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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Academic Track / Humanities and Social Sciences

Cuenca Institute English-Only INTRODUCTION
On January, 2024, at the start of the second semester, Cuenca
Policy: Its effectiveness on Senior
Institute started to implement a new rule: the English-Only
High School Students Policy. A rule that requires students to speak in the English
KEYWORDS: English, Research, Senior High School language and avoid the use of the Native language as much as
possible. This aims to enhance the students’ English-speaking
Prepared by: skills as well as their confidence.

English is called the “International language” or, as others say,

FRENZ HARVEY ALCOVENDAS “the language of competence” used as a medium for various
JEROME C. CADANO aspects of the world such as commerce, communication,
LLORD KHIAN B. ENDAYA alliances, etc. The language is often used to conquer language
J.M. PRINCE L. HARINA barriers as almost all countries in the world utilizes it, the
MARIUS RHANE G. TORRES Philippines, even. In fact, the Philippines ranks 20 th globally and
MARGARETTE B. CEDRON 2nd in Asia in English proficiency. In our country, Baguio City
ANNE GABRIELLE S. SINGSON emerged as the top English-speaking and listening region. (EF,


This study aimed to determine the number of incoming enrollees

in Cuenca Institute, Inc. as well as factors influencing senior
high school choice among students in the Municipality of
The researchers will address how many students would be
Cuenca. A survey was conducted among 725 students Among
various tracks, including Academic Building and Management enrolled in the Cuenca Institute. Private school Cuenca Institute
(ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, seeks to provide a safe environment for academic study. This
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Arts, study will assist the organizations in preparing for the upcoming
Music, Film and Literature (AFA), Agricultural Education (AE), academic year for the students who wish to attend this
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Industrial institution.
Arts (IA), Agriculture and Fisheries (AND), and Sports. Findings
revealed a significant preference for STEM (122 students), (1) If lined up with other Senior high school-ready schools,
followed by HUMSS (139) and then ABM (89). The top decision-
how high of a priority is Cuenca Institute as a choice of students
making factors included personal interest (Yes: 183, No: 286),
location/accessibility (3), school facilities (3), reputation (4), in the municipality of Cuenca? (2) What factors drive
program offerings (1), and extracurricular activities (2). While prospective grade 10 students to choose a school for the 2024-
most students were influenced by internal factors like interest, a 2025 academic year? (3) How many students will go to Cuenca
small percentage (4%) sought input from external sources like Institute for their Senior High School Education for the academic
private schools or career coaches. Overall, the study indicates a year 2024-2025?
strong inclination towards STEM and HUMSS tracks,
highlighting the need for improved awareness and guidance Academic Excellence improving the effectiveness and
regarding less-commonly chosen tracks and the diverse conduciveness of the learning environment by tailoring
potential career paths associated with them. Additionally, the
educational programs, curricula, and extracurricular activities as
limited influence of external factors suggests a need for
increased career counseling and educational support systems well as showing flexibility through availability, ensures a proper
within schools to effectively guide students towards fulfilling and well-planned accommodation to the anticipated number of
career choices. students which in turn, ensures academic excellence.

Financial Planning, the institution's financial planning is based

A research journal prepared and submitted by a group of on accurate enrollment estimates. The academic institution is
students from 12 HUMSS - Corinthians is hereby approved able to manage its finances more effectively by using it to
and accepted as partial fulfillment of the course requirements forecast revenue from tuition fees and other sources.
in Practical Research Project. Additionally it can allot its resources properly by knowing the
number of incoming students.
Research Adviser
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

The enrollment forecasts for Cuenca Institute's 2024–2025

academic year show a significant correlation with the surveyed
variables, including demographics, economic conditions,
institutional reputation, marketing initiatives, technological
advancements, educational preferences, and referral networks.
Any observed changes in enrollment can be ascribed to these
particular elements, and the perceived determinants will affect
enrollment statistics, highlighting the necessity for strategic
planning and focused interventions to maximize recruiting and
retention efforts.

The beneficiaries of this study will be the following: the school,

as conducting an enrollment projection survey for the 2024-2025
academic year at Cuenca Institute contribute to efficient
planning, improved educational quality, and successful long-
term growth for the institution. Students, as enrollment
projection surveys and analyses benefit students at Cuenca
Institute by ensuring adequate resources, personalized
attention, and a smoother educational journey, ultimately
enhancing their overall educational experience. Future
researchers, as the enrollment projection survey and analysis
data offer a valuable resource for future researchers, facilitating
a wide range of studies related to education, forecasting, and
societal trends. Lastly, Parents & Teachers because enrollment
projection for the 2024-2025 academic year at Cuenca Institute
will enhance their understanding, preparedness, and ability to
support students effectively, and also enhances the
collaboration of parents and teachers for the benefit of the
school community.

This study will only discuss how many incoming senior high METHODS
school students will enroll to and want to study in Cuenca
The researchers used descriptive method in evaluating this
Institute, and the researcher will not discuss on what
study through the use of a survey questionnaire consisting of
preparations must Cuenca Institute conduct for this school year.
four (4) questions. The descriptive method provides a
This study will not discuss the effect of this in people who are
comprehensive and accurate picture of the population or
not involved in this research. The result of this study will be
phenomenon being studied and to describe the relationships,
shown to the Teachers and Institution only. By this study, we will
know how many Grade 10 students consider studying at patterns, and trends that exist within the data. More precisely, it
Cuenca Institute for their Senior High School education. assists in providing answers to the research problem's what,
when, where, and how inquiries as opposed to its why. Unlike in
experimental research, the researcher does not control or
influence any factors. Rather, only the variables are recognized,
noted, and quantified. The research will make use of this
approach in order to gather additional data and assess the
response provided by the grade 10 students in Cuenca Institute,
Cuenca National Highschool, Fermin La Rosa National
Highschool and Kalayaan Christian School, Inc.

The survey will be administered by the researchers to Grade 10

students in each school. Students in grades 10 at Cuenca
Institute, Inc., Cuenca National High School, Fermin La Rosa
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

National High School, and Kalayaan Christian School, Inc. will 711
make up the study's responders.
1+ 711¿ ¿

A combination of purposive and convenience non-probability
was sampling strategy were used in quantitative research 711
investigations. This method gives a higher chance that every 469
member of the target population will be a respondent, according 711
to the purpose of the study. However, only those who are

present on the day of survey will be participating. This is 1.515 …−1
significant since extrapolating the results from the sample to the e=
entire population is the ultimate aim of the majority of

quantitative research techniques.
0.51599 …
The researchers are making a study about the “Enrollment 711
Projection for the 2024-2025 Academic Year at Cuenca
Institute. The researchers are going to use a comprehensive e=√ 0.0007257 …
survey analysis on each school to know the number of students
that want to enroll at Cuenca Institute. After the study the e=0.026939 …
researchers help the school to know if there are many students
that want to enroll at Cuenca Institute. This procedure should
involve various steps and data sources to ensure accuracy and e=2.7 %
reliability. The researchers identify the data sources needed for
the enrollment projection. These may include historical
enrollment data, demographic data, application data, and other
relevant sources. The researchers can also communicate to
relevant stakeholders within Cuenca Institute, including
administration, department heads, and admissions offices for
enrollment projection results.

The researchers created questions that the grade 10 students

would be asked. To collect all the data or information from the RESULTS
respondents that will be required in this study, the researchers
will be employing a survey-type instrument. The mentioned
Do you consider attending Cuenca Insti-
earlier device aims to validate the research and offer solutions.
tute for your Senior High School?
To find out more about the enrollment projection in Cuenca
Institute Senior High School Department, the researchers create
a closed-ended study questionnaire that they give to the
Yes; 183;
respondents. 39%

The researchers gathered 469 respondents out of a total

population of 711 students, which gives the researchers about
2.7 % margin of error. It is determined through the inverted use No; 286;
of the Slovin’s formula. 61%

N = 711
Yes No
n = 469

Slovin’s Formula: Graph 2.1

The pie chart in graph 2.1 shows the difference of the answers
n= in question 1: “Do you consider attending Cuenca Institute for
1+ N ( e 2 ) your Senior High School?”. 183 respondents answered yes
while 286 answered no which are equivalent to 39% and 61% of
the total respondents, respectively.
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

are tied both averaging the 3rd priority, and School Reputation is
last which averaged the 4th priority.



17 10 15
4 3















Graph 2.4








For question 4, we asked the respondents to rank different



schools with Senior High School according to their priority

choices. Graph 2.4 shows the ranking of the said schools as
Graph 2.2 Cuenca Senior High School ranked the highest averaging the
2nd priority, Cuenca Institute, Inc. and Kalayaan Christian
Graph 2.2 contains a graph of the results of Question 2:
School, Inc. are tied being the 3rd priority, and other schools
“Choose the strand of your desire”. Industrial Arts got the lowest
outside of Cuenca averaged 4th priority.
with a total of 3 votes, followed by Agri-Fishery Arts with 4 votes,
and Arts and Design with 10. Sports garnered a total of 15
votes, Home Economics with 17, and ICT with 70. The three
strands with the highest votes were: ABM with 89, STEM with
122, and HUMSS got the most votes with 139.

After presenting the results, the researchers will now proceed

into giving answers to the aforementioned research questions
that were the basis and goal of this research. The researchers
would like to reiterate that the primary objective of the research
was to determine the number of enrollees in Cuenca Institute,
Inc. Senior High School Department for the upcoming academic
year 2024-2025.A research that is intended to benefit the
institution and the people involved.

(1) If lined up with other Senior high school-ready schools, how

high of a priority is Cuenca Institute as a choice of students in
the municipality of Cuenca? On our survey of 469 students, it
shows that among other Senior High School-ready schools,
Cuenca Institute, Inc. averaged rank 3rd in priority choices of the
students. Other choices were Cuenca Senior High School,
Graph 2.3 Kalayaan Christian School, and Other Schools outside Cuenca.
It is essential to have knowledge of how high would Cuenca
Graph 2.3 shows the ranking of the factors considered by the
Institute Inc. ranks according to the interest of the respondents
respondents when choosing a school for their Senior High
as we will gain insights on our reputation and popularity which
School. School programs averaged 1st priority, Extracurricular
directly affects the enrollment numbers in our institution.
opportunities averaged the 2nd priority, Location and Facilities
Averaging a higher rank for a priority choice would mean that we
are the top-performing school and that, in turn, attracts more
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

and more students in making Cuenca Institute Inc. a viable activities. Future researchers may use our findings as basis for
choice for their education. On the other hand, a lower ranking their own research and potentially compare as to show
may act as a wake-up call and a notice to the institution to step improvement and development since the date of our research.
up and identify what needs to be improved. We look forward on being the basis for comparison, as well as
the improvements on the numbers in the future.
(2) What factors drive prospective grade 10 students to choose
a school for the 2024-2025 academic year? According to the As the result of the researchers for the project enrollment for the
survey we conducted, it is found that programs available in the 2024-2025 academic year at Cuenca Institute, conduct a
institution are the top most affecting factor for Grade 10 comprehensive survey analyzing they identify factors like
Students in choosing a school. These includes available current student interest, demographic trends, and regional
strands, which we found out that HUMSS, STEM, and ABM are educational preferences and etc. The researchers consider
still the top 3 most wanted strands, and various school collaborating with local schools, analyzing historical enrollment
programs. Other factors were ranked and will be shown data, and utilizing paper and pencil surveys to gather insights
respectively: Extracurricular opportunities, Location, Facilities from prospective students. Additionally, factor in economic
and School reputation. An essential question to be answered to conditions, societal changes, and any recent educational
narrow down the identification process for things to improve as policies that may impact enrollment. Regularly update your
by knowing the factors considered by the students, we are able projections based on emerging trends to refine accuracy.
to pinpoint the areas needed to be fortified to attract more
enrollees. The researchers have observed a few suggestions that Cuenca
Institute, Inc. should follow in order to improve student
A study shows that some of the factors that majority of the outcomes. The first step is to introduce an information and
students consider in choosing a School include: Atmosphere or communications technology (ICT) component to the school, as
overall feel and reputation of the school, Academic challenge requested by seventy students. The second is the facilities,
and preparation, Freedom to express or challenge themselves which require some upgrades to make them more livable. In
through different program, and the student-teacher relationship. order to maintain student engagement and promote a sense of
(ISM, Inc., 2019) Most of these factors were held true as our involvement in their education, the researchers also strongly
study shows that different programs and school reputation are of advise encouraging interactive and participatory teaching
the most considered factors of our Grade 10 respondents. methods. Additionally, they advise establishing a positive and
inclusive school culture that values kindness, diversity, and
respect in order to create a supportive environment for students.

(3) How many students will go to Cuenca Institute for their

Senior High School education for the academic year 2024-
2025? The researchers conducted a survey of 469 respondents, Acknowledgements
and 183 said that they consider going to Cuenca Institute, Inc.
for their Senior High School education. This was the main goal The researchers would like to take a moment to express
of the research, to identify the incoming enrollees for the gratitude unto the considerate and accommodating schools and
academic year 2024-2025. their school principals: Mrs. Eunice De Guzman of Cuenca
National High School, Mrs. Mary Jane Gonzales of Fermin La
After conducting this research and statistically interpreting its Rosa National High School, Mrs. Lea Perez of Kalayaan
results, the researchers conclude that Cuenca Institute, Inc. is Christian School, Inc., and our very own Mrs. Faye Endaya -
not the primary choice for Senior High School education of Barretto of Cuenca Institute, Inc. Along with this, we also thank
Grade 10 students in Cuenca, However, there will be more or the advisers of the students who served as our respondents for
less one hundred and eighty-three (183) Senior High School letting us take time to conduct our survey. Our co-researchers
enrollees of either the ABM, HUMSS, and STEM strand of from other groups who have shown us the essence of unity
Cuenca Institute, Inc. Our survey used convenience sampling through lending each other a hand whenever needed. The
and was not able to cover all of Grade 10 students in our researchers would also like to express our utmost gratitude to
municipality. Another limitation of our study is that our our subject teacher, who served as our mentor in preparing this
respondents only included students from schools in Cuenca, research and accompanied us as well during the process of
thus the number may decrease or increase due to potential conducting our survey. We acknowledge everyone’s efforts and
students who are either living outside of Cuenca or currently contributions in the success of these research and highly value
going to schools outside of Cuenca. The top-most priority of their help as none of these would be possible without the
students in choosing a school. This may include the availability presence and cooperation of those mentioned above.
of desired strands or the involvement of the school in various
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion


The pictures below were taken during the process of conducting

our survey in different schools.

November 10, 2023

Mrs. Lea B. Perez, LPT


Kalayaan Christian School

Dear Mrs. Perez:

Greetings in the name of the Lord! We are

researchers from Cuenca Institute, Inc.
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Senior High School Department, 12

HUMSS – Corinthians currently
conducting a quantitative survey entitled
“Enrollment projection for Cuenca Institute
Senior High School for the academic year
2024-2025: A comprehensive analysis”.
For the fulfillment of the requirements of
our subject “Practical Research 2”.

Along with this, we humbly request your

permission to conduct a survey on the
Grade 10 students on your school, to be
held on November, 2023, The survey
proper will only last for 3-5 minutes.

Your approval will be assumed if you

discard this letter, or in the case that we
receive no response. If otherwise, please
contact us through jmpharina@gmail.com.
Thank you so much and we look forward
for your support in our research.

Kind regards,

J.M. Prince Harina

Jerome Cadano
Lawrence Andrie Chavez
Giannie Van Andre Diaz
Khian Endaya
Marius Torres
Margarette Cedron

Mrs. Elsie Grace Dimaculangan

Practical Research 2 Teacher

Enrollment Projection for Cuenca Institute

Senior High School for the Academic Year
A Comprehensive Analysis

Name (Optional):
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

School currently enrolled:

______________________________ __ Cuenca Institute, Inc.
Home Address: __ Cuenca Senior High School
_________________________________________ __ Kalayaan Christian School, Inc.
__ SHS outside Cuenca

Directions: Please consider the options

carefully and mark the appropriate boxes that Thank you for taking the time to complete this
best reflect your preferences and survey.

1. Do you consider attending Cuenca Institute

for your Senior High School education?
__ Yes
__ No

2. Please indicate your preferred track and

[ ] Academic Track
[ ] Accountancy, Business and Management
[ ] Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
[ ] Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM)

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track

[ ] Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA) Strand
[ ] Home Economics (HE) Strand
[ ] Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Strand
[ ] Industrial Arts (IA) Strand

[ ] Arts and Design Track

[ ] Sports Track

3. What factors do you consider when choosing

a school for your Senior High School? Please
rate each factor on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being
the highest priority and 5 being the lowest References
__ Location Home.schoolcraft.edu
__ Facilities
__ Reputation and Performance
__ Academic Programs and Strands
__ Extracurricular Opportunities
4. Using the numbers 1-4, rank these schools
according to your priority choices for Senior
High School, with 1 being the highest priority
and 4 being the lowest priority. WWW.Privateschoolreview.com
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion










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