B1 Renand Dsouza TYBFM
B1 Renand Dsouza TYBFM
B1 Renand Dsouza TYBFM
Saakshi for PY
House number 2 was purchased out of funds borrowed by mortgaging house number 1, housing loan
was taken on 01-08-2020.
2) MR Dsa is employed with Om LTD. Provides following details of his salary income for PY 2022-
J) children education allowance of rupees 500 PM per child. (MR Dsa has 3 children)
Calculate his income from salary for AY 2023-2024, If PF is SPF and RPF.
4) SHRI Shubham, an Indian citizen left India for the first time on 21/08/2022 for employment in
New York City and did not return till 31st March 2023. Determine his residential status for AY 2023-
Conditions No. of days Satisfied or not Reason
Basic condition-
1) Stay of 182 days 143 days Not satisfied
or more in India in
previous year. OR 2)
a) stay of 60 days or NA
more in India in
previous year. And
b) stay of 365 days NA
or more in India in
last 4 previous years
conditions - NA
1) resident in India
in at least 2 out of
10 previous years
AND 2) stay of 730 NA
days or more in India
in last 7 previous
Days 30 31 30
Days 31 21
Total 143
5) From the following information MS Rashmi for the previous year 2021-2022, Compute the gross
total income for the assessment year 2022. If she is a) ROR, b) RNOR, c) NR.
Income Amount
1)Income from business in Dubai controlled 60000
from England.
2)rent from house in UK received in Spain. 100000
3) income earned in Spain in past, but 50000
brought to India during current previous
4) dividend from German company 60000
received in England.
5) income from agriculture in Japan 200000
received in India.
6)royalty from company in England 150000
received in Russia.
7)Interest credited to HSBC Bank, New York 81500
8)Income from profession in Bhutan 185000
received n Bhutan.( Profession was setup in
6) Mrs. Prajakta purchased a Flat as on 1st June 2010 for ₹25,00,000. She also paid Stamp Duty and
Registration charges of ₹30,000 and paid a brokerage of ₹8,800. She renovated her flat on 1st July
2014 and spent ₹1,00,000. She again renovated her Flat again on 5th November 2018 and Spent
On 31st October 2022, She sold her flat for ₹2,00,00,000. She had to pay ₹2,00,000 as brokerage for
selling her flat. You are required to Calculate the Taxable income from Long Capital Gains of Mrs.
Prajakta for P.Y. 2022 – 2023.
7) From the following Information given by Ms. Sharon, Calculate her taxable Income from other
sources for previous year 2022 – 2023.
2. Dividend from a Foreign Company ₹30,000. Bank Charges ₹5,000 as collection charges. Interest on
6. Rent from Plant & Machinery ₹3,500 p.m. Expense incurred ₹3,000 for repairs ₹2,000 as