EP Unit 4 Notes
EP Unit 4 Notes
EP Unit 4 Notes
Definition & Characteristics of IoT - Challenges and Issues - Physical Design of IoT - Logical
Design of IoT - IoT Enabling Technologies – Domain Specific IoTs – IoT and M2M - IoT
Communication Models and APIs – IoT Protocols – LoRaWAN, 6LoWPAN, CoAP, MQTT.
The Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that can collect
and exchange data in real-time using embedded sensors.
Cars, lights, refrigerators, and appliances can all be connected to the IoT.
The Internet of things is a connecting bridge between the physical world and the cyber world and
Machine to Machine communication
Any physical object can be transformed into an IoT device if it can be connected to the internet to be
controlled or communicate information. A lightbulb that can be switched on using a smartphone app
is an IoT device, as is a motion sensor
What is a Sensor?
A Sensor is a device that is able to detect changes in an environment. Sensors are hardware components
that can detect events or changes in their surroundings, and then provide a corresponding output. Sensors
are the eyes and ears of any IoT Project.
What is Actuator?
An Actuator is a device that converts energy into motion. It is usually used to apply force on something.
2. Intelligence and Identity — The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very
important. For example, a sensor generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is
interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a unique identity. This identification is helpful in
tracking the equipment and at times for querying its status.
3. Scalability — The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by day.
Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the massive expansion. The data
generated as an outcome is enormous, and it should be handled appropriately.
6. Safety — There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting compromised
when all his/her devices are connected to the internet. This can cause a loss to the user.
Hence, data security is the major challenge. Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoT
networks may also be at the risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.
Challenges of IoT
1. Data Integration and Management
One of the biggest challenges to IoT analytics success is data integration & management. IoT
devices generate data in various formats & protocols, making it difficult to integrate & manage the
data. It is difficult to adequately interpret, store & manage the data created by IoT devices because
of its sheer amount and diversity. To guarantee that the data is precise, consistent, & secure,
organizations must have strong data integration and management systems in place.
2. Data Quality
Data quality is another significant challenge to IoT analytics success. The data generated by IoT
devices is often incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent. It is because IoT devices may malfunction
or experience network connectivity issues, leading to data loss or corruption. Furthermore, IoT
devices may generate data that is irrelevant to the analytics process, leading to noise in the data. To
guarantee that the data used for analytics is correct, consistent, and relevant, organizations need to
invest in data cleansing & validation processes.
4. Scalability
IoT analytics involves processing and analyzing massive amounts of data in real-time. It takes a
large amount of processing and storage power. Organizations may find it challenging to meet the
demand for computational power and storage space as they increase their IoT implementations.
Organizations need to have scalable analytics platforms in place to handle the growing volume of
data generated by IoT devices.
5. Interoperability
It means the ability of various devices communicates with one another. Interoperability is crucial in
the context of IoT analytics because IoT devices may produce data in different forms and protocols.
To guarantee that the data is integrated & analyzed properly, organizations must have systems in
place that can handle various data types and protocols.
7. Data Governance
Data governance refers to the management & control of data assets in an organization. Data
governance is crucial in the context of IoT analytics to make sure that the data is appropriately
managed and used by legal standards. To ensure that the data created by IoT devices is managed
successfully, organizations must have strong data governance frameworks in place.
8. Real-time Analytics
IoT devices generate data in real time. Real-time data analysis is necessary for every organization
that wants to make educated judgments. Real-time analytics can be challenging as organizations
need to process & analyze data in real-time to derive insights. All Organizations must have real-
time analytics platforms in place. This real-time analytics platform can handle the volume & variety
of data IoT devices generate.
9. Cost Implementing
IoT analytics can be expensive, as it involves investing in hardware, software & skilled manpower.
Organizations need to consider the cost-benefit analysis before implementing IoT analytics. They
need to weigh the benefits of IoT analytics against the cost of implementation to ensure that it
makes business sense to invest in IoT analytics.
A physical design of an IoT system refers to the individual node devices and their protocols that are
utilized to create a functional IoT ecosystem. Each node device can perform tasks such as remote
sensing, actuating, monitoring, etc., by relying on physically connected devices. It may also be
Data processing
Providing storage
Providing interfaces
The devices generate data, and the data is used to perform analysis and do operations for improving
the system. For instance, a moisture sensor is used to obtain the moisture data from a location, and the
provide graphics interfaces in an IoT system. all these generate data in a form that can be analyzed by
an analytical system and program to perform operations and used to improve the system.
for example temperature sensor that is used to analyze the temperature generates the data from a
Connectivity: Devices like USB hosts and ETHERNET are used for connectivity between the
Processor: A processor like a CPU and other units are used to process the data. these data are further
Audio/Video Interfaces: An interface like HDMI and RCA devices is used to record audio and
videos in a system.
Input/Output interface: To give input and output signals to sensors, and actuators we use things like
Storage Interfaces: Things like SD, MMC, and SDIO are used to store the data generated from an
IoT device.
Other things like DDR and GPU are used to control the activity of an IoT system.
Logical Design of IoT
A logical design for an IoT system is the actual design of how its components (computers, sensors,
and actuators) should be arranged to complete a particular function. It doesn’t go into the depth of
describing how each component will be built with low-level programming specifics.
The functional blocks provide sensing, identification, actuation, management, and communication
capability. These functional blocks consist of devices that handle the communication between the
server and the host, enable monitoring control functions, manage the data transfer, secure the IoT
system using authentication and different functions, and provide an interface for controlling and
monitoring various terms.
Device: An IoT system comprises of devices that provide sensing, actuation, monitoring, and control
Communication: Handles the communication for the IoT system.
Services: services for device monitoring, device control service, data publishing services, and
services for device discovery.
Management: this block provides various functions to govern the IoT system.
Security: This block secures the IoT system and by providing functions such as authentication,
authorization, message and content integrity, and data security.
Application: This is an interface that the users can use to control and monitor various aspects of the
IoT system. The application also allows users to view the system status and view or analyze the
processed data.
IoT Communication Models
There are multiple kinds of models available in an Internet of Things system that is used for
Request-Response Model
Request-response model is a communication model in which the client sends requests to the server
and the server responds to the requests. When the server receives a request, it decides how to respond,
fetches the data, retrieves resource representation, prepares the response, and then sends the response
to the client. Request-response is a stateless communication model and each request-response pair is
HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and a server. A web browser may be the
client, and an application on a computer that hosts a website may be the server.
Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server; then the server returns a
response to the client. The response contains status information about the request and may also
and Consumers.
Publishers are the source of data. It sends the data to the topic which is managed by the broker. They
are not aware of consumers.
Brokers' responsibility is to accept data from publishers and send it to the appropriate consumers.
The broker only has the information regarding the consumer to which a particular topic belongs
which the publisher is unaware.
Push-Pull Model — The push-pull model constitutes data publishers, data consumers, and
data queues.
Publishers publish the message/data and push it into the queue. The consumers, present on the other
side, pull the data out of the queue. Thus, the queue acts as the buffer for the message when the
difference occurs in the rate of push or pull of data on the side of a publisher and consumer.
Queues help in decoupling the messaging between the producer and consumer. Queues also act as a
buffer which helps in situations where there is a mismatch between the rate at which the producers
server. The connection is constant and remains open till the client sends a request to close the
The Server has the record of all the connections which has been opened.
This is a state-full connection model and the server is aware of all open connections.
Stateless: Each request from client to server must contain all the info. Necessary to understand the
request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server.
Cache-able: Cache constraint requires that the data within a response to a request be implicitly or
explicitly labeled as cache-able or non-cacheable. If a response is cache-able, then a client cache is
given the right to reuse that response data for later, equivalentrequests.
Layered System: constraints the behavior of components such that each component cannot see
beyond the immediate layer with which they are interacting.
User Interface: constraint requires that the method of communication between a client and a
server must be uniform.
Code on Demand: Servers can provide executable code or scripts for clients to execute in their
context. This constraint is the only one that is optional.
RESTful webservice is a collection of resources which are represented by URIs. RESTful web API
has a base URI(e.g: http://example.com/api/tasks/). The clients and requests to these URIs using the
methods defined by the HTTP protocol(e.g: GET, PUT, POST or DELETE). A RESTful web service
can support various internet media types.
b) WebSocket Based Communication APIs: WebSocket APIs allow bi-directional,
full duplex communication between clients and servers. WebSocket APIs follow
the exclusive pair communicationmodel.
Difference between Rest API and Web Socket API :
4) Communication Protocols: form the back-bone of IoT systems and enable network
connectivity and coupling toapplications.
Allow devices to exchange data overnetwork.
Define the exchange formats, data encoding addressing schemes for device and
routing of packets from source todestination.
It includes sequence control, flow control and retransmission of lostpackets.
5) Embedded Systems: is a computer system that has computer hardware and software
embedded to perform specific tasks. Embedded System range from low cost miniaturized devices
such as digital watches to devices such as digital cameras, POS terminals, vending machines,
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT): The message query telemetry transport
protocol is a communication-based protocol that is used for IoT devices. This protocol is based on
the publish-subscribe methodology in which clients receive the information through a broker only
to the subscribed topic. A broker is a mediator who categorizes messages into labels before being
Created for the IoT: It provides comprehensive IoT application features such as heartbeat
mechanism, testament message, QoS quality level
Better ecosystem: It covers all-language platform's clients and SDKs, and it has mature Broker
server software, which can support massive Topic and ten-million-level device access and
provide rich enterprise integration capabilities.
Constrained Application Protocol (COAP): The constrained application protocol is a client
server-based protocol. With this protocol, the COAP packet can be shared between different client
nodes which are commanded by the COAP server. The server is responsible to share the
information depending on its logic but has not acknowledged it. This is used with the applications
which support the state transfer model.
It supports IP multicast
It supports observation mode
It supports asynchronous communication
LoRaWAN refers to Long Rage Wide Area Network which is a wide area network protocol. It is
an optimized low-power consumption protocol design to support large-scale public networks with
millions of low-power devices. A single operator operates the LoRaWAN. The LoRaWAN network
is a bi-directional communication for IoT application with low cost, mobility, and security..
An end device can connect to a network with LoRaWAN in two ways:
Over-the-air Activation (OTAA): A device has to establish a network key and an application session
key to connect with the network.
Activation by Personalization (ABP): A device is hardcoded with keys needed to communicate with
the network, making for a less secure but easier connection.
The 6LoWPAN protocol refers to IPv6 Low Power Personal Area Network which uses a
lightweight IP-based communication to travel over low data rate networks. It has limited processing
ability to transfer information wirelessly using an internet protocol. So, it is mainly used for home
and building automation. The 6LoWPAN protocol operates only within the 2.4 GHz frequency range
with 250 kbps transfer rate. It has a maximum length of 128-bit header packets.
Security is a major issue for 6LowPAN communication Protocol. There are several attacks issues at
the security level of 6LoWPAN which aim is to direct destruction of the network. Since it is the
combination of two systems, so, there is a possibility of attack from two sides that targets all the
layer of the 6LoWPAN stack (Physical layer, Data link layer, Adaptation layer, Network layer,
Transport layer, Application layer).
It uses Request-Response model. It uses Publish-Subscribe model
Basis of COAP MQTT
Transport layer This mainly uses User Datagram This mainly uses Transmission
protocol protocol(UDP) Control protocol(TCP)