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Elements of International Politics

1. According to realism, the essence of International Politics is. . . . . . . .

a) Sovereignty of States b) International Co-Operation
c) Moral values and Peace d) The pursuit of power.
2. Authoritative allocation of values is proposed by. . . . . . . . . .
a) Laski b) Gabriel Almond c) David Easton d) Robert Dhal
3. The prisoners dilemma model is associated with. . . . . . . . .
a) Game Theory b) Realism
c) Systems theory d) Idealism
4. Pravada is the newspaper published in. . . . . . . .
a) UK b) USA c) USSR d) Germany.
5. The Yalta Conference is an example of. . . . . . . . . . . .diplomacy.
a) Shuttle b) Cultural c) Summit d) Cricket
6. The major ideological system that emerged in the post World War II are. . . . . .
a) Marxian Nazism b) Socialism and capitalism
c) Industrialism and commercialism d) Liberalism and globalization
7. The struggle for space, land, sea and power is the subject matter of . . . . . . . .
a) Geography b) Gerrymandering c) Geopolitics d) Topography
8. Buffer states are of great importance in maintaining
a) Qisarmament b) Cold war c) Nonalignment d) Balance of power
9. Blood and Iron policy was used by. . . . . . . . . . . .
a) Hitler b) Mussolini c) Bismark d) Nehru
10. Who wrote “ The Twenty years Crisis”?
a) Arthur S. Banks b) E.H.Carr
c) Almond-Verba d) Michael Hars
11. Which of the following has shifted the seen of International Relations from Europe to
a) Liquidation of Colonialism b) Emergence of UN
c) New economic order d) Concern for peace.
12. Woodrow Wilson is asscociated with:
a) Realist approach b)System Approch
c) Idealist approach d) Game Theory
13. According to Kaplan the non-member actor disappeared in:
a) Loosebi-polar system b) Tight bi-polar system
c) Balance of power system d) Universal actor system
14. International system as a whole set in which the sub-sets interact with one another is. . .
a) Game theory b) Decision making theory
c) Idealist theory d) Marxist theory
15. The conquest and control of the minds of men as an instrument for changing the power
relation is. . . . . . ..
a) Capitalism b) Military Imperialism
c) Economic Imperialism d) Cultural imperialism
16. “Trade and aid’ is a feature of:
a) Neo colonialism b) Capitalism
b) Imperialism d) Cold War
17. Which among the following is not a military alliance?
18. Drafting of UN Charter was initiated by
a) Vienna Conference b) Berlin Conference
c) Geneva Conference d) San Francisco Conference
19. The diplomacy in which the Head of the State directly participating is:
a) personal diplomacy b) summit diplomacy
c) conference diplomacy d) Old diplomacy
20. A theory of foreign policy is written by
a) George Modelski b) Mahendra Kumar
c) Morgenthan d) Palmer and perkins
21. Which leader from India played a key role in the launching of SAARC?
a) Indira Gandhi b) Rajiv Gandhi
c) V.P. Singh d) A.B. Vajpayee
22. Who authored the work, ‘Clash of civilizations”?
a) Friedman b) Morgenthau
c) Samuel Huntington d) Paul F Kennedy
23. Maastricht Treaty is related to:
a) Peace accord in West Asia b) Peace treaty with Iran
c) European Union d) Globalization policies on environment.
24. The fundamental basis of International Law is:
a) International co-operation b) Peace and Goodwill
c) Sovereignty of States d) Membership in the UN
25. Which of the following is not an Islamic organization?
a) HAMAS b) Hizbut Mujahideen c) JKLF d) LTTE
26. Decision – making approach is linked with:
a) Richard Snyder b) David Easton
c) Morton Kaplan d) Hans Morgenthan
27. Rajiv Gandhi Jayawardene Agreement was signed in the year
a) 1990 b) 1988 c) 1987 d) 1986
28. The famous work ‘International Relations’ was the work of:
a) C.J.Barlet b) Hans Morgenthan
c) Palmer and perkins d) None of the above
29. The Bandhang Conference was held in the year
a) 1954 b) 1955 c) 1958 d) 1960
30. ‘Politics Among Nations’ was written by:
a) Hans Morgenthau b) J.W. Burton
c) Friedman d) Joseph Frankel
31. Where was the first SAARC Conference held?
a) Colombo b) Islamabad c) Dhaka d) Kattmandu
32. The International Court of Justice is located at
a) New York b) Kermlin c) The Hague d) Paris
33. The present President of Sri Lanka is
a) Mahindra Rajapaksha b) Mithrapala Sirasena
c) J.R. Jayawardhane d) Chandrika Kumara Tunge.
34. The Treaty of Panchasheel was signed between:
a) Pakistan and India b) India and China
c) China and Pakistan d) India and Bangladesh
35. Diego Garcia is a US Navel base in the
a) Atlantic Ocean b) Pacific Ocean
c) Indian Ocean d) Artic Ocean

Answer key

1.d 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.c 6. d 7.c 8. 9.b 10.b

11. a 12.c 13.b 14.b 15.d 16.a 17.c 18.d 19.b 20.b

21. 22.c 23.c 24.b 25.d 26.a 27.c 28.c 29.b 30.a

31.c 32.c 33.b 34.b 35.c



1. 1. Which is the largest trade partner of India?

a) ASEAN b) APEC c) OIC d) EU
2. UNO declared the Human Rights in:
a) 1950 b) 1935 c) 1948 d) 1960
3. 2. SAARC Secretariat is located at :
a) Kathmandu b) New Delhi c) Dhaka d) Islamabad
4. The EU organization consists of:
a) European Commission and a Council of Ministers b) A European Parliament
c) A Court of Justice d) All of the above
5. The members of the Security Council is elected for:
a) Five year term b) Four year term c) Three year term d) Two year term
6. The issues of Kyoto Conference were related to:
a) Terrorism b) Prohibition of nuclear test
c) Climate change d) None of these
7. Strategic Arms Reduction Talks agreement was between:
a) India and Pakistan b) Soviet Union and USA
c) India and China d) USA and China.
8. Which one is a non member of BRICS?
a) Brazil b) India c) China d) Pakistan
9. The association which created through the Bangkok Declaration in 1967 is:
10. The WTO came into being:
a) January 1st 1995 b) January 1st 1992
c) January 1st 1993 d) January 1st 1994
11. 2001 to 2010 has been declared the SAARC DECADE OF THE:
a) Right of the child b) Girl child .
c) The Youth d) The environment
12. The first concrete step towards ending cold war was:
a) Malta summit b) SALT c) Geneva Summit d) None of these
Match the following:
13. SAARC - 1967
14. ASEAN - 1985
15. UNO - 1993
16. EU - 1945
17. The ASEAN established to promote:
a) Regional Co-operation b) Economic Co-Operation
c) Socio-cultural Co-Operation d) All of the above.
18. The most important factor responsible for globalization is:
a) Trade liberalization b) Economic liberalization
c) Political liberalization d) None of the above.
19. The most important body of United Nation is:
a) General Assembly b) Security Council
c) World Court d) WHO
20. Which one is not a member of SAARC?
a) India b) Pakistan c) Nepal d) China
21. Which organ of the UN is called the “enforcing wing”?
a) Secretary General b) General Assembly
c) UNCTAD d) Security Council
22. The term “Perestoika” is associated with:
a) Gorbachev b) Khrushchev c) Lenin d) Stalin
23. An easing of tension between states can be termed as:
a) Détente b) Defense c) Diplomacy d) Declaration
24. Explanation for the Cold War include:
a) Gorbachev and Reagan’s leadership b) The relative economic strength of the USA
c) The ideological difference between communist states and Western democracy
d) All of the above
25. Who is the US’s Secretary of State?
a) Hillary Clinton b) Robert Gates
c) George Bush d) John Kerry
26. Which among the following is a member of BRIC?
a) USA b) China c) England d) Pakistan
27. Theoretical aspects of foreign policy is written by
a) George Modelski b) Mahendra Kumar
c) Morgenthan d) Palmer and Perkins
28. The European Union came into force as per the treaty of:
a) Schengen b) Maastricht c) Latvia d) Cyprus
29. Radcliffe line is the demarcation between:
a) Bangladesh -Kashimr, b) Nepal-Burma
c) China India d) India and Pakistan.
30. Shimla agreement was signed by:
a) Indira Gandhi and Bhutto b) Rajiv Gandhi nd Nawas Sheriff
c) Nehru and Ayub Khan d) Morarji Desai and Bhutto
31. The latest UN conference on climate change was held at:
a) Durban b) Cairo c) Brussels d) Tokyo
Match the followings
32. Bretton woods - climate change
33. Kyota protocol - proposal for International organization
34. Dumbarton Oaks - USA
35. Pearl Harbour - IBRD

Answer Key

1.d 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.d 9.b 10.a

11. b 12.c 13.1985 14.1967 15.1945 16.1993 17.d 18.a 19.a 20.d

21.a 22.a 23.a 24.c 25.d 26.b 27.b 28.b 29.d 30.a

31.d 32.IBRD 33.Climate change

34. Proposal for International organization, 35. USA

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