E3sconf Icdmm2021 01003
E3sconf Icdmm2021 01003
E3sconf Icdmm2021 01003
ICDMM 2021
Abstract. The COVID-19 disaster has spread all over Indonesia, causing a sense of laziness for people in
the economy by paying very large costs, limited activities, and even losing their jobs. The government through
the direct cash assistance program as a mitigation measure in reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,
but so far it has not been effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the ideal cooperative
governance model for the cash transfer program during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative
method with a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the cash transfer program still has
many obstacles in distributing it to many people who are not on target, which is the result of collaboration
between stakeholders such as the Social Service, Population and Civil Registry Office, Village Government,
Village Community, Coordinator Team Field, and the COVID-19 Task Force Team. To increase cooperation
between these stakeholders by strengthening on several sides such as: First, the government conducts data
collection and systematic data collection between the recommendations of the names of beneficiaries from
the village with the approval by the Population and Civil Registry Office and the Social Service Office.
Second, the Government and the Community carry out monitoring and supervision. The desired impact is that
the temporary unconditional cash transfer program can run effectively and benefit people in need. This
program is a social network during the COVID-19 period.
that relies on the tourism sector, has felt the impact of the
1 Introduction COVID-19 Pandemic. According to the Batu City
Government, the tourism sector almost accounts for 40%
Currently, the outbreak of the COVID-19 infectious of the total Original Local Government Revenue (OLGR)
disease can spread rapidly throughout the world [1], of Batu City [8]. The following are the numbers of
including Indonesia [2, 3]. In addition to having an impact employees who work at home and employees on layoff in
on the health sector, this pandemic has an impact on the Batu City as follows:
economy. In the macroeconomy, the world economy lost
+ US$ 1 trillion and world economic growth was below Table 1. Number of Employment Termination in the Malang
2%, far below the previous prediction of 2.5% [4]. As for area
the micro economy, the pandemic has had an impact on
traders, especially since the call for restrictions on Total Pegawai
mobility. Shopping centers are limited in the number of
No City Employees Employees at
visitors, so sellers have started to complain that their sales
have dropped since the COVID-19 case. This impact also On Layoff home
threatens workers or employees affected by the Malang
1. 162 1.465
termination of employment (PHK) as a result of the heavy City
workload and reduced financial liquidity of the company 2.
2.359 247
[5]. Some of these problems have an impact on the decline Regency
in people's purchasing power in line with the low inflation Batu
3. 52 2.555
rate [ City
According to the Social Health Insurance Administration From these problems, government efforts need to be
Body (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan/ made in mitigating social networking from the COVID-
BPJS), there were 2.1 million layoffs in Indonesia in 19 pandemic disaster to overcome the economic problems
2020, while according to the Ministry of Manpower, there felt by the community. One of the government programs
were 3.5 million formal and informal workers affected by for social networking by providing social assistance to
COVID-19 [7]. One of the main sectors affected is people affected by COVID-19. The social assistance
tourism. The increasing number of layoffs in the tourism policy for people affected by COVID-19 is the
sector worsens the situation of an area. Batu City, a city government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 01003 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202133101003
ICDMM 2021
especially for people who have decreased income or even 3 Result and Discussion
lost their jobs [9]. However, in the process, there are still
some problems in its distribution [10, 11, 12]. In the 3.1 Factors
distribution of direct cash social assistance, there are
several obstacles to the implementation of the policy. 3.1.1 Starting Condition
Several problems occurred during the COVID-19
pandemic, including the distribution of social assistance. Starting Condition is the initial condition when
the central and local governments, have several obstacles Collaborative Governance is implemented. The initial
in distributing social assistance to the community [10]. stages include the historical conditions of cooperation in
The social assistance policy is still not effective, there are the past, potential, and incentives expected from the
still many obstacles that must be resolved by the Collaborative Governance process. Since the beginning of
government. Therefore, the government needs to make the establishment of social assistance policies for
improvements in the distribution of target recipients. communities whose economies have been affected by
Collaborative governance theory is an important issue COVID-19, the Social Service has actively collaborated
in the relationship between local governments and village with several actors who are considered competent in their
governments, communities, and businesses. Collaborative fields, such as activities from planning to evaluation.
Governance is one way to respond to the wishes of Cooperation is also carried out during the implementation
stakeholders to be involved in the implementation of of the policy. However, in the implementation of the
development and to respond to the limited government social assistance policy, there are several obstacles. It is
funding that cannot keep up with the development of explained by Sumatra, as follows:
community demands for better government performance “Kalau dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan bantuan sosial
to obtain resources to carry out development according to tersebut tentu ada kendala paling sering adalah kendala
the expectations of these stakeholders [13, 14]. In a teknis”. (In the implementation of the social assistance
pandemic emergency, it is not only the government's policy, of course there are obstacles, most often technical
responsibility but also contributions from other problems). Interview results on January 20, 2021.
stakeholders are needed through deliberation in forums, The existence of these obstacles stems from technical
building understanding and commitment, and a sense of constraints, for example, the distribution of social
responsibility to immediately end this pandemic [15, 16]. assistance is still incomplete, causing double data
problems for prospective recipients of social assistance.
2 Experimental Method
3.1.2 Institutional Design
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach.
Descriptive research is research that provides a clear and Institutional Design is a cooperation forum attended by
systematic description of the object under study. This members, has clear rules, and is an open process. In the
research also provides information and data following the policy of distributing COVID-19 social assistance in Batu
phenomena in the field. The method used in this study City, the social service has several times held focus group
uses qualitative research methods. According to Creswell discussions with the actors involved in the policy. The
[17], qualitative research is a method to explore and focus group discussion is held once a month to discuss
understand the meaning that some individuals or groups technical guidelines related to the distribution of social
of people ascribe to social or humanitarian problems. This assistance and evaluation. This is explained by Sumatra,
qualitative research process involves important efforts, as follows:
such as asking questions and procedures, collecting “Dinas Sosial di Kota Batu melaksanaan beberapa
specific data from participants, analyzing data inductively kali FGD dengan tujuan seperti memusyahwarakan
from specific themes to general themes, and interpreting kendala-kendala pada kebijakan penyaluran bantuan
the meaning of the data. sosial, dalam FGD yang kami ikutkan adalah aktor-aktor
The location of this research is in Batu City, East Java. yang terlibat pada kebijakan itu misalnya Dinas Sosial,
This research is sourced from primary data and secondary Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil, Pemerintah
data, namely by data collection techniques consisting of Desa, Masyarakat Desa, Tim Koordinator Lapangan, dan
interviews, observations, and documentation. This Tim Satgas COVID-19”. (The Social Office in Batu City
research consisted of one key informant, namely Deny held several FGDs with the aim of discussing the
Sumatra as an employee of the Social Service Secretariat constraints on the policy of distributing social assistance,
of Batu City. Key informants should be people who are in the FGDs that we included were the actors involved in
willing to share concepts and knowledge with researchers the policy, for example the Social Service, Population and
and are often used as a place to ask questions by Civil Registry Office, Village Government, Community
researchers. For this reason, in collecting data, researchers Village, Field Coordinator Team, and COVID-19 Task
should start from the key informants to get a complete and Force). Interview results on January 20, 2021.
comprehensive picture of the problems observed [18]. The social service in building this forum involves
The interview method in this study is a semi-structured several actors who participate even though they have not
interview. The interview starts from the issues covered in been maximized in the forum. Every time a forum is held,
the interview guide, then the researcher can develop the Batu City Social Service forms a closed committee,
questions and decide how the issues are raised [19]. usually, the committee consists of employees from the
Batu City Social Service.
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 01003 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202133101003
ICDMM 2021
3.1.3 Facilitative Leadership social service. Usually to keep a regular meeting at all
times. In these meetings as a means of informing
Facilitative Leadership relates to deliberation by important matters and also given time to express their
actors, setting clear ground rules, building trust, opinions in the next session. Disclosure of this
facilitating dialogue between stakeholders, and sharing information is key to building trust.
mutual benefits. The social assistance policy for the
COVID-19 community under the leadership of the head
of the Batu City social service Ririk Mashuri, S.St, Mm, Commitment to Process
the head of the social service has a major influence on the
Commitment to Process is a commitment or agreement to
COVID-19 social assistance policy for the economy of the
carry out a certain process to achieve the desired common
community affected by COVID-19. In addition, the Head
goal. Mutual commitment, means They depend on each
of the City Service is a leader who has charisma. The head
other to solve problems and solutions, that this process is
of the Batu city social service has charisma in his
common property, and are open to each other for mutual
leadership such as a competent educational background
benefits. Meanwhile, Mutual understanding is knowing
according to his field. This statement is supported by the
the rules, goals, and limits of the pursuit. This is the rule
statement of Sumatra, as follows:
of the game for every actor involved to know. Mutual
“Kita sanggat terbantu dengan kepala dinas sosial
understanding is a condition that is derived from
yang menjabat sekarang dikarenakan latar belakang
deliberation, not left to unintentional thoughts and wishful
pendidikan nya sesuai dengan bidang dinas sosial
thinking. Various understandings and understandings
sehingga sumbangsih ilmu diberikan kepada staffnya”.
have been sought by the Batu City Social Service in
(We are greatly helped by the current head of the social
several activities. The Batu City Social Service always
service because his educational background is in
tries to establish communication and provide information
accordance with the field of social services so that
to other actors in a reciprocal manner and ask for input.
knowledge contributions are given to his staff). Interview
D.Intermediate outcome.
results on January 20, 2021.
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 01003 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202133101003
ICDMM 2021
evaluation, proposing technical guidelines. This actor has several ways, such as first, the government has not carried
a high level of importance and power. So that it can be out data collection in a centralized and systematic manner
ensured that social service actors also interact with all between the recommendations for the names of
actors to create a strong network beneficiaries from the village government and validation
by the Population and Civil Registry Office and Social
Office. This can provide opportunities for less targeted
3.2.3 Village Government
recipients of the assistance. Second, monitoring or
Village actors act as proposers who propose candidates supervision is carried out by the social service and the
for social assistance recipients to the social service, the community. The community can supervise and report to
Village Head and/or Lurah report the results of data the social service if something has not been received or
collection coordination in their area by knowing the the community receiving assistance is not appropriate.
Camat to the Mayor through the Head of the Batu City Third, to minimize the spread of COVID-19 as a result of
Social Service. In addition, the village is also an crowds, it is necessary to carry out restrictions by the
intermediary between the community and the social COVID-19 Taskforce and the police.
service. Actors with high importance but low power. The general problems are the lack of cooperation
Village actors have a low capacity to achieve goals but between the actors involved, causing the implementation
can become influential by forming alliances with other of the program not to run according to the needs of the
actors. community or other non-government stakeholders. The
planning process is not carried out with optimal
community involvement. For this reason, efforts are
3.2.4 The head of Community Association (RT/RW) needed through collaborative governance. Next is the
discussion about the ideal collaborative governance
The Community Association (RT/RW) is a communities
model in the direct cash assistance program for people
organization that has a role to help social services and as
representatives of the community in their area. as for the affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Collaborative Governance models sometimes describe
role of the actor. RT/RW such as data collection on
prospective recipients of social assistance. In this case, the the gradual development of collaboration [20].
RT/RW actor cannot provide much assistance but fully Collaborative Governance lies within the dynamics of a
system context that can include resource, policy, and legal
support the implementation of the program
frameworks, socio-economic and cultural characteristics,
network characteristics, political dynamics and power
3.2.5 Field coordinator team relations, and conflict history, among other dimensions
The field coordinator team actors are part of the Based on some previous data and referring to the
volunteers from the social service. The field coordinator Collaborative Governance Model [20] it can be seen as
team actor consists of several communities selected by the follows:
social service. The role of the field coordinator team actor In particular, pre-established networks (relationships)
is believed to be to assist the social service for monitoring and institutional contexts are important because they
during program implementation such as validating shape opportunities and constraints, and influence the if,
potential recipients of social assistance, besides that the how, and when of collaborative governance to be opened
field coordinating team actor assists the RT/RW actor if and implemented [22, 23, 24, 25]
there is a problem in collecting data on potential recipients In facilitating collaboration among stakeholders, the
of social assistance. Actors The field coordinator team researchers made the coordination flow among
does not have strong power but supports the program stakeholders in implementing the cash transfer program as
3.2.6 Population and Civil Registry Office In Fig. 2., the researcher divides the actors by color,
where each color represents the origin of government
The Population and Civil Registry Office is an actor from agencies, businesses, and the community. At the initial
a government institution that is involved in the stage, community representatives, namely the head of the
distribution of social assistance programs to communities Community Association (RT/RW) recorded the
affected by COVID-19 in Batu City. The role of the civil community of potential recipients of direct cash
registry office of population actors is to verify the data of assistance. This data collection is based on several
prospective recipients. Data verification is carried out so indicators such as not receiving assistance from the Pre-
that there is no double data problem for recipients of Employment Card Holder, experiencing loss of livelihood
COVID-19 assistance. Actors of Population and Civil (not having sufficient economic reserves to survive for the
Registry Office do not have high power because they only next three months), and having family members who are
validate data on candidates for social assistance recipients prone to chronic/chronic illness. After the data is
for people affected by COVID-19 obtained, the RT/RW provides the Village Government
with this action so that the Village Government can
Discussion validate the names of the prospective beneficiaries.
Furthermore, the Village Government reports by inputting
From the previous data presentation, in general, the data on prospective beneficiaries of assistance to the
implementation of the direct cash transfer program has Social Service. The Department of Social Affairs and the
involved several stakeholders but still has obstacles in Department of Population and Civil Registry validate the
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 01003 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202133101003
ICDMM 2021
data received from the Village Government. If the data is protocol. In the process of collecting data on prospective
appropriate, the Social Service will coordinate with the beneficiaries to validation of beneficiaries, it is necessary
Bank and the Field Coordinator Team to distribute to have a centralized system that is computerized or not
assistance. In the distribution of aid distribution, it is done manually anymore, therefore minimizing errors in
necessary to coordinate with the Police and the COVID- the manual data collection process. In addition,
19 Taskforce to ensure that the distribution process runs centralized computerization can simplify and speed up the
smoothly and under the applicable COVID-19 health processing of prospective beneficiaries.
In the process of coordination between stakeholders in government has not involved all segmentation actors.
the temporary unconditional cash transfer program. Because the involvement of the community and the
Researchers adopted [20] starting with the principle of village government alone is not enough to meet the needs
collaboration which consists of facilitative leadership, of rural development. So that in this model the
setting clear ground rules, building trust, facilitating involvement of all stakeholders is needed. According to
dialogue between stakeholders, and sharing mutual [26] limited stakeholder involvement causes the
benefits, procedures, and basic rules in collaboration for accountability process to not run smoothly. The
procedural legal collaboration processes, process involvement of external or wider stakeholders must be
transparency, participant inclusivity, forum exclusivity, carried out immediately to play an important role in
and accountability. In this collaboration principle, assisting the government in carrying out its duties and
especially accountability, it is necessary to involve all functions to distribute the temporary unconditional cash
stakeholders in the village. The findings of this study, the transfer program as a social safety net (SSN).
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 01003 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202133101003
ICDMM 2021
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