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Libtong Integrated School
DepEd-Division of La Union

Integrating technology in the classroom teaching contributes to quality education. Technology
is one of the current trends in education to make teaching and learning become effective. This study
aimed to improve the Science competency in matter of Grade V learners of Libtong Integrated School
through Computer-Based Instructional Materials. Sets of test materials, questionnaire and researcher-
made localized computer-based instructional materials were validated and used. This study made use
of the one-group pretest-and-posttest design. The researcher used weighted mean and t-test to analyze
results. Respondents were the eighteen (18) Grade V learners of Libtong Integrated School. Findings
revealed that the learners’ level of competency before the intervention was low, while after the
intervention, was high. Almost all of the learners have improved in their competence in Science. There
is a significant difference in the competency of the learners before and after the experimentation. Using
the computer-based instructional materials improved the science competency of the Grade V learners.
It was concluded that the use of localized computer-based instructional materials in teaching Science
can help learners to perform well. It is recommended that teachers should integrate technology in
teaching science and have it localized for better performance.

Keywords: Learning competency, matter, localization, computer-based instructional materials,

technology integration, Science Education

1. Introduction
Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to
be informed and participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding
applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impact. The science
curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in everyday human affairs. It integrates
science and technology in the civic, personal, social, economic, and the values and ethical aspects of
life. The science curriculum promotes a strong link between science and technology, including
indigenous technology, keeping our country’s cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact (K to 12
Curriculum Guide in Science, 2012).
Learners are at the center of the teaching-learning process. Integrating Information and
Communication Technology into teaching and learning has become a great concern for many educators
in developing countries like the Philippines. Information and Communication Technology must be used
and taught in powerful and meaningful ways. With its rapid development, educators should find ways
to integrate technology in the learning process. ICT should not drive education; rather, educational goals
and needs should drive its use in schools (Bonifacio, 2013). Teachers need to be artistic in presenting
the lesson so that learners will be motivated to learn. Hence, their competence along science skills and
processes will be improved. One way of making teachers to be artistic in presenting the lesson is through
the use of computer-based instructional materials.
With this, it is very important that as teachers develop their learners to become 21st century
children, they themselves should also be 21st century educators. Indeed, there is a need for the teachers
to be computer-literate so that they could also provide the needs of the learners particularly on
enhancing their performances and competencies along Science using the computer-based instructional
materials. The teachers cannot give what they do not have. Therefore, for the teachers to be capable of
using the computers, they should also have sufficient knowledge in using technology in teaching.
Computers are used in many ways in teaching science. Students use computers to acquire and
display experimental data, to digitally analyze videotaped phenomena, and to mathematically model
systems. Many studies have shown that students who go through active-engagement computer-based
activities do better than students who go through traditional instructions (Steinberg, 2000). Technology
tools are one way to expose children to this type of learning. Indeed, as researchers have begun to
understand more about the situations in which students learn best, they have found that “the structure
and resources of traditional classrooms” are often inadequate and that “technology – when used
effectively – can enable ways of teaching that are much better matched to how children learn”
(Roschelle et al., 2000). While many studies of technology used in the classroom have reported mixed
results, the largest gains seem to occur when technology tools are used to teach science and mathematics
(Roschelle et al., 2000). Current multimedia technologies allow students to interact with information in
new ways, change content, and even create their own visualizations. Such interactivity enables a wide
variety of users to access content. Relative to the existing program of the Department of Education on
Contextualization and Localization of instructional materials, the computer-based instructional
materials that the researcher will make use will be localized in content. Anecdotal evidence from
practitioners, (Baker et al., 2009; Boroch et al., 2007; Johnson, 2002) as cited by Perin, 2011 suggests
that lower-skilled learners benefit from contextualization, not because it helps them become flexible
learners but because it increases their mastery of basic skills as well as increases likelihood of transfer
of basic skills to content courses that does not occur in traditional, decontextualized learning
Contextualization develops new skills, knowledge, abilities and, attitudes of the learners in
presenting different topics in meaningful and relevant context. In contextualization and localization,
teachers can present the lesson in a more meaningful and relevant context based on the learner’s
previous experiences and real-life situations. Both of which adhere in making a lesson flexible, fit,
creative, relevant and meaningful and adaptive to student’s level of understanding and instructional
needs. Learners are put in a natural and actual learning environment letting them manipulate, relate, and
adapt to various learning opportunities and resources available within the locality or community,
profound learning will be assured and realized. It helps teachers and students comprehend concepts by
relating and presenting lesson in the context of prevailing local environment, culture, and resources.
Hence, lessons are becoming more realistic, customized, and appropriate (Torres, 2015). It is important
to note therefore that to contextualize, teachers use authentic materials, and anchor teaching on the
context of learner’s lives. Sad to note that after the teacher has employed the different techniques and
methods of teaching Science using the different Instructional materials appropriate to the subject
matters, still the result is unsatisfactory. Out of the eight (8) schools of Burgos District, results of the
National Achievement Test revealed that Science has the lowest percentage of mastery compared to the
other core subjects.
In Libtong Integrated School, Science also has the lowest percentage of mastery in the National
Achievement Test compared to the other learning areas. Science has a Mean Percentage Score of 70.95
which is below the National Target but it is nearing mastery. The result of the Periodical Examination
of the learners particularly in science was also below the 75% mastery. It is for this reason that the
researcher found interest in conducting an action to help solve the problem in improving the science
competence of the Grade V learners. The use of researcher-made computer-based instructional
materials was used in the teaching-learning process. In the study of Ghavifekr, et.al (2015), showed that
technology-based teaching and learning is more effective as compared to traditional classroom. It is
because using ICT tools and equipment will prepare an active learning environment that is more
interesting and effective for both teachers and students. Bai et. al. (2016), Student test scores improved
when ICT is integrated into the teaching programme. Both better and poorer performing students
benefited when ICT is integrated.

2. Method
2.1. Research Design
The researcher used the one group pre-test and post-test design. The one group pre-test and
post-test design is an experimental research design where there is only one group of sample of which is
given a pre-test given before the intervention is given and a post-test after the intervention has already
been given. After this, the results of the pre-test and post-test are compared for the analysis. This design
was appropriate because the results of the pre-test and post-test used to compare the performance of the
learners before and after the intervention. It is experimental because there is an intervention made to
determine the performance of the learners in Science.
2.2. Participants
The respondents of the study were the eighteen (18) learners from Grade V of Libtong
Integrated School, Burgos, La Union. There were 10 males and 8 females. The researchers made use of
the purposive sampling to determine the respondents. A purposive sample is a non-probability sample
that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Purposive
sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. The respondents who got a
score below the passing score during the two (2) consecutive summative tests administered by the
researcher were the respondents of the study.
2.3. Instrumentation
The tool in gathering the data was a researcher made test composed of the quizzes which were
based on the learning competencies in Science conducted after every lesson and pretest and posttest
given before and after the implementation. The quizzes given were 10 item tests. Those who got a score
of 7 and below were the respondents and undergone the intervention. The respondents were given the
pre-test before the formal instruction for the First Grading Period. For the first two (2) weeks the
respondents were taught in the traditional way of teaching. Then, they were given two (2) consecutive
summative tests. After they were given the summative tests, the experimentation started. The
respondents were taught in the conventional way of teaching using the localized computer-based
instructional materials where all the lessons were presented in PowerPoint presentations. After the
experimentation, post-test was administered to the respondents. The results were presented in tables,
analyzed and interpreted.
The researcher made tests were validated by three (3) validators. Two (2) of which were school
heads (Principal III & Principal IV) and one (1) Master Teacher II of Burgos District with a score of 4
which is much valid.
2.4. Data Analysis
To determine the level of competence of Grade V learners along Science before and after the
experimentation, weighted mean and data categorization were used. T-test dependent was used to
determine the significant difference in the competence of the Grade V learners before and after the

Level of Competency

Statistical Range Descriptive Rating

9 - 10 Very Highly Competent

7.0 – 8.99 Highly Competent

5.0 – 6.99 Competent

3.0 – 4.99 Low Competent

1.0 – 2.99 Very Low Competent

3. Results
3.1. Learners’ level of competency along properties and structure of matter using the
traditional method of teaching

Table 1 shows the data of the learners’ level of competency along properties and structure of
matter using the traditional method of teaching. The table shows that the learners got a mean score of
3.99 in the pre-test. It can be gleaned in the table that the learners got a below of 75% mastery level
before the intervention.
Table 1. Learners’ level of competency along properties and structure of matter using the
traditional method of teaching
Competency Mean Descriptive Rating
Properties of some materials
3.94 Low Competence
Useful and harmful properties of
4.05 Low Competence
Mean 3.99 Low Competence

3.2. Learners’ level of competence in Science along changes that matter undergo using
localized computer-based instructional materials

Table 2 shows the data of the learners’ level of competence in Science along changes that
matters undergo using the localized computer-based instructional materials in teaching. It can be
perceived from the table that the mean score of the learners is 8.16 or 81.6% with a descriptive rating
of highly competent. The level of competency of the learners have improved and obtained mastery

Table 2. Learners’ level of competence along changes that matter undergo using the localized
computer-based instructional materials
Competency Mean Descriptive Rating
Investigate changes that happen in
materials under the following
a. presence and lack of 7.5 Highly Competent
b. application of heat 8.67 Highly Competent
Recognize the importance of recycle, 8.20 Highly Competent
reduce, reuse, recover and repair in
waste management
Design a product out of local, 8.28 Highly Competent
recyclable solid and/ or liquid
materials in making useful products
Mean 8.16 Highly Competent

3.3. Percentage of learners with improved competence

Table 3 shows the data of the learners with improved competence. It can be gleaned from the
table that the scores of the learners from pre-test to post-test have been increased. This shows that all
the learners have improved their competence.
Table 3. Percentage of learners with improved competence
Respondents Pre-test Post-Test % of increase in Scores
5 13 40
8 16 40
10 17 35
6 18 60
10 17 35
7 18 55
10 14 20
8 19 55
12 19 35
9 16 35
8 15 35
9 17 40
14 19 25
10 18 40
14 17 15
14 20 30
11 18 35
6 16 50

3.4. Significant difference in the mean scores of the learners before and after the

Table 4 shows the mean scores of the learners before and after the experimentation. It is
reflected in the table that the mean score during the pre-test is 9.5 while in the post-test is 17.06. It is
revealed in the table that the computed p-value (2.04E-11) is lesser than the critical value (0.05). It can
be gleaned in the table that there is a significant difference in the competence of the learners before and
after the experimentation.

Table 4. Significant difference in the mean scores of the learners before and after the
N Mean Score St. Deviation P-value Critical Value
Pretest 18 9.5 7.56

Posttest 18 17.06 3.35 2.04E-11 0.05

4. Discussions
4.1. Learners’ level of competency along properties and structure of matter using the
traditional method of teaching
Table 1 shows that the learners’ level of competency along properties and structure of matter
using the traditional method of teaching was low. This implies that the learners performed poorly using
the traditional way of teaching. Likewise, in competency on properties of some and useful and harmful
materials was also found to be low which means that the learners don’t have the knowledge about the
competencies to be learned. This finding was in accordance with what Costes (2016) found in her study
that the pretest of the control group was low using the traditional method of teaching. In like manner,
the result of the study was in consonance with the findings of Alvarez (2010) as cited by Costes (2016)
which showed that the pretest of the control group was found to be low and showed that those students
taught using the traditional method lacked scientific abilities in the subject.
4.2. Learners’ level of competence in Science along changes that matter undergo using
localized computer-based instructional materials
As observed in table 2, the level of competence of Grade V learners in Science along changes
that materials undergo using the localized computer-based instructional materials was highly
competent. This means that the learners performed well using the localized computer-based
instructional materials in teaching. This implies that the learners performed well in investigating
changes that happen in materials under the application of heat using the localized computer-based
instructional materials. Along the competency, investigate changes that happen in materials under the
presence and lack of oxygen was also highly competent. This means that the learners still performed
well under this competency. Based on the above results, using the localized computer-based
instructional materials are very useful in the teaching-learning process as well as in improving the
performance level of the learners. This finding supports Costes (2016) study that pupils exposed to
Computer-Aided instruction performed better than those taught by the Traditional Method of teaching
Grade V Science. In consonance to this finding was the study of Ronquillo (2016) that the use of
multimedia technology can positively improve the Science performance of the students as compared to
the traditional method of teaching.
4.3. Percentage of learners with improved competence
Table 3 shows that the learners had improved in their competence. This implies that learners
performed well using the localized computer-based instructional materials. Based on the result of the
pre-test and the post-test there is an improvement with regards to their scores. As perceived on the table,
the competence of the learners has improved. One hundred percent (100%) of the learners have
improved in their competence. This implies that using the localized computer-based instructional
materials are very useful tools in the teaching-learning process and can improve the competence of the
learners. This finding supports Osborne & Collins (2000) and Newton & Rogers (2003) that new
technologies help to increase student motivation, facilitate clearer thinking, and develop interpretation
skills with data. This finding confirms the study conducted by Costes (2016) that pupils exposed to the
Computer-Aided instruction obtained a higher mean performance in the post-test compared to the pre-
4.4. Significant difference in the mean scores of the learners before and after the
Table 4 presents the significant difference in the competence of the learners before and after
the experimentation. Based on the result, there is a significant difference in the competence of the
learners before and after the experimentation. This implies that the learners can learn more and improve
their competence when the lessons are presented in multimedia. Teachers should present their lesson
using multi-media instruction to further improve their performance. This finding supports the study of
Remolacio (2016) that there is a significant difference between the science performances of the students
exposed to multimedia technology and traditional method before and after the experimentation. This
finding confirms the results of the study conducted by Barlis and Farjardo (2013) as cited by Costes
(2016) that the performance of both groups, students’ scores increased significantly from the pre-test to
the post-test, in both multiple choice questions and problem solving regardless of methods used. In
consonance to this finding was the study of Ballesteros (2015) that there is a significant difference in
the improvement of the learners in Science using localization and contextualization approach in
teaching Science

5. Conclusions
The learners performed poorly using the traditional method of teaching. The localized
computer-based instructional materials can improve the performance and competence of the learners in
Science. The use of localized computer-based instructional materials in teaching Science can improve
the teaching-learning process and help learners to perform well. Presenting the lessons using multimedia
can make and help learners grasp and understand the lessons better. Teachers should design and present
their lessons in a manner that learners can learn better to further improve their performance.

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