This course is designed to provide students with a basic but solid understanding of the
theoretical and practical issues associated with credit analysis and lending. The objective of
the course is to equip students with the understanding of sound banking practices in the
area of lending. In addition, students will be exposed to skills in the management of
problem loans to minimize losses.
Learning Outcomes.
Understand and apply the fundamental elements of the credit analysis process.
Critically analyse the banker-customer relationship within a credit context.
Understand the theoretical and practical aspects of consumer and commercial
Assess loan applications to identify and evaluate risk and make recommendations.
Calculate the main categories of ratios used in the credit analysis process
Assess the qualitative issues that give rise to risk in the lending process
Determine the actions to be taken with respect to the management of problem loans.
Modes of Delivery
Two lecture hours and one tutorial hour per week. Problem sets (not for grading) will be
provided for practice.
A Research Project (40%) and a comprehensive final examination (60%).
Consumer Lending
Types of Consumer loan
Evaluating Personal Loans
Personal Lending and Security
Loan structuring
Types of loan financing
loan pricing
loan agreements
Credit Administration
loan management
management of problem loans
Special Topics
Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA)
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Rouse, C.N. Bankers’ Lending Techniques, Financial World Publishing, U.K., 2nd Edition,
Fraser, Donald R., Benton E. Gup and James W. Kolari. Commercial Banking: The
Management of Risk, South-Western College Publishing, USA, 2001.
Milind Sathye, James Bartle, Michael Vincent, Raymond Boffey. Credit Analysis &
Lending Management, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Fraser, Donald R., Benton E. Gup and James W. Kolari. Commercial Banking: The
Management of Risk, South-Western College Publishing, USA, 2001.
Rose, Peter S. Commercial Bank Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2002.
Koch, Timothy W. and S. Scott McDonald. Bank Management, South-Western, USA,