Abhinav Verma - Resume
Abhinav Verma - Resume
Abhinav Verma - Resume
CLASS XII SCIEN CE National Public School, HSR Layout CBSE 9 2.4 % 20 18
• Elevated Adverse M edia Softw are to enhance risk assessment capabilities, resulting in more accurate and efficient compliance procedures
• Pioneered the development of a comprehensive Customer Risk Assessment (CRA) solution from the ground up, empow ering the company w ith
a pow erful tool for risk evaluation
• Increased D0 retention from 4 6 % to 58 %, & daily installs by 6 0 % through data analysis, content planning & social media marketing
• Analysing app user acquisition & retention data to generate insights on performing & non- performing marketing/ content properties
• Running content experiments (A/ B testing) to develop better retention tracking metrics and test their efficacy
• Analyze user responses to different content on the feed and discovery tab and suggest the kind of content w hich should come on the feed
• Got selected in the Nasscom Cisco Startup Incubator program, one in the top 75 teams out of the 9 0 0 + applications from all over India
• Leading a team of 10 + members to operate a social media tech venture having 23 K+ follow ers & 2.5M + reach on Instagram
• Received an acquihire deal at a valuation of INR 1M ; got featured in N YK Daily for fastest- grow ing socio-political digital media venture
Senior Consultant, 18 0 DC
180 DC is the w orld's largest student-run consulting organization w hich gives consultation to N GOs, startups, and governments
• Led the projects of 7 Indian startups and 1 Singapore startup on marketing strategy, competitor analysis, product improvement, business plan,
and pitch deck
• Consulted 1 Denmark- based N GO and 1 Bangalore- based N GO on CSR and Fundraising Strategy
• Won the Best Consultant Aw ard for the year 20 21-22
Peer M entorship Program - Role: Student M entor | Cause: Social Services Aug 20 21 - M ay 20 22
• M entored 10 fresher students of the college in their first year and ensured that it w ent smoothly and resolved their problems and queries
• Was one among the 25 mentors to be chosen as the best mentor, out of 155 student mentors.