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Inverted 5 Spot

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Novel Method for Inverted Five-Spot Reservoir Simulation at High

Water-Cut Stage Based on Time-Varying Relative Permeability
Ke Sun,* Huiqing Liu, Yuejie Wang, Lizhen Ge, Jiawei Gao, and Wei Du

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ABSTRACT: After large-scale and long-term waterflooding,

reservoir physical properties such as the pore throat structure
Downloaded via on May 29, 2020 at 01:03:00 (UTC).

and rock wettability may change. In this paper, the relative

permeability curves under different water injection volumes
through core-flood experiments were used to characterize the
comprehensive changes of various reservoir physical properties at
high water-cut stage. The novel concept of “water cross-surface
flux” was proposed to characterize the cumulative flushing effect on
the reservoir by injected water, and a novel method for inverted
five-spot reservoir simulation at high water-cut stage based on
time-varying relative permeability curves was established. From the
relative permeability curves measured through two cores from the
X oilfield under different water injection volumes (100, 500, 1000,
1500, and 2000 PV), it is found that with the increase of injected
water volume, the two-phase co-flow zone becomes wider, the water permeability under residual oil saturation increases, and the
residual oil saturation decreases. A waterflooding core model was established, simulated, and verified by the method proposed in this
paper. It is found that using time-varying permeability curves for simulation, the highest oil recovery factor (61.58%) can be obtained
with injected water volume up to 2000 PV, and the purpose of improved oil recovery (IOR) can be achieved by high water injection
volume, but the increment is only approximately 10%. Besides, a waterflooding model of an inverted five-spot reservoir unit based on
the X oilfield was also established, simulated, and analyzed. Simulation results have shown that no matter which set of core
permeability curves measured from 100 to 2000 PV is directly used alone, the oil recovery factor will be simulated inaccurately. The
findings of this study can help in better understanding the quantitative description of the oil recovery changes with time-varying
reservoir physical properties in high water-cut reservoirs during waterflooding.

1. INTRODUCTION decrease of residual oil saturation, which can usually improve

Waterflooding is by far the most widely applied method in the development effect on reservoirs. Through a number of
improving oil recovery.1−7 However, large-scale and long-term waterflooding experiments on different types of cores,
Loahardjo et al.24 confirmed that in the process of sequential
water injection will cause reservoirs to enter the high water-cut
waterflooding, the residual oil saturation decreased significantly
stage, even the extra-high water-cut stage, and the yield will
from one flood to the next. Loahardjo et al.25 also
seriously drop in the meantime.8−11 For decades, the oilfield
demonstrated the systematic decrease of residual oil saturation
development industry in China has gradually formed a
during sequential waterflooding by nuclear magnetic resonance
technology series featuring water injection technology.12
imaging measurements of in situ saturations. Laboratory tests
Meanwhile, most oilfields in China have entered the stage of
on sandstone and limestone also showed that, even without
high water-cut and high oil recovery. According to statistics,
changing the salinity, the oil recovery also increased from one
most of the large old oilfields (Daqing oilfield, Shengli oilfield,
and Zhongyuan oilfield) have entered or approached the
ultrahigh water-cut stage, and the average water-cut in these Received: March 27, 2020
oilfields is above 90%.13,14 Accepted: May 19, 2020
Many scholars15−23 have found that after large-scale and
long-term waterflooding, reservoir physical properties such as
the pore throat structure and rock wettability may change, thus
leading to the increase of displacement efficiency and the

© XXXX American Chemical Society https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c01388

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flood to the next. Yang et al.26 conducted several waterflooding Through the experimental analysis, Zhang et al. 34
experiments with long cores taken from the production wells at summarized six main factors that may affect oil recovery of
ultrahigh water-cut period (average water-cut 91.6%) in the high-volume water injection reservoirs, including three micro-
Shuanghe oilfield and found that with the increase of flooding scopic factors and three macroscopic factors. The three
degree, the overall porosity and permeability of the reservoir microscopic factors are the mineral composition, the pore
became higher and the wettability changed to be more throat structure, and the rock wettability, and the three
hydrophilic. Comparing the relative permeability curves under macroscopic factors are the residual oil saturation, the oil
different water injection volumes (10 vs 1400 PV, PV is the displacement efficiency, and the relative permeability. They
short form of pore volume), they found that the water referred that it was the above three microscopic mechanisms
saturation of the oil−water crossover point increased from that led to the changes of the three macroscopic properties,
51.19 to 55.63%, the oil−water co-flow zone increased from and the changes of the other five factors above can be fully
52.42 to 55.63%, and the water relative permeability under embodied in the changes of relative permeability curves.
residual oil saturation increased from 16.63 to 28.36% on the Relative permeability is a function of the wetting phase
map of relative permeability curves. Wu27 also conducted the saturation, which is also affected by petrophysical properties
experimental research on reservoir cores from the Shengtuo (including pore throat structure and wettability), fluid
oilfield (average water-cut, 96%), which had been developed properties, and experimental conditions (including saturation
with waterflooding for 39 years, and revealed that a number of history, temperature, and displacement pressure differ-
solid particles in the sandstone reservoir were flushed out ence).35−40 Under the same fluid properties and experimental
during long-term waterflooding, which led to a better conditions, the influence of petrophysical property changes on
permeability. She also found that the rock wettability changed fluid flow can be reflected in different relative permeability
from lipophilic to strongly hydrophilic, which, as a result, curves synthetically, which are able to characterize the relative
increased the displacement efficiency and oil recovery. Han et transport capability of each fluid.41−43 Therefore, the authors
consider that the changing characteristics of different reservoir
al.28 had selected 12 cores from the Fuyu oilfield at high water-
physical properties during the high-volume water injection
cut stage (average water-cut, 86.55%) for experimental
process can be characterized by different relative permeability
research and found that with the increase of injected water
curves comprehensively.
volume (10−100 PV), the oil−water co-flow zone on the map
Relative permeability curves can be estimated by laboratory
of relative permeability curves became wider with an average experiments or prediction models.44 In the lab, the oil−water
increase of 20.25%, the residual oil saturation reduced with an relative permeability curves under different water injection
average decrease of 20.78%, and the endpoint value of the volumes can be easily measured, and the comprehensive time-
water phase slightly increased with an average increase of varying characteristics of reservoir physical properties can be
10.71%. By summing up these studies, it can be concluded that characterized by different relative permeability curves. If
with the increase of water injection volume, rock solid particles relative permeability curves corresponding to different water
and cement between pores may fall off, the pore throat sizes injection volumes measured through core-flood experiments
become larger and larger, and the wettability may change to be can be reasonably used in the simulation process of actual high
more hydrophilic, which eventually leads to a great decrease of water-cut reservoirs, then the characterization problem of time-
residual oil saturation and a significant increase of displace- varying reservoir properties can be solved. Guided by this train
ment efficiency. of thought, taking the inverted five-spot reservoir unit at high
Although lots of studies have confirmed that reservoir water-cut stage as an example, the novel concept of “water
properties may alter during the process of high-volume water cross-surface flux (CF)” was first proposed to characterize the
injection, the current commercial simulators fail to quantita- cumulative flushing effect on the reservoir by injected water,
tively describe the oil recovery changes with time-varying the conversion relationship of water injection volume between
reservoir physical properties,29−31 which cannot adapt to the the laboratory core and actual inverted five-spot reservoir was
actual demand of effective waterflooding for reservoir develop- deduced, and a universal reservoir simulation method was
ment at high water-cut stage and also increases the difficulty established to realize characterization of time-varying physical
for history matching.32,33 Therefore, it is urgent to carry out properties in high water-cut reservoirs based on time-varying
research on the simulation method that can characterize the relative permeability curves by interpolating calculation in the
effects of time-varying reservoir physical properties on the simulator, which can not only avoid errors of the statistical
development of high water-cut reservoirs. analysis data but also be easily applied to other waterflooding
Based on statistical analysis of the actual production reservoirs. Then, a waterflooding core model was established
performance data and field core plugs, some research- and simulated to verify the reliability and accuracy of using
ers29,30,45,47,48,50,51 intended to find the time-varying relation- time-varying relative permeability curves for simulation, and a
ships between different reservoir physical parameters by fitting waterflooding model of an inverted five-spot reservoir unit
analysis and then establish a specific model to simulate the based on the X oilfield was also established, simulated, and
developing process of high water-cut reservoirs during analyzed for an application using the new simulation method
waterflooding. However, most of the statistical analysis data proposed in this paper.
are obtained from core-flood experiments; whether the micro
laboratory data can be directly applied to the macro actual 2. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS
reservoir may need further demonstration. Moreover, the 2.1. Method Overview. A new component is set in the
statistical analysis data are usually obtained from and applied simulator to receive time-varying values from interpolating
for a specific reservoir; thus, the specific model cannot be calculation with different relative permeability curves. For a
directly extended to other reservoirs for simulation applica- specific reservoir (or core), in addition to setting the initial
tions. water component WATER-INI (corresponding to the
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irreducible water saturation Swc), injected water WATER-INJ is grid is meshed too small, unrealistic calculation values
regarded as a new water component. Before simulation, it is will be obtained.
necessary to input a series of mole fractions of injected water (3) The calculation results will be meaningful only under
component (M1, M2, M3, ...) and the corresponding series of appropriate size of grid cells; besides, the simulation of
relative permeability curves (KR1, KR2, KR3, ...) under the refined blocks cannot be performed as well.48
different mole fractions as the basis for interpolating Thus, based on the previous studies,48−51 the novel concept
calculation. The variable PV is generally used to measure the of water cross-surface flux (CF) is proposed to characterize the
volume of injected water, defined as the ratio of cumulative cumulative flushing effect of high-volume water injection on
water volume injected into the reservoir (or core) to its total the reservoir, defined as the cumulative injected water volume
pore volume. In the oil−water system, assuming that the molar through a unit water cross-surface, namely
volume for both initial and injected water components is equal
at all temperatures and pressures, the mole fraction M of the Winj
injected water component for the oil zone can be calculated by CF =
A real (3)
PV, and the expression is as follows
For simplification, it is assumed that the volume of injected
M= water flowing through each cross-surface is stable, and the oil
nWATER − INJ + nWATER − INI saturation before the cross-surface has reduced to the residual
VWATER − INJ oil saturation.
= For laboratory cores, assuming they are homogeneous and
the waterflooding front advances evenly, a one-dimensional
= Swc
waterflooding core model is established as shown in Figure 1.
1+ PV (1)
For core-flood simulation, the mole fraction of the injected
water component can be calculated directly by eq 1 above. It
should be noted that due to the huge size difference between
the core and the reservoir, the water injection volume in core-
flood experiments can reach dozens, hundreds, or even
thousands of PV, but in actual waterflooding reservoirs, the
water injection volume is always much smaller, which is usually
less than 1 PV. Therefore, the water injection volume of the
laboratory core (PVc) cannot be directly equivalent to that of
the actual reservoir (PVr). Generally, a series of core-scale
relative permeability curves (KR1, KR2, KR3, ...) under different Figure 1. One-dimensional waterflooding core model.
water injection volumes (PVc1, PVc2, PVc3, ...) can be obtained
directly from laboratory core-flood experiments. If the
conversion relationship between PVc and PVr can be In the one-dimensional coordinate system shown in Figure
established, then the different relative permeability curves 1, taking the integral average value of the water cross-surface
can be used in the simulation process of the actual reservoir flux along the x direction as the average water cross-surface flux
based on time-varying relative permeability curves by CFc of the entire core, eq 4 can be obtained after t min of
interpolating calculation in the simulator. flooding.
2.2. Establishment of the Conversion Relationship πDc2
between PVr and PVc. The variable PV is a macroscopic 1 Lc qc ·t − ϕ(1 − Sor − Swc)x
characterization about the cumulative water injection volume,
CFc =
∫0 4
π 2
which cannot describe the cumulative flushing effect by water 4 c

injection at the micro level. Lots of scholars45−47 tended to use πDc2

1 Lc Vpc·PVc − ϕ(1 − Sor − Swc)x
the water crossing ratio (R) to characterize the cumulative
flushing intensity in high water-cut reservoirs, which is defined
∫0 4
π 2
4 c (4)
as the ratio of total water volume flowing through one certain

i (1 − Sor − Swc) zy
grid cell to the pore volume of the grid cell, namely Then, eq 4 can be solved to yield the following expression

CFc = ϕLcjjjjPVc − zz
k {
Vpgrid (2) 2 (5)

The author holds that there are three shortcomings of using R For actual reservoirs, the determination of water cross-surface
to characterize the cumulative flushing intensity of reservoirs flux is related to the pattern of wells. Taking the typical
by injected water: inverted five-spot reservoir with vertical wells as an example,
assuming that the formation is homogeneous, isopachous, and
(1) The calculation results will heavily depend on the size of isotropic, an ideal unit model is established as shown in Figure
the meshing grid. If the grid is meshed too large, it will 2.
not be able to accurately reflect the flushing effect by In the polar coordinate system shown in Figure 2, there is
injected water. one injection well (Wellinj) and four production wells (Wellpro1,
(2) The actual water flow rate nearby the injection wells is Wellpro2, Wellpro3, and Wellpro4) in the unit and the injected
certainly far larger than that away from the well. If the water flows radially along the r direction. Taking the integral
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1 Lw qr ·t − πr 2·h·ϕ(1 − Sor − Swc)

CFr =
∫r w 2πrh

1 Lw Vpr·PVr − πr 2·h·ϕ(1 − Sor − Swc)

∫rw 2πrh
Then, eq 7 can be obtained by integration
Lw ·ϕ·PVr ijj Lw yzz
lnjj zz −
j rw z
k {
CFr = (1 − Sor − Swc)(Lw2 − rw2 )
π 4L w
Since Lw ≫ rw

ji PV ij L yz (1 − Sor − Swc) zyz

CFr = ϕLw jjjj r lnjjj w zzz − zz
j z
k π k rw { 4 { (8)
Generally, the cores used for flooding experiments are always
Figure 2. Ideal inverted five-spot reservoir unit model. from the corresponding actual reservoirs, so their porosity,
irreducible water saturation, and residual oil saturation can be
regarded as the same.
According to the equivalent average water cross-surface flux
of the core and the reservoir, eq 9 can be obtained
average value of the water cross-surface flux in the direction r
π[4Lc ·PVc + (Lw − 2Lc)(1 − Sor − Swc)]
as the average water cross-surface flux CFr of the whole PVr =
reservoir, eq 6 can be obtained after waterflooding for time t
4Lw ·ln( ) Lw
rw (9)
(days) Since Lw ≫ Lc, eq 9 can be simplified as

Figure 3. Relative permeability curves under different water injection volumes for (a, b) core no. 01 and (c, d) core no. 02.

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π[4Lc ·PVc + Lw (1 − Sor − Swc)] of water injection rate, the decrease of residual oil saturation of
PVr = core no. 02 is significantly greater than that of core no. 01. In
4Lw ·ln ( ) Lw
rw (10) addition, it is obvious that the water relative permeability of
two cores under residual oil saturation in Figure 3 is quite low,
As eq 10 shows, the conversion relationship between PVc and which reflects the poor flow capability of two-phase fluids in
PVr in inverted five-spot reservoirs based on equivalent water the reservoir.
cross-surface flux has been established and obtained. 3.2. Core Simulation. To preliminarily verify whether the
In practical applications, different relative permeability proposed simulation method is reliable, a model of core no. 01
curves (KR1, KR2, KR3, ...) under different water injection is established as an example using the five sets of relative
volumes (PVc1, PVc2, PVc3, ...) can be first measured in the permeability curves under different water injection volumes
laboratory with core-flood experiments, and the corresponding determined through the core-flood experiments as shown in
water injection volume of the actual inverted five-spot reservoir Figure 3a and the corresponding mole fractions of the injected
(PVr1, PVr2, PVr3, ...) can be obtained by eq 10. Then, the water component are calculated by eq 1. The basic parameters
corresponding series of mole fractions of the injected water of the core no. 01 model are listed in Table 2, and the
component (M1, M2, M3, ...) can be calculated according to eq schematic diagram is shown in Figure 4 below.
1. Finally, the different mole fractions of the injected water
component (M1, M2, M3, ...) and the corresponding relative Table 2. Basic Parameters of the Core No. 01 Model
permeability curves (KR1, KR2, KR3, ...) are input into the
simulator for interpolating calculation and simulation. Using parameters values
this method, the changes of various physical properties in high grid length 53 × 1 mm
water-cut reservoirs during the waterflooding process can be grid width (9−25) × 1 mm
characterized by time-varying relative permeability curves grid height (9−25) × 1 mm
measured with core-flood experiments. porosity 35.6%
permeability 2460.8 mD
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION temperature 32 °C
3.1. Relative Permeability Curves Measured by Core- water injection rate 1.0 mL/min
Flood Experiments. In this study, the relative permeability injected water volume 2000 PV
curves of two cores from the X oilfield under water injection viscosity of injected water and formation water 0.88 mPa·s (32 °C)
volumes of 100, 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 PV are measured density of injected water and formation water 1.00 g/cm3
respectively, the detail of which is explained in Section 5. Based oil viscosity 397.26 mPa·s (32 °C)
on the experiments and calculation results, two series of oil density 0.88 g/cm3
relative permeability curves related to two cores under different
water injection volumes are plotted respectively as shown in To compare the simulation differences between using time-
Figure 3. varying relative permeability curves and a certain set of relative
According to Figure 3, the residual oil saturation of two permeability curves measured under the corresponding
cores under different water injection volumes is recorded and different water injection volumes (100, 500, 1000, 1500, and
the corresponding water permeability under residual oil 2000 PV), the core-flood simulation process only changing
saturation is calculated, as listed in Table 1 below. relative permeability curves is conducted. After six various
kinds of relative permeability curves are used for simulation
Table 1. Residual Oil Saturation and the Corresponding respectively, the corresponding curves of the oil recovery factor
Water Permeability under Residual Oil Saturation of Two are compared and shown in Figure 5 below.
Cores and under Different Water Injection Volumes It can be seen in Figure 5 that obviously different oil
irreducible water
recovery factors can be obtained using time-varying relative
water injection residual oil water permeability permeability curves and using a certain set of relative
core saturation volume saturation under residual oil permeability curves measured under the corresponding water
no. (%) (PV) (%) saturation (mD)
injection volume for simulation. When the water injection
01 20.1 100 34.6 25.0 volume is only 1 PV, the oil recovery factor is nearly 20%, and
20.1 500 32.0 30.6 when the water injection volume reaches 50 PV, the oil
20.1 1000 31.4 33.4 recovery factor is more than 50%. According to the simulation
20.1 1500 30.8 35.6 results, it is apparent that the purpose of improved oil recovery
20.1 2000 29.8 50.1 (IOR) can be achieved by high water injection volume, but the
02 21.2 100 35.2 53.8 increment is only approximately 10%, and the main growth
21.2 500 25.4 56.4 stage of oil recovery factor is still concentrated upon the low
21.2 1000 21.7 59.0 water injection volume stage (<100 PV). Obviously, only using
21.2 1500 18.5 65.4 the relative permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = 100 for
21.2 2000 15.9 69.2 simulation, whose actual injected water volume is up to 2000
PV, may result in a lower oil recovery factor, which is only
It can be seen in Figure 3 and Table 1 that for a certain core, 56.68%. Meanwhile, when using time-varying permeability
with the increase of injected water volume, the two-phase co- curves for simulation, the highest oil recovery factor, 61.58%,
flow zone becomes wider, the water permeability under can be obtained with the injected water volume up to 2000 PV.
residual oil saturation increases, and the residual oil saturation Since the core size is quite small, the mole fraction of the
decreases, which are consistent with former scholars’ injected water component rises very fast, and the time-varying
conclusions mentioned before. Meanwhile, due to the increase relative permeability curves are quickly interpolated depending
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Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the core no. 01 model.

Figure 5. Simulated oil recovery factor curves for core no. 01 using different permeability curves: (a) 0% ≤ oil recovery factor ≤ 25% and (b) 25%
≤ oil recovery factor ≤ 65%.

on the relative permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = 2000. It can be inferred from Figure 6 that when the water
Thus, the simulation result of the oil recovery factor obtained injection volume is less than 1 PV, the time-varying relative
using time-varying relative permeability curves is very close to permeability curves mainly depend on the relative permeability
curves measured at PVcore1 = 100 for interpolating calculation.
that obtained using the relative permeability curves measured
When the water injection volume is more than 1 PV, the time-
at PVcore1 = 2000. varying relative permeability curves mainly depend on the
For ease of observation, three oil recovery factor curves relative permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = 2000 for
simulated using the time-varying relative permeability curves interpolating calculation.
and another two relative permeability curves measured at Generally, oil recovery ER can be expressed as the product of
PVcore1 = 100 and 2000 under the low water injection volume sweep efficiency EV and displacement efficiency ED, namely
stage (<4 PV) are shown in Figure 6. ER = E V ·ED (11)

In eq 11, displacement efficiency ED can be determined by

relative permeability curves and calculated by eq 12 as follows
Soi − Sor 1 − Swc − Sor
ED = =
Soi 1 − Swc (12)

According to eq 12 and Table 1 above, the actual displacement

efficiency for core no. 01 under different water injection
volumes is calculated, as given in Table 3.

Table 3. Actual Displacement Efficiency for Core No. 01

under Different Water Injection Volumes

core no. PVcore1 Swc (%) Sor (%) ED (%)

01 100 20.1 34.6 56.696
500 20.1 32.0 59.950
1000 20.1 31.4 60.701
Figure 6. Comparison of different oil recovery factor curves using
different sets of relative permeability curves under the low water 1500 20.1 30.8 61.452
injection volume stage (<4 PV). 2000 20.1 29.8 62.703

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As shown in Figure 7 below, two oil recovery factor curves inverted five-spot reservoir unit model of the X oilfield is
simulated using time-varying relative permeability curves and shown in Figure 8.

Table 4. Basic Parameters of the Inverted Five-Spot

Reservoir Unit of the X Oilfield
parameters values
grid length 29 × 4 m
grid width 29 × 4 m
grid height 5×1m
injector−producer spacing 82 m
wellbore radius 0.10 m
water injection rate 100 m3/day

According to the simulation method proposed in this paper,

the different water injection volumes between the laboratory
core and the actual reservoir based on equivalent water cross-
Figure 7. Comparison of different oil recovery factor curves and the surface flux are converted with eq 10, and the corresponding
actual displacement efficiency points. mole fractions of the injected water component are calculated
by eq 1, as listed in Table 5.
It can be seen from the conversion results that under the
premise of equivalent water cross-surface flux, when the water
another relative permeability curve measured at PVcore1 = 100 injection volume in the laboratory core reaches 2000 PV, the
are plotted and the actual displacement efficiency values listed corresponding water injection volume in the actual inverted
in Table 3 are marked. five-spot reservoir unit is only less than 0.7 PV, which is
Since the core size is quite small and the water injection consistent with the conclusion summarized in the practical
volume is quite huge comparatively, the sweep efficiency of the waterflooding oilfields. In other words, if the same residual oil
small core is close to 100%, and the oil recovery of the saturation in cores and actual reservoirs is reached, a very huge
waterflooding core is approximately equal to the displacement amount of water, which is up to thousands of times or even
efficiency. It can be seen from Figure 7 that when the water tens of thousands of times of PV, must be injected into cores.
injection volume is less than 1000 PV, the actual displacement The converted series of mole fractions of the injected water
efficiency points are closer to the oil recovery curve simulated component and the corresponding series of relative perme-
using the relative permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = ability curves are input into the simulator by means of
100. Apparently, this is also because the size scale of the component interpolation calculation, and only the relative
experimental core is quite small, the mole fraction of the permeability curves are changed in the simulation process. Like
injected water component and the water-cut rise very fast, and the core simulation before, six different kinds of relative
the time-varying relative permeability curves are quickly permeability curves are used for simulation respectively, and
interpolated and calculated mainly depending on the relative various simulated oil recovery factor curves and water-cut
permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = 2000, however, curves are compared and shown in Figure 9 below.
which is quite different from the water-cut rising process in the It can be seen in Figure 9a−c that the oil recovery factor
actual reservoir, which is quite lager in size scale. Therefore, it curve simulated based on time-varying relative permeability
also indirectly illustrates the necessity and significance of curves is quite different from that simulated using a certain set
establishing the conversion relationship between PVc and PVr of relative permeability curves measured under the correspond-
proposed in this paper. When the water injection volume is ing water injection volume. Simulation results have shown that
greater than 1000 PV, the oil recovery factor curve simulated no matter which set of core permeability curves measured from
based on time-varying relative permeability curves is 100 to 2000 PV is directly used alone, the oil recovery factor
significantly close to the actual displacement efficiency points will be simulated inaccurately. In Figure 9d, when the water
corresponding to different water injection volumes. However, injection volume reaches 0.7 PV, the water-cut in the
the oil recovery factor curve simulated based on the relative production well is greater than 90%, which illustrates that
permeability curves measured at PVcore1 = 100 clearly deviates this reservoir unit has entered the ultrahigh water-cut stage.
from the actual displacement efficiency points. Moreover, the Apparently, the water breakthrough time simulated based on
degree of deviation gradually increases with the increase of time-varying relative permeability curves is between other
injected water volume. Therefrom, the results have proven that simulated values. When the water injection volume is greater
simulation for high water-cut reservoirs based on time-varying than 0.4 PV, the water-cut curve obtained using time-varying
relative permeability curves proposed in this paper is necessary relative permeability curves tends to the water-cut curve
and more accurate from the core scale. obtained using relative permeability curves measured at PVcore1
3.3. Inverted Five-Spot Reservoir Simulation. Taking = 2000. This indicates that the time-varying relative
the inverted five-spot reservoir unit of the X oilfield as an permeability curves mainly depend on the relative permeability
example, the simulation method based on time-varying relative curves measured at PVcore1 = 2000 for interpolating calculation,
permeability curves proposed in this paper is also used for which is consistent with the water-cut change law during the
application. The physical parameters of the actual reservoir are later period of core-flood simulation above.
the same as those of core no. 01, and other basic parameters However, it can be seen that the change laws of various oil
are mentioned in Table 4 below. The schematic diagram of the recovery factor curves simulated in the actual reservoir unit are
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Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the inverted five-spot reservoir unit model of the X oilfield.

Table 5. Conversion of Simulation Parameters measured at PVcore1 = 2000 is significantly the lowest. In
fact, this is due to the differences in the range of water
Lw Swc rw
PVc Lc (m) (m) Sor (%) (%) (m) PVr M saturation between the reservoir unit and the core. As
100 0.053 82 0.346 0.201 0.10 0.0833 0.2930
mentioned before, the experimental results have shown poor
500 0.053 82 0.32 0.201 0.10 0.2074 0.5078
flow capability of two-phase fluids in the reservoir. Because the
1000 0.053 82 0.314 0.201 0.10 0.3594 0.6413
core size is very small, the water saturation of any simulated
1500 0.053 82 0.308 0.201 0.10 0.5114 0.7179
grid cell is greater than 0.6 when the injected water volume is
2000 0.053 82 0.298 0.201 0.10 0.6639 0.7676
up to 2000 PV. As shown in Figure 3a,b, when water saturation
is greater than 0.6, the water relative permeability measured at
PVcore1 = 2000 is obviously the highest, and the mobility of
different from that of core simulation, and the oil recovery water is relatively the best. Thus, the simulated oil recovery
factor simulated using the relative permeability curves factor is also the highest. Nevertheless, as can be seen in Figure

Figure 9. Simulated oil recovery factor curves for the inverted five-spot reservoir unit of the X oilfield using different permeability curves: (a) 0 ≤
injected water volume ≤ 0.7, (b) 0 ≤ injected water volume ≤ 0.2, and (c) 0.2 ≤ injected water volume ≤ 0.7. (d) Simulated water-cut curves for
the inverted five-spot reservoir unit of the X oilfield using different permeability curves.

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Figure 10. Water saturation distribution of the reservoir unit simulated based on time-varying relative permeability curves with water injection
volume of 0.7 PV.

10, when the water injection volume of the reservoir unit approximately 10%, and the main growth stage of oil
reaches 0.7 PV, the water saturation of each simulated grid cell recovery factor is still concentrated upon the low water
is just between 0.3 and 0.6. Even the water saturations of most injection volume stage (<100 PV).
grid cells are below 0.4, where the corresponding water relative (6) A waterflooding inverted five-spot reservoir unit model
permeability measured at PVcore1 = 2000 is obviously the of the X oilfield was also established, simulated, and
lowest, as shown in Figure 3a,b as well. Therefore, the mobility analyzed. Under the premise of equivalent water cross-
of water is relatively the worst, and the simulated oil recovery surface flux, when the water injection volume in the
factor is naturally the lowest correspondingly. laboratory core reaches 2000 PV, the corresponding
water injection volume in the actual inverted five-spot
4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS reservoir unit is only less than 0.7 PV.
Based on time-varying relative permeability curves, this paper (7) Actual reservoir simulation results have shown that no
proposed, validated, and applied a simulation method for an matter which set of core permeability curves measured
inverted five-spot reservoir at high water-cut stage. By from 100 to 2000 PV is directly used alone, the oil
summarizing the research process, the following significant recovery factor will be simulated inaccurately. When the
conclusions have been obtained: water injection volume reaches 0.7 PV, the water-cut in
(1) The comprehensive changes of various reservoir physical the production well is greater than 90%, which illustrates
properties at the high water-cut stage during water- that the reservoir has entered the ultrahigh water-cut
flooding can be characterized by measuring different stage.
relative permeability curves under different water
injection volumes through laboratory core-flood exper- 5. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
iments. According to the national standard GB/T 28912-2012 in
(2) The novel concept of water cross-surface flux (CF) was China,52 the relative permeability curves are usually measured
proposed to characterize the cumulative flushing effect in the laboratory by the unsteady-state method with water
on the reservoir by injected water, the conversion injection volume less than 30 PV. To study the change law of
relationship of water injection volume between the relative permeability curves under high-volume water injection,
laboratory core and the actual inverted five-spot the relative permeability curves of two cores from the X oilfield
reservoir was deduced, and a simulation method for an under water injection volumes of 100, 500, 1000, 1500, and
inverted five-spot reservoir at high water-cut stage based 2000 PV are measured respectively.
on time-varying relative permeability curves was 5.1. Experimental Instruments. The experimental instru-
established. ments include an incubator, a high-pressure plunger pump
(3) The relative permeability curves of two cores from the X (accuracy: ≤1%), two six-way valves, four pressure gauges
oilfield under different water injection volumes (100, (accuracy: ≤0.5%), an oil container, a water container, a core
500, 1000, 1500, 2000 PV) were measured respectively. holder, a hand pump, a measuring cylinder, a thermometer, an
It is found that for a certain core, with the increase of electronic balance (sensitivity value: 0.01 g), a stopwatch
injected water volume, the two-phase co-flow zone (division value: 0.01 s), and a caliper (division value: 0.02
becomes wider, the water permeability under residual oil mm). The experimental process for relative permeability curve
saturation increases, and the residual oil saturation measurement is shown in Figure 11 below.
decreases. 5.2. Experimental Samples and Fluids. Two cores from
(4) A waterflooding core model was established, simulated, the X oilfield are selected for waterflooding experiments. The
and verified by the method proposed in this paper. It is basic parameters of two cores and designed experimental
found that using time-varying permeability curves for parameters are given in Table 6 below.
simulation, the highest oil recovery factor (61.58%) can The simulated formation water with salinity of 10 000 mg/L
be obtained with injected water volume up to 2000 PV. is selected as the experimental water, whose viscosity is 0.88
(5) According to the core-flood simulation results, it is mPa·s at the test temperature. The simulated reservoir oil is
apparent that the purpose of IOR can be achieved by selected as the experimental oil, and its viscosity is 397.26 mPa·
high water injection volume, but the increment is only s at the test temperature.
I https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c01388
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

Swe = Swi + Vo̅ (t ) − fo (Swe)V̅ (t ) (16)

μo uL μo Q (t )L
I= =
K Δp(t ) KAΔp(t ) (17)

V̅ (t ) = Vt /Vp (18)

Vo̅ (t ) = Vo/Vp (19)

The relative permeability data are computed through the above
formulas when measured by means of the unsteady-state

Figure 11. Experimental process for relative permeability curves

Corresponding Author
measurement. Ke Sun − State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and
Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,
Table 6. Basic Parameters of Cores and Designed China; orcid.org/0000-0002-2204-9759; Email: skcbtb@
Experimental Parameters 163.com
parameters core no. 01 core no. 02 Authors
well depth (m) 1247.71 1287.93 Huiqing Liu − State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and
length (cm) 5.319 4.445 Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,
diameter (cm) 2.442 2.433 China
porosity (%) 35.6 38.1 Yuejie Wang − State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources
gas permeability (mD) 2460.8 2482.4 and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
experimental temperature (°C) 32 32 102249, China; Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Ltd., Tianjin
water injection rate (mL/min) 1 1−7.5 300450, China
total water injection volume (PV) 2000 10−1990 Lizhen Ge − Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Ltd., Tianjin 300450,
confining pressure (MPa) 2 2 China
Jiawei Gao − State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and
Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,
5.3. Experiment Procedures. The detailed procedure for
measurement experiments is as follows:
Wei Du − State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and
(1) After washing, drying, and cooling two cores, measure Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,
their lengths, radii, and absolute permeability. China
(2) Saturate two cores with the simulated formation water,
weigh, and calculate the pore volume and porosity. Complete contact information is available at:
(3) Put two cores into the core holder respectively, establish https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c01388
the irreducible water saturation with the oil-flooding
method, and calculate the irreducible water saturation
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

and the corresponding oil phase permeability.
(4) Perform waterflooding experiments according to the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
designed flow rate of displacement.
(5) Accurately record the water breakthrough time, the The authors would like to acknowledge the National Natural
cumulative oil/liquid production, and the corresponding Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51974331) and the
displacement pressure difference. National Science and Technology Major Project (Grant No.
2017ZX05009004) for their financial support.

(6) Record the oil output volume continuously.
(7) When the total injected water volume reaches 2000 PV,
calculate the corresponding water phase permeability
under residual oil saturation and complete the WATER-INI initial water component
experiments. WATER-INJ injected water component
(8) Calculate relative permeability curves according to the nWATER‑INJ (mol) total moles of injected water
national standard GB/T 28912-2012: nWATER‑INI (mol) total moles of initial water
M mole fraction of injected water compo-
dVo̅ (t ) nent
fo (Swe) =

d V ̅ (t ) KR a set of relative permeability curves

Å d(1/V̅ (t )) ÑÑÑ

K ro(Swe) = fo (Swe)ÅÅÅÅ ÑÑ
PVc ratio of cumulative water volume injected

ÅÅÇ d(1/I ·V̅ (t )) ÑÑÑÖ

into the core to its total pore volume
(14) PVr ratio of cumulative water volume injected
into the reservoir to its total pore volume
μw fw (Swe) Swc irreducible water saturation
K rw(Swe) = K ro(Swe) Soi initial oil saturation
μo fo (Swe) (15) Sor residual oil saturation
J https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c01388
ACS Omega http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article

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