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Illut Ee Lab Report 3

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EE383 P2
Experiment 3

Submitted By:
Carl Christian V. Illut, BSME-CS-2

Submitted To:
Paolo Josemari P. Zafra REE, MEng EE
I. Objectives
-Refer to manual.

II. Devices and Apparatus

- Refer to manual.

III. Theory
- Refer to manual.

IV. Procedure
- Refer to manual.

V. Circuit Diagram and Components used

- Refer to manual.

VI. Graphs
- Refer to manual.
VII. Results, Data and Calculations
Data and Calculations:

It = Ir1 = It = Ve/Re
Re [k-Ω] Re [k-Ω] Ve (+V) [V] Ir3 [mA] [mA] r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 Ca l cul a tions us ed:
Measured Calculated Measured Measured Calculated
value value value value value Gi ven Va l ue Ve = Vr1 + Vr2 + Vr3
Normal 1.704 1.707 15 8.9 8.913 0.27 1.5 0.68 0.22 0.47 0.82 Vr2 = Vr4 + Vr5 + Vr6
Fault F4 1.452 1.439 15 10.6 10.588 0.27 1.5 0.68 0.22 0.47 0.82 r456 = r4 + r5 + r6
Fault F5 1.839 1.561 15 8.2 9.698 0.27 1.5 0.68 0.22 0.47 0.82 IrS = Vr2 / r456
n M5 2.089 2.101 15 7.2 7.185 0.27 1.5 0.68 0.22 0.47 0.82 Ir2 = Vr2 / r2
It = Ir2 + IrS
Vr2 = Vr4 + r456 = r4 +
VR1 [V] VR2 [V] VR3 [V] VR4 [V] Vr5 [V] VR6 [V] Ir2 [mA] IrS [mA] Ve [V] Vr5 + Vr6 r5 + r6 Re = Ve / It
Measured Calculated Calculated Ca l cul a ted Ca l cul a ted
value Value value Va l ue Va l ue
Norma l 2.396 6.71 6.106 0.974 2.085 3.645 4.473 4.44 15.212 6.704 1.51
Fault F4 0.001 7.97 7.26 1.156 2.481 4.327 5.313 5.274 15.231 7.964 1.51
Fault F5 2.206 7.28 5.65 0.737 1.583 4.996 4.853 4.845 15.136 7.316 1.51
n M5 1.933 5.351 7.81 0.794 1.709 2.959 3.567 3.617 15.094 5.462 1.51
VIII. Observation and Interpretation of Data

The recorded data in the combined Kirchhoff's Law experiment

agrees with Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current
Law (KCL) in a consistent manner. Kirchhoff’s Laws are regularly
obeyed by the observed voltages across loops and currents at
junctions. Kirchhoff's Laws, applied in this experiment, validate
the basic ideas of energy conservation (KVL) and charge
conservation (KCL). Kirchhoff's Laws are a reliable means of
characterizing and forecasting the behavior of electrical circuits,
as demonstrated by the observed data, which shows that the
algebraic sum of voltages around closed loops is zero (as per KVL)
and the sum of currents at junctions is constantly zero (as per

The fact that the gathered data agrees with Kirchhoff's Laws
demonstrates how useful they are for deciphering intricate
electrical systems. The relevance and wider applicability of
Kirchhoff's Laws in comprehending the complex relationships
between currents and voltages in various circuit topologies are
emphasized by this third-person viewpoint.
IX. Conclusion

The Kirchhoff's Law combined experiment affirms the

reliability of Kirchhoff's Laws in electrical circuit analysis.
The consistent alignment of recorded data with
Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
(KVL) underscores their universal effectiveness in
understanding and predicting the behavior of diverse
circuit configurations. These laws remain foundational
tools in the study of complex electrical systems.

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