Section 1: Short Title, Commencement and Extent
Section 1: Short Title, Commencement and Extent
Section 1: Short Title, Commencement and Extent
This act may be called transfer of property act, 1882. It shall come into
force on the first day of July, 1882.
It shall include lands, benefit arises from land, thing attached to the
earth weather rooted e.g.: trees or imbedded e.g. walls and buildings. So we
require intention while difference between movable and immovable thing
there are some formalities from valid transfer.
Registration means register in a province under the law for the time
being in force regulating the registration of document.
Attesting witness:
Attestation and
The word present and future deals with the word convey not with
property, because future property can’t transfer.
For example:
(7). A public officer cannot be transferred, nor can the salary of a public
officer , whether before or after it has become payable.
(8). Stipends which is given to the military, naval, air force and civil
pensioners of the Govt and political pensions cannot be transferred.
Where the property is land easement future rents, profits and all
things attached to earth will also be transfer.
Where the property is machinery which attach to earth, all its
movable parts will transfer with it.
Where the property is house, easement, future real, looks, doors,
windows and other things attach for permanent are also transfer
with house.
Where the property is money but become actionable claim will be
Simply all the right will transfer to the buyer which was
previously available to the seller.
Property interest?
Interest in possession :
Means immediately transfer of property to someone.
For example :
A transfer his property to B immediately. Here B have interest in
possession .
Interest in remainder:
Mr. A transfer his property to Mr. B for B,s lifer and after the death
of B will transfer to c. here c have interest in remainder.
Interest in reversion:
Mr. A transfer his property to B for B,s life the will transfer to C for
C,s life. Here the interest of A is reversion.