Ee465-Rtcps - LP
Ee465-Rtcps - LP
Ee465-Rtcps - LP
CO2 Compute the number of Analog and Digital data points required at a Sub-station.
CO3 Understand the functionalities of Remote terminal units, SCADA and PMUs.
Identify the standard protocols required for SCADA and Communication systems for Load Dispatch Centers.
Learning Resources:
1. Mini S. Thomas and John D. McDonald, ‘Power System SCADA and Smart Grids, CRC Press.
2. Hassan Bevrani: Robust Power System Frequency Control, Power Electronics and Power Systems, Edition illustrated
Publisher Springer, 2009.
3. Michael John Howard Sterling: Power system control, Volume 6 of IEE control engineering series, Edition illustrated
Publisher Peregrinus [for] the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1978.
4. TorstenCegrell, “Power System Control- Technology", Prentice- Hall International series in systems and control
Engineering, Prentice- Hall International Ltd., 1986.
5. S. Bennett and D.A. Linkens (Editors): Real Time Computer Control, IEE Control Engineering series (24), peter
Peregrinus Ltd., 1984.
6. Real Time Systems by C.M. Krishna and Kangg. Shin, McGraw-Hill international companies, 1997.
7. Wolfgang Hauschild & E. Lemke: High-Voltage Test and measuring techniques, Springer Publishers, 2014