The document contains details of transactions from Gabriel India Limited including date, voucher number, GSTIN, description of goods or services provided, value, gross total, GST, and department. There are 16 transactions listed from August 2021 to March 2022 for services such as tank cleaning, paint shop maintenance, machine cleaning, and supply of items provided to the production department of Gabriel India Limited located in Khandsa.
The document contains details of transactions from Gabriel India Limited including date, voucher number, GSTIN, description of goods or services provided, value, gross total, GST, and department. There are 16 transactions listed from August 2021 to March 2022 for services such as tank cleaning, paint shop maintenance, machine cleaning, and supply of items provided to the production department of Gabriel India Limited located in Khandsa.
The document contains details of transactions from Gabriel India Limited including date, voucher number, GSTIN, description of goods or services provided, value, gross total, GST, and department. There are 16 transactions listed from August 2021 to March 2022 for services such as tank cleaning, paint shop maintenance, machine cleaning, and supply of items provided to the production department of Gabriel India Limited located in Khandsa.
The document contains details of transactions from Gabriel India Limited including date, voucher number, GSTIN, description of goods or services provided, value, gross total, GST, and department. There are 16 transactions listed from August 2021 to March 2022 for services such as tank cleaning, paint shop maintenance, machine cleaning, and supply of items provided to the production department of Gabriel India Limited located in Khandsa.
9 August 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/117 06AAACG1994N1Z8
9 August 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/118 06AAACG1994N1Z8 5 October 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/194 06AAACG1994N1Z8 17 November 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/264 06AAACG1994N1Z8 6 December 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/297 06AAACG1994N1Z8 6 December 2021 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/298 06AAACG1994N1Z8 3 January 2022 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/325 06AAACG1994N1Z8 1 February 2022 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/363 06AAACG1994N1Z8 9 February 2022 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/379 06AAACG1994N1Z8 9 February 2022 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/380 06AAACG1994N1Z8 16-Mar-22 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/426 06AAACG1994N1Z8 16-Mar-22 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/427 06AAACG1994N1Z8 16-Mar-22 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/428 06AAACG1994N1Z8 31-Mar-22 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/457 06AAACG1994N1Z8 31-Mar-22 Gabriel India Limited(Khandsa) DE/21-22/458 06AAACG1994N1Z8 Description Value Gross Total GST SALES LOCAL CGST SGST
Tank Cleaning 32,000.00 37,760.00 32000.000 2880.000 2880.000
PM for Paintshop 34,000.00 40,120.00 34000.000 3060.000 3060.000 Fixing of SS Rod 5mm 4,400.00 5,192.00 4400.000 396.000 396.000 PAINT SHOP PM FOR EVERY SUNDAY 8,500.00 10,030.00 8500.000 765.000 765.000 Grinder Manpower 43,000.00 50,740.00 43000.000 3870.000 3870.000 Grinder Manpower 43,000.00 50,740.00 43000.000 3870.000 3870.000 Machine Cleaning 20,000.00 23,600.00 20000.000 1800.000 1800.000 Silicon Cap ( 38 mm Dia ) 10,535.00 12,431.30 10535.000 948.150 948.150 Weekly Tank Cleaning 8,000.00 9,440.00 8000.000 720.000 720.000 Weekly Tank Cleaning 8,000.00 9,440.00 8000.000 720.000 720.000 PAINT SHOP PM FOR EVERY SUNDAY 10,000.00 11,800.00 10000.00 Cr 900.00 Cr 900.00 Cr PAINT SHOP PM FOR EVERY SUNDAY 10,000.00 11,800.00 10000.00 Cr 900.00 Cr 900.00 Cr PAINT SHOP PM FOR EVERY SUNDAY 10,000.00 11,800.00 10000.00 Cr 900.00 Cr 900.00 Cr PAINT SHOP PM 10,000.00 11,800.00 10000.00 Cr 900.00 Cr 900.00 Cr PAINT SHOP PM 10,000.00 11,800.00 10000.00 Cr 900.00 Cr 900.00 Cr Department
Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production