850 release cause code and description that is assigned to each category.
Table 56 H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Unallocated (unassigned) number

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 1

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the destination requested by the calling user cannot be reached because the number is unassigned.

The number is not in the routing table, or it has no path across the ISDN network. 2 The wrong transit network code was dialed. The transit network does not serve this equipment. The transit network does not exist. 3

No route to specified transit network (national use)

Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that the gateway is asked to route the call through an unrecognized intermediate network.

Destination address resolution failure

Typical scenarios include:

CC_CAUSE_NO_ROUTE Indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the network that the call has been routed through does not serve the desired destination.

Domain Name System (DNS) resolution failure Invalid session target in configuration 4

Send special Typical scenarios include: information tone The dialed number has a special condition applied to it. Misdialed trunk prefix (national use) Channel unacceptable Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that the called party cannot be reached for reasons that are of a long-term nature and that the special information tone should be returned to the calling party. Indicates the erroneous inclusion of a trunk prefix in a called party number. Indicates that the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to the sending entity for use in this call. Indicates that the user has been awarded the incoming call and that the incoming call is being connected to a channel already established to that user for similar calls.

The wrong trunk prefix was dialed. 6 Failed channel on the network. 7 Successful call.

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Preemption Preemption. Circuit reserved for reuse Normal call clearing

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 8 9

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates the call is being pre-empted. Indicates the call is being pre-empted and the circuit is reserved for reuse by pre-empting exchange. Indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved with the call has requested that the call be cleared. Indicates that the called party is unable to accept another call because the user busy condition has been encountered. This cause value can be generated by the called user or by the network. In the case of user determined user busy, it is noted that the user equipment is compatible with the call. Used when the called party does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the time allotted. The number that is being dialed has an active D-channel, but the far end chooses not to answer. Used when the called party has been alerted but does not respond with a connect indication within the time allotted. This cause is not generated by Q.931 procedures but can be generated by internal network timers. Used when a mobile station has logged off, radio contact is not obtained with a mobile station, or if a personal telecommunication user is temporarily not addressable at any user-network interface.

Emergency services Emergency services 16

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

A call participant hung up.

User busy

Typical scenarios include:


User is already using the telephone.

No user responding

Typical scenarios include:


The user is not answering the telephone.

No answer from Typical scenarios include: the user (user The user is not answering alerted) the telephone.


Subscriber absent

Typical scenarios include:


The user lost network connectivity or is out of range.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Call rejected

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 21

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the equipment sending this cause code does not wish to accept this call, although it could have accepted the call because the equipment sending the cause is neither busy nor incompatible. Might also be generated by the network indicating that the call was cleared because of a supplementary service constraint. The diagnostic field might contain additional information about the supplementary service and reason for rejection.

Subscriber has a service constraint that does not accept this call.

Number changed

Typical scenarios include:


A subscriber has changed their number.

Returned to a calling party when the called number indicated by the calling party is no longer assigned. The new called party number might be optionally included in this diagnostic field. Used by a general ISUP protocol mechanism that decides that the call should be sent to a different called number. Indicates that the destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because an intermediate exchange has released the call due to reaching a limit in executing the hop counter procedure. Indicates that the user has not been awarded the incoming call. CC_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_ OF_ORDER Indicates that the destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because the destinations interface is not functioning correctly. The signaling message cannot be delivered to the remote party.

Redirection to a new destination

Typical scenarios include:


Call is forwarded

Exchange routing error

Typical scenarios include:


Network is overloaded

Nonselected user clearing Socket failure

Typical scenarios include:

26 27

Called number failure Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket connection failure Problem sending an H.323 SETUP Problem sending a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INVITE Send or receive error occurs on connected socket

Typical scenarios include:

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Invalid number format

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 28

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a valid format or is not complete. Indicates that a supplementary service requested by the user cannot be provided by the network. Included in the STATUS message when the reason for generating the STATUS message was the prior receipt of a STATUS ENQUIRY message. Reports a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies. Indicates that there is no appropriate circuit or channel presently available to handle the call. Indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last for an extended period. Included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode connection is out of service. Included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode connection is operational and capable of carrying user information. Indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to be resolved quickly. Indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing high traffic. Indicates that the network could not deliver access information to the remote user as requested.

the caller is calling out using a network type number (enterprise) rather instead of Unknown or National. 29 A network service is not functioning. 30 A STATUS message is returned. 31 34

Facility rejected Typical scenarios include:

Response to STATUS ENQUIRY Normal, unspecified No circuit/channel available Network out of order

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

Normal operation No B-channels are available to make the selected call. 38 Network failure.

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include: Permanent frame mode Equipment or section connection is out failure. of service Permanent frame mode connection is operational Temporary failure Switching equipment congestion Access information discarded Typical scenarios include:



Normal operation.

Typical scenarios include:


Network failure. 42

Typical scenarios include:

High traffic 43

Typical scenarios include:

Usually reported when the far-end ISDN switch removes some piece of information before tandem-switching a call.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Requested circuit/channel not available

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 44

Q.850 Release Cause Description Returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requested entity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface.

Occurs during glare condition when both sides are selected top-down or bottom-up. Change the Allocation Direction so that one end is top-down and the other is bottom-up. 46 Caller is busy and the priority level of active call is equal or higher than the incoming call. 47

Precedence call blocked

Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that there are no pre-emptable circuits or that the called user is busy with a call of equal or higher pre-emptable level. CC_CAUSE_NO_RESOURCE Indicates a resource unavailable event.

Internal resource Typical scenarios include: allocation Out of memory failure Internal access to the TCP socket is unavailable QoS error Typical scenarios include:


CC_CAUSE_QOS_UNAVAILABLE Indicates that the requested QoS cannot be provided.

Quality of service (QoS) error 50 The caller is trying to use a service that is not permitted. 53 Subscriber configuration contains this limitation. 55

Requested facility not subscribed Outgoing calls barred within Closed User Group (CUG) Incoming calls barred within Closed User Group (CUG) Bearer capability not authorized Bearer capability not presently available

Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that the user has requested a supplementary service that the user is not authorized to use. Indicates that although the calling party is a member of a CUG for the outgoing CUG call, outgoing calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG. Indicates that although the called party is a member of a CUG for the incoming CUG call, incoming calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG. Indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented on the equipment but the user is not authorized to use. Indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment and is currently unavailable.

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

Subscriber configuration contains this limitation. 57

Typical scenarios include:

The caller is not authorized to use the bearer capability. 58

Typical scenarios include:

A call is placed with a bearer capacity that the service provider does not have the capacity to supply.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category

Standard Category Description

Q.850 Cause Code 62

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that there is an inconsistency in the designated outgoing access information and subscriber class.

Inconsistency in Typical scenarios include: designated Network error. outgoing access information and subscriber class Service or option not available, unspecified Media negotiation failure Typical scenarios include:


Service not available.

Reports a service or option not available event only when no other cause in the service or option not available class applies. CC_CAUSE_BEARER_CAPABILITY_ NOT_IMPLEMENTED Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the bearer capability requested.

Typical scenarios include:


No codec match occurred. H.323 or H.245 problem leading to failure in media negotiation 66

Channel type not Typical scenarios include: implemented Channel type match not found. Requested facility not implemented Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the channel type requested. Indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested supplementary service. Indicates that the calling party has requested an unrestricted bearer service but that the equipment sending this cause only supports the restricted version of the requested bearer capacity. Reports a service or option not implemented event only when no other cause in the service or option not implemented class applies. Indicates that the equipment sending the cause has received a message with a call reference which is not currently in use on the user-network interface. Indicates a call attempt on a channel that is not configured. Indicates a call resume has been attempted with a call identity which differs from that in use for any presently suspended calls.


Service type match not found. 70

Only restricted Typical scenarios include: digital Routing error. information bearer capability is available (National use) Service or option not implemented, unspecified Invalid call reference value Typical scenarios include:


Service not implemented.

Typical scenarios include:


The far-end switch did not recognize the call reference for a message sent by the gateway. 82

Identified Typical scenarios include: channel does not Fractional PRI error. exist A suspended call Typical scenarios include: exists, but this Call ID mismatch call identity does not


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Call identity in use

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 84

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the network has received a call suspended request containing a call identity which is already in use for a suspended call. Indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing a call identity information element which does not indicate any suspended call. Indicates that the network has received a call identity information element indicating a suspended call that has in the meantime been cleared wile suspended. Indicates that the called user for the incoming CUG call is not a member of the specified CUG. Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call which has compatibility attributes which cannot be accommodated.

Equipment error.

No call suspended

Typical scenarios include:


Equipment error.

Call having the Typical scenarios include: 86 requested call Network timeout identity has been Call cleared by remote user. cleared User is not a member of Closed User Group (CUG) Incompatible destination Typical scenarios include:


Caller is not authorized.

Typical scenarios include:


Number dialed is not capable of this type of call. Caller is calling a restricted line in unrestricted mode. Caller is calling a POTS phone using unrestricted mode. 90 Configuration or dialing error. 91 Network error. Identification mismatch 95

Nonexistent Closed User Group (CUG) Invalid transit network selection (National use) Invalid message received error Mandatory IE missing error

Typical scenarios include:

Indicates that the specified CUG does not exist. Indicates that a transit network identification was received which is of an incorrect format. CC_CAUSE_INVALID_MESSAGE Indicates an invalid message event.

Typical scenarios include:

Typical scenarios include:

An invalid message was received 96 Mandatory Contact field missing in SIP message. Session Description Protocol (SDP) body is missing.

Typical scenarios include:

CC_CAUSE_MANDATORY_IE_ MISSING Indicates that the equipment sending this cause code has received a message that is missing an information element (IE). This IE must be present in the message before the message can be processed.

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category

Standard Category Description

Q.850 Cause Code

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which is missing an information element that must be present in the message before the message can be processed. Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message such that the procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message to receive while in this call state. Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes information elements or parameters not recognized because the information element or parameter names are not defined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment. CC_CAUSE_INVALID_IE_ CONTENTS Indicates that the equipment sending this cause code has received an IE that it has implemented. However, the equipment sending this cause code has not implemented one or more of the specific fields. CC_CAUSE_MESSAGE_IN_ INCOMP_CALL_STATE Indicates that a message has been received that is incompatible with the call state. CC_CAUSE_RECOVERY_ON_ TIMER_EXPIRY Indicates that a procedure has been initiated by the expiration of a timer in association with error handling procedures.

Message type Typical scenarios include: 97 nonexistent or Message type information is not implemented missing.

Typical scenarios include: Message not compatible with ISDN protocol mismatch call state or ISDN state machine message type violation nonexistent or not implemented An information Typical scenarios include: element or Element mismatch parameter does not exist or is not implemented



Invalid IE contents error

Typical scenarios include:


SIP Contact field is present, but format is bad

Message in Typical scenarios include: 101 invalid call state An unexpected message was received that is incompatible with the call state Call setup timeout failure Typical scenarios include:


No H.323 call proceeding No H.323 alerting or connect message received from the terminating gateway Invite expires timer reached maximum number of retries allowed

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


Internal Cause Codes for SIP and H.323

Table 56

H.323 and SIP Standard Category With Corresponding Q.850 Cause Code Information

Standard Category Parameter nonexistent or not implemented passed on (National use) Message with unrecognized parameter discarded Protocol error, unspecified Internal error

Standard Category Description Typical scenarios include:

Q.850 Cause Code 103

Q.850 Release Cause Description Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes parameters not recognized because the parameters are not defined or are defined but not implemented on the equipment. Indicates that the equipment sending this cause has discarded a received message which includes a parameter that is not recognized. Reports a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocol error class applies. CC_CAUSE_INTERWORKING Indicates that there has been interworking with a network that does not provide causes for actions it takes. Precise cause cannot be ascertained.

Configuration mismatch.

Typical scenarios include:


Unrecognized parameter.

Typical scenarios include:


Protocol error. 127

Typical scenarios include:

Failed to send message to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



# prompt


8 187 454

answering problems application module

application error events


16-byte GUID
18 179 225

application monitoring ARJ ARQ ASR description

455 456 354 353


2600/3600/3700 memory calculator 2-wire cable 4-wire cable 6-byte GUID

184, 191 184, 191 18

2-port analog DID voice interface card (figure)

troubleshooting attributes, dial peer audio problems

verifying functionality
8 333, 338


358, 469 557

authentication, authorization, and accounting authentication status authorization status

462 462 8

358, 469

AAA accounting, statistics accessing privileged exec commands accounting statistics ACF
359 301 535

automatic number identification available bandwidth formula



BABT telephones bad SIP messages
188 388

acoustic coupling acoustic echo


admission confirmed admission rejection admission request aggregation levels alternate endpoint alternate gatekeeper analyzers network
176, 178 353

359 354

bandwidth formula maximum


293, 353 354 354 354, 361 353


bandwidth command bandwidth rejection


aggregation levels, statistics

358 356, 358

bandwidth confirmation

bandwidth remote command bandwidth request BCF

353, 355 272 353


alternate gatekeeper list

B channel

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide




176, 177

call does not go through


219 53, 71 416

BERT/BLERT. <Emphasis>See bit/block error rate testers billing application call leg billing applications bit error rate testers bit rate error testers bitswapping tool BLERT
176, 177 177 176 179 469 177

called number string pattern called-number vofr command callentry ID caller ID call flow fax SIP
503 367 194 194 18 20

bit/block error rate testers (BERTs/BLERTs)

177 176

callentry ID call leg problems


block error rate testers block rate error testers boxes breakout fox
176, 177 176, 177

calling number string pattern call inititation problems call leg

179 3 5 187

53, 71

billing application callentry ID GUID POTS

20 4 5 20 209 176, 177

BPX/IGX firmware compatibility tool breakout adapter breakout boxes BRJ BRQ
353, 355 353, 355 297

voice application voice network


buffering delay busy tone buttset

209 332

call legs from the perspective of the originating router (figure) 6 call path through the router call routing
352, 388 352 8 6 55, 79 14

H.323 gatekeeper

cables fiber-optic testing equipment cable testers CAC
401 359 401 397 176, 177 232 177

call setup elements call setup process call transfer CAS

269, 415 376

call-specific conditions, configuration cannot pass DTMF digits cas-custom command cause codes CCAPI CGMA
589 xxv 271 333

cabling, digital ports call admission

call admission control call-agent command call agents


cautions, usage in text

14, 15, 17 186

central office
431, 454 431 14, 15, 17 532

call application voice command

call application voice load command call disconnect reason codes


channel-associated signaling choppy speech Cisco fax relay


269, 415

call control application programming interface

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



data transfer phase call flow fax setup phase call flow overview
505 505


clear mgcp src-stats command clear mgcp statistics command clipped speech
507 296 266 293 260

402 397

Cisco fax relay data transfer call flow (figure) Cisco fax relay fax setup call flow (figure) Cisco Feature Navigator
xxix 506

clock source

codec bandwidth codec complexity


Cisco gatekeeper transaction message protocol Cisco gateway management agent

532 xxxi xxxi xxx xxx

codec complexity mismatch codec negotiation values codecs VAD

308 297 296 179 590


Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T features Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T features Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T features Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T features

coder delay

comfort-noise command command lookup tool commands debug

530 171, 172, 173 173 173 173 173

Cisco IOS VoiceXML application components (figure) Cisco IP SoftPhone Cisco IP softphone
339 341

command profile debugging


Cisco quality of service device manager Cisco service assurance agent Cisco SIP gateway Cisco SIP IP phone inbound calls outbound calls
370 370 370 367 388 371, 372 531


no debug

no debug all ping

no logging console
171, 173, 174

privileged exec accessing show

172 171, 172, 173, 174, 530

poor voice quality

Cisco SIP IP phone 7960 CiscoView

174, 175 530

router diagnostic
171, 172, 530

Cisco SIP proxy server farming Cisco voice manager

show buffers
531 250

172, 529 172, 530

show cdp neighbors show controllers show debugging show flash


CiscoWorks voice health monitor CLASS DSP reason codes (table) CLASS EC FRMR

172, 529 172, 530

172, 529 172, 529 172, 529

EC detected FRMR from peer reason code (table) CLASS EC LCL EC condition, locally detected reason code (table) CLASS EC LD

show interfaces show process cpu show stacks show version trace
171, 174

show memory summary


172, 529 172, 529

show running-config
172, 529

error correction (EC) detected link disconnect (LD) from peer reason code (table) 256 CLASS HOST requested by host reason code (table) CLASS OTHER code summary (table)
258 247

show startup-config terminal monitor


172, 529

172, 529

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



command syntax conventions configuration voice ports troubleshooting tips congestion connections voice, verifying console terminals disabling logging continuity test
251 356 262 173 422 296 273 236 xxiv 515

debug cdapi command debug commands SIP call filtering voice call filtering debug crm command debug error command


97, 171, 172, 173

compand-type command

50, 51, 69, 70 453, 454

debug condition application voice command

35 271, 272

configuring the voice DSP control message logger

debug csm voice command


debug fax dmsp command debug fax fmsp command debug fax foip command debug fax mspi command debug fax mta command

35 35 35 35

debug fax mmoip aaa command

35 35

controlled gatekeeper shutdown copying

controller is administratively down

debug frame-relay fragment command debug frame-relay switching command


418, 419 420

debug command output and system error messages COSI

179 271, 398 239

debug h225 asn1 command debug hpi all command


359, 360

cptone command crash dump file

debug hpi capture command


238 453

debug http client background command debug http client command

453 453 403 179

creating match lists for MGCP filtering conditions custom document generator for Cisco IOS CVM
530 266

debug http client error command debug ip rsvp detail command debug ip udp command
397 277 275 402 402 402 402

cyclic redundancy check

debug isdn event command

DB-15 connector (figure) D channel
272 403 403 403 403 264

debug isdn q931 command debug mgcp all command debug mgcp errors command

debug mgcp events command debug mgcp media command debug mgcp packets command debug mgcp parser command debug mgcp src command debug mrcp error command debug output
35 402

debug call fallback detail command debug call fallback probes command debug call rsvp-sync events command debug cas command debug ccsip command
271 496

398, 402 402

debug call rsvp-sync func-trace command debug ccsip calls command debug ccsip error command debug ccsip events command

debug mgcp voipcac command


456, 457 524

372, 378 497 497 497

debug nextport vsmgr detail command debug priority command

418, 419 477

debug ccsip messages command

debug radius accounting command

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



debug radius command debug rtr error command debug rtr trace command debug rtsp all command debug rtsp api command

469 403 403 36 36 36 36, 456, 457 36 36, 456, 457 36, 456, 457 272 368

debug voip profile fax relay application command debug voip profile fax relay command debug voip profile help command
36 36 22 22


debug voip profile fax relay signaling command debug voip profile modem command

debug rtsp client command debug rtsp error command debug rtsp pmh command debug rtsp socket command debug sigsm r2 command debug tgrm command debug tsp command
36 277

debug voip profile modem pass-through signaling command 23 debug voip profile modem relay signaling command debug voip profile voice application command debug voip profile voice command debug voip rawmsg command
36 501 501 36 25 25 24

debug rtsp session command

debug voip profile voice signaling command debug voip settlement misc command debug voip tsp command debug voip vtsp command
26 36 26

debug sip-message command

debug voip settlement network command


debug voip application vxml command debug voip avlist command debug voip ccapi command
36 36

debug voip tsp individual command


debug voip ccapi individual command debug voip ccapi inout command cause codes
589 590 36

debug voip vtsp individual command debug vpm all command debug vtsp all command debug vtsp dsp command debug vtsp error command debug vtsp event command debug vtsp port command debug vtsp rtp command
37 37 270 194


39, 270, 322, 359, 513

debug vpm signal command

codec negotiation values debug voip dsm command debug voip dspapi command debug voip hpi command

36, 270, 271, 272, 320, 399, 516, 524 36, 320, 321, 399 36 36 36

debug voip dialpeer command



36 36 36 36

debug voip ivr all command

debug voip ivr applib command debug voip ivr command


debug vtsp send-nse command debug vtsp session command debug vtsp stats command
36 37 37

debug voip ivr callsetup command debug voip ivr digitcollect command debug voip ivr dynamic command debug voip ivr error command debug voip ivr script command debug voip ivr states command debug voip profile command
21 36

37, 319, 399

debug vtsp tone command


debug vtsp vofr subframe 3 command debug vtsp vofr subframe command debug vxml background command debug vxml command
453 453, 454 453 453

524 37

36, 525 36, 500

debug voip ivr settlement command


debug vxml error command


debug voip ivr tclcommands command debug voip profile fax command

debug vxml puts command delay coder

296 297

21 297

debug voip profile fax mail command

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



handling jitter


DID support for Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers (figure) 224

propagation queuing variable detector


differences in gateway and gatekeeper accounting (figure) 112 digital multimeters

176, 177 232 15, 233 232



digital port cabling


digital signal processor

destination pattern

digital voice card software compatibility digital voice interface hardware

118 231

diagnostic code field diagnostic tests

digital volt ohm meter digit collection status

243 243

209 462

port modem autotest command SPE auto-test

243 244

digits sent disabling

319 279

port modem startup-test command SPE back-to-back test SPE start-up test

direct-inward-dial command debug commands

244 173

logging, console terminals disconnect cause

463 8


test port modem back-to-back command dialed number identification service dial peer attributes matching
8 352

disconnect reason code hexadecimal values (table) disconnect reason types disconnect request distorted speech DNIS
8 179 358 295 259


H.323 gatekeeper
7 9

matching order POTS matching dial peer 0

9, 10



documentation conventions dropped packets DRQ DSP

8 8 358 233, 309 239 523 xxiv xxii

voice network matching dial peer matching dial-peer matching dial peers matching inbound dial peers outbound dial peers dial plan mapper
14 7 513

documents and resources, supporting


DSP crash dump analysis DSP message flow (figure) DSP resource manager DSPRM DSP state
267 15 309, 310 298 15 11

inbound IVR applications

dial-tdm-clock command DID (direct inward dialing)

duplex mismatch duplicating


when matching outbound dial peers DID interface

224 225

debug command output and system error messages


DID software compatibility

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



E&M (receive and transmit) signaling interfaces E&M cabling pins (figure) E&M interface
196, 197 199 201 183

acoustic conditions hybrid

301 301

301 296

echo-cancel enable command echo canceler coverage echo cancellations state echo-cancellation state echo return loss ECMA expression enable command
303 455 173 302 310 309

E&M interface supervision signal description (table) E&M interface types type I type II type III type IV type V
200 202 204 199 206 199 216 199 199

enabling debug for the set filtering conditions enabling MGCP call centric debug enabling trace levels
104 358 359 496 99


E&M signaling

E&M signaling type E&M signalling


endpoint alt-ep command endpoint call admission

E&M signaling unit side compatibility E&M software compatibility


enhanced billing support for SIP gateways equipment closet precautions

219 210

E&M supervisory signaling troubleshooting (table) E&M trunk circuit side compatibility E&M type I
200 200 201 199


303 454 455 455 118 142 121

error.badfetch error.semantic

E&M type I 2-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type I 4-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type II


error codes for subsystem 1 (CCAPI) (table) error codes for subsystem 2 (TCL IVR) (table)

error codes for subsystem 10 (AFSAPP) (table)

203 204

E&M type II 2-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type II 4-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type III

error codes for subsystem 3 (application framework) (table) 124 error codes for subsystem 4 (default session application) (table) 126 error codes for subsystem 5 (H.323) (table) error codes for subsystem 7 (SIP) (table) error codes for subsystem 9 (VTSP) (table) error message decode error messages
179 127 133 140

E&M type III 2-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type III 4-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type III signal states (figure) E&M type II signal states (table) E&M type I signal states (table) E&M type V
206 205 202 200

205 206

E&M type V 2-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type V 4-wire audio operation (figure) E&M type V signal states (table) E1 R2 failure E1 R2 interface E1 R2 signaling echo
270 270 270 207

207 208

port unreachable time exceeded event status


174 174

exact match condition excessive delay


55, 84

explanation of felds in the show voice port command (table) 410

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



explanation of fields in the show mgcp command (table) 406 explanation of fields in the show mgcp connection command (table) 408 explanation of fields in the show mgcp statistics command (table) 412

fax codec


fax detection application troubleshooting fax gateway

503 516 516 525

fax interface type

fax interface-type modem command fax interface-type vfc command


fail over failure E1 R2
270 267 332 332 268 356

fax mode testing fax nsf command fax pass-through call flow overview fax relay overview features
505 504 504

291 519 518

framing loss

H.323 busy tone H.323 dial tone loss of frame loss of signal no audio

fax pass-through and fax upspeed call flow (figure)


line code violation

263 264

fax relay problems


Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T


xxxi xxxi xxx xxx

no audio passed no busy tone no dial tone

333 279

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T
333 334

no DTMF digits passed no ringback to PSTN one way audio


fiber-optic cables testing equipment figure

335, 336 177

no ringback on toll-bypass calls


no ringback to VoIP device path code violation unbreakable dial tone

266, 269 266 223 278

2-port analog DID voice interface card


call legs from the perspective of the originating router 6 Cisco fax relay data transfer call flow Cisco fax relay fax setup call flow DB-15 connector
264 506 5, 452 507

slip seconds error count unrecognized voice port voice ports shutdown farming, SIP proxy server fax fax gateway fax analyzers fax call flow
503 503

Cisco IOS VoiceXML application components


voice ports configured as connection trunk

279 388

DID support for Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers 224 differences in gateway and gatekeeper accounting DSP message flow E&M cabling pins
523 201 200 201 203 112

store and forward

524 503

E&M type I 2-wire audio operation E&M type I 4-wire audio operation E&M type II 2-wire audio operation

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



E&M type II 4-wire audio operation E&M type III 2-wire audio operation E&M type III 4-wire audio operation E&M type III signal states

204 205 206

foreign exchange station formats


output, debug commands formula, available bandwidth

173 354

E&M type V 2-wire audio operation E&M type V 4-wire audio operation

207 208 504 225

four-port analog FXS/DID voice interface card (figure) 225 four-port FXO card front panel (figure) four-wire telephone trunk interface
197 191 185

fax pass-through and fax upspeed call flow four-port FXO card front panel
191 185 190

four-port analog FXS/DID voice interface card four-port FXS/DID card front panel FXS and FXO signaling interfaces FXS signaling interface
184 316

four-port FXS/DID card front panel (figure) fox boxes

176, 177 418 516

fragmentation frame relay

frame-clock-select command

gatekeeper in an H.323 network

gateway between an H.323 terminal and an H.320 terminal 319 GUIDs and callentry IDs in a conference call H.323 call flow
317 508 185, 191 20

frame-relay fragment command framing format framing loss FTT message full GUID
18 38 266

416 416

frame-relay voice bandwidth command

267 523

H.323 T.38 fax relay call flow

high-density analog telephony network module IVR control of TCL scripts on an IP call leg MGCP call flow topology MGCP network model QSIG signaling rollover cable
277 265 392 393 458


full GUID header example fuzzy speech


MGCP control of voice application scripts

FXO (foreign exchange office) signaling interfaces

183 192

FXO answer and disconnect supervision FXO answer supervision FXO disconnect failure
509 539 193 192 193

RJ-45 pin numbering


SIP T.38 fax relay call flow T.30 transactions


FXO disconnect supervision FXO interface


syslog and FTP servers and the CNS-PE T.37 store-and-forward fax topology two-port E&M card front panel two-port FXO card front panel two-port FXS card front panel
197 191 185 510

FXO software compatibility FXO supervision answer

193 193



FXS (foreign exchange station), signaling interfaces FXS and FXO signaling interfaces (figure) FXS idle voltage (table) FXS interface FXS ring failure
49 183 188 184 187 190


typical application using ISDN BRI NT/TE VICs or ISDN BVMs 273 filtering output SIP debugs
50, 69 83

filtering output, show and more commands foreign exchange office


FXS signaling interface (figure) FXS signalling


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



FXS software compatibility


audio problems bandwidth

353 332 352 352


gatekeeper bandwidth registration
353 348 69 359 316 358

busy tone call routing dial peers gatekeeper gateway

dial tone problems

347, 348 319


voice call debug filtering

gatekeeper endpoint call admission

H.225 signaling H.245 signaling registration standard VAD

308 315 348

316, 317 316, 318

gatekeeper in an H.323 network (figure) gatekeeper transaction message protocol gatekeeper update protocol gatekeeper zone bandwidth
353, 357 354

related standards T.38 fax relay


gateway between an H.323 terminal and an H.320 terminal (figure) 319 gateway command gateways protocol conversion GCFM
53, 84 84 319 50 358 532


gateway management

H.323 and SIP standard category with corresponding Q.850 cause code information (table) 592 H.323 call flow (figure) H.323 call routing H.323 endpoints
319 500 317

voice call debug filtering generic call filtering module generic call filter module GKTMP

H.323 call setup timeout


H.323 gateway ringback h225 timeout command handling delay

6, 18 297

334 508

52, 70 74

H.323 T.38 fax relay call flow (figure)


GKFM debug filter rules engine global unique identifier GRQ GUID
356, 357 18, 53, 84 20 18, 53, 84

h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr command


global unique identifier (GUID)

high-density analog telephony network module (figure) 185, 191 hissing

308 234

GUID call leg GUP

353, 357

host port interface


GUIDs and callentry IDs in a conference call (figure)

HPI messages hybrid echo

234 301

H.225 call setup message (table) H.225 signaling H.245 signaling H.323
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


ICMP. <Emphasis>See Internet Control Message Protocol idle line voltage IEC fields (table) IEC format
112 187 115

316, 317 316, 318



IECs i key ILMI

109, 536 368 422 306, 308 436

IP subnet calculator IP-to-IP gateway IRQ IRR ISDN voice

356, 357 355, 356 50


impedance command inactive call detection in-band ringback inbound dial peer script association inbound dial peers matching

336, 337

QSIG protocol support




6 6 6 26

272 272

ISDN interfaces

inbound POTS dial peer

isdn switch-type command IVR

17, 429


inbound voice-network call leg inbound voice network dial-peer information request response information tags input gain input level
296 306, 307 438 436

IVR control of TCL scripts on an IP call leg (figure) IVR modlue names (table) IVR module dependent list IVR script debugging events loading
458 431 497 458 430 432 19 19


individual debug output for CCAPI, TSP and VTSP

355, 356

infotag get command input gain command


displaying information

interactive voice response internal error codes category codes configuration gatekeeper
111 146

17, 429 422

settlement status codes testing URLs using

430 435 436

interim local management interface

109, 536 116, 117

obtaining IEC information subsystem codes



174 178

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook internetwork performance monitor interrupt request invitation process IPM
175 356 389 179 175

java script jerky speech jitter


455 296

Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM)


jitter buffer jitter state

298 310

jitter buffer parameters


IOS upgrade planner

IPM. <Emphasis>See Internetwork Performance Monitor ip nat service skinny tcp port command IP RTP priority
417 341

lead acid battery stacks

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



LED problem leg setup status line coding line voltage link point listing

189 466 268

copying meters volt-ohm MGCP



line code violation

268 187

176, 177

call admission control connections endpoint

172 404 391 509 391


privileged exec commands LLQ

299 417

endpoints VAD

T.38 fax relay MGCP call agent

173 290 264 299

LLQ priority logging

391 397 96

disabling, console terminals loopback loss of signal low-speed links LP parameter


mgcp call-agent command MGCP call centric debug configuration examples information restrictions
105 96 97 99

low latency queuing

293, 299

match conditions

matching conditions
55, 84 8

supported commands trace levels for output MGCP call routing


97 98 393

MGCP call flow topology (figure)

matching inbound dial peers matching order, dial peer maximum bandwidth H.323 traffic
354 354 9

MGCP control of voice application scripts (figure) mgcp debug-header command MGCP network model (figure)
391 391 100 392


media gateway controllers media inactive call detection media pause command media servers troubleshooting media status media streams message capture messages error port unreachable time exceeded system error
174 174 467 55 235 456 431

MGCP scripting description

458 398 xxiii

media gateway control protocol


mgcp sdp simple command MIB, descriptions online missed DTMF


modem autotest command

243 272

modem-mgmt csm debug-rbs command modem startup-test command module-dependent list MRCP client description
455 18 243 99

modifying the debug header format

module dependent list parameters (table)


multimedia mail over IP

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



dial peer multimeters digital

8 4

optical time domain reflectors (OTDRs)


multimedia mail over IP (MMoIP)

176, 177 356

OTDR. <Emphasis>See optical time domain reflectometers outbound dial peers, matching outbound POTS call leg outbound POTS dial-peer
7 7 6 6 11

multiple gatekeepers music on hold


outbound voice-network call leg outbound voice-network dial-peer

272 178 176, 178 341 516

output debug commands output drops output level

297 179 173 306, 307

network analyzer network analyzers

output attenuation command output interpreter


network audio settings

network-clock-participate command network-clock-select command network configuration soft key network management tools network monitoring network monitors no busy tone
333 173 531 178 388 516 367

ow controller t1/e1 command


networking professionals connection


packet flow
309 309

171, 174, 175, 176

packet flow detection packet handler packet loss

15 298, 518

network time protocol no debug all command no debug command no dial tone
219, 279

partial match condition path code violation PBX interconnection


55, 84


266, 269 210 216

no logging console command no port seizure NTP

388 219 xxv

PBX interoperability portal performance

531 533

notes, usage in text

performance statistics AAA accounting accounting



number matching examples using wildcard symbols, table 54

aggregation levels configuring duration examples

543 581 541

550 538

allowable storage capacities

object names and identifier values (table) OBJ parameter one-way audio
19 339 179 176, 177 19

displayed records


managing collection signaling

535, 546

566 548

open source initiative

minimum call duration

optical time domain reflectometers (OTDRs)

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



thresholds time ranges PI

333 10

537 537 208

no ringback


physical level troubleshooting pid 0 pinouts digital voice port T1/E1 port PLAR
279 298 233 233

Q.931 alert

ping commands

171, 173, 174


530 293 532

QoS policy manager

532 272, 276

playout delay

QSIG signaling (figure)

296, 300 299 300

277 277

playout-delay command playout delay jitter buffer port seizure


QSIG troubleshooting commands (table) quality of service queuing

293 297 293

playout-delay mode command port unreachable error message possible check request errors POTS call leg POTS call legs priority queueing
4, 319, 399 3 13

queuing delay
174 376

357 341, 355 458

POTS dial peer matching


RAS messages
279 356

private line auto ringdown privileged exec commands accessing

172 179 20

real-time protocol streams RecEive and transMit

336 336 276 197

339 392

real-time transmission protocol receiver has loss of frame redundancy, T.38 packet reflectometerrs optical time domain (OTDR) reflectometers optical time domain (OTDR) time domain (TDR)
297 178 524 176, 177 263

product alert tool profile debugging

progress_ind alert command progress_ind setup command progress indication progress indicator prompts #
172 336 333

recommended delay ranges, table



progress_ind setup enable 3 command



propagation delay protocol analyzer protocol analyzers protocols

reflectors optical time domain (OTDR) time domain (TDR) registration

174 177 177

Internet Control Message (ICMP) PSTN



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



registration process relay-related tests

389 291 110

357 391 375 279 403

release source indicators release source values request methods

389 113

SA agent CAC problems

resource availability indicator retransmitted messages RFC full text, obtaining RIF decoder ring back ringback
275 334 334, 335, 336, 337 336 186 179 xxiii 376

SDP errors and related error codes seizure

219 297 297 531 243 14

serialization delay

serialization delay, table service level agreements

service-processing element service provider interface session application

14, 17

ringback tone ringback tones

session description protocol session protocol command

391 416 372 498

ringer equivalence number ringing problems ring voltage

186 187

session protocol sipv2 command session target settlement command set filtering conditions

RJ-11 connector RJ-21 connector RJ-45/48 jack

183, 185, 191

RJ-11-to-RJ-45 pinouts (table)

185, 191 264 211

enabling settlement short GUID

80 469, 497 39

setup and teardown example

18 18 39 423

RJ-45 connector wiring robbed-bit signaling robbed-bit signalling rollover cable

210 415

RJ-45 pin numbering (figure)



short header

short header example show atm vc command show buffers command

show atm video-voice address command

265 211 171, 172, 173, 174, 530 278 172, 529 481


rollover cable (figure) rollover cable wiring

show call aaa attributes command

router diagnostic commands RSI format RTP RTSP troubleshooting rules GKFM debug filter engine
457 112 403

show call accounting-template voice command show call accounting voice summary command show call active voice brief command show call active voice command (examples)
285 432 10, 512

480 480

router does not recognize voice port RSVP CAC problems

339, 392

270, 281, 304, 418

show call application voice command show call fallback cache command show call history voice command

403 270, 281


286 277

rules applied for executing exact and partial matching logic (table) 72

show call history voice record command show call rsvp-sync conf command

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



show call rsvp-sync stats command show cdapi command



show rtr application command show running-config command show sip statistics command show sip status command show stacks command

403 172, 197, 216, 233, 529

show cdp neighbors command show class-map command show commands (examples)
283 418 171, 172, 530

172, 530


show spe modem disconnect-reason command

172, 529 172, 529 418 416, 417, 418

245, 247

show controller command

266, 280

show startup-config command

261 172, 398, 529 261 172, 530 277, 422, 425 223, 319, 320, 399

show controller e1 command show controllers command show controller t1 command show debugging command

show traffic-shape command show version command show vfc command show vfc version

show traffic-shape queue command

270, 271

172, 197, 198, 529

show dial-peer voice command show dialplan number command show flash command
172, 529

show vfc version command show voice call command

311 311, 423 279, 281, 518

show frame-relay fragment command

416, 417, 418

show voice call summary command show voice dsp command show voice hpi capture command show voice port command show voice-port command

show frame-relay ip rtp header-compression command 418 show frame-relay pvc command show frame-relay vofr command show gatekeeper calls command
416, 417, 418, 420 416, 417 355 359 359

279, 281, 283, 423, 425 238 417

show voice permanent-call command


194, 233, 270, 295, 422, 425

show gatekeeper endpoint command

show voice port summary command show voice trace command signaling statistics signaling streams SIP
535 55 516 355, 357

277, 280

show gatekeeper endpoints alternates command show gatekeeper zone cluster command show gatekeeper zone status command show interfaces command show isdn status command show mgcp command
172, 529 403 354, 362

show ip rsvp reservation command


enhanced billing support invitation process



show memory summary command

397, 398 404 397 417

172, 529


388 389

registration process request methods T.38 fax relay

417 389 508

show mgcp endpoint command show mgcp profile command show policy-map command

SIP call debug filtering SIP call flow SIP messages

367 245, 246


show policy-map interface serial command show port modem log command show priority command show queue command show rawmsg command
294 172, 529

SIP configuration soft key



show process cpu command


SIP T.38 fax relay call flow (figure) slip errors sniffers
515 266


294, 417

slip seconds error counter

397 176

show rtp statistics command

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



SNMP object navigator software advisor

179 179


signaling thresholds time ranges string pattern

535, 546 537 537 503

software bug toolkit software compatibility DID E&M FXO FXS SPE

store and forward fax

53, 71

digital voice card

197 190 184


subsystem codes (table)

118 193

supervisory answer dualtone command

symbols used in calling and called number strings (table) 53, 71


software search engine

233, 243

syslog and FTP servers and the CNS-PE (figure) syslog message
245 110


call disconnect reason codes diagnostic tests SPE auto-test

243 244

system error messages copying


SPE back-to-back test SPE start-up test speech recognition description

455 243

T.30 messages
520 521

T.30 transactions (figure)


speech recognition or synthesis fails (table) speech synthesis description

455 243 243 402

T.37 store-and-forward fax description T.38 fax relay description

509 510

T.37 store-and-forward fax topology (figure)

510 507

SPE port auto-test SPE port startup test SRC CAC problems SSAPP

H.323 and SIP call flow, H.323


stack decoder for IOS standardized header static

308 533

179 17, 35

call flow, SIP MGCP call flow




T.38 packet redundancy



AAA accounting accounting


T1/E1 digital voice port pinouts


aggregation levels configuring duration examples

543 581 541

550 538

T1/E1 trunk port pinouts


allowable storage capacities displayed records


T1 controller configuration,E1 controller configuration 265 T1 layer 1 problems,E1 layer 1 problems T1 or E1 Port Pinouts (table)
566 548
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



managing collection

T1 PRI table


minimum call duration





number matching examples using wildcard symbols object names and identifier values
255 19 277


EC detected FRMR from peer reason code CLASS EC LCL EC condition, locally detected reason code CLASS EC LD

QSIG troubleshooting commands recommended delay ranges



RJ-11-to-RJ-45 pinouts


error correction (EC) detected link disconnect (LD) from peer reason code 256 CLASS HOST requested by host reason code CLASS OTHER code summary
258 247 246 199 219

rules applied for executing exact and partial matching logic 72 serialization delay subsystem codes
297 456

speech recognition or synthesis fails


symbols used in calling and called number strings troubleshooting voice quality on voice ports VoIP error category codes Tables T1 or E1 Port Pinouts T-CCS
118 142 121 278 429 233 179 116 295

53, 71

disconnect reason code hexadecimal values E&M interface supervision signal description E&M supervisory signaling troubleshooting E&M type II signal states E&M type I signal states E&M type V signal states
202 200 207

TAC troubleshooting tools TCL

error codes for subsystem 1 (CCAPI) error codes for subsystem 2 (TCL IVR)

error codes for subsystem 10 (AFSAPP) error codes for subsystem 3 (application framework) 124

TCL applications MGCP scripting overview TCL script debugging development events loading
458 431 497 458 430 430 458

error codes for subsystem 4 (default session application) 126 error codes for subsystem 5 (H.323) error codes for subsystem 7 (SIP) error codes for subsystem 9 (VTSP)
127 133 140

settlement status codes testing

406 430 436 341

explanation of felds in the show voice port command 410 explanation of fields in the show mgcp command explanation of fields in the show mgcp connection command 408 explanation of fields in the show mgcp statistics command 412 FXS idle voltage
187 317

using TCP port TDM


TDR. <Emphasis>See time domain reflectometers telephone trunk interface telephony SPI terminals
14 173 197 277

H.225 call setup messages

H.323 and SIP standard category with corresponding Q.850 cause code information 592 IEC fields
115 19 18

telephony service provider terminal monitor command console, disabling logging

IVR module names

module dependent list parameters


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



terminating gateway test call id command testers

332 6

trace commands trace levels enabling

177 104

171, 174

terminating router/gateway

trace levels for MGCP debug output TrafficDirector transfer status

291 291 175 175, 176 176, 177


bit/block error rate (BERT/BLERT) cable testing fax mode voice mode

TrafficDirector RMON

troubleshooting tools for network management

177 289 244 174, 175, 176 171, 172, 173, 174, 530

testing equipment fiber-optic cables testing voice ports

router diagnostic commands third-party

227, 229, 291 229, 291 176, 177, 178 180

test port modem back-to-back command test voice port command TFTP download third-party tools
369 176, 177, 178 392

troubleshooting assistant troubleshooting tools


test voice port switch fax command

troubleshooting voice quality on voice ports (table) TTL. <Emphasis>See time-to-live value TTS description
455 456 456


time-division multiplexing

time domain reflectometers (TDRs) time domain reflectors (TDRs) time exceeded error message timesavers, usage in text time-to-live (TTL) value tips collecting debug output tips, usage in text toll bypass no ringback tone tone injection tools CiscoView
174, 175 290 xxv 272, 332 334 98 xxv 174 177 174

176, 177

troubleshooting turning off

verifying functionality

timer cluster-element announce command

debug commands

173 173 197 191 185

logging, console terminals

two-port E&M card front panel (figure) two-port FXO card front panel (figure) two-port FXS card front panel (figure) two-wire telephone trunk interface

typical application using ISDN BRI NT/TE VICs or ISDN BVMs (figure) 273


Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) TrafficDirector RMON troubleshooting network management third-party VlanDirector
174, 175, 176 175, 176

UK FXS implementation unable to break dial tone unable to send digits unbreakable dial tone upspeed

188 188

188, 194, 219, 223, 332

router diagnostic commands

176, 177, 178 175, 176

171, 172, 173, 174, 530

See also fax pass-through URLs in IVR scripts



Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide





voice call debug command voice call debug filter configuration output example set conditions
175, 176 55, 79 62 55, 79

35, 37, 99

use-proxy hwei-gk default inbound-to terminal command 361 use-proxy hwei-gk default outbound-from terminal command 362 utilities
174, 175

TrafficDirector RMON troubleshooting network management third-party VlanDirector

voice call debug filtering information

50, 69 50

50, 69

174, 175, 176 171, 172, 173, 174, 530

IP-toIP gateway restrictions

50, 69

router diagnostic commands

176, 177, 178 175, 176

supported debug commands voice call debugs voice call tuning

50, 69

51, 70

voice call performance statistics on cisco gateways

239, 309


296, 308 308 308 308


309 193

voice class dualtone-detect-params command voice codec bandwidth calculator voice control messages
235 239 234 180


H.323 gateways MGCP gateways values

voice crash dump file analysis benefits

235 235 236 238 235 238

voice DSP control message logger


time-to-live (TTL) variable delay verification

297 319 319

configuration configuring examples


digits received VHM

531 185

end-to-end signaling on the VoIP call leg VIC-2FXS VlanDirector

restrictions verification

voice-fastpath enable command voice hpi capture command voice mode testing
291 4 235

341 238

175, 176 176

voice hpi capture buffer command

VLAN port assignment troubleshooting VoFR

415 425

VoATM (Voice over ATM)

voice hpi capture destination command voice network call leg


VoFR (Voice over Frame Relay) overview

415 308 308

voice network dial peer matching voice over ATM (VoATM) voice over frame relay voice over IP (VoIP) basic terminology feature design
534 4 533 415 4 4


voice activity dectector voice aesa command

voice activity detection (see VAD)

425 5

voice over frame relay (VoFR) voice performance statistics

333 533

voice application call leg

voice call convert-discpi-to-prog command

Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide



restrictions voice ports analog


warnings, usage in text
260 xxv 53, 71

183 to ??

codec complexity, configuring configuring configuring troubleshooting tips digital verifying configuration fax mode, testing
229, 291 280 273 231 to ?? 280

wildcard symbols in destination patterns wireless troubleshooting center


verifying configuration

xGCP call routing

loopback function, testing testing

227, 289

228, 290 229, 291

zone bandwidth management zone cluster remote command
279 356 358

relay-related functions, testing

voice ports are configured as connection trunk voice ports in shutdown state voice port testing commands voice processor module voice quality
376, 388 ?? to 308 340 15, 17 15 279 289

voice quality, tuning

voice rtp send-recv command VoiceXML

429 454

voice telephony service provider error events

VoiceXML applications MGCP scripting overview overview

452 468 458

VoiceXML dialog completion status VoIP bandwidth consumption VoIP call leg VoIP over PPP volt-ohm meters VOM VPM VTSP
209 15 15, 17 260 3, 4, 322, 401 116 293

VoIP error category codes (table)

299 176, 177


Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide


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