Report (1-3)
Report (1-3)
Report (1-3)
Certain key aspects of the process of health Dimensions of health education process:
- Health education is a complex process
- It is a planned opportunity of learning that requires electric knowledge, skills
through information about health guided and values on the part of the educator.
by specific goals, objectives, activities and
evaluation criteria. - This needs a conceptual framework
which envisions the totality of the learning
- It occurs in a specific setting. process and all its dimensions. It begins
with the formulation of objectives and the
- It is a program of series or events that anticipated outcome for each particular
introduces concepts at appropriate subject area which prepares the teacher
learning levels. and the learner to assume their roles and
- It is based on what was previously learned
in order to determine what is to be learned The 4 dimensions of the educative process
in the future. (Heidgerken, 1971):
c. Identifies ways of individualizing teaching, such Narrative notes show the patient's progress
as the client's readiness, language, and physical perceived by all health care professionals involved
capability. in patient care. Evaluation of the patient's
d. Designs assessment forms to high-risk responses to nursing interventions should be
patients, in order to pinpoint potential problems evident. Every problem is referenced with a
that identify specific learning needs. number corresponding to the problem list.
b. Designs and conducts evaluation and a. Assess teaching needs of the patient or
diagnostic studies to assess the quality and teaching that is required in a particular situation;
performance of health education programs.
b. Assess what the patient knows and begin from
c. Develops and implements health education and what she knows; and
promotion programs such as training workshops,
conferences and school or community c. Consider language barriers, background, age
presentations. and emotional status of the patient, literacy,
ethnic and cultural background, age and
emotional status of the patient; otherwise,
2. Patient Teaching Defined teaching and learning can be impaired, placing the
patient at risk.