Q NeuroEvolution Arxiv
Q NeuroEvolution Arxiv
Q NeuroEvolution Arxiv
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the past two decades [5, 6] and many problems that were noto-
riously challenging for artificial intelligence, such as playing
the game of Go [7, 8] or predicting protein structures [9], have
been cracked recently. This gives rise to new opportunities Depth-1
. . .
. . .
for using machine learning techniques to solve difficult prob-
lems in quantum science. Indeed, machine learning ideas and
tools have been invoked in various applications in quantum 0 1 ··· 0
physics, including representing quantum many-body states 0 0 ··· 1
The relation Prior Next
.. .. .. ..
. . .
. . .
. . .
[10, 11], quantum state tomography [12, 13], non-locality de- between blocks block block . .
. .
tection [14], topological quantum compiling [15], and learn- 1 0 ··· 0
ing phases of matter [16–26], etc. On the other hand, the idea
of quantum computing has revolutionized the theories and im-
Circuit sequence Block-1 Block-n
. . .
. . .
. . .
plementations of computation [27]. New quantum algorithms
may offer unprecedented prospects to enhance, speed up, or
innovate machine learning as well [28–35]. Without a doubt,
the studies of the interplay between machine learning and
quantum physics will benefits both fields and the emergent re- TABLE I. Illustration of the graph-encoding method, based on which
search frontier of quantum machine learning has become one the problem of searching the optimal quantum circuits reduces to
a task of finding paths (such as the one with the red color) in the
of today’s most rapidly growing interdisciplinary fields [1–4].
corresponding directed graphs.
An intriguing approach widely studied in quantum machine
learning is to exploit the hybrid quantum-classical scheme,
where parameterized quantum circuits are optimized with intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices [59], where the
classical methods (such as stochastic gradient descent) to sat- depth of the quantum circuits would be limited due to unde-
isfy certain objective functions. Notable examples in this sirable noises carried by such a device. In the classical ma-
category include various quantum classifiers [35–49], varia- chine learning literature, several renowned algorithms have
tional quantum eigensolver [50–53], quantum Born machines been proposed to search for appropriate neural network archi-
[54, 55], and quantum approximation optimization algorithms tectures [60–72], including evolutionary or genetic algorithms
[56–58]. In this scenario, one typically choose a variational (such as NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies, NEAT)
ansatz circuit with fixed structure and then optimize its tunable [62], greedy algorithms [64], reinforcement learning based al-
parameters to tackle the given problem. Yet, different families gorithms [65–68], and differentiable architecture search [69–
of parameterized quantum circuits may bear distinct entan- 72]. Inspired by these algorithms, analogous quantum archi-
gling capabilities and representation power, thus are suitable tecture search algorithms have also been introduced [73–82].
for different tasks. For a given learning task, how to obtain a Each of these algorithms carries its own pros and cons, and
well-performing ansatz circuit as short as possible is of cru- the choice depends on the specific problem.
cial importance, especially for quantum learning with noisy In this paper, we introduce a quantum neuroevolution al-
Rx R R R R build
determine Block Library find Paths evolve Fitness
Rx Rx R Rx R Directed Graph
Rx R R R generations > gc Sequence-n
Input: The directed graph, hyperparameters ni , ti , l, l0 , fc , and gc 0.8
validation loss
Output: The optimal quantum circuit architecture the highest fitness 0.7 0.60
Initialization: randomly generate n1 length-l paths, and compute 0.5 0.6 training accuracy
all populations validation accuracy 0.55
the fitness of their corresponding circuits 0.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213
0 50 100 150 200
for i = 1 to gc do 1.0 (c) 1.0
(d) 0.70
Choose the ti (ti < ni ) paths with highest fitness 0.9 0.9
Evolution: produce paths in the (i + 1)-th generation by con- 0.8 training accuracy 0.65
catenating ni+1 segments of length l0 to each of the ti paths;
0.7 validation accuracy
the highest fitness 0.7 0.60
compute the fitness for the paths in the (i + 1)-th generation 0.6
0.6 training loss
if max [fitness (paths)] ≥ fc then 0.5 all populations validation loss 0.55
Terminate the iteration 0.4 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 50 100 150 200
end if Generations Epochs
end for
Output the optimal quantum circuit FIG. 2. The numerical results for classification of handwritten-digit
images in the MNIST dataset. In (a), the initial variational param-
eters are randomly chosen during the training process. In (b), we
plot the loss and accuracy as a function of training epochs for the
√ √ sixth-generation quantum circuit with the highest fitness. (c) shows
(1+ 3)k+1 −(1− 3)k+1
2 3
[85]. These gate-blocks form a gate- the fitness of generated circuits for each generation with fixed ini-
block library and we use a directed graph to represent this tial variational parameters and (d) plots the loss and accuracy for the
library. Each node of the graph corresponds to a gate block, eighth-generation circuit that has largest fitness [85].
and each directed edge represent a legitimate connections of
gate-blocks according to the connection rules: there is an edge
pointing from node x to y if and only if the gate-block y is al- size of the graph, we can impose some further restrictions on
lowed to be put next to gate-block x. For convenience, we use building possible gate-blocks. For instance, we may require
an adjacency matrix to denote the directed graph as in graph that for each gate-block there are at most c (a cut-off constant
theory [86]. Noting that a quantum circuit is just a sequence of number) controlled-Rx gates and the rest qubits all undergo
gate-blocks in the corresponding library, hence the task of de- single-qubit rotations. With these restrictions, the number of
signing a well-performing ansatz variational quantum circuit possible gate-blocks reduces to a polynomial function of k
reduces a problem of finding an optimal path in the directed [85]. Accordingly, the size of the directed graph is also re-
graph. The later problem can be solved with the following duced. However, it is worthwhile to mention that the reduc-
procedure: 1) Initialization. we randomly generate n1 paths tion of the graph may also bring up a problem: we may not
with length l based on the directed graph, and compute the fit- be able to find the optimal ansatz circuits since the searching
ness of the corresponding variational quantum circuits; 2) It- space is reduced too much by the restrictions. In the follow-
eration in a Markovian fashion. From the i-th generation, we ing, we give a couple of concrete examples to benchmark the
choose ti paths with the largest fitness and for each of them effectiveness of our MQNE algorithm.
randomly add to its end ni+1 segments of length l0 . Due to Classification of handwritten-digit images.—The first ex-
the connection rules, not all possible segments can be added ample we consider is the classification of handwritten-digit
at will to the existed paths. Whether a new segment is al- images in the MNIST dataset. This is a prototypical machine
lowed to be added depends on the last gate-block of the given learning task for benchmarking the effectiveness of various
paths, which is similar to a Markovian process. In this way, learning approaches. The MNIST dataset consists of gray-
we obtain the (i + 1)-th generation of paths. We then com- scale images for handwritten digits from 0 through 9. Each
pute the fitness of all (i + 1)-th generation quantum circuits. image is two dimensional, and contains 28×28 pixels. For our
If the fitness of a circuit is larger than certain given threshold purpose, we choose only a subset of MNIST consisting of im-
value fc (or the number of iteration exceed a given number ages for digits 1 and 9 and reduced the size of the images from
gc ), we terminate the iteration and output the corresponding 28×28 pixels to 16×16 pixels, so that we can run our MQNE
path and quantum circuit. If none of the circuits has a fitness algorithm and simulate the quantum classifiers generated with
larger than fc , we repeat this step to generate paths and cir- moderate classical computational resources. In addition, we
cuits for the next generation. A schematic illustration and the use amplitude encoding to map the input images into quantum
pseudocode for our MQNE algorithm are given in Fig. 1 and states and define the following loss function based on cross-
Algorithm S2, respectively. entropy for a single data sample encoded as |ψiin (see [87] for
more details):
We note that the number of nodes of the directed graph
scales exponentially with the number of qubits involved L (h (|ψiin ; Θ) , a) = −a1 log g1 − a2 log g2 , (1)
f1 (k) = Θ(2k ). For large k, the size of the graph might
exceeds the capacity of the any classical computer, render- where a = (a1 , a2 ) = (1, 0) or (0, 1) denotes the one-hot
ing our MQNE algorithm infeasible in practice. To reduce the encoding [88] of the label of |ψiin , h (|ψiin ; Θ) represents the
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Supplementary Material: Markovian Quantum qubits can be acted on by rotation gate R or identity gate
Neuroevolution for Machine Learning pertaining to 2k−2 possibilities. Through some combinatorial
calculations, we can obtain the total number of 1 controlled-
In this Supplementary Material, we specifically show how Rx blocks:
to narrow (enlarge) the gate-block library by imposing (can-
N1 (1) = 2k−2 × k−1 × 21 .
celling) some restrictions on building possible gate-blocks. 1
We also mention how to expand the Markovian process in the
Similarly, for quantum gate-blocks containing i controlled-Rx
MQNE algorithm to the high-order Markovian process. Be-
gate, where i ≤ bk/2c, each of the remaining k − 2i qubits
sides, we present more details on the graph-encoding method
can be acted on by gate R or the identity gate, we obtain
and the MQNE algorithm and more numerical results to
N1 (i) = 2k−2i × k−i × 2i .
demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme. i
For k-qubit quantum gate-block library, we can sort all 2. For each controlled-Rx gate acting on two neighboring
quantum gate-blocks into the ones containing 0 controlled-Rx qubits i and i + 1, we assume that the i-th qubit is the
gate, 1 controlled-Rx gate, until bk/2c controlled-Rx gates. controlling qubit.
For quantum gate-blocks containing 0 controlled-Rx gate, 3. There are at most c (a cut-off constant number indepen-
each of k qubits can be acted on by single-qubit rotation gate dent of k) controlled-Rx gates in each quantum gate-
R or identity gate, corresponding to 2k quantum gate-blocks block.
of this type totally. Likewise, for quantum gate-blocks con-
With these further restrictions, there are N2 (i) = k−i
taining 1 controlled-Rx gate, each of the remaining k − 2 i
gate-blocks containing i controlled-Rx gates, and conse-
quently the total number of gate-blocks f2 (k) in the library
[1, 2, 5, 4, 0, 0; 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 1, 0, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7] is given by
R c
X c
= O(k c ).
f2 (k) = N2 (i) = i
Rx i=0 i=0
$ F F X U D F \