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Health - Recovery - Instruction - Manual - by - Archbishop - Jim - Humble-Pre - Release-2015 2

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MMS Health Recovery

Instruction Manual
Archbishop Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd

MMS Health Recovery

Instruction Manual
Archbishop Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd


Copyright © 2014 by James V. Humble

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may

not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author ex-
cept for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

ISBN: 978-0-9908945-0-6

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc


This book is a “PRE-RELEASE” edition of the MMS Health

Recovery Instruction Manual. We have put a great effort
into producing the best book yet on this topic. However,
we realize there is still some room for improvement and
there are yet more details we would like to add. But
because we have received numerous requests from
around the world for this book, rather than delay it longer,
we have decided to put it out now as a pre-release
volume. In the meantime we are working on updates and
hope to fully release the final book before long. If you
have any questions or comments regarding any of the
contents in these pages, please send us an email at:

This book is filled with alternative care methods
that have been found to work from the experience
of a grassroots effort by many people around the
world. Every individual is personally responsible for
his/her decision as to whether or how they use this
information, or seek officially recognized medical
attention. However, these protocols may very well
save your life, and in the opinion of the author are
better than many allopathic methods.

The protocols described in this book are official

sacraments of the Genesis II Church of Health and
Healing. You accept 100% responsibility for any
and all use made of any information herein.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Table of Contents
MMS -------------------------------------------1
Getting Started-------------------------------2
CDS and CDH----------------------------------4
Safety of MMS---------------------------------4
Understanding Oxidation -------------------5
A Word to the Wise---------------------------8
MMS Basic Essentials-------------------------8
Important Safety Precautions—A Must Read --8
CITRIC ACID------------------------------------14
HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HCl) ------------------14
Activator Acids --------------------------------17
Activating MMS---------------------------------18
Mixing MMS for Drinking-----------------------22
Storing MMS -----------------------------------24
Pregnant Women and MMS -------------------25
Feeling Sick-------------------------------------25
Eating While On Your MMS Protocol------25
Health Recovery Plan (HRP) ---------------31
Two Fundamental Steps for the Health
Recovery Plan-------------------------------36
Mouth and Teeth-------------------------------36
MMS1 Spray Bottle-----------------------------38
MMS2 Spray Bottle-----------------------------39
The Starting Procedure---------------------40
Protocol 1000-------------------------------44
Protocol 1000 Plus -------------------------47
Protocol 2000-------------------------------50
Protocol 3000-------------------------------55
MMS Patch Protocol-------------------------60
Eyes, Ears, and Nose Protocol-------------61
Bath and Footbath Protocol----------------67
Enema Protocol-----------------------------69
Douche Protocol ----------------------------71
MMS Bag Treatment Protocol--------------73
Fungi Protocol-------------------------------75
Where to Now?------------------------------77
Indian Herb ---------------------------------84
Final Step of the Health Recovery Plan---84
ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS------------------86
6 and 6 Protocol-----------------------------86
Emergency Protocols ----------------------88
Brown Recluse Protocol--------------------89
Black Widow Spider-------------------------93
Bite Protocol---------------------------------93
Snake Bite Protocol-------------------------96
Food Poisoning Protocol--------------------99
Instructions for Poisoning Protocol-----101
Stroke Protocol----------------------------102
Heart Attack Protocol---------------------107
Burn Protocol------------------------------111
Protocol 4000------------------------------113
Sacramental Vaccine Procedure---------115
Adjusting MMS Doses for Children-------120
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u Procedure for
HCl=hydrochloric acid Children----------121
u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Protocol 1000 for Children---------------122
Protocol 1000 Plus for Children----------123
Protocol 2000 for Children---------------123
Protocol 3000 for Children---------------125
Protocol 6 and 6 for Children-------------129
Patch Protocol for Babies, Children and
People with Sensitive Skin---------------129
How to Adjust All Other Protocols for
Additional Important Information-------136
Testing to See if Liquids are Compatible
with MMS-----------------------------------139
In Conclusion------------------------------141
About the Author--------------------------144

This manual is designed to give you many of the funda-
mentals of the Master Mineral Solution (MMS) in a clear
and concise manner. I want to show you how to recover
your health from most any disease that exists, without
getting too far into the nuts and bolts of MMS itself. The
purpose of this book is to simply instruct you on how to
get well. It is not designed to teach you, for example, how
to make your own MMS. It is a little like electricity. One
does not need to know all the science behind how electric-
ity works in order to benefit from it. All you need to know
is how to flip the switch, and voila—the light comes on.
With this book, I want to make it as simple as possible for
any newcomer to MMS to take responsibility for his/her
own health recovery, and get well. My intent here is to get
you started on the road to healing by giving you good
solid instructions that you can use to create health recov-
ery with MMS, starting today.

For those of you who already have some understanding

of MMS, you may notice there are some slight variations
of what has already been published or posted on my
websites. This volume contains up-to-date information. It
includes recent improvements that others and myself
have determined through on-going use of the MMS
around the world. The world of MMS is vast, and we are
learning new things all the time, so be sure to periodically
check for updates at: mmswiki.org.

To your health,

Archbishop Jim Humble

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Health Recovery
Instruction Manual
By Archbishop Jim Humble
with Cari Lloyd

This book is a guide for the use of one of the most
amazing health-giving mineral solutions of the past 100
years, the Master Mineral Solution, or MMS for short. MMS
is the Genesis II Church’s sacrament name for the mole-
cule chlorine dioxide, which is produced when the
mineral sodium chlorite—a natural mineral found in
many parts of the world, is mixed with a food grade acid
(such as citric acid, HCl [hydrochloric acid], lemon juice,
and others). In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition
in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide
quickly cured malaria. Since that time, it has proven to
restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of
people suffering from a wide range of disease, including
cancer, autism, infections of all kinds, hepatitis A, B, C,
Lyme, skin problems, dental issues, HIV/AIDS, and many

The health recovery procedures given in this book are the

result of 18 years of teaching people how to use MMS to
recover their health. Scores of people around the world
have used and applied the principles outlined in my first
books, or taught in seminars. As a result, over the years
I have received a great deal of feedback, much of which
has contributed to this book. The successes, even in the
beginning, were far beyond anything I had ever heard of.
However, what we have achieved along the way has
helped us arrive at something so fantastic that very few
can believe it at first, but those who try it soon discover it
for themselves. Personally, I can say that when the
instructions are followed properly, MMS works on many
things most of the time. If you decide to put into practice
what this book teaches, then I expect to hear of your
health recovery. I would appreciate, (and mankind would
too) hearing your testimony when you have recovered.
Please go to
and share your experience so others can benefit as well.

From this book, you will learn about how to put this Health
Recovery Plan into action, which includes using the vari-
ous protocols in conjunction with one another to recover
your health.

Getting Started
Definition of Terms

Activation: The adding of one substance to a second

substance to bring about a chemical change of some kind.
When a food acid is added to sodium chlorite in order to
release chlorine dioxide, it is said to be activated.

Chlorine dioxide: A chemical compound taken from a

natural occurring mineral. It is used in the health recovery
program of this book to destroy pathogens and neutralize

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide): A solvent that dissolves

many things that water cannot dissolve, including blood
clots, and thus has been known to stop strokes. It helps
to carry the MMS deeper into the tissues.

Master Mineral Solution (MMS): The name of a miner-

al solution used to help unwell people recover their health.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
MMS: Inactivated MMS, which is a 22.4% solution of
sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in distilled water.

MMS1: Also referred to as Activated MMS. It is MMS plus

an activator (food acid). When the two are mixed together
they produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2).

Note: Although the word chlorine is in the name chlo-

rine dioxide, like table salt, (that also has chlorine in the
name), it is totally different from common household
Clorox Bleach or pool chlorine, which are both poisons
known to be cancer causing. Chlorine dioxide is not cancer
causing and has an amazing ability to destroy (through
oxidation) disease-causing microorganisms that may be on
or in the human body, while doing no harm to the body.
Because of the chemical nature of chlorine dioxide, it
destroys these microorganisms in such a manner that it is
also destroyed at the same time, leaving behind only a few
grains of plain table salt, discharged oxygen atoms, and
dead microorganisms, which the body can easily wash out
of the system.

MMS2: Calcium hypochlorite, when mixed with water

turns into a solution of hypochlorous acid.

Pathogens: Any and all microorganisms that cause dis-

ease in its host. The host may be animal, plant, fungus or
even another microorganism.

Sodium Chlorite: A natural mineral found in many

mineral deposits throughout the world from which chlo-
rine dioxide is extracted.


I would like to mention two other forms of MMS—CDS
(Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and CDH (Chlorine Dioxide
Holding). Although all three forms work in slightly differ-
ent ways, all three forms of MMS have been successful in
helping people restore their health. However, in this
manual we will only be referring to the original MMS—that
is the formula that to date has been the most tried and
proven over a longer period of time. One purpose of this
book is to give you, the reader, a good foundation in the
use of the Master Mineral Solution. This basic understand-
ing is needed in order to use all the forms of MMS. If you
get these basics down you’ll be well on your way to better
health. The same principles in this book can be applied to
the other forms of MMS.

Safety of MMS
In 18 years, since the discovery of MMS, we are not aware
of anyone dying or anyone suffering permanent injuries
as a result of using MMS (chlorine dioxide in a solution,
which is the way it is used 99% of the time throughout
the world). We only know of one death recorded (an
industrial accident) caused by chlorine dioxide gas many
years before MMS was discovered. This is in spite of the
fact that chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to
purify water, to sanitize hospital floors, to disinfect
slaughter houses, and to purify vegetables, along with
hundreds of other uses. More than any other single
mineral/chemical, chlorine dioxide through these and
other means has improved the health and lives of hun-
dreds of millions of people worldwide and still no deaths
or permanent injuries have been recorded caused by the
use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years. This also includes the
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
many millions of people who have taken MMS orally for
the purpose of health restoration. Compare no deaths,
except a single industrial accident not related to MMS, to
the 950,000 deaths caused by pharmaceutical drugs last
year alone, or the 15,000 deaths caused by Ibuprofen and
Aspirin last year. All things considered, chlorine dioxide is
one of the safest, if not the safest chemical known. (For
more details see:


DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is also used in some of our

protocols. In the 60 years since DMSO was introduced in
the USA there has never been a report of permanent
damage or a death caused by DMSO. DMSO seems to
have healing qualities of its own as well as enhancing the
effectiveness of MMS.

Understanding Oxidation

The tiny particles of the universe are held together by the

electrons that surround them. Any action that results in
the change of the electrons that hold matter together is
considered oxidation. You may have thought that oxida-
tion is somehow adding oxygen to what is being oxidized,
but not so. Basically, oxidation either removes or changes
the position of electrons that hold things together, thus
either completely destroying those substances or changes
them into something else.

MMS and Oxidation

MMS1 (chlorine dioxide) destroys pathogens (disease-

causing microorganisms) not by using oxygen, but by
oxidizing them. MMS1 draws away some of the electrons
that hold the pathogens together, thus resulting in their
destruction. MMS1 is also completely destroyed in the
destructive process, leaving behind only a very minute
amount of table salt and neutralized oxygen that simply
washes out of the body. Various poisons created by the
pathogens are also destroyed by the oxidation process.
The fact is that MMS1 does not heal the body from
sickness. As the oxidation process of killing the pathogen
takes place, it is the body, freed from toxins, that heals
the body. Likewise, the beneficial bacteria are highly
resistant to oxidation and thus are not harmed by chlorine

Other Oxidizing Processes

Oxygen is the oxidizer that nature has designated for use

in the human body because of its many important charac-
teristics. Current oxygen therapies involve more than just
breathing. In one type of oxygen therapy, the subject
enters a pressurized hyperbaric chamber filled with pure
oxygen. Pure oxygen under pressure is many times more
effective than non-pressurized oxygen. This has many
benefits and in some cases has worked miracles. Unfortu-
nately, the increased pressure also multiplies the negative
characteristics of oxygen, namely increasing the oxygen’s
ability to oxidize (destroy) good cells as well as bad ones.
This treatment is also very expensive, and multiple treat-
ments are usually required; therefore, the majority of
mankind simply cannot afford the cost.

Two other very powerful oxidizers that are sometimes

used in the body are hydrogen peroxide and ozone. While
both of these have been and are used to help eradicate
disease, at the same time, they can damage the body
when used improperly. Both are more powerful than
oxygen or MMS1 (chlorine dioxide). Hydrogen peroxide
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
and ozone can and do destroy many things including
human body tissues.

Pathogens hide deep in body tissues. Because hydrogen

peroxide and ozone, just like chlorine dioxide, are de-
stroyed when they oxidize something, they are usually
destroyed by oxidizing body tissues before they reach the
pathogens hiding in the tissues. They can also be de-
stroyed by poisons and impurities in the blood and tis-
sues. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide may be useful
sometimes but they should never be used by someone
who is not highly trained in their use.

The oxidation potentials of these four oxidizers are given

below. The strength of any particular oxidizer is measured
in volts and as you can see, chlorine dioxide (MMS1) is the
least strong of the four oxidizers. Because MMS1 is selec-
tive (oxidizing pathogens and not body tissues), it can be
both more effective in oxidizing pathogens, as well as
being safer than these other oxidizers.

Chlorine Dioxide 0.95 volts

Oxygen 1.30 volts
Hydrogen Peroxide 1.80 volts
Ozone 2.07 volts

Note: For a more detailed explanation of understanding

MMS and the oxidation process, see: mmswiki.org and
read the book The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd
Millennium, chapter 21, Oxidizers and Oxidation, and the
Appendix, Understanding MMS. Read the entire book for a
detailed understanding of all aspects of MMS and its func-

A Word to the Wise

It has been my experience that some people occasionally
come up with reasons to alter the techniques and proto-
cols given in the various healing books and articles of the
Genesis II Church. This often hinders the protocols from
working or from working as good as they can. The infor-
mation in this book is the result of millions of people
taking MMS over a period of more than 17 years. Our
Health Ministers have learned through experience that
these protocols work best when followed as they are
given here. So please, go by the book, follow the instruc-
tions carefully, and for optimum results, please, do not
alter the procedures.

MMS Basic Essentials

Important Safety Precautions—A Must Read


Ø Some of the safety precautions listed below appear in

other sections of this book under the various subjects that
they pertain to. We are repeating them here, in order to
give you this compiled list for your easy reference. Please
note that some of the important safety measures listed
below only appear on this list.

Ø Chlorine dioxide has been used safely for a hundred

years in hospitals, food preparation, water purification and
for many other things. It has been used in recent times
very safely by millions of people to improve their health
with great results. There are, however, a few instances
where caution needs to be applied. We want you to have
the most pleasant experience possible while regaining your
health. Do not be put off by the following cautions, but be
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
aware of them before you begin your journey to optimum

q Keep MMS out of reach of children and pets.

There have been no fatalities to date, however, a
few children have been very sick after drinking a
very large dose (not designated for a child) of

q Never allow MMS (sodium chlorite solution) to

sit in an unmarked bottle or glass. Since there is
no smell, it is often difficult or impossible to tell
the difference between MMS and water, and some
people have drunk as much as 1/2 of a glass
before realizing that they were not drinking water.
This is a huge overdose and they were in the
hospital for a couple of weeks! In the case of an
overdose, should a person drink too much MMS
either by mistake or on purpose, they should
immediately drink as much water with salt as
possible to induce vomiting (use 1 tablespoon of
salt per 1 liter/quart of water); then drink more
salt water and try to vomit again, and do this
several times. If they still feel bad after this
process they should go to a hospital.

q Make sure all bottles of MMS are clearly labeled

so you can easily know what is in them. Ideally,
the labels should be in different colors to make it
easy to differentiate them.

q I have suggested the use of a spray bottle for

the eyes as well as for topical use for other body
parts. However, the formula for use in the eyes
is significantly different than the formula for
topical skin use. Be especially careful to keep
these two different spray solutions very well
marked. Never use the spray bottle intended for
the skin in the eyes.

q If your home has a septic tank do not dump

MMS wastes down the drain as it can kill the
bacteria in your tank. This makes a mess and is
expensive to repair.

q MMS liquid full strength out of the bottle (22.4%

sodium chlorite solution) can irritate the skin. If it
comes into direct contact with the skin, rinse it off
with clean water. Try to avoid getting it on clothes
as the concentrated solution can discolor them.

q Citric acid and hydrochloric acid (HCl) on their

own, should not come into contact with the skin.
The acid can be washed off the skin with clean
water. If the acid get into the eyes, wash the eye
with clean water until the stinging feeling is gone.
If you wash the eye immediately, there should be
no problem, but if you take as long as 30 seconds
before getting clean water into your eye, there
may be a problem and you should go to an
emergency clinic right away.

q Avoid breathing in chlorine dioxide gas

produced from the mixing of sodium chlorite and
an acid activator. Chlorine dioxide gas easily
escapes when MMS and activator are mixed and
are not in a sealed container. It is best to avoid
getting a direct whiff of it as it could cause
coughing. Do not mix your dose directly under
your nose or mouth. If doing the Bag Protocol,
(see page 73) be especially careful not to directly
breathe in the fumes. There are times when
breathing in the gas in small amounts are called
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
for and it can be very healing to the lungs and
sinuses, but do avoid this unless you are under a
specific protocol requiring it and know what you
are doing, (as it is easy to inhale too much).

q Never use MMS (sodium chlorite solution)

without mixing it with citric acid, HCl, or another
proven food-grade acid to activate it. Once it is
activated, you should always mix it with water
before consuming it or applying it to the skin (the
amount of water you add varies according to the
protocol). Sodium chlorite is otherwise highly
alkaline (pH 13) which is considered highly
corrosive and it can leach metal into the human
system. In some cases where an individual has
certain types of stents or other metal in his body
this could cause heavy metal poisoning.

q If you take too much MMS1 and have a serious

Herxheimer reaction, (nausea, vomiting,
excessive diarrhea) take Vitamin C as an antidote.
Take 2 grams (2000 mg) of Vitamin C at once. If
the symptoms persist, you can then take another
1 gram of Vitamin C the following hour, and
another 1 gram the third hour. Do not go over
this amount of Vitamin C.

q MMS protocols have been known to cancel out

the effect of birth control pills.

q When traveling with, or transporting MMS, be

sure to separate all the different types of liquids
and powders. MMS (sodium chlorite) and the acid
activator should be packed separately, never in
the same bag, so as to avoid spills and possible
premature activation. DMSO should never, ever
be packed in the same container or suitcase
as MMS2 (see important warning below). Be sure
that all these are properly packaged so they
cannot possibly spill. (Suggestion: Put in plastic
bags, tape, and then put in double ziplock bags).
If traveling by air, be sure to know the airline
regulations for transporting various types of
liquids on the carrier that you are using. Be
responsible and diligent to carefully pack to avoid
any problems for yourself or others, or reflect
badly on MMS in general.

q Even though this book does not go into details

about CDS or CDH, these two types of chlorine
dioxide are simply too dangerous to travel with in
a confined space in the event the container gets


q Calcium hypochlorite can ignite with even a

very small spark when it comes in contact with
organic materials. For example: if someone
stuffed a rag (any type of cloth) down into the
calcium hypochlorite jar and for any reason a
spark from a candle, cigarette, or any other kind
of spark hit it, it would cause an instant and
extremely hot fire.

q In case of a spill of calcium hypochlorite

powder, clean it up with two dustpans, or one
dustpan and a wet rag, but do not use a broom,
because a spark could easily ignite the broom
when in contact with the calcium hypochlorite

q Calcium hypochlorite is hydroscopic and will

draw moisture from the air. If your supply
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
becomes moist, discard it but not down the drain
if you have a septic tank. If you have a city sewer
a small amount, about a liter, will not hurt it. You
can discard it in a city dump or with a city trash
collector after adding a small amount of water to
it to insure that it cannot ignite.

q Avoid contact with skin and eyes when in the

powder form.

q Do not directly breathe the fumes from calcium


q Do not make more MMS2 capsules than you

need for a month, as the capsules will become
brittle and can easily break open.

q Once the powder is in water it becomes

relatively safe to handle in order to discard it, just
put it in a plastic bottle with a lid.

q If you use a capsule machine to make up your

MMS2 capsules (see page 136), use one that is
made from plastic, as the calcium hypochlorite
powder should not come into contact with metal.

q WARNING!! Do not allow calcium hypochlorite

(MMS2) to come into contact with DMSO. This will
cause an immediate combustion with extreme
heat and fire. In this case, it does not need a spark
to start the fire instantly.


in a drink while at the same time taking calcium
hypochlorite (MMS2) capsules. The DMSO can
cause the MMS2 to heat and cause burns in your
stomach. If adding DMSO to an MMS1 dose, as
per Protocol 1000 Plus for example, you must
calculate no more than 3 drops of DMSO per each
drop of MMS1 (or each ml of CDS or CDH), and it
must be mixed within at least 1/2 cup (4
ounces/120 ml) of water. If on a protocol that calls
for taking MMS2 in the same day as MMS/DMSO
doses, you can do this, but the MMS2 capsule
must be separated out by 1/2 hour from the
MMS/DMSO doses. Never take a dose
containing DMSO and an MMS2 capsule at
the same time!


q If citric acid (in powder or liquid form), gets in

contact with skin or eyes, wash well with water


q Our protocol calls for 4% HCl. In this

concentration it should not do serious damage if
accidentally spilled on the skin, but it should,
never-the-less, be rinsed off immediately.
However, higher strength HCl and other high
strength acids can be harmful if not handled
properly. Keep in mind that anytime you transport
or carry strong acids any distance further than
inside of the laboratory, you should also carry
water with you so that you can immediately rinse
any spilled acid off of your skin or out of the
eyes. Large spills can cause severe damage and
even death if not rinsed off the skin or out of the
eyes immediately. In the event you need to
handle HCl in a high concentration, use a proper
mask and be very careful to not breathe in the
fumes, as it can cause damage.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

q DMSO is a solvent, and easily passes through

the skin and into the tissues. It will also carry
other substances along with it, so be careful what
you have on the skin before handling DMSO.

q When handling DMSO, never wash it off with

soap as it will carry the soap into the tissues.
Simply rinse the hands with clean water.

q Keep full strength DMSO out of your eyes.

q You cannot use most common gloves (rubber,

latex, etc.) with DMSO. It can dissolve the gloves.
Even dissolving a tiny bit of the gloves can then
transfer the rubber or latex into your body. Gloves
made of non-stretchable plastic are OK to use with

q Be sure your hands are clean and free from

contaminants (including soap residue) when
handling DMSO.

q If applying DMSO topically, be sure the area to

which you apply it is clean. The best solution is
simply to use clean dry bare hands when rubbing
the DMSO into your body or on someone else.

q Never add DMSO to an enema solution. The

colon contains many toxins the body is flushing
out. If you put DMSO in the colon, you can return
some of those toxins back into the blood stream.

q WARNING!! Do not allow DMSO to come into

contact with calcium hypochlorite (MMS2). This
will cause an immediate combustion with extreme
heat and fire. In this case, it does not need a spark
to start the fire instantly.


in a drink while at the same time taking calcium
hypochlorite (MMS2) capsules. The DMSO can
cause the MMS2 to heat and cause burns in your
stomach. If adding DMSO to an MMS dose, as per
Protocol 1000 Plus for example, you must
calculate no more than 3 drops of DMSO to each
drop of MMS1 (or each ml of CDS or CDH), and it
must be mixed with at least 1/2 cup (4
ounces/120ml) of water. If on a protocol that calls
for taking MMS2 in the same day as MMS/DMSO
doses, you can do this, but the MMS2 capsule
must be separated out by 1/2 hour from the
MMS/DMSO doses. Never take a dose
containing DMSO and an MMS2 capsule at
the same time!

Hourly Doses

Originally, when I started, my books instructed people to

work up to 3 large doses of MMS1 each day. If you read
those earlier books, then it is time to learn something
new. This change probably represents the biggest devel-
opment from earlier instructions.

I have now determined that for most diseases (other than

malaria), hourly doses of MMS1, spread out over the
day, are the most effective, as opposed to one or two
large doses per day. This is true for cancer and for most
diseases. We have been using the hourly protocols in
recent years with hundreds of thousands of successes.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Note: In recent years we have taught the use of a daily
dose bottle—that is, mixing up all your doses at one time
for the day—but we have since found that maximum
benefit is derived when each hourly dose is made up fresh,
and that this method is preferred unless otherwise impos-
sible to do. If for various reasons there is no other choice
but to make up an all-day mixture instead of mixing each
individual dose, it is certainly well worth your while, and
better than no MMS at all. But my recommendation is if at
all possible, stick to mixing hourly doses. You will have a
greater chance of getting well much quicker.

Activator Acids

Citric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl): MMS needs

a food-grade acid to “activate it” and the two combined
produce MMS1 (chlorine dioxide). There are several acids
that can activate MMS, including the juice of a fresh lemon
or lime, or vinegar. However, in this document when we
refer to using an acid to activate MMS we mean using
either 50% citric acid, or 4% HCl (hydrochloric acid).
When using these two acids in these percentages always
use 1 drop of acid to 1 drop of MMS. Both of these acids,
in these percentages, are a 1-for-1 ratio with MMS. In
other words, mix 1 drop of either of these acids to every
1 drop of MMS.

We prefer HCl as the activator of choice because it is the

same acid that is produced naturally in your stomach.
Many people consider it has a better taste and is easier on
the stomach.

Some Alternative Acids: Both citric and hydrochloric

acid are easy to use as activators for MMS; however,
depending on your location and availability, or in an
emergency, other activators such as fresh lemon or lime
juice, or vinegar, can be used to activate MMS but they
measure differently. If using any of these acids, you will
need to use 5 drops of lemon, lime or vinegar for every 1
drop of MMS, at a 1 to 5 ratio. If using these alternative
acids, activation time must be 3 minutes, instead of 30
seconds which is the standard activation time for either
50% citric acid or 4% HCl.

Important Notes:

Ø Never use MMS (sodium chlorite solution) with-

out mixing it with citric acid, HCl, or another proven
food-grade acid to activate it. Once it is activated
you must mix it with water before consuming or
applying it to the skin (the amount of water you add
varies according to the protocol). The only exception
to this rule is when using sodium chlorite on a burn
(see page 111).

Ø Never use ascorbic acid, or hydrofluoric acid; because

ascorbic acid will neutralize the MMS and hydrofluoric acid
is extremely poisonous.

Activating MMS

Mixing a Basic Dose of MMS:

There are various protocols that are discussed further in

this book. These use varying numbers of drops depending
on several factors. Here we will only discuss the basic
concept of mixing.

q Always use an empty, clean, dry, drinking glass.

q Tilt the glass slightly sideways and drop your

drops of MMS so they go to the corner of the
bottom part of the glass.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q If using a 50% solution of citric acid or 4%
solution of HCl (as suggested above) add the
same amount of activator on top of the MMS
drops. (1 drop of the acid for each drop of MMS.)

q Swirl the drops a little as you count to 30

seconds; in this amount of time the mixture
should turn amber in color.

q Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of drinking

water or juice or other liquid as per the
instructions in the “Mixing MMS for Drinking”
section below (see page 22).

q Drink down your dose while fresh, in less than

one minute.

Caution: Chlorine dioxide gas easily escapes when MMS

and activator are mixed and are not in a sealed container.
It is best to avoid getting a direct whiff of it. Do not mix
your dose directly under your nose or mouth. There are
times when breathing in the gas in small amounts are
called for and it can be very healing to the lungs and
sinuses, but do avoid this unless you are under a specific
protocol requiring it and know what you are doing, (as it
is easy to inhale too much).

Ø How to test that your MMS is good: When activat-

ing MMS, it is very important that the drops of MMS turn
amber color within the first 30-seconds. When you have
mixed your drops, hold the glass up against a white or
light colored background and look through the side and
bottom of the glass (where your drops are) with the glass
level with your eyes; at this angle you will be looking
through your drop mixture. Although it turns dark, it must
also be transparent (see-through). The drops must ap-
pear amber (that is a medium to dark brown, more than

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
just yellow) in color. The amber color will fade and be-
come yellow in about 15 minutes.

Ø Importance of the amber/brown color: The amber

color is an important indicator that the dose is correct.
You are mixing two clear liquids, MMS and an activator. If
the liquids are mixed according to instructions they will
change color and turn to amber brown. This amber color
is a marker showing that you have the correct liquids and
correct mixture. No other two clear liquids can produce
this same color.

Ø If your drops do not turn amber within the first 30

seconds of mixing, something is wrong with your MMS or
with your acid, and this mixture may not bring the desired
results. You might try mixing up a dose one more time,
to be sure you did it correctly, but if you still get yellow
and not amber color, you can use those drops for the time
being, while you try to get some good MMS and acid. But
I would suggest you do not use the weaker solution
(yellow not amber drops) for more than a couple of days
or so. If the solution does not at least turn yellow do not
use it at all.

Note: Various factors can weigh in to one determining the

color of the drops, such as the type of glass you are using,
the number of drops you are mixing, the background color
of the wall, the time of day and how much natural light is
in the room and so on. If you are not getting the right color,
and you are sure you have followed the directions correct-
ly, try mixing up the drops a few times in different condi-
tions. For example, use a different glass (some glass
qualities distort) make sure the glass is clean enough—no
dish soap deposits. Hold your drops up against a white
wall, a white fridge, or a light background when testing the
color. If in doubt of the color, mix up a 6-drop dose when
testing. Test your drops under various conditions, before
determining your drops are insufficient.
Mixing MMS for Drinking

Ø In general, all MMS doses are taken in 1/2 cup of water

(this is 4 fluid ounces or 120 ml), or other compatible
liquids such as some fruit juices or mineral water, but all
fruit juices are not compatible. (See points below for more
details on what juices to use.)

Ø For the most part, MMS is taken in drinking water (not

tap water that has chlorine, fluoride or other toxins added,
as these will cancel out the effectiveness of MMS and may
even make you sick). Usually it is best to purchase bottled
water. Distilled water or reverse osmosis water is also

Caution: Please remember that most places in the world

use chlorine as a water purifier, and even worse than that,
many places add the extremely poisonous fluoride to the
water because sadly, around 50 years ago doctors con-
vinced the public that fluoride helps teeth. Fluoride is one
of the most poisonous chemicals known to man. There is
no evidence that it helps the teeth and there are hundreds
of thousands of teenagers who have teeth with blotches
as a result. Use bottled drinking water for these protocols
unless you get your water from a pure water spring or you
have a reverse osmosis water filter.

Ø The ideal way is to take your MMS dose in water, but if

you cannot take MMS with water only, some natural juices
are okay if they do not have harmful preservatives and/or
added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as this will cancel out
the effectiveness of MMS. Fresh juice is best. We have
found apple, grape, and cranberry juice to work well with
MMS, but again, it should be natural, without preserva-
tives and not have added Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid).
Never use orange or tangerine juice in any form with
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
MMS. You may have these juices at least 2 hours before
or after your MMS protocol for the day.

Ø Some sodas work fine with MMS: Coke, Pepsi, Sprite,

7-Up, Canada Dry Ginger Ale (use only the original formu-
las; do not use Diet Soda or “Lite”). We do not
recommend using these drinks on the long term, or for
Protocol 1000 (due to the sugar content), as you’ll be
drinking this eight times a day. However, if taste is an
issue, for someone who is seriously sick, taking an MMS
dose in soda is better than not taking it at all. You could
mix your dose in a 4-ounce cup and add 1 ounce of Pepsi
for example, and the rest water—that may be enough
soda to just cover the taste of MMS. Also in many cases
mineral water with the fizz and no sugar helps overcome
the taste.

Note: Although I have personally tested these drinks with

MMS many times, it has been brought to our attention that
soda companies tend to adjust their formulas from time to
time, and from country to country. The safest way to know
if your drink is compatible with MMS, is to test the drink
with a LaMotte test strip (see page 139). If test strips are
not available and a person is on a protocol using a particu-
lar soft drink or bottled juice as a mixer but not getting any
results after two weeks, I strongly suggest switching to
another liquid to drink your dose.

Ø If you would like to branch out and use various juices,

or other sodas other than those mentioned in this book to
mix with MMS, as a rule it is a good idea to test for
compatibility with MMS. You will need chlorine dioxide test
strips to do this. (See page 139 for more information on
these test strips and how to use them to test compatibility
with MMS and various liquids.)

Ø Fresh lemon or lime added to the MMS1 and water drink

can greatly improve the taste. (Squeeze 1/2 to 1 lemon
or lime into the drink.) If taste still poses a problem, a
little sugar can be added with the lemon/lime.

Ø Some people have suggested the use of Stevia to

improve the taste of their MMS drinks. We have found
that not all Stevia is created equal. Some is highly pro-
cessed and some brands/types cancel out the effective-
ness of MMS. If you want to use Stevia we suggest you
use the test strips (see page 139) to confirm if the type
you are using is compatible with MMS. We personally
have made up a water jug with purified water and a little
honey and kept this in the fridge to mix with MMS drinks
throughout the day, and this has helped the taste to some
people’s liking. We do suggest however, because there
are many different qualities and types of honey, that the
safest thing to do would be to test your drink with honey
water as well, again, to be sure it’s compatible with MMS.

Ø Whatever you choose to mix with MMS, try to drink it

right away so that no more than 60 seconds pass from the
time you first began mixing.

Storing MMS

Ø The best way to store MMS (22.4% sodium chlorite in

water) is in amber or green glass bottles, with a tight
plastic (not metal) lid, –and in a refrigerator. This is the
ideal, but it isn’t always possible. If amber or green glass
bottles are not available, a clear bottle will do, but try to
keep it out of the light (a refrigerator is dark when closed).
A cool dark place will suffice if refrigerator space is not
available. If glass bottles are not available, plastic bottles
with plastic lids will do, but try to find bottles with a
number 1 or 2 inside of a triangle on the bottom of the
bottle. This signifies a better quality plastic. Use bottles

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
with plastic lids as sodium chlorite chlorite (and chlorine
dioxide as well) will dissolve a metal lid.

Pregnant Women and MMS

Ø Thousands of pregnant women around the world have

used MMS to restore their health when needed. MMS is a
safe and effective solution to help pregnant women with
their health. Dosing for a pregnant woman is exactly the
same as when not pregnant. Follow the protocols and
determine what dosage is best for you.

Feeling Sick

Ø If nausea, vomiting or diarrhea occur while taking

MMS, immediately reduce the dose by 1/2 but do not
stop taking MMS unless the symptoms are too much to
handle. In this case, stop altogether until the condition
has cleared and then start back at 1/2 the amount you
were taking before the nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
occurred, and build back up again to the recommended
dose, but not using enough to make yourself sick again.

Eating While On Your MMS Protocol

Ø MMS doses should not be taken at mealtimes. While on
the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your
dosing. Space out the MMS dose and meals by 20 to 30
minutes from the time you take your dose. For example,
if you take your MMS dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be
at 8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Your break-
fast should be small and take no longer than 15 minutes.
Likewise if you take an MMS dose at 12 noon, lunch could
be at 12:30 pm and so on.

Ø During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to

try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to
very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while
taking MMS, just avoid the larger meals during the hours
you are taking your doses.) There are a variety of ways
this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine.
For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the
morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00
pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you
have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour
dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm,
this means that by 5:00 pm, or later if you prefer, you
could have your large meal of the day.

Ø Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the

day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink
orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea (see page 22,
29, 30 for more info). If a person starts their dosing at
3:00 pm for example, their last dose would be at 10:00
pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before
1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice—
things which are not compatible with MMS, at least 2
hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust
your dosing to fit your needs and schedule—see what
works for you, but do keep in mind these important rules:

q Do not take an MMS dose with your meals,

space out food consumption and your MMS dose
by 20-30 minutes.

q During the hours you are actually taking your

MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of
meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.

q Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS

during your dosing hours. (See pages 22-30)

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Nutritional Supplements and the HRP

There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health
Recovery Plan):

1. The main reason is to eradicate a disease and

recover your health.

2. Possibly equally important, is for cleansing

purposes, to detox and thus get rid of poisons in the
body, which can then help clear up a number of health
problems both small and large.

If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision

is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease.

When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously

sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine
various things such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right,
exercising right and living right all contribute to good
health. While good nutrition is important for the body to
get well, when someone is on the protocols described in
this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking extra
supplements, and then build up nutrition again when the
person has completed the protocol. This is because patho-
gens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are
taking nutritional supplements while on the protocols, you
are building up with one hand and tearing down with
another. In addition, some nutritional supplements neu-
tralize MMS.

This is especially true with cancer, and any number of

major diseases, (such as Lyme, Hepatitis A, B, C,
HIV/AIDS, MRSA, and the list goes on and on). When you
begin these protocols, it is not the time to simultaneously
be building up with an increase of extra nutrition, because
cancer cells for example, and other pathogens, can feed
off good nutrition. You don’t want to do anything to
encourage the cancer or other disease to live longer or
grow. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it
more to thrive on. There are just about as many theories
in this day and age as there are people. But our observa-
tions indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer
cells/disease while not promoting any special nutritional
boosts for the body. Then, once the disease is eliminated,
one can build up the immune system through good
nutrition—it is a step by step process. Detox first before
introducing any new nutritional foods.

We have seen that those who follow the protocols as

outlined in this book have much better chance of getting
well by far, than by following most other theories today.
So, if a person has a major disease, it is very important
while on these protocols to avoid supplements for a time,
in order to allow the pathogens to die off, with the
possible exception of taking a probiotic that provides the
stomach with some natural microorganisms that can help
aid digestion. Otherwise, I suggest that one focus on
eradicating the disease first, before taking supplements.

If you do not have a major disease but want to cleanse

from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate
other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various
nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that
are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin
supplementation any time after the first week on the
protocol if you believe that they will be of benefit to you.
Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while
dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times of
taking these from the times you take your MMS doses, by
at least two hours. It goes without saying, that if you start
taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and
artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious
whole foods.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Ø Be diligent to take your dose consecutively, every hour

on the hour. For example, while on an eight-hour proto-
col, do not break up your dosing hours such as four hours
in the morning, then a three hour break, then four more

A fundamental principle of MMS is that

hitting the pathogens every hour does
not give pathogens time to regroup and
build back up, but instead, being
constantly hit without a chance to
regroup, they die off.


When Taking or Using MMS:

q Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, decaffeinated

coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and
many herbal teas) milk, orange juice, or any
drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).


Ø Lemon juice, though it is citrus, is much more

acidic than MMS and has no negative effect on it.
Orange juice however, in addition to being high in
Vitamin C, contains substances other than Vitamin
C which are not compatible with MMS.

Ø While tea is on this list of “don’ts” there are

some (not all) herbal teas that are compatible with
MMS. Use the test strip method described on page
139 to be sure what is and is not compatible.
q Do not take foods or supplements that are
particularly high in antioxidants such as Moringa,
as these things cancel out the effectiveness of

q While on a particular protocol it is better to

wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day
before consuming the above items, or take them
first thing in the morning, then wait two hours
before starting your MMS dosing. Space them out
by at least 2 hours after your last daily dose, or
two hours before starting your daily dosing.

q When handling MMS, do not put MMS down the

drain if you have a septic tank, as MMS will kill the
flora in your tank and this can cause it to quit

q It is very important that you never use MMS

(sodium chlorite solution) without mixing it
with citric acid, HCl, or another proven
food-grade acid to activate it. This could create
a very bad problem (see note below). Once MMS
is activated, you must mix it with water before
consuming or applying it to the skin (the amount
of water you add varies according to the protocol).
There is only one exception to this rule and that
is using inactivated MMS on a burn, see page 111.

Note: There are some who advocate using only sodium

chlorite and then let the stomach acid do the activation.
While this method can bring good results sometimes,
overall, I do not suggest this approach. One reason being,
people differ in the amount of stomach acid they produce
at any given time, resulting in unpredictable results. An-
other reason is because sodium chlorite is, when inactivat-
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
ed; highly alkaline (pH 13) which is considered highly
corrosive and it can leach metal into the human system. In
some cases where an individual has certain types of stents
(most of the stents going to the heart are stainless steel),
or other metal parts in their bodies, inactivated MMS
(sodium chlorite) passing over or through these metal
parts could leach some heavy metal into the blood causing
heavy metal poisoning. Actually, such a small amount of
leaching would not cause immediate problems, but over a
year or more it could lead to a great many problems.

Health Recovery Plan (HRP)


Good health in today’s world can be difficult to achieve

due to our toxic environment. Many people have complex
or multiple health issues and overcoming them may
require a bit more effort. For this reason I have developed
this Health Recovery Plan. I sometimes think of it as the
“Master Miracle Protocol”, and because it is a combination
of various protocols, it truly is a Health Recovery Plan (as
restoring health is a process). The good news is this—if
you will follow the basic fundamentals as outlined in our
Health Recovery Plan, after working with thousands of
suffering people I am confident that you will get well in a
few short weeks, as thousands of others have
done. Remember, MMS does not heal the body as such,
it destroys pathogens and poisons that prevent the body
from being healed so that the body can heal itself.

How it Works

We, of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, have

a number of Sacramental Protocols that help restore
people’s health. There are basic core protocols, which go
together with a number of complementary protocols to
make up the Health Recovery Plan.
It is important to know that there is an overall sequence
or strategy to the Health Recovery Plan. I have put it
here, towards the front of this book, for an overview and
for easy reference. For those who have not yet worked
with MMS, at this point it may not yet make total sense
how this plan works, but it will become clearer as you
learn the protocols outlined in this manual. The important
point is that there is a sequence of how to use the
protocols. If one’s recovery comes to a standstill after a
stated period of time, keep this in mind and refer often to
this section of the book as needed.

The following is an overview of our basic core protocols for

the Health Recovery Plan:

1. The Starting Procedure which is essential to get

each person started out on the right foot in an easy
manner. This protocol calls for very small doses of
MMS per hour in order to get the body accustom to
MMS (chlorine dioxide).

2. Protocol 1000. This is our primary protocol that

kills pathogens, destroys poisons, and removes heavy
metals from the body.

3. Protocol 1000 Plus in which the procedure is to

simply add a specified amount of DMSO to the dosing.
The DMSO carries the MMS deeper into the tissues of
the body to find and eliminate poisons and pathogens
hidden there.

4. Protocol 2000 finishes off or does what Protocol

1000 and 1000 Plus could not do. This is our hard
hitter that handles diseases that are so laid in that
they cannot be reached by Protocol 1000 alone. This

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
is also the main protocol to overcome cancer and most
of the life threatening diseases.

5. Protocol 3000 simply adds to Protocol 2000 to make

it even more effective. It is an additional way of
getting MMS into the body through the skin without
causing some of the reactions caused by going
through the stomach as in oral doses.

As mentioned above, these five protocols are our primary

core protocols in the lineup for health recovery. There are
a number of complementary protocols to go along with
these depending on what the illness is. In many cases
people recover their health long before they finish all of
the protocols in the Health Recovery Plan. However, there
are those whose illness requires going the extra mile.
Some of the complementary protocols address specific
problems and diseases and thus it is necessary to add
them on, after or even while on the primary protocols.
The instructions below will help you determine this.

Finally, on rare occasions (maybe 1 out of 100) for

extreme cancers, we may have to suggest using Indian
Herb. This herbal formula has been for sale in the United
States for more than 90 years. Thousands of people have
used it successfully.

The simple rules with our MMS Protocols and the funda-
mental principles of the Health Recovery Plan are as

l If you do not see any progress towards healing

within a two-week period then go to the next level,
add on the next protocol.

l Every time you add on a new protocol, do not stop

what you are already doing. Add on, but do not take
away any of the previous protocols you were doing.
l If you do see progress—keep up with what you are
doing. Do not change anything. Do not go to the next
protocol. Do not increase to the next drop; when
improving, just keep on doing what you have been
doing until well. But, if your improvement comes to a
standstill, and two weeks pass with no progress, then
ramp up again—begin increasing your MMS intake
once more. (Adding drops to your dose, and/or
moving on to the next protocol.)

For example, say you are on Protocol 1000 and after the
5th or 6th day you notice some improvement in your
condition, whatever it may be. The signs of improvement
are an indicator to keep on with Protocol 1000, do not
change anything, keep at it. On the other hand, if you are
on Protocol 1000 and you have completed two weeks of
the protocol and you have not noticed any signs of
progress or improvement then move on to Protocol 1000
Plus and so on.

The line-up of protocols on the Health Recovery Plan is as


l Always begin with the Starting Procedure.

Simultaneously, along with the Starting Procedure,
get started with the Two Fundamental Steps which
are brushing your teeth with MMS and using the spray
bottle for any skin problems. Complete instructions
are given below. In addition, this is the point where
one would also begin applying The Patch to any
external tumors on the body. (See page 60).

l Move on to Protocol 1000, but if after two weeks on

Protocol 1000 you do not see any signs of
improvement, the first thing to do would be to make
sure that the MMS is not being neutralized by anything
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
(see page 78). In addition, check the list for other
reasons you may not be having success with MMS on
pages 77-84). Then, if you are following everything
correctly and you see no signs of improvement after
two weeks, then go to the next level—which is Protocol
1000 Plus.

l After two weeks on Protocol 1000 Plus, again, if

there is no improvement, then ramp it up and move
on to Protocol 2000.

l After two weeks on Protocol 2000 and you have also

started taking MMS2 on the 2nd or 3rd day, once
more, if there are no obvious signs of improvement
after the two weeks, add on Protocol 3000.

l If on Protocol 3000, and you still lack signs of

improvement after two weeks, you can begin with the
various complementary protocols. These protocols
(explained further on in this book) offer additional
ways to help your body recover. You keep adding on
more protocols until well.

Important Note: Remember, each time you ramp up

your MMS intake and add on another protocol, do not stop
doing what you are already doing. Add on, but do not take
away or stop what you are already doing.

Exception to the Rule: If you have cancer or another

life threatening disease. It may be necessary to move
more quickly into Protocol 2000 without observing the
two week intervals before adding on a new protocol. You
can determine if it is time to move more quickly by the
way things are going. If you are feeling pretty bad and
again, you have a life threatening disease, you want to
move up on the Protocols as quickly as you can, but
without getting sicker than you already are from
your illness, in this case, even though I just said you can
move more quickly, you should never-the-less, always
start out with the Starting Procedure—do not bypass this
step. But as you move on to Protocol 1000 and the hourly
3-drop doses, if you are not seeing improvement of any
kind in just a few days, and if you are not getting sicker
from the doses, then go to Protocol 1000 Plus. Again if
you are not seeing improvement in a few days (5 or 6
days), then keep adding in more drops to your dose, as
per Protocol 2000. In other words, when you are taking
the 3-drop doses and feel you want to go on to higher
doses, follow the instructions of Protocol 2000 and move
on with the Health Recovery Plan as outlined above in this
book and as needed.

Two Fundamental Steps for the Health

Recovery Plan
Mouth and Teeth

Almost all diseases are influenced to a large or small

extent by the condition of the mouth and the teeth,
therefore all protocols listed in this Health Recovery Man-
ual should be accompanied by a daily brushing of one’s
teeth with MMS. It has been shown time and again that
MMS can restore health to the mouth and in the case of
doing these protocols, better results are often noticed
when brushing with MMS, even when the teeth and
mouth are in very bad shape. This does not mean that
one will not need the services of a good dentist, but once
the infections and diseases of the mouth are gone then
the dentist can do a much better job, and the diseases of
the body are ten times more likely to be overcome. Thus
a preliminary step to this recovery plan is to buy a good
soft tooth brush for brushing teeth and gums while at the
same time doing the protocols.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Brushing Teeth Protocol

q In a glass activate 5 drops of MMS (see page


q After 30 seconds add only 1/4 cup (2 ounces/60

ml) of water to the MMS drops.

q Brush both your gums and your teeth with this

mixture for at least 2 minutes. (Dip your tooth
brush into the liquid 3 or 4 times while brushing.)

q Do this 2 or 3 times a day while doing the

protocols in this Manual.

Note: If your teeth are in poor shape, for example if you

have an abscess, pain or more serious complications with
your teeth, add DMSO to this mixture. DMSO will carry the
MMS right through to the tooth and can help solve many

q You must add the DMSO to your mixture

immediately before brushing; add 3 drops of
DMSO (90% to 99%) for each 1 drop of MMS that
you are using. For the formula above, this would
be 15 drops. If you have DMSO that is less than
90% strength, use 4 drops for each MMS drop.

Tip: If you want to use this same solution for more than
one brushing, you will need to put the solution in a bottle
with a tight lid. Once you have dipped your toothbrush into
the liquid, it is no longer reusable, so each time you brush
you can pour part of the solution into a small glass and
proceed with dipping your tooth brush into the liquid 3 or
4 times while brushing. Double the amount (10 activated
drops of MMS to 1/2 cup [4 ounces/120 ml] of water) to
make up a portion for the day.
Important Note: If making up this solution for the day,
you cannot add DMSO. DMSO must be added immediately
before use, as over time, it will weaken your MMS solution.

MMS1 Spray Bottle

While on this Health Recovery Plan, if you have any kind

of skin problems, be it skin cancer, eczema, psoriasis,
infections or wounds, etc., spraying the skin or wound
with MMS1 is a great help. I have listed this protocol in the
fundamental steps for the HRP (Health Recovery Plan),
because it is important for skin problems to start right
away with spraying the skin as you begin your health
recovery. Using this spray bottle is also helpful for most
any type of isolated skin problems as well, such as
wounds or bruises, to help the overall condition of the
skin, and many more conditions. It can be used for the
rest of your life for skin problems, whether you are on the
other protocols or not.

Prepare the spray bottle as follows:

q The standard spray bottle formula is 10 to 1.

That is, 10 activated drops of MMS to 1 ounce (30
ml) of water.

q Never use tap water for any MMS mixture as it

is not safe to risk getting chlorine, fluoride, or
other impurities in the solution. Use only bottled
drinking water, or distilled water.

q In most places 2-ounce or 4-ounce spray

bottles are available at the pharmacy or in health
food stores. Simply multiply the formula, 20 drops
MMS1 to 2 ounces of water, or 40 drops of MMS1
to 4 ounces of water.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q In general this mixture will last up to a week or
so. You will know that it lost its potency when the
original color begins to noticeably fade.

q Do not leave your spray bottle in the sunlight;

storing it in a dark place or in the fridge will help
the MMS solution to remain strong.

q Use this for spraying all problems on your skin.

Tip: You can spray a little on your face and then spray a
little DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, see page 2) on top and rub
your face lightly to help ease wrinkles and DMSO often
makes the MMS spray more effective anywhere on the

MMS2 Spray Bottle

We have received feedback from many people who have

used MMS2 in a spray bottle with positive results for the
skin. Both MMS1 and MMS2 help the skin in varying ways,
so try them both, and see what works best for you. Please
note, in the directions below there are some differences
in the use of MMS2 and MMS1 when used in a spray

You can prepare a spray bottle with MMS2 as fol-


q Cover the bottom of a clean, dry spray bottle

with 1 layer of MMS2 powder (calcium

q Fill the rest of the bottle with purified water.

q Shake it well to dissolve the MMS2 powder.

q Then put the MMS2 solution through a clean
paper coffee filter into a clean dry glass. MMS2
usually has small lumps that do not easily dissolve
and if not strained out it will clog your spray bottle.

q Before putting the MMS2 solution back into the

spray bottle, be sure to rinse the bottle out well
with clean purified water, to be sure there are no
lumps that will clog up your sprayer.

q When using a MMS2 spray bottle on your face,

try not to get it in your eyes.

q Unlike the MMS1 spray bottle, do not use a

MMS2 spray bottle with DMSO.

The Starting Procedure

This Starting Procedure must be done before following
Protocols 1000, 1000 Plus, 2000 or 3000. This procedure
will assure you greater success as there have been people
who without it have become sick with either nausea,
vomiting or diarrhea sometimes within the first week or
so of starting Protocol 1000. Many give up right then
instead of persisting. You can’t blame them; they’ve
heard how great MMS is and then it makes them sick, so
they give up. This is because they started taking too much
MMS too quickly to begin their protocol. Please believe me
when I say that this starting procedure is extremely
important to you for your health recovery.


The Starting Procedure consists of taking MMS in very

low doses to start out and working up slowly to a one drop

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
dose over a period of four days. (There is an exception to
this rule, see variation below.)


MMS goes to work on killing the disease, but if you go too

fast, the poisons from dead pathogens (any disease
producing agent) builds up in the body faster than the
body can get rid of them. These poisons mainly can cause
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea but other distress can also
be experienced. This is called the Herxheimer reaction
and it is a common occurrence when going through a
cleanse or detoxification program to rid the body of
toxins. Hopefully going through the Starting Procedure
can help one avoid the Herxheimer reaction.

Day One: The first day of the Starting Procedure

take 1/4th drop of activated MMS every hour for 8

Step 1.

q Remember, use an empty, clean, dry, drinking


q Since all MMS doses are taken in 1/2 cup of

water, it is helpful to mark your glass at the 1/2
cup (4 ounce/120ml) point, or use a glass with
this measurement.

q Activate 1 drop of MMS until the mixture turns

amber in color as per instructions in Mixing a Basic
Dose of MMS pages 18.
Step 2.

q Fill the glass to the 1/2 cup (4 ounce/120ml)

mark with water. Make sure the drops are mixed
into the water.

Note: Some juices and sodas are acceptable, see

Mixing MMS for Drinking section pages 22, 23.

Step 3.

q Pour off 1/4th or 1 ounce/30ml of this water

mixture into another glass and drink it.

Note: Before you drink this 1 ounce/30ml you can

add a little additional water—an ounce or two at
most—if you want to dilute the taste before you
drink it.

Step 4.

q Discard the extra 3 ounces/90ml. You won’t be

using them. You must make up a new drink
each hour; otherwise the dose will lose its
potency. Each MMS dose should be made up
fresh—mix your drops and count to 30 seconds
then add water and drink it down. One should be
sure to never wait more than 60 seconds before

Day Two and Three: On the second and third day of

the Starting Procedure take 1/2 drop of MMS1
every hour for 8 hours a day.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Step 5.

q Follow steps 1 and 2 the same as above each

hour, but this time pour off 2 ounces/60ml of the
mixture and drink. That is the same as 1/2 of the
liquid you now have in the glass. This gives you
1/2 drop.

Day Four: On the fourth day of the Starting Proce-

dure take 3/4 drop of MMS1 every hour for 8

Step 6.

q Follow steps 1 and 2 the same as above. In this

case it would be easiest to discard 1 ounce/30ml
of liquid and drink the remaining 3 ounces/90ml
of liquid. In other words you are drinking 3/4 of
the 1/2 cup (or 4 ounce/120ml) mixture that you
made in steps 1 and 2 and this then gives you 3/4
of a drop dose.

q At the end of day four you have completed the

Starting Procedure to Protocol 1000. You should
begin Protocol 1000 the next day (day five) as per
the instructions below.

Note: In the case of a very sick person, start out the

Starting Procedure with even less than the 1/4th drop dose
which is suggested above. For an extremely sick person
start with 1/8th drop every hour for 8 hours (for one day),
then do the Starting Procedure, then begin Protocol 1000.

Variation–Fast Track: For those of you who are familiar

with MMS and have used it before, if you feel you would
like to get through the Starting Procedure more quickly;
this variation simply cuts the time in half. We do not,
however, recommend this fast track method if it has been
longer than eight months since you have taken MMS. In
any case, before proceeding with this method remember,
listen to your body, go at your own pace and again, if
nausea, vomiting or diarrhea occur, immediately reduce
the dose by 1/2 and follow the instructions regarding
feeling sick on page 25. To fast track the Starting Proce-
dure, simply cut the time for dosing in half as follows:

Day One:

q Take a 1/4-drop dose for 4 hours instead of 8


q At the end of 4 hours, increase to a 1/2-drop

dose for the remaining 4 hours of Day One.

Day Two:

q Take a 1/2-drop dose for 4 hours.

q Increase the dose to a 3/4-drop dose for the

remaining 4 hours of Day Two.

Day Three:

q Start on Protocol 1000, beginning with a 1-drop

dose. Follow the Protocol 1000 instructions.

Protocol 1000
This protocol alone has proven time and time again to
restore health to people with a wide variety of disease
such as Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, arthritis, high choles-
terol, acid reflux, kidney disease, any number of aches
and pains, urinary tract infections, depression, diabetes,

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
and the list goes on and on. Protocol 1000 is also helpful
for a good general cleanse to rid the body of unwanted
toxins that one often does not even realize they have.
Many people report that they really didn’t feel they had
any major health problems, yet after doing Protocol 1000
they felt so much better—they had more energy and
vitality and felt healthier overall after completing Protocol

The instructions given here are for the original, and what
I like to call, Classic Protocol 1000. If you do further
research you will find that we and many other people
have tried various versions of Protocol 1000 over the
years. While most all of the slight variations of Protocol
1000 have been successful, according to reports we have
received from around the world the success has never
been as good as the original protocol of mixing the dose
every hour.


Protocol 1000 is taking 3 drops of activated MMS in water

(some juices are acceptable, as explained in the Mixing
MMS for Drinking section, page 22) once each hour, for
eight consecutive hours, every day, for three weeks or
until well. Of course, one does not start out at 3 drops an
hour. You build up to 3 drops slowly as stated in this


It is best to start out slow and build up to the 3-drop dose.

Do not start Protocol 1000 until you have complet-
ed the Starting Procedure. After finishing the Starting
Procedure we start Protocol 1000 at 1 drop an hour and
work up to the suggested 3-drop dose per hour.
Instructions for Protocol 1000

Step 1.

q In a clean, dry glass activate 1 drop of MMS as

per the instructions in Mixing a Basic Dose of MMS,
page 18.

q Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water or

other recommended mixer.

Step 2.

q Drink down your 1-drop dose within one minute

of mixing.

Step 3.

q Continue taking a 1-drop dose every hour until

you are ready to increase your drops.

Step 4.

q If after three or four hours there is no problem

of nausea or any worse feeling, then increase your
dose by at least 1/2 drop. Listen to your body, go
at your own pace, but build up as quickly as
possible, without getting sick, to 3-drop doses
each hour. For example, one person might start
out the first day with 1-drop doses for 2-3 hours,
and then they may increase to 1 1/2 drops for a
couple of hours, and then 2 drops for a couple of
hours and so on. Others might want to stick to
1-drop doses for the entire first day, and then 2
drops the next day and so on. Some may even

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
find it necessary to stay at 1-drop doses for a few
days before they can go up.

Step 5.

q Continue taking 3-drop doses every hour for

eight consecutive hours a day for 21 days. You
may get well without another hitch, but if at any
time you experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea,
simply reduce the amount of drops you are taking
by at least 1/2. Remember, reduce but do not
stop. (A little bit of loose stool or diarrhea might
be considered okay and part of the cleansing
process, but if it becomes too much or you are
also experiencing the nausea and vomiting cut
back immediately. Follow the instructions on
Feeling Sick, page 25.)


Ø Never go beyond a 3-drop dose each hour while

on Protocol 1000.

Ø Though it is not pleasant to feel nausea, diarrhea or

vomiting, should you experience these symptoms, it is
usually a sign that your body is going through the detoxifi-
cation process—so on that score it is positive. The goal,
however, is to go at a steady pace, not too fast, so that you
do not make yourself sick.

Protocol 1000 Plus

Protocol 1000 Plus requires the addition of DMSO (dime-
thyl sulfoxide) to your hourly dosing. DMSO by itself is
also capable of relieving pain, diminishing swelling, reduc-
ing inflammation, encouraging healing, antifungal, dis-
solving blood clots, restoring normal function of the body
and much more.
It has been used for health purposes for 50 years to help
the body adsorb medicines and nutrients. It has been
used to dissolve blood clots in the body by taking it orally.
It is used for moving transplant organs from donor to
recipient over short or long distances.


This protocol is simply adding DMSO to the MMS Protocol

1000 dose which is 3 activated drops per hour. With
Protocol 1000 Plus, you add in 3 drops of DMSO for each
drop of MMS, or in case you have not progressed to 3
drops an hour by this time continue the same amount of
MMS but just add in the DMSO.


Allergy Warning: Very few people, usually those with

weak livers, are allergic to DMSO. To test whether or not
you are allergic perform this test:

q Wash and dry a spot on your arm. (Just above

or below the elbow works well.)

q Add one drop of DMSO to the spot on your arm

and rub it in.

q Give it about 15 minutes to soak in, leave it for

24 hours.

If there is no pain in your liver area after 24 hours, it is

probably safe for you to use DMSO, which will be the case
for 999 out of 1000 people.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Since MMS heals the liver, if you have already been taking
MMS for more than a week your liver will probably toler-
ate DMSO with no problem.

If you do have a bad reaction to DMSO, I would advise

working on improving the condition of your liver by doing
the Starting Procedure and moving on to Protocol 1000.
If you are already on the protocols, but still have a bad
reaction to DMSO, simply continue with the protocols and
after a few days repeat the same test again and it should
show tolerance to DMSO. If you fail the test a second
time, continue with the protocols and try the test every
couple of days until you pass it. There has never been a
report of DMSO doing any kind of permanent damage to
a human in the past 60 years.

Instructions for Protocol 1000 Plus

Step 1.

q Activate your 3 drops of MMS. (If you have not

been able to work up to a 3-drop dose yet, due
to nausea, etc., activate however many drops you
are taking).

q Add 1/2 cup of water (or compatible juice or

soda; see pages 22, 23).

Step 2.

q Immediately after adding the water, add in 3

drops of DMSO for each drop of MMS you are
using. For example, if you are making a 3-drop
MMS dose, add 9 drops of DMSO.

q Drink down the dose immediately as once the

DMSO is added the MMS1 will begin to slowly lose
potency if left to sit.
Step 3.

q If after adding DMSO to your dose you

experience discomfort (such as nausea, diarrhea,
etc.), reduce the amount of DMSO you are adding
by 50% on the next dose. If you still have
discomfort, reduce the DMSO by another 50%. If
you still experience discomfort after reducing the
amount of DMSO two times, then completely stop
adding DMSO to your MMS1 doses for a day. Then
start back with small doses of DMSO and build up
slowly to 3 drops of DMSO per 1 drop of MMS1.

Note: An important reason to drink the MMS/DMSO

dose immediately is because the DMSO begins to cause
the dose to slowly lose its potency. It takes up to 6 hours
to lose full potency; nevertheless, it is best to drink it
straight away so it doesn’t lose any of its power. I suggest
drinking it within 1 minute of adding the DMSO drops,
because it loses a large amount of potency in the first 10
minutes and then continues to lose potency at a slower

Protocol 2000
Protocol 2000 is, in essence, our Cancer Protocol, but we
are not naming it “Cancer Protocol” as such because it
also works well for most other life-threatening diseases. I
have observed that more than 90% of those who use
Protocol 2000 faithfully, and take responsibility for using
it as directed here, overcome their cancer or other disease
completely. However, I must also mention that there are
cases of cancer and other diseases that simply are too far
gone for even MMS to help. Normally these are the cases
that have had tremendous amounts of chemo, radiation,

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
or surgery treatment and the body is simply “past the
point of no return.” However, we never say never. If the
person still has one more hour to live, get some MMS into


l On Protocol 2000 you increase the number of drops

you take each hour to as many drops as you can
handle without getting sick. The increase in drops is
needed for cancer and other life-threatening disease.

l Increase the number of hours you take your dose

each day from 8 hours to 10 hours.

l At the beginning of the 3rd or 4th day of Protocol

2000, you should begin taking the MMS2.


The most important thing to remember is, never stop

taking MMS until you are well.

Instructions for Protocol 2000

Step 1.

q Increase the number of hours per day that one

takes the hourly dose to 10 hours per day instead
of the 8 hours per day of Protocol 1000.

Step 2.

q Begin increasing the drops in your daily dose

by 1 drop increments. For example, if you were
taking 3 drops an hour as per Protocol 1000, you
can increase to 4 drops. If you come to Protocol
2000 directly from the Starting Procedure because
of cancer or some other life-threatening disease,
then begin at 1 drop per hour and increase the
drops per hour after only a few hours at 1 drop
per hour. You can tell by how you feel if you
should not add another drop per hour. Just keep
increasing by 1 additional drop per hour until a
tiny sickish feeling beyond how the disease makes
you feel lets you know for the time being to stop

q It is important to not allow yourself to get sicker

than your disease is already making you feel, as
the additional sickness can then slow your
recovery down. So if taking your MMS dose results
in nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, reduce the
number of drops you are taking by 50% for the
next dose and then slowly increase the drops
again. If the added sickness is severe then stop
taking the drops and start again as soon as you
are feeling better. And again, increase to as
much as you can take without getting sick.

The chart below gives the theoretical maximum amount

of drops that most people should take for their body
weight. Anyone weighing more than 200 pounds can
calculate their maximum number of drops by adding 1
drop for each 20 pounds over 200 pounds. There are
times when a cancer is not improving that one might go
ahead and take more drops per hour than suggested
here, in that case do not hesitate to do so, but normally
this chart is correct.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Protocol 2000 —Maximum MMS1 Dosage

Weight Dose
200-180 lbs (90-81 kg) Take no more than 12 drops hourly
180-160 lbs (81-72 kg) Take no more than 11 drops hourly
160-140 lbs (72-63 kg) Take no more than 10 drops hourly
140-120 lbs (63-54 kg) Take no more than 9 drops hourly
120-100 lbs (54-45 kg) Take no more than 8 drops hourly
100-80 lbs (45-36 kg) Take no more than 8 drops hourly
The Following is for Children
80-60 lbs (36-27 kg) Take no more than 7 drops hourly
60-40 lbs (27-18 kg) Take no more than 6 drops hourly
40-20 lbs (18-9 kg) Take no more than 5 drops hourly
20-10 lbs (9-5 kg) Take no more than 5 drops hourly
10 lbs or less (4.5 kg or less) Take no more than 3 drops hourly

Step 3.

q Begin taking MMS2 on the third or fourth day

into the protocol. (See section MMS2—Details,
page 136, for information on where to purchase
calcium hypochlorite, and instructions on how to
make MMS2 capsules.)

q Use either #1 size capsules which are the

smallest that you should use, or #0 size capsules,
which is one size larger than #1. (And no, I didn’t
make a mistake on capsule sizes; they really get
smaller in size as you increase the number.) Start
by loading the #1 size capsules 1/4 full or #0 size
capsule about 1/8th full.

Step 4.

q Step 3 gets you started, but increase the

amount you put in the capsule over the next
several days, working up to either full for #1 size
capsule, or 3/4 full for a #0 size capsule. Increase
the amount you put in the capsule slowly.

Step 5.

q Take one of these capsules 5 times a day—once

every two hours.

q Take your first MMS2 capsule 1/2 hour after

taking your second MMS1 dose of the day.

Sample time schedule for Protocol 2000, once you

have added MMS2 into your dosing:

Protocol 2000
MMS2 Time Schedule
Time Dose
9:00 AM MMS1 dose
10:00 AM MMS1 dose
10:30 AM MMS2 dose
11:00 AM MMS1 dose
12:00 PM MMS1 dose
12:30 PM MMS2 dose
1:00 PM MMS1 dose
2:00 PM MMS1 dose
2:30 PM MMS2 dose
3:00 PM MMS1 dose
4:00 PM MMS1 dose
4:30 PM MMS2 dose
5:00 PM MMS1 dose
6:00 PM MMS1 dose
6:30 PM MMS2 dose

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Note: While working up to the correct size capsules of
MMS2, which is either a full #1 size capsule, or a 3/4 full
#0 size capsule (never go beyond these amounts),
keep your MMS1 doses constant. In other words, do not be
working on increasing your drops of MMS1, while you are
working up to your proper dose of MMS2, because if you
get nauseous you will not be able to determine which of
the two might be causing you to feel sick. Once you have
reached the suggested amount of MMS2, then you can
begin increasing your drops of MMS1 once more. Remem-
ber, at any time, whether you are increasing your amounts
of MMS1, or MMS2, if at any time you feel nauseous or sick
from the increase, decrease the amount by at least 1/2 and
build back up slowly. Remember, Never take a dose
containing DMSO and an MMS2 capsule at the same
time! See page 13 for the full warning on this.

Protocol 3000
DMSO is a well-known carrier substance used widely by
alternative practitioners and a few medical doctors since
1955, as a way to carry medications deeper into the
tissues and organs of the body. Body organs that are used
for transplants are submersed in DMSO to transport them
between hospitals so DMSO will not hurt tissue. It is
available in drugstores and health food stores in many
places and also on the internet and at animal supply
stores. On the internet, search for DMSO.

The goal with serious or life-threatening situations is to

quickly get MMS1 circulating in the blood while trying to
stay under the nausea level. One way to achieve this is by
adding DMSO to MMS1 and using it topically. The DMSO
is a carrier and therefore takes MMS1 directly into the skin
and tissues and thus into the blood. Testing under labora-
tory conditions by adding tiny non-dangerous amounts of
radiation have demonstrated that DMSO carries MMS1
directly to any cancer in the body and it then penetrates
the cancer cells. We have evidence that DMSO also carries
MMS1 to any place in the body where disease has weak-
ened the area.


Protocol 3000 is the topical use of MMS1 mixed with

DMSO, applied to the body every hour for a minimum of
eight hours a day.


The MMS1/DMSO treatment described below is an accel-

erated skin technique that helps push MMS1 into the
blood plasma. This method also helps to avoid Herxheim-
er reaction. In the case of cancer or other life-threatening
disease, it should be used in addition to a normal oral
regimen of Protocol 2000.

Instructions for Protocol 3000

Step 1.

q Mix up a solution of 10 drops of MMS with 10

drops of 50% citric acid or 10 drops of 4% HCl
acid. Count 30 seconds for activation.

q Add 20 drops of water. Later you may want less

water if you find you can tolerate a stronger
mixture. But if this mixture is too strong (causes
burning of the skin or other irritation), just add
more drops of water until it doesn’t cause

q Add 1 teaspoon of DMSO.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q Immediately spread the mixture over one arm.
You can use your hand to spread the mix. It is not
necessary, and even potentially dangerous to
wear a glove, (if latex or rubber) however, when
you have finished, wash your hand with plain
water, do not wash with soap and water, as DMSO
is a carrier and can carry some of the soap into
your tissues.

q The following hour, mix up the same

MMS1/DMSO solution and spread it on your other
arm. Repeat the next hour and do a different part
of your body. Do one arm first, then the other
arm, then a leg, then the other leg, then your
stomach, and then back to the first arm. Use a
different part of the body each time you apply the
DMSO/MMS combination. Do this for eight

Step 2.

q An alternative method is using the same

mixture as mentioned above of MMS drops to
water, but spread the MMS and water mixture on
the body first and then spray DMSO over the top
of the MMS1 on the same area and gently spread
it into the skin. You can put a plastic bag over your
hand to rub the solution into your body, or you
can just use your bare hands and when done rinse
your hands with plain water. (Remember, DMSO
is a carrier, so using it with soap could carry the
soap into your system, so just rinse with water
and wipe dry.)


q When working with DMSO, do not use rubber

gloves or other medical gloves. You could
get rubber into your body as the DMSO
melts the rubber but only certain kinds of
medical rubber gloves are a problem. Plastic
gloves are ok to use with DMSO.

q If you notice a burning sensation on your skin,

a good technique is to place a teaspoon of water
on the burning area and gently rub it in. Keep
adding water until it is no longer burning. Or use
a spray bottle with plain water in it for such
problems, but do rub the water in.

q You can rub olive oil or Aloe Vera gel on the

skin after the DMSO/MMS1 application in order
to soothe the skin if you feel burning or irritation.

q Keep full strength DMSO out of your eyes.

Step 3.

q Repeat this process once every hour for eight

consecutive hours for three days.

q Then take a break. Quit from one to four days

or however many days it takes to overcome any
problems that may be caused by the DMSO
(such as extra dry skin).

q After the first week you can use this topical

application four days a week or more if there is
no problem with your skin. If there is no
problem, continue to use MMS and DMSO every

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q When you quit the MMS1/DMSO topical
application for four days you should still continue
with your other MMS Protocols.


q For extra sick people who should take smaller

doses of DMSO, it would be best to start out using
only a small area of the body. I suggest using an
area about the size of the palm of your hand—no
larger. Use a small area like this for several days
before going to a larger area such as the entire
arm or leg. Use a larger area only if there is no
adverse reaction to DMSO in the smaller area.

q Or instead, use the added water trick

mentioned above, that is, instead of using a
smaller area to rub the DMSO on, add extra water
to the MMS/DMSO solution and then put on the
entire arm or leg and other areas.

q Or for daily use, add from 1 to 5 times the water

mentioned above to the entire formula of MMS
and DMSO combination, and spray it on your body
and then rub lightly.

q There is a more convenient way to do this

Protocol that involves using spray bottles to apply
the MMS1 and DMSO to the body. You can find
the full details of the spray bottle method for
Protocol 3000, in the section for children in this
book on pages 125, 126. The same procedure and
mixture for children can be used for adults.
Although the spray bottle method may be easier
for some people, I have left the original method
for this protocol above for the sake of learning,
and for the sake of those people who, for one
reason or another, may not be able to obtain
spray bottles.

Complementary Protocols
Health Recovery Plan

MMS Patch Protocol


The MMS patch is another way to use MMS1 and DMSO

topically. This is not the same as Protocol 3000 per se, but
it is a variation of how to use MMS1/DMSO externally in
an effective way to heal all types of skin issues. We have
had success with many types of tumors, cancer tumors,
and infections such as MRSA, Diabetic Ulcers, and other
skin diseases. It has brought relief to pain areas especially
when cancer is present.


While Protocol 3000 is one way to absorb chlorine dioxide

into the body, through the skin, the patch is designed to
target a specific area of the skin.

Instructions for MMS Patch

Step 1.

q Activate 10 drops of MMS with 10 drops of 50%

citric acid or 4% HCl. Count 30 seconds for

q Immediately add 10 drops of purified water.

q Then add 10 drops of 90-99% DMSO.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Step 2.

q Submerse a cotton gauze pad in the solution

until all the liquid is absorbed into the gauze pad.

q Cover the area to be treated and leave for 15


Step 3.

q Remove the patch, which will be white due to

the absorption of the liquid into the body.


Ø If the above steps cause any burning or irritation to the

skin, add a teaspoon more of water to the patch. If one
teaspoon of water doesn’t stop the burning on the next
patch, add another teaspoon of water, and keep adding
more until there is no burning or irritation.

Ø Depending on the size of the area to be covered, this

formula can be doubled or tripled, or cut in half according-
ly. Apply once or twice a day.

Eyes, Ears, and Nose Protocol


Treating your eyes, ears, and nose with MMS can cause
them to heal when nothing else will. MMS is very gentle
on these delicate parts of the body. Follow the directions
given below.


We never recommend using tap water for your MMS

doses. Especially for the eyes, ears and nose, you want to
be sure not to use tap water from your faucet to make up
your mixture as almost all tap water in the USA, and
many other countries, has fluoride and often chlorine as
well. Do not allow these poisons in your eyes, ears or
nose. Distilled water, if available, is the best choice for the
Eyes, Ears and Nose Protocol, and secondly purified wa-
ter—avoid tap water altogether.


The MMS formula for the eyes is as follows:

q Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl,

or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the
correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the
MMS liquid has turned amber in color.

q Add 4 ounces of distilled or purified water to

the 1 activated drop.

q This is the basic formula for the eyes—1

activated drop to 4 ounces of purified water.

q This mixture lasts about 1 week if it is in a bottle

with a tight lid and kept in a cool dark place, (in
particularly hot weather you might want to keep
it in the refrigerator), so be sure to make up a
fresh batch each week if needed. This is likely to
be more than enough for eye drops or spray for
a one week period for one person. The actual
formula for the eyes should be a 1/4 activated
drop to 1 ounce of distilled water. However,
because it is not possible to calculate 1/4th of a
drop on its own, we suggest mixing up your eye
solution in this way.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Note: In times past, I have used an eye formula of 1
activated drop of MMS to 1 ounce of distilled water, and
sometimes 1/2 drop of MMS to 1 ounce of distilled water.
Both of these can work for some body types—but overall
the formula above has proven effective and safest. A good
rule of thumb is if the eye drops sting or burn more than
just a few seconds, or to an uncomfortable degree, then it
would be best to dilute your solution with distilled water. If
you have test strips and can test your formula, the parts
per million for an MMS eye solution should read between 8
and 10 pm

MMS Eye Procedure

There are two methods of applying the MMS mix-

ture to the eyes:

1. Spray bottle for eyes:

q Add your 1 activated drop to 4 ounces of

distilled water MMS eye mixture to a clean spray

q For the very best healing action, flush your eye

or both eyes with this mixture. With your head
tilted slightly back, eyes wide open and looking
up towards the ceiling, spray each eye 4 to 8 times
per application. Try to keep your eyes open when
spraying, and then blink several times to aid the
flushing. It may burn just a tiny bit at first, but if
your mixture is correct, this will pass quickly.

q Do this 3 to 4 times a day for best results.

2. Dropper bottle for eyes:

q The same mixture (1 activated drop of MMS to

4 ounces of water), can be added to a dropper

q Put 3 or 4 drops into each eye while blinking to

spread it around.

q Do this 3 or 4 times a day.


Ø For most eye problems, healing takes 1 to 4 days with

rare cases taking up to a week.

Ø Use the same mixture and procedure for children.


The MMS formula for the ears is as follows:

q Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl,

or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the
correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the
MMS liquid has turned amber in color.

q Add 1 ounce of distilled or purified water to the

1 activated drop.

q This is the basic formula for the ears—1

activated drop to 1 ounce of purified water.

q The ear mixture lasts about 1 week in a bottle

with a tight lid and in the refrigerator, so be sure
to make up a fresh batch each week if needed.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
MMS Ear Procedure

q Use the formula above, 1 activated drop to 1

ounce of water. For adults, fill 1/2 of a standard
size eye dropper with this solution. This is about
18 drops. Use half as many drops for a child.

q Have the person lay on his side with his head

in line with his body. If lying on a bed, you will
need to use a pillow, the head should be level with
the body, not up higher or lower than the neck
and shoulders.

q Slowly and carefully insert the eye dropper into

the ear, and then gently squeeze the bulb 5 or 6
times allowing the liquid from the dropper to go
in and out of the ear each time. This should be
enough to get the liquid to the bottom of the ear.
The goal is to get the liquid to the bottom of the

q Normally, especially with children, (because

children often heal quicker than adults) this
procedure will eliminate most pain immediately,
but if not, continue with this procedure hourly until
the pain is gone.

q The pain may subside, but you must continue

with this process 2 to 3 times a day until
completely well (free of any infection), which
should be from one day to no more than a week.

The MMS formula for the nose is the same as for the

q Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl,

or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the
correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the
MMS liquid has turned amber in color.

q Add 1 ounce of distilled or purified water to

the 1 activated drop.

q This is the basic formula for the nose—1

activated drop to 1 ounce of purified water.

q The nose mixture lasts about 1 week, so be

sure to make up a fresh batch each week if

MMS Nose Procedure

The following procedure is effective when a person’s nose

is stuffed up, and/or when he has a cold. In addition, this
same method will usually work when someone has ongo-
ing sinus troubles and a continuously stuffed nose for
weeks or even years. This same technique can be used in
addition to Protocol 1000 while overcoming the flu.

q Use the above formula—1 activated drop of

MMS to 1 ounce of water.

q Lay flat on your back on a bed. Do not put your

head on a pillow.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q Put 4 to 8 drops of this solution into one nostril.
It will burn a bit as the nose will burn even with
plain water, but the MMS will not do any damage.
The idea is to allow some of the MMS to drain into
your sinuses, stay put for approximately 5

q Repeat the above step for the other nostril.

q Do this 3 times a day until you are well which

should not be more than 4 days in most cases. In
the event you are not well in 4 days, continue until
you are well.

Bath and Footbath Protocol


Bathing in MMS1 is one more method of getting MMS1

into the body, albeit by a different route, so it can reach
other areas and get deeper into the tissues.

Instructions for MMS1 Baths

Full Bath

q Activate 20-60 drops (start out with 20 and

work up to 60). After it has turned amber color,
add it to the tub which has 6-12 inches of water.
Do not use water with chlorine in it. Try to
test and see if your tap water has chlorine in it; if
it does, use purified water. Use very warm water,
as warm as you can comfortably stand.

q Begin by using 20 drops, the next time use 40

and then 60. Use this treatment 1-3 times a day
and generally not more than 60 drops each time.
On the second or third day begin to add DMSO in
drops to the MMS solution. (Be sure that your tub
is clean and free of any residue from soap, etc.)
At first use 1/2 as many drops as MMS1, and then
each time you do a bath increase the drops of
DMSO until you are using 3 drops for each drop
of MMS1. It is not necessary to use any more
drops of DMSO.

q Stay in the water for about 20 minutes.

q Baths can be very important and if you notice

feeling better do not stop taking MMS baths until
you are sure there is nothing more to be gained.

Foot Bath

q Use ankle high water in a small plastic tub.

q Follow the same directions given above for the

full bath with the same amount of MMS1 and
DMSO drops.


MMS2 Baths

q Make up your bath or foot bath water as per

the directions above.

q For a full bath use 2 rounded teaspoons of

MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite) the first time. If the
skin does okay, you can cautiously increase up to
6 rounded teaspoons per bath.

q For a foot bath start out with 1 rounded

teaspoon, and work up to 3 rounded teaspoons.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Note: Skin types vary widely from person to person. If you
notice any irritation or burning of the skin immediately get
out of the water and rinse off.

Enema Protocol

Enemas have been used for thousands of years in many

cultures to clean the body, alleviate fevers, and heal from
illness. It was a commonly used tool of doctors until
recent times. It can also be an effective delivery system
for MMS1, especially when one has reached the maxi-
mum tolerable oral dose.

Using an enema is often very important to the recovery

of health. The enema delivers chlorine dioxide to the liver
and to the bloodstream, as well as neutralizing toxins and
killing parasites in the bowel. In addition, adding MMS1 in
the enema kills pathogens in the colon and much of the
MMS1 is absorbed through the colon walls into the blood
plasma. In many cases the enema will give the colon a
much needed cleaning.

Instructions for Enema Protocol

Note: Whether you are using enemas on their own for

various problems, such as bladder difficulties, or whether
you are on other protocols at the same time, 5 drops of
activated MMS in the enema bag would be a good amount
to start with. Increase the drops in each enema until you
reach 30 drops. If at any time you feel discomfort or that
the solution is too strong, cut the drops in half and work up
again slowly from there to what you are comfortable with.
(Using citric acid as the activator acid can tend to burn if
one goes up very high with their drops, especially past 20
drops. For enemas, HCl (hydrochloric acid) is the preferred
activator acid to use.) If you see improvement after doing
4 or 5 enemas, keep doing enemas until there is no further
indication of improvement. But if there is no improvement
after 4 or 5 enemas, do not continue with them. As I said,
enemas can be a very important part of recovery, howev-
er, I do not suggest prolonged use of enemas as they can
be hard on the body; therefore I suggest minimal use of

Caution: Never use DMSO in an enema!! Why? The

colon contains many toxins the body is flushing out. If you
put DMSO in the colon, you can return some of those
toxins back into the blood stream.

Step 1.

q Select the number of drops you want to use

and put an equal number of MMS and 50% citric
acid or 4% HCl solution in a dry, clean container,
and wait for it to turn amber color (30 seconds).

q Add the amount of water that you plan to use

and fill your enema bag. Normally 2 to 4
cups/250ml to 1000ml (up to one quart/liter) is
enough water. Often a small amount, (around 2
cups/250ml) of water is effective.

q Try to hold it in for 5-10 minutes if you can. If

you cannot hold it, that is not a problem. Try
holding a smaller amount, it’s sometimes easier,
then repeat.

q If you start with a 5-drop solution, do that once

or twice and then do a 10-drop solution, and so

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q You can go as high as 20-30 drops if you work
up to it, but do not continue if it causes problems.

q Use this procedure 2-3 times a day, until you

are feeling better.

Exception: If you are on other protocols and fighting a

life-threatening disease, you can increase the drops in the
enema accordingly. For example, if you are one of those
people who is tolerating a larger amount of MMS—say you
are taking 9 to 12 drops or more an hour in your oral
dose—then you may be able to increase the amount of
MMS you put in your enema bag, but do not go beyond
60 drops per enema in any case. Remember, this is the
exception, not the rule—listen to your body.

Good results have been obtained with prostate and blad-

der problems, and of course, many other problems.

Douche Protocol

This Protocol is recommended for vaginal problems, bad

infections, as well as cancer and most other diseases of
the female reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, and
breast). In the case of breast cancer, the cervix absorbs
the MMS1 and carries it to the lymphatic system and into
the breast. MMS1 in the douche will kill pathogens in the
area allowing the body to create health there. Overall,
douches are only necessary when something needs to be

Instructions for MMS1 Douche

q You will need a 2 cup/500 ml douche bag. You

can use a larger douche bag, but is not necessary
to use more than 2 cups/500 mls of water.
q Prepare your solution. Start out with 5 drops of
MMS1 to the 2 cups/500 mls of purified water (or
distilled or reverse osmosis water).

q When doing the douche let water flow in until

it starts to run out again, then close the flow. (The
tube with your douche bag usually comes with a
switch for opening and closing the water flow.)

q Squeeze muscles to hold it in as long as

possible, and then release. Repeat this process
until the bag is empty.

q If you have no adverse reactions, then increase

the amount of drops of MMS1 for the next douche.

q The next time add 10 activated drops to the

water you pour into the douche bag, and keep
increasing up to 30 drops as long as there is no
pain or problem, but stop at no more than 30
drops. Increase to this amount slowly.

q Your douche can be more effective with the use

of DMSO, which can help the MMS1 penetrate
deeper into the tissues. Add 2 drops of DMSO to
every 1 drop of MMS1 you are using in your bag.

Caution! Important Note: If adding DMSO to

a douche is it important that you have a douche
bag that is not made from rubber or latex. There
are various kinds of douche containers available,
if you want to add DMSO use one that is made of
plastic (including the hose), not of rubber, as the
rubber may leach into the body along with DMSO.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q If you experience any burning sensation, use
less MMS1 (and DMSO if you are adding it) the
next time. After two days, try to go up again.
Usually extra water is all that is needed to
overcome burning. You can also smear Aloe Vera
gel on the area to relieve the burning.

q In case of cancer or bad infections you can

douche 4 to 5 times a day, (work up to this). If
this amount is not bringing improvements, and
you are not experiencing problems with the
douche itself, you can work up to douching every
hour for up to 10 hours a day.

q In the case of lesser problems, douche 1 to 4

times a day, depending on the severity of the

q Do your last douche of the day, before bedtime

for absorption and detoxing as you sleep.

MMS Bag Treatment Protocol


This process gets full strength MMS1 gas (chlorine diox-

ide) to the skin and possibly into the bloodstream, which
is another way of getting MMS into and on the body,
helping to overcome pathogens, poisons and heavy met-
als. This gassing process is more intense than using a
spray bottle.

Important Note: Avoid breathing in too much of the gas.

Controlled skin contact of MMS1 is ok, but your lungs can
not tolerate much MMS1. Open a window in the room while
you are doing this.
Instructions for MMS1 Bag Treatment

q Take two large black garbage bags and make

one bag out of them. Lay them on a table, or on
the floor, join them together at the opening of
each bag. At this junction tape them all the way
around with wide scotch tape so that the mouth
of each bag is taped to the other, making one long
bag. (You might start by using small pieces of tape
to hold them together, and then tape them all the
way around with wide tape, taping first one side
and then the other.)

q Cut one end of the bag open, and then check

to see that it is not stuck together in the center
where you taped the two bags together.

q Undress completely, or use as little clothing as


q Open the bag and step into it. At this point it

helps to have a chair handy, so you can sit down.
With your feet in the bag, pull it up to about waist
high, then sit down on the chair and prepare your
drops. –Put 20 drops of MMS and 20 drops of 50%
citric acid or 4% HCl in a cup, and immediately
(don’t wait to count 30 seconds) set it inside the
bag so that it rests on the floor near your feet, be
careful not to let it spill.

q Carefully stand up and pull the bag up around

your shoulders and neck, wrapping and folding
the plastic so that no gas escapes.

q Do not put your head inside the bag or breathe

any of the fumes.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q Stay in the bag 5 to 10 minutes, but no longer.
If you feel any burning sensation on your skin,
get out of the bag immediately, even if the 5
minutes has not passed.

q Do this twice a day. On the second day use 30

drops, and on the third day use 40 activated
drops. Keep it up for a few days until you can
determine if it is helping or not. If you notice
improvement, keep it up as long as it is helping.

q Use this treatment for skin problems, or to

simply get more MMS into your body. If it is
helping, remember, keep it up!

Note: You cannot use CDS or CDH for this protocol.

Fungi Protocol

There are several fungi that MMS will not kill. One indica-
tor that MMS will not be helpful is when sprayed on the
fungi it will become painful and start to sting and burn
badly. If the fungus is in the mouth when MMS is applied,
the mouth will sting and burn. (Rinse your mouth out with
cool water.) In this case, the MMS will actually make the
condition worse and it’s best to try another course of
action, such as given below.

Instructions for Treating Fungus That Will Not Re-

spond to MMS

When fungus is not responding to MMS, I have found that

Aztec clay, (sometimes known as Bentonite clay, or Mont-
morillonite clay) can be very effective.
Instructions for Fungus outside the body

Step 1.

q Mix well equal parts of Aztec clay with Vaseline

Petroleum Jelly. Alternatives to Petroleum Jelly
are coconut oil or olive oil, or another good quality
carrier oil. Make the mixture fairly stiff so that it
will adhere well to the fungus area.

Step 2.

q Smear this salve on the fungus and cover with

a cloth bandage.

q If the fungus is on your feet, smear the clay

mixture on the feet, put on clean socks and put
your shoes on.

Step 3.

q Every four hours, wash the area and then apply

more of the mixture until the fungus is gone.

Instructions for Fungus inside the mouth or in the

digestive tract:

Step 1.

q When the fungus is inside the mouth or in the

digestive tract or both, mix 1 rounded teaspoon
of clay in 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water and drink it down
every two hours for eight hours a day until the
fungus is gone.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q This can take up to three weeks to clear the
problem, but often it takes only two or three days.

Important Notes:

Ø When taking clay internally, be sure your bowels are

moving so you can eliminate the toxins which the clay is
pulling out. In the case of constipation, the herb, Senna, is
helpful. It can be found in tablet form (sold as a laxative).
Start out with the recommended dose and increase the
number of tablets every four hours until you have success.

Ø There are various brands of Petroleum Jelly on the

market. I recommend the “Vaseline” brand for mixing with
clay to make a salve. Vaseline has the unique ability to wet
and penetrate and remain in place on the skin for hours
longer than most oils. Sometimes coconut oil, olive oil and
other oils can be used to carry various medicinal substanc-
es to the skin and hold them there. However, nothing
matches the ability of Vaseline to hold healing medicines in
contact with the skin for hours while at the same time act
as a healing agent itself. Use the various other oils only if
you cannot obtain the Vaseline.

Where to Now?
There is one more step in the overall Health Recovery
Plan, which is the Indian Herb Protocol (see page 84)
however, before you go on to this final step please
carefully consider the list below of possible reasons why
you may not be having complete success with MMS thus

Reasons Why You May Not Be Having Complete

Success with MMS

Ø Not Following the Protocol Carefully Enough:

These protocols are the result of 18 years of treating the
diseases of mankind. There are reasons for the exact
process given. Those who try to change the process or
who are not diligent in following the procedures exactly
can fail. If you are serious about wanting to be in good
health, or wanting to live if you have a lethal disease,
please follow the protocols exactly.

Ø Changing the Dosing when One is Improving:

Remember, when you are noticing some improvement
large or small, do not change anything, but keep doing
what you are doing until there is no more improvement
for a two week period. What often happens is when
someone feels he is getting better he will think, "If I'm
getting better with this amount of MMS, more MMS will
help me get better quicker." So even though he is improv-
ing, he ups his dose. When this happens the additional
MMS1 or even CDS/CDH may kill off too many pathogens
at once, causing a Herxheimer reaction that brings on
headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and/or
diarrhea. The person may become discouraged and quit
taking MMS altogether. So remember, as long as you are
improving, don't change anything, and only go to the next
higher protocol when you have not seen any improve-
ment for a two week period.

Ø Neutralizing MMS in the Body: Coffee, decaffeinated

coffee, caffeinated tea, some herbal teas (see pages 22-
25, 29-30), milk, alcohol, orange juice, and all juices with
added synthetic Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, will directly
neutralize MMS. (Natural sources of Vitamin C in moder-
ate amounts are okay.) Foods and supplements that are
reported to have exceptionally high amounts of antioxi-
dants such as moringa, must not be taken while on the
MMS protocols. (See pages 27, 30, 79-80)

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Ø Pharmaceuticals: Up until this point in time, we have
not noticed any reactions with MMS and medical drugs,
although we cannot guarantee this will always be the
case. The decision to take pharmaceutical drugs is a
personal one. Medications affect each person’s body in
different ways. We cannot say across the board in every
case that taking prescription drugs will inhibit health
recovery with MMS; however, we have seen a trend that
continuing to take pharmaceuticals while doing the MMS
protocols will often slow health recovery, or prevent it all
together. Occasionally one might need to continue with a
pharmaceutical drug (while on the MMS protocol) for
several days or a week or more (depending upon the
situation and the kind and amount of medications you
must wean off of). This is to prevent bad reactions from
occurring in the first several days due to “drug shock”
when the medications are first stopped. Usually it is best
to wind down slowly by reducing the drug in steps. The
right qualified alternative health professional can help you
safely wean yourself off of the medications.

Ø Quality and Strength of your MMS and Activator:

Sometimes one might purchase bottles of MMS that do
not have the required potency (usually from an unap-
proved source) and thus the drops will make a weaker
dose. One way to make sure the dose is the proper
strength is to make sure that the drops turn amber color
after mixing MMS and activator drops and counting 30
seconds. (See page 18) If not, something is wrong. If
they do not turn amber but merely turn yellow, only use
those drops for a few days until you get a good batch. If
the drops do not even turn yellow, do not use them.

Ø Taking Supplements while on the MMS Protocols:

Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements that one
might add to the diet should not be taken while on MMS
protocols. This especially includes foods with high
amounts of antioxidants. MMS removes the poisons,
destroys the bio-films that protect the pathogens, kills the
pathogens, and this aids in the healing. Supplements not
only aid the body, but they feed the pathogens as well.
Unfortunately, most of the time the pathogens are first in
line to get the nutrition from the supplements and thus
one is furnishing nutrients to the disease while also trying
to kill it. For this reason, supplements can slow down
health recovery or even stop it altogether. It is best to kill
off the pathogens completely. Once this is accomplished,
you can work on building up good nutrition through a
nutritious diet and supplements if needed. On the other
hand, after one has been on a protocol for more than
three weeks, and has followed all the rules and are still
not getting better (this is very rare), if they continue on a
prolonged MMS protocol, or on the daily maintenance
protocol, then they might consider taking supplements,
but separating them from MMS by at least 2 hours.

Ø Previous Therapies: We have had people come to us

“on their last leg” who have had multiple chemotherapy
treatments, radiation and surgeries which makes it diffi-
cult to “restore health.” MMS has the additional burden of
removing toxic chemotherapy drugs. In this case, usually
the immune system is compromised, and the removal of
various organs makes the recovery a little longer or often
considerably longer. Therefore, previous therapies, de-
pending upon the amount and to what degree followed,
can prolong health recovery. You may have to keep at it
longer than expected.

Ø Attitude Can Slow Healing: It’s understandable

when you are sick and feeling rotten that you may fall into
complaining or being negative. However, many studies
have proven that keeping a positive attitude and keeping
complaining to a minimum contributes to faster recovery.
Attitude very seldom keeps MMS from working all togeth-
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
er, but a poor attitude can affect the immune system, and
slow down the healing process, sometimes considerably.

Ø Blood Testing: There are many times when blood

tests can make it look like MMS is not working. The best
way to determine if MMS is working is by tangible results.
How do you feel? Are you gaining weight? Are sores
healing and skin rashes disappearing? Is a general sense
of well-being restored? If you have all these positive signs
and yet a blood test shows a problem, the test is probably
wrong. With HIV, hepatitis C, and some other diseases,
often times at the first testing during and after MMS
treatment, the blood virus count can go extremely high.
This is always a good indicator that MMS is working, and
the count will soon go low. If someone who is using MMS
does not understand this, they may believe they are not
getting better and may stop using MMS. You must leave
a sufficient amount of time before blood tests will read
accurately, and this depends upon the illness. Also, re-
member, many labs make mistakes, therefore more than
one opinion is often a wise choice. But most of all, go by
how you feel. If energy is restored and wounds disappear,
you can pretty much know that you are healed, or at least
that you are getting better.

Ø Vaccines: It is a known fact that vaccines often contain

weak pathogens of many kinds of diseases. Many of these
diseases can actively affect the body. In addition to the
disease, it is also a known fact that most vaccines contain
mercury and other chemicals that are extremely poison-
ous, and in most cases, these toxins slow healing
considerably. However, we have almost always seen the
MMS protocol eventually overcome the poisons caused by
the vaccines and health is then recovered. If you must get
a vaccination while on the MMS protocol, I suggest that
you follow the Vaccine Protocol on the day you receive the
vaccine (see page 115) and then continue with the MMS
protocol that you were on. Generally, MMS can overcome
the negative effects of most or all vaccines.

Ø Pressure from Family and Friends: Family and

friends can discourage one from doing the protocols by
being negative about what is being taken as well as
doubting it will even work. This outside influence can often
cause one to decide to stop taking MMS either entirely or
from doing the protocols correctly.

Ø Environmental Poisons: There are hundreds if not

thousands of sources of poisons in our surroundings that
all of us come in contact with regularly. If one is trying to
“restore health” and is constantly in contact with toxins,
the body's immune system can be occupied with trying to
eliminate these toxins and healing can be slowed down or
stopped altogether. In this case, one may have to remove
himself from the toxic situation before full healing takes

Ø Fungi: There are several fungi that are unaffected by

MMS. They affect mostly the outside of the body, but one
or two of them can enter the mouth and digestive system.
MMS is not effective against them. You can distinguish
them from other sores and fungi by the fact that when
MMS is applied, it not only stings and burns badly, but it
also makes them worse. However, Aztec Clay, commer-
cially called Bentonite Clay, or Montmorilinite Clay, usually
will kill all the fungi that MMS will not. (See page 75).

Ø Re-infection: Just because a person has completely

“restored health”, does not mean that they cannot re-
infect themselves again. If one continues a lifestyle or
habits that caused the disease to begin with, or is contin-
ually exposed to a certain disease or toxin again after they
have had their “health restored”, then re-infection can
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
occur. Consider a lifestyle change and then repeat the

Ø Self-deception: People can deceive themselves into

thinking they are well when in fact they are still sick. Many
disease conditions do not present symptoms. One must
accept reality and take personal responsibility for his
health and continue with the protocols until all symptoms
are gone no matter how long it takes.

Ø High Tension Wires and Microwaves: It has long

been thought that those living close to high tension wires
and microwave towers have a much higher incidence of
cancer and disease than those who do not. At least the
wires and towers are suspect. Alternative medicine prac-
titioners often advise sick people to move away from
locations near such wires and towers. I have been told by
a few people that they did feel better after moving. So if
one finds that he still feels bad after doing a protocol and
yet is in close range of these things, this is something to
consider. Even simple changes can help, such as using
wired internet instead of WIFI in the home, and using cell
phones set so they work on speakerphone instead of held
up to the ear.

Ø Chlorine and Fluoride: These two poisons are in

many public water systems around the world. In locations
where they haven’t been allowed to dump the industrial
waste called fluoride into the water, they have been able
to use chlorine. Both are poisonous and both are carcino-
genic (cancer causing). At the very least, following an
MMS protocol using water containing fluoride or chlorine
can slow down the recovery process. Please consider
using reverse osmosis water, distilled water, or bottled
water that does not have either one of these poisons
added or used in any way.
Ø Oral Pathology: A substantial impediment to com-
plete healing is oftentimes oral pathology. Deadly anaer-
obic bacteria routinely exist in root canals, under crowns,
and even in previous extraction sites (causing decay of
the jawbone called cavitations). Most of these bacteria
cannot be reached by the immune system and can cause
low grade infections that persist for years, eventually
causing heart conditions, auto-immune diseases, arthritis
and more. Many times the oral pathology causing various
problems in the body can be overcome by the proper
brushing with MMS and DMSO (see pages 36,37), howev-
er in rare cases this is not always possible and in this case
consulting with a high level biological dentist may be
necessary to help MMS completely restore health.

Indian Herb
Final Step of the Health
Recovery Plan
This might be a very important part of the Health Resto-
ration Plan. There are some cases where it seems that
MMS1 is not helping a tumor to shrink. This might be
temporary, but maybe not. Only after using Protocols
1000, 1000 Plus, 2000, 3000, DMSO, enemas, baths, the
bag treatment, the patch on tumors outside the body,
and the various additional protocols described above as
they apply, if sufficient progress is not seen, only then is
it time to consider taking the Indian Herb.


Indian Herb has helped hundreds of thousands of people

over the past 80 years. This herbal blend may cause pain
and itching and thus we prefer MMS; however, there are
people alive today who would not otherwise be here had
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
they not used Indian Herb. Many people have used pain
relievers in order to withstand the pain of the herb, but
many did not.

Instructions for Indian Herb

Step 1.

q Do not stop taking MMS1; continue with all the

various things you have added on to your
protocol, MMS1, MMS2, DMSO, enemas, baths,
etc. In other words continue with everything you
have already been using.

Step 2.

q Include the Indian Herb as part of what you are

already doing. (You can order it at:
http://www.lifelinewater.com/herb.html from
Kathleen at that site.)

Step 3.

q Follow the instructions sent with the Indian

Herb. You could use as much as double the
amount that is given in the instructions, and as
strong as full strength Indian Herb, but do not use
this strength right off, as it will probably do the
job without the extra strength which means you
also avoid the extra pain.

q The instructions suggest that you dilute it with

4 parts Vaseline to 1 part Indian Herb, but in some
tough heavy cases if the Indian Herb is not doing
the job when mixed with Vaseline, you may have
to use the Indian Herb full strength. But only after
you have tried the 4 to 1 mixture or even a 2 to
1 mixture, then you could go to the full strength

Step 4.

q For cancer inside the body one should take the

Indian Herb orally. We generally use a #1 size
gel capsule filled 1/2 full, but to start, only fill to
1/4th of a #1 size gel capsule and take twice a
day. Follow the instructions that come with the
Indian Herb but please observe the comments
above. When taking Indian herb orally, space it
out from your MMS doses by two hours.


6 and 6 Protocol

The Protocol 6 and 6 is something that can be used on its

own—separate from all the other protocols. This protocol
consists of taking a 6-drop dose of MMS1 and waiting one
hour and then taking another 6-drop dose of MMS1. The
purpose of this protocol is to handle many acute things
that seem to pop up from time to time such as colds
coming on, headaches, fevers, a touch of food poisoning,
or any kind of sickness that seems to be just starting, or
immediately after being exposed to a bad disease, or
germs. It also has been proven successful with chronic
pains, even those that have persisted for many months or
years. It should be used immediately after any kind of an
accident, the sooner the better even at the scene of the
accident. Protocol 6 and 6 has proven successful in a wide

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
range of situations, and therefore we suggest you keep
your MMS handy at all times.

Instructions for 6 and 6 Protocol

Step 1.
q Prepare a 6-drop dose as per the
instructions in Activating MMS–Mixing a
basic dose of MMS (page 18). (Be sure your
drops turn amber color.)
q Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of water or
approved juice as per the instructions on page
q Drink down the 6-drop dose.
Step 2.
q In one hour prepare another 6-drop dose
and drink it down.
q The following hour, after taking your second
6-drop dose, if you are feeling okay, then
that’s it.
Step 3.
q If you are not feeling okay by the end of the
second hour, it is time to get started on
Protocol 1000—however, begin with the
Starting Procedure. From the time you took
your last 6-drop dose (of the 6 and 6 Protocol),
start with 1/4 drop doses each hour for the
rest of the day. The next day go right into the
second day of the Starting Procedure, which
is 1/2 drop doses every hour for 8 hours. When
finished with the Starting Procedure, proceed
from there on into Protocol 1000. See page
40 for the details of the Starting Procedure.

Emergency Protocols
The basic idea when an emergency strikes is to act
fast. You want to get something into the body that will
help handle the condition and kill the poisons that
might be present. Below, you will find some
emergency situations that we have found MMS to be
particularly helpful in. This is, by all means, not meant
to be a comprehensive list. MMS will also work for
many other emergency situations. Keep in mind with
these protocols one may need to disregard the advice
given elsewhere in this book of not taking too much
MMS while at the same time, being careful not to go
too far. Follow these instructions and listen to what
the body tells you—be it your body or someone else’s.

These emergency protocols are an alternative for
those individuals who find themselves in a dire
situation and unable to seek mainstream medical
help for one reason or another, be it logistics,
financial, or otherwise, such as a personal decision
to not want to go to the hospital and subject
oneself to allopathic procedures. The decision to
choose an alternative is a personal choice. The
responsibility is 100% on each and every
individual for any and all use made of any
information herein. If one is not prepared to take
full responsibility for their own health, be it in a
severe or less severe case, I strongly advise they
seek conventional medical attention.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Spider Bites

In most places around the world, there are two particular-

ly dangerous spiders, the Brown Recluse and the Black
Widow. Many years ago, I developed treatments for these
bites that are quick, simple, and effective.

Brown Recluse Protocol

Overall, the Brown Recluse spider is considered the most
dangerous spider bite that anyone might receive (outside
of rare species in the jungle). Many people have died from
Brown Recluse bites. One website lists that each year
25% of people bitten die from the bite. This may or may
not be true; however, there is no doubt that such a bite
can give a person a great deal of trouble. I have yet to
meet a medical doctor who can offer a successful treat-
ment for a Brown Recluse bite. However, I have found the
procedure below to be quite effective. With the Brown
Recluse, you want to be sure to treat any bite as soon as


How do you know if you have a Brown Recluse bite?

Normally, you will not know right off that you’ve been bit
by a Brown Recluse, unless you actually see the spider
bite you. With a Brown Recluse, you never feel the bite.
But if you have been bitten, usually after about four
hours, you will begin to feel itching. It won’t feel very
strong at first, not even enough to scratch, but then it will
become more intense. When you look at the area that
itches, you will notice a small red spot about the size of a
grain of wheat, and by that time it is likely you will have
scratched it several times. From that point things worsen
fairly rapidly. The itching becomes extremely bad and
then turns into painful itching, and this then becomes
acute pain. The time lapse to get to this point of acute
pain can vary, usually anywhere from 8 to 24 hours.

If nothing is done, the pain will get worse until you go to

the doctor where medicine is prescribed for the pain. The
pain killer may possibly take away the pain, but it doesn’t
address the underlying cause of the pain. Soon a tiny hole
begins to develop. The hole can get bigger and bigger and
will eventually go all the way to the bone. Depending on
where the bite is, people have been known to lose half of
a leg, or most of their face as the hole gets bigger. In
severe cases, some people suffer up to two years before
they die. I am sharing these details, in hopes that you can
avoid this situation, and likewise help someone else if

Instructions for Brown Recluse Spider Bites

Step 1.

q Always start with Protocol 1000 right away (in

an urgent case like this, you can skip the Starting

q Be sure to follow through with the full three

weeks of taking MMS1, eight consecutive hours a

Step 2.

q In addition to Protocol 1000, simultaneously

begin treatment with zinc oxide.

q Mix equal parts of zinc oxide and Vaseline

Petroleum Jelly.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q Make this into a paste. If your salve is too thick
to spread, mix a tiny bit of cod liver oil, coconut
oil, olive oil, or another carrier oil, into it to make
it slightly easier to apply.

Step 3.

q Spread a generous portion of the salve on the

bite area and gently rub it in for a minute or two.

q Next, add more salve to the bite area to make

sure it is nice and thick.

q Cover the area with gauze and adhesive tape.

Bandage it well, but not so tight that it does not
get some air.

Step 4.

q Repeat step three (above) after four hours. It

is not necessary to wash off the former application.

Step 5.

q Repeat step three (above) again, after another

four hours. This will be the third application of the
zinc oxide salve.

Step 6.

q After three applications of the zinc oxide

ointment, (each one four hours apart) the pain
and itching should subside. If however, there is
still discomfort, begin using the MMS1 spray
bottle, which is a solution of 10 activated drops of
MMS1 to 1 ounce of purified water, (see page 38).
Wash the area before using the spray bottle.
q Spray the affected area every 20 minutes or
so, until everything is all cleared up.

Step 7.

q Remember, throughout the above treatment

the victim should be taking MMS1 as per Protocol
1000, every hour on the hour. The person should
be out of danger in two weeks or less.

Variation: If available in your country, Desitin Baby

Diaper Rash Ointment—Extra Strength, has also been
successful in treating Brown Recluse Spider bites. This
formula contains zinc oxide. Check the ingredients to be
sure you get the one that contains 40% zinc oxide, which
is the extra strength formula. The formulas that contain
20 to 25% zinc oxide may work, but the 40% formula is
more certain to work.


Ø In the event that you cannot get zinc oxide, you might
be able to find zinc chloride which can be used instead. Zinc
chloride or oxide will usually produce results in less than
four hours, but if you have any continued problem at all
from using zinc chloride, be sure to get some zinc oxide
and treat it again.

Ø There are various brands of Petroleum Jelly on the

market. I recommend the “Vaseline” brand for mixing with
clay or zinc oxide to make a salve. Vaseline has the unique
ability to wet and penetrate and remain in place on the skin
for hours longer than most oils. Sometimes coconut oil,
olive oil and other oils can be used to carry various medic-
inal substances to the skin and hold them there. However,
nothing matches the ability of Vaseline to hold healing
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
medicines in contact with the skin for hours while at the
same time act as a healing agent itself. Use the various
other oils only if you cannot obtain the Vaseline.

Ø This treatment above with zinc oxide has been known

to relieve a Brown Recluse spider bite within four hours.

Black Widow Spider

Bite Protocol
It is not a fable; the Black Widow indeed has a bright red
hourglass shape on her belly. Many people are bitten by
the Black Widow spider yearly, but very few die from her
bite. Probably less than 5 people die in the US each year
according to most of the websites.


The bite of the Black Widow is different than the Brown

Recluse spider. Normally with this bite there is immediate
pain, followed by a number of possible reactions. There
can be muscle cramps, abdominal pain (stomach ache),
weakness, tremors, body aching, and in more severe
cases, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain
and difficulty breathing.

For the Black Widow bite, there is an antivenin available.

I am not telling you one way or the other to take the
antivenin. I didn’t use it myself when I was bit by a Black
Widow, but many have used it. However, like most
pharmaceutical drugs, there is a long list of side effects
from this drug, including possible death for those who
have a history of asthma. Other reactions include rash,
hives, itching, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing,
tightness in the chest, and swelling of the mouth, face,
lips and tongue. An alternative to taking antivenin is MMS.
See instructions below.
Instructions for Black Widow Bite

Step 1.

The first thing to do is to begin a slight variation of the 6

and 6 Protocol given in this manual on page 86 as follows:

q Take a 6-drop dose as instructed, but in the

case of a Black Widow bite, take the second
6-drop dose in only 1/2 hour as opposed to 1

Step 2.

q Simultaneously, immediately after taking the

first 6-drop dose, as per the step above, and while
waiting to take the second 6-drop dose, do the

q Obtain a large fresh Aloe Vera leaf.

q Cut off the serrated edges and then cut the leaf
open lengthwise. Then cut a piece about 2 inches
x 2 inches (5 cm x 5 cm) and put the fresh Aloe
Vera—flesh side down—right onto the bite. Hold
the piece in place and cover it with gauze and
secure it firmly with adhesive tape. Be sure that
air cannot get between the Aloe Vera leaf and the
bite on the skin. (In an emergency, use whatever
is available to keep the Aloe Vera in place until
you can get the proper supplies, (i.e.
gauze/adhesive tape) but secure it down well so
there is no air getting to the bite).

q Leave this on for 12 hours and the bite should

be okay. However, to make sure, repeat this
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
procedure one more time with a fresh piece of
Aloe Vera. Tape it on for another 12 hours and
that should be all that is needed.

q The poison is neutralized and the pain

disappears due to the healing action of the fresh
Aloe Vera plant and the detoxifying effect of MMS.
And you will have avoided the side effects of the
pharmaceutical drugs used for the Black Widow
spider bites.

Step 3.

q One half hour after taking the first 6-drop dose

(and hopefully applying the Aloe Vera) take the
second 6-drop dose.

Step 4.

q One half hour after taking the second 6-drop

dose (hopefully you will have applied the first
application of Aloe Vera during this time) begin
Protocol 1000, but begin by taking a 1/2 drop
dose the first hour and increase the amount each
hour by 1/2 drop, building up to a 3-drop dose
each hour, as Protocol 1000 calls for.

q Follow through with Protocol 1000 for two

weeks, taking MMS1, eight consecutive hours a
day. If needed, continue for a third week on
Protocol 1000, or as long as necessary.

Snake Bite Protocol


This protocol has not been widely used or proven, due to

a lack of snake bite cases coming to us. However, the fact
is, MMS neutralizes poisons of most kinds. The poison of
the snake variety is a very complex molecule, and MMS
(chlorine dioxide) destroys complex molecules by oxida-
tion. So in an emergency, it would be better to do some-
thing rather than nothing. And in any case, it would be a
good idea to apply this protocol in addition to whatever
medical treatment is used, but do not allow anyone to cut
into your snake bite because it can make the situation

Instructions for treating a snake bite

Important Note: As quickly as possible start getting MMS

into the body. The dosing for a snake bite consists of 3
doses of MMS1 taken 1/2 hour apart, followed by starting
Protocol 1000.

Step 1.

q The first thing to know about treating snake

bites is—do not cut them open. This will only
spread the poison further allowing it to get into
other tissues. Many movies and TV shows have
demonstrated the cutting idea, but it is not a good
thing to do.

Step 2.

q Immediately take a 12-drop dose of MMS1.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Step 3.

q Simultaneously, in conjunction with taking

MMS1 doses, apply an MMS patch on the bite
area. Do this immediately after taking the first
MMS dose as per Step 2 above. (See directions
for the MMS patch for snake bites below.

Step 4.

q One half hour later, after the first 12-drop dose

of MMS1, take a 6-drop dose of MMS1.

Step 5.

q One half hour later, after the first 6-drop dose

of MMS1, take a second 6-drop dose of MMS1.

Step 6.

q One half hour later, (after taking the 3 doses

of MMS1 mentioned in Steps 2, 3, and 4 above)
begin Protocol 1000. That is, take a 3-drop dose
of MMS1 every hour for eight consecutive hours
a day.

Step 7.

q Continue with Protocol 1000 for at least two

weeks, or longer if there is any indication of the
snake bite still causing trouble. Reduce the
number of hourly drops by 1/2 if they are making
you sick. Reduce, but do not stop taking them
hourly. In the case of a snake bite, you can skip
the Starting Procedure.
Making an MMS Patch for Snake Bite as Required in
Step 3 Above

Important Note: The recipe for the patch for a snake bite
is different than is described in the Patch Protocol on page
60 of this manual.

Step 1.

q Activate 10 drops of MMS with 10 drops of 50%

citric acid or 4% HCl. Count to 30 seconds, and
then add 20 drops of water.

q Immediately pour this mixture on a piece of

gauze approximately 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm
by 5 cm) and at least two layers thick. If this
mixture is not enough to completely soak the
patch, then add more activated drops with equal
drops of water, so as to be able to soak the patch
in the mixture. In the case of an extra large snake
bite, you can adjust the patch to include more
than 10 drops.

Step 2.

q Tape the soaked gauze onto the snake bite,

leave it for 15 to 20 minutes (no more)!

q Caution! Do not use DMSO in a patch for

a snake bite. This can be a serious mistake. The
DMSO will spread the poison and take it deeper
into the tissues, worsening the problem.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Step 3.

q Apply a fresh patch (a second patch) in 1 hour.

This will mean in the first two hours after being
bitten, you will have applied two MMS patches.
Add more water to the patch if you notice irritation
of the skin.

Step 4.

q After the first two patches, wait three hours and

apply another fresh patch, and continue applying
a fresh patch every three hours.

q In total, you should keep applying the patches

according to these instructions, every three hours,
for a 24 hour period. Remember, you are also
doing Protocol 1000 during this time.

q If the MMS in the patch is burning your skin,

continue by adding some more water until the
patch is not burning, but do not add more water
than necessary.

Food Poisoning Protocol

(or Any Poison Received by Mouth)
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), over
5,000 people die from food borne poisons or diseases in
the United States each year, with similar figures world-
wide. So the point is that it is advantageous to know what
to do about food poisoning.

A friend of mine was poisoned once while eating dinner

with myself and others. We never knew if it was on
purpose or just a fluke accident, but after taking a sip of
his drink, he stood up and immediately collapsed and fell
to the floor. I helped him up. He assured me he was
alright and wanted to go to the restroom. He was not in
any way intoxicated. He walked off to use the restroom
and after a minute I checked on him and found him lying
on his back on the floor. He managed to prop himself up
on one elbow and he looked up at me and tried to say
something, but he couldn’t talk.

I quickly mixed up a 15-drop dose of MMS, (I always

carry small bottles with me) and handed it to him. He
immediately drank it down. Within 5 minutes he said,
“Boy, that was crazy.” Then he sat up. He said before he
took the dose everything was going black on him. In 10
minutes he was feeling okay and I was able to help him
to his feet. We returned to the table where he asked for
a new plate of food and he was fine.

This serves as a wonderful example of how MMS can

cancel out some poisons right on the spot.


The first step of the Food Poisoning Protocol is a nice big

dose of MMS, along the same lines as for the Malaria
Protocol. With poisoning you want to hit it hard with the
first dose. But don’t expect it to always clear up immedi-
ately; you may have to persist a bit. We have treated
many cases of food poisoning. It does not always clear
up as fast as it did with my friend, but MMS has often
proven to be successful with cases such as this. You
should always carry two small bottles (MMS and activa-
tor) with you at all times. Be ready—if you suspect food
poisoning or any other kind of poisoning, get some MMS
into the body as fast as possible.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Instructions for Poisoning

When a person suspects poisoning:

Step 1.

q Take a 12-drop dose of MMS1 (activated MMS).

See page 18 for how to prepare a MMS1 dose.

Step 2.

q Wait 15 minutes after the first 12-drop dose,

and then take a 6-drop dose of MMS1.

Step 3.

q Wait another 15 minutes and take another

6-drop dose, this would be the third dose.

q If the person is provoked to vomit during this

time—welcome it, do not fight it, for this will help
expel the poison from the body. Vomiting may or
may not occur if the MMS neutralizes all of the
poison in the body. It may flush it out without the
need to vomit.

q If vomiting does not occur while taking the first

3 doses, do not worry. But, take at least 2 more
doses (4th and 5th doses); these should be
MMS1, 3-drop doses, spaced out by 15 minutes.
Normally this amount of MMS will handle the job,
but if you are still very sick you may need to take
more MMS and make yourself vomit. There is
nothing wrong with making yourself vomit if you
need to do so. In the case of poisoning, vomiting
may be necessary in some instances, so don’t
hesitate if it is needed–it is best to flush the poison
out. One may have to use the old trick of putting
his finger down his throat to induce the vomiting.
This is not nearly as aggressive as going to an
emergency clinic and having your stomach
pumped. You can calculate the need to vomit by
how sick you still are. If you are still sick you may
need to vomit and/or take more MMS, as there is
no down side to taking more MMS, other than
having some nausea and then possibly vomiting,
diarrhea, or a headache. With poisoning, although
unpleasant, vomiting and diarrhea are both
efficient ways to rid the body of the toxins. If after
doing all of this you are still very sick you may
need to have your stomach pumped. In that case,
don’t hesitate; go to a clinic. However, normally
under most poisoning conditions, if you have
taken the above protocol, you will be okay by this

Stroke Protocol
About 700,000 strokes happen in the United States each
year, and of that number approximately 150,000 deaths
occur. So strokes are nothing to be ignored. When a
stroke is coming on, follow the protocol below. Using
DMSO and MMS can stop it in its tracks. Both DMSO and
MMS will dissolve blood clots throughout the body, includ-
ing in the brain. DMSO has been used in the USA since
1955 and many people have testified about how it has
helped overcome strokes. Likewise, DMSO and MMS have
been used together for an increased benefit by thousands.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Signs of a stroke are:

l Face Drooping–Does one side of the face droop or

is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's
smile uneven?

lArm Weakness–Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the

person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift

l Speech Difficulty–Is speech slurred? Is the person

unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person
to repeat a simple sentence, like "The grass is green."
Is the sentence repeated correctly?

If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the

symptoms go away, it is time to start the protocol below,
or get the person to the hospital immediately if that is
their choice. Check the time so you'll know when the first
symptoms appeared. In the case of seeking medical
assistance, you can still begin with the first doses of
DMSO, followed by the MMS1 as per the instructions
below. Getting DMSO and MMS into the body right away
may save a life. And if you do this, the person might be
okay by the time you are able to get to the hospital. If the
decision is made to go to the hospital, it’s best to always
call an ambulance or get someone else to drive. A person
should never attempt to drive himself to the hospital if
experiencing a stroke.

Instructions for Overcoming a Stroke with MMS

and DMSO

Day One—at the Onset of a Stroke

Step 1.

q At the onset of a stroke, take 2 full tablespoons

of DMSO in 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of water
every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Mix the dose and
drink it down immediately.

Important Note: At the onset of a stroke, also start

taking MMS1, beginning with Protocol 6 and 6, and taking
the first 6-drop dose within 2 minutes after the first DMSO
described in Step 1. The person should be taking DMSO
simultaneously with MMS1. For full instructions on how to
take the MMS1, see Step 4 below.

Step 2.

q The second and third hour, continue to take

DMSO every 15 minutes, but reduce the dosage
to 1 teaspoon of DMSO in 1/4 cup (2
ounces/60ml) of water.

q This will be three hours in total of taking DMSO

every 15 minutes; the first hour taking the higher
dose described in step one above, and the next
two hours the lower dose—1 teaspoon every 15
minutes, as described here.

Important Note: Please take note that when you lower

the amount of DMSO in your dose, it is important to also
lower the amount of water you mix with it.

Step 3.

q After the first three hours of taking DMSO every

15 minutes in the two different dosages described
in Step 1 and Step 2 above, continue taking DMSO
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
for the remaining part of the first day, but reduce
the frequency of your doses. One time every hour
take 1 teaspoon of DMSO in 1/4 cup (2
ounces/60ml) of water.

Step 4.

q At the onset of a stroke, also begin Protocol 6

and 6. This is two 6-drop doses of activated MMS
(MMS1), taken 1 hour apart. (See page 86 for full
details of Protocol 6 and 6.) MMS and DMSO work
in conjunction with one another, therefore the first
6-drop dose of MMS1 for a stroke, should be taken
in less than two minutes time after the first dose
of DMSO. It must be mixed up in a second 1/2
cup of water.

Important Note: Do not mix the MMS dose in with the

DMSO mixture. Do not confuse this with other protocols
where it does call for adding DMSO drops to the MMS dose,
but in this case the dose of DMSO is much higher than in
other protocols, therefore it is recommended to not mix the
DMSO in the same dose with MMS. Take the MMS dose in
less than two minutes time after the DMSO dose, but
separately, not in the same cup of water.

q The second 6-drop dose of MMS1 should be

taken an hour later and in the same manner,
following the DMSO dose. Do not take more than
two 6-drop doses of MMS, one hour a part.

q After completing the two 6-drop doses of

MMS1, on the third hour, start with Protocol 1000,
which is a 3-drop dose of MMS1 every hour for
eight hours a day. Anytime one feels nausea or
diarrhea or otherwise sick, they should reduce the
number of drops by at least 1/2, until the body
indicates it’s time to build back up again. If a
person is led to lower the dose of MMS, they
should lower it, but do not quit taking it

Day Two—After the Onset of a Stroke

q After following the procedure for day one above,

continue the second day taking MMS1, doing
Protocol 1000, and continue with this protocol for
three weeks.

q On day two after a stroke, you can reduce the

DMSO intake to 1 tablespoon in the morning and
1 tablespoon in the evening and continue with this
for one week.

q After completing one week taking DMSO twice

daily, continue to take at least 1 tablespoon of
DMSO per day until you have improved your

q Take the DMSO doses and MMS doses as close

together as possible—the MMS dose in less than
two minutes after the DMSO dose.

q Take a look at your diet and see how it can be


q Continue this procedure as long as there is any

evidence of the stroke.

Important Note: We have mentioned here what to do on

“day one” at the onset of a stroke. However, a stroke can
strike at any time, and should one feel a stroke coming on
in the evening, for example, it would be wise to follow the
dosing mentioned above, into the night. In other words,
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
stay up or set an alarm if you have to, in order to take your
doses, as strokes can afflict people in their sleep.

Heart Attack Protocol

About 600,000 heart attack deaths happen in the US each
year. When a heart attack is coming on, following the
combined DMSO/MMS protocol below, can stop it in its
tracks. DMSO has been used in the US since 1955 and
there are many testimonies about how it has helped
overcome heart attacks. In addition, MMS has been used
extensively since 2000, and DMSO and MMS have both
been used together for an increased benefit by thousands.

Signs of a heart attack are pain in the chest, arms,

(especially the left), back, neck, jaw, and upper stomach;
and shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, and
cold sweats.

If one suspects a heart attack coming on, it’s time to start

on the protocols, or get the person to the hospital imme-
diately if that is their choice. Check the time so you'll know
when the first symptoms appeared. In the case of seeking
medical assistance, you can still begin with the first doses
of DMSO, followed by the MMS1 as per the instructions
below. Getting DMSO and MMS into the body right away
may save a life. And if you do this, the person might be
okay by the time you are able to get to the hospital. If the
decision is made to go to the hospital, it’s best to always
call an ambulance or get someone else to drive. A person
should never attempt to drive oneself to the hospital if
experiencing a heart attack.

Instructions for Overcoming a Heart Attack with


Day One, at the Onset of a Heart Attack

Step 1.

q At the onset of a heart attack, take 2 full

tablespoons of DMSO in 1/2 cup (4
ounces/120ml) of water every 15 minutes for 1
hour. Mix the dose and drink it down immediately.

Important Note: At the onset of a heart attack, also start

taking MMS1, beginning with Protocol 6 and 6, and taking
the first 6-drop dose within 2 minutes after the first DMSO
described in Step 1. The person should be taking DMSO
simultaneously with MMS1. For full instructions on how to
take the MMS1, see Step 4 below.

Step 2.

q The second and third hour, continue to take

DMSO every 15 minutes, but reduce the dosage
to 1 teaspoon of DMSO in 1/4 cup (2
ounces/60ml) of water.

q This will be three hours in total of taking DMSO

every 15 minutes; the first hour taking the higher
dose described in step one above, and the next
two hours the lower dose—1 teaspoon every 15
minutes, as described here.

Important Note: Please take note that when you lower

the amount of DMSO in your dose, it is important to also
lower the amount of water you mix with it.

Step 3.

q After the first three hours of taking DMSO every

15 minutes in the two different dosages described
in Step 1 and Step 2 above, continue taking DMSO
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
for the remaining part of the first day, but reduce
the frequency of your doses. One time every hour
take 1 teaspoon of DMSO in 1/4 cup (2
ounces/60ml) of water.

Step 4.

q At the onset of a heart attack, also begin

Protocol 6 and 6. This is two 6-drop doses of
activated MMS (MMS1), taken 1 hour apart. (See
page 86 for full details of Protocol 6 and 6.) MMS
and DMSO work in conjunction with one another,
therefore the first 6-drop dose of MMS1 for a
stroke, should be taken in less than two minutes
time after the first dose of DMSO. It must be
mixed up in a second 1/2 cup of water.

q Important: Do not mix the MMS dose in with

the DMSO mixture. Do not confuse this with other
protocols where it does call for adding DMSO
drops to the MMS dose, but in this case the dose
of DMSO is much higher than in other protocols,
therefore it is recommended to not mix the DMSO
in the same dose with MMS. Take the MMS dose
in less than two minutes time after the DMSO
dose, but separately, not in the same cup of

q The second 6-drop dose of MMS1 should be

taken an hour later and in the same manner,
following the DMSO dose. Do not take more than
two 6-drop doses of MMS, one hour a part.

q After completing the two 6-drop doses of

MMS1, on the third hour, start with Protocol 1000,
which is a 3-drop dose of MMS1 every hour for
eight hours a day. Anytime one feels nausea or
diarrhea or otherwise sick, they should reduce the
number of drops by at least 1/2, until the body
indicates it’s time to build back up again. If a
person is led to lower the dose of MMS, they
should lower it, but do not quit taking it

Day Two—After the Onset of a Heart Attack

q After following the procedure for day one above,

continue the second day taking MMS1, doing
Protocol 1000, and continue with this protocol for
three weeks.

q On day two after a heart attack, you can reduce

the DMSO intake to 1 tablespoon in the morning
and 1 tablespoon in the evening and continue with
this for one week.

q After completing one week taking DMSO twice

daily, continue to take at least 1 tablespoon of
DMSO per day until you have improved your

q Take the DMSO doses and MMS doses as close

together as possible—the MMS dose in less than
two minutes after the DMSO dose.

q Take a look at your diet and see how it can be


q Continue this procedure as long as there is any

evidence of the heart attack.

Important Note: We have mentioned here what to do on

“day one” at the onset of a heart attack. However, a heart
attack can strike at any time, and should one feel a heart
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
attack coming on in the evening, for example, it would be
wise to follow the dosing mentioned above, into the night.
In other words, stay up; set an alarm if you have to in
order to take your doses, as heart attacks often strike
during sleep.

Burn Protocol

Burns cause acid to be generated in the skin and tissues

which were burned. Inactivated MMS (22.4% solution of
sodium chlorite [NaClO2] in water) is highly alkaline and
alkaline water cancels acid, thus when one gently rubs
inactivated MMS onto the burn most of the acid will be
neutralized which will eliminate much of the pain. The
acid in the burn may activate some of the chlorine
dioxide in the MMS, thus oxidizing some of the burn
poisons and also reducing the pain. Normally the pain is
gone instantly or in a few minutes when using inactivat-
ed MMS, but sometimes on very bad burns it can take
longer. Healing time for burns treated with inactivated
MMS can be up to 4 times faster than normal.

Important Note: The following protocol suggests using

inactivated MMS. Please note this is an exception to the
normal rule of always activating MMS, and this is used for
burns only. In general, for all other uses, we always
recommend activating MMS with a food grade acid, then
adding the indicated amount of water before use.

Treating Burns Using Inactivated MMS

Step 1.

q In case of a burn on the hand, face or

anywhere else on the body, immediately, or as
soon as possible, spray, squirt or drop plenty of
MMS on the burned area. Don’t be concerned
about getting a little inactivated MMS on the skin.
(See below: You will be washing it off in 5 minutes.)

q With the fingertips gently rub (barely touching

but enough to make sure of contact), the MMS
directly into the burn. The pain will begin to
diminish immediately.

Step 2.

q Do not allow the inactivated MMS to

remain on the skin for more than 5 minutes!
It must be rinsed off with clean cool or cold water.
If you forget and allow the MMS to remain on the
burn it will aggravate the burn and the healing will
take longer than usual.

Step 3.

q Depending upon the severity of the burn, the

pain normally will stop within 5 minutes. If the
pain is not completely gone within those 5
minutes, it is permissible to apply a second
amount of inactivated MMS and follow the exact
procedure again as outlined above.

q In the case of severe burns, as long as the pain

continues it is okay to put the MMS back on the
burn, for no longer than 5 minutes each time.
Apply the inactivated MMS every 1/2 hour for two
hours, and then one time every hour for 2 hours
longer. In general, the pain will be gone long
before four hours.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Treating Sunburns Using Inactivated MMS

Step 1.

q In case of sunburn, either severe or a very light

case, it is best to spray the inactivated MMS
directly on the burned area.

q Rub the MMS very gently onto the burn.

Step 2.

q Be sure to rinse the MMS off with clean cool or

cold water in 5 minutes or less. Do not allow it to
remain on the skin more than 5 minutes or it will
cause the skin to peel.

Step 3.

q With sunburn, the pain may start up again in

several hours, in this case apply the inactivated
MMS again, but for no longer than 5 minutes, then
rinse off with clean cool or cold water.

q Do not apply the inactivated MMS more than 5

more times and not more often than one time per
hour. Never let it remain on the skin more than 5

q In general, sunburn clears up in a day.

Protocol 4000
This protocol entails using MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite)
on its own, that is, without using MMS1 drops at the same
time. Protocol 4000 is not used in the line-up of the HRP
(Health Recovery Procedure) as something to incorporate
after doing Protocols 1000 through 3000. It was originally
meant to be used mostly in emergencies when sodium
chlorite (MMS) is not available. However, we have been
receiving testimonies from more and more people who
are using Protocol 4000 alone for various ailments with


Protocol 4000 is basically taking 5 capsules of MMS2 a


Instructions for Protocol 4000

Step 1.

q Make up your MMS2 capsules and follow the

procedures on how to increase your doses as per
the instructions above in MMS2—Details (page
136). The first day you will have taken a total of
5 capsules of MMS2—2 capsules of the lower
dose, 2 capsules of the medium dose, and 1
capsule of the maximum dose.

q Once you have reached the maximum size

dose, continue taking 5 capsules of MMS2 a day.
Space out each dose by two hours.

q Do this for 21 days or until well.

Note: Remember, in case of nausea or diarrhea reduce

the amount of calcium hypochlorite in each capsule by
50%. When these symptoms subside, slowly increase the
amount to the suggested doses given above.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Maintenance for MMS2 capsules: Take one capsule of
the maximum dose given above in the morning or in the
evening every day for maintenance.

Sacramental Vaccine Procedure

To the best of my knowledge, based on 17 years of
working with MMS, I believe that MMS will neutralize
vaccines when the process described below is followed.
From all the thousands of people who have used MMS
there is ample evidence that MMS removes poisons,
toxins and kills pathogens that cause disease. We know
that vaccines contain these very things. Therefore it
stands to reason MMS would be effective in neutralizing
the negative effects of vaccines. It is our belief from the
evidence we currently have that MMS will eliminate the
poisonous effects of vaccinations.


Many people are concerned about vaccines, and a grow-

ing number of parents do not want their children to be
subjected to them. Based on this information and the fact
that others have written telling us they have been ordered
to get a vaccination; we are compelled to present the
following Sacramental Vaccine Procedure. We have added
the MMS Patch Protocol, which we have found to be very
effective in canceling skin poisons and toxins.

Those of you in the US, and other countries where possi-

ble, may want to investigate how to claim religious ex-
emption from vaccines. However, if you are in a position
where you have no choice but to take a vaccination, we
suggest the following:

1. Two weeks before a vaccination do the Starting

Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000.
Note: In this case we suggest these protocols be
followed using MMS1 drops mixed fresh hourly, not
with other forms of MMS.

2. The day of the vaccine: Take 6 drops of MMS1

(activated MMS) every 2 hours, (for a total of 4 times)
during an 8 hour period. Begin this dosing 1-2 hours
before you get the vaccine.

3. Immediately after the vaccination is injected

(preferably when you get back to your car, or the
moment you get home), do the “MMS Patch Protocol”
(see page 60). The MMS Patch will help neutralize the
toxins in the vaccine.

4. Apply this patch 2 more times on vaccination day,

at 3 hour intervals, for a total of 3 times.

5. Next day after vaccination, continue with

Protocol 1000 for 1 week to make sure all toxins are
eliminated from the body.

6. The Patch Protocol should also be continued 2-3

times daily for one week following the day of the
vaccination. This is simultaneous with doing Protocol


Ø Protocol 1000 is defined as taking a 3-drop dose

of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day for 3 weeks or
until well.

Ø If at any time while taking these doses you begin to

feel nausea or diarrhea, lower your intake of MMS. Cut the

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
amount you are taking in half, then work back up from
there when the sick feeling has subsided.

Ø There may be times when you have no warning before

getting a vaccine. Sometimes when traveling, vaccina-
tions can be required to enter various countries. If you do
not have warning before getting a vaccination, simply
start with Step 2 of the above procedure—“The Day of the
Vaccine.” In this case, depending upon how your body is
reacting, you may want to continue with Protocol 1000 for
two weeks after the vaccine, instead of one week.

How to Adjust the Dosing for the Vaccination Pro-

cedure for Children.

For children you would follow the same steps given

above; however the amount of MMS drops given must be
adjusted according to the weight of the child. Here are the

Dosing of MMS for Children When Doing Protocol

1000 for the Vaccine Procedure.

Protocol 1000 for an adult is essentially taking a 3-drop

dose of MMS every hour for 8 consecutive hours. When a
child follows Protocol 1000, the amount of MMS1 (activat-
ed MMS) that the child should take is determined by body
weight. Below is a simple guideline to follow:


Ø I have changed the requirements slightly for Protocol

1000 for children on the Vaccine Protocol, because there is
normally not enough time to complete the Starting Proce-

Ø For instructions on how to measure a fraction of a drop,

see the Starting Procedure page 40.

Protocol 1000 for Vaccinations/Children

Weight Dose
Babies weighing less than 7 Start them on 1/4 drop per hour the
first day and then 1/2 drop an hour

Babies weighing 7-24 lbs Start them on 1/2 drop of MMS1 per
hour for the first day and 3/4 drop
(3.2-10 kg)
per hour thereafter.
Above 25 lbs (11 kg), the basic rule of thumb is to give 1 drop
of MMS1 (activated MMS) for every additional 25 lbs for a
The child should take 1 drop per
25-49 lbs (11-22 kg)

50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) The child should take 2 drops per

75 lbs (34 kg) and over The child should take 3 drops per

Important Note: Never exceed the maximum amount

per hour for each weight category.

How to Adjust the Dosing for Children for the Day

of the Vaccine

In Step 2 above there are instructions for specific dosing

to follow on the day of receiving a vaccine. For children
you will need to adjust the “day of the vaccine dosing” as

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Day of Vaccine Dosing for Children

Weight Dose
The baby should take 3/4 drop of
Babies under 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
MMS1 every 2 hours.
Newborn babies weighing The child should take 1 drop of
7-24 lbs (3.2-10 kg) MMS1 every 2 hours.

25-49 lbs (11-22 kg) The child should take 2 drops every
2 hours.

50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) The child should take 4 drops every
2 hours.

75 lbs (34 kg) and over The child should take 6 drops every
2 hours.

Important Notes:

Ø Dosing on the day of the vaccine should begin 1-2

hours before the vaccine is given and continue every 2
hours for an 8 hour period—4 times in total.

Ø Remember!!—If at any time while taking these doses

your child begins to experience nausea or diarrhea, lower
the intake of MMS. Cut the amount in half, then work back
up from there when the sick feeling has subsided.

Adjusting the Patch Protocol for Babies and People

with Sensitive Skin:

q Start with 5 drops of MMS1 (MMS activated),

and add 5 drops of DMSO and 10 additional drops
of water to dilute the solution. For the very first
application do not apply the patch for more than
5 minutes.

q When the patch is removed take note if there

is irritation. If there is no irritation after 5 minutes
with the first patch, in 2 hours apply another
patch, this time leave it on for 15 minutes. If there
is irritation, double the amount of water to
eliminate the irritation on the next application. If
there is no skin irritation or burning on the next
15 minute application it is okay to continue with
these applications.

q If at any time there is skin irritation or burning,

then double the additional water beyond what was
used on the last application.

q A total of 8 patch applications over the 7 days

following the vaccination should be enough for
babies and people with sensitive skin.

Note: If you live in the USA, you may be able to claim a

religious exemption to vaccinations if you hold a sincere
belief that use of one or more vaccines violates your
spiritual beliefs or your ability to obey your conscience after
seeking guidance through prayer or study of scripture.
One belief could be that “God does not want His children to
penetrate their skin with needles for any reason.” Regula-
tions can vary from State to State, and some States are
actively trying to do away with such exemptions, so it pays
to research, know your rights, and stay up to date on the
most recent information in your particular location.
See: http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/school-

Adjusting MMS Doses for Children

When giving MMS to children, the same principles and
protocols apply to them as for an adult. For example, if a
protocol calls for hourly doses for an adult, it would also
call for hourly doses for a child. Taking MMS hourly is
important. Also, if the child begins to be nauseous or have

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
diarrhea, reduce the dose by 50% (or more if necessary)
until the problem subsides and then increase back up to
the proper amount indicated for the particular protocol
the child is on.

The thing that varies for children is the dosage size—the

number of drops you give, or the size of the capsule. The
amount of MMS you give a child is determined by the
weight of the child. Following are instructions on how to
determine the amount of MMS1 and MMS2 for children to
take when on the various protocols in this book.

Starting Procedure for Children

The Starting Procedure should always be done before a
child goes on to Protocol 1000. For further information on
the Starting Procedure, including how to measure a frac-
tion of a drop, see page 40, and follow details given there.

Starting Procedure for Children—Dosage Guide

Drops Per Hour Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Babies less than
1/8 drop 1/8 drop 1/4 drop 1/2 drop
7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Children 7-24 lbs
1/8 drop 1/4 drop 1/4 drop 1/2 drop
(3.2-11 kg)
Children 25-49 lbs
1/4 drop 1/4 drop 1/2 drop 3/4 drop
(11-23 kg)
Children 50-74 lbs
1/4 drop 1/2 drop 1/2 drop 3/4 drop
(23-34 kg)
Children 75-100 lbs
(34-45 kg) 1/4 drop 1/2 drop 1/2 drop 3/4 drop

Protocol 1000 for Children

Protocol 1000 is taking a dose of MMS every hour for eight
hours a day. The adult dose for Protocol 1000 is 3 drops
of MMS1 per hour, however, please remember, as per the
instructions for this protocol on page 44, one must work
up to the 3-drop dose. This same principle applies for

Protocol 1000 for Children—Dosage Guide

Weight Drops Per Hour
3/4 drop per hour, the first day
of Protocol 1000, then work up
Premature or a smaller baby
to 1 drop per hour for the
weighing less than 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
remaining 21-day period of
3/4 drop of MMS1 per hour to
A baby weighing 7-24 lbs (3.2-10 start and work up to 1 drop per
kg) hour for the remaining 21-day

Start with 1 drop per hour and

Children 25-49 lbs (11-22 kg) stay at 1 drop per hour for the
remaining 21-day period.

Start at 1 drop per hour and

Children 50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) work up to 2 drops per hour for
the remaining 21-day period.

Start at 1 drop per hour and

Children 75 lbs (34 kg) and over work up to 3 drops per hour for
the remaining 21-day period.

The basic rule of thumb for dosing with MMS for children
is when the child weighs above 25 lbs (11 kg), give 1 drop
of MMS1 (activated MMS) for every additional 25 lbs for a

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
child. But, remember the golden rule of MMS—whenever
the child (or anybody for that matter) begins to experi-
ence nausea, diarrhea or other discomfort beyond what
the sickness is already causing, cut back the dosage by
50%, or more if needed, until the symptoms subside and
then work back up to the proper dosing for the weight of
the child. Generally this would be in one to three days.

Important Note: Never go beyond these amounts of

drops per hour, as per the child’s respective weight, while
on Protocol 1000.

Protocol 1000 Plus for Children

Protocol 1000 Plus for children, is the same ratio as for an
adult dose when adding DMSO, that is, for every 1 drop
of MMS1 (activated MMS) you give a child, you add 3
drops of DMSO. Be sure to diligently follow the instruc-
tions on page 47 for Protocol 1000 Plus to be sure you are
mixing the dose correctly and adding the DMSO at the
right time.

Protocol 2000 for Children

Protocol 2000 for a child works the same as for Protocol
2000 for an adult, but again, the amount of MMS1 and
MMS2 for a child will be different than that of an adult.
Please read the section on Protocol 2000, page 50, as well
as the section on MMS2 Details, on page 136.

When on Protocol 2000, give the child as much MMS1 as

he/she can tolerate without feeling sicker than the illness
is already causing. This requires very careful observation
of the child. Be ready to reduce the dose if there are any
signs of nausea or diarrhea (again, beyond what the
sickness is already causing). Although you want to raise
the dose of MMS1 to what the child can tolerate, there is
a stopping point. Never give the child more than the
maximum amounts of MMS1 listed below, which are
calculated according to the weight of the child. Please
note, the weight scale for MMS1 below is calculated
differently than in Protocol 1000, because the amounts of
MMS1 are significantly higher while on Protocol 2000.

Protocol 2000 for Children

Maximum Dosage Guide for MMS1
Weight Drops Per Hour
10 lbs or less (4.5 kilos or
Take no more than 3 drops hourly.
10-20 lbs (5-9 kg) Take no more than 5 drops hourly.
20-40 lbs (9-18 kg) Take no more than 5 drops hourly.
40-60 lbs (18-27 kg) Take no more than 6 drops hourly.
60-80 lbs (27-36 kg) Take no more than 7 drops hourly.

Protocol 2000 for Children—MMS2 Doses

Protocol 2000 calls for taking MMS2 in capsule form, while

also taking MMS1. I do not suggest giving MMS2 to
children under 75 lbs. If the child is over 75 lbs and has a
life threatening disease you may want to consider giving
him/her MMS2, especially if MMS1 is not available. How-
ever, do not use MMS2 for children unless the child knows
how to take capsules and can be trusted to swallow it
down immediately, not let it linger in their mouth, not bite
down on it, chew it, or break it open in their mouth, as
this would not be a pleasant experience. Please use

Do not give a child MMS 2 (only for 75 lbs [34 kg] and up)
unless you have thoroughly read and studied the instruc-
tions in the section on Protocol 2000, page 50 and the
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
section MMS2—Details, page 136, for instructions on how
to make MMS2 capsules, and cautions about MMS2 and

Protocol 2000 for Children

Dosage Guide for MMS2
Weight Drops Per Hour
Children under 75 lbs (34 Do not use MMS2 for children under
kg) 75 lbs.
Use a size 4 capsule filled to 1/4 at
Children 75-100 lbs (34-
first and then work up to a 3/4 full
45 kg) and Up
capsule in two days and thereafter.

Protocol 3000 for Children

This is an adaptation of the original Protocol 3000 which
can be used for children. The amounts of MMS1 and
DMSO used here is the same as in Protocol 3000 for
adults. However, it is the method of applying the mixture
to the skin that is different. The method below is more

Instructions for Protocol 3000 for Children


q You will need three spray bottles, preferably

either 2 or 4 ounce bottles. Almost anywhere in
the world one can find spray bottles at pharmacies
or department stores. If smaller bottles are not
available, larger spray bottles can be found in
grocery or hardware stores.

q Make sure the spray bottles are completely

q Clearly label each bottle so their contents will
not be mistaken.

q Prepare the clean, dry bottles as follows:

Bottle #1: Prepare a standard MMS1 spray

bottle—10 drops of MMS1 per ounce of water.
(See page 38.)

Bottle #2: Fill the bottle with DMSO. If your

DMSO is pure 99% you may want to dilute it a
little with purified water if the child has sensitive
skin. But the stronger the DMSO the better as
long as there is absolutely no problem with itching
or burning.

Bottle #3: Fill a clean spray bottle with purified

water (bottled, distilled or reverse osmosis).
Make sure it is clearly marked as water.

Applying MMS1/DMSO to the Skin

Before beginning this procedure, ask the child to tell you

if it hurts, or stings, or burns the minute he feels it.

Step 1. Test the skin.

q On a bare portion of the child’s arm spray one

single spray of bottle #3 (water bottle) on an area
about the size of your hand.

q Then spray with bottle #2 (DMSO) right on

top of the same area.

q Immediately spray with bottle #1 (MMS1),

right on top of the same area.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
q Then take your bare hand and gently rub in
the ingredients in a circular motion.

q Give it about 5 minutes to see if there will be

any stinging, burning or itching. If there is any
of these, spray some more water on the area, and
rub it in gently.

q If the test does not cause any burning, stinging

or itching, proceed to Step 2.

q If any burning, stinging or itching persists,

then rinse the test area well, add as much as 20%
pure water to the DMSO bottle and repeat the test
on a new area of the skin.

q If irritation occurs the second time, dilute the

DMSO further. Keep repeating this process until
there are no symptoms. However, if you have to
dilute the DMSO more than 50%, there would not
be much point in using this procedure.

Step 2. Applying MMS1 and DMSO.

q Spray a very light spray of water on one of the

child’s arms on the top side. With your hand gently
spread the water in order to dampen the area Do
not use a lot of water just make the skin damp.

q After applying the water, spray the DMSO on

the same area on the top of the arm, and then
spray the MMS1 on top of that. Gently spread the
mixture over the area with a bare hand. (Do not
use rubber or latex gloves.)

q If the skin where you sprayed seems too dry

you can add an additional spray of DMSO and
MMS1 and again gently rub it.
q After spreading the mixture, allow it to dry on
the arm if there is no irritation. Leave it on the
skin for several hours before washing.

Step 3.

q In one hour repeat these same steps on the

other arm.

Step 4.

q Continue with these steps hourly, covering a

different area of the body each time. Go to one
leg, and then the other leg, and then if everything
is ok go to the back, and then the stomach. Be
gentle and use plenty of water if needed. Do not
cause pain or itching or burning.

Important Note: I want to emphasis the following safety

precautions, especially when using this procedure for chil-
dren, to assure there is no hurt to the child:

l If the DMSO/MMS1 mixture burns or irritates the

skin, this indicates the DMSO is too strong (various
skin types can handle different strengths of DMSO).

lIf irritation does occur, spray on some more water

quickly until the child says there is no more hurt.

l In the case of severe burning rinse the DMSO off

with lots of plain water (do not use tap water to rinse
the skin, in this case, purified water is best.) Do not
use soap until you have rinsed the area very well, as
DMSO can carry small amounts of soap into the skin.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
l Ifyour DMSO bottle is too strong, keep diluting the
DMSO up to a total of 50% water until there is no
problem with burning or pain.

Protocol 6 and 6 for Children

Protocol 6 and 6 consists of two 6-drop doses of MMS1
taken separately, one hour apart. This protocol is particu-
larly effective for colds, flu, pains, allergies and other
sicknesses that seem to just be starting. It is helpful for a
wide range of things. See page 86 for more details and
full instructions on Protocol 6 and 6; however, adjust the
dosage for children according to the chart below.

Protocol 6 and 6 for Children

Weight Drops Per Hour
Babies 12 lbs. (5.5 kg) and less 1 and 1 drop dose
Children 12-24 lbs. (5.5-11 kg) 2 and 2 drop dose
Children 25-49 lbs. (11-23 kg) 3 and 3 drop dose
Children 50-74 lbs. (23-34 kg) 4 and 4 drop dose
Children 75-100 lbs. (34-45 kg) 5 and 5 drop dose
People 100-lbs and up. (45-kg and up) 6 and 6 drop dose

Patch Protocol for Babies, Children and

People with Sensitive Skin
See page 60 for instructions on how to make the patch.
Adjust the drops for the patch for babies, children and
people with sensitive skin as follows:

q Start with 5 drops of MMS1 (MMS activated),

and add 5 drops of DMSO and 10 additional drops
of water to dilute the solution. For the very first
application do not apply the patch for more than
5 minutes.
q When the patch is removed take note if there
is irritation. If there is no irritation after 5 minutes
with the first patch, in 2 hours apply another
patch. This time you can use more MMS and
DMSO and leave it on for 15 minutes. If there is
irritation, double the amount of water to eliminate
the irritation on the next application. If there is no
skin irritation or burning on the next 15-minute
application it is okay to continue with these

q If at any time there is skin irritation or burning,

then double the additional water beyond what was
used on the last application.

How to Adjust All Other

Protocols for Children
The following charts explain how to adjust all other Proto-
cols for children.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Babies 12 lbs (5.5 kg) and Less

Protocol Dose
Bag Treatment Do not use.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
Baths and Foot Baths:
dose —page 67.
Black Widow Bite Same as adults —page 93.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Same as adults —page 90.
Burns Same as adults —page 111.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
dose —page 69.
Use 1/8 drop of MMS1 per ounce
of distilled water for the eyes; and
Eyes/Ears/Nose 1/4 drop per ounce of distilled
water for the ears and nose —
page 63.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
Food Poisoning
dose —page 99.

Fungi Same as adults —page 75.

Use 1/8 amount of DMSO and do

the 6 and 6 (but for babies see
Heart Attacks for Babies above which would actually be 1
and 1) and follow all of the
instructions on page 107.
Indian Herb Do not use.
Use 1 drop of MMS1 per ounce of
Mouth and Teeth
water —page 36.
Protocol 4000 Do not use for babies.
Use 3 drops MMS1 per ounce of
Spray Bottle
water —page 38.

Use 1/8 amount of DMSO and do

the 6 and 6 (but for babies see
Strokes for Babies dosage above, it would actually
be 1 and 1) and follow all of the
instructions on page 102.

Children 12-24 lbs (5.5-11 kg)

Protocol Dose
Bag Treatment Do not use.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
Baths and Foot Baths
dose —page 67.
Black Widow Bite Same as adults —page 93.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Same as adults —page 90.
Burns Same as adults —page 111.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
dose —page 69.
Use 1/8 drop of MMS1 per ounce
of distilled water for eyes and 1/2
Eyes/Ears/Nose drop of MMS1 per ounce of
distilled water for ears and nose
—page 63.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
Food Poisoning
dose —page 99.

Fungi Same as adults —page 75.

Use 1/8 the drops and 1/8 the

DMSO an adult would use. Also do
Heart Attacks the 6 and 6 but for children of this
weight, which is actually 2 and 2
—page 107.
Indian Herb Do not use.
Use 1 drop of MMS1 per ounce of
Mouth and Teeth
water —page 36.
Do not use for a child of this
Protocol 4000
Use 3 drops MMS1 per ounce of
Spray Bottle
water —page 38.

Use 1/8 the drops and 1/8 the

DMSO an adult would use. Also do
Strokes Protocol 6 and 6, but for children
of this weight it would be 2 and 2
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated 102.
MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Children 25-49 lbs (11-23 kg)

Protocol Dose
Bag Treatment Do not use.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
Baths and Foot Baths
dose —page 67.
Black Widow Bite Same as adults —page 93.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Same as adults —page 90.
Burns Same as adults —page 111.
Use 1/4 number of drops of adult
dose —page 69.

Use 1/4 drop of MMS1 in each

ounce of water for eyes and 1/2
drop of MMS1 per ounce of water
for ears and nose —page 63.

Use 1/4 number of drops of adult

Food Poisoning
dose —page 99.

Fungi Same as adults —page 75.

Use 1/4 the drops and 1/4 the

DMSO that an adult would use.
Heart Attacks Also do Protocol 6 and 6 but for
children of this weight it is
actually 3 and 3 —page 107.
Indian Herb Do not use.
Use 1 drop of MMS1 per ounce of
Mouth and Teeth
water —page 36.
Do not use for a child of this
Protocol 4000
Use 5 drops MMS1 per ounce of
Spray Bottle
water —page 38.
Use 1/4 of the drops and 1/4 of
the DMSO that an adult would
Strokes use. Also do Protocol 6 and 6, but
for children of this size it is
actually 3 and 3 —page 102.

Children 50-74 lbs (23-34 kg)

Protocol Dose
Use 1/2 the number of drops an
Bag Treatment
adult would use —page 73.
Use 1/2 number of drops of adult
Baths and Foot Baths
dose —page 67.
Black Widow Bite Same as adults —page 93.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Same as adults —page 90.
Burns Same as adults —page 111.
Use 1/2 number of drops of adult
dose —page 69.
Use 1/4 drop of MMS1 in each
ounce of water for eyes and 1/2
drop of MMS1 per ounce of water
for ears and nose —page 63.
Use 3/4 number of drops of adult
Food Poisoning
dose —page 99.

Fungi Same as adults —page 75.

Use 1/2 the drops and 1/2 the

DMSO that an adult would use.
Heart Attacks Also do Protocol 6 and 6, but for
children of this weight it is
actually 4 and 4 see page 107.
Follow the instructions that come
Indian Herb
with the Indian Herb—page 84.
Use 2 drop of MMS1 per ounce of
Mouth and Teeth
water —page 36.
Do not use for a child of this
Protocol 4000
Use 10 drops MMS1 per ounce of
Spray Bottle
water —page 38.
Use 1/2 the drops and 1/2 the
DMSO that an adult would use.
Strokes Also do Protocol 6 and 6, but for
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activatedchildren
MMSofuthis weight it is
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acidactually 4 andu41—page
u ml=milliliter 102.u
ml=20 drops
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

Children 75-100 lbs (34-45 kg) and Up

Protocol Dose
Use 1/2 the number of drops an
Bag Treatment
adult would use —page 73.
Use the same number of drops that
Baths and Foot Baths
an adult would use —page 67.
Black Widow Bite Same as adults —page 93.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Same as adults —page 90.
Burns Same as adults —page 111.
Use the same number of drops an
adult would use —page 69.
Use 1/4 drop of MMS1 per ounce
of water for eyes and 1 drop of
MMS1 per ounce of water for ears
and nose —page 63.

Food Poisoning Same as adults —page 99.

Fungi Same as adult —page 75.

Use MMS1 and DMSO the same as

adults. Also do Protocol 6 and 6,
Heart Attacks
but for children of this weight it is
actually 5 and 5 —page 107.
Follow the instructions that come
Indian Herb
with the Indian Herb.—page 84.
Use 2.5 drops of MMS1 per ounce
Mouth and Teeth
of water —page 36.
Use a size 4 capsule filled to 1/4
at first and then work up to a 3/4
Protocol 4000
full capsule in two days and
thereafter—page 113.
Use 10 drops MMS1 per ounce of
Spray Bottle
water —page 38.
Use the same MMS1 and DMSO as
adults. Also do Protocol 6 and 6,
but for children of this weight it is
actually 5 and 5 —page 102.

Additional Important
Daily MMS1 Maintenance Dose

A daily maintenance dose of MMS1 is very impor-

tant. With the tremendous amount of toxins, poisons and
other health hazards that cause disease in today’s society,
prevention is essential to help one enjoy a healthy and
balanced life. MMS1 can help you reach this goal. A good
time to take your maintenance dose is before bedtime,
which aides the detoxification process during sleep.

q Over 60 years of age, one 6-drop dose taken

once every day.

q Under 60 years of age, one 6-drop dose taken

3 times a week.

q Children 2-12 years, 1 drop 3 times a week at


q Newborns to 2 years old, 1/2 a drop, 3 times a

week at bedtime.

MMS2, calcium hypochlorite, is known in most places as
Pool Shock. It is sold in pool stores and grocery stores
throughout the world. As long as it is for swimming pools,
manufacturers cannot put bad things in the pools that
would hurt swimmers, and thus cannot put harmful things
in the calcium hypochlorite. The package will say it con-
tains somewhere from 45% to 85% available chlorine.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
This is not true. As long as you have calcium hypochlo-
rite (not sodium hypochlorite, which does produce chlo-
rine) there is no available chlorine. When calcium
hypochlorite is dissolved in water it turns into hypochlo-
rous acid (HOCl) and no chlorine is available. HOCl is
the same acid that your body naturally generates to kill
disease and destroy poisons. When you take MMS2, you
are giving your body more of its own ammunition against
disease. The microorganisms in a swimming pool are
killed by the HOCl and not by chlorine. Manufacturers only
say there is available chlorine in order to make the
calcium hypochlorite sell, as many in the world unfortu-
nately still think that chlorine is a safe and effective
product for killing microorganisms.


Step 1.

q Purchase calcium hypochlorite from a local

store. (It is available in most countries throughout
the world mostly from pool stores or grocery
stores and sometimes department stores.)

Step 2.

q Purchase some empty gel capsules, size #1 or

#0. If you cannot find these, purchase a regular
bottle of some type of vitamin capsules in one of
these same sizes. Empty the capsules by pulling
them apart. See page 53 for capsule sizes.

Step 3.

q Fill the capsules with the calcium hypochlorite

granules. Do not try to grind the granules finer.
Just use the granules as they are. Always start
low in the amount you add to your capsule and
increase your doses gradually.

q For size #1 capsules, start with filling the

capsule 1/4 full, increase to 1/2 full, and then to
3/4 full—then to a full size #1 capsule.

q For #0 size capsules start with filling the capsule

1/8th full, and then go to 1/4 full, then to 1/2 full.
As a rule do not fill the #0 size capsule more than
3/4 full.

q When actually taking these capsules, start with

taking one capsule at the lowest dose. Two hours
later take another capsule also at the lowest dose.

q Then two hours later, go up to the next level,

that is take another capsule but this time of the
medium size dose. Two hours later, take the
second capsule of the medium size dose.

q If there are no problems after taking these 4

capsules, then go to the maximum size dose and
stick with that as your standard MMS2 dose for
the duration of time you are taking MMS2.

q Always take MMS2 capsules two hours apart.

q Always drink the first MMS2 capsule down with

1 full cup (8 ounces/240ml) of water. With each
capsule after that, drink at least 1/2 cup (4
ounces/120ml) of water, but drink more if you
need it.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

In case of nausea or diarrhea reduce the amount of calci-

um hypochlorite in each capsule by 50%. When these
symptoms subside, slowly increase the amount to the
suggested doses given above.

If you have purchased MMS2 capsules already made up,

you may need to open the capsules and empty out some
of the powder in order to follow the above instructions.

These are the general guidelines for making MMS2 cap-

sules. See Protocol 2000 or Protocol 4000 for specific
instructions on dosing with MMS2.

Testing to See if Liquids

are Compatible with MMS
Step 1.

q Measure out 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of any

liquid that you want to test to see if you can use
that liquid for taking a dose of MMS. All teas,
juices, soft drinks and other liquids other than
what has been mentioned in this book as
compatible with MMS, should be tested.

q Mix up a 3-drop dose of MMS and pour it into

the 4 ounces/120ml of liquid that you have just

Step 2.

q Remove a single test strip from the LaMotte

container and dip it into the 4 ounces of liquid
containing your 3-drop properly prepared dose.
q Count 2 seconds using the “one one-thousand,
two one-thousand” method, then remove the strip
from the liquid. Do a similar count up to ten and
then check the strip with the color chart on the
side of the Lamotte container. When you use 3
MMS1 drops in 4 ounces/120ml of liquid, your
number should be between 25 and 100.

q Cover and set aside your liquid out of the light

with the 3 drops of MMS1 and wait 1 hour.

q After 1 hour do the same test over again with

the same liquid, but with a new test strip. The
number indicated by the color chart should again
be between 25 and 100, if it is, your liquid is
compatible with MMS.

q If the reading is above 10 after one hour, you

could still use that type of liquid providing you
drink your dose immediately after putting the
MMS in.

This is a picture of a con-

tainer of 50 test strips
for measuring the
strength of chlorine diox-
ide. You can buy them
over the Internet from
La Motte Company,
Chestertown, MD.
Their Site is http://www.lamotte.com.

MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium

hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

In Conclusion
This is the close of the Genesis II Church of Health and
Healing Health Recovery Instruction Manual. Remember,
almost all diseases and health problems can be remedied
with MMS by following the instructions in this manual. For
more information and solutions concerning the vast ma-
jority of dangerous illnesses prevalent in our society today
visit our websites.

If you follow these instructions your health will be re-

stored in a reasonable amount of time; however, there is
never a 100% guarantee, and there are other things that
can still be done. We encourage you to continue to learn
more about how to use MMS to recover your health and
from there go on to use proper food and supplements to
reach and maintain optimum health and prevent illness in
the future.

Archbishop Jim Humble

Co-Author: Cari Lloyd

MMS Wiki: Genesis II Church of Health &
http://mmswiki.org Healing website:
Jim Humble Homepage:
http://jimhumble.org Genesis II Church Social
Jim Humble Bookstore: http://facebook.com/genesisiichu
http://jhbooks.org rch
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imhumble rch
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MMS Suppliers Around The Iglesia Genesis II:

World: http://iglesiagenesis2.org
.com Foro de Genesis II:
MMS Testimonials:
http://mmstestimonials.org MMS Noticias:
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MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
seminars@genesis2church.org demms
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

About the Author

Jim Humble first began his work in
the health field in his early 20’s
when he became the manager of a
health food store in Los Angeles,
California. He authored a 200
question “Nutritional Evaluation
Test” that determined the vitamins,
minerals, proteins, and fats a
person’s body might be deficient in.
The test was later computerized
and was considered by many to be
the most accurate method of
determining deficiencies known at
the time. Over the years Jim has
maintained his interest in alternative health, and worked with
numerous healing modalities including healing his own broken neck in
record time using magnets. He has authored many successful books and
his current developments are outlined in this instruction manual.

Jim first started his career in the Aerospace industry, where he quickly
became a research engineer. He worked on the first intercontinental
missile, wrote instruction manuals for the first vacuum tube computers,
worked on secret radio control electronics, and dozens of other “state
of the art” electronic projects at Hughes Aircraft Company, Northrop
Aircraft, General Motors Research Defense Laboratories, and others.
After 20 years in the Aerospace Industry, Jim went into gold mining
where he developed methods of gold recovery that replace the use of
mercury to help overcome health issues for small miners. He wrote 5
books on the subject of recovering gold from its ores. In 1996, while
prospecting for gold in South America, he discovered what has come
to be known as MMS, a simple health formula that cured malaria. In
the years that followed, he worked to further improve the formula.
Eventually a missionary group invited him to Africa where he
successfully treated over 5,000 malaria cases and victims of other
diseases. Since that time, hundreds of thousands of people have used
MMS to recover their health from a wide range of diseases.

For more information:

www. mmswiki.is

Contact: healthrecovery@jimhumble.is
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc

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