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Java Programming
Java Bytecode

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

• This lesson covers the following topics:
• Understanding Bytecode
−How to obtain the bytecode listings
−How to read the bytecode
−How the language constructs are mirrored by the compiler:
calculation, method calls

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Why Understand Bytecode?
• Understanding the Java bytecode is crucial when
debugging and doing performance and memory usage
• Knowing the assembler instructions that are generated
from source code can help you know how to code
differently to achieve your quality goals
• In addition, the knowledge of bytecode can help you to
better understand the Java programming language and
know the implementation details for your source code

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What is the Bytecode?
• It is not usual for programmers to program in Java byte
code directly, rather they program in Java and then
compile their programs into Java byte code
• Each opcode of the bytecode is represented by a single

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What is the Bytecode?
• Bytecode is an intermediate representation of a
program, halfway between human readable source and
machine code
• Bytecode is produced by javac from Java source code
• Some high-level language features have been removed
and do not appear in bytecode
• For example, Java’s looping and the if statement are
not present, and instead, have become branch
instructions in the bytecode

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How to Inspect the Instruction Set
• In order to inspect the output from the Java compiler,
we use a program called a disassembler which converts
the Java byte code program from a form suitable for
efficient interpretation into a textual form suitable for
developers to read and study
• Given a compiled Java class in the file
SampleClass.class the Java disassembler is invoked
with a javap command such as the following:
• javap -c Sampleclass (The -c option disassembles the code)

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JVM Instruction Set
• Java bytecodes are the machine language of the JVM
• In Java source code, the method defines behavior, so
after the Classloader loads a class, the stream of
bytecodes for each method are stored in the method
area of JVM during runtime
• The bytecodes of a method are executed when the
method is invoked by the thread during the course of
running the application

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JVM Instruction Set
• The stream of bytecodes consists of a one-byte opcode
followed by zero or more operands
• Instruction Set format:
− 1 byte opcode
− 0 or more bytes of operands
• Each opcode has a mnemonic, for example, istore_0.
• JVM instructions are explicitly typed: different codes
for instructions for integers, floats, arrays, reference
types, etc.

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JVM Instruction Set - Mnemonics
• This is reflected by a naming convention in the first
letter of the opcode mnemonics:
• JVM-Type prefix
− Byte b
− Short s
− Integer i
− Long l
− Character c
− Single float f
− Double float d
− References a

− Example: iload load integer type or fload load float type

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JVM Instruction Set - Mnemonics
• Below is a list of common uses of opcode:
−Shuffling (pop, swap, dup, ...)
−Calculating (iadd, isub, imul, idiv, ineg,...)
−Conversion (d2i, i2b, d2f, i2z,...)
−Local storage operation (iload, istore,...)
−Array Operation (arraylength, newarray,...)
−Object management (get/putfield, invokevirtual, new)
−Push operation (aconst_null, iconst_m1,....)
−Control flow (nop, goto, jsr, ret, tableswitch,...)
−Threading (monitorenter, monitorexit,...)

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Loops in Java Source Code
• Consider the following Java Methods :
− void testFor() {
− for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++){;}
−} Both methods initialize the loop
variable i to zero and then
− int i = 0;
increment until i reaches the
− void testWhile() {
− while (i < 100) { 100 limit.
− i++;}
• We consider these testFor() and testWhile() methods
equivalent in that we can use each method to perform
the same task without the need to change the code

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Loops in Java Byte Code
• The Java byte code language has neither a for loop nor
a while loop
• Unlike the source code where the loops are visible, in
Java byte code the two forms of loops are identical:
• Method void testFor() Method void testWhile()
− 0: iconst_0 0: iconst_0
− 1: istore_1 1: istore_1
− 2: iload_1 2: iload_1
− 3: bipush 100 3: bipush 100
− 5: if_icmpge 14 5: if_icmpge 14
− 8: iinc 1, 1 8: iinc 1, 1
− 11: goto 2 11: goto 2
− 14: return 14: return

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Loops in Java Byte Code
• Below is the byte code generated from the javac
compiler for both methods:
− 0: iconst_0 The integer constant zero is pushed on top of the
− 1: istore_1 The top of the stack is stored into local variable
array one (the variable i)
− 2: iload_1 Load from the local variable
− 3: bipush 100 Load the integer 100 on top of the stack
− 5: if_icmpge 14 Compare the top two items on the stack and
jump if (i>=100)
− 8: iinc 1, 1 Increment local variable on by 1 (i++)
− 11: goto 2
− 14: return Return void when the end of the method is

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Local Storage Operation
• The load and store instructions transfer values
between the local variables and the operand stack of a
Java Virtual Machine frame
−iload, iload_0,fload_0, ..
−Istore, Istore, istore_0..
−ldc, sipush

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Arithmetic Instructions Mnemonics
• For a Complete list of the Arithmetic instructions, refer
to the JVM Specifiction
• Below is a small subset :
• Add: iadd, ladd, fadd, dadd
• Subtract: isub, lsub, fsub, dsub
• Multiply: imul, lmul, fmul, dmul
• Divide: idiv, ldiv, fdiv, ddiv

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Java Bytecode Example
− Java Souce Code: − # javap –c SampleClass
− Java ByteCode:
public class SampleClass { − public static int test();
public static int test(){ − Code:
int x=99999;
− 0: ldc #2 // int 99999
int y=1;
− 2: istore_0
int z = x + y;
return z; − 3: iconst_1
}//end method test − 4: istore_1
}//end class SampleClass − 5: iload_0
− 6: iload_1
− 7: iadd
− 8: istore_2
− 9: iload_2
− 10: ireturn

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Object Management
• Although both class instances and arrays are objects,
the Java Virtual Machine creates and manipulates class
instances and arrays using distinct sets of instructions:
• Create a new class instance: new
• Create a new array: newarray, anewarray, multianewarray
• Access fields of classes (static fields, known as class
variables) and fields of class instances (non-static fields,
known as instance variables):
• getstatic, putstatic, getfield, putfield

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Instruction-Set: Memory Access
• In the JVM, the contents of different “kinds” of
memory can be accessed by different kinds of
−accessing locals and arguments: load and store instructions
−accessing fields in objects: getfield, putfield
−accessing static fields: getstatic, putstatic

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Instruction-Set: Memory Access
• Note:
−Static fields are like global variables
−They are allocated in the “method area” where code for
methods and representations for classes (including method
tables) are also stored
−getfield and putfield access memory in the heap

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The new Operator Example
• Java Souce Code:
public class SampleClass {
public static int testID=100;
public static void test()
SampleClass sc=new SampleClass();
}//end method test

}//end class SampleClass

• In the SampleClass java class, we declare a static
variable testID.
• And the the test() method, a new Sampleclass object is
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Java Bytecode Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 21

The new Operator Example
− Java ByteCode:
− 0: new #2 // class SampleClass
− 3: dup
− 4: invokespecial #3 // Method "<init>":()V
− 7: astore_0
− 8: sipush 200
− 11: putstatic #4 // Field testID:I
− 14: return
• In the SampleClass test() method bytecode:
−Line 0: create a new object
− Line 3: duplicate the top operand stack value
−Line 4: invoke the SampleClass constructor
−Line 7: store the newly created object reference into the
local variable

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Java Bytecode Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 22

The new Operator Example
− Java ByteCode:
− 0: new #2 // class SampleClass
− 3: dup
− 4: invokespecial #3 // Method "<init>":()V
− 7: astore_0
− 8: sipush 200
− 11: putstatic #4 // Field testID:I
− 14: return
• In the SampleClass test() method bytecode:
−Line 8: push the short 200 into the top of the stack
−Line 11: set the static field testID to 200
−Line 14: return the method call

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• Method invocation:
−invokevirtual: the usual instruction for calling a method on an
object. invokeinterface: same as invokevirtual, but used when
the called method is declared in an interface (requires a
different kind of method lookup)
−invokespecial: for calling things such as constructors, which
are not dynamically dispatched (this instruction is also known
as invokenonvirtual)
−invokestatic: for calling methods that have the “static”
modifier (these methods are sent to a class, not to an object)
• Returning from methods:
−return, ireturn, lreturn, areturn, freturn, …

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Analyze the Bytecode : invokespecial
• Java Source Code: • Java ByteCode:
• SampleClass sc=new • 0: new #2 // class
SampleClass(); SampleClass
− The new operator − 3: dup
will be translated − Duplicate the top operand stack
into 4 instructions − 4: invokespecial #3 // Method
by javac compiler "<init>":()V
− Call the constructor of the
− Memory for a new instance of
SampleClass class is allocated
from the garbage-collected heap,
and the instance variables of the
new object are initialized to their
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Analyze the Bytecode - Push Short
• Java Souce Code: • Java ByteCode:
• testID=200;
− The statement will be • 8: sipush 200
translated into two • Push short value 200 into
instructions stack.

• 11: putstatic #4 //
Field testID:I
• Set static field in class

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Instructions and the “Constant Pool”
• Many JVM instructions have operands which are
indexes pointing to an entry in the so-called constant
• The constant pool contains all kinds of entries that
represent “symbolic” references for “linking”
• This is the way that instructions refer to things such as
classes, interfaces, fields, methods, and constants such
as string literals and numbers

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Instructions and the “Constant Pool”
• Examples of constant pool entries that exist :
• Class_info
• Fieldref_info
• Methodref_info
• InterfaceMethodref_info
• String
• Integer
• Float
• Long
• Double
• Name_and_Type_info
• Utf8_info (Unicode characters)

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Analyze the Bytecode
• #javap –verbose SampleClass // display the constant pool
• Java ByteCode: 11: putstatic #4 // Field t
• #1 = Methodref #5.#16 // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
• #2 = Class #17 // SampleClass
• #3 = Methodref #2.#16 // SampleClass."<init>":()V
• #4 = Fieldref #2.#18 // SampleClass.testID:I
• #5 = Class #19 // java/lang/Object
• #6 = Utf8 testID
• #7 = Utf8 I
• #8 = Utf8 <init>
• #9 = Utf8 ()V
• #10 = Utf8 Code
• estID:I

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Java Bytecode Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 29

Analyze the Bytecode – Cont.
−#javap –verbose SampleClass // display the constant pool
−Java ByteCode: 11: putstatic #4 // Field testID:I
−#11 = Utf8 LineNumberTable
−#12 = Utf8 test
−#13 = Utf8 <clinit>
−#14 = Utf8 SourceFile
−#15 = Utf8 SampleClass.java
−#16 = NameAndType #8:#9 // "<init>":()V
−#17 = Utf8 SampleClass
−#18 = NameAndType #6:#7 // testID:I
−#19 = Utf8 java/lang/Object

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Analyze the Bytecode - Cont
putstatic #4

2 18

Class NameAndType
17 6 7

Utf8 Utf8 Utf8

SampleClass testID I

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• In this lesson, you should have learned:
• Understanding Bytecode
−How to obtain the bytecode listings
−How to read the bytecode
−How the language constructs are mirrored by the compiler:
calculation, method calls

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