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Department of Statistics: Tutorial Letter 101/2010

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Important information: read now

Department of Statistics
Introduction to Statistics

Tutorial letter 101/2010

Scheme of work, study resources and assignments

1. A word of welcome 2
2. Purpose and outcomes of this module 3
3. Communication 3
4. Student support system 4
5. Study material 5
6. How the assignment system works 7
7. How the examination system works 9
8. Assignments and assessment criteria 11


This tutorial letter contains the assignments for both semesters

Select, complete and submit the assignments relevant for either the first or the second semester only
(according to your registration)

1. A word of welcome

We are pleased to welcome you to this module and hope that you will find it both interesting and
rewarding. We shall do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on
your way to success if you start studying early in the year and resolve to do the assignment(s) properly.

You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of
communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment.

Tutorial Letter 101 contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and
assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working
through the study material, preparing the assignment(s), preparing for the examination and addressing
questions to your lecturers.

Please read Tutorial Letter 301 in combination with Tutorial Letter 101 as it gives you an idea of
generally important information when studying at a distance and within a particular College.

In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as well as instructions on
the preparation and submission of the assignments. This tutorial letter also provides all the information
you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it. Please
study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as

We have also included certain general and administrative information about this module. Please study
this section of the tutorial letter carefully.

Right from the start we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive
during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes,
urgent information.

We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best!
3 STA1610/101/3

2. Purpose and outcomes of this module

This is the service module of the Department of Statistics and is prescribed for students from different
disciplines and with different background knowledge. It aims to present statistics in an interesting
and useful way without complicating the module using difficult mathematics. The basic techniques in
statistics will be covered to familiarise students with statistical terms and basic knowledge so that they
will be able to use statistical textbooks in their future careers if needed. This is a stand-alone module
and may not be a prerequisite for any other module in statistics.
The Department of Statistics currently offer two service modules, ST A1510 and ST A1610. You may
not enrol for both or receive credits for both these modules. The reason for this rule is that both cover
the same contents. The difference lies in the levels (5 and 6) and the difference in levels is addressed
in the assessment of students. Multiple choice questions in assignments and examination papers for
ST A1610 will be at level 6, while those in the assignments and papers for ST A1510 will be at level 5.

3. Communication with your lecturers

At the time this tutorial letter had to be submitted for printing, the departments allocation of lecturers
responsible for this module have not yet been finalised. If you have academic enquiries before you
receive information about your lecturer, please contact
The secretary of the Department of Statistics
TvW Building 7 − 129
E-mail address: mahlamn@unisa.ac.za
Telephone number: (012)429 − 6464

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module should
be directed to us. Please have your study material with you when you contact us.

E-mail and telephone numbers are included above but you might also want to write to us.
Letters should be sent to:

The Module leader (ST A1610)

Department of Statistics
PO Box 392

PLEASE NOTE: Letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments.

Communication with the University

If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please
consult the publication Your Service Guide @ Unisa that you received with your study material.
This brochure contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write
for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain
facilities are open).

Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.
Please note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to the Unisa Contact Centre. Enquiries
will then be channelled to the correct department.
The details are as follows:

• Calls (RSA only) 0861670411

• International Calls +27116709000
• Fax number (RSA) 0124294150
• Fax number (international) +27124294150
• E-mail study-info@unisa.ac.za

4. Student support system

For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student
counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication Your Service Guide @
Unisa that you received with your study material.

4.1 Contact with fellow students

4.1.1 Study groups

It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups.
The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department:
Directorate: Student Administration and Registration
PO Box 392
Please contact the Unisa Contact Centre 0861670411.
5 STA1610/101/3

4.1.2 myUnisa

If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources
and information at the University. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa’s online
campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the
administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the internet.

To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and
then click on the “Login to myUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take
you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.

Please consult the publication Your Service Guide @ Unisa which you received with your
study material for more information on myUnisa.

4.1.3 Discussion classes

There will be two discussion classes in each semester. The first class will cover the first half of
the work and the second class the second half. At this stage these classes are offered in Pretoria
(Sunnyside campus), the Florida campus, Polokwane and Durban. The actual dates and venues
for 2010 will be send to you in a follow-up tutorial letter.

5. Study material

5.1 Inventory letter

At the time of registration, you will receive an inventory letter that will tell you what you have
received in your study package and also show items that are still outstanding. Also see the brochure
entitled Your Service Guide @ Unisa.

Check the study material that you have received against the inventory letter. You should have
received all the items listed in the inventory, unless there is a statement like “out of stock” or “not
available”. If any item is missing, follow the instructions on the back of the inventory letter without

PLEASE NOTE: Your lecturers cannot help you with missing study material.

Please contact the Unisa Contact Centre at 0861670411 (RSA only), or +27116709000
(international calls) (also see par. 3 above).

5.2 Study material

The Department of Despatch should supply you with the following study material for this module:

• A study guide for ST A1610

• Tutorial Letters 101 and 301 at registration and others letter

Apart from Tutorial Letters 101 and 301, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the
semester. These tutorial letters will not necessarily be available at the time of registration. Tutorial
letters will be despatched to you as soon as they are available or needed (for instance, for feedback
on assignments).

If you have access to the Internet, you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules
for which you are registered on the University’s online campus, myUnisa, at http://my.unisa.ac.za

5.3 Prescribed textbook(s)

Your prescribed textbook for this module for this year is:

Weiers Roland M, Introduction to Business Statistics.

2008 International Student Edition:ISBN-(13 : 978 − 0 − 342 − 38144 − 3) 6th edition)
Thomson Learning Academic Resource Centre)

Please consult the list of official booksellers and their addresses listed in Your Service Guide @
Unisa. If you have any difficulties in obtaining books from these bookshops, please contact the
Unisa Contact Centre at 0861670411 (RSA only), or +27116709000 (international calls) (also see
par 3 above).

5.4 Resources

Recommended books
There are no recommended books for this module.
7 STA1610/101/3

6. How the assignment system works

6.1 Assignments and learning

The two assignments prescribed for this module form part of the learning process. The typical
assignment question is a reflection of a typical examination question. There are fixed submission
dates for the assignments and each assignment is based on specific chapters (or sections) in the
prescribed book. You have to adhere to these dates as assignments are only marked if they are
received on or before the due dates.

Both assignments are compulsory as

• they are the sole contributors towards your year mark

• they form an integrated part of the learning process and indicate the form and nature of the questions
you can expect in the examination.

6.2 General remarks

PLEASE NOTE: Enquiries about assignments (e.g. whether or not the University has received your
assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must be addressed to the Unisa
Contact Centre at 0861670411 (RSA only), or +27116709000 (international calls) (also see par. 3
above). You might also find information on myUnisa. To go to the myUnisa website, start at the
main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the ‘login to myUnisa’ link under
the myUnisa heading on the screen. . This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also
go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.

Assignments should be addressed to:

The Registrar
PO Box 392

You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by post
or electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail.

For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure
Your Service Guide @ Unisa that you received with your study material.

To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

• Go to myUnisa.
• Log in with your student number and password.
• Select the module.
• Click on assignments in the left-hand menu.
• Click on the assignment number you want to submit.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.

6.3 Commentaries and feedback on assignments

You will receive the correct answers automatically for multiple-choice questions. However,
commentaries on compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for this module
in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the assignments. The
tutorial letter number will be 201, 202, etc.

As soon as you have received the commentaries, please check your answers. The assignments and
the commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should
help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination.

6.4 Submission dates

The closing dates for the submission of the assignments are:


• ASSIGNMENT 1 3 MARCH 2010 CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
• ASSIGNMENT 2 1 APRIL 2010 CHAPTERS 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15
• ASSIGNMENT 1 13 AUGUST 2010 CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
• ASSIGNMENT 2 3 SEPTEMBER 2010 CHAPTERS 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15

6.5 Assessment of assignments

Please note:
Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student should submit
his/her own work. With multiple choice questions it may be difficult to determine if you submitted
your own work, but we know it if you have a “super” year mark and you fail in the examination!
So, if you simply copy the solutions from another student, you are bluffing yourself - you will not
have that opportunity in the examination!
9 STA1610/101/3

You need at least 50% to pass an assignment and the marks you obtain for the two assignments are
added and changed to a mark out of 10 to form your year mark. The year mark (out of 10) is added
to your examination mark (out of 90) to form your final mark. However, should you be given a
supplementary examination, the year mark is not added in such cases and the mark you obtain in
the supplementary examination is the final mark.

7. How the examination system works

7.1 Examination admission

Currently admission to the examination is only based on the proof that you are actively involved
in your studies. This proof is measured through submission of your first assignment before the due
date given above. Admission therefore does not rest with the department and if you do not submit
that particular assignment on time, we can do nothing to give you admission. Although you are
most probably a part-time student with many other responsibilities, work circumstances or personal
problems will not be taken into consideration for exemption from submission of assignments or the
eventual admission to the examination. No concession will be made to students who do not qualify
for the examination.

7.2 Examination period

This module is offered in a semester period of fifteen weeks This means that

• if you are registered for the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June 2010 and
should you fail and qualify for a supplementary examination, that supplementary examination
will be written in October/November 2010.
• if you are registered for the second semester, you will write the examination in
October/November 2010 and should you fail and qualify for a supplementary examination,
that supplementary exam will be written in May/June 2011.
The Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination in general,
examination venues, examination dates and examination times. Eventually, your results will also
be processed by them and sent to you.

7.3 Examination paper

Your examination will be a 2-hour examination of the multiple choice type. There will be 25
questions (each counting 4 marks) and should you have a final mark of less than 50%, it implies that
you failed the module ST A1610. However, should your results be within a specified percentage
(usually from 40% to 49%), you will be given a second chance in the form of a supplementary

examination on the dates as specified in 7.2 Please note that the year mark does not apply in the
case of a supplementary examination. The final mark after a supplementary examination is simply
the mark you achieved in that examination; expressed as a percentage.

7.4 Previous examination papers

Previous examination papers are not available to students. However, you will receive a trial
paper towards the end of the semester that you can use as an indication of typical examination
questions. Solutions to the questions in the trial paper are also sent out in a follow-up tutorial letter.
Remember that the examples, exercises, activities in the guide as well as your assignment questions
are all indicators of typical examination questions.

7.5 Tutorial letter with information on the examination

As mentioned before, you will receive a tutorial letter containing a trial paper. Should the lecturer
want to discuss any matter about the examination it will be included in this tutorial letter. In the
study guide you are given clear indication of the sections in the textbook that you have to know
and can be tested on in the examination. Remember that you have to work continuously because
statistics is not a subject that allows you to postpone your studies until a few weeks before the
final examination. It is also not possible to leave out sections of the work because the topics are
interlinked and you will definitely run into trouble if you skip sections!

We hope that you will enjoy this module and we wish you success with your studies.

Kind regards
Prof M Botha
11 STA1610/101/3

8. Assignments and Assessment Criteria

Semester 1 ASSIGNMENT 01: 3 MARCH 2010

Unique number: 874494
This assignment is based on the work covered in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 of Weiers

as well as in the corresponding study units in your study guide

Question 1

Which one of the following is a discrete variable?

(1) Writing skills of new employees are, classified as bad, fair, good and excellent
(2) A student’s yes/no response to a question in a campus newspaper
(3) The combined weight of parcels sent from a certain post office during a week
(4) The starting salary of a medical docter
(5) The number of students who attended a discussion class

Question 2

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The number of registered fire arm dealers in a certain province is a discrete variable
(2) Your choice of motor car brand is a nominal variable.
(3) The average mark of statistics students in the exam is a qualitative variable
(4) The number of building permits for new single-family housing units is a discrete variable
(5) The opinion of TV viewers on a new program (bad, indifferent, good) is an ordinal variable.

Question 3

A stem- and-leaf display was constructed for the test scores of the top students in a class. The leafs
indicate the units of the percentage
7 3 3
7 6 8 9
8 0 1 1 2 4
8 6 6 6 7
9 1 3 4
9 5 8
10 0
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) There are 20 students in the data set

(2) The fourth smallest value in the data set has a stem of 7
(3) The median of the dataset is 80
(4) 50% of the students scored more than 85%
(5) The mode of this data set is 86%

Question 4

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

The stem-and-leaf display:

(1) uses the branches of a tree to describe the data.

(2) reveals far more information relative to individual values than does the histogram.
(3) allows the modal class to be easily identified
(4) doesn’t shows the same information as the box-and-whisker plot
(5) is a type of graphical display
13 STA1610/101/3

Question 5
The graphical display below depicts the number of siblings 30 children in a preschool class have.





8 S e rie s 1

1 2 3 4

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) Most children in this class had 3 siblings

(2) This is a histogram since it is based on a continuous variable
(3) Only 2 children in the class have 2 siblings
(4) 50% of the children has 3 siblings
(5) In this class no children are single kids

Question 6
The following box plot is for the results of the women’s 400-meter final race during an athletics meeting.
The winner won in 49.11 seconds. Choose the correct statement about the box plot.

(1) The median time is more than 50 seconds.

(2) The median time is less than 49.75 seconds.
(3) The fastest time of 49.11 seconds is an outlier.
(4) The slowest time of 51.04 seconds is an outlier.
(5) The distribution is symmetric

Question 7

Consider the following data set:

4 14 6 9 23 3 7 10

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The median of the sample is 8

(2) The first quartile is 4.5
(3) The third quartile is 13
(4) The mean is 9.5
(5) The distribution is symmetrical

Question 8

A study was conducted on the 12-month earnings per share (in rand) of six large airline companies.

4.36 6.19 − 0.42 3.73 0.26 6.27

Based on the above data, which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The mean earnings per share is 3.3983

(2) The sample standard deviation is 2.8811
(3) The coefficient of variation is 1.1795
(4) Only one airline did not make a profit
(5) Earnings per share is a quantatitive continuous variable

Question 9

A five-number summary for a data set is 35, 50, 60, 70, 90. About what percent of the observations are
between 34 and 95?

(1) 25%
(2) 50%
(3) 95%
(4) 75%
(5) 100%
15 STA1610/101/3

Question 10
A physician has four choices for treating a patient’s infection. After this first choice has been made,
because of interaction between the prescription drugs used, there are only two choices for the second
stage of treatment. The total number of possibilities for treating this patient is

(1) 24
(2) 8
(3) 6
(4) 48
(5) 12

Question 11
Assume that X and Y are two independent events with P (X) = 0.5 and P (Y ) = 0.25.

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) P (X ) = 0.75
(2) P (X and Y ) = 0.125
(3) P (X or Y ) = 0.625
(4) X and Y are not mutually exclusive
(5) P (X|Y ) = 0.5

Question 12
Refer to the following contingency table:
Event C1 C2 C3 C4 Total
D1 75 125 65 35 300
D2 90 105 60 45 300
D3 135 120 75 70 400
Total 300 325 200 150 1000
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) P (C1 and D1 ) = 0.075

(2) P (D1 ) = 0.3
(3) P (C1 or D1 ) = 0.6
(4) P (D3 |C4 ) = 0.4667
(5) P (C4 |D3 ) = 0.175

Question 13
A lecturer has requests from 12 students to help them just before the exam. He has time for only 8
appointments and selects 8 students at random from the 12 . In how many different ways can he select
this group of 8?

(1) 8
(2) 64
(3) 1180
(4) 495
(5) 12

Question 14
A sidewalk icecream seller sells three flavours: chocolate,vanilla and strawberry. Of his sales 40% is
chocolate, 35% vanilla and 25% strawberry. Sales are by cone or cup. The percentages of cone sales for
chocolate,vanilla and strawberry are 80%,60% and 40% respectively. Use a tree diagram to determine the
relevant probabilities of a randomly selected sale of one icecream. Which one of the following statements
is incorrect.

(1) P (strawberry) = 0.25

(2) P (vanilla in a cup) = 0.21
(3) P (chocholate in a cone) = 0.32
(4) P (chocolate or vanilla) = 0.75
(5) P (vanilla|cone) = 0.3889

Question 15
Based on past experience a lecturer knows that the probability distribution of X =number of students
who phone her on Tuesdays is given below
x 0 1 2 3 4
p(x) 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.15 0.05
The expected number of students who will phone next Tuesday is

(1) 1.95
(2) 1.85
(3) 1.00
(4) 0.20
(5) 2.00
17 STA1610/101/3

Qustion 16

The proability ditribution of X = numer of heads in for tosses of a fair coin is given in the table below
x 0 1 2 3 4
p(x) 0.0625 0.25 0.375 0.25 0.0625
The probability of getting more than 2 heads is

(1) 0.375
(2) 0.6875
(3) 0.3125
(4) 0.25
(5) 0.5

Question 17

In an urban country, health official anticipate that the number of births this year will be the same as last
year, when 438 children were born – an average of 438/356, or 1.2 births per day. Daily births have been
distributed according to a Poisson distribution.
The distribution can be represented as
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p(x) 0.3012 0.3614 0.2169 0.0867 0.0260 0.0062 0.0012 0.0002
What is the probability that at least two births will occur on a given day?

(1) 0.2169
(2) 0.8795
(3) 0.3795
(4) 0.7831
(5) 0.66

Question 18

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable x is shown below.

x 0 1 2 3
p(x) 0.25 0.4 0.2 0.15
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) P (X > 1) = 0.75

(2) P (X = 2) = 0.2
(3) P (1 ≤ X ≤ 2) = 0.6
(4) P (0 < X < 1) = 0.0
(5) P (1 ≤ X < 3) = 0.6

Question 19

Pravesh and Solly usually go to a coffee shop during their lunch break and toss a coin to see who will pay.
The probability that Pravesh will pay three days in a row is

(1) 0.250
(2) 0.500
(3) 0.125
(4) 0.015
(5) None of the above

Question 20

A new car salesperson knows that he sells cars to one customer out of 10 who enters the showroom. The
probability that he will sell a car to exactly two of the next three customers is

(1) 0.027
(2) 0.973
(3) 0.000
(4) 0.090
(5) 0.901
19 STA1610/101/3

Question 21

A survey asked people how often they exceed speed limits. The data are then categorized into the
following contingency table of counts showing the relationship between age group and response.
Exceed limit if possible
Always Not always Total
Age Under 30 100 100 200
Over 30 40 160 200
Total 140 260 400
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) Among people over 30, the probability of always exceeding the speed limit is 0.20
(2) Among people under 30, the probability of always exceeding the speed limit is 0.25
(3) The probability that a randomly chosen person is over 30 and not always exceeds the speed limit is 0.4
(4) 10% of the people in the survey always exceeds the speed limit
(5) Among the people who always exceeds the speed limit 71.43% are under 30

Question 22

Bank robbers brandish firearms to threaten their victims in 80 percent of the

incidents. An announcement that six bank robberies are taking place is being
broadcast. The probability that a firearm is being used in at least one of the robberies is

(1) 0.0015
(2) 0.7379
(3) 0.0001
(4) 0.9999
(5) 0.0016

Question 23
Use the information given in question 20. Let X be number of cars the salesperson sells to the next three
customers.Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) X has a binomial distribution

(2) The expected number of cars sold if n = 3 is 0.1
(3) The variance of this distribution is 0.5196
(4) P (X ≤ 1) = 0.9720
(5) P (X > 2) = 0.0280

Question 24
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a normal distribution?

(1) The normal variable can take on only discrete values

(2) It is a symmetrical distribution
(3) The mean, median and mode are all equal
(4) It is a bell shaped distribution
(5) The area under the curve is equal to one

Question 25
Given that z is a standard normal random variable, a negative value of z indicates that

(1) the value z is to the left of the mean

(2) the value z is to the right of the median
(3) the standard deviation of Z is negative
(4) the area between zero and z is negative
(5) the area to the right of z is equal to 1

Question 26
If Z is a normal variable with µ = 0 and σ = 1, the area to the left of z = 1.6 is

(1) 0.4452
(2) 0.9452
(3) 0.0548
(4) 0.5548
(5) 0.5000
21 STA1610/101/3

Question 27

Use the normal table to find the z–value, z1 if the area to the right of z1 is 0.8413.The value of z1 is

(1) 1.36
(2) −1.36
(3) 0.00
(4) −1.00
(5) 1.00

Question 28

A bakery firm finds that its average weight of the most popular package of biscuits is 200.5 g with a
standard deviation of 10.5 g. What proportion of biscuit packges will weigh less than 180 g?

(1) 0.4744
(2) 0.0256
(3) 0.5226
(4) 0.4713
(5) 0.9744

Question 29

The average labour time to sew a pair of denims is 4.2 hours with a standard deviation of 0.5 hours. If the
distribution is normal, then the probability of a worker finishing a pair of jeans in more than 3.5 hours is

(1) 0.0808
(2) 0.4192
(3) 0.5808
(4) 0.9192
(5) 0.9808

Question 30

A retailer finds that the demand for a popular board game averages 50 per week with a standard deviation
of 20. If the seller wishes to to have adequate stock 95% of the time, how many games must she keep in

(1) 81.0
(2) 89.2
(3) 50.0
(4) 70.0
(5) 82.9
23 STA1610/101/3

Semester 1 ASSIGNMENT 02: 1 APRIL 2010

Unique number: 746458
This assignment is based on the work covered in Chapters 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15 of Weiers

as well as in the corresponding study units in your study guide

Question 1

Suppose that the fuel comsumption of cars for the same model is normally distributed. A random sample
of ten new cars of the same model are randomly selected and their fuel consumption (l/100 km) is
determined by subjecting them to a road test of 500 km. Their mean fuel consumption is 7.97 (l/100 km)
and their variance fuel consumption is 8.10(l/100 km). The standard error of the sample mean is

(1) 2.521
(2) 0.285
(3) 1.111
(4) 0.810
(5) 0.90

Question 2

A manufacturing company packages peanuts for Piedmont Airlines. The individual packages weigh 1.4
grams with a standard deviation of 0.6 grams. For a flight of 152 passengers receiving the peanuts, the
probability that the average weight of the packages is less than 1.3 grams is

(1) 0.0202
(2) 0.2040
(3) 0.9798
(4) 0.4798
(5) 2.0500

Question 3
The proportion of coaches who spend more than 120 minutes at the sport is 0.023.
Out of 1000 coaches, the expected number who will spend more than 120 minutes at the sport is:

(1) 1023
(2) 120000
(3) 23
(4) 977
(5) 63.24

Question 4
Consider an infinite population with a mean of 160 and a standard deviation of 25. A random sample of
size 64 is taken from this population.

The standard deviation of the sample mean equals:

(1) 12.649
(2) 25.000
(3) 2.560
(4) 3.125
(5) 0.391

Question 5
The following five statements refer to using the t-table in the correct way for a given probability. However,
one statement is incorrect. Find the incorrect statement.

(1) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≥ A) = 0.025 is A = 2.060
(2) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≤ A) = 0.10 is A = −1.316
(3) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (−A ≤ t ≤ A) = 0.99 is A = 2.787
(4) For 85 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≤ A) = 0.025 is A = 1.988
(5) For 85 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (−A ≤ t ≤ A) = 0.98 is A = 2.371
25 STA1610/101/3

Question 6

A random sample of 30 women drank an average of 15 cups of coffee per week during examination finals,
with the sample standard deviation equal to 3 cups. A upper limit of an approximate confidence interval
with 95% of the population average cup drunk is

(1) 15.000
(2) 13.9265
(3) 16.1201
(4) 1.60735
(5) 16.0735

Question 7

A statistics practitioner wishes to test the following hypothesis: H0 : µ = 600 against H1 : µ < 600
A sample of 50 observations yielded the statistics: mean x = 585 and standard deviation sx = 45. The
test statistic of a test to determine whether there is enough evidence at the 10% significance level to reject
the null hypothesis is

(1) 2.3570
(2) 0.3333
(3) 16.6667
(4) 23.570
(5) −2.3570

Question 8

A bakery stated that the average number of breads sold daily is 3000. An employee thinks that the actual
value might differ from this and wants to test this statement. The correct hypotheses are:

(1) H0 : µ = 3000 H1 : µ = 3000

(2) H0 : µ > 3000 H1 : µ ≤ 3000
(3) H0 : µ = 3000 H1 : µ = 3000
(4) H0 : µ > 3000 H1 : µ = 3000
(5) H0 : µ ≤ 3000 H1 : µ > 3000

Question 9
A statistics practitioner formulated the following hypothesis: H0 : µ = 200 against H1 : µ < 200 and
learned that x = 190 n = 9 and σ = 50.
The p– value of the test is

(1) 0.6
(2) 0.2743
(3) 0.7743
(4) −0.2743
(5) Cannot be found with information given

Question 10
In a sample of 500 college students fifty percent of all college students attend schools within 50 miles of
their homes.
The probability that the population proportion will be between 0.45 and 0.55 is

(1) 0.4875
(2) 0.9818
(3) 0.4909
(4) 0.9750
(5) 0.5000

Question 11
Suppose the mass of college students can be modeled by the normal distribution. We believe the mean
of the normal distribution is 72 kg. We randomly sample 18 students and find an average of 69 kg and a
standard deviation of 4kg.

A. The standard error of σ x is 0.9428

B. A t-statistic can be calculated and it is equal to −3.18
C. The degrees of freedom for the t-distribution will be 17

The correct statement(s) is(are)

(1) Only A
(2) All three statements are correct.
(3) B and C
(4) A and B
(5) A and C
27 STA1610/101/3

Question 12

The number of cars sold annually by used car salespeople is normally distributed with a standard deviation
of 19.22. A random sample of salespeople was taken and the number of cars each sold is listed her.

79 43 58 66 101 63 79 33
58 71 60 101 74 55 88

The 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean is

(1) (58.873; 78.327)

(2) (66.099; 71.111)
(3) (686.000; 255.542)
(4) (68.600; 78.327)
(5) (588.730; 783.270)

Question 13

A random sample of 40 men drank an average of 20 cups of coffee per week during examination final,
with the population standard deviation equal to 6 cups. A lower limit of an approximate 95% confidence
interval the population average cup of coffee is

(1) 20.000
(2) 21.859
(3) 19.708
(4) 18.141
(5) 19.051

Question 14

In a random sample of 500 students, 80% say they have a part-time job. An approximate 95% confidence
interval for the proportion of students with part-time jobs is:

(1) (0.758; 0.842)

(2) (0.765; 0.835)
(3) (0.770; 0.830)
(4) (0.800; 0.835)
(5) (0.782; 0.819)

Question 15

Which statement is incorrect?

(1) A null hypothesis is a statement about the value of a population parameter; it is put up for testing in
the face of numerical evidence.
(2) An alternative hypothesis is an assertion that holds if the null hypothesis is false.
(3) A one-tail test is one in which a null hypothesis can be rejected by an extreme result in one direction
(4) A two-tail test is one in which a null hypothesis can be rejected by an extreme result occurring in either
(5) A p–value greater than 0.05 means that the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% significance level.

Question 16

To test the hypothesis H0 : µ = 100 against H1 : µ > 100, a statistics practioner randomly sampled T
observations and found the mean x = 106 and the standard deviation sx = 35. The value of the test
statistic is equal to

(1) 1.1743
(2) −1.7143
(3) 0.1714
(4) 17.143
(5) 1.7143

Question 17

If we reject the null hypothesis, we conclude that:

(1) There is enough statistical evidence to infer that the alternative hypothesis is true
(2) There is not enough statistical evidence to infer that the alternative hypothesis is true
(3) There is enough statistical evidence to infer that the null hypothesis is true
(4) The test is statistically insignificant at whatever level of significance the test was conducted at
(5) None of the above is correct.
29 STA1610/101/3

Question 18

Suppose we want to test the null hypothesis H0 : µ = 400 against H1 :µ < 400. The test statistic is
calcuated as −1.23 and the two-tailed critical value is 1.96. The appopriate p–value will be

(1) −0.0500
(2) 0.3907
(3) 0.1093
(4) 0.8907
(5) −0.1093

Question 19

Determine the p–value associated with the values of the standardized test statistic z = 1.05 for one-tail

(1) 0.3531
(2) 0.1469
(3) 0.8531
(4) 0.0146
(5) 0.2938

Question 20

Using the confidence interval when conducting a two-tail test for the population mean, we do not reject
the null hypothesis if the hypothesized value:

(1) is to the left of the lower confidence limit

(2) is to the right of the upper confidence limit
(3) falls between the lower and upper confidence limits
(4) falls in the rejection region
(5) all the above statements are correct

Question 21

Select the incorrect statement:

(1) If the area to the right of a chi-square value for 5 degrees of freedom is 0.025, the table value is 12.833
(2) If a right-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.05, then, for 8 degrees of freedom, the table
value equals 2.733
(3) A left-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.95. For 6 degrees of freedom, the table value
equals 12.592
(4) A left-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.10. For 10 degrees of freedom, the table value
equals 4.865
(5) A right-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.99. For 1 degree of freedom, the table value
is almost zero

Question 22

A chi-square test for independence with 10 degrees of freedom results in a test statistic of 18.21. Using
the chi-square table, the most accurate statement that can be made about the p-value for this test is that

(1) p− value < 0.01

(2) 0.01 < p−value < 0.025
(3) 0.025 < p−value < 0.05
(4) 0.01 < p−value < 0.02
(5) 0.05 < p−value < 0.10

Question 23

Consider the following information:

Sales(units) Summer Autumn Winter Spring
Christmas 98 114 123 105
Holidays 110 110 110 110
The expected frequency for cell winter/holidays (e13 ) is equal to

(1) 104.0
(2) 112.0
(3) 110.0
(4) 116.5
(5) 107.5
31 STA1610/101/3

Question 24

Consider the following information:

Season Total
Sales(units) Summer Autumn Winter Spring
Shoprite 98 114 123 105 440
Spar 199 84 210 67 560
Total 297 198 333 172 1000
Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) H0 : The two variables are independent.

(2) H1 : The two variables are dependent.
(3) The degrees of freedom is 6
(4) If test statistic is 52.738 > 7.815 critical value, then the null hypothesis is rejected.
(5) If the p–value is 0.005 < 0.05 (level of significance), then the two variables are dependent.

Question 25

The area to the right of a chi-square value is 0.05. For 5 degrees of freedom, critical value is:

(1) 11.070
(2) 12.833
(3) 0.05
(4) 15.086
(5) not possible to find.

Question 26

Which statement is incorrect?

(1) The regression line provides a “best-fit” mathematical equation for the values of two variables, x and
(2) The symbol for the independent variable is y , and the symbol for the dependent variable is x.
(3) The correlation coefficient measures the strength of the relationship between the dependent and
independent variables.
(4) One way to examine whether two variables might be linearly related is to construct a scatter diagram
(5) The correlation analysis provides two important measures of the strength of a relationship, such as the
coefficient of correlation and the coefficient of determination.

Question 27

Consider the following data values of variables x and y

x 4 2 6 4 3
y 5 3 7 6 5
The equation of the least-squares regression line for this data is

(1) ye = 1.659 + 0.932x

(2) ye = 0.1726 + 1.323x
(3) ye = 7.248 − 0.539x
(4) ye = −1.046 + 0.932x
(5) ye = 0.932 + 1.659x

Question 28

The minimum number of hours of sleep required by a child of a particular age (in years) is given in the
table below:
Child Age Minimum amount of Sleep required (in hours)
1 1.5 15.5
2 2.0 14.5
3 3.5 13.0
4 4.5 12.0
5 5.5 11.5
6 7.5 10.5
7 13.5 8.5
8 17.0 8.0
Which one of the statements is incorrect?

(1) The mean x = 6.88

(2) The slope b = −0.45
(3) There is a negative relationship between x and y
(4) A linear equation is ye = 14.78 − 0.45x
(5) The forecast minimum amount of sleep for a five years old is 11.5
33 STA1610/101/3

Question 29

Shown below is the scatter diagram of x against y.

Scatter diagram
8 Amount of sleep
0 5 10 15 20

Choose the correct of statement

(1) The two variables are directly related

(2) The two variables are inversely related
(3) There is no pattern displayed in this scatter diagram
(4) The relationship between the two variables examined is weak
(5) The relationship between the two variables is positive

Question 30

Select the incorrect statement below

(1) A value of −0.8 listed as a coefficient of correlation r indicates an inverse relationship between the
two variables x and y.
(2) A value of −1.4 listed as a coefficient of correlation r cannot indicate an inverse relationship between
the two variables x and y.
(3) In simple linear regression, the coefficient of correlation r and the least squares estimate b1 of the
population slope must have the same numerical value.
(4) If all the points in a scatter diagram lie on the least squares regression line, then the coefficient of
correlation must be either 1.0 or −1.0
(5) An indication of no linear relationship between two variables would be a coefficient of correlation of

Semester 2 ASSIGNMENT 01: 13 AUGUSTUS 2010

Unique number: 745981
This assignment is based on the work covered in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 of Weiers

as well as in the corresponding study units in your study guide

Question 1

Consider the following statements:

A. The salary of an employee at the hotel is a nominal variable.
B. The distance travelled by motor on a freeway is an interval variable.
C. The outcome of a soccer match is an ordinal variable.
D. Degree obtained at a university is a nominal variable.
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
(1) only A
(2) A and C
(3) Only C
(4) B and D
(5) Only D

Question 2

Which one of the following variables is quantitative discrete?

(1) Whether you own a television set
(2) Your status as either a full-time or part-time student
(3) Your travel time from home to unisa
(4) The price of your most recent haircut
(5) The number of people who attend the last discussion class
35 STA1610/101/3

Question 3
Consider the following data set
Clerical 15%
Professionals 10%
Operators 15%
Managers 20%
Labourers 40%
Choose the correct chart which could represent the data set.

(1) Scatter diagram

(2) Histogram
(3) Pie Chart
(4) Stem–and–leaf display
(5) Multiple chart

Question 4
The different kinds of items on the shelves of a photo shop can be displayed by means of a

(1) Bar chart

(2) Scatter plot
(3) Stem-and-leaf display
(4) Histogram
(5) Box-and-whisker plot

Question 5

The following stem-and-leaf display gives the information of 23 people on a statistics test.
2 1 3
4 0 4 4 3
6 1 1 2 2 7
7 0 5 5 5 8 9
8 6 7 7 4
9 2 1
Which statement is incorrect?

(1) The range is equal to 71

(2) The largest number is equal to 92
(3) The median is equal to 70
(4) The smallest number is equal to 21
(5) The mode is equal to 79

Question 6

The following box plot is for the results of the women’s 400-meter final race during an athletics meeting.
The winner won in 49.11 seconds. Choose the correct statement about the box plot.

(1) The median time is more than 50 seconds.

(2) The median time is less than 49.75 seconds.
(3) The fastest time of 49.11 seconds is an outlier.
(4) The slowest time of 51.04 seconds is an outlier.
(5) The distribution is symmetric

Question 7

A supermarket manager, who wants to assess the "traffic" in her store, finds that 295, 113, 843, 768, and
226 persons entered the store during the past five days.
Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) The mean number of persons who entered the supermarket is 449
(2) The standard deviation is 332.92
(3) There is no mode in this distribution of the people who entered the supermarket
(4) The median number of the people who entered the supermarket is 843
(5) The range of the number of people who entered the supermarket is 730
37 STA1610/101/3

Question 8

A five-number summary for a data set is 35, 50, 60, 70, 90. About what percent of the observations are
between 34 and 95?

(1) 25%
(2) 50%
(3) 95%
(4) 75%
(5) 100%

Question 9

The following gives the scores of a cricket player in 11 consecutive innings:

72 85 25 84 43 30 63 0 26 17 31

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The position of Q3 is 9

(2) The value of Q2 = 31
(3) The interquartile range is 47
(4) The median is 31
(5) The value of Q1 = 25

Question 10

Choose the correct statement:

(1) There is no connection between sample and population

(2) The population is part of the sample
(3) The sample is part of the population
(4) The sample is exactly the same as the population
(5) Sometimes the population is part of the sample

Question 11

Five horses compete in a race. How many selections are there of the first two horses to past the finishing

(1) 20
(2) 10
(3) 15
(4) 5
(5) 2

Question 12

Which statement is correct?

(1) Probability takes on a value from 0 to 1

(2) Probability refers to an number which express the chance that an event will occur
(3) Probability is zero if the event A of interest is impossible
(4) The sample space refers to all possible outcomes of an experiment
(5) All the above statements are correct.

Question 13

The table below gives the probabilities of combinations of religion and political parties in a major South
African city.
Political parties Protestant (A) Catholic (B) Musilm (C) Other (D)
ANC (E) 0.35 0.10 0.03 0.02
DA (F) 0.27 0.09 0.02 0.01
COPE (G) 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01
Which of the following represents two mutually exclusive events?

(1) A and D
(2) A and E
(3) A and F
(4) A and G
(5) All of the above events are mutually exclusive.
39 STA1610/101/3

Question 14

Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are written on separate cards. The cards are shuffled and the top one
turned over. Let A = an even number B = a number greater than 6

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The sample space is S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

(2) P (A) = 4

(3) P (B) = 1

(4) P (A and B) = 1

(5) P (A or B) = 7

Question 15

If A and B are independent events with P (A) = 0.25 and P (B) = 0.60, then P (A/B) is equal to

(1) 0.25
(2) 0.60
(3) 0.35
(4) 0.85
(5) 0.15

Question 16

Given that P (A) = 0.7, P (B) = 0.6 and P (A and B) = 0.35, which one of the following statements is

(1) P (B ) = 0.4
(2) A and B are not mutually exclusive
(3) A and B are dependent
(4) P (B/A) = 0.6
(5) P (A or B) = 0.95

Question 17

A home security system is designed to have a 90% reliability rate. Suppose that nine homes equipped
with this system experience an attempted burglary.

The probability that eight or fewer alarms are triggered is:

(1) 0.6126
(2) 0.3874
(3) 0.1722
(4) 0.8278
(5) 0.1126

Question 18

The probability that Mister Green’s car will start in the morning when he goes to work is 0.7. The
probability that it will not start in the morning when he goes to work is:

(1) −0.7
(2) 1.0
(3) 0.7
(4) 0.3
(5) 1

Question 19

A drug is known to be 80% effective in curing a certain disease. If four people with the disease are to be
given the drug, the probability that more than two are cured is:

(1) 0.8464
(2) 0.1536
(3) 0.5000
(4) 0.1808
(5) 0.8192
41 STA1610/101/3

Question 20

Refer to question 19, the expected value of people cured is

(1) 0.80
(2) 0.20
(3) 3.20
(4) 0.64
(5) 1.00

Question 21

In an urban country, health official anticipate that the number of births this year will be the same as last
year, when 438 children were born – an average of 438/356, or 1.2 births per day. Daily births have been
distributed according to a Poisson distribution.
The distribution can be represented as
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p(x) 0.3012 0.3614 0.2169 0.0867 0.0260 0.0062 0.0012 0.0002
What is the probability that at least two births will occur on a given day?

(1) 0.2169
(2) 0.8795
(3) 0.3795
(4) 0.7831
(5) 0.6600

Question 22

Given the following probability distribution for an infinite population with the discrete random variables, x
x 0 1 2 3
p(x) 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4
Which statement is incorrect?

(1) The mean of x is 1.9

(2) The probability that x is at most one equals to 0.3
(3) The variance of x is 1.29
(4) The standard deviation of x is 1.14
(5) The probability that x is at least zero equals to 0.2

Question 23

A survey asked people how often they exceed speed limits. The data are then categorized into the
following contingency table of counts showing the relationship between age group and response.
Exceed limit if possible
Always Not always Total
Age Under 30 100 100 200
Over 30 40 160 200
Total 140 260 400
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) Among people over 30, the probability of always exceeding the speed limit is 0.20
(2) Among people under 30, the probability of always exceeding the speed limit is 0.25
(3) The probability that a randomly chosen person is over 30 and not always exceeds the speed limit is 0.4
(4) 10% of the people in the survey always exceeds the speed limit
(5) Among the people who always exceeds the speed limit 71.43% are under 30

Question 24

The Burger Queen Company has 124 locations along the west coast. The general manager is concerned
with the profitability of the locations compared with major menu items sold. The information below
shows the number of each menu item selected by profitability of store.
Baby Mother Father Nachos Tacos
Burger M1 Burger M2 Burger M3 M4 M5 Total
High profit R1 250 424 669 342 284 1969
Medium Profit R2 312 369 428 271 200 1580
Low Profit R3 289 242 216 221 238 1206
Total 851 1035 1313 834 722 4755
If a menu order is selected at random, which statement is incorrect.

(1) P (M5 ) = 0.1518

(2) P (R3 ) = 0.0501
(3) P (R2 and M3 ) = 0.0900
(4) P (M2 /R2 ) = 0.2335
(5) P (R1 /M4 ) = 0.4101
43 STA1610/101/3

Question 25

Population A consists of all values of invoices of a certain company. The mean of population A is R350
and the standard deviation is R100. Population B consists of all samples of 16 values drawn from sample
A. The mean of population B is:

(1) R100
(2) R250
(3) R350
(4) R450
(5) R25

Question 26

Bank robbers brandish firearms to threaten their victims in 80 percent of the incidents. An announcement
that six bank robberies are taking place is being broadcast. The probability that a firearm is being used in
at least one of the robberies is

(1) 0.0015
(2) 0.7379
(3) 0.0001
(4) 0.9999
(5) 0.0016

Question 27

The time taken to install a new telephone is found to be normally distributed with a mean time equal to
60 minutes and standard deviation of 12 minutes. The probability that the time to install a new telephone
will be more than 36 minutes is:

(1) 0.9772
(2) 0.5228
(3) 0.4544
(4) 0.4772
(5) 0.0228

Question 28

Let be a z-score that is unknown but identifiable by position and area. If the aera to the right of z is
0.9306, then the value of z must be:

(1) 1.48
(2) 0.9603
(3) −1.48
(4) 0.4306
(5) −0.0694

Question 29

Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) P (Z A 1.63) = 0.0516

(2) P (Z A 0.5) = 0.3085
(3) P (Z < −1.63) = −0.0516
(4) P (Z > 1.28) = 0.1003
(5) P (−1 ≤ Z ≤ 1) = 0.6826

Question 30

For a normal curve, if the mean is 20 minutes and the standard deviation is 5 minutes, then the area
between 22 and 25 minutes is

(1) 0.1554
(2) 0.3413
(3) 0.4967
(4) 0.1859
(5) 0.0185
45 STA1610/101/3

Semester 2 ASSIGNMENT 02: 3 SEPTEMBER 2010

Unique number: 813627

This assignment is based on the work covered in Chapters 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15 of Weiers

as well as in the corresponding study units in your study guide

Question 1

A computer statistical package has simulated 1000 random observations from a normal distribution with
mean µ = 50 and standard deviation σ = 10. The approximate box-and-whisker plot for the resulting
data is given below.

20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Which one of the following statemnets is incorrect?

(1) The median is equal to 50

(2) The mean = median
(3) This is a negatively skewed distribution
(4) We expect 68.3% of the values to fall between 40 and 60
(5) We expect 95.5% of the values to all between 20 and 80

Question 2

The standard error is

(1) the standard deviation of the sampling distribution

(2) the squared value of the population variance
(3) the same value as the population standard deviation
(4) the same for distributions of all sample sizes
(5) the mean of the sampling distribution

Question 3

Given an infinite population with a mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 12, the probability that the
mean of a sample of 36 observations, taken at random from this population, exceeds 78 is

(1) 0.4332
(2) 0.0668
(3) 0.0987
(4) 0.9013
(5) 0.9332

Question 4

The average cost of renting a compact size car in a major metropolitan area is R51.74 with a standard
deviation of R7.48. Assume a normal distribution. If a sample of 20 cities is taken, what is the probability
that the sample mean will fall between 47.74 and 55.74?

(1) 0.9832
(2) 0.0168
(3) 0.4038
(4) 0.2019
(5) 0.5962

Question 5

In a simple random sample of 1000 motorcar owners between the ages 25 − 35, there were 124 owners of
a BMW.

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The underlying distribution is a binomial disrtibution

(2) An estimate for the proportion of BMW owners in this age bracket is 0.124
(3) The estimated standard error of this sampling distribution is 0.876
(4) The binomial variable can take on only two values
(5) The binomial is a discrete distribution
47 STA1610/101/3

Question 6

The following five statements refer to using the t-table in the correct way for a given probability. However,
one statement is incorrect. Find the incorrect statement.

(1) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≥ A) = 0.025 is A = 2.060
(2) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≤ A) = 0.10 is A = −1.316
(3) For 25 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (−A ≤ t ≤ A) = 0.99 is A = 2.787
(4) For 85 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (t ≤ A) = 0.025 is A = 1.988
(5) For 85 degrees of freedom, the value of A that corresponds to P (−A ≤ t ≤ A) = 0.98 is A = 2.371

Question 7

Your statistics tutor wants you to determine a confidence interval estimate for the mean score in the next
exam. In the past the scores have been distributed normally with a mean of 74.2 and a standard deviation
of 30.9. A 95% confidence interval if your class has 30 students is

(1) (68.72; 79.68)

(2) (13.64; 34.76)
(3) (64.92; 83.48)
(4) (63.14; 85.26)
(5) (62.66; 85.73)

Question 8

The lower limit for a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion if a sample of size 200 had 40
success is

(1) 0.2554
(2) 0.1446
(3) 0.2465
(4) 0.1535
(5) 0.2000

Question 9

In a sample iof size 150 the Coca-Cola Company has 40% of the cola market.The estimated standard error
of the sampling distribution of the proportion is

(1) 0.0016
(2) 0.04
(3) 0.40
(4) 0.60
(5) None of the above

Question 10
In the formula x̄ ± z α √ , α refers to the:
2 n

(1) probability that the confidence interval will contain the population mean
(2) probability that the confidence interval will not contain the population mean
(3) area in the lower tail of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
(4) level of confidence
(5) standard error

Question 11

A professor of statistics claims that the average student spends more than 6 hours to complete assignment

Which hypotheses are used to test his claim?

(1) H0 : µ = 6 H1 : µ > 6
(2) H0 : µ = 6 H1 : µ = 6
(3) H0 : µ = 6 H1 : µ = 6
(4) H0 : µ = 6 H1 : µ < 6
(5) H0 : µ ≤ 6 H1 : µ = 6
49 STA1610/101/3

Question 12

Consider testing the hypotheses H0 : µ = 50 H1 : µ = 50.

If n = 64, x = 53.5 and σ = 10,then the value of the standardised test statistic is

(1) 1.96
(2) −2.80
(3) 2.80
(4) −1.96
(5) 3.5

Question 13

Consider the hypothesis test H0 : µ = 0 H1 : µ < 0. Suppose that we reject the null hypothesis at the
0.05 level of significance.Then the p-value will be

(1) p > 0.05

(2) p ≤ 0.05
(3) p = 0.0
(4) p ≥ 0.25
(5) p < 0.025

Question 14

A random sample of 200 observations shows that there are 36 successes. When testing, at the 1%
significance level if the true proportion of successes in the population is less than 24%, which one of
the following statements is incorrect?

(1) p = 0.18
(2) The standard error is 0.0302
(3) Test statistic: z = −1.99
(4) The critical value is −2.33
(5) We reject the null hypothesis

Question 15

Based on sample data, the 90% confidence interval limits for the population mean are 170.86 and 195.42.
The hypotheses were H0 : µ = 210 H1 : µ = 210.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(1) H0 cannot be rejected at the 10% level of significance

(2) H0 can be rejected at the 5% level of significance
(3) H0 can be rejected at the 1% level of significance
(4) H0 can be rejected at the 10% level of significance
(5) None of the above

Question 16

A random sample of 600 high school girls showed that during the previous month 42 took diet pills to
loose weight. The researcher wants to test the hypothesis that less than 10% of high school girls take diet
pills to loose weight.The test statistic is

(1) 0.07
(2) 2.88
(3) −2.88
(4) 2.45
(5) −2.45

Question 17

The coffee association has reported the mean daily coffee consumption for South African citizens to be
1.65 cups. Assume that a sample of 38 people from Gauteng consumed a mean of 1.84 cups of coffe per
day, with a standard deviation of 0.85 cups. Can the Gauteng citizens be said to consume significantly
more coffee than the rest of South Africa?
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) This is a one-sided hypothesis test

(2) The test statistic is t = 1.3779
(3) The critical value is t0.05;37 = 1.687
(4) People from Gauteng consume significantly more coffee than the rest of South Africa
(5) H0 cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level
51 STA1610/101/3

Question 18

The following contingency table describes types of collisions versus driving environments for a random
sample of two-vehicle accidents that occured in a given region last year.
Type of collision
Angle Rear-end Other Total
Driving Urban 40 30 72 142
environment Rural 6 12 15 33
Total 46 42 87 175
The number of degrees of freedom for this problem is

(1) 3
(2) 2
(3) 6
(4) 2
(5) Not enough information given

Question 19

Select the incorrect statement:

(1) If the area to the right of a chi-square value for 5 degrees of freedom is 0.025, the table value is 12.833
(2) If a right-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.05, then, for 8 degrees of freedom, the table
value equals 2.733
(3) A left-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.95. For 6 degrees of freedom, the table value
equals 12.592
(4) A left-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.10. For 10 degrees of freedom, the table value
equals 4.865
(5) A right-tailed area in the chi-square distribution equals 0.99. For 1 degree of freedom, the table value
is almost zero

Question 20
For a chi-square random variable with 12 degrees of freedom and a significance level of 0.025 the value
of the chi-square critical value is 23.337.Which of the following computed values of the test statistic will
lead to acceptance of the null hypothesis?

(1) 42.22
(2) 28.43
(3) 31.34
(4) 26.34
(5) 18.26

Question 21
Use the information given in question 18. The test statistic was calculated as χ2 = 3.7547. Testing at the
1% level of significance to see whether type of accident is dependent on driving environment, which one
of the following statements is incorrect?

(1) The expected frequency for row 1, column 1 is 37.326

(2) The critical value is 5.991
(3) H0 cannot be rejected at the 1% level
(4) Driving environment and type of accident are independent
(5) The p-value for this problem will be p > 0.01

Question 22
The owner of a video store is interested in whether the proportions of DVD’s among movie titles rented
is dependent on whether it is rented by members and non-members . Three movies are selected and each
person who rents them is identified as a member or non-member. A total of 350 people rent these movies
and the responses are:
witness rambo karate kid
membership member 21 14 70
non-member 79 86 80
total 100 100 150
Assume that the test statistic = 35.89.
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
(1) The degrees of freedom for the test is 2
(2) The expected frequency of the cell Rambo and Non-member is 70
(3) The critical value for a 0.01 significance level is 9.21
(4) Movie rented and member or non-member are independent
(5) Null hypothesis of independence can be rejected at the 1% significance level
53 STA1610/101/3

Question 23
A chi-square test for independence with 10 degrees of freedom results in a test statistic of 18.21. Using
the chi-square table, the most accurate statement that can be made about the p-value for this test is that

(1) p− value < 0.01

(2) 0.01 < p−value < 0.025
(3) 0.025 < p−value < 0.05
(4) 0.01 < p−value < 0.02
(5) 0.05 < p−value < 0.10

Question 24
Which one of the following statements regarding the simple linear regression line ŷ = b0 +b1 x is incorrect?

(1) ŷ is the estimated value of the dependent variable y

(2) b0 represents the y-intercept of the regression line
(3) b1 is the slope of the regression line
(4) If b1 is negative, there is no relationship between x and y
(5) The values of x and y can be represented on a scatter diagram

Question 25

Consider the following data values of variables x and y

x 4 2 6 4 3
y 5 3 7 6 5
The equation of the least-squares regression line for this data is

(1) ye = 1.659 + 0.932x

(2) ye = 0.1726 + 1.323x
(3) ye = 7.248 − 0.539x
(4) ye = −1.046 + 0.932x
(5) ye = 0.932 + 1.659x

Question 26

If the regression line between x (score on manuel dexterity) and y (units produced per hour) is,
ŷ = 19.2 + 3.0x, then the estimated productivity for a score of 15 will be

(1) 64.2
(2) 15.0
(3) 45.0
(4) 19.2
(5) 3.0

Question 27

Which one of the following statements about the correlation coefficient is incorrect?

(1) 0 ≤ r ≤ 1
(2) The larger the absolute value of r the the stronger the linear relationship between x and y
(3) r = 0 implies absolutely no relationship between x and y
(4) The coefficient of determinaton can never be negative
(5) If b1 is negative, r will also be negative

Question 28

In publishing the results of some research work, the following values of the coefficient of determination
were listed.

Which one would appear to be a printing error?

(1) 0.91
(2) 0.06
(3) 0.47
(4) −0.64
(5) 0.00
55 STA1610/101/3

Question 29
Select the incorrect statement below

(1) A value of −0.8 listed as a coefficient of correlation r indicates an inverse relationship between the
two variables x and y.
(2) A value of −1.4 listed as a coefficient of correlation r cannot indicate an inverse relationship between
the two variables x and y.
(3) In simple linear regression, the coefficient of correlation r and the least squares estimate b1 of the
population slope must have the same numerical value.
(4) If all the points in a scatter diagram lie on the least squares regression line, then the coefficient of
correlation must be either 1.0 or −1.0
(5) In a regression problem, if the coefficient of determination is 0.90, this means that 90% of the variation
in y can be explained by the regression line

Question 30

Given the least squares regression line ŷ = −2.88 + 1.77x, and a coefficient of determination of 0.81, the
coefficient of correlation is

(1) −0.88
(2) 0.88
(3) 0.90
(4) −0.90
(5) 0.81

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