Classroom News
Dear Parents, MA Curriculum
incorporating the
This week, our third grade class will be starting our unit Common Core
on rational numbers. Fractions will be the first topic we Standards:
will be learning about in our rational numbers unit. We
3.NF.A.: Develop
will be using mathematics websites to enhance our
understanding of
learning. These websites include Splash Learn and The fractions as
Math Learning Center. Students can access these numbers for
websites during the last 10 minutes of our daily math fractions with
block. I will also be introducing these websites in class denominators 2, 3,
this week. I encourage your child to use these games for 4, 6, and 8.
extra practice outside of class. Feel free to reach out if
you have questions about our new technology programs.
I am looking forward to enhancing students'
understanding of rational numbers through interactive
learning websites!
Ms. Donsky
Classroom Teacher, Third Grade
Technology in our classroom
Interactive media, such as Splash Learn and
Links The Math Learning Center, are valuable resources that enhance conceptual
math-games-for-3rd-graders understanding of rational numbers. Both
softwares give students opportunities for
https://www.mathlearningcent practice working with fractions and visually
representing fractions.
Splash Learn
Splash Learn is a program designed for students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our
class will be using this resource to focus on the fractions games in the Grade 3 math
section. This website software gives students the mission of unlocking portals by
slicing the energy blocks to divide them. Students perform this task by segmenting
the strip diagrams into equal parts. In the Partition into Equal Parts Game, students
will gain practice segmenting the whole rectangle into equal parts (see Visual 1). This
resources clearly explains what students are doing mathematically as they interact
with the website (see Visual 2). Once the student partitions the whole into equal parts
(Visual 3), they drag the equal part represented by the fraction to unlock the portal
light, which is a motivating incentive for students. The fun visuals and missions foster
student engagement, giving students an adventure while they are simultaneously
reinforcing concepts we are covering in class. This resource provides students with
opportunities to practice working with fractions. A strong understanding of fractions in
this unit will be a helpful foundation as we approach new topics about rational
numbers, including decimals, ratios, and proportions.
Visual 1 Visual 2 Visual 3
MA Curriculum Frameworks
aligned with Splash Learn: Reinforcement of classroom
3.NF.A.1.: Understand a fraction 1 ∕b as
the quantity formed by 1 part when a
whole (a single unit) is partitioned The Count Equal Parts Game (visual 4) gives
into b equal parts; understand a students the task of filling in the missing number to
fraction a ∕b as the quantity formed complete the fraction. There are two examples on
by a parts of size 1 ∕b . the sides that students can use to support their
This framework is aligned with the problem solving. This activity reinforces terminology
Count Equal Parts Game offered and concepts we will be covering in class about
through Splash Learn (visual 4)
wholes and equal parts. It will also help students
Visual 4 visualize what the numerator and denominator of a
fraction represent. Students will understand that a
denominator is the number of equal parts the whole
is divided into, and that a numerator is the number
of equal parts that are shaded.
Visual 4 Visual 6