Health - Recovery - Instruction - Manual - by - Archbishop - Jim - Humble-Pre - Release-2015 2
Health - Recovery - Instruction - Manual - by - Archbishop - Jim - Humble-Pre - Release-2015 2
Health - Recovery - Instruction - Manual - by - Archbishop - Jim - Humble-Pre - Release-2015 2
Instruction Manual
Archbishop Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd
ISBN: 978-0-9908945-0-6
This book is filled with alternative care methods
that have been found to work from the experience
of a grassroots effort by many people around the
world. Every individual is personally responsible for
his/her decision as to whether or how they use this
information, or seek officially recognized medical
attention. However, these protocols may very well
save your life, and in the opinion of the author are
better than many allopathic methods.
Table of Contents
MMS -------------------------------------------1
Getting Started-------------------------------2
CDS and CDH----------------------------------4
Safety of MMS---------------------------------4
Understanding Oxidation -------------------5
A Word to the Wise---------------------------8
MMS Basic Essentials-------------------------8
Important Safety Precautions—A Must Read --8
CITRIC ACID------------------------------------14
HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HCl) ------------------14
Activator Acids --------------------------------17
Activating MMS---------------------------------18
Mixing MMS for Drinking-----------------------22
Storing MMS -----------------------------------24
Pregnant Women and MMS -------------------25
Feeling Sick-------------------------------------25
Eating While On Your MMS Protocol------25
Health Recovery Plan (HRP) ---------------31
Two Fundamental Steps for the Health
Recovery Plan-------------------------------36
Mouth and Teeth-------------------------------36
MMS1 Spray Bottle-----------------------------38
MMS2 Spray Bottle-----------------------------39
The Starting Procedure---------------------40
Protocol 1000-------------------------------44
Protocol 1000 Plus -------------------------47
Protocol 2000-------------------------------50
Protocol 3000-------------------------------55
MMS Patch Protocol-------------------------60
Eyes, Ears, and Nose Protocol-------------61
Bath and Footbath Protocol----------------67
Enema Protocol-----------------------------69
Douche Protocol ----------------------------71
MMS Bag Treatment Protocol--------------73
Fungi Protocol-------------------------------75
Where to Now?------------------------------77
Indian Herb ---------------------------------84
Final Step of the Health Recovery Plan---84
ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS------------------86
6 and 6 Protocol-----------------------------86
Emergency Protocols ----------------------88
Brown Recluse Protocol--------------------89
Black Widow Spider-------------------------93
Bite Protocol---------------------------------93
Snake Bite Protocol-------------------------96
Food Poisoning Protocol--------------------99
Instructions for Poisoning Protocol-----101
Stroke Protocol----------------------------102
Heart Attack Protocol---------------------107
Burn Protocol------------------------------111
Protocol 4000------------------------------113
Sacramental Vaccine Procedure---------115
Adjusting MMS Doses for Children-------120
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u Procedure for
HCl=hydrochloric acid Children----------121
u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
Protocol 1000 for Children---------------122
Protocol 1000 Plus for Children----------123
Protocol 2000 for Children---------------123
Protocol 3000 for Children---------------125
Protocol 6 and 6 for Children-------------129
Patch Protocol for Babies, Children and
People with Sensitive Skin---------------129
How to Adjust All Other Protocols for
Additional Important Information-------136
Testing to See if Liquids are Compatible
with MMS-----------------------------------139
In Conclusion------------------------------141
About the Author--------------------------144
This manual is designed to give you many of the funda-
mentals of the Master Mineral Solution (MMS) in a clear
and concise manner. I want to show you how to recover
your health from most any disease that exists, without
getting too far into the nuts and bolts of MMS itself. The
purpose of this book is to simply instruct you on how to
get well. It is not designed to teach you, for example, how
to make your own MMS. It is a little like electricity. One
does not need to know all the science behind how electric-
ity works in order to benefit from it. All you need to know
is how to flip the switch, and voila—the light comes on.
With this book, I want to make it as simple as possible for
any newcomer to MMS to take responsibility for his/her
own health recovery, and get well. My intent here is to get
you started on the road to healing by giving you good
solid instructions that you can use to create health recov-
ery with MMS, starting today.
To your health,
Health Recovery
Instruction Manual
By Archbishop Jim Humble
with Cari Lloyd
This book is a guide for the use of one of the most
amazing health-giving mineral solutions of the past 100
years, the Master Mineral Solution, or MMS for short. MMS
is the Genesis II Church’s sacrament name for the mole-
cule chlorine dioxide, which is produced when the
mineral sodium chlorite—a natural mineral found in
many parts of the world, is mixed with a food grade acid
(such as citric acid, HCl [hydrochloric acid], lemon juice,
and others). In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition
in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide
quickly cured malaria. Since that time, it has proven to
restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of
people suffering from a wide range of disease, including
cancer, autism, infections of all kinds, hepatitis A, B, C,
Lyme, skin problems, dental issues, HIV/AIDS, and many
From this book, you will learn about how to put this Health
Recovery Plan into action, which includes using the vari-
ous protocols in conjunction with one another to recover
your health.
Getting Started
Definition of Terms
Safety of MMS
In 18 years, since the discovery of MMS, we are not aware
of anyone dying or anyone suffering permanent injuries
as a result of using MMS (chlorine dioxide in a solution,
which is the way it is used 99% of the time throughout
the world). We only know of one death recorded (an
industrial accident) caused by chlorine dioxide gas many
years before MMS was discovered. This is in spite of the
fact that chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to
purify water, to sanitize hospital floors, to disinfect
slaughter houses, and to purify vegetables, along with
hundreds of other uses. More than any other single
mineral/chemical, chlorine dioxide through these and
other means has improved the health and lives of hun-
dreds of millions of people worldwide and still no deaths
or permanent injuries have been recorded caused by the
use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years. This also includes the
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
many millions of people who have taken MMS orally for
the purpose of health restoration. Compare no deaths,
except a single industrial accident not related to MMS, to
the 950,000 deaths caused by pharmaceutical drugs last
year alone, or the 15,000 deaths caused by Ibuprofen and
Aspirin last year. All things considered, chlorine dioxide is
one of the safest, if not the safest chemical known. (For
more details see:
Understanding Oxidation
Hourly Doses
Activator Acids
Important Notes:
Activating MMS
Storing MMS
Feeling Sick
There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health
Recovery Plan):
How it Works
The simple rules with our MMS Protocols and the funda-
mental principles of the Health Recovery Plan are as
For example, say you are on Protocol 1000 and after the
5th or 6th day you notice some improvement in your
condition, whatever it may be. The signs of improvement
are an indicator to keep on with Protocol 1000, do not
change anything, keep at it. On the other hand, if you are
on Protocol 1000 and you have completed two weeks of
the protocol and you have not noticed any signs of
progress or improvement then move on to Protocol 1000
Plus and so on.
Tip: If you want to use this same solution for more than
one brushing, you will need to put the solution in a bottle
with a tight lid. Once you have dipped your toothbrush into
the liquid, it is no longer reusable, so each time you brush
you can pour part of the solution into a small glass and
proceed with dipping your tooth brush into the liquid 3 or
4 times while brushing. Double the amount (10 activated
drops of MMS to 1/2 cup [4 ounces/120 ml] of water) to
make up a portion for the day.
Important Note: If making up this solution for the day,
you cannot add DMSO. DMSO must be added immediately
before use, as over time, it will weaken your MMS solution.
Tip: You can spray a little on your face and then spray a
little DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, see page 2) on top and rub
your face lightly to help ease wrinkles and DMSO often
makes the MMS spray more effective anywhere on the
Step 1.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 6.
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Protocol 1000
This protocol alone has proven time and time again to
restore health to people with a wide variety of disease
such as Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, arthritis, high choles-
terol, acid reflux, kidney disease, any number of aches
and pains, urinary tract infections, depression, diabetes,
The instructions given here are for the original, and what
I like to call, Classic Protocol 1000. If you do further
research you will find that we and many other people
have tried various versions of Protocol 1000 over the
years. While most all of the slight variations of Protocol
1000 have been successful, according to reports we have
received from around the world the success has never
been as good as the original protocol of mixing the dose
every hour.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Protocol 2000
Protocol 2000 is, in essence, our Cancer Protocol, but we
are not naming it “Cancer Protocol” as such because it
also works well for most other life-threatening diseases. I
have observed that more than 90% of those who use
Protocol 2000 faithfully, and take responsibility for using
it as directed here, overcome their cancer or other disease
completely. However, I must also mention that there are
cases of cancer and other diseases that simply are too far
gone for even MMS to help. Normally these are the cases
that have had tremendous amounts of chemo, radiation,
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Protocol 2000
MMS2 Time Schedule
Time Dose
9:00 AM MMS1 dose
10:00 AM MMS1 dose
10:30 AM MMS2 dose
11:00 AM MMS1 dose
12:00 PM MMS1 dose
12:30 PM MMS2 dose
1:00 PM MMS1 dose
2:00 PM MMS1 dose
2:30 PM MMS2 dose
3:00 PM MMS1 dose
4:00 PM MMS1 dose
4:30 PM MMS2 dose
5:00 PM MMS1 dose
6:00 PM MMS1 dose
6:30 PM MMS2 dose
Protocol 3000
DMSO is a well-known carrier substance used widely by
alternative practitioners and a few medical doctors since
1955, as a way to carry medications deeper into the
tissues and organs of the body. Body organs that are used
for transplants are submersed in DMSO to transport them
between hospitals so DMSO will not hurt tissue. It is
available in drugstores and health food stores in many
places and also on the internet and at animal supply
stores. On the internet, search for DMSO.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Complementary Protocols
Health Recovery Plan
Step 1.
Step 3.
Treating your eyes, ears, and nose with MMS can cause
them to heal when nothing else will. MMS is very gentle
on these delicate parts of the body. Follow the directions
given below.
The MMS formula for the nose is the same as for the
Full Bath
Foot Bath
MMS2 Baths
Enema Protocol
Step 1.
Douche Protocol
Fungi Protocol
There are several fungi that MMS will not kill. One indica-
tor that MMS will not be helpful is when sprayed on the
fungi it will become painful and start to sting and burn
badly. If the fungus is in the mouth when MMS is applied,
the mouth will sting and burn. (Rinse your mouth out with
cool water.) In this case, the MMS will actually make the
condition worse and it’s best to try another course of
action, such as given below.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 1.
Important Notes:
Where to Now?
There is one more step in the overall Health Recovery
Plan, which is the Indian Herb Protocol (see page 84)
however, before you go on to this final step please
carefully consider the list below of possible reasons why
you may not be having complete success with MMS thus
Indian Herb
Final Step of the Health
Recovery Plan
This might be a very important part of the Health Resto-
ration Plan. There are some cases where it seems that
MMS1 is not helping a tumor to shrink. This might be
temporary, but maybe not. Only after using Protocols
1000, 1000 Plus, 2000, 3000, DMSO, enemas, baths, the
bag treatment, the patch on tumors outside the body,
and the various additional protocols described above as
they apply, if sufficient progress is not seen, only then is
it time to consider taking the Indian Herb.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
6 and 6 Protocol
Step 1.
q Prepare a 6-drop dose as per the
instructions in Activating MMS–Mixing a
basic dose of MMS (page 18). (Be sure your
drops turn amber color.)
q Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of water or
approved juice as per the instructions on page
q Drink down the 6-drop dose.
Step 2.
q In one hour prepare another 6-drop dose
and drink it down.
q The following hour, after taking your second
6-drop dose, if you are feeling okay, then
that’s it.
Step 3.
q If you are not feeling okay by the end of the
second hour, it is time to get started on
Protocol 1000—however, begin with the
Starting Procedure. From the time you took
your last 6-drop dose (of the 6 and 6 Protocol),
start with 1/4 drop doses each hour for the
rest of the day. The next day go right into the
second day of the Starting Procedure, which
is 1/2 drop doses every hour for 8 hours. When
finished with the Starting Procedure, proceed
from there on into Protocol 1000. See page
40 for the details of the Starting Procedure.
Emergency Protocols
The basic idea when an emergency strikes is to act
fast. You want to get something into the body that will
help handle the condition and kill the poisons that
might be present. Below, you will find some
emergency situations that we have found MMS to be
particularly helpful in. This is, by all means, not meant
to be a comprehensive list. MMS will also work for
many other emergency situations. Keep in mind with
these protocols one may need to disregard the advice
given elsewhere in this book of not taking too much
MMS while at the same time, being careful not to go
too far. Follow these instructions and listen to what
the body tells you—be it your body or someone else’s.
These emergency protocols are an alternative for
those individuals who find themselves in a dire
situation and unable to seek mainstream medical
help for one reason or another, be it logistics,
financial, or otherwise, such as a personal decision
to not want to go to the hospital and subject
oneself to allopathic procedures. The decision to
choose an alternative is a personal choice. The
responsibility is 100% on each and every
individual for any and all use made of any
information herein. If one is not prepared to take
full responsibility for their own health, be it in a
severe or less severe case, I strongly advise they
seek conventional medical attention.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Ø In the event that you cannot get zinc oxide, you might
be able to find zinc chloride which can be used instead. Zinc
chloride or oxide will usually produce results in less than
four hours, but if you have any continued problem at all
from using zinc chloride, be sure to get some zinc oxide
and treat it again.
Step 1.
Step 2.
q Cut off the serrated edges and then cut the leaf
open lengthwise. Then cut a piece about 2 inches
x 2 inches (5 cm x 5 cm) and put the fresh Aloe
Vera—flesh side down—right onto the bite. Hold
the piece in place and cover it with gauze and
secure it firmly with adhesive tape. Be sure that
air cannot get between the Aloe Vera leaf and the
bite on the skin. (In an emergency, use whatever
is available to keep the Aloe Vera in place until
you can get the proper supplies, (i.e.
gauze/adhesive tape) but secure it down well so
there is no air getting to the bite).
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Important Note: The recipe for the patch for a snake bite
is different than is described in the Patch Protocol on page
60 of this manual.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 4.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Stroke Protocol
About 700,000 strokes happen in the United States each
year, and of that number approximately 150,000 deaths
occur. So strokes are nothing to be ignored. When a
stroke is coming on, follow the protocol below. Using
DMSO and MMS can stop it in its tracks. Both DMSO and
MMS will dissolve blood clots throughout the body, includ-
ing in the brain. DMSO has been used in the USA since
1955 and many people have testified about how it has
helped overcome strokes. Likewise, DMSO and MMS have
been used together for an increased benefit by thousands.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Burn Protocol
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Protocol 4000
This protocol entails using MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite)
on its own, that is, without using MMS1 drops at the same
time. Protocol 4000 is not used in the line-up of the HRP
(Health Recovery Procedure) as something to incorporate
after doing Protocols 1000 through 3000. It was originally
meant to be used mostly in emergencies when sodium
chlorite (MMS) is not available. However, we have been
receiving testimonies from more and more people who
are using Protocol 4000 alone for various ailments with
Step 1.
Babies weighing 7-24 lbs Start them on 1/2 drop of MMS1 per
hour for the first day and 3/4 drop
(3.2-10 kg)
per hour thereafter.
Above 25 lbs (11 kg), the basic rule of thumb is to give 1 drop
of MMS1 (activated MMS) for every additional 25 lbs for a
The child should take 1 drop per
25-49 lbs (11-22 kg)
50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) The child should take 2 drops per
75 lbs (34 kg) and over The child should take 3 drops per
25-49 lbs (11-22 kg) The child should take 2 drops every
2 hours.
50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) The child should take 4 drops every
2 hours.
75 lbs (34 kg) and over The child should take 6 drops every
2 hours.
Important Notes:
The basic rule of thumb for dosing with MMS for children
is when the child weighs above 25 lbs (11 kg), give 1 drop
of MMS1 (activated MMS) for every additional 25 lbs for a
Do not give a child MMS 2 (only for 75 lbs [34 kg] and up)
unless you have thoroughly read and studied the instruc-
tions in the section on Protocol 2000, page 50 and the
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc
section MMS2—Details, page 136, for instructions on how
to make MMS2 capsules, and cautions about MMS2 and
Step 3.
Step 4.
Additional Important
Daily MMS1 Maintenance Dose
MMS2, calcium hypochlorite, is known in most places as
Pool Shock. It is sold in pool stores and grocery stores
throughout the world. As long as it is for swimming pools,
manufacturers cannot put bad things in the pools that
would hurt swimmers, and thus cannot put harmful things
in the calcium hypochlorite. The package will say it con-
tains somewhere from 45% to 85% available chlorine.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 2.
In Conclusion
This is the close of the Genesis II Church of Health and
Healing Health Recovery Instruction Manual. Remember,
almost all diseases and health problems can be remedied
with MMS by following the instructions in this manual. For
more information and solutions concerning the vast ma-
jority of dangerous illnesses prevalent in our society today
visit our websites.
MMS Wiki: Genesis II Church of Health & Healing website:
Jim Humble Homepage: Genesis II Church Social
Jim Humble Bookstore: rch
Jim Humble Social Media: rch
imhumble rch
ive Espanol:
Jim first started his career in the Aerospace industry, where he quickly
became a research engineer. He worked on the first intercontinental
missile, wrote instruction manuals for the first vacuum tube computers,
worked on secret radio control electronics, and dozens of other “state
of the art” electronic projects at Hughes Aircraft Company, Northrop
Aircraft, General Motors Research Defense Laboratories, and others.
After 20 years in the Aerospace Industry, Jim went into gold mining
where he developed methods of gold recovery that replace the use of
mercury to help overcome health issues for small miners. He wrote 5
books on the subject of recovering gold from its ores. In 1996, while
prospecting for gold in South America, he discovered what has come
to be known as MMS, a simple health formula that cured malaria. In
the years that followed, he worked to further improve the formula.
Eventually a missionary group invited him to Africa where he
successfully treated over 5,000 malaria cases and victims of other
diseases. Since that time, hundreds of thousands of people have used
MMS to recover their health from a wide range of diseases.
MMS=inactivated MMS u MMS1=activated MMS u MMS2=calcium
hypochlorite u HCl=hydrochloric acid u ml=milliliter u 1 ml=20 drops u
1 ounce=30 ml u 1/2 cup=4 ounces=120 ml u cc=cubic centimeter u 1 ml=1 cc