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Principles of Programming Languages

– lecture notes for CS2105O2 –

Andrei Arusoaie

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-

NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

License Details: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

The material included in these lecture notes is heavily based on several impor-
tant books in the domain of programming languages: [27, 14, 13, 34]. The main
purpose of the material is to be the primary learning resource for the students of
enrolled for CS2105O2.

1 Introduction 4
1.1 Short History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Basics 12
2.1 Algebraic Data Types and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.1 Enumerated types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.2 Inductive definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.3 Recursive functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.4 bool and nat in Coq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.5 Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.1 Note to the reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 Polymorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.1 Polymorphic lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4 Higher-Order Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4.1 Functions as parameters to other functions . . . . . . . 36
2.4.2 Anonymous functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.3 Functions that return other functions . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.5 Logic in Coq and related tactics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.5.1 Implication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5.2 Conjunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.3 Disjunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.4 Negation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.5.5 Existential quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.5.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3 Syntax 51
3.1 Derivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2 Ambiguities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.3 Abstract vs. Concrete Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.4 BNF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.5 Abstract Syntax in Coq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.5.1 Custom Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.6 A simple imperative language: IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.7 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4 Semantics 65
4.1 An evaluator for IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1.2 Evaluator for arithmetic expressions . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.1.3 Evaluator for boolean expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.1.4 Evaluator for IMP statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.1.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.2 Structural Operational Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5 Big-step SOS 79
5.1 Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.2 Sequents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.3 Rule schemata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.4 Big-step SOS for IMP: arithmetic expressions . . . . . . . . . 81
5.5 Big-step SOS rules for arithmetic expressions in Coq . . . . . 82
5.6 Big-step SOS for IMP: boolean expressions . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.7 Big-step SOS for boolean expressions in Coq . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.8 Big-step SOS for IMP: statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.9 Big-step SOS rules for statements in Coq . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.10 Proof search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.11 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.12 Improving IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

6 Small-step SOS 95
6.1 Small-step SOS for IMP: arithmetic expressions . . . . . . . . 96
6.2 Small-step SOS for arithmetic expressions in Coq . . . . . . . 97
6.3 Small-step SOS for IMP: boolean expressions . . . . . . . . . 99
6.4 Small-step SOS for boolean expressions in Coq . . . . . . . . . 101
6.5 Small-step SOS for IMP: statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.6 Small-step SOS for statements in Coq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.7 Big-step vs. Small-step SOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

7 Type systems 107

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.2 IMP Syntax of expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.3 Small-step SOS for expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

7.4 A type system for expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
7.5 A type system for expressions in Coq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.6 Properties of the typing relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.6.1 Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.6.2 Type Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.6.3 Type Soundness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

8 Compilation 121
8.1 Simple expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.2 A stack machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
8.3 Certified compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
8.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

9 Untyped lambda calculus 129

9.1 Functional programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.2 Untyped lambda (λ) calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
9.2.1 λ-terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
9.2.2 Free and bound variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
9.2.3 Capturing substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
9.2.4 Capture-avoiding substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
9.2.5 Alpha equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
9.2.6 Beta-reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
9.2.7 Normal forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
9.2.8 Evaluation strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Chapter 1


Learning a new programming language is nowadays a must. Programmers

need to adapt to a wide range of programming languages, tools and technolo-
gies really fast. Simply learning a programming language and hoping that
this is the way to go is overrated.
This material is intended to highlight the fundamental and most common
concepts that we encounter and use in the modern programming languages.
We discuss various aspects, starting with the syntax of programming lan-
guages, traditional operational semantics styles, type systems, compilation,
object oriented programming, lambda calculus and others.
The goal is to give the reader an overview of what is a programming
language and how various techniques and tools can impact a programming
language. This material provides the reader with a different perspective
about programming in general.

Using proof assistants for teaching programming languages is very com-
mon [23, 25]. Our choice for CS2105O2 is Coq. The first chapter contains
a short history of programming languages that is heavily inspired from Sec-
tion 13 in [13]. The second chapter presents the preliminary concepts and
tools that we will use through this material. In the third chapter we recall
aspects related to the syntax of programming languages. The fourth chapter
includes various ways to define semantics of programming languages: first,
we show how to define interpreters, and then we present the traditional op-
erational semantics styles, that is, big-step and small-step SOS. The fifth
chapter presents types and type checking. The sixth chapter addresses com-
pilers and certified compilation. The seventh chapter includes a presentation
of the untyped version of the lambda calculus.

1.1 Short History
A modern computer is a digital machine, that is programmable and provides
storage for programs and data. Among the first machines that fits into this
definition is the EDSAC computer, which was designed and developed at
the University of Cambridge. However, EDSAC was not the first successful
attempt to build a computer.
ASCC/MARK I (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator) was a ma-
chine built in 1944 by IBM in collaboration with the Harward University,
where H. Aiken was the principal investigator. The machine was used by
the U.S. Navy for military tasks. ASCC/MARK I used punched tapes and
other external physical devices (like switches) to obtain its instructions and
to transmit data to the its computing units. Programming was rudimen-
tary: for instance, a decimal constant of 23 digits length needed a manual
setup of 23 switches, each switch having 10 positions - one for each digit.
The calculator was powered by a 5 horsepower electrical engine through a
drive shaft. This engine was the main power source of the calculator and the
system clock. The calculating units were synchronised using rotating shafts,
clutches and other electromechanical components.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built at the
Moore School at University of Pennsylvania by J. Mauchly and J.P. Eckert in
1946. For a short period of time, J. von Neumann was involved in the project
too. ENIAC did not have program storage and was programmed using elec-
trical cables that were connecting different part of the computer according
to the input parameters. ENIAC was faster than ASCC/MARK I and this
was a milestone for computation. Basically, it was the first computer that
was able to tackle mathematical problems that required significant amounts
of computational effort. ENIAC was used to compute complicated ballistic
trajectories. The major improvement consisted in using individual, modular
panels that were able to perform different functions. Instead of using elec-
tromechanical power, these modules were build using vacuum tubes, crystal
diodes, relays, resistors and capacitors. This enabled ENIAC to hold ten-
digits numbers in memory and pass them easily among the various modules
in order to perform various computations. Moreover, the computer was able
to branch, that is, it was able to trigger different computations depending
on the sign of a computed results. This raised the interest of the researchers
which started to actually design programs for this machine. One drawback
of the ENIAC machine was the high electricity power consumption (150kW).
Later, the group led by Maurice Wilkes used ideas from J. Mauchly and
J.P. Eckert (which in turn, used some ideas from J. von Neumann) to build
the EDSAC computer. EDSAC was first used in 1949, although its construc-

tion started in 1947. It first calculated a table of square numbers and a list of
prime numbers. This machine was more efficient than ENIAC (only 11kW of
electricity needed); the cycle time for ordinary operations was 1.5 ms and 6
ms for multiplication. Initially, the input was via five-hole punched tape, and
output was via a teleprinter. Although the computer was complex and could
perform very complex tasks, the users complained about how difficult was
to produce correct punched cards. They needed a novel way of introducing
programs into a computer. This led to the invention of the first assembler:
programs were written using the mnemonics and the assembler was used to
translate that into machine code.
So far, we have not mentioned any programming language in the sense
that we understand programming languages today. At that time, coding
was strongly connected to the machines. Programs were basically low-level
specifications using binary code, while the operations and calculations were
machine specific. These specifications form the so-called machine language,
which consists of elementary instructions (load a value into a register, add,
multiply, etc.) that could be immediately executed by the computation unit.
The entire programming process was manual and once the programs got
bigger, programming became extremely hard. Machine languages are part of
the first-generation languages (1GL).
The second-generation languages (2GL) are assembly languages, which
were more human-oriented than machine languages. It sounds weird, but
assembly programs were easier to handle by humans rather than programs
written in machine language. These assembly languages are symbolic rep-
resentations of the machine languages: there is a one-to-one correspondence
between the machine instructions and assembly language codes. The assem-
bler translates assembly programs into machine instructions. Unfortunately,
each machine has its own assembly language, so portability is an issue.
In 1950s, abstract languages that ignored the physical specifics of a com-
puter represented a huge step towards improving programming languages.
The central idea was that programs can be written in high-level languages and
then automatically be translated into executable instructions for machines.
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANsformation) is among the first language that
follows this philosophy. The language was proposed in 1957, but the same
idea of translating high-level programs to low-level ones is still present today.
There is a long list of programming languages that have emerged ever since.
These languages form the third-generation languages (3GL).
In the beginning, programming languages were designed for maximum
efficiency with respect to the existing hardware. The main reason was that
hardware was extremely expensive. Nowadays, the paradigm has shifted:

hardware is cheap, so programming languages are designed to increase the
efficiency of the programming process rather than optimising programs for
the existing hardware. Today, our focus is on different challenges, like devel-
opment speed, security concerns, the correctness of the software.
The following list mentions several notable programming languages that
have been developed over time.

• 1950s and 1960s. This is was the era of mainframes that used batch
processing: the computer takes a “batch” of data as input and pro-
duces another batch of data as output. Both data and programs are
stored on a punched card, and they were read using special equipment.
Once the punched card was provided, the interaction with the user was
inexistent. The machine had to be capable of recovering itself from a
program error during a run.
• FORTRAN (1957) is considered the first high-level imperative lan-
guage. Compared to its predecessors, FORTRAN contained several
language constructs that were independent from the characteristics of
a particular machine. Also, it was the first language to allow the direct
use of symbolic arithmetic expressions. Simple expressions like ‘a + b’
could not be used prior FORTRAN. The language was designed for ap-
plications of numerical-scientific type. Further versions of FORTRAN
allowed the use of local and global environments, dynamic memory,
more structured command (e.g., if-then-else), and other useful features
that are still present today.
• ALGOL is a family of imperative languages that were introduced at
the end of 1950s. These languages were predominant in the academic
world and had an impact on the following modern languages. ALGOL
is an acronym for ALGOrithmic Languages and was well-suited for
expressing algorithms in general.
• LISP (LISt Processor) was designed in 1960 at MIT. This language
was very different from the others at that time: it was designed to
process lists instead of being designed for numeric computations and
algorithms. In Lisp, the symbolic expressions (a.k.a. s-expressions) are
manipulated with ease. The language itself was used a lot in Artificial
Intelligence (for instance, in the automatic translation of texts). Lisp
was the precursor of Scheme - currently used in many functional pro-
gramming courses. Both Lisp and Scheme are functional languages,
where each program is a sequence of expressions that are evaluated.
Higher-order programming, where functions are first-class citizens, is a

concept very common in functional languages. Currently, many main-
stream languages (e.g., C++, Java, C#) borrow this feature.

• Cobol: a COmmon Business Oriented Language. This language was

designed for business, especially for commercial applications, where the
focus is to have a syntax that makes programmers more productive.
The language is still revised and in use today.

• Simula is a descendent of Algol60. Developed in Norway, the lan-

guage was considered to be too advanced for its time. It was the first
language that mentions the concepts of classes, objects, subtypes, and
dynamic method dispatch. This language was basically the precursor of
Smalltalk and C++. Later versions of Simula come with other modern
features: call-by-reference, pointers, coroutines, etc.

• 1970s. This period was marked by the emergence of the microproces-

sors. Computers became smaller in size, but comparable in terms of
computation power with the mainframes. Batch processing was now
more interactive through terminals, where programmers could interact
directly with the execution of the program. Programming languages
became more and more programmer friendly. Besides improving the
existing imperative programming paradigm, new paradigms emerged:
object-oriented programming and declarative programming. The lat-
ter, can be actually divided into functional programming and logical

• C Probably the most important language for 1970s is the C program-

ming language, designed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at
AT&T Bell Labs. C was designed as an operating systems language,
being used by the UNIX operating system, but it became a general
purpose language very quickly. C was better than the languages in the
ALGOL family because it provided access to some low-level functional-
ities of the machine: for instance, it is possible to acces the characters
emitted by the terminal, you can use command to process data in real
time, it has a compact syntax, its programs are compiled into efficient
machine code.

• Pascal This language was developed by Niklaus Wirth around 1970s

and was used mostly for educational purposes. Pascal introduced the
concept of intermediate code as an instrument for portability. Pascal
programs were compiled into P-code, which is an intermediate language
that was interpreted on the host machine. Another strong point in the

favour of Pascal was the possibility to define functions and blocks of
code which significantly increased the structuring of the code. The
language also came with dynamic memory management using both a
stack (for activation records) and a heap (for the explicitly allocated
memory). Pascal has an extensive type system and a static type checker
(err... there some checks performed at runtime). Moreover, it allows
the users to define new types.

• Smalltalk The principles of encapsulation and information hiding are

not builtin in languages like C and Pascal. Smalltalk comes with an
innovation with this respect: it provides mechanisms for encapsula-
tion and information hiding using classes and objects (remember that
these were introduced by Simula) and visibility modifiers for classes
and members. Smalltalk was designed to include the concept of ob-
ject as a primitive in the language. Moreover, it was designed to come
with a programming environment that facilitates writing and executing

• Declarative languages Declarative programming is a different par-

adigm, where programming means to declare whats needs to be done
rather than telling the computer how to do computations. A declar-
ative language interpreter figures out by itself how to do things. In
general, leaving an interpreter to decide how to do computations is not
very efficient in terms of execution time and memory.

• ML The Meta Language is a semi-automatic system for proving prop-

erties of programs and was developed by Robin Milner’s group at Ed-
inburgh. In ML, programs are just sets of function definitions. The
language was featured with a safe type system which extends the type
system of Pascal. The type safety in ML is a very useful machinery
that can be used to exclude runtime errors that derive from type vio-
lations. Programs that can be type checked are guaranteed to evaluate
correctly and return a result that has the type of the program. Besides
type checking, ML supports type inference as well.

• Prolog The Prolog language is the first logic-programming language

that is still in use today. It is based on the advances on automatic de-
duction in first-order logic, more precisely, on unification algorithms
and resolution. In particular, the SLD resolution (proposed by R.
Kowalski in 1974) allows to prove a formula by computing the values
of the involved variables that make the formula true. This technique

was implemented by Pierre Roussel and Alain Comerauer in their first
prototype of Prolog.

• 1980s The 1980s era was dominated by the development of the PC. The
first commercial PC is considered to be the Apple II (1978). In 1984,
Apple released Macintosh - a computer with an operating system that
included a graphical interface based on windows, icons and a mouse.
In 1990s, Microsoft introduced their own windows system.
PCs changed the world of programming. Operating systems became
more and more complex which caused a revolution in terms of reusing
code and organising such complex systems. This area was ideal for
using object-oriented languages due to modularisation and abstracti-

• C++ In 1986, Bjarne Stroustrup defined the first version of the C++
language at Bell Labs AT&T. It took him several years of work on find-
ing how to add classes to the C language without losing the efficiency
and the compatibility with the existing C infrastructure. C remained
a subset of the C++ language, and the C++ compiler is able to com-
pile C programs as well. C++ does not use a garbage collector and it
remains compatible with C from this point of view.
C++ was a long time the main programming language. It has a static
type system, it provides support for templates (a kind of generic class)
which supports polymorphism. In C++, objects can be allocated in
activation records on the stack and they can be manipulated directly
rather than via pointers. The lookup mechanism for methods is simpler
and more efficient than in Smalltalk. Also, multiple inheritance is yet
another feature of the language, but it is considered by many a bit

• Other languages that are worth to be mentioned are Ada (an OOP
high-level language extended from Pascal) and Constrain Logic Pro-
gramming languages (CLPs like Prolog II and III).

• 1990s This was a booming period due to the development of the In-
ternet and World Wide Web. Many aspects of programming languages
have been profoundly changed by the possibility of connecting com-
puters all around the world. A lot of challenges needed to be faced:
efficiency, reliability, correctness and security. Low-level communica-
tion protocols have been developed, markup languages (HTML, XML),
more advanced and portable languages have been proposed.

• Java At Sun, Jim Gosling and his group (the Green team) developed
an object-oriented language that was intended to be used on computing
devices with limited power. These devices were meant to be used as
internet navigation devices.
Several key features of Java made it really popular. The first is porta-
bility. Java runs on a virtual machine which is implemented on top of
various computer architectures. This virtual machine runs Java byte-
code. The Java compilers translated the Java code into bytecode that
can be executed by any virtual machine. So, one can compile Java code
and run it on any virtual machine. The second important feature of
Java is security. The existing virtual machine mechanisms behind Java
allows one to compile and run code anywhere. Since Java was meant to
execute code received on the network, security becomes an issue. But
various techniques have been used to tackle it. They used type systems,
and thus they could guarantee that runtime type errors cannot occur.
Type safety was implemented at three levels: at the compiler level, at
the bytecode level, and at the runtime level. Another important fea-
ture of Java is avoiding the explicit handling of the pointers by using
a garbage collector. This made Java more reliable and simple to use
when compared to C++. Other features of Java are: dynamic method
dispatch, dynamic loading of classes, exceptions (which are arguably a
good thing), concurrency and threads, web applications support, etc.

At the moment of writing these lecture notes, there is a huge list of

programming languages that have been developed over the years: languages
for mobile devices (Android, ObjectiveC, Swift), general purpose (C#, Go,
Rust), scripting for the web (Php, Javascript), proving (Coq, Isabelle/HOL,
Lean), functional (Haskell, Ocaml, Scheme), webservice composition (e.g.,
BPEL), rewriting (Maude, CafeOBJ). Programmers need to always adapt
to new languages and frameworks. This is why a deeper understanding of
programming languages is needed and this is what these notes are trying to

Chapter 2


In these notes we use a proof assistant as a framework for defining program-

ming language semantics. In this framework we can execute programs written
in the defined languages and we can prove properties about languages and
programs. The proof assistant that we use is called Coq [10].
Coq allows us to use a functional programming style to define algebraic
data types and higher-order functions, together with other features like pat-
tern matching and polymorphism. In the following, we present these features
in detail, and we also implement in Coq several concepts related to program-
ming languages.

2.1 Algebraic Data Types and Functions

Algebraic data types are data types that are formed using other types. The
term algebraic data type is typically linked to functional programming and
type theory. We are going to explain how to define algebraic data types in
Coq in the next sections.

2.1.1 Enumerated types

The simplest way to define an algebraic data type is to enumerate its values.
Here is a simple enumeration of a type called Season:
Inductive Season :=
| Winter
| Spring
| Summer
| Fall.

The keyword Inductive introduces the name of our new type Season. The
values of this type are Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. That’s it! We have
now defined our own type. These values are also called constructors. The
notion of constructor will make more sense later on, when we will actually
construct new values from other types. In Coq, we can check that these
values are indeed of type Season:
Check Winter.
: Season

Exercise 2.1.1 Check the type of the other values.

We can now write functions that operate on the values of type Season.
For instance, we can write a function that, for a given season, returns the
next season:
Definition next season (s : Season) : Season :=
match s with
| Winter ⇒ Spring
| Spring ⇒ Summer
| Summer ⇒ Fall
| Fall ⇒ Winter
Let us explain what we just did. The Definition keyword introduces a new
function called next season. This function has an argument s of type Season
and it returns a value of type Season. Let us check that in Coq as well:
Check next season.
next season
: Season → Season
In our definition of next season, the types (that is, the type of the argu-
ment s and the return type) are explicitly declared. It turns out that Coq can
actually figure out these types automatically. This feature of Coq is called
type inference. In general, we prefer to include the types explicitly because
it improves the reading of the code.
The implementation of next season uses pattern matching. Our imple-
mentation of next season performs case analysis on s and it returns specific
values. The match construct actually looks at the possible values of s (that
is, all constructors of type Season) and returns the value from the corre-
sponding branch. Let us test our function:

Compute (next season Winter).
= Spring
: Season

Exercise 2.1.2 Execute next season for the other possible inputs.

2.1.2 Inductive definitions

Inductive definitions are a very important tool in the study of programming
languages. An inductive definition is basically a set of inference rules of the
I1 . . . In name,
where I1 , . . . , In are premises, C is a conclusion and name is the rule name.
Optionally, we can attach a condition to these rules. An inference rule states
that the premises are sufficient for the conclusion, that is, in order to show
that C holds, we have to show that I1 , . . . , In hold. If n = 0 (i.e., there are
no premises) then the rule is called axiom.
The next two inference rules form an inductive definition for natural num-
· zero n ∈ N succ
O∈N S n∈N

These rules specify that the set N includes O (using the axiom zero) and
S n, where n ∈ N (using the rule zero). This is also known as the Peano
definition of natural numbers.
The rules zero and succ can be encoded in Coq using Inductive (note
the correspondence in the comments):

Inductive Nat :=
| O : Nat (* zero *)
| S : Nat → Nat. (* succ *)
Let us take a deeper look at this Coq definition. The Nat type can be built
using two constructors: O and S. O is basically a constant value of type
Nat the same way Winter is a constant value for type Season. But S is more
special because it can construct an infinite number of expressions of type Nat:
since O has type Nat, then S O has type Nat, and S (S O) has type Nat, and

so on. In fact, we have written down a representation of natural numbers.
The symbols O and S are just names with no special meaning. However, the
way we interpret them comes from how we use them for computing. The
most obvious meaning is that O is 0, S O is 1, S (S O) is 2, and so on.
Given the definition of Nat, how does Coq know that S (S O) has type
Check S (S O).
S (S O)
: Nat
What actually happens is that Coq is able to compute a derivation of the
fact that S (S O) is of type Nat. Using our inference rules zero and succ,
this derivation looks like this:
· zero
O ∈ N succ
S O ∈ N succ
S (S O) ∈ N

Derivations are finite compositions of inference rules. The sequence of rules

that are composed in the derivation above is succ, succ, and zero - read from
bottom to top. Note that derivations should end up with axioms. Otherwise
they are not finite anymore, that is, we cannot even use the term derivation
in such cases.
It is worth mentioning that the rule

n ∈ N succ
S n∈N

has been used twice, for different values of n. We extract the relevant parts
of the above proof to explain this better. First, n is (S O):

S O ∈ N succ,
S (S O) ∈ N

and second, n is O:
O ∈ N succ

This is why we say that succ is in fact a rule scheme because it can be
instantiated on an infinite number of values for the metavariable n.

Exercise 2.1.3 Consider the following inductive definition of list of naturals
· n ∈ N l ∈ L cons
Nil ∈ L (Cons n l) ∈ L

Write the corresponding Coq code for this definition.

Exercise 2.1.4 Recall the inductive definition of lists of natural numbers

from Exercise 2.1.3. A possible derivation for (Cons O nil ) ∈ L is:
· zero ·
O∈N Nil ∈ L cons
(Cons O nil ) ∈ L

Write on a piece of paper a derivation for Cons (S O) (Cons O nil ) ∈

Exercise 2.1.5 Provide an inductive definition for binary trees of natural

numbers. Then provide a Coq implementation of it and write several non-
trivial examples of derivations.

2.1.3 Recursive functions

Now that we have seen how to create an inductive definitions, we can write
functions that operate over them. Typically, functions that operate on in-
ductively defined types are recursive. To explain this better, we recall the
inductive definition of N and in the same time we write the addition function
+ on naturals as a recursive function:
· zero n ∈ N succ
O∈N S n∈N

O+m=m S n + m = S (n + m)

There is a correspondence between each inference rule and each case of our
recursive definition of +. Note that + has two arguments, and it is defined
recursively on the first argument. The recursive definition has two cases: the
base case which says what happens when the first argument is O (i.e., it is
constructed using the axiom zero), and the recursive case which specifies how
addition is made when the first argument is S n. The latter case includes a
recursion because the sum of S n + m is expressed in terms of n + m.
This idea can be generalised. For example, a function which returns the
length of a list defined as in Exercise 2.1.3 can be defined recursively as below:

length(Nil ) = O length(Cons n l ) = (S O) + length(l)
Exercise 2.1.6 Write a recursive function that returns the last element of
a list. If the last element does not exist, return O.
Exercise 2.1.7 Write a recursive function that computes the number of
nodes of a binary tree. Use the inductive definition that you provided in
Exercise 2.1.5.
This definition of addition of natural numbers:
O+m=m (S n) + m = S (n + m)
is encoded in Coq using Fixpoint – a keyword that instructs Coq that this
is a recursive function:
Fixpoint plus (n m : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| (S n’ ) ⇒ S (plus n’ m)
This function will compute for us the addition of two Nats, as shown in
the following experiments:
Compute plus O O.
: Nat
Compute plus O (S O).
= (S O)
: Nat
Compute plus (S O) O.
= (S O)
: Nat
Compute plus (S O) (S O).
= (S (S O))
: Nat
If we consider that O is 0, S O is 1, S (S O) is 2, etc., the plus function
seems to exhibit the expected behavior.
Exercise 2.1.8 Implement the recursive functions from Exercises 2.1.6 and
2.1.7 in Coq and test them on several non-trivial inputs.

2.1.4 bool and nat in Coq
As expected the most common types are already available in Coq. For in-
stance, bool is defined in Coq as:
Print bool.
Inductive bool : Set := true : bool | false : bool
The Print command shows the definition of booleans in Coq. The definition
is the expected one: we have two constructors true and false that corre-
spond to the well-known truth values. More details about booleans in Coq
are available in the documentation https://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.

Exercise 2.1.9 Use Print to show the definition of nat in Coq. Also, read
the documentation: https: // coq. inria. fr/ refman/ language/ core/
inductive. html# simple-inductive-types .

Exercise 2.1.10 Write a recursive function that returns if a natural number

is even.

Exercise 2.1.11 Write a recursive function that computes the factorial of a

natural number.

Exercise 2.1.12 Write a function that returns true if the input natural num-
bers n1 and n2 are in a less than relation, i.e., n1 < n2 . The function will
return false if n1 ≥ n2 .

2.1.5 Proofs
In Coq we can state and prove various properties of interest about our func-
tions or relations. Coq provides a very interesting mechanism that allows one
to write proofs using tactics. These tactics generate a proof object which can
be automatically checked! This process of checking a proof is called certifica-
tion. The major benefit of certification is that proofs cannot be incomplete
or even incorrect once they are mechanically checked. It is often the case
when proofs written on paper contain mistakes or various corner cases are
overlooked. This does not happen in Coq due to its bookkeeping features.
For those familiar with lambda calculus and type systems, the Coq tactics
actually generate a term. Then, the Coq kernel checks if this term has
the desired type. If so, the corresponding proposition (via Curry-Howard
isomorphism) holds. Since type checking is actually a very simple problem
to solve, the Coq kernel is not very complex and can be trusted.

We start by stating and proving a very simple theorem about natural num-
bers. The text appearing in the rectangles in the proofs below are just
additional comments about the proofs. These comments are not part of the
actual Coq proof.
Theorem plus O n :
∀ n : Nat, plus O n = n.
At this point we start our proof. The current goal to prove is:

1 subgoal (ID 3)

forall n : Nat, plus O n = n

Above the horizontal line we find our hypotheses (none so far), and
below the horizontal line we find our goal, i.e., the conclusion that
we want to prove.
Intuitively, the proof goes like this: pick an arbirary natural number
n and try to compute the plus function for that n. The result should
be n. It is like saying that: “I want to arbitrarily choose a natural
number n and prove that adding O to it would return n”.
The first step that we do is to actually pick n. For this we use the
tactic intro. This tactic introduces the variable n in the context:
intro n.

Now, our goal looks like this:

1 subgoal (ID 4)

n : Nat
plus O n = n

Note that we have one hypothesis, namely n : Nat and our goal is
now plus O n = n. At this point, for this (arbitrarily chosen) n we
want to apply the definition of plus. The tactic simpl does that for

The simpl tactic applied the definition of plus and reduced our goal

1 subgoal (ID 7)

n : Nat
n = n

This is now obvious: we only need to show that n = n! We do this

by simply using the reflexivity tactic:


Voila! We now receive the message: No more subgoals. which means

that our proof object is now generated. The only thing left to do is
to actually check the generated proof using the Coq trusted kernel.
This is done using the Qed command at the end of the proof:
We have now finished our first proof! We have expressed our property
in Coq and then we used tactics to write down the proof. Our proof is now
mechanically checked by Coq using Qed and it does not include any errors.
To summarize, here is the Coq proof without comments:
Theorem plus O n :
∀ n : Nat, plus O n = n.
intro n.

Exercise 2.1.13 Prove in Coq that plus O O = O.

The next theorem states that it is safe to replace two equal natural numbers
in a particular addition:
Theorem plus eq:
∀ m n, m = n → plus O m = plus O n.

Note that the intros tactic moves m, n and H in the hypotheses:

1 subgoal (ID 15)

m, n : Nat
H : m = n
plus O m = plus O n

In the proof of the plus O n theorem we used intro followed by the

name of the universally quantified variable n to move it from the goal
to the assumptions. Here, we have more variables and a hypothesis!
So, if we want to use intro we have to write it three times:
intro m.
intro n.
intro H .
You can see now the advantage of intros vs. intro: intros is more
compact. By default, intros moves all the variables and hypotheses
from the goal in the assumptions using, as much as possible, their
names from the goal. If similar names are already in the assumptions,
Coq will generate fresh names. If you want specific names for the
assumptions, these names can be explicitly provided as below:
intros x y I .
This will actually generate the goal:

1 subgoal (ID 15)

x, y : Nat
I : x = y
plus O x = plus O y

which is basically the same thing as the previous goal. Just the names
are different!

Let us take a closer look at our current goal:

1 subgoal (ID 15)

m, n : Nat
H : m = n
plus O m = plus O n

It looks like the only thing that we have to do is to use the hypothesis
H and replace m by n in our goal. This is done via the rewrite tactic
followed by the name of the hypothesis that we want to rewrite:
rewrite H .
By default, the rewrite tactic applies the equality from left to right.
This yields the following goal, where m is replaced by n :

1 subgoal (ID 16)

m, n : Nat
H : m = n
plus O n = plus O n

However, this tactic can be applied so that the rewrite is done from
right to left.
rewrite ← H .
Now, the generated goal is different, that is, n is replaced by m:

1 subgoal (ID 16)

m, n : Nat
H : m = n
plus O m = plus O m

Either way, this can be discharged using reflexivity:


Exercise 2.1.14 Prove that for all naturals m n, plus m n = plus n n when
m = n.

Exercise 2.1.15 Prove that for all naturals m n, plus m n = plus m m when
m = n.

Case analysis, Inversion

So far we have discussed simplification and rewriting, but in practice, more
tactics are needed to discharge more complex goals. A common proof tech-
nique is case analysis: sometimes we need to analyse the possible values of
some quantity and show that in each situation, our target property holds.
For example, if we add 1 to any natural number k, then k + 1 cannot be
equal to 0. How do we prove something like that when k is a Nat? It looks
like we can perform a case analysis on k:

• k = O: in this case k + 1 = O + 1 = 1 = S O which is different from O

because these expressions are build using different constructors.

• k = S k 0 , where k 0 is some Nat: in this case k+1 = (S k 0 )+1 = S (k 0 +1)

which is again different from O because these expressions are build using
different constructors.

So, case analysis is performed by looking at the possible values of k that

are given by the two constructors O and S. Moreover, note that constructors
build different values, and thus, S k 0 and O are different by construction, for
any k 0 .
Now that we have sketched a proof of our property, let us formalise and
prove it in Coq:
Theorem plus c a:
∀ k , plus k (S O) 6= O.
At this point, our goal is:

1 subgoal (ID 17)

k : Nat
plus k (S O) <> O

Note that simpl will do nothing to our goal because Coq cannot
reduce plus k (S O). So, we are going to perform a case analysis on
the possible values of k . This is done via the destruct tactic:
destruct k as [ | k’ ] eqn:E .

The destruct k does the actual case analysis, while as [ | k’ ] eqn:E
instructs Coq to use some custom names in our proof. Without as [ |
k’ ] eqn:E Coq simply generates automatically some names. Leaving
Coq to generate the names is typically a bad practice because Coq
makes confusing choices of names.
The [ | k’ ] tells Coq to use specific names for the fresh variables that
come from constructors. Separated by a vertical line |, we specify the
desired variable names for each constructor. Our first constructor O
has no arguments, and thus, we do not add variable names for it (we
just do not write anything before |). Our second constructor S has
one argument and we will call this argument k’ .
The eqn:E instructs Coq to use custom names for the assumptions
that are generated by the case analysis. You can actually see in
our goals listing below that we have an assumption named E , which
corresponds to the first case in the case analysis:

2 subgoals (ID 29)

k : Nat
E : k = O
plus O (S O) <> O

subgoal 2 (ID 31) is:

plus (S k’) (S O) <> O

The second goal (i.e., subgoal 2) is not focused, but using the Show
2 command (here, 2 is the number of the goal), we can display that

subgoal 2 (ID 31) is:

k, k’ : Nat
E : k = S k’
plus (S k’) (S O) <> O

The name choice for the variable k’ is specified by [ | k’ ] , while E

is the custom name of the equation that captures our current case.
Both goals correspond to our two items in our informal proof, i.e.,
the case k = O and the case k = S k’.

Now that we have to solve two goals, we are going to use a syntactic
marker to make our proof easier to read (they are not mandatory),
namely, we use a dash − for each case:
- simpl. unfold not. intro H. inversion H .
The sequence of tactics solves the first case of our case analysis. Let
us show the effect of each tactic on the current goal:

1 subgoal (ID 29)

k : Nat
E : k = O
plus O (S O) <> O

First, simpl does the simplification because now we know the value
of k :

1 subgoal (ID 34)

k : Nat
E : k = O
S O <> O

Note that <> is the ASCII notation for 6=, which in Coq is defined as
not (A = B). Second, we unfold the not and we obtain:

1 subgoal (ID 36)

k : Nat
E : k = O
S O = O -> False

It is interesting to see that in Coq not (A = B) actually means (A =

B) → False.

Our goal is now an implication, so we can add an assumption using

1 subgoal (ID 37)

k : Nat
E : k = O
H : S O = O

At this point, we have to prove False! This is weird, but in fact, there
are some inconsistencies in our assumption H : the values S O and O
cannot be equal. So, if H is false then we can prove anything! We use
the inversion tactic on the H assumption: inversion will search
for the constructors in both sides of the equality and it will deduce
these two values cannot be equal. In fact, what inversion does in
this case is to actually discover (based on the inductive definition of
Nat) what conditions are necessary for this hypothesis to be true. In
this case, there isn’t one, so H is actually False and the goal is now

1 subgoal (ID 31)

subgoal 1 (ID 31) is:

plus (S k’) (S O) <> O

This subproof is complete, but there are some

unfocused goals.
Focus next goal with bullet -.

The proof of the second goal is identical:

- simpl. unfold not. intro H. inversion H .
We show now the complete proof without comments:
Theorem plus c a:
∀ k , plus k (S O) 6= O.
destruct k as [ | k’ ] eqn:E .

- simpl. unfold not. intro H . inversion H .
- simpl. unfold not. intro H . inversion H .

Exercise 2.1.16 Fill the ... in the following proof:

Theorem plus c a’:
∀ k, plus k (S O) =
6 O.
unfold not.
intro H.
destruct ...
- ...
- ...

2.2 Induction
Proofs by induction are very common in mathematics and it is the same in
Coq. To understand why induction is so important, let us prove that for all
n, n+0 = n using the definitions for naturals and addition from Section 2.1.3:

· zero n ∈ N succ
O∈N S n∈N

O+m=m (S n) + m = S (n + m)

Although n + 0 = n is a property that we take for granted it is not that

trivial to prove it. The main problem is that none of the rules for addition
apply in the left hand side of the equality. So the addition cannot be reduced
using directly the definition. Moreover, even if we try case analysis on n, we
get into troubles in the second case:

• if n = O, then n + 0 = n becomes O + O = O, which reduces to

O = O by the first equation in the definition of addition; this is true
by reflexivity.

• if n = S n0 , then n+0 = n becomes (S n0 )+O = (S n0 ); using the second

equation in the definition of addition we get S (n0 + O) = (S n0 ). But
how to continue from here? The issue is that there is no information
about (n0 + O) being equal to n0 !

Obviously, for those that are already familiar with induction, it looks like
the equality n0 + 0 = n0 should be given by an inductive hypothesis. What
is certain is that case analysis alone is not sufficient to prove this obvious
property. So, how do we prove this by induction? What does it mean to
make a proof by induction, and what are the insights of proofs by induction?
As we previously said, an inductive definition is a collection of rules that
define how certain values are constructed. If you want to prove a property
P (n) where n is in N, then naturally, you want to show that P holds for
any possible way of creating n. So, you want to show that P (O) holds and
you also want to show that P (S n) holds when P (n) holds. We actually
summarize this idea below:
· zero n ∈ N succ
O∈N S n∈N

· P (n)
base ind
P (O) P (S n)

Now, this might look a bit more familiar: if you want to prove P (n) you
have to prove P (O) and P (n) → P (S n). We can recognize where the
mathematical induction on naturals comes from! The first part, P (O) is the
base case of the induction, while P (n) → P (S n) is the inductive step. In
the inductive step, one needs to prove P (S n) using the inductive hypothesis
P (n). This is also known and the induction principle for naturals and it can
be stated as follows:

∀P. P (O) ∧ (∀n.P (n) → P (S n)) → ∀n.P (n)

Now, we can go back to our property for all n, n + 0 = n and prove it by

induction on n:

• base case: P (O) : O + O = O, which reduces to O = O by the first

equation in the definition of addition; this is true by reflexivity.

• inductive step: we know P (n) : n + O = n and we prove P (S n) :

(S n) + O = (S n). But, using the second equation in the definition of
+ we get P (S n) : S (n + O) = (S n), and further, by rewriting the
inductive hypothesis P (n) : n + O = n, we get P (S n) : (S n) = (S n);
this is true by reflexivity.

Now that we have shown why induction is so important, we move on

and we show how all these are handled by Coq. The first thing to notice is

that Coq is able to automatically generate the induction principle for a given
inductive definition. Recall our definition of Nat :
Inductive Nat :=
| O : Nat (* zero *)
| S : Nat → Nat. (* succ *)
When this is loaded in Coq, the tool automatically generates an induc-
tion principle called Nat ind. The type of Nat ind is precisely the induction
principle for Nat:
Check Nat ind.
Nat ind : ∀ P : Nat → Prop,
P O → (∀ n : Nat, P n → P (S n)) → ∀ n : Nat, P n.
The reserved keyword for proofs by induction in Coq is induction. In
every proof by induction on Nat, the induction tactic uses the Nat ind
induction principle. We are now ready to prove for all n, n + 0 = n in Coq:
Theorem plus n O is n:
∀ n, plus n O = n.
The current goal is:

1 subgoal (ID 24)

forall n : Nat, plus n O = n

We are now ready to apply induction on n:

induction n.
The induction will generate two goals. First, it generates the base

1 subgoal (ID 29)

plus O O = O

which can be easily discharged by the following tactics:

- simpl. reflexivity.

The inductive step goal is shown here:

1 subgoal (ID 32)

n : Nat
IHn : plus n O = n
plus (S n) O = S n

Note the presence of the inductive hypothesis IHn in the list of as-
sumptions. We start by applying simpl, and we obtain:

1 subgoal (ID 39)

n : Nat
IHn : plus n O = n
S (plus n O) = S n

Then we can rewrite the IHn, and we get:

1 subgoal (ID 40)

n : Nat
IHn : plus n O = n
S n = S n

Finally, this is a trivial goal discharged using reflexivity.

- simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.

Exercise 2.2.1 Complete the proof of the following theorem:

Theorem plus n Sm is S n m:
∀ n m,
plus n (S m) = S (plus n m).
intro n.
induction n.
- ...
- ...


Exercise 2.2.2 The following proof is a bit longer and uses the result proved
in Exercise 2.2.1. Inspect all the intermediate goals generated by Coq (includ-
ing the ones when rewrite plus n Sm is S n m is used) and fill the ... when
Theorem plus exercise 1:
∀ n, plus n (plus n O) = plus n n.
induction n.
- simpl. trivial.
- simpl.
rewrite plus n Sm is S n m.
rewrite plus n Sm is S n m.

Exercise 2.2.3 Coq has a builtin type for naturals called nat: https: //
coq. inria. fr/ library/ Coq. Init. Datatypes. html# nat . Prove the fol-
lowing theorems1 :
Theorem nat plus c a:
∀ k, k + 1 6= 1.
Theorem nat plus n 0 is n:
∀ n, n + 0 = n.
Theorem nat plus n Sm is S n m:
∀ n m,
n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1.
Theorem nat plus exercise 1:
∀ n, n + (n + 0) = n + n.
The Admitted keyword instructs Coq that the proof is incomplete and the compiler
will ignore that proof.

Exercise 2.2.4 Recall the list of naturals from Exercise 2.1.3. Also, recall
the length function (discussed in Section 2.1.3):

length(Nil ) = O length(Cons n l ) = (S O) + length(l).

We implement all these in Coq and we also include a new function for
list concatenation called append. Prove the lemma at the end:
Inductive ListNat :=
| Nil : ListNat
| Cons : Nat → ListNat → ListNat.
Fixpoint length(l : ListNat) :=
match l with
| Nil ⇒ O
| Cons l’ ⇒ S (length l’)
Fixpoint append(l1 l2 : ListNat) :=
match l1 with
| Nil ⇒ l2
| Cons x l1’ ⇒ Cons x (append l1’ l2)
Lemma append len:
∀ l1 l2,
plus (length l1) (length l2) = length (append l1 l2).

2.2.1 Note to the reader

So far, we covered some very basic Coq tactics that are used to prove
simpler facts. Obviously, more difficult proofs require more complex tac-
tics. We recommend the readers to read the chapter dedicated to tac-
tics available here [26]: https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/

2.3 Polymorphism
Polymorphism comes in many flavours [13]: overloading, universal parametric
polymorphism (explicit vs. implicit), and subtype universal polymorphism.

In this section we address polymorphism from a functional programming per-
spective, namely: abstracting functions over the types of the data that they
manipulate [26]. In [13], this is known as universal parametric polymorphism.

2.3.1 Polymorphic lists

We recall here our definition of list of natural numbers from Exercise 2.2.4:
Inductive ListNat :=
| Nil : ListNat
| Cons : Nat → ListNat → ListNat.
The length function below computes the length of such a list:
Fixpoint length(l : ListNat) :=
match l with
| Nil ⇒ O
| Cons l’ ⇒ S (length l’ )
An obvious question here is whether the length depends on the fact that
it operates over elements of type ListNat. We can actually write a type for
list of booleans and a function length’, and we can observe that the length is
computed in a similar way:
Inductive ListBool :=
| NilB : ListBool
| ConsB : bool → ListBool → ListBool.
Fixpoint length’(l : ListBool) :=
match l with
| NilB ⇒ O
| ConsB l’ ⇒ S (length’ l’ )
The is an anonymous variable, that is, a variable whose name is not im-
portant. Note that both length and length’ functions have a very similar
implementation. Naturally, we can ask the following question: is it possible
to have a single implementation for length that operates on polymorphic lists?
The answer is yes and below we show how this is done. First, we define the
polymorphic lists in Coq:
Inductive List (T : Type) : Type :=
| Nil : List T
| Cons : T → List T → List T .
In Coq, this is the polymorphic type definition for lists. It looks the same as
the definitions of ListNat or ListBool, except that the type of the elements of

the list is given as a parameter T : Type. List itself can now thought as a
function that takes a type and gives a new inductive definition.
Check List.
List :
Type → Type
T : Type is now a parameter in the definition of List and automatically, T
becomes a parameter for all constructors! The types of Nil and Cons are:
Check Nil.
: ∀ T : Type, List T
Check Cons.
: ∀ T : Type, T → List T → List T
Once we have polymorphic lists, it is really easy to get back our previous
implementations for lists of naturals and lists of booleans:
Definition ListNat := list Nat.
Definition ListBool := list bool.
Here are several examples of concrete lists of naturals and booleans. Note
that we explicitly write the type as the first parameter:
Check Nil Nat.
Nil Nat
: List Nat.
Check (Cons Nat O (Nil Nat)).
Cons Nat O (Nil Nat)
: List Nat.

Exercise 2.3.1 Check the output produced by the following Coq code:

Check Nil bool.

Check (Cons bool true (Nil bool)).

Now that we have a polymorphic type for lists, we can write polymorphic
version of functions. The length of a list is now parametric in the type of the
elements of lists:
Fixpoint length (T : Type) (l : List T ) :=
match l with
| Nil ⇒ O
| Cons l’ ⇒ S (length T l’ )

The type of length is:
Check length.
: ∀ T : Type, List T → Nat.
This implementation of length can now be used on all lists. From a
software engineering perspective, this is an implementation of the DRY (“do
not repeat yourself”) principle.
In order to use the function, you simply have to provide its arguments:
Compute length Nat (Nil Nat).
: Nat

Compute length Nat (Cons Nat O (Nil Nat)).

: Nat.

Exercise 2.3.2 Check the result returned by the following code:

Compute length bool (Cons bool true (Nil bool)).
Does it work as expected?

Exercise 2.3.3 Write a function called repeat that takes a element e (of
any type!) and a natural number n, and returns a list of length n where
every element in the list is equal to e. Test your function on several relevant

Implicit Arguments It is really cumbersome to write down expressions

like this length Nat (Cons Nat O (Nil Nat)), where Nat is almost everywhere.
Fortunately, in Coq there is a way to deal with this: we use the Arguments
Arguments Nil {T }.
Arguments Cons {T }.
Arguments length {T }.
Check length (Cons O Nil).
length (Cons O Nil)
: Nat.

The Arguments keyword is followed by the name of the function or con-
structor and then the (leading) argument names to be treated as implicit
are given (surrounded by curly braces). Having such declarations for all con-
structors of a polymorphic type is really useful. For instance, we can write a
more elegant definition for the length of a list (without so many s as in the
definition of length):
Fixpoint length’ {T : Type} (l : List T ) :=
match l with
| Nil ⇒ O
| Cons l’ ⇒ S (length’ l’ )
Also, note that {T : Type} (the argument with curly braces) allows us to use
directly (length’ l’ ) instead of (length’ T l’ ).

Exercise 2.3.4 Implement a polymorphic function that concatenates two

lists. Test this function on non-trivial examples.

Exercise 2.3.5 Implement a polymorphic function that reverses a list. Test

this function on non-trivial examples.

2.4 Higher-Order Functions

It is well-known that functions in functional programming are first-class cit-
izens. This means that in Coq we can easily pass functions as arguments to
other functions, we can store functions or we can return functions as results.

2.4.1 Functions as parameters to other functions

We start by showing how to pass functions as arguments to other functions.
A classical example is the filter function below, which filters a list using a
predicate that is given as a parameter:
Fixpoint filter {T : Type} (f : T → bool) (l : List T ) : List T :=
match l with
| Nil ⇒ Nil
| Cons x xs ⇒ if (f x )
then Cons x (filter f xs)
else filter f xs
The function (f : T → bool) is a parameter for the filter function and
it acts as a predicate: for any input it returns a boolean value. Our filter

functions simply applies f to each element in the list, and it only keeps the
ones that satisfy the predicate. Let us see how this works. First, add this
import statement at the begining of your file:
Require Import Nat.

Then, we write down an example and we define a predicate for filter:

Example num list := Cons 2 (Cons 15 (Cons 7 (Cons 18 Nil))).
Definition has one digit (n : nat) := leb n 9.
The leb function is defined in the Nat module and it implements the less
than relation (≤) for naturals. Our predicate is has one digit, and it checks
if the given argument is a digit. The type of has one digit is:
Check has one digit.
has one digit
: nat → bool.

Exercise 2.4.1 Test the function has one digit on several examples.

We can now use our filter by passing as arguments the predicate and the
list to be filtered:
Compute filter has one digit num list.
= Cons 2 (Cons 7 Nil)
: List nat.
The result is the expected one: the numbers that do not satisfy our predicate
are simply eliminated from our list.

Exercise 2.4.2 Write a higher order function2 that applies an operation (f

: T → T) to all elements of a list. Test this function on some non-trivial
Hint: as an example, the function (f : T → T) could be a function that
multiplies all elements of a list of naturals by 3, or it can divide them by 2.

2.4.2 Anonymous functions

It is possible to define functions “on the fly”, that is, without declaring
them explicitly and using them by their name. Our function has one digit is
defined explicitly, but it can be defined as an anonymous function as well:
Those familiar with functional programming may recognise that this is the well-known
map function.

Check (fun n ⇒ leb n 9).
(fun n ⇒ n ≤? 9)
: nat → bool.
The expression (fun n ⇒ leb n 10) is read as the function that takes the
input n and returns the result of the expression leb n 103 . Basically, it does
the same thing as has one digit, but now we have a way to handle it the
same way we handle values. As a consequence, we can pass this anonymous
function to filter like this:
Compute filter (fun n ⇒ leb n 9) num list.
= Cons 2 (Cons 7 Nil)
: List nat.

Exercise 2.4.3 Test the higher-order function that you defined in Exer-
cise 2.4.2 using anonymous functions.

2.4.3 Functions that return other functions

So far we have seen that functions can take other functions as arguments.
But we can also write functions that return other functions. The simplest
function is the id function below, which takes as input a function and returns
the same function:
Definition id {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A → B ) := f .
When applied to a function, id returns the same function. So the return
type should be the same as the type of the initial function. Coq confirms
Check has one digit.
has one digit
: nat → bool.
Check (id has one digit).
: nat → bool.

Exercise 2.4.4 Execute the command below and inspect the output:
Compute has one digit 10.
Compute (id has one digit) 10.
Compute has one digit 1.
Here, ≤? is just an infix notation for leb. Notations are discussed in the next section
of these notes.

Compute (id has one digit) 1.

The functions has one digit and (id has one digit) return the same re-

Exercise 2.4.5 Execute the following commands in Coq:

Check filter.
Check (id filter).

1. The functions filter and (id filter) have the same type?

2. Do these functions return the same values for the same inputs? Write
some tests to confirm your answer.

Of course, the id function is not that spectacular, but it shows that func-
tions can return other functions. A more interesting example is function
Definition compose
{A : Type} {B : Type} {C : Type} (f : B → C ) (g : A → B ) :=
fun x ⇒ f (g x ).
Check compose.
: (?B → ?C ) → (?A → ?B ) → (?A → ?C )
?A : [ ` Type]
?B : [ ` Type]
?C : [ ` Type]
The type of compose looks a bit odd, but what we need to understand
is that it takes two functions, a function f : B → C that maps elements of
type B to elements of type C , and a function g : A → B that maps elements
of type A into elements of type B . The output of compose is a new function
of type A → C , that is, it maps elements of type A to elements of type C
by applying g and then f .
Let us take a look at an example. We provide two anonymous functions
to compose, one that multiplies a number with 2 and another one that adds
3 to a given number. First, we look at the type returned by compose in this
Check compose (fun x ⇒ x × 2) (fun x ⇒ x + 2).
compose (fun x : nat ⇒ x × 2) (fun x : nat ⇒ x + 2)

: nat → nat.
So compose (fun x : nat ⇒ x × 2) (fun x : nat ⇒ x + 2) will take a nat,
say n, it will first apply (fun x : nat ⇒ x + 2) to it, and then it will apply
(fun x : nat ⇒ x × 2) to the result. In the end, we should get (n + 2) ∗ 2.
Here is what happens when n = 3:
Compute compose (fun x : nat ⇒ x × 2) (fun x : nat ⇒ x + 2) 3.
= 10
: nat
By composing the functions the other way around, we get a different
Compute compose (fun x : nat ⇒ x + 2) (fun x : nat ⇒ x × 2) 3.
: nat

Exercise 2.4.6 What is the type of compose (fun x : bool ⇒ if x then

Nil else (Cons 1 Nil)) (fun x : nat ⇒ leb x 0) ? Justify your answer and
test it on several examples.
Is it possible to switch the arguments of compose in this case? Justify
your answer.

2.5 Logic in Coq and related tactics.

One of the best features of Coq is the possibility to state various propositions
about the values and the types that we define. Another cool feature of Coq
is the possibility to prove such propositions using tactics. Coq is a strongly
typed language, that is, every expression that we write has an associated
type. Propositions themselves have a type called Prop. One important
distinction that we need to make is that being a proposition is different from
being a provable proposition! For example, the two examples below are both
Check 10 = 10.
10 = 10
: Prop
Check 10 = 11.
10 = 11
: Prop
However, only the first is provable:
Goal 10 = 10.

Goal 10 = 11.
As expected, propositions of type Prop can be combined using the well-
known logical operations: negations, conjunctions, disjunctions, implications,
equivalences, and quantifiers. The most natural question for a newcomer is
why don’t we just use the bool to state such properties? The main difference
between bool and Prop is decidability. Expressions of type bool can always
be simplified to true or false. In contrast, Prop includes also undecidable
mathematical propositions.

2.5.1 Implication
Probably the most used logical connective in Coq is implication. This is be-
cause most of our propositions are formulated as implications. For example,
if n is 0 then n + 3 = 3. In Coq this is simply stated as:
Lemma simple impl :
∀ n, n = 0 → n + 3 = 3.
intros n H .
rewrite H .
The Coq environment is very well suited for handling implications. For
example, the intros tactic knows how to extract the hypothesis H : n = 0
directly as from the implication.
When multiple implications are involved, Coq handles them in a conve-
niently using intros:
Lemma not so simple impl :
∀ m n, m = 0 → n = 0 → n + m = 0.
intros m n Hm Hn.
rewrite Hn.
rewrite Hm.

Note that both Hm : m = 0 and Hn : n = 0 are introduced as hypotheses as

2.5.2 Conjunction
Conjunctions are used to express that two propositions are true in the time.
Proving conjunctions is as easy as it sounds: you have to prove that the two
propositions involved are true. This can be done via the split tactic. Here
is an example:
Lemma simple conjunction :
2 + 3 = 5 ∧ 5 + 5 = 10.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. reflexivity.
The rationale here is simple: split creates two new goals that correspond
to the two propositions in the conjunction. Each proposition is then proved
It is impossible not to observe that we have some duplicated code in our
proof. Both goals can be solved using the same sequence of tactics: simpl.
reflexivity. Can we do better than this? Yes, we can:
Lemma simple conjunction’ :
2 + 3 = 5 ∧ 5 + 5 = 10.
split; simpl; reflexivity.
The semicolon ‘;’ tells Coq to apply the next tactic to all the goals generated
by the previous tactic. In our case, split; simpl ; reflexivity instructs
Coq to apply simpl to all goals generated by split, and then to apply
reflexivity to all the generated goals.
Conjunctions are handled similarly even in the presence of implications:
Lemma implication and conjunction:
∀ n, n = 0 → n + 3 = 3 ∧ n + 5 = 5.
intros n Hn.
split; rewrite Hn; simpl; reflexivity.

Sometimes, conjunctions can occur in the left hand side of an implication.
This raises an issue, namely, how to use a conjunction as a hypothesis? A
relevant example is shown here:
Lemma conjunction as hypothesis:
∀ m n, n = 0 ∧ m = 0 → n + 3 = 3.

At this point, the most obvious thing to do is to use the intros tactic:
intros m n Hmn.
This will generate the following goal:

1 subgoal (ID 61)

m, n : nat
Hmn : n = 0 /\ m = 0
n + 3 = 3

However, the hypothesis Hmn : n = 0 ∧ m = 0 is not very useful as it is. We

cannot apply rewrite Hmn because we cannot rewrite an entire conjunction!
What we need to do is to break this conjunction in two smaller hypotheses,
so that the part that we are interested in, namely n = 0, can be further used
to replace n with 0 in our goal. This can be done in two ways:

1. Either we use intros like this:

intros m n [Hm Hn].

and we will get the desired hypotheses directly:

1 subgoal (ID 65)

m, n : nat
Hm : n = 0
Hn : m = 0
n + 3 = 3

2. Or we use the destruct tactic, as below:

intros m n Hmn.
destruct Hmn as [Hn Hm].

This will generate basically the same goal as above:

1 subgoal (ID 66)

m, n : nat
Hn : n = 0
Hm : m = 0
n + 3 = 3

From here, the sequence rewrite Hn. simpl. reflexivity. discharges

the goal.
Here are the two variants side by side:

Proof. Proof.
intros m n [Hn Hm]. intros m n Hnm.
rewrite Hn. destruct Hnm as [Hn Hm].
simpl. rewrite Hn.
reflexivity. simpl.
Qed. reflexivity.
It is now easier to see that the variant from the left is shorter than the one
in the right. This does not make the destruct tactic worse than intros.
The destruct tactic can be used in other contexts as well, for example, it
can generate a subgoal for every constructor of an inductive type. Moreover,
destruct can be used to tackle disjunctions as well.

2.5.3 Disjunction
Disjunctions is another useful connective that captures the logical or: we say
that P1 ∨ P2 is true when either P1 or P2 is true.
Let us start by proving a simple disjunction in Coq:
Lemma simple disjunction:
2 + 3 = 5 ∨ 5 + 5 = 10.

Our goal here is a disjunction: 2 + 3 = 5 ∨ 5 + 5 = 10. In order to prove it,
we either prove 2 + 3 = 5 or 5 + 5 = 10. The left tactic instructs Coq that
we want to prove the left side of the disjunction, namely, 2 + 3 = 5.
Since 5 + 5 = 10 is also true, we can prove the same lemma using the
right tactic (which is a dual of left):
Lemma simple disjunction:
2 + 3 = 5 ∨ 5 + 5 = 10.
Recall that only one component of the disjunction needs to be proved.
Here is a proof of another lemma, where only the left hand side of the dis-
junction can be proved:
Lemma simple disjunction’:
2 + 3 = 5 ∨ 5 + 5 = 11.
We have seen how to prove a disjunction, but it is also important to
understand how to use a disjunction as a hypothesis. Here is a tricky lemma
that we use to illustrate how to work with disjunctions as hypotheses:
Lemma disjunction as hypothesis:
∀ n, n = 0 ∨ 5 + 5 = 11 → n + 3 = 3.

We need to prove that n + 3 = 3 when the disjunction n = 0 ∨ 5 + 5 = 11

is true. Since this disjunction is true, either of its components can be true,
but we do not know which one! So what we need to do is a case analysis:
first, we need to show that if n = 0 then n + 3 = 3, and second, we need to
show that if 5 + 5 = 11 is true then n + 3 = 3.
As in the case of conjunction, we have two variants to consider here:

1. Either we use
intros n [Hn | Hn].

2. Or we use
intros n Hn.
destruct Hn as [Hn | Hn].

The vertical bar | in [Hn | Hn] determines Coq to generate two goals, one
for each case of the disjunction:

n : nat
Hn : n = 0
n + 3 = 3


n : nat
Hn : 5 + 5 = 11
n + 3 = 3

Now each case needs to be proved separately. The first one is discharged
using rewrite Hn. simpl. reflexivity. The second goal contains a false
premise, namely 5 + 5 = 11. Fortunately, this is easily discharged using
inversion Hn.
Here is a complete proof of our lemma:
Lemma disjunction as hypothesis:
∀ n, n = 0 ∨ 5 + 5 = 11 → n + 3 = 3.
intros n [Hn | Hn].
- rewrite Hn. simpl. reflexivity.
- inversion Hn.
In case one of the generated goals cannot be proved, then we cannot prove
the entire lemma. For instance, the lemma below cannot be proved:
Lemma disjunction as hypothesis unprovable:
∀ n, n = 0 ∨ 5 + 5 = 10 → n + 3 = 3.
intros n [Hn | Hn].
- rewrite Hn. simpl. reflexivity.
- (* stuck *)

The second goal generated by our case analysis cannot be proved because
there is no information about n in our hypotheses. Intuitively, this lemma
cannot be proved, because the disjunction n = 0 ∨ 5 + 5 can be true because
when n = 0 is false. Therefore, the conclusion cannot be proved.
Recall that we use [Hn Hn] (i.e., without the ‘|’) to deal with conjunctions
in hypotheses, while for disjunctions we use [Hn | Hn].

2.5.4 Negation
Typically, negations are used when we are interested in expressing that some
propositions are not true. In logic and in Coq we use the ¬ symbol in front
of the proposition that we want to negate. However, in Coq, ¬ P is in fact
understood as an implication P → False. This is basically an equivalent
formulation of the negation: P → False can be true only when P is False,
that is, ¬ P is true.
We start by showing how to prove a negation. We pick a simple trivial
Lemma simple negation:
∀ (x : nat), ¬ x 6= x .
Naturally, we start our proof using intro.
intros x .
The generated goal is now this one:
1 subgoal (ID 85)

x : nat
~ x <> x
The tilde symbol occurring in the goal is the ASCII notation for ¬ in
Coq. The next tactic that we apply is unfold:
unfold not.

Now, our goal is the same, but the notations are unfolded:
1 subgoal (ID 87)

x : nat
(x = x -> False) -> False

Now that we have an implication we know how to deal with it:
intros Hx .

1 subgoal (ID 88)

x : nat
Hx : x = x -> False

This goal looks a bit odd because we need to prove False. We are going
to apply the Hx hypothesis:
apply Hx .
What happens is that we can prove False if the left hand side of the Hx
implication can be proved. Basically, if we know A → B and we want to
prove B, it is sufficient to prove A. So, apply Hx does this for us, and the
new goal is:

1 subgoal (ID 89)

x : nat
Hx : x = x -> False
x = x

This can be easily discharged using reflexivity and this concludes our
We summarise the proof of our lemma here:
Lemma simple negation:
∀ (x : nat), ¬ x 6= x .
intros x .
unfold not.
intros Hx .
apply Hx .

2.5.5 Existential quantification
Last but not least, we discuss existentially quantified properties. Below is a
very simple example that illustrates the use of the exists tactic. In Coq,
proving the existence of some value so that some property holds, requires us
to provide that specific value. In our example, we need to pass the value of
n that satisfies the property n = 0. Fortunately, there is only one such value,
namely 0:
Lemma exists zero:
∃ (n : nat), n = 0.
∃ 0.
Conversely, if an existentially quantified property is among our hypothe-
ses, then we can use that specific value that satisfies the property in our
reasoning. Here is an example:
Lemma exists as hypothesis:
∀ m, (∃ n, m = 2 + n) → (∃ n’ , m = 1 + n’ ).
intros m [n Hmn].
∃ (1 + n).
rewrite Hmn.
Note that intros m [n Hmn] breaks the existentially quantified hypothesis
into n : nat and Hmn : m = 2 + n. The variable n : nat satisfies Hmn, and
thus, it can be further used in our proof (that is, we use it in ∃ (1 + n)).

2.5.6 Exercises
Exercise 2.5.1 Prove the following property:
Theorem ex falso:
∀ P, False → P.

Exercise 2.5.2 Prove the following property:

Theorem and elim 1:
∀ (A B : Prop), A ∧ B → A.

Exercise 2.5.3 Prove the following property:
Theorem and elim 2:
∀ (A B : Prop), A ∧ B → B.

Exercise 2.5.4 Prove the following property:

Theorem and intro:
∀ (A B : Prop), A → B → (A ∧ B).

Exercise 2.5.5 Prove the following property:

Theorem or elim:
∀ (A B C: Prop), (A → C) → (B → C) → (A ∨ B) → C.

Exercise 2.5.6 Prove the following property:

Theorem or intro 1:
∀ (A B : Prop), A → (A ∨ B).

Exercise 2.5.7 Prove the following property:

Theorem or intro 2:
∀ (A B : Prop), B → (A ∨ B).

Exercise 2.5.8 Prove the following property:

Theorem not not:
∀ (P : Prop), P → ~~P.

Exercise 2.5.9 Prove the following property:

Lemma exists positive:
∃ (n : nat), n + 1 = 2.

Exercise 2.5.10 Prove the following property:

Lemma exists as hypothesis:
∀ m, (∃ n, m = 4 + n) → (∃ n’, m = 2 + n’).

Chapter 3


A programming language is basically a language that allows us to write algo-

rithms. Compilers and interpreters are able to understand the programs that
implement the algorithms. But what is the magic behind this understanding?
How does the computer read a program?
To answer this question we first need to understand what syntax means.
Any language that we know uses an alphabet. The alphabet is just a set
of symbols (e.g., the Latin alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet) that are used to
construct words or tokens. Not all combinations of alphabet symbols are
accepted in languages. For example, in english, sad is a a word, but dsa is
not part of the english dictionary. In linguistics, the lexical corpus or lexis
defines the complete set of words in a language. The words can be combined
in order to create sentences. The grammar is just a set of rules that describes
the meaningful phrases of the language. For instance, I am sad does have a
meaning in english, but Sad am is meaningless.
So, for a programming language, we have a similar setup: the alphabet
contains the set of symbols that can be used to write programs in that lan-
guage; the tokens are the legal words admitted in programs (e.g., keywords),
while programs themselves are constructed by following a set of syntactical
rules. These rules form the grammar of the language. Basically, the syntax
of a programming language has three components: an alphabet, a lexical
component, and a grammar.
Nowadays, programming languages come with a well documented formal
syntax specification. For instance, the Java programming language uses the
Unicode characters https://www.unicode.org/ as alphabet and the lexi-
cal structure is completely described at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/
specs/jls/se16/html/jls-3.html. The grammar of Java is available at
The American linguist Noam Chomsky developed techniques, known as

generative grammars, to describe syntax in a formal manner. His proposal
of using a formal way to describe the syntax has a major impact: it avoids
the ambiguities that are always present in natural languages. From a pro-
gramming language design perspective, the generative grammars are a fun-
damental tool for describing the syntax of programming languages.
In order to illustrate the power of generative grammars we pick a very
simple language called PAL. The alphabet of this language contains only two
symbols a and b. What is interesting about this language is that it contains
all palindromic strings that can be formed using a and b. For example, aba
is part of the language, while abbaa is not, since it is not a palindrome. One
may think that it is really easy to write a regular expression that captures the
set of palindromes in PAL, but in fact, this is impossible! We are not going to
explain the details here, but the regular expressions have an equivalent finite
state machine that accepts/rejects the same words as the regular expressions.
Since the set of palindromes over a,b is infinite, it is impossible to build a
finite state machine (it would need an infinite number of states). But here
comes the power of grammars! They allow recursive definition of strings. In
our case, the palindromic strings can be expressed by the following grammar:
1. P → 
2. P → a
3. P → b
4. P → aP a
5. P → bP b
The P above is a nonterminal that stands for “any palindromic string”.
The a, and b symbols are called terminals. The arrow → indicates a grammar
production. The production labelled 1 says that P can be an empty string
(here denoted by ). The productions 2 and 3 say that P can also be a or
b. So far, we covered the base cases, where palindromes can be either , a
or b. The recursive cases are captured by productions 4 and 5, where a new
palindrome can be constructed by surrounding another palindrome with as
or bs. In the literature, this is called a context-free grammar. More details
about context-free grammars can be found in [13].

3.1 Derivations
Given these grammar rules and an input, how can we establish whether
the input is constructed according to the rules? The recursive nature of

the grammar allows us to build derivations. The main idea is to read the
productions (given by the arrows) as rewrite rules and try to find a finite
sequence of rewrite steps for the given input. For instance, the following
rewriting sequence is a derivation for abba:
• P →4 aPa →5 abPba →1 abba.
Note that (finite) derivations that start with an initial nonterminal (e.g.,
P ) and end up with a string that contains only terminal symbols actually de-
fine the set of all correct strings w.r.t. to our grammar. The above derivation
indicates that abba is indeed a palindrome. Moreover, note that the deriva-
tion for the input abba is unique. For this derivation we have a corresponding
derivation tree or parse tree (e stands for ):
/ | \
a P a
/ | \
b P b
Parse trees are representations for derivations. These trees contain nodes
labeled with terminals, nonterminals and . The interior nodes are always
labeled with nonterminals. The root is labeled with P - our nonterminal for
“any palindromic string”. The children of an internal node are given by the
corresponding production. For example, the production 4 yields this subtree:
/ | \
a P a
If a node has  as a child, then  is the only child.

3.2 Ambiguities
Grammars can also be ambiguous, that is, for some input, there are more
than one possible parse trees. An example is the following grammar for
simple arithmetic expressions with addition and multiplication:

1. E → nat

2. E → E + E

3. E → E * E

We use nat to denote the natural numbers and we consider that any
natural number is a terminal. For the input 1 + 2 + 3 we obtain two parse

/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
1 + E E + 3
/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
2 + 3 1 + 2

In this case we say that the parsing is ambiguous. An ambiguous grammar

is useless from the perspective of a programming language designer because
it cannot be used to compile/translate programs in a unique fashion. For
our example, the evaluation of the addition produces the same result, i.e., 6,
but for 1 + 2 × 3 the parse trees may yield different results (7 vs. 9):

/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
1 + E E * 3
/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
2 * 3 1 + 2

Obviously, we have to add to our grammars more information for dis-

ambiguation. One idea is to add more complexity to the grammar so that
parsing will output only one possible parse tree:

1. E → T

2. E → T + E

3. T → nat

4. T → nat * T

Now, the only parse tree for 1 + 2 + 3 is (note: the parse tree mimics a
right associative addition):

/ | \
T + E
| /|\
| / | \
1 T + E
| |
| |
2 T

Moreover, the only parse tree for 1 + 2 × 3 is:

/ | \
T + E
| |
| |
1 T
/ | \
2 * T

The parse trees are indeed larger than before, but at least the grammar
is not ambiguous anymore.
Another way to deal with ambiguities is to generate all the possible parse
trees and then filter out the parse trees that do not meet a certain criteria.
For example, one could keep only the parse trees that correspond to left
associativity of +, that is, between the trees:

/|\ /|\

/ | \ / | \
1 + E E + 3
/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
2 + 3 1 + 2

only the tree in right hand side is kept:

/ | \
E + 3
/ | \
1 + 2

Also, the parse trees where + appears below * can be removed, that is,

/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
1 + E E * 3
/|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \
2 * 3 1 + 2

we only keep the tree in the left hand side, which corresponds to the expected
mathematical order of the operations:

/ | \
1 + E
/ | \
2 * 3

The latter disambiguation solution is typically implemented using gram-

mar annotations.

3.3 Abstract vs. Concrete Syntax
Context-free grammars define the concrete syntax of programming languages.
The concrete syntax defines the way programs look like to the programmers.
For instance, an arithmetic expression can be written in different ways:

• 1 + 2 – infix notation

• (+ 1 2) – prefix notation

• (1 2 +) – postfix notation

Obviously, this can be done by tweaking our grammar production rule

for addition as below:

• E → E + E // infix

• E → + E E // prefix

• E → E E + // postfix

Now the corresponding parse trees for these expressions are:

infix prefix postfix

/|\ /|\ /|\
/ | \ / | \ / | \
1 + 2 + 1 2 1 2 +

However, a more intuitive way of expressing an addition is the following


/ \
/ \
1 2

This is an equivalent abstract representation of all the parse trees above.

This kind of structure is way more appropriate to be used by the compilers
or interpreters. In practice, the concrete syntax is decoupled by the abstract
representation which is given by an abstract syntax. The abstract syntax
is the set of rules that define how programs look like to an interpreter or

This distiction between abstract and concrete syntax is essential because
it separates the concerns. For instance, the abstract representation of an ad-
dition is basically the same in all programming languages, while the concrete
syntax could be different (e.g., C vs. Lisp). Therefore, we can have a single
abstract tree and many corresponding concrete syntax representations.
The transition from concrete syntax to abstract syntax can be done in
various ways, but the most common approach is to annotate production rules
in the concrete syntax with labels:

• E → E + E (label: add )

The label is a constructor name that will be part of the abstract syntax.
Constructors have as many arguments as the number of nonterminals in the
production (e.g., add has two arguments that need to be expressions E as
well). The order of the arguments of the contructors is the same as the order
of the nonterminals that appear in the production. Terminals are simply
replaced by the constructor. An example of transformation is shown here:

parse abstract
tree tree

E add
/|\ / \
/ | \ / \
1 + 2 1 2

Other annotations can indicate whether a certain language construct is

left or right associative. For instance, the following production rule

• E → E + E (label: add, assoc: left)

yield the following trees for 1+2+3:

parse abstract
tree tree

E add
/|\ / \
/ | \ / \
E + 3 add 3
/|\ / \
/ | \ / \
1 + 2 1 2

Recall that 1+2+3 is ambiguous without this associativity annotation in
the production rule. An ambiguous grammar generates more than one parse
tree for the same input. As a rule, in such cases, the parsers should report an
error or they should pick one parse tree that will be then used to construct
abstract syntax tree.
Other types of annotations in the grammars are precedence levels.

1. E → nat

2. E → E + E (label: add, assoc: left, prec: 50 )

3. E → E * E (label: mul, assoc: left, prec: 40 )

Here, the numbers 50 and 40 are used to establish the precedence re-
lationships between addition and multiplication. A lower number says that
the annotated construct has a higher precedence than all the other con-
structs annotated with higher numbers. In our case, multiplication has a
higher precedence than addition. With these annotations, the expression 1
+ 2 × 3 is not ambiguous anymore, and the corresponding abstract syntax
tree is:

/ \
/ \
1 mul
/ \
/ \
2 3

From now on, we will only use abstract syntax trees. The transition from
concrete syntax to abstract syntax is itself an interesting topic and there is
a lot of literature covering techniques and algorithms for parsing (e.g., [1]).

3.4 BNF
Context-free grammars were used for the first time to define the syntax of
Algol60. The notation used to express the grammar for Algol60 was different
from the notation that we have seen previously, that is:

1. E → nat

2. E → E + E

3. E → E * E

The new notation that was actually used for Algol60 is called BNF
(Backus Naur Form) and it looks like this:

• E ::= nat | E + E | E * E

Indeed, this notation is way more compact and it has been widely adopted.
Moreover, the BNF notation has been improved in various ways so that it
can express optional constructs, alternative productions and repetitions. The
family of extensions to BNF is known as Extended BNF (EBNF)1 .
In this material we are going to use the BNF notation.

3.5 Abstract Syntax in Coq

We are now ready to define the abstract syntax of a simple imperative lan-
guage in Coq. Given the BNF grammar of arithmetic expressions

• E ::= nat | E + E | E * E

the corresponding Coq encoding is:

Inductive Exp : Type :=
| num : nat → Exp
| plus : Exp → Exp → Exp
| mul : Exp → Exp → Exp.
The num, plus, and mul are the constructors, while nat is the type of
natural numbers. 1, 2, 1+2, and 1+2*3 are expressions which are written
using the Coq abstract syntax as below:
Check (num 1).
Check (num 2).
Check (plus (num 1) (num 2)).
Check (plus (num 1) (mul (num 2) (num 3))).

Coercion The Coq representation of an expression is now a bit more com-

plicated than we expect: (plus (num 1) (mul (num 2) (num 3))) vs. 1 + 2 ×
3. Fortunately, we can make some improvements so that programs are easier
to read and write.
More details about BNF and EBNF can be found at http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/
~pjj/bnf/ebnf.html and https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-14977.pdf

The first improvement is to get rid of the num construct when it can be
automatically inferred. For instance, in this expression (plus (num 1) (num
2)) it is obvious that plus expects two arguments of type Exp. For this we
are going to use Coq’s Coercion mechanism which says that a constructor
(or a function) can be used by the type system to coerce a value of the input
type to a value of the output type. Let us declare a coercion for num:
Coercion num : nat >-> Exp.
The effect of this declaration is explained by the following Check:
Check (plus 1 2).
Using the above coercion Coq was able to infer the missing num before 1
and 2. If you try this before the Coercion declaration the type system will
complain. In order to explicitly display the coercions this option is available:
Set Printing Coercions.
Check (plus 1 2).
Now, let us try the same on the other complicated expression:
Check (plus 1 (mul 2 3)).
This definitely looks better and it resembles the abstract syntax tree of
the expression 1 + 2 × 3.

Notations The next thing that we are going to do is to add some notations
so that our Coq representation looks almost like the initial expression.
Notation ”X +ˆ Y” := (plus X Y ) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation ”X *ˆ Y” := (mul X Y ) (at level 40, left associativity).
These notations define our grammar together with the associativity and
precedence annotations. Now we can easily write expressions as follows:
Check 1 +^ 2.
Check 1 +^ 2 *^ 3.
One can actually check if the parsed output is the expected one by en-
abling the following flag:
Set Printing All.
Check 1 +^ 2.
Check 1 +^ 2 *^ 3.
Unset Printing All.

3.5.1 Custom Grammar
So far we used +ˆ and *ˆ to avoid the conflict with the default notations +
and * already available in Coq. However, we can actually use + and * if we
really want to. This can be done via Declare Custom Entry which instructs
Coq to use a custom grammar that we define for our language. Since we are
going to define new interpretations for + and * we need to create our own
scope. Then, we add the desired notations starting with a special notation:
anything between <[ and ]> should be parsed with our custom grammar.
Declare Custom Entry exp.
Declare Scope exp scope.
Notation ”<[ E ]>” := E (at level 0, E custom exp at level 99) :
exp scope.
Notation ”( x )” := x (in custom exp, x at level 99) : exp scope.
Notation ”x” := x (in custom exp at level 0, x constr at level 0) :
exp scope.
Notation ”f x .. y” := (.. (f x ) .. y)
(in custom exp at level 0, only parsing,
f constr at level 0, x constr at level 9,
y constr at level 9) : exp scope.
Notation ”X + Y” := (plus X Y ) (in custom exp at level 50, left
Notation ”X * Y” := (mul X Y ) (in custom exp at level 40, left
Now, we can use our notation inside the exp scope:
Open Scope exp scope.
Check <[ 1 + 2 × 3 ]>.
Check <[ (1 + 2) × 3 ]>.
Close Scope exp scope.
The IMP section in the second book of Software Foundations available at
html contains a more detailed description of the parsing features of Coq.

3.6 A simple imperative language: IMP

Now that we know how to define syntax in Coq, let us define the syntax of
a simple imperative language, hereafter called IMP. This language includes
arithmetic expressions, boolean expressions, assignment, conditionals2 , loops
Conditionals are not added immediately, they are left as an exercise for the reader!

and sequences of statements. Our goal is to parse several meaningful pro-
grams using our Coq encoding of the syntax.
Arithmetic expressions have been defined previously. The only addition
that we do here is a constructor for variables, that uses the builtin string
type. So, our variables are actually strings for now:
Inductive AExp :=
| avar : string → AExp
| anum : nat → AExp
| aplus : AExp → AExp → AExp
| amul : AExp → AExp → AExp.
Coercion anum : nat >-> AExp.
Coercion avar : string >-> AExp.
Notation ”A +’ B” := (aplus A B ) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation ”A *’ B” := (amul A B ) (at level 40, left associativity).
Here are several examples of expressions that we can write so far:
Open Scope string scope.
Check 2 +’ (avar ”x”).
Check ”i” +’ 1.
Check ”s” +’ ”i”.
Boolean expressions include the btrue and bfalse constants together with
the propositional operators bnot and band. Also, comparisons between arith-
metic expressions are boolean expressions too:
Inductive BExp :=
| btrue : BExp
| bfalse : BExp
| bnot : BExp → BExp
| band : BExp → BExp → BExp
| blessthan : AExp → AExp → BExp
| bgreaterthan : AExp → AExp → BExp.
We add several useful notations for boolean expressions too:
Notation ”A <’ B” := (blessthan A B ) (at level 80).
Notation ”A >’ B” := (bgreaterthan A B ) (at level 80).
Infix ”and’” := band (at level 82).
Notation ”! A” := (bnot A) (at level 81).
Check btrue.
Check bfalse.
Check ! (”i” <’ ”n”).

Check btrue and’ (”n” >’ 0).
We now define the statements of our language together with some useful
Inductive Stmt :=
| assignment : string → AExp → Stmt
| while : BExp → Stmt → Stmt
| seq : Stmt → Stmt → Stmt.
Notation ”X ::= A” := (assignment X A) (at level 85).
Notation ”S1 ;; S2” := (seq S1 S2 ) (at level 99).
Finally, we can write some meaningful programs using our syntax. Here is
the sum program which computes the sum of the first ”n” natural numbers:
Check ”n” ::= 10 ;;
”s” ::= 0 ;;
”i” ::= 0 ;;
while (”i” <’ ”n” +’ 1) (
”s” ::= ”s” +’ ”i” ;;
”i” ::= ”i” +’ 1

3.7 Exercises
Exercise 3.7.1 Extend the syntax of arithmetic expressions with operations
for division, modulo, and minus.

Exercise 3.7.2 Extend the syntax of boolean expressions with disjunctions,

equality for arithmetic expressions and other known comparison operators
(e.g., <=, >=).

Exercise 3.7.3 Append an if then else statement to the syntax of IMP

and write a program that computes in a variable ”max” the maximum between
two inputs ”x” and ”y”.

Exercise 3.7.4 Append an if then statement to the syntax of IMPand

rewrite the program you wrote for Exercise 3.7.3 so that it does not use an
else branch.

Exercise 3.7.5 Append a for loop statement to the syntax of IMPand re-
formulate the sum program using for.

Chapter 4


Semantics (of programming languages) is concerned with the meaning of the

syntactically valid sentences in programs. Each syntactical construct of a
programming language is meant to have a certain behaviour, but how do we
specify that behaviour?
One approach is to write a reference document that explains in a natural
language the semantics of the programming language. For instance, the ISO
standard for the C language [17] is a reference document which has over
500 pages and establishes the interpretation of the C programs. Another
approach is to have a reference implementation (e.g., Perl [33]), that is, a
program that implements all the features of the language and demonstrates
what should be considered correct behaviour for a program.
A more systematic approach is given by formal semantics which encom-
passes the mathematical and logical instruments and techniques needed to
define the meaning of programs. A major advantage of formal semantics is
precision. Unlike the other approaches where certain corner cases may be
overlooked or underspecified, formal semantics provides means to precisely
cover all the aspects of programming languages. Having only a natural lan-
guage specification or an incomplete reference implementation may lead to
ambiguities in the specification, or various language constructs may have
undefined behaviour [12, 15].
Another major advantage of formal semantics is that it enables reasoning
about programs. None of the approaches mentioned before (a reference man-
ual, or a reference implementation) provides means to reason about programs.
Certain tools and techniques can be used together with a formal semantics
to detect various problems in programs (e.g., typing errors, runtime errors,
compilation errors, memory errors, dead code, divisions by zero, etc.). This
is a huge advantage of formal semantics when compared to non-formal ways
of defining the semantics of programming languages.

In [22], we find a classification of the conventional levels of formal seman-
tics: static semantics, dynamic semantics, and equivalences between pro-
grams. We recall here this classification:

1. Static semantics which models compile-time checks. This includes well-

formedness checks of the programs (i.e., the abstract syntax tree is cor-
rectly formed by the syntax rules) and type-checking (i.e., the program
is correctly typed). Static semantics is concerned only with checks that
do not require the execution of the program.

2. Dynamic semantics which models run-time behaviour. This kind of

semantics concerns the observable behaviour when programs are exe-
cuted. There are more styles of dynamic semantics:

• Operational Semantics where computations are given as inference

• Denotational Semantics where each language construct is assigned
with a computational meaning;
• Axiomatic Semantics which models the relationships between pre-
conditions and postconditions of each language construct; this
style is more suitable for program verification.

3. Equivalences between programs require abstract models. Each program

should have an abstract model that captures only the relevant features
of all possible executions of that program. Programs are semantically
equivalence when their corresponding abstract models are the same.

This classification shows us that each level of formal semantics is con-

cerned with different aspects of programming languages (e.g., static seman-
tics enables type-checking, dynamic semantics models program execution, ax-
iomatic semantics models program verification). However, recent research in
the domain of programming languages comes with a unified approach, where
the one and only formal semantics of a language is the central pillar where-
from all the other related tools and techniques should be derived: parsers,
interpreters (executable semantics), compilers, static analysers, symbolic ex-
ecution engines, testing tools, certified program verifiers, and others. This
approach is yet incipient w.r.t. tool support, but the theoretical grounds and
research have already been established: [29, 6, 7, 9, 5, 3, 2, 19, 4, 8, 11, 24, 16].
In the rest of this chapter we discuss various ways of defining the seman-
tics of programming languages. We start by building a simple evaluator for
IMP in Coq. With this evaluator we are going to execute IMP programs and

we emphasize on the limitations of this approach. To overcome these limita-
tions we switch to Structural Operational Semantics (hereafter short-handed
as SOS), a more general framework for defining programming languages. We
emphasize on the main principles of the various SOS styles and we discuss
their strengths and weaknesses. Again, we use the IMP language as a run-
ning example and we will provide the corresponding implementations. We
use the Coq proof assistant for implementations, but keep in mind that all
these SOS techniques are independent from Coq.

4.1 An evaluator for IMP

The easiest way to build an interpreter for a language is to write some func-
tions that simply evaluate the programs written in that language. This is
what we attempt to do in this section for the IMP language.

4.1.1 Environment
In order to evaluate an arithmetic expression, one needs an environment, that
is, a binding map that maps program variables to values. This is because
arithmetic expressions in IMP include variables and the evaluation of an
arithmetic expression with variables requires the values of these variables. In
Coq, binding maps can be modelled using functions:
Definition Env := string → nat.
Here is a particular example of a binding map (or environment) that maps
the program variables “n“ to 10, “i“ to 0, and any other variable is mapped
to 0:
Definition sigma1 := fun var ⇒ if (string dec var ”n”)
then 10
else if (string dec var ”i”)
then 0
else 0.

When interrogated, the environment returns the corresponding value for

a given program variable:
Compute sigma1 ”n”.
= 10
: nat
Compute sigma1 ”i”.

: nat
Compute sigma1 ”x”.
: nat

Exercise 4.1.1 Define an environment that returns values different from 0

for all the program variables occuring in the sum program below:
”n” ::= 10 ;;
”s” ::= 0 ;;
”i” ::= 0 ;;
while (”i” <’ ”n” +’ 1) (
”s” ::= ”s” +’ ”i” ;;
”i” ::= ”i” +’ 1

The way we define the environment is by means of a total function, that

returns nat for every possible input string. However, the environment is not
necessarily a total function, but a partial one: we want it to return a nat
only for a subset of program variables, i.e., the set of declared variables. In
IMP, variables are declared when they appear in the left hand side of an
assignment. In our current approach, we cannot know for sure whether a
variable is declared and has value 0, or the variable is not declared and has
the default value 0. For instance, the values of “i“ and “x“ in sigma1 are
equal to 0, but only “i“ is declared.
A better formalisation for the environment is the use of the option type
which is already defined in Coq. Print option will display this type:
Inductive option (A : Type) : Type :=
| Some : A → option A
| None : option A.
Using the option type we can define the above environment as below:
Definition Env’ := string → option nat.
Definition sigma1’ := fun var ⇒ if (string dec var ”n”)
then Some 10
else if (string dec var ”i”)
then Some 0
else None.
Now, it is easier to distinguish between declared (e.g., “i“) and undeclared
(e.g., “x“) variables:

Compute sigma1’ ”n”.
= Some 10
: nat
Compute sigma1’ ”i”.
= Some 0
: nat
Compute sigma1’ ”x”.
= None
: nat

Exercise 4.1.2 Solve the Exercise 4.1.1 using the option type.

Assignments in programs are meant to change the environment. There-

fore we need a way to modify the environments. Since our environments
are functions, we can write a higher-order function that takes an environ-
ment and returns a new one, given some additional arguments. The update
function below, updates an environment by modifying the value of the given
variable with a new value:
Definition update (env : Env) (var : string) (val : nat) : Env :=
fun x ⇒ if (string dec var x )
then val
else (env x ).
The result of update is a new function that, for an input x , returns val (i.e.,
the new value of var ) if var and x are the same; otherwise, it simply returns
(env x ), i.e., the value of x in the old environment.
Neat! We defined a higher-order function that builds new environments.
The code below shows that our function works as expected:
Definition sigma2 := update sigma1 ”n” 11.
Compute sigma2 ”n”.
= 11
: nat
Compute sigma2 ”i”.
: nat

Exercise 4.1.3 Define an update function for the environment:
Definition Env’ := string → option nat.
Test the function on several relevant examples (declared variables, unde-
clared variables).

4.1.2 Evaluator for arithmetic expressions

We are now ready to evaluate arithmetic expressions with variables:
Inductive AExp :=
| avar : string → AExp
| anum : nat → AExp
| aplus : AExp → AExp → AExp
| amul : AExp → AExp → AExp.
Coercion anum : nat >-> AExp.
Coercion avar : string >-> AExp.
Notation ”A +’ B” := (aplus A B ) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation ”A *’ B” := (amul A B ) (at level 40, left associativity).
A function that evaluates arithmetic expressions should take as input
the arithmetic expression and an environment. The output should be a
number, that is, the value of that expression. A simple recursive function
that traverses the abstract syntax tree of the expression does the trick:
Fixpoint aeval (a : AExp) (sigma : Env) : nat :=
match a with
| avar x ⇒ (sigma x )
| anum n ⇒ n
| aplus a1 a2 ⇒ (aeval a1 sigma) + (aeval a2 sigma)
| amul a1 a2 ⇒ (aeval a1 sigma) × (aeval a2 sigma)
The recursive aeval function has two base cases and two recursive cases. If
the expression is a variable then its value is retrieved from the environment.
If the expression is a number, then aeval returns that number. The cases
corresponding to addition and multiplication require the recursive evaluation
of the arguments before the actual operations are performed.
Note that aeval assigns a meaning to the syntactical constructs of the
language: the syntactical construct aplus is associated with the mathemat-
ical addition (here, the + from Coq), and the syntactical construct amul is
associated with the mathematical addition (here, the × from Coq).
Here are two examples that illustrate how aeval behaves when used with
different environments:

Compute aeval (”n” +’ 2 *’ ”n”) sigma1.
= 30
: nat
Compute aeval (”n” +’ 2 *’ ”n”) sigma2.
= 33
: nat

Exercise 4.1.4 Write a function that implements the addition of the two
elements of type option nat. The returns type of this function is option

Exercise 4.1.5 Write a function that implements the multiplication of the

two elements of type option nat. The returns type of this function is option

Exercise 4.1.6 Write a function aeval’ with this signature:

Fixpoint aeval’ (a : AExp) (sigma : Env’) : option nat :=
where Env’ is defined as below:
Definition Env’ := string → option nat.

Exercise 4.1.7 Enrich the syntax of arithmetic expressions with subtrac-

tion, division, and modulo. Update the implementations of the functions
aeval and aeval’ so that these operations are evaluated as well.
Can you explain which version (aeval vs. aeval’) of the evaluation function
is more appropriate to handle the possible errors that may occur when using
subtractions and divisions (e.g., zero division, underflows)? Justify your

4.1.3 Evaluator for boolean expressions

Recall the syntax of the boolean expressions:
Inductive BExp :=
| btrue : BExp
| bfalse : BExp
| bnot : BExp → BExp
| band : BExp → BExp → BExp
| blessthan : AExp → AExp → BExp
| bgreaterthan : AExp → AExp → BExp.

Notation ”A <’ B” := (blessthan A B ) (at level 80).
Notation ”A >’ B” := (bgreaterthan A B ) (at level 80).
Infix ”and’” := band (at level 82).
Notation ”! A” := (bnot A) (at level 81).
As expected, an evaluator for boolean expressions is straightforward:
Fixpoint beval (b : BExp) (sigma : Env) : bool :=
match b with
| btrue ⇒ true
| bfalse ⇒ false
| bnot b’ ⇒ negb (beval b’ sigma)
| band b1 b2 ⇒ andb (beval b1 sigma) (beval b2 sigma)
| blessthan a1 a2 ⇒ Nat.ltb (aeval a1 sigma) (aeval a2 sigma)
| bgreaterthan a1 a2 ⇒ negb (Nat.leb (aeval a1 sigma) (aeval a2 sigma))
The functions negb, andb, Nat.ltb and Nat.leb are builtin functions in Coq.
We recommend the reader to test them separately on several examples.

Exercise 4.1.8 Explain the semantics of the bgreaterthan. Can you jus-
tify why the combination of ⇒ negb and Nat.leb implements the desired be-

Exercise 4.1.9 Test the beval on the following examples:

Compute beval (”n” <’ ”n”) sigma1.
Compute beval (”n” >’ ”n”) sigma1.
Compute beval (”n” <’ ”n” +’ 1) sigma1.
Compute beval (bnot (”n” <’ ”n”)) sigma1.
Compute beval (”n” +’ 2 *’ ”n” <’ ”n”) sigma1.
Compute beval (”n” +’ 2 *’ ”n” >’ ”n”) sigma1.

Exercise 4.1.10 Write a function beval’ with this signature:

Fixpoint beval’ (b : BExp) (sigma : Env’) : option bool :=
where Env’ is defined as below:
Definition Env’ := string → option nat.
Test your function on various examples, including the cases that may
cause it to return None.

4.1.4 Evaluator for IMP statements
First, recall the syntax of IMP statements:
Inductive Stmt :=
| assignment : string → AExp → Stmt
| while : BExp → Stmt → Stmt
| seq : Stmt → Stmt → Stmt.
Notation ”X ::= A” := (assignment X A) (at level 85).
Notation ”S1 ;; S2” := (seq S1 S2 ) (at level 99).
Although the evaluator for statements follows the same principle as the
evaluators for arithmetic and boolean expressions, there is an interesting
question that needs to be posed: what is returned by a statements evalua-
tor? We have seen that the results of former evaluators are values (natural
numbers or booleans). In contrast, the evaluator for statements returns the
environment obtained after the execution of the statements.
It is now clear what an evaluator for statements should do: it should take
a statement and an environment, and it should return a new environment.
Let us discuss the effect of each statement over the environment:

• assignment X A: an assignment should update the current environment

so that X is mapped to the value obtained by evaluating A (in the
current environment).

• while B S : a while-loop should evaluate the boolean expression B , and

– if B is evaluated to true, then execute S (which generates a new

environment) and then execute the loop again in the new environ-
– if B is evaluated to false, return the current environment because
the loop does not produce any modifications to it.

• seq S1 S2 : when evaluating a sequence of statements S1 S2 , first S1 is

evaluated and produces a new environment, and then S2 is evaluated in
this new environment. In turn, S2 produces yet another environment,
which is returned as the result of evaluating the entire sequence.

Now that we have established what each IMP statement should do, we
formally define their semantics in Coq:
Fixpoint eval (s : Stmt) (env : Env) : Env :=
match s with
| assignment x a ⇒ update env x (aeval a env )

| while b s ⇒ if (beval b env )
then (eval (seq s (while b s)) env )
else env
| seq s1 s2 ⇒ eval s2 (eval s1 env )
But there is a problem! When we load this definition in Coq, the proof
assistant complains:

Error: Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix.

This happens because our function is not guaranteed to terminate and Coq
does not accept such functions. Indeed, it doesn’t always terminate: if the
function applies to the while true S program then the recursion loops forever.
This is a limitation of the Coq system, and the simplest solution here is
to use an additional decreasing argument that limits the number of recursive
calls. We call this new parameter gas, because the evaluator will run as long
as there is gas available. Here is the patched version of the evaluator:
Fixpoint eval (s : Stmt) (env : Env) (gas : nat) : Env :=
match gas with
| 0 ⇒ env
| S gas’ ⇒ match s with
| assignment x a ⇒ update env x (aeval a env )
| seq s1 s2 ⇒ eval s2 (eval s1 env gas’ ) gas’
| while b s ⇒ if (beval b env )
then (eval (seq s (while b s)) env gas’ )
else env
Note that the function terminates for sure when no more gas is available. In
such cases, the current environment is returned, even if the program did not
finish the normal execution. This sounds like a bad thing, doesn’t it? For
instance, a loop that has more steps than the value of gas will stop abruptly
when the gas reaches 0. In such cases, the result of the computation is not
the expected one. A quick fix is to increase the value of the gas parameter
so that the eval function terminates for a different reason than the lack of gas.

We have now reached a milestone: we are able to execute IMP programs!

A design choice that we made for IMP is that variables are declared on-the-
fly. So, each time a variable occurs in the left-hand side of an assignment, the

variable is automatically added to the environment. Initially, IMP programs
are executed starting with an empty environment:
Definition emptySigma := fun (x :string) ⇒ 0.
This environment is updated during the execution of the program. In our
simple language, updates are made only when assignments are executed.
Below is an example of an IMP program called pgm1 that includes
only an assignment. The eval function takes the empty environment (where
all variables are initialised with 0) and produces a new environment called
sigma pgm1. In this environment, the value of the program variable ”n” is
1, as expected:
Definition pgm1 := ”n” ::= 1.
Definition sigma pgm1 := eval pgm1 emptySigma 100.
Compute sigma pgm1 ”n”.
: nat
Here is another example of a program that contains a sequence of assign-
Definition pgm2 := ”n” ::= 1 ;; ”i” ::= ”n”.
Definition sigma pgm2 := eval pgm2 emptySigma 100.
Compute sigma pgm2 ”n”.
: nat
Compute sigma pgm2 ”i”.
: nat
Note that the generated environment contains the expected values for both
variables “n“ and “i“.
In Section 3.6 we defined a program that computes the sum of the first
“n“ numbers. We execute this program below:
Definition pgm sum :=
”n” ::= 10 ;;
”i” ::= 1 ;;
”sum” ::= 0 ;;
while ( ”i” <’ ”n” +’ 1) (
”sum” ::= ”sum” +’ ”i” ;;
”i” ::= ”i” +’ 1

Definition sum env := (eval pgm sum emptySigma 1000).
Compute sum env ”sum”.
= 55
: nat
The result is the expected one: the sum of the first 10 numbers is indeed 55!
It is worth noting that executing the same program with insufficient gas
could lead to bad results. We illustrate that on our sum program (note that
the value of the gas parameter is 10):
Definition sum env bad := (eval pgm sum emptySigma 10).
Compute sum env bad ”sum”.
: nat
Although having an evaluator as a function is an advantage (i.e., functions
are automatically evaluated by Coq), the above situation is a major drawback
of our evaluator and it could lead to serious troubles in practice. Besides the
above troubles with Coq, this is not the only limitation of this approach.
For instance, according to the C standard [17], the evaluation order of many
expressions in C is unspecified. To have a better understanding of what this
means, let us use this example:

int main() {
int x = 0;
return (x = 1) + (x = 2); }

The operands of + are expressions with side-effects (that is, these expressions
modify the value of x in the memory). The return value of this program
depends on the which of the operands of + is evaluated first! One could argue
that the return value should be 3, but in fact it can be 2 or 41 . Surprisingly, all
these are valid return values according to the C standard! Why is this allowed
in the C standard? The answer is quite simple: optimisations. Compilers are
free to choose whatever evaluation strategy they want in order to increase
compilation speed and execution speed. According to the design principles, a
C program should be “[made] fast, even if is is not guaranteed to be portable,”
and implementations should always “trust the programmer” [17]. A very
interesting paper about unspecified behaviour in C with tricky code samples
is [15].
As an exercise, we invite the reader to compile this program with different compilers
and inspect the returned value of the above program.

The trouble is that our approach cannot capture such situations because
our evaluator uses deterministic functions, that cannot return different values
for the same input. In fact, the issue is deeper than we thought. Not only
that we cannot model this C example with our approach, but it turns out that
we cannot define any non-deterministic feature that programming languages
might have. This limitation comes from the fact the we use functions. In the
rest of these lecture notes we will present some techniques capable of handling
such situations. These new methods use relations instead of functions.

4.1.5 Exercises
Exercise 4.1.11 Design an imperative language that whose statements are:
assignments, conditionals (i.e., if-then and if-then-else statements), loops
( while and for), and blocks of statements. The most common arithmetic
(addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, modulo, shifts) and boolean
expressions (negation, conjunction, disjunction) should be part of the lan-
guage as well. For now, you can assume that program variables should take
as values only natural numbers.

1. Implement an evaluator for this language.

2. Write a battery of tests that cover all the features of the language.

Exercise 4.1.12 Enrich the definition of the language that you have defined
in Exercise 4.1.11 with program variables that can take booleans as values.
Also, answer the next questions:

1. How does the syntax change?

2. How does the environment change?

3. The previous battery of tests (in Exercise 4.1.11) still execute as ex-

4. Add new tests to cover the new feature.

4.2 Structural Operational Semantics

Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) is a framework proposed by Gordon
Plotkin [28] in 1981. The author came up with a simple framework to describe
the behaviour of the language constructs as inference rules. These rules
specify transitions between program configurations, where configurations are

typically tuples of various kinds of data structures (e.g., trees, sets, lists)
that capture various components of program states (environment, memory,
stacks, registers, etc.).
In the next chapters we discuss the two main SOS styles: big-step SOS
and small-step SOS.

Chapter 5

Big-step SOS

The big-step SOS is probably the most natural way of defining structural
operational semantics. Big-step definitions can be regarded as definitions
of relations where each language construct is interpreted in an appropriate
domain. Big-step SOS is also known in the literature as natural semantics,
relational semantics or evaluation semantics.
A big-step SOS for a programming language is given as a set of inference
rules. In our setting, this set of inference rules is an inductive definition, but
some authors prefer to call it a proof system. Each inference rule uses as
premises and conclusion the so-called big-step SOS sequents, where sequents
are relations over configurations. We explain all these concepts below.

5.1 Configurations
Configurations are tuples of the form hcode, environment, ...i that hold vari-
ous information needed to execute a program. For instance, a configuration
can contain the code that needs to be executed, the current environment,
the program stack, the current program counter, and so on. Based on the
amount of information we want to store, the configuration can take various
forms. For instance, IMP configurations can store the following information:

• hA, Ei, where A has type AExp and E has type Env;

• hN i, where N has type nat;

• hB, Ei, where B has type BExp and E has type Env;

• hBi, where A has type bool;

• hEi, where E has type Env;

• hS, Ei, where S has type Stmt and E has type Env;
• hSi, where S has type Stmt.

These are all the configuration types needed to define a big-step SOS for
IMP. You can observe that they are of different types and do not necessarily
have the same number of components.

5.2 Sequents
Big-step SOS sequents are relations over configurations of the form C ⇓ R,
where C is a configuration, and R is a result configuration that is obtained
after the complete evaluation of C. Result configurations are also called
irreducible configurations. Informally, a sequent says that a configuration C
evaluates/executes/transitions to a configuration R.
Here are some examples of big-step SOS sequents for IMP: h1, σi ⇓ h1i,
h1 + 2i ⇓ h3i, hx, σi ⇓ hσ(x)i. The notation σ(x) stands for the value of the
program variable x the environment σ.

5.3 Rule schemata

The Big-step SOS rules have this form:
C1 ⇓ R1 C2 ⇓ R2 · · · Cn ⇓ Rn
C0 ⇓ R0
where C0 , C1 , . . . , Cn are configurations and R0 , R1 , . . . , Rn are result config-
urations. Occasionally, rules have a side condition and we typically attach
them a label, that is, the rule name. Big-step SOS rules specify how sequents
can be derived.
Here is an example of a big-step rule for IMP:

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

ha1 +a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 +nat i2 i

The rule says that we can derive ha1 +a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 +nat i2 i (that is, the addi-
tion of two arithmetic expression is reduced to the usual addition over natural
numbers i1 and i2 ) when ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i and ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i (that is, a1 can be
reduced to i1 and a2 can be reduced to i2 ). The sequents ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i and
ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i are derived with other big-step rules.
In the following we show all the big-step rules for IMP, and we also show
how these are used to derive sequents.

5.4 Big-step SOS for IMP: arithmetic expres-
The big-step rules for IMP’s arithmetic expressions are shown below. The
rules without premises are written without the horizontal line separator be-
tween premisses and the conclusion. Such rules are called axioms. BigStep-
Const is an axiom saying that a constant evaluated in an environment σ
is the actual constant. BigStep-Lookup evaluates a variable x in an envi-
ronment σ to the value of that variable in the environment, i.e., σ(x).
BigStep-Add and BigStep-Mul have premisses which ensure that the
evaluation of the operands of the addition/multiplication is done first.

BigStep-Const: hi, σi ⇓ hii

BigStep-Lookup: hx, σi ⇓ hσ(x)i if σ(x) 6= ⊥

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i
BigStep-Add: ha1 +’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 +nat i2 i

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Mul: ha1 *’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 ∗nat i2 i

This set of inference rules forms a proof system, and thus, we can develop
derivations for various sequents. Here is an example, where we assume that
σ(n) = 10:

· ·
BigStep-Const BigStep-Lookup
h2, σi ⇓ h2i hn, σi ⇓ h10i
h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10i

This derivation is essentially a proof tree of the sequent h2 + n, σi ⇓

h2 +nat 10i. The root of the tree is the sequent we want to prove, while
the leaves are always derived using axioms. The dot “·” indicates that an
axiom is applied, and thus, the proof on that branch is finished. The reason
why big-step rules are rule schemas is because they establish how a rule looks
like using metavariables. The following step:

h2, σi ⇓ h2i hn, σi ⇓ h10i

h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10i
is a an instance of the rule schema:

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i
ha1 +’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 +nat i2 i .

On the other hand, the following is not an instance of BigStep-Add:

h2, σi ⇓ h2i hn, σi ⇓ h10i

h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10, σi
because h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10, σi is not an instance of the conclusion of
BigStep-Add (note the extra σ) or any other rule schema.

5.5 Big-step SOS rules for arithmetic expres-

sions in Coq
The big-step of arithmetic expressions can be encoded as an inductive relation
in Coq:
Reserved Notation ”A =[ S ]=> N” (at level 60).
Inductive aeval : AExp → Env → nat → Prop :=
| const : ∀ n sigma, anum n =[ sigma ]=> n
| lookup : ∀ v sigma, avar v =[ sigma ]=> (sigma v )
| add : ∀ a1 a2 i1 i2 sigma n,
a1 =[ sigma ]=> i1 →
a2 =[ sigma ]=> i2 →
n = i1 + i2 →
a1 +’ a2 =[sigma]=> n
| times : ∀ a1 a2 i1 i2 sigma n,
a1 =[ sigma ]=> i1 →
a2 =[ sigma ]=> i2 →
n = i1 × i2 →
a1 *’ a2 =[sigma]=> n
where ”a =[ sigma ]=> n” := (aeval a sigma n).
The ⇓ notation that we use for sequents is encoded using the =[ ]=>
notation in Coq. The inductive relation aeval has four cases: there is a
one-to-one correspondence with the four big-step rules.
There are some implementation choices that we make: first, we explicitly
use an additional variable n that holds either the addition or the product
(e.g., n = i1 × i2 ) of the evaluated operands. We use this additional variable

to facilitate matching in proofs. With this trick, the domain reasoning is
decoupled from the syntactical rule application. An additional goal will be
generated during proofs, but this the goal is typically easy to discharge using
simpl and reflexivity. Also, note the use of → instead of conjunctions:
this is yet another Coq trick that helps during the proofs, since implications
are handled automatically by the proof assistant.
The correspoding proof of the derivation:
· ·
BigStep-Const BigStep-Lookup
h2, σi ⇓ h2i hn, σi ⇓ h10i
h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10i
is shown here:
Example ex1: 2 +’ ”n” =[ sigma1 ]=> 12.
apply add with (i1 := 2) (i2 := 10).
- apply const.
- apply lookup.
- simpl. reflexivity.
The reader is invited to take a look at the generated goals in Coq. First, we
apply add which corresponds to BigStep-Add. This generates three new
goals: two goals which are discharged using const and var, and one goal which
corresponds to the domain reasoning condition.
Note that apply add with (i1 := 2) (i2 := 10) works only if we provide
the values of i1 and i2 . This might be inconvenient in practice, because one
needs to guess or to precompute these values to write down the proof. But
Coq has a tactic called eapply that allows us to postpone the passing of the
concrete values of i1 and i2 . This is how the same derivation can be written
using the new tactic:
Example ex1’: 2 +’ ”n” =[ sigma1 ]=> 12.
eapply add.
- apply const.
- apply lookup.
- unfold sigma1. simpl. reflexivity.
The only trouble here is that the domain reasoning requires an extra
unfolding before simplication (e.g., unfold sigma1).
Exercise 5.5.1 Replace the sequence of tactics: “unfold sigma1. simpl.
reflexivity.” from example ex1’ with “eauto.” Does it solve our goal?

Read the documentation of eauto available here:https: // coq. inria.
fr/ refman/ proofs/ automatic-tactics/ auto. html# coq: tacn. eauto .

Exercise 5.5.2 Write down a sequent that reduces an IMP arithmethic ex-
pression to a value, given a concrete environment. The arithmetic expression
should include at least two different variables, two constants, an addition and
a multiplication. Then, write on a piece of paper the proof derivation of that
sequent (this way you will find out whether it is derivable or not!) and then
do the Coq proof (based on the paper proof ).

5.6 Big-step SOS for IMP: boolean expres-

The big-step SOS rules for boolean expressions are shown below:

BigStep-True: hbtrue, σi ⇓ htruei

BigStep-False: hbfalse, σi ⇓ hfalsei

hb, σi ⇓ htruei
BigStep-NotTrue: h!b, σi ⇓ hfalsei

hb, σi ⇓ hfalsei
BigStep-NotFalse: h!b, σi ⇓ htruei

hb1 , σi ⇓ htruei hb2 , σi ⇓ hbi

BigStep-AndTrue: hb1 and’ b2 , σi ⇓ hbi

hb1 , σi ⇓ hfalsei
BigStep-AndFalse: hb1 and’ b2 , σi ⇓ hfalsei

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Lt: ha1 <’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 <nat i2 i

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Gt: ha1 >’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 >nat i2 i

The constants btrue and bfalse are evaluated to their corresponding boolean
values true and false. The evaluation of the negation of a boolean expres-
sion requires the big-step (complete) evaluation of the expression under the

negation: if the result is true then the entire boolean expression is evaluated
to false, and viceversa. The semantics for and’ is short-circuited: if the first
operand is evaluated to true, then the result is the evaluation of the second
operand; if the first operand is evaluated to false, then the entire expression
is evaluated to false. This is an optimisation that avoids the evaluation of
the other operand of the conjunction when the first one is evaluated to false.
The comparison operators use the big-step semantics of the arithmetic
expressions in order to obtain the result for the boolean expression. This
is the place where we can observe the composition of big-step rules: the
semantics of arithmetic expressions is plugged-in the semantics of boolean
We show now a derivation tree for the sequent h2 +’ n <’ 10, σi ⇓
h(2 +nat 10) <nat 10i (which is the same as h2 +’ n <’ 10, σi ⇓ hfalsei),
where σ(n) = 10:

· ·
Const Lookup
h2, σi ⇓ h2i hn, σi ⇓ h10i ·
Add Const
h2 +’ n, σi ⇓ h2 +nat 10i h10, σi ⇓ h10i
h2 +’ n <’ 10, σ1 i ⇓ h(2 +nat 10) <nat 10i

Because the derivation tree is a bit bigger, we used abbreviations for the
rule names (that is, Const instead of BigStep-Const, Lookup instead of
BigStep-Lookup, Add instead of BigStep-Add, Lt instead of BigStep-Lt).

5.7 Big-step SOS for boolean expressions in

In Coq, the big-step SOS for boolean expressions is implemented as shown below:
Reserved Notation ”B ={ State }=> B’” (at level 91).
Inductive beval : BExp → Env → bool → Prop :=
| bigstep true : ∀ state,
btrue ={ state }=> true
| bigstep false : ∀ state,
bfalse ={ state }=> false
| bigstep lt: ∀ a1 a2 i1 i2 state b,
a1 =[state]=> i1 →
a2 =[state]=> i2 →
b = Nat.ltb i1 i2 →
(a1 <’ a2 ) ={ state }=> b
| bigstep gt: ∀ a1 a2 i1 i2 state b,

a1 =[state]=> i1 →
a2 =[state]=> i2 →
b = negb (Nat.leb i1 i2 ) →
(a1 >’ a2 ) ={ state }=> b
| bigstep nottrue : ∀ b state,
b ={ state }=> true →
(bnot b) ={ state }=> false
| bigstep notfalse : ∀ b state,
b ={ state }=> false →
(bnot b) ={ state }=> true
| bigstep andtrue : ∀ b1 b2 state b,
b1 ={state}=> true →
b2 ={state}=> b →
(band b1 b2 ) ={ state }=> b
| bigstep andfalse : ∀ b1 b2 state,
b1 ={state}=> false →
(band b1 b2 ) ={state}=> false
where ”B ={ State }=> B’” := (beval B State B’ ).
As in the case of arithmetic expressions, we introduce here a notation for sequents
reducing boolean expressions. For bigstep lt and bigstep gt we use an additional
b to keep the result of the comparisons. Here is our derivation example proved in
Example ex2 :
2 +’ ”n” <’ 10 ={ sigma1 }=> false.
eapply bigstep lt.
- eapply add.
+ eapply const.
+ eapply lookup.
+ eauto.
- eapply const.
- trivial.
Again, the Coq proof uses the same derivation rules plus some tactics that handle
the domain specific proofs. We also use the trivial tactic which implements a
non-recursive Prolog-like resolution to solve the current goal.

Exercise 5.7.1 Append to the syntax and semantics of the boolean expressions
support for disjunctions of boolean expressions and the missing comparators for
arithmetic expressions: equal to (“==”), not equal to (“!=”), less or equal than
(“<=”), greater or equal then (“>=”).
For each new language construct write at least one test and the corresponding
derivation. Implement all these in Coq as well.

5.8 Big-step SOS for IMP: statements
We are now ready to define the big-step SOS rules for the statements of IMP:

ha, σi ⇓ hii
if σ(x) 6= ⊥
BigStep-Assign: hx ::= a, σi ⇓ hσ[i/x]i

hs1 , σi ⇓ hσ1 i hs2 , σ1 i ⇓ hσ2 i

BigStep-Seq: hs1 ;; s2 , σi ⇓ hσ2 i

hb, σi ⇓ hfalsei
BigStep-WhileFalse: hwhile b s, σi ⇓ hσi

hb, σi ⇓ htruei hs ;; while b s, σi ⇓ hσ 0 i

BigStep-WhileTrue: hwhile b s, σi ⇓ hσ 0 i

The big-step SOS rules for statements are more complex than the rules for expres-
sions. The BigStep-Assign captures the essence of an assignment statement:
the value of the program variable x in the environment σ is changed to the value
i obtained by evaluating a in σ. The updated environment is denoted by σ[i/x].
In conclusion, the configuration hx ::= a;, σi transits to a configuration hσ[i/x]i,
where the environment is updated accordingly.
The rule for sequence of statements BigStep-Seq is quite intuitive: the eval-
uation of the first statement s1 in the environment σ produces a new environment
σ1 ; then, the evaluation of the second statement s2 in σ1 produces σ2 ; in conclu-
sion, the evaluation of the entire sequence of statements produces a configuration
that contains σ2 .
The loop has two rules: one for the case when the condition is false, which
leaves the environment untouched, and one rule for the case when the condition
is true. In the latter, the body of the loop is executed once and then the loop is
executed again. This sequence produces a new environment σ 0 , which forms the
result configuration for the entire loop. This technique for defining the semantics
of loops is called loop unrolling.

Example We show here a complete derivation of the sequent

hi::=0;;while i<’1 (i::=i+’1), σi ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i.

This a program where the loop should execute once and then stop. We use big-step
rules from all categories (arithmetic expressions, boolean expressions, statements)
to build a derivation tree for this sequent. Because the size of the derivation tree is
bigger, we use uppercase letters to denote parts of it. The trees corresponding to
each letter are explicitly provided, so that the entire proof can be reconstructed.

To save some space, we drop the BigStep- prefix for the rule names (e.g., we use
Seq instead of BigStep-Seq, and so on).
hi::=0, σi ⇓ hσ[0/i]i A
hi::=0;;while i<’1 (i::=i+’1), σi ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

The derivation tree corresponding to A (note that the loop is evaluated in the
environment σ[0/i]) is shown here:

· ·
Lookup Const
hi, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h0i h1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h1i
hi<’1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ htruei B
hwhile i<’1 (i::=i+’1), σ[0/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

Here is the derivation tree corresponding to B:

· ·
Lookup Const
hi, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h0i h1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h1i
hi+’1i ⇓ h1i
hi::=i+’1i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i C
hi::=i+’1;;while i<’2 (i::=i+’1), σ[0/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

Finally, the derivation tree corresponding to C is:

· ·
Lookup Const
hi, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h1i h1, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h1i
hi<’1, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ hfalsei
hwhile i<’1 (i::=i+’1), (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

Obviously, the derivation tree may be a little hard to read in this form, but it
is even harder to read it if we display it entirely. Just for fun (there is no need to
read it) take a look at the assembled derivation tree:
· · · ·
hi, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h0i h1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h1i hi, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h1i h1, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h1i

· · hi+’1i ⇓ h1i hi<’1, (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ hfalsei

hi, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h0i h1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ h1i hi::=i+’1i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i hwhile i<’1 (i::=i+’1), (σ[0/i])[1/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

· hi<’1, σ[0/i]i ⇓ htruei hi::=i+’1;;while i<’2 (i::=i+’1), σ[0/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

hi::=0, σi ⇓ hσ[0/i]i hwhile i<’1 (i::=i+’1), σ[0/i]i ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i
hi::=0;;while i<’1 (i::=i+’1), σi ⇓ h(σ[0/i])[1/i]i

As we can observe in our example, writing derivations by hand is cumbersome.

Fortunately, Coq is really useful when it comes about writing proofs.

5.9 Big-step SOS rules for statements in Coq
Here is the big-step semantics of IMP statements in Coq:
Reserved Notation ”Stmt -{ Env }-> Env’ ” (at level 99).
Inductive eval : Stmt → Env → Env → Prop :=
| bigstep assign: ∀ var a state state’ i ,
a =[state]=> i →
state’ = update state var i →
(var ::= a) -{state}-> state’
| bigstep seq : ∀ s1 s2 state1 state2 state,
s1 -{state}-> state1 →
s2 -{state1 }-> state2 →
(s1 ;; s2 ) -{state}-> state2
| bigstep whilefalse: ∀ state b s,
b ={state}=> false →
(while b s) -{state}-> state
| bigstep whiletrue: ∀ state state’ b s,
b ={state}=> true →
(s ;; (while b s)) -{state}-> state’ →
(while b s) -{state}-> state’
where ”Stmt -{ Env }-> Env’ ” := (eval Stmt Env Env’ ).
The evaluation of a statement in a given environment produces another environ-
ment. Note that only the assignments modify the environments and they are the
basic building bricks for the other statements as well.
The Coq proof of our previous example in Coq is below:
Example ex3:
”i” ::= 0 ;;
while (”i” <’ 1) (
”i” ::= ”i” +’ 1
-{ sigma1 }->
update (update sigma1 ”i” 0) ”i” 1.
eapply bigstep seq.
- eapply bigstep assign.
+ eapply const.
+ eauto.
- eapply bigstep whiletrue.
– eapply bigstep lt.
++ eapply lookup.
++ eapply const.
++ eauto.

– eapply bigstep seq.
— eapply bigstep assign.
eapply add.
eapply lookup.
eapply const.
— eapply bigstep whilefalse.
eapply bigstep lt.
eapply lookup.
eapply const.
The above Coq proof is as complex as the corresponding derivation tree. However,
there are some big advantages when using a proof assistant to encode a big-step
SOS semantics. First, the formulation of the semantics is straightforward. Second,
the Coq support for interactive proofs allows us to focus on smaller pieces of our
proofs, and it takes care of combining them to get the final proof. Finally, it does
check the proof for us. The latter feature is really important since it ensures that
our proof does not contain mistakes or forgotten corner cases. In our paper proof
above, we do not explicitly show the basic operations over naturals or boolean
comparisons, but in Coq these are not overlooked. There are other language
frameworks (e.g., K, Maude, CafeObj, Rascal, Spoofax, Redex, PLanCompS) that
are even better when it comes about automation (i.e., program execution using
the semantics). However, at the time of writing these notes, these tools do not
have tool support for proving and certification for proofs.

5.10 Proof search

In terms of automation, Coq has some features that can improve the user experi-
ence by making the proofs (as the one above) shorter via proof search. The auto
and eauto tactics implement Prolog-like resolution procedures. They try other
tactics like assumption and intros and use the introduced hypothesis as hints.
Also, auto and eauto search for the tactics to be applied and tries them by pri-
oritising the ones with a lower cost. The process is recursive and it does have a
default search depth of value 5.
The nice thing about these tactics is that we can customise them. Using the
with clause we can specify a hint database that is custom to our proof needs. For
our example, this is done easily by creating a hint database:
Create HintDb mydb.
Hint Constructors aeval : mydb.
Hint Constructors beval : mydb.

Hint Constructors eval : mydb.
Hint Unfold update : mydb.
The first command (Create HintDb ) creates a custom hint database called mydb.
The Hint Constructors command adds all the constructors of the given inductive
definition as hints in the database. Hint Unfold adds the tactic unfold for the
given argument. Just by adding these to our database we can use eauto to solve
our example immediately:
Example ex3’:
”i” ::= 0 ;;
while (”i” <’ 1) (
”i” ::= ”i” +’ 1
-{ sigma1 }->
update (update sigma1 ”i” 0) ”i” 1.
eauto 10 with mydb.
The depth of the proof search is 10 in this case. However, if we increase the size
of the loop, a bigger value is needed, and more time is consumed until Coq finds
the proof.
Although it is useful, the proof search capability of Coq is quite limited and
sometimes simply writing the proof takes less than leaving your computer to search
for one. From this point of view, the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, provides a more
powerful tactic called sledgehammer.

5.11 Exercises
Exercise 5.11.1 Prove that the evaluation of arithmetic expressions is determin-
Lemma aeval is deterministic:
∀ aexp sigma n n’,
aexp =[ sigma ]=> n →
aexp =[ sigma ]=> n’ →
n = n’.

Exercise 5.11.2 Given the function for evaluating the arithmetic expressions of
IMP (aeval fun), prove the following lemmas:
Fixpoint aeval fun (a : AExp) (sigma : Env) : nat :=

match a with
| avar x ⇒ (sigma x)
| anum n ⇒ n
| aplus a1 a2 ⇒ (aeval fun a1 sigma) + (aeval fun a2 sigma)
| amul a1 a2 ⇒ (aeval fun a1 sigma) × (aeval fun a2 sigma)

Lemma equiv :
∀ aexp sigma n,
n = aeval fun aexp sigma →
aexp =[ sigma ]=> n.
Lemma equiv’ :
∀ aexp sigma n,
aexp =[ sigma ]=> n →
n = aeval fun aexp sigma.

5.12 Improving IMP

So far, IMP does not include some very common arithmetic expressions, like sub-
traction, division or modulo. Also, boolean expressions like disjunction, less or
equal than (≤), and greater or equal than (≥) are not yet part of the language.
Besides the syntax additions, the big-step SOS rules for these well-known con-
structs are straightforward:

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i
BigStep-Sub: ha1 -’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 −nat i2 i if i1 ≥ i2

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Div: ha1 /’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 /nat i2 i if i2 6= 0

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Mod: ha1 %’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 %nat i2 i if i2 6= 0

hb1 , σi ⇓ hfalsei hb2 , σi ⇓ hbi

BigStep-OrFalse: hb1 or’ b2 , σi ⇓ hbi

hb1 , σi ⇓ htruei
BigStep-OrTrue: hb1 or’ b2 , σi ⇓ htruei

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Leq: ha1 <=’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 ≤nat i2 i

ha1 , σi ⇓ hi1 i ha2 , σi ⇓ hi2 i

BigStep-Geq: ha1 >=’ a2 , σi ⇓ hi1 ≥nat i2 i

Exercise 5.12.1 Implement the above rules in Coq and write some relevant ex-
amples. Use Coq to derive sequents that include the new expressions.

Besides expressions, some useful statements are missing as well. For instance,
we have sequences of statements, but we do not have a way to specify an empty
sequence of statements. This can be useful, for example, to write a loop with no
body. Also, we do not have conditional statements at all: there is no if-then or
if-then-else statement.
To improve our language, we extend its syntax with a statement skip that
denotes the empty sequence of statements, and we also add ite that denotes the
well-known if-then-else statement. The simple if-then statement, which is just a
particular case of the if-then-else statement is denoted in our syntax by if. The
big-step SOS rules of these new constructs are shown below:

BigStep-Skip: hskip, σi ⇓ hσi

hb, σi ⇓ htruei hs1 , σi ⇓ hσ1 i

BigStep-IteTrue: hite b s1 s2 , σi ⇓ hσ1 i

hb, σi ⇓ hfalsei hs2 , σi ⇓ hσ2 i

BigStep-IteFalse: hite b s1 s2 , σi ⇓ hσ2 i

hb, σi ⇓ htruei hs, σi ⇓ hσ 0 i

BigStep-IfTrue: hif b s, σi ⇓ hσ 0 i

hb, σi ⇓ hfalsei
BigStep-IfFalse: hif b s, σi ⇓ hσi

Exercise 5.12.2 Implement the above rules in Coq and write some relevant ex-
amples. Use Coq to derive sequents that include the new statements.

Chapter 6

Small-step SOS

Small-step SOS is a variant of SOS that captures the notion of one computational
step. This is why Small-step SOS is also called one-step operational semantics or
reduction/transition semantics. The transitions between small-step configurations
are denoted by a simple arrows “→”, which is more intuitive: it captures only one
computation step at a time, while the big-step transition denoted by ⇓ captures
all computation steps in one transition. Therefore, we need to compose multiple
small steps to simulate one big step. This is done by computing a transitive closure
→∗ of the small step relation →.
Small-step SOS is well suited to capture non-deterministic behaviour in pro-
grams. For instance, programming languages that allow concurent programs can
be easily formalised using small-step SOS.
The small-step SOS sequents are binary relations over configurations: C → C 0 .
The meaning of C → C 0 is the following: the configuration C 0 is obtained from C
after one step of computation. Small-step SOS rules have the following general

C1 → C10 C2 → C20 · · · Cn → Cn0

C0 → C00 .
The small-step SOS rules are more verbose than the big-step SOS rules. Also, we
do not have to define result configurations explicitly: here, result configurations
are the ones that cannot be reduced anymore w.r.t the one step relation.
The small-step SOS configurations for IMP are a subset of the big-step SOS

• hA, Ei, where A is of type AExp and E is of type Env;

• hB, Ei, where B is of type BExp and E is of type Env;

• hS, Ei, where S is of type Stmt and E is of type Env.

6.1 Small-step SOS for IMP: arithmetic ex-
As in the case of big-step SOS we start with arithmetic expressions. There are
some noticeable differences w.r.t. big-step SOS:

• The lookup rule that describes a one step transition from hx, σi to hσ(x), σi
instead of hσ(x)i as in big-step SOS;

• There is no rule for evaluating constants;

• We have more rules for evaluating addition/multiplication of arithmetic ex-

pressions. The reason is that both operands of an addition/multiplication
can be evaluated using the one step relation ha, σi → ha0 , σi. Therefore, one
can evaluate either the first argument or the second argument, and this is
why we have two rules - one for each operand. Also, when both operands
are evaluated we use an additional rule to obtain the result.

Here is the small-step SOS for IMP arithmetic expressions:

SmallStep-Lookup: hx, σi → hσ(x), σi if σ(x) 6= ⊥

ha1 , σi → ha01 , σi
SmallStep-Add1: ha1 +’ a2 , σi → ha01 +’ a2 , σi

ha2 , σi → ha02 , σi
SmallStep-Add2: ha1 +’ a2 , σi → ha1 +’ a02 , σi

SmallStep-Add: hi1 +’ i2 , σi → hi1 +nat i2 , σi

ha1 , σi → ha01 , σi
SmallStep-Mul1: ha1 *’ a2 , σi → ha01 *’ a2 , σi

ha2 , σi → ha02 , σi
SmallStep-Mul2: ha1 *’ a2 , σi → ha1 *’ a02 , σi

SmallStep-Mul: hi1 *’ i2 , σi → hi1 ∗nat i2 , σi

Note that the rules SmallStep-Add1 and SmallStep-Add2 can be applied

non-deterministically. Therefore, the evaluation strategy for addition is non-
deterministic - which is not possible via a big-step SOS. The same applies to
Let us consider σ(n) = 10. Here is a derivation for sequent h2 +’ n, σi →
h2 + 10, σi:

hn, σi → h10, σi
h2 +’ n, σi → h2 +nat 10, σi
It is worth noting that SmallStep-Add2 is the only rule that can be applied in
this context. SmallStep-Add1 cannot be applied here because it is impossible
to derive its hypothesis.

Exercise 6.1.1 Is it possible to derive the sequent h2 +’ n, σi → h12, σi1 using

the small-step SOS rules from above?

Since small-step SOS rules specify only one computation at a time, we need a
way to compose these steps. The relation →∗ is the reflexive and transitive closure
of → and it is defined below:

· a1 → a2 a2 →∗ a3
Refl Tran
a →∗ a ∗
a1 → a3
Using →∗ we are now able to derive the sequent h2 +’ n, σi →∗ h12, σi (again, we
drop the SmallStep- prefix from the rule names to save some space):
· · ·
Lookup Add Refl
hn, σi → h10, σi h2 +’ 10, σi → h12, σi h12, σi →∗ h12, σi
Add2 Tran
h2 +’ n, σi → h2 +’ 10, σi h2 +’ 10, σi →∗ h12, σi
∗ Tran
h2 +’ n, σi → h12, σi

Exercise 6.1.2 Write a derivation for the sequent hn +’ n, σi →∗ h20, σi.

Exercise 6.1.3 Write down the small-step SOS rules for subtraction, division and
modulo operations. Write some relevant examples in order to test each small-step

6.2 Small-step SOS for arithmetic expressions

in Coq
The Coq implementation of the Small-step SOS rules for arithmetic expressions is
given below:
Reserved Notation ”<| A , S |> => <| A’ , S’ |>” (at level 60).
Inductive aeval small step : AExp → Env → AExp → Env → Prop :=
| lookup : ∀ v st, <| avar v , st |> ⇒ <| st v , st |>
We strongly encourage the reader to explain why it is impossible to derive this se-
quent. Hint: it is strongly related to the fact that small-step SOS rules capture only one
computational step, while here we need more computational steps.

| add 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st,
<| a1 , st |> ⇒ <| a1’ , st |> →
<| a1 +’ a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a1’ +’ a2 , st |>
| add 2 : ∀ a1 a2 a2’ st,
<| a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a2’ , st |> →
<| a1 +’ a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a1 +’ a2’ , st |>
| add : ∀ i1 i2 st n,
n = anum (i1 + i2 ) →
<| anum i1 +’ anum i2 , st |> ⇒ <| n , st |>
| mul 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st,
<| a1 , st |> ⇒ <| a1’ , st |> →
<| a1 *’ a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a1’ *’ a2 , st |>
| mul 2 : ∀ a1 a2 a2’ st,
<| a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a2’ , st |> →
<| a1 *’ a2 , st |> ⇒ <| a1 *’ a2’ , st |>
| mul : ∀ i1 i2 st n,
n = anum (i1 × i2 ) →
<| anum i1 *’ anum i2 , st |> ⇒ <| n , st |>
where ”<| A , S |> => <| A’ , S’ |>” := (aeval small step A S A’ S’ ).

With these rules we can simulate the next derivation in Coq:

Example e1 :
<| 2 +’ ”n” , sigma1 |> ⇒ <| 2 +’ 10, sigma1 |>.
eapply add 2.
eapply lookup.
The reflexive and transitive closure of → is encoded in Coq as below:

Reserved Notation ”<| A , S |> =>* <| A’ , S’ |>” (at level 60).
Inductive aeval clos : AExp → Env → AExp → Env → Prop :=
| a refl : ∀ a st, <| a , st |> =>* <| a , st |>
| a trans : ∀ a1 a2 a3 st,
(<| a1 , st |> ⇒ <| a2 , st |>) →
<| a2 , st |> =>* <| a3 , st |> →
<| a1 , st |> =>* <| a3 , st |>
where ”<| A , S |> =>* <| A’ , S’ |>” := (aeval clos A S A’ S’ ).

Now, the Coq derivation for h2 +’ n, σi →∗ h12, σi looks like this:

Example e2 :
<| 2 +’ ”n” , sigma1 |> =>* <| anum 12 , sigma1 |> .
- eapply a trans with (a2 := 2 +’ 10).

+ eapply add 2.
× eapply lookup.
+ eapply a trans.
× eapply add. eauto.
× simpl. eapply a refl.

Exercise 6.2.1 Continue Exercise 6.1.2 and write the derivation of the given
sequent in Coq.

Exercise 6.2.2 Implement the solution for Exercise 6.1.3 in Coq, including the

6.3 Small-step SOS for IMP: boolean expres-

As in the case of arithmetic expressions, the small-step SOS rules for boolean
expressions are different from the big-step SOS rules. Here are the differences:

• there are no rules for evaluating the boolean constants;

• there are three rules for negation: the first one performs a one step evaluation
of the negated boolean expression, the other two rules correspond to the
evaluation of the base cases;

• there are three rules for conjunction: one which evaluates the first argu-
ment, one which evaluates the conjunction when the first argument is false
(remember the shortcircuited semantics of the conjunction), and the last
rule is for evaluating the conjunction when the first argument is true;

• the rules for comparator operators look like the small-step rules for addi-
tion/multiplication: each argument can be evaluated by a separate rule and
there is one rule which compares two concrete values.

The small-step SOS rules are shown here:

hb, σi → hb0 , σi
SmallStep-Not: h!b, σi → h!b0 , σi

SmallStep-NotTrue: h!true, σi → hfalse, σi

SmallStep-NotFalse: h!false, σi → htrue, σi

hb1 , σi → hb01 , σi
SmallStep-And1: hb1 and’ b2 , σi → hb01 and’ b2 , σi

SmallStep-AndFalse: hfalse and’ b2 , σi → hfalse, σi

SmallStep-AndTrue: htrue and’ b2 , σi → hb2 , σi

ha1 , σi → ha01 , σi
SmallStep-Lt1: ha1 <’ a2 , σi → ha01 <’ a2 , σi

ha2 , σi → ha02 , σi
SmallStep-Lt2: hi1 <’ a2 , σi → hi1 <’ a2 , σi

SmallStep-Lt: hi1 <’ i2 , σi → hi1 <nat i2 , σi

ha1 , σi → ha01 , σi
SmallStep-Gt1: ha1 >’ a2 , σi → ha01 >’ a2 , σi

ha2 , σi → ha02 , σi
SmallStep-Gt2: ha1 >’ a2 , σi → ha1 >’ a2 , σi

SmallStep-Gt: hi1 >’ i2 , σi → hi1 >nat i2 , σi

The rules for conjunction evaluate the left-hand side argument first. In this case
we say that conjunction is strict in the first argument.
The rules SmallStep-Lt1 and SmallStep-Lt2 implement a sequentially
strict evaluation strategy for the operands of <’: SmallStep-Lt1 evaluates a1
as much as possible, while SmallStep-Lt2 can be applied only when the first
operand i1 is a concrete value. This is a design choice that we made in order
to illustrate how such evaluation strategies can be implemented using small-step
SOS. Also, note that this is not possible using big-step SOS.
To summarise, we have illustrated the strict evaluation on conjunction, se-
quentially strict evaluation for the less than operator (<’), and non-strict or non-
deterministic evaluation for addition, multiplication, and the greater than operator

Below is an example of a derivation for the sequent h1 +’ 3 <’ 5, σi →∗
htrue, σi using the set of small-step SOS rules discussed so far:
· · ·
Add Lt Refl
h1 +’ 3, σi → h4, σi h4 <’ 5, σi → htrue, σi htrue, σi →∗ htrue, σi
Lt1 Tran
h1 +’ 3 <’ 5, σi → h4 <’ 5, σi h4 <’ 5, σi →∗ htrue, σi
∗ Tran
h1 +’ 3 <’ 5, σi → htrue, σi

A disadvantage of small-step SOS is that derivations are bigger in size com-

pared to big-step SOS. On the other hand, using a proof-assistant, there is no
need to write such tedious proofs on paper. The proof assistant helps the users to
write the proofs and also checks them for errors. Recall that Coq cannot accept
incorrect proofs.

Exercise 6.3.1 Write down the small-step SOS rules for disjunctions, less or
equal than (≤) and greater or equal than (≥). Write some relevant examples in
order to test each small-step rule.

6.4 Small-step SOS for boolean expressions

in Coq
In Coq, the rules for boolean expressions are encoded as follows:
Reserved Notation ”<| B , S |> -> <| B’ , S’ |>” (at level 90).
Print BExp.
Inductive beval : BExp → Env → BExp → Env → Prop :=
| not : ∀ b b’ s,
<| b, s |> → <| b’ , s|> →
<| ! b, s |> → <| ! b’ , s|>
| not true : ∀ s,
<| ! btrue , s |> → <| bfalse , s |>
| not false : ∀ s,
<| ! bfalse , s |> → <| btrue , s |>

| and 1 : ∀ b1 b1’ b2 s,
<| b1 , s |> → <| b1’ , s |> →
<| b1 and’ b2 , s |> → <| b1’ and’ b2 , s |>
| and false : ∀ b2 s,
<| bfalse and’ b2 , s |> → <| bfalse , s |>
| and true : ∀ b2 s,
<| btrue and’ b2 , s |> → <| b2 , s |>

| lt 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ s,
(<| a1 , s |> ⇒ <| a1’ , s |>) →

<| a1 <’ a2 , s |> → <| a1’ <’ a2 , s |>
| lt 2 : ∀ (i1 : nat) a2 a2’ s,
(<| a2 , s |> ⇒ <| a2’ , s |>) →
<| i1 <’ a2 , s |> → <| i1 <’ a2’ , s |>
| lt : ∀ (i1 i2 : nat) s b,
b = (if Nat.ltb i1 i2 then btrue else bfalse) →
<| i1 <’ i2 , s |> → <| b , s |>

| gt 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ s,
(<| a1 , s |> ⇒ <| a1’ , s |>) →
<| a1 >’ a2 , s |> → <| a1’ >’ a2 , s |>
| gt 2 : ∀ a1 a2 a2’ s,
(<| a2 , s |> ⇒ <| a2’ , s |>) →
<| a1 >’ a2 , s |> → <| a1 >’ a2’ , s |>
| gt : ∀ (i1 i2 : nat) s b,
b = (if negb (Nat.leb i1 i2 ) then btrue else bfalse) →
<| i1 >’ i2 , s |> → <| b , s |>
where ”<| B , S |> -> <| B’ , S’ |>” := (beval B S B’ S’ ).
The reflexive and transitive closure of this relation is encoded as expected:
Reserved Notation ”<| B , S |> ->* <| B’ , S’ |>” (at level 90).
Inductive beval clos : BExp → Env → BExp → Env → Prop :=
| b refl : ∀ b st, <| b , st |> ->* <| b , st |>
| b tran : ∀ b1 b2 b3 st,
(<| b1 , st |> → <| b2 , st |>) →
(<| b2 , st |> ->* <| b3 , st |>) →
(<| b1 , st |> ->* <| b3 , st |>)
where ”<| B , S |> ->* <| B’ , S’ |>” := (beval clos B S B’ S’ ).
Our previous derivation of h1 +’ 3 <’ 5, σi →∗ htrue, σi looks like this in
Example ex4 :
<| 1 +’ 3 <’ 5, sigma1 |> ->* <| btrue, sigma1 |>.
eapply b tran with (b2 := 4 <’ 5).
- eapply lt 1.
eapply add. simpl. reflexivity.
- eapply b tran.
+ eapply lt. simpl. reflexivity.
+ eapply b refl.
Note that in this proof, eapply b tran with (b2 := 4 <’ 5) specifies the value
of the b2 variable from the definition b tran constructor. This is because it is

not obvious for Coq what is the right configuration to use for the b2 placeholder.
A possible improvement for Coq would be to implement some tactics than can
automatically detect the right configurations to work with. Other tools (e.g., K,
Maude) use matching or unification to tackle this problem.

Exercise 6.4.1 Implement the solution for Exercise 6.3.1 in Coq, including the

6.5 Small-step SOS for IMP: statements

The small-step SOS for IMP statements is shown below. The first two rules define
the semantics of the assignment: there is one rule to evaluate the right-hand side
of the assignment, and another rule for performing the actual update of the left-
hand side variable in the environment. The next two rules handle sequences by
defining a sequentially strict evaluation strategy: the first statement is executed
first; when skip is obtained, we move to the second statement. The semantics of
ite is the expected one: we evaluate the condition in a small-step fashion, and then
we use two rules to distinguish between the two cases determined by the condition
value. Finally, the loop is simply a sintactic sugar for an ite statement.

ha, σi → ha0 , σi
SmallStep-Assign-2: hx ::= a, σi → hx ::= a0 , σi

SmallStep-Assign: hx ::= i, σi → hskip, σ[i/x]i

hs1 , σi → hs01 , σ 0 i
SmallStep-Seq: hs1 ;; s2 , σi → hs01 ;; s2 , σ 0 i

SmallStep-Skip: hskip ;; s2 , σi → hs2 , σi

hb, σi → hb0 , σi
SmallStep-Ite: hite b s1 s2 , σi → hite b0 s1 s2 , σi

SmallStep-IteTrue: hite btrue s1 s2 , σi → hs1 , σi

SmallStep-IteFalse: hite bfalse s1 s2 , σi → hs2 , σi

SmallStep-While: hwhile b s, σi → hite b (s ;; while b s) skip, σi

Exercise 6.5.1 Write the small-step SOS rules for the if-then statement.

We show here a derivation example for the sequent hx::=n, σ1 i → hskip, σ2 i,
where σ1 (n) = 10 and σ2 = σ1 [10/x].
· · ·
Lookup Assign Refl
hn, σ1 i → h10, σ1 i hx::=10, σ1 i → hskip, σ2 i hskip, σ2 i →∗ hskip, σ2 i
Assign2 Tran
hx::=n, σ1 i → hx::=10, σ1 i hx::=10, σ1 i →∗ hskip, σ2 i
hx::=n, σ1 i →∗ hskip, σ2 i

As noted in the previous section, even for simple sequents, the derivations are
bigger in size. Fortunately, all these can be encoded in Coq, and the proof assistant
helps the users to write correct derivations.

6.6 Small-step SOS for statements in Coq

The Coq encoding of the small-step SOS for statements is shown below, together
with the reflexive and transitive closure:
Reserved Notation ”<{ S , E }> y <{ S’ , E’ }>” (at level 90).
Inductive eval : Stmt → Env → Stmt → Env → Prop :=
| eassign 2: ∀ var a a’ st,
<| a , st |> ⇒ <| a’ , st |> →
<{ var ::= a , st }> y <{ var ::= a’ , st }>
| eassign: ∀ var st st’ n,
st’ = update st var n →
<{ var ::= (anum n), st }> y <{ skip , st’ }>
| eskip: ∀ s2 st,
<{ skip ;; s2 , st }> y <{ s2 , st }>
| eseq: ∀ s1 s1’ s2 st st’ ,
<{ s1 , st }> y <{ s1’ , st’ }> →
<{ s1 ;; s2 , st }> y <{ s1’ ;; s2 , st’ }>
| eite: ∀ b b’ st s1 s2 ,
<| b , st |> → <| b’ , st |> →
<{ ite b s1 s2 , st }> y <{ ite b’ s1 s2 , st }>
| eite true : ∀ s1 s2 st,
<{ ite btrue s1 s2 , st }> y <{ s1 , st }>
| eite false : ∀ s1 s2 st,
<{ ite bfalse s1 s2 , st }> y <{ s2 , st }>
| ewhile: ∀ b b’ s st,
<{ while b s , st }> y <{ ite b (s ;; while b’ s) skip , st }>
where ”<{ S , E }> y <{ S’ , E’ }>” := (eval S E S’ E’ ).
Reserved Notation ”<{ S , E }> y∗ <{ S’ , E’ }>” (at level 90).
Inductive eval clos : Stmt → Env → Stmt → Env → Prop :=
| refl : ∀ S E , <{ S , E }> y∗ <{ S , E }>

| tran : ∀ s1 s2 s3 st1 st2 st3 ,
<{ s1 , st1 }> y <{ s2 , st2 }> →
<{ s2 , st2 }> y∗ <{ s3 , st3 }> →
<{ s1 , st1 }> y∗ <{ s3 , st3 }>
where ”<{ S , E }> y∗ <{ S’ , E’ }>” := (eval clos S E S’ E’ ).
The derivation for the sequent hx::=n, σ1 i → hskip, σ2 i (where σ1 (n) = 10
and σ2 = σ1 [10/x]) in Coq is the following:
Example assign 1 :
<{ ”x” ::= ”n” , sigma1 }> y∗ <{ skip, update sigma1 ”x” 10}>.
apply tran with (s2 := ”x” ::= 10) (st2 := sigma1).
- eapply eassign 2.
eapply lookup.
- apply tran with (s2 := skip) (st2 := update sigma1 ”x” 10).
+ eapply eassign.
+ eapply refl.

Exercise 6.6.1 Implement the solution of Exercise 6.5.1 in Coq.

6.7 Big-step vs. Small-step SOS

The two SOS semantic styles discussed so far are meant to solve slightly different
purposes. Small-step SOS is clearly more suitable to model concurrency, diver-
gence, run-time errors, exceptions, breaks, jumps. This is because the one-step
evaluation allows us to express the semantics of such complex features. On the
other hand, it is a bit too detailed and implies a greater effort on the language
designer side.
Big-step semantics is like defining a recursive interpreter: for a given language,
its behaviour can be defined using several recursive rules. Reasoning using big-
step semantics is definitely easier than reasoning with small-step rules. The main
disadvantage, is that big-step is not as expressive as small-step. Concurrency and
other complex features cannot be modelled using big-step, and the evaluation skips
intermediate steps.

Exercise 6.7.1 The goal of this exercise is to improve the small-step SOS of IMP
with concurrency. Basically, you have to add a new language construct com s1 s2
in IMP that can execute the two statements s1 and s2 in the same time.
It is possible to change the big-step SOS of IMP in the same way? Justify
your answer.

Exercise 6.7.2 For the IMP language, what is the relationship between big-step
SOS and small-step SOS? Does the execution of a program yield the same result
when executed using big-step SOS vs. small-step SOS?

One big disadvantage of both big-step and small-step SOS is the lack of mod-
ularity. A small change in the configuration (e.g., adding a new component like
a stack or a program counter) requires the modification of all rules! Most of the
times, the modification is not even relevant to the majority of the rules, and only a
few rules may refer to that new component of the configuration. This is probably
the main issue with these two SOS styles. The issue is serious and most language
designers don’t find these techniques useful in practice. A very good reading ma-
terial on the limitations of big-step and small-step SOS styles is given by Peter
Mosses in [21]. In the same material the reader can find a solution to the lack
o modularity of Big-step and Small-step semantics: MSOS - modular structural
operational semantics.
Although big-step and small-step semantical styles have certain limitations,
these establish the basic grounds to define programming languages. Other later
approaches simply try to fix these traditional styles by adding modularity or em-
bedding it in logics that facilitate execution (e.g., Rewriting Logic [20], Reacha-
bility Logic [30, 31]).

Chapter 7

Type systems

7.1 Introduction
Type systems are essential in programming languages. Most programming lan-
guages have values categorised in certain types so that programmers can distinguish
them and use them in particular contexts. For instance, Coq is strongly-typed : it
does have very strict typing rules that do determine the compiler to throw errors at
compile time. If a Coq function takes two integers, but it is called with a boolean
argument, the compiler coqc will complain:

-# cat coq_error.v
Definition f (a b : nat) : nat :=
a + b.
Check f.
Compute f true.
-# coqc coq_error.v
: nat -> nat -> nat
File "./coq_error.v", line 4, characters 10-14:
The term "true" has type "bool" while it is expected to have type

Other programming languages are not that strict. The popular Javascript lan-
guage is weakly-typed : the typing rules are loose and they typically allow values to
be interpreted as having a particular type depending on the context. A disadvan-
tage is that weak typing can lead to errors during the execution of a program or
some unexpected behaviours in the eye of the unexperienced programmer. Here
are some interesting examples using the Nodejs interpreter in command line:

-# node

Welcome to Node.js v14.17.5.
Type ".help" for more information.
> 2 + ’4’
> 2 * ’4’
> ’2’ * ’4’
> 2 * ’a’
> ’2’ * ’a’
> 2 + false
> 2 + true
> false - true
> 2 && true
> true && 2
> 0 && false
> false && 0

Compared to Coq, the above example seem to be a bit silly: why on earth
would 2 + ’4’ return ’24’, while 2 * ’4’ returns 8? In the first case it looks
like 2 is converted to ’2’ and then the strings are concatenated. In the second
case, it looks like ’4’ is converted to 4 and the result is indeed 2 * 4, i.e., 8. At
a closer look, this could make sense if + is used for both string concatenation and
addition of numbers. Also, booleans are treated as numbers when convenient, and
numbers can be treated as booleans. However, the last four examples are confusing
for a newcomer.
Using numbers as booleans is common in C as well. For instance, in the
program below, the value printed by the program depends on the value of the
variable x:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = _;
printf("x = %d, ", x);
if (x)

printf("took the ’then’ branch\n");
printf("took the ’else’ branch\n");

If the is zero, the execution of the if statement will print took the ’else’
branch. Otherwise, it will print took the ’then’ branch. It is obvious that x is
interpreted by the if statement as a boolean: zero is used to represent false and
anything else is used to represent true.
Based on the above examples, one might be tempted to say that strongly-typed
is good and weakly-typed is bad. But both approaches have their advantages and
disadvantages. A strongly-typed approach provides some advantages in terms
of correctness, documentation, safety, optimisation, abstraction. A weakly-typed
approach provides the possibility to use the same value in different contexts and
leaves the interpreter to choose the type. In the right hands, this can be turned
into an advantage and can improve the productivity.
In this chapter we mix the arithmetic and boolean expressions of IMP, and
we present a type system for them. We show the rules of the type system, we
integrate them in Coq, and then we use them to prove properties of the proof
system and typing properties for programs.

7.2 IMP Syntax of expressions

The syntax of expressions that we are going to use in this chapter is shown here:
Inductive Exp :=
| avar : string → Exp
| anum : nat → Exp
| aplus : Exp → Exp → Exp
| amul : Exp → Exp → Exp
| btrue : Exp
| bfalse : Exp
| bnot : Exp → Exp
| band : Exp → Exp → Exp
| blessthan : Exp → Exp → Exp
| bgreaterthan : Exp → Exp → Exp.
Coercion anum : nat >-> Exp.
Coercion avar : string >-> Exp.

Notation ”A +’ B” := (aplus A B ) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation ”A *’ B” := (amul A B ) (at level 40, left associativity).
Notation ”A <’ B” := (blessthan A B ) (at level 80).
Notation ”A >’ B” := (bgreaterthan A B ) (at level 80).
Infix ”and’” := band (at level 82).
Notation ”! A” := (bnot A) (at level 81).
It is now possible to mix booleans with numbers or other arithmetic expressions.
The following checks do not fail:
Compute (2 +’ 2).
= 2 +’ 2
: Exp
Compute (2 +’ btrue).
= 2 +’ btrue
: Exp
Compute (band 2 2).

Exercise 7.2.1 Rewrite the syntax of the IMP statements using the expressions
above. Is it now possible to use numbers as booleans in conditional statements as
we do in C? What about writing expressions as we did in our Javascript examples?

7.3 Small-step SOS for expressions

The small-step SOS semantics of the expressions is straightforward: we simply
assemble all the small-step rules for arithmetic and boolean expressions:
Reserved Notation ”A =[ S ]=> N” (at level 60).
Inductive exp eval small step : Exp → Env → Exp → Prop :=
| const : ∀ n st, anum n =[ st ]=> n
| lookup : ∀ v st, avar v =[ st ]=> (st v )
| add 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st a,
a1 =[ st ]=> a1’ →
a = a1’ +’ a2 →
a1 +’ a2 =[ st ]=> a
| add 2 : ∀ a1 a2 a2’ st a,
a2 =[ st ]=> a2’ →
a = a1 +’ a2’ →
a1 +’ a2 =[ st ]=> a
| add : ∀ i1 i2 st n,
n = anum (i1 + i2 ) →
anum i1 +’ anum i2 =[ st ]=> n
| times 1 : ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st a,
a1 =[ st ]=> a1’ →
a = a1’ *’ a2 →

a1 *’ a2 =[ st ]=> a
| times 2 : ∀ a1 a2 a2’ st a,
a2 =[ st ]=> a2’ →
a = a1 *’ a2’ →
a1 *’ a2 =[ st ]=> a
| times : ∀ i1 i2 st n,
n = anum (i1 + i2 ) →
anum i1 *’ anum i2 =[ st ]=> n
| true : ∀ st, btrue =[ st ]=> btrue
| false : ∀ st, bfalse =[ st ]=> bfalse
| lessthan 1: ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st,
a1 =[ st ]=> a1’ →
(a1 <’ a2 ) =[ st ]=> (a1’ <’ a2 )
| lessthan 2: ∀ i1 a2 a2’ st,
a2 =[st]=> a2’ →
((anum i1 ) <’ a2 ) =[ st ]=> ((anum i1 ) <’ a2’ )
| lessthan: ∀ i1 i2 st b,
b = (if Nat.leb i1 i2 then btrue else bfalse) →
((anum i1 ) <’ (anum i2 )) =[ st ]=> b
| greaterthan 1: ∀ a1 a2 a1’ st,
a1 =[ st ]=> a1’ →
(a1 >’ a2 ) =[ st ]=> (a1’ >’ a2 )
| greaterthan 2: ∀ i1 a2 a2’ st,
a2 =[st]=> a2’ →
((anum i1 ) >’ a2 ) =[ st ]=> ((anum i1 ) >’ a2’ )
| greaterthan: ∀ i1 i2 st b,
b = (if negb (Nat.leb i1 i2 ) then btrue else bfalse) →
((anum i1 ) >’ (anum i2 )) =[ st ]=> b
| not : ∀ b b’ st,
b =[ st ]=> b’ →
(bnot b) =[ st ]=> (bnot b’ )
| nottrue : ∀ st,
(bnot btrue) =[ st ]=> bfalse
| notfalse : ∀ st,
(bnot bfalse) =[ st ]=> btrue
| and 1 : ∀ b b1 b1’ b2 st,
b1 =[st]=> b1’ →
b = (band b1’ b2 ) →
(band b1 b2 ) =[ st ]=> b
| andtrue : ∀ b2 st,
(band btrue b2 ) =[st]=> b2
| andfalse : ∀ b2 st,
(band bfalse b2 ) =[st]=> bfalse

where ”A =[ S ]=> N” := (exp eval small step A S N ).
Reserved Notation ”A =[ S ]>* A’” (at level 60).
Inductive eval clos : Exp → Env → Exp → Prop :=
| refl : ∀ a st, a =[ st ]>* a
| tran : ∀ a1 a2 a3 st, (a1 =[st]=> a2 ) → a2 =[ st ]>* a3 → a1 =[ st ]>* a3
where ”A =[ S ]>* A’” := (eval clos A S A’ ).

The semantics behaves as expected. Here are some examples:

Example e1 :
2 +’ ”n” =[ sigma1 ]=> 2 +’ 10.
eapply add 2.
eapply lookup. unfold sigma1, update. simpl. reflexivity.
Example e2 :
2 +’ ”n” =[ sigma1 ]>* anum 12.
eapply tran.
- eapply add 2.
eapply lookup. eauto.
- eapply tran.
+ eapply add. eauto.
+ simpl. eapply refl.
However, this allows us to write some ill formed expressions. For instance:
Example ill-formed :
2 +’ btrue =[ sigma1 ]>* ?.

In a weakly-typed language, the compiler or the interpreter does some auto-

matic conversions (e.g., remember the Javascript examples). For a strongly-typed
language, an error is thrown. For instance, in Coq you get an error right away,
since Coq checks the types of the expressions statically (remember the Coq exam-
ple at the beginning of this chapter). In Python, the error is thrown dynamically,
that is, the types are checked during the execution:

-# python3
Python 3.9.6 (default)
[Clang 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> 3 + ’a’
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ’int’ and ’str’

Definitely, getting such errors during execution is not desirable. It would be

easier for the programmer to a have a tool that signals whether such terms could
lead to runtime errors. Our semantics of the mixed expressions simply does not
care about reducing such terms. So, 2 +’ btrue cannot be reduced to a value, and
in the same time, it is not itself a value. We say that such terms (that are not
values and cannot be reduced to a value) are stuck. How do we detect stuck terms?
The answer is simple: define a type system for our language. The type system
helps us to exclude nonsensical terms by simply checking their types.

7.4 A type system for expressions

Our expressions include both numbers and boolean values. In order to exclude
terms that we do not want to have a meaning (e.g., 2 +’ btrue), we define a typing
relation that relates terms to the types of their final (evaluated) results.
We are going to use some conventional notations. The set of basic types is de-
noted by T . For our expressions, it is sufficient to choose the set T = {Nat, Bool }.
For more complex languages, this set can be larger. By e : Nat we denote the fact
that the expression e has type Nat. The typing rules are given using inference
rules. Checking whether a given expression has a certain type reduces to finding
a derivation (i.e., a proof) using the typing rules.
The typing rules for our expressions are shown below. The conclusions of all
rules cover the entire syntax of our expressions. The rules are straightforward.
The constants have the expected types. Unlike TTrue and TFalse, TNum and
TVar have side conditions because the set of naturals and the set of variables are
infinite. All the other rules have the expected premisses. For instance, TLt reads
as follows: the expression e1 <’ e2 has type Bool if both e1 and e2 are of type
Nat. Similarly, TPlus says that e1 +’ e2 has type Nat when e1 and e2 are of
type Nat. Therefore, it is impossible to find a derivation for 2 +’ btrue : Nat or
2 +’ btrue : Bool .

TNum: n : Nat

x ∈ Var
TVar: x : Nat

e1 : Nat e2 : Nat
TPlus: e1 +’ e2 : Nat

e1 : Nat e2 : Nat
TMul: e1 *’ e2 : Nat

TTrue: btrue : Bool

TFalse: bfalse : Bool

e : Bool
TNot: bnot e : Bool

e1 : Bool e2 : Bool
TAnd: band e1 e2 : Bool

e1 : Nat e2 : Nat
TLt: e1 <’ e2 : Bool

e1 : Nat e2 : Nat
TGt: e1 >’ e2 : Bool

Here is an example of a derivation for 2 +’ x : Nat, where 2 ∈ N and x ∈ Var

(i.e., x is a variable):
· ·
TNum TVar
2 : Nat x : Nat
2 +’ x : Nat
Here is a another derivation for 2 +’ x <’ x : Bool :
· ·
TNum TVar
2 : Nat x : Nat ·
TPlus TVar
2 +’ x : Nat x : Nat
2 +’ x <’ x : Bool
An important observation is that typing derivations are different from evalu-
ating expressions. Obviously, if x is of type Nat then the expression 2 +’ x <’ x
cannot be true. But the expression 2 +’ x <’ x is still typable and it does have
type Bool . So, type checking is not the same thing as evaluating expressions.

Exercise 7.4.1 What is the type of the expression:

band (3 *’ x +’ 7 <’ x) (bnot (y >’ x))?

Write down a derivation that justifies your answer.

Exercise 7.4.2 We define the syntax of an expression language called Play-

WithTypes. The BNF syntax of expressions is shown below:

E ::= O | S E | isZero E | T | F | ite EEE.

The constructors are written using this font. We notice that the syntax of
PlayWithTypes is in fact a mix of Peano naturals (O and S are the usual con-
structors) and booleans (T and F are well-known boolean constants). The ite con-
struct is an if-then-else-like statement that returns an expression: it takes a boolean
and two natural expressions and it should return a natural expression. The predi-
cate isZero should tell us whether the given natural expression is zero or not.
Based on the above assumptions, write down the typing rules for this language.
Also, write examples that cover all the constructs of the language.

7.5 A type system for expressions in Coq

All the above definitions and rules can be easily encoded in Coq. We start by
defining the set of basic types Typ (that is, the set T ):
Inductive Typ : Type :=
| Bool : Typ
| Nat : Typ.
The typing rules are shown below. In Coq we use type of instead of ‘:’. So,
type of x Nat stands for x : Nat.
Inductive type of : Exp → Typ → Prop :=
| t num : ∀ n, type of (anum n) Nat
| t var : ∀ x , type of (avar x ) Nat
| t plus : ∀ a1 a2 ,
(type of a1 Nat) →
(type of a2 Nat) →
(type of (a1 +’ a2 ) Nat)
| t mul : ∀ a1 a2 ,
(type of a1 Nat) →
(type of a2 Nat) →
(type of (a1 *’ a2 ) Nat)
| t true : type of btrue Bool
| t false : type of bfalse Bool
| t not : ∀ b,

(type of b Bool) →
(type of (bnot b) Bool)
| t and : ∀ b1 b2 ,
(type of b1 Bool) →
(type of b2 Bool) →
(type of (band b1 b2 ) Bool)
| t lt : ∀ a1 a2 ,
(type of a1 Nat) →
(type of a2 Nat) →
(type of (a1 <’ a2 ) Bool)
| t gt : ∀ a1 a2 ,
(type of a1 Nat) →
(type of a2 Nat) →
(type of (a1 >’ a2 ) Bool).
Note that the side conditions of TNum and TVar are enforced by the fact that
the constructors anum and avar accept the right types for their arguments.
Our simple derivation example for 2 +’ x : Nat is trivial in Coq:
Example well typed:
type of (2 +’ ”x”) Nat.
eapply t plus.
- eapply t num.
- eapply t var.
We can define a hint database and improve our experience by letting Coq
search for the derivation. Here is the same example, but we use auto:
Create HintDb types.
Hint Constructors type of : types.
Example well typed’:
type of (2 +’ ”x”) Nat.
auto with types.
In addition, here are two other examples that we have previously mentioned:
Example well typed but false:
type of (2 +’ ”x” <’ ”x”) Bool.
auto with types.
Example complex derivation:
type of (band (3 *’ ”x” +’ 7 <’ ”x”) (bnot (”y” >’ ”x”))) Bool.

auto with types.
Remember that we started this section by discussing the 2 +’ btrue example.
Now that we have types and a Coq implementation, our proof search fails to find
a derivation for 2 +’ btrue : Nat:
Example ill typed:
type of (2 +’ btrue) Nat.
(* can’t prove that *)
auto with types.
In general, the fact that auto fails to find a proof does not mean that there isn’t
one. Our point here is to show that auto fails. Even if we increase the search
depth as much as we want, it will still fail. The same happens for 2 +’ btrue :
Bool. We address the properties of our type system later in a dedicated section.
Exercise 7.5.1 Implement in Coq the syntax and the type system that you de-
veloped for the PlayWithTypes language from Exercise 7.4.2. Also, use your
implementation to automatically find the derivations for the examples that you are
asked to write in Exercise 7.4.2.

7.6 Properties of the typing relation

The syntax of our expressions allows us to write various expressions. Repetitive
applications of the small step rules to an expression may produce either an infinite
loop or a term that cannot be reduced anymore (i.e., none of the existing rules
can be applied to it). Terms that cannot be reduced anymore are said to be in a
normal form. Values (e.g., natural numbers or boolean constants) are in a normal
form. Terms that cannot progress (e.g., 2 +’ btrue) are also in normal form. Such
terms are stuck: they have no successors w.r.t. small-step rules.
Our goal is to use the typing relation to distinguish between expressions, so
that expressions that do not make sense are excluded. But how do we know that
our typing relation does this in a correct way? Can we prove some properties
about our typing relation so that we can guarantee that it is correct? What are
these properties?
In the rest of this section we are going to formulate and prove some common
properties of typing relations: progress, type preservation and soundness.

7.6.1 Progress
Progress is a property that captures the fact that well-typed expressions make
progress w.r.t. the small-step rules. Obviously, values cannot make progress be-

cause they are already reduced. First, we define what is a value in Coq:
Inductive nat value : Exp → Prop :=
| nat val : ∀ n, nat value (anum n).
Inductive b value : Exp → Prop :=
| b true : b value btrue
| b false : b value bfalse.
Definition value (e : Exp) := nat value e ∨ b value e.
The above definitions of the values agree with the typing relation. This is
captured by the following lemmas:
Lemma bool canonical :
∀ e, type of e Bool → value e → b value e.
intros e H H’ .
inversion H’ ; trivial.
inversion H ; subst; inversion H0 .
Lemma nat canonical :
∀ e, type of e Nat → value e → nat value e.
intros e H H’ .
inversion H’ ; trivial.
inversion H ; subst; inversion H0 .
Now, we are ready to formulate and prove the progress property in Coq:
Theorem progress :
∀ t T state,
type of t T →
value t ∨ ∃ t’ , t =[ state ]=> t’ .
intros t T state H .
induction H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of1 as [Ha1 | [t’ Ha1 ]]; eauto with types.
apply nat canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of1 as [Ha1 | [t’ Ha1 ]] eauto with types.
apply nat canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of as [Hb | [t’ Hb]] eauto with types.
apply bool canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of1 as [Hb1 | [t’ Hb1 ]] eauto with types.

apply bool canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of1 as [Hb1 | [t’ Hb1 ]] eauto with types.
apply nat canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
- destruct IHtype of1 as [Hb1 | [t’ Hb1 ]] eauto with types.
apply nat canonical in H ; auto.
inversion H ; eauto with types.
The proof is by induction on the typing relation. Note that our hint database has
been enriched with new hints in order to shorten the length of the Coq proof. Here
is the complete hint database that we used:
Hint Constructors exp eval small step : types.
Hint Constructors type of : types.
Hint Constructors nat value : types.
Hint Constructors b value : types.
Hint Unfold update.

7.6.2 Type Preservation

The type preservation property is critical: it says that if a well-typed expression
is reduced in one step using the small-step rules, the obtained expression is also
well-typed. The theorem is formulated below and its proof is by induction on the
typing relation:
Theorem preservation :
∀ t T t’ state,
type of t T →
t =[ state ]=> t’ →
type of t’ T .
intros t T t’ state H H0 . revert t’ H0 .
induction H ; intros t’ H’ ; inversion H’ ; subst; eauto with types;
case eq (Nat.leb i1 i2 ); intros H1 ; rewrite H1 in *; eauto with types.

7.6.3 Type Soundness

Finally, we are ready to formulate and prove the soundness of our typing relation.
Corollary soundness :
∀ t t’ state T ,
type of t T →
t =[ state ]>* t’ →

value t’ ∨ ∃ t’’ , t’ =[ state ]=> t’’ .
intros t t’ state T H S .
induction S .
- apply progress with (state := st) in H ; eauto.
- apply IHS . eapply preservation; eauto.
The property is essentially saying that a well-typed expression cannot reach a
stuck state. In other words, if we reduce a well-typed expression using our small-
step semantics we always reach a value (that is, a result) or an expression that can
be further reduced.
The implications of this formal property are very strong: basically, if a program
can be proved to be well-typed (an we can do that using the typing relation) then
it is guaranteed not to produce erroneous results that can lead to unexpected
behaviours in programs. Typing improves the quality of our programs and some
common errors in programs can be avoided using type systems.

Exercise 7.6.1 Formulate and prove the progress, type preservation and type
soundness properties for the typing relation that of the PlayWithTypes language
(see Exercises 7.4.2 and 7.5.1).

Chapter 8


Compilers are programs that we use to translate computer code written in a source
language into code written in a target language. Usually, source languages are high-
level languages, while target languages are low-level languages (e.g., object code,
machine code, assembly).
The main goal of a compiler is to facilitate the work of the programmer: a
high-level language has the advantage of leaving the programmer to focus on the
task to be solved rather than dealing with cumbersome low-level programming.
You can imagine that writing a complex system, e.g. an operating system, into as-
sembly language is really hard. Actually, the first operating systems were written
in assembly languages. Before 1960’s, the main issue with compilers was the lack
of resources (processing power and memory). Afterwards, companies started to de-
velop machines with better performances and it became more and more appealing
to create compilers for high-level portable languages.
The earliest computers (mainframes) did not have any form of operating sys-
tem. Programs were written on punched cards or magnetic tapes. The program
was loaded on the computer and the programmer had to wait until the program
completed or crashed. Later on, symbolic languages and assemblers were devel-
oped. Programs written in these languages were translated into machine code.
This was the very beginning of compilers. In 1952, Grace Hopper created a com-
piler for the A-0 language. Then, in 1957 at IBM, John Backus and his team
FORTRAN introduced the first complete compiler. Later, COBOL was among
the languages compiled on multiple architectures.
The idea of having a program that translates high-level code into low-level code
caught quickly. New programming languages have been proposed, the software
became more complex and compilers started to be themselves really complex. Tim
Hart and Mike Levin at MIT created a compiler for the Lisp language in 1962.
In 1970s it was very common to implement compilers for a language in the same
language or a different common high-level language (e.g., Pascal, C).
A compiler needs to take care of many things: preprocessing, lexical analysis,
parsing (and disambiguation), semantic analysis (e.g., type inference, type check-

ing, object binding, various initialisations for local variables, etc), control-flow
graphs and corresponding analysis (dependencies, alias analysis, pointer analysis),
optimisations (inline expansion, macros, dead code elimination, constant propa-
gation, loop transformation, automatic parallelisation), code generation (machine
dependent optimisations, machine dependent generation). Implementing a com-
piler is really hard and one of the greatest challenges is to make sure that compilers
generate programs that are equivalent with the intended behaviour of the compiled
programs. Unfortunately, compilers can have bugs and this equivalence is hard to
achieve. The interested reader can investigate such bugs in this paper [32]. How-
ever, there are approaches that prove their compilers correct. One such project is
CompCert [18]: a verified compiler for C (ISO C99) that generates efficient code
for PowerPC, ARM, RISC-V and x86 processors. In the CompCert manual, the
first chapter (https://compcert.org/man/manual001.html) answers the ques-
tion Can you trust a compiler? The CompCert manual explains how important
is correct compilation and why miscompilation can insert bugs in the generated
compiled code. The CompCert compiler distinguishes itself from the other com-
pilers by the fact that it provides a proof for the semantics preservation theorem:
intuitively, this theorem says that the semantics of the compiled program is the
same as the semantics of the code generated by the compiler for that program.
This theorem is formulated and proved in Coq, and so, its proof comes with a
high-level of trust.
In this chapter we are going to measure the depth of the ocean using a finger:
we will define a compiler for a very simple language of arithmetic expressions.
Obviously, our is not as complex as CompCert, but our goal is to explain the
principle of building a correct compiler.

8.1 Simple expressions

The language of expressions that we are going to use is very simple: it contains
variables, numbers, addition an multiplication:
Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string scope.
Inductive Exp :=
| avar : string → Exp
| anum : nat → Exp
| aplus : Exp → Exp → Exp
| amul : Exp → Exp → Exp.
Coercion anum : nat >-> Exp.
Coercion avar : string >-> Exp.
Notation ”A +’ B” := (aplus A B ) (at level 50).

Notation ”A *’ B” := (amul A B ) (at level 40).

Exercise 8.1.1 Execute the following commands to test the above definition:
Compute (anum 5).
Compute (avar ”a”).
Compute ”a” +’ 4.
Compute ”a” *’ 4.

The next obvious step is to define an interpreter for our language. To serve
our purpose, it is sufficient to define an interpreter function (rather than a more
complex SOS semantics):
Fixpoint interpret (e : Exp)
(env : string → nat) : nat :=
match e with
| anum c ⇒ c
| avar x ⇒ (env x )
| aplus e1 e2 ⇒ (interpret e1 env ) + (interpret e2 env )
| amul e1 e2 ⇒ (interpret e1 env ) × (interpret e2 env )

Exercise 8.1.2 Test the above function in the environment Env (defined below)
using the following commands:
Definition Env :=
fun x ⇒ if string dec x ”a” then 10 else 0.
Compute (Env ”a”).
Compute (Env ”b”).
Compute (interpret 5 Env).
Compute (interpret ”a” Env).
Compute (interpret (”a” +’ 4) Env).
Compute (interpret (”a” *’ 4) Env).

8.2 A stack machine

Compiled code runs on a very basic stack machine that we need to define in Coq.
This machine will execute some low level assembly-like instructions. Here is the
syntax of our low level instructions:
Inductive Instruction :=
| push const : nat → Instruction
| push var : string → Instruction
| add : Instruction
| mul : Instruction.

The first two instructions push const and push var are meant to push values
onto a stack. The latter is a bit more special, because it has to read the value of
the given variable and then put this value on the top of the stack. Note that the
stack cannot hold variables, but only values. The last two instructions add and
mul are meant to add, and respectively, multiply two values from the top of the
stack. The precise semantics of these instructions is given below:
Fixpoint run instruction
(i : Instruction)
(env : string → nat)
(stack : list nat) :=
match i with
| push const c ⇒ (c :: stack )
| push var x ⇒ ((env x ) :: stack )
| add ⇒ match stack with
| n1 :: n2 :: stack’ ⇒ (n1 + n2 ) :: stack’
| ⇒ stack
| mul ⇒ match stack with
| n1 :: n2 :: stack’ ⇒ (n1 × n2 ) :: stack’
| ⇒ stack
Note that run instruction can be executed in the presence of an environment
and a stack. The execution of run instruction produces a new stack, that is, the
old stack modified according to the instruction that was executed.

Exercise 8.2.1 Run the commands below in Coq. The results are the expected
ones (pay attention to the last two)?
Compute (push const 10).
Compute (run instruction
(push const 10)
Compute (run instruction
(push var ”x”)
Compute (run instruction
(push var ”a”)
Compute (run instruction

(5 :: 6 :: 1 :: 4 :: nil)
Compute (run instruction
(5 :: 6 :: 1 :: 4 :: nil)
Compute (run instruction
(4 :: nil)
Compute (run instruction

The run instruction function executes only one instruction at a time. A pro-
gram for our stack machine is a list of instructions, so we define function that can
execute programs below:
Fixpoint run instructions
(is’ : list Instruction)
(env : string → nat)
(stack : list nat) :=
match is’ with
| nil ⇒ stack
| i :: is’’ ⇒ run instructions
(run instruction i env stack )
This new function allows us to execute a list of instructions: when the list of
instructions is empty, the stack remains unchanged; if the list is not empty, then
execute the first instruction to get a new stack, and then execute recursively the
rest of the instructions on the new stack. The function terminates when the list
of instructions is empty, that is, all instructions have been executed.

Exercise 8.2.2 Test the run instructions function by executing the commands be-
Definition pgm1 := [(push const 5); (push var ”a”) ; add].
Definition pgm2 :=

[ (push const 10) ; (push var ”a”) ; (push var ”b”) ; add ; mul].
Compute run instructions pgm1 Env nil.
Compute run instructions pgm2 Env nil.

8.3 Certified compilation

We are now ready to define a compiler. This compiler will translate expressions
into programs for the stack machine. The goal is to obtain a certified compiler.
First, we define our compiler as a function which does the translation:
Fixpoint compile (e : Exp) : list Instruction :=
match e with
| anum c ⇒ [push const c]
| avar x ⇒ [push var x ]
| aplus e1 e2 ⇒ (compile e1 ) ++ (compile e2 ) ++ (add :: nil)
| amul e1 e2 ⇒ (compile e1 ) ++ (compile e2 ) ++ (mul :: nil)
This function compiles expressions into programs that can be executed using
our the stack machine. The compilation of expressions that are numbers and
variables generates singleton lists that contain the corresponding push instruction.
Addition and multiplication are a bit more complex since their compilation requires
recursive compilation of the operands. Once these are compiled, the resulting
pieces of code are concatenated into the final program. Note that add and mul
are added at the end of the generated compiled program. This is because the
execution is based on stack and the addition (or multiplication) will be made after
the operands are evaluated and pushed to the stack.
Here is an example of what our compilation produces:
Compute compile (”a” +’ 4 *’ ”a”).
[push var ”a”; push const 4; push var ”a”; mul; add]
: list Instruction.
The execution of the generated program seems to produce the expected result.
Here is the execution of the initial program (recall that in Env the variable “a”
has value 10):
Compute interpret (”a” +’ 4 *’ ”a”) Env.
: nat.
Here is the confirmation that the compiled code returns the expected stack:
run instructions
(compile (”a” +’ 4 *’ ”a”))

: list nat.
Based on the above example, it looks like our compiler does the job well: the
compiled program produces the same result as the code generated by our compiler.
Our goal is to build a certified compiler, that is, a compiler that is guaranteed
to produce code that preserves the behaviour of the initial program. For our simple
compiler we can formulate a theorem that captures the fact that both programs
(the one to be compiled and the corresponding code generated by the compiler)
produce the same results. Since our compiler is a recursive function, we need to
prove first an invariant property, which states that partially compiled programs
produce the same results as their corresponding compiler generated code:
Lemma soundness helper :
∀ e env stack is’ ,
run instructions (compile e ++ is’ ) env stack =
run instructions is’ env ((interpret e env ) :: stack ).
induction e; intros; simpl; trivial.
- rewrite ← app assoc.
rewrite ← app assoc.
rewrite IHe1 .
rewrite IHe2 .
rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add comm.
- rewrite ← app assoc.
rewrite ← app assoc.
rewrite IHe1 .
rewrite IHe2 .
rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.mul comm.
This invariant is essential for proving the next theorem:
Theorem soundness :
∀ e env ,
run instructions (compile e) env nil =
[interpret e env ].
rewrite ← app nil r with (l := compile e).
rewrite soundness helper. simpl.

The soundness theorem states that executing the code generated by compiling
an expression produces the same result as executing the expression. The proof
uses the invariant lemma soundness helper which is essentially a generalisation of
the soundness theorem.

Let us draw some conclusions on what we did. First, we created an interpreter for
our expressions language. This interpreter is the intended formal semantics of our
language and can be used as a reference implementation for the language. Second,
we defined a stack machine which is totally unrelated to our expressions interpreter.
Third, we implemented a compiler which is able to translate expressions into lists
of instructions that can be executed using our stack machine. In a real-world
implementation, the generated machine code should be faster than the interpreter.
Finally, we proved that the code generated by our compiler produces the same
results as the reference interpreter for any expression. Therefore, we developed
a certified compiler for our language. This is not very common for the current
main stream compilers (e.g., gcc, javac, and others): these compilers are very
well-tested, but not certified. Only a few compilers can actually provide formal
guarantees that they are indeed correct (e.g., CompCert).

8.4 Exercises
Exercise 8.4.1 Create an interpreter and a compiler for a boolean expressions
language. The language should include at least the following expressions: the
boolean constants true and false, negation, conjunction and disjunction. For com-
pilation you can use the same stack machine (that we used in this chapter) or an
improved one, depending on your needs. In the end, formulate and prove properties
that increase the confidence in your compiler (i.e., soundness).

Chapter 9

Untyped lambda calculus

9.1 Functional programming

Functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are made
out of functions which can be composed to obtain the desired behavior. Instead of
using a sequence of statements (like in imperative programming) which alter the
memory (typically using assignments), in functional programming functions are
treated as first-class citizens. This allows functions to be bound to a particular
name, passed as arguments to other functions, or returned from other functions.
The most important trait of functional programming is that, in its pure imple-
mentations, it does not allow side-effects which definitely improves the quality of
the code (i.e., less bugs) and in the same time it makes programs more amenable
for program verification.
How is functional programming different from the other paradigms? All the
other programming paradigms (imperative, object-oriented) share the same com-
putational model: modify values stored in (memory) locations. This model is
known as the von Neumann machine and it is the model that originates the mod-
ern computer. On the other hand, this is not the only model that can be used for
computation. Functional programming does not refer to the concept of state. In-
stead, it uses rewriting: changes happen by transforming expressions. Therefore,
in functional programming there is no state, which implies that there is no assign-
ment. Moreover, the classical loops which modify the state as long as a guard is
satisfied, also losses its real sense. In functional programming, recursion becomes
one of the most important ingredients for sequence control.
Functional programming has its roots in lambda calculus, a very simple but
powerful language.

9.2 Untyped lambda (λ) calculus
Lambda calculus (a.k.a. λ-calculus) was introduced in 1930s by Alonzo Church.
The first version of λ-calculus was shown inconsistent by Stephen Kleene and J. B.
Rosser (check the Kleene-Rosser paradox). However, in 1936, Church publishes an
untyped version of λ-calculus, which is relevant computationally. A typed version
appeared in 1940s, and it is shown to be logically consistent.
Functions that can be computable are extremely important in computer science.
Lambda calculus does provide a simple semantics for computation. This enables
a formal approach when studying properties of computations. In 1935, Church
argued that any computable function on the natural numbers can be computed
using lambda calculus. In 1936, Turing developed what is now called the Turing
Machine and he showed that the two models (λ-calculus and the Turing Machine)
are equivalent1 . This is one of the most important ideas on computer science
because it unifies two fields that developed somehow independently: on the one
side we have algorithms and complexity (fields developed from the Turing Machine)
and on the other side we have programming language theory (field developed from
the λ-calculus).

9.2.1 λ-terms
Lambda calculus has a very simple syntax. Given a possibly infinite set of vari-
ables X, the BNF syntax of the λ-terms t is defined as:

t ::= x // where x ∈ X
| λx.t // where x ∈ X and t is a λ-term
| ts // where t and s are λ-terms

Abstractions The construction λx.t is called abstraction and it is a definition

of an anonymous function. For example, if in mathematics we define

f (x) = x2 + 2
then in λ-calculus this function can be encoded as an abstraction:

λx.x2 + 2.
Note that the function f (x) = x2 +2 takes an input, namely x, and then it performs
some calculation that involves x (i.e., compute the square of x and adds 2). The
abstraction λx.x2 + 2 does the same thing, except that we do not indicate a name
for the function. In lambda calculus, the abstraction operator in the term λx.t
binds x, that is, in t, x is seen as an input. In λx.x2 + 2, the input is x and t is
x2 + 2.
This is know as the Church-Turing thesis.

Not surprisingly, λy.y 2 + 2 denotes the exact same function: it takes an input
and performs the same calculation that involves that input. Later on we will see
that these two terms (λx.x2 + 2 and λy.y 2 + 2) are called α-equivalent.

Application The construction t s, where t and s are λ-terms, is called appli-

cation and it represents the application of the function t to the function s.
Here are some examples of λ-terms:

• x - is a λ-term because it is a variable;

• λx.x - it is an abstraction which represents the identity function;

• λx.y - a function that always returns y, no matter what is the input x;

• λx.(λy.x) - a function which takes two arguments and returns the first;

• (λx.x) y - an application of the identity function (λx.x) to an argument y;

later on this chapter we will see that this will evaluate to y, as expected.

Notational conventions In the BNF syntax of λ-terms there are no explicit

parentheses. However, we used parentheses in the examples shown above (e.g.,
λx.(λy.x), (λx.x) y) to avoid ambiguities.
To keep things as simple as possible, we will always use parentheses when
needed to avoid ambiguities. For example, without parentheses it is hard to say
whether the λ-term
λx.x λx.y
(λx.x) (λx.y)
λx.(x (λx.y)).
For newcomers, it is highly recommended to use explicit parentheses when needed.

9.2.2 Free and bound variables.

The set of free variables is computed using the function free : t → 2X defined

• free(x) = {x};

• free(λx.t) = free(t) \ {x};

• free(t s) = free(t) ∪ free(s).

The free variables of a term are the ones that are not captured by a binder.
As an example, here is the set of free variables of (λx.x) (λx.y):

free (λx.x) (λx.y) = free (λx.x) ∪ free (λy.y)
= free x \ {x} ∪ free y \ {x}
= {x} \ {x} ∪ {y} \ {x}
= ∅ ∪ {y}
= {y}.

Note that there is no binder for y in our example, so free (λx.x) (λx.y) = {y}.
Conversely, the set of bound variables is computed using the bound : t → 2X

• bound (x) = ∅;

• bound (λx.t) = bound (t) ∪ {x};

• bound (t s) = bound (t) ∪ bound (s).

We recall the previous example (λx.x) (λx.y), and we compute the set of bound
variables for this λ-term:

bound (λx.x) (λx.y) = bound (λx.x) ∪ bound (λx.y)
= bound x ∪ {x} ∪ bound y ∪ {x}
= ∅ ∪ {x} ∪ ∅ ∪ {x}
= {x} ∪ {x}
= {x}.

Since there is a binder for x in both λx.x and λx.y, x is an element in the set
of bound variables.

9.2.3 Capturing substitution

We now define capturing (or non-capture avoiding) substitution. The notation
t[t0 /x] stands for the term obtained from t by substituting t0 for all free occurrences
of x. The formal definition is below:

1. x[t0 /x] = t0 ;

2. y[t0 /x] = y, if y 6= x;

3. (λx.t)[t0 /x] = λx.t;

4. (λy.t)[t0 /x] = λy.(t[t0 /x]), if y 6= x;

5. (t s)[t0 /x] = (t[t0 /x]) (s[t0 /x]).

Note that t[t0 /x] simply replaces in t the free occurrences of x with t0 . This is
ensured by the third and fourth cases in the above definition: (λx.t)[t0 /x] results
in λx.t because x is bound in t, while (λy.t)[t0 /x] = λy.(t[t0 /x]) when y 6= x, that
is, x is free in t. Let us take a look at the following example:

(λx.x) (λx.y) [z/y] = (λx.x)[z/y] (λx.y)[z/y]
= λx.(x[z/y]) λx.(y[z/y])
= λx.x λx.z

It is worth noting
 that λx.(x[z/y]) is indeed λx.x because x[z/y] = x, while
λx.(y[z/y]) is equal by definition to λx.z because y[z/y].
However, there is something odd about the capturing substitution. For in-
stance, (λy.x)[y/x] is (by definition) equal to λy.(x[y/x]), which in turn, equals to
λy.y. So, we started with a term which ignores its input, that is (λy.x) and by
applying a substitution we obtain a term which does not ignore its input anymore,
namely, λy.y. Basically, we replace x with y, but in (λy.x), y is not free! The y
which replaces x is captured by the binder λy, and thus, we obtain a completely
different term. The trouble is that substitutions are syntactical operations, and
they should not change the behaviour of λ-terms.
A possible fix to this problem is to use an α-equivalent version of (λy.x), say
(λy 0 .x). Now, (λy 0 .x)[y/x] = λy 0 .(x[y/x]) = λy 0 .y. We obtained a similar λ-
term which ignores the input. Section 9.2.4 provides the appropriate definition for
capture-avoiding substitutions.

9.2.4 Capture-avoiding substitution

We are now ready to define a capture-avoiding substitution, which fixes the prob-
lem described above. We denote by tJt0 /xK the substitution that avoids capturing

1. xJt0 /xK = t0 ;

2. yJt0 /xK = y, if y 6= x;

3. (λx.t)Jt0 /xK = λx.t;

4. (λy.t)Jt0 /xK = λy 0 . (t[y 0 /y])Jt0 /xK , if y 6= x and y 0 is a fresh variable;

5. (t s)Jt0 /xK = (tJt0 /xK) (sJt0 /xK).

The major difference between the definition of capture-avoiding substitution

and the capturing substitution is in the fourth case: the capture-avoiding substi-
tution performs a renaming of the bound variable y with a fresh variable y 0 . Here,
fresh means that y 0 does not occur anywhere else in the involved terms. If we go
back to our tricky example we can observe the differences:

• Capturing substitution:

(λy.x)[y/x] = λy.(x[y/x]) = λy.y;

• Capture-avoiding substitution:

(λy.x)Jy/xK = λy 0 .((x[y 0 /y])Jy/xK) = λy 0 .(xJy/xK) = λy 0 .y.

Here is yet another example, where the substitution with a fresh variable makes
more sense:

• Capturing substitution:
λy.(x y) [y/x] = λy. (x y)[y/x] = λy. (x[y/x] y[y/x]) = λy.(y y);

• Capture-avoiding substitution:

λy 0 . (x y)[y 0 /y] Jy/xK
λy.(x y) Jy/xK =
λy 0 . (x[y 0 /y]) (y[y 0 /y]) Jy/xK

λy 0 . (x y 0 )Jy/xK

λy 0 . (xJy/xK) (y 0 Jy/xK)

= λy 0 .(y y 0 ).

Note that the obtained term λy 0 .(y y 0 ) contains the fresh variable y 0 which
was introduced by the capture-avoiding substitution.

9.2.5 Alpha equivalence

As you may have noticed, the identity function can be represented in many ways
as an abstraction. For instance, λx.x is one possibility, λy.y is another possibility.
Both λ-terms represent the identity function: they take an input and return that

input. We say that these two λ-terms, λx.x and λy.y, are alpha equivalent or
In general, in an abstraction λx.t, if the bound variable x is replaced everywhere
by a variable y (that does not occur in t) we obtain an α-equivalent form λy.t[y/x]
of λx.t. Typically, we use the notation t1 ≡α t2 to denote the fact that t1 and t2
are α-equivalent.
Here are some examples of α-equivalences:

1. λx.x ≡α λy.y;

2. (λx.x) (λy.y) ≡α (λz.z) (λy.y);

3. (λx.x) (λy.y) ≡α (λz.z) (λz.z);

4. (λx.x) (λy.y) ≡α (λz.z) (λz 0 .z 0 );

5. (λx.x) x ≡α (λy.y) x;

9.2.6 Beta-reduction
At the beginning of this chapter we mentioned that in λ-calculus we can express
computations. In fact, in λ-calculus there is only one computation rule, called

(λx.t) t0 →β tJt0 /xK.

The β-reduction rule is the rule that applies an abstraction (a function) to
an argument. The expression (λx.t) t0 is called redex (i.e., the place where the
β-reduction happens) and tJt0 /xK is called reductum (i.e., the reduced expression).
We discuss below some examples.
First, we discuss the identity function that we have seen before. Normally,
when applied to an argument it returns, as expected, the given argument:

(λx.x) y →β xJy/xK = y.
Here, (λx.x) y is the redex, while y is the reductum. Also, note that →β represents
a β-reduction step, while the result of the reduction xJy/xK is then computed using
the definition of the capture-avoiding substitution. 
Function application can be easily expressed as λf. λx.(f x) . When applied
to a function f and an argument x, λf. λx.(f x) should apply f to x. Here is an

λf. λx.(f x) (λx.x) z →β λx.(f x) J(λx.x)/f K z
λx0 . (f x)[x0 /x] J(λx.x)/f K z

λx0 . (f [x0 /x]) (x[x0 /x]) J(λx.x)/f K z

= λx0 . (f x0 )J(λx.x)/f K z
λx0 .(f J(λx.x)/f K x0 J(λx.x)/f K) z

= λx0 . (λx.x) x0 z
(λx.x) x0 Jz/x0 K

(λx.x)Jz/x0 K x0 Jz/x0 K
λx00 .(x00 [x00 /x])Jz/x0 K z

λx00 .x00 Jz/x0 K z

= (λx00 .x00 ) z
→β x00 Jz/x00 K
= z.

Note that the first input
 f of λf. λx.(f x) is applied to the second input x.
That is, λf. λx.(f x) can take a function as the first parameter (e.g., λx.x as
above). In fact, in lambda calculus, passing functions to other functions and
returning functions is very natural. This is why the programming languages based
on lambda calculus (e.g., functional languages like OCaml, Haskell, Coq, etc.) can
handle functions very easily. In contrast, in other programming languages passing
functions as inputs or returning functions require a lot of complicated code (e.g.,
pointers to functions in C). Recently, popular languages (C++, Java, C#) have
been enriched with lambda-functions which is regarded as a very cool feature that
allows them to write lambda terms. 
Below is another example of the same function λf. λx.(f x) applied to two
functions. Note that the resulted term is a term which represents a function too:

λf. λx.(f x) (λx.x) (λy.y) →β λx.(f x) J(λx.x)/f K (λy.y)
λx0 . (f x)[x0 /x] J(λx.x)/f K

= (λy.y)
λx0 . (f [x0 /x]) (x[x0 /x]) J(λx.x)/f K

= (λy.y)
= λx0 . (f x0 )J(λx.x)/f K (λy.y)

λx0 .(f J(λx.x)/f K x0 J(λx.x)/f K) (λy.y)

= λx0 . (λx.x) x0 (λy.y)

→β (λx.x) x J(λy.y)/x0 K

(λx.x)J(λy.y)/x0 K x0 J(λy.y)/x0 K
λx00 .(x00 [x00 /x])J(λy.y)/x0 K (λy.y)

λx00 .x00 J(λy.y)/x0 K (λy.y)

= (λx00 .x00 ) (λy.y)
→β x00 J(λy.y)/x00 K
= (λy.y).

The inputs of λf. λx.(f x) are the identity functions λx.x and λy.y, while the
output is λy.y, that is, a function.

Convention The above examples are very detailed, especially when computing
substitutions. Due to the high level of detail, it becomes harder to follow such
long examples. As a convention, we will often omit the part where substitutions
are computed and we will focus only on the β-reductions. As always, there is a
catch: do not forget to rename the bound variables when needed! Here is the same
example as above, written using our new convention:
λf. λx.(f x) (λx.x) (λy.y) →β λx0 . (λx.x) x0 (λy.y)
00 00
→β (λx .x ) (λy.y)
→β (λy.y).

It is now easier to see that f has been replaced by λx.x. Also, note that in the sec-
ond step, x in λx.x was replaced by x00 - this is the definition of the capture-avoiding
substitution. However, for this particular case, this renaming is not necessary be-
cause the variables in λy.y do not interact with the variables in λx.x. We can
actually rewrite the example as follows:
λf. λx.(f x) (λx.x) (λy.y) →β λx0 . (λx.x) x0 (λy.y)

→β (λx.x) (λy.y)
→β (λy.y).

9.2.7 Normal forms
When a λ-term t cannot be reduced anymore, that is, the β-reduction rule cannot
be applied, we say that t is in normal form. For instance, λx.(λy.x) is in normal
form, while λx. (λy.x) z is not in normal form. This term can be further reduced:
λx. (λy.x) z →β λx. xJz/yK = λx.x.

Now, λx.x is a normal form for λx. (λy.x) z .
Not all lambda terms have a normal form. For example, the sequence
λx.(x x) λx.(x x) →β λx.(x x) λx.(x x) →β · · ·
is infinite.
Exercise 9.2.1 Let Y be a shorthand for λf. λx. f (x x) λx. f (x x) .

What is the normal form of Y (λx.x) ?

9.2.8 Evaluation strategies

It is often the case that the β-reduction rule can be applied in several loca-
tios under a lambda
 term. For instance, when computing the normal form of
(λx.x) (λy.y) z we can have two possible ways of finding it:

1. (λx.x) (λy.y) z →β (λy.y) z → z, or

2. (λx.x) (λy.y) z →β (λx.x) z → z.

This happens because (λx.x) (λy.y) z has more than one redex: we can either
apply the reduction rule at (λx.x) . . . or we can apply it for (λy.y) z . In both
cases we obtain the same result. Since we obtain the same result, why should
we care about how β-reductions are applied? It turns out that the evaluation
strategies that are used to apply the β-reduction rule may impact the performance.
We discuss different evaluation strategies below.

Full-beta reduction
This strategy says that any redex can be reduced at any time. This strategy is
more like a no strategy to apply β-reductions. Any of the previous reductions

1. (λx.x) (λy.y) z →β (λy.y) z → z, or

2. (λx.x) (λy.y) z →β (λx.x) z → z.

are allowed by the full-beta reduction strategy.

Exercise 9.2.2 What are the possible successors of (λx.x) (λz.z) (λy.y) x0
using the full beta-reduction strategy?

This strategy says that the leftmost, outermost redex is reduced first. Back to our
example, only 
(λx.x) (λy.y) z →β (λy.y) z → z
is allowed (which is different from full-beta reduction, see above). This strategy
allows exactly one successor (up to α-equivalence) for any given lambda term.
Also, normal-order is a non-strict evaluation strategy because it does not require
that the arguments of an abstraction (function) are evaluated before β-reduction.
Exercise 9.2.3 Find the normal form of (λx.x) (λz.z) (λy.y) x0 using the
normal-order strategy.

Call-by-Name (CBN)
This strategy is a restricted version of the normal-order strategy where applications
of the β-reduction rule inside a lambda abstraction is forbidden. Note the difference
between this strategy and the previous strategy below:

• Normal-order:

(λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x →β

Here, the β-reduction rule inside a lambda abstraction is allowed.

• Call-by-name:

(λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x 6→β .

 inside a lambda abstraction is forbidden. The 6→β

Here, the β-reduction rule
suggests that (λy.y) z cannot be reduced using the call-by-name strategy.

The Call-by-Name strategy has advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes,

the evaluation can be drastically shortened because it is a non-strict strategy (as
normal-order). For instance,
λx.(λy.y) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β λy.y,

It is easy to notice that CBN has a clear advantage here:

 λy.y is the only successor

here, and there is no need to evaluate the argument (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x .

On the other hand, CBN can create more complexity than needed. In the
example below, the argument needs to evaluated twice:

λx.(x x) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
(λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
λx. (λy.y) x (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
(λy.y) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

(λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x 6→β .

Because in λx.(x x) the input x is used twice, whatever input is passed to this
function will be evaluated twice. In order to avoid such issues, a slight variation
of CBN called call-by-need, evaluates each term only once and then reuses the
previously computed results.

Call-by-value (CBV)
The call-by-value strategy is probably the most common among the mainstream
languages. The idea behind CBV is simple: the arguments of a function are
completely evaluated to values first, and then the function is called on those values.
In lambda calculus, CBV means to reduce the leftmost, innermost redex which is
not inside a lambda abstraction. The only values are lambda abstractions.
Here is an example that highlights the difference between CBN and CBV:

• Call-by-name:
(λf.f ) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

(λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x 6→β .

Recall that the β-reduction rule inside a lambda abstraction is forbidden.

Moreover, note that the arguments are not evaluated before applying func-

• Call-by-value:
(λf.f ) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
(λf.f ) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x 6→β .

In constrast, for CBV we first evaluate the argument (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x
and then we apply λf.f .  For this argument, we apply CBV as well: first
we evaluate λx. (λy.y) x - which is already a value and then we apply
 to it. Now that we obtained the result λx. (λy.y) x when evaluat-

ing (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x , the application of λf.f to this result produces

λx. (λy.y) x .

In some cases CBV performs a smaller number of steps than CBN.

λx.(x x) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
λx.(x x) λx. (λy.y) x →β

λx. (λy.y) x 6→β .

But in the same time, CBV can determine useless evaluations. In the following
example, CBN terminates in just a single step, while for CBV we have some
additional (unnecessary) steps:

λx.(λy.y) (λz.z) λx. (λy.y) x →β
λx.(λy.y) λx. (λy.y) x →β

Other strategies
We have discussed only a few strategies here (full beta-reduction, normal-order,
call-by-name (+ call-by-need), call-by-value), but these are not the only evaluation
strategies. We chose to discuss only these because they are the most common ones.
In the literature you will find that there are other strategies for lambda calculus
like applicative-order, optimal reduction, and lazy evaluation.


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