1. All the furnitures have been (a)/sent to the new house (b)/ located in a village.
(c)/ No error (d)
2. The bus could not (a)/ ascend the steep hill (b)/ because it was in the wrong
gears. (c)/ No error (d)
3. The Indian force (a)/ drove away (b)/ the chinese. (c)/ No error (d)
4. These kind of shirts (a)/ are rather expensive (b)/ for him to buy (c)/ No error
5. Students should not take part (a)/ in party politics and political
demonstrations (b)/ as they interfere in serious study (c)/ No error (d)
6. My sister (a)/ has read (b) / pages after pages of the Bible. (c)/ No error (d)
7. I went to the temple (a) / with my parents, aunts (b)/ and cousin sisters. (c)/
No error (d)
8. He (a)/ takes pain (b)/ over his work. (c)/ No error (d)
9. The Manager put forward (a)/ a number of criterions (b) / for the post. (c)/ No
error (d)
10. I like (a)/ the poetries (b)/ of Byron and Shelley. (c)/ No error (d)
11. The beautiful (a)/ surrounding of the place (b)/ enchanted me (c)/ No error
12. No Porter being available (a)/ he carried (b)/ all his luggages himself. (c)/ No
error (d)
13. The table’s legs (a)/ have been (b) /elaborately carved. / (c) No error (d)
14. The sceneries (a)/ of Kashmir (b) / is very charming. / (c) No error (d)
15. The driver showed (a)/ great talent in keeping (b)/ the damaged car under
control./ (c) No error (d)
16. When I entered the bedroom (a)/ I saw a snake crawling (b)/ on the ground
(c)/ No error (d)
17. The class teacher gave him (a)/ a home work and instructed (b)/ him to do at
night. (c)/ No error (d)
18. Can you imagine (a)/ that she has thirty five (b)/ pair of shoes. (c)/ No error
19. I knew the town hall (a)/ so I was able to advice (b)/ her where to go (c)/ No
error (d)
20. The power supplying in (a)/ many states has been (b)/ badly affected
because (c)/ of the shortage of coal./(d) No error (e)
21. When I was passing through the forest (a)/ I happened to see (b)/ a number
of deers. /(c) No error (d)
22. Alms (a)/ are given (b)/ to the poors (c)/ No error (d)
23. Lasers are (a)/ indispensable tools (b)/ for the delicate eyes surgery (c)/ No
error (d)
24. If you have a way with words (a)/ a good sense of design and administration
ability (b)/ you may enjoy working in high pressure world of advertising./ (c) No
25. Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef (a)/ is a strong
indication for (b)/ higher meat costs to come.(c)/ No error(d)
26. Whenever he goes to Mumbai (a)/ he stays in (b)/ five-stars hotels (c)/ No
27. The company has ordered / (a) some (b)/ new equipments.(c)/ No error(d)
28. A strong breeze (a)/ blew his (b)/ cap off (c)/ No error(d)
29. One of her firmest belief among the Hindus is that (a)/ Karma affects their
(b)/ life and also the life after death (c)/ No error(d)
30. He was advised to take (a)/ two spoonsful of (b)/ medicine times a day. (c)/
No error (d)
31. For almost three decades, central bankers (a)/ have agreed that one of the
best way (b)/ to stabilise an economy is (c)/ to aim for a specific ‘ inflation
target’.(d)/ No error(e)
32. In spite of the doctor’s stern warning (a)/ Ritika continued taking (b)/ sugars
in milk.(c)/ No error(d)
33. The cattles (a)/ are grazing (b)/ in the fields (c)/ No error(d)
34. My father gave me (a)/ a pair of binocular (b)/ on my birthday (c)/ No
35. Speakers after speakers (a)/ came on the stage (b)/ to perform (c)/ No
36. It is a big blunder (a)/ but we had (b)/ to ignore it (c)/ No error(d)
37. The police have received (a)/ two important informations (b)/ that can help
them solve the triple murder case (c)/ No error(d)
38. The sheafs (a)/ of the wheat plants were too heavy (b)/ for the weak farmer
to carry them on his head./ (c) No error(d)
39. The population of India (a)/ is divided into two classes (b)/ Haves and Haves
not. (c)/ No error (d)
40. All his sister-in laws (a)/are extremely co- operative (b)/ and she doesn’t
miss her real sisters at all. (c)/ No error (d)
41. Envy strikes a woman (a)/ when she sees her husband (b)/ talking to another
woman. (c)/ No error (d)
42. Two summons have been issued by the court (a)/ but he has not (b)/ yet
appeared before the court (c)/ No error (d)
43. You are among those (a)/ man who earned name and fame not by (b)/ chance
but by hard work. (c)/ No error(d)
44. Children are playing (a)/ and making mischiefs (b)/ as their holidays have
started (c)/ No error(d)
45. It is believed (a)/ that smoking is (b)/ one of the cause of cancer.(c)/ No
46. Mother and I (a)/ generally go to the store (b)/ and pick up food items (c)/
for the charitable (d)/ No error(e)
47. Each business activities (a)/ provides employment (b)/ to people who would
(c)/ otherwise be unemployed.(d)/ No error(e)
48. None of the student (a)/ in the class (b)/ scored below the (c)/ given cut-off
marks.(d)/ No error(e)
51. I read the letter (a)/ and made him aware (b)/ of its content. (c)/ No error.
52. I shall not go to party tonight (a)/ since I have many works to complete (b)/
before I give presentation tomorrow. (c)/ No error (d)
53. One must be always (a)/ true to one's words (b)/ if one wants to get respect
from everyone. (c)/ No error (d)
54. Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions (a)/ we can see five
years old boys (b)/ working in hazardous factories. (c)/ No error (d)
55. The fan’s blade (a)/ has broken (b)/ and we must buy a new fan before
disposing it of. (c)/ No error (d)
56. She wears spectacle (a)/ and so she was unable to see the gangster (b)/ that
attacked her last night. (c)/ No error (d)
57. All the furnitures have been (a)/ sold for a song (b)/ as we were in a hurry to
leave the town. (c)/ No error. (d)
58. The angry mob (a)/ attacked the police officers (b)/ when they came to raze
the illegal construction. (c)/ No error. (d)
59. They left (a)/ their luggages (b)/ at home by mistake and went to the railway
station. (c)/ No error (d)
60. Games and sports are (a)/ very essential for (b)/ the proper developments
of(c)/ our body and body.(d) / No error (e)
61. Some people like (a)/ to do some social (b)/ work even though (c)/ it lacks
resources. (d)/ No error (e)
62. The Finance Minister view (a)/ is that the scheme will ensure (b)/ that
millions of farmers will be(c)/ lifted out of poverty. (d)/ No error (e)
63. All his financial institution (a)/ should be registered with (b)/ Reserve Bank
of India to make sure that (c)/ they function properly. (d)/ No error(e)
64. I visited (a)/ John’s and Mary’s house (b)/ twice but found (c)/ the couple
absent. (d)/ No error(e)
65. The car could not (a)/ ascend the steep hill (b)/ because it was in the wrong
gears. (c)/ No error. (d)
66. The ticket window (a)/ remained closed (b)/ throughout the day. (c)/ No
error (d)
67. Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored (a)/ and directed a number of good
films, was (b)/ one of India’s most talented film maker. (c)/ No error. (d)
68. I think this (a)/ is not your book (b)/ It is some body’s else. (c)/ No error (d)
69. You should not put (a)/ your sign on any paper (b)/ that you haven’t read.
(c)/ No error (d)
70. Towns after towns were (a)/ conquered (b)/ by him but he found no peace.
(c)/ No error (d)
71. When we reached the fair (a)/ we found that there (b)/ was no place to stand.
(c)/ No error. (d)
72. All the evidences were (a)/ against him and he was (b)/ held guilty. (c)/ No
73. My cousin brother is a cheater (a)/ and he (b)/ cheats his family members
and friends too. (c)/ No error (d)
74. The committee (a)/ could not come to (b)/ a final conclusion. (c)/ No error
75. America’s problems (a)/ are, however,(b)/ not so serious(c)/ and awful as
India.(d)/ No error (e)
76. We should not be (a)/ miserly in giving alm (b)/ to the beggars.(c)/ No error
77. My friends are (a)/ not allowed to (b)/ go out without their(C)/ parents
consent.(d)/ No error(e)
78. To provide more such facility (a)/ to its workers, the company (b)/ is
planning to build(c)/ schools and parks in the township.(d)/ No error(e)
79. Your tone of speaking (a)/ as well as your friends (b)/ is really extremely
sarcastic. (c)/ No error (d)
80. The cattle in the meadow (a)/ was terrified to hear (b)/ the roar of a lion
which appeared to be wild with anger. (c)/ No error (d)
81. There should be (a)/ no furnitures (b)/ in my room. (c)/ No error (d)
82. That house (a)/ is built of (b)/ stones. (c)/ No error (d)
83. Santosh lives (a)/ by the principals (b)/ he professes. (c)/ No error (d)
84. The astronomer (a)/ who predicts the future (b)/ has arrived. (c)/ No error
85. He told me that (a)/ it was (b)/ his friend’s Sankar’s house. (c)/ No error (d)
86. Seven thousand (a)/rupees is a (b/ large amount (c)/for everybody. (d/ no
error (e)
87. Our housing society comprises (a)/ six block and thirty (b)/in an area of
(c)/about thousand square meters. (d)/no error (e)
88. His losses at the races (a)/ made the young man (b)/ lose the peace of his
mind. (c)/ no error (d)
90. The book must be old (a)/ for it's cover (b)/is torn. (c)/no error (d)
91. Gandhi ji lived a noble life of fasting (a)/and poverty (b)/in order to work for
peaceful (c)/and independence. (d)/No error (e).
92. I went to the temple (a)/with my parents (b)/my aunts (c)/and my cousin
sisters. (d)/No error (e)
93. You will find (a)/ a lamp-post (b)/ at the front side (c)/ of the institute. (d)/
no error (e)
94. The poetries (a)/of r.n. tagore (b)/ has been taught (c)/ in the class. (d)/ no
error (e)
95. The life of the rich(a)/ is not in many ways(b)/ as peaceful as(c)/ that of the
poors.(d)/ No error(e)
96. How could one(a)/ who had all along(b)/ been a criminal(c)/ be granted
privileges.(d)/ No error(e)
97. Although she has studied(a)/ English for almost a year(b)/ she is yet to
learn(c)/ the alphabets.(d)/ No error(e)
98. He told me that (a)/ it was his friend’s(b)/ Rohan’s house.(c)/ No error(d)
99. What is the criteria (a)/ of selection(b)/ in the examination.(c)/ No error(d)
100. On a number of occasions (a)/we had noticed that (b)/ those employees
(c)/were often in state of confused (d)/no error (e)
101. Hundreds of (a)/ passer-bys (b)/ stopped at (c)/ the place of accident. (d)/
no error (e)
102. My son is reading (a)/dinkar's and nirala's (b)/ poetries as a part (c)/of his
syllabus. (d)/No error (e)
103. The name of (a)/amitabh's (b)/and amitabh's (c)/ father is bachchan ji.
(d)/no error. (b)
104. The widow (a)/who lives near his house (b)/is passing through (c)/ many
crisis. (d)/No error (e)
105. His company is (a)/one of the few company(b)/ manufacturing this product
(c)/in the whole country. (d)/No error (e)
106. One should use (a)/ spectacle to protect (b)/ the eyes from bright sunlight.
(d)/ no error (e)
107. In spite of having received (a)/all the necessary data (b)/ he did not take
any decision (c)/because of extraneous reasons. (d)/ no error (e)
108. She refused to come (a)/ because she had(b)/ an urgent work to do.(c)/ No
110. The police have arrested (a)/ the thieves but the failed(b)/ to get any
information(c)/ about the valuable stolen.(d)/ No error(e)
111. I read the letter (a)/ and made him aware(b)/ of its content.(c)/ No error(d)
113. In today meeting (a) we must first discuss (b)/and thrash out the problem
(c)/one by one. (d)/no error (e)
114. No other (a)/typists in this (b)/office is as (c)/ slow as she. (d)/no error (e)
115. Her sister-in-laws (a)/are a cruel lot (b)/ and they harass her (c)/no error
116. The sun whose (a)/ray give life to the (b)/ earth was venerated as (c)/god
by our ancestors. (d)/ No error (e)
117. Aditi was unable (a)/to support her parent (b)/ even though both of them
(c)/had no income of their own. (d)/ no error (e)
118. There is (a)/no place (b)/in this compartment. (c)/ No error (d)
119. Most of that country (a)/hilly land is (b)/ unsuitable not only for building
(c)/but also for agriculture. (d)/ No error (e)
120. Raghu is going (a)/ to stephen hawking's (b)/ the scientist's (c)/ country.
(d)/ no error (e)
121. Linguistic (a)/ is (b)/ the study (c)/of language. (d)/ no error(e)
122. It is truth (a)/that india is (b)/the largest consumer of (c)/gold in the world.
(d) / No error (e)
123. Mr. Sunil Nagar took (a)/ photographs of(b)/ grazing cattles in his
village.(c)/ No error(d)
124. He should understand (a)/ that Ethics make(b)/ the basis of life good.(c)/
No error(d)
125. The king was very (a)/ proud as his cavalry (b)/ was very strong.(c)/ No
126. Bacteria is (a)/ the most common (b)/ form of life.(c)/ No error(d)
127. Sachin scored (a)/a fifty in the (b)/ first inning.(c)/ No error(d)
128. Success in money-making (a)/ is not always (d)/ a good criteria (c)/ of real
success in life. (d)/ no error (e)
129. The gentry (a)/of our colony (b)/ was invited (c)/ to attend the meeting.
(d)/ no error (e)
130. Yogesh knew the (a)/value of obedient (b)/to well not to anticipate some
(c)/censure of his act. (d)/ no error (e)
131. The meeting will not end (a)/till the chairman (b)/ gets approval from
(c)/every members of the board. (d)/no error (e)
132. The teacher and the guardian appreciate (a)/ jaya walking early (b)/ in the
morning with a view to (c)/ achieving normal health. (d)/ no error (e)
133. There was (a)/ no money in the bank (b)/in dhananjay's (c)/ and
mritunjay's joint account. (d)/ no error (e)
135. On my way (a)/to the railway station i met (b)/ one of your friend ram.
(c)/no error (d)
136. Rakhi met me (a)/on the way (b)/and asked a one (c)/hundred rupees note
(d)/no error (e)
137. One of my most (a)/ widely spread (b)/ bad habit (c)/ is the use of tobacco.
(d)/ no error (e)
138. William Shakespeare is (a)/ known for his dramas (b)/ more than his
poetries.(c)/ No error(d)
139. The judge issued (a)/ summon to the chairman (b)/ of the company because
he(c)/ did not obey the honorable court.(d)/ No error(e)
140. The jury have (a)/ declared the case and (b)/ gave its decision.(c)/ No
141. Indian wifes (a)/ sacrifice everything for (b)/ the sake of their family.(c)/
No error(d)
142. The thieves broke (a)/ our door’s lock (b)/when we were not at home.(c)/
No error(d)
143. All the children have (a)/assembled on the ground (b)/and are waiting for
(c)/ the principal to come. (d)/no error (e)
144. The vacancy was (a)/filled by mr. Sharma (b)/ whom the manager said
(c)/ought to be promoted. (d)/no error (e)
145. If you had not been so secretive (a)/ you had told e all the fact earlier (b)/
could have helped you had total (c)/ no error (d)
146. One must use (a)/his best efforts (b)/ if one (c)/wishes to succeed. (d)/no
147. Children should not (a)/seek admissions (b)/to the elders (c)/ society. (d)/
No error (e)
148. Payal went (a)/to her friend's house (b)/and gave her two (c)/ten-rupees
notes. (d)/no error (e)
149. The chairman and (a)/ all the members of (b)/ committee were present (c)/
in meeting of today.(d)/ No error(e)
150. The majority of the woman (a)/ teachers are persuading (b)/ the principal
to consider (c)/ their demands. (d)/No error (e)
151. I saw only (a)/ five police who (b)/ were running after(c)/ the bank-
robbers.(d)/ No error(e)
152. He says that(a)/ a two-miles walk(b)/ always keeps him(c)/ healthy and
fresh.(d)/ No error(e)
153. All his sister-in-laws (a)/ are extremely beautiful (b)/ to look at so the
question(c)/ of selection is very puzzling.(d) No error(e)
154. He has ordered (a)/ bricks (b)/ for the proposed(c)/ hotel and bar.(d)/ No
156. When you see his (a)/ off springs, you can’t (b)/ believe that he is(c)/ above
seventy.(d)/ No error(e)
157. These type of books (a)/ are certainly helpful to the students(b)/ preparing
for the Banking(c)/ Service Examinations.(d)/ No error(e)
158. Very few soldiers dared (a)/ to turn a deaf ear(b)/ their commander’s-in-
chief order.(c)/ No error(d)
159. Arabian nights are (a)/collection of very (b)/ interesting episodes (c)/of
adventure (d)/no error (e)
160. Sudhakar's house (a)/is at (b)/a stone's throw (c)/ from here. (d)/no error
161. The people (a)/of the world (b)/must (c)/unite. (d)/no error (e)
162. In spite of four letter (a)/we have sent, (b)/we have received (c)/ no answer
from the authority. (d)/no error (e)
163. The committee (a)/ was divided (b)/ on this issue.(c)/No error(d)
164. You should always be (a)/ true to your words if (b)/ you are to succeed in
life.(c)/ No error(d)
166. I saw a (a)/ flock of sheeps (b)/ grazing in the field.(c)/ No error(d)
167. The audiences (a)/ have taken (b)/ their seats.(c)/ No error(d)
168. The blinds deserve our sympathy (a)/ so we must be kind (b)/ enough for
them.(c)/ No error(d)
169. It is a big (a)/ blunder which we (b)/ can’t ignore. (c)/ No error (d)
170. Without taking pain (a)/ one cannot progress in life (b)/ so we must keep
this fact(c)/ in our mind.(d)/ No error(e)
171. Could you please (a)/ give me five thousands rupees (b)/ for a week.(c)/ No
172. We should eat green vegetable (a)/ every day to stay fit and (b)/ fiddle no
matter (c)/ how costly it may be.(d)/ No error(e)
173. He looks (a)/more depressed than (b)/her but i don't (c)/know the reason.
(d)/ No error (e)
174. They are (a)/ awaiting advices (b)/ from their (c)/ delhi branch. (d)/ no
error (e)
175. Soni together with her parents (a)/ went to the market (b)/and brought
(c)/a lot of handkerchieves. (d)/ No error (e)
178. I am obliged to you (a)/ and yours entire family (b)/for showing kind-ness
(c)/ and generosity towards us. (d)/ No error (e)
179. Let you and i (a)/go to airport (b)/to welcome (c)/ our beloved friend. (d)/
No error (e)
180. Mr. Singh is (a)/one of the (b)/ best teacher (c)/ in our school. (d)/ No error
181. We will find a lamp-post (a)/at the front (b)/side of the (c)/institute. (d)/
No error (e)
182. Against his family wishes (a)/ram plans to (b)/take up a job (c)/as a
journalist. (d)/ No error (e)
183. The same board (a)/ is used (b)/ for chess (c)/ as well as for draughts. (d)/
no error (e)
184. I have been (a)/ living in Hyderabad (b)/at my uncle (c)/since my birth.
(d)/no error (e)
185. They are (a)/ awaiting advices (b)/ from their (c)/ Delhi branch. (d)/No
error (e)
186. Deepak has (a)/ four man-servants (b)/ whereas Alok has got (c)/ only one
woman-servant. (d)/ no error (e)
187. Gulliver's travels (a)/ is an (b)/ interesting book (c)/ written by jonathan
swift. (d)/ No error (e)
189. Doctors did (a)/their best to save (b) the lifes of the (c)/accident victims.
(d)/ No error (e)
190. The moral of the army (a)/was so high because (b)/the news coming from
(c)/front were very encouraging (d)/ no error (e)
191. The rich is getting (a)/ richer and richer and (b)/ the poor are getting (c)/
poorer and poorer.(d)/ no error (e)
192. Two and a half hour (a)/ have passed since (b)/ i returned from my village.
(c)/ no error (d)
193. I want you must (a)/ put your sign here (b)/ so that i may (c)/ accept your
papers. (d)/ No error (e)
194. I am sure that (a)/ he cannot walk ever one (b)/ and a half kilometer.(c)/ No
195. If you have a way with words (a)/ a good sense of design and
ability (b) / you may enjoy working in high pressure world of advertising. (c) /
error (d)
196. Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef (a)/ is a strong
for (b) / higher meat costs to come. (c) / No error (d)
197. On Saturdays, (a)/ students are suggested (b) / to wear white pants. (c) / No
error (d)
198. He had no (a)/ accuse for attacking (b) / that old man. (c) / no error (d)
199. Most of the country (a)/ hilly land is (b)/ unsuitable not only for building
(c)/ but also for agriculture. (d)/ No error (e)
200. It was a great honour (a)/ and privilege to witness (b)/ the high level
meetings between (c)/ chineese and India’s leaders. (d)/ No error (e)