CH 4
CH 4
CH 4
Clinically significant fear is when you feel a threat towards your well
being and anxiety is when you feel like you’re in danger. It what trigger
us to “Fight or Flight”. Everyday fear or anxiety is when things go
above the norm lasting at least 6 months. When anxiety reaches a
level that impacts someone ability to live their normal everyday life
this is when anxiety disorder may be the result.
Fear is a short time feeling that usually subsides once what caused
the individual to become fearful is remover and phobia is persistent
can be effected cause anxiety or a panic attract when the topic or
things is seen or talked about. Phobia also may cause dysfunction.
7. Describe at least four characteristics of agoraphobia.
13. Following the example of the case vignettes in the textbook, write
a description of someone experiencing an obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Include the MOST common themes in obsessive thoughts and
compulsive behaviors.
Bob must clean the house every night and put everything in its proper
place or he wouldn’t be able to sleep properly knowing when he wakes
up in the morning nothing was put in its proper place.