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CH 4

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Chapter 4


1. What criteria are used to distinguish between clinically

significant fear and anxiety and everyday fear and anxiety? Give
examples of each.

Clinically significant fear is when you feel a threat towards your well
being and anxiety is when you feel like you’re in danger. It what trigger
us to “Fight or Flight”. Everyday fear or anxiety is when things go
above the norm lasting at least 6 months. When anxiety reaches a
level that impacts someone ability to live their normal everyday life
this is when anxiety disorder may be the result.

2. Briefly compare and contrast the sociocultural, psychodynamic,

humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, and biological perspectives
regarding the development of generalized anxiety disorders.
They all are trigger points which makes up generalized anxiety. They branch out in a way
because social anxiety perspective seems to come from a person being distant from his/her pairs,
stay alone and psychodynamic is when a person shows signs of defiance tactics during thraphy
sessions. They suffer from feeling the pressure when young and getting in severe trouble for id
impulses, or parents being so protective over them that their too weak to control anxiety.
Humanistic perspective is show as people ignoring their true emotions, thoughts and behavior
make an individual extremely anxious making it hard for them to fulfill their potential as human
beings. Cognitive behavior perspective is they assume the reason for psychological disorders is
because of problematic behavior and dysfunctional thinking and biological perspective is if a
family member or multiple family members have this same disorder most likely an individual
have a greater chance of have the same possible behavior or problems.

3. Identify and provide examples for basic irrational assumptions,

meta-worries, and intolerance of uncertainty theory from the
cognitive-behavioral perspective's explanation of anxiety.

An example of irrational assumptions, meta-worries and intolerance is

viewing yourself insufficient for not doing a task right like a job
assignment then assuming for yourself no value due to your worry and
assumption that your peers won’t find you of value. While in cognitive
behavioral perspective they teach you how to accept your worry and
to accept those thought as mere action of the mind. In acceptance and
commitment therapy they teach client to accept worries instead of
eliminating it which lessens its strength.

4. Explain in detail, from a biological perspective, how GABA is related

to the experience of anxiety. What are some limitations of this

GABA is related to experience anxiety because it becomes apart of it.

Some anxieties may wear off when others remain for long periods of
time being hard to a person to function or ignore.

5. What are the effects, positive and negative, of taking

benzodiazepines for generalized anxiety disorder?

Benzodiazepines positively help with panic attacks but negatively their

used less than antidepressants because of their risk factors such as
drowsiness or confusion.

6. Describe at least four differences between normal fear and phobia.

Identify some of the uses of fear.

Fear is a short time feeling that usually subsides once what caused
the individual to become fearful is remover and phobia is persistent
can be effected cause anxiety or a panic attract when the topic or
things is seen or talked about. Phobia also may cause dysfunction.
7. Describe at least four characteristics of agoraphobia.

Afraid to be in public places, hard to escape certain situations,

experience panic, become incapacitated,

8. Describe how a cognitive-behaviorist would explain the

development of a dog phobia, using modeling. Include an example.

Cognitive-behaviorist would example the development by way of

classical conditioning. For example if a parent shows a certain fear
constantly in from of a child eventually the child may adapt to that
same fear causing that fear to be long termed.

9. Describe in detail the exposure therapies of systematic

desensitization, flooding, and modeling in the treatment of specific

Systematic desensitization is when the therapies teach the client

relaxing techniques which helps them relax the muscle now the
phobia appears. Flooding Is when the therapist cause the client to
image the phobia at a more severe/ fearful leave than it actually is and
by the overly seeing this phobia its suppose to have the client think
the phobia is not as bad. Modeling treatment is when the therapist
confront the fear object and the client observes.

10. Describe the differences between in vivo desensitization and

covert desensitization and give an example of each. Include virtual
reality in your response.

Vivo desensitization is when therapist use stimulus to reduce phobias

and covert desensitization is when they remember the stimulus while
trying to find peace.

11. Imagine that a person has a diagnosed panic disorder. Based on

the latest research, which treatment options are most appropriate for
this person?
The best treatments for panic disorders are antidepressants and

12. List at least four dysfunctional beliefs and expectations behind

social anxiety disorder.
“Holding unrealistically high social standards and so believing that they must perform
perfectly in social situations. Believing they are unattractive social beings. Believing they
are socially unskilled and inadequate. Believing they are always in danger of behaving
incompetently in social situations.” Page 120

13. Following the example of the case vignettes in the textbook, write
a description of someone experiencing an obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Include the MOST common themes in obsessive thoughts and
compulsive behaviors.

Bob must clean the house every night and put everything in its proper
place or he wouldn’t be able to sleep properly knowing when he wakes
up in the morning nothing was put in its proper place.

14. Compare the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral perspectives

regarding the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Psychodynamic perspective is when the anxiety of something leads to

obsessive-compulsive disorders for example; as mentioned in the book
a woman afraid her mom may be lying broken and bleeding so she
frequently always check on her making sure she ok. Cognitive-
behavior perspective feels like this disorder came from excessive
thoughts or feeling so the individual try to neutralize the thought by
making admen’s.
15. DSM-5 includes a category called obsessive-compulsive–related
disorders. List and describe the four patterns in that group. What is the
underlying commonality in all of these disorders?

The four patterns are hoarding, hair-pulling, skin-picking and

appearance checking. The underlying commonality in all these
disorder are Hoardin, Hair-pulling, Skin-pickinng, and appearance-
checking. The underlying commonality in all these disorders is that
they come or causes distress .

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