BSC Nursing Thesis
BSC Nursing Thesis
BSC Nursing Thesis
Diabetes mellitus is a silent killer of mankind that leads to huge
economic loss in a developing country like India. There is a need for better
treatments with less adverse effects to minimise the burden on the health and
economy of an individual and the society. The main aim of the study was to
prepare a polyherbal powder for diabetes mellitus and evaluate the powder
based on organoleptic, rheological and physico and phytochemical
characteristics. Herbs used in the preparation of the polyherbal powder
were Ocimum sanctum, Aegle marmelos, Emblica officinalis, Trigonella
foenum-graecum, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Momordica
charantia, Syzgium cumini, Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Curcuma longa.
Evaluations were done using standard procedures. Organoleptic characters of
the polyherbal powder were found to be dull brown in colour, characteristic
odour and astringent taste with moderately fine texture. Phytochemical
qualitative analysis indicated the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids,
tannins, steroids, carbohydrates and glycosides. Physicochemical analysis
revealed longer stability with good flow property of the polyherbal powder.
Thus, the polyherbal powder was evaluated, which has a potential to treat
diabetes mellitus.
Polyherbal powder, ash value, Carr’s index, phytoconstituents, moisture
India is considered as the diabetic capital of the world. Diabetes mellitus (DM)
is the systematic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia, insulin
resistance and relative insulin deficiency with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat
and protein metabolism. Its incidence is increasing throughout the world at an
alarming pace, which is expected to cause grave secondary complications over
time like neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, cardiovascular disease,
retinopathy and dyslipidemia. In today’s scenario, about 90 % of the young
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Considering the facts, the most commercially successful and widely used
branch of alternate or complementary medicine is phytotherapy, which
acquires to be ‘synergy’ that is more effective than the sum of their parts. India
is considered as the emporium of medicinal plants because in different
bioclimatic zones, there exists a diverse availability of several thousands of
medicinal plants and thus has a rich history of using herbal plants for medicinal
purposes. Traditionally, herbal medicines and their preparations are being used
in various therapies owing to its natural origin and lesser side effects than
synthetic drugs[6-11].
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Moisture content:
Loss on drying is a parameter to keep the moisture content under check as the
large amounts of moisture can promote hydrolytic reactions and microbial
growth. The moisture content was measured using the gravimetric method and
loss on drying was calculated. Two grams of PHP was placed in a weighed
preheated porcelain dish and then was kept in a hot air oven and dried at 105°
till constant weight or two consecutive weights differing by 0.5 mg was
observed. Weight was taken after drying and was transferred to the desiccator
to cool and then again porcelain dish was reweighed. Percent moisture content
was calculated using the Eqn., % moisture content = (W1-W2)/W)×100,
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
where, W is the weight of the sample (2 g), W1 is the weight of the sample
before drying and W2 is the weight of the sample after drying.
Ash content:
The ash values usually represent the inorganic residues such as phosphates,
carbonates and silicates present in herbal drugs. These are important indices to
illustrate the quality as well as purity of herbal medicine. The objective to
evaluate is to remove all traces of organic matter, which may otherwise
interfere in an analytical determination.
Total ash:
Empty silica crucible was weighed (W1). About 3 g (W2) of the air-dried PHP
was added to the previously weighed crucible. The sample was ignited
gradually in an electrical muffle furnace, increasing the heat to 500- 600° until
it is white, indicating the absence of carbon. Then it was cooled in a desiccator
and reweighed (W3). Total ash content was calculated as % total ash = ((W3-
Acid-insoluble ash:
Twenty five millilters of dilute HCl was added to the total ash containing
crucible. It was then covered with watch-glass and boiled gently for 5 min.
With 5 ml of hot water, the watch glass was washed and the washings were
added to the crucible. Then, ashless filter paper was used to filter the insoluble
matter and washed with hot water until the neutral filtrate was obtained. The
filter paper containing the insoluble matter was transferred to the original
crucible, dried on a hotplate and ignited to constant weight (W4). The residue
was allowed to cool in a desiccator for 30 min and then reweighed. W1 is
weight of empty silica crucible, W2 is the weight of sample including crucible
for ignition, W3 is the final weight of sample including crucible weight after
ignition and W4 is the constant weight after addition of HCl. Acid-insoluble
ash content was calculated as, % acid-insoluble ash = (W4–W1)/(W2–
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Water-soluble ash:
In the total ash containing crucible, 25 ml of water was added, boiled for 5 min
and filtered through an ashless filter-paper. The insoluble matter collected on
the filter paper was washed with hot water and then the filter paper ignited in a
crucible for 15 min at a temperature not exceeding 500°. The residue was
allowed to cool in a desiccator for 30 min and re-weighed (W5). %
watersoluble ash was calculated as, (W7–W6)×100, where, W1 is the weight
of empty silica crucible, W2 is the weight of sample including crucible weight
for ignition, W3 is the final weight of sample including crucible weight after
ignition, W6 is the weight of residue, which is W5–W1, W7 is the weight of
ash, which is W3–W1 and water-soluble ash is W7–W6 mg/g.
Carr’s Index defines the measure of the intensity by which the powder can be
compressed and Hausner’s ratio is defined as the indirect ease of the flow of
the powder. Thus, their determination requires the determination of true
density and tapped density. Carr’s index is calculated using the following
formula, Carr’s index = (ρtap-ρb)/ρtap)/×100. Hausner’s ratio is calculated using
the formula, Hausner’s ratio= ρtap/ρb.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Bulk density is determined as follows, 5 g of PHP (M) was added into a dry
100 ml cylinder, without compacting the powder was carefully levelled and the
unsettled apparent volume (V0) was read and noted. The bulk density (ρ b) was
calculated as ρb= M/V0, where, M is the weight of sample and V is the
apparent volume of powder. Tapped density is determined by tapping the PHP
500 times, followed by additional taps of 750 times, then 1250 until the
difference between succeeding measurement is less than 2 % and then tapped
volume (Vf) was measured. The tapped density (ρ tap) was calculated, in g/ml,
using the following formula, ρtap = M/Vf, where M is the weight of the sample
and Vf is the tapped volume of powder. Summary of the relative flowability of
the powder concerning the angle of repose, Carr’s index and Hausner’s ratio is
depicted in Table 1.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Molisch test was conducted by adding to 0.5 ml of aqueous PHP solution a few
drops of alcoholic α-naphthol solution followed by the addition along the sides
of test tubes 0.2 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid. Formation of a reddish-
violet ring at the junction of the two layers indicated the presence of
carbohydrates. For reducing sugars Benedict’s test was performed by taking
0.5 ml of aqueous PHP solution, shaking with 2.5 ml of water, filtered and the
filtrate was heated to concentrate. To the concentrated filtrate, 5 ml of
Benedict’s solution was added and boiled for 5 min. Formation of a brick red
precipitate indicated the presence of free reducing sugar. Fehling’s test was
conducted by mixing equal volumes of Fehling’s A (copper sulphate in
distilled water) and Fehling’s B (potassium tartrate and sodium hydroxide in
distilled water) reagents and to the mixture a few drops of aqueous PHP
solution were added and boiled. A brick-red precipitate of cuprous oxide
indicated the presence of free reducing sugar.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
A pinch of the dried PHP was added to 3 ml of distilled water and the mixture
was shaken vigorously.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Tannins were detected by the lead acetate test, in which few drops of 10 %
lead acetate were added to 0.5 ml of the aqueous PHP solution. Formation of a
precipitate indicated the presence of tannins. Ferric chloride test in which a few
drops of 0.1 % ferric chloride solution was added to 0.5 ml of aqueous PHP
solution and presence of tannins were indicated by either the formation of a
blue-black or brownish-green colouration.
Few drops of 10 % lead acetate solution were added to the aqueous PHP
solution and the presence of phenolic compounds was indicated by the
formation of white precipitate. Few drops of neutral 5 % ferric chloride
solution was added to the 0.5 ml of aqueous PHP solution. Presence of
phenolic compounds were indicated by the formation of dark green colour.
Proteins were detected with Biuret test in which to 0.5 ml of aqueous PHP
solution, 4 % sodium hydroxide solution and few drops of 1 % copper sulphate
solution were added. Protein’s presence was indicated by the appearance of
violet colour. Oils and fats were detected when a small quantity of the PHP
was taken between two filter papers and pressed. Presence of oil stain on the
filter papers indicated the presence of oils and fats. Presence of coumarins was
tested by adding to 0.5 ml of aqueous PHP solution 10 % sodium hydroxide.
The appearance of an yellow colour indicated the presence of coumarins.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Specifically, the plant’s leaf and stem are characterized by pale yellow corolla,
slightly pointed bracts and cube calcium oxalate crystals scattered in the soft
tissue of the leaf; the herbal powder has twisted vascular grafts, unicellular
hairs, among others.
Patients in the HAA group underwent AP with herbal powder, which was
mainly GXSHP, and patients in the PAA group underwent AP with sham
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
and side effects of radiotherapy in oral cavity cancer patients was the aim of
this pilot study.
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
I. CollectionandAuthentication
II. Processing of raw materials
Material & Method
Bulk density
Tapped density
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
The symptoms of diabetes maybe pronounced, subdued, oreven absent.
In Type 1 diabetes, the classic symptoms are excessive secretion of
urine(polyuria),thirst (polydipsia),weight loss and tiredness.
These symptoms may be less marked in Type 2 diabetes. In this form, it
canalsohappenthatnoearlysymptomsappearandthediseaseisonlydiagnosed several
years after its onset, when complications are already present.
Epidemiology of diabetes
The incidence of diabetic is growing rapidly in United States and worldwide. Globally
as of 2010,an estimated 285 million people had diabetes, with type IImaking up about
90% of the cases. In 2013, according to International DiabetesFederation an estimated
381 million people had diabetes, its prevalence is increasingrapidly. It is estimated that
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
more than 250 million people worldwide are afflicted with diabetes and the prevalence
is expected to exceed350 million by the year 2030.
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Hormones play an important role in regulating theme tabolic activities of the body,
particularly the hameost as is of blood glucose. The pan creasis both an endocrine and
exocrine gland, in which hend ocrine produces the pepti dehorm one insulin, glucagon
and somatost at inandexo crinegl and producesd igestive enzymes The pepti dehorm
onesare secreted from cells located in theis let of Langerhans
(βcells produce in sulin, alpha cells produces glucagon nand δ cells produce
Insulin was discovered in 1921 by Banting and best who demonstrated thehy pogly
caemic action of an extract of pancreas. In 1922 an extract containing insulinwas first
used on a 14 year old boy suffering from severe diabetes mellitus with excellent
response. Insulin was then purified in a few years.
Insulin is composed of two chains of amino acids named chain A (21 aminoacids) and
chain B (30 amino acids) that are linked together by two disulfide bridges.There is a 3rd
disulfide bridge within the A chain that links the 6th and 11th residuesofthe Achain
In most species, the length and amino acid compositions of chains A and B aresimilar,
and the positions of the three disulfide bonds are highly conserved. For thisreason, pig
insulin can be used to replace deficient human insulin levels in diabetespatients. Today,
porcine insulin has largely been replaced by the mass production of human proinsul in
by bacteria (recombinant insulin).
The binding of insulin results in a wide range of actions that take place overdifferent
periods of time. Almost immediately, insulin promotes the uptake of glucoseinto many
tissues that express GLUT4 glucose transporters, such as skeletal muscleand fat. Insulin
increases the the activity of these transporters and increases theirnumbers by stimulating
their recruitment from an intracellular pool to the cell surface.Not all tissues require
insulin for glucose uptake. Tissues such as liver cells, red bloodcells, the gut mucosa,
the kidneys, and cells of the nervous system use a glucose transporter that is not insulin
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Over minutes to hours, insulin alters the activity of various enzymes as are sult
of changes in their phosphorylation status.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
Physicochemical Analysis
1 Physicochemical Evaluation
1. Determination of Moisture Content (%LOD):
A two gram sample was put into a glass petriplate that had been heated,
weighed, and dried in a hot air oven for two hours at 130°C till construction.
After cooling in the dessicator after being weighed after drying, the glass petri
disc was reweighed. Weight loss as a percentage of moisture content was
determined [27].
W1 = weight of sample before drying
W2 = weight of sample after drying
Moisture content (%) = W1 − W2 x100
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
LOD= = 42.13-42.00
1. Determination of Ash Content
Two grams of the material wereput into a pre-weighed crucible, which was then
exposed to a muffle furnace's 820°C for four hours beforebeing cooled in a dessicator
and weighed.
weight of sample
2. Angle of Repose
The angle of repose was measured using the stationary funnel technique. A funnel was
positioned abovegraph paper that was laid out horizontally and fastened with its point
at a specific height (h). The mixturewas meticulously poured through the funnel until
the conical pile's peak touched the funnel's tip. Thecylindrical pile's base's radius was
calculated. The following method was used to determine the angle ofrepose :
Tan θ = h/r
= 41.57-41.3
= 0.65%
Where, θ = Angle of repose, h = Height of the cone, r = Radius of the cone base.
3. Bulk Density
A dry 100 milliliter measuring cylinder was filled with a 15 g powder mixture without
being compacted. Withoutcompactingvol. was measured.
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
ρb = M / Vo
Bulk density = M
= 2
= 0.087
Tapped Density = 2
= 0.111
= 2
= 0.118
ρtap = M / Vf
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BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly
(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
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(B.Pharma 8th Sem.)
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BIU College of pharmacy Bareilly International University, Bareilly