Mowilith LDM 2416
Mowilith LDM 2416
Mowilith LDM 2416
Characteristics Stabilization
Mowilith LDM 2416 is a non-plasticized and Cellulose derivatives and surfactants
ammonia-free aqueous copolymer dispersion
based on vinyl acetate and ®VeoVa (vinyl
ester of versatic acid).
General Features
Mowilith LDM 2416 is especially suited for the Mowilith LDM 2416 dries at room temperature
formulation of interior and exterior paints, to form crack-free and flexible films.
matt as well as semi-gloss and thixotropic
The usual titanium dioxide and coloured
paints. The semigloss paints made with this
pigments as well as fillers and texturing grains
dispersion have a good gloss level and a good
may be used for the formulation of paints and
rheological behaviour.
resin-bound plasters. To ensure the adequate
Due to its good pigment binding capacity storage stability long term storage trials are
Mowilith LDM 2416 can be used to formulate recommended at any rate, especially when
indoor paints with a pvc of 75 % and still good fillers and coloured pigments with a large
scrub resistance. specific surface area are chosen. In addition
to the widespread used polyphosphates the
All possible application fields of Mowilith LDM
salts of low molecular weight polyacrylic acids
2416 at one glance:
(e. g. ®Mowiplus XW 330) working as
x Semigloss and thixotropic paints dispersing agents should also be used to
achieve further stability. Depending on the
x Exterior paints pigments and extenders the required quantity
x Interior paints is in the range between 0.1 and 0.4 % active
substance relative to the pigment/extender
x Resin-based plasters and textured coatings mixture.
This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our Celanese Emulsions GmbH
products and their possible uses. It should therefore not be construed as an expressed or implied warranty of D-65926 Frankfurt am Main
specific properties of the product or for its suitability for a particular use. Any existing industrial property Tel.: +49-69-305-14847
rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale. In
every case we urge and recommend that purchasers before using any product in full scale production make
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their own tests to determine to their own satisfaction whether the product is of acceptable quality and is
suitable for their particular purposes under their own operating conditions.