News Round-Up: E.U.: President's Editorial
News Round-Up: E.U.: President's Editorial
News Round-Up: E.U.: President's Editorial
Copyright and Related Rights, scheduled to take place November 21-28, 2011 there will be an additional three days of discussions dedicated to exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives. This means a unique opportunity for libraries
and archives to advocate for favourable exceptions and limitations. As EBLIDA President, I invite you all to read with attention the article on page two that showing the path to follow to support IFLA. Let me remind you that the registration for the 3rd LIBER-EBLIDA Workshop on Digitisation of Library Material in Europe is now closed, and that the programme will offer interesting presentation both for public and research libraries. I wish all attendees an excellent Workshop. To conclude, after this busy summertime, with all the changes in the Office (move to the National Library of the Netherlands, departure of Joanne Yeomans), our director has published a job opportunity to recruit a new Office Assistant. With more than 25 candidates, the selection process has led to select 5 applicants who have been interviewed on the 21st of September. The process is still ongoing and we hope to give you more information in the next issue on the result of the interviews, and especially to introduce our new colleague to all of you.
Published in the Communication "A Budget for Europe 2020" this proposals is the start of the negociations between the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in order to adopt the next budgetary framePage 1
EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet
work of the Union. The Commission proposes to allocate 1.6 billion for the cultural sector (current programmes for Culture, MEDIA and MEDIA Mundus). For the moment it is just a proposal. But be sure that EBLIDA along with other cultural
organisations and European platforms for Culture (such as Culture Action Europe) will activate their networks to support this budget proposal. Indeed, the financial crisis threatens severely the cultural sector. But meanwhile the European Union insists on the importance of Cultural Diversity and inter-cultural dialogue. The time has come to show solidarity and a united front to fight against the damages caused by the financial crisis and to support strong investments in Culture and especially in libraries. The European Culture Forum in October will offer cultural organisations the opportunity to share their experiences and opinions on the situation of Culture in Europe, and will leave some room to exchange on the Creative Europe budget proposal. More information on the proposal of the Commission and the associated documents can be found at
WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, 21-28 November, Geneva (Switzerland)
IFLA has been advocating at the SCCR in support of an updated framework that meets the needs of libraries in the 21st century. To demonstrate the change that is needed, and to support the SCCRs work, IFLA has produced a Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives (TLIB) which would can guide WIPO to update exceptions and limitations for libraries worldwide. In preparation for this important meeting, IFLA would like to engage all national library associations in Europe to support TLIB. They need to convince their governments to support updated exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives at this meeting. EBLIDA is supporting IFLA, and therefore ask you to help IFLA in this cause. To better understand what IFLA requires, they have produced a TLIB advocacy information package which contains: a support plan a draft letter to request a meeting with copyright governmental representatives draft discussion points for the meeting the Draft Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and Archives (TLIB) TLIB Frequently asked questions and answers Leaflet: The Role of Libraries and Archives Leaflet: A WIPO Treaty That Benefits Libraries, Archives and Their Users We kindly ask you to 1. Follow the instructions in the support plan and schedule a meeting with a copyright governmental representative in your country in September or October. 2. For any questions on the draft treaty or this process, contact 3. When you have scheduled a meeting, also report back to to discuss next steps. For any information, and to access the package, please contact
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EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet
nological innovation are seldom technical but more often of a societal nature. They address legal and organisational changes that are necessary for the new technology to become available in practice. The European Digital Library has encountered both organisational and legal challenges. The organisational have been solved by Europeana, and the legal challenges are near their solution in the form of the Proposal for a Directive on certain permitted uses of orphan works, and the Memorandum of Understanding on Outof-Commerce Works, which is the occasion for this celebration. The library organisations welcome the positive outcome of the Stakeholder Dialogue on Out of Commerce Works. And we hope that this first step in the development of efficient collective rights management mechanisms may be followed by initiatives in other areas. It is not a small matter that we, rights holders organisations and libraries, have succeeded in agreeing on a difficult and controversial matter. Without constructive thinking and good will this had not been possible. We can be proud of this achievement. We have completed our part. However, every completed job leads to new tasks. For this Memorandum of Understanding to become effective in practice it needs legal support, and we look forward to the initiatives of the Commission. [] .
Indeed, there is still a long way to go. Especially since the last speaker, Commissioner Michel Barnier stated clearly that legislation is not always the solution. Meaning that the Commission was keen to give contract a chance, rather than constraint. Since the EU will legislate on Orphan works, the MoU on Out-of-Commerce Works have been a different angle to
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EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet
tackle the making available online of the European Cultural Heritage. But what will be the next steps? Indeed, before the parties can engage themselves in licensing agreements, legislation to enable collective licensing solution and to solve the cross-border issue must be in place. Therefore, EBLIDA will be vigilant and will keep you informed of the evolution of the process. After the signature, the European Commission published a press release at reference=MEMO/11/619&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en At the end of the event, Myriam Diocaretz, Secretary General of the European Writers Council showed a strong will to engage in a closer dialogue with library organisations. Ms Diocaretz have asked for a meeting with EBLIDA in the coming months. EBLIDA positively accepted her invitation, and we do hope to give your more information in next issues.
EBLIDA activities
EGCIS position paper to be translated in as many languages as possible: a call to every EBLIDA member!
In may 2011, EBLIDAs Expert Group on Culture and Information Society (EGCIS) published the position paper Libraries cultural peaks for information and inspiration. You can find the English version at eblida/15/1305721457.pdf. Since then, the position paper has been translated into Czech, and will be soon placed on the website. The German version is under revision and will also come soon. You are most welcome to translate it into your own language. In order to avoid any double work, please contact Hella Klauser (EGCIS chair) at who will coordinate the work.
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EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet
IE library
Campus Madrid location: C/ Castelln de la Plana, 8 28006 Madrid Spain Tfno: (+34) 917 821 708 Fax: (+34) 917 821 707
Headlibrarian: Amada Marcos Campus Segovia location: Campus de Santa Cruz la Real C/ Cardenal Ziga, 12 40003 Segovia Spain Tfno: (+34) 921 412 210 Fax: (+34) 921 445 593
IE library is formed by IE Business School and IE University. The Library has the mission of meet communitys educational and research needs with whom works, collaborating on knowledge creating process by means of the access and diffusion of services and resources. The IE Library is part of the Instituto de Empresa (Company Institute) University which is a worldwide network of Business Schools. It strives to meet the needs of both teachers and students by giving them access to services and resources which give way to creation and knowledge. The IE Library works in a way that ensures the development of its academic community according to the demands of excellence and innovation stipulated by the European Higher Education Area. The IE Library provides a complete set of tools for its community including an online Library search engine, podcasts, RSS feeds, a library social network to support teaching, learning and research, a Facebook profile, YouTube and Flickr sites with content from events, interviews and conferences, an Online Librarian Support Service, and has developed its library catalogue, which contains books, databases, ebooks, press, and multimedia files, to be specialised on Architecture, Communication, Biology, Art History, Psychology, Tourism and Business Administration. Strategy: The IE Library cooperates with a lot of organisations, and is member of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations), Organizational member of ALA (American Library Association), EBSLG (European Business School Librarians Group), REPEC (Research Papers in Economics), Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administracin (CLADEA), Special Libraries Association (SLA), FESABID (Federacin Espaola de Sociedades de Archivstica, Biblioteconoma, Documentacin y Musestica) upon being adscribed to SEDIC (Asociacin Espaola de Documentacin e Informacin), CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Espaolas), the Madroo Consortium (Bibliotecas Universitarias Pblicas de la Comunidad de Madrid, UNED y la Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa), the Permanent Committee Lnea N 2 of REBIUNs strategiuc plan (Red Espaola de Bibliotecas Universitarias) 2007-2011.FECYT (Fundacin Espaola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologa). The IE Library with help of the Jean Monets centre for European Studies created the rincn europeo inside the premises of IE Library and the Social Science Research Network(SRRN), awarded by the European Commission. The IE Library is also a Contributor to Alimarket (a web-page for economical-sectorial information) and to Docuteria (a webpage on intellectual capital, economy and banking).The IE Library is in process for being a member of Red Europea de Informacin y Documentacin sobre Amrica Latina (REDIAL). And just recently IE Library joined EBLIDA.
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EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet
EU LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) Call for proposals 2011: EAC/49/10 Various deadlines from 14 January to 14 October 2011. The Grundtvig sub-programme is of particular interest to public libraries as it deals with adult education and lifelong learning. Other sub-programmes dealing with schools, higher education and academic training may also be of interest as well as the key actions. Application forms and full details will be available on the EACEA page >> The full text of the LLP General Call for proposals 20112013 Strategic Priorities, together with the LLP Programme Guide 2011 and other information can be found on the LLP website at doc848_en.htm
Funding opportunities managed by Education, Audiovisual and Culture European Agency (EACEA)
The level of grants awarded and the duration of projects vary depending on factors such as the type of project and the number of countries involved.
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EBLIDA - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 - 2595 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Email: Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 09h00 to 17h00 - Editor: Vincent Bonnet