Ore206d Study Guide 2024
Ore206d Study Guide 2024
Ore206d Study Guide 2024
Operational Research
February 2024
© COPYRIGHT: Tshwane University of Technology
All rights reserved. Apart from any reasonable quotations for the purposes of
research criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of
this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy and recording, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
1. Welcome.......................................................................................................... - 1 -
2. Staff ................................................................................................................. - 1 -
6.5 Procedure during Class ................................................................................. - 9 -
Glossary of terms.................................................................................................. - 13 -
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Welcome to this module! We hope that you will find the module interesting and informative,
as well as developing a special affection for this subject. We trust that you will not only achieve
success in the examinations at the end of each semester, but that the subject matter will be
applicable to your work, as well as contributing towards a successful career.
This subject, Operational research (ORE206D), forms part of the N Dip: Work study. The purpose
of the N Dip: Work study is to prepare the learner to be competent in supporting and applying
operations management strategies and tools, systems and techniques in the manufacturing and
service environment. The person will be able to optimize the resource usage in a team to benefit
the department concerned.
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CAMPUS mtshalile@tut.ac.za
If, after attending class and making every effort from your side to master content, you still have
problems with understanding concepts or principles or their application, lecturers are available
for consultation. Your lecturer will be available by appointment. Appointments can be made
with the lecturer via e-mail.
The subject requires that you attend all 2 contact sessions as scheduled. 1 contact session,
equal to 1.5 hours per week, are allocated for this subject.
Week 1 Orientation
Week 2-3 Chapter 1: Introduction to quantitative analysis
Week 4-6 Chapter 2: Probability concepts and application.
Week 7-9 Chapter 3: Decision analysis
Week 10 Revision
Week 13-14 Chapter 7: Linear programming models: graphical solutions.
Week 15-16 Chapter 8: Linear programming: the simplex method
Week 24-25 ONLINE MODULE: Decision theory and the normal distribution
Week 29 Revision
Week 30 EXAM
NOTE: Depending on circumstances, the work schedules may be changed. Any such changes will
be communicated during contact sessions and through MyTUTor in advance.
NOTE: The work schedules have been developed to facilitate normal academic procedure.
Due dates must be adhered to and no apology will be considered. Student preparation should
be such that assignments are completed and submitted well in advance, and scheduled test
dates are adhered to. Inability o f a student , at any time to adhere to any of the
aforementioned instruction throughout the semester should be reported to the lecturer as
soon as possible with the necessary validation (medical certificate or an affidavit).
The following tables indicate what literature and other resources are essential for successful
completion of this course. You are strongly advised to acquire the prescribed resource.
The student is to make full use or to the best of his/her ability the services that the library offers.
The library is viewed as an integral component of the education process.
Please contact the librarian for information on different resources available, using the library
link on the TUT website.
• This Module is important as it will teach a learner how to apply academic knowledge in
a practical way for more advanced problems.
• Learners are expected to use knowledge gained from previous courses such as
Operations management I, Operations management II and Operations management III.
• Learners are expected to be punctual and attend all lectures and not to disturb other
learners during lectures. Announcements are made during the year on an ongoing basis.
This important information will not be heard by an absent learner.
• It is strongly recommended that learners complete all class activities/illustrated
examples/exercises to get an idea of how well the Module content is understood. This
will help to identify possible problem areas which can then be clarified by your Lecturer.
• It is the responsibility of the learner to read and understand the learner guide.
Assessment of this course will include 3 written tests and 2 assignments. The purpose of
assessment is to determine whether you have achieved the learning outcomes. The various
assessment methods therefore will focus on criteria that will enable the lecturer(s) to determine
whether you have achieved the learning outcomes.
The general rules of TUT regarding assessment apply. You are advised to familiarise yourself
with these rules, as they are applied stringently.
5.1.1. TESTS
The tests are compulsory; a sick test and can only be written if:
• A valid doctor’s certificate was handed in to the lecturer within 48 HOURS (three work days)
after a missed test. If you are unable to bring the letter in person within that time frame, you
may fax a copy within 48 hours, and bring the original ASAP.
• There is only 1 sick test per semester written on ALL the work of that semester.
• Missed tests for which no letter was received = 0%.
Please note that, in concurrence with TUT policy, no optional tests will be permitted
Assessment for passing the subject will take the form of one three-hour closed book summative
test at the end of the second semester. The summative test will assess most of the work done
throughout the year.
Test 1: 15 – 26 April
Test 2: 13 – 28 June
The penalty for late submission without a valid reason shall be applied as follows:
Day 1 - 25%
Day 2 - 50%
The assignment shall be subject to the lecturer’s approval and will be practical and industrial
based. Evaluation is conducted strictly in accordance with the guidelines given in the assignment
description document.
No late assessments will be accepted without a valid medical certificate and/or explanatory
letter along with the necessary documents.
Marks in tests and the assignment will be allocated according to a memorandum based on the
prescribed work. Practical applications will be assessed and marked accordingly.
Assessment 1 25%
Assessment 2 10%
Assessment 3 30%
Assessment 4 10%
Assessment 5 25%
Assessment 6 40%
NOTE: Final marks are placed on the faculty notice boards for students to view prior to the
finalisation of the marks. If you have queries about your mark, you must immediately consult
your course lecturer before predicate day. Once the final mark is entered on TUT’s mainframe
database, the mark cannot be changed.
The tests and assignments in this course are assessed by the first examiner and moderated by
the moderator.
The Department of Operations Management favours student honesty and ethical behaviour. For
this reason it prohibits plagiarism and violations of the Copyright Act in the preparation of
assignments. Plagiarism entails the use of any published work or part thereof, whether from a
book, a Web page, or other source, without due acknowledgement and the use of the correct
citation method. This prohibits ‘copy and paste’ exercises of written content without rewriting
it in own words or placing it in quotation marks, even if the source is acknowledged. The same
applies to tables. Under all circumstances, the source of any secondary information should be
cited. In the case of a student repeating the subject, the assignment must be redone.
It is your responsibility to make a success of learning in this course. To this end you are
encouraged to attend class, write set tests and hand in your assignments on the set due dates.
All learning will include the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains to develop the learner
Self-directed learning will be practiced and encouraged to acquire the necessary knowledge,
skills and values.
All learning will be related and applied to the operations management working environment.
The learners' prior experiences and knowledge will be considered when they are confronted
with or have to discover new content.
You must always be prepared for classes because of the importance of involvement and
meaningful participation. This method of tuition by the lecturer is based upon self-study and
independent thought processes.
The lecturer will explain the principles and practical application of the applicable learning
objective(s) in detail. Case studies will be used where possible.
It is your duty to approach the lecturer regarding any problems you may be experiencing with
the work. Thereafter you integrate the lecturer's presentation with your own preparation in
order to produce a final product. The lecturer will indicate which learning objectives you should
study to be prepared for the next period(s). Disciplined behaviour and actions, teamwork and
timeliness are the keystones of successful project management. The following rules of
engagement apply:
• Be on time for lectures – the class will commence at the set time and the doors will be
closed on commencement of the class. If you need to enter the class late, please do so
• Whilst the lecturer is conveying information, silence is required. Time will be given for
group discussions. Lectures will be stopped if this is not adhered to.
• The use of cell-phones during the lecture is strictly prohibited. This includes texting in
the lectures. Appropriate action will be taken against students who use cell-phones in
the lecture.
Bear in mind that your achievements as a University student are recorded and that it will be
referred to in the future, should you apply for a job or a bursary. The following guidelines could
assist you in solving problems or to achieve success:
• Take careful note throughout the semester of the requirements for admission to the
examination. This will prevent a crisis situation before the examinations where you may
request leniency, which will not be granted.
• Tests, assignments and other instructions during the semester must be approached and
completed with seriousness. You are warned against the danger of "spotting" questions.
It is essential that all the work is prepared for a test or examination and not to guess
which questions will be put to you.
• Ensure that you know when tests are going to be written and when assignments have to
be submitted.
• Approach your studies seriously and ensure that you maintain a sound balance with your
time schedule. Sport, leisure and other non-academic activities are important but must
not dominate available time.
• Do not hesitate to approach your lecturer or guardian lecturer with problems or
uncertainties etc, regarding your studies. It will always be a pleasure for the staff to assist
you. Use the opportunity when attending classes because personal contact with your
lecturer is to your advantage. Do not rely on the information spread by other students.
• According to TUT rules students are expected to attend at least 80% of their classes.
Regular class attendance is considered essential for all students (those following a course
for the first time, as well as those repeating a course) for the following reasons:
o Your studies are simplified due to the personal instruction you receive.
o It is the first step in achieving success with your studies, because it is the only
method of ensuring that you make acquaintance with the complete contents of
the course, as well as ensuring that you understand everything.
o It keeps you in touch with the course and ensures that you gradually and
systematically work through the contents.
o Students, who display so little interest in their studies that they do not even
attend lectures, do not deserve to pass.
As this department is proud to uphold the principle of academic freedom, grievances and
problems must be discussed with the lecturer first. If the problem cannot be resolved
satisfactorily, the complaint must be submitted to the Head of the Department of Operations
Management in writing, in the presence of the lecturer in question. The Dean of Management
Sciences may be approached at this stage if this is deemed necessary. No grievance or complaint
regarding the lecturer may be taken to higher authority without his/her knowledge. The correct
channels have to be followed.
The primary purpose of this module is to build and expand knowledge on the principles
methodology of organisational behaviour.
Specific keywords will be used in the questions to guide your response, for example: discuss,
evaluate, explain, compare, criticize, discuss critically, etc. Always read questions carefully to
ensure that you answer them correctly. A number of keywords are explained in more detail
This requires a short and concise description of the meaning of a specific word, concept or idea.
Where possible, elements should be specified and explained by means of examples. Where
necessary, similarities and contrasts between the word, concept or idea and other related
words, concepts or ideas should be spelled out.
This requires that distinguishing elements be highlighted, causes and effects identified, and the
underlying relationships pointed out.
This requires a detailed review of the phenomenon, matter or event on the basis of arguments
about cause-effect relationships, advantages and disadvantages, as well as reasons why these
specific relationships exist or why a specific result ensues. Discussion requires insight into the
matter discussed and the ability to argue a case. Please note that you may be asked to discuss
only a specified aspect - for example the disadvantages of a method or the most important
causes of a problem.
This requires an indication of the logical relationship between events, activities or actions in such
a way that the reader can deduct how and why a process follows a given path. In addition, the
reader must be able to recognise that you (as the person giving the explanation) have a good
grasp of the matter. In order to explain, you must give a considerable amount of detail. You must
explain how things are connected, why they are connected in precisely that way and no other,
and why a certain result is achieved. Explanation therefore requires both knowledge and insight.
Set out
This requires the organisation of material. In order to "set out", you must first sort and arrange
facts, arguments, characteristics, etc, according to specific points of departure in a new, often
original, way. Thereafter the material is discussed, and, where necessary, explained.
This requires a comparison between two or more phenomena, methods or techniques, being
weighed against each other with regard to dimensions such as exceptional characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages, similarities and differences as well as the relative strong and
weak points of each. Normally a reasoned conclusion is reached on the basis of the comparison.
This requires a list of names, dates, reasons, facts, advantages, characteristics, etc. You are not
required to provide arguments or to explain processes. Tabulation usually refers to the
organisation of information so as to provide a clear and systematic overview.
This requires the application of criteria against which to measure a technique, method or
approach. Evaluation is usually followed by a deduction or conclusion. In such a case, you are
required, firstly, to indicate which criteria were applied in the evaluation, and, secondly, to set
out your conclusion.
This requires the logical ordering of information, facts and arguments to substantiate or
motivate a specific conclusion. In this regard, extensive use may be made of statistics, research
findings, historical facts, as well as of inductive and deductive reasoning.
Give reason(s) for your answer.
Establish the identity or recognise a process.
Use the facts available to derive an outcome.
Find an answer by using critical thinking and/or calculations.