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Operation Gold Mongoose

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The Egg Eaters 2
The Cruz Family 3
Too Far Beyond 4



Lena Stover - The Truth 13
Stover’s Friends 13
Joy Shores - The Truth 14
Shore’s Friends 14






Marcus Cruz 23
Andy Cruz 23
Roy Cruz 24


Handout 1 25
Handout 2 26
Handout 3 27
Handout 4 28
Handout 5 29
Handout 6 30
Handout 7 32
Handout 8 33

The Egg Eaters

The undeniable calculus regarding the chance for potential extraterrestrial life, assuming humanity’s
current understanding of the universe and reality’s seemingly fundamental laws, asserts that it must
absolutely exist in diverse abundance. Theories that attempt to explain why the cosmos around Earth
aren’t filled with darting craft from innumerable advanced species seeking cultural, military, or economic
relationships with human beings are a topic of frequent discussion and speculation.

Those men and women who champion the most sophisticated explanations seem to also simultaneously
admit that there may be foundational variables missing from their constructed nomological networks of
understanding. Sometimes, many apparently opposing ideas can be true at once; and the so-called
extraterrestrial exists nearest to earthly experience, unseen or unnoticed, perhaps due to a reasonable
but integral misunderstanding of the forces which truly pilot the laws of the cosmos.

But this isn’t a case of overlapping energies, realities, or intangible dimensions reaching into humanity’s
world from behind electromagnetic umbra; intelligent offworld life is as plentiful as statistical probability
demands. However, the sacrifices to proceed past the so-called Great Filter to perfect forms of
interstellar travel are terribly distinct from what one might assume to be the results of scientific and
technological advancement. Instead, those tortured species that have twisted themselves to pass
through the lifeless void between habitable worlds have attended to the whims and calls of darker, more
ancient bonds that underlie the fragile lattice of matter and energy with which humanity is so

The craft used by one particular species do indeed allow them to travel through space physically.
However, the minds and bodies of those aboard must remain in constant communion with a derivative
aspect of Shub Niggurath in order to survive the lengthy journey. Already having traveled down a unique
evolutionary path, these sexually dimorphic “Egg Eaters” devour their females in order to fertilize their
eggs in a what they call a “hidden” stomach. As they evolved, they sought to rid themselves of their
animal urges and developed a pharmaceutical regimen to quell their mating drive.

The same spiritual technocrats responsible for cultivating their nascent spacefaring approaches -- all
primarily and necessarily worshippers of Shub-Niggurath -- gained further prominence within their
societies and started a bloody war against those that would use these drugs to quell their procreative
instincts. Eventually, the horrors of war forced the Egg Eaters who refused to convert to flee their home.
Any that remained on the planet voluntarily devolved into a more feral form and gave birth to twisted,
even more monstrous versions of themselves -- certainly pleasing their deity if such a thing could be
truly measured or gleaned. Their planet is now nothing more than a nightmare monument to bestial
orgies of feasting and procreation.

Those that fled were left with a limited supply of drugs to continue to suppress their urges -- and an even
smaller supply of females. These refugees now have no choice but to continue to engage with the
strange energies that allow their various craft to function, and they have divided their small number and
begun visiting minimally-habitable planets to try and crossbreed with potentially compatible local
species. Some, like the corrupted cultists they tried to flee, have begun openly worshiping certain
aspects of Shub-Niggurath, hoping that some alternate form of procreation will be bestowed upon them.
They are a desperate group that has convinced themselves merely “some” controlled communion with
the all-encompassing energetic corruption that forced them to flee their world is an acceptable
transaction for their survival -- and, regardless, the only path forward for their kind.

The Cruz Family

Assuming corporeal control of a sapient species is well within the grasp of Egg Eater technological
capability and the preferred method of planetary exploration. A biomechanical harness, indiscernible
from flesh and sinew, allows the alien to interface with a potential host once an orifice -- such as the
mouth -- has been breached. Nearly immediately, the harness burns out and replaces most nervous and
brain tissue, sprouting forth foreign organic pathways that allow the Egg Eater full control of the body
without disrupting parasympathetic processes. Once this operation is complete, the Egg Eater can then
continue to augment or change aspects of the host’s body for mechanical and functional advantage.

Such was the fate of sleeping 38 year old Marcus Cruz and his family, recently but no longer a trade
machinist at a Detroit brake factory. His sons, Andy and Roy, were also consequently invaded by the Egg
Eater scouting sortie (although the Handler may determine that Roy was not infected. See In the House
of Cruz). Although no real prior semblance of Marcus and Andy remains behind their glassy eyes, Roy’s
passenger, if extant, has had a much harder time exerting control due to the fact he has yet to hit
puberty. As such, the 12-year-old boy exists in a confused haze, detached and performing quite poorly in
his schooling. He will often talk about eating, seemingly ravenous even after a large meal and despite
appearing quite lean. Roy’s dreams are tortured, and he has been having nightmares where he is feasting
on what he thinks is an enormous plate of chicken -- only to soon discover he is consuming the poached
flesh and bone of his mother’s head mixed in with random bits of rotted meat.

If the Handler has decided he is not similarly infected, then his poor school performance and behavioral
change is due to the sudden disappearance of his father and his brother’s drastic personality shift.
Handlers are encouraged to create as much doubt as possible around the true nature of Roy until the
end of this scenario.

Marcus Cruz had been working diligently to instill a strong work ethic in his children after divorcing his
drug-abusing wife and moving back to his hometown of Detroit. However, since becoming a host, he has
now abandoned his house and career and is squatting in one of many abandoned and crumbling
southern Detroit structures. As the largest and strongest host, he is primarily responsible for carrying out
the crossbreeding experiments necessary to evaluate the human race as a procreative medium for more
of their kind. Andy works to distract and lure unsuspecting victims to the rundown and labyrinthine
industrial parks where Marcus dwells and attempts to deflect scrutiny away from the Egg Eater operation
by attempting a rather insufficient façade of normalcy. However, Andy’s more chaotic endocrine system
has him secretly deviating from this role more and more as he tends to give in to his more bestial nature
despite an increased regimen of quelling drugs.
Marcus’ experiments involve the violent consumption of human beings, typically women. The number of
abductions have since marginally spiked in the area -- an increase not concerning enough to yet alert an
already-beleaguered local law enforcement.

Too Far Beyond

A webzine and podcast with a somewhat significant audience (about twenty thousand subscribers),
Beyond The Dark is geared toward uncovering paranormal activity and urban exploration in Detroit and
surrounding areas, including parts of Canada. Their most popular video is a nearly silent tour of the
abandoned Muskoka Regional Centre -- once a sanitarium and tuberculosis ward -- set to a chilling
synthwave backdrop. Viewership has declined in recent years since the inception of their channel in
2012, but their content upload schedule has remained consistent.

Edited and produced by Danny Corso, it is clear from the website’s emblazoned mission statement that
he started the project to be a safe place for the “enlightened” to discuss the paranormal underworld of
Detroit and surrounding regions. However, it appears that in recent years that the comment sections on
published videos and blogs are now devoted to ridiculing the authors of the various “reports.”

One prominent “field investigator” for the project, Darren Hehn, was recently brought on board a year
ago to hopefully invigorate the show and site with more spectacular on-the-ground reporting, similar in
style to the manufactured supernatural docudramas of cable television. These efforts have appeared to
only exacerbate the online derision. Darren’s contributions have yet remained prolific -- he has dozens of
heavily-edited videos of himself chasing “spooklights” and “ghostly susurrus” around industrial
structures, abandoned residences, and ramshackle commercial buildings of all types. Darren’s approach
is charismatic, but very eccentric -- bordering on manic.

Darren most recently believed he was on the trail of a big story. Visiting the sites of “recent
disappearances” culled from missing persons reports, he began to notice, track, and collect “evidence”
of some great predator he believed responsible. Dubbing his quarry “The Detroit Jabberwock,” these
videos are as inconclusive as any of his previous fare. However, it is clear to any viewer that Darren
believes he is truly on the trail of some cryptozoological phenomenon.

A proverbial blind squirrel, Darren had begun intruding nightly on Marcus Cruz’s new hunting grounds,
causing the Egg Eater to select him -- despite his sex -- as a candidate for a procreative experiment.
Darren was partially consumed by Marcus and left decapitated in a nearby sewer culvert. The footage
from the event sits on a damaged iPhone harddrive, partially submerged in sewage water.

Danny Corso, a clinically paranoid man, believes that Darren was indeed on the trail of something big
and met his untimely end in the field. After receiving a final dramatic email from Darren and then shortly
after hearing of Darren’s headless body being discovered at Detroit Water Treatment #3, he also believes
that whatever took out his investigator is now stalking him. He has since taken precautions to protect
himself in his home.

Marcus continues to prowl his hunting grounds, completely unaware of Danny. With the aid of Andy, the
Egg Eater continues to conduct its experiments, steadily progressing toward a distinct measure of
The primer below includes a narrative link to a prior Operation: here, Darren is a known associate of Jeff
Jenkins, a deceased person of great interest to The Program. Handlers are encouraged to replace Jeff
with any past character of similar import to best kick off Operation GOLD MONGOOSE, though this is not
required. The following handouts and write-ups will reference Jeff Jenkins but can easily be tailored to
suit any meta-narrative requirement.

The Agents are contacted by cryptic email (Handout 1), in which they are asked to investigate the violent
death of a known associate to Jeffrey Jenkins, the late proprietor of Wild Out There Stuff in Ohio. They
are instructed to reach out to Program Friendly Stephen Bohrn to coordinate and debrief on the
situation, investigate in the field, and eliminate any lingering influence from the events of Operation
CROWN JUBILEE, if present.

Agents will need to arrange for their own transportation to Detroit, as well as coordinate their
professional and personal lives. Calling the provided phone number will connect an Agent to an
answering service for the Michigan State Crime Laboratory. The recorded message will mention that the
laboratory is temporarily closed due to renovations and all “special contractors” will need to use the rear
access door tomorrow between the hours of 8pm and 11 pm.

The large facility is home to many different law enforcement offices and is normally bustling at all hours
-- a very poor choice for a suspicious late-night rendezvous. However, it is clear that the recent
renovations and construction have dampened typical activity at the site, and the complex seems rather
abandoned upon arrival. Plastic sheeting flutters in the night wind next to equipment and several aerial
work platforms jutting out of various faces of the building. Agents will find their contact waiting for them
at the rear access door in the parking lot behind the structure, surrounded by spent cigarette butts and
fumbling to light another as they approach.

Steven Bohrn defines grizzled. His weathered face speaks of heavy drinking, chain smoking, and stress.
An unkempt shock of black hair with abrupt streaks of a gray seems like it was last attended to by a blind
and thumbless barber. Were it not for the pristine lab coat he could easily be mistaken for a vagrant. His
eyes are narrowed slits, haunted, and look as though they have peered beyond familiar truths.

He will offer a cigarette and a light to each Agent as they arrive, saying only “let’s just wait for everyone
to get here and enjoy the night air for now. Silence can be golden.” And perhaps, “Patience. We’re
waiting for a couple more. I’m not going to go through this more than once, so just sit tight and relax
while you have the precious chance to.”

When the last Agent finally meanders toward the growing group huddled around the rear access door of
the Michigan State Crime Laboratory, Bohrn may say: “I’ve never much cared for opera. Too much drama,
too much bloodshed, too much agony. Heh, but I guess the show goes on whether we watch it or not; till
that fat lady wakes up and sings. Let’s just get this started.” He flashes a badge across a nearby maglock
and opens the door, waiting for the Agents to enter.
Steven will guide the group into a medical storage room lit by buzzing fluorescent lights. He will allow an
unlit cigarette to cling to his lip while delivering his briefing.

“We’re here because our bosses pegged me for another fucked-up autopsy. Happens every couple of
months in this hellhole. Apparently lots of weird shit pokes up its head or what-have-you around here.
Keeps me busy. I’d move to some quiet little cabin in the woods, but I’ve been…encouraged to sit tight
and just wait for these midnight phone calls from computer-generated voices telling me to serve my
goddamn country.

Anyway, apparently this one was a friend of someone else they’ve been watching -- otherwise, the
cadaver would have been carved up by some second-year med student and this whole thing would be
forgotten in a couple days after the next mutilated corpse washes up near Grosse Pointe.”

Bohrn picks up a grubby clipboard stowed on a nearby shelf and refers to it while he goes over the
briefing details. He will later provide this information as Handout 2, a short and rather incomplete
interim autopsy report.

“Our victim is Darren Hehn, 28-year-old Caucasion male and apparently some sort of blogger for an
Internet show called Beyond the Dark. Lost his head, though. His body was found early last Wednesday
morning at Detroit Water Treatment Fac #3, on the south side of town. He spent roughly 10-20 hours in
the sewer system before being found by workers. The decapitation was done through unknown means,
and I noted strange 1-to-2-inch cylindrical markings along the wound, inconsistent with known bite mark
patterns and blunt cutting traumas. Additionally, my examination discovered an unknown bacterial
thrush on the wound inconsistent with local monera. My attempts to cultivate the bacteria failed.”

Bohrn will point out the approximate location where Hehn’s body most likely was dumped on any digital
map. He will also provide the Agents with pictures of the unknown bacteria he collected from Hehn’s
body (Handout 3 and Handout 4). A SCIENCE (BIOLOGY) or SCIENCE (CHEMISTRY)(-20%) will alert an
Agent that the pictured bacteria does not resemble anything they’ve ever seen. Either this is due to poor
photography or an incorrectly-prepared specimen -- or it is evidence of an organism with no known
relationship to terrestrial monera.

If asked, Bohrn will mention the variety of nutrient mediums and conditions he used to culture the
unknown bacteria. He suspects a special enzyme is needed -- and he will nod grimly that he believes it’s
probably something not naturally found on Earth.

Bohrn will also provide photographs of the wound itself. FORENSICS, MEDICINE (-20%), and SCIENCE
(ZOOLOGY) can all verify that the strange cylindrical marks are not the result of cutting trauma or an
animal’s bite.

Finally Bohrn will point Agents toward the “Contact Us” page from the Beyond the Dark’s webzine. He
emphasizes that it has the editor’s mailing address and phone number, and tells the Agents that he’s
been instructed by their “bosses” to let them know that Danny Corso was likely the last person to have
seen Darren alive -- although he has no further detail than that. He will only nod meaningfully. He also
adds that he’s been told Danny doesn’t respond well to authority. Again, he has no further context and
shrugs noncommittally when questioned further.

While Bohrn is a dark and grim character, he truly wants to help the Agents. However, he will make it
very clear that he does not want to be involved in their task any more than he has to be. Agents are free
to request information from him but they should not expect much more than that.
The Agents have a clear lead, though the details are a bit fuzzy. Locating the address is simple. Trying the
public phone line merely connects an Agent to an automated “paranormal tip line.” Looking deeper into
Danny Corso before approaching his listed business/residence address can reveal some about the
individual depending on the tactic(s) used:

● BUREAUCRACY: Two years ago, a series of permit requests for the address were filed by Daniel
Corso with the City of Detroit. These were denied repeatedly, and the note “citizen objected to
the ‘tyranny’ of permit requirements” is the only available clue as to why.
● ACCOUNTING: Tax filings for Beyond the Dark, Inc. show that the business operates at a loss. No
mishandling of monies can be found through public records, but it is clear the funding for the
operation must come from a non-business source.
● LAW: The business “Beyond the Dark” is a dba for CorsoWerkz, Inc. Based on structure, it
appears the parent company was set up specifically and only to shield the production from
potential liability.
● CRIMINOLOGY: Access to police records shows a series of minor calls over the last decade or so
regarding arguments in public places, sometimes by retail proprietors. Danny always appears to
leave without further escalation, and has thus far avoided formal charges. A successful roll here
combined with at least another success in one of the other listed skills indicates that this is no
criminal mastermind, and Danny is likely a sharp-witted person with a strong anti-authoritarian
streak others might deem eccentric or abrasive.

The motivation for his paranormal production is self-evident when the Agents arrive and have a chance
to take in the neighborhood. The ghosts of Detroit are everywhere in this area of the southside despite
multiple revival efforts recently spreading through the city: abandoned buildings, people living in
squalor, and sallow eyes without hope. Danny has supplied his own twist on the decrepit neighborhood’s
theme, and his door handle is curiously covered in aluminum foil. In fact, a unique pattern of aluminum
sheeting covers each one of his street-facing windows. In better times, Danny might have been an artist.
The single-story home is rundown, the lawn is wild with hip-high grass and weeds, but despite this it
seems better kept than the rest of the homes on the street.

Indeed, Danny does not interact well with authority, and even avoids the mailman. If the players want to
gain his trust they will have to anticipate his paranoia or quickly adapt. There are a few things for which
Danny might bargain: cash, information, or the labor needed to fix his 1975 Ford Pinto. Fixing the vehicle
will require mechanical engineering or repair skills, but the procedure is simple and will only take 1D4
hours for an expert.

If the Agents attempt to force Danny into an interrogation or confrontation, he is armed with a shotgun
and will warn them only once before firing a “warning” shot at their feet -- a move that could easily end
with his demise. Agents that try to stealthily break into the residence will discover well-concealed and
nominally-dangerous traps. Without successful and purposeful SEARCH checks, these obstacles will
undoubtedly activate and cause the Agents as much or as little grief as the Handler desires. Rather than
opting for a security system, Danny -- ever self-reliant -- has rigged his home to protect himself from the
worst elements of a crime-ridden suburb of Detroit, as well as any preternatural forces he suspects could
be now targeting him. His paranoia recently pushed to an extreme end, these measures should continue
to paint Danny as an extremely chaotic and eccentric individual teetering on the edge of rationality.
Some ideas follow:

● Beyond the Dark has a structured “holding cage” on the inside of his front door. A camera and
speaker system allows him to electronically vet and “buzz in” visitors. There is a sign here that
says “GAS WILL BE USED IF PROPRIETOR DEEMS NECESSARY.” (Note: this is an empty threat). A
speaker on the outside of the front door exists for a similar purpose and will likely be the
method by which the Agents first converse with Danny.
● The entire property is rigged with well-placed, 90s-era CCTV cameras that feed directly into a
security console inside the home. There is no external access to the system. The home’s main
panel is below ground in the residence’s basement, and the live conduit is buried underground
(but connects to a nearby power pylon two plots south and can be dismantled from there by an
expert with the proper municipal access or tools).
● The back door utilizes a tension spring on the inside of the home that will produce a cloud of
stinging pepper spray if the locked metal door is bypassed and opened.
● The windows are all nailed shut from the inside, but if an Agent stealthily gains access, a motion
sensor will plunge the house into darkness (if not already pitch black) and activate a disorienting
strobe light and blaring klaxon. Danny will use this cover, quickly donning old-style bakelite
goggles, to run to the triggered window and open fire.

Assuming the Agents are successful in gaining the man’s attention -- and perhaps trust -- without forcing
a fatal confrontation, he will provide the following information:

1. Danny was good friends with Darren Hehn.

2. He believes that Darren was searching for the “Detroit Jabberwock,” a previously-unknown
cryptid predator that had begun haunting Detroit as recently as the last few months. The final
message Danny received from Darren specified that he had “found something big” and was
going to have “undeniable photographic and videographic evidence this time, no more lens flare
shit or spooky offscreen sounds.” See Handout 5.
3. He will elucidate on the above email’s reference to the “missing girls.” He will even provide the
most recent missing person’s newspaper reports for the “girls from St. Bart’s” (Handout 7 and
Handout 8). This line of investigation leads to Skinless Academy.
a. Roughly half a month before the discovery of Darren Hehn’s decapitated body, a high
school student by the name of Joy Shores was reported missing by her father, Dante
Shores. Her father claims she plays chess every weekend with the elderly at Palmer Park
to hone her chess skills for the St. Bartholomew Academy chess club. When she failed to
return he alerted the police.
b. A few days after Joy’s disappearance, Lena Stover, captain of the St. Bartholomew
Academy swim team, was reported missing after failing to return from school. She was
last seen near the St. Bartholomew Academy pool a day before the report was filed by
her parents.
4. Danny knows the name Jeff Jenkins. He never met Jeff, but knew he was one of Darren’s
message board buddies and was also quite active on the Beyond the Dark forums in the old days
before the trolls took over. He knows they traded old books and “artifacts,” but little else.
5. He knows where Darren lived -- a bit of information thus far missing from the hastily-compiled
facts from Steven Bohrn and the Delta Green-misdirected local police investigation. If Agents
follow up on this, proceed to Mad House.

If Danny Corso is dispatched or otherwise incapacitated, deft COMPUTER SCIENTISTS could perhaps
discover the final email from Darren Hehn on Corso’s heavily-secured (both physically and
cryptographically) server cluster for Beyond the Dark, kept in his cluttered basement.
St. Bartholomew Academy is a prestigious private school located in the north east suburbs of Detroit.
Most of its students come from wealthy families. While the faculty might like to help the Agents in their
investigations, they will need to prove that they can legally question their students if they desire to do
so. The Agents will unequivocally be asked to leave the grounds if they are acting suspicious or harassing

Police have already questioned Lena and Joy’s friends regarding their disappearance, and the situation
has most of the school in a state of anxiety regarding the situation. The staff must be convinced that an
additional round of interviews is necessary, enhanced by legal documentation and parental consent
removing all liability from the school. The variability of Agent approach here is broad, but excellent
interpersonal skills buttressed by seemingly genuine credentials will go far.

It is also possible to find out the names of Joy and Lena’s friends by obtaining and reviewing the police
reports and interview materials of the St. Bartholomew students, though further details will still need to
be gleaned through primary source HUMINT. This may mean approaching the students privately at a
public library or even a student event or party -- definitely tricky. If the Agents gain access to prior
interview records by local law enforcement, the Handler is encouraged to provide as little or as many
clues as needed to keep the investigation progressing forward.

Agents may also choose to speak directly to the parents of the missing children beforehand in order to
learn some information about their friends and activities. If their child is present during these
conversations, they play out much the same as if they took place at the school. Run these scenes as
short vignettes that provide further clues based on both Agent approach and skill tests to bolster
narrative momentum.

Jennifer Mabry, the school’s counselor, will insist that any additional questioning by law enforcement on
school grounds be signed off -- again -- by selected students’ parents. She will bend over backwards to
ensure the school is protected from lawsuits and will absolutely ensure that nothing occurs which could
possibly result in the loss of her job. She will also insist that she be present for any questioning session
and demand that all students be treated with a very light touch. She will not hesitate to step in to halt
questioning if she perceives that the questions are overly harsh or merely making the student

She also feels for Andy Cruz and is concerned with his homelife. If she trusts the Agents, she may preface
an interview and tell them that she believes his slipping grades are the result of a rebellious phase, and
she is worried that she has been unable to contact his father to discuss the problem as he had taken a
very prominent role in Andy’s education. She will also note that Roy, Andy’s brother, is still doing
relatively well, but he has confided to her that he hasn’t seen his father very often and that Andy is
looking after him.

This is one area where being able to pull strings with local law enforcement -- who have already gone
through great trouble to acquire parental permission to question St. Bartholomew’s students -- will make
things much simpler. Contacting the local precinct detectives who are conducting the missing persons
case and convincing them to “work jointly” with a federal investigation would normally be quite difficult
and require careful navigation of a multitude of bureaucratic hoops -- and this is still a potential option
though a risky one due to its overt approach. However, Agents would be wise to reach out to their
typical Handler and explain the situation. Delta Green is perched to greatly assist in this arena through a
network of convenient Friendlies in the department, and within a few hours St. Bartholomew’s will be
provided with seemingly unimpeachable indication that the Agents have full go-ahead to interview their
students again and that the school is completely protected from liability.

The level of veracity regarding these hastily-provided documents is up to the Handler, and a dramatic
moment during a particularly interesting interview could occur as the Agents are hastily escorted from
campus when the limits of Delta Green’s network are reached.

Lena Stover - The Truth

Lena was the angelic daughter of Mary and Richard Stover. She was the team captain of the St.
Bartholomew swimming team and was overall an excellent student. However, her dull homelife drove
her to crave adventure and some rebellion.

During one of her swim meets she met KD, a swimmer from a competing public school who has
connections to the Detroit drug scene. She regularly purchased MDMA from KD for her friends.

While purchasing drugs she was devoured by Andy, who had stalked her and waited until she entered an
abandoned building in south Detroit to meet with KD.

Stover’s Friends
Christina Dutcher: Life-long friend of Lena, she is also from a wealthy family. She is not a
member of any recreational clubs but likes to party with Lena. When asked about Lena’s
disappearance she will mention that they were supposed to hang out the evening she was
reported missing. If the Agent presses the issue and asks where they were going to hang out or
what they were going to do she will lie. HUMINT picks up on her nonverbal and verbal cues here.
If the Agent has children, this is augmented by +40%.

June Talton: June is well-liked by Mary and Richard Stover as she never misses a day in church
and is a member of the school’s Glee Club. However, June does not know anything about Lena's
disappearance. She will earnestly mention that Lena had something of a rebellious streak, and
may confide to an Agent that she once caught Lena drinking vodka. Lena’s parents will clearly
identify June as Lena’s best friend, and will ignore their daughter’s association with Christina
completely unless directly asked.

Denise Quan: Denise is a fellow member of the school’s swim team. Her relationship with Lena
could be described as competitive, and Counselor Mabry will possibly even note this. Denise will
mention that while Lena was captain of the swim team she rarely stayed late for extra practice
and would take off with Freddy. Much to Mrs. Mabry’s visible chagrin, she will also state that the
swim team is better off without her.

Frederick (Freddy) Kennard: Freddy Kennard considers himself the second coming of Justin
Bieber. A close friend of Lena, the two were sexually active -- though he will not be forthcoming
with this information, at least not directly. Frederick pushed Lena to purchase drugs to fuel raves
and drug-filled escapades. When asked about Lena he will visibly become nervous and look back
at Mrs. Mabry. It is evident that he will not speak freely with Mrs. Mabry present, and he will lie
about the last time he saw Lena, stating that he saw her after practice going home.

If the Agents corner him later or successfully remove the counselor from the equation, he will
freely tell them that Lena said she was going to pick up drugs from her contact KD, a swimmer at
Public School 32. He will also lie and say that he tried to stop her. HUMINT picks up that he
seems to care little that she is gone and is treating the entire situation flippantly -- a potential
psychopath in the making.

Joy Shores - The Truth

A fellow classmate of Lena, Joy was less popular than Lena and an avid member of the chess club. Andy,
a fellow chess club member, had a crush on her for some time. After becoming a host to an Egg Eater, he
could no longer contain his hunger and devoured her.

If the Agents decide to talk to the elderly at Palmer Park, they will mention that Joy came a few times to
play with them with a fellow club member -- an Hispanic youth.

Shore’s Friends
Martin Braxton: Martin is a chubby and short nerd. His interests are plainly visible on his back
pack: comics, video games, and K-pop. He has always had a crush on Joy and when asked about
her he will not know anything about her whereabouts. If asked about Andy’s relationship with
Joy, he may grimace and state that Andy was not good enough for Joy and was creeping up on
Lena Stover -- of course Andy would only be interested in the pretty and popular girls; he could
never appreciate Joy’s erudition.

Andy Cruz: Before introducing Andy Mrs. Mabry will let the players know that Andy has been
going through a rough patch. His grades are slipping and the school has been unable to contact
his father, Marcus Cruz, despite the interest he was taking in Andy’s education. She will mention
that Roy, Andy’s younger brother, is still doing fine, but that he told her that Andy is taking care
of him now. The school is beginning the process of getting Child Protective Services involved. She
asks the Agents to be delicate with him.

Andy is a lean Hispanic student of average height. His eyes look hollow and he clearly does not
want to be in the room. HUMINT or PHARMACY will reveal that he is abnormally emotionless, as
though he were on ADHD or SSRI type medication. Mrs. Mabry will later deny any school
knowledge of him taking such medication, and states that he was a star student until about a
month ago.
Andy will deny knowledge of Joy’s whereabouts, and if he is asked about playing chess with her,
he will claim that he only did that as part of club activities and never outside of school.

Robert Post: Average. Everything about Robert is average. His looks, his grades, his demeanor.
When asked about Joy he will have no additional information except to say that he hopes she is
found. He may mention that he is a fan of her father’s work (Dante Shores is a somewhat
successful author of alternate history novels. His most notable work, Before the Calm, envisions
American colonies that never separated from the Kingdom of England and suffered an even
more brutal series of civil and external conflicts when the Slave Trade was made illegal by the

Brandy Kovach: Brandy, like Joy, is not very popular. Given a few more years she will mature into
a beautiful woman, but right now she is awkward. She admittedly does not have the skills to play
chess like Joy and she favors the theater club. However, she will mention that Andy and Joy were
close, and that if the Agents have not talked to Andy yet they should. He usually met Joy at
Palmer Park to play chess with the elderly.

If the Agents cannot meet with the students but instead skulk around and investigate nearby
recreational areas on campus, they may find Frederick smoking a joint in the school’s pool hot tub during
class hours. If pressured, he may tell the Agents about KD, something he withheld from police; and how
Lena was going to buy drugs that night before she disappeared. He doesn’t know where KD lives, but he
knows that he goes to Public School 32.
Public School 32 will quickly provide KD’s address if the Agents portray themselves as proper government
officials. If acting more indirectly, they could simply ask the swimming coach or even fellow swimmers at
the school. While KD is well-liked, the teachers know he has not been in school recently, and the
students know that KD sells drugs, so it is not uncommon to have adults asking about his whereabouts.
Finding out his personal address should not pose a major obstacle for the Agents.

As the Agents approach the provided address, it is clear the home is well-kept. The lawn is freshly-cut
and relatively free of detritus -- unlike surrounding homes. A wooden gate on the left side leads to the
backyard. There are lights on in the living room.

KD’s mother is usually working, so the Agents are free to question him. However, the now
extremely-paranoid KD will flee at the first sign that law enforcement is approaching his home, out the
back door and over the back yard fence. Agents might have better luck posing as potential customers,
and KD will merely ask them to leave saying that he does not have any merchandise at the moment.

KD witnessed Lena being devoured by Andy and is currently very frightened and shaken. If cornered and
questioned, KD will eventually reveal the following:

1. He started selling drugs because he does not see much of a future in this town.
2. He was waiting for Lena at an abandoned warehouse on the southside.
3. She was just entering the warehouse when a tall, thin, hispanic kid wearing a St. Bart’s school
uniform came up behind her and put her in a choke hold. KD was about to run forward to help
her, but the kid’s face split open and tentacles were forced down her mouth. He just hid and
watched as the thing devoured her head, face, and neck. The tentacles secreted some sort of
foam on her body that caused her skin to melt. She didn’t even have a chance to scream. The
thing sucked up her partially liquid remains, and it seemed like a very sexual act -- like it was
getting its rocks off.
Darren Hehn, ever the eccentric, did not have a permanent address of residence at the time of his
demise. His last recorded address was an apartment on Detroit’s east side two years ago. Danny Corso,
however, knows that Darren had set up a “base of operations” in an abandoned school on the outskirts
of the city. Closed down for renovations at the beginning of the pandemic and never opened again due
to lack of funding, Hall Middle School is yet another monument to the contraction of Detroit.

The Agents show up to the abandoned site, and upon passing through a loosely chained set of front
doors they will be greeted by the musty stench of rotting paper. From this dark and cluttered entryway,
the Agents will see loose assignments scattered across the dirty floors as if the teachers and children had
hastily fled the school while pursued by some unknown disaster. The windows on the outside of the
building are shattered, shining like bared teeth in the light of the sky. A fresh set of boot prints, leaving
distinct impressions on the dirty linoleum floors, trails away from the largest of one of the street-facing
windows and into the interior of the garbage-strewn building.

Following the overt tracks leads the Agents to a locked counselor’s office on the second floor. The
windows here have been boarded up, but there are gaps in the hasty construction that reveal maps and
other handwritten materials pinned to one of the visible walls.

Breaching the door is not difficult, but much like Danny Corso (and to an even more significant degree),
Darren was an eccentric. Without a successful SEARCH, manipulating the door causes an attached chain
of loud empty Goya chickpea cans to scrape across the floor and result in a distracting cacophony. At the
same time, a bowling ball will swing from the room’s drop ceiling, crashing into whatever hapless Agent
may be standing in the now open door frame.

Despite the jerry-rigged approach, this is still quite dangerous, and being struck by the fast-moving
weight will result in 1D8 damage if not DODGED by a very ALERT Agent. Again, a prior successful SEARCH
reveals the cracks in the top of the door and the shadow of a mechanism or screw between the door and
the doorframe. This allows cautious Agents to avoid triggering the traps if properly disarmed (crawling
up and over the door frame through the drop ceiling tiles), or if the door is not opened completely.
Either approach will allow Agents to safely gain access to the counselor’s office.

A quick overview of the simple mechanic here: the trap mechanism is a screw near the top of the door
that secures a rope attached to a piece of cloth underneath a bowling ball in the ceiling tiles. When the
door opens, the cloth is pulled from underneath the bowling ball causing it to drop down. The ball is
nestled in a hammock that will swing forward toward the person that opened the door. The momentum
gained is enough to cause significant injury.

Once inside the room, the Agents will see that across from the door there is an old and yellowed road
map of Detroit. Scrawled depictions of strange creatures have been drawn on it, seemingly in imitation
of old world sea charts. However, near the center of Detroit there are several markings with lines criss
crossing over one building near Loraine and Grand River Ave. This area clearly coincides with the area
where Darren’s body was likely dumped and happens to be Marcus’ current location. There is also a large
circle around another location -- clearly marked “ST. BARTS.” There is a post-it barely clinging to the
surface of the map nearby, crowded with harsh scribbling. “How to get in to talk to the other kids??
Uptight pricks!!”

A mannequin with a partially melted face stands on the right side of the room adorned with a very
expensive-looking suit. If the Agents successfully SEARCH, they find the book Azathoth and Others sewed
into the coat pocket -- and eagle-eyed investigators may notice a faded stamp on the inside cover that
reads “Property of Muskoka Regional Centre Library.” A critical success reveals a hidden floor tile behind
a ramshackle desk that contains a locked box.

Opening the box reveals photocopies of a section of the Necronomicon (though the title of the book is
not present, those with prior experience with the tome will recognize the origin of the passages). This is
an old world English translation, possibly dating around the 1600s if genuine. A recent handwritten note
prefacing the passages reads: “NEVER AGAIN”. Dried and bloody hand prints are visible on the
stapled-together pages. If Agents decide to run the prints, there are no matches in federal fingerprinting
databases, nor any matches to persons of interest in their current operation.

Azathoth and Others

In English, by Edward Derby, 1919. Study time: hours. Occult +2%. Unnatural +3%. SAN loss 1D4.

“When age fell upon the world,

and wonder went out of the minds of men;
when grey cities reared to smoky skies
tall towers grim and ugly,
in whose shadow none might dream
of the sun or of Spring's flowering meads....”

Description: A book of the macabre poetry of Edward Pickman Derby published around World War I and rebound
in unmarked boards with a technique that a librarian or bookbinder would place around the 1950s. The pages still
bear marks of damage by fire and water. It weaves New England legend and startling insights into lyrics of
surprising power. It takes only an hour or so to pore over. The largest single work, “Azathoth,” describes a dreaming
encounter with the Daemon Sultan whose mindless pulsings give shape and action to the universe, and whose
messenger Nyarlathotep mockingly facilitates the human impulse to find meaning in the world. This particular copy
appears to have been part of the sanatorium library of the now-defunct Muskoka Regional Centre of Ontario.
Rituals: NONE.

Passage from The Necronomicon

In Middle English, 1600s. Study time: weeks. Occult +8%. Unnatural +3%. SAN loss 1D6.
Description: Translated by an unknown author, presumably from the derivative Wormius translation. Although the
title of the work is not present in these loosely-stapled photocopies, the origin of the bizarre descriptions and
eccentric prose is unmistakable for the learned Agent or investigator. Seemingly a drug-fueled metaphysical
treatise, these non-sequential pages overview a bizarre rite to commune with reality’s “underlyeing energies and
aether.” The words “NEVER AGAIN” are scribbled across the front of the pamphlet, and dried and bloody
handprints are visible throughout the entire bundle.
Rituals: Call Forth the Arch-Angel Yazreal. Call Forth Those from Outside - Yog-Sothoth. (see Handler’s Guide pg
175 for Ritual details, and pgs. 251-252 for a complete description of Yog-Sothoth).
Throughout the room are pinned and scattered notes and journal entries. Darren’s tenuous sanity is
more than apparent to Agents as they peruse these materials. The Handler is encouraged to reference
events or entities from prior operations. See Handout 6 for examples. Reading through all of the
madman’s scribblings over the next few days will increase UNNATURAL by 1, with a cost of 1 SAN.
Agents can find out the location of Andy Cruz’s house by asking St. Bartholomew administration or
following him and his brother home. They may also question Joy’s other friends. Although her friends
won’t know the exact location, they will know the general area.

The Cruz residence is a modest two bedroom house built back in the 80s. The lawn is only slightly
overgrown but free of garbage. A single light is switched on in the house, and the sounds of television
can be heard from the front lawn. A latched chain link gate on the side of the house leads towards the

Andy’s flaccid demeanor has not changed since any prior interactions or interrogation. However, if the
Agents mention that they wish to ask him more questions, he will invite them into the house. The
interior is unusually warm and humid for the Detroit summer. If asked about it, Andy will say the air
conditioning ceased functioning “a while ago.” He sits down at the kitchen table with Roy and waits
patiently for the Agents’ questions.

At this point, Andy suspects that the Agents know his true nature. If they try to pressure him about the
missing girls he will horrifyingly and silently reveal himself by splitting his face horizontally and allowing a
mass of tentacles to quietly burst and issue forth. At the same time, he will grab Roy and make sure his
brother is pinned close to his own chest, unable to see or turn to see the alien aggregation that was once
his face. Roy will act very nervous and urgently ask what is going on.

The Agents may choose to engage Andy. At this point, it is up to the Handler to determine if Roy is an
unwilling Egg Eater host or just a normal and confused boy. Continuing to sow doubt about Roy’s
humanity is highly encouraged. Smart Agents will remember the bacteria discovered on Darren Hehn
and demand the boy be tested before they proceed with any permanent solutions. If this is suggested in
the boy’s presence, it is recommended that Roy attack the Agents in Egg Eater form. However, if the
Agents decide to execute Roy before testing him, it is best to leave him as human and have the Agents
suffer the full consequences of their actions (SAN 1D3/1D8).

If the Agents leave Andy, he will return to his father Marcus and attempt to gestate the eggs he has
collected from his high school colleagues. This is to the benefit of the Agents as he becomes vulnerable
in this state. However, his father will guard him during this extrication process. Once this is complete, the
aliens will leave in the Egg Eater craft hidden at a restaurant equipment warehouse. If Marcus has
already been dealt with by the Agents, then Andy will try to directly flee with Roy in the craft.
The markings on Darren’s map all point to 5301 Grand River Ave, an abandoned restaurant equipment
wholesaler. The bright red bricks and chipped green paint seem lively, almost making the otherwise
hollowed-out building inviting. Roughly three stories tall and covered in mostly-intact windows, the
warehouse is a testament to classical 1920’s architecture. Gates flanking the edifice are topped with
intermittent barbed wire, and an intact fire escape can be seen protruding on the backside of the
building. A padlock on the front double doors has been broken, and lies on the ground nearby.

The first floor of the warehouse is in disarray. Surprisingly, many large and rusted pieces of restaurant
equipment still exist. Various stoves, cooler frames, and dishwashers lay stacked, covered in dust and
ancient grime. Light from the ceiling streams in through a large empty frame that once held a window,
illuminating the heavy dust in the air. Each subsequent floor is open to the center of the building’s
interior, lining the walls and providing a view down to the first floor.

An unmistakable dusting of light phosphorescence trails up nearby stairs, tracking beyond the offices on
the second floor to the third and visible even during daylight. Upon reaching the top floor, Agents will
notice that the window nearest the stairs has been completely removed. It is not broken -- instead , the
glass panes and window frame have been carefully extricated from the wall and set aside. The building’s
fire escape appears to lead directly to this opening. The strange gleaming leavings continue to the end of
the hall to a manager’s office. The door here has also been carefully removed from its hinges and set to
one side as well.

A thicker strand of the phosphorescent and powdery substance surrounds the entrance to the manager’s
office. This is thriving bacteria from the Egg Eaters’ passing. Heat is emanating from the office and can be
felt by the Agents even at the head of the third floor stairs. If the Agents SEARCH inside they will find a
bacterial nest behind an old oak desk that holds a clutch of translucent egg sacks. The egg sacks contain
deformed human fetuses contorted in frozen pain (SAN 1/1D6). If the Agents have arrived at night,
Marcus will swing through the open skylight just as they are about to leave. Marcus appears more
concerned about his clutch than the intruders, and tactically-minded Agents will perhaps pick up on his
distracted nature and flee. Marcus will soon after gather his brood and flee in his spaceship, with or
without Andy and Roy.

If the investigation takes place during the day, then Marcus will be present incubating his brood in full
Egg Eater form. Like a cornered parent defending its cubs, the Egg Eater will respond to intrusion with
lethal force.
● Dispatching Marcus Cruz (+1D6)
● Dispatching Andy Cruz (+1D6)
● The Egg Eaters flee by means of their biomechanical craft (-1D8)

Marcus Cruz
STR 14 CON 18 DEX 10 INT 25 POW 20
HP 20 WP 20
SKILLS: Alertness (30%)
● Grapple Hold (75%)
● Rake (50%), 2D4 (see ACIDIC SECRETIONS)
RESILIENT: Due to its alien anatomy, a successful Lethality roll does not destroy an Egg Eater and instead
inflicts HP damage equal to the Lethality rating.
UNNATURAL BIOLOGY: The Egg Eater’s physiology would baffle any biologist. Making a called shot for
“vitals” or another apparently vulnerable area inflicts normal damage, with no special game effect.
FORMLESS: Slippery and scrabbling, the Egg Eater is difficult to destroy. It takes half the HP damage from
any attack except for fire or hypergeometry.
ACIDIC SECRETIONS: If a target is successful grappled, they are subject to the corrosive oozings that coat
the tentacles of the Egg Eater. Once per round, a grappled target takes 1D4 damage from the acidic alien
mixture. If the tentacles Rake a target, this is primarily to administer the acidic foaming compound to the
victim’s flesh, doing an additional 1D2 damage per round until neutralized by a water flush or calcium
gluconate. This acid only affects organic materials and will have no effect on body armor or inorganic
SAN LOSS: 1D4/1D10.

Marcus Cruz is a tan-skinned, blond-haired and blue-eyed Caucasian. However, now that he has become
host to an Egg Eater, his body is writhing mass of tentacles roughly 1-to-2 inches in width. Draped
throughout these tentacles are various pieces of his human body; his face is located near the center of the
tentacles and the eyes and mouth simply contain more of the silky probusci.

At will, he can suppress the undulating ribbons of his body and assume human form. He greatly prefers to
be in his natural state. In human form he can use Cruz’s knowledge to speak English and converse
somewhat normally with others. As an Egg Eater, its only audible sound is one of a shrill, trilling whistle as
it moves.

The “true” Egg Eater is a small nodule of pulsing white tendrils in the center of this fleshy mass. Only by
burning or otherwise destroying the mobile core will the creature be terminated. If freed or otherwise
displaced or forced from its host body, the Egg Eater will not be able to survive more than a few hours in
Earth’s atmosphere without alien pharmaceuticals or access to another harness device. There are three
more in its nearby craft.

Andy Cruz
STR 12 CON 16 DEX 10 INT 25 POW 18
HP 16 WP 18
SKILLS: Alertness (30%)
● Grapple Hold (60%)
● Rake (40%), 2D4 (see ACIDIC SECRETIONS)
RESILIENT: Due to its alien anatomy, a successful Lethality roll does not destroy an Egg Eater and instead
inflicts HP damage equal to the Lethality rating.
UNNATURAL BIOLOGY: The Egg Eater’s physiology would baffle any biologist. Making a called shot for
“vitals” or another apparently vulnerable area inflicts normal damage, with no special game effect.
FORMLESS: Slippery and scrabbling, the Egg Eater is difficult to destroy. It takes half the HP damage from
any attack except for fire or hypergeometry.
ACIDIC SECRETIONS: If a target is successful grappled, they are subject to the corrosive oozings that coat
the tentacles of the Egg Eater. Once per round, a grappled target takes 1D4 damage from the acidic alien
mixture. If the tentacles Rake a target, this is primarily to administer the acidic foaming compound to the
victim’s flesh, doing an additional 1D2 damage per round until neutralized by a water flush or calcium
gluconate. This acid only affects organic materials and will have no effect on body armor or inorganic
SAN LOSS: 1/1D8.

Similar to Marcus, except that he must stay in human form for much longer periods at a time.

Roy Cruz
STR 10 CON 16 DEX 10 INT 25 POW 18
HP 14 WP 18
SKILLS: Alertness (30%)
● Grapple Hold (40%)
● Rake (25%), 2D4 (see ACIDIC SECRETIONS)
RESILIENT: Due to its alien anatomy, a successful Lethality roll does not destroy an Egg Eater and instead
inflicts HP damage equal to the Lethality rating.
UNNATURAL BIOLOGY: The Egg Eater’s physiology would baffle any biologist. Making a called shot for
“vitals” or another apparently vulnerable area inflicts normal damage, with no special game effect.
FORMLESS: Slippery and scrabbling, the Egg Eater is difficult to destroy. It takes half the HP damage from
any attack except for fire or hypergeometry.
ACIDIC SECRETIONS: If a target is successful grappled, they are subject to the corrosive oozings that coat
the tentacles of the Egg Eater. Once per round, a grappled target takes 1D4 damage from the acidic alien
mixture. If the tentacles Rake a target, this is primarily to administer the acidic foaming compound to the
victim’s flesh, doing an additional 1D2 damage per round until neutralized by a water flush or calcium
gluconate. This acid only affects organic materials and will have no effect on body armor or inorganic
SAN LOSS: 1/1D8.

Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5
Handout 6
Handout 7
Handout 8

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