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GROUP 4 - Case Study Homework

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Kalayaan Avenue, Barangay Cembo, City of Taguig


MEMBERS: DATE: February 14, 2024
Ralph Marcus B. Valdez Ryan Joseph M. Morales
Mark Stephen D. Beloro Jonver Logan M. Rada
Joshua S. Diomampo Alijah Dale S. Valbuena

TITLE What field/area of What are the objectives How did the researchers gather
study can this be of the research? the data?

Disgusting for being This study can be The objectives of this Researchers gathered data
HIV infected: Case classified under the research are the following: through interviews with 10
study on HIV field of Public ● Employ a overseas Filipino workers (OFW)
knowledge, sexual risk Health, specifically qualitative case who identify as men having sex
behaviors, and attitudes focusing on study research with men (MSM) in Dubai, UAE.
among MSM overseas HIV/AIDS design, using in- Using a standardized
Filipino workers in awareness, depth key questionnaire focused on HIV
UAE knowledge, and informant risk behaviors and awareness, in-
sexual risk interviews (KIIs) depth key informant interviews
behaviors among to gather primary were conducted with men having
overseas Filipino data, providing sex with men (MSM) informants
workers (OFWs) insights into the aged 25 to 35, affiliated as
who identify as men experiences and Christians, with diverse
having sex with perceptions of the educational backgrounds, and
men (MSM). informants employment types were selected
Additionally, it may regarding HIV. through snowball sampling.
also fall under the ● To highlight the Interviews, lasting 45 minutes to
broader category of Stigma, an hour and a half, were
Social Sciences, Insecurity, and conducted in mixed languages,
with an emphasis Hopelessness of prioritizing informants' comfort.
on health behavior, individuals living Ethical considerations were
stigma, and with and ensured, with face-to-face
perceptions within a experiencing HIV. interviews in Dubai, consent
specific cultural and ● Assess the forms provided, and privacy
occupational informants' maintained through video
context. knowledge level recording with covered faces. The
regarding HIV data, collected through the
transmission, questionnaire, were analyzed
symptoms, using document and thematic
prevention, and analysis methods, ensuring
treatment. alignment with study objectives
and relevant literature.

Opportunities and The case study can

Challenges of a Filipino be classified in the
Educator in a Home- field of education
based Online EFL since it talks about
Industry: A Single Case the ways in which
Study ESL classes may be
done. It is known
that Filipino
educators are
acknowledged for
their teaching skills,
especially abroad
and for English
teachers. As
continues to
develop, online
teaching becomes
more prominent and
is being utilized
more frequently.
This study is being
done to assess the
opportunities and
challenges of an
online teaching set-
up, if it contributes
to development, and
the different factors
in teaching English.

Baby, Baby, Baby, No: This research can The objectives of this The researchers used a
A Case Study on the be classified under research are the following: descriptive qualitative research
Expression and Stigma the field of Family ● To investigate the design, using a case study
Studies or Family ways in which approach. They also used
Management of the
Sociology, as it childfree homogenous purposive sampling
Lived Family Identity explores the heterosexual to select the participants, ensuring
of Heterosexual Filipino concept of family Filipino couples that they were representative of
Childfree Couples and the lived express the target population. A total of
experiences of themselves and eight informants, including four
childfree couples in maintain their wives and four couples, were
the context of the sense of family. selected for the study. They
Philippines. ● To investigate the employed in-depth interviews
stigma with the selected informants, who
management were heterosexual Filipino
strategies or childfree couples. The interviews
techniques used were conducted both in person
by heterosexual and through phone calls.
Filipino childfree
● To understand the
perception of
social circles
towards childfree
couples and the
dynamics of these
couples with their

1. Based on the examples presented, how will you describe the goal of the research
design assigned to your group?
● The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of a particular phenomenon, event,
individual, group, or situation and practical insights or lessons that can be applied
to similar situations or contexts. This includes investigating the 3 case studies,
firstly, the HIV knowledge of overseas Filipino workers in the UAE, their sexual
risks, and how they feel about it as well, and next, the opportunities and
challenges of being a Filipino teacher who works online teaching English, and
last, how couples from the Philippines who choose not to have children deal with
people's opinions. To conclude, the goal of a case study is to completely examine
a specific subject within its real-life context as it involves detailed analysis and
description to understand the subject's background, characteristics, and outcomes.
2. Based on the examples presented, how will is the data collected in the research
design assigned to your group?
● damn

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