Reactors1 19
Reactors1 19
Reactors1 19
energy, R the universal gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. For most reactions,
the activation energy is positive, and the rate constant k increases with temperature.
Some reactions have very little or no temperature dependence and therefore activation
energy values close to zero. A few complex reactions have a net negative activation
energy and actually decrease with temperature. These reactions are extremely rare.
The Arrhenius temperature dependency for a reaction can be calculated using
experimental data. The procedure is to run a reaction at several different temperatures to
get the rate constant k as a function of absolute temperature. From the previous equations
ln k = ln k0 - E/RT; the natural log of k is then plotted versus the reciprocal of the
absolute temperature. The slope of this line is then -E/R, and the intercept is the ln k0.
All chemical reactors have at least one thing in common: Chemical species are created or
destroyed. In developing a general reactor design equation, we focus on what happens to
the number of moles of a particular species i. Consider a region of space where chemical
species flow into the region, partially reacts, and then flows out of the region. Doing a
material balance, we find
In equation form
dN i
n& i 0 − n& i + G i =
where n& i 0 is the molar flow rate of i in, n& i the molar flow rate of i out, Gi the rate of
generation of i by chemical reaction, and dNi/dt the rate of accumulation of i in the
region. The rate of generation of i by chemical reaction is directly related to the rate of
reaction by
&t dN
G = ∫ V r dV = i
i 0 i dt
A batch reactor has no inlet or outlet flows, so n& i 0 = n& i = 0. Perfect mixing is
assumed for this ideal reactor, and the rate ri is independent of position. This changes
our generation term in the general reactor design equation to
∫ 0 ri dV = ri V t
Then, by the general design equation, our ideal batch reactor equation becomes
1 dN i
= ri
V t dt
This equation does not define the rate ri, which is an algebraic expression independent of
reactor type such as ri = kCi2.
a. Constant Volume Batch Reactors. For the special case of constant volume or
constant density (usually values for the mixture, not the reactor), we can simplify the
ideal batch reactor equations. Starting with the ideal batch reactor equation
1 dN i
= ri
V t dt
d N i /V t)=
dC i
= ri
dt dt
This equation is usually valid for liquid-phase reactions and for gas reactions where the
sum of the stoichiometric numbers equals zero, but it is invalid for constant pressure gas-
phase reactions with mole changes.
When the rate expression is known, this equation yields the major design variable, time,
for a batch reaction of given concentration or conversion.
Example. A → B + C (irreversible, aqueous reaction). The rate expression can be
written as
rA = -kCA
Using this rate expression and the constant density ideal batch reactor equation gives
dC A
= − kC A
ln = − kt [constant volume, Vt ]
C A0