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Extracted Pages From CAT FINAL BOOK MODULE 1

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(uollsenb M rsed)
e(n e(r o(z t.(t
:st q Jo anlP^ aq] uaq] ,00€ < q33
puE qll = z(qe) ]I 'uials^s raquinu lEuLp lensn aql Japun pau!,rep olp qloE .,qcf,, joqurnu
llBlp aorqi e pue,qE, raqunu irBtp oml E Eutulo1 sloBalut ]uasardal J,q,e slaqeqdle alll VT
(uolFenb tVf, lsEd)
0T (n e(r v(z r(T
lpua lcnpord aq llt^ soJaz a^llnoasuof, {ueut rvroq qilg .S }o s}uaualo lle
AldrllnN 00I ueql ssal pue Z o1 lEnba Jo ueq] rolEa.tB sJaqtxnu atlrjd 1o ias aql aq S lal II
(uorlsonb M rsEd)
069T (t ovnT ovs
G (e
09or (r
;1cnpo-rd pasear3ul stq] sr leqM.0?9 paseorcap seq lcnpo.rd oq] Ieqt spull puE
'lJnpojd stql ut g9 lo pEaisut gt sasn aqs 1nq ^q
laqlaBo1 sJaqulnu 7 Aldrlnu o+ seq pqstuph ,ZI
(uollsanb M lsEd)
zz'L'sa (v .sU .su
T9 9 (t Tr.9 .su (z tz.t (T
;pueq a1qrBe11r ur uauum ale ro alqtsr^ lou are
;, 1o e:e1d ur slrBp o,rnl alaqm uaq q3ea saop ]eLlM usql lsoo suaq ZZ .TT
-4.96 -.sU
8(? L(t 6Q 0(r
'rxtrl ualluM
l!8lp p,t88z aq] pull rapJo ur Jaded e uo o00I o] tr ulor] sJaqu.lnu aql lle sa rM urqles .0I
pouruJJalap aq touuef, (? 66 Z
r(r zp+Le '' ze (I
'g + V ]o enle^ sqi pull .g oi 1 ruo:tr srafalur lcurlsrp are
pue ,re, 'os1e pue t ]o saldrllnuL a:e .ze, pue ,re, araq,rn ,...zezeze.O = g pue ...ierere.g = y 6
8(' L(E e(z s(r
esaadnr lo loqunu aloqm seq Beq qcea Jt alnbal lltM
aq sleq,to iaqulnu unulruLu aql st leqM.uoqt urorl lunoue aqt 1no Bur1e1 lnoqlrivr sBeq
asaq] ]o .raquJnu urepec SurrrrB lunolue radold aq1 a^tB ue, all ,g6tr.s5 pue T.sU uaa^ l
-aq lunoule roJ )ise ue! auo^q
leql os sBeq ;o Jaqulnu e oiur 00I.sU apt^tp o] slue^ lruv
666 (y 68 686 (t 6 666 (Z 066 (r
LVt O-i'.O + 00tr x t9 0+ 9t'0 anle^ all] sl leqM
'1eLllou 1da1 Bureq sluretlsuoc pue suollpJado laqlo
uorle3rldrtlnht (r) uotst^to (t)
uorl3p.rlqns (z) uot]lppv (I)
:,{1uor.rd 1o rapro 3utno11o1 aq1 ur suorlelado le3t}elxaq}eu ullo,tJed L
Chapter QA

15 x, y and z are three positive integers such that x > y > z. Which of the fottowing is closest
to the product xyz? ,

1) (x - 1)yz 2) x(y - 1)z 3) xy(z - 1) 4) x(y + 1)z

(Pa6t CAT question)

DIRECILONS |or questions 78 to 20: Choose the correct alterndtive.

LO Let x < 0.50, O < y < 1, z > 1. Given a set of numbers, the middte number, when they are
arranged in ascending ordet is calted the median. So the median of the numbers x, y, and
z woutd be:
1) tess than one 2) between 0 and 1
3) greater than 1 4) cannot say
(Past CAT question)

17. Given odd positive integers x, y and z which of the following is not necessarity true?
,!) xzyzz2 is odd 2) 3(x2 + y3)22 is even.
3) 5x + y + za is odd 4) z2(xa + y4172 is even
(Past CAT question)

18. Let x < 0,0 < y < 1, z > 1. Which of the following may be fatse?
1) (x2 - z2) has to be positive. 2) yz has to be positive.
3) xy can never be zero. q (y2 - z2) is atways negative.
(Past CAT question)

1"e. rhe vatue ot * j5*$ *.j,

]ti""i-t- i.-
!-t 2)L 3)0 4)i

20a. How many three-digit numbers are divisibte by 7?

D r27 2) !28 3) 1"29 4) L42

20b. How many numbers between 400 and 800 are divisibte by 6?
D 1,32 2) 66 3) 67 4) 133


.(tr8 sr slrBrp
aq] lo Luns) 6 alqrsl^lp sl (saujtl tg)_________-__--___fffr
6Iq elqrsrrrp s! (9t stlBlp lo wns) 6Z^6ZL
'6 [q alqrsnrp sl sll81p s]! Jo uns aqt uaq/v\,6
alqtsl^tp sr lequnu V L
.g ^q
[q alqrsrntp pu st ZV9 sE g alqtsj^tp lou sl
g [q alqrstnrp sr ^q
824 se g a]qlst^tp sl gzLgtg

s, slBrp pueq ]q8!r aaJqr lseraL{}

,"'fffftff,""liHX"Jl;""']il,fir,ff1:iT,; 9

'9 Iq alqrsl^tp st +t oroloraql ,t

lle^ se Z ,(q alqrsrrrp sl ZT,\ZT
ejqtst^rp st ^q
lou tl arolaraqt .Z
lou tnq g alqtst^tp st tZT
^q ^q ^q
.g ,{q se
11an sE Z alqrsr^lp st lr uaq* .9 {q alqrsrnrp ,,
^q ;:::; I
'0 st .lo 9,{q elqrstarp sl i!B!p s,tlun s}t
uar]M,9 Iq alqtsl^tp sr raqulnu V
(? Iq alqrsr^rp tou ar''zo,.a.r sll'lp pupq
lqFu oa4 tsel oql sE) ? Aq alqrsr^rp iou sr z06T
'(00 are slt8tp oM] lsel oql sp) ? g66i
^q "1q,r,n,p.,

s siBp pueq ,LrB! o*i oq

"q,;;o;;;j'j:rlTll:l:ilffi l;H:,jl,l;",;r.llJfl'l,; t
.t Aq olqtst^tp sr (9 sr slrBrp lo uns) gZtr
.t Aq alqtst^rp sr sgtBrp s1l Jo urns aql uaqrvr,g,(q olqlst^tp st Jaqu.tnu V a
'ppo sr ]rBrp sltun aql se Aq alqrsrnrp
7 lou sr 64I
.0 sl Jo
Z,{q alqrsrnrp st }tBrp S}tun s}t uaqM,7 Aq elqrstnrp }t Jaqunu
sloqunu rol slsal iql1qtsl^tg

slsal ureua, a^Eq aM,sraqLUnu;o,{,lqrsrnrp

^rr,qrsr^rp )3aql o_L ,n, no ,0,;,T,"0'"rX:"*,lHI }:
iaqurnu aql uaql ,ojoz st Joputptl]al aq] pue
,I, lequ-tnu laqloue Iq paplnrp st ,x, taqulnu e ueLlM


G;i4n q-
llndeIV3 @
Chapter QA

8. A number is divisibte by 10, when its unit's digit is 0.

9. A number is divisibte by 11, when the difference between the sum of the digits in the
ptaces and the sum of the digits in the even ptaces is 0 or a multipte of 11.
,vote: when any number with an even number of digits is added to its reverse, the sum. is
10. A number is divisibte by 12, when it is divisible by 3 and 4 both.

11. A number is divisibte by 15, when it is divisibte by 3 and 5 both

225 is divisibte by 3 as wett as 5 .. it is divisibte by 15
L225 is divisibte by 5 but not by 3 .. it is not divisibte by L5

l-2. A number is divisibte by L25, when the number formed by the last three right hand digits
is divisibte by 1,25 or the tast three right hand digits are zero.

Note: The resutts obtained bythe divisibilitytests are atso usefutin determiningthe value
of the remainder in a division operation
sum oi digits = 3+ 4+6+8+9=30
/ 30\ 34689
Remainder of I 9) = 3. Hence, remainder of
\ 9 =3

Find the value of 'x' if:

L. 59x is divisibte by 6.
2. 2O4853x9 is divisibte bY 9.
3. x557x55 is divisibte bY 11.
4. 9321,68932168x is divisibte by 1"2.

Answer Key

8',n 6',t 9'z v'r



Ix0t9=gtT,xt= I x 80I= LZxoz=otg..a_l

Joqlo q3ea oi eur.Jd
aJe qctqM s,olJel o^ t jo lrnpold sp passsrdxe ,::'il :
I = rtZ ",
= Jo ,"qrnp ...
(u = t = stoiee; aull.rd iuala#tp lo .laqu]nu ,.a.1)
eultld luelagtp Jo laqurnu aq] sl ru e]auM
r-,2 sr ieqlo qoea or aurud ,il"n,r"t") i?"tifi:i
s.rolr'lo,t ]o ,npord oql sE possardxa N ,",jrni:" qlrqM ur sAeM lo reqLunu aqr .T
sropu; eugld ;noqy

'96 = gV _ nvl slolgel ua^a

= Jo uns aql
'V = i _ g slol9ej ua^a
= ]o laqunu aqI
8?=8x q= T'-L,' I-9
'v = z x z = (r + r)
n + r)=,r,"; ;.;;; J dr; fiT#;rJ"'f:ff Ji
*,.- - I-L .. T-g .. T-Z
01, + 9t + vI
+ otr + L + g + Z + I = srost^tp
lo uns
0L ,9€ ,vI 'oT 'L ,9 ,Z '.t t.a.l
I = z x z x Z= (T + r)(r + r)(r + 1; = srosl^lp Jo raqurnN

Jaqu..lnu 3ql Jaqunu aq] Jo srolrpl lo requnu
relor = joqrunu
oul 'ce x,r,"+'r^l:il!i;-3',;j1*,1t,,1"";i"l.1:j,':
pauretqo Jaqunu p
]o sJolle+ lo laqurnu aq1 o1
l:tT#":t:r; H,lffi'li?
taqlr-tnu lenba'sr B +o sJotf,E] ppo ]o laqu.lnu eLlI

I-c T o r-p
f];' f-,-S I-;F :sr s-rosr^'p 3ql lo urns 3q1

(d + T)(u + T)(ru + T) sr,sraqlunu aluud ere

r,q.e araqm

eraqM Graslr Jequrnu aq] puu

6J'uQ *E= \;
l Burpnlcu4 N raquJnu ua^r' e
]o s,osr^rp lo raqurnu aq1
pa'e3 sr sroise+ au,d srr;o
lcnpo-rd e se (raqunu rernleu e sr oraLrM) Jaqrunu
N N :xl.tr-"il]

11nde1y3 @
Chapter QA

2. Can you think of the smaltest number N such that it can be expressed as a product of two
factors which are relatively prime in 8 ways?
For N to be expressed as product of two relativety prime factors in 8 ways
N = al x b* x cn x dp, where a, b, c and d are distinct prime factors and l, m, n and p are
natural nu mbers.

For N to be the teast, t = m = n = p = L and a, b, c and d shoutd be the least prime

numbers .. N = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 21O.


q : if N = 72, lhen find the number of pairs (a, b), such that a and b are the factors of N and a
x b = N having the value of 'a' less than 'b'.
The. factors of 72 are:
L,2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, t2, :-8,24,36 and 72
If. we form pairs (a, b), then the lowest factor when multiptied bythe highest factor witl give
72, ihe 2nd lowest factor when muttiptied by the second highest factor witt give 72 and so on.
The total number of such pairs can be given as:
lr x 72l, 12 x 361, 13 x 24l, 14 x 181, b x r2l, [8 x 9] i.e. a totat of 6 pairs

Note: To find the number of such pairs such that a x b = N

l-. For numbers with odd number of factors

(Totat number of factors + 1.)
Total number of pairs where 3 >< [ = \ = 2
2- For numbers with even number oi factors
(Total umber of factors

Q: If N = 72, then find the number of pairs (a,b) for N such that a and b are
the factors of N and are co-prime to each other.
A: The numbers that have no common factor other than L are co-prime to one another
Totat number of factors o1 1= (3+1) x (2+1) = 4x3=L2
1. Al[ factors witt be co-prime with 1.
2. Powers of 2 witt be co-prime with powers of 3.
To find the number of pairs as in (1) above,
With 1we have 1L pairs of factors that are co-prime with each other
To find the number of pairs as in (2) above,
Powers of 2 (that are Iactors of 72) = 2t,22 and 23 i.e. a total of 3 factors


t. 54 2.437

rlay lervrsuy
69 x ,L x 612 ]o sJo]f,e] aulld-uou lto laqunu aql pull .Z
.0zgg .I
lo slo]3e,r. +o lequJnu aql putj


'uorssasf,ns ut paijl aq plnoqs slaqulnu aullJd or]] ,luapt^a lou alp stost^rp uaqM
EI x t xZx t xt x9xa =tT x 9 x 6 x 0I = oZOL,snq1

aoL 6
oa1 L OI
'ault.ld st tI luatlonb aql .9 lol lprll luatlonb
lxau aql pue '6 loJ lsal aql sausllPs tuatlonb lsrg aqt :OI alqrst^tp Alsnot^qo st laquJnu oqI : V
^q .020/ eztJolcel :

LT,= g + trI aq ll!/vl slled otutjd_o3 ]o laqutnu lelol aql ,lle uI

t6 '81 'ts '81 '16'nl ltE 'rl 't6 'Zl'lE'zl'a'l g = Z x E = sred otqrssod +o raqunu aql os
S.roilel Z lo letol e .o.t zt pue $ = (ZL ]o sjolle] srB leqt) t
lo sjeMod

sulShnN i


llndeIV3 i

chapter QA



There are three boxes of fruit. The first box contains just Apptes, second contain just Oranges and
the third box contains a mixture of both. Each box is labelted - one says "Apptes", the second
says "Oranges", and the tast says "Apptes & Oranges." But it is known that none of the boxes
are tabelted correctty.

The task is to tabet each of the boxes correctly. However you are only allowed to pick one box
and exactty one piece of fruit from that box will be shown to you. What witl be your strategy?

ApplEs& oranEej ,4pp les OrEnC€s



-ulnu lelnleu anilnsosuos atoul lo oM+ jl.o tl,]ns e se uautJM aq asJaq

0zz uet sr{ein Aueui.,r,rJq u1 tT

auo^o are 024 lo srolteJ [ueu ,rno;1 .ZT

't00t oz olsej ,ll

esJolf,el ua^a Z Jo ]3npold p se uaUtJM aq OZI uet s^e^ Iueul Moq uI '0r

re(? w(e 9LG o8(r

au.lps aql sapr^tp rg ]t Japuleujer aLll aq
ijaqunu lltM 1eq171
7 pue
tr are pauteiqo slapuretl.Jal oql ,, pue
Aq ?,t raqu.lnu e ]o uotsr^tp oql .rauv 6
971 Aq alqrsrrrp aq ]snul }t uaql 09 puB 0, qloq Aq alqlst^rp sl raqrlnu e .^r
97 Aq elqrsrnrp aq lsnru arenbs sll uaql 9 olqrsr^rp sr raqLunu e;; .rr
. VZ Aq oiqlsr^rp aq lsnu y uaql 8 pup t rltoq Aq
^q alqrsrnrp ,, ,"qrnu :,,
?Z Iq alqtst^tp aq ]snt! lt uaql 9 pue 3 qloq Aq alqtst^tp sr ,"q,-rn, " :,
" 11
:aslel .lo anll olels 8

eZ9 L (^l 99rr (!!! v6s (| 98rr (!

LIT pue 6'[ Aq alqtsr^tp ete Bulmo11ol aql ]o q3lqM + L

8vb 8r(r nz(. %O

e l.o lcnpo.rd aql aq louuE, .q pue
Burn^o1]o1 aql Jo qcrqM ,?Z Aq alqrsr^rp sl qeg9t6 raqunu aq]
+I 9

i99 Aq papr^tp aq VZ6O66 ue) I

zr(v e(r EG zo
Aq alqrst^lp slerrle sr sJaqujnu lelnleu. a^jtn3asuo3 aaJql
1o icnpotd aq1

:asleJ ro anJl alPls v

ay7 {q alqrsrnrp ZtvggLg6l sI C

Ou" r.,"Ornu +o JrEd o.lt lralas aM uec slean Aueu anoq ut ,6 alqlst^tpXi#rl:?":;
" (q

aq pue e jo uns aql st lEqM ,6 ^q [q alqtsrnrp sl IrOq6ZBt ]I (e


'x +o anlE^ aq} atreinllel .IT Iq alqrsr^rp s! t6xt9ll, JI


uoll€zlrolrPJ'slsat &!!!qls!^!o

;!.-l_r FiEi
llndelv3 @

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