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Teacher's Book

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English for International Tourism Pre-Intermediate Teacher’s Book

Listening skills: Each unit contains These films give students the opportunity
several listening tasks developed around to listen to a variety of native and non-
topics related to the travel industry. A native speakers using English as an
range of British, American and other international language in five authentic
international native and non-native documentary videos. Additionally, the
speakers are featured, helping students DVD-ROM has a comprehensive Mini-
understand how people speak English in dictionary featuring over 300 tourism-
different parts of the world. Audio scripts of related terms along with their definitions,
the recordings are available at the back of pronunciation and example sentences.
the coursebook. The DVD-ROM also contains the MP3 files
of the coursebook audio material.
Reading practice: Reading texts feature
regularly in the units, providing students Although the DVD-ROM is not integral to
with a variety of texts and topics that they the coursebook and is primarily a self-
are likely to encounter in a tourism study component, teachers may find it
context. useful to show the videos in class and set
the optional task at the end of the video
Writing practice: In the writing sections worksheet for homework. This optional
students will write real texts related to the task, if a writing task, will have a model in
tourism workplace such as emails and tour the DVD-ROM key. However, if the
itineraries. At each level there are also optional task is a research task then
writing tasks to help students get a job in student responses will all be different and
tourism. Models of text types are available the teacher may like to ask the students to
in the Writing bank at the back of the share their findings in a follow-up class.
Website materials
Workplace skills
The English for International Tourism
Working with numbers: Throughout the course has a companion website for
course there are sections that help teachers: www.pearsonELT.com/tourism.
students to manipulate numbers in
English, which is a vital skill in the travel Teacher’s book: the teacher’s book is
and tourism workplace. divided into two parts:
Research tasks: Each unit contains one • teaching notes which follow the same
or more research tasks that encourage order as the coursebook. They include
students to explore tourism-related issues the answers to the exercises and
on the internet or in their local background information about places,
environment. people and professional practices
mentioned in the coursebook.
Private study
• photocopiable resources section, which
Workbook: A separate Workbook with a
contains twenty optional extra activities,
CD provides students with extra tasks for
two per unit. The teacher’s notes make
study at home or in class. There are two
suggestions as to which point in the
versions of the Workbook – one with the
lesson an activity might be appropriate.
answer key for private study and one
without an answer key which can be used
Customizable tests: these tests are
by the teacher for extra practice in class.
based on the content of the coursebook
DVD-ROM: The course has a DVD-ROM and provide a measure of a student’s
designed to be used alongside the progress. The testing section of the
coursebook or as a free-standing video for website provides the teacher with a range
private study. The DVD-ROM is attached of customizable tests:
to the back of the coursebook and
• a placement test
provides students with five authentic films
featuring different aspects of tourism.
• ten unit tests
Each film has a printable worksheet, a
transcript and a key to the exercises.


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