It is a systematic system of
communication made up of blended sounds that are necessary to reveal the structure of
a word. Language is the primary tool we use in communication to both convey and be
many ways to decode an information in the direction of the recipient. As stated by Noren
(2022), systemic nature is one of language's primary attributes. He goes on to say that it
can be utilized for writing as well as a variety of noises, symbols, and signs. Since
Therefore, this study seeks to identify the preference of the students from Bachelor of
Arts in English Language in Cebu Normal University. The medium of data collection is
factors that affect their level of preference over the other. Thus, the use of a descriptive
research design aids in collecting the experiences of the respondents to assess the
barrier towards adhering a preferred modality instead of utilizing the two in balance.
Many of the study participants felt that writing was a more expressive medium than
speaking, and that writing helped them communicate their thoughts and feelings more
clearly and nuancedly (Flower & Hayes, 1980). According to Murray (1972), these
students often wrote poetry and autobiographical narratives, viewing writing as a tool for
structure, and grammar, which is consistent with the observations made by Graham and
Harris (2003). On the other hand, not everyone had a positive writing experience. A
pertinent terminology (Krashen, 1982). The findings of Raimes (1985) were reflected in
and Hayes (1980), a number of participants observed that their writing lacked clarity and
As a result, the factors mentioned above leads to surpass the other modality from the
other one. Therefore, this study presents based from the analyzed data that the
between people's preferences for speaking or writing and their ability to acquire these
skills. Those who consistently wrote showed greater improvement in writing proficiency,
Some participants reported that their preference for speaking negatively affected their
classroom setting to apply either a positive and negative reinforcement for the learners
speaking abilities in English. Three main categories were used to group these practices:
comprehension. To increase fluency and clarity, active practice included regular writing
assignments like journaling, essay writing, and creative writing. Improving spoken
proficient in both speaking and writing, balanced practice required regular, balanced use