KA-OmniSTAR Frequency Change Custom Settings - REV D
KA-OmniSTAR Frequency Change Custom Settings - REV D
KA-OmniSTAR Frequency Change Custom Settings - REV D
With the recent change in the OmniSTAR signal frequency, custom OmniSTAR frequency
settings are needed to function for the OmniSTAR correction source. We have found that the
terminology that OmniSTAR uses is not the same as in the horizon software.
OmniSTAR satellite beams transitioned to new beams and affected all GNSS receivers using
OmniSTAR VBS, OmniSTAR XP, OmniSTAR HP, and OmniSTAR G2 correction services via
satellite delivery.
Recommended Action:
Custom frequency settings will need to be entered to use the OmniSTAR correction source
with software builds 5.03.xx and prior.
3. Enter the “FREQUENCY” specific to your region from the table below.
5. Enter the “SERVICE ID” specific to your region from the table below
6. Enter the “SCRAMBLER VECTOR” specific to your region from the table below
Special Notices:
• The OmniSTAR website shows the frequency in MHz. The Topcon horizon software
uses kHz. The above table is the correct frequency to enter. OmniSTAR uses the term
Data Rate (baud rate); a data (baud) rate of 1200 equals a symbol rate of 2438. The
correct Baud rate is in the table above. This terminology is incorrect; it should be
labelled Symbol Rate and corrected in the following software build.