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Architectural Design Brief

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Town of Cobourg

Mason Homes Limited

April 2020

APRIL 2020 0
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 425 King Street East – Context ............................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Surrounding Context ........................................................................................................................... 1

4.0 Architectural Design Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 1

4.1 Overall Intent ...................................................................................................................................... 1

4.2 Architectural Elevations and Massing ................................................................................................. 3

5.0 Policy and Design Considerations .......................................................................................................... 7

5.1 Official Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 7-9
5.2 Urban and Landscape Design Guidelines ....................................................................................... 9-10
6.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Appendix A – Green for Life Feature Sheet ........................................................................................... 12-13

Figure 1 – Site Plan........................................................................................................................................ 2

Figure 2 – Historical Reference of Craftsman Architecture ......................................................................... 4

Figure 3 – Product Elevation Rendering – Glenway Model .......................................................................... 5

Figure 4 – Product Elevation Rendering – Linden Model ............................................................................. 5

Figure 5 – End Unit Product Elevation Rendering – Bungalow Loft 1........................................................... 6

Figure 6 – End Unit Product Elevation Rendering – Bungalow Loft 2........................................................... 6

APRIL 2020 1
1.0 Introduction
As an award-winning developer and builder, Mason Homes has had the privilege of creating more than
7,000 homes in first class neighbourhoods and communities across the province since 1961. Mason
Homes has become one of Ontario’s most reputable builders with a dedicated commitment to building
Green for Life™ homes with Energy Star® certified rating.

The Mason Homes’ development project is municipally addressed as 425 King Street East, Cobourg
(hereafter referred to as “Kingswood” or “Site”) and consists of 5 blocks of 27 freehold townhouse
dwelling units.

2.0 Kingswood Cobourg – Context

2.1 Surrounding Context

The site is currently vacant and is located in the Town of Cobourg’s east end within the upper limit of the
“Cloverdale” neighbourhood. The Kingswood development is comprised of an area of 1.58 hectares with
frontage onto an existing collector road, King Street East (Figure 1). Kingswood is bounded by a pedestrian
path (Molly Baker Trail) to the south, King Street East to the north, an auto repair shop to the north-west,
and single residential dwellings to the east and west.

3.0 Architectural Design Guidelines

3.1 Overall Intent

This Architectural Design Brief deals specifically with physical elements of site planning and architectural
design within the private realm that are exposed to public view. It is intended to contribute to the
development of a unique sense of place and a consistently high quality architectural character for the
Kingswood development.

It is intended that the design of Kingswood shall be consistent with the vision and design principles put
forth in the Community Design and Sustainability policies of the Official Plan, Urban & Landscape Design
Guidelines and the site specific Draft Plan Conditions. This document provides an overview and
description of the proposed buildings and how they satisfy the Town of Cobourg policies.

The Kingswood subdivision is based on design principles which ensure high quality urban design, context
sensitivity and a compatible built environment. The scale, height and massing of the residential dwellings,
as well as the character and style of architecture, will be compatible with, and sensitive to, the existing
surrounding built form context to support the project’s integration within this community.

The text and images contained in this document are conceptual representations of the anticipated vision
and character of new development within the Kingswood community. In this regard, they should not be
interpreted as the final product or as the only manner in which the guideline or design principle will be

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Figure 1: Site Plan

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3.2 Architectural Elevations and Massing

The character of the Kingswood townhouse elevations can be considered a mixed Craftsman style with
columns for the covered doorway porches that utilize this architectural style. The American Craftsman
style was developed in the late 19th century and can be characterized as an architectural style that was
inspired by the American Arts and Crafts movement. Distinguishing features such as low-pitched roof lines
consisting of a gabled roof or a hip roof, columns supporting the porch roof, a wide front porch beneath
extension of a main roof and mixed materials are typically seen throughout the structure (see Figure 2).

The Kingswood townhomes will be built with materials consisting of a combination of brick, stone, vinyl
siding, along with items such as tapered/square columns, triple-glazed casement windows, architecturally
enhanced shingle for greater roof definition, aluminium eaves, fascia and downspouts. Exterior colour
packages will be carefully coordinated to create a visually consistent streetscape appearance. Mason
Homes’ goal is to ensure that the exterior products used for this development are as maintenance-free as
possible, while always communicating a sense of richness and elegance from a streetscape standpoint.

The architectural style of buildings within the streetscape, in conjunction with the streetscape elements
found within the public realm, plays a vital role in establishing the character and identity of a street, a
neighbourhood and a community. Figures 3, 4, 5 & 6 are examples of townhouse built form anticipated
for the Kingswood development.

Building projections add a visual appeal to the massing of the built form and contribute to an attractive
streetscape design. Generally building projections may include entrance porches and bay windows. The
main entrance to the dwellings will be designed to convey its importance as a focal feature of the façade
as well as an important streetscape element which supports the pedestrian-friendly goals for all new
residential developments. The scale, height and massing of the townhomes will relate to the adjacent
street while retaining a comfortable pedestrian scale through sidewalk placement and the right-of-way
width of 18m. Prominent massing will be found at corner units to highlight the significance of these areas
and to “anchor” the streetscape. The corner units will be one-storey and will blend into the edges of the
townhouse blocks into the adjacent neighbourhood which are primarily bungalow dwellings.

Buildings will be designed and sited to be complementary to the community landscape design initiatives
of the public realm (refer to Landscape Design Brief prepared by John D. Bell Associates Ltd., dated May
4, 2020 for details on how the development supports the Town of Cobourg’s Urban and Landscape Design
Guidelines). The intent is to maintain corresponding relationships between built form and public spaces
in order to yield quality streetscapes while encouraging architectural variety, innovation and creativity.

The site is generally flat which lends itself to the homes siting close to grade. Mason Homes generally
seeks to keep the elevation of its homes lower to the street grade in order to minimize the number of
steps to the front door, both for aesthetic reasons and to provide for easier access for seniors or those
with disabilities. To enhance the streetscape and façade of the interior townhouses, gas meters will be
installed in a recessed box in the side wall of entrances. To maintain the 1 meter clearance needed for
the gas meter, it will be situated opposite the garage side of the front porch with the hydro on the
garage wall side of the front porch. There are no apparent impacts on prominent views or streetscapes
and there are no open storage uses associated with this residential development.

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Figure 2: Historical Reference of Craftsman Architecture

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The detached product elevation renderings shown below will be used and adapted into
a townhome concept in the Kingswood development.

Figure 3: Product Elevation Rendering – Glenway Model

Figure 4: Product Elevation Rendering – Linden Model

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Figure 5: End Unit Product Elevation Rendering – Bungalow Loft 1

Figure 6: End Unit Product Elevation Rendering – Bungalow Loft 2

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4.0 Policy and Design Considerations

4.1 Official Plan

The Kingswood subdivision satisfies policies from the Town of Cobourg’s Official plan through community
design, streetscape and building design. The development is within a designated settlement area, which
is the focus area for growth and proposes townhouses, which are generally considered to be more energy
efficient housing type than single-detached dwellings, satisfying policies set under Section 4.8.2 in the
Town of Cobourg’s Official Plan relating to sustainable developments. Urban development of this nature
reduces energy loss through delivery versus rural levels of service. Every effort will be made during the
construction phase of the project to minimize waste of materials, water and other limited resources.

The subdivision will have direct access to the existing municipal open space of Molly Baker Trail to
facilitate a livable environment and use of a natural heritage feature. This, combined with the
Development Site Plan demonstrating the trees to be retained and preserved will facilitate a healthy
environment for current and future residents of the Kingswood subdivision and the immediate area. With
shops, services and community facilities in close proximity from the proposed development, it will
encourage current and future residents to take other, more active forms of transportation such as walking
and cycling to these uses and promote a potential reduction of vehicle trips.

The Development Site Plan demonstrates contiguous areas along the east and western property lines as
well as the south for the preservation of key trees and tree clusters. This will assist in maintaining the
urban forest in the immediate area. Street trees will be planted on the boulevard area within the road
allowance to maintain and enhance the existing urban forest. Tree plantings within the road allowance
will be planted according to the Landscape Plan prepared by John D. Bell Associates, dated April 23, 2020.
Additional trees will be planted under the compensation plan to be approved by the Municipality in rear
and side yards, and public space where appropriate. Due to the scale of the development, storm water
runoff infiltration will be stored underground in the road alignment to avoid impact outside of roads and
on vegetated areas.

The 425 King Street East subdivision conforms to policies set out in Section of the Town of
Cobourg’s Official Plan streetscape design policies through a well-designed public realm. Kingswood has
frontage onto King Street East, an existing arterial road. The conveyance of land along King Street East for
a future widening provides for future planning purposes will facilitate boulevards, wide sidewalks, and
landscaped medians and other visual mitigation techniques, subject to the Town’s plans.

The Development Site Plan demonstrates minimal setback of the buildings to the public roads, specifically
the exterior units in Blocks 1, 2 and 5. See Figure 5 for special building elevations for the exterior facades
of the end units. The effect of the reduced setbacks and special exterior side yard façades will be to create
a high-quality streetscape of King Street East and Orchard Avenue to frame the street space, provide a
sense of enclosure and to maximize their aesthetic value. The proposed townhouse dwellings have been
sited close to the street line to facilitate visual overlook and ease of public access to adjacent streets.
Housing designs have maximized the windows along the front façade to promote natural surveillance
opportunities. See Figures 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Townhouse Elevation Rendering for detail.

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The Official Plan external building design policies (Section 5.2.8) as they relate to the proposed subdivision
are discussed below:

When considering, as part of site plan approval, the external design of buildings and the design of the
adjacent streetscape, the Town shall take into account all the policies of this Plan, particularly the
policies of this Community Design Strategy. In addition, in evaluating the external design of buildings
the Town shall seek design which reflects the directions in the Town’s Urban Design and Landscape
Guidelines and, in particular:

i) Includes sustainable building practices such as the use of green roofs and solar panels with
the achievement of LEED or Energy Star or other similar certification or equivalent being
Mason Homes has been recognized as an award winning Energy Star® builder since 2005 and
is dedicated to building homes that provide a healthier indoor environment. With healthier
and more sustainable homes, the homes in the Kingswood subdivision will have the following
energy efficiencies and features (refer to Appendix A for Green for Life Feature Sheet):
a) Dwellings to have all masonry façade with siding accent gables
b) High efficiency gas furnaces c/w digital thermostat
c) R-60 blown-in insulation in attic
d) R-25 BIBS insulation system
e) R20 CI basement insulation
f) Qualified insulation in exterior studded walls above grade
g) Integrated Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) system
h) Triple-pane insulated windows with low E
i) Optimal value engineered wood framing – floor joists bonded to 5/8 OSB sub-floors with
glue and screws
j) Quality pre-engineered roof trusses
k) 3/8 OSB roof sheathing
l) Engineered 2x6in. Exterior and 2x4 interior wall construction
m) Water efficient faucets and shower heads
n) Low consumption toilets
o) Energy Star qualified rental on demand tank-less water tank
p) Each home blower-door tested by independent energy advisor

Sustainability includes the combination of environmental, social, economic and cultural influences that
ensure a community remains balanced and productive. Managing and protecting valuable resources
through design and construction will result in the conservation of those resources in the overall lifespan
of the community. The design objective is to create sustainable architecture that supports compact
development, greater walkability, site and building adaptability, intensification versus sprawl,
conservation of natural areas, building in harmony with the surrounding environment and a greater use
of existing infrastructure. Sustainability and low impact development measures will be utilized in building
and landscape design. All homes will be Energy Star certified which exceeds Ontario Building Code
standard construction for energy conservation.

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The area surrounding the site to the east and west developed several decades ago with predominately
bungalow, single- detached dwellings. The introduction of townhouse style dwellings is representative of
modern, higher density development that is to be located on an arterial road which is supported by
policies in the Town of Cobourg’s Official Plan, Section 5.2.8. The Kingwood subdivision will serve to
enhance the character of existing adjacent development by adding a new housing type into an area where
it does not currently exist. The proposed townhouse elevations demonstrate a strong public face with a
variety of architectural elements and building materials to create a dynamic and complimentary rhythm
to Orchard Avenue, which will be complimentary to adjacent development. Massing of the townhouses is
similar to that of the heritage property abutting to the east known as Tangmere (No.427) and considered
a gradual transition to the other bungalow, single-detached dwellings.

The enclosed building elevations (Figures 3-6) demonstrates the use of high quality masonry and brick by
the builder in varying colours. It is intended that front yards and exterior side yards act as the “public face”
for each dwelling. Private amenity areas are provided in the rear yards for each dwelling.

The above analysis has carefully considered the applicable Official Plan sustainability and design policies
for subdivisions within Mixed Use areas. The Kingwood subdivision conforms to the intent of the Official
Plan sustainability and design policies.

4.2 Urban and Landscape Design Guidelines

The Town of Cobourg Urban and Landscape Design Guidelines (ULDG) were completed in 2010 and
provide policy direction on design of both public and private realms. All new development is to respect
the policies and recommendations contained therein. The following analyses the relevant sections from
the Design Guidelines, focussing on streets and streetscapes, parking and building typologies.

The Kingswood townhouse elevations demonstrate a strong public face that features a variety of building
materials, window sizes, door styles and steps in the façade that provide a variety of architectural
elements that is encouraged in Section 4.5.2 of the Town of Cobourg’s ULDG. Covered doorways provide
for a dual purpose porch detail and diminishing the presence of the garage. Spaces have been maximized
to have useable rooms that look out onto the street – on the ground floor in the single-storey units and
on the second floor of the two- storey units. See Figures 3, 4, 5 & 6 for detail.

Policies relating to building typologies for building variation and density in Section in the Town of
Cobourg’s ULDG are supported through the Kingswood development. There are three distinct unit designs
within the townhouse façade, which are then mirrored on either side of the centre unit. The effect of this
design is that each unit is clearly defined, having the appearance of being functionally separate from the
neighbouring unit, while providing for the density desired with the townhouse built form. The rear yard
setbacks proposed for the townhouse dwellings will range from 7.2 metres to 16.9 metres which exceeds
up to two times the R4-4 Zone minimum recommended in Section in the ULDG policies. The
townhouse building form is integral in achieving a transit supportive density, which is appropriate along
an arterial road and mixed-use corridor. The Development Site Plan demonstrates the main, or principal,
façade of the townhouse dwellings are parallel to the Orchard Avenue extension. All front yard setbacks
are intended to be consistent and align to frame the street wall. All units will have their front entrance
oriented parallel to the Orchard Avenue extension.

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The columns for the covered doorway porches utilize the Craftsman architectural style, which are square
set on a stone base. This is consistent with the other Craftsman style elements of the townhouse façade,
principally the gable roof details. The covered doorway porches will only require one or two steps and
there will be no exposed porch underside. Following the Town of Cobourg’s ULDG policies for porches and
building projects in Section, the porch base will be nearly at grade with no opportunity to wrap
other finish materials around all sides. Grading may be incorporated to minimize the need for steps. There
are three covered doorway porch designs which are reflected on both sides of the centre unit.. Overall,
the covered doorway porches are to be balanced when appreciating the townhouse dwelling as a whole.
Wraparound porch detailing is not possible for the exterior unit due to their internal layout.

The ULDG’s building typologies policies for attached garages in Section encourages garages to be
designed so that they are not the dominant feature in the streetscape. Architectural elements in the
Kingswood development have been incorporated into the elevations with no garages fronting onto King
Street East. The covered doorway porches project past the garage and principal façade and the second
storey floor area is integrated above the garage. Carriage-style doors with windows are proposed in a
complementary colour so as to blend with the overall colour scheme of each townhouse dwelling. Colour
schemes are intended to be varied from dwelling to dwelling.

The above analysis has carefully considered the applicable design policies for subdivision within Mixed
Use areas and along arterial roads. The Town of Cobourg’s Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines
provide urban design guidance aimed at allowing the Town to assess, promote, and achieve appropriate
design for proposed developments. The Kingswood development is consistent with the Urban and
Landscape Design Guidelines.

5.0 Conclusion
This Architectural Design Brief was prepared in support of an application for Subdivision Clearance by
Mason Homes for the subject property located at 425 King Street East, on the south side, known as
Kingswood. The subject lands are vacant. There will be five blocks created for 27 townhouse dwellings.
Access to the subdivision will be via a new internal street fronting onto King Street East and the extension
of Orchard Avenue.

This report demonstrates how the Kingswood development embodies the design principles and objectives
of the Town of Cobourg Design policies. The architectural built form proposed will consider surrounding
massing, density, and style. This seamless visual integration within the broader community will enable the
growth in The Town of Cobourg, while respecting the current integrity of the neighbourhood and
managing its development objectives sustainably for a strong, liveable, and healthy community.

The Kingswood development has regard to relevant urban design and sustainability policies of the Town
of Cobourg Official Plan, Urban and Landscape Design Guidelines and Draft Plan Conditions. The
Architectural Design Brief highlights an appropriate approach for the development within the community.

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Features & Finishes
1. ENERGY STAR qualified high efficiency gas heating system c/w 39. Interior passage doors, pocket doors and closet doors.*
digital thermostat 95% efficiency AFUE. 40. Brushed nickel lever interior door hardware, with privacy sets on all
2. ENERGY STAR nominal R-60 blown-in attic insulation. bathroom doors.
3. R-31 blown-in insulation for vaulted ceilings with no access to attic. 41. 2-3/4” window casing and 4-1/4” baseboard with shoe mold to tile
4. Nominal R-24 blown-in blanket system (BIBS) ENERGY STAR or hardwood floors, throughout finished areas.*
qualified insulation in exterior studded walls above grade. 42. Clear varnished oak wooden pickets for all overlooks and
5. ENERGY STAR nominal R-20 “full-height” basement insulation (6” stairways.*+
off basement floor), on exterior walls only. 43. Smooth drywall ceilings throughout.
6. Nominal ENERGY STAR R-31 blown-in insulation in garage ceilings, 44. Oak veneer stairs with oak hand rail, pickets, and nosing in natural
where applicable. finish/clear varnish to finished areas.*+
7. Foam insulation and tape around exterior doors and windows. 45. Ventilated closet wire shelving. Double hanging closet, with shelf in a
8. Solar ready conduit rough-in from attic to mechanical room. portion of the master bedroom walk-in closet.*
9. Integrated Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) system, with 46. Swing front entry closet doors.*
supplementary ENERGY STAR exhaust fans as required. 47. All columns in finished areas are drywalled, unless specified on plan.
10. Energy efficient air conditioning system. 48. Drywall rounded corner beads where applicable (square corners
11. Air tight self-sealing electrical boxes. substituted at Builder’s discretion).
12. ENERGY STAR qualified “low E” argon gas, triple glazed insulated 49. Low VOC paint on interior walls and ceilings, low VOC semi-gloss on
windows, with insulated spacers. Vinyl maintenance-free windows trim and doors.
on side, front and rear elevations. Operable windows and sliding 50. As much as possible, low VOC adhesives, caulks and sealants will
doors c/w screens and locks.* be utilized.
13. ENERGY STAR qualified “low E” argon gas double pane insulated 51. Interior low VOC base paint colour (1 colour throughout home);
vinyl exterior 6’ or 8’ sliding glass doors. * interior doors and trim painted white.+
14. ENERGY STAR rated exhaust fans.
15. All light bulbs are Energy Star qualified lights.
52. Generous selection of quality cabinetry from Vendor’s select Level 1
16. Copper drain water heat recovery pipe. samples with valance box and soft-close hinges and glides.
CHARMING EXTERIOR DETAILS 53. Granite kitchen countertop with 2cm modern standard square
edge, choice of colours from Vendor’s value group samples with
17. Large complimentary lifestyle porches.* undermount double stainless steel sink and with single lever
18. Professionally selected exterior colour themes to choose from. pull-out faucet. Flush granite breakfast bar with 2cm modern
19. Architecturally designed windows on all elevations, making your standard square edge, choice of colours from Vendor’s value group
home bright and creating an attractive streetscape. samples.*+
20. Corner lot homes are architecturally designed to enhance 54. Rough-in plumbing, stubbed at sink and electrical c/w cabinet space
streetscape appearance. for future dishwasher. Hook up not included.
21. Exteriors may include a combination of some or all of the following: 55. Stainless steel 2 speed kitchen exhaust fan vented to exterior.
concrete, stone, clay brick, low maintenance vinyl siding, fibre
cement board and decorative architectural features, as per plan. BATHROOM FINISHES
Railings will be installed at side and rear doors (where required by 56. Acrylic shower base with ceramic tile wall and tempered frameless
grading conditions and OBC requirements).* glass door.*
22. Aluminum soffit, fascia, eaves and downspouts. 57. Grab-bar rough-in, as per Ontario Building Code.
23. Architecturally enhanced, double-layer laminate shingles. 58. Vanities in main and ensuite washrooms with laminate countertop.+
24. Recessed exterior pot lighting in front porch ceiling. Recessed 59. Pedestal sink in powder room.*
exterior pot lighting in soffit over garage.* 60. Water efficient faucets, showerheads, and low consumption toilets.
25. Front or rear driveway (as per house type) surfaced with gravel, front
or rear Municipal aprons to be asphalt. FLOORING
26. Lot and boulevard graded and sodded. 61. Ceramic floor tiles with low VOC grout in tiled area. *+
27. Concrete porch with pre-cast concrete steps at front and side 62. Choice of 12” x 12” or 13” x 13” ceramic floor tiles (applies to floor
entrances. Rear entrance with pre-cast steps or railing, as per grade tile in tiled areas as per plan).*+
and OBC requirements.
63. Plush carpeting c/w low VOC underpad in balance of finished
28. Decorative street numbers, exterior paints and stains, where areas.+
29. Fibreglass front entry doors with dent resistant finish and sealed WATER SAVING PLUMBING
window inserts, as per plan. Insulated foam core increases the 64. Acrylic tub and ceramic tile enclosure to ceiling w/ water resistant
insulating value compared to that of a wood door. Decorative satin drywall, c/w single lever pressure balance faucet, water efficient
nickel grip set and deadbolt for front door. showerhead and shower curtain rod.
30. Brick soldier coursing, stone window sills, keystones, other masonry 65. Acrylic shower base with ceramic tile walls and tempered frameless
details and decorative shutters for windows where applicable.* glass shower door.*
QUALITY CONSTRUCTION 66. White oval vanity sinks c/w water efficient single lever faucet and
pop-up drain.
31. Engineered flooring system “I” joists on first and second floors,
67. Shut off valves at all sinks and toilets.
which creates an open basement with minimal posts.
68. 2 exterior hose bibs: 1 in front and 1 at rear (1 of these two will be in
32. Engineered sub-floors with 5/8” tongue and groove or better OSB
garage as per model).
sub-flooring, sanded, glued and screwed.
69. ENERGY STAR qualified rental gas hot water heater.
33. Pre-engineered roof trusses.
70. Sealed sump pump, as per municipality, as required.
34. Optimal value engineered 2” x 6” exterior wall construction
with dimensional or finger-joint studs, as per plan and Builder’s 71. Back flow preventer installed on the sanitary line.
35. 2” x 4” interior walls are used in most areas. Optimal value
engineered 2” x 6” interior walls where necessary to accommodate 72. 200 amps electrical service with circuit breakers, conduit,
structural, vents, plumbing waste pipes and stacks and heating panelboard, and electrical outlet box for future installation for electric
ducts. 2” x 4” load bearing basement interior walls.* vehicle (EV) supply equipment.
36. (+/-) 9’ interior ceilings on main floor with (+/-) 8’ second floor 73. 220-volt outlet for stove and dryer.
ceilings. (Except in sunken or raised areas, stairways and where 74. 2 weatherproof exterior electrical outlets, one each at front and rear
there are raised, dropped or cathedral ceilings).* of home.
37. Resilient channel drywall ceiling application to lessen sound 75. Outlets in bathrooms and kitchen countertops on ground fault
transmission and ensure a better drywall finish. interruption (GFI) circuits.
38. Exterior house wrap air barrier system.


Features & Finishes

76. Smoke detector with electrical connection on all floors and all by Purchaser and accepted by Vendor, cannot be changed, added or altered by Purchaser,
bedrooms. after acceptance by Vendor. The Purchaser acknowledges the Vendor’s sales office, Décor
Centre and model homes may be decorated for public display purposes and contains
77. Carbon monoxide detector on every floor. certain feature upgrade finishes, optional items and custom changes that are not included in
78. Ceiling light fixtures in finished areas. Wall mounted in bathroom(s) the basic model. Purchaser agrees to perform due diligence to ensure proper care, cleaning
and maintenance of all finishing materials such as, but not limited to, flooring, tile, stone,
and powder room.
carpet, and stairs.
79. “Rhythm” collection light fixtures throughout home. All lights c/w NATURAL MATERIALS - The Purchaser acknowledges that wood grain, laminate floors,
energy efficient light bulbs. marble finishes and other natural materials to be installed within the Dwelling may vary
80. White Decora switches and receptacles throughout the home. in texture, finish, appearance and consistency due to the natural composition of these
products and therefore agrees to accept all inherent cosmetic variations of such natural
81. Wall receptacle ceiling light, plus ceiling plug, in garage.* products.
82. 2 telephone and 2 cable jacks roughed-in (1 in family room or great HARDWOOD - Hardwood flooring may react to normal fluctuation in humidity levels
room and 1 in the master bedroom). producing gapping or cupping or both, which is considered to be within acceptable
industry standards. The Purchaser acknowledges that any hardwood and laminate flooring
83. Basement 3-way lighting connected to wall switch.
installed in the Dwelling Is made of a natural material which is subject to normal shrinkage
84. Electrical door chime at front entryway. and board separation, and, expansion due to changes in humidity for which the Purchaser
agrees is not the responsibility of the Vendor and agrees to fully indemnify the Vendor in
85. Rough-in central vacuum to basement.
respect of such Issues. The Purchaser further acknowledges being advised that the Vendor
recommends the additional purchase of a humidifier for the Dwelling in which hardwood
LAUNDRY ROOM FINISHES flooring is installed and that ceramic tiling is recommended at entry points to the home
86. Conveniently located main floor or second floor laundry.* due to the possibility of water exposure to hardwood. The purchaser agrees to the proper
maintenance of laminate floors. The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that various types
87. Dryer vent ducted to exterior (w/ exterior cover). of flooring, such as carpets, marble, tile and/or hardwood floors in the Dwelling may result
88. Hot and cold water supply and grey water discharge pipe in main in different heights (to be established by the Vendor in its sole discretion) in the transitional
floor laundry area only, built into wall housing.* areas between them, and that the Vendor may use appropriate reducers in the area.
STAIR FINISHING - IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by the Purchaser(s) that the stain
BASEMENT FINISHES colour chosen for the stairs, railings, pickets, nosing, and hardwood, if applicable, may not
be identical to floor samples or to each other due to the many variables that can affect the
89. Concrete basement walls with damp-proofing, weeping tiles, and outcome of a stain colour on wood. Factors such as density, age, humidity, air temperature
exterior drainage membrane. and the uniqueness of each piece of wood can result in darkness or lightness. The Vendor
cannot be responsible for results which differ from the samples. The Vendor offers factory
90. Basement window wells may be required according to grade. stained, pre-finished laminate and hardwood products and unfinished, hand stained wood
91. Basement exterior walls with R-20 insulation full height to stairs, pickets and railings. An exact colour match of pre-finished laminate and wood
approximately 6” above basement slab on exterior walls only. elements that are stained in place is not possible.

92. 32” x 24” basement vinyl windows, with egress window, location as GRANITE/MARBLE/STONE - The Purchaser(s) acknowledge(s) that as granite/marble is a
per plan and/or per Builder’s discretion. Some basement windows natural product, there may be variances in the colour, pattern and waves within an individual
slab of granite/marble or between two different slabs, and accordingly there may be
may be larger as per site plan grading. variances in compared to the sample on display at the Décor area. The Purchaser therefore
93. Three-piece rough-in for optional basement bathroom.* acknowledges this condition and agrees to accept variances in colour, pattern and waves in
the granite/marble countertop to be supplied and installed herein.
YOUR GARAGE FLOORING - The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that all light coloured materials,
especially flooring, may be subject to fading or yellowing after use or exposure to sunlight
94. 1 or 2 car garage, with hose bib and additional electrical outlet on
and such fading or yellowing will not be covered by any warranty. The Purchaser further
inside wall. acknowledges that light coloured and white carpeting may be subject to discolouring at
95. Automatic garage door opener (1 per house with 1 transmitter). walls and sub-floor joints due to the filtering process that occurs with forced air heating,
generally caused by pollutants and candles and both exterior and interior air quality and is
96. Wall receptacle, ceiling light plus ceiling plug in garage.* not covered by any warranty provided for herein. The vendor is not responsible for shade
differences occurring from different dye lots on all materials such as, but not limited to,
FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND ceramic tile or broadloom, stain, paint, roof shingles, hardwood flooring, wood stairs, railing,
kitchen cabinets, countertops, brick, stone and all exterior finishes. Colours and materials
97. Property survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor provided on
will be as close as possible to vendor’s samples but not necessarily identical. Purchasers
closing. may be required to reselect colours and/or materials from the vendor’s samples as a result
98. All homes are backed by “Tarion”. Mason Homes is a registered of unavailability or discontinuation.
member of Tarion in good standing and shall comply with all The Purchaser acknowledges that the hot water heater is a rental/finance unit and agrees
warranty requirements. to execute a rental/finance agreement on or before closing with local supplier. Furnace
and hot water tank locations are subject to change without notice. Vendor will not allow
i. 7 Years – Major structural
the purchaser to do any work and/or supply any material to finish dwelling or to enter the
ii. 2 Years – Plumbing, heating, electrical systems, and building dwelling, prior to the closing date. Exterior elevations will be similar to pictures shown,
envelope but not necessarily identical. Mason Homes has the right to drop landings and porches
if necessary. Room sizes on brochures are based on exterior building materials/finishing.
iii. 1 Year – Builder comprehensive warranty Basement stairs to be finished as per plan. Some glazing on exterior renderings may
99. All homes are independently tested for Energy Star Certification. be decorative glass and not see-through as per plan. Regardless of floor plan shown,
Save up to 20% on your energy costs. some man-doors from garage are optional at customer’s cost and dependent upon
being allowable by grade conditions. Artistic renderings of house elevations are artist’s
impression and detailing may vary from that shown. Ceilings and walls may be modified
THE NOT SO SMALL PRINT … In an effort to build a superior product, in terms of livability, to accommodate mechanical systems. HVAC mechanical locations are subject to change
structure and energy efficiency, Mason Homes reserves the right to alter dimensions, areas, without notice. Number of steps at front and rear may vary from that shown according to
footage, location of doors, windows, etc., and to operate within allowable TARION and grading conditions and municipal requirements, same as for exterior side yard man-doors,
OBC parameters. Lot widths are determined at appropriate front yard set-back of home. and throughout interior of dwelling. Basement windows may vary in location. Mason
Prices, specifications, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Substitute Homes reserves the right to substitute different brands of similar quality to those specified
materials and fixtures of comparable or better value are allowable at Builder’s discretion. The here dependent upon availability, pricing and selection. “Alternate” and “Optional” partial
Purchaser agrees to not enter any house during any stage of construction unless invited and plans may involve extra charge. All Extra’s and Optional pricing is subject to change when
accompanied by a Mason Homes Rep. The Purchaser acknowledges that an unauthorized reviewed and approved by Vendor. Some structural changes may be present in the model
entrance onto the Real Property constitutes an unacceptable health and safety risk for the homes. These will not be included in the house unless they are specifically requested and
Vendor and will, at the very least, cause the Vendor to incur administrative costs associated purchased by the purchaser and approved by Mason Homes. Purchaser acknowledges
with enforcement of this provision. In the event the Purchaser enters the Real Property that, as per plan, some homes have two car garages in rear of yard. Mason Homes builds in
without the Vendor’s authorization, the Purchaser agrees to compensate the Vendor in a method that we believe is a more environmentally friendly manner to promote a healthier
the amount of $250 per violation for the estimated administrative costs of enforcing this and energy efficient lifestyle, however this is not a substitute for an individual’s lifestyle
provision, which shall become due and payable prior to Closing. The Purchaser shall choices, nor do we claim any future health benefits from our products or construction
indemnify and save the Vendor, its servants and agents harmless from all action, claims and methods. Green features and finishes represent an element of construction that, in the
demands for, upon or by reason of any damages, loss or injury to person or property of the builder’s opinion, constitutes an environmentally more sustainable process and/or product
Purchaser, or any of his friends, relatives, workmen, or agents who have entered on the real than conventional alternatives. All items listed as “low VOC” cannot be guaranteed though
property or any part of the subdivision of which the real property forms a part, whether with the use of these items are specified for use in Mason Homes to trades people. All items
or without the authorization expressed or implied by the Vendor. specified “as per plan”. House plan may be reversed and purchaser agrees to accept same.
The parties acknowledge that there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or
The Vendor offers an extensive array of optional items and upgrades, at an additional cost.
condition affecting the agreement or the real property except as contained in the agreement.
The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees to accept that variations in colour, grain and Any statement or representation made by the new home sales professional, employees of
shade uniformity may occur and the colours, patterns and availability of samples displayed the vendor or contained in any sales brochure, website or any other document shall not
in the Sales Centre, Décor Studio and Model Homes may vary from those displayed and be legally binding upon the vendor unless contained in the agreement of purchase of sale.
those available at time of colour selection. The Purchaser shall have the right to choose the From time to time the contents of our purchase and sale agreements including all schedules
style or colour of an item, where a choice exists, from the Vendor’s samples. However, the may change without express notice. This document forms a binding amendment to any
Purchaser agrees that if he/she fails to select within fourteen (14) days (or more if allowed) existing Agreement of Purchase and Sale Contracts. This agreement may not be amended
of being given notice by the Vendor, then the Vendor may proceed with his selection and other than in writing. E. & O. E. PARKLANDS – March, 2019
the Purchaser will deem to have accepted such selection. Upgrades and options selected



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