Small Angle Neutron Scattering Near Lifshitz Lines: Transition From Weakly Structured Mixtures To Microemulsions
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Near Lifshitz Lines: Transition From Weakly Structured Mixtures To Microemulsions
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Near Lifshitz Lines: Transition From Weakly Structured Mixtures To Microemulsions
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 5343 (1994); doi: 10.1063/1.467387
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Smallangle neutron scattering from microemulsions near the disorder line in water/formamide–octaneC i E j
J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8532 (1991); 10.1063/1.461282
A structural description of liquid particle dispersions: Ultracentrifugation and small angle neutron scattering
studies of microemulsions
J. Chem. Phys. 69, 3279 (1978); 10.1063/1.436979
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Small angle neutron scattering near Lifshitz lines: Transition from weakly
structured mixtures to microemulsions
K.-V. Schubert
Department of Chemical Engineering. University of Delaware. Newark. Delaware 19716
R. Streya)
Max-Planck-1nstitut fur Biophysika/ische Chemie. Postfach 2841. 37018 Gottingen. Germany
S. R. Kline and E. W. Kaler
Depanment of Chemical Engineering. University of Delaware. Newark. Delaware 19716
(Received 22 April 1994; accepted 31 May 1994)
We have studied the phase behavior, wetting transitions, and small angle neutron scattering (SANS)
of water, n-alkane, and n-alkyl polyglycol ether (C;E) systems in order to locate the transition
between weakly structured mixtures and microemulsions, and to provide a measure for the
transition. We first determined the wetting transition by macroscopic measurements and then
measured the location of the Lifshitz lines by SANS. Starting with wel1-structured mixtures
(exhibiting nonwetting middle phases and wel1-expressed scattering peaks, features that qualify
them as microemulsions) the wetting transition was induced by increasing the chain length of the
alkane or by changing the oil/water volume ratio, and then the Lifshitz line was crossed. Further,
starting with systems past the disorder line (weakly structured mixtures that display wetting middle
phases and no scattering peaks), local structure was induced by either increasing the surfactant
concentration or decreasing the oil/water volume ratio or the temperature. In each case a Lifshitz
line was crossed. Analyzing the scattering experiments quantitatively, allows determination of the
amphiphilicity factor, which is a measure of the strength of the surfactant. The results suggest there
is a sequence of roughly parallel surfaces within the three-dimensional composition-temperature
space. As the amphiphilicity factor increases, first a disorder surface is encountered, then a Lifshitz
surface, and finally a wetting transition surface. How and to what extent these surfaces move in the
one-phase region toward smal1er surfactant concentrations, and intersect there with the body of
heterogeneous phases, depends on a number of factors that are discussed in some detail.
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J. Chern. Phys. 101 (6). 15 September 1994 0021-9606/94/101 21 Dec 2014 20:27:37© 1994 American Institute of PhYSics
On: Sun, 5343
5344 Schubert et af.: Transition from mixtures to microemulsions
tricriticat points ~ terface between phases (a) and (b). In the vicinity of this
...... transition there is a Lifshitz line4' (defined by c, =0, so that
fa=O). Further decreasing amphiphilicity leads to the disor-
0. disorder tine - - - - - - - - -- + 1 der line42 where fa= 1. Both the Lifshitz and the disorder
:E line are detectable using small angle neutron scattering
E (SANS). While these lines do not correspond to macroscopic
phase transitions, they may be taken as demarcation lines for
C Lifshitz tine ----------- o the transition from weakly structured mixtures to genuine
oQ) microemulsions. Further decreasing amphiphilicity, and posi-
'- tive values of fa' leads to tricritical points. 5,24,27,32,43
good" microemutsions These observations motivated us to further examine the
scattering behavior of mixtures close to the wetting transi-
lamellar phase -1
tion. Since Schubert and Strey27 found that the wetting tran-
sition occurred closer to the Lifshitz line than to the disorder
line, we wanted to investigate whether the Lifshitz line al-
FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of observations of microemulsion systems as a ways correlates with the wetting behavior of the solutions. If
function of the amphiphilicity factor (for further discussion see the text).
this is so, the coincidence would suggest that the Lifshitz line
is the more general marker of the onset of microemulsion
structure. Further, we wanted to determine whether the scat-
that microemulsions could be differentiated from less- tering peak moves towards q =0 close to the wetting transi-
structured mixtures by this feature. 25 However, such a defi- tion as predicted by theory,26 or whether it first moves to-
nition limits microemulsions to cases in which the wards larger q values and then develops at around q=O, as
surfactant-rich phase is in equilibrium with excess phases, the experiments of Langevin and co-workers 10,11,44 indicate.
because only then a nonwetting-+wetting transition can be We chose to study the following systems, which permit
observed experimentally. Gompper and Schick suggested
the crossing of wetting transitions and Lifshitz lines along
that the wetting transition is connected to a change in the
several experimental paths. Here, the mass fraction a of the
real-space correlation function of the microemulsions in the
oil in the mixture of water (A) and oil (B) is denoted by
vicinity of a disorder line?6 The real-space correlation func-
tions are readily measured using small-angle scattering meth- a=mb/(ma + mb) in wt %, where mi is the mass of compo-
ods, and scattering experiments can be performed regardless nent i. The oiVwater volume ratio c/> is defined by
of the number of phases in equilibrium with the microemul- c/>=c/>b/(c/>a+c/>b)' where c/>i is the volume fraction of com-
sion. In a previous paper Schubert and Strey27 investigated ponent i, and the overall surfactant concentration y is calcu-
the scattering behavior of microemulsions with varying am- lated from y=mJ(ma+mb+mJ in wt %. We first studied
phiphilic strengths in order to quantify the degree of ordering symmetric microemulsions (c/>=0.5) in the systems
in the solutions and to compare the findings with theoretical D20-n-alkane-C6Ez using different n-alkanes with carbon
predictions?5.26,28-3o The analysis of the small angle neutron numbers k ranging from k=8 (n-octane) to k=22 (n-
scattering spectra permitted extraction of the coefficients of a docosane). The wetting transition for these symmetric micro-
Landau-Ginzburg order parameter expansion. 9 The param- emulsions is located between k=20 (nonwetting) and k=22
eters in tum could be combined into an amphiphilicity factor (wetting). We then studied the scattering behavior of the sys-
fa(=C,/(4a2c2)'I2, for details see below) that allows deter- tem water-n-hexadecane (k= l6)-C6E2 as a function of oil
mination of the amphiphilic strength on a uniform scale in- content. In this family the symmetric microemulsion (c/>
dependent of the individual microemulsions studied. Figure =0.5) does not wet the water/oil interface. Increasing the
1 illustrates the use of this amphiphilicity scale, which is
oil/water volume ratio leads to the wetting transition (at
consistent with recent theories?'
c/>=0.72), and, as shown below, crosses the Lifshitz line.
For very strong amphiphiles (with high amphiphilicity
Next, the scattering patterns for water-n-octane-C 4E, mix-
and an amphiphilicity factor fa close to -1) the lamellar
liquid crystal is the dominating phase in the phase tures (c/>=0.5) were measured as function of surfactant con-
diagram. 32 ,33 A slight decrease in amphiphilicity leads to an centration in order to determine, if local structure forms
isotropic phase, which is a strongly structured ("good") mi- when the surfactant concentration increases in disordered so-
croemulsion. If such a microemulsion exists as a surfactant- lutions. Such local structures were also examined as a func-
rich phase (c), it does not wet the interface between the polar tion of temperature in solutions of water-n-octane-C4E\
excess phase (a) and nonpolar excess phase (b), as discussed ( y= 60 wt %). Local structure also depends on c/> in the
by Widom,25 but rather forms a lens at the alb interface. D20-n-octane-C4 E\ system, and a Lifshitz line exists even
Photographs of such lenses are shown in Refs. 6, and 34-36. in the binary water-C4E\ mixtures. 45
II. SCATTERING THEORY for the amphiphilicity factor defined in Eq. 6. fa is an indi-
rect "measure" because it is based on the behavior of the
Analyzing scattering spectra of nearly molecular ternary
correlation function '}{ r). For - I <fa < I the correlation
mixtures within the small-scale region, as it has been termed
function displays oscillatory behavior. At the disorder line
by Safran,4<l in the previous study,27 it was found that experi-
(fa = 1) the solution loses its quasiperiodical order and the
mental spectra could be precisely fitted with the Teubner-
interfaces (or what is left of them) become uncorrelated. The
Strey form. 9 That form is used again here with the fits for
correlation function at large distances changes from an oscil-
each spectrum given as a solid line in the Figures below. The
latory to a monotonic behavior. The spectrum obtained then
normalized differential scattering cross-section /(q) is9
also decays monotonically with q. At the Lifshitz line (fa =0,
87TC2( rh/~ that is when C 1 =0) the lowest order gradient term in the
/(q)= Q2+Clq2+C2q4 , (1) Landau-Ginzburg order parameter expansion changes its
sign from negative to positive. Cl =0 is the defining charac-
where < = <Pa<Pb(llp?, with (llp) being the difference in teristic of a Lifshitz point. 41
scattering length densities between media a and b. The co- Experimentally, it was found that the macroscopic wet-
efficients Q2 ,CI 'C2 stem from a Landau-Ginzburg order pa- ting transition occurs on the microemulsion side of the Lif-
rameter expansion of the local free energy density including shitz line, which is as predicted by Gompper and Schick26 on
gradient terms and are adjustable parameters. c I <0 causes a the microemulsion side of the disorder line. In the meantime
peak at nonzero wave vector in the scattering spectrum. Fou- theoretical work using various approaches has appeared also
rier transformation of a simple real-space correlation func- predicting the Lifshitz and disorder lines. 52 - 58 A useful re-
tion '}{r) leads to the functional form of Eq. (1) with view of the current theoretical understanding is given by
Gompper and SchickY
y(r)= sin(kr) ex p ( -~) (2) The scattering curves for the system I6Fx, to be dis-
kr ~
cussed below, are increasingly dominated by critical scatter-
and k = 2 7T/ d. This correlation function combines two well- ing as conditions approach those of the critical endpoint.
known features of microemulsions, namely the alternation of Therefore, they were fitted with a Teubner-Strey equation
water and oil-containing domains due to the orientation of augmented with a critical scattering relation
the surfactant molecule (the sidedness)1 and the absence of a (Ornstein-Zernike)59 effective at low q. The fitting equation
long-range order. There are two lengths then reads
~= [
I (Q2)
- -
C[ ]-112 (3)
2 C2 4C2
l(q) (7)
~ =[~ (Q2)
27T 2 C2
112 _~]-1I2
(4) where ~oz is the correlation length accounting for the effect
of critical scattering. Gompper and Schick28 provide a ratio-
The length d is a measure of the quasiperiodic repeat dis- nale for the functional form of Eq. 7 and show how, in an
tance between polar and nonpolar molecules9 as in a lamellar incompressible fluid, there will be two independent scatter-
phase, but the correlation function is isotropic and represents ing functions, and that any observed scattering function will
no long range order because of the exponential in Eq. (2). simply be a linear combination of the two. They calculated
The correlation length ~ can be thought of as a measure of the two independent scattering functions for their model of a
the dispersion of d. 47 ,48 "balanced" microemulsion and found that one scattering
The experimental spectra we fit to the expression function was of the TS form [Eq. (1)] and the other was of
I the OZ form. This will be the case for the experiments dis-
l(q)= +b (5) cussed here as long as the samples are on the microemulsion
Q2+Clq2+C2q4 ,
side of the disorder line. On the other side of the disorder
where b represents a (mainly) incoherent background deter- line, the scattering will be described by two OZ forms. The
mined from the scattered intensity at large q. The coherent correlation length in one of them diverges as the critical end-
part of the scattering intensity at q =0 is IIQ2' Because the point is approached, while the correlation length in the other
length d diverges at the disorder line [that is when will not. Thus, the functional form of Eq. (7) is justifiable,
C[ =(4Q2C2)1/2] we can define an amphiphilicity factor fa and is not ad hoc as it might appear.
Model fits to the scattering spectra were obtained using
(6) nonlinear least-squares optimization with minimization of
fa ( 4a 2C2)1I2
the K error. Due to the uneven distribution of the data points
which can be calculated given the values of the three fitted along the individual scattering spectra, the resulting fit pa-
parameters of Eq. (5). Note that any inaccuracy in the abso- rameters were finely readjusted by careful visual inspection
lute intensity calibration drops out when calculating the ratio of each scattering curve. This procedure yields nearly perfect
fa. There are different expressions for amphiphilicity,49-51 in descriptions of the data points (see Figs. 4-8 beloW). The
terms of ~ and d; in those terms the disorder line corresponds typical errors are ±2% for Q2' ±4% for CI' and ±8% for C2'
to 27Tljd=0 and the Lifshitz line to 27Tljd= 1,51 as is the case so the approximate error for fa is ± 10%.
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol.On: 101, No.6,
Sun, 15 September
21 Dec 1994
2014 20:27:37
5346 Schubert et al.: Transition from mixtures to microemulsions
III. EXPERIMENT TABLE 1. The mnemonic sample nomenclature (first column) is composed
of the number of carbon atoms in the hydrophobic part of the surfactant i (14
A. Materials or 16), and either the number of carbon atoms of the hydrocarbon k, the
oil/water volume ratio 4> or the surfactant concentration 'Y. For each sample
All n -alkanes used in this study were purchased from the weight fractions a and 'Y are given.
Merck, Darmstadt (Germany) with a purity >99%. D20 (de-
gree of deuteration >99.9%) was from Cambridge Isotope Sample System a 'Y 4>
Laboratory (Cambridge, MA). 2-Buthoxy ethanol
16K08 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E:z 38.94 34.00 0.5
[H-(CH2)c(OCH2CH 2h-OH; C4 E 1] was from Aldrich 16K 10 D20-CIOH2Z-C6E2 39.64 39.76 0.5
(spectrophotometric grade, 99+%), and diethyleneglycol 16KI2 D20-C I2H26 -C 6E2 40.52 46.20 0.5
monohexylether (C 6 E2) was purchased from Fluka (Neu 16KI4 D20-C'4H30-C~2 40.84 54.70 0.5
VIm, Germany) with a purity >98%. The cloud points at the 16KI6 DzO-C'~3CC~2 41.10 61.84 0.5
16KI8 D20-C,sH3S-C~2 41.16 67.20 0.5
critical compositions of the binary systems of water-CiEj
16K20 D2O-C2oH4Z- C6E2 41.26 71.40 0.5
were always checked in order to monitor any surfactant deg- 16K22 D20-CZ2H46-C~2 41.35 73.40 0.5
radation. When necessary, they were purified using the puri-
fication technique 3PHEX. 60 The solvents were used without 16F90 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E:z 86.38 44.20 0.9
16F85 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E2 80.00 51.05 0.85
further purification. 16F80 D20-C sH 'S-C~2 73.68 55.38 0.75
Volume fractions ¢x were calculated assuming ideal 16F70 D2O-CgH,g-C 6E2 62.06 60.20 0.7
mixing using the known densities (gIcm 3 ) at 20°C for D20 16F75 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E2 67.87 58.64 0.65
(1.105), n-octane (0.703), n-decane (0.730), n-dodecane 16F60 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E2 51.45 62.14 0.6
(0.751), n-tetradecane (0.762), n-hexadecane (0.775), 16F50 D2O-C sH,s-C 6E2 41.10 61.84 0.5
n-octadecane (0.777), n-eicosane (0.779), n-docosane 14F50 DzO-C sH,s-C4E, 39.94 54 0.5
(0.780), C4 E 1 (0.903), and C6E2 (0.932). 14F40 DzO-C sH,s-C4E, 29.76 54 0.4
14F30 DzO-CsH ,s-C4E, 21.45 54 0.3
14F20 D2O-C sH,s-C4E, 13.72 54 0.2
B. Phase diagram determination and sample 14FlO D zO-C sH,s-C 4E, 6.58 54 0.1
preparation 14FOO DZO-C4 E, 0 54 0
A useful procedure for studying the phase behavior of 14G52 DzO-C sH,s-C4E, 38.9 52 0.5
ternary systems is based on the observation of the two- 14G54 D2O-C sH,s-C4E, 38.9 54 0.5
dimensional phase diagrams constructed by erecting vertical 14G55 D2O-C sH,s-C 4E, 38.9 55 0.5
sections through the phase prism. 3 Here such sections 14G57 DzO-CsH ,s-C4 E, 38.9 57 0.5
14G60 DzO-C sH,s-C4 E, 39.0 60 0.5
through the phase prism were measured at a constant oil/ 14G65 D2O-C sH,s-C4E, 38.8 65 0.5
water volume ratio ¢ as function of surfactant concentration I4G75 D2O-C sH,s-C4E, 38.9 75 0.5
y and temperature T. All phase diagrams in this study were
determined using D20 instead of H20. A more detailed de-
scription of phase diagram determinations was published
previously.27 There are also details of the sample preparation 0.008 to 0.6 A-I, with the mean neutron wavelength ~=5 A
described. 27 All samples were studied in bulk contrast, so with an accuracy of better than 1%. The wavelength spread
that only one solvent was deuterated (D 20) and all other was a~/~= 15%. The collimation path was chosen such that
compounds were hydrogenated. the sample-to-detector distance was approximately equal to
the sample-to-source distance. Samples I6F90, I6F85, and
I6F80 were measured with three sample-to-detector dis-
C. Mnemonic sample nomenclature
tances, 12.0 and 4.0 m (detector on axis) and 1.3 m (detector
The large number of samples requires an unambiguous 25 cm off axis). In all other cases two distances or only one
labeling. We use the following mnemonic nomenclature: distance (for 14FOO) had to suffice (thUS some of the scatter-
Each sample is characterized by the number of carbon atoms ing curves have different lengths). All samples were mea-
in the hydrophobic part of the surfactant i=4,6 (e.g., 14 for sured in 1 mm Hellma QS cells with Teflon stoppers. The
C4 E 1), and either the chain length of the hydrocarbon k used method of temperature control and the cell holder were de-
(see Figs. 2 and 4) (e.g., KlO for n-decane), the oil/water scribed earlier.27 Care was taken that the measurements were
volume ratio ¢ (e.g., F50 for ¢=0.50) (see Figs. 3 and 5), or made on homogeneous samples.
the total surfactant concentration y (e.g., G55 for y=55
wt %) (see Fig. 6). For example, the sample D20-CsH1S E. Raw data treatment
(k=8)-C 6 E2 is referred to as I6K8. The sample is then
Detector sensitivity was determined by measurement of
uniquely characterized because temperature and oil/water
the incoherent scattering of H20 at a short sample-to-
volume ratio are fixed. Table I summarizes this nomenclature
detector distance with sufficiently good statistics. Bad pixels
and gives all sample compositions.
of the 64X64 cm2 two-dimensional detector and the pixels
around the beam stop and the rim of the detector were elimi-
D. SANS measurements
nated by applying a software mask. The raw data were nor-
The scattering experiments were carried out using the malized, radially averaged, and masked using the standard
NG3 spectrometer at the National Institute of Standards and software provided by NIST. The data were put on absolute
Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. q ranged from scale by measuring the scattering of a silica standard pro-
020 -C k H2k • 2 -C 6 E z
60 :2 60
40 50 60 70 80
30 40 50 60 70 80
TABLE II. Fit parameters according to Eq. (5), with ~ and d calculated from Eqs. (3) and (4). The parameter
fa is a measure for the amphiphilicity and is calculated from Eq. (6), fa=O corresponds to the Lifshitz line,
fa = 1 to the disorder line.
DZO-C16H34-C6E2 DzO-CaHla-C4El
-----_..,.90 <!>
1 r~--
---...._ _~. 85
....",:: --...._ . .
t--€SiIIIII-_ _ _~---_~.75
0.1 L
t---elII!!IIIII---"":: .70
80 [em
==: [8ft
~. 50
0.01 '--.--~-~-'-'--~-~~~
FIG. 5. Bulk contrast spectra of D20-n-hexadecane-C6~ mixtures as a FIG. 6. Bulk contrast spectra of D20-n-octane-C4 E, mixtures at 15°C as a
function of the oiVwater volume ratio </>. Compositions correspond to the function of the surfactant concentration 'Y. The top curve quantitatively re-
fish tails of Fig. 3 The solid lines are fits of Eq. (7). The structural scattering produces the bottom curve in Fig. 4(b) in Ref. 27. For the sample 14G57, c,
peak vanishes with increasing oil content, while critical scattering evolves has become negative and the Lifshitz line has been crossed.
close to q =0. For further discussion see the text.
TABLE III. Fit parameters for DP-C'~34-C~2 according to Eq. (7). d and g are calculated from Eqs. (3) and (4), and fa from Eq. (6).
Sample T (OC) loz goz a2 c, C2 b g (A) d (A) fa
16F90 55.0 9.78 56.10 3.59 39.19 2496 1.03 6.61 51.2 +0.21
16F85 54.1 5.41 41.41 2.80 18.35 2323 1.00 7.19 50.7 +0.11
16F80 51.9 2.97 28.63 2.58 -37.45 2658 0.97 9.11 45.5 -0.23
16F75 50.5 1.50 19.99 2.23 -50.58 2584 0.96 10.10 44.9 -0.33
16F70 48.1 0.95 16.14 1.97 -50.76 2385 0.95 10.52 44.8 -0.37
16F60 43.4 0.56 12.50 1.60 -68.20 2302 0.95 13.13 43.8 -0.57
16F60 43.4 0 0 0.95 -16.40 1097 0.92 9.55 46.3 -0.25
16F50 37.8 0.40 10.50 1.22 -62.10 1998 0.88 14.75 44.3 -0.63
16F50 37.8 0 0 0.89 -33.44 1315 0.89 12.27 45.2 -0.49
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol.On: Sun,
101, 21 Dec
No.6, 2014 20:27:37
15 September 1994
5350 Schubert et al.: Transition from mixtures to microemulsions
of the mixtures, the chain length of the hydrocarbon (or the
nature of the oil itselt),43 and temperature are useful tuning
: parameters as well. IO · 11 In particular it is possible to shrink
the three-phase body with decreasing amphiphilicity for
aqueous systems beginning with C6Ez .4.5,24,27 For sufficiently
0.01 weak surfactants a transition in the wetting behavior is ob-
served before the three-phase body disappears at a tricritical
point. The middle phase (c) for the system
H20-n-octane-C4E 1, for instance, wets the alb interface,
FIG. 7. Bulk contrast spectra of the DzO-n-octane-C4E 1 sample (I4G60) as whereas if C6E2 replaces C4E" phase (c) does not wet. 27
a function of temperature T. Increasing temperature weakens the structure Replacing water by other polar protic substances strongly
(cf. Table II) and C I becomes positive. affects the amphiphilicity.5,24,27,32,61-64 For instance, addition
of formamide to a water-based "good" rnicroemulsion in-
The structure becomes more stable as the temperature de- duces a wetting transition, and eventually drives the system
to a tricritical point. 5,24.z7 The accompanying change in mi-
creases, and increasing temperature drives the sample across
the Lifshitz line. Note at 25°C fa is close to zero. crostructure in these systems is interpreted as a transition
from weakly to more structured solutions. 4,27,28.3I.54
F. Water-n-octane-C 4 E1 : The effect of water content A. Effect of hydrocarbon chain length (ISKx)
(14Fx) Changing the hydrocarbon chain length produces rela-
Finally, we studied these samples as a function of de- tively small changes in amphiphilicity (see Table 11). In
creasing ¢ at constant surfactant concentration and tempera- water-n-alkane-C;Ej systems, longer hydrocarbon chain
ture. The goal was to investigate whether the scattering peak lengths give three-phase bodies at higher temperatures and
appears on approach to the binary system DZO-C4E 1. The larger surfactant concentrations (see Fig. 2). The scattering
peak appears only for the pure binary system I4FOO (that is behavior changes in accord with the increased surfactant
¢=O, see Fig. 8 and Table 11). Fitting Eq. (5) shows that g concentration, and the spectra become less pronounced (see
changes only slightly with ¢, while d decreases with de- Fig. 4). The amphiphilicity factor fa varies slowly, and re-
creasing ¢. The samples containing oil are between the dis- mains negative (see Table II) through the wetting transition.
order and Lifshitz lines. This result is not unexpected, because, coming from good
microemulsions (for which fa <0) the Lifshitz line (where
fa=O) occurs after the wetting transition. The value of
fa= -0.33 at the wetting transition seems to indicate the
presence of a still quite good microemulsion. Concomit-
tantly, we observed that on approach to the wetting transition
the scattering peak did not move continuously towards q =0
as one might have expected from theory.26 Instead, in support
of the observations of Langevin et al.,l0,l1,44 the scattering
I( q) peak moved to larger q. This is because the surfactant con-
] centration increases with longer alkyl chain hydrocarbons, so
the maxima move to larger q. At the same time, the mutual
0.1 miscibility between long-chain alkanes and amphiphiles
decreases. 3 Accordingly, the attractive interaction between
the three components decreases, and so the three-phase body
0.01 L-_~~~~"'"'--_~~~~.....J
B. Effect of oil content (ISFx)
Figure 3 and Table III show that the oil content taken up
FIG. 8. Bulk contrast spectra of DzO-n-octane-C4 E t mixtures as a function
by the middle phase microemulsion is a strong function of
of the oil/water volume ratio <p. Increasing water content strengthens the temperature. In other words, the volume fraction of water
structure. domains in the microemulsions decreases with increasing
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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 101, No.6, 15 September 1994 On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:27:37
Schubert et al.: Transition from mixtures to microemulsions 5351
temperature. For that reason, the coherence of the micro- TABLE IV. Amphiphilicity factors for samples spanning the wetting transi-
structure is expected to be weakened as one approaches the tion. The first three entries stem from a previous study (Ref. 27) and have
critical endpoint. As already reported, the wetting transition the following nomenclature: Samples are bulk contrast (B) with a surfactant
chain length i =4-8 and a given wt % of formamide. For example, esE, and
is located at </J=0.72. The scattering spectra (see Fig. 5) re- 85 wt % of formamide in the water/formamide mixtures is indicated as
veal the accompanying changes in microstructure. fa in- BS-S5. Note that an amphiphilicity factor of fa = -0.33 is consistent with all
creases with increasing </J as the samples move towards the five wetting transitions.
Lifshitz line, which is located close to sample I6F85 (see
Nonwetting Wetting
Table III). The value of </J there is larger than that of the samples samples
fa fa
macroscopically observable wetting transition, in qualitative
agreement with theoretical predictions. 26 ~ decreases and d B6-0 -0.5S B4-0 +1.61
BS-S5 -0.53 BS-IOO +0.41
increases slightly, as already observed in Ref. 27. From
B6-0 -0.58 B6-50 -0.11
theory26 one might have expected a much stronger change of 16K20 -0.34 16K22 -0.22
d because the system is moving towards the disorder line. 16F70 -0.37 16F75 -0.33
However, due to the relatively small steps made here along
the amphiphilicity scale, the disorder line is not reached and
d increases only slightly. Calculating qrnax from the relation
d g2]112 (8) interesting to note how strongly d moves as function of tem-
perature, at constant composition, indicating how fragile the
shows that the scattering peak moves to smaller q, and the structures are.
peak becomes less pronounced on approach to the wetting
transition, in agreement with theory.26 The scattering inten-
sity increases at q =0 on approach to the critical endpoint,
E. Effect of water content (14Fx)
and fa becomes positive (the Lifshitz line is crossed). This is
discussed further below. The spectra shown in Fig. 8 demonstrate, and the nu-
merical values of fa in Table II quantify, that structure begins
to evolve as the water content is increased (decreasing </J). In
C. Effect of surfactant concentration (14Gx) fact, the local structure is most expressed in the binary sys-
A different situation is encountered for the system tem water-C 4E 1 , and there is a domain of negative c 1 for
D20-n-octane-C4 E 1 measured as a function of surfactant high y and low T. This is the region where long chain sur-
concentration. SANS data previously obtained 27 showed that factants typically display lyotropic mesophases (see, e.g.,
the sample with </J=0.50 and y=52 wt % has fa= + 1.6, and Refs. 65 and 66). A more detailed study of the structure in
so is located past the disorder line. Here we reproduced the the binary system water-C4 E 1 is in preparation. 67
same surfactant concentration and found fa = + 1.3, which is
a sufficient agreement. Further increasing the surfactant con-
centration allowed examination of the region between the
disorder line and Lifshitz line. After passing the Lifshitz line, F. Nonwetting_wetting transitions
fa becomes negative and a scattering peak appears (see Fig. In the previous pape~7 a number of non wetting
6 and Table II). Here the formation of microstructure is in- -wetting transitions were induced by applying formamide
duced by increasing the surfactant concentration in a weakly to reduce the amphiphilicity. In Table IV we have collected
structured system. the results from all five systems studied up to now. The latter
The idea of inducing ordering behavior by simply in- two cases were examined with smaller amphiphilicity steps.
creasing the surfactant concentration is implicit in all of the The numerical values show that an amphiphilicity factor of
work of Gompper and Schick summarized in the excellent fa = -0.33 for the wetting transition is consistent with the
article. 31 Their phase diagrams show that by increasing the results. The wetting transition is located on the microemul-
surfactant concentration the disorder and/or Lifshitz lines are sion side of the Lifshitz line, which is, as predicted by
crossed whether or not the surfactant is strong enough to theory,26 on the microemulsion side of the disorder line. And
produce lamellar phases. The latter point is explicitly seen in it is in agreement with recent Monte Carlo calculations by
Lerczak et al. 54 Schmid and Schick51 which show the oil/water interface to
be wet in a system between the disorder and Lifshitz lines.
Theory predicts26 that the scattering peak moves to q =0
D. Effect of temperature (14G60)
on approach to the wetting transition. Langevin et at.
Sample 14G60 displays a peak at 15°C. The peak disap- observed 1o ,II,44 that the peak first moves towards higher q
pears upon raising the temperature to 30 °C, but is strength- values and then develops around q =0. Here we found that
ened by decreasing the temperature to 5 °C (Fig. 7 and Table the wetting transition is located on the microemulsion side of
II). This demonstrates a particularly simple method for cross- the Lifshitz line and that at the wetting transition the samples
ing the Lifshitz line in the one-phase region. Extended mea- stilI show a scattering peak. On approach to the Lifshitz line
surements as function of temperature, </J, and y would permit the scattering peak moved in to q =0 while critical scattering
mapping of the Lifshitz surface within the phase prism. It is developed near q =0 (see Fig. 5 and Table III).
c c
\ 2 ;7
\ /'
t \
8 B
.. y
FIG. 9. (a) Schematic picture of the Lifshitz domains (Cl<O) at large sur-
factant concentration for short-chain CiEj . Increased extension of the Lif-
shitz domain with increasing amphiphilicity is indicated by the dashed line.
(b) Schematic picture of the extension of the lamellar phase La for long-
chain surfactants (see, e.g., Ref. 32). FIG. 10. Schematic picture of the Lifshitz domain (Cl<O) in the binary
system water-short-chain CiEj .
100 100
I ~oz
t [em
10 10
I =! E -1.1
oz a
A/B=1I1 ---y
0.1 ~~~.....",j_~~w.......L--'''---'-~......J 0.1
2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
T 3 FIG. 12. Critical scattering intensity loz and correlation length goz as func-
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