Physical 11 Paper
Physical 11 Paper
Physical 11 Paper
S.A- II(2023-2024)
Subject: PhysicalEducation
Name: Class: 11th M.M.50 TIME: 3 HOURS
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions: (10 x 1= 10)
1 The committee responsible for liaison with Print Media is:
a) Technical b) Logistics c) Marketing d) Finance
2. How many total matches will be played in a knock out fixture of 19 teams?
a) 18 b) 17 c) 20 d) 16
3. Lordosis is a problem of the
a) Lowver back b) middle back c) upper back d) shoulders
4. The World Health Organisation first issued a set of guidelines for exercise in the year
a) 2010 b) 2009
c) 2012 d) 2007
5. When was the International Paralympic Commitee founded?
a) 1989 b) 1988 c) 1990 d) 1992
6. Full form of CWSN is
7. World Disability Day is celebrated on
a) 2April b) 21 June c) 29 August d) 3 December
8. Nutrient is a substance.
a) biological b) chemical c) energy d) mechanical
9. Which of the following are water soluble vitamins?
a) D and K b) B and C c) A and E d) A and C
10. Match the column:
Vitamin Disease
VitaminA 1. Pyorrhoea
Vitamin B 2. Rickets
1!1. Vitamin C 3. Beriberi
IV. Vitamin D 4. Night Blindness
a) i2. ii 4. iii 3, iv 1
b) il, ii 2, ii4, iv 3
c) i4, ii3, iii 1, iv 2
d) i3, ii 1, iii2, iv 4
b) Poya, nstudent of class xi has very low BMIdue to which her class teacher has asked the school
comsellor to help Priya because it scems Priya is not taking proper meals. (3)
)4. Picture based questions. Each question carries one mark. (4)
|3 2-3
| 4 2-4 3 4
I5 2--5 3-5 4-5