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Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716


Improvement of biological activity by low energy

ultrasound assisted bioreactors
O. Schläfer *, M. Sievers, H. Klotzbücher, T.I. Onyeche
Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut, Leibnizstraße 21+23, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany


Bioreactors are broadly applied in biotechnology and wastewater treatments. The so-called advanced bioreactor systems should
be optimised in a more compact, more efficient and more effective form. One method of optimisation is the improvement of the
solid–liquid interface of the sludge flocs and the mass transfer rate of gas and nutrients in the liquid. This could be obtained by
the intake of ultrasound in the bioreactor at a frequency of 25 kHz and a power input of 0.3 W l−1. An increase in the biological
activity of the process investigated with alternating ultrasound as well as a decrease without ultrasound were measured. © 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Activated biomass; Improved wine fermentation; Process-water recycling; Ultrasound assisted bioreactor

1. Introduction and stability of operation are necessary. A suitable

reaction of the purification system after interruption of
Specific biochemical reactions and their economical production is required. Moreover, the process must be
operations are the main advantages of bioreactors. They flexible with respect to varying load conditions with
are widely applied in the industrial sector such as in the less space.
food and pharmaceutical industries, in biotechnology The first step in developing a process-water purifica-
and in wastewater purification processes. tion plant which fulfils these requirements was to activate
In wastewater purification, biological treatment sys- the biomass by improving the solid–liquid interface of
tems are usually the most cost efficient processes for the sludge and the mass transfer rate of gas and nutrients
reducing dissolved biodegradable organic components. in the liquid.
A potential need for compact, cheaper and efficient Recent studies [1,2] have shown that low energy
process-water purification systems such as bioreactors ultrasound wave irradiation could be used to optimize
was discovered from a market survey in the area of the efficiency in ethanol production by yeast and fermen-
processing agricultural products, especially the wine and tation of mixed office waste paper in bioreactors. For a
juice industry in southern Europe. 2 l laboratory reactor, an energy input of 2.9 W l−1 at
As regards the production processes, there are many a frequency of 43 kHz was found to decrease the dis-
variations in the quantities of wastewater and their solved carbon dioxide (DCO ) concentration with simul-
concentrations of compounds. Not all wastewater con- taneous maximization of the cell density.
taminants are biodegradable with existing treatment In this study, the effects of low energy ultrasound
systems. Therefore, the conventional biological treat- irradiation on biomass in a model process-water treating
ment processes either have to be designed very large plant were investigated.
with high operational costs and many control techniques
to guarantee a constant water quality or they are not
efficient enough to recycle the wastewater for re-use in
the production process. 2. Materials and methods
To integrate a biological process-water treatment
system in industrial production, high safety measures 2.1. Organisms

For fermentation and ultrasound exposition, the

* Corresponding author. strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae C-2324 was used.

0041-624X/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0 0 4 1 -6 2 4 X ( 9 9 ) 0 0 13 2 - 8
712 O. Schläfer et al. / Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716

2.2. Medium and preculture treated volume of the medium was 4 l and the stirring
unit in the reactor was operated at 120 rpm.
A synthetic glucose medium was used to simulate the In order to obtain reproducible results in some experi-
wastewater from the wine and juice industry. It consisted ments, it was important to keep the micro-organisms in
of 10 g of glucose, 4 g of peptone from casein and 2 g the pile for a longer time in a fixed state with almost
of yeast extract in 1 l distilled water. After dissolving constant biomass concentration. Consequently, the bio-
the compounds, the medium was sterilized with steam reactors were combined with a continuous system. A
at 121°C for 25 min. S. cerevisiae was grown in this 20 l container with nutrient solution supplied the reactor
medium at 27°C in 500 ml Erlenmeyer flasks in a shaking with fresh solution. The inflow and outflow quantities
incubator to a cell density of 2×107 ml−1. The experi- were controlled with a calibrated peristaltic pump. To
ment was started with an inoculum of 1% preculture make the fermentation processes anaerobic, the reactor
and then grown up to an optical density of 1.0 at and the media were gassed out with nitrogen. After
wavelength of 550 nm (OD ) before ultrasound inoculation, it was necessary to regulate all parameters
550 nm
treatment was initiated. to reach a steady state before starting the ultrasound
2.3. Materials
2.5. Ultrasonic treatment
The used chemicals were from the Merck Company
(Germany) with FermtechA quality for microbiology. The ultrasound acoustic irradiation of the reactor
with micro-organisms in the culture medium was made
2.4. Bioreactor plant and fermentation by a specially constructed flange with an attached inter-
changeable transducer at the bottom of the reactor as
To fulfil all the requirements mentioned above, the shown in Fig. 2. The tranducer has a diameter of 5 cm
special bioreactor plant (shown in Fig. 1) was and was glued on a steel plate of 10 cm diameter. The
constructed. range of the frequency generator was adjustable between
The laboratory-scale reactor plant comprised two 15 and 100 kHz with a variable performance up to
identical 5 l cylindrical containers made of laboratory 0.6 W. A subsequent ultrasound amplifier increases the
glass with a flanged bottom plate made of stainless steel power up to a maximum of 150 W. An oscilloscope was
where different ultrasound transducers could be fixed installed on the secondary circuit to directly control the
and a top flange with all pipes and measurement equip- power at the transducer. After testing several different
ment were inserted. These two identical reactors were frequencies and power levels, the subsequent experi-
built to enable parallel test series with and without ments were carried out at 25 kHz and 0.3 W l−1 for low
ultrasound treatment. Additional tests were run under energy ultrasound and at 12 W l−1 for high power
sterile and temperature controlled conditions. The ultrasound. This was because the best output as regards

Fig. 1. Functional diagram of the experimental plant.

O. Schläfer et al. / Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716 713

carried out with standard calibration ultrasound-needle-

hydrophone from UltraTech (Denmark). The temper-
ature and the pH of the broth were also monitored.

6. Results

6.1. Effect of ultrasound on biological activity and

decrease of glucose

Experiments to detect the effect of low power ultra-

sound on biological activity were carried out with S.
cerevisiae in the bioreactor plant with a continuous flow.
As shown in Fig. 3, the extinction of 0.6 (without
ultrasound ) rose up to 0.9 after 7 h of ultrasound
This trend of increased biological activity went on
for several hours. Thereafter, a second exposition for
5 h of ultrasound brought the extinction to 1.2 indicating
an increase in biomass concentration from 0.12 to
Fig. 2. Flange construction for interchangeable ultrasound tranducers. 0.4 g l−1 while the glucose concentration decreased from
0.8 to 0.5 g l−1. The best results were obtained at a
optimal energy transmission and narrow frequency band power input of 0.3 W l−1 and varying time intervals
had been achieved. with and without ultrasonic treatment. Consequently, a
steady increase in activity could be achieved. Steady
irradiation with ultrasound delivers no significant
5. Measurements enhancement of biological activity (Fig. 4). The positive
influence of ultrasound seemed basically to be due to
The reactor was supplemented with measurement the effect of the alternating treatment stages.
instruments. The extinction was measured in a steady- In accordance with Ref. [2], in which an optimum for
flow cuvette at OD with a Lambda II UV–VIS treating biomass with low power ultrasound was also
550 nm
spectrometer from Perkin-Elmer ( USA) as a correlation found, the results were verified with high power ultrasound
parameter to the biomass concentration. The ethanol experiments raising the power in steps up to 12 W l−1.
concentration was detected by a gas chromatograph These experiments were carried out discontinuously and
from Perkin-Elmer ( USA) with Headspace H101 and in parallel in two identical reactors. One reactor was run
GC 8700 FID. The glucose concentration was measured without ultrasound as a control. Glucose concentration
on-line enzymatically with Olga 2b from IBA (Germany) was measured every 10 min in each reactor. In Fig. 5, it
and intermittently with glucose test sticks. The measure- was remarkable that increasing the energy input does not
ment of the ultrasonic field inside the bioreactor was achieve increased biological activity. With an alternating

Fig. 3. Effect of low energy ultrasound on biological activity.

714 O. Schläfer et al. / Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716

Fig. 4. Effect of continuous low energy ultrasound on biological activity.

Fig. 5. Effect of high power ultrasound on fermentation.

treatment at an ultrasound intensity of 12W l−1, there was 0.3 W l−1, the ethanol concentration increased to values
no recognizable difference in the biological activity with between 18 and above 30 g l−1. In accordance with [1],
and without ultrasound. the highest ethanol concentrations were obtained with
a cycle regime of ultrasound exposure and a pause.
6.2. Increase of ethanol concentration by ultrasonic Lower ethanol concentrations were obtained at short
irradiation time intervals and higher frequencies (spikes), while with
continuous ultrasound irradiation no stimulation in the
An increase in the ethanol production from the tested ethanol fermentation process was recorded.
biological process with low power ultrasound, as well
as a decrease without ultrasound, were recorded as 6.3. Ultrasonic field in the reactor
shown in Fig. 6. The ethanol production without ultra-
sonic treatment varied between 3 and 12 g l−1. At an To acquire information on the grade of ultrasound
ultrasound frequency of 25 kHz and a power input of intensity as function of the distance of the micro-
O. Schläfer et al. / Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716 715

Fig. 6. Effect of low energy ultrasound on ethanol production.

organisms from the ultrasound transducer, we carried 7. Discussion

out a series of ultrasound measurements with the stan-
dard calibration needle-hydrophones. The Fig. 7 Because of the very low power ultrasound, no cavita-
describes the shape of the ultrasound distribution in the tion occurred in the medium. The results of the ultra-
reactor. It was obvious that the ultrasonic transmission sound treatment seemed to be a combination of very
was uniformly distributed in the reactor. In the case of complex and dynamic effects which were influenced by
the tested reactor, there were apparently some reflections many factors including temperature, dissolved gases,
of the ultrasound waves at the reactor cover and sides. suspended particles, structures and metabolism of micro-
This could lead to a partial amplification and cancella- organisms, etc. Moreover, the ultrasound had several
tion of the ultrasonic transmission. effects on the different factors described above (i.e.

Fig. 7. Ultrasonic field at 25 kHz and 0.3 W inside of the reactor.

716 O. Schläfer et al. / Ultrasonics 38 (2000) 711–716

degassing of CO , dispersing particles and gases in the 8. Future actions

medium, vibrating organisms, etc.). So the results
detected by measurement instruments may be influenced The next step in the project’s research activity will be
by secondary effects. the construction of a bioreactor for a pilot plant as an
Low cell concentrations of S. cerevisiae tend not to adaptation unit for practical operation in the food
build clusters in the medium, but some particles sank to processing industry. The volume of this bioreactor is
the bottom in the interval with no ultrasonic irradiation. calculated to be 50 l. Simultaneously, the optimal effect
Hence the extinction measurement could be influenced of ultrasound on biological activity will be specified with
by dissociation of organisms. This effect should not be further test results. Economic potentials should be exam-
confused with biological activity. The dissociation effect ined as regards the costs (capital expenditures) and
appears a very short after switching on ultrasound and power consumption (operating costs) of the ultrasonic
also after short spikes with high and low power. unit.
An increase in biological activity only appears several
hours after long-term irradiation and always coupled
with a decrease in glucose concentration. The exact Acknowledgements
mechanism of biological activation is not yet clear. It is
a surprising phenomenon that ultrasound-activated cul- The authors are grateful to the European Commission
tures continued with their higher activity for some hours for supporting this research project on ‘Advanced
after irradiation stopped. Perhaps changes in the mem- Wastewater Treatment by Enhanced Operation of
brane permeability or enzymatic differences of the organ- Separation and Improved Biological Activity
isms were generated. Interestingly, discontinuous ( WAMBIO)’ in the framework of FAIR program
ultrasonic treatments were more beneficial for activating ( FAIR4.CT 973257). The special task of this EU project
fermentation than the continuous exposure. It is sug- is to develop a new liquid stream bioreactor based on a
gested that only a few steps in intracellular metabolisms combined biology/membrane system with the applica-
(e.g. enzymatic biosynthesis) are supported by ultra- tion of ultrasound transduction. The authors also appre-
sound and others are not or are even inhibited. ciate the contributions of the project partners especially
Therefore, pauses are needed between ultrasound expo- TUD (Department of ultrasound) and RESON, for
sures. In order to understand this phenomenon, further their assistance in providing the ultrasound equipment.
experiments need to be carried out.
The results achieved in cell growth and ethanol
production suggest a tendency for acceleration with References
ultrasound treatment, but remarkably the fermentation
process and the consequent changes after ultrasound [1] B.E. Wood, H.C. Aldrich, L.O. Ingram, Ultrasound stimulates eth-
treatment are quite complex. The use of low power anol production during the simultaneous saccarification and fer-
mentation of mixed waste office paper, Biotechnol. Prog. 13
ultrasound in bioreactors may present a significant
(1997) 232–237.
improvement in cost reduction in the biotechnology [2] K. Matsuura, M. Hirotsune, Y. Nunokawa, Acceleration of cell
industry especially in process-water treatment plants growth and ester formation by ultrasonic wave irradiation, J. Fer-
for winerys. mentation Bioeng. 77 (1) (1994) 36–40.

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