Yabancı Makale
Yabancı Makale
Yabancı Makale
School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 17 Science Museum Road, TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, 2044 E Evans Avenue Suite 331, Denver, CO 80208, USA
Department of Management Information Systems, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Associate editor: Sara Dolnicar The proliferation of accommodation-sharing platforms has changed the ways in which people
Keywords: travel and experience tourist attractions. However, the impact of accommodation sharing on
Accommodation sharing attractions remains under-researched. To fill this gap in the research, we use a mixed methods
Tourist attraction approach to examine the spillover effect in two key tourism service suppliers. Using difference-in-
Online popularity differences estimations with two-way fixed effects, we find a 15.4% increase in an attraction's
Difference-in-differences online popularity after the entry of accommodation sharing. This positive spillover effect is re-
Mixed methods duced when the density of commercially operated properties is higher. The qualitative findings
speak to the mechanism behind the estimated spillover effect, which involves three dimensions of
variation in accommodation sharing and the salient use of mobile technology in modern travel.
The advent of the sharing economy has introduced many new actors to the market and reconfigured economic activities
worldwide (Zervas, Proserpio, & Byers, 2017). In the tourism and hospitality industry, the emergence of accommodation-sharing
platforms has had a considerable impact on the dominant logic of the market (Viglia, Werthner, & Buhalis, 2016). New levels of
service have emerged, along with new forms of connectivity between the new platforms and incumbent firms. Shifting the focus to
the demand side, accommodation sharing streamlines users' communication and interaction with service suppliers. Mobile-based
platforms have diversified the content and information channels available to tourists. They have also dramatically increased the
accessibility of tailor-made information that is relevant to tourists' locational and motivational contexts (Buhalis & Foerste, 2015).
Similarly, the entry of innovative suppliers has transformed the conventional ways of experiencing, consuming and evaluating
tourism products and services (Bridges & Vásquez, 2018). The changes induced by those new entrants, especially the diversification
brought by accommodation-sharing services (Dolnicar, 2017), have affected not only the ecosystem of tourism and hospitality
(Leung, Xue, & Wen, 2019) but also the ways in which people travel and experience tourist attractions and facilities (Tussyadiah &
Pesonen, 2016).
As a disruptive innovation, the sharing economy has caused competitive and institutional turbulence in many sectors and in-
dustries by introducing a platform logic (Geissinger, Laurell, & Sandström, 2018). The online accommodation-sharing platform has
emerged as a new business model in the tourism and hospitality industries (Guttentag, 2015), and its proliferation and disruptive
impact on destination economies have generated considerable research interest (Karlsson & Dolnicar, 2016). According to Mody,
Suess, and Dogru (2019), for example, unfavourable attitudes toward these disruptive influences, such as anti-Airbnb and anti-Uber
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: haiyan.song@polyu.edu.hk (H. Song), Karen.Xie@du.edu (K. Xie), jinah.park@polyu.edu.hk (J. Park),
weichen@email.arizona.edu (W. Chen).
Received 11 April 2019; Received in revised form 24 September 2019; Accepted 18 October 2019
Available online 31 October 2019
0160-7383/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
attitudes, are expressed in recent studies and media reports. The commercialisation of the sharing economy, resulting in an increasing
number of for-profit hosts in the accommodation-sharing market, has also led to critical debate on the competition between peer-to-
peer sharing and traditional accommodation businesses (Xie & Kwok, 2017; Zervas et al., 2017). Recent studies, however, attach
great importance to the positive and negative externalities generated by peer-to-peer accommodation-sharing services (Nieuwland &
Van Melik, 2018). Their concerns are addressed using both market and non-market logic and with reference to various stakeholders
in society (Gurran & Phibbs, 2017; Gutierrez, Garcia-Palomares, Romanillos, & Salas-Olmedo, 2017).
Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, only a limited number of empirical and conceptual studies address the socio-economic
impact of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing. Gutierrez et al. (2017) focus on the locations of listings and their spatial association
with tourist attractions and residential areas at the destinations. Gant (2016) considers tourism gentrification and urban inequalities.
Fang, Ye, and Law (2016) examine local tourism employment. The spillover effect of this new business model across local tourist
attractions remains underexplored, especially in quantitative research (Dolnicar, 2019; Zervas et al., 2017). Different types of
business entity differ in the impact of their market entry (Haveman & Nonnemaker, 2000). In the context of accommodation sharing,
therefore, it is important to determine how private hosts (e.g., peers who share vacant space) differ from commercial hosts (hosts with
formal business licenses) in terms of their impact on tourist attractions. Along with the market entry impact of accommodation
sharing and its heterogeneous impacts by host type, the cumulative quantity of online reviews can be used to measure the online
popularity of tourist attractions. Existing studies indicate that the distinction between virtual and real consumer communities has
become blurred (Duan, Gu, & Whinston, 2008). As a result, persuasive and awareness effects of online reviews on hotel performance
have been widely examined (Viglia, Minazzi, & Buhalis, 2016; Yang, Park, & Hu, 2018). However, these studies were limited to
demonstrate a distinct role of online reviews in affecting the performance of hotels, which inspired us to further investigate the online
popularity of other hospitality businesses, such as tourist attractions. To fill the abovementioned gap in the research, this study sets
out to achieve three research objectives. First, it aims to quantify the market entry impact of peer-to-peer accommodation-sharing
services on the online popularity of tourist attractions. In addition to the average entry impact, we quantify the marginal entry effect
of accommodation-sharing entities, i.e., how the online popularity of tourist attractions responds to an incremental increase in the
supply of peer-to-peer accommodation-sharing services. Second, the study examines whether the entry impact of accommodation
sharing varies with service provider type (i.e., private versus commercial hosts). Finally, the study unveils the mechanism underlying
this impact by examining the views of travellers and managers involved in accommodation sharing on how and why accommodation
sharing affects local tourist attractions.
We use a mixed methods approach to achieve the research objectives. First, we use a quasi-experimental design with a difference-
in-differences approach to estimate the entry impact of two major accommodation-sharing service platforms on the online popularity
of nearby tourist attractions in Beijing, China. The difference-in-differences strategy utilises two-way fixed effects to account for both
time-invariant heterogeneity across attractions and unobserved temporal trends (year-month) that may confound the treatment
effect, effectively mitigating underlying endogeneity issues, such as missing variable bias and reverse causality (Greene, 2008). In
particular, the difference-in-differences estimates of the relationship between the entry and non-entry of accommodation-sharing
services cast light on intra-industry dynamics in hospitality and tourism. Furthermore, exploring how different types of host facilitate
such an impact offers insights into specific strategies for marketing operations and policy formulation in accommodation sharing.
Second, we use a qualitative strategy to triangulate the findings of the quantitative analyses. By integrating the insights from the
semi-structured in-depth interviews and participant observation to round out the findings of the difference-in-differences estimation,
we unveil the mechanism behind the spillover effect of accommodation-sharing entry on local tourist attractions.
The study makes some theoretical and practical contributions to tourism and hospitality research. At a conceptual level, the study
underlines an under-researched topic: the impact of accommodation sharing on local tourist attractions. After quantifying this im-
pact, we propose a two-tier spillover progress to triangulate the quantitative results and unveil the mechanism of the impact. At a
practical level, this study provides marketing implications for service suppliers at a destination. We show that tourist attractions
derive benefits from accommodation sharing due to the latter's inherent variation. This study also provides a bigger picture of the
ecology of hospitality and tourism, as well as tourist experience in the age of the sharing economy and digital platforms. It de-
monstrates the importance of mobile technology in linking new disruptive businesses with conventional businesses and as a com-
plement to the tourist experience of accommodation sharing.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. The second and third sections present our hypotheses, which are based on the
literature review. The fourth section describes the research methods used to estimate the entry impact of accommodation-sharing
services on local tourist attractions. Our data collection, measures, experimental design and methodological triangulation are also
covered in this section. The fifth section presents the empirical results and two mechanisms behind the spillover effects. The last
section concludes the study.
Spillover effects are the positive or negative externalities (external benefits or costs) that result from an economic activity (Yang &
Wong, 2012). In spatial economics, the spillover effects of tourism are the indirect or unintentional effects of tourist flows on related
industries, the host communities, adjacent regions (Leiper, 1979; Yang & Wong, 2012) or the spatial substitution of similar attrac-
tions/destinations (Zhou, Yang, Li, & Qu, 2017). Bergman and Schubert (2005) suggest that industry agglomeration or clustering
within a region is a good example of the spillover effect. In destinations characterised by industrial agglomeration or geographical
clusters of related tourism and hospitality businesses (Jackson & Murphy, 2002; Majewska, 2015), spillovers are prevalent across
tourism and related industries. Previous studies of spillover effects in tourism have predominantly focused on the supply perspective
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
(i.e., the integral role of tourism in destination development). Spillover effects are also referred to as ‘demonstration effects’, which
are related to knowledge diffusion, competition or market access spillover (Weidenfeld, Williams, & Butler, 2010; Yang & Mao,
2018). This diffusion of new technologies into the market varies across space and time. The geographical proximity of inter-related
industries often stimulates stronger externalities, which can be either positive or negative (Baptista, 2000). Fig. 1 summarises the
existing studies on industrial spillovers (e.g., Alcacer & Chung, 2007; Asheim & Isaksen, 1997; Assaf, Li, Song, & Tsionas, 2019;
Drakos & Kutan, 2003; Zhang, Xiao, Gursoy, & Rao, 2015), which encompass both the knowledge and innovation spillovers in
abstract (or, circumstantial) terms, as well as the productivity or demand spillovers in concrete (or, consequential) terms. As the
proximity (both of spatial and/or organisational) is featured prominently in the spillover effects, it is shown on the vertical axis.
To further address the debate on the sharing economy in tourism and hospitality, this study extends the research on geographical
clustering and its spillover effects on different service sectors. Fundamentally, the supplies of tourism services available at a desti-
nation fall into two key categories: accommodation and attraction (Sparks, 2016). Tourist attractions experience spillover effects
from the development of the surrounding businesses, including accommodation-sharing providers (Benckendorff, 2016). Due to the
organic connection between attraction and accommodation in the tourism supply chain (Smith, 1994), the technology and in-
formation diffusion entailed in the business practices of accommodation-sharing platforms reshapes tourism production and con-
sumption. For example, Airbnb provides new information on unique tourism experiences and travel inspiration beyond accom-
modation (The Airbnb Blog, 2017). Additionally, on the demand side, accommodation has been used as a starting point to analyse
tourist dispersal patterns at destinations (Arbel & Pizam, 1977; McKercher, 2018). Pan, Litvin, and O'Donnell's (2007) findings
regarding tourist information search behaviour indicate that travellers tend to search for accommodation at the same time as
searching for information on the destination and local attractions. This study extends analysis of the spillover effect to accom-
modation-sharing services, measuring their impact on neighbouring attractions, especially the online popularity of these attractions.
The assumption that accommodation sharing may have positive or negative spillover effects on tourist attractions is theoretically
supported. First, the entry of a new firm, especially an advanced technology business, disturbs the current equilibrium in the market
and helps to increase the productivity of the businesses associated with the new entrant (Blomström & Kokko, 1998). Similarly,
Geissinger et al. (2018) define the sharing economy as a process of creative destruction that transforms and diversifies the way in
which products and services on the market are exchanged while also potentially generating externalities for society. Spatial eco-
nomics also emphasises the spillover effects of business clusters on the wider industrial agglomeration (Alcacer & Chung, 2014;
Anderson & Neven, 1991). Furthermore, research has demonstrated the role of geographic spillovers as positive externalities for
adjacent competitors and innovations within the region (Van der Panne, 2004). The agglomeration of city hotels and increased
number of hospitality service providers can be seen as examples of a concentration of similar organisations in the tourism and
hospitality industries (Baum & Haveman, 1997; Huallchain, 1989; Lee & Jang, 2015). Second, as modern technology and society have
become more complex, externalities have generated spontaneous unwanted side effects (Dahlman, 1979). From the business per-
spective, the entry of new firms has inefficient external effects on existing firms (Barnett & Yandle, 2009), resulting in a divergence of
volatile spillovers in different industries and market conditions (Haveman & Nonnemaker, 2000). Finally, intensive competition
between similar industries can generate negative spillovers and hinder market growth (Yang & Wong, 2012).
To identify and measure how accommodation-sharing services affect tourist attractions, this study assumes that the entry of an
accommodation-sharing service has either a positive or a negative impact on neighbouring tourist attractions. Accordingly, we
propose the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1a. Peer-to-peer accommodation sharing has a positive effect on the online popularity of tourist attractions.
Hypothesis 1b. Peer-to-peer accommodation sharing has a negative effect on the online popularity of tourist attractions.
We further explore the variability of the spillover effects of different hosts – that is, private versus commercial – on the popularity
of tourist attractions. Previous research has shown that different forms of business tend to have different degrees of spillover on
related businesses (Haveman & Nonnemaker, 2000). Some studies also show that the nature of the firm, such as the level of know-
how and technology, is a key factor that can accelerate or impede the diffusion of positive externalities (Konings, 2001; Teece, 1977).
In the accommodation-sharing sector, either the typology of hosts (service providers) in terms of their motivation for hosting
(Karlsson & Dolnicar, 2016) or the number of listings can explain the heterogeneity of peer-to-peer accommodation firms (Tussyadiah
& Pesonen, 2016). Segmenting accommodation-sharing service providers by type allows us to disentangle how they each affect the
online popularity of tourist attractions.
Traditionally, tourist accommodation can be divided into two types: commercial and non-commercial lodging establishments
(Spolon & Rodrigues, 2017). Hotels are a good example of the former, and the latter can include the homes of friends and relatives or
second homes. Similarly, accommodation-sharing services offer a mix of these two types of traditional concepts, but with a greater
diversity of business models and service dimensions (Wu, Ma, & Xie, 2017). Hosts can be ordinary people or commercial providers
(Dolnicar, 2017), and this typology explains the ownership types of accommodation-sharing properties. For private properties owned
by ordinary people, Couchsurfing reflects the evolution of a non-commercial community into a for-profit model, and is a relevant
example of a peer-to-peer interactive marketing platform that capitalises on its authentic experiences and connections (Pera, Viglia, &
Furlan, 2016), which are more likely to occur outside the commercial realm (Molz, 2013). Unlike private hosts who share their spare
residential spaces and daily lives (Dolnicar, 2017), commercial hosts operate their accommodation-sharing businesses in the sharing
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
economy realm. Commercial hosts tend to be profit-oriented and own professionally managed properties (Fradkin, Grewal, & Holtz,
2018), and are defined in this study as registered business operators (Tujia, 2018). They have different levels of know-how and
different types of business operations (Li, Moreno, & Zhang, 2016), which may lead to externalities different from those of privately
owned properties. As the number of guests staying in commercially operated accommodation sharing grows, guests have to compete
for saturated resources (urban space and tourist facilities) and have less access to various services; this may generate negative
spillover effects on neighbouring tourist attractions.
In this context, the demand for accommodation sharing is driven by the personal nature, authenticity and diversity of experiences
(Tussyadiah & Zach, 2017), which are often provided by private hosts but rarely found in commercially operated ‘cookie-cutter’
properties. If the ratio of commercially operated properties to overall accommodation sharing were to increase considerably, the
unique appeal of accommodation sharing would decline (Guttentag, 2015). In this case, there would be fewer opportunities for
privately owned accommodation sharing providers to differentiate themselves from traditional hotels and thereby attract visitors who
celebrate diversity and seek authentic experiences (Dolnicar, 2017). We assume that the impacts of these two types of host on local
tourist attractions vary accordingly. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. The effect of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing on the online popularity of neighbouring tourist attractions is
moderated by ownership type.
Two types of data are used in this study: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data consist of information on the supply of
accommodation-sharing services and online popularity of tourist attractions in Beijing, China, which is a major destination that
attracts massive numbers of domestic and international tourists who have recently experienced accommodation-sharing services. The
qualitative data are drawn from fieldwork in Beijing comprising participant observation and in-depth interviews on different features
of accommodation-sharing properties.
We first collected the quantitative data from Xiaozhu and Tujia, two major platforms in China's accommodation-sharing market.1
A significant feature differentiating Tujia from Xiaozhu is that the former offers firm-owned, commercially operated properties,
whereas Xiaozhu provides only peer-to-peer resident-owned, privately managed properties. Although both platforms offer travellers
accommodation-sharing services at their intended destinations, they differ in the type of property ownership. This fits our research
interest. Using automated Python scripts, we accessed and parsed the ownership type and geographic coordinates of 33,446 active
properties from Xiaozhu and Tujia. We then calculated their distance from each of the nearby tourist attractions. Based on the relative
distance between the accommodation-sharing properties and local tourist attractions, the urban scale of Beijing (i.e., a total area of
16,410 km2 with an urban area of 1368 km2) and several Beijing-based empirical studies of the distribution of transportation, retail
districts and service districts (Yang, 2016) and the spatial characteristics of tourist attractions (Su, Dang, & Wu, 2004), we chose a 5-
km radius from a local tourist attraction as an appropriate distance to study the impact of an accommodation-sharing entry on
neighbouring tourist attractions. Based on Tobler's (1970) theoretical explanation of geographical proximity and empirical evidence
of a significant correlation between the adjacent economic actors in terms of proximity dynamics (McCann & Folta, 2008; Miller,
2004; Rosenthal & Strange, 2004), we investigated the spillover effects of accommodation sharing on tourist attractions within a
certain geographical distance. We also examined the impact of entry within a 1-km radius for robustness checks. To model the entry
of accommodation sharing, we used the month of the first online traveller review of an accommodation-sharing property as the
month of its entry. This is a rather conservative measure of the entry impact of accommodation-sharing services (Zervas et al., 2017).
For any given month, we counted the cumulative number of accommodation-sharing properties within a 5-km radius of a tourist
attraction as a measure of accommodation-sharing supply.
Second, the quantitative data consisted of 376,732 online traveller reviews of 124 tourist attractions from Qunar,2 a primary
online travel agent in China that allows travellers to purchase admission tickets to tourist attractions and write reviews of their
experiences at these attractions. By recursively paging through each tourist attraction on Qunar.com, we were able to capture every
attraction in Beijing that had been visited and reviewed by tourists. Each online review is time-stamped, which allowed us to
aggregate the volume of online reviews by attraction and month to structure a panel, which was then matched with the monthly entry
and supply of accommodation-sharing properties within a 5-km radius of each tourist attraction.
The accommodation-sharing economy in China has seen phenomenal growth. Its proliferation is best exemplified by the expansion of Xiaozhu
and Tujia. Established in August 2012, Xiaozhu offers 500,000 listings in over 650 domestic destinations in China; see http://www.xiaozhu.com/
aboutus. Debuting about one year earlier (December 2011) than Xiaozhu, Tujia provides more than 1 million accommodation sharing properties in
345 domestic destinations and 1037 outbound destinations; see https://content.tujia.com/About/Index.htm. These two platforms offer accom-
modation-sharing services to travellers in their intended destinations, and have significantly outperformed Airbnb, the US-based pioneer of ac-
commodation-sharing services in China, due to their competitive advantages in the home market.
Founded in May 2005 and headquartered in Beijing, Qunar is the most popular Chinese travel platform. Qunar's travel search scope covers over
4190 online travel agencies, 770,000 hotels, 180,000 flight routes, 500,000 vacation routes, 10,000 tourist attractions, 242,000 daily group-buying
deals and many more; see http://www.qunar.com/site/en/Qunar.in.China_1.1.shtml.
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Table 1
Growth of accommodation sharing in Beijing over time.
Year Number of attractions Number of properties Annual growth rate of properties
2014 81 1178 –
2015 119 5053 +329%
2016 124 15,059 +198%
2017 124 33,446 +122%
The combined data comprise 4121 observations made between September 2014 and August 2017 (35 months).3 Table 1 presents
the temporal increase in accommodation-sharing properties in Beijing against the growth of tourist attractions from 2014 to 2017.
Fig. 2 depicts the geographic diffusion of accommodation sharing against local tourist attractions in Beijing during the same study
period. The temporal and geographic patterns of accommodation-sharing growth reveal significant variation. In particular, accom-
modation sharing varied considerably across tourist attractions with respect to entry timing and growth rate. This variability is
exploited as our empirical strategy to identify the impact of accommodation sharing on the online popularity of tourist attractions.
We also collected qualitative data to complement the quantitative data. To triangulate our qualitative insights with the findings of
the quantitative data analysis, we designed semi-structured in-depth interviews to unveil the mechanism of the impact of accom-
modation sharing. The fieldwork was undertaken in May 2019 in Beijing, and the interviews were continued until saturation was
reached. Participant observations and 21 in-depth interviews with guests were conducted at six accommodation-sharing properties,
which were chosen by taking account of administrative districts, traditional tourist attraction areas and ownership types. The in-
terviewee profile is shown in the Appendix. The interviewees were in the 18–54 age bracket, well educated (university student or
graduates) and middle class. There was a higher proportion of females than males. These demographics correspond with the target
segment of accommodation-sharing platforms, according to the interview with Hang, a manager of Tujia. To look at the issue more
holistically, we also interviewed three industry delegates who managed or operated accommodation-sharing businesses. The average
length of each interview was 40 min, and all of the transcripts of the interviews were coded using NVivo 11 and analysed inductively.
The findings of the qualitative study suggest that the spillover effect has two main connections.
Identification strategy: a quasi-experiment via difference-in-differences with two-way fixed effects estimations
The goal of our empirical analysis is to quantify the spillover effect of accommodation-sharing entry on the online popularity of
tourist attractions. In this context, the use of regular regression models for causal identification is challenging for three reasons. First,
the estimated impact of the entry of accommodation sharing is likely to correlate with other unobservable factors in the local
environment of a tourist attraction, which may in turn affect the online popularity of the attraction. Bearing this in mind, we begin by
utilising the longitudinal nature of the data to account for time-invariant heterogeneity across attractions through attraction fixed
Second, the entry of accommodation sharing and online popularity may be jointly influenced by unobserved temporal trends that
apply to the entire accommodation-sharing market. Here, we may be concerned about broader macroeconomic factors, such as the
increasing awareness and adoption of accommodation sharing by travellers as the service continues to grow. We address this pos-
sibility by incorporating time fixed effects in the form of year-month dummies.
Finally, although our two-way fixed effects can account for time-invariant factors that are associated with a tourist attraction or
with cross-sectional trends or shocks to the entire accommodation-sharing market, some correlated unobservables may be in-
trinsically both attraction-specific and dynamic over time, exhibiting time-varying patterns that coincide with variations in the entry
of accommodation sharing and the online popularity of tourist attractions.
We overcome the hurdles of causal effect identification by using a quasi-experiment design using the difference-in-differences
approach (Angrist & Pischke, 2008) with two-way fixed effects estimations (Somaini & Wolak, 2016). As accommodation-sharing
services are rolled out across different tourist attractions at different times, we are able to treat accommodation-sharing entry as a
variable intervening in location and time against the online popularity of tourist attractions. Table 2 illustrates our empirical strategy.
Specifically, we use ‘before entry’ and ‘after entry’ to refer to the periods before and after the entry of accommodation-sharing
services around a tourist attraction. Tourist attractions that have experienced the entry of accommodation sharing comprise the
‘treatment’ group, and tourist attractions that have not yet been affected by the entry of accommodation sharing serve as the ‘control’
group. In the difference-in-differences approach, the first difference compares the online popularity of tourist attractions before and
after the entry of accommodation-sharing services, and the second difference compares the online popularity of tourist attractions
that have yet to experience the entry of accommodation sharing with those that have yet to be affected by accommodation sharing.
We also include a two-way fixed effect of attraction and time (year-month) to account for the unobservable heterogeneity and
temporal trends across attractions and over time, which may confound the treatment effect.
Accommodation-sharing properties may be cross-listed on both Xiaozhu and Tujia. In this case, we keep only the unique property by dropping its
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Fig. 2. The diffusion of accommodation sharing (orange dots) in Beijing against tourist attractions (blue dots). (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Table 2
Design of the difference-in-differences approach.
Before entry after entry
Model specification
To utilise the granularity of the longitudinal panel data, our temporal and geographic units of analysis are months and attractions.
For each tourist attraction i in month t, the impact of the accommodation-sharing entry on its online popularity is as follows:
Yit = 1 Enteredi + 2 Enteredi × Afterit + Zit + µi + vt + it , (1)
where Yit takes the form of LogReviewsit, which is a proxy for the online popularity of a tourist attraction among travellers (Xie, Chen,
& Wu, 2016). Enteredi indicates whether a tourist attraction i has experienced the entry of accommodation sharing around an at-
traction by the end of our study period. Afterit indicates whether month t is after the entry of accommodation sharing in attraction i.
Our research interest is β2, which measures the impact on the online popularity of tourist attractions after the entry of accom-
modation sharing. Zit is a vector of the control variables, including the lagged cumulative number of online traveller reviews,
CumReviewsit-1, and the lagged average rating of these reviews, AvgRatingit-1, which are likely to affect the online popularity of tourist
attractions in a given month. μt and vi represent the attraction fixed effects and time fixed effects, respectively. Finally, εit is the
idiosyncratic error term.
To examine whether the impact of the accommodation-sharing entry varies by ownership type, we include a moderator to
measure ownership type, ComRatioit, to denote the ratio of commercially operated properties to privately operated properties within a
5-km radius of a tourist attraction in a given month. The resulting model for each tourist attraction i in month t is:
Yit = i + 1 Enteredi + 2 Enteredi × Afterit + 3 Enteredi × Af terit × ComRatioit + + µt + vi + it , (2)
where the specification remains consistent with Eq. (1). We focus on β3 to estimate the moderation effect of ownership type on the
impact of accommodation-sharing entry on the online popularity of tourist attractions. Table 3 gives the definitions of the variables
used in the estimations. Table 4 shows the summary statistics and correlation matrix of these variables.
We begin by reporting the estimation results of the impact of accommodation-sharing entry on the online popularity of tourist
attractions, as per Eq. (1). These results are presented in Table 5. We report five sets of results: a baseline ordinary least squares (OLS)
difference-in-differences model (Column 1), a difference-in-differences model with attraction-level fixed effects (Column 2), a dif-
ference-in-differences model with year-month fixed effects (Column 3), and a difference-in-differences model with two-way fixed
effects at both the attraction and time levels (Column 4). As a time-invariant measure, Enteredi is absorbed by the attraction fixed
effects in Columns 2 and 4. The use of various specifications allows us to cross-check the robustness of the estimation results. We
report the robust standard errors in all of our estimations.
The key independent variable of interest is Enteredi × Afterit. We observe that the entry of accommodation sharing is positively
and significantly associated with the online popularity of local tourist attractions. As shown in Column 4, we find a 15.4% increase in
the volume of online reviews of tourist attractions after the entry of accommodation sharing. Despite a slight inflation of magnitude,
Table 3
Variable definitions.
Category Variable Definition
Dependent variable LogReviewsit Logarithm of the cumulative number of online reviews of a tourist attraction in a given month
Primary independent variable Enteredi A dummy variable indicating whether a tourist attraction is a treatment attraction, which has experienced
the entry of accommodation sharing in its 5-kilometer radius by the end of the study period, with a value of
1 = a treatment attraction that has experienced the accommodation-sharing entry and 0 = otherwise
Afterit A dummy variable indicating whether a month is after the entry of accommodation sharing in a 5-kilometer
radius of a tourist attraction, with a value of 1 = before the entry month and 0 = otherwise
LogSupplyit Logarithm of the cumulative number of accommodation-sharing properties (in 100) entering a 5-kilometer
radius of a tourist attraction in a given month
Moderator ComRatioit Ratio of commercially operated accommodation-sharing properties to privately operated ones within a 5-
kilometer radius of a tourist attraction in a given month
Control variable CumReviewsit-1 Lagged cumulative number of online reviews (in 100) of a tourist attraction in a given month
AvgRatingit-1 Lagged average rating of the cumulative number of online reviews of a tourist attraction in a given month
LogHotelsi Logarithm of the number of hotels within a 5-kilometer radius of a tourist attraction
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Table 4
Summary statistics and correlation coefficients of variables.
Obs. Mean Std. dev. Min Max Correlation matrix
Table 5
Effect of accommodation-sharing entry: main estimation.
D.V.: LogReviews (1) (2) (3) (4)
the estimates of the impact of accommodation-sharing entry in other columns are not qualitatively different from those in Column 4.
An important assumption of the difference-in-differences specification is that the affected and unaffected groups have parallel
trends before the accommodation-sharing entry. We estimate a relative time model (Angrist & Pischke, 2008) to check its parallel
trends assumption and verify the findings of the main specification. We find that the pre-treatment heterogeneity between the treated
and control is about 0.3 and 0.4, and quite parallel, as shown in Table 6. After the entry, the difference gradually increases and
reaches 0.7–0.8.
To ensure that accommodation sharing rather than other events drives the results, we conduct a placebo test in which we
randomly assign a subset of tourist attractions without entry as if they were affected by the entry. Specifically, for each draw, we
randomly treat 50% of the attractions as if they were subject to accommodation-sharing entry and replicate our main regressions to
obtain the coefficients of the Enteredi × Afterit dummy. We repeat this process multiple times using bootstrapping simulations. Fig. 3
depicts the distributions of the estimated coefficients from simulations with 1000 draws each. As we can see from the figure, most of
the mass (of the distributions) centres around zero, and between −0.2 and 0.2 at worst. This suggests that none of the estimated
coefficients are significantly different from zero (in a statistical sense) and that the ‘counterfactual’ accommodation-sharing entry
constructed in the simulations does not affect LogReviews. The results of this placebo test further support our findings that accom-
modation-sharing entry drives the differences in attractions' online popularity.
Robustness checks
We not only identify the impact of the accommodation-sharing entry, but also conduct additional checks to make sure the
estimated impact is robust. Table 7 presents two panels of the robustness checks.
In Panel (1), we estimate the ‘elasticities’ or marginal effect of how the online popularity of tourist attractions responds to the
supply expansion associated with the entry of accommodation-sharing properties. We use Supplyit, which measures the cumulative
number of accommodation-sharing properties (i.e., supply) available within the 5-km radius of a tourist attraction in a given month,
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Table 6
Relative time model.
Variables LogReviews
D−6 0.353
D−5 0.376⁎
D−4 0.334
D−3 0.498⁎⁎
D−2 0.237
D−1 0.386⁎
D0 0.497⁎⁎
D1 0.566⁎⁎
D2 0.594⁎⁎
D3 0.805⁎⁎⁎
D4 0.458⁎
D5 1.008⁎⁎⁎
D6 0.888⁎⁎⁎
1 (after 6 month) 0.745⁎⁎⁎
CumReviewsit-1 −0.000
AvgRatingit-1 0.035
Observations 4121
R-squared 0.531
Attraction fixed-effects Yes
Month fixed-effects Yes
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.1.
to replace the dummy measure of Enteredi in Eq. (1). To decrease the scale, we divide the monthly cumulative supply of accom-
modation-sharing properties by 100. We estimate the change in online popularity in response to each 100 property increase in the
accommodation-sharing stock, which is the popularity elasticity of accommodation-sharing expansion. These point estimates, or
‘elasticities’, generalise our findings to inform marketing and policy discussions about accommodation sharing and serve as ro-
bustness checks for the entry impact estimated in Table 5. We present the corresponding results of robustness checks in Table 7. As
shown in Column 4, we find that on average, each 1% increase in the accommodation-sharing supply (in 100) leads to a 0.19%
increase in the online popularity of the tourist attractions.
In Panel (2), we conduct another robustness check by changing the geographical proximity to a 1-km radius when identifying the
dummy entry of accommodation sharing to tourist attractions. The entry of accommodation sharing within the 1-km radius is
associated with about 50.2% increase, on average, in the online popularity of local attractions. Such an impact is stronger than the
estimated entry impact (15.4%) using the 5-km radius in our main estimation, because of increased geographical proximity. The
finding indicates the robustness of our findings, because the measures of estimated entry impact using different geographical
proximities remain qualitatively consistent and cross-validate each other.
We next report the results of the difference-in-differences regressions based on Eq. (2). Given the significantly positive impact of
accommodation-sharing entry on the online popularity of tourist attractions, we further explore how the heterogeneity of service
providers helps to drive such a positive impact. To this end, we compare the ownership of accommodation-sharing properties
(commercially operated versus privately operated). Table 8 shows that a higher ratio of commercially operated accommodation-
sharing properties is associated with a lower level of attraction popularity, and vice versa. This may happen because the demand for
accommodation sharing is likely to be driven by the personal nature, authenticity and diversity of the experience, which is often
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
provided by hosts who manage private properties but rarely found in commercially operated ‘cookie-cutter’ properties. As the ratio of
commercially operated properties overwhelms that of private properties, there is less chance that accommodation sharing can dif-
ferentiate itself from traditional hotels and attract more visitors. Therefore, the impact of accommodation sharing on the popularity
of tourist destinations is discounted or mitigated when there are more commercially operated properties than private properties.
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Table 7
Effect of accommodation-sharing entry: robustness checks.
D.V.: LogReviews (1) (2) (3) (4)
Table 8
Effect of accommodation-sharing entry: moderation of ownership structure.
D.V.: LogReviews (1) (2) (3) (4)
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
Following the rapid proliferation of accommodation sharing and its consequences, the connections between accommodation
sharing and the incumbent tourism and hospitality systems need to be dealt with more comprehensively. To further quantify the
dynamics of accommodation-sharing platforms in the broader context of tourism service supplies, this study extends our under-
standing of how the entry of accommodation-sharing services affects another key supplier in a destination, viz. a tourist attraction.
The findings of this study suggest that the entry of accommodation-sharing suppliers has a quantifiable positive spillover effect on
local tourist attractions. We estimate that tourist attractions become more popular in the virtual community when accommodation
sharing is geographically nearby. Furthermore, we argue that this spillover effect is significantly moderated by an increase in the ratio
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
of commercially operated properties, such that the commercialisation of property operation diminishes the positive spillover effects
of accommodation sharing. Finally, this study complements the quantitative findings using qualitative insights from in-depth in-
terviews. The mixed methods approach triangulates the findings to reveal not only the entry impact of accommodation sharing on
tourist attractions, but also the mechanism behind this impact. To further determine the impact of accommodation sharing on tourist
attractions, sequential methodological triangulation is conducted to address the spillover effect in terms of variation and mobile
technologies. A two-tier spillover process is proposed to extend knowledge of the causal interplay between accommodation sharing
and tourist attractions.
This study makes several contributions to our understanding of the impact of accommodation sharing on destinations. First, we
extend the scope of the spillover effects of accommodation-sharing services by examining their impact on tourist attractions.
Expanding existing studies of the influence of a new disruptive business model on a long-established industry, we address different
tourism service sectors, because a destination performs through connectivity and interdependency between multiple tourism service
sectors. Therefore, the dominant knowledge and patterns of incumbent businesses have been shifted by accommodation-sharing
platforms, and their variations influence the online popularity of tourist attractions. Notably, we also use the cumulative number of
online reviews in our experimental verification of the online popularity of these attractions, because tourist reviews in online virtual
communities have become a critical resource that can help the tourism and hospitality industry to understand its consumers' re-
sponses and therefore broaden its service horizons. Second, in light of the ongoing debate over the negative impacts of the sharing
economy in the market and subsequent regulatory issues, this study puts forward a range of counter-arguments regarding the positive
spillovers. In particular, it can be assumed from this study that the entry of accommodation-sharing services into the market can lead
to the growth and diversification of demand, and that the benefits widely accrue to related tourism service industries and cities as a
whole. Third, based on the theoretical background of externalities and spillovers, this study provides explicit descriptions of a
horizontal spillover in two key tourism service suppliers that are geographically adjacent to each other. In particular, we show that
the spillover effects of accommodation sharing on tourist attractions are significant when they are located within a 5-km radius. In
response to Tobler's first law of geography (Tobler, 1970) and new theoretical approaches to proximity dynamics (Torre & Rallet,
2005), we prove that there is a positive correlation between tourism service economic actors that are geographically proximate. This
empirical evidence can help to initiate the development of a spillover and spatial interaction theory that can be used to delineate the
negative and positive spillover effects of accommodation-sharing services. This can help to determine what generates spillovers and
how to synergise the spillover effect of innovative economy entities on related local industries.
The findings of this study have several practical implications for the tourism and hospitality industries. First, we identify a
significant and positive effect on tourist attractions of both accommodation-sharing entry and the cumulative number of properties
that are available. The insights obtained from this study not only provide inspiration for competitive positioning for new entrants, but
may also help industries affected by the sharing economy to establish useful business and operational strategies to enhance their
attractiveness. Second, our research findings show how the positive spillover effects are moderated by ownership heterogeneity. By
segmenting the operational types of entrepreneur, we estimate that a higher ratio of commercially operated properties can attenuate
the positive spillover effect of accommodation-sharing services on the online popularity of neighbouring tourist attractions. Drawing
on the economic theory of competitive analysis, this finding not only shows that the impact on growth and market entry varies across
business operations, but also demonstrates that privately operated properties catering to authentic and personalised home experi-
ences may attract various needs for local attractions (rather than stereotyped services of commercial properties).
We also provide useful information for policy formulation by revealing the mechanisms underpinning how accommodation-
sharing services influence tourism industries in a destination region. As a new economic actor in the tourism and hospitality industry,
accommodation-sharing services create a spillover effect in terms of geographical and industrial connections. In addition, their
interaction with other tourism service sectors can be competitive or complementary. Therefore, a more comprehensive regulatory
intervention to control accommodation-sharing services is needed, which should consider their propensity and impacts in the market.
Like any other social science study, this study has several limitations. First, due to the unavailability of data, we used the month of
the first online review of an accommodation-sharing property as the month of entry, which might not precisely represent the time of
the business entry. Therefore, the models that we estimated could have been subject to statistical bias. Although we used the
longitudinal nature of the data to account for the time-invariant heterogeneity across attractions through the attractions' fixed effects,
there may still have been a number of ‘unobservable factors’. Second, of the various approaches to the use of online review data, this
study adopted a functional approach to quantify the association between tourism service suppliers. Given that these reviews contain a
wide variety of content, an approach such as semantic analysis of the review contents should be undertaken to explore how and why
the tourist attractions are becoming more popular. Third, we defined tourist attractions based on the rating system by the Chinese
authorities. Given the tremendous and various tourism demand in Beijing, the border of tourist attraction has been blurred. The
representation of Beijing is diverse and fluid; it is no longer simply the iconic Forbidden City or Great Wall. According to the
interviews and participant observation, this change applies in particular to the accommodation-sharing travellers. This study inspires
future research on the more comprehensive spatial sense of tourist experience at a destination in terms of the new trends of at-
tractiveness. Fourth, this study's quantification of the positive spillovers of accommodation-sharing services are limited to Beijing;
these impacts may differ across empirical settings. Further studies should focus on the spillover effects of accommodation-sharing
services on various tourism and hospitality sectors in a variety of destinations to investigate their dynamics and impacts on com-
petitive or complementary industries and on wider society.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.102820.
H. Song, et al. Annals of Tourism Research 80 (2020) 102820
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the General Research Fund from the Research Grants Council of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Grant No. PolyU 155009/17B).
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Haiyan Song is Mr and Mrs Chan Chak Fu Professor in International Tourism at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Karen Xie is Associate Professor at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver.
Jinah Park is Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Wei Chen is Assistant Professor at the Eller College of Management, University of Arizona.